worship aid and bulletin2020/12/20  · gospel alleluia behold, i am the handmaid of the lord. may...

Worship Aid and Bulletin Rev. Vincent L. Parsons Pastor Sr. Vera Meis, C.S.J. In Residence Susan Flohr Pastoral Minister Mass Schedule (October - May) Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 & 10:30 am Mon, Tues, Friday 7 am Wed 8:15 am *Thursday Mass is online only* Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays one hour prior to evening Mass or by appointment (632-2541) Sacrament of Baptism Please call the Parish Oce 2314 Third Avenue, P.O. Box 349 Scottsblu, NE 69361 (308)632-2541 www.st-agnes-church.com Panhandle Public Health Covid-19 Dial As of Monday, December 6, 2020

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  • Worship Aid and Bulletin

    Rev. Vincent L. Parsons Pastor

    Sr. Vera Meis, C.S.J. In Residence

    Susan Flohr Pastoral Minister

    Mass Schedule (October - May)

    Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 & 10:30 am

    Mon, Tues, Friday 7 am Wed 8:15 am

    *Thursday Mass is online only* Sacrament of Reconciliation

    Saturdays one hour prior to evening Mass or by appointment (632-2541)

    Sacrament of Baptism Please call the Parish Office

    2314 Third Avenue, P.O. Box 349 Scottsbluff, NE 69361 (308)632-2541 www.st-agnes-church.com

    Panhandle Public Health Covid-19 Dial As of Monday, December 6, 2020

  • Our faith reveals to us that we are BLESSED and LOVED by God. This God’s overwhelming blessing and love were generously poured out to all of us when the angel Gabriel visited Mary two thousand years ago, and said:

    “Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you… Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a Son, and you shall name him JESUS…”

    That action-packed visit is repeated once more in our gospel today. In the silence of your heart, just imagine that the words of the angel Gabriel to Mary are addressed to you personally: that you are “FULL OF GRACE” and the “LORD IS WITH YOU!” And while your heart is burning with the desire to let God come in to your life, the angel will continue to tell you: “The Holy Spirit will be upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you!” Cherish the angel’s words, feel it, and most importantly believe that God is slowly touching your heart. Certainly, the ADVENT SEASON is moving us ever closer to the coming of the Lord. With conviction to make the FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT meaningful and a spiritual preparation for the coming of Jesus in our lives, let us try to do the following: •create a room in our hearts for the unfortunate through our generosity and

    giving; •create a room in our hearts for our enemies through our understanding and

    forgiveness; •create a room in our hearts for the poor through our

    compassion and sharing; •create a room in our hearts for immigrants through

    our appreciation and hospitality.

    Page 2 Year A December 20, 2020

    S a i n t A g n e s C a t h o l i c C h u r c h

    Parish Administration (308) 632-2541 / (308) 632-2146 (Fax)

    [email protected] www.st-agnes-church.com

    Pastor Rev. Vincent L. Parsons (ext. 2)

    [email protected]

    Church Office Manager Theresa Trevino (ext. 3)

    [email protected]

    Pastoral Minister Susan Flohr

    [email protected]

    Director of Religious Education Mrs. Terri Calvert (ext.5) [email protected]

    School Head Teacher Mrs. Julie Brown (632-6918) [email protected]

    School Office Manager Teresa Johnson (632-6918)

    [email protected]

    Prayer Chain Coordinator Jean Ahrens - (308-672-4632)

    The Fourth Sunday of Advent

    Monday, December 21, 2020 Daily Mass (7:00am) Intention: †Felix Koenig by Lucille Koenig Communal Rosary (4:45pm) Liturgy of the Hours (5:15pm) Bible Study (7:00pm) Tuesday, December 22, 2020 Daily Mass (7:00am) Intention: †Joan Elley by Chuck & Linda Elley Liturgy of the Hours (5:15pm) Wednesday, December 23, 2020 Daily Mass (7:00am) Intention: †Clarence Rood by Jerry & Jeannette Fitzgerald Liturgy of the Hours (5:15pm) Contemplative Prayer Group (6:00 pm)

    Thursday, December 24, 2020 Christmas Eve Masses: 4:00pm Mass Intention: †Shane Malm by Laetner & Landon Malm 5:30pm Mass Intention: †Rita Brown by Pete, Joel & Justin 8:00pm Mass Intention: Casey Connelly by Bill Connelly Friday, December 25, 2020 Christmas Day Mass 9:00am Mass Intention: For the Parish Saturday, December 26, 2020 Weekend Mass (4:00pm) Intention: For the Parish Sunday, December 27, 2020 Weekend Mass (8:00am) Intention: †Steve Hergenrader Weekend Mass (10:30am) Intention: †Jim Cauble by The Peck Family

