year 9 9 autumn... · 2020. 8. 26. · i speak arabic fluently b. i speak german well c. i speak...

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Page 1: Year 9 9 Autumn... · 2020. 8. 26. · I speak Arabic fluently b. I speak German well c. I speak Russian badly d. My mother only speaks Portuguese e. My friends and I speak French


Year 9 Independent Learning Autumn 2



Page 2: Year 9 9 Autumn... · 2020. 8. 26. · I speak Arabic fluently b. I speak German well c. I speak Russian badly d. My mother only speaks Portuguese e. My friends and I speak French


Independent Learning


At Ark Boulton, we are dedicated to helping our young people to develop a love

of learning and to providing students with the necessary skills and knowledge

needed to reach the career of their choice. The daily independent learning

programme at Ark Boulton will help to equip our students to develop vital

study skills needed to be successful during their time at the Academy and

beyond. Furthermore, all independent learning activities are based on

knowledge retrieval from the previous year- a strategy which has been shown

by numerous researchers to significantly improve student learning.

What does my child need to do to complete their independent learning?

This booklet has different 30 minute independent learning tasks for all

subjects for the first half term. Every subject has created a different task each

week to recall learning from the previous school year or topic. Students will be

informed by their subject teachers as to which day their homework will need to

be handed in. All tasks need to be completed in the back of their subject

exercise books or on a task sheet which will then be glued in to the back of

their books. It is the student’s responsibility to be organised and take their

subject books home on the appropriate day of the week. The independent

learning booklets can also be found on the school website for easy access to

any tasks with internet links.

How do I support my child with their independent learning?

As well as supporting your child by providing a quiet space for them to

complete their independent learning, please carry out a daily check on the

quality of the work that your son/ daughter has produced and sign in the

appropriate place. If you are in any doubt that the presentation or detail of the

work is not up to standard, do not hesitate to advise your child to reattempt

the task.

We thank you for your continued support regarding independent learning.

Should you have any questions please feel free to contact your child’s Form

Tutor or Achievement Leader.

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Subject Page Number

Art 4

Drama 11

English Mastery 15

French 17

Geography 24

Health and Wellbeing 31

History 38

Maths 41

Music 48

Religious Studies 55

Science 57

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Drama Week 1

You are playing the role of Derek, write a diary entry tells the reader how you feel

about your dad not wanting you to hang around with Christopher.

Below is an example of a diary entry to help you.

Dear Diary……

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Drama Week 2

Define the drama technique Tableau

Tableau is……….

List 6 key moments within the film Let Him Have it.







Choose 3 of the key moments that you think are the most important to use as a Tableau.

Still Image number 1-

Still Image number 2-

Still Image number 3-

Create a story board with captions that tells the reader how the characters feel.

Below is an example of a story board.

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Drama Week 3

Identify 2 drama techniques that are used in the roof top scene-

1. Still Image

2. Mime

For each technique you must identify the skills used within the technique e.g.

Projection, tone of voice and diction are used in Narration.

Week 4

List 5 vocal skills used in the roof top scene and say why they are important, each vocal skill

requires one paragraph e.g.

As a performer I have used the physical skill of balance, this is used in the roof top scene. I have

decided to use balance because I want to show the audience that Christopher is more skilful on the

roof top than Derek, this shows that Christopher is used to committing these acts more than


Week 5

Answer the question using the writing frame PRE

Explain you have used physical skills to show tension during the roof top scene(4


I have used the physical skill of……………I have used………….during the roof top scene. I have

chosen to use……….to show that the officer/Derek/Christopher is…………….

Week 6

Answer the question using the writing frame PRE

Explain you have used proximity to show tension during the roof top scene(4 marks)

I have used a……………proximity during the roof top scene. I have chosen to use a………. proximity

to show that the officer/Derek/Christopher is…………….

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English Mastery

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English Mastery

Week 1: Poetry comprehension questions.

Task: Turn to your homework booklet on task week 1. Read the poem and answer the

comprehension questions. These must be answered in the back of your English book. Write the

question and the answer you have chosen. Your title must be “Week 1 Homework”

Week 2: Jane Eyre PREZEL and questions.

Task: Turn to your homework booklet on task week 2. Read the What Great Looks like paragraph.

Answer the comprehension questions in full sentences in the back of your English book. These

must be in full sentences. Your title must be “Week 2 Homework”.

Week 3: Poetry comprehension questions.

Task: Turn to your homework booklet on task week 3. Read the poem and answer the

comprehension questions. These must be answered in the back of your English book. Write the

question and the answer you have chosen. Read the poem and answer the comprehension

questions in the back of your English book. Your title must be “Week 3 Homework”

Week 4: Jane Eyre PREZEL.

Task: Turn to your homework booklet on task week 4. Read the What Great Looks like paragraph.

Answer the comprehension questions in full sentences in the back of your English book. These

must be in full sentences. Your title must be “Week 4 Homework”

Week 5: Poetry PREZEL.

Task: Turn to your homework booklet on task week 5. Read the poem and answer the

comprehension questions. These must be answered in the back of your English book. Write the

question and the answer you have chosen. Read the poem and answer the comprehension

questions in the back of your English book. Your title must be “Week 5 Homework”

Week 6: Jane Eyre PREZEL.

Task: Turn to your homework booklet. Read the What Great Looks like paragraph to help you.

