
>!* V0L-'Â$XI.H* M* MÎVV-Y«)RK, MONDAY, JULY 34, 187L_ TRICE FOUR CK-VTS, FQRBIQN HlWS. Ü.-, ,.." TUF CABINET. ma or BB-.-rai .¿"¡Ä j,,,- », am. i . aTfi't-xi »he r rograinme of MM A***** "5¿ l;t.w Minist ry lias bthh ai'- M.whiil S4'rrano. aniltn« ^^ntT^'^ "Hd j *T**** ***** 1,''7&1.' m 'AteetZ A'.lntir.'il T< -ittk. V''*UrÍÍ¿1ÍteÍÍ. .&.** Su;*' lt AlntsteroftkelettVio,.. Sl.f..r ,,,,,... M«''"^ **,.'..'..>< .mr Ai BO8TE0CI. »**"<"0-t%\V"{c(;ri. ....S.u«»i- CASDA1 *<_*_<--_/{"**<£"0f". Admiral Maia .»«io. I'. ',TI'^ ''."'»...;._.' ,. ..... ,,. * ftfc-aie..Setter AVAL*» A..MI1UL Ti'ITTK. A.i«»irJ T.-iH't«', Hu ti. Nv Spain- .Wi-tn ¿Sr »ni...-e,l i,a,.....l.«.M."K«:^aL.n,.,1 ?l .',.., He prompt'J' daahnd ¦ *e Z (t the Tîrii.ait.nn in IM -I If S eaweaZ mtaewm nally «onWbnted M * Î-.- r ,,."--,,..i,.,...lnt..l M-.-ter i-f Manie ..u<i,r £ ..'vi-i.'iai (..4(«.ii.ii(.«t.'.iia .now.-.i part teatwy ¿ m niiinK n'rc» uKiit. to Ort« la « roan tu,- parta*,.,!«._, Mnnl of Um DnadaMaa»!nan,**} ptowoi m han bun ehsekoi Stag In memnmm to An...«'"..- _ IKANCK. m nm» is i-Avii: ... parât ixmti-mtv« ,- OF un". OPPOSITIOM PACTIOÏM in Tun' â__«MBLT.-OOWI DI CBAMBOUB !;<-- oona _aa asaT. r^ji* mvm. In Ihr A-ssrnibly on ^atnnlay tluie wai ft VM-yaacttad Matm tam Um Mijar* at Hw nattHan ti ti.« i»..-i.i'!"- ii» aataaanaa t«' tin mtepenipttwer ti the r.po. l'ui-i«!. nt TliiiTi». ulm v\i- tinII i... 1 -l'tuki.r. tlc- rli, re»l uti« »;.ih »-..-liy mat willi« ti.'iM'Uld ni't in any »vay ommwmmwt mapeBey ti the aaanlfjr hawanMdofela u-t t" a aaia the tater» tad. peadanaa. Ba màt it wna li,.;", m1.»' t.'i.ili'i't at-« ! lea»! m war. Ita um v if 11 m"' ana paaan an i reorgnnli -ttoa, No if«"i"iiini-t ia ifeaaM tu« taaan Whitb «111 area ad waiini.iti-itu'.v- B. Btmh Be IWtowad in a ipeeeh ¦ppaathetha Mn-taanla al M. man» and mptarted tv,.- nu.ti»>n ka tt»e «>.-iiir «»( tha tay, which weenr In Atttmat/' T!fv patt-tan wmi i. "tothi Mu..-"tori.. paralna AiTuii-. Tin- dábala en Af-.a.i - aaattaa postponed, M. Tttm» nifo addn m <\ Um Ami m1 Ijr cn Batni I y. la -ijaiKTi o. UM HU prorating fur the ... a duty on raw K.ti-.n. it l- tlitniclit, ln»w », thai tin.- Ill 0 .1 larajeataa* ty tix« ImumMi I; .. .a',-, r.»»l t!».»*, ;r.-. ai-., :i ni La- cn Km' -. Um l.<-;.iii.-.i«"t. l"..-ii.;.i-i, iiini Orleanlet DepuUea l |. Tin« « i-.,« r in n< Ifl-un. neai Hen, I bo waa elected 1 .:.-;.: !¦, .- : ;!.. i'-1 rt I ti-. Marta. ii. eH ¦-, who arrived in Barn lar-t a im. oi lered to X11 «'»'unir-, álate ., -, m need to radow lara I : ! »lent li . , .t -.1 in » ¡"Tt.i'i, n. or '.niiai-'-or «in-lit 1*1 lit«'. M. Invit- .._-.- ratattn la UM ! p.. itii .ii I Ze U flint tin- ialand of) .'-,-,. -, i y :it the fiipr» :u.i. }' «it 1 I tender «-f ii"' CMbolte fi.i'ii . Ql h nalatalned. .-..ti»I BL ]). virnric, tbOl 'ii inn!« r tin«, iiini. Trem ii l\ vi Amir n ,i troopi now ry: ia« and 1.,. a a Iii I... . MU ti. it t . (ii.V I ¡l,trat !. I i.a Tiraient ¦¦; ob M. Jules J «»a' till' 1. i leitet :. ¦-¦'-. 1,1(71. TI ona i [be rat« ». : non oi "in. » lt4.|r.l .II' a.' Til!. ntEMl ii «Vi .. . _B O' It MM!» 14!. l'ill.« -I " -DRAT J l .bia, July i"..'Hi;- proapecta ni Republi- :. r rery «tay. Ir. i to yon of i i. if the i. : r I haï pretender 1 la Iba ü.r.j..»' of i"; ' proper an dated fruin ü'lir.r B lltl'i-. lybeUered that the fu-ion bo- '' 1 ii BombOBI was .'ii tin-Count lr< if tin.« « lu» r traneli, aad Ibe -Oi "n and in ii 1(1 Oki) » na of Beery v landing that. n aur- meeead to _ta thama el btii I tMrmaacnad, ¡i i *"'- r pro- n t : * li. Tii- r-i. .1 i Um i paaaed tbraofb ! from which frinvaill tn »II I,III, li n.!..r ..f a la* UnU then i-, na by warda, or which 1 .-."ii, m do Um ninan. ,».,._. th.-tri color, ¦'. nhleh all Fun« h- UM i- -t'.iat.oii.tin-re thai Pal» geih- ¦t U tour lira- . -' "' praUei al the ,i y v..,i,i Um Beroi i la i,, I i-tl-K-amalL-». f/aaifcVf>oran. otlwi - bl*, mt, m Um Towt» « .... .i and. la ., ,.i.,A; IL. hi .;- .-..i..'- in . tiona ir.-.«- i-tthtkutk» ". ¦ '"r' ^'QidJkZ^T* ** Ommkmuyt otoeXtamhmn la a .^.Wimwonal ail ¡j** ft ,.« tktt)rM « Franc«*, n «.iKnlfl-.d way of f-aylng to his fríen»-» th-y ni fal plot for -Is causa-- no lon«*»*r, and that he has In his heurt »handoti«*«l all h»j>o of ern ymyaahmg over Francf. Cul. Stoffel, tí«** French Mlhtary attaché At Berlin up to Hu-time of »he lireaklui» out »»f tho war laut Huninier, has Just puhltstied In a col!«.*.t< d ifortn his yen* rcmnik- rcrMirtH atltlrt K«cd from Harlin to tho Krt nrh \V.ur »iffli-c diirlnK his f.nir yeais residene»e in the ITuseian i-upltal. Theso rciH.-li were fouud.for tho most part unoprned-at the War Offlt e after tbe fall of the Empire. I »*. 111 Hay not li in it about the npttW tlioiiir.«*lvei<, as they have nearly all lu-an pMMMhai already in some f*>rin ; int Parua MaM has. addad » paafaea to hi« now xrOWmu which is, in it« own les« rt-iniirkul.le than the n 1'iirts which *re sutijoliic.1. In till» ptoWrU the atith r ti Da In« countrymen rome tnt-s which n.u-t Banal ti<-t a little »Ucit-n. ililc to the vanity i-f l'i« -n« li rae n. I .vi ni., he dots not hesitate to say, is a be», tlm-r 1 m li »In. and that, t. «>, lu Mb won-t form. "If-ve «jilly li. «1 to oil.« r riati.m»," Utt liaron f-taiT. 1, in suh- st.itice, " It would ti«-! *»<> Bnek mutter, for othr nations know us I otter than WB know otiii>(*lves, ami kn .w lm«v min h value to nt on oar aeaartl ms tif | -.- lHTiority. lint we «Irr. Ive ourselves fey our 11. s, ai.d that In ata*** possible BM-HM r" Bama St.,11,1 tli, n jiri'C.'t ide to i-ii-ite ti nuiitliei of -MEaawaa U Fun, !. .i» :- fulnesH. Hut he tiit-ntlun« oui- iustaiuc of BÜtpna Bia* on tho part of MoruJeur Thiers vil.h is «o iiiurkab'io that I eaunot help iiimtnix It, tin more M us I was a mltiiess In some measure of tito affair in «jiiestlani, viz : the entry of the regular tr.n-.-s into I'.tris on Sunday, tho 2-J«l of May. M. Thiers, in a iiies«a-.T to the Assembly on the ''2d ol May, a!)in:ie«l " the l,r, vi- »ii n. Dmiay pt ti i ivt .1 that our .ti ill.« ty had mude ni. it- h.ivoc tliaii lu- luul supposed, ami the ii'.i'ii in iln gate of t-t. eland wa« praetleabta. Tba I .-i;.1.... rs da-feed in, mid all the army follow« da "N.w," sitvs f-tofft!, "tlKie is not a word of truth In nil There aro no lit :n li.-*- m the fort III.-ii ions. This I can testify to fruin pomonal observ allen. Anti ti.o troops could nat have foi in for four or five tlnys more, during whit li tinie the «'»'li.iniinists would h.ive 1 r. ai'ie to eotaplata tin ir arrananawiti r tin- feaialag of P.-Ha. It wan re.illy a ftfftala Mr. Hut ¡it.-'..a Watta in. i-y tka way, amp loyed by the City al Paita.who, laotaf tint ti.o r. ii. i-1 ia watt abaadenriaf tba taita, raBbad aa p. th.- nuaparta, aa i watt<i ¡» watta lag Batida of bulls, n »ipn t" Hie ti.'-'l'A." I hi.ppeiied tobawltb I»onibrtiwaU at l'a.-sy. <r lather at the Chill au la la Muette, when tho troops entend, iin-l Itali iili'.riii t'..... hia-miicli as I lu tfd !>.- min ti« sill (.-ive tho order for all the troop» to ;.iil bark, n-, li- had <!« termini d to iit'iui I.ii Iii" f-t. ( land V- *'¦ '»'"1 t<> Call bach aa Iba railway, tory Bbnttly after Col b1 Bel-a prefbea appeared, M."*- naiadaltaDaeaftela Ki ¡eiit «,f the Ix'^'ioii of II.inri-, ai u .-mall an.l utt.rly laadeojuate laaampaaaa fat Um nttag of Paila And this is bOW Ibt In i.« li wii!. li.-to. y f«-r it BOOdll M to tay til ¡t Thlava baa nat wltbdratm bli aaaertlon about Ibattoopotnrtngentered tbn -, when, usa ,.,,: i:, <i., .;_, ona aw atara ;:i whl b d boen tbrowa a croea tia «!.: I Tb ti» intr r. nt -a .,,i entering a town fro« lablng I..i .. ,.i ;i criiA. mam 'I RETORT >'i ni:: I.wi im: 01 Qui« »vi«,'-» i vii.i r;i«.\.iin; CU-U-HI said io n.w _ lui s ¡:«'i ii >. Havana. July IS..The Captain-Geaera. baa 'e (1 ,i'i l!i ii ¡o :i!:t of 111'- landing Of iLif.ltl c _.i, .,»'.:. v., at ii a, an tba eea t near Qaai i in-. \|i« ii.lion hu dad -.vit!. ii,i> i m,¦! b Maali quaa- tity of r.tii r. Within tbe di t few daya tba meei »t.. n .f peor-dona, and wen tota] »i to «.itali the » for want <>f ft>"ai. Tbi i ran dlatrlbnted ¡Ull.e ' a. eil, V. \. i' ii near Puerto i Th.» whole toreo wa -. lectei 'l by iJ.i Bra ol tbe "i;»[>: n.i" ngtnt -. i. daiIna « Cubana wen elected from tin :r pe-it.oi Bad Hu,Hy ¦¦>. nil,val of tn ii Bpaal h forcea n «1er Brigadier lae» o, who paran. ,i lb» m nal -i li» Thai ma h it H - aa tbe lal i. losing six liar.- an ¡. Quantity Of anns al .1 annum.I'. a. I indi 1er of their leaden «uri : ra pa, t -,< loea ol tbi *. i to two ki b <i alni U venad» .i- 'lin- mo.-t in:¡-,. :.itit r anil of t!. engag» meal fa th« e.'.p'iiie '.::i.' rat Cabana, aa n ana* v. .um..ty anrrender ol wbole fenilHea, many a.;: in m of iBportaai ataadlng among the « ni mu». COHEA. ABUTAL 01 ". D.I. EXPIDITlOlf.*I \- ll.\*.«.i. i t OMI -i .THE " U AN raOTl L'XHAFFI BKD Of AS l.M'l.oi:r-.». TRIP. -1 ii-l.K ASIATIC MEANS <n tfARFARB.A PLEA tOW ( 1VII.IZATION UY VI..I.I.N' I. [ Al '.« »i- " II BhakohaIj .lune li«.The iir-t netra trom \h:- i todltatai -paadroawbiebatarted WornBtnt t baa «"me to band. Eba loot, aftee lUTln*. iiin delayed byfaaanearthaOoiaai eaaat,anltad -it B i- K< ada n "»iii- Mtb of May, wbx re aaeboi waa «-., t. i 'toni in re the inittii statin wur ti« ai,,11 Palea, i getbei vv.'h nairal rt«:iiii Jaiiüi-lu », ni,i.le it raiiiv.y a ¡hue ,'tluil Iii the I'n'iieli ',. ; - li l; .-.-.-, Wooded I ..liol, n- '«r iii« uti nu e of tin» i ive i- adlng totbaCBeeaa eapltaL BaTlng found aaSeleal %»..!. r, th.- f-liij,».-* iiioVcd uj>, ami fonntl n ROOd an- t)i'.i;¡j:o. T.'ie Coiaana ii,-ii donbt teni linea baea I lnioriii'ii tkiangb ti.e i n»miiiiaaal (bal title eipadltlen waa en it» «vay, for no Booaar bad tba leal Baobored In the abotaaaaaed place than .. ii wttb sereral odaolala eaaae off Ibaae amdeatg »in Um nee that they with t to eomasunleatei wbaraapoa a : at BM luvvt.«; I. ¡t:nl Mr. Drew, tin-, inti ijnet.r of Hie t sp. iiüioii, pvoeeoded to ipeab to them. Be tennd tbey eonld aaaak tba C-daeae Conn U_ and thaeafen wai .n n p. »-ilion to ki vc Ui« ni au intelligent Bxflann» Maa ti tot objeet ol '»ii«* i,ifnflltloa. Arter hatlag aa ¦arad tin m that tbey eonM wltb ntaty teataia o:. baaid the fl ii_*»!,ili, the) .oiiM.iiti ti totdlue, ¡,t¡il lim! u h.'.Il i.!l arañad the ably*. On leatlag, tbey wara told tbal nrta« i would be Inatltnt» i ap tb. rit» r, bol tbal Botbtng haatll wou'.tl I.«- muli nuki ii U'-nin-t tin in, pian elii.e; t '.¦ ( ora ¡n » r'.u.ved a in ne. ful «!i»|,n-;t:on, anti t!i!if it WOttld be well fir th« tn to Uthla tu their (ioVi linn' ni i.i pen | to avoid olartioll. Th nt .t day an hi r arty *d <ni tali (--.uio oír w itb a letter to Admiral Badgera, bal aa tbey had no etadaa- to -how Um ir nab at pa It!an or aotborit] to treat. batt Mtatelei i.'.w and Iba Admiral r fu».-1 to tee tbem. referred t,. tba Inletpi atora, who wen la ¦tnatad to inf i:,i tin in la mbetaa ¦ wb .t had baaa bald to the.'Di'i.iis tin d,.y ¡-i', viona. Tbelettce Idi Ita tie Ailinlril riiri« ,-t» foi 0W1 "I" Iba ].. .! OH a man of your nation. Wbooa name waa Beblgor, taino ben and eou-uuiiicaiar-al, and then vvt.t away. Wliv cannot '.oil do ti," «am. I In is.:, u pax-pie named tbe Presen .anio bare, and v, you to them aa to -» happened. Tin« .le.rjile liai lived f-r l.noo ye.irs In the e**Jo*-_a:nt of Ha ou n elviliz ttion. ami ve vv.ii.t nu oth'-r. Wo trouble nu «I'ln-r nation, why do you trouble di 1 Oui eoa m Hu- exiion e Knit, and youri In tbe txtreiu l .,i what piupo.».' do »oucomo ao many tbouaand Bill - aoroaa Um m a I ta it to Inajulrt abonl tbe «bip «'..-- »tr .), A- Q. n. Bbl li.i mi, roBBltt. and nuit«J**r. anil wen pun »lu a wltb death. 1»«. von OUT lundi 'I' I ti.liol I.,-. 1).» .oil .vant lalor- o ina wltb oui Hurt oannol ba t Itbai ." in- liai parti and tin «i.t vi.:, h bnagbl iba taltai pallta ami BeatafeBx-jr friiniiy, ion tbe following waa 'm!..' put «ni fui lh or, ,,~i,,n j-i.i ii. LraeAatetieetylea Ibat tbna ortulali aalgbt bata ttaaa It a-siite their ]»']!' Hid <i veil,nu nt of tin- fi oil ily t h noter ol tbe «cpedlttoa, tba aarrajlngof tberltei lilli! :in l-l of Jail!'-. At noon that t'.ay tl.- Pal« ¡m.i Manaeaey atartad aa Iba nrrey, pn- .. 1. hy r-.-T. ml hi« uni 1,'iuni Inn. Aflti bating pa« .1 i.t.iii. ro'i« batt» rtaa « '. tba lahand lo ih.-ir i, ft and bm i tlielrrlKlit, tiny afltted nt POrl «lu < aie Bboul .jj., m. Tblafottli iMnatad on tbe Ialaad ofJCaa muí i- w. ii int i. nr-aU« I aad pioai'i' ii wiiii a n ni b ittc i, .-frill.... It stand! »ni a tongue of land, «i-c t. hli.if t;,. i,..;, nmi«nani1laf it-n aaat aad wi t taw I be peini'Mila. O'i ii poi.'t Bpp «li.« waa m na batt» iy bulli erldi a yx\ Mb : ra la I 1 I ,lh la -, .ii. ,'¡. :.r Of g1 BB li ., i, .:.. .mi w. u pa pat» -i,- -ii *t.u iii, Q'tftaan i bad na Idaa ti. y wanbi mi ii. i_ tbe i bawi ti i bad i«.. 