ancient japan was not a united country. instead japan was divided into territories that were...


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Post on 06-Jan-2018




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 The variety of customs and beliefs eventually formed Japan’s earliest religion called Shinto (“Way of the gods”)


Page 1: Ancient Japan was not a united country.  Instead Japan was divided into territories that were controlled by hundreds of different clans.  Each territory


Page 2: Ancient Japan was not a united country.  Instead Japan was divided into territories that were controlled by hundreds of different clans.  Each territory

EARLY JAPAN Ancient Japan was not a united country. Instead Japan was divided into

territories that were controlled by hundreds of different clans.

Each territory had its own nature god and goddess

Page 3: Ancient Japan was not a united country.  Instead Japan was divided into territories that were controlled by hundreds of different clans.  Each territory

SHINTO The variety of customs and beliefs

eventually formed Japan’s earliest religion called Shinto (“Way of the gods”)

Page 4: Ancient Japan was not a united country.  Instead Japan was divided into territories that were controlled by hundreds of different clans.  Each territory

SHINTO Shinto is based on respect for the forces

of nature and on the worship of ancestors

Worshipers believed in Kami – divine spirits that dwelled in nature.

Anything unusual or beautiful could be the home of Kami

Page 5: Ancient Japan was not a united country.  Instead Japan was divided into territories that were controlled by hundreds of different clans.  Each territory

SHINTO Believers often worshiped the emperor

Some believed they were the descendants of a god

Page 6: Ancient Japan was not a united country.  Instead Japan was divided into territories that were controlled by hundreds of different clans.  Each territory

BUDDHISM AND SHINTO Buddhism and Shinto coexisted with

each other in Japan Buddhism spread throughout Japan

causing for some of the rituals to mix Buddhist rituals became Shinto rituals

and Shinto gods and goddesses were worshiped in Buddhist temples

Page 7: Ancient Japan was not a united country.  Instead Japan was divided into territories that were controlled by hundreds of different clans.  Each territory

QUESTIONS What was the earliest religion of Japan? What religion later came to Japan and

Spread amongst the people? Why were Shinto and Buddhism

important to the development of Japanese culture?

Page 8: Ancient Japan was not a united country.  Instead Japan was divided into territories that were controlled by hundreds of different clans.  Each territory


Location and place Mountainous Japanese archipelago (four main

islands) Sea of Japan or East Sea between Japan and

Asian mainland Proximity to China and Korea 

Influence of Chinese culture Writing Architecture Buddhism

Page 9: Ancient Japan was not a united country.  Instead Japan was divided into territories that were controlled by hundreds of different clans.  Each territory

KEY CONCEPTSShinto Ethnic religion unique to Japan Importance of natural features, forces of

nature, and ancestors State religion; worship of the emperor Coexistence with Buddhism