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  • 2010.05.11

  • Outline? ?Summer school, 2006.06.16-17*

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • ?Summer school, 2006.06.16-17*

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • Summer school, 2006.06.16-17* (The Standard Model)

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • Summer school, 2006.06.16-17*

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • Summer school, 2006.06.16-17* (light): (photon) (wave)

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • Summer school, 2006.06.16-17* (A Better Microscope) : l = 0.0000005 m (0.5 mm 5000) scanning electron microscope

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • What is a particle accelerator?Accelerators can be used to transform energy into mass and vice versa.An accelerator can be used as a super-microscope to "see" tiny particles (quarks, leptons, etc)http://nobelprize.org/physics/educational/accelerators/research-1.html

  • Accelerator as super-microscopeTiny particles (smaller than a micron) can be examined by using electrons, provided their energy large enough. This is the principle of the electron microscope (SEM, TEM, HRTEM)The electron microscope is actually a small accelerator. It conveys energy to charged particles (electrons) to make wavelength small enough to view such details.The smaller the details you want to see, the larger the accelerator you will have to build.The larger the energy the smaller is the wavelength. http://nobelprize.org/physics/educational/accelerators/research-3.html

  • Accelerator as energy transformer In accelerators, charged particles are accelerated to high energy (high speed) by electric fields. In particle collisions, more or all the available energy can be transformed into other particles or into X-rays:The more powerful accelerators and higher energies, the more massive and sometimes new particles can be discoveredE = mc2 Energy Masshttp://nobelprize.org/physics/educational/accelerators/research-2.html

  • Summer school, 2006.06.16-17* . . (l = h/p) : : (E = mc2 )

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • Summer school, 2006.06.16-17* : : :

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • Summer school, 2006.06.16-17* ,

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • Summer school, 2006.06.16-17* F=qE

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • Summer school, 2006.06.16-17* Fixed Target Exp. vs. Colliding Beam Exp. : Linear Accelerator vs. Synchrotron :linacsinjector to a synchrotronIinear collidersynchrotroncolliding beamextracted for a fixed target

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • Type of acceleratorsLinear accelerator (LINAC)Fixed TargetCollidersCircular accelerator (synchrotron)(Source: http://pdg.web.cern.ch/pdg/cpep/lin_circ.html)

  • Principle machine components of an accelerator Injection: Let original particle come to the vacuum chamber Vacuum chamber: Avoid the accelerated particles collide with normal matter (like air molecules) Radio-Frequency Cavities: Provide electric fields to speed up charged particles Bending Magnets (dipole magnets): Curve the particles in the vacuum chamber Focusing Magnets(quadrupole magnets) Concentrate the particles into a thick beam.

  • Summer school, 2006.06.16-17* (synchrotron) : :

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • Summer school, 2006.06.16-17*

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • Summer school, 2006.06.16-17* Fermilab: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (US) CERN: European Laboratory for Particle Physics (Swiss-France) SLAC: Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (US) DESY: Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany) KEK: High EnergyAccelerator Research Organization (Japan) BNL: Brookhaven National Lab. (US) CESR: Cornell Electron-Positron Storage Ring (US) IHEP: Institute for High-Energy Physics (China)

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • *Experiments related to CKM parametersTalk by Elisabetta Barberioe+e- B FactoriesMajor experiments ongoing, some ended

  • *-

  • *Super Belle (2014~)http://www.kek.jp

  • *- (Tevatron)Heavier B => Full Service of B factory

  • *- (Large Hadron Collider)CMSALICEATLASLHCbCERNLHC at CERN

  • : SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center): PEP (Positron Electron Project): BaBar

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17*

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • Accelerator ComponentsElectron Gun Damping Rings Beam Switch Yard Klystrons A LINAC: SLACS ACCELERATOR CHAIN(SLAC = Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)

  • SLAC: Electron Gunhttp://www2.slac.stanford.edu/vvc/accelerator.html

  • SLAC: Beam Switch Yardhttp://www2.slac.stanford.edu/vvc/accelerator.html

  • SLAC: Damping Ringhttp://www2.slac.stanford.edu/vvc/accelerator.html

  • The electron gun produces a flow of electrons The bunching cavities regulate the speed of the electrons so that they arrive in bunches at the output cavity. The bunches of electrons excite microwaves in the output cavity of the klystron. The microwaves flow into the waveguide , which transports them to the accelerator . The electrons are absorbed in the beam stop. SLAC: Klystronhttp://www2.slac.stanford.edu/vvc/accelerator.html

  • : Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory: TevatronCDFD0Summer school, 2006.06.16-17*

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • A synchrotron: Fermilabs acceleratorsSource: http://www.fnal.gov


