, complexity and strategies of evolution

Avá. Revista de Antropología ISSN: 1515-2413 [email protected] Universidad Nacional de Misiones Argentina Adams, Richard N. Energy, Complexity and Strategies of Evolution Avá. Revista de Antropología, núm. 14, julio, 2009, pp. 1-33 Universidad Nacional de Misiones Misiones, Argentina Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=169013838001 How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Scientific Information System Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative

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Page 1: , Complexity and Strategies of Evolution

Avá. Revista de Antropología

ISSN: 1515-2413

[email protected]

Universidad Nacional de Misiones


Adams, Richard N.

Energy, Complexity and Strategies of Evolution

Avá. Revista de Antropología, núm. 14, julio, 2009, pp. 1-33

Universidad Nacional de Misiones

Misiones, Argentina

Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=169013838001

How to cite

Complete issue

More information about this article

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Scientific Information System

Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal

Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative

Page 2: , Complexity and Strategies of Evolution


Energy, Complexity and Strategies of Evolution

Richard N. Adams∗∗∗∗


Cultural evolution has long been among the themes of anthropology but it has

never ranked high. It is left mainly to archaeologists because they have to make sense of

how society works and survives through time–a concern that has pretty much been

abandoned by many cultural anthropologists. Anthropologists today seem little

motivated to find out how society works, but rather to make the world a better place to

live in for a particular population. The challenges of atmospheric change, nuclear

proliferation, environmental degradation and resource exhaustion, the emergence of life

threatening species–these challenges of contemporary evolution have awakened less

interest in anthropology. The concern with cultural evolution seems to be of greater

interest to non-anthropologists, such as in the work of Jarrod Diamond (2005), a

biologist, and the genre that as emerged as Big History, with the works of David

Christian (2005) and others. Among the few contemporary anthropologists who have

sought the dynamics of cultural evolution, the work of Joseph Tainter (1996) stands out.

A scholar who has addressed these problems, but from a vaster perspective, is the

astrophysicist, Eric Chaisson (2001). He proposes that both cultural and biological

evolution must be seen as charged by the same dynamics that have been responsible for

the evolution of the entire universe–namely, the energy initiated with the Big Bang and

that has since been responsible for the emergence of galaxies, stars, planets, and in turn,

life and culture. While this may appear to be an exotic claim, Chaisson effectively

places human society within the larger context of the dynamics and processes of cosmic


Here we will first look at these dynamics and then turn to some aspects of

contemporary society. My own bias has for many years been to use energy as a tool to

∗ Ex-profesor de la University of Texas-Austin (retirado). A través de la Fundación Ford, creador del

nivel de postgrado en antropología en Brazil. E-mail: [email protected]

Esta conferencia fue presentada en el IX Congreso Argentino de Antropología Social. Facultad de

Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, UNaM. Posadas, Agosto de 2008.

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understand how society works. Energy is still the only variable I know that provides a

common measure that allows us to compare values within and between societies. More

immediately, it is the relationship between energy and complexity that provides an

analytical tool for examining contemporary developments.

Cosmic Evolution

Chaisson proposes that the density of free energy flow is a measure for

quantifying complexity of matter with which the energy is engaged. So far as I know,

no social scientists have addressed this proposition. Anthropologists interested in these

models will recall the classic measure used in their field was that proposed by Leslie

White, energy per capita. The significant improvement of this measure over that of

energy per capita is that the latter did not include the changes in complexity that result

from addition of energy to the mass of the system. It was concerned with the increase

of non-human energy made available to human beings, but rather with increase with

respect to all the matter in the system. The significance of Chaisson’s proposition was

recognized by a group of historians who have expanded their view of history to include

the universe. This “Big History” takes history from the beginning of the universe –the

Big Bang– down through the emergence of planetary systems, the appearance of life,

and then human society and modern life1. It incorporates all eras that have been the

subject of evolutionary studies–the evolution of the cosmos, the evolution of life, the

evolution of civilization. The work of Big History is instructive in that it accepts

dynamics for evolution that do not depend on contemporary social values. Since they do

not resort to the usual reasons given to explain human history–motivation, technology,

dialectic materialism, or God –to explain cosmic or biological evolution, they are free to

seek other dynamics in the human process.

The measure proposed by Chaisson is the free energy rate density (Φm, erg s-1


1), quantifying the energy that flows in a system per unit mass and unit time. For him

the evolution of complexity begins with the Big Bang, with matter appearing some 12

billion years ago. Thence, he traces a slowly accelerating curve of Φm that shows an

increasing rapid rise down to the present. In this model life emerges some 3.5 billion

years ago as “islands of complexity” that today number in the hundreds of thousands of

1 See, Christian, David. (ídid). Spier, F (1996)

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different kinds of organic molecules and millions of living species. (Chaisson, 2002:11-


If we leave this cosmic picture and focus on evolution of life and human society

over the more recent eras, additional processes become evident. While the curve traced

by cosmic evolution shows a gradual increase in the rate of the density of energy flow,

the emergence of life accelerates this rate so that a second distinctive phase become

evident–besides the continuing horizontal increase, there is the appearance of more

sharply increasing phases of energy density use. This gradual increase and then the

transitions to a more vertical phase allow us see how change in energy density flow

provides a common measure connecting cosmic evolution with that of life and human

society. Chaisson expressed succinctly:

“Energy –especially energy flow– is a more useful metric for

quantifying complexity on all scales. From galaxies to stars to planets to

life, the rise of complexity over the course of all time can be reasonably

quantified by the normalized flow of energy. Physical systems are well

modeled by their energy budgets; but so are biological systems, now that

science has gone beyond the élan vital or peculiar “life force” that once

plagued biology; cultural systems, too, can be so modeled, for machines,

cities, economies and the like are uniformly described, at least in part, by

energy flow.

“All complex structures are subject to the rules of thermodynamics.

Not the kind of equilibrium thermostatics governing isolated, idealized

systems that most of us studied in formal schooling, rather the non-

equilibrium thermodynamics of open, complex systems at the frontiers of

science today. Resources flow in, wastes flow out, and system entropy

actually decreases locally while still obeying thermodynamics’ cherished

second law that demands environmental entropy increase globally, all the

while energy orchestrates changes throughout.

“But it’s not just energy. It can’t be, for the most primitive weed in

the backyard is surely more complex than the most intricate nebula in the

Milky Way. Yet stars have much more energy than any life form, and the

larger galaxies still more. Our complexity metric cannot merely be energy,

nor even just energy flow. That energy flow must be normalized to open

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systems’ bulk, thereby putting all such systems “on that same page.” And

when that’s done, we find a real and impressive trend—one of increasing

energy per time per mass for all ordered systems across more than 10

billion years of natural history” (Chaisson E, 2005: 2).

Obviously the flow of free energy received by our planet from the sun is

absolutely greater than that used by a person. However, when the size of the world is

compared with that of an individual, a person of 70 kilograms will use 250 times as

much energy as that used by the world. This author compares the average density of

free energy flow since the beginning of the galaxies, through its gradual increase in

stars, planets, animals, and finally the human brain and human societies.

The relevance of Chaisson’s proposition lies not merely in that it is a single

measure serving from the beginning of the universe down through organic forms and

contemporary society, but that that it is a measure of complexity. The direct relationship

it proposes between the system’s complexity and the density of free energy flow make it

useful for social scientists to pursue this inquiry. As students of society we must either

accept that our subject is part of this universe, and therefore must reflect that same

dynamics moves the whole, or we reject it. For one who wants to understand how

society works, it is essential to clarify these basic dynamics. They provide a model

against which any empirical case we may want to examine must be compared for


The energy flow-complexity relationship is also useful because we can begin by

presuming that it works both ways. That is, if we find envidence for increased energy

flow–e.g., more resources, more people, etc. –we are alerted to look for the changes in

the complexity– in the activities and organization of the society that necessarily follow.

