coach, performance & competition opportunities. beginners welcome. ms fairbanks 07896 856 277...


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Page 1: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm






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Page 2: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

We thank all our customers for their continued support – we couldn’t do it without you! Diolchwn i bob un o’n cwsmeriaid am eu cefnogaethParhaol – allen ni ddim ei wneud hebddo chi!

Box Office Opening Times: Oriau Agor y Swyddfa Docynnau: 1.30pm – 3.30pm, 4pm - 8pm Mon - Fri / Llun - Gwe 30mins before any show

Love Pontardawe Arts Centre? Cari Ganolfan Celfyddydau Pontardawe? Here are some simple steps to keep in touch and help… by sharing, liking and retweeting it really helps us out.Join our email list at [email protected]

Large Print available on requestMae print mawr ar gael ar gais

Turin Brakes p15


Karine Polwart p18 Gary Delaney p27

Pontardawe Arts Centre Herbert Street, Pontardawe, SA8 4ED

Pontardawe Arts Centre Hire Pontardawe Arts Centre has a variety of rooms available for hire – weddings, parties, film screenings, conferences and training.

Please contact Meirion Gittins [email protected]

TICKET LEVY * A 10% levy fee will be charged on all ticket sales. For more info and terms and conditions please see our website.

Llogi Canolfan Celfyddydau PontardaweGellir llogi amrywiaeth o ystafelloedd yng Nghanolfan Celfyddydau Pontardawe – priodasau, partis, cynhadledd a hyfforddi.

Cysylltwch â Meirion Gittins [email protected]

TRETH TOCYN * Codir treth tocyn 10% ar bob gwerthiant tocyn. Am fanylion pellach a thelerau ac amodau ewch i’n gwefan.

Funders and Sponsors

All The Wild Horses p25

Don’t forget

all our public

spaces have free

wi-fi. Please make

use of it.

Mae Wi-Fi am ddim ym mhob un o’n mannau cyhoeddus

01792 863 722WELCOMECROESO

Find us on / Chwilio amdanom ni Facebook @PontardaweArtsCentre @PontardaweCinemaTwitter @PontardaweArtsInstagram Pontardawearts

AREA ARTISTIC MANAGER RHEOLWR ARTISTIG Angie Dickinson [email protected]



MARKETING MARCHNATA Lizzy Felton [email protected]

Page 3: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

3 01792 863722 |

VOLUNTEERING Are you interested in supporting Pontardawe Arts Centre? We are looking for people in the community to volunteer as stewards at the venue for film and live events and to staff the Reception Area 10.30am – 1.30pm Os hoffech chi gefnogi Canolfan Celfyddydau Pontardawe, ‘rydym yn edrych am bobl yn y gymuned i wirfoddoli fel stiwardiaid yn yr adeilad.

Please get in touch with Cysylltwch gyda Nick Voisey [email protected] for more details am fanylion pellach.

Exclusive 241 tickets offer available for participants on the day.There is always so much going on in Pontardawe Arts Centre so we would like to invite you to join us for our free Open Day to give you a taste.There will be demonstrations from the many classes which take place at the venue, perfect for those keen on taking up a hobby or just interested in seeing what goes on here.There is also the latest exhibition in Oriel Lliw curated by Arts in the Tawe Valley.We look forward to welcoming you.

Cynnig dau docyn am bris un ar gael i gyfranogwyr ar y diwrnod. Cynigir llawer o bethau yng Nghanolfan Celfyddydau Pontardawe bob amser felly hoffem eich gwahodd i ymuno â ni ar gyfer ein diwrnod agored am ddim er mwyn i chi gael syniad o’r hyn sydd ar gael. Cyflwynir arddangosiadau gan athrawon y sawl dosbarth sy’n cael ei gynnal yn y lleoliad, sy’n gyfle perffaith i’r rhai sy’n awyddus i ddechrau diddordeb newydd neu sydd eisiau gweld yr hyn sy’n cael ei gynnal yma’n unig. Hefyd, cynhelir yr arddangosfa ddiweddaraf yn Oriel Lliw, wedi’i churadu gan y Celfyddydau yng Nghwm Tawe. Edrychwn ymlaen at eich croesawu.



AM DDIMOPEN DAY Sat Sad 15 September Medi 1 – 4pm

FRIENDS OF PONTARDAWE ARTS CENTREJoin the Friends of the Pontardawe Arts Centre! We need your ideas and skills to support the Arts Centre: promoting its use, lobbying, fund raising, generating ideas for the management team. We will have special “Friends events”. So, join us and help our Arts Centre thrive into the future.

Ymunwch â Chyfeillion Canolfan Gelfyddydau Pontardawe! Mae arnom angen eich syniadau a’ch sgiliau i gefnogi Canolfan y Celfyddydau: hyrwyddo ei ddefnydd, lobïo, codi arian, creu syniadau i’r tîm rheoli. Fe fydd gennym ni “Ffrindiau Digwyddiadau” arbennig. Felly, ymunwch â ni a helpu ein Canolfan Gelfyddydau i ffynnu i’r dyfodol.

For info contact Am wybodaeth cysylltwch â [email protected]

Page 4: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm


The Oriel Lliw gallery is coordinated by the Arts in the Tawe Valley community group. We have a running program of exhibitions with a wide range of affordable art for sale, and the Arts Council of Wales’ Collectorplan scheme to help spread the cost.

We are open Monday & Tuesday 11am to 7pm, Thursday 11am to 1pm, Friday 11am to 8pm and Saturday 11am to 2pm.

Visit us here in the beautiful 2nd floor gallery and check out our website for more details of our 2018 program of events. We have exhibitions, workshops and classes so there is something for everyone.

For more information contact [email protected] or

Mae Oriel Lliw yn cael ei chydlynu gan y grŵp cymunedol, y Celfyddydau yng Nghwm Tawe. Mae gennym raglen o arddangosfeydd gydag ystod eang o waith celf fforddiadwy ar werth, ynghyd â chynllun casglwyr er mwyn helpu i rannu’r costau. Dyma amserau agor yr oriel: Dydd Llun a dydd Mawrth rhwng 11.00am a 7.00pm, dydd Iau rhwng 11.00am ac 1.00pm, dydd Gwener rhwng 11.00am ac 8.00pm a dydd Sadwrn rhwng 11.00am a 2.00pm. Dewch i’n gweld yma yn yr oriel hardd ar yr ail lawr ac edrychwch ar ein gwefan er mwyn gweld mwy o fanylion am ein rhaglen ddigwyddiadau ar gyfer 2018. Mae gennym arddangosfeydd, gweithdai a dosbarthiadau felly bydd rhywbeth i bawb yma. I gael mwy o wybodaeth, e-bostiwch [email protected] neu ewch i’n gwefan

Shaun and Nik Woodrow and their team invite you to come and relax, eat, drink, play, create and explore in our family-friendly cafe. We are open from 11am until 7.30pm every weekday, and from 9.30am until 2pm Saturdays. We also offer a range of pre-show food, and open before shows.We aim to be more than a café - offering activities, events, creativity and inspiration. Or just come in out of the rain and relax! We cater for a range of different dietary requirements (gluten free, vegan and vegetarian).Keep up with our latest events on Facebook @cafemakepontardawe

Mae Shaun a Nik Woodrow a’u tîm yn eich gwahodd i ddod ac ymlacio, bwyta, yfed, chwarae, creu ac archwilio yn ein caffi sy’n addas i deuluoedd. Rydym ar agor rhwng11.00am a 7.30pm yn ystod yr wythnos, a rhwng 9.30am a 2.00pm ar ddydd Sadwrn. Rydym hefyd yn cynnig amrywiaeth o fwyd cyn perfformiadau ac rydym ar agor cyn sioeau hefyd. Ein nod yw bod yn fwy na chaffi’n unig gan gynnig gweithgareddau, digwyddiadau, creadigrwydd ac ysbrydoliaeth. Neu gallwch chi ddod i mewn er mwyn osgoi’r glaw ac ymlacio! Rydym yn darparu ar gyfer amrywiaeth o ofynion deietegol (bwyd feganaidd, llysieuol a heb glwten). I gael y newyddion diweddaraf am ein digwyddiadau, hoffwch ni ar Facebook yn @cafemakepontardawe


Page 5: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

5 01792 863722 |

Pontardawe Chamber of Trade present PONTARDAWE SUMMERFEST WEEKEND FRI | GWE 17, SAT | SAD 18 & SUN | SUL 19 AUG | AWST This weekend Pontardawe will be celebrating its Summerfest – craft stalls, folk dancing and 70+ bands, over 3 days, in 9 venues, with 7 outdoor stages! Amongst the bands to enjoy will be The Revellers, Dixielanders and the Swansea Scottish Pipe Band. The Incredibles 2 will be screened throughout the weekend.There will be a parade at 1.30pm on Saturday. Wet weather provision on Sunday for Gimme Some Lovin Soul Band in the theatre.Cynhelir Gŵyl Haf ym Mhontardawe’r penwythnos hwn gyda digwyddiadau’n cael eu cynnal mewn lleoliadau gwahanol yn y dref. Fel rhan o’r gweithgareddau hyn, cynhelir gorymdaith am 1.30pm a bydd dawnsio gwerin yng Nghanolfan Celfyddydau Pontardawe a’r tu allan iddi ddydd Sadwrn 18 Awst.