Then, write your own PREZEL in the back of your English book. Your title must be “Week 6


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Week 1:

1. Write out the vocabulary in French. Say, look, cover, write,

check each word three times in your exercise book. Pay special

attention to any accents you need to use.

l’allemand – German le japonais - Japanese

l’anglais – English le mandarin - Mandarin

l’arabe – Arabic le polonais - Polish

l’espagnol – Spanish le portugais – Portuguese

le français – French le roumain - Romanian

le gujarati – Gujarati le russe - Russian

le hindi – Hindi l’ourdou - Urdu

l’italien - Italian

2. Translate the sentences from English into French

a. I speak Arabic fluently

b. I speak German well

c. I speak Russian badly

d. My mother only speaks Portuguese

e. My friends and I speak French well

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French Week 2: An article is a word like the, a, or some and they are used in a language to indicate

a noun. The definite article means “the” and is used to talk about a specific thing or

things. The articles le, la, l’ and les all mean “the” and the version you use depends

on the gender of the noun.

English Masculine Feminine Before




the le la l’ les

1. Write the correct version of the definite article based on the gender of the noun

and translate the words into English:

a. ______ chat (m) f. ______ yeux (pl)

b. ______ stylo (m) g. ______ chimie (f)

c. ______ cheveux (pl) h. ______ théâtre (m)

d. ______ livre (m) i. ______ crayons (pl)

e. ______ chaise (f) j. ______ eau (vowel)

2. Write out the vocabulary in French. Say, look, cover, write, check each word

three times in your exercise book. Pay special attention to any accents you

need to use.

3. Translate the following sentences into French using the correct definite article:

a. I like chocolate


b. I study Music and English


c. I have brown hair and blue eyes


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Week 3:

1. Write out the vocabulary in French. Say, look, cover, write, check each word three

times in your exercise book. Pay special attention to any accents you need to use.

chauffeur de poids lourds – a heavy goods driver hôtesse de l’air – an air hostess réceptionniste dans un hôtel – a hotel receptionist directrice d’entreprise – head of a company chauffeur de taxi – a taxi driver employée dans un office de tourisme – an employee in a tourist office prof de langues – a languages teacher traducteur/traductrice – translator

2. Complete the sentences by writing in the correct job

J’utilise les langues étrangères pour faire des annonces et donner des renseignements aux passagers.

Je suis________________________

J’utilise les langues étrangères pour parler avec des clients et des collègues

à l’étranger. Je suis________________________

J’utilise les langues étrangères pour

enseigner les élèves et pour partager ma passion pour les langues.

Je suis________________________

J’utilise les langues étrangères pour faire des réservations par telephone et pour écrire des e-mails. Je suis_______________________

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French Week 4:

An article is a word like the, a, or some and they are used in a language to indicate

a noun. The indefinite article means “a” or “some” and is used to talk about an

unspecific thing or things. The articles un and une mean “a/an” and des means

“some”. The version you use depends on the gender of the noun.

English Masculine Feminine Plural

a/an/some un une des

1. Write the correct version of the indefinite article based on the gender of the

noun and translate the words into English:

a. ______ chien (m) b. ______ bonbons (pl)

c. ______ cahier (m) d. ______ voiture (f)

e. ______ magasins (pl) f. ______ pull (m)

g. ______ vélo (m) h. ______ chaussures (pl)

i. ______ trousse (f) j. ______ pomme (f)

2. Write out the vocabulary in French. Say, look, cover, write, check each word

three times in your exercise book. Pay special attention to any accents you

need to use.

3. Translate the following sentences into French using the correct definite article:

a. I have a dog and some fish


b. In my town there is a bank


c. I eat some sweets


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French Week 5:

1. Say, look, cover, write, check these infinitives:

taper – to type aider – to help changer – to change

finir – to finish servir – to serve choisir – to choose

apprendre – to learn vendre – to sell répondre – to answer

2. Write out the meaning of the pronouns.

Je = _____ Nous = ________

Tu = _____ Vous = ________

Il = ______ Ils = _________

Elle = ________ Elles = __________

On = ________

3. In your book, you will practice the imperfect tense

endings with one verb, then repeat with another five verbs

Infinitive = habiter – to live

a. Write out the pronouns b. Write the infinitive next to each pronoun c. Add the imperfect tense endings

4. Translate into French:

a. I used to play tennis with my friends


b. My colleague was nice


c. I used to watch TV with my family


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French Week 6:

Adjectives describe the noun. In French, the adjective needs to “agree” with the noun it’s

describing. This means that the adjective has to show whether it is masculine or feminine

and singular or plural to match the noun. Most adjectives appear after the noun, but there

are some that appear before the noun. These adjectives describe beauty, age, newness,

goodness and size.

English Masculine Feminine Masc


Fem Plural

nice/beautiful beau belle beaux belles

pretty joli jolie jolis jolies

young jeune jeune jeunes jeunes

old vieux vieille vieux vieilles

new nouveau nouvelle nouveaux nouvelles

good bon bonne bons bonnes

bad mauvais mauvaise mauvais mauvaises

big grand grande grands grandes

small petit petite petits petites

1. Write down the correct version of each adjective below in French:

a. big (f) ___________ e. bad (f) ________

b. nice (f) __________ f. new (fpl) _______

c. small (mpl) ______ g. old (m) _________

d. good (m) ________ h. pretty (mpl) ______

2. Translate the sentences into French using the correct version of the adjective:

a. I live in a beautiful house (f) in the countryside


b. I have a big dog (m) and a small cat (m)


c. I have three good friends (mpl)


d. I wear some new shoes (fpl)


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Week 1

Using the figure below, compare the economic development of Bangladesh and the

UK. You must complete this in the back of your Geography book.

I think the most economically developed country is…..

One reason for this is because…

A fact to prove this is…

This means that….

On the other hand, I think the country that is less developed is…..

One reason for this is because…

A fact to prove this is…

This means that….

