· 6 the evening totes washington saturday november 17 1900 i u i almost...

THE EVENING TOTES WASHINGTON SATURDAY NOvEMBER 17 1900 6 I u I Almost Sensational Advances in Early Dealings V 3ornl Iicj Buser Rniifire of Erlee for Ameri- canrJjJiares Iinllvray Issnes Proud nent in Initial Operations Scv era j of the Front 1 KETW Nov 17 Advances almost jenstio illn character wore noted in the Stock Market poa the opening of business today aniL ti dealings at the same time were in immense volume The rise in prices TrasTJothing snore than a continua- tion of ifce general tendency of the mar- ket since election day and no new circum- stances were presented for consideration this morning London indeed furnished a materially higher rangejof prices for American stocks and foreign tousts bought heavily here and in addition favorable expectations were entertained in regard to the probable showing to be made by the banks in their weakly statement of averages Some of ie more conspicuous move ments in the market were in tho Atchison shares Missouri Pacific tha Northern and Union Pacific issues Pennsylvania and Southern Railway preferred Among the specialties Taanessee Coal andJrcnv Colorado Fuel and Iron Peoples idly ami the Industrial quarter was ac- tively dealt in with many sharp rises scored Sugar Refining was a promi sent f atura there as was American Smelting Federal Steel National Tube and Steel stocks generally The copper stocks in the curb market were exceedingly strong and active and on the Stock Exchange Anaconda scored a sharp rise Sow York Stock Market Corrected daily by W B Hihbs Co mem- bers of the New Yok Stock Exchange 1119 F Street Open mgh Low Clot American Cotton on 31H 3I5f 31 31Ji Wire 485 47 43 4 Wire pfd S7H SSH 87JJ 87J American Sncar 134 J34 132Jf Ia2 American Tobacco IlOJi 110 109 UOX Atchison SSif 3S5 37Ji 3SX pfd S2JS 83JJ Kit S2J B O S3 S3ii 82H 83 B Opfd 85 65 H 84H Brooklyn Rapid Tranilt 71 H 724 70U 703 Chesapeake Ohio 34 33X C 0 a L 67S 67 G7JJ B Q 133 13SJ J37JJ 138Jf Chicago 168 I5SJJ 163 168 a H St Paul t2X 125 12H 124V Chicago B J Pacific U5i 11 5 115i 50 51J4 50 5J4 Consolidated Gas 101 201 153 195 Continental Tobacco 365 SaS 33if 3G5 Con Tobacco pfd 2 fiEJi 22 S2Jf Federal Steel 51 51H 60H 51 Federal Etd 77 77 78 7flW General Electric IBS 170 IHH 168 niinou Central 125 ISJf J24 125 Jjouisrflle k Nashville 8t 82 81M Sl Metropolitan Traction 171 171 16954 ITCH Elevated IHX 112 hut 112 llliscnrj Pacinc 60S 614 6014 61 T pfd 33 40 37J4 3SJ Sew Jersey Central 145 146 144 N Y O Western Korthem Padflc Northern PAcific Pew R H T Southern Pacific Southern Baiivray SoathciE Railway pfd Teen Co l i Tjciia Vacifie Ptciftc pfd D a leather O a Leather pfd U S Rubber WtJbash pd Wtstera Union Tel 2634 26 68H 67 6K 67 603 80S roM S f H 6 45- 142JS H4 I4I 101 102H 101 102H 64 H C3M 42J4 a 42 423- 63H 64 62 63Ji 76 70 76 79 69H 70S raj 03 81 sin 16 16 15J 1 77X 7d flit 7H 87 S7K 363L S7X- 2i PH sin ax 85 5 S6 There was another wild hurrah In the Stock Market this morning with prices booming during the entire session under the influence of entirely unprecedented public and clique buying of stocks and covering shorts The week ended with pins of Irons 2 to 15 or more points In all the active securities and with hardly- a dull spot on the list and this despite the fact the early days bfr the week witnessed a healthy decline of 3 or 4 points The upward movement so far has extended in all from 15 to 50 ponts The average level of the railway securities is higher than at any time before in many years higher than It in the winter 18981899 Many securities are daily making highprice records The pres- ent is a bull movement such as comes only once In years The question that is agitating the minds Of the people at present is of course whether top prices have been reached al- ready or will be far higher than the pres- ent level Tile advice of conservatives Is that some profits should be taken and lines of stocks reduced rather than increased aft- er such a rapid advance as that of the past three days but that excepting for recessions like that of Monday the price level seems likely to advance many points during the coming three or four months Purchases should be made on the reactions These people base their opin ion on the excellent condition prevailing everywhere for railway and industrial cor porations and more than this on the confi- dence of the public that such conditions exist It is said by old market people that tho public never in the history of the Stock Market has been so eager to buy LARGE SALER OF BTOGKS the- e L the 1 IRK Gas flf k1Qt nas Hl bei- ng k n 4S Atchison SI Ii 33 32 k St 67 Chi ll ll 41 K Ii New Central 139 IU 140 25 Pacific pfd 46 46 Per 4S Sxst 63 HC U Silt 81 that was 0 w tempo- rary I Materially the SietJaltlet to lr If 1443j 13934 14a3 Gte 141L 1414 Lion > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > The bank statement was excellent in every particular and it had the effect of entirely reassuring the people that have been fearing tight money and a depleted bank reserve It was followed by the most buoyant fifteen minutes of the day at ths close The figures were as follows Reserves increased 3063725 loans in creased 2189600 legals increased 2 6125CO specie Increased i2595SOO de posits increased 53573300 circulation 28200 It will be seen that the Increase in cash was more than 45000 COO The increase in loans was a modest one cnaccount of the fact that under the system of averages usea in making up the statementthe early part of the week with its liquidation had more influence on the figures than the last three days with their boom Despite the general buoyancy of the market half a dozen securities were se curely the leaders Atchison preferred Pennsylvania Union Pacific and Northern Pacific among these Atchison pre went up to 83 12 at the opening it declined somewhat later in tie session closed the with- a big net gain This stock Is apparently the favorite with the public and the rea- son for this Is This company has had a during the past two years a record of increasing pros- perity such as probably no other railway In the country can show And everything points to a continuance of this excellent At present It is said 7 per cent on the common stock in Girlsfrom fourteen to are apt to lose color and vigor they are growing and want more food than they get frbmutfrdr ustiai fare i Eettheni have some Sctfs emulsion of codliver oil and Pcutstieet New York de- creased were terre near evident showIng r tent c and spnng t1ei heels will show it- a litl to try tyonl- ikeSrrhOvE ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < addition to the full dividend of 5 per cent on the St Paul was strong this morning despite the statement of gross the week which show- ed A decrease This had fcop n expected Pennsylvania wa boomed by the public also partly jn its merit which are La disputed aid partly because ota story that the will issue IQ00QOt0 new par to stockholders Civics them in rights something onethird of the difference Twtwecn par and the market price or the stock All the Union and Northern Pacifies se- curities riado new high price records Un ton common getting above 70 and North- ern common above 67 Southern Pacific and Missouri Pacific showed evidences of being OiL the edge of an advance The coalors werymore active They are Hot good stocks to speculate In usually tiring holders into selling out and tien advancing several points In an afternoon But to hold for a good profit Rending is one of the most promising on the at the moment It has ad with the remainder of the market One cf the tips In connection the New York traction securities there will be a decision against the Ford franchise tax There are sufficient reasons for bullishness regarding these securities without this hazy rumor WnHlilnprton Stoct KxoJwxnce Sales Capital Traction 120W3 iS Mergenthaler Linotype 10193 10 193 18 10193 14 10193 12 130 4- iO13i American Graphophone o corn 20010 After call Wasb Pact j Elec 4 12s 2000 62 Mergenibaleix- Linotype lJl34 12 Capital BId Ajfced I U S 4s 1903 Q J 115 JIG U S 4a 1907 Q J 215 116 U a 4s Rl 1023 1382 1375 U S 4s C 1925 136 137J- O S 5s C 1904 Q F 112Jf U S Ss R 100S Q F 109S 11014 U S 2s R 190S RC F 309S 1IO DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA BONDS 6 1902 30year funding gold 103 7s 1901 water stox currency 102 Funding currency SGSs 122- MISCELLAJxEOUS BONDS Capital Traction R R 4s 1065 107 Wash Trac Else CelL 4l2s 61 61J Met R R Ss 1905 120 123 Met R li Cert Ind btxiness A 109 Met II R Cot Indebtedness B IDS Columbia R R 19H s23 Columbia R R 2d mort 5s 110 City Suburban R R Wash Gas Co scr A 6 1S02 27 110 Wash Gas Co ser B 6a Ifloisa 110 U S Else Light Deb Imp 1907 103 10 U 5 Flee Light Cert lndebt lOlif 103 Ches Pot TeL 1S961911 103 Ches Tel Con 5s 103 American Security 3rat 5s 1905 10J Wash Varket Co 1st C 1S92 jell 7 X 5 retired 110 Wash lilt tSa Imp 6f isi227 U Wash Mkt Ow ext 6a 19H27 Masonic HiU Ann C 1008 105 American Graphortone Deb 5g 98 I Anseostla Pot ur 6f pre earning comp ca thus stock I lit ce wit I 14 1 Tact on- I 01i GOvEm n I I n m uu ll ll k I Zr Pot Ft ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > = < NATIOnAl BANK STOCKS Bank of 355 w Metropolitan i 625 can i 200 Farmers arid Mt 5snic 220 IT Second 153 Citizens 150 Columbia 166 Capital 168 West End U6 Traders 320 Lincoln llg 1S3 SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST COMPANIES National Safe Deposit tad 145 150 Wash Loan Trust 153 TK American and Trust 198 Washington Safe Deposit 72 J INSURANCE STOCKS Firemen 33 Franklin 40 50 Metropolitan go Corcoran 53 Potomac 63 Arlington is GermanAmerican 210 National Union 10 columbia 10 Biggs 7X I Peoples J jjg54 Commercial 414 5 TITLE INSURANCE STOCKS Real Estate Title 70 f Columbia Title 414 Washington Title 214 District Title 3 RAILROAD STOCKS Traction i 103 1C City Suburban j Tennallytown GAS STOCKS Washington Gas su 5514 Georgetown Ga 55 TELEPHONE STOCKS Chesapeake k Potomac 70 35 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS Hergenlhaler Linotype 19454 1944 Lanston jnif 33 American Crapbophone gv jg American pfd lOj nj Pneumatic Gun Carriage 10 i WashlEEton Norfolk Washington 155 Lincoln Exdividend Corrected daily by W B HIbbs Co men of the York Stock Exchange 1119 X Street WHEAT Open High ow Cos December Jlft 71 71J4 71Jf January KU5i 1H 71SB CORi December 33H 35X 35 Jf January D34Jt 34 i