CELEBRATION OF THE VOICE SAT | SAD 18 AUG | AWST AT 12.00 There are over 2 million people in the UK singing regularly. Come along and enjoy just some of these voices. Choirs include the Ospreys Supporters Choir, First Time Choir and Rapsquillion.Mae dros ddwy filiwn o bobl yn y DU yn canu’n rheolaidd. Dewch i ymuno â rhai o’r lleisiau hyn. Mae corau’n cynnwys y Gweilch a First Time Choir.


Page 6: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

Jamba JumpersTuesdays 4pm – 5pm4 - 8yrsEach week Jamba will explore different activities that encourage creative play specifically chosen to suit age and ability. Michelle 07782 378 927

Solar Dance with Cathy Thursdays 4.30pm – 6pm 4 – 8 years £407598 247467 [email protected]

CheerleadingFridays all agesPompom routines & stunts. UKCA qualified coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome.Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company

Drama: Class Act Theatre SchoolSaturday 9.30am – 12.30pm Jill Williams 07967 133463 for more information check out the website

Take PartCymryd RhanTake PartCymryd Rhan

Take PartCymryd RhanTake PartCymryd Rhan



Hip Hop and Jazz Dance with Makers of Dance Energy - MODE Wednesdays 4.30pm – 8.30pm 3+ Sarah Leigh Morris 01792 204 885

Page 7: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

01792 863722 | 7

Future Blood Mondays 6pm – 9pm15 – 21 years £5 Developed by Rich Thair (Red Snapper)

Music development sessions for competent musicians.

Working with a professional music producer we offer you the chance to develop your performance and production skills, record music, develop stage craft and perform at regular Future Blood gigs. Thair’s 07799 246 528 and look them up on Facebook.

Friday 21 September at 7.30pm Future Blood Livefeaturing pioneering new bands Purge the Ocean, Windshake, The Furns and Scavenger.

Pamela Miller Ballet School Mondays4+Classes suitable for children from 4 years up to professional level with examinations taken with the Cecchetti Society under the I.S.T.D. The school has been established 35years.School Principal : – Pamela Miller ADV.2 (Cecc.B.) F.I.S.T.D – Fellow of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD) 01792 774 561

Acrodance 7+ A blend of flexibility, contortion & dance.Candidates should have a clean cartwheel.Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company

Tiny Tap With Melody BearFridays 3 – 7 yrsBeginner tap for the younger dancer.Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company

Pontardawe Film Academy with Ewan Donaldson Mondays 5 – 7pm starting 17 September£5 taster session £45 for termA brand new course designed to teach the craft of filmmaking for ages 9-13. You will gain knowledge on how to produce short films from start to finish, including D.I.Y special effects, storyboarding and script development to name a few. We aim to enhance creativity and most importantly, have fun in the process!

So come along and share your passion for the big screen with a team of like minded film fanatics! [email protected]

Page 8: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm


Life Drawing Classes All levels welcomeLast Saturday of every month 10am - 12pm & 1pm – 3pm £11 for two hours, with all basic materials provided. 2nd Wednesday of every month 6pm - 9pm, £16 for three hours.This class includes half an hour introductory tuition, two hours of guided work with the model and a half hour of feedback and tips. Basic materials, handouts and certain specialist equipment supplied.Tuition is provided by LEANNE VAUGHAN-PHILIPPS MA,Qualified PGCE Lecturer with nearly 30yrs Life Drawing experience.

LIMITED PLACES SO BOOK TODAY! [email protected] 07479 873 77

Whist DriveWednesdays 2pm – 4pmAll abilities and everybody welcomeContact Joyce Thomas 01792 864 172

Picture MakersPicture Maker’s iPhonegraphy Course8, 15, 22 Sept 10.30am - 12.30pm Course fee £30Learn how to capture stunning photographs with your camera phone and discover your creative eye.You will learn; - How to compose and capture a

photograph - 2 Mini Photographic projectsExplore photographic styles - documentary, portraiture and landscapeReceive feedback and guidance to develop your own style of photographyOpen to all abilities.You will need an iphone or Smart Phone.Sheree Murphy Photographic Artist07960 184 923 [email protected] photographycourse.

DressmakingEvery Thursday evening 6pm – 8.30pmFor beginners and the more advanced sewers. Release your creative soul, discover your own capabilities. Learn to sew with an experienced tutor. Sewing machines, over-locker, tools and a small selection of patterns available for use in the class. Bring your own machine and learn how to use it. £10.00 per class (book 5 get one free) For further information, please contact Barbara [email protected] 07592 0330

First Time ChoirMondays 7.30 - 9pm £5 per session £4 (concession)First Time Choir is a friendly group who sing a lively mix of musical styles - classical, pop, gospel, show songs and folk songs.Lisa Westerhout ARCM FLCM07967 716 656 [email protected]

Agility Dance for Everyone!Wednesdays 12.30 – 1.30pm £4For people with diverse capabilitiescallumjamescoombs @icloud.com07598 247467

Page 9: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm


SCRIPT SLAM 2018 We are inviting submissions of new writing for Pontardawe Arts Centre’s Script SlamClosing date 7 September Performance Heats Perfformiadau Tue 25 Sep, Tue 23 Oct, Tue 27 Nov, 7.30pm

Final on Tue 29 Jan 2019We are looking for 10 minute extracts for up to two characters.

12 scripts will be selected and performed as script in hand. The writer of the winning script will have the opportunity to work with dramaturge Louise Osborn on developing the script to full length and then with director Derek Cobley on a research and development week with actors to develop the piece towards production.

From Concept to CompletionA new season of workshops to take you from an initial idea to the final editing of your script. Script café is an informal, friendly night out where everyone who enjoys scripts is invited to take part. Bring along your script to the open mic night and see it ‘on its feet’.

Tuesday 18 September 7.30pmFinding your ideaAlan Bilton: magic realism, dreams and the uncanny

Tuesday 16 October 7.30pmProgress so farBring your script to the Open Mic.

Tuesday 20 November 7.30pmEditingTim Rhys: How to edit your script.

Script Café2018

For more information or to enter contact Angie on [email protected]

If you’d like to bring along a film or script to the open mic nights – or if you want to know more about script cafe, please contact Emily: [email protected] or Celia: [email protected]

Arts4All Art AcademyWednesdays and Saturdays (starts 15 August)Come along, learn new skills and join the fun.

From tuition in painting and drawing to discussions, and talks about art history and gallery visits we’ve got something for everyone.Full details on websiteThere are limited places so please contact Leanne for full details on [email protected] 07479 873 771

Photos: Kirsten McTernan

Page 10: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

Film is a hugely important part of what we do

Mae ffilm yn elfen bwysig iawn o’r hyn rydyn ni’n ei wneud

We release a monthly cinema and alternative content programme. For full details see our website or why not join the e-flyer list to receive the monthly cinema listings, email [email protected]

Mae ffilm yn elfen bwysig iawn o’r hyn rydyn ni’n ei wneud. Rydyn ni’n cyhoeddi rhaglen sinema a chynnwys amgen fisol. Am yr holl fanylion, ewch i’n gwefan neu ymunwch â’r rhestr e-daflen i gael y rhestriadau sinema misol, ebost [email protected]



Want to learn more about film?Want to see interesting movies?Why not join Pontardawe Film Club? For just £45 (£35 Concessions and £5 student) you can see twenty films over the year, as well as enjoy a range of social events linked to the films.