  • FNAL: Cockroft-Walton accelerator- Developed by John D. Cockroft and Earnest T. S. Walton at the Cavendish Laboratory (England)- This type of accelerator consists of a multi-step voltage divider which accelerates ions linearly through constant voltage stepsThe major accelerator facilities make use of several types of devices to build up the energy of the particles. The Cockroft-Walton accelerator is used as the first stage of acceleration at Fermilabhttp://www.fnal.gov

  • FNAL: The LINAC at FermiLabThe Fermilab Linac is a negative hydrogen ion, 400 MeV accelerator. It includes a 25 keV H-minus ion source, a 750 keV electrostatic accelerating column, a 116 MeV drift-tube (Alverez) linac operating at 201.25 MHz, and a 401 MeV side-coupled cavity linac operating at 805 MHz

  • FNAL: The boosterThe Booster is a circular accelerator (synchrotron) that uses magnets to bend the beam of protons in a circular path. The protons travel around the Booster about 20,000 times so that they repeatedly experience electric fields. With each revolution the protons pick up more energy, leaving the Booster with 8 billion electron volts (8 GeV). http://www-visualmedia.fnal.gov/VMS_Site/active.html

  • FNAL: The Main Injector Tunnel- Main Injector, completed in 1999, accelerates particles and transfers beams.- The functions of Main Injector Tunnel: 1) Accelerates protons from 8 GeV to 150 GeV. 2) Produces 120 GeV protons, which are used for antiproton production. 3) Receives antiprotons from the Antiproton Source and increases their energy to 150 GeV. 4) Injects protons and antiprotons into the Tevatron.http://www-visualmedia.fnal.gov/VMS_Site/active.html

  • FNAL: The TevatronThe Tevatron receives 150 GeV protons and antiprotons from the Main Injector and accelerates them to almost 1000 GeV, or one tera electron volt (1 TeV). Traveling only 200 miles per hour slower than the speed of light, the protons and antiprotons circle the Tevatron in opposite directions. The beams cross each other at the centers of the 5000-ton CDF and DZero detectors located inside the Tevatron tunnel, creating bursts of new particleshttp://www-visualmedia.fnal.gov/VMS_Site/active.html

  • FNAL: The Tevatron Works

  • ?Summer school, 2006.06.16-17*

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • Summer school, 2006.06.16-17* (Event) (Detector) Fixed targetColliding Beams

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • Summer school, 2006.06.16-17*Detector Type : Probe (what to detect)Radiation detectorPhotodetector or PhotoreceiverEye UV detectorIR detectorX-ray detectorParticle detectorMostly charged particlesElectron, muon, pion, proton, neutron, heavy ions, Jets

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • Summer school, 2006.06.16-17*

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • Summer school, 2006.06.16-17*Fixed Target Detector ) FOCUS

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • Summer school, 2006.06.16-17*

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • Summer school, 2006.06.16-17*

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • *

    Collider Detector - ) The CDF DetectorRETAINED FROM CDF RUN 1 Central and wall calorimeters

    Solenoidal magnet

    Central and extension muon detectors


    Tracking system Silicon vertex detector (SVXII) Intermediate silicon layers (ISL) Central outer tracker (COT)

    Scintillating tile end plug calorimeter

    Intermediate muon detectors

    Scintillator time of flight system

    Front-end electronics (132 ns)

    Trigger system (pipelined)

    DAQ system (L1, L2, L3)

  • Summer school, 2006.06.16-17*The CDF detector is basically new wire drift chamber (96 layers) TOF System

    A new powerful 3d tracking system and vertex detector covering |h|out to 2.0.

    A new scintillating tile plug calorimeter covering |h| out to 3.6.

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • Summer school, 2006.06.16-17* (Event Reconstruction)

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • Summer school, 2006.06.16-17*Quark/Gluon Gluon, Quark, Antiquark Quark, Antiquark

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • Summer school, 2006.06.16-17*ReferencesDongHee Kim, Summer School (2005)Nguyen Hong Quang, Dept. of Physics, KNU

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

  • References[1] Introduction to High Energy Physics, 4th Edition, Donald H. Perkin, University of Oxford, 2000[2] http://www.fnal.gov[3] http:// www.cern.ch[4] http://www.egglescliffe.org.uk/physics/particles/newfolder/acc1.html[5] http://particleadventure.org/particleadventure/[6] http://hands-on-cern.physto.se/[7] http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/particles/accel2.html and many different websites

  • Thank youSummer school, 2006.06.16-17*

    Summer school, 2006.06.16-17

    **This plot shows the current heavy flavor physics experiments by electron and positron. BESII, CLEOc, Belle, BaBar.They has excellent photon resolution.*The next thing is superbelle.*This plot shows the current heavy flavor physics experiments by electron and positron. CDF and D0.*Let me talk about LHC Experiment. There are 4 big experiments at LHC which areCMS, ATLAS and LHCb.