you needn't be a millionaire - · you needn't be a millionaire...

ROCKCASTLE PATRIOTIC LEAGUE Chairman C. C. Williams of Magisterial district No. 2. (West Mt Vernon) held a meeting at Cove'sehool (house and orgahized he Workers County Chairman i Or. M..Pennington and secretary were .on hands. The following Jistrici executive Committe were lected Louis .McGuire, W. C Johnson, Jesse Fish, G. C. Fish, and 8. P. Caifdle. There were more than a hundred interested people ty-esout all of whom prom ised to.Jwork enthusiastically in il(e farming cause. The uext meeting will be held at Langford school house on Monday night •May 8ib, 7:8o. Wildie Tuesday •light, Conway, Wednesday nighl, and Maple Grove, Thursday njilht of same week. Every- 1 hcifiy invited and requested to ; . District Chairmen are request i ed to hold meetings in various 1 portions of their territory during the coming and following weeks This is highly important be- 1 fore it is too late to git out full 1 and bigger or'ops. 1 i There is great Interest in the ] Patrioiio League movement thru- , out the country. I comodating business bjys. .Next up tfie street from ''Chucks' ' stand is the Citizens Bank, pre 4 sided over by that sterling cashier f A. M Hi ill with MUs Miranda Tate assistant. Brodhead an > surrounding territory's people > are mighty projd of th ir bink ana its management. W. E Gravely s general mer chandise establishment is found i ohe door west of the bjuk. Thi» establishment evidently gets it , share of the pat. on age Wallin's barber ah «p is one door east of post oftjee. next to W'fqad- Ttjis is a cleau sam tar-y shop an4 gets a fine ran of cqstom wh ch It deserves. The stpre nearest OTab Or chard Is th It of John Ro'iins, the effloieqt and faithful Signal re porter. It is located on the lot where the old Cherry storehou« burned some time ago. Mr.Kob; Ins has a nice olean stook of gen ; eral.merchandisB and hia host of , friends are giving him a deserv- ed patronage. i ' • Mrs. D. B. Albright has charge of the Frith Hotel And la oondncbt ' ing a splendid hostlery. : 1 Mr«. J, tf, Clark is ,till rto-'l ' Dick Martin storehouse at the end of the bridge. They carry : a line of general merchandise W- H - Solder's store is $rst qn.west sjde of tcflck, on Boone W«y. Will 's jqs( as clever and friendly as ever. ft. F, iAlbright's store is just tteeoss the street, where Ed can he found by his uumerous friends »nd customers at nearly all hours dishing out the goods. Next door is the business house of the tote J. M. Adams. The Atoye Is being oontinued by his widow. W. J. Owens, ehlef clerk "Chock Frith," sometimes known as *.'C. H . " and »t dther* w thl. "eii king" is an egg (Dd I*Qduc* buyer. -Old hsms. jurt lota of them, were ^^ng froin assssssfBL's to remain with, the hsms white: he went to depot tO do some bUl a Since the new depot and plat- form was erected it seems that g bu-iness has drifted mostly to i irritated toaayat-j PHINT SHOWS THBOUOH VOL LI .M K XXX MT. VERNON. ROCKCA8TLE COUNTY, KY., FRIDAY. MAY 4. 1917 i NUMBER 33 You Needn't Be a Millionaire Dressing well doesn't necessarily implyvspending more than you can afford. Of course you can pay a lot for clothes if you want to, but why pay for more value than voujactually get? We've always macle it a point to put in the things that are'highest in quality and most reasonable in price. In men's clothes, for example. What better can be had'than Cloth- craft at $10 to $20 and Hart Schaff- ner & Marx $20 to*$3o It's the same all the way down the line. Shirts, hats, socks, collars, underwear—every thing you s bu)' here is bound to please because ynu feel that it is worth every cent you pay for it. ;Dur new Spring styles are await- ing vour approval. SUFTON & McBEE Mt. Vernon, Ky. m THE CLOTH CRAFT STORE IN THIS TOWN man and does the business. - B. T. Young is conducti-.j a successful produce house on West Boone Way. | ^The libckcastle Milling Co., upaer thtf charge of our good Told f r i e u d T J o h n ^ t e d l e a s s i s t e d : b y other Kiddle^^l doing a nice | business mid {deserve to do so, they are alighty Rood people. I B rod I) sad is the home of Tony '-Brooks(woo is'usually in charge of a floating, gang on railroad). Tony is ope of the counties best Brodhead has the credit of es tablishing-the first graded school in Rockcastle The fact is that she is always in the forefront in establishing and pushing enter' prises for; the general good The friendly , rivalry existing between Brodhead and the county seal, in business and other affairs is p tched pn a different plane to what it'wap a few years since. There wa^a time when jealousies and bioker^ngs were iudulged in between soma of the boys of the two places hut happMy tbey learned that such things "never got thorn any where.'Hhey chang ed front and use that which is more popular and profitablereci- procity," and find it a greater as- set than following, the old liue of proceed are. Brodhead and its Citizens are a live pushing, patriotic and pio- gressive people. State of Ohio, City ot Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F J. Cheney & Co , do ing business it» the city of To ledo, County and St£Jfi_aluresai<i, MO that sai3 firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED POL LARS for eaeWand every cafe of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANC CHENEY. Sworn to before me and sub- scribed-in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1840. A W.