Non Members are always welcome £6 full, £3.85 concession If you would like more information about films, to view trailers or for welsh translation go to our website

Ydych chi am ddysgu mwy am ffilmiau? Ydych chi am wylio ffilmiau diddorol? Beth am ymuno â chlwb ffilmiau Pontardawe? Am £40 (pris gostyngol: £30 a £5 myfyriwr) cewch wylio 20 ffilm yn ystod y flwyddyn, yn ogystal â mwynhau amrywiaeth o ddigwyddiadau cymdeithasol sy’n gysylltiedig â’r ffilmiau.

Caiff pobl nad ydynt yn aelodau eu croesawu hefyd am £6 llawn, £3.85 consesiwnOs hoffech gael mwy o wybodaeth am ffilmiau, gwylio rhagluniau neu i gael cyfieithiad Cymraeg, ewch i’n gwefan



Page 11: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

01792 863722 | 11Johnny English Strikes Again

Tuesday 11 September 2pm & 7.30pm FILM CLUB

NOTHING LIKE A DAME 2018 | 84mins | UK | Dir: Roger Michell

Eileen Atkins, Judi Dench, Joan Plowright and Maggie Smith take a trip down memory lane and share stories from their 50 year friendship. Cut together with diligently researched archive material from four remarkable careers the result is a hugely enjoyable and celebratory documentary.

Wednesday 19 September 2pm & 7.30pm FILM CLUB

BEAST 2017 | 107mins | UK | Dir: Michael Pearce

A troubled woman living in an isolated community finds herself pulled between the control of her oppressive family and the allure of a secretive outsider suspected of a series of brutal murders.

New Mary Poppins

Fantastic Beasts 2

The Wife

Themed pre film meal available one hour before each Film Club film

Page 12: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm


We all want something to believe in. It’s 1987 and Frankie Vah gorges on love, radical politics, and skuzzy indie stardom. But can he keep it all down?

A verse play about love, loss and belief. Expect frenetic guitars, visceral verse, and a Morrissey-sized measure of heartache.

Anyone who heard Luke perform with Dr John Cooper Clarke will understand why we just had to have him back to perform once again in Pontardawe.

Rydym i gyd eisiau credu mewn rhywbeth. Mae’n 1987 ac mae Frankie Vah yn profi cariad, gwleidyddiaeth radical ac enwogrwydd indi aflêr. Ond ydy e’n gallu ymdopi â hyn i gyd? Dyma ddrama fydryddol am gariad, colled a chred. Gallwch ddisgwyl gitarau egnïol, llinellau angerddol a gofid calon yn ôl steil Morrissey. Byddai unrhyw un a glywodd Luke yn perfformio gyda Dr John Cooper Clarke yn deall pam roedd yn rhaid i ni ei wahodd yn ôl i berfformio unwaith eto ym Mhontardawe..

FRANKIE VAH written and performed by LUKE WRIGHT

Thur | Iau 20 September | Medi 7.30pm

£13.20, £11 concession / consesiwn, £5.50 student / myfyriwr

Family friendly £1.10 (14- 16 years)






“Visceral, virile verse, Wright skewers the essential cadences of all political drama” The Stage

On the first Friday of the month Pontardawe Arts Centre will transform itself into a food hall and welcome food from around the world (Including vegan options) Bring the family, bring friends and join us for food, live music, conversation and fun. Insanely good flavours at affordable prices.

Ar Dydd Gwener cyntaf y mis, bydd Canolfan Celfyddudau Pontardawe yn trawsnewid ei hun mewn i neuadd fwyd, efo fwyd o bob cwr o’r byd (efo opsiynau fegan hefyd). Dod â’r teulu, dod â ffrindiau ac ymunwch â ni am fwyd, cerddoriaeth fyw, sgwrs a hwyl. Blasau anhygoel efo brisiau fforddiadwy.

POP UP PONTY STREET FOOD MARKET Fri | Gwe 7 September | Medi 4.30 – 9.30pm



Page 13: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

SOUL CIRCLE Sat | Sad 22 September | Medi 7.30pm

Celebrating 40 years and a new album ‘Two Score’

Blowzabella is a genuinely unique band that makes an inimitable, driving, drone-based wall-of-sound played with a fabulous sense of melody, rhythmic expertise and sheer feeling. They compose their own music which is influenced by English and European traditional folk music and song – a shared culture with ancient roots. Much loved and respected, there is no one else quite like Blowzabella.

Mae Blowzabella yn fand unigryw sy’n creu cerddoriaeth drôn gyda sain ddigyffelyb ac ysgogol wedi’i chwarae gydag alawon ardderchog, rhythm arbenigol a gwir deimlad. Mae’r band yn cyfansoddi ei gerddoriaeth ei hun sydd wedi cael ei dylanwadu gan gerddoriaeth a chaneuon gwerin traddodiadol Seisnig ac Ewropeaidd - dyma ddiwylliant cyffredin gyda chysylltiadau hirsefydlog. Yn boblogaidd ac yn uchel ei barch, mae Blowzabella heb ei ail.

BLOWZABELLA Wed | Mer 26 September | Medi 7.30pm

£13.20, £8.80 concession / consesiwn

13 01792 863722 |

£13.20, £11 concession / consesiwn, £5.50 student / myfyriwr

Family friendly £1.10 (14- 16 years)

Guest Dj’s, Bill Kealy, Glyn Preece, Dave Wier and Mark Taylor. Dress Code Smart.

DJ gwadd, Bill Kealy, Glyn Preece, Dave Wier

a Mark Taylor. Côd gwisg smart.

£6.60, £7.70 on the door / ar y drws

Page 14: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm


The Breadwinner (12A)2017 | 93 mins | Ireland / Canada / LuxembourgDir: Nora Twomey

Tue | Maw 2 October | Hydref, 2pm & 7.30pm

Pavana is a headstrong 11 year old girl growing up under the Taliban in Afghanistan. She is forced to disguise herself as a boy in order to support her family. A beautiful animation employing a mix of 2D with painted environments and digital paper cut-out segments to weave together a world of conflict and oppressions, showing the strength of girls and the power of stories to sustain hope through dark times.


On the first Friday of the month Pontardawe Arts Centre will transform itself into a food hall and welcome food from around the world (Including vegan options) Bring the family, bring friends and join us for food, live music, conversation and fun. Insanely good flavours at affordable prices.

Ar Dydd Gwener cyntaf y mis, bydd Canolfan Celfyddudau Pontardawe yn trawsnewid ei hun mewn i neuadd fwyd, efo fwyd o bob cwr o’r byd (efo opsiynau fegan hefyd). Dod â’r teulu, dod â ffrindiau ac ymunwch â ni am fwyd, cerddoriaeth fyw, sgwrs a hwyl. Blasau anhygoel efo brisiau fforddiadwy.

POP UP PONTY STREET FOOD MARKET Fri | Gwe 5 October | Hydref 4.30 – 9.30pm


Page 15: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

15 01792 863722 |

TURIN BRAKES Invisible Storm Tour

Sat | Sad 6 October | Hydref 7.30pm

After an impressive 19 years together, seven studio albums and over a million records sold worldwide, they might be excused a bit of downtime. But no…….the estimable London 4-piece Turin Brakes are on tour following their eighth studio album ‘Invisible Storm’.

One of the finest indie bands of the last decade with 7 top 40 hits to their name Turin Brakes are a band that’s weathered many Invisible Storms, are sure of who they are and what they’ve set out to do, and know that there’s always a story left to tell…

Ar ôl iddynt dreulio 19 o flynyddoedd yn perfformio gyda’i gilydd, creu saith albwm stiwdio a gwerthu dros filiwn o recordiau’n fyd-eang, gallwch faddau iddynt am gael tipyn o egwyl. Ond eto.......mae’r band pedwar aelod clodwiw o Lundain, Turin Brakes, yn teithio unwaith eto yn dilyn ei wythfed albwm, ‘Invisible Storm’. Un o’r bandiau indi gorau o’r degawd diwethaf, gyda saith cân yn y 40 uchaf, mae Turin Brakes wedi dioddef sawl trallod, yn ymwybodol o’i hunaniaeth a’i nod ac mae’n gwybod bod mwy o’r stori i’w hadrodd bob amser...

£22 Standard / Safonol

Page 16: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm


Some girls like football. Some boys like pink. Everyone likes a good story.

Our cabaret performers dance, sing, play, and give you the chance to join in too.

Princess Charming is a celebration of being exactly who you are. 75 mins no interval.