1' ,,, li ;, 1. Bl 'I Ile lu -. j la a ni|.iii\w).ni. between tba foti aad tba bal i ,, on till, for 'i 'ei* »bli! and m waa flrad ¦I li.I laty waa pound an tb» laatapbea inn tba tatt Inala ever, »bape anal loiui wa« i-J.,-»»un down ou Un: brave little l.and of men in the launch«»*; in fact, a Ure anmnr- derouKljr hot that It would have luven no dlagrac« had they been p»it hore du combat. Hut both offlocri and men allowed Iheinselvei worthy of tim natno of Amcric-in», and tnrried tho itemi» of .bclr Iiviinlii», against the tide, which wa* awfcj.lng thi-in patt th«ut» Latteries rapidly, and i»nnwen-d tlnie «_fi\ni(«-4 In true Yankee atyle from tin lr Ihiw (runa. Tim aliolli of tinW» howltien were tearing the work« In all Ibmaltana, No1 alone did tho fort Ure; the battery o,ii>oait«« waa al«o vomiting forth all aorta of mittsiluH to »letttroy the little fleet, but f«.rtlimit» ly with Iltti«« or no eiTei-t. Tln-lr gum .cenied to be nailed «lown In one position Uko Paddy'« i aaanaaa, etif tatt for a certain point ». la chinoise, uud lit me tin- Lad flrlnir. Meanwhile, tin« I'.ilim and Miiho- rtM-y were not Idle. Tim launched ha 1 aerved np for them tin« flrt-t ro»iri_ea, wli»\n til«-«»» tun gpirt It ¡Kitiitiler »It» II am! 71 urtu rw, w Illili (lulah«.1 tim linallie«.«». Tliey now i-i enr ii to lime em.tiirli of Amarti nu ibell, and retr»vif"d in lint baale Into ravin«-»» mut other cover behind the hill. Alteren».-»« liiHiM-t-tlnii It wis fouml that tin- fort .nul but¬ tery were well urnn«<l with îi poundere, toet-toa iiiuner- ouaeammadaa habed aa platwrnta_ao thiel that tin» wtoie reeembled a area! gen park. Tim earaattiea trete one man wonndad and another slightly hurt through tim recoil of Iba ann. Iba Monoeaey arrapad a h.-ie in tu r plat lui.', whi. li made her leak Krlooity for a time, and ¦he it.«»« iroiie to i-itit. ii.«vu,.» tim»» nea the Mepaaitioa of tin« ( '«'ii'iiii-, it v. al of emirc«» ont of the (iiuntloii t«) expect any proTJ iona and coal for the rquadion (rmu tlii-iu, ami eonaenoently the Pnloa wa» alapetched t.» «'lu too"to order tlilncf» from hhuiigbal. Hine«« then tim H. H U.C. steamer Milb-t han been charicn-d ami linn toben up «'"al" and pioftritnia, a»« the expédition BMat Uki ty lo ha «.'one longer Urin win lint expect, d. At tal the Admiral Ordered ev» r.vthlug lo lie made inly to ebbet ii landina iba next montan, ant on mon mature cnii-uliTatioii. lu« tbOBghl it prudent to com¬ munient«« Ant with iiiIh «i'.vernmeiit botan doing any- thing more. T.'tit la Certainly UM wisest niau, foi If the (i nun» win tiiriit, it indlapenmble for the admiral to haw« n lauer Ion » than lu« ha«« i.t ine.-inl, m an la timk« ¦DOO» «.n -nie. Any dc.'t it would temi to ink.« the mtiui- tlon of ftn urn. in ni (Ulina mor.» precnrlom than it in already, Tinto ar« xe\»«ial lei-soim which we » draw from thin exhibition, and which we feel bound to point out. It lu tim «ihl «lory over airain, tli ir tin- Coreana, liba all Arialta nation», arti adrene tofOreicn Inn n oiiiM-, niui win not Miranee anton iori ed t.». .»-»-.-iu- ¦I» n I.« win t tiny like and adhere to ii- lona nu they hit I., iiini bj tin- ibaebleo ol Ignorance ano mperatltion, wii,. ai.- parla al ibalr i».. ..iii« ti civilization. In the tone of tin- letter kihi t»» Admiral Bod/ten we mo an* mi.-».»kable ««« the t'liiiu-.-i- .m« Urging them to proeraeUnate, and iii* their adria ra, it matt, therefore, i.e.'..nie rtoar ta arary american that llu- ('nil., M ni»', lu n.ililv, nut ilion« f.'Vi'iiii.Iy iii . poaed toward bmeriea than to other aatiei -, although liny may outT.irdly i»|.|».-ar mi. 'Hie !m t ti,all foreigner! ure to them hut ainl barbel inna, whether they ooma from ai leriea or Enrona, and tln-lr only wtah II to ace them all far away. COroe it the only tributary state of i v«.îii.-ii Mill ibowi any teni altoctonee, if the CM- neae Oorernmenl were, therefore, friendly dlapoacd toward Amen I, ii e«. I.utily would bara lut» ti BOM to Induce the Corean Oorernmeal M come lo como peace- fu! ni rin «.-« mei.t, imtead of making an unprovoked .1 ni wanton attack on aneri» an ihipi of war. We bope th ii American rtateamen will d. dni i Iran tbta that a pollcj of niora! perraaalon will not make nationelove .iii.i reaped them moro than otherawhoaae pbj leal agenej i" obtain i ii« ir obteet Tu. M people are like o\. i_ri.iv. li lind -¡.oil, ,1 eli n, ht ei ¡.ei lu hal .¦"!-tit.on, 11.1,, ii-., mid pride, and who m ¡-v --. n-.ii eh.i.-ti d I.,- brough! todo what Uri ii', ami !... onie ¡i --.._' .er ward lu i- «. Pi «». .'. e Ml.I III,».- I... Ill Iii.,,«- .II I Oil lil¬ li, .,, O, ¡'.a' 1, .... i FOREIGN MAU. EXTRA* TO, cAMntTTA «»n 'Hin im.Mil m.m noa Til«- lett ni If. Gambetta.! l(i;»-r na ti-«- Fr.-acl« el'rl'otiH,«.-. .1 io il.e BwpnhltcBBl ii Boi tlcri'.ix, :n> follow : Hi. .1» Ii nw « 1/1 li- : DO liol .1 mon with all French I: ni .oel profou'lly «rali- Bed al I . I feel ii., uni ni-., i«, jo.i. in your wi.-.- end paUlytie nutt to Mj th it tin», great i -i-i i"«. » r-ory ,,.,_i!ii to In»].i. wtth i-., n ....« in iii'- and hope for the fntnre. You ¦¦ k1 ni all i .».ii united ami we will found lb» Republic, the -...-¦¦i capable ol -nil)'.' o" i- .uni (.- ainl influence and felon abroad. The election! ii .: ... li, and <'»¦. Urea lo i eonquoi i. ti great iinntlon from which monarchy displaced In r. iii Kiata n of Um country Impeeei an aa KopubUoana the » lion dnttee. li I- from .mi doveton] m ¡mu I', ince bo] t i.i.d nu ia her lulva tioii a:..I I. ...'.',n-ri.i i .li. Let u .lal« oi -, allia r With" iitii n.- lin.-, w11 li Oruincaa nu.I ii....-.,' .,, »bl .«...el -.. I, lil, lo r.-Ildi T III.' Ko.I....', will. lill bon» -I leal, now dlatrnita, a port where our anfort u cuni ryuiay rcpoil rill In" »toi i,i-. It For tbii nu-, p united, iiini. II ..ii |i I '-,ii hitare will then be in tu- tiplea. Till. niKKCll Mi'N'AÜCIII-I'"- lil-i'..¦¦! H "IT! ¦'). Tin» Legititnial Journal»« tot 1 thal the Connl »'.- . i,,-.ii.,"i i'i urocli »n...Lan m n .1-inn ijlow io their carne. Onlj tbe niruloua Vigoro un.I Hie acarcely lena facet!» ladonl i. ;,,.,- !. lair. Tuo Uatctt Trance, after taking time to rounider, ndecta to tie ii the ».neitlun of the color of Ihoflni not i import mc -, and d'«iii(-4 ti.nt iii.- I Itim 1*1 party ii bi ind li the "pccnllar" oplnlomof Chanibord on iii < miiiject. Hovcrul Legltlmlal Jouruali lu the prwrlneea bavc oombin d to draw up the following niemoniuduiu, which ii, i. n s* nt to Vcraaill» 'I|<r aI:.01 nt ' '.,le-,, k1 ¦.,,-. \\ »¦ I-«,, » t. Hie rtt» »ti lain»,, 'a I lil II a. .r .et <!.h .il ', ihe priadplM of i.««:.-,..t.iv j"-, «a..-'- ,i t- 1.1 ,r,e ila . UM a, .. ¦'. »,.'. ti. lb. » . .: a fi.,,1 t!,.- n ». '. ii «. kal .i ..,..'., -..: Den a»! trkieh ii ... aI,.al;, »laiiuatil »l'an«, ky.ks nn.rt. 'I. i i-« a «. .-. lit lou- ii.iii"!i trallon againal the bartulen gentleman railing him-ir Henry v.. »..iii. h iliowi thal rty la at ilxea and aevctu, li la notbini If no1 ila: m -I now i .- m » it. ni- in.i ni cato !. r i- mod in his lite lett it i.- .,1 follower* i . i..-, .a,, .i.iH.ini linn Hie] ii. al It.» oi m. account. not OF Tin: 0OÜK1 DICBAMB »MD to PRAXCE. Carn .,/,'- l.i ,. ,. Tttm ¦' Daring tne Comte ile Cuambord'a blair in ti raatie fromwhlchb« takea lill title, tbonaanoi rtalled the locality, li appearan» «. a! < uamboid w..- .,u,i.- un- ted, n.iMiiK been auuonnecd .«ni» twohuiiraiwioi lo .ii arrival. ."».. prepara tiona barilla b». u madi e «ii. m » \." took up hi- i|i,.i i. r- in ila- rd'i ii_. ii tin. ni-, and hie meale were provided from th» boring hotel. The reception oi the Count by tbe iubab- ..r ni..i.-, waa verj enthusiastic. Uaviug ii »l lean, when L.- mt 10 yeara old, the Prince waa nn- ii«-.|iiit:ii'. i wiin the beautloi "f bia «-.t -ti«-, which la one ni the flueil in Fian..-, Handing In aa Jinrocnu ¦¦ .iii.i.i. ii by a wall -.< mild in circumference. The ('..uni wai i.i'.ii.. moved when, ..." he waa ibown through ia j!'..-ile, be anw the ai Ulury niuwiua which hn.i been uaad 1er bli InatrucUon when a bojr. lu .iii ti, mo room i.n furniture. II«. left b .... i .n unite. II waa mimo i .1. for ii« i-iiiii.i. ... It n eui ii ¦. abai at «¦ >»f lation improaied every dj with wh. be wa» brough! in contact. The proclamation oi the Omul wa» .1 I', it <. 111 bil lilli.I lilli- .111 11.1», and it baa dlagunted tbe Orleans fanilir. I have exe '.- lent autborit. for aayiug that tho monarchical ramp i- "ii< «¦ ui,,r« divided Into two pal tice. Whole fa m ni.-- of Legitimist!, I am told, went uown to Bli - lui Ui i.., .- ,,r j. i] i._ boutade lo tlu-u liege loi «i. i.MTIiM.Dl ON (ililiMW RRATBRT. Prof. I ii//...uni, editoi ii Ihe dorrien tit Snr- ili »,i. i' m, lately \ ¦" d '¿.ii iii.' ,'i li pit'bli neal au account ol bli r-onv«f»ut1<ni», lu wiitcli be Aft» we h.m batt« d abonl the [».iii Itlon ol li .1:. dariba di ti turned t>> the nil.di ni lijjon (January ti), and gave dm Mme lara abonl the combat, doing |n tice, at the aame time, i,, iii«- heroic conrage and tii-nn. --» of the Pi -We hail,' aid lb» «Jo ne ral, 'Jd pieeea of cannon, and j, lui tuite ol a terrible Bre, the i'..i-..iii- advanced ».loii". It mull lie confi -.-.I tbattbefrui ian arrtbc ildiere m the world. Sever have 1 M-n In ancha narrow ipaoe io many di«od l»odl ¡. al n.l'.u. ^...l muy loi m an i>!>-.i "i ft when I tell ) a thal m aboni lia» lilla» of tin- »I I"'.' r I ei'lll.l.'l 13 |-|'.-' (inverting t.. in«' pteaenl altuatloa of Ptance. (,.n, m it 11 m iled Believe me, li will belong befor» the i iii,eli pardon the Italiaui for corniag to the aid of tim l:.-|i.dill.-. For im part, I lepnraie the canae of the lum ii «.pit from thal ol the « linn« Inl la. Tbe Mldah rabble and the Cbauviniate both reoulrod ¦ lea*.»ml lb« barder ii ¦>»- ihe more talutar) for the eeantry. Al to in.' munni in which I have bren treate<l pereonallj lu the French Kal louai Anaeuiiili l w,n ,.i\ nothl Ill ;.;. aUI I .Wal uni all.d IO apeal .an! I do li plain. I am old and lnUrm, but I ahonld be glad io lea iii t i.i na i.e.11 inn t for Miprotnai i anuUiilat« I which al rea, and ia yet, th» main aourcn of the tidafortniiea of France, \hiim trdtotnc lu .-¦-. they mu i no1 ,.,.ell'l -it. e III Ila mi i'. e.-a. Wllatl-VOT lol ;i|,en-, for If t n,-v'. f, ii iii Hu- i.i-K - -i I" ii .ii i.k" it .._..-mil lu. ii.line ni lion» in. i.i.qi ol I 1-ii.TL Wt I. '-licit II IO« -IP.'!!'. The pnrpone <>r Um neetíng in Hydi Vi *'.., Landan« «blab Um hhm-Ii antaoritl» on the 11.1)1 i,. t., i- i',.- fin n by Th» lonêm TXmmi "A »oinlultti of _{( II le,neu Ililli. «', ,| 111 em..' ,i! bav« prepared au euiigraiioii billfwl .. ,'i ihej inieiid lo have li» ii»,»in nil inte, i ,11.11.1. in Um hupe ti».it, if ,i e. tin i...- i. ., i ni, li i...ii |..i « luto law Hu- im ,,i * ""- The pu aub.« ..I the bill !.. -. i.d It.e .nu ,, ol i!,.- l',i:i' d Kin..'..m lu the nu. .ii'iiii!. .i bal fertile li i .. i. r -n tit thal Hi" .i bl| i" Hi -'"i .'. I be I nu.-.I i.. i., n (i, > a.l emigration Hue ; that all emigrunti be conveyob frei by rail » i" Iii« port of embarka-- Ihute« » v liiiuii;, i i ¦." mii_.Ii una emigrating .,.i.,ii,i i.,, iv. free CO icrea ol lain., willi rallona of h, .....i li ai in iiioi '. i" maliiiain Ibom until I hi .«- ... ' .in tin n-.iii 11 |.. thal rcut-< I...I..- bond !( -,, i,,- repaid in monej or kind i... tho !.¦,--¦ ., liona al the exoil lion oi throe .».- i in ,. i thal mi/ -i on .n." .I at th» ol lln .- .-r «'..t for 1 ¡" t uarantu «i bj tbe one per ce.i p-.iid by tb» lloví in hi» nt, ono -t «trtaj iron, tin- pool n ., ami one percent | ii..- un, ilinC-l ilii Uli .i.-- n .. .'.¦ A i.meeting of th»- pi .'._)_. li » ailed f»n Miutila} UiiIj IS) in Hyde Fork, at wbidr it It intended lo »oiiiiiiii imlimi»« In »iiipiMirt »if th« abOhA* hill io tofraaMWi tcili id Um Maieetjr anai l'«r.i»ii_.''. 1 THROUGH TI-K SOUTH. MiIITU-iVI. lui VIRGINIA« A WILD HIDE AND A KAUF. lionoïi.W.ENPaUT. (IM mW RlVKK- 0BOLOOT OF THF. AI.I.E- nniWfM TTTTIITI i.KAl» am» zim: HIHH AN OLD-STYI.K VII ilSIAN. Vv"YTiiF.vii.i.Fa, Vft., J' ly n.-No South«-. SUto linn over ii«Ajf.«ctaHl a ir«*<»l«>,t.«*al nirray of bet ta-rritury, or tliuniughly tiiv.'.«llKataxl tier mlwrulweulth. "A'I th a vast extent of to.rltory, Iiiiu enno mineral wealth, n-«l a geológica] formutlon probabl ,* exieedln., In Internat that of any other «tüte, WtufM baa mmmtg bad a recoil- r.i.iDMi.iira- «f bcr laaanaaaa i I tea examination., which have tuen tanti«' have hy .. mean« axter/daxl over lier v\ I",lo ¡ti. ... «tit«! ri»«: Ihí", BBanUflBBB e«tlle«l utt<*ntlon to lier wealth, bu' »cry often with ft view to pUHlittiK nome particular arbon) «.r eubanrlug tin« value of «onie «peel.ii property will. i. noim-iiinc«. ban bad only a flctltiuii*. viilne. I'm Uni« to lu* «ui, till« country did i.ot attract much noll..', a*. iii vahen 0|>a?in'<l to rail¬ road tiuv«l ami tr. ii«por:at.o the roada weie of «iieh primitiv« «liiirutt.r na lo n- 1 rather than attrait Clinton), and a In.-k of Ii.¡rue. among tho conn, ctln« line« prevented uny rupid imp i-uuiit. Hut with the Bbaaaa, Mx-iui ami pattttaali aaai » Phttti the nature of the management of railroada. New demande of trixie and manufacture miirt Ik- mippll. I, and lu-vv line» munt be opened or old on. n mad.' Batt tllel« nt, aad I hin ex- pinin.