© branch consulting supporting gifted students in homework and organization

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Gifted Education Why is it Important?

Supporting Gifted Students in Homework and Organization

Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingDr. Barbara L. BranchBranch Consulting

[email protected]


Branch Consulting Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingIts INTERESTING What motivates a person to complete an assignment or a task?

Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingIts USEFULWhat motivates a person to complete an assignment or a task?

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What is Motivation?Huitt, W. (2001). Motivation to learn: An overview. Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. Branch ConsultingFind value in their school experience

Enjoy what they are doing

Believe what they are doing will produce beneficial results

Characteristics of Motivated Students

Making a Difference: Motivating Students Who are Not Achieving, Del Siegle & D. Betsy McCoach

Branch ConsultingBelieve they have the skills to be successful

Characteristics of Motivated Students

Making a Difference: Motivating Students Who are Not Achieving, Del Siegle & D. Betsy McCoach

Branch ConsultingTrust their environment and believe they can be successful in it what they do.

Characteristics of Motivated Students

Making a Difference: Motivating Students Who are Not Achieving, Del Siegle & D. Betsy McCoach

Branch ConsultingWhen Students are Motivated They Branch Consulting

Motivation Emotional factors play a determining role in what children attend to and remember. Lyons, 2003, p. 66 Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingThe brain pays attention to--and remembers--that which it feels.

Attention and Motivation

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You will remember this! Branch Consulting

Emotion is the building block of all learning, from birth throughout life. Emotions build memories. (Lyons, 2003, p. 66)

2 x 2 = 4 Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingMotivationEmotion drives attention, and attention drives learning, problem-solving and remembering.(Lyons, 2003, p. 66)

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Why are some gifted students not motivated?

Branch ConsultingBummer of a birthmark, HalDiffering from the norm can have disadvantages

Branch ConsultingPossible Strength of Gifted LearnersPossible Challenges Faced in the ClassroomAcquires/retains information quickly(1-2 repetitions to the usual need for 6-8 repetitions) Pacing issuesResists routine practiceLack of relevance

Ready for advanced or accelerated instructionLack of significant challenge due to adherence to scripted curricula &set pacing char Branch ConsultingPossible Strength of Gifted LearnersPossible Challenges Faced in the ClassroomEnjoys problem solving; able to conceptualize, see abstractions, synthesizeMuch of the instructional time spent foundational level

High energy, alertness, eagernessFrustration with inactivity, repetition; may be seen as hyperactive Branch ConsultingPossible Strength of Gifted LearnersPossible Challenges Faced in the ClassroomIndependent; may prefer individualized work; relates to cognitive peersMay resist cooperative learning models when grouped with less capable student

Creative/inventive; likes new ways of doing things.

Resists regurgitated learning; wants to look at real world problems and original investigations Branch ConsultingPossible Strength of Gifted LearnersPossible Challenges Faced in the ClassroomDiverse interests and abilities; versatilityInterests may fall outside of grade-level core curricula

Highly motivated to learn

Can become systematically de-motivated if instruction is not challenging Branch ConsultingPossible Strength of Gifted LearnersPossible Challenges Faced in the ClassroomCapable of performing beyond the expected level of their chronological peers in area of giftednessNot working very hard; not learning necessary study skills

Bonding with a variety of individuals

Isolation Branch ConsultingPressures the Gifted InternalizeMarches to a different drummerWants to be unique or very creativeWants 6 + 8 to not always be 14Expresses themselves in unusual ways

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Causes of UnderachievementThere is a mismatch between student and his or her school environment thus no motivation to do well or complete tasks.

There is motivation to learn but not in the style of the school environment. Branch Consulting Branch Consulting

How can we help motivate students?

Branch ConsultingWhat Doesnt Work? (Adult Interventions)

Failing to communicate respect

Trying to maintain superiority

Setting unrealistic goals (too high or low)

Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingUsing threats or ultimatums

Acting cold or impersonal

Setting predictable, rigid structures What Doesnt Work? (Adult Interventions)

Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingBreaking the Cycle

Don't act as an external motivator -- every time you do, you undermine their development of self-management skills.

Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingWhat Might Work? Branch Consulting Branch Consulting

Enhancing MotivationTeach Students How to Make Their Tasks More Manageable Branch Consulting Branch Consulting

Enhancing MotivationLearn About Their Interests

Branch Consulting Branch Consulting

Enhancing MotivationLearn About Their Learning Styles and Yours Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingEvaluating Student MotivationWhen I try hard in school its because _________________.

I would spend more time on my schoolwork if ___________.

If I do poorly in school then, ________________________.

When I dont try hard in school its because _____________.

Branch ConsultingEvaluating their motivationI would rather do ________________, than my schoolwork.

Doing well in school will help me to __________________.

Doing poorly in school will keep me from, _____________.

School is important to me because ___________________.

Branch ConsultingEvaluating Student MotivationThe thing that I am most interested in learning is ___________.

The most interesting thing I learned in school is __________.

Branch ConsultingPaper load and OrganizationGet a large paper calendar and small post-it notes

Get folders the same color as the post-it notes.

Place all similar assignments or single subjects in different colored folder

Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingPaper load and OrganizationBackward map homework, projects, and large assignments

Make intermediate goal steps for longer assignments or bigger projects

Use different color post-it for each subject or type of assignment matched to the folders Branch Consulting Branch Consulting

Homework Help

Don't ask about the tasks -- ask about the goal.

Set a goal and a time-frame for achieving it.

Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingPaper load and OrganizationCheck calendar daily for whats due and whats coming up.

Make note of intermediate goals and dont miss working on them even though they may not be due to the teacher that day.

Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingPaper load and OrganizationKeys:Model the same behavior in your own work at home (bills, taxes, vacation planning, office organization.)

Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingPaper load and OrganizationKeys:Supervise but make the student do the work, the planning, and the goal setting.

Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingSelf Motivated HomeworkSet a time limit for homework depending on grade level.Set a timer. Leave the student to work on the task. If it is not finished after the time limit, ask the student to put the homework in the backpack.Hang the backpack on the door.Let the student deal with the school consequences.

Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingHomework That is too HardAsk Did you ask the teacher how to do this before you left the classroom?

If the answer is no, dont get angry at the student or teacher.

Say, Ill bet your teacher didnt know that you dont understand this.

Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingHomework That is too HardI want you to go back and tell her that you thought you understood but you got home and did not understand. Is it possible to get another explanation?

Contact the teacher and explain the situation. Ask for support from the teacher to explain and give some more time to do the work. Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingOrganizationUse mind mapping or webbing to organize school work, information for a test, new information,

Do on paper or online Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingMindmap WebsitesWebspiration (www.mywebspiration.com)

bubbl.us (www.bubbl.us)

MindMeister (www.mindmeister.com)YouTube - Mind Meister Tutorial

Mind42.com (www.mind42.com)

Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingEnhancing MotivationOffer Choices

Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingEnhancing MotivationTeach Students to Evaluate Themselves

Branch Consulting Branch Consulting

Breaking the CycleDon't ask how well they did on a test -- ask if they learned anything from it, or how much effort they made.

Branch Consulting Branch Consulting

Breaking the Cycle Role model by working to understand your own motivational assumptions and skills.

Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingSelf-EvaluationDevelop a rubric together that will show how well the student did after a project, assignment, home task, etc.

Ask your student to evaluate themselves on the rubric each time they complete a task Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingSelf-EvaluationHelp them build on their strengths and set goals for improving the areas of weakness before the next task.

Use it yourself to model the behavior and help you get organized if you are not. Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingCreating a RubricMake a list of what you want the to accomplish through the assignments. Organize your list from most important to least important. Generalize to most assignments so you dont have to reinvent the wheel. Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingCreating a RubricInclude:How much effort was put into the task. What did I do well?What was difficult for me?How interesting was the assignment?What did I learn?Where can I improve?