Mae rhai merched yn hoffi pêl-droed. Mae rhai bechgyn yn hoffi pinc. Mae pawb yn hoffi stori dda. Mae ein perfformwyr cabaret yn dawnsio, yn canu, yn chwarae ac yn rhoi’r cyfle i chi ymuno â nhw hefyd. Gan archwilio ystrydebau rhyw mewn ffordd ddifyr ac ymholgar, mae Princess Charming yn ddathliad o fod yn chi eich hun.

PRINCESS CHARMING Fri | Gwe 12 October | Hydref 6pm

£8.80 adult / oedolyn, £6.60 child / plentyn

£13.20, £11 concession / consesiwn £5 student / myfyriwr

Dennis works for an undertaker. Hal’s old Mum has just died. Ludicrous slapstick meets dubious morals as the two young friends stash the proceeds of a bank robbery in Mum’s occupied coffin, all whilst trying to avoid a crazed policeman, a gold-digging nurse and a grieving widower.

A glorious mix of lunacy, political incorrectness and macabre humour in this wickedly delicious farce. Sometimes shocking, sometimes baffling but at all times uproariously funny, this is a theatrical experience not to be missed!

Supported by Arts Council Wales

Mae Dennis yn gweithio i drefnydd angladdau. Mae mam Hal newydd farw. Mae slapstic digrif yn cwrdd â moesau amheus wrth i’r ddau ffrind ifanc cuddio enillion lladrad banc yn arch y Fam, a hi ynddi, a hyn i gyd wrth geisio osgoi plismon gwallgof, nyrs ariangar a gŵr gweddw galarus.

Gyda’r arian wedi’i guddio’n ddiogel, nid oes lle i Mam ac mae ei chorff yn ail-ymddangos ar yr adegau mwyaf anffodus ac mae ein lladron teilwng o gerydd yn baglu’u ffordd trwy ganlyniadau mwyaf rhyfeddol.

Mae ffars glasurol Orton yn gymysgedd gogoneddus o wallgofrwydd, anghywirdeb gwleidyddol a hiwmor tywyll. Weithiau’n syfrdanol, weithiau’n ddryslyd, ond bob amser yn ddoniol iawn, mae hwn yn brofiad theatrig i chi beidio â cholli!

Black RAT Productions and Blackwood Miners’ Institute

LOOT By Joe Orton, Directed by Richard Tunley

Wed | Mer 10 October | Hydref 7.30pm 14+


Page 17: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

17 01792 863722 |

Regular TV and radio appearances all makes it sound like Zoe Lyons has some sort of idea what she’s doing in life. But does she? Or is she the perfect example of an Entry Level Human?

Decide for yourself, as this hugely popular comic returns with a fresh crop of ‘quick-fire observational gags, delivered with utter conviction’ (Chortle), not to mention ‘proper laugh-out-loud one-liners’ (The Herald). And, she ‘has what it takes to delight any crowd’. That one’s from the Guardian. Are you going to argue with them? Actually, don’t answer that. Just come and see Zoe to find out.

Mae ymddangos ar y teledu a’r radio’n rheolaidd yn rhoi’r argraff bod gan Zoe Lyons ryw syniad o’r hyn y mae’n ei wneud yn ei bywyd. Ond ydy hynny’n wir? Neu ydy hi’n enghraifft berffaith o berson ‘lefel-mynediad’? Dewiswch dros eich hun pan fydd y ddigrifwraig hynod boblogaidd hon yn dychwelyd gyda ‘quick-fire observational gags, delivered with utter conviction’ (Chortle), heb sôn am ‘proper laugh-out-loud one-liners’ (The Herald). A dywedodd The Guardian bod ganddi’r gallu i ddifyrru unrhyw dorf. Ydych chi’n mynd i ddadlau gyda nhw? Erbyn meddwl, peidiwch â rhoi ateb. Dewch i weld Zoe a phenderfynwch dros eich hun.£16.50

ZOE LYONS Entry Level Human

Sat | Sad 13 October | Hydref 7.30pm


It’s An Act present

APRIL IN PARIS by John Godber

Tue | Maw 16 October | Hydref 7.30pm

Bet and Al lead a quiet, humdrum life in their small rural home until Bet wins a ‘Romantic Breaks’ competition in a magazine. The prize, a holiday in Paris, represents their first experience abroad and has profound effects on the way they look at the world around them once they return home. They sort out French cuisine, wrestle with their phrasebook, and fend off would-be muggers on the Metro in this hilarious depiction of the British abroad.

Mae Bet ac Al yn byw bywyd tawel ac humdrum yn eu cartref gwledig bach. Ond mae Bet yn ennill cystadleuaeth ‘Seibiant Rhyfeddol’mewn cylchgrawn. Mae’r wobr gwyliau ym Mharis, ac yn cynrychioli profiad cyntaf dramor, ond yn effeithiau y ffordd mae’r ddau yn edrych ar y byd o’u hamgylch unwaith y byddant yn dod adref. Maent yn bwyta bwyd Ffrengig, yn dysgu geiriau newydd ac yn goresgyn heriau newydd hefyd. Stori ddoniol i pawb am y Brydeinig dramor.

£11, £8.80 concession / consesiwn

Page 18: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm


In The Fade Aus Dem Nichts2017 | 106mins | Germany / France | subtitled Dir: Faith Akin

Wed | Mer 17 October | Hydref, 2pm & 7.30pm

Diane Kruger gives an astonishing, Cannes Best Actress award-winning performance in this riveting thriller. A politically charged tale of grief and violence in Germany. Following the murder of her husband and child by Neo Nazis a Hamburg woman seeks revenge in a desperate fight for justice.


KARINE POLWART Fri | Gwe 19 October | Hydref 7.30pm

Karine Polwart is a multi-award-winning songwriter and musician, a theatre maker, storyteller, spoken-word performer, essayist, and published writer. Celebrating the release of her latest album ‘Laws of Motion’ Karine will be accompanied by long-term collaborators brother Steven Polwart (guitars) & Inge Thomson (accordion, percussion).

Six times winner at the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards, including twice for Best Original Song and 2018 for Folk Singer of the Year.

Mae Karine Polwart yn gyfansoddwraig ac yn gerddor arobryn, yn gynhyrchwraig theatrig, yn adroddwraig, yn berfformwraig y gair llafar, yn ysgrifwraig ac yn awdures gyhoeddedig. Er mwyn dathlu rhyddhau ei halbwm diweddaraf, ‘Laws of Motion’, bydd Karine yn perfformio gyda’i chydweithwyr tymor hir, sef ei brawd, Steven Polwart (gitarau) ac Inge Thomson (acordion ac offerynnau taro). Mae wedi ennill pum gwaith yng Ngwobrau Gwerin BBC Radio 2, gan gynnwys dwy wobr am y gân wreiddiol orau, cyrhaeddodd ei phumed albwm unigol, ‘Traces’, y rhestr fer ar gyfer gwobr Albwm Albanaidd y Flwyddyn ac ALBWM Y FLWYDDYN yng Ngwobrau Gwerin BBC Radio 2, ac fe’i dewiswyd fel yr albwm gwerin-wreiddiau gorau yn ôl The Guardian.


Family friendly £1.10 (6– 16 years)






Page 19: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm


A Prayer Before Dawn2017 | 116mins | France / UK Dir: Jean-Stephane Sauvaire

Thur | Iau 25 October | Hydref, 2pm & 7.30pm

Based on the true story of Billy, a heroin addict, sentenced to 3 years in a Thai prison. Unable to speak the language he struggles to survive and build relationships in a new and overwhelming reality.

“We’re really looking forward to finishing our Every Valley album run with what promises to be a special set of shows. It’s great to be saying a final thanks to Wales, and the Valleys in particular, for all the support and encouragement we’ve received since starting to research, write, record and then launch the album in Wales, and then to land up in the Royal Albert Hall a few days later seems like the best possible way to finish things off.”

J Willgoose Esq – Public Service Broadcasting

Fri | Gwe 26 October | Hydref 7.30pm

19 01792 863722 |


Page 20: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

Time travelling magicians Morgan & West present a hilarious, jaw dropping, heart stopping, brain busting, opinion adjusting, death defying, mind frying, spirit lifting, paradigm shifting, outlook changing, furniture rearranging magic extravaganza!

Bydd y consurwyr sy’n teithio trwy amser, Morgan & West, yn cyflwyno sioe hud sy’n ddoniol, yn rhyfeddol, yn frawychus, yn feiddgar ac yn fywiog ac a fydd yn herio’r drefn arferol, yn ehangu eich meddylfryd ac yn newid eich barn!