« the naaal daralepanata «>f lataaaal weam, m thin vicinity. The KiiM-t productivo mine of 1. id «-re Baal of 'lie Mlssl.nnlppl Uiver lu thin vletui /, the tf) the Ia ¡k1 Minen iK'lng known everywhere to men of nt ¡euee, willie linn known to the dealern In Wall--' , and upc. ula tora generally, than any minen in America. Tiny present tin« hliiKtiliir feature of a profitable mine which han never baan boiiKht up bp Northern laen, ami h m not yet pal * d out of tho family of Ita original owners. The îuinon havo len worked for HO yeitrn, and moro than two-thirds of th.- peasant ateebbelden ave gan. adanta al the flr»t pureliitnarr.. The name name« are on tho list now that lninrlit have l«-.-*i found there loo ve .1». aga I stopped at thin place to visit til«-...) minen, ,ntl WBI itdvlr-ed to go ov. r the country on honu-back. Tue Stahle ki eper »ei.t me a mont utiprotulsiuK looking boree of a lirecd unl- vcrnally known li« re ml " ("oiie»tBg .," with a frame like amantodon, und a wheezy voice whuh seemed to lirJl- ale an early d. nth. Hut he climbed mountain Miles Ilk«) a Btpilrrtl, forded rocky ntiiianin by Blgbl or .lay with Hu. naadaatedaan of a cat, plangod taronga mud na If it wiro f>o uiiicli wat« r, unit an lils blooil vviiriii-d bo fatakaned into a rapid paio i-o Binonth that it ii«>it ti- r worried mu* Jolted. My coni- paalaa nda a fancy bteadad amma', bal oi«i "i eaaetogaH left hiui far t.i hind In fore iu.*!it, ¡uni, at the emluitlio «I'con.l day, I, who had not ridden before lu five yearn, was fiOr-hei- t'l in at the start, willi¦. he, Bfl BBJ «tdaf, was maitad out. ju.»t fu- elim mi ni iw of the tatting -nu waa ibadtag Inte Iba twUigbt -ray tho summit of a hill, n tin n in tin- road bveagM o i-'i lu'i clew «.' Wow Rifar, Hiiei. bing fat lu fio'.t and to enr ft, teoalDgt] loot aa tba oin- hainl ill U mi;»-ive ':'i ol limeslone, whilo Millill- w:t,I It lay Ilk.-a nil", t of gta-Bj brilliant m if li huon i«- leetad from iiio alanda Beaaatb and rlatngoneaeb ¦aeeeedteg billtap won lal bl al ete-nr, Untad attb iba purple iiii-B.Miiu, willie ban nii'i tin n- wea rime of life Intbewblte and browfl aattlotbal la* nallng aa UM s. ri, aad ii» ti..- earling nain fnmadoaoB¬ hou an The W-, lb» Dab i I. I »fine-a are bo tbe 11 Ja i-f Ker» P.iver, ntiont li toil' » -ou!i t.- t»t of l'i..i i'!.,-', lot pu* h,.: V ¡.»il:ii(. l'i' 'o. and till» Pi loll, hive' to leave the id at fot, tacanee of laaMttty ataewban t>» I t tie ."i convivan.'''. Muk'-» Meadows D-'pot, ii ht nul..s fuillii*. c i-t, i- le n r, ural la* tile itVIppiliK pin. a of ihe h ml and Une mines, an 1 all bat one 51 ».no Ino fuma«. -, a aead and tampiba latta runic from tala tea, tin- mu, .i I.-;, ¡_i ,i ned men tbe noantaiaa t" i North onreUa i paaalng tear niltea north of tbenloee. l lOdlraCtl] tollu L'.liol. I.e.m1 i',.,,i;,;.n;.' kgt followed up what the BOOple cell ti. Min 1.1 Belt" fioin a pilot **-a'tl: vv. t of W"...¦¦..:'" BOttb-OMi I'« v. ii ». My oi.jL.-t waa lo ne tim conntry and tbe n.- op» Biaga aa u ad, ad i" di ^ Bine tba mineral raine of tbe mlic*. Ko ngtoo baa aaraab abnaad wbieb has no non h i toa] oalaa. and v.t tba tonaatteaa are aagntarij b-ng dar and up- beai "'i i'« Hie r-t r-i:;r -t BBMUM ¦*. I'"i tal I Bl », Ifj tin vi.i ii.» in UnaatoM and wallaya. Yo Mia it al Ita ptaeerl naaaaanlalnn ban naMnli in eappad with |,. ¡, n, ka »ne p. im,i -t, i, ot hard watet at the ililli, While Balf-W, ) Up lire e\e, lient Ile. »Illili.*». The graal Atlantic bj th ¦ al raoantalaaiWbli ii bagiaa lu m the aottb. Manhattan of a aiap a 111 si;..««-, eoattaoN downtiii¦ 'ii_.ii v.i». tua, undi lost in lUabaan Tboaaat- j i in ninia-" «,f tin» ey .lein I.» the Illili- Ridge ('..'. vv. -lei ii j bl called, la Pena ftraata and. Kattb ~Iri b1 ,Alleg-aay, and ban beeaaNi tba Clineb* walla In lanaciaoa tbej a»' tbaCaadiBfteadMeantataa Tba Intenaadtal between tben two tania lunn i. mt np by panOel aad «i" ¦ ian-.' , .m 'n-iiiir v.i'.h va of aatoolablag fertility, ¡uni livipici'iiv » aram une» a ibori dlilann to tba »o'ltli-i a.»! ol' BOlan, li POUT ibOOtB C'f fl'oin file li.;, li I maa ndgt i.'..i',*e, c.,11, ,i i in- lr.-n .Mount iitii, and, cn- teudnut ..outh-v«. ait-¦:>-. baoanMB tbe Lwnndkri between .v.i-ii c.ii-,1.,1 and T.-t.m - i-f. Aftertbnwtngo) ii-'-i M uni n eg i, tia-, Bloa Ridge io ta the - «¦ .»-i. .1. wdc, bal beeaaan «tn.-iiy the watet .', ni, and i-, utlntwa u t«. in tei-i-ii.i:ttio:i, in Qeorgla. Aloii' tbe western nlope of flu* I. on MOttBta I i,i:ii , or rutli.'i-iIii'iiiikIi the table-lands at i!» f.,.,:. inn. gnat lulu-iai bait it ¦aytatraeed-romtbe Badaaa r.iv.r .'.own, ibawing tii»tintt ebanoteriallea, bat h«r.a ¦ore dtatnrbod and t*pb****nd tban at otber pota benco aflbrdiag mon aalaeral -aattec «'»i) awn obeerra- tiona e.\i. iel..i iivei- u miles, tbrougboat wbieb extent an found lead and atna ore m abondance. Proa timilality of foi ni..!ion, 1 have lit) hat! t that tiley axial thi'oii';it. mi the '..noie lim- of «listín h. »nee fora dlatance 'of Baan than IM gHlaa. or Iron aeat nalem, Va., io Knoxville, T'iiu.. following ev «yW-On lha Bonna al Iba Ina bTeaatelm. axeepl wben fi.un t.iut« to Hue tbrowa ant el p aortb-weat- wa Op by apandar aoab aantb» ¦ twanllj bytberalleyi at tbat tange. Voated ni« nage an found nit, coal, ely eryetalllne galana* aafbanatei »nd lUfoati ol zinc, Prow u ¡uni ltd h. m it ii«* (dyaeton.,, la « en. v. of It ao coal ia met with axeepl Bear tbe Atlantic; nu aalt.'tbeonaef aba aadh «dananlpbanti talune); of Iron mgnetic aadbipeeataf oxide; oobtoiaa ¡a in,'lit.- in f. uni i\,.)'t lui l.'t-lwiti-l. 'J ¡.i--.. clinr- in lariattaa an pnralaal tar down late t3eoMla a'ui aiu- Pam.:. 'I lie Iii..- of t » Al.ii u -i ali 1 Cbatt-BOOga Ball« rand « in dyaateaa. Iba Ima. Boan, and Dalton in ti.- bl u- i'it» », while smith of the COOM 1 the ipeeotal I oxide, it I. ia i.-. n el.liin.-d th .t tin» mgtoa adbcdaao v.,i,»; that all Ila ntaanl ta te dapeatta latta atarace of ti. nut«- bnowtadgB M Ita ebanctei tica, ii '.'it, .i ti.ur, if warka an paabad teawOcleat deptbto |i;i«.s I. -youd tho tl'.-oinponlnir iiiHien, es geaontod r. iba gnat npban**alt tba ngdtar reiaawooM b. 11.«- warla of Iba w- Um Datoo ia. ad I .-. peon titii ta ta ¡t in. I, v. t sa. little me the gaatog-Ml !t.ililli n of the Beatty kaowaeifteoa^M ,,f "hat iii« fonpaaji didu'.t tin l.iM.lvt* appr. tatt the true Value of Ihelr dl.»t'o\. ry. (lilt of a l.c.uuiliil valle.' U New I:»», r RM I a ,s. la » ol billi, fruin -yo ta Ml teal In bight tag belt aenn Utan billa Ha du «I- poolta "f i«-»'i an vv hi. h kari baan aotbart i.,, loa :, tba* rdI b «¦' » tun a i,. aad 11 - ataowbonaa tbtataad, aeeonpaatad al Um nrfii blown lulu.;*»:;<. inui <ue. Iba or.- in found in dût | Croat ii» compel», d Ina eva, latea, aad lum Ii la UMinlly tak.ii from pa kata tatweag iii.ii" i-e np- in t m or boabtew al iweb Una ateaCi parttallj daaampoa d ...i tu- hutfi-ie, tot» p«" r. wer-- worked ana] ». si« without uny Batten aiteiiipt at exult Miateg,i retal ¦kalla wbieb wen "ouk tarlag taea ataadenod, anti ¡.li.uit leu v. .irr. toten HM « ".r, abra i lyatemol lind war, ¡'..I.>i'ti d. Now II.e ii... 11. Worka -. of thr. | »h fin of nilld DBBtetOBB. tWO In dirt muí utoi.i-, and two tnnnate. Oi.iy aaa at tbi tatt, i ai .1 out ihaft. htiwevir, are in u».-, nui'h w-itU o, inK h..¡ ,_,,,.. |. .-,__ »Mit tee el |" dig lOg* I \ ploi eil on,- it |;t tUtl- i.i u. it i lang, enl tbi mi i. nita m » i a, oi-.a i. trattlated i.v a »haft, .m tbnngb Um latter. M3 f. al In d'pill. 1 .im re.I li.i- tunnel |,i a little car prop, ¡lid al B r.p.d lal«- l.y M. m \\ line and lirut, the a «alni ant ¦.uporlnti-iidotil and i.Inge of iii«- woiV*. itopptag al abaci taba i ali ia. taaUnatbe i u inn» twiate al Um a_rata» anaad la tbagraal apbaaral, oi rMiiiu Lint) II.;.ne depo lied irmii the watt Iriik'iii-r ,. d .. ,,,;leinc tba itaaa .it i ft ii- tile vein, a lu ¡u.) »olid Ilia- lol ;.r '.-i Iii, -., lana M h 11 arid.. aad tollo* .-.i ¡- forte feet, t ,i n i, t t .. i. i '.,..v n ti.i- ; a the in-far« point of th« u I. ¡a a ud, tttta-M li ». in I ,. .,..; .. ,. ,, MUM il»M -"*» .'""-' >¦> all It» other tl.aia, It i.»i. ? <XT*na weite ». vie tb« e*-ita-ce ah a vcfu and lu ova- I tinnlty. Yet the mine luperint-nidrnt-one of the ownera.did u«t neem to have thought of thla fact until I eilled Mi alt<»uUon to It. The mlnei pay a rawl divi¬ dend; the own« ra are never called on for atnteiusnientu, and hi-nae th.«y ».iiu to core hut little for what may he proved of its n_aana or lu regañí to the vein theory of the country, it .___,, i,^,. f,)r a,-niariy years that tho pro«i|a<t of lu» givinir oat would I*» ia their ey«* pre- poiteroui. Tl.e »ruth la, tOcy have jin«, ton« bed the true kernel. Tlio original co.t of the minc and html wa« fLßhh The preient stock u nominally Hoe,» i, .,,,t there inver haa been any awt-e-wment, or money paid In except the flint, and alftho ni-tiicy e*pen»led um t'he mino ha« been pro¬ vided ont of ita own proecM«. Home tttk of thle e«»Ht may be Inferred when I »ay that the Uiimel I entered hal «'out IH.OOO, and It la filly within a year pant that any ore in it waa rr.wbed. The mine la owne«! entirely In the nclghlKirUood and the stock la looked upon aa an lielr-loom ; one of the atockholdvr-4 would about aa «mon «».li lill father*» trusty rifle a* lil-» iban»«. The work« ( «natal of n dam acrosa New River, a plain breast whtv.1 a cruib» r, water Jlgt, the eld-rttyl»« uliulge-hoxo, a Scot« h hearth, a rcverlieriitory and a ula», furnace. Tlie ore la ronr-u .1 In mi «i|>< ti lire and the v< In itone tx'lntr a ____ turo of lime and liaryta decompotet» readily, so that but little power la required to crin-h II. Hie revcr- ltcratory furnure is seldom ii»-d. Land Is made chiefly in the Wlnler. employing the Baal force of banda in Hummer In collecting end walbing atna ore. Tbe yield ol lead la about _M tana net year, and it han heretofore contained about Id of «diver to the tun, but tim amount of bullion Is evidently greater In UM 'hen working, and will probably In» renee to some extent. The finí aaad b4 charcoal. I ulled how many bushels re required to a tun of lead. Thev did no1 know, ami ta.,ni : " We only know the ae-gregate nuit of the ... u; wa pay ont aa mach and Ibera la io nach left; that ii pr«»flt. Wo «lo not itemize tnc Met of any particular branch of worlr, but know how much per _huuii1 tho lend eeata us by dividing all our expense! by the amount of lead niaile." i'r»", lons to the war these mine« jlc'ded from .00 to coo tuiiH of lead per year, according to the rijrof with which tbey weie worked. Doling the wai they were tin» main Hay of the Ile bel army and wiro pushed up to their fullest capa» Ity. affording 6(0 to WV) tun.» per year. The ore, at* worked, yield* from .V) to CO per »rent. Tho Superintendent of the mine in m Yr-iA to lb(,6 told me that rather than k<> IbTO-iffb the une itate of things again he would cut hi-tino, f. " Why, sir, we worki-d nlgli» and »lav, with nil the nea wa could put in, and drove r lii-m lit that ; som.-tlme». I ni ver slept f.«r a week, then tin re would come along au oil!, «r. -wcurlliic we were all a net of ii-d kkulkl and fjl lonllta, ¡uni if wo (ll«l n't fiir_il_li moie lead he 'd put every uti. of u.. »u tho army." One of tin ibafta. Ml feet deep, terrea ¡«»a ventilator to the tiiniu.«!, and ia al o need ana ihot-tower. "Ildoee ipi»'mililli," «-..iii Mr. be naw me laughing at hie tower ander the ground. I rwnember yean ano te bare wen a contrivance foi alike paipoaa hanging over u ciar at Cape Oiradeaa, Ko. The ano! nada an- very nlld and perfect in si, lo» The price B )W dow Di I InaUfy the coat of making it. On« cannot but admire tbe pluck of theae men, aotwithitandlng their old-faih- lulled ways. They dog thla .-haft t.> hh preeent depth throii_.ii loiid, and never touched a iprlc of ore, yet tbey perecTered and cul tbe tunnel, too. Tim .batt wai a aile too far «art. or no1 en nougta, a= i».»o feel down or weet, would have -«truck the vi lu. Inter¬ mingled with tin- ore, <>n tbe nurla» e, an larga Ik ol carbonate« of cine, nrobablj m r---min», to tome ex¬ tent oth» n und« in» ¡it'» in the form of lulpbnret.nowthui changed ii«/ the anión of the atu-osphere, tho lurround- ii.g deeompoaed limeatonei alao everywhere exhi t\ uleiii ea of diiturbance. Thii eine wai, until the -,.»-«. of the war, conaldered melcia, and tbouaandi of tuna wera used to AU dead work in the minea, or f.. itop up oldahnfta, Nowit laioldto a ¡tune Oxide Company In .\.-w-.ii ".-v ui an iivi rage of #. pet tun. The Lead Com- pany aella to the buyer on the spot, and he baula it to the railroad. Tneyaend off about 1,0« tuni per year, eli ik m »«,,mi,i r, ii- tin« battling " mik i bad In ;¦- Fietghti i«. New-Yorti an low, m Um railroad li ili.-im.-nl to e!'..-".ir0'_.' \. ii lu» li .-.'