презентация австралия


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The Australian union — the state in Southern hemisphere the area of 7 692 024 km. Australia is the sixth state on the area in the world after Russia, Canada, China, the USA and Brazil, occupying about 5 % of a surface of a land of the Earth.

Northern and east coasts of Australia wash the seas of Pacific ocean: Arafursky, Coral, Tasmanovo, Timorsky exhausting; western and southern — Indian ocean.

Australia is the huge country stretched from the West on the east almost on 4000 km. The length of a coastal line of Australia makes 59 736 km

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As of July, 1st 2007, the population of Australia has made 20 001 546 persons.

The majority of the population of Australia — descendants of immigrants XIX and the XX-th centuries, thus the majority of these immigrants of profit of Great Britain and Ireland.

To the period with 1839 on 1900 to Australia has arrived over 18 thousand the Germans settled in basic in the south of the country.

The big city of Australia — Sydney, capital of the most densely populated staff the New Southern Wales.

If to leave coast and to proceed deep into islands on nearby 200 kilometres, sparsely populated areas of continent will begin. However in these districts too there is a life. On hundreds kilometres the big sheep and cow pastures, or ranch are stretched. Further, in the heart of continent, deserts scorching by heat begin.

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Official language — English (the dialect known as the Australian English).В of Australia exists own dialect of English language informally named strine.

Written Australian English basically conforms to the rules the British English

The American pronunciation of English language finds ways of penetration to Australia through popular teleprograms

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The first people have appeared in Australia 4248 thousand years ago. It were �ancestors of modern Australian natives who have got over here from modern South East Asia. According to all available information, are not excluded as well the African sources of many local tribes. The majority of natives were hunters and collectors with oral culture and the cultural wealth based on worship to the earth, and belief in «an era of dreams». 1606 — opening of Australia by the Dutch captain Duyfken Willem JantsemV 1770 James Cook has opened east coast of Australia which named New South Wales and has proclaimed the British possession. In 1902 Australia one of the first countries of the world enters the suffrage for women. Australia has voluntary taken part in the First World War. Since 1970th years, Australia departs from a policy of white immigration that leads to mass entrance of immigrants from Asia, first of all — the Peoples Republic of China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, South Korea. In 1986 the leadership of the British parliament over parliaments of separate Australian states is cancelled, the leadership of the British court also is cancelled.

In 1999 Australian voters have rejected on a referendum the project of transformation of the country in republic.

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World popularity was received by the Australian rock groups AC/DC, INXS and Savage Garden.

Dance and ballet

Graeme Murphy is one of outstanding world directors of ballet.


The indigenous population of Australia of theatre did not know. The first theatrical representations in Australia,

Which were given by forces of colonists and banished

From England the condemned have taken place about 1780.


One of the most known Australian actors are Nicole Kidman, Gibson Swept,

Russell Crowe, Kate Blanshett, Hit Ledzher, Sam Uortington, Naomi Uotts, Dzhessi Spenser, Sam Nill.

Also the actor and producer Hugh Dzhekman is widely known.


As well as in the majority of the European countries, in Australia there are no stationary premises for circus.

Circuses travel from a city to a city, developing a chapiteau on specially prepared


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The Australian dollar is monetary unit of Australian Sojuza Avstralija — one of few capitalist countries, is the fullest embody a principle laissez-faire in steering of economy, according to an index of economic freedom of the world. A total internal product of Australia per capita a little above, than in Great Britain, Germany and France at par purchasing capacity. Considerable overweight of extracting sector of economy over industrial production has led to essential growth of the Australian economy in a beginning of the century thanks to the high prices for resources. Cancellation by Great Britain of a most favoured nation treatment concerning Australia that has occurred in connection with transition to eurointegration became appreciable event in an economic history of continent.

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• Owing to that two largest cities of the country — Sydney and Melbourn could not solve who from them should be capital, to it became the city of Canberra constructed specially for this purpose located approximately in the middle between these two cities. At a place choice were guided by identical distance between arguing cities.

• The local political system is characterised by considerable decentralisation. Instead of the Australian driving licence there are rights of separate states; in various states procedure of reception of the rights and a traffic rule slightly differ. A number of states the state holidays (thus have total number of holidays equally in all states in order to avoid problems with the labour legislation); procedure of transition to summertime / the winter differs.

• On set of the goods the signature «proudly Australian» / «proudly made in Australia» (c by pride it is made in Australia) and a logo contains: a yellow silhouette of a kangaroo in a green triangle. The right of use of this sign (logo) is awarded by special group Australian Made, Australian Grown Campaign.

• Meat of a kangaroo is used in food.• The Australian currency (the Australian dollar, AUD) is first-ever plastic (not paper) money. Traditional

immigration from Great Britain remains and until now, and immigrants from this country win first place on number among immigrants.

• On territory of Australia from reasons of ecological safety it is forbidden to import any products, products from a tree, soil on footwear soles.

• Besides a flag with the image of the Southern Cross Australia has two more official flags — a flag of continental natives, and a flag of islanders of passage Torresova.

• Absence of citizens of Australia on elections for the disrespectful reason is punished by the penalty.

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