第七组成员 韩亚北 纪文涛 刘亚军 孔 杰 王泽惠

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A The breath of life. 第七组成员 韩亚北 纪文涛 刘亚军 孔 杰 王泽惠. Discussion When we feel tired what do we usually do ?. A The breath of life. Good sleeping. Watch a movie. music. A lovely walking with your GF/BF. Play basketball. Table tennis. football. KTV. drink. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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韩亚北 纪文涛

刘亚军 孔 杰 王泽惠

A The breath of life

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A The breath of life

Discussion When we feel tired

what do we usually do ?

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Good sleeping

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Watch a movie

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A lovely walking with your GF/BF

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Table tennis

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The breath of life

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A The breath of life

1 、 Science has brought us immense gains inphysical well-being, but has often made us neglectthe wisdom of the past. When we’re tired and dis-pireted we turn automatically today to drugs,seek-ing perhaps a stimulant to cunteract our fatigue or an antidepressant to raise our mood. In doingso,we overlook a natural pick-me-up which ourforebears used with great success to overcomethese below-par ills.

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1 、尽管科学给我们带来了大量的物质上的便利,但却经常使人们忽视我们过去的智慧。如今当我们累了,感觉到沮丧的时候我们会很自然的求助于药物,亦或许兴奋剂来消除我们的疲劳,或起到抗抑郁的作用以提升我们的心情。这样做的话,我们忽视了一个我们天生的提神的方法,这个方法是我们的祖先经常用来成功的克服这些身体状况低于常态的情况。

A The breath of life

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2 、 It is exceedingly difficult to excuse this over-sight,for the important of breathing must be appar-ent even to the most unenlightened individuals. We know that humans can go for weeks without food and days without water,but can survive for only minutes without air.Every day we need to absorb about 35 lb of air,which is six times our consump-tion of food and drink. Each cell in our bodies needs its daily drink of oxygen and this it can only get from the air we breathe.

A The breath of life

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2 、我们很难给这种忽视一个借口,因为呼吸的重要性很显而易见,即使是对那些很无知的人 . 我们知道人类可以好几周不吃饭,好几天不喝水,但是在没有空气的条件下仅能存活几分钟,我们每天大概需要吸收 35 磅的空气,这是人体每天消耗食物和水的质量的 6倍。在我们体内的每个细胞日常消耗的氧气只能取自我们呼吸的空气中。

A The breath of life

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Lungs grow lazyLungs grow lazy

3 、 Many people become shallow breathers be-

cause of the tension and physical inactivity of

modern life. At rest we use only a fraction of our

total lung capacity. If you lead a constantly seden-

tary way of life your lungs will grow lazy through

lack of use and their capacity will fall. Prolonged

mental tension can have a similar effect. Most

emotional states are accompanied by changes in

A The breath of life

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A The breath of life

肺变懒了肺变懒了 3 、在现代的生活中很多人因为紧张焦虑和身体缺乏运动变成了呼吸浅慢的人。当我们休息的时候只用了我们肺部功能的很小一部分,如果你过着一种不断久坐的生活方式你的肺会因缺乏使用而变,它的能力会下降。长期的精神紧张也会产生同样的作用。大部分的情绪状态会随着我们呼吸方式的改变而改变。

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our pattern of breathing. We gasp with alarm,catch

our breath when we're afraid, yawn when we are

bored, groan when we're upset and sigh like a furn-

ace when we're suffering from unrequited love. All

our outward shows of emotion—laughing,crying,

bellowing and screaming—are but modified forms of

breathing. It follows that if we want to hide our true

feelings, as we so often do in our tight-lipped society,

we must first keep close control of our breathing.

A The breath of life

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A The breath of life

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4 、 Shallow breathing can be responsible for

much of the fatigue experienced by workers with

tense, sedentary jobs. If they are to overcome

this occupational hazard they must make a cons-

cious effort to improve their breathing. In particu-

lar they should make it deeper, slower and more


A The breath of life

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4 、呼吸浅慢可能是导致那些经常从事紧 张、久坐工作的工作者经受更多疲劳的原因,如果他们要克服这种职业危害,他们必须要有意识的努力改善他们的呼吸,尤其是他们要让呼吸更深,更缓,更放松。

A The breath of life

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Deep breathingDeep breathing

5 、 A good time to encourage deep breathing is whenyou're taking your daily walk.Make a point occasiona-nlly of breathing in during five consecutive strides to fill your lungs to the full, and then out again during thefollowing six strides .After a week increase the numb-er of steps taken with each breath,always allowing onemore step for the phase of expiration to ensure that ev-ery possible particle of air been driven from your lungs.