. pi ..¦-. Sou inoi« f.H»« tn; . 'i iince in a. and ti.» .['..»»nit v i.» increasing a»»other mine« arc open» ii. Tm-r? ño «íoiiiii that In the- lin-'1. "( .ii thii I. :i ..t mi l.e Iiinde lo pi-odu» c large q'l.llitit'.c - of both /«te- lind lei"!. 'Hie I,''.id Camp n,y, for Instance, coiiM, wini-..un modern improvement!, make twice aa min li with the »tam« _.¦«..__.¦. cjmJjüJjimj ug them ii a property y a. TuiiiablC ami a ii «Vu. A .lu-hil'-- r: le of two ui;!>- brought uito the r.'-l.loner» ifi'ii'-t.t Virginia'! old ttyl»« gentlemen, the friend of Marshall aud of Wirt; one who bad administered ii e ,.i u lu the hlghed Court ol ti.» 0 d Dominion in inedayaoi bet pride and glory, and bearing thelmmor- ..iii t< ¦. (the ion. in a lower Court, mil weare tbe bouoi ¦ of a Judgeihip.j Hurroanded by . rery luxury in the dava gone by, the lortunea ol war and genial Uv- .-.« Lell bin fu .¦' m.i ti a".i ". i to he paid, and nothing bul one ol the moat beau- iiini fama i have ever aeon to pey then with. Bat even ! with in* more than yean and tan, bli lull torn la ititi erect »mi in ntl promt aplril be still reta, li - nil lue ideas of honor tvpic.l of the Vi lulu of other daya. Ula la a caae but one »»i thomendi in the Boutb, and directly Ulu i rat ive of the different ebene- terliti» ¦ of the people North and South. The old Judgu'l pla« »«, v. u .-ni.i ni it extreme value in u mineral prop¬ erty, would not more than pay bli «i. ¡.i», in..l be would !.. left pennileaa. Tin .: tern creditor demand! all, or a-mar ir ;ih p. - e Northern man would tay, Pay m.- .in cann on tin- dollar, if no1 that M or what ion can. und go ni,eni acaiiia ii i- thla Bhj l( k iplrit aud refute] to oompromlie tue old ante-war debt! that li to-day moro thnunuythlngelie keeping the South behind. V I ii.. .»¦ » ii..«- la.i.i' ra of old note m«- the loud« «t t.. talk of bur¬ la-.- onie taxation, vi c<Muproiulain_ s;..u-, county, team, i;.id railroad 0»..«.-. a HAM) Ai::.: Y OB THE REÍ I I LU MIMI-ANM'M. ».».'»'AMI'MllNT AT r.i:\l_V... N. f.. IMPOBTAXT caavov IN Till; UKI AL.Till. TUBES DKGBSBS aBOLUBSD. Girara. N. JT., July -.''...'lin- aemi-aanna] Eneemptaeat of the Blata of w*Torb eonvam d al U_la i ten at I p. m. Jui} v. «¡»«n. ii. a. Hammil delivered bia mi a'.i.a .! i. i".i'--. 'i'.- raporta at Um ki Lien, ni i.:,.i Qanilafaiaalit Baal ni ibewed a _o.iuf.iu_, gtewtb ainl iiicreaie In th.- Oíd. r, imth imuieiii..iliy and BnaadaHy, Tue Inipectof Oanaral testiüei to the gen¬ ii..! gi ed -working condition of ihe «li"'»-rciit 1'ists ; only «.ne »'.i-e i.f niit.nee by courts-nun fiai for revl.w, ami couclndea wttb Um iiikf that Um ralea which govern the Order aro io pervaded with, hanevelenee, and ._»».,ri -euee th.if they ínirresaj theil- vi, tins t;j>,,n nil coni- lii.le-, and ithey wllllafly plaaa Um nat Ivea under th ¡r g aldan« a, Xbe general bualaaaa of tho Order waa then i :..¦ ici Into, tba iii«'>t Inportaat items of v».,ich were tin« iitT»'» huí-i-of ii!.: ii, aboHablnn the three Kradea or «h gr- 4M and unking a Mugió degree order ¡ tin«. :..-.. the nattai of tniuriof Um lirai of con_radea of the Oid.r. Tba ('¦-1' ni",' :' n pre ambo Mad II of li Ifntnal / ¦'- rnrtiranci Bocl ty, onp ed of Bten* ia ri of the « rder, li ..-. ic Um f tin« BUM totrbid ih, f. ni..iti..n of any eorporattan ; or BMoclaUon for lif«« aaanrance purpoera. anlaaa they have capital of Ho ,i«ao pnid in and lecurod in the Tu mr» anee Depertment of the State for the benefit of t poll- ey-b»»ldi>r* lecond, becauae ii la nropoaed to o »¦ , 'ei, ra of tin- <;. a. li. pollcy-hol«feri, on equal tcrma, Irreipeetive of ace, bcaltn or condition, which would u n liiaiiiie-t Inn.-;;... to tin- younger and more member!. Th-y tnerelore thl-ik the idea of coi p r..tlvi. 1..- la.ii.ii' 111 IBB old« T ii la lue oil oi,-.nul wolli 1 U-- nd ci »m rnl ¦ who deiire to in ure their livee to do io like any otter peraon la one of the »rood t»:,«i reliable '. -.i .nu i- compunlea who ban proved tally their woi a, merit, murnini* - an \ itahihtr»aud commend that ihe (-ei.le.-t ¡.e totally and finally dropped, adopted. s \ ci.ii ]...! » bei vri re made by prominent men u.i i.i.: win n the « «nim-ni.mi nilj.nui.ti. li 1 BOBaPHIO NOTES. .Thara waa a white (real ni White Sulphur «.. ni »-aiuM«) im riiiii_;. . II. I!. M. hteiiin (rinatfi Ai.ii.ct-..rt, u.i-n:!y »1 it ii«. »... '. ¦..- i. i .. tttmei tu I-.- f.. ml. _Tin r,i-t bala of new eottonwaa rerciradat Cilrt.-lain, Tri»», on batuilar bj ipi«-»i ha Cuiinulai.», tri «. _ile Corin ne li ¡i I; Journal wriB. at tim aolicita- ti «it«. .The Sall Lake ('¡tv Conncil naTenppol i u ¦¦>! yetfa.»... -, piioa of r.t ,..-.i Unat, la hi". -.' .\ «li-pateli ÍYom ('» ... ». (tjP. " , .ila alian. t, r. .Two nea national bauka have been oriranizcd - Rall Kin! Utnlef Ullin li ! . . .11 »uli ia tl.iii.n- . k deputation ni Oernnn, Dntcb, nnd anntrian l»»llier» UV» NiM in-. lum mt maki»; r.t, I»-id»'!.'ti i..'t en f i . !.., Irutd. .fndfa Sawrei rendoced a deciaion la Ban l-'ran- »tnnl»«, in ti- e-t ..r br, , i -. «.,», .., .., Ra t.. uti ll.e.|ue»ti..t. if lb« »»h.iil« .1 ti.,-!;,.. Ii: . ¦abad m i" m i'» nt M ....- a . ....Collector Macnire «f St. Louie haa advertlaei i . ,. lae ,:._, a_u l»r ii [n the work of chancing ti .- ihren fix ii Iii am Ibu N0 all*«, al I, o', .a i.» a.. Narro* _a,.»" t,»,ua «._>- » tatay, l.e fail ire of tin- Lana I mniim Pnninnni -, ."...,- ii . . v i. « aitk. ta iMainj | ... . : » I I ,u |. r .it »_.- I ..The I hi -' « ... 1 u u r | - r...i i-I - nil I. Ila Y ... ;. a !.. »| «r ». | .'M.ill.,'. ...... 1. o aüU Yulpiri, ni ilMall. lU.-t« «.. «H*r»l«r* 101.a r*.il.l» HI .*« »*-'« " Uw k'«^».-», »1« a,.».«. «I «ikKfc ko mut on x.-l ,«__ir»_n4 WASHINGTON. gTrmoarrr tem bow gnu pab_mm~.-ian pii» MIMBI OK THK T.'.MIH'ANÍT. gi !.. ¡ION . a raw graA-UHM- una to bmloii »:. inr i llkajrapii .0 rai ranim WAIIIIvr.TO», Jul* I TI Numero'i« inquirí«*«« having lt«*««n nrv le it» I t ..- ,, .. thorify by which the Pre-ident pardoned the t-ag.n.l«t How« n, It may be replied that 11 did it bj ti.. | .»i.trity given bim In the aecond se« t on of Vu .l the omammtaa of the Dátete M .t.«. " Un »hall have pow. r t.. gnnl reprieve» -...e, ar-'. *i» teaeataaeeeagaiaattbeUnitedstat. -. .-.»it iiiiin acliiiionl." The law of March Î, is ti. fi*;. f, r t ii*,*itry in th«» Dtetttet of OatenMa and Baal July t, 1S39, COattoi that D.ntrict i-i l'ait«4 Stat«-« Court) JiuindlcUon In all Mich c.«~«*a. Thoreportof Mr. T,oiim lBbgia»af Wmmmt»Wh\ wN, wan appoint«-«! hy Cofiitnlnaioner IteaiOfiton to male an olTi. lal rejiort of Ihe Beer Hi. v.. ri' »'ouvcuuon, I ., rittal.urgli, early last nioulli, han reicntiy I. ,-, Batte the Internal liivt nue Ilure.-vti. It touche« on »v. rv «ui Ject concorulnti tl.e li.t.T.»tra of brewer*, and |.-1v. n «onin tetanaatagatatlatlca relative to the aniotint ol bu. aaagtad on totbal teaaab «»f trade, it abtteatbal Ita In r Brewon,* A.-so«IiUon exta-tial» oven-very f»tate in tho Union, and that they rea .-Ive mi'-port from tin .r fr,a»i,<:*. In all «action* of the country. The Beer Brewer«'O -.- grcwi, whkb la to be held lu Dr. »den on the 3-th of ti.» iuonth, in expected to be largely Npcanated from Am. i- lea, a...I fin the Congrca« that was t<o come off laut year was postponed on account of the war, bu-luea*. of gT< at tinportame to tho breweti prufinnion la exp<-ct«-«l to to traiiriiictcsl. Th«: brewer« aunoun. «. tlieir InUntl.". "f r.- ii.-wlng their effort« to deereaae tho tax on f< iinei,te«l liquors, hial they advocate that tho lntereei« «,f ti.» country require that, the taxing of malt Uqn<u« tahoulil «iit.iely «ease. They claim thl» exemption on the rn «lid that mai», liquors are known n k-mpoirancao never.«»!'-», naiir.rihiiigand healthful, and that by the abolition of the tax thareon tho Government would I». :.t tit tia»! and nunM tin can e of tcmiierance. Tiny :eg-. 6 that the United Staten ha* paid n little att« ¡it.on lo ti... collection of correct ond tir «twoithy atatl.tit« i- to their trade, BBd adata«, that tti« w jut of tu. h u.forma¬ tion in Congre.«*-, and of ti c appre« ¡avion of the neceaaity of tho «auir, lithe principal «anne of the nrei-eut und eaaaagnantfjr unjust taxattaa. They n*»ert that they are tho beuvlent taa-payen in tho .«ui.tiy, «jil taxes paid hy brewers for tho tl-cul j ear ending Juir-i no, 1671, ing over t7,3'W,00«), or .In ut ¦ -«T ««Mit inore lagt year. The n port of the Chief of the Ihn« m if Ptatlaitaa aa tba tarif baa baaa pnpandL and win i-» laaandtatetp etaaailed um!, r appropriât) baadlnga and sent to the printer. C. Wa Kie-cheie, | ,'.»!.- at Ter- v i. r -, Hei.ii.ini, is la Wbahlagtoa tar Iba parpan «»f pop curing our (Jovcrnuieiat'i ludoi>cii>?ut for a »! un.,, al Ita it twe.'ii .\ntwerp, lh (¡.i ¡m, ami HeW'Yeck. Infor, ri.'i'.i ui h is been r. .. .-I i4. .o f. t-, han in denial of th. Raten al tbal M -a» -. n <i _.«. cuii.cctlou with the WtetimtOt 1'osl in Mia»«,-ni. I'o r banded and two certiflc.itoa for pcnelona w. te menai teaaldtanaf tiie war al Mttdanag ti.«* pnaaal wa'ek. j,-- Bolleltor of tbe Tn it* I i it Iterated I n to L'olted Btate« ManliaU, laatmeting tban iii- y in:i»t cuiipiv v ¡:'i tbe ngnlatteaa of in* aaTbo r.-.[uiii:.g tban te tabnita wporl "f aaab w. ¡t f ga .. t.on oroi'h r of u.iio not ¡' I. ¡.in! of the return tin r< t<>, or Bioeeedtnga te United I itn caaaa. Knap al ti.« atora ofti.ern bara nagi u«l to Ina lnstruc- tioae. tberefon a great d -.f rreapo-d-nce le aaoeo -,t.i i upon tie lubji, i. Beaiietirjr fiajatwell baa ja it law ¦'» a ateanl >r t<- atteen. Baatataal tnaaaren, designated depoeitarteo, and otu» i floTcani al "iii, i ¡i-, n gaaatlag Ita a M a ad in their re_», rls I, r Hu* tim- ii vc ,i Jual Bl .- ,,i:i-kly i o abb n m te aaabta Ma to lap ni» li e.i-ie < u it »hall i-, :. A TERRIBLE EX1 LOflK A GOvrn^'iiNT Aii-i.VAia BLOW Vt-~B\TCB damm.:. DOM! lit r IOJUTKS LOW. V.'a»:i!N'.ii'V, July 1?.\.At I n\\n\: CA morntagaa asptaaten aaannad in tbi »niall g igaatei al ti.o Waabtagtaa Anana!, wu u a ¡wa tot au pr. pana tionofrocketn. liifhtn, fur ti <. Wtmtl CBCpa naatega BBBioaa conflagration. Tho _ama*8 coiniiiuiii- catetl to a iranio tmild.tiK nr ir ty, uiul wiro « arri« «I tlicnro to what lu -nt.wii nt rehour-.e N«>. 1, i.inl in w hi. h were-stored ail kind» of luva.ry and ,.itilic:y cniipiueuir«, which toaa total li ». Manbaa .*.'". i waa ataa la daogor, and would probabl/ h, Utoyed bat for the fact ,.: V..- v- ad Bergt, PT_n was al woti in t:.u maga iii and when Lo left bin WOttt nil tju I -i ophr, Bad at la aappaaad uil taaall of ipoatanaana eonbuatloi i. Ibe baildioga to wliieti tho laBBM di tuiaüy i!. »ti. ;.. !, aadaareral Bn.a'ii bonan bcm th«^i li.jur.d by tho aaana There wein four bambi of powd» wan 14 feet n«niare>, donblB '.' B_ ', :. ¦tatenoC Ttit tatJldlag wao not onlp entirely d ttaa in.lurctl several P t |" Ml th¬ at'll the tetaba nattacad in all dil t-,¡.d; on w.i.t throu;*li n Macli.-iul'.'i al.";) Bbeal a gaari t '-I | ti.ile «'.»¡ant fr-'tu tba I'-Jj J«_ J Tue 6toreht^.ni.ij ñí.'.r ^y ren «o mneh.*.- that only the cracked wnlH aro tteadlng Tin* 1'iililin, .In which i.* Macad « Btead <»f arn«, v. ia a to phh mi v daaaaan i. Iba álate r -, toe ad <f nearly IM fer, lucks us tia u.': had bna p ngntar teiivna AH tba w-:..' ... \-..- ikatten only in tin«, but lu otbtt a. ;' orfag s:n: tai i taodtaoanwen lerel -i aearir lo I a tree*. n«--r hy i-tripp. left! '.' tttt, their bmaebeg btokaa and tbolr life« perbapa, d ed. 1 gi-r, &,*.,bl profusion, wen ti n d i'i« ve: ¦; Altboogb ten ral tai I f.-c-t o.' tba ».;.i of tú«' aoaoot tbora punan. Ttaymen, bower .*. the Klaget tba I me; I-'. Foitt.iiatel.v, the la mci I in one i-f ti.,» Bnffldtag ..¦ Tba following lnatdenta an nUted Inoao ,, tho t-pieihion : In the : | . Oana t n. abate m «ard .... B0/* and they » . window- W- I'* el.I:-.¦ " la ft, 1 Iii ,t of Mrs li . In h'-r bouae ab. it 1 i bril k tri m ii.- i window, -n : it; rk< i», i, while r .lightly on the Inn .'. and tv... cblldri u wi re u «¦as overturned wi» dr v. ti .- .' or d. lu i... . .... ...... j While the lue waa Inpi lei « vi" luna * men »t.1 tbi ir rtoui d, Mnd fort uni'__¦;.« i. - ft"ry .t:* ntruyed, and in it .<¦ were unlo nied. In No. I i t o'ltreiii. tit- .ii the li ve. | v-.iA arery value 1.1 nf th" militar* arl >f r. ni and ... . cram A$\l i _I M miaialaa, baa baa tatt he r ü .... DO. I io li ' a ... a I]..- An. Um" a Kail- eil, «.. t .taletti. ... \ re ii! Vi .tu. KÍ. V' »it l.j.«". I.» '- . iB-.ui-n.-r, eu.wa ,, M A va- it.-inr- »ni n»«»r Onolto l'on r, \,-\ inga aft n . I tal I in e-xplo-iou wa« the lar^e h :., t..,- tine, li ate r""f. Rta nuning A i'"-'* comini ion lunn .1 he ttMrnn (Hi* kin ti .>u« ._. T_»-*a-l_ 11?. r.-tiv of v " ... ...,,-1 .a. a.o i.-i lia. i M * i .. Tn» am Ita Hi .l t«. pa« ..., i »I«.., hil al i. -a.|i**"l Voti liar lau u.r-i frll Dot* lb» o, i an« Hu» Haajr bl.U la. .1«-..b. «Nat« «aa« a ardillai. »ti I. M Mal««" a«* a >ia» '. a 4*is-. H.«a -««MM w11 «ilaUaial,