    This Week’s Schedule

  • Page 3 December 20, 2020

    This Week’s Readings

    Monday: Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a; Ps 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21 Lk 1:39-45 Tuesday: 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8 abcd; Lk 1:46-56 Wednesday: Mal 3:1-4, 23-34; Ps 25:4-5 ab, 8-10, 14; Lk 1:57-66 Thursday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Lk 1:67-79 Friday: Vigil: Is 62:1-5; Ps 89:4- 5, 16 -17, 27, 29; Acts 13:16-17, 22- 25; Mt 1:1-25 [18-25]Night: Is 9:1-6; Ps 96:1-3, 11-13; Ti 2:11- 14; Lk 2:1-14 Day: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1-6; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14] Saturday: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Ps 31: 3cd-4, 6, 8ab, 16bc, 17; Mt 10:17-22 Sunday: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or Gn 15:1- 6; 21: 1-3; Ps 128:1-5 or Ps 105:1-6, 8- 9; Col 3:12-21 [12-17] or Hb 11: 8, 11-12, 17-19; Lk 2:22-40 [22, 39-40]

    Advent Reconciliation Opportunities

    Individual Reconciliation

    Tuesday, December 22 - 6pm Wednesday, December 23 - 6pm

    Holiday Mass Schedule

    Christmas Eve 4pm, 5:30pm & 8pm

    Christmas Day 9am

    New Year’s Eve 4pm New Year’s Day 9am

    December Schedule

    Finance Corner Sunday Collections

    & ATW Giving

    December 6, 2020

    Actual $9278.00 ATW $3470.00 Online Giving $1209.32 Budget $9000.00 Surplus (Deficit) $4957.32 There is no 2nd collection for next


    Thank you for your continued giving!

    VCNIN Christmas Sharing Program

    Sun. Dec. 20th 12:00 noon

    Food & Gifts will be given to families at a drive thru

    at the gym.

    **We will be following Covid 19 protocols by wearing masks, and social distancing. Masks

    must be worn when in the school gym! Gloves & hand

    sanitizer will be provided. Thank you all!!

  • Page 4 The Fourth Sunday of advent


  • Page 5 December 20, 2020

    Penitential Act I confess to almighty God and to you my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, (strike breast) through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God Glory to God - Mass of Renewal *No Gloria during Advent* Glory to God in the highest you take away the sins of the world, and on earth peace to people of good will. receive our prayer; we praise you, you are seated at the right hand of the Father, we bless you, have mercy on us. we adore you, For you alone are the Holy One, we glorify you, you alone are the Lord, we give you thanks for your great glory, you alone are the Most High, Lord God, heavenly King, Jesus Christ, O God, almighty Father with the Holy Spirit, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, in the glory of God the Father. Amen. you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us;


    First Reading - 2Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16 (11B) When King David was settled in his palace, and the LORD had given him rest from his enemies on every side, he said to Nathan the prophet, “Here I am living in a house of cedar, while the ark of God dwells in a tent!” Nathan answered the king, “Go, do whatever you have in mind, for the LORD is with you.” But that night the LORD spoke to Nathan and said: “Go, tell my servant David, ’Thus says the LORD: Should you build me a house to dwell in? “’It was I who took you from the pasture and from the care of the flock to be commander of my people Israel. I have been with you wherever you went, and I have destroyed all your enemies before you. And I will make you famous like the great ones of the earth. I will fix a place for my people Israel; I will plant them so that they may dwell in their place without further disturbance. Neither shall the wicked continue to afflict them as they did of old, since the time I first appointed judges over my people Israel. I will give you rest from all your enemies. The LORD also reveals to you that he will establish a house for you. And when your time comes and you rest with your ancestors, I will raise up your heir after you, and he shall be a son to me. Your house and your kingdom shall endure forever before me; your throne shall stand firm forever.’”

  • Page 6 The fourth Sunday of Advent

    Responsorial Psalm Second Reading - Romans 16:25-27 Brothers and sisters: To him who can strengthen you, according to my gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret for long ages but now manifested through the prophetic writings and, according to the command of the eternal Gd, made known to all nations to bring about the obedience of faith, to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ be glory forever and ever. Amen.

    Please stand

    Gospel Alleluia Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your will. Gospel - Luke 1:26-38 The angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town of Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary. And coming to her, he said, “Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you.” But she was greatly troubled as what was said and pondered what sort of greeting this might be. Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. “Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father, and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.” But Mary said to her in reply, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God. And behold, Elizabeth, your relative, has also conceived a son in her old age, and this is the sixth month for her who was called barren; for nothing will be impossible for God.” Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Then the angel departed from her.

