world statistics pocketbook 2013

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  • 8/10/2019 World Statistics Pocketbook 2013


    Series V, No. 37

    Department of Economic

    and Social Affairs

    Statistics Division


    Pocketbook2013 edition

    United Nations, New York, 2013

  • 8/10/2019 World Statistics Pocketbook 2013


    The Department of Economic and Socia l Affa i rs of the United Nations Secretariat is

    a vital interface between global policies in the economic, social and environmental

    spheres and national action. The Department works in three main interlinked areas:

    (i) it compiles, generates and analyses a wide range of economic, social and

    environmental data and information on which States Members of the United Nations

    draw to review common problems and to take stock of policy options; ( i i ) it facil itates

    the negotiations of Member States in many intergovernmental bodies on joint courses

    of action to address ongoing or emerging global challenges; and (iii) it advises

    interested Governments on the ways and means of translating policy frameworks

    developed in United Nations conferences and summits into programmes at the country

    level and, through technical assistance, helps build national capacities.


    The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not

    imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the

    United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its

    authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

    The term country as used in this publication also refers, as appropriate, to territories or


    Visit the United Nations World Wide Web site on the Internet:

    For the Department of Economic and Social Affairs,

    For statistics and statistical publications,

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    United Nations Publication

    Sales No. E.13.XVII.4

    ISBN-13: 978-92-1-161570-8

    All queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to

    United Nations Publications, 300 East 42 n d Street, New York, NY 10017, USA, e-mail:

    [email protected], web:

    World Statistics Pocketbook, 2013 edition 2013 United NationsNew York, NY 10017, United States of America

    All rights reserved

    Printed in the United States of America

  • 8/10/2019 World Statistics Pocketbook 2013



    World Statistics Pocketbook iii

    Introduction ................................................................................................................................viiSymbols, abbreviations and conversion factors..........................................................................ix

    Country profile information and indicator list..............................................................................xiCountry profiles ..................................................................................................................................... 1

    Technical notes ....................................................................................................................... 219Statistical sources and references .......................................................................................... 233Index of indicator notes and definitions.................................................................................. 237United Nations statistical publications ................................................................................... 239

    Country profiles

    Afghanistan .........................................................3



    American Samoa.................................................6

    Andorra ................................................................7


    Antigua and Barbuda...........................................9

    Argentina ...........................................................10Armenia .............................................................11





    Bahamas ............................................................16


    Bangladesh ........................................................18





    Benin ..................................................................23


    Bhutan................................................................25Bolivia (Plurinational State of) ..........................26

    Bosnia and Herzegovina....................................27


    Brazil ..................................................................29

    British Virgin Islands..........................................30

    Brunei Darussalam ............................................31

    Bulgaria..............................................................32Burkina Faso ......................................................33





    Cape Verde ........................................................38

    Cayman Islands .................................................39

    Central African Republic ...................................40

    Chad .................................................................. 41

    Chile................................................................... 42

    China ................................................................. 43

    China, Hong Kong SAR..................................... 44

    China, Macao SAR............................................ 45

    Colombia ........................................................... 46

    Comoros ............................................................ 47

    Congo ................................................................ 48Cook Islands...................................................... 49

    Costa Rica ......................................................... 50

    Cte d'Ivoire...................................................... 51

    Croatia............................................................... 52

    Cuba .................................................................. 53

    Cyprus................................................................ 54

    Czech Republic.................................................. 55

    Democratic People's Republic of Korea........... 56

    Democratic Republic of the Congo .................. 57

    Denmark ............................................................ 58

    Djibouti .............................................................. 59

    Dominica ........................................................... 60

    Dominican Republic.......................................... 61

    Ecuador.............................................................. 62

    Egypt.................................................................. 63El Salvador ........................................................ 64

    Equatorial Guinea ............................................. 65

    Eritrea................................................................ 66

    Estonia............................................................... 67

    Ethiopia ............................................................. 68

    Faeroe Islands................................................... 69

    Fiji ...................................................................... 70Finland............................................................... 71

