yarm preparatory school friday 8th december 2017fluencycontent-schoolwebsite.netdna-ssl.com ›...

Yarm Preparatory School Issue 554 Friday 8th December 2017 Head’s Message . . . Welcome to this week’s edion of the Phoenix Flier which comes at a me in the calendar when we are all hurtling full lt towards the end of term and a well earned rest. It has been superb to see our Christmas celebraons begin this week with Pre-Prep gracing the stage at the Auditorium for their fabulous producon Superstar. The celebraons ramp up somewhat further as Year 3 whisk us away on Friday evening with their producon Babushka and next week we have our Carol Service, EYFS Navity, Carols by Candlelight and Pre-Prep Christmas assemblies. We look forward to welcoming you to these events in which, I am sure, the children will shine and leave us certain that it feels a lot like Christmas! Thank you to all those families who have generously donated to our TFM Mission Christmas appeal. The response thus far has been superb and will go along way to ensuring that those less fortunate than ourselves will have a present to open at Christmas this year. Giſts can be donated unl 11 December when they will be collected by Courage the Cat and his team for distribuon. Bill Sawyer @HeadPrepYarm Heads Challenge: Why the alphabet shorter at Christmas? Visit the Prep School Pages:- www.yarmschool.org Cash for Kids Mission Christmas Toy Appeal Spreading the Magic of Christmas We are delighted to inform you that once again Yarm School will be supporng Mission Christmas, also known as ‘TFM Cash For Kids’. This appeal helps children in the North East receive a giſt on Christmas Day from ages 0 to 18 years of age. We were delighted to welcome back Aimee and ‘Courage the Cat’ and into our school assembly. They presented this year’s ‘Mission’ and how we can all help to make a difference. With your support, Mission Christmas will be providing disadvantaged children across the region with a giſt to make their Christmas morning a lile bit brighter. We have been asked to provide new and unwrapped giſts suitable for children and young people aged 0 to 18 years. If you would like to take part in this worthwhile cause, please bring your giſt to our drop-off point in the recepon at the Pre-Prep or under the Christmas tree at the Prep School. Giſts will be collected on Monday 11 th December, ready to be wrapped and delivered on Christmas Eve. Thank you, in advance, for your support and generosity.

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Yarm Preparatory School Issue 554

Friday 8th December 2017

Head’s Message . . .

Welcome to this week’s edition of the Phoenix Flier which comes at a time in the calendar when we are all hurtling full tilt towards the end of term and a well earned rest. It has been superb to see our Christmas celebrations begin this week with Pre-Prep gracing the stage at the Auditorium for their fabulous production Superstar. The celebrations ramp up somewhat further as Year 3 whisk us away on Friday evening with their production Babushka and next week we have our Carol Service, EYFS Nativity, Carols by Candlelight and Pre-Prep Christmas assemblies. We look forward to welcoming you to these events in which, I am sure, the children will shine and leave us certain that it feels a lot like Christmas! Thank you to all those families who have generously donated to our TFM Mission Christmas appeal. The response thus far has been superb and will go along way to ensuring that those less fortunate than ourselves will have a present to open at Christmas this year. Gifts can be donated until 11 December when they will be collected by Courage the Cat and his team for distribution.

Bill Sawyer


Heads Challenge: Why the alphabet shorter at Christmas?

Visit the Prep School Pages:-


Cash for Kids Mission Christmas Toy Appeal

Spreading the Magic of Christmas We are delighted to inform you that once again Yarm School will be supporting Mission Christmas,

also known as ‘TFM Cash For Kids’. This appeal helps children in the North East receive a gift on

Christmas Day from ages 0 to 18 years of age. We were delighted to welcome back Aimee and

‘Courage the Cat’ and into our school assembly. They presented this year’s ‘Mission’ and how we

can all help to make a difference.

With your support, Mission Christmas will be providing disadvantaged children across the region

with a gift to make their Christmas morning a little bit brighter. We have been asked to provide

new and unwrapped gifts suitable for children and young people aged 0 to 18 years.

If you would like to take part in this worthwhile cause,

please bring your gift to our drop-off point in the

reception at the Pre-Prep or under the Christmas tree

at the Prep School. Gifts will be collected on Monday

11th December, ready to be wrapped and delivered on

Christmas Eve.

Thank you, in advance, for your support and


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House of Commons Some of the pupils in Year 5 had the amazing opportunity this week of asking John Bercow, speaker of the House of Commons, some of their own questions via Skype. This event was excellently organised by Mr Edwards at the Senior School. The Prep pupils and Sixth formers asked some excellent and challenging questions, which Mr Speaker answered in great detail, giving us a great insight as to what happens in the House of Commons. This was a fantastic event, which the pupils were so grateful to be a part of and I am sure will lead to many more intrepid questions when we visit the Houses of Parliament as part of our London trip in February.