  • Page 7 December 20, 2020

    General Intercessions

    Please sit

    Homily Notes _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Please stand Nicene Creed I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins, and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

  • Page 8 The fourth Sunday of advent

    Mystery of Faith Priest: The mystery of faith. All: We proclaim your death O Lord, and profess your resurrection, until you come again. Great Amen

    Please stand


    Lord’s Prayer Lamb of God

    Please kneel as you are able


    Offertory Hymn Instrumental Music will be played during this time Preparation of the Gifts Invitation to Prayer

    Please stand Prayer over the Offerings Holy, Holy, Holy Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosana in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

    Please kneel or be seated

  • Page 9 December 20, 2020

    Communion Hymn

    Prayer after Communion Please stand

  • Page 10 The fourth Sunday of advent

    THE CONCLUDING RITES Blessing and Dismissal Song of Sending Forth

    All text used in this worship aid is published by OCP and reprinted with permission from OCP. All rights reserved All other music is reprinted with permission under the following license: OneLicense.net # L-725061

  • Celebrating Sunday for Catholic Families

    Fourth Sunday of Advent Gospel: Luke 1:31-38

    On the Way to Mass: How does it make you feel that God loved us so much he sent his Son to be with us? On the Way Home From Mass: God gave us the gift of Jesus. How does it show how much God loves us? How can we share that love with others? Living the Word: The angel Gabriel brought Mary a message of God’s love. As Christmas is only a few days away, spend time making homemade cards for those close to you. Gather art supplies and enlist your children to personalize each greeting. Include messages of love and joy.

    Celebrating Sunday for Catholic Families 2020-2021

    Find Us On

    Facebook Twitter: st_agnes_church

    Instagram: st.agnescatholicchurch

    Parish Website www.st-agnes-church.com

    myParish App In the App Store on your phone or


    Page 11 Fourth Sunday of Advent

    R_ligious E^u][tion Progr[m Email—[email protected] Religious Education Office—308-635-1362

    Family Advent Calendar

    Sunday - Dec. 20th Light all four candles in the wreath tonight. Reread today’s Gospel Reading, Luke 139-45. Monday - Dec. 21st Decorate a “Jesus Candle” with symbols of Jesus- a star, a lamb, a manger, a baby, a cross, for example. Light it during Christmas dinner. Tuesday - Dec. 22nd Cut out star-shaped ornaments and decorate with glitter on one side, and your favorite Bible verse, on the other. Hang them on the tree. Wednesday - Dec. 23rd Send Christmas cards to your pastor, priests, and religious or ordained minters who are important to your family. Thursday - Dec. 24th Write a letter to Jesus, thanking him for all the gifts you received throughout the year. Friday - Dec. 25th Rejoice! Read the story of Jesus’ birth in Luke 21:20. Think of how joyful it will be to meet Jesus when he comes again.

    Partners in Faith - November 2020

    Celebrate an unusual Christmas with joyful traditions

    This will be an unusual Christmas holiday for many families. At an unsettling time, it is important to renew or create family Christmas traditions to give children a sense of stability. Consider these ideas to keep the joy in your family celebration this year: Give Jesus the first gift. At Thanksgiving, wrap a gift box for Jesus. Cut a slot in the top. During Advent have every member of the family write down how they showed love each day and drop these offerings in the box. Unwrap this gift first on Christmas morning and read the notes out loud. Make “Adorements.” Craft ornaments that illustrate names for Jesus, “Bread of Life,” “Light of the World,” “King of Kings,” etc. Hang them on the tree. Mark a milestone. Give each child a new ornament marking an event in his or her spiritual life from the year. Celebrate the receipt of a Sacrament, learning a new prayer, or acquiring a virtue. Celebrate cultures. Learn how to say "Merry Christmas" in different languages. Serve up new foods at dinner, such as potato latkes or pasteles. Light out of the darkness. Some cultures around the world place candles and paper lanterns in their windows to symbolize Christ bringing light out of the darkness. Place a candle or lantern in your window on Christmas Eve.

    Partners in Faith - December 2020

  • Page 12 December 20, 2020

  • Connecting Students and Families through Faith December 20, 2020

    School Newsletter

    St. Agnes Catholic School 205 E 23rd, Scottsbluff, NE

    Ph: 308-632-6918

    Christmas Break Dec. 19th - Jan. 7th Students Return:

    January 8th

    Grinch Day

    Students enjoyed some Christmas cheer as they celebrated Grinch Day on Friday, December 11th. Some classes dressed in their pj’s while others wore green,

    Grinch shirts and donned crazy Grinch hairstyles. Individual classes enjoyed participating in fun activities

    in their classrooms.