    France................................................................ 72

    French Guiana ................................................... 73

    French Polynesia............................................... 74

    Gabon................................................................ 75

    Gambia.............................................................. 76

    Georgia.............................................................. 77

    Germany ............................................................ 78

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    Contents (continued)

    iv World Statistics Pocketbook



    Greenland ..........................................................81Grenada..............................................................82



    Guatemala .........................................................85







    India ...................................................................93


    Iran (Islamic Republic of)...................................95

    Iraq .....................................................................96


    Israel ..................................................................98



    Japan ...............................................................101


    Kazakhstan.......................................................103Kenya ...............................................................104




    Lao People's Democratic Republic .................108




    Liberia ..............................................................112


    Liechtenstein ...................................................114

    Lithuania ..........................................................115

    Luxembourg .....................................................116



    Malaysia ..........................................................119

    Maldives ..........................................................120



    Marshall Islands..............................................123

    Martinique .......................................................124

    Mauritania .......................................................125Mauritius..........................................................126

    Mexico............................................................. 127

    Micronesia (Federated States of)................... 128

    Monaco ........................................................... 129Mongolia ......................................................... 130

    Montenegro .................................................... 131

    Morocco .......................................................... 132

    Mozambique ................................................... 133

    Myanmar......................................................... 134

    Namibia........................................................... 135

    Nauru............................................................... 136Nepal............................................................... 137

    Netherlands .................................................... 138

    Netherlands Antilles....................................... 139

    New Caledonia ............................................... 140

    New Zealand................................................... 141

    Nicaragua........................................................ 142

    Niger................................................................ 143

    Nigeria............................................................. 144

    Niue................................................................. 145

    Northern Mariana Islands .............................. 146

    Norway............................................................ 147

    Oman............................................................... 148

    Pakistan........................................................... 149

    Palau................................................................ 150

    Panama............................................................ 151Papua New Guinea......................................... 152

    Paraguay.......................................................... 153

    Peru.................................................................. 154

    Philippines....................................................... 155

    Poland.............................................................. 156

    Portugal ........................................................... 157

    Puerto Rico...................................................... 158

    Qatar................................................................ 159

    Republic of Korea............................................ 160

    Republic of Moldova....................................... 161

    Runion ........................................................... 162

    Romania .......................................................... 163

    Russian Federation ......................................... 164

    Rwanda ........................................................... 165

    Saint Kitts and Nevis ...................................... 166

    Saint Lucia....................................................... 167

    Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ................. 168

    Samoa ............................................................. 169

    San Marino ..................................................... 170

    Sao Tome and Principe................................... 171

    Saudi Arabia ................................................... 172

    Senegal ........................................................... 173Serbia .............................................................. 174

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    Contents (continued)

    World Statistics Pocketbook v


    Sierra Leone.....................................................176


    Slovenia ...........................................................179

    Solomon Islands ..............................................180


    South Africa.....................................................182

    Spain ................................................................183

    Sri Lanka ..........................................................184State of Palestine............................................185



    Swaziland ........................................................188



    Syrian Arab Republic.......................................191


    Thailand ...........................................................193

    The former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedonia.......194


    Togo .................................................................196

    Tonga............................................................... 197

    Trinidad and Tobago....................................... 198

    Tunisia............................................................. 199Turkey.............................................................. 200

    Turkmenistan .................................................. 201

    Tuvalu.............................................................. 202

    Uganda............................................................ 203

    Ukraine............................................................ 204

    United Arab Emirates ..................................... 205

    United Kingdom .............................................. 206United Republic of Tanzania .......................... 207

    United States of America ............................... 208

    United States Virgin Islands........................... 209

    Uruguay........................................................... 210

    Uzbekistan....................................................... 211

    Vanuatu........................................................... 212

    Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)................. 213

    Viet Nam ......................................................... 214

    Western Sahara.............................................. 215

    Yemen ............................................................. 216

    Zambia............................................................. 217

    Zimbabwe ....................................................... 218

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  • 8/10/2019 World Statistics Pocketbook 2013



    World Statistics Pocketbook vii

    The World Statistics Pocketbook is an annual compilation of key economic, social

    and environmental indicators, presented in one-page profiles. This edition includes

    country profiles for 216 countries or areas of the world. Prepared by the United

    Nations Statistics Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, it

    responds to General Assembly resolution 2626 (XXV), in which the Secretary-General

    is requested to supply basic national data that will increase international public

    awareness of countries' development efforts.