MORGAN & WEST’S Utterly Spiffing Spectacular Magic Show for Kids (And Childish Grown-ups!)

Fri | Gwe 2 November | Tachwedd 2pm 60 minutes – no interval


£7.70 adult / oedolyn, £5.50 child / plentyn

“Hugely talented”

Daily Mirror

Join time travelling magic duo Morgan & West for an evening chock full of jaw dropping, brain bursting, gasp eliciting feats of magic. The dashing chaps offer up a plateful of illusion and impossibility, all served with wit, charm and no small amount of panache. Be sure to wear a hat.

Ymunwch â’r ddeuawd hud sy’n teithio trwy amser, Morgan & West, ar gyfer noson llawn campau hudol i’ch synnu, eich brawychu a’ch rhyfeddu! Bydd y ddau fonheddwr bywiog yn cynnig llond plât o ledrith ac amhosibilrwydd, gyda digon o ffraethineb a swyn, heb sôn am gryn dipyn o steil. Cofiwch wisgo het.

MORGAN & WEST’S Parlour Tricks

Fri | Gwe 2 November | Tachwedd 7.30pm 90 minutes



“charming and engaging” The Stage

£11, £7.70 concession / consesiwn

Page 21: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

WISHBONE ASH Support - Felix Rabin

Sun | Sul 4 November | Tachwedd 7.30pm

Discover for yourself why Wishbone Ash remain one of the most enduring and popular bands in British Rock. With millions of albums sold, their iconic twin-guitar sound inspired bands from Thin Lizzy to Iron Maiden and produced such classics tracks as The King Will Come, Throw Down The Sword & Blowin’ Free. Combining the old songs with the new, they’re just as fresh and in demand after an amazing one year short of 50 on the road!

Dewch i weld pam mai Wishbone Ash yw un o’r bandiau roc Prydeinig mwyaf boblogaidd a pharhaus o hyd. Wedi gwerthu miliynau o albymau, ysbrydolodd ei sŵn eiconig â dau gitâr fandiau megis Thin Lizzy ac Iron Maiden ac mae ei ganeuon enwog yn cynnwys The King Will Come, Throw Down The Sword a Blowin’ Free. Gan gyfuno’r hen ganeuon â’r rhai newydd, mae’r band hwn yr yr un mor boblogaidd ag erioed ac mae galw mawr amdano o hyd er iddo dreulio bron 50 o flynyddoedd yn teithio!



Call Me By Your Name 2017 | 132 mins | Italy/France | subtitledDir: Luca Guadagnino

Thur | Iau 8 November | Tachwedd, 2pm & 7.30pm

In 1980s Italy, a romance blossoms between a seventeen year-old student and the older man hired as his father’s research assistant.

21 01792 863722 |

Page 22: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

GIFF returns to the Pontardawe Arts Centre!

Join the South-Wales Geocachers to celebrate all things geocaching. We will be screening this year’s GIFF finalists and picking our very own Ponty GIFF winner.

Mae’r ŵW^

yl Fflimiau Geogelcio’n dychwelyd i Ganolfan Celfyddydau Pontardawe! Ymunwch â’r geogelcwyr o dde Cymru er mwyn dathlu popeth sy’n ymwneud â geogelcio! Byddwn yn dewis enillydd o Bontardawe o’r rhai sydd wedi cyrraedd rownd derfynol yr W


yl Ffilmiau Geogelcio eleni!

MARTYN JOSEPH Fri | Gwe 9 November | Tachwedd 7.30pm

Acclaimed singer songwriter Martyn Joseph is an incomparable performer with an uncanny knack of fusing fearless, full-bodied ‘songs with a message’ with fragile love songs. Tom Robinson describes him as ‘one of the most charismatic and electrifying performers in Britain today’.

Mae’r canwr a’r cyfansoddwr clodwiw, Martyn Joseph, yn berfformiwr heb ei ail sy’n llwyddo i gyfuno caneuon beiddgar a thrawiadol sydd â neges â chaneuon cariad bregus. Mae Tom Robinson yn ei ddisgrifio fel un o’r perfformwyr mwyaf carismatig a gwefreiddiol ym Mhrydain heddiw.


GEOCACHING INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2018 Fri | Gwe 9 November | Tachwedd 7pm


“Stunning, heartfelt music” Bob Harris BBC Radio 2

01792 863722 |


Page 23: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

A special “Friends Social” Fundraising Evening with local bands and artists. An opportunity to celebrate all that is good about the Arts Centre. More event details to come.

Noson codi arian arbennig a chyfeillgar gyda bandiau ac artistiaid lleol. Dyma gyfle i chi ddathlu holl nodweddion da Canolfan Celfyddydau Pontardawe.

Wed | Mer 14 November | Tachwedd 7.30pm

FRIENDS OF PONTARDAWE ARTS CENTRE PARTY Sat | Sad 10 November | Tachwedd 7.30pm

Theatr Na nÓg and Aneurin Leisure

£13.20, £11 and £5.50

Family friendly £1.10 (12– 16 years)





DLY • Perfformiad yn Saesneg

23 01792 863722 |

Meredydd Barker’s play introduces us to the power couple of their day, NHS Founder Aneurin Bevan (Nye) and the First Arts Minister Jennie Lee.

We meet the people behind the public images of the partnership that became one of the outstanding political marriages of the twentieth century.

Following their life from flatmates, their marriage in 1934, to Nye’s death in 1960 marking notable events in their public and private life along the way including preparation for the biggest moments in their careers such as the launch of the National Health Service which celebrates its 70th Anniversary in 2018.

Roedd Aneurin Bevan a Jennie Lee yn gymrodyr, wedi rhannu fflat, ac wedi eiriol a brwydro dros sosialaeth; ef o Dredegar, ac yn un o feincwyr cefn penboeth y Blaid Lafur, a hithau’n ferch i löwr o Fife, ac yn AS Sosialaidd cyn bod yn ddigon hen i bleidleisio. Wedyn, bu priodas; ef mewn cariad angerddol, a hithau’n ceisio dygymod â charwriaeth arall oedd newydd ddod i ben. Ill dau’n cael eu caru a’u casáu gan eu cyd-aelodau seneddol; ef oedd y ‘Bollinger Bolshevik’; hithau ei Arglwyddes Macbeth, yr angel dywyll ar ei ysgwydd. Datblygodd eu perthynas yn ystod blynyddoedd didostur y rhyfel, drwy anawsterau sefydlu’r GIG, gelyniaeth fileinig y 1950au, gyda’u cariad yn aeddfedu a dyfnhau. Dyma stori am bartneriaeth unigryw - un o briodasau gwleidyddol mwyaf eithriadol yr ugeinfed ganrif.

Page 24: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

Full of charm, songs and fun, this new version of the classic tale is the perfect Christmas treat for children aged 3 – 6 and their families.

Llawn swyn, caneuon a hwyl, mae’r fersiwn newydd hon o’r stori dylwyth teg enwog yn ddantaith Nadolig perffaith ar gyfer plant 3 - 6 oed a’u teuluoedd.

A Theatr Mwldan Production

CATRIN FINCH AND SECKOU KEITA Support – Gwyneth Glyn Fri | Gwe 16 November | Tachwedd 7.30pm

Entrancing, mesmeric, intricate and ethereal, this is remarkable music and a thrilling live experience. Welsh harpist Catrin Finch and Senagalese kora player Seckou Keita deliver a stunning exhibition of world class musicianship, drawing deep on their own diverse traditions and transforming them with remarkable synergy. Catrin and Seikou have built a formidable reputation for extraordinary performances over their 4 year collaboration.

Mae’r cyd-berfformiad hyfryd hwn, sy’n fawr ei glod gan y critigyddion ac sydd wedi ennill gwobrau, rhwng dau gerddor meistrolgar anturus - y delynores Gymreig Catrin Finch a’r chwaraewr kora Senegalaidd Seckou

Keita - yn darparu arddangosfa syfrdanol o gerddoriaeth o’r radd flaenaf. Mae’r albwm newydd SOAR yn troi o gwmpas adenydd y gwalch, yr aderyn ysglyfaethus godidog a ddychwelodd i Gymru’n ddiweddar ar ôl bod yn absennol am ganrifoedd, sy’n gwneud ei daith flynyddol o 3,000 milltir o arfordiroedd Gorllewni Affrica i aberoedd Cymru, gan godi fel cerddoriath a breuddwydion dros rwystrau a wnaethpwyd gan ddyn, ar ei daith gynhenid ac epig o ddygnwch. Yn gyfareddol, yn fesmeraidd ac yn etheraidd, dyma i chi gerddoriaeth eithriadol a phrofiad byw gwefreiddiol.