-Gleason. (Seal) Notary Public. Hall s Catarrh Medicine is ta ken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Sur face* of,the System. Send tor testimonials fr> Talk to your neighbor sorton on this crop subject and have I; pass the word on so we in avert disaster and hunger. Ev-<ry citizen should contid himself a (iommitfe of one push this movement sly |iermanent, after ,|n i ihe manner of community clubs | like those at Conway. Owe, Or. I lando, Disputanta etc., which have accomplished great good in | ways of belter 'cultivation, in'ro- County Chuiiman Dr. M. PenS- paction of better grades of ingtou has designated every citi ] a "d poultry, fertilization eic. Iti- zen, men, boys, women and girls j teresiing articles on the value of or our county a member of tho|comn Rockcastle Patriotic Leagve hopes and requests each and every one will,be working me bers. i aunity clulw BRODHEAD OUR-N£IGHBOtf lv died at Silver Creek where lie for vears next door to Frith Hotel halbten i-gent marly 4o jeais. is one of the movers to w;st side Larkiu Hicks the oldest citl He is a P lend " ,l >' located i n a n « w zen of Biodhaad came to that place in 1874 No other citizen, is living i here tuday who was theie in that year, with the ex' ception of our good friend Jere- miah G Frith who located there building j u s t opposite Citizen: bunk and is catching his p »rc of the trade. The editor and "J M." are indebted to-"Teed" for pres ents in the way of an American flag button, each. Brodhead, 50 ye r • ago (18G7) There wa nt an» j such a pU : -e*or the Keutucky map; tho (here was on- Tog house on a spot sunt four hundred yard, north west near aboui that time and has' Brodhead's drug store, J. of where the depot n iw s ands in "gruwu up with the town. James I Watson, proprietor is now locit that, live town, occupi.-d by W.Tate arrived on the gr^unris ed-ln the Jim Albright storehouse drove in May 1877 fn>m Garrard county building on east side of track. ^hafer Se Roberts occupy the ; Wonilyird The wr thru, over the Wilderness road, and has been one of the f r m Mt. Vernon to Crab Or- tures since that time ; "chard in the above year The building. 1 ii . r»ilro..d was being graded at that David Hurl o n B o f thfl writ „. g t^me Boone s.•'or. church was compani<m , anJ , | ^ lUrtslung then .t wa, locat,d males ram6 Br^hoad in 18,5 -j! '^bout one third of a.nnle from and was section foreman for the Wilderness „rg* r nqmbe F .if thqse } W , i Wl '"Ward Mi- Veinon. Ute r Thi8 sp , endid mlln aQd tj - E---th» qaiigregati-u tqoved to B,od- died on , U t of January last, th, f ^ l , " 1 " ,e »!•' ,wo 8tor y- Ihe writer did not learn of it m h'sWric, building wss dismantled t il his trip to Brodhead last Moq * BJ was DO The writor -lay. It was indeed 4 shook to ':¥* . Suggests'that a njctuorial marker hear of his taking 08. "i'i - ' b e erected at the Spot showing the location of this' famous old n At P 03 ',°® ce we < church 1 Danuie Owens holding the .mails : Just j0 year, after'his first Mis, u ® 9cft 1 , Br00 "' ]j Vipover this roate, iu a buggy, , M the Writer took a spln.- ip the h ' 8 American ' - hlgn.1 Editor's Ford, over the ^ tho °^ t Ger ; Booue Wav, from Mt Vercou to hogged it •'i Brodhead the station whictre w w ' oan d at depot, oeived its name from a conftrptor t * lat de P°' ' 8 not e*. who was engaged in the Construe- oee< ^ 8 " plans and convenient ' 1 tion of the railr<>ad. While It ia arrangements by snv station on . ! known the highwav is not yet nja * - t * M> T- A N | clt y or communities. F j J Cheney & Co, Toledo, ly'all druggists, 75c. M'auiiJv Pills for Cunslipa DON T LET YOUR C 6 J G H HANG ON A cough t h it racks and weak- ens -dangerous, it undermines your health und thrives on neg- lect. Relieve it at once with l)r. King's New Dis-uvrt-y. This soothing balsam lemely heuls the throat, looaens the pill-tin, its antisep'ic properties kill the germ a>id the cold is <|ni-.-kly broken up CbiKTffn and grown npsaliki find Dr. King's New Disco\'ery 'pleasant to take as well as effective. Have a bottle bandy in your mediume chest for grippe, croup and. all bronchial affections. At druggists. 50c. ROCKCASTLE PATRIOTIC LEAGUE. To the end that our c should do iis hit duting perilous times an organizii our people is being inaie. known as the Rockcastle P. ic League. IU object being to get everyone interested in the question of putting in and culti Vat ing larger crops and gaMcns, the raising of live stock and poul- try, and the practice of economy in all food products and every- thing pertaining to thesusieu ance of life and its comforts. To work, preserve and SAVE as has never been practiced before. After tbe Ipatriotic meeting beld-at Mt. Vernon on 2?rd April a Central Executive Com mil tee was named for the purjaise of or- 'ifnizing two branches of Leagues u each. Magisterial disu-icl with 11 t h e county with D r . .VI IVtin ngton, Chairman, Hr A. G l.ov ell vice cliaituiaii and James Mar- , secretary, R F. Spence, 1,01 ere.i) Field Agent. 