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The Importance of Implementing Supportive Learning Environments as a Way of Encouraging Creativity in the Classroom PRESENTED BY: Yana Bhageerutty Registered Psychologist

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The Importance of Implementing

Supportive Learning Environments as a Way of Encouraging

Creativity in the Classroom

PRESENTED BY: Yana Bhageerutty Registered Psychologist

Fractional Lecturer Middlesex University MRU BSc. Psychology. NM, USA. MA Psychology. Nic, Cyprus. AHPRA Registered

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“Higher education has a responsibility to help learners develop their understandings and awareness of their own creativities as they develop their own identity- an important part of which is the creative expression of who they are”

(Jackson. N., Tackling the wicked Problem of Creativity in Higher Education. P. 2., June 2008)

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CHARACTERISTICS OF:Encourage independence

Risk taking

Intrinsic motivation

Cole. D., Sugioka. H., Yamagata-Lynch. L. (1999). Supportive Classroom Environments

Supportive Environment

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Creative Learning Environments


Building of teacher-student relationships

Perceptions and expectations


Personal Experiences

Classroom Activities

Nicol. D., Macfarlane-Dick. Formative Assessment & Self-Regulated Learning: A Model & Seven Principles of Good Feedback Practice, Journal of Studies in Higher Education,

31(2), P. 2.

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SITUATING: Based on transfer model of

knowledge delivery

Mixed group in terms of motivation

Time framed and limited in relation to volume of material to be passed over

In Context:Counselling Theories (PSY 2016)

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Tried Attempts Introducing design model of teaching

In the first batch I taught in 2013, activities were introduced into the classroom revolving around discussion groups with prior preparation. More emphasis was laid on the material students brought to class from prior research and merging those into the slides.

Students reported increased motivation to come to class to participate in the activities

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In the 2014 batch of students, issues such as amotivation, tiredness in class, and absenteeism have been ongoing. I also feel that the structure where students from 2 groups were merged together did not work for the batch I was working with.

Students reported feeling tired due to the early timing of the class and the

bulky content. They also reported feeling like the

course workload was too much.

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• Teacher-student rapport was affected due to large class size in the beginning

• Students with different levels of knowledge and in different years were merged together in most of the class (PSY 2016 & PSY 3019)

• Classroom activities were thwarted due to class size and lack of time to give everyone a chance to share their experiences

• Communication became difficult as the PSY3019 class demonstrated difficulties relating to a more constructive teaching method

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• Develop a lesson plan to ensure that students achieve understanding of lesson and course outcomes clearly

• Introduction of communication platforms and utilization of e-learning strategies

• Personal Experiences

• Assessment

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1. Lesson Planning Maximizing Efficiency in the ClassroomFocalite Pg 7

Knowledge Mostly used in teaching and learning as a base for everything else to happen

Comprehension Requires the student to take action in relating knowledge to understanding. Can be a wicked problem

Application Requires application of the above to practical situations. Not always possible by students

Analysis Understanding the inter-relational nature of the situation or matter. Collaborative responsibility

Synthesis Requires a macro vision of the integration of all parts into a whole. Collaborative

Evaluation Determine the success of what has been achieved. Related to assessments. Collaborative

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• “In many classes there tends to be an overabundance of teaching to the knowledge and comprehension levels and a dearth of effort applied toward application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation (Pentronics Publishing (2006) teachingforsuccess.com)

• “Students interact with subject content, transforming and discussing it with others, in order to internalize meaning and make connections with what is already known (Nicol. D., Macfarlane-Dick. Formative Assessment & Self-Regulated Learning: A Model & Seven Principles of Good Feedback Practice, Journal of Studies in Higher Education, 31(2), P. 2. )

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2.&3. E-communication Platforms & Peer Learning

Due to the issue of time in relation to the bulk of the course content, it is being proposed to create a communication platform on Unihub where students can post their ideas and share them with their peers.

This has for objective to encourage learning through personal experiences and facilitate ongoing

classroom activities outside of tutoring hours.

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“The internet provides significantly different and interesting possibilities for computer mediated communication and learning from other forms of educational technologies (Weller, 2002, p. 34 as cited in Siragusa, Dixon, & Dixon, 2007)

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4. Assessment

Attempts will be aimed at encouraging self-regulated learning to empower students to take more responsibility for their learning. This should take care of issues identified with ownership of the learning journey in the teaching of PSY 2016.

It is also proposed to put feedback strategies in place to promote a collaborative process in the classroom as opposed to informing the student about right from wrong

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According to Nicol. D., Macfarlane-Dick. D., (2006) self regulation impacts on cognitions, motivational beliefs, and behavior

According to the same source, students who are self-regulated are already engaged in a form of self-regulated feedback when doing their assignments hence relying less on the tutor for progress.

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“Education throughout the world faces challenges and they may be

economic, technological, social, and personal. This requires a high degree

of flexibility and adaptability of the education system to these challenges

(Radovic-Markovic. (2012). Creative Education & New Learning as Means

of Empowering Creativity)

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Reference List:

• Facilitating Creativity in Higher Education: The Views of National Teaching Fellows, A research Report by The Creativity Centre Ltd. January 2006

• Dr. Balchin, T., Assessing Students’ Creativity: Lessons from Research. Brunel University

 • Jackson. N., Sinclair. C., Aid to Reflection on Creativity

in Teaching and Leaning: Version 1 (April 2005)

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• Newman. M., Higher Education Academy Imaginative Guide: Problem Based learning

• Jackson. N., Tackling the wicked Problem of Creativity in Higher Education. June 2008

• Radovic-Markovic. (2012). Creative Education & New Learning as Means of Empowering Creativity

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• Cole. D., Sugioka. H., Yamagata-Lynch. L. (1999). Supportive Classroom Environments

• Nicol. D., Macfarlane-Dick. Formative Assessment & Self-Regulated Learning: A Model & Seven Principles of Good Feedback Practice, Journal of Studies in Higher Education, 31(2), P. 2.

• Pentronics Publishing (2006)., teachingforsuccess.com)

• Weller, 2002, p. 34 as cited in Siragusa, Dixon, & Dixon, 2007

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Thank You

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Discussion point 1 raised

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• It has been reported that factors such as classroom size, varied degrees of motivation among students and administrative blocks are major deterrents. But the biggest obstacle remains the focus on assessments, exams and results which appear to kill any attempts to enliven the process of teaching for more effectiveness. The questioner was of the view that application of the proposed plan in the presentation was next to impossible.

– [continue next slide]

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• Presenter’s Response:– Although the proposed model is more applicable to tertiary

education teaching, it has applications across the board of levels. I also pointed out that out of the actions outlined by the participants, I found anecdotal evidence that suggested that she was already engaging in base strategies to already promote lessening that gap. I have also pointed out that change does not have to involve the mass but can start with a minority number and grow as students watch those who are engaging with the concept grow and branch off in tangent directions and model positive attributes.