    The indicators shown are selected from the wealth of international statistical

    information compiled regularly by the Statistics Division and the Population Divisionof the United Nations, the statistical services of the United Nations specialized

    agencies and other international organizations and institutions. Special recognition

    is gratefully given for their assistance in continually providing data.

    Time period

    This issue of the World Statistics Pocketbook covers various years from 2005 to

    2012. For the economic indicators, in general, three years - 2005, 2010 and 2011 -

    are shown, unless otherwise indicated. Due to space limitations, data for one year

    only are shown for the indicators in the social and environmental categories. For the

    six social indicators for which the range of years 2010-2015 is shown, the data refer

    to projections. When other ranges of years are shown, the data refer to the most

    recent year available within that range.

    Organization of the Pocketbook

    The country tables or profiles are presented alphabetically according to countries

    names in English and contain the available data for the following broad categories:

    General information: includes each countrys location by geographical

    region, currency, surface area, population and population density, capital

    city and United Nations membership date

    Economic indicators: includes national accounts (Gross domestic product (GDP),

    GDP growth rate, GDP per capita, gross national income per capita and gross

    fixed capital formation), exchange rates, balance of payments, consumer

    price index, production indices (industrial, agricultural and food),unemployment, employment, labour force participation, tourist arrivals,

    energy production, telephone subscribers and internet users

    Trade:contains the value of total exports, imports and the trade balance as

    well as the countries main trading partners

    Social indicators: includes population (growth rates, urban percentage, age

    groups and sex ratios), life expectancy, infant mortality rate, total fertility

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    ntroduction (continued)

    viii World Statistics Pocketbook

    rate, contraceptive prevalence, international migrant stock, refugees,

    education (expenditure and enrolment), intentional homicides and female

    participation in national parliaments

    Environmental indicators: includes threatened species, forested area, CO2

    emission estimates, energy consumption per capita and climatological


    The complete set of indicators, listed by category and in the order in which they

    appear in the profiles, is shown at the beginning of the country profile section. Not

    all indicators are shown for each country or area due to different degrees of data


    The technical notes section, which follows the country profile pages, contains

    brief descriptions of the concepts and methodologies used in the compilation of the

    indicators as well as information on the statistical sources for the indicators.

    Readers interested in longer time-series data or more detailed descriptions of the

    concepts or methodologies should consult the primary sources of the data and the

    references listed in the section following the technical notes.

    The index of indicators, at the back of this publication, lists the complete set of

    indicators in alphabetical order and shows the category in which each is presented in

    the country profiles along with the pages on which information on the concepts,

    definitions and the data sources are given. As noted above, the number of indicators

    actually shown for the countries varies according to data availability.


    The present World Statistics Pocketbook, 2013 edition (Series V, No. 37) is an

    update of the previous edition which was released in 2012 and entitled World

    Statistics Pocketbook 2011(Series V, No. 36).

    * * *

    The World Statistics Pocketbook is prepared annually by the Statistical Services

    Branch of the Statistics Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the

    United Nations Secretariat. The programme manager is Mary Jane Holupka, the

    editor is Iliana Vaca, and the software developer is Salomon Cameo. Comments on

    this publication are welcome and may be sent by e-mail to [email protected].