0-ganizitio:<s have boeti in ado Livingston, Disputanta, C»n way, Orlanda, Cove, Brodhead nd other points and it is desired to get all the districts fully or- ganiztd by middle of next week nd to push ihe good wctk along. This is one ot the most inipor- taut m'oves started in our county since the talk of war began. County Agent Spence, who will act in connection with his govern- ment work, as field agent foi our League and will prove f most valuable acquisition to thc ranks He has been been workv ing in the harness along these ines, in a portion of this ooupty for past three yearsf and what he has accomplished in .the work is a big surprise to everyone "learning of what has been done by this untiring representative of Uncle- Sam. In organizing branches of the league each district or division will have a chairman and five ex ecutive Committeemen, so ar ranged as -to cover the various portions of their district The duty of tbexe, aud all other mem bers is tivjlreach agriculture and do a goo^jVrt'of the "frork them- gelve9\cfonsjilt with your preach^ er, hftve*TCn mention this work iu his sermons and talk to the people, vi-dtNtieighbors encrtur, age them td increase their crops and refuse to sell any brood sows /nsres or ^wes to go out of the county. The county agent will spend two thirds of his tim» in this county aiding and/assisting in this great work. As soon as the Sve magisterial districts have been organized a meeting will be .. Vernon m which the been do• d whit has by-Uieinfli Rockcastle will appear in the Signal often in the future. A branch of the League was organized at Disputanta last Wednesday with Hardin Moore as chairman and the executive 1 tee as folio M.Bir- nett, Jones Durhiiu, R.L Pavne. Richard Moore, 11. M. Mink and 1'oin Mullins. Brodhead held its meeting on Saturday afternoon last and plac- ed A. M. Hutu as chairman -and named the executive committee, Oscar Hamni, Guy Roberts, J. W. Moore. 0. C. Metcaif, Logan Has- ty, 6am Chandler. It is expected that initieeman will call meetings at liis nearest school ,house and get 111 touch with all the farmers, en- couraging -them 10 push things with a.vitn this season. v £> Executive Dotninitteemen will recione due notice of date of pro- posed meeting at Mt. Vernon. Farmers desiring bulletins 00 subject of corn, wh.-at, rye, oa'-s, gardens, live stock etc, should address County Agent, Berea, K^y. These will be gladly fur- nished free of charge. PROPER POOD FOR WEAK STOMACHS. Th? proper food for one man may be all wrong for.another. Every one should adopt a diet suited to his age and occupation. Those who have weak stomachs ured t.i be especially caretul and <hould eat «lowly anJ masticate, their fond .thoroughly; It is also important that they; keep their bowels regular. When they be- enme constipated or when they' feel dull arid stupid-after eating, they sh.iuld take Chamberlain's Tablets to strengthen the stom- ach aud move the bowels. They are easy to lane and pleasant in effect. LEVELGREEN The Baptist fifth Sunday meet- If WJS held at Poplar Grove .t Sunday wus largely aftend- . and the.v are to be congratu- lated on the able speakers ihey had.—Judge Balhrd and J. U. down from Mt. Verooo ihe latter part of la-t week —Born to the wife of O j . Mullins on the 21st, a boy and 1 girl, the boy was buried the same day. . The girl and mother are doing nicety —R. L. Brown up from Somerset Suoday and spent the day with his mother. -Miss Ida Pearl Sowder of Etna, is with her grand par euts, Mr. and Mrs A.C Sowder. —Some of ihe farmers are thru planting corn some are not ready to plant, but it seems that most everyone is trying to raise all possible - Mrs M. E Burton spent from Friday until -Suuday With her parent* at Elrod —Otto aud Charley Brown^pedt Satut- day night with their cousins and Mrs. W E Anderson. B. Thompson has returned from a short in ludiana.— Ruth Brown is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Joe : Major, at Bandy.—Master Woodrow Mul- lins is visiting nis uucle, Mar- cum Vanhoota at Ocala.—Mr. and Geo. Bray and children, spent Saturday nightr with her pareuts^^Mr.' and Mrs. J. L. Thompson^ Mrs. W.' H Brown spent the latter part of last week wi h her sonSv V/. J. and Ed<J at Willailla.—H. H. Randolph - is a frequent visitof at Level Green since a certain school ma'am bug returned home.—Wm. i-H. Browa was in Mt. Vernon Menda/. Mrs. . W. F. DeBord ia very stci. It. is thought that she has tuberculosis. . M W Henry TWd spent Monday iwlth her sister. Mrs. Esgene McWilliams at Banily.^ '• FOR YOUR cHrLD'S COU'JH "fyroi* ke. DP. if ynnr ESTABLISHED — 1887 — PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY

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LEAGUE Chai rman C. C. Williams of

Magisterial district No. 2. (West Mt Vernon) held a mee t ing at Cove'sehool (house and orgahized he Workers County Chairman

i Or. M..Pennington and secretary were .on hands. T h e following J is t r ic i execut ive Commit te were lected Louis .McGuire, W. C

Johnson, Jesse Fish, G. C. Fish , and 8 . P . Caifdle. The re were more than a hundred interested people ty-esout all of whom prom ised to.Jwork enthusiastically in il(e f a r m i n g cause. T h e uex t meeting will be held a t Langford school house on Monday n igh t •May 8ib, 7:8o. Wildie Tuesday •light, Conway, Wednesday nighl, and Maple Grove, Thur sday njilht of s ame week. Every- 1

hcifiy invited and requested to ; . Dis t r ic t Chairmen are r eques t i

ed to hold meetings in va r ious 1 portions of their territory d u r i n g the coming and following weeks This is h ighly i m p o r t a n t be- 1

fore it is too late to g i t o u t full 1

and bigger or'ops. 1 i The re is great In te res t in t he ] Patrioiio League movement t h r u - , ou t t he coun t ry .

I comodating bus iness b j y s . .Next up tfie s t ree t f rom ' 'Chucks '

' s tand is t he Citizens Bank, pre 4 sided over by t h a t s ter l ing cashier f A. M Hi i l l wi th MUs Miranda

Tate ass is tant . Brodhead an > su r round ing t e r r i t o r y ' s people

> are mighty p r o j d of th ir b i n k a n a its m a n a g e m e n t .