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ma u« or BB-.-rai .¿"¡Ä j,,,- », am.

i . aTfi't-xi »he r rograinme ofMM A***** "5¿ l;t.w Minist ry lias bthh ai'-

M.whiil S4'rrano. aniltn«

^^ntT^'^ "Hd j *T**** *****1,''7&1.' m 'AteetZ A'.lntir.'il T< -ittk.

V''*UrÍÍ¿1ÍteÍÍ. .&.** Su;*' ltAlntsteroftkelettVio,.. Sl.f..r ,,,,,...M«''"^ **,.'..'..>< .mr Ai BO8TE0CI.»**"<"0-t%\V"{c(;ri. ....S.u«»i- CASDA1*<_*_<--_/{"**<£"0f". Admiral Maia .»«io.I'. ',TI'^ ''."'»...;._.' ,. .....

,,. * ftfc-aie..Setter AVAL*»


A.i«»irJ T.-iH't«', Hu ti. Nv Spain- .Wi-tn

¿Sr »ni...-e,l i,a,.....l.«.M."K«:^aL.n,.,1 ?l.',.., He prompt'J' daahnd ¦ *e

Z (t the Tîrii.ait.nn in IM -I IfS eaweaZ mtaewm nally «onWbnted M *

Î-.-r ,,."--,,..i,.,...lnt..l M-.-ter i-f Manie ..u<i,r

£ ..'vi-i.'iai (..4(«.ii.ii(.«t.'.iia .now.-.i part teatwy

¿ m niiinK n'rc» uKiit. to Ort« la « roan tu,- parta*,.,!«._, Mnnl of Um DnadaMaa»!nan,**}ptowoi m han bun ehsekoi Stag In memnmm to


IKANCK.m nm» is i-Avii: ... parât ixmti-mtv« ,- OF un". OPPOSITIOM PACTIOÏM in


oona _aa asaT. r^ji* mvm.In Ihr A-ssrnibly on ^atnnlay tluie wai ft

VM-yaacttad Matm tam Um Mijar* atHw nattHan titi.« i»..-i.i'!"- ii» aataaanaa t«' tin mtepenipttwer ti the

r.po. l'ui-i«!. nt TliiiTi». ulm v\i- tinII i... 1 -l'tuki.r. tlc-

rli, re»l uti« »;.ih »-..-liy mat willi« ti.'iM'Uld ni't in any »vay

ommwmmwt mapeBey ti the aaanlfjr hawanMdofelau-t t" a aaia the tater» tad. peadanaa. Ba màt it wna

li,.;", m1.»' t.'i.ili'i't at-«! lea»! m war.

Ita um i» v if 11 m"' ana paaan an i reorgnnli -ttoa,No if«"i"iiini-t ia ifeaaM tu« taaan Whitb «111 area t» adwaiini.iti-itu'.v- B. Btmh Be IWtowad in a ipeeeh¦ppaathetha Mn-taanla al M. man» and mptartedtv,.- nu.ti»>n ka tt»e «>.-iiir «»( tha tay, which In m» Atttmat/' T!fv patt-tan wmi i.

"tothi Mu..-"tori.. paralna AiTuii-. Tin- dábala en

Af-.a.i - aaattaa postponed,M. Tttm» nifo addn m <\ Um Ami m1 Ijr cn Batni I y. la

-ijaiKTi o. UM HU prorating fur the ... a dutyon raw K.ti-.n. it l- tlitniclit, ln»w », thai tin.- Ill 0 .1

larajeataa* ty tix« ImumMiI; .. .a',-, r.»»l t!».»*, ;r.-. ai-., :i ni La- 1« cn Km'

-. Um l.<-;.iii.-.i«"t. l"..-ii.;.i-i, iiini Orleanlet DepuUea

l |. Tin«« i-.,« r in n< Ifl-un. neai

Hen, I bo waa elected 1.:.-;.: !¦, .- : ;!.. i'-1 rt

I ti-. Marta.ii. eH ¦-, who arrived in Barn lar-t aim. oi lered to I«X11 «'»'unir-, álate

., -, m need to radow lara oíI : ! »lent li

. ,.t -.1 in

» ¡"Tt.i'i, n. or '.niiai-'-or «in-lit 1*1 lit«'. M. Invit-

.._-.- ratattn la UM! p.. itii .ii I

Ze U flint tin- ialand of).'-,-,. -, i y

:it the fiipr» :u.i. }' «it 1

I tender «-f ii"' CMbolte fi.i'ii . Ql h nalatalned..-..ti»I BL ]). virnric,

tbOl 'ii inn!« r tin«, iiini.Trem ii

l\ vi Amir n

,i troopi now

ry: ia« and

1.,. a a Iii I...

. MU ti. it t .¦

. (ii.V I ¡l,trat !. Ii.a Tiraient ¦¦; ob M. Jules

J «»a' till'1. i leitet :.


1,1(71.TI ona

i [be rat«».

: non oi "in. »

lt4.|r.l .II' a.' Til!. ntEMl ii «Vi .. .

_B O' It MM!» 14!. l'ill.« -I " -DRAT Jl .bia, July i"..'Hi;- proapecta ni Republi-

:. r rery «tay.Ir. i to yon of i

i. if the i.: r I haï

pretender 1 la Iba ü.r.j..»'of i"; ' proper

an dated fruinü'lir.r B lltl'i-.

lybeUered that the fu-ion bo-'' 1 .« ii BombOBI was

.'ii tin-Countlr< if tin.« « lu» r traneli,

aad Ibe -Oi "n and in ii1(1 Oki)

» na of Beeryv landing that.

n aur-meeead to

_tathama el btii I tMrmaacnad, ¡i i*"'- r pro-

n t : * li. Tii-

r-i. .1

i Umi paaaed tbraofb

! fromwhich

frinvaill tn »II

I,III, lin.!..r ..f a la*

UnU then i-, naby warda, orwhich

1 .-."ii, m do Um ninan.,».,._. th.-tri color,

¦'. nhleh all Fun« h-UM i- -t'.iat.oii.tin-re

thai Pal»geih-

¦t U tour lira-. -' "' praUei al the m»

,i y

v..,i,i Um

Beroi i

la i,,I


f/aaifcVf>oran. otlwi- bl*,

mt, m Um Towt»


.... .i

and. la ., ,.i.,A;IL. hi

.;- .-..i..'- in


tiona ir.-.«-

i-tthtkutk» ". ¦ '"r'^'QidJkZ^T* ** Ommkmuyt otoeXtamhmn la a.^.Wimwonal ail ¡j** ft ,.« tktt)rM «

Franc«*, n «.iKnlfl-.d way of f-aylng to his fríen»-» th-yni fal plot for -Is causa-- no lon«*»*r, and that he has In his

heurt »handoti«*«l all h»j>o of ern ymyaahmg over Francf.Cul. Stoffel, tí«** French Mlhtary attaché At Berlin up to

Hu-time of »he lireaklui» out »»f tho war laut Huninier,has Just puhltstied In a col!«.*.t< d ifortn his yen* rcrMirtH atltlrt K«cd from Harlin to tho Krt nrh \V.ur

»iffli-c diirlnK his f.nir yeais residene»e in the ITuseian

i-upltal. Theso rciH.-li were fouud.for tho most partunoprned-at the War Offlt e after tbe fall of the Empire.I »*. 111 Hay not li in it about the npttW tlioiiir.«*lvei<, as theyhave nearly all lu-an pMMMhai already in some f*>rin ;int Parua MaM has. addad » paafaea to hi« now xrOWmuwhich is, in it« own les« rt-iniirkul.le than then 1'iirts which *re sutijoliic.1. In till» ptoWrU the atith r

ti Da In« countrymen rome tnt-s which n.u-t Banal ti<-t

a little »Ucit-n. ililc to the vanity i-f l'i« -n« lirae n.I .vi ni., he dots not hesitate to say, is a be», tlm-r1 m li »In. and that, t. «>, lu Mb won-t form. "If-ve«jilly li. «1 to oil.« r riati.m»," Utt liaron f-taiT. 1, in suh-

st.itice, " It would ti«-! *»<> Bnek mutter, for othr nationsknow us I otter than WB know otiii>(*lves, ami kn .w lm«vmin h value to nt on oar aeaartl ms tif | -.-

lHTiority. lint we «Irr. Ive ourselves fey our 11. s, ai.dthat In ata*** possible BM-HM r" Bama St.,11,1 tli, n

jiri'C.'t ide to i-ii-ite ti nuiitliei of -MEaawaa U Fun, !. .i» :-

fulnesH. Hut he tiit-ntlun« oui- iustaiuc of BÜtpna Bia* on tho part of MoruJeur Thiers vil.his «o r« iiiurkab'io that I eaunot help iiimtnixIt, tin more M us I was a mltiiess In some measure of titoaffair in «jiiestlani, viz : the entry of the regular tr.n-.-sinto I'.tris on Sunday, tho 2-J«l of May. M. Thiers, in a

iiies«a-.T to the Assembly on the ''2d ol May, a!)in:ie«l" the l,r, vi- »ii n. Dmiay pt ti i ivt .1 that our .ti ill.« ty hadmude ni. it- h.ivoc tliaii lu- luul supposed, ami theii'.i'ii in iln gate of t-t. eland wa« praetleabta. TbaI .-i;.1.... rs da-feed in, mid all the army follow« da"N.w," sitvs f-tofft!, "tlKie is not a word of truthIn nil There aro no lit :n li.-*- m the fort III.-ii ions.This I can testify to fruin pomonal observ allen. Anti ti.otroops could nat have foi in for four or five tlnys more,during whit li tinie the «'»'li.iniinists would h.ive 1 a» r.

ai'ie to eotaplata tin ir arrananawiti f« r tin- feaialag ofP.-Ha. It wan re.illy a ftfftala Mr. Hut ¡it.-'..a Watta in.

i-y tka way, amployed by the City al Paita.who, laotaftint ti.o r. ii. i-1 ia watt abaadenriaf tba taita, raBbad aap. th.- nuaparta, aa i watt<i ¡» watta lag Batidaof bulls, a» n »ipn t" Hie ti.'-'l'A." I hi.ppeiied tobawltbI»onibrtiwaU at l'a.-sy. <r lather at the Chill au la laMuette, when tho troops entend, iin-l Itali iili'.riiit'..... hia-miicli as I lu tfd !>.-min ti« sill (.-ive thoorder for all the troop» to ;.iil bark,n-, li- had <!« termini d to iit'iui I.ii Iii" f-t. ( land V- *'¦ '»'"1t<> Call bach aa Iba railway, tory Bbnttly after Colb1 Bel-a prefbea appeared, M."*- naiadaltaDaeaftelaKi ¡eiit «,f the Ix'^'ioii of II.inri-, ai u .-mall an.l utt.rlylaadeojuate laaampaaaa fat Um nttag of Paila Andthis is bOW Ibt In i.« li wii!. li.-to. y f«-r it i» BOOdll M to

tay til ¡t Thlavabaa nat wltbdratm bli aaaertlon aboutIbattoopotnrtngentered tbn -, when, usa

,.,,: i:, <i., .;_, ona aw atara;:i whl b d boen tbrowa a croea tia «!.: I Tb ti»

intr r. nt -a .,,i entering a town fro« lablngI..i .. ,.i ;i

criiA.mam 'I RETORT >'i ni:: I.wi im: 01 Qui«

»vi«,'-» i vii.i r;i«.\.iin; CU-U-HI said ion.w _ lui s ¡:«'i ii >.

Havana. July IS..The Captain-Geaera. baa'e (1 ,i'i l!i ii ¡o :i!:t of 111'- landing Of iLif.ltl

c _.i, .,»'.:. v., at ii a, an tba eea t near Qaaii in-. \|i« ii.lion hu dad -.vit!. i» ii,i> i m,¦! b Maali quaa-tity of r.tii r. Within tbe di t few daya tba meei»t.. n .f peor-dona, and wen tota] »i to «.itali the

» for want <>f ft>"ai. Tbi i ran dlatrlbnted¡Ull.e ' a. eil, V. \. i'

ii near Puerto iTh.» whole toreo wa -. lectei 'l by iJ.i Bra ol tbe

"i;»[>: n.i" ngtnt -. i. daiIna «Cubana wen elected from tin :r pe-it.oi Bad Hu,Hy

¦¦>. nil,val of tn ii Bpaal h forcea n«1er Brigadier V» lae» o, who paran. ,i lb» m nal -i li»

Thai ma h it H - aa tbe lal i.

losing six liar.- an ¡. Quantity Of anns al .1 annum.I'. a.

I indi 1er of their leaden «uri: ra pa, t -,< loea ol tbi *. i to two

ki b <i alni U venad» .i-

'lin- mo.-t in:¡-,. :.itit r anil of t!. engag» meal fath« e.'.p'iiie '.::i.' rat Cabana, aa n ana*

v. .um..ty anrrender ol wbole fenilHea,many a.;: in m of iBportaai ataadlng among the « ni mu».

COHEA.ABUTAL 01 ". D.I. EXPIDITlOlf.*I \- ll.\*.«.i.


[ Al '.« »i- " II

BhakohaIj .lune li«.The iir-t netra trom \h:-i todltatai -paadroawbiebatarted WornBtnt

t baa «"me to band. Eba loot, aftee lUTln*.iiin delayed byfaaanearthaOoiaai eaaat,anltad -it

B i- K< ada n "»iii- Mtb of May, wbx re aaeboi waa «-., t.

i 'toni in re the inittii statin wur ti« ai,,11 Palea, i

getbei vv.'h nairal rt«:iiii Jaiiüi-lu », ni,i.le it raiiiv.ya ¡hue ,'tluil Iii the I'n'iieli ',. ; - li l; .-.-.-,

Wooded I ..liol, n- '«r iii« uti nu e of tin» i ive i- I« adlngtotbaCBeeaa eapltaL BaTlng found aaSeleal %»..!. r,th.- f-liij,».-* iiioVcd uj>, ami fonntl n ROOd an-

t)i'.i;¡j:o. T.'ie Coiaana ii,-ii m» donbt teni linea baeaI lnioriii'ii tkiangb ti.e i n»miiiiaaal (bal titleeipadltlen waa en it» «vay, for no Booaar bad tbaleal Baobored In the abotaaaaaed place than .. iiwttb sereral odaolala eaaae off Ibaae amdeatg »in Um

nee that they with t to eomasunleatei wbaraapoaa : at BM luvvt.«; I. ¡t:nl Mr. Drew, tin-, inti ijnet.r of Hiet sp. iiüioii, pvoeeoded to ipeab to them. Be tennd tbeyeonld aaaak tba C-daeae Conn U_ and thaeafen

wai .n n p. »-ilion to ki vc Ui« ni au intelligent Bxflann»Maa ti tot objeet ol '»ii«* i,ifnflltloa. Arter hatlag aa¦arad tin m that tbey eonM wltb ntaty teataia o:. baaidthe fl ii_*»!,ili, the) .oiiM.iiti ti totdlue, ¡,t¡il lim! u h.'.Il i.!larañad the ably*. On leatlag, tbeywaratold tbal nrta« iwould be Inatltnt» i ap tb. rit» r, bol tbal Botbtng haatllwou'.tl I.«- mulinuki ii U'-nin-t tin in, pian elii.e; t '.¦ ( ora¡n » r'.u.ved a in ne. ful «!i»|,n-;t:on, anti t!i!if it WOttld bewell fir th« tn to Uthla tu their (ioVi linn' ni i.i pen| to avoid olartioll.Th nt .t day an hi r i« arty *d <ni tali (--.uio oír w itb a

letter to Admiral Badgera, bal aa tbey had no etadaa-to -how Um ir nab at pa It!an or aotborit] to treat.

batt Mtatelei i.'.w and Iba Admiral r fu».-1 to tee referred t,. tba Inletpi atora, who wen la

¦tnatad to inf i:,i tin in la mbetaa ¦ wb .t had baaa baldto the.'Di'i.iis tin d,.y ¡-i', viona. Tbelettce Idi Itatie Ailinlril riiri« ,-t» foi 0W1"I" Iba ].. .! OH a man of your nation. Wbooa

name waa Beblgor, taino ben and eou-uuiiicaiar-al,and then vvt.t away. Wliv cannot '.oil do ti," «am. IIn is.:, u pax-pie named tbe Presen .anio bare, andv, you to them aa to -» happened. Tin«.le.rjile liai lived f-r l.noo ye.irs In the e**Jo*-_a:nt of Haou n elviliz ttion. ami ve vv.ii.t nu oth'-r. Wo trouble nu«I'ln-r nation, why do you trouble di 1 Oui eoam Hu- exiion e Knit, and youri In tbe txtreiul .,i what piupo.».' do »oucomo ao many tbouaand Bill -

aoroaa Um m a I ta it to Inajulrt abonl tbe «bip «'..--»tr .), A- Q. n. Bbl li.i mi, roBBltt.and nuit«J**r. anil wen pun »lu a wltb death. 1»«. von

OUT lundi 'I' I ti.liol I.,-. 1).» .oil .vant lalor-o ina wltb oui Hurt oannol ba t Itbai ."in- liai parti and tin «i.t vi.:, h bnagbl iba taltai

pallta ami BeatafeBx-jr friiniiy, ion tbe followingwaa 'm!..' put «ni fui lh or, ,,~i,,n j-i.i

ii. LraeAatetieetylea Ibat tbna ortulali aalgbt bata ttaaaIt a-siite their ]»']!' Hid <i veil,nu nt of tin- fi oil ilyt h noter ol tbe «cpedlttoa, tba aarrajlngof tberltei

lilli! :in l-l of Jail!'-. At noon that t'.ay tl.-Pal« ¡m.i Manaeaey atartad aa Iba nrrey, pn-