The reverse it is equally important and perhaps more useful in social analysis. If there

are changes in complexity, in activities and organization, then we are alerted look for

changes in energy flow, in resources, people, etc.

To summarize Claisson’s arguments, cosmic evolution refers to the entire course

of evolution of the material universe as we know it, including its likely initiation with

the Big Bang, down to the activities that are taking place today. The Big Bang was

followed by ten or eleven billions of years of radiation, followed by the emergence of

matter. Some four and a half billion years ago the earth emerged and another billion

years later chemical forms appeared, from which life followed. From our perspective,

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the emergence of life marks a new epoch. The reason for this is not merely that we are

more interested in what happened then, but because evolutionarily life introduced a

whole new level of complexity of matter, a new level that can be measured in terms of

the energy rate density. Life marked a significant acceleration in the complexity of new


Let us return to the question of values in our analyses. I earlier argued that energy

provides an analytical tool that helps avoid problems that arise from the values provided

us by our society. This does not mean that we avoid dealing with values. On the

contrary, energy provides us with a way of comparing values both within a society and,

for evolutionary purposes even more interesting, to compare values of different

societies. We can compare, for example, various solutions to social problems in terms of

the energy cost of the alternative solutions. Higher energy-cost solutions will probably

require more complexity than those that require less. If the values of the society so

demand we seek more energy, at least we will know that we will have to pay in

complexity for this privilege.

The New Biology

The emergence of life saw perhaps a billon years of primordial soup followed

by a longer era of the emergence of more diverse life forms. Within the past billion

years fossil forms have survived that provides us with a history of the shape of the more

recent evolution of life. Until a few years a go, Darwinian evolution had done much to

eliminate the earlier Lamarckian version of evolutionary change. Biological

characteristics were seen predominantly to be determined by natural selection of

inherited traits occurring over the course of generations. Lamarckian thinking–that

traits could be acquired within one lifetime and be passed on to subsequent generations–

survived in models of cultural evolution where it was accepted that cultural traits were

absolutely not inherited in a Mendelian mode, but only through learning.

Developments in molecular biology and genetics led Carl Woese to challenge

the notion that the Darwinian generational model of evolution adequately described the

entire course of biological evolution. He proposed that biological evolution should be

seen as composed of two epochs, only the second of which has generally conformed

with the Darwinian model of genetic inheritance through the generational selection of

genes. Instead, there was long pre-Darwinian era that was, he wrote:

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“more a world of semiautonomous sub-cellular entities that somehow group to

give ‘loose’ (ill-defined) cellular forms…”

“The…interactions that such an image evokes …is strongly suggestive of

physical communal organization, one not only of ‘cells’ but of a spectrum of

biological entities, many of them not self-replicating in their own right and not

all on paths to become ‘modern’ cells” (Woese, 2004: 173).

A salient feature of this protean community was that it was rife with horizontal gene

transfer (HGT). These life forms were not yet species. There was no generational

inheritance because there were no generations of organisms to pass on the genes. Prior

to the Darwinian transition there existed,

“horizontal gene transfer (HGT), the non-genealogical transfer of genetic

material from one organism to another–such as from one bacterium to another

or from viruses to bacteria…In the wild, microbes form communities, invade

biochemical niches, and partake in biogeochemical cycles. The available

studies strongly indicate that microbes absorb and discard genes as needed, in

response to their environment” (ibid: 180).

In short, the author propose that this leads,

“to the striking prediction that early life evolved in a Lamarckian way with

vertical descent marginalized by the more powerful early forms of horizontal

gene transfer HGT...” (ibid: 183)

The question follows of how did these horizontal communities evolve into the complex,

multiple species world that Darwin described in his theories? Woese writes:

“How are…these loose confederations…turned into the much more complex

cells of today?... The thrust of early evolution is towards greater organization,

complexity that leads to finer discrimination, to increased coordination, to

biological specificity in general. Key to this transition is an increase in the

connectivity of the parts, leading to a more complex and integrated network of

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interactions… One thing…seems likely: horizontal gene flow… was

essential to evolving the protein-based cellular organization from its onset…

Refinement through the horizontal sharing of genetic innovations would have

triggered an explosion of genetic novelty, until the level of complexity

required a transition to the current era of vertical evolution” (ibid: 186).

This suggests that biological evolution can be seen in terms of two phases, a

biological community phase and a Darwinian generational phase. We will visualize

these respectively as horizontal and vertical phases of evolution. Characteristic of the

horizontal phase is that there is little residual history, few fossils left from the

interactions and evolutionary process. In the vertical phase, components combine into

more permanent forms characterized by an internal dependency on and domination by

some parts on others. The vertical phase creates a new degree of increasing complexity

based on increasing concentrations of energy. Verticality may displace some horizontal

evolution, but more importantly it adds to it, builds upon it, reshapes it, creating a

denser complexity

Woese’s propositions help places cultural evolution in a perspective within the

larger biological evolutionary picture. If life first appears some four billion years ago

and the first eukaryotic organisms (i.e. complex cellular structures) between one and

two billion years, this means that most of life’s span on earth has been accomplished be

horizontal gene transfer, and Darwinian generational selection has operated for a shorter

period. In contrast to the Darwinian model, which has often been compared to a tree,

horizontal gene transfer was reticulate, basically a networking process.

These horizontal processes did not, of course, stop when vertical development

began to make their appearance. Research in retrovirology is making clear that viruses

have been central to the emergence of complex biological forms, and that they have

continued to be constantly active since their earliest appearance. In them can be seen

the continuing dominant role of horizontal strategies.2

The Emergence of Culture

2 See review by Michael Specter, “Darwin’s Surprise,” The New Yorker, Dec. 3, 2007, pp. 64-73. This

review also refers to the “fossils” of early viruses.

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In the more recent past of the biologist’s Darwinian era, human beings appeared

with their ability to create culture. Life itself had seen an acceleration of the rate of free

energy density, but with culture this was further hastened. The complexity that emerged

with the human nervous system created the ability to associate internal mental states–

ideas and values–with external events, and its most effective conveyor, language. These

abilities introduced an entirely new energy capturing capacity into life on earth.

The complexity of the brain introduced a new phase of horizontal transfers.

Organisms had long since been capable of thought and of relating it to action, and many

animals had developed the ability to communicate by signs–sounds, bodily motions–and

to interpret signs found elsewhere in nature. Culture greatly facilitated the reappearance

of the Lamarkian process of horizontal transfer–although now it was not of genes, but

of ideas, information, and habits.

Many advantages were afforded by culture. It was applied directly to energy

capture by the improvement of tools and weapons on the one hand, and by the improved

organization of the hunt and food collection. Better organization allowed what was, in

comparison with biological evolution, a very rapid development of social complexity,

specifically the emergence of social hierarchies.

The social hierarchies that began to emerge 10,000 years ago accelerated the

emergence of new elements and dimensions in human life. Human beings until that

time had been migrating across the world as local conditions became unattractive or

intolerable; perhaps overpopulation, the exhaustion of favored game, natural disasters–

floods, volcanic eruptions, droughts, earthquakes–all made people move. Human life

was essentially playing out a horizontal strategy. Hierarchies, however, introduced the

vertical strategy.