S 34K OATS December 217i22 21X22 21 3J22 21Ii22 January i PORK December January 1155 1160 1155 11 Cull LARD u I 140 118 32 Se n j n 5 m C u ll Chicago Grain anti ProvIsion 3nrJtet Ii hers NeW J 35 0 eo S 1 Silt ¬ December 680 flJS 690 692 January 685 6S 6S5 0S5- BD3S December January v 620 Open High Low doe December 053 9 K 953 562 January 942 957 942 9 7 March 940 955 J 940 BS3 May 940 048 9 40 4 COMPANY TREASURER MISSING Chcncro Lonn Investment Stocliliolders Anxious CHICAGO Nov J Stell Secretary and Treasurer of the Monad nock Loan and Investment Company been absent from his office since Monday and an expert is at work on his accounts Stockholders are anxiously awaiting the result of the examination of his books and are trying to locate him The business of the Monadnock Loan and Investment is to lend money to salaried employes and discount notes they know to be good Stell had had al most entire charge of the business One stockholder is said to have grown suspi- cious and to have disposed of his stock several weeks ago but others suspected nothing until Stell left town suddenly on Monday explaining In a note to other off- icers of the company saying ne had gone to California He failed to state when he would return A stockholder said that the shortage may reach 25000 Returned to the Reform School Annie Iodman a flfteenycarold colored girl was arrested by Policeman Hollinberger last night and rctornect to the Girls Reform School from which she was a ftigitiv- eBerraril Offered for DeKerterx A reward SO has been offered for the return ol Joseph Johnson and Claude H Galer who are Marriage Licenses Marriage licenses were issued today to Stephen- C Buckingham and Julia Elizabeth Mor- ris Goldstein New Yo city arut Leah and Charles O Richter rind Celeste E Wood Arthur Asliton Was committed tp the workhouse today lacHIteeii days ior Esdu Hs blesle will I 622 620 622 New York Cotton Market u and 17Robert has Com of to e deserters front SgnaI Corps at Fort ytt Stuart Jcobs nol a Bicycle Vlthout aLight 4- t Co- ncerns any thiS the ouia1fht ¬ ¬ ¬ Registered B5PstsatDifica Springs I and 2 Iljl In Fevers Malarial TyphoMalarial and i Atypical Typhoid 1 Uric Add Dlathe sis Diseases of Wo- men etc Dr John Herbert Claiborne ExPresWent Medical Society of Vir- ginia Petersburg Va REFERRING TO SPRING XO 1 I often WffiTPl8 In the Fevers of this section known use the fiiUSffraiLW Kara as ilALARL L TYPHQMALAR IAlrr AND ATYPICAL TYPHOID It is grateful to the Patient SEDATIVE and REFRIGERANT and nn ACTIVE ELIMINENT of the MATERIES MORBI THROUGH THE SKIN AND KIDNEYS as any one familiar with Its character might reasonably expect It has been long noted for Its SPECIFIC EFFECT UPON MA LARLL TROUBLE I went to the springs a wreck from attacks of LITHE1IIA and after drinking tho water SPRING NO 1 for a month I was entirely restored and I fear a return of my old malady I resort to the water and am soon relieved IT IS A QIOST REMARKABLE WATER IN MANY RESPECTS It was used during my ear- liest recollection for diseases PECULIAR TO WOMEN AND ITS RESTORATIVE POWER WAS CONSIDERED MARVELOUS Dr N C Lewis Surgeon Soathern Railway Co iawrenceville Va referring to Spring No 2 1 have jRIFSa ft I PSH IS WSTSTES extensively fn TYPHOD AND used MALARIAL FEVERS tnd have fcund it a most valuable adjunct to the treatment of these diseases Added to Its well known eliminative power through the skin and kidneys car rying off through these emunctories effete rind nosious matter from the system it fills two other important indications viz 1st It has a very happy effect on the digestive system RELIEVING NAUSEA and PROMOTING DIGESTION AND ASSIMILATION 42d It is a decided TONIC SEDATIVE TO TIlE NERVOUS SYSTEM relieving to a marked degree the distressing train of nervous symptoms soalarraing and potent in this fever With these combined effects I am satisfied that it has In my hands very much reduced the mortality In these diseases It should be drunk freely to the exclusion- of other waters Buffalo Lithia Waters both Springs 1 and 2 are POWERFULLY NERVE TONIC and RESTORATIVE No 1 Is also a POTENT BLOOD TONIC and Is a remedy of EXTRAORDINARY POTENCY In NERVOUS INDIGESTION WITH ITS TRAIN OF DISTRESSING SYMPTOMS and IN ALL CASES where there POVERTY or DE FICIENCY of THE BLOOD or WHERE NERVOUS DEPRESSION or EXHAUSTION- is a prominent symptom No 1 is to be preferred In the absence of the Indications here given No 2 Is to be preferred Testimonials which defy all Imputation or question sent to any address PROPRIETOR BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS VIRGINIA 5U LITHIA WATER rips i I t h i BDFFAlO LITHIA WATER it for sate by Groecus and gcuerslly at iG5rt 4 c g i3 S 1 i I 1- I 1r45 whenever Dnitt ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FIRST GA1 Af BEUI6 The Fall fleeting Opens Under Propitious Conditions Some of the Beat Runners in the Country in the Stnljles Seven Mace the Big Event of the Day Trnelc in Flue Trim and a Large Crowd In Attendance The fall running meeting of the Jockey Club at Bennlng opened su- jsplclously this afternoon Fair weather though j trifle chill a fast track and ia unusually large and last field of the host horses In America ridden by the cleverest jockeys all combined to Inaugurate with success what promises to be one of the best meetings ever held In the history of the Washington Jockey Club Society opening with a bril- liant showing A number of swell turn Fur- long Wash- ington gracedthe ¬ outs filled the carriage field the club house verandas were filled and the grand- stand contained toy number of smartly gowned ladies i The meeting opened this afternoon will close the racing in the East A large number of the cracks that have teen dl viding honors at Aqueduct for the past week or so arrived last night together with their jockeys Jimmy ilclAUghllns entire string Is here Including Charentus who Is no stranger to the Benning track or to Washington horsemen Charentus Is entered In the fourth race the Droning Day Handicap This race is the hip event on card The weights been finely adjusted and as the distance is but seven furlongs a hard race from word to wire may be looked for Jumping events been scattered free ly through the programme of the meet and there will be one of these nearly every day Todays steeplechase Is rather barren of entries but this drawback will not in similar events to come later in the meeting The entries for today are as follows First race Six furlongs The Rhymer i05 ilcAddie 108 Isis 105 Sadie S 95 Petit MaItre IIS Moor 102 Second maiden twoyearolds five furlongs Averne 110 Anthony 110 Zenalde 107 Sentry 110 Curtssy107 Colonel 110 Bonveriness 107 Lecture 110 Chaos 107 Dame 107 Timo thy Foley no H1JJ 107 Velasques 107 Infallible 107 Blueskin 107 The Royal 107 Spoil Sport 107 Street Boy 107 Isa- ac Hopper 110 Blue Victor 107 Provost 107 Third race Threeyearplds and upward selling steeplechase about two miles and a half Facial 137 Decameron 157 Gov- ernor BudS 148 Fourth race Opening Day Handicap for threeyearolds and upward seven furlongs James 126 Charentus 122 Kinnikinic 118 Carbuncle Ill Compen- sation 110 Warren ton 110 Gen Mart Gary 109 Hardly 105 Brisk 104 As quith 103 Sparrow Wing 100 Death 103 Fifth race Twoyearolds selling six furlongs Kings Favorite 94 Nonpa- reil 103 Flora McFlimsey 107 Sem pire 112 The Brother 92 JC67elty 59 Gracious 32 Little Daisy 97 Sixth race Three yearolds and up- ward selling one mile and a sixteenth Kirkwood 106 Charawind 104 Charles Estes 95 Handcuff 106 Toluca 112 Maple 95 Speedmas 103 Palatial 101 Shinfans 106 Island Prince 109 Top Gallant 106 Miss Mitchell 98 Magic Light 9S Apprentice allowance claimed Sntriea for Mondays Haocs First all ag s nonwinners in 1900 five and a half furlongs Buck Talk 104 Timothy Foley 104 Alalne 104 Ran dy 107 Mordelmo 102 Uncle Josh 9 Laura Kimble 97 Ross Clark 107 Lady Contrary 104 Fluke 104 Sportlve 99 Impartial 115 The following can start in the order named If any of the above are scratched Fresnal 97 Tour 97 Decimal 104 Marblehead 115 Lexington No Other For Years 4Onr lamllj use SOZQDOXT f for the teeth and have not naecl nny other powder or g liquid for years Tcethiaad Breath By 25c 75c Hall RucKeJ 3f T CSiy have have pre- Vail raceFor Ball ntlne I l RaceFor 5 C CJJ mil todays For the and ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Pirate 115 Carasalgo 99 Red Spider 112 Hawk 107 Federalist 104 Second twoyearold fillies nonwinners of 750 to 110 pounds six furlongs Sadie S 100 Queen 110 Gracious 107 Annie Darling 100 Fannie Maud 110 Onienta 107 Little Daisy 107 Kings Favorite 105 Zenaide 100 Nonpareil 100 Third and upward selling nonwinners of 500 In 1SOO one mile and forty yards Petit ilaitre lOG Charles Estes 1C3 Speedmas 103 Tension 99 Handcuff 10 Toluca 111 Kirkwood 102 iliss Mitchell 94 Monmouth Boy 99 Charawind 106 Apprentice allowance claimed Fourth twoyearolds sell ing nonwinners of 11400 or of seven or more races six furlongs Hiji 105 The Puritan 114 Lambkin 97 Lecture 106 HInsdale 55 Quite Right S2 Novelty Apprentice allowance claimed Fifth maiden threeyearolds and upward to carry 110 pounds mile and sixty yards Perion 107 110 Draughtsman 107 Uncle Josh 107 Old Tank 107 Leon Ferguson 110 Sixth race For mares threeyearolds and upward selling mile and 100 Oread 95 Oneck Queen 105 Hardly 100 Althea 93 PRIZED SNAXES OP I RaceFor RaceFor RaceFor 92 raceFor Match em yards OREGON arTy Carni- val ¬ ¬ Residents of Klamath Fall 3Iakc Iets of Them the Portland Oregonian The snake industry at Klamath Falls bids laIr to become important A few weeks ago Postmaster Castel received a letter from a concern In Minnesota mak- ing enquiry as to the price of the reptiles and If a could be made to a Minnesota snake farm Although the let- ter was written on printed letter heads the postmaster thought someone was try- Ing to perpetrate a Joke upon ha He re plied however and stated that it would supply all the snakes wanted at 25 cents a pound By return mail much to his surprise came an order for 400 pounds of snakes delivered at the nearest rail road station The Minnesotan went on to state that next season he would make fur- ther orders an object to Mr Castel but he would take SCO pounds more this fall Snake catching is now the order of the day here It Is a paying business as one man can easily capture 100 a day and this repre- sents at least fifty pounds The Klamath Falls snakes have a world wide reputation