.. 1. hy r-.-T. ml hi« uni 1,'iuni Inn. Aflti bating pa« .1i.t.iii. ro'i« batt» rtaa « '. tba lahand lo ih.-ir i, ft and bm i

tlielrrlKlit, tiny afltted nt POrl «lu < aie Bboul.jj., m. Tblafottli iMnatad on tbe Ialaad ofJCaamuí i- w. ii int i. nr-aU« I aad pioai'i' ii wiiii a n ni b ittci, .-frill.... It stand! »ni a tongue of land, «i-c t. hli.if

t;,. i,..;, nmi«nani1laf it-n aaat aad wi t

taw I be peini'Mila. O'i ii poi.'t Bpp «li.« waa m

na batt» iy bulli erldi a yx\ Mb :

ra la I 1I ,lh la -, .ii. ,'¡. :.r

Of g1 BB li

., i, .:.. .mi w. u pa pat» -i,- -ii *t.u iii,

Q'tftaan i bad na Idaa ti. y wanbi <¦

mi ii. i_ tbe i bawi ti i bad i«..1' ,,, li ;, 1. Bl 'I Ile lu -. j

la a ni|.iii\w).ni. between tba foti aad tba bali ,,

on till,for 'i 'ei* »bli! andm waa flrad

¦I li.I

laty waa pound an tb» laatapbea inn tba tatt Inalaever, »bape anal loiui wa« i-J.,-»»un down ou Un: brave

little l.and of men in the launch«»*; in fact, a Ure anmnr-

derouKljr hot that It would have luven no dlagrac«had they been p»it hore du combat. Hut both offlocriand men allowed Iheinselvei worthy of tim natno ofAmcric-in», and tnrried tho itemi» of .bclr Iiviinlii»,against the tide, which wa* awfcj.lng thi-in patt th«ut»Latteries rapidly, and i»nnwen-d tlnie «_fi\ni(«-4 In trueYankee atyle from tin lr Ihiw (runa. Tim aliolli of tinW»howltien were tearing the work« In all Ibmaltana,No1 alone did tho fort Ure; the battery o,ii>oait«« waa al«ovomiting forth all aorta of mittsiluH to »letttroy the littlefleet, but f«.rtlimit» ly with Iltti«« or no eiTei-t. Tln-lr gum.cenied to be nailed «lown In one position Uko Paddy'«i aaanaaa, etif tatt for a certain point ». la chinoise, uudlitme tin- Lad flrlnir. Meanwhile, tin« I'.ilim and Miiho-rtM-y were not Idle. Tim launched ha 1 aerved np for themtin« flrt-t ro»iri_ea, wli»\n til«-«»» tun gpirt It ¡Kitiitiler »It» IIam! 71 urtu rw, w Illili (lulah«.1 tim linallie«.«». Tliey nowi-i enr ii to lime em.tiirli of Amarti nu ibell, and retr»vif"din lint baale Into ravin«-»» mut other cover behind the hill.Alteren».-»« liiHiM-t-tlnii It wis fouml that tin- fort .nul but¬tery were well urnn«<l with îi poundere, toet-toa iiiuner-ouaeammadaa habed aa platwrnta_ao thiel that tin»wtoie reeembled a area! gen park. Tim earaattiea treteone man wonndad and another slightly hurt through timrecoil of Iba ann. Iba Monoeaey arrapad a h.-ie in tu r

plat lui.', whi. li made her leak Krlooity for a time, and¦he it.«»« iroiie to i-itit. ii.«vu,.» tim»» nea the Mepaaitioaof tin« ( '«'ii'iiii-, it v. al of emirc«» ont of the (iiuntloii t«)

expect any proTJ iona and coal for the rquadion (rmutlii-iu, ami eonaenoently the Pnloa wa» alapetched t.»«'lu too"to order tlilncf» from hhuiigbal. Hine«« then timH. H U.C. steamer Milb-t han been charicn-d ami linntoben up «'"al" and pioftritnia, a»« the expédition I« BMatUki ty lo ha «.'one longer Urin win lint expect, d.At tal the Admiral Ordered ev» r.vthlug lo lie made

r» inly to ebbet ii landina iba next montan, ant on monmature cnii-uliTatioii. lu« tbOBghl it prudent to com¬munient«« Ant with iiiIh «i'.vernmeiit botan doing any-thing more. T.'tit la Certainly UM wisest niau, foi If the(i nun» win tiiriit, it i« indlapenmble for the admiral tohaw« n lauer Ion » than lu« ha«« i.t ine.-inl, m an la timk«¦DOO» «.n -nie. Any dc.'t it would temi to ink.« the mtiui-tlon of ftn urn. in ni (Ulina mor.» precnrlom than it inalready, Tinto ar« xe\»«ial lei-soim which we »-.indraw from thin exhibition, and which we feel boundto point out. It lu tim «ihl «lory over airain, tli ir tin-Coreana, liba all Arialta nation», arti adrene tofOreicnInn n oiiiM-, niui win not Miranee anton iori ed t.». .»-»-.-iu-¦I» n I.« win t tiny like and adhere to ii- lona nu they hit

I., iiini bj tin- ibaebleo ol Ignorance ano mperatltion,wii,. i» ai.- parla al ibalr i».. ..iii« ti civilization. In thetone of tin- letter kihi t»» Admiral Bod/ten we mo an*mi.-».»kable ««« the t'liiiu-.-i- .m« Urging themto proeraeUnate, and iii* their adria ra, it matt,therefore, i.e.'..nie rtoar ta arary american thatllu- ('nil., M ni»', lu n.ililv, nut ilion« f.'Vi'iiii.Iy iii.poaed toward bmeriea than to other aatiei -, althoughliny may outT.irdly i»|.|».-ar mi. 'Hie !m t ti,all foreigner!ure to them hut ainl barbel inna, whether they oomafrom ai leriea or Enrona, and tln-lr only wtah II to acethem all far away. COroe it the only tributary state ofi v«.îii.-ii Mill ibowi any teni altoctonee, if the CM-neae Oorernmenl were, therefore, friendly dlapoacdtoward Amen I, ii e«. I.utily would bara lut» ti BOM toInduce the Corean Oorernmeal M come lo como peace-fu! ni rin «.-« mei.t, imtead of making an unprovoked .1 niwanton attack on aneri» an ihipi of war. We bope th iiAmerican rtateamen will d. dni i Iran tbta that a pollcjof niora! perraaalon will not make nationelove.iii.i reaped them moro than otherawhoaae pbj lealagenej i" obtain i ii« ir obteet Tu. M people are likeo\. i_ri.iv. li lind -¡.oil, ,1 eli n, ht ei ¡.ei lu hal .¦"!-tit.on,11.1,, ii-., mid pride, and who m ¡-v --.

n-.ii eh.i.-ti d I.,- brough! todo what Uri ii', ami!... onie ¡i --.._' .er ward lu i- «.

Pi «». .'. e Ml.I III,».- I... Ill Iii.,,«- .II I Oil lil¬li, .,, O, ¡'.a' 1, .... i

FOREIGN MAU. EXTRA* TO,cAMntTTA «»n 'Hin im.Mil m.m noa

Til«- lett ni If. Gambetta.! l(i;»-r na ti-«-Fr.-acl« el'rl'otiH,«.-. .1 io il.e BwpnhltcBBl ii Boitlcri'.ix, i« :n> follow :

Hi. .1» Ii nw « 1/1 li- : DO liol .1mon with all French I: ni .oel profou'lly «rali-Bed al I . I feelii., uni ni-., i«, jo.i. in your wi.-.- end paUlytienutt to Mj th it tin», great i -i-i i"«. » r-ory,,.,_i!ii to In»].i. wtth i-., n :¦....« in iii'-and hope for the fntnre. You ¦¦ k1 ni all i

.».ii united ami we will found lb» Republic, the-...-¦¦i capable ol -nil)'.' o" i- .uni (.-

ainl influence and felon abroad. The election!ii .:

... li, and <'»¦. Urea lo i eonquoi i. ti greatiinntlon from which monarchy displaced In r.

iii Kiata n of Um country Impeeei an aaKopubUoana the » lion dnttee. li I- from.mi doveton] m ¡mu I', ince bo] t i.i.d nu ia her lulvatioii a:..I I. ...'.',n-ri.i i .li. Let u .lal« oi -, allia r With"iitii n.- lin.-, w11 li Oruincaa nu.I ii....-.,' .,, »bl .«...el-.. I, lil, lo r.-Ildi T III.' Ko.I....', will. I» lill bon» -I leal,

now dlatrnita, a port where our anfort u cuni ryuiayrcpoil rill In" »toi i,i-. ItFor tbii nu-, punited, iiini. II ..ii |i

I '-,ii hitare will then be in tu-tiplea.

Till. niKKCll Mi'N'AÜCIII-I'"- lil-i'..¦¦! H "IT! ¦').

Tin» Legititnial Journal»« tot 1 thal the Connl»'.- . i,,-.ii.,"i i'i urocli »n...Lan m n .1-inn ijlow io theircarne. Onlj tbe niruloua Vigoro un.I Hie acarcely lenafacet!» ladonl i. ;,,.,- !. lair. Tuo UatcttTrance, after taking time to rounider, ndecta to tie ii the».neitlun of the color of Ihoflni not i import mc -,

and d'«iii(-4 ti.nt iii.- I Itim 1*1 party ii bi ind li the"pccnllar" oplnlomof Chanibord on iii <

miiiject. Hovcrul Legltlmlal Jouruali lu the prwrlneeabavc oombin d to draw up the following niemoniuduiu,which ii, i. n s* nt to Vcraaill»

'Ik»|<ra'¦I:.01 nt' '.,le-,,k1 ¦.,,-. \\ »¦

I-«,, » t. Hie rtt» »ti lain»,, 'aI lil II a. .r .et <!.h .il ',

ihe priadplM of i.««:.-,..t.iv j"-, «a..-'- ,i t-

1.1 ,r,e ila . UM a, .. ¦'.

»,.'. ti. lb. » .« . .:a fi.,,1 t!,.- n i» ». '. ii «. kal

.i..,..'., -..: Den a»! trkieh ii... aI,.al;, »laiiuatil »l'an«, ky.ks

nn.rt.'I. i i-« a «. .-. lit lou- ii.iii"!i trallon againal the bartulen

gentleman railing him-ir Henry v.. »..iii. h iliowi thalrty la at ilxea and aevctu, li la notbini If no1ila: m -I now i .- m » it. ni- in.i ni cato !. r

i- mod in his lite lett it i.- .,1 follower*i . i..-, .a,, .i.iH.ini linn Hie] ii. al It.» oi m. account.

not OF Tin: 0OÜK1 DICBAMB »MD to PRAXCE.Carn .,/,'- l.i ,. ,. Tttm ¦'

Daring tne Comte ile Cuambord'a blair in tiraatie fromwhlchb« takea lill title, tbonaanoi rtalledthe locality, li appearan» «. a! < uamboid w..- .,u,i.- un-

ted, n.iMiiK been auuonnecd .«ni» twohuiiraiwioilo .ii arrival. ."».. preparationa barilla b». u madie «ii. m » \." took up hi- i|i,.i i. r- in ila- rd'iii_. ii tin. ni-, and hie meale were provided from th»boring hotel. The reception oi the Count by tbe iubab-

..r ni..i.-, waa verj enthusiastic. Uaviug ii »llean, whenL.- mt 10 yeara old, the Prince waa nn-ii«-.|iiit:ii'. i wiin the beautloi "f bia «-.t -ti«-, which la oneni the flueil in Fian..-, Handing In aa Jinrocnu ¦¦

.iii.i.i. ii by a wall -.< mild in circumference. The('..uni wai i.i'.ii.. moved when, ..." he waa ibownthrough ia j!'..-ile, be anw the ai Ulury niuwiua whichhn.i been uaad 1er bli InatrucUon when a .iii ti, mo room i.n furniture.II«. left b .... i .n unite. II waa mimo i .1. forii« i-iiiii.i. ... It n eui ii ¦. abai at «¦ >»f

lation improaied every dj with wh. be wa»brough! in contact. The proclamation oi the Omul wa»

.1 I', it <. 111 bil lilli.I lilli- .111 11.1»,and it baa dlagunted tbe Orleans fanilir. I have exe '.-lent autborit. for aayiug that tho monarchical ramp i-"ii< «¦ ui,,r« divided Into two pal tice. Whole fam ni.-- ofLegitimist!, I am told, went uown to Bli - lui Uii.., .- ,,r j. i] i._ boutade lo tlu-u liege loi «i.

i.MTIiM.Dl ON (ililiMW RRATBRT.Prof. I ii//...uni, editoi ii Ihe dorrien tit Snr-

ili »,i. i' m, lately \ ¦" d '¿.ii iii.' ,'i lipit'bli neal au account ol bli r-onv«f»ut1<ni», lu wiitcli be

Aft» we h.m batt« d abonl the [».iiiItlon ol li .1:. dariba di ti turned t>> the

nil.di ni lijjon (January ti), and gave dm Mmelara abonl the combat, doing |n tice, at the aame time,i,, iii«- heroic conrage and tii-nn. --» of the Pi-We hail,' aid lb» «Joneral, 'Jd pieeea of cannon, andj, lui tuite ol a terrible Bre, the i'..i-..iii- advanced».loii". It mull lie confi -.-.I tbattbefrui ian arrtbc

ildiere m the world. Sever have 1 M-n In anchanarrow ipaoe io many di«od l»odl ¡. al n.l'.u. ^...l

muy loi m an i>!>-.i "i ft when I tell ) a thal m abonilia» lilla» of tin- »I I"'.' r I ei'lll.l.'l 13 |-|'.-'(inverting t.. in«' pteaenl altuatloa of Ptance.(,.n, m it 11 m iled Believe me, li will belong befor» thei iii,eli pardon the Italiaui for corniag to the aid of timl:.-|i.dill.-. For im part, I lepnraie the canae of thelum ii «.pit from thal ol the « linn« Inl la. Tbe Mldahrabble and the Cbauviniate both reoulrod ¦ lea*.»mllb« barder ii ¦>»- ihe more talutar) for the eeantry. Alto in.' munni in which I have bren treate<l pereonallj luthe French Kal louai Anaeuiiili l w,n ,.i\ nothlIll ;.;. aUI I .Wal uni all.d IO apeal .an! I do li

plain. I am old and lnUrm, but I ahonld be glad io leaiii t i.i na i.e.11 inn t for Miprotnai i anuUiilat« I which al

rea, and ia yet, th» main aourcn of the tidafortniieaof France, \hiim trdtotnc lu .-¦-. they mu i no1,.,.ell'l -it. e III Ila mi i'. e.-a. Wllatl-VOT lol ;i|,en-, for Ift n,-v'. f, ii iii Hu- i.i-K - -i I" ii .ii i.k" it

.._..-mil lu. ii.line ni lion» in. i.i.qi olI

1-ii.TL Wt I. '-licit II IO« -IP.'!!'.

The pnrpone <>r Um neetíng in Hydi Vi *'..,Landan« «blab Um hhm-Ii antaoritl» on the

11.1)1 i,. t., i- i',.- fin n by Th» lonêm TXmmi"A »oinlultti (« of _{( II le,neu Ililli. «', ,| 111 em..' ,i!

bav« prepared au euiigraiioii billfwl .. ,'i ihej inieiid lohave li» ii»,»in nil inte, i ,11.11.1. in Um hupe ti».it, if

,i e. tin i...- i. ., i ni, li i...ii |..i « luto lawHu- im ,,i * ""- The pu aub.« ..I the bill

!.. -. i.d It.e .nu ,,

ol i!,.- l',i:i' d Kin..'..m lu the nu. .ii'iiii!. .i bal fertileli i .. i. r -n tit thal Hi".i bl| i" Hi -'"i .'. I be I nu.-.I

i.. i., n (i, > a.l emigration Hue ; that all emigruntibe conveyob frei by rail » i" Iii« port of embarka--

Ihute« » v liiiuii;, i i ¦." mii_.Ii i» una emigrating.,.i.,ii,i i.,, iv. free CO icrea ol lain., willi rallona ofH» h, .....i li ai in iiioi '. i" maliiiain Ibom until I hi .«-... ' .in tin n-.iii 11 |.. thal rcut-< I...I..- bond

!( -,, i,,- repaid in monej or kind i... tho!.¦,--¦ ., liona al the exoil lion oi throe .».- i in

,. i thal mi/ i« -i on .n." .I at th» l» ollln .- .-r «'..t for 1 ¡" t uarantu «i bj tbe

one per ce.i p-.iid by tb» lloví in

hi» nt, ono p»-t «trtaj iron, tin- pool n ., ami one percent |ii..- un, ilinC-l ilii Uli .i.-- n .. .'.¦

A i.meeting of th»- pi .'._)_. li » ailed f»n Miutila} UiiIjIS) in Hyde Fork, at wbidr it It intended lo »oiiiiiiiiimlimi»« In »iiipiMirt »if th« abOhA* hill io tofraaMWitcili id Um Maieetjr anai l'«r.i»ii_.''. 1




Vv"YTiiF.vii.i.Fa, Vft., J' ly n.-No South«-. SUtolinn over ii«Ajf.«ctaHl a ir«*<»l«>,t.«*al nirray of bet ta-rritury,

or tliuniughly tiiv.'.«llKataxl tier mlwrulweulth. "A'I th a

vast extent of to.rltory, Iiiiu enno mineral wealth, n-«l a

geológica] formutlon probabl ,* exieedln., In Internat that

of any other «tüte, WtufM baa mmmtg bad a recoil-

r.i.iDMi.iira- «f bcr laaanaaaa i I tea examination., whichhave tuen tanti«' have hy .. mean« axter/daxl over lier

v\ I",lo ¡ti. ... «tit«! ri»«: Ihí", BBanUflBBB e«tlle«lutt<*ntlon to lier wealth, bu' »cry often with ft view to

pUHlittiK nome particular arbon) «.r eubanrlug tin« value

of «onie «peel.ii property will. i. noim-iiinc«. ban bad onlya flctltiuii*. viilne. I'm Uni« to lu* «ui, till« country didi.ot attract much noll..', a*. iii vahen 0|>a?in'<l to rail¬

road tiuv«l ami tr. ii«por:at.o the roada weie of «iieh

primitiv« «liiirutt.r na lo n- 1 rather than attrait

Clinton), and a In.-k of Ii.¡rue. among tho conn, ctln«line« prevented uny rupid imp i-uuiit. Hut with the