What is now a traditional paradigm of cultural evolution–progressively laid out

by Morgan, Childe, Leslie White, Elman Service, Morton Fried, and Robert Carneiro–

still sits well today. The more recent work of Joseph Tainter frames questions in terms

that I find useful because he uses energy as an analytical concept for understanding

complexity in evolution. Tainter sees evolution as a process of problem solving, where

the solutions set the condition for subsequent problems. Let us begin with his proposal

of three societal conditions, or historical phases, in terms of what he calls ‘outcomes’ to

the way ‘long term institutions’ have taken to solve their problems. (1) Societies may

survive by keeping energy consumption low and retaining simplicity; (2) they may

survive by aggressively increasing energy use and becoming more complex; and, (3)

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they may fail to get enough energy, and therefore break down, collapse and/or


The first phases of his model accords well with what can be characterized in

Woese’s work as a biological community phase marked by horizontal gene transfer.

The second parallels Woese's Darwinian generational phase, which he described as,

“refinement through the horizontal sharing of genetic innovations would have triggered

an explosion of genetic novelty, until the level of complexity required a transition to the

current era of vertical evolution” (ibid, 2004). Each of these phases now accords,

respectively, with a horizontal phase or strategy and a vertical phase or strategy.

To these Tainter adds a third–collapse– “a rapid simplification, the loss of an

established level of social, political, or economic complexity.” In energetic terms it

occurs when, for whatever reason, the available energy is reduced and the society fails

to get the resources it needs to survive at its accustomed level of complexity. In cosmic

evolution Chaisson recognizes this may occur in various ways, including selection or

what he prefers to call “nonrandom elimination”, destructive energy flow leading to a

breakdown or explosion and disappearance into a black hole (2001: 150-159). In

biology, this phase is summed up in terms of the various paths to extinction–meteorites,

drought, changing sea levels, volcanic explosions, over hunting, changing climate, etc.

A Shape of Evolution

The three phases here set forth can be seen in a number of ways. First, they

describe historical phases in the evolutionary history of any system. I prefer to see them

as problem solving strategies that a society uses to pursue survival. The horizontal

strategy occurs at the beginning of any system, when energy and resources are limited,

posing a long initial horizontal period during which the various forms of matter find

conditions apt for the emergence of new complexities. Of equal importance are later

horizontal eras during which systems find it necessary to adapt to a reduction of

resources. Vertical strategies are those during which energy sources are increasingly

exploited, expanding with new technologies, finding new resources, during which

increasingly complex organizations come emerge to take advantage of the resources.

The final phase is, of course, highly varied, depending on the kind of system and the

conditions that lead to its decline.

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The line traced since the beginning of the universe is, of course, a gradually

accelerating curve or, better said, a series of accelerating curves, many of which end

suddenly or decline into extended horizontal eras. Given the consistency that seems to

exist in these diverse phases of the evolution of matter, it is not surprising that they have

been described in terms of some general principles. The horizontal strategy, what

Tainter cites as, “resiliency through simplification,” is a process that can be mapped on

to Prigogine’s principle of minimum entropy production:

“When given boundary conditions prevent the system from reaching

thermodynamic equilibrium (i.e., zero entropy production), the system settles

down in the state of ‘least dissipation” (Prigogine; Stengers, 1984: 137-140).

This principle has been widely examined and applied to biological systems, but

is seen to have limits as a broad general principle. It has been applied analogically by

Jeffrey S. Wicken to biological and ecosystems as a selection of efficiencies, or as an

efficiency principle, which he describes as being a part of natural selection: “That

evolution occurs under conditions of limited resources means that it occurs under

economic boundaries with limiting kinetic means of degrading energy.” Here we also

use it analogically, to describe a process whereby human social systems also will reduce

complexity and entropy production rather than collapse.

What Tainter describes as, “continuity based on growing complexity and

increasing energy subsidies,” can be mapped on to the principle of energy maximization

described by Alfred Lotka in 1922:

“In every instance considered, natural selection will so operate as to increase

the total mass of organic system, to increase the rate of circulation of matter

through the system, and to increase the total flux through the system, so long

as there is presented a utilized residue of matter and available energy”

(Tainter, 1996: 2)

This proposes that natural selection favors those dissipative structures that use

greater amounts of energy. This dynamic is evident in the process of life: the society or

species that more successfully use resources have advantages over others. The second

clause of Lotka’s statement proposes a critical condition: it states that when energy is

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not available, continuing maximization is frustrated. Lack of availability may result

from the exhaustion of resources (the path to the “the limits of growth”) but may also be

due to other circumstances that prevent access or expansion.

The energy dynamics of the third phase–disintegration, collapse, and

catastrophe–are diverse. Chaisson cites cosmic explosions, or the gravitational pull of a

black hole, either of which may destroy stellar or planetary systems, and indeed,

galaxies. This occasionally happens in human societies, as when heavy rains cause

landslides that cover entire communities, or as in the nuclear age, the bombing of

Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Catastrophe may take place at any time in both in horizontal

and vertical situations. Collapse of vertical systems is most likely when the expansion

of the system demands more energy than is available to run it–when the energy or

material costs exceed the resources–then the system must run down and stop3.

We have now brought together a three-phase model of energy-driven evolution.

Chaisson describes a process, cast over billions of years, of a slowly accelerating curve

of increasing complexity for which he proposes three major phases–radiation, materials,

and life. His discussion also makes clear that there are various ways of cutting the

cosmic curve. If we follow Chaisson and use the free energy rate density to measure the

biological and socio-cultural, it would describe the same smooth accelerating curve that

describes cosmic evolution. Why then in social and biological evolution, do two phases

seem to stand out?

What we are calling a horizontal phase or strategy is a situation in which matter

and energy enter and leave the system at approximately the same rate. Such a system

may be in a steady state, or may be gradually expanding. Expansion occurs when matter

and energy expand proportionally, but no increase in Φm. This horizontal expansion

allows for a reticular increase in complexity. The more families there are in a

community, the more networking takes place, thereby increasing the complexity of the

social organization. However, just as there are socio-material constraints on the size a

family may reach, so there are also constraints on the size of a community. At some

point, it will segment into multiple communities. With no increase in Φm, however,

hierarchy can only tentatively emerge and will remain unstable. The fact that matter and

energy are likely to fluctuate independently means that the particular nature of the

3 I have elsewhere characterized this as a situation where the energy cost of the trigger to release energy is

greater than the energy released.

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horizontal activity will also fluctuate, ranging from limited expansion through a steady

state, to collapse or disintegration.

The vertical phase or strategy takes place when Chaisson’s free energy rate

density, (Φm), increases. This means that the energy necessary to order a given amount

of matter increases. This is expressed in units of energy per time per unit mass. It is this

relative increase that entails, and correlates lineally with, increased complexity. The

critical difference in these three states is how they relate to complexity. A steady state

entails no change in structure or function; changes do occur, but the degree of

complexity does not change. In an expanding state the increase in energy flow and

matter entail organizational changes, but the degree of complexity in some degree

remains proportional to mass. Tainter argues that a major problem with such expanding

systems is that diminishing returns eventually reduce the abilities of societies to respond

to challenges (Tainter, 1996).4

What has classically been called the Paleolithic era of social evolution saw the

horizontal expansion of the species. First out of Africa into Europe, Asia and

Australasia, ultimately through the entire Western Hemisphere. These movements were

primarily made by small bands. Prehistorians have not tended to see these migrations as

an increase in complexity. However, these are changes not only in the locus of human

populations, but are also an increase in population pressure, and introduce ecological

changes while that they destroy something of the order that preceded them.