The town Is situated at the foot of Klamath Falls which begin at Tipper Klamath Lake and continue through- a narrow rocky gulch for a mile to the lower lake The descent is gradual and the falls nothing more than a rapid moun- tain stream 100 yards or more wide be tween the two lakes This place forms a sort of curve or elbow and was called Ewawa by the Indians meaning elbow Along this river or falls on a warm day miles of snakes curling wriggling and crawling over each other Is no unusual sight and if the weather Is a little cool one has to wait for them to get out of the way or take a stick and lilt them aside as many do The stranger on his first trip to this section Is continually dodging and jumping sidewise although he is Informed that the reptiles are perfectly harmless The Inhabitant doesnt mind them at all Little girls gather apronfuls and boys carry small ones around in their pockets They are regarded as pets here generally and are seldom harmed They come down into the very town and while walking along streets a couple of dozer may be seen In- going a block wriggle out of the cracks of the plank sidewalks or mov off to one side The snakes are regarded as benefactors by the community audi Is some com- plaint at parting with the few required to fill the Minnesota mans order The repUtes live and breed among the rocks and cliffs along XhJe falls it is asserted that they have completely routed the rattlesnakes from ths entire section besides destroying alt the mice and other pests that fafesled theTpace They attack a and while one alone his been known to kill the largest rattler a nun ber islE wind about the ven- omous r tUe and strangle It in a short time It claimed that before these snakes wade their appearance the rattlers Infested the region but they are now sel dom ceen and this is evidenced by the fact that they will take to the water 1 there Is no other means of escape when crowded and move about In that element the ease and of a fish They are of a dark color about three feet long when full grown and have a stripe a little lighter than the gen- eral color down their back All sizes may be seen among them from the three ot fourInch baby snake to the fullgrown On a warm day they are visible by the thousands and In many cases they coIl by the dozens In huge volta Pictures of these rolls have been sent upon en- quiry all over the world A farmer Hy ing In the gulch by the banks of the has great difficulty In using his hay at the last of winter The snakes take refuge In Stake race nd at BcanirrtT race Emit rateat2 jc ro from I I I th e They waycrawl betweenihe and rattles nt I the elve5 specieS Is said to bea water snake skill ones I come too it 5 hk Tha nyc steep tebsie w ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FOR SALE HOTSBS FOB SAXE HOUSES FOR SALE OPEN FOR INSPECTION 1517 and 152 First Street Northwest IlOrily Two for Sale Price 4000 On Very Easy Terms Tlicse honae flntKliea and most complete and thoroughly modern Itoose ox Jr t ir rc l for such a low price Two and cellar press Imrvrlndow ront with liand onie- Mtouc porch and trimmingm six bright cheerful rooms hand omcly decorated elegant tiled bath rrlti mnrljle w 8u tnnd porcelain tub iirxt floor finished in liaxdrrood FAIL TO INSPECT MOORE HILL EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 717 14th Street KW are the best e brick i story and ONT > LEG AX NOTICES OF COLO51CIA holding s fpecial t rm for Orphans Court In re estate of THOMAS deceaseS Xo SS27 Ad- ministration docket 27 Application Mring been made to the Supreme the District of Columbia a ape rfal MM for Orphans Court business for letters of administration on said estate bY Isaac Xclsozr it ordered this 1ST DAY OF NOVEMBER 1SOO that notice is hereby given to the heirs and next of kin of ilariah Thomas deceased and to all others concerned to appear In said court on MONDAY THE 3D DAY OF DECEMBER D 1000 AT 1 OCLOCK P M cause why such application should not be granted This no tire shall be published in the Washington Law Reporter and The Times once each of three successive weeks before the reitrrn day therein rocBtioncd the first publIcation t be less than thirty days before said return day B the court eRAS C COLE Jasticc Attest LOUIS A DENT Register f WiRe no31017 A B Dnrall and C A Brafideniwry Attorneys IS THE SOWJEUE COURT OF TIlE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA HOLDING V DISTRICT COURT In re extension of Sbrteentfa Street northnrc t Xo 3SO District Court Notice ia hereby given that ptmuBBt to the provifiens of an act of Congress approved March 3 1S entitled an act to extend S Street in the District of Columbia and for other pur poses and an act of Congress approved 30 1000 entitled an act relative to the widen- ing cent extension of Sixteenth Street in the District of Columbia and an act of Congress approved June 6 1000 entitled an act for the extension of Columbia Road east of Thirteenth Street and for other purposes the Commission- ers of the District of Columbia have a petition in this court the condemnation- of land necessary for the extension of Sixteenth Street northwest from Morris Street to the District of Columbia boundary line with a uni- form width of hundred and fl60 feet SB shown on a or prepared by said Commissioners and annexed to their said and marked Exhibit D C Xo 1 pray that a jury of seven 7 judicious disinter estfd not related to any intrrtatcrf in the proceediccs aiul cot in the service or eni- ploymcnt of the District of Columbia or oj the TJoited States be sununoed by the marshal of the District of Columbia to the damages each owner of lawi taken may sustain by reason of tIe extension of said e eet sad the coBden- jcdtion of lands for the purposes of cool ext n aim and to assess the resulting there from against there pieces or percale of ground situated and on each ride of mid Sixteenth Street northwest between Morris Street and the Blagden anbdlviatoa eta between the Bayd- IHil Road and the Rode Creek or Milkhoese Ford cad between lots seven 7 four 4 and raven 11 X R Shepherds subdiviskm to the depth of two hundred and fifty 250 feet or to such greater depths as the benefits may be found by said jury to extend nwasired on each tit thereof Irons the buHdirs liner of said Six tccnih Street as extended according to the pro mOM of the afcresaid acts of Corarse is ordered this 1CTH DAY OF NOVEMBER A C 1 XX thit all persona haring any Jeteret In the proceedings be and they are hereby required to attend this court on the 7TH DAY OF DE- CEMBER 1900 AT 10 OCLOCK A 3L and to continue in attendance until tbfe court shall have nude its final oaks ratifying and con fIrming the award of damages and ascsKent of f benefits of the jnry a flOP of this j order be pablidied once in the Washington Law Reporter and In the Star Wash rngton Post and the Washington Times sews paptrg on secular days at least times before said 7th day of December 1800 sad the marshal is b tby directed to cause a espy of this antler to be served upon such owners of the land to be condemned as may be fooad within the District of ColUmbIa By the Court SeaL A B HACKER Awe J si A True Copy Test J R YOUNG Clerk Bv R J MEIGS jr Clerk front of 1610 saddle Xo 8SS2 Return to 16IO Rss Place and receive reward Item j LOST A duchessc lace naadkercbief OB j evening either on Met car front 22d to 14th and F thence down 14th to Alex Jit Vermin Railway otfice Reward if returnee to S231 Q st ntr Item LOST Jlocdby last gold breast pin with platted hair inside in vicinity of 10th and Pa arc afco lap robe from buggy in vicinity of M st bridge W Washington s runaway He IXST Or delivered to some one by mistake box of books If so drop postal to WM F REAMER 005 N Y ace mr and reward will be paidv no73t LOST For terrier tag 660 reward II i returned to 112 Cd St nw nolS3t f LOST On Monday last small shaggy teals dogy obe year old light color name on collar Frisk Jo of tag Finder please return him to Oil G St top floor and receive reward LOST in Northeast section of city a bunch ol kevs Leave same at 1103 5th ct arc receive reward no53tX- OST Dog King Charles spaniel male about 6 months white And brown Reward if returned to 717 13th st nw no53t Seating bicycle Owner can Save same by calling at 3SOS 7th st air1 proving property and paying expenses nol73tera HOODS Baking Powder Worlds FOCKD The Magic Coal Saver consumes all smoke and gas and saves cuefourth your coaL For sale by all grocers AMERICAN SPECIALTY- CO Washington agents n 163tem FOUND Bicycle owner can have xmas by prey ing property Call evening 503 S B nw FOUND WJliins Cos ice cream and ices are tie best no condensed no corastarck but crerai get their prices be convinced whole- sale and retaiL Oft Oth ianctioa N Y aye Phone 2S9L oc31tf ICE CREAM 70c gallon not made in a cellar but above ground for sewer abounds in cellars arid breeds typhoid diphtheria etc moral eat that kind LACEVS is pure and de- licious 607 N Y ave Phone sp2Stfezj- CHCTICH NOTICES REFORM CHRISTIAjr SCIENCE CHUBCH Serr iccs at 330 Sunday afternoon axiS 7 0 Wednesday in Confederate Veteran Hall 431 llth st hw At the Sunday service Novem her 18 COL OLIVER a SAtiN wilt Sdrrer his 7th lecture of series leaching bow the sick are Christian Science All who attend the lectures will learn how to heal thonsslves and others free of charge The ball fe large and comfortable Arrangements have been made seat all who come All are cordially ia- vit d Item TiE EDUCATIO AI AND RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OP SPIRITrJALISTS meet every Sunday at 8 p at 516 9th ist nw Yrs A SL speaks Mrs Wamcka tests Seats free Item his barn during the cold weather and as the hay gets low he flnas great masses of the benumbed reptiles rolled together all through the hay It is believed here that tons of the snakes could be shipped from this place annually without materially decreasing the and the Industry may prove a paying one Snake oil commands an enormous price medicinal purposes and it is known a superior quality of the oil can manu factored from Falls species Pleasant Palatable Potent to buy easy to take easy in easy In resnlte Cascarets Candy ideal liver jegulator And intestinal tonic AlldrnggistS lOc 25c SOc Radnffat Beraifcgx race course Tbginsi today continuing until December S That at 2 SUPREME COURT OP courtof to show I flied Sixty peti- tion tag men lying Road f six I Est O222JdcS5 LOST LOSTFrom rut Colum his daainle51 blCJcl frame Brown 