-bowen and babies

BOWEN AND BABIES There are times when treating babies that miracles happen. Or should I say it seems like it, to those treating them. Most babies presenting for treatment are suffering from colic, a digestive problem involving projectile vomiting, the baby is unsettled, and grizzly and often has greenish stools. For these the job is exacting, gentle and simple. Often it is done while the baby is still in the arms of it’s mother. Several minute precise muscle moves are made in a particular order and in just a few minutes, it is all over. I always tell the mother that if it hasn’t worked, bring the baby back for a second treatment in a week. This has happened only twice in all the years I have treated babies. The first time it was a first- time mother, who was apprehensive about her new roll. She was breast feeding and possibly passing that apprehension on to her baby through feeding. I balanced the mother as well as the baby, next time and her problems were resolved. The second was different. I traveled to the home of second baby and discussed the problem with the mother. Apparently it wasn’t colic as I had previously thought. “Every time I lie the baby down on it’s back it starts crying and is unsettled” she said. I asked her to take the baby to it’s cot, lie it down and lets see what happens. Sure enough it started crying. With my assessment system I was able to establish this baby had a possible hip discomfort stemming from a lower back problem, as a result of a difficult birth. Tiny, gentle muscle moves were done to the lower back and the baby appeared settled. A call a week later confirmed all was well. However there are reported miracles happening. Here is a couple from Greece , copied from our Bowen Hands; Case 1: A sixteen month old baby with both legs not opening at all, the hips seemed to have seized up and the ankle did not align with the tibia, it was 2 centimeters apart, doctors wanted to put screws into the hips and a metal plate in the ankle. Three Bowen treatments later they went back to the doctor who told them that everything was back to normal, even the ankle which hadn’t yet been addressed with Bowen. That sounds like a miracle to me! Case two; A fifteen day old baby was jammed in the pelvis for some time before being delivered by caesarian section. Both legs were stiff like a board and not able to bend the knees at all and fingers were tight in a fist-like position. After the first Bowen treatment the legs bent 60% and the fingers opened 50%. After the 5 th treatment the knees were bending 95% and the fingers all the way open. Another miracle? I think so.

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Post on 15-Dec-2015




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bowen therapy


Page 1: -Bowen and Babies

BOWEN AND BABIESThere are times when treating babies that miracles happen. Or should I say it seems like it, to those treating them.Most babies presenting for treatment are suffering from colic, a digestive problem involving projectile vomiting, the baby is unsettled, and grizzly and often has greenish stools. For these the job is exacting, gentle and simple. Often it is done while the baby is still in the arms of it’s mother. Several minute precise muscle moves are made in a particular order and in just a few minutes, it is all over. I always tell the mother that if it hasn’t worked, bring the baby back for a second treatment in a week. This has happened only twice in all the years I have treated babies.The first time it was a first-time mother, who was apprehensive about her new roll. She was breast feeding and possibly passing that apprehension on to her baby through feeding. I balanced the mother as well as the baby, next time and her problems were resolved.The second was different. I traveled to the home of second baby and discussed the problem with the mother. Apparently it wasn’t colic as I had previously thought. “Every time I lie the baby down on it’s back it starts crying and is unsettled” she said. I asked her to take the baby to it’s cot, lie it down and lets see what happens. Sure enough it started crying. With my assessment system I was able to establish this baby had a possible hip discomfort stemming from a lower back problem, as a result of a difficult birth. Tiny, gentle muscle moves were done to the lower back and the baby appeared settled. A call a week later confirmed all was well.

However there are reported miracles happening. Here is a couple from Greece , copied from our Bowen Hands;Case 1: A sixteen month old baby with both legs not opening at all, the hips seemed to have seized up and the ankle did not align with the tibia, it was 2 centimeters apart, doctors wanted to

put screws into the hips and a metal plate in the ankle. Three Bowen treatments later they went back to the doctor who told them that everything was back to normal, even the ankle which hadn’t yet been addressed with Bowen.That sounds like a miracle to me!Case two;A fifteen day old baby was jammed in the pelvis for some time before being delivered by caesarian section. Both legs were stiff like a board and not able to bend the knees at all and fingers were tight in a fist-like position. After the first Bowen treatment the legs bent 60% and the fingers opened 50%. After the 5th treatment the knees were bending 95% and the fingers all the way open.Another miracle? I think so.

With so many cases reported in our Bowen Hands over the years, which, to most would seem to be impossible, I wonder if those babies suffering from heart defects at birth may respond in a similar way and reduce the need for surgery and the trauma involved to both parents and baby at this venerable stage of life. It would certainly not do any harm but until someone tries no one will know.

Mr. Bowen always recommended that new born babies be given the respiratory procedure as soon as possible after birth to help clear mucus from their lungs and improve their oxygen level. He believed that if this was done, their chances of respiratory problems later in life would be less,