Bbaaaa, Mx-iui ami pattttaali aaai » Phttti i« the nature

of the management of railroada. New demande of trixie

and manufacture miirt Ik- mippll. I, and lu-vv line» munt

be opened or old on. n mad.' Batt tllel« nt, aad I hin ex-

pinin.« the naaal daralepanata «>f lataaaal weam, m thin

vicinity.The KiiM-t productivo mine of 1. id «-re Baal of 'lie

Mlssl.nnlppl Uiver I« lu thin vletui /, the tf) the Ia ¡k1

Minen iK'lng known everywhere to men of nt ¡euee, willie

linn known to the dealern In Wall--' , and upc. ulatora

generally, than any minen in America. Tiny present tin«

hliiKtiliir feature of a profitable mine which han never

baan boiiKht up bp Northern laen, ami h m not yet pal * d

out of tho family of Ita original owners. The îuinon havo

len worked for HO yeitrn, and moro than two-thirds ofth.- peasant ateebbelden ave gan. adanta al the flr»t

pureliitnarr.. The name name« are on tho list now that

lninrlit have l«-.-*i found there loo ve .1». aga I stopped at

thin place to visit til«-...) minen, ,ntl WBI itdvlr-ed to goov. r the country on honu-back. Tue Stahle ki eper »ei.t

me a mont utiprotulsiuK looking boree of a lirecd unl-

vcrnally known li« re ml " ("oiie»tBg .," with a frame like

amantodon, und a wheezy voice whuh seemed to lirJl-ale an early d. nth. Hut he climbed mountain Miles Ilk«)

a Btpilrrtl, forded rocky ntiiianin by Blgbl or .lay withHu. naadaatedaan of a cat, plangod taronga mud

na If it wiro f>o uiiicli wat« r, unit an lils blooil

vviiriii-d bo fatakaned into a rapid paio i-o

Binonth that it ii«>it ti- r worried mu* Jolted. My coni-

paalaa nda a fancy bteadad amma', bal oi«i "i eaaetogaHleft hiui far t.i hind In fore iu.*!it, ¡uni, at the emluitlio«I'con.l day, I, who had not ridden before lu five yearn,was fiOr-hei- t'l in at the start, willi¦. he, Bfl BBJ «tdaf, was

maitad out. ju.»t a» fu- elim mi ni iw of the tatting -nu

waa ibadtag Inte Iba twUigbt -ray tho summit of a hill,n tin n in tin- road bveagM o i-'i lu'i clew «.' Wow Rifar,Hiiei. bing fat lu fio'.t and to enr i« ft, teoalDgt] loot aa

tba oin- hainl ill U mi;»-ive ':'i ol limeslone, whilo Millill-

w:t,I It lay Ilk.-a nil", t of gta-Bj brilliant m if li huon i«-

leetad from iiio alanda Beaaatb and rlatngoneaeb¦aeeeedteg billtap won lal bl al ete-nr, Untad attb iba

purple iiii-B.Miiu, willie ban nii'i tin n- wea rime of lifeIntbewblte and browfl aattlotbal la* nallng aa UM

s. ri, aad ii» ti..- earling nain fnmadoaoB¬

hou an

The W-, lb» Dab i I. .¦ I »fine-a are bo tbe 11 Ja i-f Ker»P.iver, ntiont li toil' » -ou!i t.- t»t of l'i..i i'!.,-', lot pu*h,.: V ¡.»il:ii(. l'i' 'o. and till» Pi loll, hive' to leave the

id at fot, tacanee of laaMttty ataewban t>»

I t tie ."i oí convivan.'''. Muk'-» Meadows D-'pot,ii ht nul..s fuillii*. c i-t, i- le n r, ural la* tile itVIppiliKpin. a of ihe h ml and Une mines, an 1 all bat one 51 ».no

Ino fuma«. -, a aead and tampiba latta runic from talatea, tin- mu, .i I.-;, ¡_i ,i ned men tbe noantaiaa t"

i North onreUa i paaalng tear niltea north of tbenloee. l

lOdlraCtl] tollu L'.liol. I.e.m1 i',.,,i;,;.n;.'kgt followed up what the BOOple cell ti. *» Min 1.1 Belt"fioin a pilot **-a'tl: vv. t of W"...¦¦..:'" BOttb-OMi I'«

v. ii ». My oi.jL.-t waa lo ne tim conntry and tben.- op» Biaga aa u ad, ad i" di ^

Bine tba mineral raine of tbe mlic*. Ko ngtoo baaaaraab abnaad wbieb has no non h i toa] oalaa.

and v.t tba tonaatteaa are aagntarij b-ng dar and up-beai "'i i'« Hie r-t r-i:;r -t BBMUM ¦*. I'"i tal I Bl », Ifj tinvi.i ii.» in UnaatoM and wallaya. Yo Mia it alIta ptaeerl naaaaanlalnn ban naMnli in eappad with

|,. ¡, n, ka »ne p. t» im,i -t, i, ot hard watet at the

ililli, While Balf-W, ) Up lire e\e, lient Ile. »Illili.*».The graal Atlantic bj th ¦ al raoantalaaiWbli ii bagiaa lum the aottb. Manhattan of a aiap a 111 si;..««-, eoattaoNdowntiii¦ 'ii_.ii v.i». tua, undi lost in lUabaan Tboaaat-

j i in ninia-" «,f tin» ey .lein I.» the Illili- Ridge ('..'. vv. -lei ii

j bl called,la Pena ftraata and. Kattb ~Iri b1 ,Alleg-aay,and ban beeaaNi tba Clineb* walla In lanaciaoa tbeja»' tbaCaadiBfteadMeantataa Tba Intenaadtalbetween tben two tania lunn i. mt np by panOel aad«i" ¦ ian-.' , .m 'n-iiiir v.i'.h va of aatoolablag fertility,¡uni livipici'iiv » aram une» a ibori dlilann to tba»o'ltli-i a.»! ol' BOlan, li POUT ibOOtB C'f fl'oin file li.;, li

I maa ndgt i.'..i',*e, c.,11, ,i i in- lr.-n .Mount iitii, and, cn-

teudnut ..outh-v«. ait-¦:>-. baoanMB tbe Lwnndkri between.v.i-ii c.ii-,1.,1 and T.-t.m - i-f. Aftertbnwtngo)ii-'-i M uni n eg i, tia-, Bloa Ridge e» io ta the

-«¦ .»-i. .1. wdc, bal beeaaan «tn.-iiy the watet .', ni, andi-, utlntwa u t«. in tei-i-ii.i:ttio:i, in Qeorgla.

Aloii' tbe western nlope of flu* I. on MOttBta I i,i:ii ,

or rutli.'i-iIii'iiiikIi the table-lands at i!» f.,.,:. inn.

gnat lulu-iai bait it ¦aytatraeed-romtbe Badaaar.iv.r .'.own, ibawing tii»tintt ebanoteriallea, bat h«r.a¦ore dtatnrbod and t*pb****nd tban at otber potabenco aflbrdiag mon aalaeral -aattec «'»i) awn obeerra-tiona e.\i. iel..i iivei- u miles, tbrougboat wbiebextent an found lead and atna ore m abondance. Proatimilality of foi ni..!ion, 1 have lit) hat! t that tiley axialthi'oii';it.mi the '..noie lim- of «listín h. »nee fora dlatance

'of Baan than IM gHlaa. or Iron aeat nalem,Va., io Knoxville, T'iiu.. following ev «yW-Onlha Bonna al Iba Ina bTeaatelm. axeepl wbenfi.un t.iut« to Hue tbrowa ant el p aortb-weat-wa Opby apandaraoab aantb» ¦ twanllj bytberalleyiat tbat tange. Voated ni« nage an found nit, coal,

ely eryetalllne galana* aafbanatei »nd lUfoati olzinc, Prow u ¡uni ltd h.m it ii«* (dyaeton.,, la « en. v.

of It ao coal ia met with axeepl Bear tbe Atlantic; nu

aalt.'tbeonaef aba aadh «dananlpbantitalune); of Iron mgnetic aadbipeeataf oxide; oobtoiaa¡a in,'lit.- in f. uni i\,.)'t lui l.'t-lwiti-l. 'J ¡.i--.. clinr-in lariattaa an pnralaal tar down late t3eoMla a'ui aiu-Pam.:. 'I lie Iii..- of t » Al.ii u -i ali 1 Cbatt-BOOga Ball«

rand « in dyaateaa. Iba I» Ima. Boan, and Daltonin ti.- bl u- i'it» », while smith of the COOM 1 the ipeeotal

I oxide, it I. ia i.-. n el.liin.-d th .t tin» mgtoa adbcdaaov.,i,»; that all Ila ntaanl ta te dapeatta latta ataraceof ti. nut«- bnowtadgB M Ita ebanctei tica, ii

'.'it, .i ti.ur, if warkaan paabad teawOcleat deptbto|i;i«.s I. -youd tho tl'.-oinponlnir iiiHien, es geaontod r.

iba gnat npban**alt tba ngdtar reiaawooM b.11.«- warla of Iba w- Um Datoo ia. ad I .-. peon titii ta ta¡t in. I, v. t sa. little me the gaatog-Ml !t.ililli n of the

Beatty kaowaeifteoa^M ,,f "hat iii« fonpaaji didu'.ttin l.iM.lvt* appr. tatt the true Value of Ihelr dl.»t'o\. ry.

(lilt of a l.c.uuiliil valle.' U New I:»», r RM I a ,s. la » olbilli, fruin -yo ta Ml teal In bight tag belt aenn Utanbilla Ha du «I- poolta "f i«-»'i an vv hi. h kari baan aotbarti.,, loa :, tba* rdI b «¦' » tun a i,. aad 11 -

ataowbonaa tbtataad, aeeonpaatad al Um nrfiiblown lulu.;*»:;<. inui <ue. Iba or.- in found in dût

| Croat ii» compel», d Ina eva, latea, aad lum

Ii la UMinlly tak.ii from pa kata tatweag iii.ii" i-e np-in t m or boabtew al iweb Una ateaCi parttallj daaampoa d...i tu- hutfi-ie, tot» p«" r. i« wer-- worked ana] ». si«

without uny Batten aiteiiipt at exult Miateg,i retal¦kalla wbieb wen "ouk tarlag taea ataadenod, anti¡.li.uit leu v. .irr. toten HM « ".r, abra i lyatemollind war, ¡'..I.>i'ti d. Now II.e ii... 11. Worka -.

of thr. | »h fin of nilld DBBtetOBB. tWO In dirt muí utoi.i-,andtwo tnnnate. Oi.iy aaa at tbi tatt, i ai .1 out ihaft.htiwevir, are in u».-, nui'h w-itU o, inK h..¡ ,_,,,.. |. .-,__

»Mit tee el |" dig lOg* I \ ploi eil on,- it |;t tUtl-

i.i u. it i lang, enl tbi mi i. nita m » i a, trattlated i.v a »haft, .m tbnngb Um latter. M3f. al In d'pill. 1 .im re.I li.i- tunnel |,i a little car

prop, ¡lid al B r.p.d lal«- l.y M. m \\ line andlirut, the a«alni ant ¦.uporlnti-iidotil and i.Ingeof iii«- woiV*. itopptagal abaci taba i ali ia. taaUnatbei u inn» twiate al Um a_rata» anaad la tbagraal apbaaral,oi rMiiiu Lint) II.;.ne depo lied irmii the watt Iriik'iii-r

,. d .. ,,,;leinc tba itaaa .it ift ii- '» tile vein, a lu ¡u.) »olid Ilia- lol ;.r '.-i Iii, -.,

lana M h 11 arid.. aad tollo* .-.i ¡- forte feet, t,i n i, t t ..

i. i '.,..v

n ti.i- ; a the in-far« point of th«u I. ¡a a ud, tttta-M li ». in I ,. .,..; .. ,. ,,

MUM il»M -"*» .'""-' >¦> all It» other tl.aia, It i.»i. ?

<XT*na weite ». vie tb« e*-ita-ce ah a vcfu and lu ova- I

tinnlty. Yet the mine luperint-nidrnt-one of theownera.did u«t neem to have thought of thla fact until Ieilled Mi alt<»uUon to It. The mlnei pay a rawl divi¬dend; the own« ra are never called on for atnteiusnientu,and hi-nae th.«y ».iiu to core hut little for what may heproved of its n_aana or lu regañí to the vein theory ofthe country, it .___,, i,^,. f,)r a,-niariy years that thopro«i|a<t of lu» givinir oat would I*» ia their ey«* pre-poiteroui. Tl.e »ruth la, tOcy have jin«, ton« bed the truekernel.

Tlio original co.t of the minc and html wa« fLßhh Thepreient stock u nominally Hoe,» i, .,,,t there inver haabeen any awt-e-wment, or money paid In except the flint,and alftho ni-tiicy e*pen»led um t'he mino ha« been pro¬vided ont of ita own proecM«. Home tttk of thle e«»Htmay be Inferred when I »ay that the Uiimel I enteredhal «'out IH.OOO, and It la filly within a year pant thatany ore in it waa rr.wbed. The mine la owne«! entirelyIn the nclghlKirUood and the stock la looked upon aa anlielr-loom ; one of the atockholdvr-4 would about aa «mon«».li lill father*» trusty rifle a* lil-» iban»«. The work«( «natal of n dam acrosa New River, a plain breast whtv.1a cruib» r, water Jlgt, the eld-rttyl»« uliulge-hoxo, a Scot« hhearth, a rcverlieriitory and a ula», furnace. Tlie ore laronr-u .1 In mi «i|>< ti lire and the v< In itone tx'lntr a ____

turo of lime and liaryta decompotet» readily, so that

but little power la required to crin-h II. Hie revcr-

ltcratory furnure is seldom ii»-d. Land Is madechiefly in the Wlnler. employing the Baal force ofbanda in Hummer In collecting end walbing atna ore.

Tbe yield ol lead la about _M tana net year, and it hanheretofore contained about Id of «diver to the tun, buttim amount of bullion Is evidently greater In UM 'hen

working, and will probably In» renee to some extent.The finí aaad b4 charcoal. I ulled how many bushelsw« re required to a tun of lead. Thev did no1 know, amita.,ni : " We only know the ae-gregate r« nuit of the ... u;

wa pay ont aa mach and Ibera la io nach left; that ii

pr«»flt. Wo «lo not itemize tnc Met of any particularbranch of worlr, but know how much per _huuii1 tholend eeata us by dividing all our expense! by the amountof lead niaile."

i'r»", lons to the war these mine« jlc'ded from .00 tocoo tuiiH of lead per year, according to the rijrof withwhich tbey weie worked. Doling the wai they were tin»main Hay of the Ile bel army and wiro pushed up to

their fullest capa» Ity. affording 6(0 to WV) tun.» per year.The ore, at* worked, yield* from .V) to CO per »rent. ThoSuperintendent of the mine in m Yr-iA to lb(,6 told me

that rather than k<> IbTO-iffb the une itate of thingsagain he would cut hi-tino, f. " Why, sir, we worki-dnlgli» and »lav, with nil the nea wa could put in, anddrove r lii-m lit that ; som.-tlme». I ni ver slept f.«r a week,then tin re would come along au oil!, «r. -wcurlliic we

were all a net of ii-d kkulkl and fjl lonllta, ¡uni if wo(ll«l n't fiir_il_li moie lead he 'd put every uti. of u.. »u tho

army."One of tin ibafta. Ml feet deep, terrea ¡«»a ventilator

to the tiiniu.«!, and ia al o need ana ihot-tower. "Ildoeeipi»'mililli," «-..iii Mr. be naw me laughingat hie tower ander the ground. I rwnember yean anote bare wen a contrivance foi alike paipoaa hangingover u ciar at Cape Oiradeaa, Ko. The ano! nada an-

very nlld and perfect in si, lo» The price B )W dow Di IInaUfy the coat of making it. On« cannot but admiretbe pluck of theae men, aotwithitandlng their old-faih-lulled ways. They dog thla .-haft t.> hh preeent depththroii_.ii loiid, and never touched a iprlc ofore, yet tbey perecTered and cul tbe tunnel, too. Tim.batt wai a aile too far «art. or no1 d« en nougta, a= i».»o

feel down or weet, would have -«truck the vi lu. Inter¬mingled with tin- ore, <>n tbe nurla» e, an larga Ik olcarbonate« of cine, nrobablj m r---min», to tome ex¬tent oth» n und« in» ¡it'» in the form of lulpbnret.nowthuichanged ii«/ the anión of the atu-osphere, tho lurround-ii.g deeompoaed limeatonei alao everywhere exhit\ uleiii ea of diiturbance. Thii eine wai, until the -,.»-«.

of the war, conaldered melcia, and tbouaandi of tuna

wera used to AU dead work in the minea, or f.. itop upoldahnfta, Nowit laioldto a ¡tune Oxide Company In.\.-w-.ii ".-v ui an iivi rage of #. pet tun. The Lead Com-

pany aella to the buyer on the spot, and he baula it to

the railroad. Tneyaend off about 1,0« tuni per year,eli ik m »«,,mi,i r, ii- tin« battling " mik i bad In ;¦-

Fietghti i«. New-Yorti an low, m Um railroad liili.-im.-nl to e!'..-".ir0'_.' \. ii lu» li .-.'. pi ..¦-. Souinoi« f.H»« tn; . 'i iince in a. and ti.»