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Week 2 Using the figure below, explain the changes to birth rate, death rate and total population as a

country develops through the Demographic Transition Model. Complete this in the back of your

Geography book.

In stage one, the birth rate is…

This is because…

The death rate is…

This is because….

Therefore, the total

population is…..

In stage two…

In stage three…

In stage four…

In stage five….

Word bank:

Healthcare vaccinations women’s rights farming

diseases careers fluctuating increasing

decreasing sanitation (cleanliness) clean water

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Week 3

Using the figure below, explain why population pyramid A is from a HIC and population pyramid

B is from a LIC. Complete this in the back of your Geography book.

One reason why I know population pyramid A is from an HIC is…

This is because…

This means that…

Another reason why I know population pyramid A is from an HIC is…

This is because…

This means that…

One reason why I know population pyramid B is from a LIC is…

This is because…

This means that…

Another reason why I know population pyramid A is from a LIC is…

This is because…

This means that…

Word bank:

Birth rate Death rate Life expectancy Increasing

Decreasing youthful (young) ageing (old)

This means that…


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Week 4

Using the information below, write a newspaper article to explain the advantages and disadvantages that Mexico faces as a result of their youthful population. Complete this in the back of your Geography book. Suggested structure: Interesting headline Paragraph 1: Why does Mexico have a youthful population? Paragraph 2: What are the advantages of a youthful population for Mexico? Paragraph 3: What are the disadvantages of a youthful population for Mexico?

Mexico (youthful population): Case study example

9 Causes

• Death rate is falling (5 deaths per 1000) • Birth rate increasing • People are living longer due to improved healthcare

10 Effects • Average age is 27 • Under-15’s make up 28% of the population

11 Advantages • Large and cheap labour force in the future • Increased taxes in the future

12 Disadvantages

• Disease common in younger people • More difficult for children to attend school • Increased competition for jobs in the future

13 Management • Educate people about family planning • Create jobs for people (e.g. factories)

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Week 5

Suggest how Japan could manage its ageing population in the future. Complete this in the back of

your Geography book.

One way that Japan could manage its ageing population is….

This would help Japan because…

This means that….

Another way that Japan could manage its ageing population is…

This would help Japan because…

This means that….

Finally, Japan could manage its ageing population is…

This would help Japan because…

This means that….

In my opinion, I think that the best way for Japan to manage its ageing population is…

This would help Japan because…

This means that….

Management strategies to cope with an ageing population

• Raise retirement age to 70

• Increase taxes to pay for the costs

• Sell homes of the elderly to pay for retirement care

• Encourage retired people to share experience through volunteering

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Week 6

The UK is currently at stage 4 of the Demographic Transition Model and has an

ageing population – like Japan. It will soon be heading towards stage 5, meaning the

population may start to decrease.

Decide what you think the UK should do to manage its ageing population. Complete

your response in your Geography book.

I think that the UK should choose option __.

Some people may argue that option __ is best for the UK.

They may think this because…

This would mean that…

However, I believe that option __ is the best for the UK.

I think this because….

This would mean that…

Option 1: Increase the retirement age from 65 to 75 so that the UK Government gets more tax money.

Option 2: Encourage couples to have more babies by offering a £1000 cash bonus per child.

Option 3: Allow more people to enter the UK from Europe to help to increase the number of workers.

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Health & Wellbeing

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Health & Wellbeing Week 1

Complete the table below detailing the different nutrients we need in our diet, why we

need them (function) and where we get them (source)

Answer the following questions:

1. How much of our diet should consist of:

a. Fat ______

b. Carbohydrate ________

c. Protein _________

2. Sugar is a type of carbohydrate. Explain the impact on health from eating a

sugar heavy diet.





Nutrient Function 3 Sources




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Health & Wellbeing Week 2

Pick one of the tasks below to complete.

Go for a walk on the


Go to a sport

enrichment activity

Do the hoovering at


Play football with

family or friends in

the park

Go swimming with

your friends or family

Walk to school every

day this week

Make a Change4Life


Try Geocaching Go cycling with your

friends and family

Make a Change4Life


Bring a healthy

packed lunch to

school and describe

the contents.

Go to the top of

Birmingham library

using the stairs. What

did you see?

Write a reflection explain what you did, who you did it with and how you felt












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Health & Wellbeing Week 3

Complete the table below detailing the different nutrients we need in our diet, why

we need them (function) and where we get them (source)

Answer the following questions:

1. What mineral is needed for the absorption of:

i. Vitamin C _________________________

ii. Vitamin D __________________________

2. Describe the impact of a diet that does not contain enough vitamin D

and C.







Nutrient Function 3 Sources

Vitamin C

Vitamin D

Vitamin A

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Health & Wellbeing Week 4

Pick one of the tasks below to complete.

Go for a walk on the


Go to a sport

enrichment activity

Do the hoovering at


Play football with

family or friends in

the park

Go swimming with

your friends or family

Walk to school every

day this week

Make a Change4Life


Try Geocaching Go cycling with your

friends and family

Make a Change4Life


Bring a healthy

packed lunch to

school and describe

the contents.

Go to the top of

Birmingham library

using the stairs. What

did you see?

Write a reflection explain what you did, who you did it with and how you felt












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Health & Wellbeing Week 5

Complete the table below detailing the different nutrients we need in our diet, why we need them

(function) and where we get them (source)

Answer the following questions:

1. Which vitamins are needed for the following minerals to work:

i. Iron _____________________________

ii. Calcium___________________________

2. Describe the impact of a diet that does not contain enough iron and calcium






Nutrient Function 3 Sources




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Health & Wellbeing

Week 6

Pick one of the tasks below to complete.