In socio-cultural evolution the horizontal strategy was by no means limited to

the early eras of Paleolithic expansion. Much of human life on earth has been spent in

eras of low or declining energy access and social simplification. Tainter’s favorite

example is the so-called Byzantine Dark Age, that occurred in the 7th

Century after the

Empire had been dismembered and under constant pressure from Arab forces. The

rulers, Tainter writes, “adopted a strategy that is truly rare in the history of complex

societies: systematic simplification. Soldiers salaries were slashed, and they were given

grants of land for their continuing service, civil and military administrations were

combined, the economy was shrunk to locally self sufficient units, and education was

reduced to basic literacy. With these economies and reductions in complexity, the

Empire gradually rejuvenated” (Tainter, 2006: 91).

4 Joseph A. Tainter, Complexity, Problem Solving,And Sustainable Societies, From Getting Down To

Earth: Practical Applications of Ecological Economics, Island Press, 1996, p. 1.


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It is a common error assuming that complexity is somehow tied only to vertical

processes. In fact, both horizontal and vertical processes create complexity, but of a

different nature. Complexity consists of an increase in parts and connections.

Horizontal complexity appears with increased networking, more interconnections, more

feedback, and more new parts. Members of an ethnic group are interconnected by

communication through a common language, a field of common symbols, common

forms-with-meanings, i.e., a common “culture.” Woese has nicely phrased this

communication as “interaction at a distance.” Vertical complexity consists in

compounding parts and connections. It always takes advantage of horizontal

networking, incorporating it within the vertical expansion. In human social

organizations, vertical structures take on the appearance of hierarchies, but these are

often overlapping and always fluctuating.

The Larger Picture Today

It is easy at this point to reflect on the Lotkian trajectory on which the human

species is currently engaged. Mathias Wackenagel has examined the world-wide

exploitation of resources including growing crops, grazing animals and pasture, harvest

in timber, fishing, building up on land, and burning fossil fuels. He writes:

“For each year since 1961, we compare humanity's demand for natural capital

to the earth's biological productivity. The calculation provides evidence that

human activities have exceeded the biosphere's capacity since the 1980s. This

overshoot can be expressed as the extent to which human area demand

exceeds nature's supply: whereas humanity's load corresponded to 70% of the

biosphere's capacity in 1961, this percentage grew to 120% by 1999. In other

words, 20% overshoot means that it would require 1.2 earths, or one earth for

1.2 years, to regenerate what humanity used in 1999” (Wackernagel, 2002:


In this picture, biological and socio-cultural evolution blends into one. It is the

expansion of a single species that is consuming the world more rapidly than nature can

reconstitute it. Human beings are not the only species to destroy an environment;

elephants are accused to being quite destructive, ants and locusts have been known to

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devastate entire regions. But so far, human beings are the only species that seems to be

omni-destructive. We destroy forests and the tops of mountains, we play around with

the temperature of oceans, and pollute the atmosphere of the entire globe. It is not

comforting that the human species–in which the advanced industrial powers take the

lead—are clearly exploiting their resources at a rate greater than nature can restore

them. It is a startling illustration of how the trigger/flow ratio of energy leads to decline

and, if no corrections are made, disintegration.

Unfortunately, we are not dealing with a single civilization where the leadership

might learn of the dangers and take steps to correct for them. Rather, the world is

composed of “islands of complexity,” where the Lotka-like dynamics of every society is

driven by its own understanding of how best to seek its own survival. Thus far in

human evolution, this has led societies to ignore the welfare of the species and the

ecosystem in their immediate concern for themselves. There is little question that in the

long term (which may not be very long) our civilization will have to come to terms with

the process of minimum entropy production

The problem of collapse lies in the fact that what we collectively call “human

society” is evolving in many different aspects and components simultaneously. The

species is evolving biologically, witnessing the emergence of new series of adaptive

conditions that are, in themselves, fields of competition between emergent forms of

viruses, bacteria, and the human species itself. Thus in parts of Africa we are witnessing

the collapse of segments of the population under the spread of AIDS and malaria.

Further, our species evolves within an ecosystem that is itself evolving, in which the

atmosphere is increasingly warming while fossil fuel pollution is dimming of the sun.

Demographically there are areas such as Rwanda and Darfur where our species

is failing to solve the political consequences of population pressure, and is killing itself

off through starvation and homicidal competition. Horizontal alternative choices have

not been found to allow people to continue to survive and propagate.

Survival is a continuing challenge to those societies that have to operate on

minimum entropy production, that pursue life seeking horizontal alternatives. For some

an attractive alternative, if it is available, is to surge vertically, to find the extra energy

to create hierarchies. Until the 18th

century the principle extra energy was the human

population, and the resultant hierarchies were always vulnerable to the loss of this

human energy fuel. Then the western world explosively began exploiting fossil fuels.

This at first seemed to be a great advantage in that it relieved human beings of providing

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the basic productive energy. However, it has rapidly become apparent that removing

human labor from the productive process has in fact marginalized growing sectors of

the world population into poverty. The world that has been created by fossil fuels has

blocked or destroyed many of the formerly available horizontal alternative

opportunities. There are few frontiers in which one can pioneer, there is little land open

to small scale farming, and handicraft production cannot compete with industrial


Verticalization has produced what appears to be successful expansion of

hierarchical societies. At the same time, it has created a continuing process of

degeneration. The visible growth of wealth in some parts of the world has been

accompanied by equally visible increases in poverty, delinquency, and terrorism in

others. The success of verticality has led to an ever-growing society of comfort,

longevity, and wealth for some. With these advantages has arisen a polarized world

where that kind of apparent success has as its counterpart an equally strong sector of

potential and, periodically, actual collapse.

Collapse and horizontal strategy are not merely possible alternatives for the

successful evolutionary expansion of a society, but a constant structural companion of

that expansion. This is obviously the case with human beings whose animal structure

evolved as a device that could, by its regeneration and death, convert energy at a great

rate and then die off (collapse) and be replaced by others. This succeeded in channeling

more energy than was possible in the mere cellular structures that preceded the

emergence of species where individuals emerge, decline and die. Human beings today

are in a Lotkian festival that has made the evolution of the universe seem like a

miserably slow and unsuccessful cosmic experiment. It is for better or worse part of an

on-going evolutionary process in which we are ultimately dispensable.

Local Evolution

Evolution goes on constantly and simultaneously at all levels and among all

kinds of living and non-living things. During horizontal processes, there are

innumerable beginnings of verticality, attempts that fail. This is the scene that

anthropologists have drawn of the emergence of chiefdoms, centralized organizations

that last only as long as a given chief succeeds is holding his followers together. Today

such attempts at verticality are evident in the business world, in the initiation and

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competition of political parties, in the appearance of revolutionary cells–wherever

people bring control of energy under more unified controls. In the larger picture, the

collectivity of businesses and governments are part of at larger process in which

national states, transnational corporations, and terrorist organizations vie for

ascendancy. And–to bring this back to the core dynamics of evolution–all this happens

through the increasing energy rate density, energy that, as it is expended, increases


Past usages of evolution have made it synonymous with progress or

advancement, often with a teleological implication, and the assumption that what comes

later is better, and what is more complex is, somehow, superior. Hopefully it is clear by

now that we are not using the term in this way. On the contrary, what is better depends

on where one stands in the process. From the point of view of the actor, what is better is

presumably what promotes his or her survival. At some points it may be better to go

into a minimum entropy crouch, while at others the best thing might be a sudden

Lotkian expansion.

