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ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net $Price ﻋﻤﺮان و ﻣﻌﻤﺎري ﻫﻨﺮ، ﺗﺨﻔﻴﻒReferences Architect's HDBK of Professional Practice, 15e (A.I.A) 9781118308820 2014 #0087-0 212.50 1 250.00 15% Design Manager's HDBK (Eynon) 9780470674024 2013 #0259-0 56.00 2 70.00 20% Gypsum Construction HDBK,7e (USG) 9781118749845 2014 #0291-0 38.30 3 45.00 15% HDBK of Interior Design (Thompson) 9781444336283 2015 #0148-0 165.80 4 195.00 15% HDBK of Road Ecology (van der Ree) 9781118568187 2015 #0821-0 136.00 5 160.00 15% HDBK of Tunnel Engineering I: Structures and Methods (Maidl) 9783433030486 2013 #0292-0 100.00 6 125.00 20% HDBK of Tunnel Engineering II: Basics and Additional Services for Design and Construction (Maidl) 9783433030493 2014 #0293-0 106.30 7 125.00 15% HDBK of Tunnel Engineering, Volumes I and II (Maidl) 9783433030783 2014 #0294-0 174.30 8 205.00 15% International HDBKs of Museum Studies, 4V Set (Macdonald) 9781405198509 2015 #0158-0 675.80 9 795.00 15% Odour Impact Assessment HDBK (Belgiorno) 9781119969280 2013 #0503-0 152.80 10 191.00 20% Sustainable Laboratory HDBK: Design, Equipment, and Operation (Dittrich) 9783527335671 2015 #1416-0 182.80 11 215.00 15% Technical Avalanche Protection HDBK (Rudolf-Miklau) 9783433030349 2014 #0357-0 114.80 12 135.00 15% Traffic Engineering HDBK,7e (ITE) 9781118762301 2016 #0382-0 93.50 13 110.00 15% Urban Masterplanning HDBK (Firley) 9780470972250 2013 #0222-0 64.00 14 80.00 20% Architecture, Landscapes & Urban Design 2050: Designing Our Tomorrow (Luebkeman) 9781118914830 2015 #0083-0 34.00 15 39.95 15% Access Manual: Designing, Auditing and Managing Inclusive Built Environments,3e (Sawyer) 9781118730744 2014 #0224-0 72.30 16 85.00 15% American Institute of Architects Official Guide to the 2007 AIA Contract Documents (AIA) 9780470251669 2009 #0084-0 66.00 17 165.00 60% Analogous and Digital,2e (Aicher) 9783433031193 2015 #0085-0 29.70 18 34.95 15% Architect in Practice,11e (Chappell) 9781118907733 2016 #0086-0 55.30 19 65.00 15% Architect's HDBK of Professional Practice, 15e (A.I.A) 9781118308820 2014 #0087-0 212.50 20 250.00 15% Architect's Studio Companion: Rules of Thumb for Preliminary Design,5e (Allen) 9780470641910 2012 #0088-0 68.30 21 105.00 35% Architectural Acoustics Illustrated (Ermann) 9781118568491 2015 #0089-0 72.30 22 85.00 15% Architectural Design with SketchUp: 3D Modeling, Extensions, BIM, Rendering, Making, and Scripting,2e (Schreyer) 9781118978818 2015 #0090-0 46.70 23 54.95 15% Architectural Design with SketchUp: Component-Based Modeling, Plugins, Rendering, and Scripting (Schreyer) 9781118123096 2013 #0091-0 40.00 24 49.95 20% Architectural Drawing: A Visual Compendium of Types and Methods,4e (Yee) 9781118012871 2012 #0092-0 52.00 25 80.00 35% Architectural Graphics,6e (Ching) 9781119035664 2015 #0093-0 46.80 26 55.00 15% Architectural Technology: Research and Practice (Emmitt) 9781118292068 2013 #0227-0 62.40 27 78.00 20% Architecture of Transgression AD (Sara) 9781118361795 2014 #0094-0 34.00 28 40.00 15% Architecture Timed: Designing with Time in Mind (Franck) 9781118910641 2016 #0095-0 34.00 29 40.00 15% Architecture Workbook: Design through Motive (Cook) 9781118965191 2016 #0096-0 42.50 30 50.00 15% Architecture: Form, Space, & Order,4e (Ching) 9781118745083 2015 #0097-0 46.80 31 55.00 15% AutoCAD 2013 and AutoCAD LT 2013 Bible (Finkelstein) 9781118328293 2012 #2907-0 25.00 32 49.99 50% AutoCAD 2015 and AutoCAD LT 2015 Bible (Finkelstein) 9781118880364 2014 #2908-0 51.00 33 59.99 15% AutoCAD Workbook for Architects and Engineers (Kyles) 9781405180962 2008 #0098-0 13.50 34 50.00 73% Basic Perspective Drawing: A Visual Approach,6e (Montague) 9781118134146 2013 #0099-0 52.00 35 65.00 20% Page 1 of 16 [email protected] 22893988 داﻧﺶ آوﻧﺪ.ﺑﺎﺷﺪ ﻣﻲ دﻻر اﺳﺎس ﺑﺮ ﻗﻴﻤﺖ* . ﻧﻤﺎﻳﻴﺪ ارﺳﺎل ﻛﺘﺎﺑﺨﺎﻧﻪ ﻣﺪﻳﺮ ﺑﻪ1395/02/01 ﺗﺎ را اﻧﺘﺨﺎﺑﻲ ﻟﻴﺴﺖ: ﺳﺎزﻣﺎن/ داﻧﺸﮕﺎه ﻧﺎم: راﺑﻂ ﻧﺎم: ﺗﻠﻔﻦ ﺷﻤﺎره

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ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

هنر، معماري و عمرانتخفيف


Architect's HDBK of Professional Practice, 15e (A.I.A)9781118308820 2014 #0087-0 212.501 250.00 15%

Design Manager's HDBK (Eynon)9780470674024 2013 #0259-0 56.002 70.00 20%

Gypsum Construction HDBK,7e (USG)9781118749845 2014 #0291-0 38.303 45.00 15%

HDBK of Interior Design (Thompson)9781444336283 2015 #0148-0 165.804 195.00 15%

HDBK of Road Ecology (van der Ree)9781118568187 2015 #0821-0 136.005 160.00 15%

HDBK of Tunnel Engineering I: Structures and Methods (Maidl)9783433030486 2013 #0292-0 100.006 125.00 20%

HDBK of Tunnel Engineering II: Basics and Additional Services for Design and Construction (Maidl)

9783433030493 2014 #0293-0 106.307 125.00 15%

HDBK of Tunnel Engineering, Volumes I and II (Maidl)9783433030783 2014 #0294-0 174.308 205.00 15%

International HDBKs of Museum Studies, 4V Set (Macdonald)9781405198509 2015 #0158-0 675.809 795.00 15%

Odour Impact Assessment HDBK (Belgiorno)9781119969280 2013 #0503-0 152.8010 191.00 20%

Sustainable Laboratory HDBK: Design, Equipment, and Operation (Dittrich)9783527335671 2015 #1416-0 182.8011 215.00 15%

Technical Avalanche Protection HDBK (Rudolf-Miklau)9783433030349 2014 #0357-0 114.8012 135.00 15%

Traffic Engineering HDBK,7e (ITE)9781118762301 2016 #0382-0 93.5013 110.00 15%

Urban Masterplanning HDBK (Firley)9780470972250 2013 #0222-0 64.0014 80.00 20%

Architecture, Landscapes & Urban Design

2050: Designing Our Tomorrow (Luebkeman)9781118914830 2015 #0083-0 34.0015 39.95 15%

Access Manual: Designing, Auditing and Managing Inclusive Built Environments,3e (Sawyer)

9781118730744 2014 #0224-0 72.3016 85.00 15%

American Institute of Architects Official Guide to the 2007 AIA Contract Documents (AIA)9780470251669 2009 #0084-0 66.0017 165.00 60%

Analogous and Digital,2e (Aicher)9783433031193 2015 #0085-0 29.7018 34.95 15%

Architect in Practice,11e (Chappell)9781118907733 2016 #0086-0 55.3019 65.00 15%

Architect's HDBK of Professional Practice, 15e (A.I.A)9781118308820 2014 #0087-0 212.5020 250.00 15%

Architect's Studio Companion: Rules of Thumb for Preliminary Design,5e (Allen)9780470641910 2012 #0088-0 68.3021 105.00 35%

Architectural Acoustics Illustrated (Ermann)9781118568491 2015 #0089-0 72.3022 85.00 15%

Architectural Design with SketchUp: 3D Modeling, Extensions, BIM, Rendering, Making, and Scripting,2e (Schreyer)

9781118978818 2015 #0090-0 46.7023 54.95 15%

Architectural Design with SketchUp: Component-Based Modeling, Plugins, Rendering, and Scripting (Schreyer)

9781118123096 2013 #0091-0 40.0024 49.95 20%

Architectural Drawing: A Visual Compendium of Types and Methods,4e (Yee)9781118012871 2012 #0092-0 52.0025 80.00 35%

Architectural Graphics,6e (Ching)9781119035664 2015 #0093-0 46.8026 55.00 15%

Architectural Technology: Research and Practice (Emmitt)9781118292068 2013 #0227-0 62.4027 78.00 20%

Architecture of Transgression AD (Sara)9781118361795 2014 #0094-0 34.0028 40.00 15%

Architecture Timed: Designing with Time in Mind (Franck)9781118910641 2016 #0095-0 34.0029 40.00 15%

Architecture Workbook: Design through Motive (Cook)9781118965191 2016 #0096-0 42.5030 50.00 15%

Architecture: Form, Space, & Order,4e (Ching)9781118745083 2015 #0097-0 46.8031 55.00 15%

AutoCAD 2013 and AutoCAD LT 2013 Bible (Finkelstein)9781118328293 2012 #2907-0 25.0032 49.99 50%