1i5 DOlt Liberal fll4 old t mOUND tOL One au16tuthsSutf sole palSSt milk gaS ont o clock even a healed gives suppl be Klamath action cathartic IN TILE TIlE DISTRIC7 net one sera nol Place a Wednes- day wtirdifretunred to Pa are I no16t Best a io i tie SOiL to aques fort the wee pIa ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > = ¬ ¬ ¬ MQIfEY WASTED AND TO any amount you want 10 or 100 for a month or a year on Furniture Pianos and other Household Effects without removal from the premises Lowert rates of interest All transactions confidentIaL No publicity or delay Private rooms Security luau Go ROOM 1 WARDER BUILDING Cor 9th and F Sin SVf Are You In Need of MoneyW- e Will gladly Joan you any amount you on furniture pianos etc dont disturb your goods yon have the same use of them and the money too In dealing with cs you must you are dealing with oldest and inert reliable firm in the city You can always make your own terms about toe repayment of the loan All busi- ness confidential Private offices Washington Mortgage Loan Co Private v delay In faorrowine from us You get the money at once Any amount from 10 to 51005- i You get your own time to pay it back No ex- pense unless loan Is made loaned on fur- niture pianos organs etc You keep the goods yourself No enquiries nude among your neigh or friends or nracre yon Ko publicity in our methods Dont worry about the payments They are made so tad anyone can meet them Each payment including principal and interest JTo borrorer ever dis- satieSed with out treatment Ve wonldlie pleased to hara you call Elegant private oficea GUARANTEE CO ceo F ST N w Private entrance Room 9 in the rear no tf I tJJlv FURNITURE I PIANOS HORSES It lowest rate and on the you allows you to it off in any sized notes you desire ont to twelve months You only pay for the etc of the money for the length cl titus you tiny It If you have a with somp other company we will pay it off and ad vance you mere money if desired Bates cheer fully and oo cct to ncltis loan made Loans made anyrrhere in the District Call and get rates Front room fret Scia Ufic American Building National Mortgage Loan F St Jf W no6tf FURNITURE PJAKOS ETC without removal from your possession and In mount fruit 10 up to 500 Our rates arj the cheapest and you can mess your own terms LoIns within three hours rom the time on apply We loan for the interest only not want your goods o you need have no fear of losing them Our ofncev are np OB fifth Soar from the street and sc ar- ranged that we can insure strictest privacy in get our rates POTOMAC GCARAXTEE LOA3 CO S2S930 F ST NEAR 9TH N W Room 74 Atlantic Building Take Elevator to Fifth DOYOU NEED We Have It for You Yon need not go to the trouble to borrow from friends be independent of favors We will lend you on your furniture and pianos or aar household or personal property Will charge you less and make the most lenient terms In fact you can borrow on your own terms Call and get cur rates before you decide who to borrow from Strictly confidential Private offices CO LUMBIA GUARANTEE CO 613 F t sw- liUlUem We Negotiate LoansO- n life Policies Warehouse Receipt Household Goods Plans end Other Chattels Loans made on months payment iieiu If you have a loan elsewhere we it up and advance you money No czp nss unless is made LOANS AND FIRE 1SSTJRASC- E7OT G St X IV Room 3 First Floor Rein Opp Patent OQc- eau6Uem MONET TO OS APPROVED COLLA- TERALKo delay CHARLES A BAKER Scorns 40 and iictzerott Building 1110 F it- sc4tf MONEY I have some money to lend on goods or pianos JOHN MARTEf Room 34 Warder noll20tJ- IOJfEY TO LOAN at 3H 4 and VA In sums of 51000 to 10000 on D C real estate pay off 5 and 6 per cent mortgagsa and begin anew all transactions conducted with economical consideration for borrowers W1L B SAUNDERS CO liar F if nw jyltfeai jrosKcrorn YOU ib to jcnt DONT HESITATE GEOKGEDHO ECG- Koom io Cor 9th Penn AT BASKS AD TRUST COMPANIES RIGGS RATIONAL BARK OF WASHiNGTON IX G Capital 500000 SURPLUS ANti UNDIVIDED PROFITS 300000- tSCHAKQE ON ENGLAND IBELAKD isd CEaHAKT Letters of Credit AVAILAELSt TS ALL PARTS BANK COLLECTIONS ORDERS FOR INVESTlfEirra STOCKS AND acSS Had Immediate Use for It the Chicago Evening Post YoU need a new gait of clothes she ss she looked him over critically I know it as as you he replied bet an ecooomizic 1 inade up my ago to save a little money And tare you she asked A little he admitted Good she exclaimed I hope its enough to buy roe aneW bonnet Offensive Even to aiyaelr F A Bot tarn druggist CookBhire Que says For 20 yenta 1 from Catarrh Ky breath offensive even to myself I tried everything promised me a cure In almost I had to them no goeS At alL I was in- duced to Dr Agnews Powder 1 relief instantly after 2rst It cured me and I am free from all the effects ot it Sold S Sinth and F Streets Edraondst Williams Third and Pena sylrania Avenue 5 n Of Ready Money it OVer Well loan you re th 610 FSt N LoansN- o boB are CAPITAL LOAN adS made day appy We are loaning on the Building ssociation p2n which Dg loans less than you pay and pay given yoU Co- m to Loan- s the away are Drop MONEY n InC loan EVANS COlltaNY LOA 3 per- cent and 11m FRANCE Jon CN BONDS tf From re- marked I some- time deU r cents byF Williams I a a a a a a W i d LO- Af Youre Short Well tide you a a a a a a a a a wish W1 seSOtI Is lAIaud Loans gosz eta and Loan makes the cost of carry ninth j fi ins and- o < house- hold care anow 2 weSt sa- very ¬ ¬ ° > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > ¬ < FINANCIAL It ie jurt a important to select the rigftfc- oker as it is to the right stock 1 my own business sod am in a foAOoe to execute orders in stocks to eatHfac tl g f the oneS exacting I afao CU end Cotton and do badness o fx 61 Broadway NewYork 613 ICtb Street Wnnhtnjrlon D C- All principal Eastern Southern citieS Stock Pr6ri ioa and Cotton Commission cnequarter Immediate settlements Referecce Draditreetf Duns cclfltf W B BIBBS iNn RHOKEM Members Kew York Stock Exchirgt 1419 F Street ADESUCnc TITA1M i CtiJS Money to Loan At 4 and 5 Per Cent I- OK REAL ESTATE JK T- irtC DELAY BEYOND EH J s- sclltf mm Stock E v 5- C42IF Street 5 HJSB- BAXCIl OFFICE Central Katlonal Bank Building Seventh Street cad Pznfi lvial Phone 22C8 J f3JAIr MAQC1KS BOARD SERVICE FAST WIRE QUOTATIONS 4i and 5 Per Cent Prcnrptly Loaned en Real EeUU la District at Colombia has F Street PERSONALS ilr Specialist Cor 12th Oldest In age longest located Regular two schovis Authorized by the District Gorernmeat to treat Ml diseases of tbeKoie and Aerves Brain Blood Stomach Kidneys and Bladder Night Lessee Saw and all A prompt and CHARGES LOW MEDICINES FURNISHED FREE CONSULTATION Dr LeathermantifE- KT ifiCIAUST in tOe cure ct a- diteases Hydroctle Vcriecctle Stricture ls- potawy Syphilitic Disease positivelr cured and consultation free Both sexes Daily S to 12 2 to X Tuesday Thursday and Saturday Cveaiais 7 to E 03 F Street HortUfTCit The 3 Days Curef- or men leads all remedies In this city a prompt arid permanent cure or EO charge Con free DR 516 12th st nw Office hours 9 to IS a BL 6 to S p m Sun days 2 to 4 p m noSlrao Dr Reed3 5Q9 Specialist Twelfth it Cures Chronic Nervous Special Diaea- oJ Men and Women CoEsnltattoa tree sad confidential HcdicScts furnished ready for Charges low prompt cure guaranteed Children halt price Private rooms Regular license the District ol Colon hU to treat Ctiirrh Oberftj Rheumatism Constipation Putt Throat Lung Brain Blood and Skin DIMUCI Gonj rhoet Stricture Tarlcocele and Hjdrocele cored without detention from oones Kc painful Instruments used Nervous nd Sexual Debility Sos by Drums cr Jn Urine Syphilis all stages Blood Poison and Ulcers cured for life by sate methods Office 19 to J S to fl Sundays 10 to IS EXPERIENCED GERMA- MSPECIAUSTS INSTITUTE OR EVANS SpecialistI- n the core of all Blood Nervous and Pri- vate Diseases Daily 10 ib 0 Wednesday and Saturday till S p m Sunday 10 to 12 6ft D Sts HW ABVIGE Mrs M RENDER PRIVATE EASlTARIUil to trt t womans ills complaints arid irregularities House comforts for cases before sad during confinement Trained cure and expert physicist in attendance OlSon bears frcm It a m to 6 p m Si Pennsylvania Avenue northwest Washington D C 3t- fjpf H K Loan Office 314 Ninth Street N W Money Loaned on Watches Diamonds Jewelry Etc V OLD GOLD AND SILVER BO T Business strictly confidential No connection with any other Loan Office in the city MME THEO Medium andCsrd Reader Washingtons most a- moca Clairvoyant and Palmist Consult her on business lore and family affairs reunites the icpznted removes spells causes speedy mar- riages and glen luck Open daily German sprites 25c antI SOc S29 H si nw nolSTfc MME JOXES Palmist and Gird Reader learn your life and make the most of it S cents 10 a m to 930 p m 619 F st JUKI Sign 7 172t PRETTY young nice home and 10000 companionable and musical is desirous of view to marriage Address BOX 159 this office w 172t liME ZARRA scientific Palmist expert card reader recommended by ladies of Cabinet prices SSc 713 H rt nw it LOOK OVER HERE YOU DARNED it means lots of money to poor men to come to us for a good warm overcoat or suit of clothes t fine goods made by Washington tailors scarcely worn at prices to suit any me- chanic The Jlodem JUSTHS OLD STAND 619 D st nw noI37t ORIGINAL GX ST PALMIST 1022 7th at nw lOc past future lucky charms separated brought together walk upstairs nc27t MORPHINE opium Lmdanum cocaine myself cured will inform you of harmless permanent horns cure MRS BALDWIN Dec Chicano GAS STOVES r For Cooking and Heating r GAS APPLIANCE EXCHANGE 121 New York Avenue I STOCKS select rag Wheat of 1 per Oflke open even Lag until oclcek Established 529 Seventh St N Vt is EcorR- noiZ ltt MURPHY Co and in CO- B of N tw York WALTER Y p hONEY AT McLERAN DUn g I and F 818 graduate Throat 50 Spectal eases of either ser StrIcture ariooccle without of time red orrotashSo 6 J Office Hoursl0 to 1 mad 3 dosed SunCayh fUItat on waiting train Heart Hours lit ATTENCAHCE CJL- AT s1O- THI K ID R BlADO sntJALWEAiOtS- SSrrucruaE jt1tocfLE- ltrro Skin Stewart Bidg N W Gor LADlES AND TREATMENT CONSULT R FULTON affectionate with HIS oc7tf A a mf L i G super- intend the entire tuQte cent avery S 5ic YCS- SSRILAPPJN Telephone Cal DIllGAW sctis IIEISICntLa a ecIitf rid IdmccIe cisrad opaa 3oioas anentcnregrnntv toG EUndsy all and dvies ted ass leeS tiwaHEART 1 J551tftLwAiii070tac w widow gentlergan RUBBER- NECK ¬ > ¬ < <

