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Seductive Mobile TOP 10 Mobile Development company in Europe Instruments for searching leads: step by step tutorial

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Post on 08-Jan-2017




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Seductive Mobile TOP 10 Mobile Development company in Europe

Instruments for searching leads: step by step tutorial

How to start email campaign?

1. Define your audience2. Build campaigns3. Prepare emails 4. Set up subject line5. Get replies and monitor results

Tools for getting prospects for email Сampaigns

1. prospectify.co 190 $ per month per 500 prospects 2. insideview.com 100 $ per month per 3. acelerartech.com 0,45-0,55 cents per lead, 550$ for 1000 procpects 4. getsteward.com 0,60- 2 $ per lead5. gfxleads.com 0,50 cents per lead

For verification emails

https://kickbox.io/ 500 verifications for 5 $

NEW YORK email startup campaign

Results: 5 signed contracts for UI/UX with further development

New York startups batch 2 Results: 1 signed contract for development mobile app

Samples of emails Hi, First Name, how is it going?I’ve noticed that {{COMPANY}} is based in NY, so I `am wondering how is going your start up . It’s Max, CEO of Seductive Mobile and we develop mobile apps with great design and functionality. If you are going to start mobile development, we would be really pleased to assist you with visualization of your ideas into the prototype in two weeks. You’ll get a clickable design concept for your app and admin panel for 290 USD by end of July.

Would you like to learn a more about all this? What do you say to a meeting over a coffee? If you’re interested – give me a call. All contacts are below.


Piece 2

Hi First Name,

how is it going?Not sure if you had a chance to read my previous e-mail, but we're offering mobile App development for startups in NY. This could pique your interest a) we're one of the TOP 10 mobile developing company in Europe, b) prices are starting from 490 $ for UI design till 8-10 K $ for MVP. c) delivery is done without delays based on SCRUM/Agile technologies.. Here're the case studies with customer reviews.If it is something of your interest, please give me a sign.

Piece #3 Hi {{FIRST_NAME}},how is it going?

Did you get my last email regarding our offer for your prototype? I can’t say that we are self-confident guys but we know exactly that we are good at design and app development, so take a chance at least connecting with us ;) I’m sure you’ll love what we can get for you. What do you say to all that?

So if you’re interested – give me a short sign All contacts are below.

Piece #4Hey,

Ok, I give up. Maybe the time’s not the right time or you change your mind to start a mobile development?

In any case, please keep my contact if you needed help in this area in the future.


Samples of our email with low reply rate

Piece 1

Hi {FirstName},

how is it going?

We haven't talked before, I've found you on Linkedin, as a startup executive. Cutting it to the point, we offer mobile development services (with UI and backend).

Reasons for interest here may be a) we're one of the best in the Europe, b) prices are starting from $25/hr ($5k/app), c) we use Lean / startup focused processes, to combine speed and quality. Here're the case studies with customer reviews.

Can this be of any interest for you?

To sum up :

1. Personalized promotional emails2. Description of a problem or a compelling reason to respond3. Use formula Formula #2: Attention-Interest-Desire-Action (AIDA)4. Well verified and targeted audience

Thanks for your attention