Go for a walk on the


Go to a sport

enrichment activity

Do the hoovering at


Play football with

family or friends in

the park

Go swimming with

your friends or family

Walk to school every

day this week

Make a Change4Life


Try Geocaching Go cycling with your

friends and family

Make a Change4Life


Bring a healthy

packed lunch to

school and describe

the contents.

Go to the top of

Birmingham library

using the stairs. What

did you see?

Write a reflection explain what you did, who you did it with and how you felt












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History Week 1: Britain c.1900: How did people in the past live? Use the national archives website to find out how whether there was much difference between rich and poor people’s housing c.1900. Write a paragraph to compare the housing of rich and poor people, mentioning at least two sources from the website. Use this link: Week 2: Britain c.1900: How do we know about the past? Use the national archives website to find 3 sources that could be used by an historian to investigate why the Liberals thought measures were needed to help and protect children. Describe what each source is and explain how it would help the investigation. For example: I found a letter by Mr William Hall to The Yorkshire Post on the health of children, published in 1903. The letter talks about how lots of poor children had rickets and about their bad living conditions. This letter would help an historian because it shows that people were starting to take an interest in the health of young people, they were reporting it, and that young people were not very healthy so the Liberals would be inspired to introduce measures to help and protect children. Use this link to help:

Week 3: Britain c.1900: How did people in the past live? Use the national archives website to find out how far the Liberal reforms really helped young people. Write a paragraph to about how the liberal reforms helped young people in some ways, and one paragraph about how they did not help them. Mention at least two sources from the website in your writing. Use this link:

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History Week 4: Britain c.1900: How were people in the past ruled? Write your answers to these questions in full sentences

1. Who was the monarch 1901-1910? 2. What are the two chambers called that make up the UK Parliament? 3. Which of the two chambers has elected MPs in it? 4. Who could vote in England in 1900? 5. Who can vote in England today? 6. Was the monarch more powerful than the parliament c.1900? Explain your

answer 7. What was the government c.1900 more concerned with – fighting

wars/protecting the country OR helping citizens to be healthier and happier? 8. What did the government start to care more about 1906 – 1911 and how did

they show this?

Week 5: Britain c.1900: How do we know about the past? Use the national archives website to find 3 sources that could be used by an historian to investigate women’s suffrage. Describe what each source is and explain how it would help the investigation. For example: I found a photograph of a women’s suffrage rally in 1910 that shows a crowd of female demonstrators with placards. This photograph would help an historian because it shows the kind of people who were campaigning for women’s suffrage and gives a snapshot of the size of the demonstrations. Use this link to help:

Week 6: Britain c.1900: What did people in the past believe? Write a paragraph (or more) to describe what British people 1900-1918 believed in. You should mention religious beliefs in the country, understanding about science (the theory of evolution and germ theory), and what people thought about who should vote.

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Week 1: Negative Numbers

1. List the following temperatures in order, coldest to


a. 9oc, -8oc, 0oc, 3oc……………………………………….

b. -3oc, -1oc, -9oc, 2oc……………………………………..

c. 16oc, -2oc, 0oc, -16oc……………………………………

d. -6oc, -2oc, -11oc, -3oc…………………………………….

e. -2oc, 2oc, -6oc, 6oc……………………………………….

2. Add and subtract these numbers.

a. 7 – 5 =………….. b. (–7) + 8 =…………..

c. 9 - 10 =………….. d. (–5) + 5 =…………..

e. (–3) - 7 =………….. f. 16 - 20 =…………..

g. (–1) – (-9)= ………….. h. 4 - (-6) =…………..

i. (–7) – (-3)= ………….. j. 12 + (-5) =…………..

3. Multiply and divide these numbers.

a. (-5) x 4 =………….. b. 6 x 8 =…………..

c. (-4) x (-5) =………….. d. (–25) 5 =…………..

e. 36 (-6) =………….. f. 12 x (-10) =…………..

g. 40 (-8) =………….. h. (-7) x (-9) =…………..

i. (–4) x ½ = ………….. j. (-1.2) x (-5) =…………..

4. Use the number lines below to answer the subtraction

questions. You MUST indicate how you reach your answer.

The first one has been done for you.

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Week 2 – Arithmetic with Negative Numbers

(f) 1 − + 9

(g) 5 − +11

(h) −2 − +5

(i) −20 − +13

(j) 15 − −25

(k) 6 − − 11

(l) −7 + − 7

(m) −6 − 5

(n) −52 + 90

(o) −18 − −27

(f) −10 2

(g) −8 2

(h) −2 3

(i) −3 3

(f) 18 ÷ − 9

(g) 55 ÷ −11

(h) −120 ÷5

(i) −25 ÷ − 5

(j) 75 ÷ −25

1. Evaluate the following:

(a) 4 + −1

(b) 1 + −7

(c) −5 + −5

(d) −8 + − 4

(e) 6 − + 1

2. Evaluate the following:

(a) 4 × −1

(b) 12 × −7

(c) −5 × −5

(d) −8 × − 4

(e) −6 × 15

3. Evaluate the following:

(a) −3 2

(b) −6 2

(c) −1 3

(d) −5 3

4. Work out the answers to the following BIDMAS questions:

(a) 5 × 3 + 2 × 6

(b) 9 ÷ 3 + 15 × 2

(c) 10 ÷ 2 − 2 × 1

(d) 50 − (1 + 4) × 4

(e) 19 × 2 + 52

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Week 3 – Sequences

1. Here is a sequence of shapes made with grey and white


(a) Altogether how many tiles will be in shape number 5?


(b) Altogether, how many tiles will there be in shape number

15? ...............................