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Page 1: · 6 THE EVENING TOTES WASHINGTON SATURDAY NOvEMBER 17 1900 I u I Almost Sensational Advances in Early Dealings V 3ornl Iicj Buser Rniifire of Erlee for




Almost Sensational Advances inEarly Dealings

V 3ornl Iicj

Buser Rniifire of Erlee for Ameri-canrJjJiares Iinllvray Issnes Proudnent in Initial Operations Scvera j of the Front


KETW Nov 17 Advances almostjenstio illn character wore noted in theStock Market poa the opening of businesstoday aniL ti dealings at the same timewere in immense volume The rise inprices TrasTJothing snore than a continua-tion of ifce general tendency of the mar-ket since election day and no new circum-stances were presented for considerationthis morning

London indeed furnished a materiallyhigher rangejof prices for American stocksand foreign tousts bought heavily hereand in addition favorable expectationswere entertained in regard to the probableshowing to be made by the banks in theirweakly statement of averages

Some of ie more conspicuous movements in the market were in tho Atchisonshares Missouri Pacific tha Northern andUnion Pacific issues Pennsylvania andSouthern Railway preferred

Among the specialties Taanessee CoalandJrcnv Colorado Fuel and Iron Peoples

idly ami the Industrial quarter was ac-tively dealt in with many sharp rises

scored Sugar Refining was a promisent f atura there as was AmericanSmelting Federal Steel National Tube andSteel stocks generally

The copper stocks in the curb marketwere exceedingly strong and active and onthe Stock Exchange Anaconda scored asharp rise

Sow York Stock MarketCorrected daily by W B Hihbs Co mem-

bers of the New Yok Stock Exchange 1119 FStreet

Open mgh Low ClotAmerican Cotton on 31H 3I5f 31 31JiWire 485 47 43 4Wire pfd S7H SSH 87JJ 87JAmerican Sncar 134 J34 132Jf Ia2American Tobacco IlOJi 110 109 UOXAtchison SSif 3S5 37Ji 3SX

pfd S2JS 83JJ Kit S2JB O S3 S3ii 82H 83B Opfd 85 65 H 84HBrooklyn Rapid Tranilt 71 H 724 70U 703Chesapeake Ohio 34 33XC 0 a L 67S 67 G7JJ

B Q 133 13SJ J37JJ 138JfChicago 168 I5SJJ 163 168a H St Paul t2X 125 12H 124VChicago B J Pacific U5i 11 5 115i

50 51J4 50 5J4Consolidated Gas 101 201 153 195Continental Tobacco 365 SaS 33if 3G5Con Tobacco pfd 2 fiEJi 22 S2JfFederal Steel 51 51H 60H 51Federal Etd 77 77 78 7flWGeneral Electric IBS 170 IHH 168niinou Central 125 ISJf J24 125Jjouisrflle k Nashville 8t 82 81M SlMetropolitan Traction 171 171 16954 ITCH

Elevated IHX 112 hut 112llliscnrj Pacinc 60S 614 6014 61

T pfd 33 40 37J4 3SJSew Jersey Central 145 146 144

N Y O WesternKorthem PadflcNorthernPAcificPew R H T

Southern PacificSouthern BaiivraySoathciE Railway pfdTeen Co l iTjciia Vacifie

Ptciftc pfdD a leatherO a Leather pfdU S RubberWtJbash pdWtstera Union Tel

2634 2668H 67 6K 67603 80S roM S f

H 6 45-

142JS H4 I4I101 102H 101 102H

64 H C3M42J4 a 42 423-

63H 64 62 63Ji76 70 76 79

69H 70S raj 0381 sin

16 16 15J 1

77X 7d flit 7H87 S7K 363L S7X-2i PH sin ax85 5 S6

There was another wild hurrah In theStock Market this morning with pricesbooming during the entire session underthe influence of entirely unprecedentedpublic and clique buying of stocks andcovering shorts The week ended withpins of Irons 2 to 15 or more points Inall the active securities and with hardly-a dull spot on the list and this despitethe fact the early days bfr the weekwitnessed a healthy decline of 3 or 4points The upward movement so far hasextended in all from 15 to 50 ponts Theaverage level of the railway securities ishigher than at any time before in manyyears higher than It in the winter

18981899 Many securities are dailymaking highprice records The pres-ent is a bull movement such as comes onlyonce In years

The question that is agitating the mindsOf the people at present is of coursewhether top prices have been reached al-ready or will be far higher than the pres-ent level Tile advice of conservatives Isthat some profits should be taken and linesof stocks reduced rather than increased aft-er such a rapid advance as that of the pastthree days but that excepting for

recessions like that of Monday theprice level seems likely to advance manypoints during the coming three or fourmonths Purchases should be made on thereactions These people base their opinion on the excellent condition prevailingeverywhere for railway and industrial corporations and more than this on the confi-dence of the public that such conditionsexist It is said by old market people thattho public never in the history of theStock Market has been so eager to buy







Gas flf k1Qt nas Hl



n 4S



Ii 33 32k St 67

Chi llll


K Ii

New Central 139 IU 14025

Pacific pfd46 46

Per 4SSxst 63


Silt 81







the SietJaltlet to





141L 1414

















The bank statement was excellent inevery particular and it had the effect ofentirely reassuring the people that havebeen fearing tight money and a depletedbank reserve It was followed by themost buoyant fifteen minutes of the dayat ths close The figures were as followsReserves increased 3063725 loans increased 2189600 legals increased 26125CO specie Increased i2595SOO deposits increased 53573300 circulation

28200 It will be seen that theIncrease in cash was more than 45000COO The increase in loans was a modestone cnaccount of the fact that under thesystem of averages usea in making up thestatementthe early part of the week withits liquidation had more influence on thefigures than the last three days withtheir boom

Despite the general buoyancy of themarket half a dozen securities were securely the leaders Atchison preferredPennsylvania Union Pacific and NorthernPacific among these Atchison pre

went up to 83 12 at the openingit declined somewhat later

in tie session closed the with-a big net gain This stock Is apparentlythe favorite with the public and the rea-son for this Is This company hashad a during the pasttwo years a record of increasing pros-perity such as probably no other railwayIn the country can show And everythingpoints to a continuance of this excellent

At present It is said 7 per centon the common stock in

Girlsfrom fourteen to

are apt to lose color and vigor

they are growing

and want more food than they

get frbmutfrdr ustiai farei

Eettheni have some Sctfsemulsion of codliver oil and

Pcutstieet New York








and spnng

t1ei heels will show it-

a litl to try tyonl-ikeSrrhOvE







addition to the full dividend of 5 per centon the St Paul was strongthis morning despite the statement ofgross the week which show-ed A decrease This had fcop nexpected

Pennsylvania wa boomed by the publicalso partly jn its merit which are Ladisputed aid partly because ota storythat the will issue IQ00QOt0new par to stockholders

Civics them in rights somethingonethird of the difference Twtwecn

par and the market price or the stock

All the Union and Northern Pacifies se-

curities riado new high price records Unton common getting above 70 and North-ern common above 67 Southern Pacificand Missouri Pacific showed evidences ofbeing OiL the edge of an advance

The coalors werymore active They areHot good stocks to speculate In usuallytiring holders into selling out and tienadvancing several points In an afternoonBut to hold for a good profit Rending isone of the most promising on the

at the moment It has adwith the remainder of the market

One cf the tips In connection theNew York traction securitiesthere will be a decision against the Fordfranchise tax There are sufficient reasonsfor bullishness regarding these securitieswithout this hazy rumor

WnHlilnprton Stoct KxoJwxnceSales Capital Traction 120W3 iS

Mergenthaler Linotype 10193 10193 18 10193 14 10193 12 130 4-

iO13i American Graphophone ocorn 20010 After call Wasb Pact

j Elec 4 12s 2000 62 Mergenibaleix-Linotype lJl34 12 Capital

BId AjfcedI U S 4s 1903 Q J 115 JIG

U S 4a 1907 Q J 215 116U a 4s Rl 1023 1382 1375U S 4s C 1925 136 137J-O S 5s C 1904 Q F 112JfU S Ss R 100S Q F 109S 11014U S 2s R 190S RC F 309S 1IO

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA BONDS6 1902 30year funding gold 1037s 1901 water stox currency 102Funding currency SGSs 122-

MISCELLAJxEOUS BONDSCapital Traction R R 4s 1065 107Wash Trac Else CelL 4l2s 61 61JMet R R Ss 1905 120 123Met R li Cert Ind btxiness A 109Met II R Cot Indebtedness B IDSColumbia R R 19H s23Columbia R R 2d mort 5s 110City Suburban R RWash Gas Co scr A 6 1S02 27 110Wash Gas Co ser B 6a Ifloisa 110U S Else Light Deb Imp 1907 103 10U 5 Flee Light Cert lndebt lOlif 103Ches Pot TeL 1S961911 103Ches Tel Con 5s 103American Security 3rat 5s 1905 10JWash Varket Co 1st C 1S92

jell 7 X 5 retired 110Wash lilt tSa Imp 6f isi227 UWash Mkt Ow ext 6a 19H27Masonic HiU Ann C 1008 105American Graphortone Deb 5g 98