On 4th December we went to the lecture hall in Senior School. We were taking part in a skype call with The Speaker of The House of Commons. He is a very nice man with a good sense of humour.

Gabe D, 5J

In the chat with the speaker we all got to hear answers to our questions. He was very kind and he sometimes used his own views. He was also funny.

Oscar S, 5J

We went to the Senior School to ask John Berlow, an MP and Speaker in the House of Commons some questions. There were also some Sixth Form students present. There were some really interesting questions. He said that he cannot be biased to other parties. I thought it was interesting.

Sam A, 5J

On 4th December we visited the lecture hall at the Senior School, where we made a skype call to John Berlow, the Speaker of the House of Commons. We asked many questions and received many interesting answers.

Finley C, 5J

Compliance Inspection

The school received a Compliance Inspection from the Independent Schools’ Inspectorate last week. This type of inspection, carried out every three years at 48 hours’ notice, checks that the school complies fully with all the regulations relevant to a school such as this. Particular areas of focus are health & safety, child protection and welfare, pastoral support and safeguarding, but there are many other aspects of regulatory compliance. All parents and pupils were invited to complete an anonymous questionnaire online. We know that we had a particularly high re-sponse rate and are tremendously grateful to the very many of you who kindly prioritised com-pleting that at such short notice.

The inspection is now completed and is being formally written up. We are not permitted to share the outcome with parents until we receive the formal report in the near future, at which point all parents will be e-mailed a copy. For now, all we can say is that we were very happy with the outcome!

David Dunn and Bill Sawyer

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Year 6—A Balanced Argument Should Smiggle be banned in schools?

In our class we have been discussing whether or not Smiggle stationery should be banned in schools. Both sides have very strong opinions and opposing views. Some people believe Smiggle should be banned in schools. They have a number of reasons why. Firstly, they think it is a distraction because many children will get so intrigued with their scented pencils or light-up pencil sharpeners, they will not know what they are supposed to be doing in class. Also, Smiggle can create competition between everyone, if your friend has a bigger pencil case than you, then you want to get the bigger, better pencil case and so it goes on until someone has a pencil case the size of a cello! Another reason is that not everyone can afford Smiggle (as it is outrageous in price) meaning they could feel left out, upset, and could even be bullied for not having it. A further point, they take up too much room on tables, meaning you do not have room to put your notebooks, test papers and or prep diaries. Finally, some of the Smiggle pencil cases are so tall you cannot see the child behind it, meaning they might not be doing their work or could be cheating on a test, hiding the answers behind the enormous pencil case! The opposing side also have a number of reasons why Smiggle shouldn’t be banned from schools. Firstly, it is just stationery which helps you write and do your work. Secondly, it is a very good quality brand meaning children do not spill ink everywhere or have to go and sharpen their pencil every five minutes, disturbing the whole class. Finally, Smiggle is a very bright and exciting brand, children would probably come to school fully equipped as they would not want to forget any of their brand new stationery. Having debated this issue, I believe that Smiggle should be banned from school. I think this is because it is a competition and a large distraction in class. Nevertheless I believe we should still be able to bring in our own stationery, just not Smiggle!

Eleanor Madden 6G

Calling all young artists- can you help us? Want the chance to win a KINDLE FIRE TABLET and some

FREE RESOURCES for your school? Our award-winning company has rebranded and wants to use and showcase the talent of our source of

inspiration - STUDENTS!

Our new name Lexonik combines a theme of word knowledge and speed, but what would a word expert

look like? We want to create a character called 'Lex' who will become a regular feature within our Lexonik


We'd love you to encourage your child to take part in our national illustration competition and depict their

interpretation of a word wizard. The winner and their school will be awarded with a prize, and their design

will be used on our website and on marketing material in the future.

All we need is a drawing of 'Lex' - the word expert. The winning child will receive a Kindle Fire Tablet and the winning School free Lexonik resources or training. Additional prizes can be won by taking a photo of any drawings and posting them on Facebook (@lexonik) or Twitter (@lexonikST).

We're looking forward to hearing from you and meeting ‘Lex’. All entries to be sent to [email protected] before Friday 15th December - GOOD LUCK!

Carols by Candlelight: This annual event for the whole school community takes place in the Prep Hall from 4-5pm on Thursday next week. Please do come along with your children for an informal hour of singing, mulled wine and mince pies.

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LOST PROPERTY Aryan N, 4P, missing games kit

Isabella B, 5B—missing hockey stick, named, yellow and black bag.