W. E Grave ly s genera l mer chandise es tabl ishment is found

i ohe door west of the b j u k . Thi» establishment evidently ge t s it

, share of the pat . on age Wallin's b a r b e r ah «p is one

door eas t of pos t oftjee. nex t to W ' f q a d - Tt j i s is a cleau sam tar-y shop an4 g e t s a fine r a n of cqstom wh ch It deserves .

T h e s t p r e neares t OTab Or c h a r d Is t h It of John Ro'iins, t he effloieqt and fa i thful Signal re p o r t e r . I t is located on the lot where t he old Cherry s t o r e h o u « b u r n e d some time ago. Mr.Kob; Ins has a nice olean stook of gen ; eral.merchandisB and hia hos t of , f r i e n d s a r e giving h im a deserv-ed pa t ronage . i

' • Mrs . D. B. A lb r igh t has charge of the F r i t h Hotel And la oondncbt ' ing a splendid host lery . : 1

Mr«. J , tf, Cla rk is , t i l l rto-'l

' Dick Mar t in s to rehouse a t the end of the br idge. They carry

: a l ine of general merchandise W- H - S o l d e r ' s s to re is $ r s t

qn .wes t sjde of tcflck, on Boone W«y. Will ' s jqs( as clever and fr iendly as ever.

ft. F, iAlbr igh t ' s store i s j u s t tteeoss t he s t reet , where Ed can he found by his uumerous f r iends »nd cus tomers a t nearly all hour s d i sh ing ou t t he goods .

N e x t door is t he business house of t he tote J . M . Adams. T h e Atoye Is being oontinued by his widow. W. J . Owens, ehlef c lerk

"Chock F r i t h , " somet imes known as *.'C. H . " and » t dther* w t h l . "eii k i n g " is an e g g ( D d I*Qduc* buye r . -Old h s m s . j u r t lota of them, were ^ ^ n g f ro in assssssfBL's to remain with, the hsms white: he went to depot tO do some bUl a Since the new depot and plat-

form was erected it seems that g bu-iness has drifted mostly to

i irritated toaayat-j



You Needn't Be a Millionaire Dress ing well doesn't

necessarily implyvspending more than you can afford.

Of course you can pay a lot for clothes if you want to, but why pay for more value than voujactually get?

We've always macle it a point to put in the things that are'highest in quality and most reasonable in price.

In men's clothes, for example. What better can be had'than Cloth-craft at $10 to $20 and Hart Schaff-ner & Marx $20 to*$3o

It's the same all the way down the line. Shirts, hats, socks, collars, underwear—every thing you s

bu)' here is bound to please because ynu feel that it is worth every cent you pay for it.

;Dur new Spring styles are await-ing vour approval.

SUFTON & McBEE M t . V e r n o n , Ky .

m T H E C L O T H C R A F T S T O R E I N T H I S T O W N

m a n and does the business. - B. T . Young is c o n d u c t i - . j a

successful produce house on West Boone Way.

| ^ T h e l ibckcast le Milling Co., u p a e r thtf c h a r g e of ou r good

Told f r i e u d T J o h n ^ t e d l e assisted : by o t h e r K i d d l e ^ ^ l doing a nice | business mid {deserve to do so, they a r e alighty Rood people.

I B rod I) sad is t he home of T o n y '-Brooks(woo i s ' u sua l ly in charge of a floating, gang on railroad). Tony is ope of the count ies best

Brodhead h a s the credit of es tabl ishing-the first g raded school in Rockcastle T h e fact is t h a t she is always in t he f o r e f r o n t in es tab l i sh ing and pushing e n t e r ' prises for; the genera l good

T h e fr iendly , r iva l ry ex i s t ing between Brodhead and the county seal, in bus iness and o the r af fa i rs is p tched pn a d i f ferent plane to what i t 'wap a few y e a r s since. The re w a ^ a t ime when jealousies and bioker^ngs were iudulged in between soma of the boys of t he two p l a c e s hu t happMy tbey learned tha t such th ings "never got thorn any where. 'Hhey c h a n g ed f ron t and use tha t which is more popular and p rof i t ab le rec i -p roc i t y , " and find i t a g r e a t e r as-set than following, the old liue of proceed are.

Brodhead and i t s Citizens a r e a live push ing , patr iot ic and pio-gress ive people.