I Anseostla Pot ur 6f









1 Tact on-I 01i GOvEm








Zr Pot










NATIOnAl BANK STOCKSBank of 355 wMetropolitan i 625 can

i 200Farmers arid Mt 5snic 220 IT

Second 153Citizens 150Columbia 166Capital 168

West End U6Traders 320Lincoln llg 1S3

SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST COMPANIESNational Safe Deposit tad 145 150Wash Loan Trust 153 TKAmerican and Trust 198Washington Safe Deposit 72 J

INSURANCE STOCKSFiremen 33Franklin 40 50Metropolitan goCorcoran 53Potomac 63Arlington isGermanAmerican 210National Union 10columbia 10Biggs 7X IPeoples J

jjg54Commercial 414 5

TITLE INSURANCE STOCKSReal Estate Title 70 fColumbia Title 414Washington Title 214District Title 3

RAILROAD STOCKSTraction i 103 1C

City Suburban jTennallytownGAS STOCKS

Washington Gas su 5514Georgetown Ga 55

TELEPHONE STOCKSChesapeake k Potomac 70


Hergenlhaler Linotype 19454 1944Lanston jnif 33American Crapbophone gv jgAmerican pfd lOj njPneumatic Gun Carriage 10 iWashlEEtonNorfolk Washington 155Lincoln


Corrected daily by W B HIbbs Co menof the York Stock Exchange 1119 XStreetWHEAT Open High ow Cos

December Jlft 71 71J4 71JfJanuary KU5i 1H 71SBCORi

December 33H 35X 35 JfJanuary D34Jt 34 i S 34KOATS

December 217i22 21X22 21 3J22 21Ii22January iPORK

DecemberJanuary 1155 1160 1155 11 Cull












Chicago Grain anti ProvIsion 3nrJtetIihers NeW









December 680 flJS 690 692January 685 6S 6S5 0S5-BD3S

DecemberJanuary v 620

Open High Low doeDecember 053 9 K 953 562January 942 957 942 9 7March 940 955 J 940 BS3May 940 048 9 40 4


Chcncro Lonn InvestmentStocliliolders Anxious

CHICAGO Nov J StellSecretary and Treasurer of the Monadnock Loan and Investment Companybeen absent from his office since Mondayand an expert is at work on his accountsStockholders are anxiously awaiting theresult of the examination of his books andare trying to locate him

The business of the Monadnock Loanand Investment is to lend moneyto salaried employes and discount notesthey know to be good Stell had had almost entire charge of the business Onestockholder is said to have grown suspi-cious and to have disposed of his stockseveral weeks ago but others suspectednothing until Stell left town suddenly onMonday explaining In a note to other off-icers of the company saying ne had goneto California He failed to state whenhe would return A stockholder said thatthe shortage may reach 25000

Returned to the Reform SchoolAnnie Iodman a flfteenycarold colored girl

was arrested by Policeman Hollinberger last nightand rctornect to the Girls Reform School fromwhich she was a ftigitiv-

eBerraril Offered for DeKerterxA reward SO has been offered for the return

ol Joseph Johnson and Claude H Galer who are

Marriage LicensesMarriage licenses were issued today to Stephen-

C Buckingham and Julia Elizabeth Mor-ris Goldstein New Yo city arut Leahand Charles O Richter rind Celeste E Wood

Arthur Asliton Was committed tp the workhousetoday lacHIteeii days ior Esdu Hs blesle will


622 620 622

New York Cotton Market







to e deserters front SgnaI Corps atFort ytt


nol a Bicycle Vlthout aLight





thiS the







Springs I and 2

Iljl In Fevers MalarialTyphoMalarial and

i Atypical Typhoid1

Uric Add Dlathesis Diseases of Wo-men etc

Dr John Herbert Claiborne ExPresWent Medical Society of Vir-ginia Petersburg Va REFERRING TO SPRING XO 1

I often WffiTPl8 In the Fevers of this section knownuse the fiiUSffraiLW Kara as ilALARL L TYPHQMALARIAlrr AND ATYPICAL TYPHOID It is grateful to the Patient SEDATIVE andREFRIGERANT and nn ACTIVE ELIMINENT of the MATERIES MORBITHROUGH THE SKIN AND KIDNEYS as any one familiar with Its character mightreasonably expect It has been long noted for Its SPECIFIC EFFECT UPON MALARLL TROUBLE

I went to the springs a wreck from attacks of LITHE1IIA and after drinkingtho water SPRING NO 1 for a month I was entirely restored and Ifear a return of my old malady I resort to the water and am soon relieved IT IS AQIOST REMARKABLE WATER IN MANY RESPECTS It was used during my ear-liest recollection for diseases PECULIAR TO WOMEN AND ITS RESTORATIVEPOWER WAS CONSIDERED MARVELOUS

Dr N C Lewis Surgeon Soathern Railway Co iawrenceville Vareferring to Spring No 2

1 have jRIFSa ft I PSH IS WSTSTES extensively fn TYPHOD ANDused MALARIAL FEVERS tnd havefcund it a most valuable adjunct to the treatment of these diseases

Added to Its well known eliminative power through the skin and kidneys carrying off through these emunctories effete rind nosious matter from the system itfills two other important indications viz

1st It has a very happy effect on the digestive system RELIEVING NAUSEAand PROMOTING DIGESTION AND ASSIMILATION

42d It is a decided TONIC SEDATIVE TO TIlE NERVOUS SYSTEM relievingto a marked degree the distressing train of nervous symptoms soalarraing and potentin this fever

With these combined effects I am satisfied that it has In my hands very muchreduced the mortality In these diseases It should be drunk freely to the exclusion-of other waters

Buffalo Lithia Waters both Springs 1 and 2 are POWERFULLY NERVE TONICand RESTORATIVE No 1 Is also a POTENT BLOOD TONIC and Is a remedy ofEXTRAORDINARY POTENCY In NERVOUS INDIGESTION WITH ITS TRAIN OFDISTRESSING SYMPTOMS and IN ALL CASES where there POVERTY or DEFICIENCY of THE BLOOD or WHERE NERVOUS DEPRESSION or EXHAUSTION-is a prominent symptom No 1 is to be preferred In the absence of the Indicationshere given No 2 Is to be preferred

Testimonials which defy all Imputation or question sent to any address





t h


BDFFAlO LITHIA WATER it for sate by Groecus and gcuerslly

at iG5rt4 c g




I 1-











The Fall fleeting Opens UnderPropitious Conditions

Some of the Beat Runners in theCountry in the Stnljles Seven

Mace the Big Event of theDay Trnelc in Flue Trim and aLarge Crowd In Attendance

The fall running meeting of theJockey Club at Bennlng opened su-

jsplclously this afternoon Fair weatherthough j trifle chill a fast track and iaunusually large and last field of the hosthorses In America ridden by the cleverestjockeys all combined to Inaugurate withsuccess what promises to be one of thebest meetings ever held In the history ofthe Washington Jockey Club

Society opening with a bril-

liant showing A number of swell turn



gracedthe ¬

outs filled the carriage field the clubhouse verandas were filled and the grand-stand contained toy number of smartlygowned ladies i

The meeting opened this afternoon willclose the racing in the East A largenumber of the cracks that have teen dlviding honors at Aqueduct for the pastweek or so arrived last night togetherwith their jockeys Jimmy ilclAUghllnsentire string Is here Including Charentuswho Is no stranger to the Benning trackor to Washington horsemen Charentus Isentered In the fourth race the DroningDay Handicap This race is the hip eventon card The weights beenfinely adjusted and as the distance is butseven furlongs a hard race from word towire may be looked for

Jumping events been scattered freely through the programme of the meet andthere will be one of these nearly every dayTodays steeplechase Is rather barren ofentries but this drawback will not

in similar events to come later in themeeting

The entries for today are as followsFirst race Six furlongs The Rhymer

i05 ilcAddie 108 Isis 105 Sadie S 95Petit MaItre IIS Moor 102

Second maiden twoyearoldsfive furlongs Averne 110 Anthony 110Zenalde 107 Sentry 110 Curtssy107Colonel 110 Bonveriness 107Lecture 110 Chaos 107 Dame 107 Timothy Foley no H1JJ 107 Velasques 107Infallible 107 Blueskin 107 The Royal107 Spoil Sport 107 Street Boy 107 Isa-ac Hopper 110 Blue Victor 107 Provost107

Third race Threeyearplds and upwardselling steeplechase about two miles anda half Facial 137 Decameron 157 Gov-ernor BudS 148

Fourth race Opening Day Handicapfor threeyearolds and upward sevenfurlongs James 126 Charentus 122Kinnikinic 118 Carbuncle Ill Compen-sation 110 Warren ton 110 Gen MartGary 109 Hardly 105 Brisk 104 Asquith 103 Sparrow Wing 100 Death 103

Fifth race Twoyearolds selling sixfurlongs Kings Favorite 94 Nonpa-reil 103 Flora McFlimsey 107 Sempire 112 The Brother 92 JC67elty59 Gracious 32 Little Daisy 97

Sixth race Three yearolds and up-ward selling one mile and a sixteenthKirkwood 106 Charawind 104 CharlesEstes 95 Handcuff 106 Toluca 112Maple 95 Speedmas 103 Palatial 101Shinfans 106 Island Prince 109 TopGallant 106 Miss Mitchell 98 MagicLight 9S

Apprentice allowance claimed

Sntriea for Mondays HaocsFirst all ag s nonwinners in

1900 five and a half furlongs Buck Talk104 Timothy Foley 104 Alalne 104 Randy 107 Mordelmo 102 Uncle Josh 9

Laura Kimble 97 Ross Clark 107 LadyContrary 104 Fluke 104 Sportlve 99Impartial 115 The following can startin the order named If any of the aboveare scratched Fresnal 97 Tour 97Decimal 104 Marblehead 115 Lexington

No Other For Years4Onr lamllj use SOZQDOXT ffor the teeth and have not

naecl nny other powder or g

liquid for years

Tcethiaad BreathBy 25c 75c Hall RucKeJ 3f T CSiy





Ball ntlne




5 C



For theand









Pirate 115 Carasalgo 99 Red Spider 112Hawk 107 Federalist 104

Second twoyearold filliesnonwinners of 750 to 110 poundssix furlongs Sadie S 100 Queen

110 Gracious 107 Annie Darling100 Fannie Maud 110 Onienta 107 LittleDaisy 107 Kings Favorite 105 Zenaide100 Nonpareil 100