We are now going to explore whether this shape can help us in understanding of

one small corner of contemporary human society. We want to see how the four largest

Mayan language, or ethnic, groups, the K’iche’, Kaqchikel, Mam and Q’eqchi’ evolve

in this horizontal-vertical model5. History has often been contrasted to evolution as

dealing with details whereas evolution is supposed to deal only with macro-processes.

Here we will argue that history is really just micro- evolution. In so doing, we will see

that what we have thought about as development may also be seen as one phase of

socio-cultural evolution.

Biological evolutionists have for years been examining how natural selection

operates constantly to generate evolutionary change. Bumpus’ work with Sparrows

(1989) Lack’s (1968) and the Grants’ extensive studies of Darwin’s Galapagos finches

(1989), Endler’s experiments with tropical guppies (1986), Lema’s work with Death

Valley pupfish (2008) –all make abundantly clear that evolution is constantly going on

all around us, all the time. In contrast, anthropologists and sociologists have shown little

interest in seeing their history as part of an evolutionary process. To that degree, this is

something of a new departure.

5 Our reason for not including more language groups is that the data is based on statistical data provided

in terms of municipal population. Most of the other groups are limited to very few municipios, and

therefore data concerning them is more likely to be misleading.

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The Evolution of Maya Ethnic Groups

Every sector of society will have its own profile of evolution, at the same time

that it forms part of a larger evolutionary context. We are curious to see to what degree

the K’iche’, Kaqchikel, Mam and Q’eqchi’ each have their own course of evolution,

while they also articulate with and form part of larger social, political and economic

networks and hierarchies. I choose Mesoamerican indigenous societies because I am

most familiar with them. Apart from my own prejudices, however, these societies have

provided a clear example of how horizontal and vertical strategies can compete for

dominance in the local evolutionary process. Half a century ago Eric Wolf described the

so-called “cargo system,” whereby individuals were assigned progressively more

responsible community positions and leadership. This vertical process was, however,

neutralized by the fact that the higher the position one achieved, the more financially

costly it became for him; the more power one gained in the system, the more likely it

was that he would become bankrupt. Thus rather than power enabling one to become

more wealthy and to increase vertical power, just the opposite occurred (Wolf, 1957: 1-

18). Having said this, it needs also to be said that by 2002, these communities had

almost totally given up the cargo system and were operating much more as part of the

national vertical system. In spite of this the differences we will now examine reflect the

degree to which horizontal dynamics still dominate in some parts of the system.

In 2002 the four groups collectively comprised 78% of the total Indian

population, and 32% of the total national population. As ethnic populations, they are

defined by their claim to a common ancestry, but they do not necessarily constitute

politically organized populations. This quality of ethnicity makes them particularly

interesting for study in a model of evolution. Without going into the question of how

people are assigned or assign themselves to one ethnic group or another in Guatemala,

today the closest we can get to it is by personal identification. In the censuses of 1994

and 2002 respondents were individually asked concerning their identity. While Maya

are culturally distinct in many respects, their variations are sufficiently great that it is

not safe to try to define them in cultural terms. A particularly important cultural

feature–an indigenous language–can usually be ascertained easily, but not all members

of any group speak the language.

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At the time of the conquest, these peoples constituted autonomous states that had

evolved their own vertical structures and formed part of a network of sometimes

warring Maya states. Following the conquest they suffered a severe demographic

collapse–losing between 90% and 95% of their population. With the imposition of

Spanish rule, the higher level of their own vertical hierarchies disappeared and was

replaced by Spanish colonial authority. Spanish control was more intense in central and

eastern Guatemala where the Indian states such as the Pocomam, Xinca and Pipil barely

survived. Because Spain was less invasive in the western and northern Guatemalan

highlands, the K’iche’, Kaqchikel, Mam and Q’eqchi’ were better able to survive and

gradually grew again with some local political independence, although under colonial

military control and the economic demands of the repartimientos.

Under colonial rule the four populations evolved through their own population

growth. Spanish hierarchical controls restrained the conflict and competition that

characterized their pre-conquest indigenous relations. The communities developed

under ‘repartimientos’ and ‘cofradia’ systems. During the first years of independence,

conservative governments perpetuated many colonial practices. Later in the 19th

Century Liberals regimes intensified forced labor and so weakened the church that it

lost control of the cofradias.

From 1870s to mid-20th

century, strict vertical control was imposed through

dictatorial governments that supported the regional forced labor through caciques and

export fincas. The Indian communities generally survived with a high degree of local

independence that continues today. Foreign investments in coffee, cotton, rubber, cattle

and bananas introduced global investments–more vertical controls–but now penetrating

the local Guatemalan hierarchy with transnational economic interests.

The Revolution of 1944 put an end to the forced labor and the Indian population

began to operate more freely in pursuing its own economic development. Efforts to

pursue political development were inhibited by continuing racial discrimination and the

continuing revolution activity. Nevertheless, Indian cultural renaissance efforts

rekindled ethnic identities that had been weakening under the forced labor, and

population pressures were triggering economic migrations to the south coast and then

into the Petén. The revolution, continuing into the 1980s, saw the massacre of ten

thousands. Many more fled into in Mexico as well as to the United States.

In recent decades the development of foreign oil and mining interests on the one

hand and the international efforts to create a Central American Common Market and the

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Plan Pueblo-Panama on the other have increasingly opened the direct economic

penetration of the Guatemalan countryside. In a sense, the global vertical power

structure is displacing the national hierarchy’s control over local development.

Measuring Complexity

We now want to explore how the K’iche’, Kakchiqel, Mam, and Q’eqchi’,

whose access to energy resources is primarily horizontal, are finding different ways of

surviving and developing while enveloped in a complex global network of vertical

power structures. Since energy flow data does not exist for these populations, we are

going to reverse the tactics of our analysis and, instead of examining how energy

produces complexity, we will compare the relative complexity of these groups and take

those differences as indices of the rate of free energy density for lack of a direct

measure of the energy involved.

The question we will address is, to what degree the organization of these groups

is horizontal and to what degree vertical? In agricultural communities where many are

corn farmers, the structure is simple. Where farmers sell some of their produce, it is

more complex. When a store is opened, then it becomes more complex in two ways.

The store keeper adds complexity both by introducing two new roles–buying and selling

products rather than producing–and thereby introducing a new kind of relationship, that

between the buyer and the seller. As different kinds of stores appear, it becomes more

complex. And when they have a mayor, and police chief, more complex yet. While we

tend to keep the political and economic separate conceptually, both involved increased


The census provides two sets of data that allow us to approximate how

complexity has evolved in different parts of Guatemalan society. These are the Ramas

de Actividad Economica, and Población Económicamente Activa…por Ocupación, both

of which classifies everyone seven years and older. It is possible to classify the

categories in both sets as pertaining more to either horizontal or to vertical strategies.

Although oversimplified and subject to some obvious problems, there are

significant differences in the categories of ‘ramas’ and ‘ocupaciones’ among the four

populations. Moreover, there are important differences between the Indian groups and

the non-Indian population.

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The four language groups manifest two quite different profiles in terms of their

evolutionary phase. The great majority of both the Q’eqchi’ and the Mam are primarily

in the agricultural sector and with a very small percentage having moved into other

areas of more diverse production. The Mam have a modest number in commerce, and

the Q’eqchi’ somewhat more. Both groups have among the lowest administrative

percentages in the entire 21 Maya language groups and are following horizontal

strategies. These two populations are quite separate, and each follows the horizontal

paths in different ways. Both seek developmental opportunities. The Q’eqchi’ are

spreading north because it is an open frontier. The Mam are leaping over Mexico to the

U.S. because they are surrounded by other populations.