S t a t e of Ohio, City ot Toledo, Lucas County, ss. F r a n k J . Cheney makes oath

that he is sen ior p a r t n e r of t he firm of F J . Cheney & Co , do ing bus iness it» the c i ty of T o ledo, County and St£Jfi_aluresai<i, MO that sai3 firm will pay the sum of O N E H U N D R E D P O L LARS for eaeWand every cafe of Ca ta r rh that cannot be cured by the use of H A L L ' S C A T A R R H MEDICINE. F R A N C C H E N E Y .

Sworn to before m e a n d sub-scribed-in my presence, th is 6th day of December, A. D. 1840. A W.-Gleason. (Sea l ) Nota ry Public.

Hall s Catar rh Medicine is ta ken internally and ac t s t h rough the Blood on t he Mucous Su r face* o f , t h e System. Send tor testimonials fr>

Talk to your neighbor sorton on this c rop subject and have I; pa s s t he word on so we in aver t d i s a s t e r and hunge r .

Ev-<ry citizen should contid himself a ( i o m m i t f e of one push th is movement

sly | iermanent , a f t e r , | n i ihe manner of communi ty c lubs

| like those a t Conway. O w e , Or. I lando, Disputanta etc . , which have accomplished great good in

| ways of bel ter 'cultivation, i n ' r o -County Chui iman Dr . M. PenS- p a c t i o n of better grades of

ingtou has designated every citi ] a " d poultry, fertilization eic. Iti-zen, men, boys, women and g i r l s j teresiing art icles on the va lue of or o u r county a member of t ho | comn Rockcastle Patr iot ic Leagve hopes and r e q u e s t s each and every one wi l l ,be working me bers. i

aunity clulw

BRODHEAD OUR-N£IGHBOtf lv died at Silver Creek where lie for vears nex t door to F r i t h Hotel

h a l b t e n i-gent m a r l y 4o j e a i s . is one of t he movers to w ; s t s ide

Larkiu Hicks t he o ldes t ci t l H e i s a P l e n d " , l > ' l o c a t e d i n a n « w

zen of Biodhaad c a m e to t h a t place in 1874 No o t h e r citizen, is living i here tuday who was the ie in t h a t year , with t he e x ' ception of ou r good fr iend Je re -miah G Fri th who located there

building j u s t opposi te Citizen: bunk and is ca tch ing his p »rc of t h e t r ade . T h e edi tor and "J M . " a r e indebted to -"Teed" for p r e s e n t s in the way of an Amer ican flag button, each.

Brodhead, 50 ye r • ago (18G7) T h e r e wa n t an»j such a pU:-e*or t he Keutucky map; tho (here was on- Tog house on a spot s u n t f o u r hundred y a r d , no r th west near abou i that t ime and h a s ' Brodhead ' s d rug s to re , J . of where the depot n iw s a n d s in "gruwu u p with the town. J a m e s I Watson, p ropr ie to r is now l o c i t that, l ive town, occupi.-d by D . c k W . T a t e arrived on the gr^unris ed-ln the J im Albright s to rehouse

drove in May 1877 fn>m G a r r a r d county bui ld ing on east s ide of t r a ck . ^ h a f e r Se Roberts occupy the

; Wonilyird T h e wr thru, over t he Wilderness road, and has been one of t he f r m Mt. Vernon to Crab Or- t u re s s ince that t ime

; "chard in t he above year T h e building. 1 ii . r»ilro..d was being g r aded a t t h a t D a v i d H u r l o n B o f t h f l w r i t „ . g

t^me Boone s . • ' o r . c h u r c h was c o m p a n i < m , a n J , | ^ lUrtslung then .t wa , locat,d m a l e s r a m 6 B r ^ h o a d in 18,5 - j ! ' ^ b o u t one third of a . n n l e f rom and was section foreman for t h e

Wi lderness „ r g * r nqmbe F .if thqse } W , i W l '"Ward Mi- Veinon. U t e r T h i 8 s p , e n d i d m l l n a Q d t j -E---th» qa i igregat i -u tqoved to B,od- died on , U t of J anua ry last, th , f ^ l • , " 1 " , e »!•' , w o 8 t o r y - Ihe wr i te r did not learn of i t m

h'sWric, building wss d ismant led t i l his t r i p to Brodhead last Moq • * B J w a s D O T h e w r i t o r -lay. I t was indeed 4 shook to

