www.derby.ac.uk/education valuing identity - early years conference

www.derby.ac.uk/education Valuing Identity - Early Years conference www.derby.ac.uk/education

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Valuing Identity - Early Years conference


Page 2: Www.derby.ac.uk/education Valuing Identity - Early Years conference

Best practice tips and hints…

Let children understand that they are all different but all valued in the

same way.

More resources to develop children’s imagination skills. That their play

is important for self-esteem.

We celebrate cultural diversity without making the children in our care

feel ‘different’

Role play using different day to day roles.

Take time to listen to each child and show an interest in their lives.

I take the time to find out about each child. I have a photo of each child

and their family in a frame which is displayed.


Page 3: Www.derby.ac.uk/education Valuing Identity - Early Years conference

Best practice tips and hints…

We have self registration board. First thing in the morning children can

put a picture of themselves on the board to say they are here today.

Listen to them (giving them time to think about what they want to say)

Culture box- Children are given a box to fill with favourite items to then

share at school. Supports independence, choice communication and

listening skills.

We share models the children have created in construction/ junk

modelling at end session/ group times to celebrate achievement.

Celebrate their achievements however big or small.


Page 4: Www.derby.ac.uk/education Valuing Identity - Early Years conference

Best practice tips and hints…

The unique child- The importance of a name, getting it right, spelling it

right etc

Offer the same opportunities, resources, activities etc. to all children.

At my school Edale rise Primary and Nursery- We invite the families to

come for a picnic on our hillside.

To be able to adapt to different children for specific reasons (SEN etc).

Treat each child as an individual.

I will look out for ‘play cues’ and not dismiss it as ‘naughty behaviour’

Look through the eyes of a child and you may just learn something.


Page 5: Www.derby.ac.uk/education Valuing Identity - Early Years conference

Best practice tips and hints…

Speech and language games everyday.

I am independent. Empowering the children. They can do it. We are all


Ensuring all staff use children’s correct names.

Give children choices about how and what they learn.

Have a bucket list of activities this summer.

Encourage children to create ‘shrine’ boxes all about themselves.

All about the family board. Pictures & facts about their family and their

likes and dislikes. This is shown in show & Tell and then displayed in

the setting.


Page 6: Www.derby.ac.uk/education Valuing Identity - Early Years conference

Best practice tips and hints…

We have a ‘Artist of the week’ -a framed pic of a chosen child's work

displayed in entrance- changed each week- developing sense of pride

in achievements.

Circle time.

Photobooks with pictures of the children and their families to share

with others.

Do lots more imaginative play in future and let the children choose.

Treat all children as an individual.

I can work with children to help them know that they “can do”


Page 7: Www.derby.ac.uk/education Valuing Identity - Early Years conference

Best practice tips and hints…

We include the children in writing of policies- what they think should be

included, why, If they feel it works or should be changed.

Time to talk- friendship group intervention with boys with behavioural

problems and children who do not talk much.

Promote independence and allow them to discover who they are, not

what people want them to be.

Children take home a box, place special object in from home, return to

school & play activity of children asking them questions to find out

what hidden object is.


Page 8: Www.derby.ac.uk/education Valuing Identity - Early Years conference

Best practice tips and hints…

By letting them be themselves and celebrate that.

Positive relationships with keyworker and child/parents, consistent 1-

1/groups, 2 way feedback, effective communication, appropriate

activities . Parents evening- meet & greet, newsletters, notices.

Read Nick Butterworths “My Dad is Brilliant”

Potato activity.

I truly believe that every child has a voice and this has aided my

practice immensely.


Page 9: Www.derby.ac.uk/education Valuing Identity - Early Years conference

What parts of our identity do we value…

I value each child individually. Caring and trusting I am me and a mum.

Play supports- resilience, independence, happiness and confidence.

Encourage independence and self-care in both boys & girls.

Valuing everything children say, don’t say, do and don’t do.

Happier children, happier parents.

I am kind, special, a friend, a daughter, Christian, lovely, a friend.

We try to value our children by involving them in their profiles &

discussing our activities and how we can deliver it to them in a fun way.

Show and Tell. Talking table.


Page 10: Www.derby.ac.uk/education Valuing Identity - Early Years conference

What parts of our identity do we value…

Jenny, Mummy, friends, daughter, Christian.

Key worker system, celebrating religious celebrations, 2 way feedback,

positive relationships and friendly staff.

Clever, generous, busy and funny.

Value others, listen, value and respect.

Mum, friend, happy and positive.

Organised, friendly, easy going and adaptable