Third andupward selling nonwinners of 500 In1SOO one mile and forty yards Petitilaitre lOG Charles Estes 1C3 Speedmas103 Tension 99 Handcuff 10 Toluca111 Kirkwood 102 iliss Mitchell 94Monmouth Boy 99 Charawind 106

Apprentice allowance claimedFourth twoyearolds selling nonwinners of 11400 or of seven or

more races six furlongs Hiji 105 ThePuritan 114 Lambkin 97 Lecture 106HInsdale 55 Quite Right S2 Novelty

Apprentice allowance claimedFifth maiden threeyearolds

and upward to carry 110 pounds mile andsixty yards Perion 107 110Draughtsman 107 Uncle Josh 107 OldTank 107 Leon Ferguson 110

Sixth race For mares threeyearoldsand upward selling mile and 100Oread 95 Oneck Queen 105 Hardly 100Althea 93







raceForMatch em






Residents of Klamath Fall 3IakcIets of Themthe Portland Oregonian

The snake industry at Klamath Fallsbids laIr to become important A fewweeks ago Postmaster Castel received aletter from a concern In Minnesota mak-ing enquiry as to the price of the reptilesand If a could be made to aMinnesota snake farm Although the let-ter was written on printed letter headsthe postmaster thought someone was try-Ing to perpetrate a Joke upon ha He replied however and stated that it wouldsupply all the snakes wanted at 25 centsa pound By return mail much to hissurprise came an order for 400 poundsof snakes delivered at the nearest railroad station The Minnesotan went on tostate that next season he would make fur-ther orders an object to Mr Castel but hewould take SCO pounds more this fall Snakecatching is now the order of the day hereIt Is a paying business as one man caneasily capture 100 a day and this repre-sents at least fifty pounds

The Klamath Falls snakes have a worldwide reputation The town Is situated atthe foot of Klamath Falls which begin atTipper Klamath Lake and continue through-a narrow rocky gulch for a mile to thelower lake The descent is gradual andthe falls nothing more than a rapid moun-tain stream 100 yards or more wide between the two lakes This place forms asort of curve or elbow and was calledEwawa by the Indians meaning elbowAlong this river or falls on a warm daymiles of snakes curling wriggling andcrawling over each other Is no unusualsight and if the weather Is a little coolone has to wait for them to get out ofthe way or take a stick and lilt them asideas many do The stranger on his first tripto this section Is continually dodging andjumping sidewise although he is Informedthat the reptiles are perfectly harmlessThe Inhabitant doesnt mind them at allLittle girls gather apronfuls and boys carrysmall ones around in their pockets Theyare regarded as pets here generally andare seldom harmed They come down intothe very town and while walking alongstreets a couple of dozer may be seen In-going a block wriggle out ofthe cracks of theplank sidewalks or mov off to one sideThe snakes are regarded as benefactors bythe community audi Is some com-plaint at parting with the few required tofill the Minnesota mans order

The repUtes live and breed among therocks and cliffs along XhJe falls it isasserted that they have completely routedthe rattlesnakes from ths entire sectionbesides destroying alt the mice and otherpests that fafesled theTpace They attacka and while one alone his beenknown to kill the largest rattler a nunber islE wind about the ven-omous r tUe and strangle It in a shorttime It claimed that before thesesnakes wade their appearance the rattlersInfested the region but they are now seldom ceen

and this is evidenced by the fact that theywill take to the water 1 there Is no othermeans of escape when crowded and moveabout In that element the ease and

of a fish They are of a dark colorabout three feet long when full grown andhave a stripe a little lighter than the gen-eral color down their back All sizes maybe seen among them from the three otfourInch baby snake to the fullgrown

On a warm day they are visible bythe thousands and In many cases they coIl

by the dozens In huge volta Picturesof these rolls have been sent upon en-quiry all over the world A farmer Hying In the gulch by the banks of thehas great difficulty In using his hay at thelast of winter The snakes take refuge In

Stake race nd at BcanirrtT raceEmit rateat2 jc ro





th e

Theywaycrawl betweenihe


rattles ntI

the elve5

specieS Is said to bea water snake




come tooit





steep tebsie
















FOR SALE OPEN FOR INSPECTION1517 and 152 First Street Northwest

IlOrily Two for Sale Price 4000On Very Easy Terms

Tlicse honae flntKliea and most complete andthoroughly modern Itoose ox Jr t ir rc l for such a low price Two

and cellar press Imrvrlndow ront with liand onie-Mtouc porch and trimmingm six bright cheerful rooms handomcly decorated elegant tiled bath rrlti mnrljle w 8u tnnd

porcelain tub iirxt floor finished in liaxdrrood


717 14th Street KW

are the beste








OF COLO51CIA holding s fpecial t rm forOrphans Court In re estate of

THOMAS deceaseS Xo SS27 Ad-ministration docket 27

Application Mring been made to the Supremethe District of Columbia a ape

rfal MM for Orphans Court business for lettersof administration on said estate bY Isaac Xclsozrit ordered this 1ST DAY OF NOVEMBER1SOO that notice is hereby given to the heirsand next of kin of ilariah Thomas deceased andto all others concerned to appear In said courton MONDAY THE 3D DAY OF DECEMBERD 1000 AT 1 OCLOCK P M cause whysuch application should not be granted This notire shall be published in the Washington LawReporter and The Times once each of threesuccessive weeks before the reitrrn day thereinrocBtioncd the first publIcation t be lessthan thirty days before said return day

B the courteRAS C COLE JasticcAttest

LOUIS A DENT Register f WiReno31017

A B Dnrall and C A Brafideniwry AttorneysIS THE SOWJEUE COURT OF TIlE DISTRICT

OF COLUMBIA HOLDING V DISTRICTCOURT In re extension of Sbrteentfa Streetnorthnrc t Xo 3SO District Court

Notice ia hereby given that ptmuBBt to theprovifiens of an act of Congress approved March3 1S entitled an act to extend S Street inthe District of Columbia and for other purposes and an act of Congress approved30 1000 entitled an act relative to the widen-ing cent extension of Sixteenth Street in theDistrict of Columbia and an act of Congressapproved June 6 1000 entitled an act for theextension of Columbia Road east of ThirteenthStreet and for other purposes the Commission-ers of the District of Columbia have apetition in this court the condemnation-of land necessary for the extension of SixteenthStreet northwest from Morris Street to theDistrict of Columbia boundary line with a uni-form width of hundred and fl60 feetSB shown on a or prepared by saidCommissioners and annexed to their said

and marked Exhibit D C Xo 1 praythat a jury of seven 7 judicious disinter

estfd not related to any intrrtatcrfin the proceediccs aiul cot in the service or eni-ploymcnt of the District of Columbia or oj theTJoited States be sununoed by the marshal ofthe District of Columbia to the damageseach owner of lawi taken may sustain by reasonof tIe extension of said e eet sad the coBden-jcdtion of lands for the purposes of cool ext naim and to assess the resulting therefrom against there pieces or percale of groundsituated and on each ride of mid SixteenthStreet northwest between Morris Street and theBlagden anbdlviatoa eta between the Bayd-IHil Road and the Rode Creek or Milkhoese Ford

cad between lots seven 7 four 4 andraven 11 X R Shepherds subdiviskm tothe depth of two hundred and fifty 250 feet orto such greater depths as the benefits may befound by said jury to extend nwasired on eachtit thereof Irons the buHdirs liner of said Sixtccnih Street as extended according to the promOM of the afcresaid acts of Corarse isordered this 1CTH DAY OF NOVEMBER A C1 XX thit all persona haring any Jeteret In theproceedings be and they are hereby requiredto attend this court on the 7TH DAY OF DE-CEMBER 1900 AT 10 OCLOCK A 3L and tocontinue in attendance until tbfe court shallhave nude its final oaks ratifying and confIrming the award of damages and ascsKent of fbenefits of the jnry a flOP of this jorder be pablidied once in the Washington LawReporter and In the Star Washrngton Post and the Washington Times sewspaptrg on secular days at least timesbefore said 7th day of December 1800 sad themarshal is b tby directed to cause a espy ofthis antler to be served upon such owners of theland to be condemned as may be fooad withinthe District of ColUmbIa

By the CourtSeaL A B HACKER Awe J si

A True Copy TestJ R YOUNG Clerk

Bv R J MEIGS jr Clerk

front of 1610

saddle Xo 8SS2 Return to 16IO Rss Place andreceive reward Item j

LOST A duchessc lace naadkercbief OB j

evening either on Met car front 22d to14th and F thence down 14th to Alex JitVermin Railway otfice Reward if returnee toS231 Q st ntr ItemLOST Jlocdby last gold breast pin with platted

hair inside in vicinity of 10th and Pa arcafco lap robe from buggy in vicinity of M stbridge W Washington s runaway He

IXST Or delivered to some one by mistake boxof books If so drop postal to WM F

REAMER 005 N Y ace mr and reward will bepaidv no73tLOST For terrier tag 660 reward II i

returned to 112 Cd St nw nolS3t f

LOST On Monday last small shaggy teals dogyobe year old light color name on collar

Frisk J o of tag Finder please return himto Oil G St top floor and receive reward

LOST in Northeast section of city a bunch olkevs Leave same at 1103 5th ct arc receive

reward no53tX-

OST Dog King Charles spaniel male about 6months white And brown Reward if

returned to 717 13th st nw no53t

Seating bicycle Owner can Savesame by calling at 3SOS 7th st air1 proving

property and paying expenses nol73teraHOODS Baking Powder Worlds

FOCKD The Magic Coal Saver consumes allsmoke and gas and saves cuefourth your coaL

For sale by all grocers AMERICAN SPECIALTY-CO Washington agents n 163temFOUND Bicycle owner can have xmas by prey

ing property Call evening 503 S B nw

FOUND WJliins Cos ice cream and ices are tiebest no condensed no corastarck butcrerai get their prices be convinced whole-

sale and retaiL Oft Oth ianctioa N Y ayePhone 2S9L oc31tf

ICE CREAM 70c gallon not made in a cellarbut above ground for sewer abounds in

cellars arid breeds typhoid diphtheria etc moraleat that kind LACEVS is pure and de-

licious 607 N Y ave Phone sp2Stfezj-


REFORM CHRISTIAjr SCIENCE CHUBCH Serriccs at 330 Sunday afternoon axiS 7 0

Wednesday in Confederate Veteran Hall431 llth st hw At the Sunday service Novemher 18

COL OLIVER a SAtiNwilt Sdrrer his 7th lecture of series leachingbow the sick are Christian Science Allwho attend the lectures will learn how to healthonsslves and others free of charge The ballfe large and comfortable Arrangements have beenmade seat all who come All are cordially ia-vit d ItemTiE EDUCATIO AI AND RELIGIOUS SOCIETY