(c) Write down the missing number from the following formula:

The total number of tiles = …............. x the shape number

2. Write down the next two numbers in the sequences below.

(a) 281, 287, 293, 299, ..........., ...........,

(b) 63, 58, 53, 48, ..........., ...........,

(c) 1, 4, 9, 16, ..........., ...........,

3. Write down the nth term for each of these sequences:

(a) 6, 9, 12, 15, …

(b) 4, 7, 10, 13, …

(c) 15, 11, 7, 3, …

(d) -18, -13, -8, -3, …

(e) 15, 13, 11, 9, …

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Week 4 – Simplifying Algebraic Expressions

1. Simplify the following:

a) y + y + y + y

b) a + a + a + a – a

c) b – b + b – b + b + b

d) 3a + 2b + 4a + b

e) ab + a + ab + b + b

f) 7m + 7p – 2m + 2p

g) 5 – 4s – 2 +10s

h) 2a + 3b – 4 + a + b – 15 – 6a

2. Expand and simplify the following:

a) 2(y + 3) + 3(y + 1)

b) 3 (2y + 1) + 4(2y + 5)

c) 9(t + 3) + 3(2t – 11)

d) 2(x – 4) + 5(x – 2)

e) 5(3y + 7) – 3(2y – 5)

f) 6(y – 1) – 2(y + 3)

g) –8(x + 2) – 3(x + 3)

h) –2(4x + 5) + 3(–2x – 1)

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Week 5 – Substitution

1. For each of the sequences below, give the first three terms

and then the 100th term.

2. v = u + at

a) Work out v when u = 23, a = 4 and t = 3.

b) Work out u when v = 30, a = 2 and t = 8.

c) Work out t when v = 40, u = 12 and a = 4.

3. m = abc

Find m if a = 3, b = –8 and c = 2.

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Week 6 – Solving Linear Equations

1. Solve the following equations.

a) w + 5 = 7

b) x + 10 = 40

c) f – 6 = 12

d) 4y = 10

e) 2x = 11

f) 3w + 4 = 43

2. Rearrange and solve the equations below.

a) 3x + 3 = x + 8

b) 16x + 3 = 6x + 24

c) 34 – 12x = 28x + 36

d) 7x + 24 = 12x – 12

e) 14x = 2x + 60

3. Shown is an isosceles triangle.

a) Explain why 4x + 15 = 33 – 2x.

b) Find x.

c) Find the perimeter of the isosceles triangle.

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Music Week 1

We are going to explore our listening skills each week, learning the art of analysis when listening to a performance. This will help with our peer marking skills and references to ‘What Great Looks Like’ every week. Listen to the following extract: Schindlers List – John Williams (YouTube) IF you do not have access to listen to this at home, please see Miss Williams in DF11 (break/lunch/after school) and she will get you a CD copy or provide facilities for you to listen to the piece. ______________________________________________________________________________ Using the DIMPRAT method, analyse the following piece of music and describe how it makes the listener feel sad. DYNAMICS

INSTRUMENTS ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ MELODY ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ PITCH ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ RHYTHM ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ARTICULATION ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Listening Skills

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Music Week 2

We are going to explore our listening skills each week, learning the art of analysis when listening to a performance. This will help with our peer marking skills and references to ‘What Great Looks Like’ every week. Listen to the following extract: Klaus Badelt – He’s a Pirate IF you do not have access to listen to this at home, please see Miss Williams in DF11 (break/lunch/after school) and she will get you a CD copy or provide facilities for you to listen to the piece. ______________________________________________________________________________ Using the DIMPRAT method, analyse the following piece of music and describe how it paints the picture of a pirate. DYNAMICS ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUMENTS ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ MELODY ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ PITCH ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ RHYTHM ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ARTICULATION ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Listening Skills

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Music Week 3

We are going to explore our listening skills each week, learning the art of analysis when listening to a performance. This will help with our peer marking skills and references to ‘What Great Looks Like’ every week. Listen to the following extract: Star Wars – Imperial March by John Williams IF you do not have access to listen to this at home, please see Miss Williams in DF11 (break/lunch/after school) and she will get you a CD copy or provide facilities for you to listen to the piece. ______________________________________________________________________________ Using the DIMPRAT method, analyse the following piece of music and describe how it paints the image of a villain, rather than a superhero (we heard Luke Skywalkers theme last half term, which you can refer back to) DYNAMICS ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUMENTS ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ MELODY ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ PITCH ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ RHYTHM ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ARTICULATION ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Listening Skills

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Music Week 4

We are going to explore our listening skills each week, learning the art of analysis when listening to a performance. This will help with our peer marking skills and references to ‘What Great Looks Like’ every week. Listen to the following extract: STOMP London – Dustbin Lids (YouTube) IF you do not have access to listen to this at home, please see Miss Williams in DF11 (break/lunch/after school) and she will get you a CD copy or provide facilities for you to listen to the piece. ______________________________________________________________________________ Using the DIMPRAT method, analyse the following piece of music and evaluate what makes it a strong performance. DYNAMICS ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUMENTS ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ MELODY ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ PITCH ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ RHYTHM ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ARTICULATION ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Listening Skills

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Week 5

We are going to explore our listening skills each week, learning the art of analysis when listening to a performance. This will help with our peer marking skills and references to ‘What Great Looks Like’ every week. Listen to the following extract: Funny Background Music IF you do not have access to listen to this at home, please see Miss Williams in DF11 (break/lunch/after school) and she will get you a CD copy or provide facilities for you to listen to the piece. ______________________________________________________________________________ Using the DIMPRAT method, listen to the following performance and discuss why this would be suitable for a comedy film. DYNAMICS ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUMENTS ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ MELODY ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ PITCH ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ RHYTHM ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ARTICULATION ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Listening Skills