In contrast, well under half of the K’iche’ and the Kaqchikel are agriculture, and

both have the highest percentages in other productive activities of all Mayan groups,

well above the figure for the nation. Both have agricultural figures near that of the

nation and both have moved strongly into commerce, with K’iche’ being higher than the

national figure. In this respect, it should be noted that one aspect of K’iche’ expansion

in commerce involves a horizontal migration to many other parts of the country,

especially the Oriente and South Coast. These two groups have also expanded their

complexity into administration. While their development is among the highest of all the

Mayan population, they fall considerably below that of the nation. It is here and in

education that one sees where the Maya have not increase their vertical complexity to

the degree that has been the case among non-Indians.

The K’iche’ and Kaqchikel have advanced vertically by different paths. The

Kaqchikel lie close to the national capital and many of their municipios have ready

access to both Guatemala City and Antigua, both active commercially but also the

homes of many administrative centers. The K’iche’, however, have succeeded in

scoring as high–often slightly higher–on most of these measures of complexity. These

high K’iche’ percentages derive primarily from internally generated commerce and

productive enterprises have long displaced agriculture; they comprise a solid belt of

midwestern highland municipios extending from the seven southwestern municipios of

El Quiché, the entire Department of Totonicapán, and the northern-most municipios of

the Department of Quetzaltenango6.

6 The importance of this belt for its non-agricultural development was described by Carol Smith: “Class

Position and Class Consciousness in an Indian Community,” in Carol A. Smith, ed., Guatemalan Indians and the State, 1540 to 1988, pp. 205-229, New York: Academic Press, 1976.

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Differential Evolution of Language Groups

The complexity of the four ethnic groups differ markedly with the Q’eqchi’ and

Mam less complex and with a horizontal strategy, and the K’iche’ and Kaqchikel more

complex and with a marked vertical development. We now want to see how the

differences between these two strategies may be manifest in various characteristics that

are available to us in the national census of 20027.

Population changes. Unfortunately I have been able to obtain Indian vital

statistics only for 1994 and there is reason to think that it has been changing

significantly since then. Nevertheless, the natural increase of the Kaqchikel and K’iche’

are lower than the other two, and for both the death rate has declined. The natural

increase is greater with the two horizontal groups, the Mam and Q’eqchi, due to their

relatively higher birthrates. The Kaqchikel, the most cosmopolitan of the four, has

achieved the lowest natural increase, also due to its relatively low birthrate. These

tendencies are supported by data on pregnancies and knowledge of birth control.

The K’iche’ natural increase is greater than that of the Kaqchikel, which accord

with the fact that the northern K’iche municipios tend more to follow a horizontal

strategy. Both the Mam and Q’qechi’ have more pregnancies do either the K’iche’ or

Kaqchikel. None of the groups have knowledge of birth control that approaches that of

the non-Indians, although the Kaqchikel are far ahead of the others It is not surprising

that the Q’eqchi’ and Mam show higher population growth than do the other two


The annual growth and natural increase of these populations is least for the

Kaqchikel and increasing larger for K’iche’, Q’eqchi’ and Mam. It is to be expected,

then, that population pressure would be relative greater for those with greater growth.

There are basically two solutions to population pressure: on the one hand is increasing

energy cost and complexity, and on the other hand, migration. The first, a vertical

solution, has been an important alternative for both the Kaqchikel and the K’iche’ as is

evident from the greater complexity of most of their municipios. The migration

alternatives have usually been to the south coast, to Guatemala City, to the northern

7 While the census is gratefully used because it provides us with about the only data we can get on these

questions, it is also frustrating in that it does not provide more! In any event, the components of our

analysis in this essay are restricted to those things about which we could find data. Most of it comes from

the Census of 2002, but some came from Public Health statistics, and Vital Statistics from 1994.

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frontier (Izabál and El Petén), and to Mexico and the United States. Migration to the

south coast was especially popular in the Oriente, but was more or less exhausted by the


Migration to the north was available mainly to ‘campesinos’ of the Oriente and

to the Q’eqchi’ of the Alta Verapaz. The Q’eqchi’ have made great use of this since the

middle of the last century, and continue today. The number of lifetime Q’eqchi who are

migrants reporting in 2002 constituted more than half of the total Q’eqchi population,

and those reported as emigrating “recently” constitute almost a quarter of the total.

Migration to Mexico and then to the US grew briskly after 1970, but figures on

international migration of ethnic groups are hard to come by. The Mam and K’iche’

have, by far, the highest percentage of relatives in foreign countries. But again the

northern populations K’iche’ can also be seen to follow the horizontal solution.

Migration to Guatemala City has been used principally by the Kaqchikel and

K’iche’. In the 2002 census the first account for 38% of the Indian language speakers in

Guatemala City and the K’iche’ for 33%. The city is a logical alternative for the

Kaqchikel as their population borders directly on it. For the K’iche’, however,

Guatemala City is merely one part of a much broader movement. Unlike the Mam and

Q’eqchi’, each of which has opted for a specific territorial movement, the K’iche’ have

chosen to migrate widely in Guatemala. Map 1 show how the K’iche’ have spread over

much of the south coast, into the Oriente, the northeast, and over much of the Petén.

One characteristic of this population that accounts for this movement is their

commercial activity. The belt of K’iche’ municipios from central Department of El

Quiché west through the Department of Quetzaltenango is heavily commercialized.

Markets in communities throughout the south coast and the Oriente are now the home of

commercial K’iche’. Where a century ago Chinese merchants were prominent in these

communities, it is now the K’iche’ who have taken over much of the local trade.

Map 1

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Concentration and dispersion of four Mayan languages groups (Programa de la Naciones Unidos de

Dessarrollo, 2005).

Ecology concerns with local adaptations, based on the realities of the

individual’s command over the local environment. An important aspect of horizontal

strategy is the dependence on the immediate environment–both natural and socio-

cultural. The most immediate index of the two strategies can be seen in the degree of

rurality. Here the Mam and Q’eqchhi’ are well above the other two groups.

They are also more dependent on the immediate natural, but again the K’iche

generally fall between them and the Q’eqchi’ and Mam. This can be seen in the

intensity of local subsistence work of the four populations. The Mam and Q’eqchi’ have

a higher percentage than the other two of people economically active in agriculture,

more land under cultivation for annual crops, permanent crops, and forest. In every

way, their dependency on horizontal adaptation is clear.

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Health Status. Another dimension of ecological adaptation can be seen in the

health status of a population. The Mam and Q’eqchi’ are clearly disadvantaged in

comparison with the K’iche’ and the Kaqchikel with respect to diarrhea, to respiratory

infections, and to have benefit of medical attention. In contrast, however, the

percentages of children with rickets and chronic malnutrition are the markedly lower

among the Q’eqchi’ than other the three groups, with percentages closer to the national

average. They also score lower than the other groups with respect to the prevalencia of

illnesses and accidents. The Q’eqchi’, particularly those on the pioneer frontier, may

benefit from being more separated from other populations. Their way of life may also

account for their superior nutritional status and the lower score on children with rickets.

So it is also not surprising that the Q’eqchi’ score the lowest on the percent of the

population that has seen a medical doctor in the last month. The Mam’s horizontal

strategy does not accord them the same advantages; they are the most disadvantaged, or

close to it, of all groups in all categories. Unlike the Q’eqchi’ they have no frontier for

escape and are forced into competition with more vertically oriented populations, or

seek to escape through migration out of the country.