Sherman Theatre / Theatr y Sherman


Thu | Iau 15 November | Tachwedd 11am



“Absolutely hypnotic” Guy Garvey, BBC Radio 6

Page 25: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm


The Rider 2017 | 104mins | USA | Dir: Chloe Zhao

After suffering a near fatal head injury, young South Dakota cowboy Brady (played by Brady Jandreau, a rodeo star on whose real-life story the narrative is based) is told he must give up the sport. But Brady needs to support his family and the rodeo is his passion as well as his lifeline. Without it he must seek a new identity, exploring what it means to be a man in the heartland.

All The Wild Horses 2017 | 90mins | Dir: Ivo Marloh

Filmed against the glorious vastness of the Mongolian steppe, All the Wild Horses is a dynamic portrayal of the extreme and often dramatic Mongol Derby horse race – where the international skilled riders pit their wits against semi wild, unbroken Mongolian horses, heat exhaustion, broken bones and packs of wild dogs whilst traversing 1,000km.

£13.20 members Includes meal, £19.80 non members

Mid Wales Opera SMALL STAGES TOURWed | Mer 21 November | Tachwedd 7.30pm

With five singers and four musicians, and bursting with hummable tunes and buzzing habaneras, join Concepción and her lovers as the temperatures rise with Ravel’s exhilarating one-act clock shop comedy, L’Heure Espagnole. This was opera for the people, and it is perfect for bringing a hint of Spanish warmth and spice to Autumn evenings in Wales.

Set in a clock shop in Toledo, it follows the fortunes of Torqeumada, the hardworking clock maker, and his wayward wife Concepción’s collection of illicit affairs.

The second half will include party pieces by our performers.

Mae LlwyfannauLlai Opera Canolbarth Cymru yn ôl yn yr hydref. Daw opera fyw i galon cymunedau ledled Cymru a’r Gororau gyda chomedi siop gloc un act a llawn bywyd Ravel, L’heure espagnole. Gyda phump o gantorion a

phedwar cerddor ac yn llawn dop o alawon bachog a habaneras syfrdanol, ymunwch â Concepción a’i

chariadon wrth i bethau boethi…

01792 863722 |


Family friendly £1.10 (12– 16 years)







Film Festival A feast of film followed by a feast of food

Sat | Sad 17 November | Tachwedd, 2pm

Page 26: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

The Hoedown begins with a withering dissection of Trump’s America, but ends up being a celebration of Americana. There’s stand-up, improvised ballads, cracking good musicianship and ultimately a hilarious, foot-stomping, shit kicking good time to be had by all – Even if you don’t own a hoe.

Bydd y sioe’n dechrau gyda dadansoddiad beirniadol o America dan reolaeth Trump, ond bydd hi’n gorffen gyda dathliad o Americana. Bydd comedi lwyfan, baledi byrfyfyr a cherddoriaeth benigamp yn sicrhau y bydd pawb yn mwynhau’r sioe ddoniol, gyffrous a ffraeth hon!

VENTOUX Fri | Gwe 23 November | Tachwedd 7.30pm 60 mins

Ventoux is the most fearsome mountain encountered on the Tour de France.

It is also the story of Lance Armstrong and Marco Pantani – whose drug-fuelled race there in 2000 was the greatest cycling had ever seen. Ventoux charts the parallel lives of these champions who overcame great adversity in tandem, and the mountain that cast them in opposing directions.

Join 2Magpies as they restage the race using breath-taking video accompaniment and a pair of road bikes, asking the question – how far will we go to succeed?

Off the Kerb Productions present

RICH HALL’S HOEDOWN Thu | Iau 22 November | Tachwedd 8pm



16+“Blissfully funny” The Guardian

Page 27: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

One of Britain’s leading one-liner comics returns to the road with another onslaught of lean, expertly crafted gaggery. A Mock The Week regular and recent star of the new Live At The Apollo series, Gary’s shows are renowned in the business for a near unrivalled volume of high-class gags. You should expect no different from this, his brand new tour for 2018. Please note Coolio will not be appearing.

Bydd un o ddigrifwyr ac arbenigwyr jôcs un-llinell gorau Prydain yn dychwelyd i gyflwyno sioe arall sy’n llawn digrifwch clyfar, ffraeth a di-drugaredd. Perfformiwr gwadd cyson ar Mock The Week a seren ddiweddar y gyfres Live At The Apollo newydd, mae sioeau Gary’n adnabyddus yn y busnes comedi am eu cynnwys o jôcs o safon sydd bron heb eu tebyg. Gallwch ddisgwyl i brofi’r un safon yn ei daith newydd sbon ar gyfer 2018. Sylwer ni fydd Coolio’n ymddangos.

GARY DELANEY Gagster’s Paradise

Sat | Sad 24 November | Tachwedd 7.30pm


27 01792 863722 |

£13.20, £8.80 concession / consesiwn

Family friendly £1.10 (14– 16 years)






Ventoux yw’r mynydd mwyaf heriol ar hyd ras Tour de France. Dyma stori Lance Armstrong a Marco Pantani, sef y beicwyr a ddefnyddiodd gyffuriau ar gyfer eu ras yn 2000 gan gyflwyno’r enghraifft orau o feicio a welwyd erioed. Mae Ventoux yn adrodd straeon bywydau’r ddau bencampwr hyn a oresgynnodd adfyd mawr gyda’i gilydd, a’r mynydd a berodd iddynt fynd mewn cyfeiriadau gwrthwynebol. Ymunwch â 2Magpies wrth iddynt ail-greu’r ras gan ddefnyddio ffilmiau diddorol a dau feic ffordd, gan ofyn y cwestiwn - pa mor bell fyddwn ni’n mynd er mwyn llwyddo?


Page 28: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

Ai dihiryn ynteu ddioddefwr a gafodd ei drin yn hallt yw Shylock, benthyciwr arian Iddewig Marsiandwr Fenis?

Mae drama un-dyn rymus Gareth Armstrong yn herio’r stereoteipiau hyn drwy lygaid unig ffrind Shylock – ac unig Iddew arall holl waith Shakespeare – Tiwbal.

Ar ein siwrne, cawn gyfarfod â llu o gymeriadau lliwgar eraill; yn eu plith mae Portia a Phontius Peilat, Romeo a Max Reinardt, Barabas a Richard Burbage. Dewch i ddathlu iaith unigryw a chyfoethog Shakespeare yn y driniaeth fanwl, hudol a doniol hon o Shylock a’i bobl.


Theatr Soar Yn Cyflwyno:

SIEILOC Awdur a Chyfarwyddwr Gareth ArmstrongCyfarwyddwr Cyswllt Rhian MorganPerfformir gan Rhodri Miles

Wed | Mer 28 November | Tachwedd 7.30pm

£13.20, £11 concession / consesiwn, £5.50 student / myfyriwr

Family friendly £1.10 (12– 16 years)







Page 29: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

GLENN TILBROOK Solo Tour - The Voice and Face of Squeeze

Thu | Iau 29 November | Tachwedd 7.30pm

As half of the iconic songwriter team Difford and Tilbrook of beloved pop legends Squeeze, Glenn Tilbrook has written some of the most enduring pop classics of the ‘80s including “Tempted” and “Pulling Mussels (From the Shell). 45 years later Glenn’s popularity continues to rise. Join him to experience his distinctly personal performance with songs old and new.

Ym 1973 sefydlodd Glenn Tilbrook a Chris Difford y band a fyddai’n eu helpu i ennill y teitl ‘y Lennon a McCartney newydd’. Maent yn teithio o hyd, 45 o flynyddoedd yn ddiweddarach, fel ‘Squeeze’, gan berfformio naill ai mewn deuawd neu fel perfformwyr unigol. Mae sioeau unigol Glenn Tilbrook wedi tyfu’n fwy poblogaidd yn gyson a gwerthwyd pob tocyn ar gyfer bron i bob un sioe yn ei daith yn 2016. Mae llawer o resymau dros hyn, gan gynnwys perfformiadau sy’n broffesiynol ond sydd hefyd yn bersonol ac yn unigryw a chynefindra y caneuon gwych hynny gan ‘Squeeze’, y rhai hen a newydd fel ei gilydd, a dehongliadau achlysurol digymell o ganeuon artistiaid eraill.