AutoCAD 2015 and AutoCAD LT 2015 Bible (Finkelstein)9781118880364 2014 #2908-0 51.0033 59.99 15%

AutoCAD Workbook for Architects and Engineers (Kyles)9781405180962 2008 #0098-0 13.5034 50.00 73%

Basic Perspective Drawing: A Visual Approach,6e (Montague)9781118134146 2013 #0099-0 52.0035 65.00 20%

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سازمان: / شماره تلفن:نام رابط:نام دانشگاه

ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

هنر، معماري و عمرانتخفيف

Architecture, Landscapes & Urban Design

Basic Structures,3e (Garrison)9781118950876 2016 #0237-0 51.0036 60.00 15%

Becoming an Architect,3e (Waldrep)9781118612132 2014 #0100-0 38.2037 44.95 15%

BIM Design: Realising the Creative Potential of Building Information Modelling (Garber)9781118719800 2014 #0101-0 46.8038 55.00 15%

Building Construction Illustrated,5e w/ web site (Ching)9781118458341 2014 #0102-0 42.5039 49.95 15%

Building Information Modeling: BIM in Current and Future Practice (Kensek)9781118766309 2014 #0103-0 76.5040 90.00 15%

Building Services Design Management (Portman)9781118528129 2014 #0245-0 59.5041 70.00 15%

Building Structures Illustrated: Patterns, Systems, and Design,2e (Ching)9781118458358 2014 #0104-0 46.8042 55.00 15%

Building Systems for Interior Designers,3e (Binggeli)9781118925546 2016 #0105-0 93.5043 110.00 15%

Building Type Basics for College and University Facilities,2e (Neuman)9781118008027 2013 #0106-0 72.0044 90.00 20%

Cities by Design: The Social Life of Urban Form (Tonkiss)9780745648989 2013 #0385-0 20.0045 24.95 20%

Cities of Tomorrow: An Intellectual History of Urban Planning and Design Since 1880 4e (Hall)

9781118456477 2014 #0387-0 51.0046 59.95 15%

City As A Tangled Bank: Urban Design Vs Urban Evolution (Farrell)9781118487341 2014 #0107-0 38.3047 45.00 15%

Codes Guidebook for Interiors 5e (Harmon)9780470592090 2011 #0108-0 54.0048 90.00 40%

Codes Guidebook for Interiors, Study Guide 4e (Harmon)9780470149409 2008 #0109-0 16.0049 40.00 60%

Codes Guidebook for Interiors,6e (Harmon)9781118809365 2014 #0110-0 80.8050 95.00 15%

Companion to Asian Art and Architecture (Brown)9781119019534 2015 #0066-0 46.7051 54.95 15%

Complete Book of Framing: An Illustrated Guide for Residential Construction,2e (Simpson)9781118113493 2011 #0111-0 18.0052 29.95 40%

Construction Drawings and Details for Interiors,3e (Kilmer)9781118944356 2016 #0112-0 55.3053 65.00 15%

Constructions: An Experimental Approach to Intensely Local Architectures (Hensel)9781118700570 2015 #0113-0 34.0054 40.00 15%

Context: Architecture and the Genius of Place (Parry)9781119952718 2015 #0114-0 38.3055 45.00 15%

Creating Exhibitions: Collaboration in the Planning, Development, and Design of Innovative Experiences (McKenna-Cress)

9781118306345 2013 #0002-0 52.0056 65.00 20%

CSI Construction Contract Administration Practice Guide (CSI)9780470635186 2011 #0115-0 54.0057 90.00 40%

CSI Construction Specifications Practice Guide (CSI)9780470635209 2011 #0116-0 54.0058 90.00 40%

Data-Driven Design and Construction: 25 Strategies for Capturing, Analyzing and Applying Building Da ta (Deutsch)

9781118898703 2015 #0117-0 63.8059 75.00 15%

Design Manager's HDBK (Eynon)9780470674024 2013 #0259-0 56.0060 70.00 20%

Designing for the Third Age: Architecture Redefined for a Generation of "Active Agers" AD (Farrelly)

9781118452721 2014 #0118-0 34.0061 40.00 15%

Designing Interiors,2e (Kilmer)9781118024645 2014 #0119-0 110.5062 130.00 15%

Designing Rainwater Harvesting Systems: Integrating Rainwater into Building Systems (Novak)

9781118410479 2014 #0120-0 76.5063 90.00 15%

Designing Urban Agriculture: A Complete Guide to the Planning, Design, Construction, Maintenance and Management of Edible Landscapes (Philips)

9781118073834 2013 #0121-0 60.0064 75.00 20%

Designing with Light: The Art, Science, and Practice of Architectural Lighting Design (Livingston)

9781118740477 2014 #0122-0 63.8065 75.00 15%

Designing with Models: A Studio Guide to Architectural Process Models ,3e (Mills)9780470498859 2011 #0123-0 45.0066 75.00 40%

Digital Drawing for Landscape Architecture: Contemporary Techniques and Tools for Digital Representation in Site Design,2e (Cantrell)

9781118693186 2014 #0124-0 55.3067 65.00 15%

Digital Turn in Architecture 1992-2010: AD Reader (Carpo)9781119951742 2013 #0125-0 44.0068 55.00 20%

Drawing and Reinventing Landscape AD Primer (Balmori)9781119967026 2014 #0126-0 38.3069 45.00 15%

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سازمان: / شماره تلفن:نام رابط:نام دانشگاه

ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

هنر، معماري و عمرانتخفيف

Architecture, Landscapes & Urban Design

Drawing Architecture AD (Spiller)9781118418796 2013 #0127-0 32.0070 40.00 20%

Drawing Shortcuts: Developing Quick Drawing Skills Using Today's Technology,2e (Leggitt)

9780470435489 2010 #0128-0 32.5071 65.00 50%

Drawing the Landscape,4e (Sullivan)9781118454817 2014 #0129-0 68.0072 80.00 15%

Drawing: The Motive Force of Architecture,2e (Cook)9781118700648 2013 #0130-0 36.0073 45.00 20%

EcoRedux: Design Remedies for an Ailing Planet (Architectural Design) (Lydia)9780470746622 2010 #0131-0 22.5074 45.00 50%

Empathic Space: The Computation of Human-Centric Architecture AD (Derix)9781118613481 2014 #0132-0 34.0075 40.00 15%

English Eccentric Interiors (Harrison)9780470016497 2006 #0133-0 26.0076 65.00 60%

Environmental Stewardship Toolkit: How to Build, Implement and Maintain an Environmental Plan for Grounds and Golf Courses (Williams)

9780470635162 2012 #0134-0 55.3077 85.00 35%

Equipment Inventories for Owners and Facility Managers: Standards, Strategies and Best Practices (Keady)

9781118523858 2013 #0135-0 68.0078 85.00 20%

European Building Construction Illustrated (Ching)9781119953173 2014 #0136-0 51.0079 60.00 15%

Exercises in Building Construction,6e (Allen)9781118653289 2014 #0137-0 34.0080 40.00 15%

Exterior Building Enclosures: Design Process and Composition for Innovative Facades (Boswell)

9780470881279 2013 #0138-0 76.0081 95.00 20%

Exuberance: New Virtuosity in Contemporary Architecture: Architectural Design (Colletti)9780470717141 2010 #0139-0 22.5082 45.00 50%

Field Guide to Residential Construction (Hall)9780470635049 2011 #0140-0 45.0083 75.00 40%

Forty Ways to Think about Architecture: Architectural History and Theory Today (Borden)9781118822616 2014 #0141-0 34.0084 40.00 15%

Freehand Drawing and Discovery: A Guide to Urban Sketching for Architects, Planners, and Landscape Architects (Richards)

9781118232101 2013 #0142-0 56.0085 70.00 20%

Furniture Design,2e (Postell)9781118090787 2013 #0143-0 68.0086 85.00 20%

Future Details of Architecture (Garcia)9781118522530 2014 #0144-0 34.0087 40.00 15%

Green Building Illustrated (Ching)9781118562376 2014 #0145-0 42.5088 49.95 15%

Ground Rules in Humanitarian Design (Min Soo Chun)9781118361597 2015 #0146-0 42.5089 50.00 15%

Guide to New York City Landmarks 4e (NYLPC)9780470289631 2009 #0147-0 13.2090 32.95 60%

Guidelines for Laboratory Design: Health, Safety, and Environmental Considerations,4e (DiBerardinis)

9780470505526 2013 #1303-0 124.0091 154.95 20%

HDBK of Interior Design (Thompson)9781444336283 2015 #0148-0 165.8092 195.00 15%

Heating, Cooling, Lighting: Sustainable Design Methods for Architects,4e (Lechner)9781118582428 2014 #0149-0 114.8093 135.00 15%

High Definition: Zero Tolerance in Design and Production AD (Sheil)9781118451854 2014 #0150-0 34.0094 40.00 15%

Historic Urban Landscape: Managing Heritage in an Urban Century (Bandarin)9781118932728 2014 #0296-0 59.5095 70.00 15%

Home: Investing in Design (Littlefield)9780470516720 2009 #0151-0 16.0096 39.95 60%

How Structures Work: Design and Behaviour from Bridges to Buildings,2e (Yeomans)9781119012276 2016 #0152-0 51.0097 60.00 15%

Illustrated Guide to Door Hardware: Design, Specification, Selection (Tobias)9781118112618 2015 #0153-0 84.2098 99.00 15%

Innovation Imperative: Architectures of Vitality (Ednie-Brown)9781119978657 2013 #0154-0 32.0099 40.00 20%

Innovations in Office Design: The Critical Influence Approach to Effective Work Environments (Stegmeier)

9780471730415 2008 #0155-0 32.00100 80.00 60%

Interior Design Productivity Toolbox: Checklists and Best Practices to Manage Your Workflow (Harbinger)

9781118680438 2014 #0156-0 59.50101 70.00 15%

Interior Lighting for Designers, 5e (Gordon)9780470114223 2015 #0157-0 80.80102 95.00 15%