':¥* . Sugges ts ' tha t a njctuorial marker hear of his tak ing 08. "i'i - ' be erected a t t he Spot showing

• t he location of this' famous old n A t P 0 3 ' , ° ® c e w e

< c h u r c h 1 Danuie Owens holding the .mails : J u s t j 0 y e a r , a f t e r ' h i s first M i s ,

u ® 9 c f t1 , B r 0 0 " '

]j V i p o v e r this roate, iu a buggy , , M t h e Writer took a spln.- ip t he h ' 8 Amer ican

' - h lgn .1 Ed i to r ' s F o r d , over t he ^ t h o ° ^ t G e r

; Booue Wav, from Mt Vercou to hogged i t •'i Brodhead the s ta t ion w h i c t r e w w ' o a n d a t depot,

oeived its name f rom a c o n f t r p t o r t * l a t d e P ° ' ' 8 not e * . w h o was engaged in t h e Construe- o e e < ^ 8 " plans and convenient

' 1 t ion of the railr<>ad. While I t ia a r r a n g e m e n t s by s n v stat ion on .! known the highwav is not y e t n j a * -t*M> T- A N | c l t y o r communi t ies .

F j J Cheney & C o , Toledo,

ly'all druggis ts , 75c. M'auiiJv Pills for Cunslipa


A cough th it r a c k s and weak-ens -dangerous, i t undermines y o u r health und thr ives on neg-lect. Relieve it at once with l)r . King ' s New Dis-uvrt-y. T h i s soothing balsam l e m e l y heuls the throat , looaens the pil l- t in, i t s an t i sep ' i c p roper t i es kill t he ge rm a>id t he cold is <|ni-.-kly broken up CbiKTffn and g rown n p s a l i k i find Dr. K ing ' s New Disco\'ery 'p leasant to t ake as well as effective. Have a bottle bandy in y o u r mediume ches t for gr ippe, c roup and. all bronchial affections. At d ruggis t s . 50c.


T o the end that our c should do iis hit d u t i n g perilous t imes an organizi i o u r people is being ina ie . known as the Rockcast le P. ic League. I U objec t being to get everyone in teres ted in t he quest ion of putt ing in and culti Vat ing la rger crops and gaMcns, t he raising of live stock and poul-t r y , and the pract ice of economy in all food products a n d every-th ing per ta in ing to t h e s u s i e u ance of life and its comforts. To work, p r e se rve and S A V E as has never been practiced before .

A f t e r t be Ipatr iot ic meeting beld-at Mt. Vernon on 2?rd April a Centra l Execut ive Com mil tee was named for t he purjaise of or-' ifnizing two branches of Leagues u each. Magisterial disu-icl with 11 the county with Dr. .VI IVtin ngton, Chai rman, Hr A. G l.ov

ell vice cliaituiaii and J a m e s Mar-, secretary, R F. Spence, 1,01 ere.i) Field Agent . 0-ganizitio:<s • have boeti in ado

Livingston, Disputanta, C»n way, Orlanda, Cove, Brodhead nd other points and it is desired

to get all the d i s t r i c t s fully or-ganiz td by middle of n e x t week

nd to push ihe good wctk along. This is one ot the most inipor-

taut m'oves s tar ted in ou r county since the talk of war began.

County Agent Spence, who will act in connection with his govern-ment work, as field agent foi our League and will prove f most valuable acquisition to thc r a n k s He has been been workv ing in the h a r n e s s a long these ines, in a portion of th is ooupty

for pas t t h r ee yearsf and what he has accomplished in .the work is a big s u r p r i s e to everyone "learning of what has been done by this u n t i r i n g representative of Uncle-Sam.

In organiz ing branches of the league each d is t r ic t o r division will have a chairman and five ex ecut ive Commit teemen, so a r ranged a s - to cover the various port ions of the i r distr ict T h e du ty of tbexe, aud all o ther mem be r s is t ivj lreach a g r i c u l t u r e and do a g o o ^ j V r t ' o f t he "frork them-gelve9\cfonsjilt with your preach^ er, hftve*TCn mention this work iu his sermons and talk to the people, vi-dtNtieighbors encrtur, age them td inc rease their c rops and r e f u s e to sell a n y brood sows / n s r e s o r ^wes to g o out of the county .