OP SPIRITrJALISTS meet every Sunday at 8p at 516 9th ist nw Yrs A SL speaksMrs Wamcka tests Seats free Item

his barn during the cold weather and asthe hay gets low he flnas great masses ofthe benumbed reptiles rolled together allthrough the hay

It is believed here that tons of the snakescould be shipped from this place annuallywithout materially decreasing theand the Industry may prove a paying oneSnake oil commands an enormous pricemedicinal purposes and it is knowna superior quality of the oil can manufactored from Falls species

Pleasant Palatable Potentto buy easy to take easy in easy

In resnlte Cascarets Candy ideal liverjegulator And intestinal tonic AlldrnggistS lOc25c SOc

Radnffat Beraifcgx race course Tbginsi todaycontinuing until December S That at 2



to show












LOSTFrom rut Columhis daainle51 blCJcl frame Brown

1i5 DOlt





tOL One







o clockeven











Place a


wtirdifretunred to Pa are



Best a io i tie


















any amount you want 10 or 100for a month or a year on FurniturePianos and other Household Effectswithout removal from the premisesLowert rates of interest All transactions

confidentIaL No publicity ordelay Private rooms


Cor 9th and F Sin SVf

Are YouIn Need of MoneyW-

e Will gladly Joan you any amount youon furniture pianos etc

dont disturb your goods yon have the sameuse of them and the money too In dealingwith cs you must you are dealingwith oldest and inert reliable firm in thecity You can always make your own termsabout toe repayment of the loan All busi-ness confidential Private offices

Washington Mortgage Loan Co

Private v

delay In faorrowine from us You get themoney at once Any amount from 10 to 51005-

i You get your own time to pay it back No ex-pense unless loan Is made loaned on fur-niture pianos organs etc You keep the goodsyourself No enquiries nude among your neigh

or friends or nracre yon Kopublicity in our methods Dont worry aboutthe payments They are made so tadanyone can meet them Each payment includingprincipal and interest JTo borrorer ever dis-satieSed with out treatment Ve wonldlie pleasedto hara you call Elegant private oficea


Private entrance Room 9 in the rearno tf


It lowest rate and on the you

allows you to it off in any sized notes youdesire ont to twelve months Youonly pay for the etc of the money for the lengthcl titus you tiny It If you have a withsomp other company we will pay it off and advance you mere money if desired Bates cheerfully and oo cct to ncltis loanmade Loans made anyrrhere in the DistrictCall and get rates Front room fret SciaUfic American Building

National Mortgage LoanF St Jf W


FURNITURE PJAKOS ETCwithout removal from your possession and Inmount fruit 10 up to 500 Our rates arj thecheapest and you can mess your own termsLoIns within three hours rom the time

on apply We loan for the interest onlynot want your goods o you need have no

fear of losing them Our ofncev are np OBfifth Soar from the street and sc ar-ranged that we can insure strictest privacyin get our ratesPOTOMAC GCARAXTEE LOA3 CO

S2S930 F ST NEAR 9TH N WRoom 74 Atlantic Building

Take Elevator to Fifth

DOYOU NEEDWe Have It for YouYon need not go to the trouble to borrow from

friends be independent of favors Wewill lend you on your furniture and pianos or aarhousehold or personal property Will chargeyou less and make the most lenient terms Infact you can borrow on your own terms Call andget cur rates before you decide who to borrowfrom Strictly confidential Private offices COLUMBIA GUARANTEE CO 613 F t sw-


We Negotiate LoansO-n life Policies Warehouse Receipt HouseholdGoods Plans end Other Chattels Loans madeon months payment iieiu If you have a loanelsewhere we it up and advance you

money No czp nss unless is made


Room 3 First Floor Rein Opp Patent OQc-eau6Uem


Scorns 40 and iictzerott Building 1110 F it-sc4tfMONEY I have some money to lend on

goods or pianos JOHN MARTEf Room34 Warder noll20tJ-

IOJfEY TO LOAN at 3H 4 and VAIn sums of 51000 to 10000 on D C

real estate pay off 5 and 6 per cent mortgagsaand begin anew all transactions conducted witheconomical consideration for borrowers W1L BSAUNDERS CO liar F if nw jyltfeai

jrosKcrornYOU ib to jcnt




Capital 500000SURPLUS ANti UNDIVIDED PROFITS 300000-






Had Immediate Use for Itthe Chicago Evening Post

YoU need a new gait of clothes shess she looked him over critically

I know it as as you he repliedbet an ecooomizic 1 inade up my

ago to save a little moneyAnd tare you she askedA little he admittedGood she exclaimed I hope its enough

to buy roe aneW bonnet

Offensive Even to aiyaelr F A Bottarn druggist CookBhire Que says For 20yenta 1 from Catarrh Ky breath

offensive even to myself I tried everythingpromised me a cure In almost

I had to them no goeS At alL I was in-duced to Dr Agnews Powder 1

relief instantly after 2rst Itcured me and I am free from all the effects ot it

Sold S Sinth andF Streets Edraondst Williams Third and Penasylrania Avenue 5


Of Ready Moneyit OVer Well loan you


610 FSt N


boB are


adS made

dayappy We are loaning on the Buildingssociation p2n whichDg loans less than you pay andpay

given yoU


to Loan-s

theaway areDrop



InC loan



3 per-cent




Jon CN




I some-time


cents byF Williams







Af Youre Short

Well tide youa aa

aa aa





lAIaudLoansgosz eta

and Loanmakes the cost of carry








care anow







° >









It ie jurt a important to select the rigftfc-oker as it is to the right stock 1

my own business sod am in a foAOoe toexecute orders in stocks to eatHfactl g f the oneS exacting I afao CU

end Cotton and do badness o fx

61 Broadway NewYork613 ICtb Street Wnnhtnjrlon D C-

All principal Eastern Southern citieSStock Pr6ri ioa and CottonCommission cnequarter Immediate settlementsReferecce Draditreetf Duns cclfltf


Members Kew York Stock Exchirgt

1419 F StreetADESUCnc TITA1M i CtiJS

Money to LoanAt 4 and 5 Per Cent I-




mmStock E v 5-

C42IF Street 5 HJSB-BAXCIl OFFICE Central Katlonal

Bank Building Seventh Street cad Pznfi lvialPhone 22C8 J


4i and 5 Per CentPrcnrptly Loaned en Real EeUU la District at


has F Street



Cor 12th

Oldest In age longest locatedRegular two schovisAuthorized by the District Gorernmeat to treatMl diseases of tbeKoie andAerves Brain Blood Stomach Kidneys andBladder Night Lessee Saw and all

A prompt and



Dr LeathermantifE-KT ifiCIAUST in tOe cure ct a-

diteases Hydroctle Vcriecctle Stricture ls-potawy Syphilitic Disease positivelr cured

and consultation free Both sexes DailyS to 12 2 to X Tuesday Thursday and SaturdayCveaiais 7 to E

03 F Street HortUfTCit

The 3 Days Curef-or men leads all remedies In this city a

prompt arid permanent cure or EO charge Confree DR 516 12th st nw

Office hours 9 to IS a BL 6 to S p m Sundays 2 to 4 p m noSlrao

Dr Reed3 5Q9Specialist Twelfth it

Cures Chronic Nervous Special Diaea-oJ Men and Women

CoEsnltattoa tree sad confidentialHcdicScts furnished ready forCharges low prompt cure guaranteedChildren halt price Private roomsRegular license the District ol Colon

hU to treat Ctiirrh Oberftj RheumatismConstipation Putt Throat Lung Brain

Blood and Skin DIMUCI Gonj rhoetStricture Tarlcocele and Hjdrocele

cored without detention from oones Kcpainful Instruments usedNervous nd Sexual Debility Sos by Drums

cr Jn Urine Syphilis all stages Blood Poisonand Ulcers cured for life by sate methodsOffice 19 to J S to fl Sundays 10 to IS



OR EVANS SpecialistI-n the core of all Blood Nervous and Pri-vate DiseasesDaily 10 ib 0 Wednesday and Saturday till S

p m Sunday 10 to 12

6ft D Sts HW


Mrs M RENDERPRIVATE EASlTARIUil to trt t womans ills

complaints arid irregularities House comfortsfor cases before sad during confinement Trainedcure and expert physicist in attendance OlSonbears frcm It a m to 6 p m Si PennsylvaniaAvenue northwest Washington D C 3t-

fjpf H KLoan Office

314 Ninth Street N WMoney Loaned on Watches Diamonds Jewelry


Business strictly confidential No connectionwith any other Loan Office in the city

MME THEOMedium andCsrd Reader Washingtons most a-

moca Clairvoyant and Palmist Consult her onbusiness lore and family affairs reunites theicpznted removes spells causes speedy mar-riages and glen luck Open daily German sprites25c antI SOc S29 H si nw nolSTfc

MME JOXES Palmist and Gird Reader learnyour life and make the most of it S cents

10 a m to 930 p m 619 F st JUKI Sign7 172t

PRETTY young nice home and 10000companionable and musical is desirous of

view to marriage Address BOX 159 this officew 172t

liME ZARRA scientific Palmist expert cardreader recommended by ladies of Cabinet

prices SSc 713 H rt nw itLOOK OVER HERE YOU DARNED

it means lots of money to poor men tocome to us for a good warm overcoat or suitof clothes t fine goods made by Washingtontailors scarcely worn at prices to suit any me-chanic The Jlodem JUSTHS OLD STAND 619D st nw noI37tORIGINAL GX ST PALMIST 1022 7th at nw

lOc past future lucky charmsseparated brought together walk upstairs

nc27tMORPHINE opium Lmdanum cocaine

myself cured will inform you of harmlesspermanent horns cure MRS BALDWIN Dec


GAS STOVES rFor Cooking and Heating r




rag Wheatof 1 per Oflke open even

Lag until oclcek Established

529 Seventh St N Vt is EcorR-noiZ lttMURPHY Co





tw York





DUngIand F 818



50Spectal eases of either ser StrIcture arioocclewithout

of timeredorrotashSo

6 JOffice Hoursl0 to 1 mad 3

dosed SunCayh

fUItat on










Stewart Bidg N W Gor





affectionate with

HIS oc7tf








the entiretuQte

cent averyS 5ic YCS-








rid IdmccIe cisradopaa 3oioasanentcnregrnntv

toG EUndsy






tiwaHEART 1