International HDBKs of Museum Studies, 4V Set (Macdonald)9781405198509 2015 #0158-0 675.80103 795.00 15%

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سازمان: / شماره تلفن:نام رابط:نام دانشگاه

ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

هنر، معماري و عمرانتخفيف

Architecture, Landscapes & Urban Design

Intro. to Architectural Theory: 1968 to the Present (Mallgrave)9781405180634 2011 #0159-0 60.00104 99.95 40%

Intro. to Architecture (Ching)9781118142066 2012 #0160-0 35.80105 55.00 35%

Introducing Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 (Davis)9780470649718 2010 #0313-0 25.00106 49.99 50%

Iran - Past, Present and Future Architectural Design (Hensel)9781119974505 2012 #0161-0 26.60107 45.00 41%

Kitchen & Bath Business and Project Management, 2e (NKBA)9781118439128 2014 #0162-0 80.80108 95.00 15%

Kitchen & Bath Design Presentation: Drawing, Plans, Digital Rendering,2e (Krohn)9781118568743 2014 #0163-0 72.30109 85.00 15%

Kitchen & Bath Design Principles,2e: Elements, Form, Styles (Wolford)9781118715680 2015 #0164-0 72.30110 85.00 15%

Kitchen & Bath Products and Materials,2e: Cabinetry, Equipment, Surfaces (Cheever)9781118775288 2015 #0165-0 72.30111 85.00 15%

Kitchen & Bath Residential Construction and Systems,2e (NKBA)9781118439104 2014 #0166-0 72.30112 85.00 15%

Kitchen and Bath Lighting: Concept, Design, Light (Blitzer)9781118454541 2015 #0167-0 72.30113 85.00 15%

Kitchen and Bath Sustainable Design: Conservation, Materials, Practices (NKBA)9781118627723 2015 #0168-0 72.30114 85.00 15%

Landscape Architecture Documentation Standards: Principles, Guidelines, and Best Practices (Design Workshop)

9780470402177 2015 #0169-0 72.30115 85.00 15%

Landscape Site Grading Principles: Grading with Design in Mind (Sharky)9781118668726 2015 #0170-0 76.50116 90.00 15%

Latin America at the Crossroads: Architectural Design (Leguía)9780470664926 2011 #0171-0 27.00117 45.00 40%

Life of the British Home: An Architectural History (Denison)9780470683330 2012 #0172-0 26.00118 39.95 35%

Low Impact Building: Housing using Renewable Materials (Woolley)9781444336603 2013 #0173-0 78.40119 97.95 20%

Luke Him Sau, Architect: China's Missing Modern (Denison)9781118449028 2014 #0174-0 63.80120 75.00 15%

Made by Robots: Challenging Architecture at a Larger Scale AD (Gramazio)9781118535486 2014 #0175-0 34.00121 40.00 15%

Made in India (Ashraf)9780470034767 2008 #0176-0 18.00122 45.00 60%

Making of a World City: London 1991 to 2021 (Clark)9781118609743 2014 #3476-0 72.30123 85.00 15%

Manual Drafting for Interiors (Cavataio)9780470879405 2012 #0177-0 39.00124 60.00 35%

Manufacturing the Bespoke: Making and Prototyping Architecture (Sheil)9780470665824 2012 #0178-0 32.50125 50.00 35%

Mastering Autodesk Revit MEP 2015: Autodesk Official Press (Bokmiller)9781118871157 2014 #2952-0 68.00126 79.99 15%

Material Precedent (Borden)9780470477298 2010 #0180-0 47.50127 95.00 50%

Material Synthesis: Fusing the Physical and the Computational (Menges)9781118878378 2015 #0181-0 34.00128 39.95 15%

Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings,11e (Grondzik)9780470195659 2010 #0182-0 64.00129 160.00 60%

Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings,12e (Grondzik)9781118615904 2015 #0183-0 140.30130 165.00 15%

Medical and Dental Space Planning: A Comprehensive Guide to Design, Equipment, and Clinical Procedures,4e (Malkin)

9781118456729 2014 #0184-0 199.80131 235.00 15%

Modelling, Design, and Optimization of Net-Zero Energy Buildings (Athienitis)9783433030837 2015 #0317-0 102.00132 120.00 15%

Modern Clinic Design: Strategies for an Era of Change (Guzzo Vickery)9781118765067 2015 #0185-0 72.30133 85.00 15%

Narrative Architecture: Architectural Design Primers series (Coates)9780470057445 2012 #0186-0 32.50134 50.00 35%

NKBA Kitchen and Bathroom Planning Guidelines with Access Standards,2e (NKBA)9781119216001 2016 #0187-0 14.40135 16.95 15%

Pavilions, Pop Ups and Parasols: The Impact of Real and Virtual Meeting on Physical Space (van Schaik)

9781118829011 2015 #0188-0 34.00136 40.00 15%

Performance-Oriented Architecture: Rethinking Architectural Design and the Built Environment (Hensel)

9780470973318 2013 #0189-0 36.00137 45.00 20%

Place-making and Policies for Competitive Cities (Musterd)9780470675038 2013 #0190-0 107.20138 134.00 20%

Portfolios for Interior Designers (Mitton)9780470408162 2011 #0191-0 39.00139 65.00 40%

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سازمان: / شماره تلفن:نام رابط:نام دانشگاه

ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

هنر، معماري و عمرانتخفيف

Architecture, Landscapes & Urban Design

Positioning for Architecture and Design Firms (Reigle)9780470472255 2011 #0192-0 48.00140 80.00 40%

Practical Poetics in Architecture (van Schaik)9781118828892 2015 #0193-0 38.30141 45.00 15%

Professional Practice 4e +CD (Piotrowski)9780471760863 2008 #0194-0 38.00142 95.00 60%

Reconnecting the City: The Historic Urban Landscape Approach and the Future of Urban Heritage (Bandarin)

9781118383988 2014 #0337-0 76.50143 90.00 15%

Redeveloping Industrial Sites: A Guide for Architects, Planners, and Developers (Berens)9780470398241 2011 #0195-0 51.00144 85.00 40%

Rendering in SketchUp: From Modeling to Presentation for Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Interior Design (Tal)

9780470642191 2013 #0196-0 40.00145 49.95 20%

Scarcity: Architecture in an Age of Depleting Resources Architectural Design (Goodbun)9781119973621 2012 #0197-0 29.30146 45.00 35%

Signage and Wayfinding Design: A Complete Guide to Creating Environmental Graphic Design Systems,2e (Calori)

9781118692998 2015 #0008-0 63.80147 75.00 15%

Simplified Engineering for Architects and Builders 11e (Ambrose)9780470436271 2010 #0198-0 57.50148 115.00 50%

Simplified Engineering for Architects and Builders 12e (Ambrose)9781118975046 2016 #0199-0 97.80149 115.00 15%

Site Analysis: Informing Context-Sensitive and Sustainable Site Planning and Design,3e (LaGro)

9781118123676 2013 #0200-0 72.00150 90.00 20%

Site Engineering for Landscape Architects,6e (Strom)9781118090862 2013 #0201-0 79.20151 99.00 20%

SketchUp for Interior Design: 3D Visualizing, Designing, and Space Planning (Cline)9781118627693 2014 #0202-0 46.70152 54.95 15%

SketchUp for Site Design: A Guide to Modeling Site Plans, Terrain, and Architecture,2e (Tal)

9781118985076 2016 #0203-0 46.70153 54.99 15%

SketchUp Workflow for Architecture: Modeling Buildings, Visualizing Design, and Creating Construction Documents with SketchUp Pro and LayOut (Brightman)

9781118290149 2013 #0204-0 48.00154 59.99 20%

Smart Cities - A Spatialised Intelligence - AD Primer (Picon)9781119075592 2015 #0205-0 38.30155 45.00 15%

Social Housing in Europe (Scanlon)9781118412343 2014 #3488-0 123.30156 145.00 15%

Solar and Heat Pump Systems for Residential Buildings (Hadorn)9783433030400 2015 #2390-0 93.50157 110.00 15%

Solar Energy: Technologies and Project Delivery for Buildings (Walker)9781118139240 2013 #0206-0 72.00158 90.00 20%

Solomon's Temple: Myth, Conflict, and Faith (Balfour)9781119000587 2015 #0207-0 46.70159 54.95 15%

Space Architecture: The New Frontier for Design Research AD (Leach)9781118663301 2015 #0208-0 34.00160 40.00 15%

Space Planning Basics ,3e (Karlen)9780470231784 2009 #0209-0 26.00161 65.00 60%

Street Design: The Secret to Great Cities and Towns (Dover)9781118066706 2014 #0210-0 76.50162 90.00 15%

Structures and Construction in Historic Building Conservation (Forsyth)9781118916223 2014 #0211-0 42.50163 50.00 15%

Study Guide for The Codes Guidebook for Interiors,6e (Harmon)9781118809419 2014 #0212-0 34.00164 40.00 15%

Successful Restaurant Design ,3e (Baraban)9780470250754 2010 #0213-0 49.50165 99.00 50%

Sun, Wind, and Light: Architectural Design Strategies,3e (DeKay)9780470945780 2014 #0214-0 80.80166 95.00 15%

Sustainable Commercial Interiors,2e (Bonda)9781118456293 2014 #0215-0 72.30167 85.00 15%

Sustainable Laboratory HDBK: Design, Equipment, and Operation (Dittrich)9783527335671 2015 #1416-0 182.80168 215.00 15%

Sustainable Residential Interiors,2e (Associates III)9781118603680 2014 #0216-0 72.30169 85.00 15%

System City: Infrastructure and the Space of Flows AD (Weinstock)9781118361429 2013 #0217-0 32.00170 40.00 20%

Theatricality in Early Modern Art and Architecture (van Eck)9781444339024 2011 #0077-0 24.00171 39.95 40%