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    Symbols, abbreviations and conversion factors

    World Statistics Pocketbook ix

    The following symbols and abbreviations have been used in the World Statistics


    ... Data not available Magnitude zero< Magnitude not zero, but less than half of the unit employed

    < Magnitude not zero, but negative and less than half of the unit employed000 Thousands

    C Degrees CelsiusF Degrees Fahrenheit% Percentage

    60+ Aged sixty years and over. Decimal figures are always preceded by a period (.)CFA Coopration financire en Afrique centraleCIF Cost, Insurance and FreightCO

    2Carbon dioxide

    CPI Consumer price indexf Females

    FOB Free on boardGDP Gross domestic product

    GNI Gross national incomeILO International Labour OrganizationISIC International Standard Industrial ClassificationISO International Organization for Standardizationkm Kilometresm Males

    mt Metric tonsUN United Nations

    UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

    UNHCR Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesUNSD United Nations Statistics DivisionUS$ United States dollars

    The metric system of weights and measures has been employed in the World

    Statistics Pocketbook. The equivalents of the basic British Imperial and United States

    weights and measures are as follows:

    Area 1 square kilometre = 0.386102 square mile

    Weight or mass 1 ton = 1.102311 short tons or= 0.987207 long ton

    1 kilogram = 35.273962 avoirdupois ounces= 2.204623 avoirdupois pounds

    Distance 1 kilometre = 0.621371 mile1 millimetre = 0.039 inch

    Temperature C = (F - 32) 5/9

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    Country profile information and indicator list

    World Statistics Pocketbook xi

    General information

    RegionCurrencySurface area (square kilometres)

    Population in 2011 (estimated, 000)Population density in 2011 (per square kilometre)Capital city and population in 2011 (000)United Nations membership date

    Economic indicators

    GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$)GDP: Growth rate at constant 2005 prices (annual %)GDP per capita (current US$)GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$)Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP)

    Exchange rates (national currency per US$)Balance of payments, current account (million US$)CPI: Consumer price index (2000=100)Industrial production index (2005=100)Agricultural production index (2004-2006=100)Food production index (2004-2006=100)Unemployment (% of labour force)Employment in industrial sector (% of employed)Employment in agricultural sector (% of employed)Labour force participation, adult female population (%)

    Labour force participation, adult male population (%)Tourist arrivals at national borders (000)Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent)Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants)Internet users (per 100 inhabitants)


    Total trade (exports, imports and balance, million US$)Major trading partners (exports and imports, %)

    Social indicators

    Population growth rate (average annual %)Urban population growth rate (average annual %)Rural population growth rate (average annual %)Urban population (%)Population aged 0-14 years (%)Population aged 60+ years (females and males, % of total)Sex ratio (males per 100 females)Life expectancy at birth (females and males, years)Infant mortality rate (per 1 000 live births)Fertility rate, total (live births per woman)Contraceptive prevalence (ages 15-49, %)International migrant stock (000 and % of total population)Refugees and others of concern to UNHCREducation: Government expenditure (% of GDP)Education: Primary and secondary gross enrolment ratio (females and males per 100)Education: Female third-level students (% of total)Intentional homicides (females and males, per 100 000)Seats held by women in national parliaments (%)

    Environmental indicators

    Threatened species

    Forested area (% of land area)CO

    2emission estimates (000 metric tons and metric tons per capita)

    Energy consumption per capita (kilograms oil equivalent)Rainfall in the capital city, total mean (millimetres)Temperature in the capital city, mean C (minimum and maximum)

    * The complete set of information and indicators listed here may not be shown for each

    country or area depending upon data availability.

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    Country profiles

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  • 8/10/2019 World Statistics Pocketbook 2013


    Region South-central Asia

    Currency Afghani (AFN)Surface area (square kilometres) 652 864

    Population in 2011 (estimated, 000) 32 358Population density in 2011 (per square kilometre) 49.6

    Capital city and population in 2011 (000) Kabul (3 097)United Nations membership date 19 November 1946Economic indicators 2005 2010 2011

    GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) 6 622 16 078 18 949GDP: Growth rate at constant 2005 prices (annual %) 9.9 3.2 5.7GDP per capita (current US$) 240.0 512.0 586.0GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) 240.0 450.0 560.0Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) 21.8 17.5 15.1Exchange rates (national currency per US$) a 50.41 45.27 49.04Agricultural production index (2004-2006=100) 107 114 109Food production index (2004-2006=100) 107 114 109Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) 13.9 15.5 15.7Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) 80.6 80.4 80.3Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent) 85 420b ...Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) 4.7 41.4 54.3Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) 1.2 4.0 5.0Total trade Major trading partners 2011

    (million US$) (% of exports) (% of imports)Exports 375.9 Pakistan 48.0 Pakistan 13.7

    Imports 6 390.3 India 18.7 Russian Federation 12.6Balance 6 014.4 Russian Federation 8.8 Uzbekistan 11.5Social indicators

    Population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 3.1Urban population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 4.4Rural population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 2.7Urban population (%) 2012 23.8Population aged 0-14 years (%) 2012 45.8Population aged 60+ years (females and males, % of total) 2012 3.9/3.6Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 2012 107.2Life expectancy at birth (females and males, years) 2010-2015 49.5/49.2Infant mortality rate (per 1 000 live births) 2010-2015 124.5Fertility rate, total (live births per woman) 2010-2015 6.0Contraceptive prevalence (ages 15-49, %) 2006-2010 22.8International migrant stock (000 and % of total population) mid-2010 90.9/0.3Refugees and others of concern to UNHCR end-2011 1 548 374Education: Primary-secondary gross enrolment ratio (f/m per 100) 2006-2012 57.0/89.4Education: Female third-level students (% of total) 2006-2012 18.0Intentional homicides (females and males, per 100 000) c 2008-2010 0.9/3.7

    Seats held by women in national parliaments (%) 2012 27.7Environmental indicatorsThreatened species 2012 36Forested area (% of land area) 2010 2.0CO2emission estimates (000 metric tons and metric tons per capita) 2009 6 309/0.2Energy consumption per capita (kilograms oil equivalent) 2009 71.0Rainfall in the capital city, total mean (millimetres) 312Temperature in the capital city, mean C (minimum and maximum) 4.3/19.6aPrincipal rate. b2009. cEstimates based, for the most part, on cause of death modelling and deathregistration data from other countries in the region.

    World Statistics Pocketbook 3

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  • 8/10/2019 World Statistics Pocketbook 2013


    Region Northern Africa

    Currency Dinar (DZD)Surface area (square kilometres) 2 381 741

    Population in 2011 (estimated, 000) 35 980Population density in 2011 (per square kilometre) 15.1

    Capital city and population in 2011 (000) Algiers (2 916)United Nations membership date 8 October 1962Economic indicators 2005 2010 2011

    GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) 103 198 161 986 198 735GDP: Growth rate at constant 2005 prices (annual %) 5.1 3.3 2.9GDP per capita (current US$) 3 138.0 4 567.0 5 523.0GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) 2 805.0 4 280.0 5 176.0Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) 22.4 36.1 26.1Exchange rates (national currency per US$) a 73.38 74.94 76.06Balance of payments, current account (million US$) 21 083 11 832 19 393CPI: Consumer price index (2000=100) 117 146 154Industrial production index (2005=100)b 100 97 97Agricultural production index (2004-2006=100) 99 125 129Food production index (2004-2006=100) 99 125 129Employment in industrial sector (% of employed) 26.0bcd 33.1e ...Employment in agricultural sector (% of employed) 20.7bcd 11.7e ...Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) 13.0 14.7 15.0Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) 73.2 71.7 71.9Tourist arrivals at national borders (000) fg 1 443 2 070 2 395

    Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent) 189 329 173 267h

    ...Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) 49.4 100.7 107.5Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) 5.8 12.5 14.0Total trade Major trading partners 2011

    (million US$) (% of exports) (% of imports)Exports 73 436.3 United States 20.6 France 15.1Imports 47 219.7 Italy 14.2 China 10.0Balance 26 216.6 Spain 9.8 Italy 9.9Social indicators