Poverty. The role of poverty as part of an evolutionary process difficult to

examined. It is obviously a problem of adaptation to the social and “natural”

environment. Evaluations of poverty in Guatemala tend to reflects the perspective of a

vertical society. The SEGEPLAN8 analysis of poverty criteria include satisfaction of

basic necessities, per capita income, per capita home consumption, and an Index of

Human Development–including life expectancy, literacy, years of education, and PIB

per capita. Much of the data is taken from the Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de

Vida (ENCOVI) of 20009. In examining the data sought in making poverty evaluation, it

becomes clear that the factors are in many cases characteristics of a hierarchical,

relatively high energy, society. In a sense, some horizontality in provincial is, by

definition, poor.

It can easily be argued that poverty is a characteristic of the minimum entropy

process in operation. While seldom chosen by an individual, it is overwhelmingly the

way a society keeps entropy down at the cost of the people’s welfare. Poverty is rarely

chosen; rather, it is one way, unfortunately, a hierarchical society keeps the economic

8 SEGEPLAN (2005) Mapas de pobreza y desigualdad de Guatemala. Guatemala, pp. 6-8.

9 Instituto de Estadistica Nacional (2000) Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Vida. Guatemala,

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order. The vertical strategy of a society may make poverty inevitable, or at least worse

that it might be under a more purely horizontal strategy. The Q’eqchi’ and Mam have

very high levels of poverty, both with respect to the other Indian groups, as well as to

the non-Indian population. The Mam may be worse off because they have no frontier to

which to escape.

Language. While the indigenous language is an important identifying feature

for the ethnic group, in fact some 30% of all Indians do not speak one. The commitment

to a vertical or horizontal strategy is manifest in the language one first learns and the

degree to which the population is monolingual in Spanish. Q’eqchi’ and Mam have the

highest percentage with a Maya first language, and the smallest population monolingual

in Spanish. At the other extreme are the Kaqchikel in both capacities. The K’iche’, part

of whose population is more horizontal, falls between. Verticality goes with increased

participation in national life, a complexity that is dominated by the non-Indigenous

sectors of national society.

While both use horizontal strategies, the Mam and Q’eqchi’ differ in important

ways. Frontier migration allows The Q’eqchi’ relative isolation from national and

foreign cultures and languages. The Mam’s migratory solution, in contrast, forces them

into greater contact with national culture and migration abroad, with the inevitable

problems for the keeping the Indian language alive.

Education and literacy are both indicators of verticality. A school system is

itself a hierarchical structure. It not only imposes a teacher over a group of students, but

the teacher is employed by a bureaucracy that provides the necessary equipment–

buildings, books, etc. Even in rural indigenous Guatemala, where the government often

fails to provide books, and some instances even furniture, the teachers belong to a

national teachers’ union that has been able to halt the entire education process for weeks

at a time.

In dealing with education and literacy it is important to remember that the data

are taken from municipios in which over 50% of the population are Indian. It is very

likely that many educated–especially highly educated–Indians may be omitted because

they are not resident in their home communities. Many Indians with university

educations find employment elsewhere. The figures with which we are dealing give us

an imperfect picture of higher education and literacy.

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It is not surprising that the Kaqchikel score higher than any other major group in

most phases of schooling. Their proximity to Guatemala City makes opportunities more

available. It is, therefore, interesting to note that while they score lower than the

Kaqchikel in all school levels, at the university there is a greater proportion of K’iche’

than Kaqchikel.

Q’eqchi’ and Mam score well below the K’iche’ and Kaqchikel but show rather

different profiles of educational success. The Mam have the highest level at the first

primary level, and remain fairly high in the second. However, in secondary education

their percent drops to be the lowest and remains that way through the rest of the process.

The Q’eqchi, in contrast, are lower in the primary phases, but they have a slightly higher

participation in the later phases than do the Mam. Nevertheless, one test of the

education system is the level of literacy in the population. To have students in primary

school is the first, and therefore most important phase; and in this, the Mam prove to be

more successful than the Q’eqchi’, the literacy of the latter group is the lowest of the

four. The horizontal spread of the population into the Petén may have outstripped the

reach of the government’s educational system.

Education illustrates an important aspect of the vertical dynamics. While a

society’s complexity may increase sufficiently to create an educational system, the

question arises as to whether it becomes self-reproductive. While evolution is neither

guided nor tested by progress, as was thought to be the case a century ago, it can be

measured by whether it succeeds in becoming self-sustaining. In the case of the four

Indian populations, the manner in which education has evolved is not everywhere being

carried with the same degree of success. Both Kaqchikel and K’iche’ have developed

the system to a degree that is producing more graduates than in either the Q’eqchi’ or

Mam. In the latter cases the percentage of students reaching the university suggests that

their advance into self-sustaining education is less than that of the K’iche’ and


Horizontal and Vertical Strategies of Evolution

Of what value are the notions of the horizontal and vertical strategies of

evolution? As a description of phases of history they grossly simplify the accelerated

curve described by Chaisson in his model of cosmic evolution. They offer a visual

model of the phases of biological evolution proposed by Woese and of Tainter for

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cultural evolution. But in both cases they leave the borders of the processes poorly

defined; they are shorthand descriptions that are incomplete and fuzzy. As components

of a model of evolution they are not very helpful.

If, however, we see evolution as a relentless dynamic process that is driven by

the expanding universe and that if it happens at all it happens everywhere, then we may

propose these two models as two strategies that the universe uses to keep itself

evolving. They have for years been described by the Lotkian and Prigoginian principles

of maximization and minimization of energy use. Whether they were proposed as laws

or principles will not concern us here; they certainly serve well as strategies.

Perhaps we can think of these strategies as two descendents of Maxell’s genie–

Lotka’s demon and Prigogine’s demon. Whenever rapidly moving molecules pass by,

Lotka’s demon opens the door for them to continue, promoting maximization, building

vertical complexity. When they pass close to Prigogine’s demon, he closes the door,

reducing the production of entropy and complexity. Unlike Maxwell’s demon, who has

yet to be caught in the act, these second generation genies are constantly at work,

hastening and slowing–but always promoting–the course of evolution.

Most evolution has been horizontal. In the thirteen billion years of Chaisson’s

cosmic history since the Big Bang, vertical expansion only begins after life appeared

some four billion years ago. Then followed Woese’s long era, three billion years,

“in which HGT (Horizontal Gene Transfer) dominated the evolutionary

dynamic (and evolving cells had no stable genealogical records and

evolution was communal)” (Woese, 2004: 185).

Since the appearance of bipedal hominine some seven million years ago, modern

humans appeared possibly as early as 200,000 years ago, and had reached Southwest

Asia a 100,000 later. The beginnings of verticality in human cultural history appear with

agriculture, some 11,000 ago, but become more dominant around 5000 years ago with

the appearance of city-states10


Verticality has been a series of surges, expansions, even explosions, of energy

expenditures. All human social organization, even the earliest, involve leadership. This

was the beginning of social hierarchy that became institutionalized with community

10 This calendar follows the analysis of David Christian (2005).

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leaders, headmen, and chiefs. Chiefdoms, then states, created new socio-political

environments for the families and communities that reproduce the species. Verticality,

as a strategy, experiments with finding ways to use more energy by making things more

complex. (For Lotka’s demon, it is unimportant whether the motivation is to make

things more complex–hence needing more energy–or simply to use more energy.) While

Prigogine’s demon may be interminably successfully simply in keeping entropy low,

the process may be broken at any time by Lotkian experiments, after which the system

may subside to the earlier level or settle down at a higher level of energy expenditure.

The horizontal strategy thus may be assumed at any level of energy expenditure.

The universe continues to expand, and the HGT continues in the world of retroviruses.