T h e county agen t will spend two t h i r d s of his tim» in t h i s county aiding a n d / a s s i s t i n g in th is g r e a t work. A s soon as the Sve magisterial d is t r ic ts have been organized a meeting will be

.. Ve rnon m which the

been d o • d whi t has

by-Uieinfli Rockcast le will appear in the Signal o f ten in t he fu ture .

A branch of t he League w a s organized a t Disputan ta last Wednesday with Hardin Moore as chairman and the execut ive

1 tee as folio M.Bir-nett , Jones Durhi iu , R . L Pavne. Richard Moore, 11. M. Mink and 1'oin Mul l ins .

Brodhead held i t s meeting on Sa tu rday afternoon last and plac-ed A. M. Hutu as cha i rman -and named the execut ive commit tee , Oscar Hamni, Guy Roberts , J . W. Moore. 0 . C. Metcaif, Logan Has-ty, 6 a m Chandler.

It is expected tha t initieeman will call mee t ings a t liis neares t school ,house and ge t 111 touch with all the fa rmers , en-couraging -them 10 push th ings with a.vitn this season. v£>

Executive Dotninitteemen will recione due notice of da te of pro-posed meet ing at Mt. Vernon.

F a r m e r s desir ing bulletins 00 sub jec t of corn, wh.-at, rye, oa'-s, ga rdens , live stock etc, should a d d r e s s County Agent, Berea, K^y. These will be gladly fur-nished free of c h a r g e .


Th? p r o p e r food for one man may be all wrong f o r . a n o t h e r . Every one should adopt a diet suited to his age and occupation. Those who have weak s t omachs ured t.i be especially caretul and <hould eat «lowly anJ mas t ica te , the i r fond . thoroughly; I t is a l so important tha t they; keep the i r bowels r egu la r . When t h e y be-enme constipated o r when t h e y ' feel dull arid s tup id -a f t e r eating, they sh.iuld take Chamber la in ' s Table ts to s t r eng then the stom-ach aud move the bowels. They a r e easy to lane and pleasant in effect.

LEVELGREEN T h e Baptist fifth Sunday meet-If WJS held at Poplar G r o v e .t Sunday wus largely a f tend-. and the.v a r e to be congra tu -

lated on the able speakers ihey had.—Judge Balhrd and J. U.

down from Mt. Verooo ihe lat ter par t of la-t week —Born to t he wife of O j . Mullins on t he 21st, a boy a n d 1 girl, the boy was buried the same day . . The girl and mother are doing nicety —R. L. Brown

u p from Somerset Suoday and spen t the day with his mother . -Miss Ida Pear l Sowder of Etna , is with h e r g r a n d par euts , Mr. and Mrs A . C Sowder. —Some of i he f a r m e r s are t h r u planting corn some are not ready to plant, but i t seems tha t most everyone is t ry ing to raise all possible - Mrs M. E Burton s p e n t from Fr iday until -Suuday With her parent* at Elrod —Otto aud Charley B r o w n ^ p e d t Sa tu t -day night with the i r cousins

and Mrs. W E Anderson. B. Thompson has r e t u r n e d

from a shor t v i . i t in ludiana .— R u t h Brown is visiting h e r

daughter , Mrs. Joe : Major, a t Bandy.—Master Woodrow Mul-lins is visiting nis uucle, Mar-cum Vanhoota a t Ocala.—Mr. and

Geo. Bray and chi ldren, spen t Sa tu rday nightr with h e r pareuts^^Mr. ' and Mrs. J . L. T h o m p s o n ^ Mrs. W.' H Brown s p e n t the latter part of last week wi h h e r sonSv V/. J . and Ed<J a t Willailla.—H. H. Randolph - is a f r equen t visitof a t Level Green since a certain school ma'am bug re turned home.—Wm. i-H. Browa was in Mt. Vernon Menda / . — Mrs. . W. F . DeBord ia v e r y s t c i . I t . is thought tha t she has tuberculosis. . M W H e n r y T W d spent Monday iwlth h e r sister. Mrs. E s g e n e McWill iams at Banily.^ '•

FOR YOUR cHrLD'S COU'JH " f y r o i * ke . D P . i f y n n r