Branch Consulting Branch Consulting

Enhancing MotivationStudents Need To Understand The Relevance Of All Their School Activities

Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingMaking RelevanceTalk to your childs teacher about being partners to make some assignments more interesting.

Help your child understand that some assignments are practice, some are new learning, and some are for stretching the brain. Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingChanging the Home EnvironmentSibling rivalry may be a factor in underachievement.Parents may have low self-esteem and are overprotective of their children.Parents either place an overemphasis on work or, in contrast, have an anti-work attitude.

Branch ConsultingParents may try:

Continuing to encourage the childs interests.

Encouraging participation in enrichment activities that involve other achieving gifted children.

Branch ConsultingStart Having an Hour of Quiet Time at NightHave quiet time at night if you don't already have it. This will become part of their homework time. Read a book, comics, or magazines. No electronicsincluding cell phones and textingduring this time.You model the behavior during quiet time. Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingStudy with a Friend, Create Study GroupsSometimes studying with another child helps your child get motivated. Nothing motivates kids like studying with other intellectual peersnothing. Well-managed study groups are very helpful. Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingHave Your Child Earn the Right to Study on His OwnMotivate your child to succeed by having them earn rights around the house. So in order to function more independently, your child has to achieve. Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingTalk About Their ProgressCoaching your child to do better is one of the key ways to become a more effective parent

Talk about what success is, how to get it, what goals to set Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingReward StrategiesOffer rewards for low level task, skill achievement, or effort that can be extrinsically motivated through reward.

Do not reward for things that should be intrinsically motivating such as reading, interest based research projects.

Branch Consulting Branch Consulting

Branch ConsultingGrandmas RuleUse a more preferred activity as a reward for a less preferred activity. First eat your spinach and then you can have dessertAfter you wash the dishes, then you can go out and playFinish your homework then you can visit your friendThe Premack Principle

Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingReward StrategiesUse rewards that students value.

Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingReward StrategiesRewards are most effective when they provide informative feedback about performance.

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Branch Consulting Branch Consulting

Nurture Your Child's Interests

Provide opportunities for him or her to learn and explore that interest.

Kids who can explore their interests are more likely to keep their love of learning alive. Branch Consulting Branch Consulting

Expose Your Child to New Ideas and Areas

Sometimes a child lacks motivation because he or she hasn't yet been exposed to what might be a life passion.

Keep an open mind; it's your child's interests that are important.

Branch Consulting Branch Consulting

Help Your Child Learn to Manage Time

Teach your child how to create and use a time-management schedule

Branch Consulting Branch Consulting

Praise Your Child's Efforts

To help a child succeed, praise efforts at success and make that praise specific. For example, instead of saying "Nice work," it's better to say something like, "You worked hard on your science project; you really earned that A."

Avoid the reverse: don't say things like, "If you worked harder, you would do better."

Branch Consulting Branch Consulting

Help Your Child Take Control

The way you talk about your own life sends a message.

Complaining about your boss or blaming your boss for your lack of success at work sends the wrong message. Branch Consulting Branch Consulting

Keep a Positive Attitude About School

Children need to see that their parents value education. Blaming the school will allow the child to avoid personal responsibility.

Branch Consulting Branch Consulting

Turn Homework Into Creative Games

Gifted children love a challenge, so by turning otherwise dull homework into a challenging game, you can get your child to do it.

Some children like to race, so you can ask them to see how quickly they can get it done -- without mistakes.

Checking their work lets them see you care about it. Another creative approach to homework is to link it to an interest.

Branch Consulting Branch Consulting

Making Homework MotivatingSet a time that works best for your child.

Make your child part of the decision-making process

Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingMaking Homework MotivatingKeep the same time everyday

Break work into chunks

Branch Consulting Branch ConsultingMaking Homework MotivatingSet time limits and check in at each interval

Take quick refreshing breaks

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Final goal Branch Consulting