Тестируем мобильные приложения в облаках с appium

Appium. Тестируем мобильные приложения в облаках с Андрей Стахиевич | www.comaqa.by

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Post on 11-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Appium. | www.comaqa.by
  2. 2. DPI / ISSOFT Solutions COMAQA.BY [email protected] ASP.Net developer 2- Selenium Webdriver-based test automation specialist 3- Mobile test automation specialist c 1,5
  3. 3. appium appium
  4. 4. Appium - Appium , Webdriver API. Appium HTTP , Webdriver.
  5. 5. App + oppium = ? Webdriver Appium, Selendroid, IOSdriver JSON Wire Protocol Mobile JSON Wire Protocol
  6. 6. Webdriver API. ? . . Selenium Grid . QA Webdriver .
  7. 7. Appium : IOS Android Firefox OS : Windows Linux Mac OS : :
  8. 8. Appium Appium MarionetteUIAutomation SelendroidUIAutomator
  9. 9. IOS IOS appium webdriver UIAutomation , Instruments.
  10. 10. Android Android appium webdriver UIAutomator , .
  11. 11. Appium : . ...
  12. 12. , :
  13. 13. Selenium Grid Clouds
  14. 14. Mobile Devices Browsers Desktop and Mobile Service
  15. 15. : +
  16. 16. 1.DesiredCapabilities:
  17. 17. 2. Application upload: OR
  18. 18. 3. Project and test result:
  19. 19. 4. RemoteWebDriver:
  20. 20. Mobile JSON Wire Protocol Appium Server Cloud Real devices
  21. 21. Android iOS Android iOS Android iOS
  22. 22. , , , ,
  23. 23. , , , , , , , ,
  24. 24. AUT Connection Cached You can trust it! Its safe! Security
  25. 25. You can trust it! Its safe!
  26. 26. No, really!!!
  27. 27. REST API, Jenkins plugin REST API, Jenkins plugin, REST API, Jenkins plugin, Gradle + Android Studio
  28. 28.
  29. 29. SauceLabs javascript
  30. 30. BrowserStack javascript
  31. 31. AppThwack + App Explorer
  32. 32. How much?
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  34. 34. How much?
  35. 35. 1. 2.
  36. 36. [email protected] http://www.issoft.by http://www.dpi.solutions http://www.comaqa.by