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Week 6

We are going to explore our listening skills each week, learning the art of analysis when listening to a performance. This will help with our peer marking skills and references to ‘What Great Looks Like’ every week. Listen to the following extract: White Winter Hymnal - Pentatonix IF you do not have access to listen to this at home, please see Miss Williams in DF11 (break/lunch/after school) and she will get you a CD copy or provide facilities for you to listen to the piece. ______________________________________________________________________________ Using the DIMPRAT method, listen to the following performance and evaluate what makes this vocal performance successful and what you have taken from this to include in your own performance. DYNAMICS ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUMENTS ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ MELODY ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ PITCH ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ RHYTHM _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ARTICULATION ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Listening Skills

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Religious Studies

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Religious Studies Week 1

1. Describe the origins of the Sikh religion

2. What are the three pillars in the Sikh faith?

3. How can Sikhs follow the pillars?

4. Which do you think is the most important?

5. What three pillars would you create and why?

Week 2

1. Describe how Guru Nanak Dev Ji challenged inequality

2. Why was this considered to be courageous?

3. What is the impact of this in society today?

4. What other influential people have challenged inequality in history?

5. Why is it important to treat everyone equally?

Week 3

1. Why is the tenth Guru (Guru Gobind Singh) important to Sikhs?

2. Outline the events of Vaisakhi

3. Why is this event important to Sikhs today?

4. How does the 5ks demonstrate commitment?

5. How do you demonstrate commitment to your beliefs/faith?

Week 4

1. What does the term gurudwara mean?

2. Identify three key features within the gurudwara

3. Why are these features important?

4. Why is the Guru Granth Sahib considered to be important in Sikhism?

5. How do Sikhs treat the Guru Granth Sahib Ji?

Week 5

1. Define the term ‘langhar’

2. How does langhar promote equality?

3. Why is it important to show commitment to langhar?

4. Is it easy to show commitment to this?

Week 6

1. What are the three pillars in the Sikh religion?

2. Describe how Sikhs can follow these in their daily lives

3. Which do you think is the most difficult to follow and why?

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Science Week 1: Atomic Structure

Q1. There are eight elements in the second row (lithium to neon) of the periodic table.

(a) Figure 1 shows a lithium atom.

(i) What is the mass number of the lithium atom in Figure 1?

Tick (✔) one box.





(ii) What is the charge of an electron?

Tick (✔) one box.





(iii) Protons are in the nucleus.

Which other sub-atomic particles are in the nucleus?

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Tick (✔) one box.





(b) What is always different for atoms of different elements?

Tick (✔) one box.

number of neutrons

number of protons

number of shells


(c) Figure 2 shows the electron arrangements of three different atoms, X, Y and Z.

These atoms are from elements in the second row (lithium to neon) of the periodic table.

Which atom is from an element in Group 3 of the periodic table?

Tick (✔) one box.

Atom X

Atom Y

Atom Z


(d) Figure 3 shows the electron arrangement of a different atom from an element in the second row of the periodic table.

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(i) Give the chemical symbol of this element.



(ii) Why is this element unreactive?




(Total 7 marks)

Q2. There are eight elements in the second row (lithium to neon) of the periodic table.

(a) Figure 1 shows an atom with two energy levels (shells).

(i) Complete Figure 1 to show the electronic structure of a boron atom.


(ii) What does the central part labelled Z represent in Figure 1?



(iii) Name the sub-atomic particles in part Z of a boron atom.

Give the relative charges of these sub-atomic particles.




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(b) The electronic structure of a neon atom shown in Figure 2 is not correct.

Explain what is wrong with the electronic structure shown in Figure 2.








(Total 8 marks)

Q3. The diagram shows a carbon atom.

(a) (i) A proton is labelled.

Use the correct answer from the box to label each of the other sub-atomic particles.

electron ion molecule neutron

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(ii) The atom of carbon is represented as:

What is the mass number of this carbon atom?

Draw a ring around the correct answer.

6 13 19


(iii) Complete the sentence.

Atoms of carbon have no overall electrical charge because the number

of protons is the same as the number of _______________________ .


(b) Butane is represented as:

(i) Use the correct answer from the box to complete each sentence.

bond compound helium hydrogen mixture oxygen

Butane is a ___________________ .

Butane contains atoms of carbon and ___________________ .

Each line between the atoms in butane represents a chemical _________________ .


(ii) Which is the correct formula for butane?

Tick (✔) one box.





(Total 8 marks)

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Science Week 2: Separating Mixtures

Q1. Rock salt is a mixture of sand and salt.

Salt dissolves in water. Sand does not dissolve in water.

Some students separated rock salt.

This is the method used.

1. Place the rock salt in a beaker. 2. Add 100 cm3 of cold water. 3. Allow the sand to settle to the bottom of the beaker. 4. Carefully pour the salty water into an evaporating dish. 5. Heat the contents of the evaporating dish with a Bunsen burner until salt crystals start to


(a) Suggest one improvement to step 2 to make sure all the salt is dissolved in the water.




(b) The salty water in step 4 still contained very small grains of sand.

Suggest one improvement to step 4 to remove all the sand.




(c) Suggest one safety precaution the students should take in step 5.




(d) Another student removed water from salty water using the apparatus in the figure below.

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Describe how this technique works by referring to the processes at A and B.






(e) What is the reading on the thermometer during this process?

__________________ °C


(Total 6 marks)

Q2. Chromatography can be used to separate components of a mixture.

(a) A student used paper chromatography to analyse a black food colouring.