We will be holding a lost property assembly during the last week of term.

Carolling at the Gates

Staff will be singing carols at the gates to the Prep School from 8.05-8.30am each day next week. Anyone who is dropping their child off at the Prep or Pre-Prep school in the morning is more than welcome to join us; in addition there will be collections for The Mustard Seed Project (you may want to pay us to be quiet!). Christmas hats/jumpers/tinsel etc is positively encouraged!

Friday 15th December 2017

Campfire Carols for the Prep School


Following the Carol Service, the children will enjoy Carols round the campfire in the Senior School wood.

To attend, all children will need:

Wellington boots or sturdy shoes

A warm coat

A Christmas jumper

Congratulations Harry!

Well done to Harry C, 5L signing a

contract with Middlesbrough Football


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4P, who did an outstanding performance of 'Countdown to Christmas', filled the Prep Hall with Christmas spirit. With the help of a magical ad-vent calendar, the family prepared for an amazing Christmas day. With Christmas hit singles and a touch of tinsel, Tick and Tock were on their way. The cast delivered an excellent, lively performance, created a festive atmosphere and entertained the audience. The Christmas countdown has begun!

Alisha Thakkar 4P

4P Countdown to Christmas

Uniform Shop

Christmas Opening Hours

Tuesday 19th December 1-4

Tuesday 2nd January 1-4

Wednesday 3rd January normal hours

Carol Service Reminder

Wednesday 13th December 2017

Doors will open for the Carol Service from 5.15pm for a prompt 6pm start.

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Next Week:

Peer Mentor of the Week—Charlotte Name: Charlotte Friends: Florrie, Christina, Eleanor M., Tilly, Eve. Favourite lesson: English Favourite chocolate bar: Galaxy Best thing about school: The opportunities you get! When I grow up… I want to be a politician. The most exciting thing that has happened in my life so far: the French trip, having the change to do LAMDA exams and everything about school really! Charlotte has impressed teachers this week by helping some younger girls deal with a situation that was upsetting them. She supported them in a calm, friendly manner.

Awards Assembly:

Question of the Week:

What is the best age to be? Why?

“17 because you can drive a car and find a university!” Isobel K., 6P

“Newborn baby because you can have everyone look after you.” Manya R., 4M

“18 because you can leave school and get a job.” Meg G., 6P

“18 because you have finished school and have no more homework.” Izzie S., 6P

Values Endeavour

3J Sofia O. Kabir G.

3N Luke N. Lexie W.

3P Myles B. Zaid K.

4A Elizabeth N. Niamh B.

4M Kate H. Max S.

4P Ayran N. Alisha T.

5B Rose T. Louis T.

5J Henri M. Gabe D.

5L Noah F. Amelia S.

5P Chloe P. Samuel C.

6G Sophia C. Pearl L.

6H Eve G. Kiyan B.

6M Matthew P. Oliver A.

6P Adam A. Eleanor L.

Head Teacher Awards:

Y3: Ava R., Sofia O. Y4: Charlie B., Elizabeth N.,

Sofia A., Edward L., Tilly P-H., Shlok A., Gracie R-H.

Y5: Finley C., Harry S., Joseph B., Rose T., Paddy W.,

Isabella B. Y6: Ameen K. (2), Joshita M., Oskar S.

(2), Max M., Eleanor M., Annabel P.

Mon 11 Dec School Christmas dinner


Last day for TFM Mission Christmas donations

Reverend Ford assembly

Carols at the Care Home (children to return by the end of the school day)

Tue 12 Dec Carol Service rehearsals (all morning)

Wed 13 Dec Lost property assembly

Prep Carol Service (6pm; Auditorium)

Thu 14 Dec Carols by Candlelight (4pm; Prep Hall)

All kit bags, bags, to go home tonight please

Fri 15 Dec Christmas Jumper Day, raising money for Daisy Chain’s ‘Wear It Festive’ campaign (bring in £1 and

wear your Christmas jumper!)

Prep Christmas Service

Carols by the Bonfire

Term ends; no after school care

Mon 18 Dec Christmas Holiday School

Wed 3 Jan Pupils return

Spring Term: The term card for Spring 2018 will go out as soon as it

becomes available from the printers, which will hopefully

be in the last week of term. The calendar on the website,

however, is up to date.

Please ensure all activities bookings for Spring are in by

the deadline too!

Lost Property: Please could you have a good look round bags, cupboards,

etc for any school uniform or sports kit that does not be-

long to your child. We aim to return as much as we possibly

can to the rightful owners in our lost property assembly,

which takes place on Wednesday 13th December.

Thank you.