A The breath of life

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5 、日常散步的时候是鼓励深呼吸的好时机。提倡连续走五步进行一次深吸气,直至气体充满肺部,然后再走六步把气体深呼出。一周以后,增加每次呼吸时走的步子次数。在每一次呼气期间,经常需要多走一步,一边肺部所有空气全部排出。

A The breath of life

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6 、 Another valuable exercise is to read out loud as

much as possible of a newspapper item on a single

breath. The first time you try this you may manage no

more than sixty or seventy seconds, but with practice

you'll gradually increase your lung capacity.

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6 、另外一种有效的锻炼方法就是,在每一次深呼吸时,尽可能地大声阅读一则新闻。第一次尝试这种方法时,你读完可能不超过60或 70秒。但是坚持锻炼的话,你的肺活量就会不断增加。

A The breath of life

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7 、 The tensions of modern life encourage breathing

which is not only shallow, but also often unnaturally

rapid. When we're anxious, our breath tends to come

in short, sharp pants. If the anxiety state persists we

may fall into the habit of chronic overbreathing. This

removes carbon dioxide from the blood and leads to

changes in the chemistry of the blood, which produce

a variety symptoms are common complaints of the

chronically tired patient, motably muscle weakness,

A The breath of life

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ready fatigue, increased irritability, disturbed sleep,

faintness, poor memory, tension, pains and shortness

of breath. When hyperventilation reduces the carbon

dioxide saturation of the blood it provokes a marked

constriction of the cerebral blood vessels which can

reduce the circulation to the brain by 35 percrnt. this

no doubt explains the feelings of faintness, impaired

memory and inability to concentrate.

A The breath of life

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7 、现代我们的生活的压力使呼吸变得短而且异常急促。当我们紧张时,呼吸就会变得短而急促如果紧张状态持续,我们可能养成过度呼吸的习惯。过度换气使二氧化碳从血液中排出,导致血液发

生化学变化,我们通常称之为过度换气综合征。这种病会引起很多症状,例如长期疲累、肌肉无力、随时疲劳、易怒、失眠、虚弱、记忆力差、紧张烦闷以及呼吸短促。换气过度导致血液中二氧化碳饱和度降低,这会引起脑血管明显收缩,大脑血液循环降低 35%。这就解释了为什么会产生虚弱、记忆力


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8 、 To avoid the risk of overbreathing, make a point of

slowing down your rate of breathing, particularly when

you're conscious of being under stress.We normally

breathe at a rate of about 16-18 times a minute, but

when we're under pressure the rate of ventilation can

easily creep up to 22 or more times per minute. This is

justifiable—potentially life saving—when ent stress is

short lived, but can lead to chronic physiological prob-

lems when the crisis is prolonged. So consciously,

A The breath of life

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montior your breathing when your life is franght with

problems, for it's when you have least time to spare that

you most need to find the time for spells of deep,slow,

relaxed breathing.These moments of revitalization are

never wasted for they will ease your tensions and give

you a surge of added energy. Continue your pattern of

rapid shallow breathing and you'll become increasingly

irritable, tired and inefficient, for as an old Sanskrit say-

ing puts it:"He who only half breathes, only half lives."

A The breath of life

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8 、为了避免过度呼吸带来的风险,特别是当你意识到有压力时,应注意放慢你的呼吸速度。正常情况下,我们每分钟呼吸16到 18次左右,但是当我们有压力时,呼吸速度会快速上升至每分钟 22次或者更多。当压力持续时间较短时,我们是可以挽救生命的,这一点是无可非议的。反之,如果压力状况持久不衰,就会引起慢性生理疾病。所以当你身体出现问题时,要自觉地控制你的呼吸,因为你只剩这一点儿时间,而你又最需要这点儿时间深深地、慢慢地、放松地呼吸。这些休养生息的时刻不会被浪费,因为它们能缓解你的压力,增加你的活力。继续急促的呼吸方式,你可能更加易怒、易劳累并且效率低下,就像一则梵文谚语说的那样:一半呼吸一半生命。

A The breath of life

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Thank you!

A The breath of life

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① bring in 引进;生产;增加 bring back 拿回来;使…恢复; 使…回忆起来 bring off 完成;救出;成功 bring in on 通知,告诉 eg:If you promise not to tell anyone else, I'll bring

you in on it..


A The breath of life

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②、turn to 转向;变成;求助于;致力于; 开始行动eg:The thought was that people with low self-

esteem turn to drinking or drugs for solace.

他们的想法是,自尊低的人会转向饮酒或嗑药来寻求慰藉。 turn against 反对;背叛;(使)变成和…敌对 turn over 移交给;翻阅;把…翻过来;发动; 营业额达到;反复考虑

A The breath of life

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③、be responsible for


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④、make a point of doing sth 保证做,必须做某事 eg:I made a point of doing all the windows before

leaving the house 离家前要确保窗子都关好

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⑤、creep up 上升到;增至 eg: love seems to creep up on you.


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⑥、be fraught with 为…所烦恼;充满 eg: a situation fraught with danger. 充满危险 I am fraught with my study. 为学习烦恼

A The breath of life