The student placed spots of known food colours, A, B, C, D and E, and the black food colouring on a sheet of chromatography paper.

The student set up the apparatus as shown in Diagram 1.

Diagram 1

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The student made two errors in setting up the apparatus. Identify the two errors and describe the problem each error would cause.











(b) A different student set up the apparatus without making any errors.

The chromatogram in Diagram 2 shows the student’s results.

Diagram 2

(i) What do the results tell you about the composition of the black food colouring?





(ii) Use Diagram 2 to complete Table 1.

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Table 1

Distance in mm

Distance from start line to solvent front ______________

Distance moved by food colour C ______________


(iii) Use your answers in part (b) (ii) to calculate the Rf value for food colour C.



Rf value = ____________________


(c) Table 2 gives the results of chromatography experiments that were carried out on some known food colours, using the same solvent as the students.

Table 2

Name of food colour

Distance from start line to

solvent front in mm

Distance moved by food colour in

mm Rf value

Ponceau 4R 62 59 0.95

Carmoisine 74 45 0.61

Fast red 67 27 0.40

Erythrosine 58 17 0.29

Which of the food colours in Table 2 could be food colour C from the chromatogram?

Give the reason for your answer.





(d) Two types of chromatography are gas chromatography and paper chromatography.

Give one advantage of gas chromatography compared with paper chromatography.




(Total 12 marks)

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Science Week 3: History of the Atom

Q1. John Dalton wrote these statements in 1808:

“All substances are made of a vast number of extremely small particles called atoms”

“Every particle of water is like every other particle of water, every particle of hydrogen is like every

other particle of hydrogen, etc.”

a) “Every particle of water is like every other particle of water”. Use Dalton’s ideas and your

knowledge of water to explain why. (2)





b) Dalton thought that all atoms of an element are exactly the same. We now know that it is

possible to have atoms of the same element but with different mass numbers. The diagrams

represent two atoms of hydrogen.

State in terms of particles how these two atoms are different. (1)



Q2. Isotopes

Two isotopes of hydrogen are hydrogen-1 ( ) and hydrogen-2 ( ).

The diagrams represent atoms of hydrogen-1 and hydrogen-2.

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(a) Use the correct words from the box to complete the sentences.

electrons neutrons protons

(i) The positive particles, , in the nucleus of atoms are called

______________________________________ .


(ii) The particles with no charge, ● , in the nucleus of atoms are called

______________________________________ .


(b) The diagrams show two different types of water molecule.

Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete the sentence.

heavier than

Molecule A is lighter than molecule B.

the same mass as

Explain your answer.




(Total 4 marks)

Q3. This question is about oxygen atoms. The periodic table on the Data Sheet may help you to answer this question.

(a) (i) Oxygen atoms have 8 electrons.

Complete the diagram to represent the arrangement of electrons in an oxygen atom. Use crosses (×) to represent the electrons.


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(ii) Name the part of the oxygen atom that is labelled A on the diagram.



(b) Two isotopes of oxygen are oxygen-16 and oxygen-18.

16 18

O O 8 8

oxygen-16 oxygen-18

Explain, in terms of particles, how the nucleus of an oxygen-18 atom is different from the nucleus of an oxygen-16 atom.






(Total 4 marks)

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Science Week 4: Motion

Q1. Total: 15 marks Figure 1 shows a golfer using a runway for testing how far a golf ball travels on grass. One end of the runway is placed on the grass surface. The other end of the runway is lifted up and a golf ball is put at the top. The golf ball goes down the runway and along the grass surface.

Figure 1

(a) A test was done three times with the same golf ball.

The results are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2

(i) Make measurements on Figure 2 to complete Table 1.

Table 1

Test Distance measured in centimetres

1 8.5




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(ii) Calculate the mean distance, in centimetres, between the ball and the edge of the runway in Figure 2.


Mean distance = ____________________ cm


(iii) Figure 2 is drawn to scale. Scale: 1 cm = 20 cm on the grass.

Calculate the mean distance, in centimetres, the golf ball travels on the grass surface.


Mean distance on the grass surface = _______________ cm


(iv) The distance the ball travels along the grass surface is used to estimate the ‘speed’ of the grass surface.

The words used to describe the ‘speed’ of a grass surface are given in Table 2.

Table 2

‘Speed’ of grass surface

Mean distance the golf ball travels in centimetres

Fast 250

Medium fast 220

Medium 190

Medium Slow 160

Slow 130

Use Table 2 and your answer in part (iii) to describe the ‘speed’ of the grass surface.



(b) The shorter the grass, the greater the distance the golf ball will travel. A student uses the runway on the grass in her local park to measure the distance the golf ball travels.

(i) Suggest two variables the student should control.





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(ii) She carried out the test five times. Her measurements, in centimetres, are shown below.

75 95 84 74 79

What can she conclude about the length of the grass in the park?




(c) Another student suggests that the ‘speed’ of a grass surface depends on factors other than grass length.

She wants to test the hypothesis that ‘speed’ depends on relative humidity.

Relative humidity is the percentage of water in the air compared to the maximum amount of water the air can hold. Relative humidity can have values between 1% and 100%.

The student obtains the data in Table 3 from the Internet.

Table 3

Relative humidity expressed as a percentage

Mean distance the golf ball travels in centimetres

71 180

79 162

87 147

(i) Describe the pattern shown in Table 3.




(ii) The student writes the following hypothesis: ‘The mean distance the golf ball travels is inversely proportional to relative humidity.’

Use calculations to test this hypothesis and state your conclusion.








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(iii) The data in Table 3 does not allow a conclusion to be made with confidence.

Give a reason why.




