англ.яз. презентация на тему фильмы

My favorite film Series: Kitchen Made by Yulia Bakhteyeva Class 5a School 1, Moscow Region, Electrostal Teacher: Osotova L. Y. Favorite films of Russian teens

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My favorite film

Series: Kitchen

Made by Yulia Bakhteyeva Class 5aSchool 1, Moscow Region, ElectrostalTeacher: Osotova L. Y.

Favorite films of Russian teens

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A little about the series! Starring:

Chef- Dmitry Nazarov- Viktor Barinovcooks:Sergey Lavygin - Arseniy Chugunin (Senya),Mikhail Tarabukin Fedor Yurchenko (Theodore),Sergey Epishev - Lev Semenovich Soloviev (Leva),Nikita Tarasov - Louis Benoit (Louis)cleaning woman:Giannyl Asanbekova - Ainura Jannatmakon Of KantserovaEficiancy:Olga Kuzmina - Nastya, the waitress Ekaterina Kuznetsova - Alexander Bubnov (Sasha)Barman:Victor Horinac - Konstantin Anisimov (Kostya)

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The plot of the filmA young guy from Voronezh, Max, arrived in Moscow to conquer the kitchen is the most famous restaurant in the capital Claude Monet. And the night before the interview at the club, he spends the night with a beautiful girl who surprisingly also works in the restaurant business, Victoria. On the morning as it usually happens, Max goes in English. And with burning eyes with delight goes to interview the owner of the restaurant, Dmitry Naghiyev. He can’t meet the Director he can not, he goes straight to the Chef of the restaurant Claude Monet. Viktor Petrovich, the chef, sees that Maxim behaves in his office at home with anger was ready to smear on the wall. Victoria is the administrator of this popular restaurant. And understanding that she’ll work with him together she can't, she goes straight to Viktor Petrovich screaming: "He's here will not work!!!". And then the Boss realizes that taking on the work of the Rump, Vika will just tear your hair out, and they always compete. And so Max begins to work in a restaurant Claude Monet, finding every day some adventures and romantic attachment.

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pictures and photos

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references(sites) Информация:1)http://www.vkadrenet.ru/


qid=84a15229-02fc-418c-a6c9-7e0ed9765693 Картинки:http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=


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Thank you for listening my huge text and lots of pictures!)))

Спасибо что выслушали мой огромный текст и множество картинок!))))