.['..»»nit v i.» increasing a»»other mine« arc open» ii. Tm-r?ño «íoiiiii that In the- lin-'1. "( .ii thii

I. :i ..t mi l.e Iiinde lo pi-odu» c large q'l.llitit'.c - of both/«te- lind lei"!. 'Hie I,''.id Camp n,y, for Instance, coiiM,wini-..un modern improvement!, make twice aa min liwith the »tam« j£ _.¦«..__.¦. cjmJjüJjimj ug them ii a property

y a. TuiiiablC ami a ii «Vu.A .lu-hil'-- r: le of two ui;!>- brought uito the r.'-l.loner»

ifi'ii'-t.t Virginia'! old ttyl»« gentlemen, the friend ofMarshall aud of Wirt; one who bad administeredii e ,.i u lu the hlghed Court ol ti.» 0 d Dominion ininedayaoi bet pride and glory, and bearing thelmmor-

..iii t< ¦. (the ion. in a lower Court, mil wearetbe bouoi ¦ of a Judgeihip.j Hurroanded by . rery luxuryin the dava gone by, the lortunea ol war and genial Uv-

.-.« Lell bin fu .¦' m.i ti a".i ".

i to he paid, and nothing bul one ol the moat beau-iiini fama i have ever aeon to pey then with. Bat even

! with in* more than yean and tan, blilull torn la ititi erect »mi in ntl promt aplril bestill reta, li - nil lue ideas of honor tvpic.l of the Vi lulu ii.liof other daya. Ula la a caae but one »»i thomendi in theBoutb, and directly Ulu irative of the different ebene-terliti» ¦ of the people North and South. The old Judgu'lpla« »«, v. u .-ni.i ni it extreme value in u mineral prop¬erty, would not more than pay bli «i. ¡.i», in..l be would!.. left pennileaa. Tin .: tern creditor demand! all, ora-mar ir ;ih p. - e Northern man would tay, Paym.- .in cann on tin- dollar, if no1 that M or what ion can.

und go ni,eni acaiiia ii i- thla Bhj l( k iplrit aud refute]to oompromlie tue old ante-war debt! that li to-daymorothnunuythlngelie keeping the South behind. V I ii.. .»¦

» ii..«- la.i.i' ra of old note m«- the loud« «t t.. talk of bur¬la-.- onie taxation, vi c<Muproiulain_ s;..u-, county, team,i;.id railroad 0»..«.-.


MIMI-ANM'M. ».».'»'AMI'MllNT AT r.i:\l_V... N. f..IMPOBTAXT caavov IN Till; UKI AL.Till.TUBES DKGBSBS aBOLUBSD.

Girara. N. JT., July -.''...'lin- aemi-aanna]Eneemptaeat of the Blata of V» w*Torb eonvam d al U_lai tenat I p. m. Jui} v. «¡»«n. ii. a. Hammil deliveredbia mi a'.i.a .! i. i".i'--. 'i'.- raporta at Um kiLien, ni i.:,.i Qanilafaiaalit Baal ni ibewed a _o.iuf.iu_,gtewtb ainl iiicreaie In th.- Oíd. r, imth imuieiii..iliy andBnaadaHy, Tue Inipectof Oanaral testiüei to the gen¬ii..! gi ed -working condition of ihe «li"'»-rciit 1'ists ; only«.ne »'.i-e i.f niit.nee by courts-nun fiai for revl.w, amicouclndea wttbUm iiikf that Um ralea which governthe Order aro io pervaded with, hanevelenee, and._»».,ri -euee th.if they ínirresaj theil- vi, tins t;j>,,n nil coni-

lii.le-, and ithey wllllafly plaaa Um nat Ivea under th ¡rg aldan« a, Xbe general bualaaaa of tho Order waa theni :..¦ ici Into, tba iii«'>t Inportaat items of v».,ich weretin« iitT»'» huí-i-of ii!.: ii, aboHablnn the three Kradeaor «h gr- 4M and unking a Mugió degree order ¡ tin«. :..-..

the nattai of tniuriof Um lirai of con_radea of theOid.r.Tba ('¦-1' ni",' <¦ :' n pre ambo Mad

II of li

Ifntnal / ¦'- rnrtiranci Bocl ty, onp ed of Bten*ia ri of the « rder, li ..-. ic Um

f tin« BUM totrbid ih, f. ni..iti..n of any eorporattan; or BMoclaUon for lif«« aaanrance purpoera. anlaaa theyhave .« capital of Ho ,i«ao pnid in and lecurod in the Tu mr»anee Depertment of the State forthe benefit of t .« poll-ey-b»»ldi>r* lecond, becauae ii la nropoaed to o»¦ , 'ei, ra of tin- <;. a. li. pollcy-hol«feri, on equal tcrma,Irreipeetive of ace, bcaltn or condition, which would un liiaiiiie-t Inn.-;;... to tin- younger and moremember!. Th-y tnerelore thl-ik the idea of coi p r..tlvi.1..- la.ii.ii' 111 IBB old«T ii la lue oil oi,-.nul wolli 1 U--

nd ci »mrnl ¦ who deiire to in ure their livee to doio like any otter peraon la one of the »rood t»:,«i reliable'. -.i .nu i- compunlea who ban proved tally their woi a,merit, murnini* - an \ itahihtr»aud i« commend that ihe(-ei.le.-t ¡.e totally and finally dropped, adopted.s \ ci.ii ]...! » bei vri re made by prominent men

u.i i.i.: win n the « «nim-ni.mi nilj.nui.ti.

li 1 BOBaPHIO NOTES..Thara waa a white (real ni White Sulphur

«.. ni »-aiuM«) im riiiii_;.

. II. I!. M. hteiiin (rinatfi Ai.ii.ct-..rt, u.i-n:!y»1 it ii«. »... '. ¦..- i. i .. tttmei tu I-.- f.. ml.

_Tin r,i-t bala of new eottonwaa rerciradatCilrt.-lain, Tri»», on batuilar bj ipi«-»i ha Cuiinulai.», tri «.

_ile Corin ne li ¡i I; Journal wriB. at tim aolicita-ti «it«.

.The Sall Lake ('¡tv Conncil naTenppoli u ¦¦>! yetfa.»... -, piioa of r.t ,..-.i Unat, la

hi". -.'

.\ «li-pateli ÍYom ('» ... ». (tjP." ,

.ila alian. t, r.

.Two nea national bauka have been oriranizcd- Rall Kin! Utnlef Ullin li

! . . .11 »uli ia tl.iii.n-

. k deputation ni Oernnn, Dntcb, nnd anntrianl»»llier» UV» NiM in-.lum mtmaki»; r.t, I»-id»'!.'ti i..'t enf

i . !.., Irutd..fndfa Sawrei rendoced a deciaion la Ban l-'ran-

»tnnl»«, in ti- e-t ..r br, , i -. «.,», .., .., Rat.. r» uti ll.e.|ue»ti..t. if lb« »»h.iil« .1 ti.,-!;,.. Ii: .

¦abad m i" m i'» nt M ....- a .

....Collector Macnire «f St. Louie haa advertlaeii

. ,. lae ,:._, a_u l»r ii

[n the work of chancing ti .- ihren fixii

Iii amIbuN0 all*«, al I, o', .a i.» a.. Narro* _a,.»" t,»,ua «._>-

» tatay,l.e fail ire of tin- Lana I mniim Pnninnni

-, ."...,-ii . .v i. « aitk. ta iMainj|

... . : » I I ,u |. r .it »_.- I

..The I hi -'«

...1 u u r |

- r...i

i-I- nil

I. Ila Y ... ;. a !.. »| <¦ «r ».

| .'M.ill.,'. ...... 1. o aüU Yulpiri,ni ilMall. lU.-t« I» «.. «H*r»l«r* 101.a r*.il.l» HI .*« »*-'« "

Uw k'«^».-», »1« a,.».«. «I «ikKfc ko mut on x.-l ,«__ir»_n4

WASHINGTON.gTrmoarrr tem bowgnu pab_mm~.-ian pii»

MIMBI OK THK T.'.MIH'ANÍT. gi !.. ¡ION.a raw graA-UHM- una to bmloii »:.

inr i llkajrapii .0 rai ranimWAIIIIvr.TO», Jul* I TI

Numero'i« inquirí«*«« having lt«*««n nrv le it» I t ..- ,, ..

thorify by which the Pre-ident pardoned the t-ag.n.l«tHow« n, It may be replied that 11 did it bj ti.. | .»i.tritygiven bim In the aecond se« t on of Vu .lthe omammtaa of the Dátete M .t.«.

" Un »hall have pow. r t.. gnnl reprieve» -...e, ar-'. *i»

teaeataaeeeagaiaattbeUnitedstat. -. .-.»itiiiiin acliiiionl."The law of March Î, is ti. fi*;. f, r t ii*,*itry

in th«» Dtetttet of OatenMa and Baal July t,1S39, COattoi that D.ntrict i-i l'ait«4Stat«-« Court) JiuindlcUon In all Mich c.«~«*a.

Thoreportof Mr. T,oiim lBbgia»af Wmmmt»Wh\ wN,wan appoint«-«! hy Cofiitnlnaioner IteaiOfiton to male an

olTi. lal rejiort of Ihe Beer Hi. v.. ri' »'ouvcuuon, h« I .,

rittal.urgli, early last nioulli, han reicntiy I. ,-, Battethe Internal liivt nue Ilure.-vti. It touche« on »v. rv «ui

Ject concorulnti tl.e li.t.T.»tra of brewer*, and |.-1v. n «onin

tetanaatagatatlatlca relative to the aniotint ol bu.aaagtad on totbal teaaab «»f trade, it abtteatbal Ita In r

Brewon,* A.-so«IiUon exta-tial» oven-very f»tate in thoUnion, and that they rea .-Ive mi'-port from tin .r fr,a»i,<:*.In all «action* of the country. The Beer Brewer«'O -.-

grcwi, whkb la to be held lu Dr. »den on the 3-th of ti.»iuonth, in expected to be largely Npcanated from Am. i-

lea, a...I fin the Congrca« that was t<o come off laut yearwas postponed on account of the war, bu-luea*. of gT< attinportame to tho breweti prufinnion la exp<-ct«-«l to totraiiriiictcsl. Th«: brewer« aunoun. «. tlieir InUntl.". "f r.-

ii.-wlng their effort« to deereaae tho tax on f< iinei,te«lliquors, hial they advocate that tho lntereei« «,f ti.»country require that, the taxing of malt Uqn<u« tahoulil«iit.iely «ease. They claim thl» exemption on the rn «lidthat mai», liquors are known n k-mpoirancao never.«»!'-»,naiir.rihiiigand healthful, and that by the abolition ofthe tax thareon tho Government would I». :.t tit tia»! and nunM tin can e of tcmiierance. Tiny :eg-. 6that the United Staten ha* paid n little att« ¡it.on lo ti...collection of correct ond tir «twoithy atatl.tit« i-

to their trade, BBd adata«, that tti« w jut of tu. h u.forma¬tion in Congre.«*-, and of ti c appre« ¡avion of the neceaaityof tho «auir, lithe principal «anne of the nrei-eut eaaaagnantfjr unjust taxattaa. They n*»ert thatthey are tho beuvlent taa-payen in tho .«ui.tiy, «jiltaxes paid hy brewers for tho tl-cul j ear ending Juir-i no,1671, b« ing over t7,3'W,00«), or .In ut ¦ -«T ««Mit inore tbr.illagt year. The n port of the Chief of the Ihn« m ifPtatlaitaa aa tba tarif baa baaa pnpandL and win i-»

laaandtatetp etaaailed um!, r appropriât) baadlnga andsent to the printer.C. Wa Kie-cheie, | ,'.»!.- at Ter-

v i. r -, Hei.ii.ini, is la Wbahlagtoa tar Iba parpan «»f popcuring our (Jovcrnuieiat'i ludoi>cii>?ut for a »! un.,, alIta it twe.'ii .\ntwerp, lh (¡.i ¡m, ami HeW'Yeck.Infor, ri.'i'.i ui h is been r. .. .-I i4. .o f.

t-, han in denial of th. Raten al tbal M -a» -. n <i _.«.

cuii.cctlou with the WtetimtOt 1'osl in Mia»«,-ni.I'o r banded and two certiflc.itoa for pcnelona w. te

menai teaaldtanaf tiie war al Mttdanag ti.«* pnaaalwa'ek.j,-- Bolleltor of tbe Tn it* I i itIterated I

n to L'olted Btate« ManliaU, laatmeting iii- y in:i»t cuiipiv v ¡:'i tbe ngnlatteaa of in* aaTbor.-.[uiii:.g tban te tabnita wporl "f aaab w. ¡t f ga ..

t.on oroi'h r of u.iio not ¡' I. ¡.in! of the return tin r< t<>,or Bioeeedtnga te United I itn caaaa. Knap al ti.«atora ofti.ern bara nagi u«l to Ina lnstruc-tioae. tberefon a great d -.f rreapo-d-nce le aaoeo-,t.i i upon tie lubji, i.

Beaiietirjr fiajatwell baa ja it law ¦'» a ateanl >r t<-

atteen. Baatataal tnaaaren, designated depoeitarteo,and otu» i floTcani al "iii, i ¡i-, n gaaatlag Ita a M a adin their re_», rls I, r Hu* tim- ii vc ,i Jual Bl .- ,,i:i-klya« i o abb n m te aaabta Ma to lap ni» lie.i-ie < u it »hall i-, :.


damm.:. DOM! lit r IOJUTKS LOW.V.'a»:i!N'.ii'V, July 1?.\.At I n\\n\: CA

morntagaa asptaaten aaannad in tbi »niall g igaatei alti.o Waabtagtaa Anana!, wu u a ¡wa tot au pr. panationofrocketn. liifhtn, fur ti <. Wtmtl CBCpanaatega BBBioaa conflagration. Tho _ama*8 coiniiiuiii-

catetl to a iranio tmild.tiK nr ir ty, uiul wiro « arri« «Itlicnro to what lu -nt.wii a» nt rehour-.e N«>. 1, i.inl inw hi. h were-stored ail kind» of luva.ry and ,.itilic:ycniipiueuir«, which toaa total li ». Manbaa .*.'". i

waa ataa la daogor, and would probabl/ h,Utoyed bat for the fact ,.: V..- v- ad

Bergt, PT_n was al woti in t:.u magaiiiand when Lo left bin WOttt nil tjuI -i ophr, Bad at la aappaaad uiltaaall of ipoatanaana eonbuatloi i. Ibe baildioga towliieti tho laBBM di tuiaüy i!. »ti. ;.. !,aadaareral Bn.a'ii bonan bcm th«^ili.jur.d by tho aaanaThere wein four bambi of powd»

wan 14 feet n«niare>, donblB '.' B_ ', :. ¦tatenoC TtittatJldlag wao not onlp entirely dttaa in.lurctl several P t |" Ml th¬at'll the tetaba nattacad in all dil t-,¡.d; on

w.i.t throu;*li n Macli.-iul'.'i al.";) Bbeal a gaari t '-I

| ti.ile «'.»¡ant fr-'tu tba I'-Jj J«_ JTue 6toreht^.ni.ij ñí.'.r ^y ren «o mneh.*.-that only the cracked wnlH aro tteadlng Tin*1'iililin, .In which i.* Macad «m» Btead <»f arn«, v. iaa tophh mi v daaaaan i. Iba álate r -, toe ad <fnearly IM fer, lucks us tia u.': had bna pngntar teiivna AH tba w-:..' ... \-..- ikattenonly in tin«, but lu otbtt a. ;' orfag s:n: tai itaodtaoanwen lerel -i aearir lo I a fnang.aitree*. n«--r hy i-tripp. left! '.' tttt, their bmaebegbtokaa and tbolr life« perbapa, d ed. 1gi-r, &,*.,bl profusion, wen ti n d i'i« ve: ¦;

Altboogb ten ral tai I f.-c-t o.' tba ».;.iof tú«' aoaoot tborapunan. Ttaymen, bower .*.

the p« Klaget tba Ime; I-'. Foitt.iiatel.v, the lamci I in one i-f ti.,» Bnffldtag ..¦

Tba following lnatdenta an nUted Inoao ,,

tho t-pieihion : In the : | .

Oana t n. abate m «ard.... B0/*

and they » .

window- W- I'* el.I:-.¦" la ft, 1

Iii ,t of Mrs li .

In h'-r bouae ab. it 1 ibril k tri m ii.- i

window, -n : it; rk<i», i, while r

.lightly on the Inn .'. andtv... cblldri u wi re u«¦as overturnedwi» dr v. ti .- .'

or d. lu i... . .... ...... jWhile the lue waa Inpi lei

« vi" luna *

men »t.1 tbi ir rtoui d,Mnd fort uni'__¦;.« i. -

ft"ry .t:*ntruyed, and in it .<¦

were unlo nied. In No.I i

t o'ltreiii. tit- .ii the li ve.|v-.iA arery value1.1 nf th" militar* arl >f r. ni and


. cram A$\l i

_IM miaialaa, baa baa tatt '¦

he r ü

.... DO. I io li '

a ... a

I]..- An. Um"a

Kail- eil, «.. t.taletti. ...

\ re ii! Vi .tu. KÍ. V'»it l.j.«". I.» '- .

iB-.ui-n.-r, eu.wa,, MA va- it.-inr- »ni n»«»r Onolto l'on r, \,-\

inga aft n . I tal I in

e-xplo-iou wa« the

lar^e h

:., t..,- tine, liate r""f. Rta

nuning A i'"-'* comini ion lunn

.1 he ttMrnn (Hi* kin ti

.>u«._. T_»-*a-l_11?. r.-tiv of v "

... ...,,-1.a. a.o i.-i lia. i M * i ..

Tn» am Ita Hi .l t«. pa« ..., i »I«..,hil al i. -a.|i**"l Voti liar lau u.r-i frll Dot* lb» o, i <¦ an« Hu» Haajrbl.U la. .1«-..b. «Nat« «aa« a ardillai. »ti I. M Mal««" a«* a >ia» '. a 4*is-.H.«a A» -««MM w11 «ilaUaial,