Andy Fairweather Low’s early songs such as ‘Bend Me Shape Me’, ‘Hello Suzy’, and ‘( If Paradise is ) Half As Nice’ are internationally remembered to this day. He has performed with some of the biggest names in musical history including Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Elton John and Van Morrison.

Andy continues to tour extensively including Madison Square Gardens and 7 sell out performances at The Royal Albert Hall. This tour also features the extended line up - the Hi Riders Special Soul Review – an extended brass section and Hammond organ. A remarkable band, A remarkable Front Man.

Mae pobl ym mhedwar ban byd yn cofio caneuon cynnar Andy Fairweather Low, megis ‘Bend Me Shape Me’, ‘Hello Suzy’ ac ‘(If Paradise is) Half As Nice’ hyd heddiw. Mae e wedi perfformio gyda rhai o’r enwau mwyaf yn hanes cerddoriaeth gan gynnwys Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Elton John a Van Morrison. Mae Andy yn parhau i deithio’n helaeth gan gynnwys sioeau yn Madison Square Garden a Neuadd Albert, lle gwerthwyd pob tocyn ar gyfer saith o’i berfformiadau. Mae’r daith hon hefyd yn cynnwys yr Hi Riders Special Soul Review, sef adran bres estynedig gydag organ Hammond. Band anhygoel gyda dyn blaen anhygoel.

ANDY FAIRWEATHER LOW & THE LOW RIDERS Featuring The Hi Riders Soul Revue

Fri | Gwe 30 November | Tachwedd 8pm, doors 7.30pm

£24.75 29 01792 863722 |£20.35 cabaret seating


e: R

ob O



Page 30: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

Christmas Celebrations Dathliadau’r Nadolig

If you would like to be involved in the parade or volunteer to support the biggest, best Christmas Celebration Ponty has ever held

please contact Angie on [email protected]

Os hoffech gymryd rhan yn yr orymdaith neu wirfoddoli i gefnogi’r Dathliad Nadoligaidd mwyaf a gorau a gynhaliwyd ym Mhontardawe erioed, e-bostiwch Angie yn [email protected]

Fri 7 Dec XMAS PARADE Procession to welcome Santa to Pontardawe. 5pm – 7pm please join Pontardawe Pantomime’s very own Dame as she invites her friends on stage to ‘do a turn’ and

entertain us as we wait to welcome Santa to town5.30pm Procession from The Cross down Herbert

Street5.00pm – 8.00pm Craft and Produce Fayre

6.00pm - 8pm Santa’s Grotto (£2)

Sat 8 Dec Santa 11am – 2.00pm Santa will be at The Heritage

Centre (behind The Dilwyn Arms) there will be a Victorian themed event with stalls.

Gwe 7 Rhag GORYMDAITH Y NADOLIG Gorymdaith yng Ngolau Tortsh i groesawu Siôn Corn i Bontardawe. 5pm – 7pm ymunwch â Fonedd Pantomeim Pontardawewrth iddi wahodd ei ffrindiau i’r llwyfan i ‘wneudtro’ wrth inni aros i groesawu Siôn Corn i’r dref.5.30pm Gorymdaith o’r Groes(The Cross) i lawr Heol Herbert5.00pm – 8.00pm Ffair Crefft a Chynnyrch6.00pm - 8pm Groto Siôn Corn (£2)

Sad 8 Rhag Siôn Corn 11am – 2.00pm Bydd Siôn Corn yn y Ganolfan Dreftadaeth (y tu ôl i’r Dilwyn Arms) bydd a Digwyddiad thema Fictoraidd gyda stondinau. 6pm – 8pm Groto Siôn Corn (£2)

Pop Up Ponty Street food market 4.30pm – 9.30pm

Food hall and food from around the world. Bring the family, bring friends and join us for food, live music and fun. Free event / digwyddiad am ddim


Page 31: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm


Under The Tree Undir Trenu 2017 | 89 mins | Iceland | subtitledDir Hafsteinn Gunnar Sigurdsson

Wed | Mer 5 December | Rhagfyr, 2pm & 7.30pm

A dispute over a tree between two neighbours develops into urban warfare and spirals out of control. Icelandic social drama with plenty of black comedy showing the hilarious pettiness of two sides unwilling to back down.


Redoubtable Godard Mon Amour (15) 2017 | 108mins | Italy/France | subtitledDir Michel Hazanavicius

Tue | Maw 11 December | Rhagfyr, 2pm & 7.30pm

From ‘The Artist’ director a playful multi-layered biopic of Jean Luc Godard, the great New Wave innovator. Portrays his tumultuous relationship with Anne Wiazemsky set against the political protest of 1968. A political, philosophical and biographic roller coaster brilliantly conjures 1968 France.

31 01792 863722 |

Page 32: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

Family Panto It’s an Act present the spectacular pantomime Beauty and the Beast. It features a new action-packed script full of excitement and laughter, spectacular costumes, as well as fun and frivolity for all the family. This magical tale tells the story of the beautiful Belle, and a Prince who is turned by an Enchantress into a Beast, until he can learn to love and be loved. This is a love story like no other. Can Belle soften the heart of the Beast before the last rose petal falls? Or, is he destined to live in his castle locked away in that grizzly guise?Written by Jack Llewellyn and Directed by Dean Verbeck

Mae It’s an Act yn cyflwyno’r pantomeim ‘Beauty and the Beast’.Mae’n cynnwys sgript llawn o gamau gweithredu llawn o gyffro a chwerthin, yn ogystal â hwyl a chwilfrydedd i’r teulu cyfan. Mae’r stori yn adrodd hanes Belle, ac y Dywysog sydd wedi droi mewn i’r Beast, nes iddo dysgu caru a bod yn cariad. Mae hon ew stori gariad fel dim arall. All Belle feddalu calon y Beast cyn y petal rhosyn olaf yn disgyn? Neu, a yw’n bwriadu byw yn ei gastell wedi’i gloi i ffwrdd?Ysgrifennwyd gan Jack Llewellyn a Dirprwywyd gan Dean Verbeck

£14.30, £11 child, £12.10 restricted view, £8.80 child


Fri | Gwe 14 at 7pm

Sat | Sad 15 at 1pm, 5pm

Sun | Sul 16 at 1pm, 5pm

Wed | Mer 19 at 7pm

Thur | Iau 20 at 7pm

Sat | Sad 22 at 3pm

Sun | Sul 23 at 1pm, 5pm


Mon | Llu 17 at 9.30am & 12.30pm

Tue | Maw 18 at 9.30am & 12.30pm

Wed | Mer 19 at 9.30am & 12.30pm

Arddangosfeydd Ysgolion / School showings

Page 33: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

Following on from last year’s record-breaking sell out success with Aladdin After Dark, It’s an Act returns with the hilarious adult pantomime Beauty and the Beast. It features a filthy action-packed script packed full of fun and laughter, hilarious songs and sketches, and lots of naughtiness that is suitable for only the big kidsThe mucky tale tells the story of the beautiful Belle, and a Prince who is turned by an Enchantress into a Beast, until he can find a woman who is able to release him from a sticky situation! Beauty and the Beast is a spantomime full of side splitting jokes, smutty songs, outrageous comedy, and audience participation.

Yn dilyn ymlaen o’r lwyddiant ar ol werthu mas llynedd gyda Aladdin After Dark, Ni’n dod nol gyda’r hyfryd Pantomeim Oedolion Beauty a’r Beast. Mae’n cynnwys braidd sgript llawn hwyl, caneuon hyfryd, a brasluniau, a llawer o anhwylderau sy’n addas ar gyfer oedolion yn unig.Mae’r stori brwnt yn adrodd hanes Belle, a’r Tywysog sy’n cael ei droi gan Enchantress i mewn i Feast, nes iddo ddod o hyd i Merch sy’n gallu ei ryddhau o sefyllfa gludiog! Mae Belle a’r Beast yn llawn jôcs a rhannau, caneuon difyr, comedi rhyfeddol, a chyfranogiad y gynulleidfa, ooooh ye.

