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Music Instruments

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Post on 07-Aug-2015



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Music Instruments

Головні питання Ключові питанняЯке призначення кожного із різноманітних видів музичних інструментів?Тематичні питанняЯк Ви ставитеся до музики? Які музичні групи чи виконавці вам подобаються?2. Які стилі музики Ви знаєте? 3. Які музичні інструменти Ви знаєте? 4. В яких музичних стилях вони зазвичай використовуються?5. Назвіть музичні стилі, які виникли в США. Змістові питання1.Які інструменти вам подобаються (струнні, ударні, духові,

клавішні)?2.Який вид інструменту ваш улюблений?3.Чи граєте ви на якому-небудь музикальному інструменті?

Завдання теми - засвоїти назви музичних інструментів англійською мовою;- розрізняти музичні стилі та диференціювати музичні інструменти, які для них характерні;-представити свій улюблений вид інструменту у вигляді PPP;-виконати тестові завдання;- співвіднести інструмент та його назву англійською.

ROCKBy far the most popular music after 1955 was rock music, which was at first called rock and (or 'n') roll. This music had its beginnings in the blues, gospel music, and jazz-influenced vocal music popular among African American audiences after World War II.

Rock appeared in the middle of the 20-th centuries and at once entered to light dancing genres. The main feature of this musical style is a calling to a society and disagreement with the habitual settled rules. This call is shown in complex, melodious sounding, and in deep texts, often political or philosophical, and in external shape of musicians, and a manner of their behaviour on a stage. In fate electronic musical instruments, and also computer processing of a sound are usually used. The most favourite tool fate of the musician is an electroguitar. On it complex improvisations are masterly played, and the bass-guitar and drums are the important parts of performing of rock-music.

The most known rock groups in the world are "Pink Floyd", “Beatles”,

"Rolling Stones", "Deep Purple", "Yes", "Queen", "Led Zeppelin", "Metallica"."Metallica"

Traditionally country musicians have been most proficient on stringed instruments. The violin was the most popular instrument on the frontier because of its easy portability. The banjo was adapted from the African American culture, and the five-string model is now universally popular among performers of the style known as bluegrass. The guitar has long been a staple of country music bands and singers. String bass and Hawaiian guitar have been used since the 1920s, and their modern descendants are the electric bass and the pedal steel guitar. Drums, pianos, and electrified instruments, used as early as the 1930s by Western swing bands, are heard on country recordings from the 1950s.

Музыкальные стили

In the early decades of the 20th century the word jazz was used to mean most kinds of American popular and dance music. Since the 1920s, however, jazz has usually signified a tradition in Afro-American music that began as a folk music in the South and developed gradually into a sophisticated modern art. While classical and rock music have often borrowed features of jazz, they remain outside the jazz tradition.

JazzThe jazz improviser creates and plays music simultaneously, unlike the composer who creates music at leisure and may never perform it. The improvised jazz solo may be variations on a theme, or it may consist of entirely new melodies. In either kind of solo, the player tries to create natural, flowing melodies. A solo, say jazz musicians, should “tell a little story.”

• Reggae is a music genre that originated in Jamaica in the late 1960s. While sometimes used in a broad sense to refer to most types of popular Jamaican dance music, the term reggae more properly denotes a particular music style that was strongly influenced by traditional mento and calypso music, as well as American jazz and rhythm and blues, and evolved out of the earlier genres ska and rocksteady. Typical instruments

• Bass, drums, guitar, organ, brass instrument, melodica

• Rock and roll (often written as rock & roll or rock 'n' roll) is a genre of popular music that originated and evolved in the United States during the late 1940s and early 1950s, primarily from a combination of African-American genres such as blues, boogie woogie, jump blues, jazz, and gospel music, together with Western swing and country music.

• Typical instruments: Electric guitar, double bass or later bass guitar, drums.

String group- струнні інструменти

Violin [ ]

Viola [ ]

Difference between violin and viola

1. The viola size is the first difference between violin and viola that you can notice easily, I mean if you have the two instruments in front of you to compare: the viola is bigger.

• Another difference that can be seen between them is about their role in orchestra. The orchestras generally have larger sections of violin than viola sections. While violins add to the melodic part, the violas add up to the harmony part.

Cello [ ]

Violin/viola/cello• The violin is the smallest listed, then the viola,

which is also the name of a flower. The cello is the largest listed and has to be player standing between your knees. As the instrument gets larger the tone of the sound gets deeper.

Harp [ ]• A person who

plays the harp is called a harpist or harper. Folk musicians often use the term "harper", whereas classical musicians use "harpist".

Wind group

Flute [ ]• A musician who plays the flute

can be referred to as a flute player, a flautist, a flutist, or less commonly a fluter.

• Aside from the voice, flutes are the earliest known musical instruments. A number of flutes dating to about 40,000 to 35,000 years ago have been found in the Swabian Alb region of Germany. These flutes demonstrate that a developed musical tradition existed from the earliest period of modern

human presence in Europe.

Oboe [ ]• The spelling "oboe"

was adopted into English ca. 1770 from the Italian oboè, a transliteration in that language's orthography of the 17th-century pronunciation of the French word hautbois, a compound word made of haut ("high, loud") and bois ("wood, woodwind"). A musician who plays the oboe is called an oboist.

Clarinet [ ]• A person who plays the

clarinet is called a clarinetist or clarinettist. Johann Christoph Denner invented the clarinet in Germany around the turn of the 18th century by adding a register key to the earlier chalumeau.

Bassoon [ ]• Listeners often

compare its warm, dark, reedy timbre to that of a male baritone voice

Brass group

Trumpet [ ] • The trumpet is used in

many forms of music, including classical music and jazz.

• A musician who plays the trumpet is called a trumpet player or trumpeter.

French horn [ ]• Descended from the natural horn,

the instrument is often informally and incorrectly known as the French horn. Since 1971 the International Horn Society has recommended the use of the word horn alone, as the commonly played instrument is not, in fact, the French horn, but rather the wider bore German horn. However, French horn is still the most commonly used name for the instrument.

Tuba [ ]• The tuba is the largest

and lowest pitched brass instrument. Sound is produced by vibrating or "buzzing" the lips into a large cupped mouthpiece.

Percussion group


Accordion [ ]

• The instrument is sometimes considered a one-man-band as it needs no accompanying instrument. The performer normally plays the melody on buttons or keys on the right-hand manual, and the accompaniment, consisting of bass and pre-set chord buttons, on the left-hand manual.

Saxophone [ ]

• The saxophone (also referred to as the sax) is a conical-bore transposing musical instrument that is a member of the woodwind family. Saxophones are usually made of brass and played with a single-reed mouthpiece similar to that of the clarinet

Synthesizer [ ]

• A synthesizer (often abbreviated "synth") is an electronic instrument capable of producing sounds by generating electrical signals of different frequencies. These electrical signals are played through a loudspeaker or set of headphones. Synthesizers can usually produce a wide range of sounds, which may either imitate other instruments ("imitative synthesis") or generate new timbres.