    Population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 1.4Urban population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 2.5Rural population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 1.9Urban population (%) 2012 73.8Population aged 0-14 years (%) 2012 26.6Population aged 60+ years (females and males, % of total) 2012 7.9/6.5Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 2012 101.9Life expectancy at birth (females and males, years) 2010-2015 75.0/71.9Infant mortality rate (per 1 000 live births) 2010-2015 21.5Fertility rate, total (live births per woman) 2010-2015 2.1

    Contraceptive prevalence (ages 15-49, %) 2006-2010 61.4International migrant stock (000 and % of total population) ij mid-2010 242.3/0.7Refugees and others of concern to UNHCR end-2011 94 964k

    Education: Government expenditure (% of GDP) 2006-2012 4.3Education: Primary-secondary gross enrolment ratio (f/m per 100) 2006-2012 99.9/101.5Education: Female third-level students (% of total) 2006-2012 58.5Intentional homicides (females and males, per 100 000) l 2008-2010 4.1/10.4Seats held by women in national parliaments (%) 2012 31.6Environmental indicators

    Threatened species 2012 110Forested area (% of land area) 2010 1.0CO2emission estimates (000 metric tons and metric tons per capita) 2009 121 213/3.5Energy consumption per capita (kilograms oil equivalent) 2009 1 117.0Rainfall in the capital city, total mean (millimetres) 598Temperature in the capital city, mean C (minimum and maximum) 11.9/23.7aOfficial rate. bThe indices are shown in terms of ISIC Rev. 3. c2004. dSeptember. eFourth quarter.fIncludes nationals residing abroad. gArrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders. h2009. iDatarefer to foreign citizens. jIncludes refugees. kAccording to the Government of Algeria, there are anestimated 165,000 Sahrawi refugees in the Tindouf camps. lEstimates based, for the most part, on causeof death modelling and death registration data from other countries in the region.

    World Statistics Pocketbook 5

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    Region Oceania-Polynesia

    Currency U.S. Dollar (USD)Surface area (square kilometres) 199

    Population in 2011 (estimated, 000) 70Population density in 2011 (per square kilometre) 349.5

    Capital city and population in 2011 (000) Pago Pago (65)Economic indicators 2005 2010 2011CPI: Consumer price index (2000=100) a 122 ... ...Agricultural production index (2004-2006=100) 107 106 96Food production index (2004-2006=100) 107 106 96Tourist arrivals at national borders (000) 24 25b ...Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) c 16.5 15.2 ...Social indicators

    Population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 1.6

    Urban population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 1.9Rural population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 1.9Urban population (%) 2012 93.5Population aged 0-14 years (%) d 2012 34.1Population aged 60+ years (females and males, % of total) d 2012 8.2/7.1Sex ratio (males per 100 females) d 2012 104.0e

    Life expectancy at birth (females and males, years) f 2010-2015 76.2/68.5b

    Infant mortality rate (per 1 000 live births) d 2010-2015 11.3g

    Fertility rate, total (live births per woman)d 2010-2015 4.0h

    International migrant stock (000 and % of total population) mid-2010 28.4/41.4Environmental indicators

    Threatened species 2012 80Forested area (% of land area) 2010 89.0aExcludes rent. b2006. cMain telephone lines only. dData compiled by the Secretariat of the PacificCommunity Demography Programme. e2011. fData compiled by the United Nations Demographic Year-book system. g2006-2008. h2000.

    6 World Statistics Pocketbook

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    Region Southern Europe

    Currency Euro (EUR)Surface area (square kilometres) 468

    Population in 2011 (estimated, 000) 86Population density in 2011 (per square kilometre) 184.1

    Capital city and population in 2011 (000) Andorra la Vella (24)United Nations membership date 28 July 1993Economic indicators 2005 2010 2011

    GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) 3 133 3 422 3 577GDP: Growth rate at constant 2005 prices (annual %) 6.4 3.4 2.8GDP per capita (current US$) 40 228.0 40 324.0 41 517.0GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) 40 228.0 40 324.0 41 517.0Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) 29.4 22.3 21.1Exchange rates (national currency per US$) a 0.85 0.75 0.77CPI: Consumer price index (2000=100) b 113 126 129Tourist arrivals at national borders (000) 2 418 1 808cd 1948Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent) 7 5ef ...Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) 128.4 122.2 120.1Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) 37.6 81.0 81.0Social indicators