(d) In a test, a golf ball hits a flag pole on the golf course and travels back towards the edge of the runway as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3

The distance the ball travels and the displacement of the ball are not the same.

What is the difference between distance and displacement?






(Total 15 marks)

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Science Week 5: Speed and Velocity

Q1. Total: 15 marks The figure below shows the horizontal forces acting on a car.

(a) Which one of the statements describes the motion of the car?

Tick one box.

It will be slowing down.

It will be stationary.

It will have a constant speed.

It will be speeding up.


(b) During part of the journey the car is driven at a constant speed for five minutes.

Which one of the equations links distance travelled, speed and time?

Tick one box.

distance travelled = speed + time

distance travelled = speed × time

distance travelled = speed − time

distance travelled = speed ÷ time


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(c) During a different part of the journey the car accelerates from 9 m/s to 18 m/s in 6 s.

Use the following equation to calculate the acceleration of the car.

acceleration =



acceleration = _________________________ m/s2


(d) Which equation links acceleration, mass and resultant force?

Tick one box.

resultant force = mass + acceleration

resultant force = mass × acceleration

resultant force = mass − acceleration

resultant force = mass ÷ acceleration


(e) The mass of the car is 1120 kg. The mass of the driver is 80 kg.

Calculate the resultant force acting on the car and driver while accelerating.



Resultant force = _________________________ N


(f) Calculate the distance travelled while the car is accelerating.




Distance = _________________________ m


(Total 10 marks)

Page 76: Year 9 9 Autumn... · 2020. 8. 26. · I speak Arabic fluently b. I speak German well c. I speak Russian badly d. My mother only speaks Portuguese e. My friends and I speak French


Q2.a) A shopping trolley is being pushed at a constant speed. The arrows represent the horizontal forces

on the trolley.

(i) How big is force P compared to force F?



(ii) Which one of the distance-time graphs, K, L or M, shows the motion of the trolley? Draw a circle around your answer.


(b) Complete the sentence by crossing out the two words in the box that are wrong.

Acceleration is the rate of change of


(c) Three trolleys, A, B and C, are pushed using the same size force. The force causes each trolley to accelerate.

Which trolley will have the smallest



Give a reason for your answer.



(Total 5 marks)

Page 77: Year 9 9 Autumn... · 2020. 8. 26. · I speak Arabic fluently b. I speak German well c. I speak Russian badly d. My mother only speaks Portuguese e. My friends and I speak French


Science Week 6: The Distance-Time Relationship


Total: 14 marks A bus is taking some children to school.

(a) The bus has to stop a few times. The figure below shows the distance–time graph for part of the journey.

Time in seconds

(i) How far has the bus travelled in the first 20 seconds?

Distance travelled = ______________________ m


(ii) Describe the motion of the bus between 20 seconds and 30 seconds.




(iii) Describe the motion of the bus between 30 seconds and 60 seconds.

Tick ( ) one box.

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Tick ( )



Travelling at constant speed


(iv) What is the speed of the bus at 45 seconds?

Show clearly on the figure above how you obtained your answer.




Speed = ______________________ m / s


(Total 6 marks)

Q2. Part of a bus route is along a high street. The distance – time graph shows how far the bus travelled along the high street and how long it took.

(a) The bus travels the slowest between points D and E.

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How can you tell this from the graph?




(b) Between which two points was the bus travelling the fastest?

Put a tick ( ) in the box next to your answer.


A – B

B – C

C – D


(c) There is a bus stop in the high street. This is marked as point B on the graph.

(i) What is the distance between point A on the graph and the bus stop?

Distance _______________ metres


(ii) How long did the bus stop at the bus stop? Show clearly how you work out your answer.


Time = _______________ seconds


(d) A cyclist made the same journey along the high street. The cyclist started at the same time as the bus and completed the journey in 200 seconds. The cyclist travelled the whole distance at a constant speed.

(i) Draw a line on the graph to show the cyclist’s journey.


(ii) After how many seconds did the cyclist overtake the bus?

The cyclist overtook the bus after _______________ seconds.


(Total 8 marks)

Page 80: Year 9 9 Autumn... · 2020. 8. 26. · I speak Arabic fluently b. I speak German well c. I speak Russian badly d. My mother only speaks Portuguese e. My friends and I speak French


Science Week 7: The Digestive System

Q1. Total: 11 marks The digestive system breaks down food into small molecules.

The small molecules can be absorbed into the blood.

The diagram below shows the human digestive system.

(a) (i) Which letter, A, B, C, D, E or F, shows each of the following organs?

Write one letter in each box.

large intestine

small intestine



(ii) Different organs in the digestive system have different functions.

Draw one line from each function to the organ with that function.

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(b) Glucose is absorbed into the blood in the small intestine.

Most of the glucose is absorbed by diffusion.

How does the glucose concentration in the blood compare to the glucose concentration in the small intestine?

Tick (✔) one box.

The concentration in the blood is higher.

The concentration in the blood is lower.

The concentration in the blood is the same.


(Total 7 marks)

Q2. Villi are found in some parts of the digestive system.

Diagram 1 shows two villi.

Diagram 1

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(a) Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete each sentence.


(i) Structure A is a nerve.




(ii) The villi absorb the products of digestion by diffusion.



(b) Diagram 2 shows the digestive system.

Diagram 2

(i) In which part of the digestive system, X, Y or Z, are most villi found?


(ii) There are about 2000 villi in each cm2 of this part of the digestive system.

Why is it helpful to have lots of villi?




(Total 4 marks)

Page 83: Year 9 9 Autumn... · 2020. 8. 26. · I speak Arabic fluently b. I speak German well c. I speak Russian badly d. My mother only speaks Portuguese e. My friends and I speak French