  • Monday, Dec 21


    BREAK Helpers: 10:30 11:30

    Tuesday, Dec 22


    BREAK Helpers: 10:30 11:30

    Wednesday, Dec 23


    BREAK Helpers: 10:30 11:30

    Thursday, Dec 24


    BREAK Helpers: 10:30 11:30

    Friday, Dec 25


    BREAK Helpers: 10:30 11:30

    Hot Lunch Menu for December 21st - December 25th, 2020

    Classroom News………...

    Baptized in Christ Second grader, Ivy Kae Becker, was baptized on

    Saturday, December 5th. Ivy Kae is preparing to make her First Communion with her classmates in April.

    Congratulations Ivy Kae.

    Advent Journey St. Agnes students spent the weeks leading up to Christmas on an Advent Journey. Since we were not able to gather as a large group, the Advent Journey was done each morning as part of our zoom announcements. Each week had a theme: hope, peace, joy and love.

    Each day, a prayer, story, or biblical reading was shared and the students were given a challenge for the day, with the goal being

    to spread that week’s theme. After completing the act or good deed, they placed a tag in the gift box for Jesus to show they were preparing for his birth.

    Some of the deeds done included: Christmas cards for nursing home residents, sharing a toy, saying extra prayers, and random acts of kindness. The students worked hard to prepare for the

    Lord’s coming.

    First Reconciliation St. Agnes 2nd grade students who are preparing for

    First Communion made their 1st reconciliation on Saturday, December 12th. These students have been

    working hard to learn about this important sacrament and the grace of God’s forgiveness when we sin. Congratulations to each of them as they take this

    important step on their faith journey. Participating students included: Nayeli

    Acosta, McKyla Allen-Enriquez, Gio Alvizar, Claire Ascherl, Easton Becker, Ivy

    Kae Becker, Tristan Hoesing, Sloane

    Margheim, Eliana Merrigan, Luna Merrigan,

    Rheanne Owens, Bella Songco, Kensington Suhr,

    Harper Verbeck.

  • What’s Happening at St. Agnes School………...

    Pre-K Class By Nicole Boness

    The last couple of weeks we have been keeping very busy. We had our very first Christmas program, in which the kids did amazing. I know it wasn’t how we expected it to be, but Ms. Tritt did a fantastic job making it happen. We also celebrated Grinch Day. The students got to dress in their pajamas, have grinch punch, and do fun activities throughout the day. The class enjoyed our Christmas party on December 18th. We had a book exchange with the kids, watched a movie, decorated cookies, and other fun activities throughout the day.

    Mr. Tom has been coming in on Wednesdays to read to the children, which they have really enjoyed. Mrs. Payne also comes in, and has library with the kids. This month we learned about advent and the true meaning of Christmas. It was an opportunity for the students to gain a deeper understanding of Christmas. We did lots of art projects. The kids love drawing and painting. They each made a snowman to hang out in the hallway. They made Christmas houses out of paper plates, candy, paint and stickers. They also made snowflakes out of popsicle sticks, glue and scissors.

    I am so proud of how well these kids have been doing. We made it a semester!! I can’t wait to see what the second semester brings. We hope everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    Fourth Grade Class By Kristie Becker

    I cannot believe we are almost at the end of the second quarter! The best thing happening in 4th grade, if you ask any of the students, is our Oregon Trail project in Social Studies. Students have been broken into 3 wagons and are stimulating a trip to Oregon on the Oregon Trail. In studying the westward movement, students have already packed their wagon with a certain weight, have faced tough decisions on what trails to take, researched different illnesses and diseases, and had to make diary entries about their travels. Students always enjoy this activity – and I do, too! We finished our science unit on Earth’s Features and are moving onto Earth’s Hazards. Before we started our new unit, students did a fun lab on creating landforms out of pieces of cardboard. They then had to spray them continuously with water to stimulate weather. It was a fun science day!

    We started into long division this week, which students enjoy doing. This is a big math skill for them! We have also had some fun with math using Christmas themed partner activities and making math reindeer for the hall! We have been focusing on the Advent season, as well. We light our Advent wreath in our room and have written ways we can prepare for Advent. Students have been doings acts of peace and hope and have gone to Reconciliation to help prepare themselves for the coming of the Lord.

    We enjoyed many fun Christmas activities including; Grinch Day, making gumdrop Christmas trees, Christmas crafts and classroom activities, and finishing our group reading book, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.

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