Neolithic agriculture fluctuated for centuries, as did the appearance and disappearance

of city-states and empires. If we use I. G. Simmons’11

estimates of energy per capita

consumption for various levels of cultural development, the Q’eqchi’ and Mam societies

probably operate at levels upwards of 26 Kilocalories per capita per day. They operate

in a political environment of the Guatemalan state and of the international economic

domains where the daily per capita energy level is closer to between 200 and 300

Kilocalories. Another way of seeing the effect of being committed to a horizontal

strategy in a vertical environment is by comparing the percent of the four group

populations that live in municipios where the percent of economically active population

in the vertical sector is above 15%. Here we can see that the overwhelming majority of

people in the first two live in the complexity, whereas in the second two only a small

minority live outside it.

Although much of this discussion is concerned to differentiate horizontal

strategies from vertical, in fact within any ecosystem both are constantly at work. This

is particularly true in the more developed complex systems where horizontal strategies

are constantly experimenting with efforts at verticality, and vertical failures retreat to

horizontal survival modes. It seems as if the mentality of evolution says, in effect,

wherever there is an opportunity for either, lets try it. Whether one wants to see it as a

materialistic determinism or some kind of cosmic teleology, the dynamics seem

dedicated to promote the use of energy. Among the horizontally committed Q’eqchi’

are families in Coban and San Juan Chamelco dedicated to gaining power and vertical

success. Every level of vertical success opens new horizontal opportunities. The


Human per capita Energy Consumption in Historial Perspective (Units of Energy = 1 Kilocalorie per

day). Simmons, I.G. (1996: 27)

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promotion of education is as much an effort in the horizontal spread of capabilities as it

is opening new vertical opportunities. In an ecosystem both strategies are constantly at

hand and at work, often intertwined and entangled one with the other.

Recently there have been suggestions about new horizontal strategies in our

global civilization. Thomas Friedman’s The World is Flat (2007) concerns the

manufacturing, commerce and information outsourcing that now reaches across the

globe with few obstacles, especially in microelectronics. With computers and the

internet individuals many economic levels can communicate over the entire globe.

While much of this is of direct benefit to the higher sectors of the North American

hierarchies, it is potentially connecting one or two billion people into a direct

communication network. Part of this is manifest in the massive exporting from China,

accounting for some of the increase in energy in transportation that now accounts for 27

% of the total caloric expenditure of our highly technological society–up from perhaps

18% half a century ago (Table 17).

At a different level Freeman Dyson proposes that a Woesian horizontal phase

may be emerging from the fact that biotechnology now allows us–in addition to

viruses–to become directly involved in horizontal gene transfer. First, Dyson sees our

two phases of human civilization in terms of a metaphor of colors–green for the long

horizontal phase, and grey for the vertical. He writes:

“Roughly speaking, green technology is the technology that gave birth to village

communities ten thousand years ago, starting from the domestication of plants

and animals, the invention of agriculture...the manufacture of textiles and cheese

and wine. Gray technology is the technology that gave birth to cities and empires

five thousand years later, starting from the forging of bronze and iron,…wheeled

vehicles and paved roads,… and processing plants that made agriculture more

productive and transferred much of the resulting wealth from village-based

farmers to city-based corporations (Freeman, 2007s/d).

Dyson’s proposition, however, does not concern the horizontal transfer of

culture, but of genetic material.

“And now, as Homo sapiens domesticates the new biotechnology, we are

reviving the ancient pre-Darwinian practice of horizontal gene transfer, moving

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genes easily from microbes to plants and animals, blurring the boundaries

between species. We are moving rapidly into the post-Darwinian era, when

species other than our own will no longer exist, and the rules of Open Source

sharing will be extended from the exchange of software to the exchange of

genes. Then the evolution of life will once again be communal, as it was in the

good old days before separate species and intellectual property were invented”


Dyson believes that this ability will empower people outside the cities, the rural

peoples, to directly participate in gene transfers that will improve their lives. This vision

of reducing inequality sounds a little like Tainter’s resilience through simplification,

i.e., a reduction of the differences that are the hallmark of vertical phases.

Seeing these differences in the Mayan groups in this manner suggests we might

reevaluate what, in the last century, we called development. Lotka’s demon has been the

guiding spirit of Western Civilization: to expand, to search for new wealth, and in recent

centuries, specifically to expand control over energetic resources. The notion of

evolution became defined in terms of progress, and progress was defined as good. The

vertical has been accepted as the virtuous path, and those who for whatever reason–lack

of interest, ability, or by choice–have opted for horizontal alternatives have been classed

as inferior, backward, or incompetent.

Yet when seen as a strategy of evolution, it is clear that the vertical is by far less

common and more likely to lead to catastrophe than the horizontal. In simplest terms, it

hurries evolution along. In seeking to expand control over energetic resources, its

tentacles inevitably reach into any horizontal developments at hand, thereby affecting

their ability to survive. This has become the global strategy of the human species today,

and as such it now challenges that species to control the demon or to face catastrophes

and collapse. The survival of the species depends on finding horizontal strategies that

can reduce the use of environmentally damaging energy resources, and controlling the

expansive urge to a level where compatible resources are adequate to sustain it

Horizontal strategies in today’s world are easy to depreciate. Many are marked

by poverty, malnutrition and starvation, and high death rates. Most also are subordinate

to expansive vertical efforts and are economically and ecologically marginalized and

some even driven towards collapse through genocide. To find reasonably independent

horizontal efforts, we need to delve into history and old ethnographies. The early

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pictures of surviving hunting and gathering peoples are likely candidates; agricultural

peoples are already often in competition under vertical expansive efforts. But so today

are the Q’eqchi’, and Mam, each in their own way finding solutions marginal to the

expansion of verticality.

If the goal is to make the human society sustainable, then which strategy is more

advantageous depends on the circumstances. Illiteracy, rural living, poverty, illness,

poor nutrition, are “bad things.” But if not actual targets for destruction, people often

survive. Today the United States is home not only to the Mam, but to some 11 million

Latin American horizontal immigrants seeking the recources of a high-energy vertical

society, as southern Europe is the goal for millions of Africans.

If so many living with a horizontal strategy seem to seek vertical protection,

should we assume that the horizontal strategy is inferior to vertical expansion? Let us

compare the Mam with the Q’eqchi’. The latter have found the horizontal strategy to be

preferable to the vertical alternative. The Mam, to the contrary, find that the vertical

umbrella offered by Guatemala is not adequate for survival, and have sought the

alternative in the United States. But there, they are now confronting deportation.

When comparing these populations, it becomes clear that living with “bad

things” maybe the only alternative for survive. But are the agrarian migrant Q’eqchi’ in

some way inferior to those K’iche’ who may want to get a university education? Can

one argue that they are “worse off”? Or are the international Mam migrants better off

than those who remain at home and receive the remittances?? If vertical solutions were

available, then some comparison could be more easily made.

Unfortunately, even though for some Lotkian maximization still carries with it

an ideology of progress and cultural superiority, evolution is following its own design.

If we regard an increasingly high energy density system as being progressive, then it is a

progress that portends the final phase. The more durable evolutionary strategy is most

likely to be Prigoginian minimalism. The life forms that have been most successful over

the longest eras of time are those that have taken the horizontal strategy. Many of those

that have built increasingly complex and costly energy structures have, in the past,

become extinct. The most serious human competitors appear not to be the builders of

nuclear devices, but the resistant forms of streptococcus, tuberculosis, and the rapidly

mutant viruses, all evolving horizontally within environments partially created by

vertical expansion.

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