33 01792 863722 |

£15.40, £12.10 restricted view

Fri | Gwe 21 at 7pm

Sat | Sad 22 at 7pm


Page 34: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm


Fri | Gwe 18 January 7.30pm AMY WADGE & LUKE JACKSON Two generations of captivating singer songwriters

Sat | Sat 2 February 7.30pm LUKE JERMAY ‘Jermay puts the rest of us mind readers to shame’ Derren Brown

Thur | Iau 6 February 7.30pm The Ronnie Scott’s All Stars

Thur | Iau 14 February 8pm GLENN WOOL Cleverly subversive Canadian comedian

Fri | Gwe 22 February 7.30pm THE BLUES BAND Led by the inimitable Paul Jones

Fri | Gwe 8 March 7.30pm JON BODEN & THE REMNANT STRINGS The front man from Bellowhead

Thur | Iau 14 March 7.30pm O’HOOLEY & TIDOW‘Exceptional song writers’ The Guardian

Tue | Maw 19 March 7.30pm MARTIN TAYLOR & ULF WAKENIUS Two of the greatest jazz guitarists in the world

Fri | Gwe 22 March 7.30pm DNA Mind-Reading double act

Tue | Maw 26 March 7.30pm Wed | Mer 27 March at 10.30am THEATR GENEDLAETHOL PING PONG By Alun Saunders

Fri | Gwe 29 March TORTOISE IN A NUTSHELL – THE LOST THINGSA dark fairytale set in a fantastical world

Fri | Gwe 12 April ANDREW MAXWELLCutting edge comedy and intrepid social commentary

Coming Soon

| Coming Soon


tin T


r &











Page 35: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

What’s On at … The Gwyn Hall

SEPTEMBERSat | Sad 8, 7.30pmThe Johnny Cash RoadshowSat | Sad 29, 7.30pmMars Live


Fri | Gwe 5, 7.30pmMike DoyleSat | Sad 6, 12pm & 2pmJean Christophe Novelli Live on stage (Neath Food & Drink Festival)Wed | Mer 10, 7.30pmTerror the TracksFri | Gwe 12, 7.30pmCavern Beatles

Fri | Gwe 26, 7.30pmFat Barry’s Ghoul Band - Halloween Ball

Tue | Maw 30, 2pmCrafty’s Halloween Spooktacular

NOVEMBERSat | Sad 3, 7.30pmThe Ultimate Classic Rock ShowSat | Sad 17, 7.30pmMoney For Nothing Europe’s #1 Dire Straits TributeSat | Sad 24, 7.30pmJoe Longthorne The 50th Anniversary Tour


Sun | Sul 2, 3pmBeauty & The Beast - Ballet Live on StageSat | Sad 8, 7.30pmThe King of Pop starring NaviMon | Llu 10, 10am & 1pmBranwen – Welsh Language PantoThur | Iau 13, 1pm & 4pmSanta’s Christmas PartySat | Sad 15, 7.30pmThe West End at Christmas

JANUARYFri | Gwe 4 – Sun | Sul 13Evenings & Matinees

Jack & The Beanstallk

www.gwynhall.com0300 365 6677

What’s On at The Princess Royal TheatrePort Talbot01639


Thurs | Iau 20, 7.30pmFastlove – A Tribute to George MichaelThurs | Iau 27, 8pmRob Brydon


Tue | Maw 2 – Sat | Sad 6BFMTC – Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor DreamcoatSun | Sul 7, 11am & 2pmMilkshake Live!Thurs | Iau 11, 7.30pmJIVE TALKIN’ Perform The Bee GeesWed | Mer 24, 8pmJim Davidson


Thurs | Iau 22, 7.30pmDerek Acorah

Fri | Gwe 30 – Sat | Sad 8 DecAladdin Family Pantomime


Fri | Gwe 7, 7.30pmADULT ONLY Aladdin Pantomime… 18+

APRIL 2019

Fri | Gwe 5, 7.30pmHenning Wehn


Thurs | Iau 7, 7.30pmForbidden Nights


Page 36: coach, performance & competition opportunities. Beginners welcome. Ms Fairbanks 07896 856 277 Limitless Dance Company Drama: Class Act Theatre School Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm

All information is correct at the time of printing. However Neath & Port Talbot County Borough Council reserves the right to amend the programme in certain circumstances.

Design: 6990/18

September | M

ediFri | Dydd Gw

ener 7, 4.30pm

Street Food FridaysTues | Dydd M

awrth 11, 2pm

& 7.30pm


Club: Nothing Like A Dame

Sat | Dydd Sadwrn 15, 1pm

Open Day

Wed | Dydd M

ercher 19, 2pm &


Film Club: Beast

Thurs | Dydd Iau 20, 7.30pm

Frankie Vah by Luke Wright

Sat | Dydd Sadwrn 22, 7.30pm

Soul Circle

Wed | Dydd M

ercher 26, 7.30pm


October | HydrefTues | Dydd M

awrth 2, 2pm

& 7.30pm


Club: The Breadwinner

Fri | Dydd Gwener 5, 4.30pm

Street Food Fridays

Sat | Dydd Sadwrn 6, 7.30pm

Turin Brakes

Wed | Dydd M

ercher 10, 7.30pm

Black Rat: Joe Orton’s Loot Fri | Dydd Gw

ener 12, 6pm

Princess Charming

Sat | Dydd Sadwrn 13, 7.30pm

Zoe Lyons

Tues | Dydd Maw

rth 16, 7.30pm

It’s An Act: April in Paris W

ed | Dydd Mercher 17, 2pm

& 7.30pm


Club: In The Fade /Aus Dem Nichts

Fri | Dydd Gwener 19, 7.30pm

Karine Polw

art Thurs | Dydd Iau 25, 2pm

& 7.30pm


Club: A Prayer Before Dawn

Fri | Dydd Gwener 26, 7.30pm

Public Service Broadcasting

November | Tachw

eddFri | Dydd Gw

ener 2, 2pm

Morgan &

West’s: Utterly Spiffing

Spectacular M

agic Show For Kids


Morgan &

West: Parlour Tricks

Sun | Dydd Sul 4, 7.30pm

Wishbone Ash: Xlix

Thurs | Dydd Iau 8, 2pm &


Film Club: Call M

e By Your Name

Fri | Dydd Gwener 9, 7pm

Geocaching International Film

Festival 2018Fri | Dydd Gw

ener 9, 7.30pm

Martyn Joseph

Sat | Dydd Sadwrn 10, 7.30pm

Friends Of Pontardaw

e Arts Centre Party W

ed | Dydd Mercher 14, 7.30pm

Theatr Na Nóg / Aneurin Leisure:

Nye &

Jennie Thurs | Dydd Iau 15, 11am


an Cymru: Little Red Riding Hood

Fri | Dydd Gwener 16, 7.30pm

Catrin Finch And Seckou Keita

Sat | Dydd Sadwrn 17, 2pm


Festival: The Rider/All the Wild Horses

Wed | Dydd M

ercher 21, 7.30pm

Mid W

ales Opera: Small Stages Tour

Thurs | Dydd Iau 22, 8pm

Off the Kerb Productions: Rich Hall’s Hoedown

Fri | Dydd Gwener 23, 7.30pm


Sat | Dydd Sadwrn 24, 7.30pm

Gary Delaney: Gagster’s Paradise

Wed | Dydd M

ercher 28, 7.30pm

Theatr Soar: SieilocThurs | Dydd Iau 29, 7.30pm

Glenn Tilbrook: The Voice and Face of Squeeze

Fri | Dydd Gwener 30, 7.30pm

Andy Fairw

eather Low &

The Low Riders

Featuring The Hi Riders Soul Revue

December | Rhasssgfyr

Wed | Dydd M

ercher 5, 2pm &


Film Club: Under The Tree / Undir Trenu

Fri | Dydd Gwener 7, 5.30pm

Father Christm

as Parade Tues | Dydd M

awrth 11, 2pm

& 7.30pm


Club: Redoubtable / Godard Mon Am

our Fri | Dydd Gw

ener 14 at 7pm

Panto: Beauty & The Beast

Sat | Dydd Sadwrn 15 at 1pm

, 5pm

Panto: Beauty & The Beast

Sun | Dydd Sul 16 at 1pm, 5pm

Panto: Beauty &

The BeastW

ed | Dydd Mercher 19 at 7pm

Panto: Beauty &

The BeastThurs | Dydd Iau 20 at 7pm

Panto: Beauty &

The BeastFri | Dydd Gw

ener 21 at 7pm

Panto: Beauty & The Beast

Sat | Dydd Sadwrn 22 at 3pm

Panto: Beauty &

The BeastSun | Dydd Sul 23 at 1pm

, 5pm

Panto: Beauty & The Beast

Fri | Dydd Gwener 21 at 7pm

Adult Panto 18+: Beauty and the Beast

Sat | Dydd Sadwrn 22 at 7pm

Adult Panto 18+: Beauty and the Beast

01792 863722