第 5 组 小组成员: 陈剑鸿 黄东东 熊俊成 陈文周 陈婷 china inflation eases to...


Post on 21-Dec-2015




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第 5组小组成员:

陈剑鸿 黄东东 熊俊成 陈文周 陈婷

China Inflation Eases To 5.5%, Policy Change Caution Urged

• China's consumer price index, the main gauge of inflation, rose 5.5 percent year-on-year in October, weakening from September's 6.1 percent, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said on Wednesday.

• The October CPI growth marked the slowest surge since May this year, softening from 6.1 percent in September, 6.2 percent in August, 6.5 percent in July and 6.4 percent in June.

• "The October CPI data showed that the government's price control efforts have started to pay off," said Zhang Liqun.

• Zhang said the slowing price increases will create favorable conditions for the country to fine-tune its monetary tightening policies, although inflationary pressure will remain due to a large outstanding broad money supply (M2).

• By the end of September, the gross M2 still stood at 78.74 trillion yuan ($12.4 trillion), about 1.8 times larger than China's gross domestic product. In 2008, it was only 1.54 times larger than the GDP, Zhang said.

• "The size of the money supply remains huge and policymakers should be careful about (loosening) the monetary policy and not ignore its potential for boosting prices," he said. "It is a critical moment for the country's macroeconomic control policies and we can't be too careless in loosening the policies."

• Prior to the NBS announcement, many economists expected the October CPI to rise by 5.4 percent year-on-year.

• Over the next two years, the average inflation rate will fall to between 2.8 percent and 4 percent but the government should be vigilant in countering inflation risks in the medium and long term.

• On a monthly basis, the cost of living in October was still 0.1 percent higher than September, although it was still lower than the 0.5 percent month-on-month growth in September, according to the NBS.

consumer price index 消费者物价指数

• If you wanted to have a real frame, then you would consider the consumer price index or some other inflation index.

• 如果你想以实物框架理念来看的话,你就得将消费物价指数或者 , 其它通胀指数考虑在内。

gauge n. 计量器;标准尺寸;容量规格

vt. 测量;估计;给…定规格• The defence ministry is trying to gauge

the extent of the leak.

• 目前,韩国国防部正设法评估这次泄密的程度。

year-on-year adj. 与上年同期数字相比的

• This would be the biggest year-on-year fall for more than 60 years.

• 这可能是逾 60 年来最大幅度的同比下降。

surge n. 大浪;汹涌澎湃;巨涌 vi. 激增;汹涌 vt. 使颠簸

• Will another surge in oil prices dampen recovery, as it has so many times before?

• 正如以往很多次一样,另一波油价冲击将会抑制经济复苏吗?

• Pay off v 取得成功 ; 得到好结果

• Outsiders are awed by the Balts' determination, though sceptical that the sacrifice will pay off.

• 外界人士对于拉脱维亚人的决心感到敬佩,但也同时怀疑这一牺牲是否会得到回报。

fine-tune vt. 调整;使有规则;对进行微调

• You can then use this information to fine-tune and improve your page.

• 这样,你就能基于这些信息来进行不断微调,来改善你的网页。

monetary tightening policies 紧缩性货币政策

• In spite of these growing signs of strength in the Chinese economy, Beijing also signalled at the weekend that there would be no near-term tightening in fiscal or monetary policies.

• 尽管有越来越多迹象表明中国经济的增长力度,但北京方面周末发出信号称,短期内不会收紧财政或货币政策。

broad money supply (M2). 广义货币供应量

• Broad money supply be ensured to achieve 17 percent growth is possible.

• 广义货币供应量得到保证,实现 17% 的增长是可能的。

gross domestic product 国内生产总值

• The city's gross domestic product doubled between 2000 and 2005.

• 这座城市的国内生产总值在 2000 至 2005年间翻了一翻。

critical moment 关键时刻;临界力,


• You must calm down in this critical moment.

• 在这紧要关头你必须保持镇定。

• macroeconomic control 宏观调控

• Financial revenue is the foundation of the national macroeconomic control.

• 财政收入是国家进行宏观调控的基础。

• Prior to 在……之前;居先

• If your not sure of the name, call and ask prior to the interview.

• 如果你不确定,在面试之前打电话问问。

• Vigilant adj. 警惕的;警醒的;注意的;


• British authorities are telling citizens to stay vigilant and patient.

• 英国当局告知民众要保持警惕和耐心。

Counter n. 计数器、计算器;柜台;计算者

adv. 相反地 v. 反击;反对 adj. 相反的• cosmetic counter化妆品柜• Can you show me the ring in the counter?• 你能把柜台里的那个景戒指给我看看吗 ? 。

• cost of living 生活费,生活费用

• A rise in the cost of living touches everyone.

• 生活支出的增加与每个人息息相关。

The Cause Of Inflation

• There are at least two theories generally accepted: Demand-Pull Inflation - This theory can be summarized as "too much money chasing too few goods". In other words, if demand is growing faster than supply, prices will increase. This usually occurs in growing economies. Cost-Push Inflation - When companies' costs go up, they need to increase prices to maintain their profit margins. Increased costs can include things such as wages, taxes, or increased costs of imports.