Therapeutic Landscapes: An Evidence-Based Approach to Designing Healing Gardens and Restorative Outdoor Spaces (Marcus)

9781118231913 2013 #0218-0 72.00172 90.00 20%

Touching the City: Thoughts on Urban Scale (Makower)9781118737729 2014 #0219-0 38.30173 45.00 15%

Transparent Shells: Form, Topology, Structure (Schober)9783433031216 2015 #0363-0 93.50174 110.00 15%

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سازمان: / شماره تلفن:نام رابط:نام دانشگاه

ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

هنر، معماري و عمرانتخفيف

Architecture, Landscapes & Urban Design

Understanding Historic Building Conservation (Forsyth)9781118781593 2013 #0220-0 53.60175 67.00 20%

Urban Design for an Urban Century: Shaping More Livable, Equitable, and Resilient Cities,2e (Brown)

9781118453636 2014 #0221-0 76.50176 90.00 15%

Urban Masterplanning HDBK (Firley)9780470972250 2013 #0222-0 64.00177 80.00 20%

Urban Tree Management: For the Sustainable Development of Green Cities (Roloff)9781118954584 2016 #0662-0 76.50178 90.00 15%

World as Design,2e (Aicher)9783433031179 2015 #0223-0 29.70179 34.95 15%

Art History & Theory

Andrea Mantegna: Making Art (History) (Campbell)9781118921142 2015 #0062-0 34.00180 39.95 15%

Art History: Contemporary Perspectives on Method (Arnold)9781444333596 2010 #0063-0 17.50181 34.95 50%

Between Luxury and the Everyday: Decorative Arts in Eighteenth-Century France (Scott)9781405131681 2006 #0064-0 14.00182 34.95 60%

Companion to American Art (Davis)9780470671023 2015 #0065-0 165.80183 195.00 15%

Companion to Asian Art and Architecture (Brown)9781119019534 2015 #0066-0 46.70184 54.95 15%

Companion to British Art: 1600 to the Present (Arnold)9781119170112 2016 #0067-0 46.70185 54.95 15%

Companion to Chinese Art (Powers)9781444339130 2015 #0068-0 165.80186 195.00 15%

Contemporary Art: 1989 to the Present (Dumbadze)9781444338669 2013 #0069-0 39.20187 48.95 20%

Feminism Art Theory: An Anthology 1968 - 2014,2e (Robinson)9781118360590 2015 #0070-0 51.00188 59.95 15%

Global Visual Cultures: An Anthology (Kocur)9781405169202 2011 #0071-0 27.00189 44.95 40%

HDBK of Interior Design (Thompson)9781444336283 2015 #0148-0 165.80190 195.00 15%

History of Greek Art (Stansbury-O'Donnell)9781444350159 2015 #6036-0 55.20191 64.95 15%

History of Roman Art (Tuck)9781444330267 2015 #6037-0 55.20192 64.95 15%

Italian Baroque Art (Dixon)9781405139670 2008 #0072-0 24.80193 61.95 60%

Museum Studies: An Anthology of Contexts,2e (Carbonell)9781405173810 2012 #0073-0 43.50194 66.95 35%

Photographic Theory: An Historical Anthology (Hershberger)9781405198639 2013 #0034-0 37.60195 46.95 20%

Raphael (Forcellino)9780745644110 2012 #0074-0 15.00196 29.95 50%

Raphael: A Passionate Life (Forcellino)9780745644127 2015 #0075-0 17.00197 19.95 15%

Spectacle and Display (Cherry)9781405175241 2008 #0076-0 12.00198 29.95 60%

Theatricality in Early Modern Art and Architecture (van Eck)9781444339024 2011 #0077-0 24.00199 39.95 40%

Theorizing Imitation in the Visual Arts: Global Contexts (Duro)9781119004035 2015 #0078-0 31.90200 37.50 15%

Thinking About Art: A Thematic Guide to Art History (Huntsman)9781118904978 2015 #0079-0 34.00201 39.95 15%

To Scale (Kee)9781119142508 2016 #0080-0 34.00202 39.95 15%

Video Art Theory: A Comparative Approach (Westgeest)9781118475461 2015 #6249-0 34.00203 39.95 15%

Civil Engineering

Access Manual: Designing, Auditing and Managing Inclusive Built Environments,3e (Sawyer)

9781118730744 2014 #0224-0 72.30204 85.00 15%

Acid Gas Extraction for Disposal and Related Topics (Wu)9781118938614 2016 #1613-0 165.80205 195.00 15%

Acid Mine Drainage, Rock Drainage, and Acid Sulfate Soils: Causes, Assessment, Prediction, Prevention, and Remediation (Jacobs)

9780470487860 2014 #0427-0 127.50206 149.95 15%

Adsorption Refrigeration Technology: Theory and Application (Wang)9781118197431 2014 #3155-0 165.80207 195.00 15%

Advanced Modeling Techniques in Structural Design (Fu)9781118825433 2015 #0225-0 106.30208 125.00 15%

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سازمان: / شماره تلفن:نام رابط:نام دانشگاه

ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

هنر، معماري و عمرانتخفيف

Civil Engineering

Aeration Control System Design: A Practical Guide to Energy and Process Optimization (Jenkins)

9781118389980 2014 #0431-0 93.50209 110.00 15%

Air Dispersion Modeling: Foundations and Applications (De Visscher)9781118078594 2014 #0435-0 109.70210 129.00 15%

Analysis and Modelling of Non-Steady Flow in Pipe and Channel Networks (Jovic)9781118532140 2013 #3160-0 136.00211 170.00 20%

Analytical and Numerical Methods for Vibration Analyses (Wu)9781118632154 2013 #3162-0 132.00212 165.00 20%

Applied Building Physics: Boundary Conditions, Building Performance and Material Properties,2e (Hens)

9783433031476 2016 #0226-0 68.00213 80.00 15%

Applied Studies in Climate Adaptation (Palutikof)9781118845011 2015 #0436-0 114.80214 135.00 15%

Aquaculture Ecosystems: Adaptability and Sustainability (Mustafa)9781118778548 2015 #0742-0 174.30215 205.00 15%

Architectural Technology: Research and Practice (Emmitt)9781118292068 2013 #0227-0 62.40216 78.00 20%

Asymptotic Methods In The Theory Of Plates With Mixed Boundary Conditions (Andrianov)9781118725191 2014 #3164-0 127.50217 150.00 15%

Audel Water Well Pumps and Systems Mini-Ref (Woodson)9781118114803 2012 #0228-0 9.80218 15.00 35%

AutoCAD Workbook for Architects and Engineers (Kyles)9781405180962 2008 #0098-0 13.50219 50.00 73%

Autodesk Bridge Design for InfraWorks 360 Essentials: Autodesk Official Press POD (Chappell)

9781118915974 2014 #0229-0 8.50220 9.99 15%

Autodesk Drainage Design for InfraWorks 360 Essentials: Autodesk Official Press POD (Chappell)

9781118915967 2014 #0230-0 8.50221 9.99 15%

Autodesk InfraWorks and InfraWorks 360 Essentials: Autodesk Official Press (Chappell)9781118862032 2014 #0231-0 42.50222 49.99 15%

Autodesk Roadway Design for InfraWorks 360 Essentials: Autodesk Official Press POD (Chappell)

9781118915950 2014 #0232-0 14.40223 16.99 15%

Barry's Advanced Construction of Buildings ,3e (Emmitt)9781118255490 2014 #0233-0 42.50224 50.00 15%

Barry's Introduction to Construction of Buildings ,3e (Emmitt)9781118255421 2014 #0234-0 42.50225 50.00 15%

Barry's Introduction to Construction of Buildings, 2e (Emmitt)9781405188548 2010 #0235-0 22.50226 44.99 50%

Basic Guide to System Safety,3e (Vincoli)9781118460207 2014 #1245-0 63.70227 74.95 15%

Basic Structures,2e (Garrison)9781444336160 2011 #0236-0 19.50228 39.00 50%

Basic Structures,3e (Garrison)9781118950876 2016 #0237-0 51.00229 60.00 15%

Beam Theory for Subsea Pipelines: Analysis and Practical Applications (Papusha)9781119117568 2015 #1623-0 165.80230 195.00 15%

Brickwork and Blockwork (Durkin)9781405199773 2011 #0238-0 25.00231 45.00 44%

Bridge Design and Evaluation: LRFD and LRFR (Fu)9780470422250 2013 #0239-0 112.00232 140.00 20%

Brown's Boundary Control and Legal Principles 6e (Robillard)9780470183540 2009 #0240-0 56.00233 140.00 60%

Brown's Boundary Control and Legal Principles 7e (Robillard)9781118431436 2014 #0241-0 127.50234 150.00 15%

Building Construction Illustrated,5e w/ web site (Ching)9781118458341 2014 #0102-0 42.50235 49.95 15%

Building Contract Casebook,5e (Furmston)9780470655924 2012 #0242-0 97.50236 150.00 35%

Building Information Modeling: BIM in Current and Future Practice (Kensek)9781118766309 2014 #0103-0 76.50237 90.00 15%

Building Physics - Heat, Air and Moisture: Fundamentals and Engineering Methods with Examplesand Exercises,2e (Hens)

9783433030271 2012 #0243-0 55.30238 85.00 35%

Building Physics and Applied Building Physics: Package (Hens)9783433030318 2012 #0244-0 97.50239 150.00 35%

Building Services Design Management (Portman)9781118528129 2014 #0245-0 59.50240 70.00 15%

Building Structures Illustrated: Patterns, Systems, and Design,2e (Ching)9781118458358 2014 #0104-0 46.80241 55.00 15%

Building Surveys and Reports 4e (Douglas)9781405197618 2011 #0246-0 43.80242 72.95 40%

Ceramic Matrix Composites: Materials, Modeling and Technology (Bansal)9781118231166 2015 #1766-0 170.00243 199.95 15%

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سازمان: / شماره تلفن:نام رابط:نام دانشگاه

ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

هنر، معماري و عمرانتخفيف

Civil Engineering

CFD Modeling and Simulation in Materials Processing (Nastac)9781119225768 2016 #1767-0 109.70244 129.00 15%

Code of Practice for Project Management for Construction and Development 5e (CIB)9781118378083 2014 #0247-0 80.80245 95.00 15%

Collaborative Relationships in Construction: Developing Frameworks and Networks (Smyth)

9781405180412 2008 #0248-0 58.00246 145.00 60%

Composite Structures according to Eurocode 4: Worked Examples (Dujmovic)9783433031070 2015 #0249-0 102.00247 120.00 15%

Computation of Nonlinear Structures: Extremely Large Elements for Frames, Plates and Shells (Ray)

9781118996959 2015 #3171-0 148.80248 175.00 15%

Computational Methods for Reinforced Concrete Structures (Huler-Combe)9783433030547 2014 #0250-0 68.00249 80.00 15%

Concrete Constructions for Wind Turbines (Grnberg)9783433030417 2013 #0251-0 56.00250 70.00 20%

Construction Contracting: A Practical Guide to Company Management,8e (Clough)9781118693216 2015 #0252-0 114.80251 135.00 15%

Construction Innovation (Orstavik)9781118655535 2015 #0253-0 127.50252 150.00 15%

Construction Management for Industrial Projects (El-Reedy)9780470878163 2011 #0254-0 126.00253 209.95 40%

Construction Project Management: A Practical Guide to Field Construction Management,6e (Sears)

9781118745052 2015 #0255-0 106.30254 125.00 15%

Construction Project Scheduling and Control,3e (Mubarak)9781118846001 2015 #0256-0 110.50255 130.00 15%

Corrosion of Steel in Concrete: Prevention, Diagnosis, Repair,2e (Bertolini)9783527331468 2013 #1776-0 156.00256 195.00 20%

Data-Driven Design and Construction: 25 Strategies for Capturing, Analyzing and Applying Building Da ta (Deutsch)

9781118898703 2015 #0117-0 63.80257 75.00 15%

Design and Construction of Nuclear Power Plants (Meyer)9783433030424 2013 #0257-0 56.00258 70.00 20%

Design Liability in the Construction Industry,5e (Lupton)9781444330069 2014 #0258-0 101.20259 119.00 15%

Design Manager's HDBK (Eynon)9780470674024 2013 #0259-0 56.00260 70.00 20%

Design of Fastenings for Use in Concrete: the CEN/TS 1992-4 Provisions (Malle)9783433030448 2013 #0260-0 56.00261 70.00 20%

Design of Highway Bridges: An LRFD Approach,3e (Barker)9780470900666 2013 #0261-0 144.00262 180.00 20%

Design of Joints in Steel and Composite Structures: Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures. Part 1-8 Design of Joints. Eurocode 4: Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures. Part 1-8 Design of Joints (ECCS - European)

9783433029855 2015 #0262-0 80.80263 95.00 15%

Design of Reinforced Concrete 8e (McCormac)9780470279274 2009 #0263-0 25.00264 45.00 44%

Design of Steel Structures: Eurocode 3 - Design of Steel Structures. Part 1-1 - General Rules and Rules for Buildings (ECCS)

9783433030912 2014 #0264-0 80.80265 95.00 15%

Dynamics of Structures (Paultre)9781848210639 2010 #0265-0 111.00266 222.00 50%

Earthquake Prediction with Radio Techniques (Hayakawa)9781118770160 2015 #0266-0 161.50267 190.00 15%

Ecohydraulics: An Integrated Approach (Maddock)9780470976005 2013 #0545-0 108.00268 135.00 20%

Electrical Estimating Methods, 4e (Del Pico)9781118766989 2015 #2460-0 68.00269 80.00 15%

Elements of Soil Mechanics,9e (Smith)9780470673393 2014 #0268-0 46.80270 55.00 15%

Employer's and Engineer's Guide to the FIDIC Conditions of Contract (Robinson)9781118385609 2013 #0269-0 82.40271 102.95 20%

Energy Efficient Buildings with Solar and Geothermal Resources (Eicker)9781118352243 2014 #0464-0 101.20272 119.00 15%

Energy Geostructures: Innovation in Underground Engineering (Laloui)9781848215726 2013 #0270-0 112.00273 140.00 20%

Engineering Project Appraisal,2e (Rogers)9780470672990 2012 #0271-0 47.40274 72.95 35%

Engineer's Manual of Construction Site Planning (Sutt)9781118556092 2013 #0272-0 70.40275 88.00 20%

Entropy Theory and its Application in Environmental and Water Engineering (Singh)9781119976561 2013 #0465-0 128.00276 159.95 20%

Environment and Landscape in Motorway Design (Qian)9781118332979 2014 #0379-0 136.00277 160.00 15%

Environmental Engineering: Principles and Practice (Mines)9781118801451 2014 #0547-0 85.00278 99.95 15%

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سازمان: / شماره تلفن:نام رابط:نام دانشگاه

ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

هنر، معماري و عمرانتخفيف

Civil Engineering

Environmental Process Analysis: Principles and Modeling (Mott)9781118115015 2014 #0471-0 119.00279 140.00 15%

Essentials of Radiation Heat Transfer (Balaji)9781118908310 2014 #3209-0 85.00280 99.95 15%

Evidence and Procedures for Boundary Location 6e (Robillard)9780470404782 2011 #0273-0 90.00281 150.00 40%

Evolutionary Topology Optimization of Continuum Structures: Methods and Applications (Huang)

9780470746530 2010 #0274-0 72.50282 145.00 50%

Exercises in Building Construction,6e (Allen)9781118653289 2014 #0137-0 34.00283 40.00 15%

Extended Finite Element Method: Theory and Applications (Khoei)9781118457689 2015 #3211-0 119.00284 140.00 15%

Extending and Improving Your Home: An Introduction (Billington)9781405198110 2012 #0275-0 35.10285 53.95 35%

Exterior Building Enclosures: Design Process and Composition for Innovative Facades (Boswell)

9780470881279 2013 #0138-0 76.00286 95.00 20%

Extruded Cables for High-Voltage Direct-Current Transmission: Advances in Research and Development (Mazzanti)

9781118096666 2013 #2354-0 103.20287 129.00 20%

Fair, Geyer, and Okun's, Water and Wastewater Engineering: Water Supply and Wastewater Removal ,3e (Shammas)

9780470411926 2011 #0276-0 25.00288 45.00 44%

Ferry and Brandon's Cost Planning of Buildings 9e (Kirkham)9781119968627 2014 #0277-0 55.30289 65.00 15%

FIDIC Contracts: Obligations of Parties (Hewitt)9781118291801 2014 #0278-0 59.50290 70.00 15%

FIDIC Plant and Design-Build Form of Contract Illustrated (Khanlari)9781118896211 2015 #0279-0 114.80291 135.00 15%

Finite Element Analysis of Structures through Unified Formulation (Carrera)9781119941217 2014 #3213-0 119.00292 140.00 15%

Fire Design of Steel Structures 2e EC1 - Actions on structure (ECCS - European)9783433031438 2015 #0280-0 80.80293 95.00 15%

Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, and Mass Transfer: Chemical Engineering Practice (Raju)9780470637746 2011 #1666-0 102.00294 170.00 40%

Fluid Mechanics,7e, SI Version (Munson)9781118318676 2013 #3217-0 25.00295 45.00 44%

Food and Agricultural Wastewater Utilization and Treatment 2e (Liu)9781118353974 2014 #4220-0 170.00296 199.99 15%

Formulas for Dynamics, Acoustics and Vibration (Blevins)9781119038115 2015 #3220-0 123.30297 145.00 15%

Foundation Engineering for Expansive Soils (Nelson)9780470581520 2015 #0281-0 119.00298 140.00 15%

Fund. of Continuum Mechanics (Rudnicki)9781118479919 2014 #3223-0 76.50299 89.95 15%

Fund. of Earthquake Engineering: From Source to Fragility,2e (Elnashai)9781118678923 2015 #0282-0 110.50300 130.00 15%

Fund. of Soil Mechanics for Sedimentary and Residual Soils (Wesley)9780470376263 2009 #0283-0 56.00301 140.00 60%

Gas Injection for Disposal and Enhanced Recovery (Wu)9781118938560 2014 #1674-0 169.20302 199.00 15%

Gas Installation Technology,2e (Treloar)9781405189583 2010 #0284-0 26.00303 51.99 50%

Geochemistry (White)9780470656686 2013 #0561-0 76.80304 95.95 20%

Geomechanical Issues in CO2 Storage Facilities (Pijaudier-Cabot)9781848214163 2012 #0285-0 87.10305 134.00 35%

Geotechnical Engineering Design (Xiao)9780470632239 2015 #0286-0 59.50306 70.00 15%

Geotechnical Engineering: Unsaturated and Saturated Soils (Briaud)9780470948569 2013 #0287-0 140.00307 175.00 20%

GIS and Geocomputation for Water Resource Science and Engineering (Dixon)9781118354131 2016 #0399-0 59.50308 69.95 15%

GPS Satellite Surveying,4e (Leick)9781118675571 2015 #0288-0 144.50309 170.00 15%

Green Building Illustrated (Ching)9781118562376 2014 #0145-0 42.50310 49.95 15%

Green Carbon Dioxide: Advances in CO2 Utilization (Centi)9781118590881 2014 #1678-0 87.50311 102.95 15%

Ground and Surface Water Hydrology (Mays)9780470169872 2012 #0289-0 25.00312 45.00 44%

Guide to Building Control (Gwynne)9780470657539 2013 #0290-0 66.40313 83.00 20%

Guidelines for Determining the Probability of Ignition of a Released Flammable Mass (CCPS)

9781118230534 2014 #1302-0 85.00314 99.95 15%

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سازمان: / شماره تلفن:نام رابط:نام دانشگاه

ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

هنر، معماري و عمرانتخفيف

Civil Engineering

Gypsum Construction HDBK,7e (USG)9781118749845 2014 #0291-0 38.30315 45.00 15%

HDBK of Road Ecology (van der Ree)9781118568187 2015 #0821-0 136.00316 160.00 15%

HDBK of Tunnel Engineering I: Structures and Methods (Maidl)9783433030486 2013 #0292-0 100.00317 125.00 20%

HDBK of Tunnel Engineering II: Basics and Additional Services for Design and Construction (Maidl)

9783433030493 2014 #0293-0 106.30318 125.00 15%

HDBK of Tunnel Engineering, Volumes I and II (Maidl)9783433030783 2014 #0294-0 174.30319 205.00 15%

Heating Services in Buildings (Watkins)9780470656037 2011 #0295-0 46.80320 78.00 40%

Historic Urban Landscape: Managing Heritage in an Urban Century (Bandarin)9781118932728 2014 #0296-0 59.50321 70.00 15%

Hot and Cold Water Supply ,3e (BSI)9781405130028 2009 #0297-0 35.20322 87.99 60%

How Structures Work: Design and Behaviour from Bridges to Buildings,2e (Yeomans)9781119012276 2016 #0152-0 51.00323 60.00 15%

How to Estimate with RSMeans Data,4e (Mubarak)9781118025284 2012 #0298-0 52.00324 80.00 35%

Hydraulic Fracturing in Earth-rock Fill Dam (Wang)9781118725504 2014 #0299-0 161.50325 190.00 15%

Hydrogeology: Principles and Practice,2e (Hiscock)9780470656631 2014 #0488-0 85.00326 99.95 15%

Hyperbolic Structures: Sukhov's Lattice Towers -Forerunners of Modern Lightweight Construction (Beckh)

9781118932681 2015 #0300-0 76.50327 90.00 15%

Illumination Engineering: Design with Nonimaging Optics (Koshel)9780470911402 2013 #2263-0 106.40328 133.00 20%

Improving Healthcare through Built Environment Infrastructure (Kagioglou)9781405158657 2010 #0301-0 64.50329 129.00 50%

In Situ Tests in Geotechnical Engineering (Monnet)9781848218499 2015 #0302-0 114.80330 135.00 15%

Infrared Observation of Earth's Atmosphere (Herbin)9781848215603 2015 #0303-0 93.50331 110.00 15%

Innovation in Small Professional Practices in the Built Environment (Lu)9781405191401 2009 #0304-0 64.00332 160.00 60%

Integral and Semi-Integral Bridges (Burke Jr)9781405194181 2009 #0305-0 64.00333 160.00 60%

Integrated Design and Construction - Single Responsibility: A Code of Practice (Harding)9781118778296 2015 #0306-0 68.00334 80.00 15%

International Construction Contract Law (Klee)9781118717905 2015 #0307-0 106.30335 125.00 15%

Interpreting Land Records,2e (Wilson)9781118746875 2015 #0308-0 106.30336 125.00 15%

Intro. to Aircraft Aeroelasticity and Loads 2e (Wright)9781118488010 2015 #3141-0 110.50337 130.00 15%

Intro. to Civil Engineering Systems: A Systems Perspective to the Development of Civil Engineering Facilities (Labi)

9780470530634 2014 #0309-0 127.50338 150.00 15%

Intro. to Finite Strain Theory for Continuum Elasto-Plasticity (Hashiguchi)9781119951858 2012 #3251-0 107.30339 165.00 35%

Intro. to Operational Modal Analysis (Brincker)9781119963158 2015 #3255-0 119.00340 140.00 15%

Intro. to Soil Mechanics (Bod)9780470659434 2013 #0310-0 41.60341 51.95 20%

Intro. to Thermo-Fluids Systems Design (McDonald)9781118313633 2013 #3260-0 116.00342 145.00 20%

Intro. to Thermogeology: Ground Source Heating and Cooling (Banks)9781405170611 2008 #0311-0 64.00343 159.99 60%

Intro. to Thermogeology: Ground Source Heating and Cooling,2e (Banks)9780470670347 2012 #0312-0 91.00344 140.00 35%

Introducing Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 (Davis)9780470649718 2010 #0313-0 25.00345 49.99 50%

Low Impact Building: Housing using Renewable Materials (Woolley)9781444336603 2013 #0173-0 78.40346 97.95 20%

Management of Construction Projects (Cooke)9781118555163 2014 #0314-0 55.30347 65.00 15%

Mastering Autodesk Revit MEP 2015: Autodesk Official Press (Bokmiller)9781118871157 2014 #2952-0 68.00348 79.99 15%

Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings,12e (Grondzik)9781118615904 2015 #0183-0 140.30349 165.00 15%

Mechanical Vibrations: Theory and Application to Structural Dynamics,3e (Geradin)9781118900208 2015 #3290-0 110.50350 130.00 15%

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سازمان: / شماره تلفن:نام رابط:نام دانشگاه

ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

هنر، معماري و عمرانتخفيف

Civil Engineering

Methods of Measuring Environmental Parameters (Posudin)9781118686935 2014 #0315-0 93.50351 110.00 15%

Microbiology of Drinking Water Production and Distribution (Bitton)9781118743928 2014 #0500-0 110.50352 129.95 15%

Mobile and Pervasive Computing in Construction (Anumba)9780470658017 2012 #0316-0 107.30353 165.00 35%

Modeling and Estimation of Structural Damage (Nichols)9781118777053 2016 #3301-0 119.00354 140.00 15%

Modelling of Engineering Materials (Rao)9781118919118 2014 #3302-0 85.00355 99.95 15%

Modelling, Design, and Optimization of Net-Zero Energy Buildings (Athienitis)9783433030837 2015 #0317-0 102.00356 120.00 15%

Modern Construction Management,7e (Harris)9780470672174 2013 #0318-0 49.60357 62.00 20%

Modern Hydrology and Sustainable Water Development (Gupta)9781405171243 2010 #0501-0 25.00358 139.95 82%

Multi-Storey Precast Concrete Framed Structures,2e (Elliott)9781405106146 2014 #0319-0 127.50359 150.00 15%

MWH's Water Treatment: Principles and Design,3e (Crittenden)9780470405390 2012 #0320-0 139.80360 215.00 35%

New Blackwell Companion to the City (Bridge)9781405189811 2011 #6198-0 133.20361 221.95 40%

Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures,2e (Belytschko)9781118632703 2013 #3313-0 95.20362 119.00 20%

Odour Impact Assessment HDBK (Belgiorno)9781119969280 2013 #0503-0 152.80363 191.00 20%

Olin's Construction: Principles, Materials, and Methods,9e (Simmons)9780470547403 2012 #0321-0 94.30364 145.00 35%

Optimal Automated Process Fault Analysis (Fickelscherer)9781118372319 2013 #1721-0 85.60365 106.95 20%

Optimal Structural Analysis,2e (Kaveh)9780470030158 2006 #0322-0 68.00366 170.00 60%

Package: Building Physics and Applied Building Physics (Hens)9783433029633 2010 #0323-0 67.50367 135.00 50%

Personal Protective Equipment for Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Hazards: Design, Evaluation, and Selection (Gudgin Dickson)

9780470165584 2013 #1375-0 128.00368 159.95 20%

Physical and Chemical Processes in the Aquatic Environment (Christensen)9781118111765 2014 #0510-0 93.50369 110.00 15%

Plates: Theories and Applications (Bhaskar)9781118893876 2014 #3321-0 119.00370 140.00 15%

Pocket Guide to Business for Engineers and Surveyors (Bergeron)9780471758495 2009 #0324-0 32.00371 80.00 60%

Post-Disaster Reconstruction of the Built Environment: Rebuilding for Resilience (Amaratunga)

9781444333565 2011 #0325-0 80.40372 134.00 40%

Practical Guide to Construction Adjudication (Pickavance)9781118717950 2015 #0326-0 85.00373 100.00 15%

Practical Tunnel Construction (Hemphill)9780470641972 2013 #0327-0 108.00374 135.00 20%

Precision Surveying: The Principles and Geomatics Practice (Ogund)9781119102519 2015 #0328-0 123.30375 145.00 15%

Principles and Practice of Ground Improvement (Han)9781118259917 2015 #0329-0 136.00376 160.00 15%

Principles of Water Treatment (Howe)9780470405383 2013 #0330-0 100.00377 125.00 20%

Print and Specifications Reading for Construction (Russell)9780470879412 2011 #0331-0 59.40378 99.00 40%

Programme Procurement in Construction: Learning from London 2012 (Mead)9780470674734 2013 #0332-0 62.40379 78.00 20%

Project Management in Construction,6e (Walker)9781118500408 2015 #0333-0 51.00380 60.00 15%

Pumping Machinery Theory and Practice (Badr)9781118932087 2015 #3328-0 110.50381 130.00 15%

Recommendations of the Committee for Waterfront Structures Harbours and Waterways: EAU 2012 (HTG)

9783433031100 2015 #0334-0 148.80382 175.00 15%

Recommendations on Excavations ,3e (Geotechnical Society)9783433030363 2013 #0335-0 88.00383 110.00 20%

Recommendations on Piling (Geotechnical Society)9783433030189 2013 #0336-0 120.00384 150.00 20%

Reconnecting the City: The Historic Urban Landscape Approach and the Future of Urban Heritage (Bandarin)

9781118383988 2014 #0337-0 76.50385 90.00 15%

Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems,2e (Masters)9781118140628 2013 #2385-0 116.00386 145.00 20%

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سازمان: / شماره تلفن:نام رابط:نام دانشگاه

ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

هنر، معماري و عمرانتخفيف

Civil Engineering

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency: Assessment of Projects and Policies (Duffy)9781118631041 2015 #0338-0 55.30387 65.00 15%

Research Methods for Construction,4e (Fellows)9781118915745 2015 #0339-0 38.30388 45.00 15%

Retrofitting the Built Environment (Swan)9781118273500 2013 #0340-0 107.20389 134.00 20%

