writing is an act of invention we think when we write we create something new

Writing is an act of invention We think when we write We create something new

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Post on 24-Dec-2015




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Writing is an act of inventionWe think when we write

We create something new

5 Paragraph Essay the Pattern

Paragraph 1: Introduction with thesis as the last sentence

Paragraphs 2, 3,4: Body Paragraphs

Paragraph 5: Conclusion

Paragraph 1: The Introduction

Catchy opening/Hook/Grab reader’s attention TRANSITION (do not let me fall into a pothole

here…a good transition will show the relationship between the hook and the thesis of the essay by giving me enough info about the book to make the connection)

Last sentence of the introduction =THESIS The one sentence that states what the entire will

essay will prove – The premise or central argument The most important sentence in the essay Usually 3 pronged –but this is NOT a magic number….good essays can 4 paragraphs or 10…it depends on the assignment!



Introduction: Moves from the General to Specific



• Thesis

Introduction: From the General to the Specific

Begin generally. Begin with a hook:

Anecdote, Quotation, Question, Statistic

Explain how your hook applies to the specific story.

Transition: should show relationship between hook and thesis




Thesis: Your specific argument.Thesis is the last couple of

sentences of the introduction.

Topic Sentence

Thesis statements must include Title and author (make sure to

punctuate title properly, “short stories” and novels)

A statement about what your essay will prove A “road map” that shows what each paragraph

will be about GENERALLY and the order

For example,{The novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee}

{demonstrates an internal journey of the character Jem} {shown through the author’s use of the mundane world, mentors, and new enemies.}

Hooks Begin with:

A provocative question A startling statement (like

a statistic or a fact) An anecdote An interesting quotation An intriguing definitionAs your teacher, I will always finish

reading your essays, but the reality is, I’ve often decided how much I am going to like it within the first few lines!

Anecdote as Hook

In 1804, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark began an expedition that took them from St. Louis, Missouri to the Pacific Coast near current day Washington State. The purpose of the expedition was to explore the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase. They used a Native American woman named Sacajawea to guide their trip. They ran into obstacles like the aggressive Lakota nation while still collecting valuable information about the region’s natural resources. This very typical physical journey mirrors the more internal journeys of characters growing up under difficult circumstances in novels. For example, the character Jem in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee must go on a journey of personal development when his father Atticus Finch decides to defend a black man. Since the story is set in Alabama in the 1930’s, Atticus is defying the culturally entrenched racism of the era. Ultimately, Jem is able to successfully complete his journey to adulthood because of his mentor and friends in spite of his new enemies.

Quotation as Hook

http://www.quoteland.com (click here)

According to Walt Whitman, ““Not I, nor anyone else can travel that road for you. You must travel it by yourself. It is not far. It is within reach. Perhaps you have been on it since you were born, and did not know.  Perhaps it is everywhere - on water and land.”  Whitman is trying to show us that every person must make a journey of their own. This journey often involves growing up or maturing. For example, Jem….

Startling Statement as Hook

During the 1930’s, an average of ten black men were lynched in the South per year. While an improvement from earlier in the century, this statistic shows that the South still needed to continue on its journey of maturation away from racism. …

Question that is Provocative or Question that Creates a Conflict as Hook

Will society ever be able to out-grow racism like an individual can? or Does the fact that a person is a racist make him/her completely evil?

***DO NOT start an essay with a question like “Have you ever wondered what it would be like to grow up in the South?” or any of its equivalents because if I answer, “No,” I AM NOT HOOKED!***

Conclusion: From the Specific to the General

Draw a conclusion

Answers the “SO WHAT?” question


Conclusion answers the “So what?” question

Why does this topic matter at all—to me, to society, etc.?

Draw a conclusion.

Writing is an act of invention. INVENT a reason!

Think of why the work is being taught in school. Are there any universal themes?

Do the characters reflect qualities in human nature we relate to? When was

the book written? Why?

So What? Draw a conclusion

Different ways to approach your conclusion

Literary ApplicationA comparison to a similar piece of writing

This story is reminiscent of Mildred Taylor’s Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, which tells of a similar young man’s journey, only from the point of view of a young former slave.

Societal application: Is there a lesson in the story for how society should function?

This story teaches parents a valuable lesson. When parents act as positive role models, they can greatly influence their children’s thinking and values. Only with this kind of moral strength will children find the strength to do the right thing in the face of evil.

Personal application: Is there a lesson in the story for how you should live your life


I personally relate to this story because I have grown up in an adverse situation as well….

You can also end with a hook:

A provocative question A startling statement An anecdote An interesting quotation An intriguing definition


Whatever you choose to do, it should relate to the essay as a

whole, particularly to the introduction, and it should NOT

read like a review.

When you sit down to start the essay:

Some students find it easier to begin with the thesis and body paragraphs.

You may want to write the introduction and conclusion LAST.

Ideas don’t come out of the air.

WRITE TO DISCOVER. Write to Think!