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Inge Hellemans Agency for Internal Affaires Flemish Autority Introductory and Language courses : in Flanders a multi-level governance issue

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Introductory and Language courses : in Flanders a multi-level governance issue


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Inge HellemansAgency for Internal AffairesFlemish Autority

Introductory and Language courses : in Flanders a multi-level governance issue

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Belgium : a brief reminder

• 1 federal state• 3 communities : Flemish, French & German• 3 regions : Flanders, Wallonia & Brussels

• Different policies by different authorities

• “Integration” is a competence on regional level.

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Integration policy in Flanders

- Inburgering (1st phase of integration): = a categorial policy (mainly for newcomers)

- Flemish Parliament Act on Civic Integration- Integratie (2nd phase of integration):

= mainly an inclusive policy, however, categorial when necessary - Flemish Parliament Act on Integration

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Introductory and Language courses Inburgering:

a specific programme as a first step• Coordinated by welcome office• Consists of:

- Training programme:› Elementary Dutch course› Social orientation course› Career orientation

- Supported by programme counselling- Social participation

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Introductory and Language courses :training programme

Dutch course:- Elementary course (A.1. Breakthrough level)- 240 h, 180 h, 120 h or 90 h, depending on the


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Introductory and Language courses :training programme

Career orientation:- From the perspective of the person integrating:

professional, educational or socio-cultural- Guidance towards continuing education, work,

participation in socio-cultural provision, volunteer work and other leisure activities

- Basis: experience and qualifications (such as diplomas)

- Guidance towards work- During a 20 hour course or through interviews

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Introductory and Language courses :training programme

Social orientation course:- Introduction to Flemish society- Themes: Belgian state structure, education,

mobility, health,…- Broad attention to values and standards- Given in the mother tongue of the people

integrating- 60 h

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Integration is not something you just do in a classroom

Social participation: Encouraging the persons integrating to:

build up a social network, to get to know their local town or community, to practice their Dutch, to sign up to become a member of a local association or sports club, to take up voluntary work,…

f.e. project “Samen Inburgeren” on voluntary basis)

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Inburgering: one-stop-shop ?

• First line activities• “One-stop shop”

- for ‘service’, not for ‘documents’

• Data of people integrating are entered into central database (a Cross Roads Bank)

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Inburgering = multi-level partnership

• Municipalities› Informing newcomers

• Welcome offices› Establishing initial contact with people integrating

› Providing assistance› Organising social orientation courses

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Inburgering = multi-level partnership

• ‘Dutch Language Houses’› Guiding people towards the most suitable Dutch provision

• Dutch language providers› Dutch language courses are provided by adult basic education centres, adult education centres and university language centres

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Inburgering = multi-level partnership

• Flemish Service for Employment and Vocational Training (VDAB)

› Career orientation courses› Assist people integrating to find a job

• OCMW (Openbaar Centrum voor Maatschappelijk Welzijn) (Public Centre for Social Welfare)

› Guiding people towards ‘Inburgering’ if necessary

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Arrival at the Welcome


Integration contract

Elementary Dutch course

Social orientation

Career orientation

Integration certificat

Secondary integration programme


House of Dutch

Language providers




Regular educational



Programme counselling


Social participation

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Multi-level partnershipAuthorities Involved

• Federal authorities:- Competent for access to territory

• Flemish authorities:- Competent for integration policy- Legislative and executive role- Subsidises the institutions concerned

• Local authorities - Informing newcomers

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Multi-level partnershipAuthorities Involved

Flemish authorities – policy areas involved:

• Internal Affairs• Education• Work

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Inburgering = multi-level partership

• 8 welcome offices + 8 ‘Dutch Language Houses’ + VDAB• Areas of activity:

- One welcome office in each of the five Flemish provinces

- One welcome office in cities of Antwerp, Ghent and Brussels

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Implementation of Inburgering by welcome offices

Structures of welcome offices:• 6 non-profit organisations• 1 urban service (Antwerp)• 1 belong to a provincial authority

No (legal) role for the private sector

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Figures on welcome offices Inburgering

2009 2010 2011 2012

Total of integration contracts in Flanders and Brussels

14.158 18.608 20.824

Budget for the 8 welcome offices

28,2 mil 24,4 mil 27,3 mil 29 mil

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Case Antwerp – urban service

• The ‘Atlas-building’ : one-stop-shop

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Case Antwerp

• Different services together in one building:- Welcome office Antwerp- Huis van het Nederlands (the Dutch Language House Antwerp)- Servicepoint volunteers- Servicepoint associations- Secretariat of the ‘neighbourhood’- Documentation centre- Polyvalent meeting place

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Integration is not something

you just do in a classroom

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Integration: horizontal and inclusive policy

• Focus on the entire society, with special attention to the targetgroup (1st and 2nd generation + social deprivation factors)

• 3 main goalsParticipation,Accesibility of organisations and services,Sociale cohesion.

• Importance of local authorities

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Local integration policy

• Financing (granting of a subsidy) of local authorities willing to implement a proactive integration policy

• Financing based on:Request of the local authority (no obligation),Conditions: minimal presence of the target group +

problems of social deprivationAgreement between the Flemish authority and the local

authority (goals, actions, indicators)

→ current situation: 46 local authorities have an agreement

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Thank you for your attention !

Inge.hellemans @ 00 32 2 553 33 19

www . Inburgering . be