Rock Mechanics (Wittke)9783433030790 2014 #0341-0 174.30390 205.00 15%

Seismic Loads (Lyatkher)9781118946244 2016 #0517-0 165.80391 195.00 15%

Seismic Vulnerability of Structures (Gueguen)9781848215245 2013 #3335-0 124.00392 154.95 20%

Simplified Engineering for Architects and Builders 12e (Ambrose)9781118975046 2016 #0199-0 97.80393 115.00 15%

Soil Mechanics (Nova)9781848211025 2010 #0342-0 112.00394 224.00 50%

Soil Mechanics and Foundations ,3e (Budhu)9780470556849 2011 #0343-0 25.00395 45.00 44%

Soil Mechanics Fundamentals (Imperial Version) (Budhu)9780470577950 2015 #0344-0 51.00396 60.00 15%

Soil Mechanics Fundamentals (Metric Version) (Budhu)9781119019657 2015 #0345-0 51.00397 60.00 15%

Soil Strength and Slope Stability, 2e (Duncan)9781118651650 2014 #0346-0 136.00398 160.00 15%

Solar and Heat Pump Systems for Residential Buildings (Hadorn)9783433030400 2015 #2390-0 93.50399 110.00 15%

Solar Energy: Technologies and Project Delivery for Buildings (Walker)9781118139240 2013 #0206-0 72.00400 90.00 20%

Steel Designers' Manual,7e (Davison)9781119249863 2015 #0347-0 80.80401 95.00 15%

Steel Detailers' Manual (Hayward)9781405175210 2011 #0348-0 74.40402 124.00 40%

Stochastic Structural Dynamics: Application of Finite Element Methods (To)9781118342350 2013 #2050-0 112.00403 140.00 20%

Strategic Issues in Public-Private Partnerships,2e (Dewulf)9780470656358 2012 #0349-0 80.60404 124.00 35%

Strategic Safety Management in Construction and Engineering (Zou)9781118839379 2015 #0350-0 97.80405 115.00 15%

Strengthening of Concrete Structures with Adhesive Bonded Reinforcement: Design and Dimensioning of CFRP Laminates and Steel Plates (Zilch)

9783433030868 2014 #0351-0 59.50406 70.00 15%

Structural Concrete: Theory and Design,6e (Hassoun)9781118767818 2015 #0352-0 144.50407 170.00 15%

Structural Mechanics: Modelling and Analysis of Frames and Trusses (Olsson)9781119159339 2016 #3344-0 59.50408 70.00 15%

Structure Design and Degradation Mechanisms in Coastal Environments (Ait-Mokhtar)9781848217324 2015 #0353-0 131.80409 155.00 15%

Structures and Construction in Historic Building Conservation (Forsyth)9781118916223 2014 #0211-0 42.50410 50.00 15%

Sustainable Building Adaptation: Innovations in Decision-making (Wilkinson)9781118477106 2014 #0354-0 105.40411 124.00 15%

Sustainable Construction with Concrete (Georgopoulos)9781119968641 2014 #0355-0 74.80412 88.00 15%

Sustainable Laboratory HDBK: Design, Equipment, and Operation (Dittrich)9783527335671 2015 #1416-0 182.80413 215.00 15%

Sustainable Solid Waste Management: A Systems Engineering Approach (Chang)9781118456910 2015 #2630-0 127.50414 149.95 15%

Sustainable Use of Wood in Construction (Coulson)9781118539668 2014 #0356-0 68.00415 80.00 15%

Synthetic Biology: Industrial and Environmental Applications (Schmidt)9783527331833 2012 #3828-0 71.50416 110.00 35%

Technical Avalanche Protection HDBK (Rudolf-Miklau)9783433030349 2014 #0357-0 114.80417 135.00 15%

Temporary Structure Design (Souder)9781118905586 2015 #0358-0 97.80418 115.00 15%

Theory of Nonlinear Structural Analysis: The Force Analogy Method for Earthquake Engineering (Li)

9781118718063 2014 #0359-0 144.50419 170.00 15%

Theory of Structures: Fundamentals, Framed Structures, Plates and Shells (Marti)9783433029916 2013 #0360-0 108.00420 135.00 20%

Therapeutic Landscapes: An Evidence-Based Approach to Designing Healing Gardens and Restorative Outdoor Spaces (Marcus)

9781118231913 2013 #0218-0 72.00421 90.00 20%

Total Facility Management 4e (Atkin)9781118655382 2015 #0362-0 63.80422 75.00 15%

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سازمان: / شماره تلفن:نام رابط:نام دانشگاه

ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

هنر، معماري و عمرانتخفيف

Civil Engineering

Transparent Shells: Form, Topology, Structure (Schober)9783433031216 2015 #0363-0 93.50423 110.00 15%

Transport and Coherent Structures in Wall Turbulence (Tardu)9781848213951 2014 #0364-0 165.80424 195.00 15%

Ultra-High Performance Concrete UHPC: Fundamentals, Design, Examples (Fehling)9783433030875 2014 #0365-0 59.50425 70.00 15%

Understanding Historic Building Conservation (Forsyth)9781118781593 2013 #0220-0 53.60426 67.00 20%

Unified Theory of Concrete Structures (Hsu)9780470688748 2010 #0366-0 90.50427 181.00 50%

Value Management of Construction Projects,2e (Kelly)9781118351239 2014 #0367-0 72.30428 85.00 15%

Virtual Futures for Design, Construction and Procurement (Brandon)9781405170246 2008 #0368-0 66.00429 165.00 60%

Waste Management in the Petroleum and Chemical Industries (Bahadori)9781118731758 2014 #1750-0 136.00430 160.00 15%

Water Efficiency in Buildings: Theory and Practice (Adeyeye)9781118456576 2014 #0533-0 105.40431 124.00 15%

Water Engineering: Hydraulics, Distribution and Treatment (Shammas)9780470390986 2015 #0369-0 127.50432 149.95 15%

Water Quality Engineering: Physical / Chemical Treatment Processes (Benjamin)9781118169650 2013 #0370-0 136.00433 170.00 20%

Water Resources Engineering,2e (Mays)9780470460641 2011 #0371-0 25.00434 45.00 44%

Water Resources in the Built Environment: Management Issues and Solutions (Booth)9780470670910 2014 #0372-0 101.20435 119.00 15%

Wetlands,5e (Mitsch)9781118676820 2015 #0373-0 110.50436 130.00 15%

Willis's Elements of Quantity Surveying 11e (Lee)9781444335002 2011 #0374-0 23.80437 47.50 50%

Willis's Elements of Quantity Surveying 12e (Lee)9781118499207 2014 #0375-0 48.50438 57.00 15%

Willis's Practice and Procedure for the Quantity Surveyor 13e (Ashworth)9780470672198 2013 #0376-0 53.60439 67.00 20%

Wind Effects on Cable-Supported Bridges (Xu)9781118188286 2014 #0377-0 178.50440 210.00 15%

Wood in Construction: How to Avoid Costly Mistakes (Coulson)9780470657775 2012 #0378-0 38.30441 58.99 35%

Clothing & Textile

Fashion Drawing For Dummies (Arnold)9780470601600 2012 #8004-0 16.20442 24.99 35%

Fashioned Body: Fashion, Dress & Social Theory 2e (Entwistle)9780745649382 2015 #0043-0 22.90443 26.95 15%

Guide to Basic Garment Assembly for the Fashion Industry (Smith)9781405198882 2013 #0044-0 36.00444 45.00 20%

Handmade Beginnings: 24 Sewing Projects to Welcome Baby (Horner)9780470497814 2010 #0045-0 12.50445 24.99 50%

Knit This Doll!: A Step-by-Step Guide to Knitting Your Own Customizable Amigurumi Doll (Moulton)

9780470624401 2011 #0046-0 12.00446 19.99 40%

Knitting For Dummies,3e (Allen)9781118661512 2014 #8006-0 21.20447 24.99 15%

Metric Pattern Cutting for Women's Wear,6e (Aldrich)9781444335057 2015 #0048-0 46.80448 55.00 15%

More Knitting in the Sun: 32 Patterns to Knit for Kids (Porter)9780470874486 2011 #0049-0 13.80449 22.99 40%

Norwegian Sweater Techniques for Today's Knitter (Chynoweth)9780470484555 2010 #0050-0 12.50450 24.99 50%

Royal Wedding For Dummies (Knight)9781119970309 2011 #8007-0 7.80451 12.99 40%

Sewing Bits and Pieces: 35 Projects Using Fabric Scraps (Henderson)9780470539248 2010 #0052-0 8.50452 16.99 50%

Sewing with Oilcloth (McCants)9780470912324 2011 #0053-0 11.40453 18.99 40%

Small Stash Sewing: 24 Projects Using Designer Fat Quarters (Averinos)9780470547427 2010 #0054-0 8.50454 16.99 50%

Decorations & Interior Design

Analogous and Digital,2e (Aicher)9783433031193 2015 #0085-0 29.70455 34.95 15%

HDBK of Interior Design (Thompson)9781444336283 2015 #0148-0 165.80456 195.00 15%

Jewelry Making & Beading For Dummies, 2e with DVD (Dismore)9781118497821 2013 #8019-0 20.00457 24.99 20%

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سازمان: / شماره تلفن:نام رابط:نام دانشگاه

ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

هنر، معماري و عمرانتخفيف

Decorations & Interior Design

Norma Vally's Bathroom Fix-Ups:More than 50 Projects for Every Skill Level (Vally)9780470251560 2009 #0081-0 10.00458 24.99 60%

Philosophy of Art,2e (Davies)9781119091653 2015 #6411-0 29.70459 34.95 15%

Real-Life Decorating (Better Homes)9780470564998 2010 #0082-0 10.00460 19.99 50%

Stained Glass For Dummies (Payne)9780470591321 2011 #8020-0 15.00461 24.99 40%

World as Design,2e (Aicher)9783433031179 2015 #0223-0 29.70462 34.95 15%


All You Have to Do is Listen:Music from the Inside Out (Kapilow)9780470385449 2008 #0055-0 10.40463 25.95 60%

Banjo For Dummies (Evans)9780470127629 2007 #8008-0 10.00464 24.99 60%

Bass Guitar For Dummies: Book + Online Video & Audio Instruction,3e (Pfeiffer)9781118748800 2014 #8009-0 21.20465 24.99 15%

Classical Music For Dummies,2e (Pogue)9781119049753 2015 #8010-0 21.20466 24.99 15%

Fiddle For Dummies: Book + Online Video & Audio Instruction (Sanchez)9781118930229 2015 #8011-0 21.20467 24.99 15%

Guitar All-In-One For Dummies: Book + Online Video & Audio Instruction,2e (Leonard)9781118872024 2014 #8012-0 29.70468 34.99 15%

Harmonica For Dummies: Book + Online Video & Audio Instruction,2e (Yerxa)9781118880760 2014 #8013-0 21.20469 24.99 15%

Home Recording For Musicians For Dummies,5e (Strong)9781118968017 2014 #8014-0 22.90470 26.99 15%

Introducing Reason 4 (Truesdell)9780470249949 2008 #0057-0 16.00471 39.99 60%

Mandolin For Dummies (Julin)9781119942764 2012 #8015-0 16.20472 24.99 35%

Mostly Mozart Guide to Mozart (Lincoln Center)9780470195307 2009 #0058-0 9.20473 22.95 60%

Music Industry: Music in the Cloud,2e (Wikstrm)9780745664187 2013 #0059-0 18.40474 22.95 20%

Music Theory For Dummies,3e (Pilhofer)9781118990940 2015 #8016-0 21.20475 24.99 15%

Piano For Dummies: Book + Online Video & Audio Instruction,3e (Hal Leonard Corp.)9781118900055 2014 #8017-0 21.20476 24.99 15%

Pop Music, Pop Culture (Rojek)9780745642642 2011 #0060-0 21.00477 34.95 40%

Pop-Rock Music: Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism in Late Modernity (Regev)9780745661735 2013 #0061-0 20.00478 24.95 20%

Voice Acting For Dummies (Ciccarelli)9781118399583 2013 #8349-0 20.00479 24.99 20%

Painting & Drawing

Analogous and Digital,2e (Aicher)9783433031193 2015 #0085-0 29.70480 34.95 15%

Basic Perspective Drawing: A Visual Approach,6e (Montague)9781118134146 2013 #0099-0 52.00481 65.00 20%

Becoming a Graphic and Digital Designer: A Guide to Careers in Design,5e (Heller)9781118771983 2015 #0001-0 38.20482 44.95 15%

Creating Exhibitions: Collaboration in the Planning, Development, and Design of Innovative Experiences (McKenna-Cress)

9781118306345 2013 #0002-0 52.00483 65.00 20%

Designing for Print,2e (Conover)9780470905975 2012 #0003-0 25.00484 55.00 55%

Graphic Designer's Guide to Portfolio Design,3e (Myers)9781118428146 2014 #0004-0 38.30485 45.00 15%

Guide to Graphic Print Production,3e (Johansson)9780470907924 2012 #0005-0 58.50486 90.00 35%

Manga for Dummies (Okabayashi)9780470080252 2007 #8001-0 8.00487 19.99 60%

Packaging Design: Successful Product Branding From Concept to Shelf,2e (Klimchuk)9781118027066 2013 #0006-0 48.00488 60.00 20%

Packaging Designer's Book of Patterns,4e (Roth)9781118134153 2012 #0007-0 58.50489 90.00 35%

Philosophy of Design (Parsons)9780745663890 2015 #6412-0 19.50490 22.95 15%

Signage and Wayfinding Design: A Complete Guide to Creating Environmental Graphic Design Systems,2e (Calori)

9781118692998 2015 #0008-0 63.80491 75.00 15%

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سازمان: / شماره تلفن:نام رابط:نام دانشگاه

ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

هنر، معماري و عمرانتخفيف

Painting & Drawing

Type Rules!: The Designer's Guide to Professional Typography ,3e (Strizver)9780470542514 2010 #0009-0 27.50492 55.00 50%

Type Rules!: The Designer's Guide to Professional Typography ,4e (Strizver)9781118454053 2014 #0010-0 51.00493 60.00 15%

Typographic Design: Form and Communication,6e (Carter)9781118715765 2015 #0011-0 59.50494 70.00 15%

Understanding Color: An Introduction for Designers 4e (Holtzschue)9780470381359 2011 #0012-0 42.00495 70.00 40%

World as Design,2e (Aicher)9783433031179 2015 #0223-0 29.70496 34.95 15%


50 Fast Digital Camera Techniques,2e (Moss)9780764598067 2006 #0013-0 10.00497 24.99 60%

Art and Style of Product Photography (Thomas)9781118721476 2014 #0015-0 29.70498 34.99 15%

Canon EOS Rebel T3/1100D Digital Field Guide (Lowrie)9781118093207 2011 #0016-0 12.00499 19.99 40%

Canon EOS Rebel T3i / 600D Digital Field Guide (Lowrie)9780470648612 2011 #0017-0 12.00500 19.99 40%

Composition Digital Field Guide (Hess)9780470769096 2010 #0018-0 10.00501 19.99 50%

Confessions of a Compact Camera Shooter: Get Professional Quality Photos with Your Compact Camera (Sammon)

9780470565070 2010 #0019-0 12.50502 24.99 50%

Creative Close-Ups: Digital Photography Tips and Techniques (Davis)9780470527122 2010 #0020-0 15.00503 29.99 50%

Creative Portraits: Digital Photography Tips and Techniques (Davis)9780470623268 2010 #0021-0 15.00504 29.99 50%

Digital Wedding Photographer's Planner (Kim)9780470570937 2010 #0023-0 20.00505 39.99 50%

Digital Wedding Photography Photo Workshop (Kim)9781118014110 2011 #0024-0 18.00506 29.99 40%

Digital Wedding Photography: Capturing Beautiful Memories,2e (Johnson)9780470651759 2011 #0026-0 18.00507 29.99 40%

Digital Wedding Photography:Capturing Beautiful Memories (Johnson)9780471790174 2006 #0027-0 12.00508 29.99 60%

Food Styling and Photography For Dummies (Parks-Whitfield)9781118097199 2012 #8002-0 19.50509 29.99 35%

Four Arts of Photography: An Essay in Philosophy (Lopes)9781119053170 2016 #6352-0 85.00510 99.95 15%

HDR Efex Pro After the Shoot (Sholik)9781118063446 2011 #0028-0 15.00511 24.99 40%

Lights, Camera, Capture: Creative Lighting Techniques for Digital Photographers (Davis)9780470549537 2010 #0029-0 22.50512 44.99 50%

Nature Photography Photo Workshop (Coalson)9780470534915 2011 #0030-0 18.00513 29.99 40%

Nik Software Captured: The Complete Guide to Using Nik Software's Photographic Tools (Corbell)

9781118022221 2012 #0031-0 26.00514 39.99 35%

Photo Fusion: A Wedding Photographers Guide to Mixing Digital Photography and Video (Bebb)

9780470597767 2010 #0033-0 20.00515 39.99 50%

Photographic Theory: An Historical Anthology (Hershberger)9781405198639 2013 #0034-0 37.60516 46.95 20%

Photographing Families: Tips for Capturing Timeless Images (Celentano)9781118391709 2013 #0036-0 24.00517 29.99 20%

Photographing San Francisco Digital Field Guide (Sawle)9780470586846 2010 #0037-0 10.00518 19.99 50%

Photographing Washington D.C. Digital Field Guide (Healey)9780470586877 2010 #0038-0 10.00519 19.99 50%

Rick Sammon's HDR Secrets for Digital Photographers (Sammon)9780470612750 2010 #0040-0 15.00520 29.99 50%

Teach Yourself VISUALLYTM Digital Photography,4e (Bucher)9780470589465 2010 #0042-0 15.00521 29.99 50%

Transportation & Traffic Engineering

Design of Highway Bridges: An LRFD Approach,3e (Barker)9780470900666 2013 #0261-0 144.00522 180.00 20%

Environment and Landscape in Motorway Design (Qian)9781118332979 2014 #0379-0 136.00523 160.00 15%

Intelligent Transport Systems: Technologies and Applications (Perallos)9781118894781 2015 #0380-0 119.00524 140.00 15%

Pavement Asset Management (Haas)9781119038702 2015 #0381-0 165.80525 195.00 15%

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سازمان: / شماره تلفن:نام رابط:نام دانشگاه

ID ISBN13 Title (Author) Year#Loc $Net$Price

هنر، معماري و عمرانتخفيف

Transportation & Traffic Engineering

Street Design: The Secret to Great Cities and Towns (Dover)9781118066706 2014 #0210-0 76.50526 90.00 15%

Traffic Engineering HDBK,7e (ITE)9781118762301 2016 #0382-0 93.50527 110.00 15%

Water & Waste Water

Desalination: Water from Water (Kucera)9781118208526 2014 #0455-0 170.80528 200.95 15%

Groundwater Age (Kazemi)9780471718192 2006 #0484-0 62.00529 155.00 60%

Groundwater Monitoring (Quevauviller)9780470778098 2010 #0485-0 106.00530 212.00 50%

Sustainable Water Engineering: Theory and Practice (Chandrappa)9781118541043 2014 #0520-0 136.00531 160.00 15%

Transboundary Water Resources Management: A Multidisciplinary Approach (Ganoulis)9783527330140 2011 #0527-0 108.00532 180.00 40%

Water-Quality Engineering in Natural Systems: Fate and Transport Processes in the Water Environment,2e (Chin)

9781118078600 2013 #0534-0 103.20533 129.00 20%

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سازمان: / شماره تلفن:نام رابط:نام دانشگاه