    Population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 1.5Urban population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 0.9Rural population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 5.5Urban population (%) 2012 86.7

    Population aged 0-14 years (%) ghi 2012 14.8jPopulation aged 60+ years (females and males, % of total) ghi 2012 18.6/18.0j

    Sex ratio (males per 100 females) hk 2012 104.6j

    Fertility rate, total (live births per woman)h 2010-2015 1.2e

    International migrant stock (000 and % of total population) l mid-2010 55.9/64.4Education: Government expenditure (% of GDP) 2006-2012 2.9Education: Primary-secondary gross enrolment ratio (f/m per 100) 2006-2012 85.3/84.0Education: Female third-level students (% of total) 2006-2012 57.5Seats held by women in national parliaments (%) 2012 50.0

    Environmental indicatorsThreatened species 2012 11Forested area (% of land area) 2010 36.0CO2emission estimates (000 metric tons and metric tons per capita) 2009 517/6.2Energy consumption per capita (kilograms oil equivalent) 2009 2 636.0aMarket rate. bIndex base 2001=100. cMethodology revised. dData are not strictly comparable withthose of previous years. e2009. fUNSD estimate. gDe jure estimate. hData compiled by the UnitedNations Demographic Yearbook system. iData refer to the latest available census. j2011. kDe jurenational estimate. lData refer to foreign citizens.

    World Statistics Pocketbook 7

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    Region Middle Africa

    Currency Kwanza (AOA)Surface area (square kilometres) 1 246 700

    Population in 2011 (estimated, 000) 19 618Population density in 2011 (per square kilometre) 15.7

    Capital city and population in 2011 (000) Luanda (5 068)United Nations membership date 1 December 1976Economic indicators 2005 2010 2011

    GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) 32 811 82 513 104 332GDP: Growth rate at constant 2005 prices (annual %) 20.5 3.5 3.9GDP per capita (current US$) 1 990.0 4 324.0 5 318.0GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) 1 745.0 3 860.0 4 630.0Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) 8.3 15.3 15.3Exchange rates (national currency per US$) a 80.78 92.64 95.27Balance of payments, current account (million US$) 5 138 7 421 ...CPI: Consumer price index (2000=100) b 1 846 3 438c 3901Agricultural production index (2004-2006=100) 105 171 188Food production index (2004-2006=100) 105 170 187Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) 64.4 62.7 62.9Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) 76.3 77.0 77.1Tourist arrivals at national borders (000) 210 425 481Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent) 63 896 92 954d ...Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) 10.4 48.3 49.9Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) 1.1 10.0 14.8

    Social indicatorsPopulation growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 2.7Urban population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 4.0Rural population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 0.8Urban population (%) 2012 60.0Population aged 0-14 years (%) 2012 45.9Population aged 60+ years (females and males, % of total) 2012 4.3/3.6Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 2012 98.2Life expectancy at birth (females and males, years) 2010-2015 53.2/50.2

    Infant mortality rate (per 1 000 live births) 2010-2015 96.2Fertility rate, total (live births per woman) 2010-2015 5.1Contraceptive prevalence (ages 15-49, %) 2006-2010 6.2e

    International migrant stock (000 and % of total population) f mid-2010 65.4/0.3Refugees and others of concern to UNHCR end-2011 23 357Education: Government expenditure (% of GDP) 2006-2012 3.5Education: Primary-secondary gross enrolment ratio (f/m per 100) 2006-2012 73.5/93.2Education: Female third-level students (% of total) 2006-2012 45.4Intentional homicides (females and males, per 100 000) g 2008-2010 7.7/30.5Seats held by women in national parliaments (%) h 2012 34.1

    Environmental indicatorsThreatened species 2012 123Forested area (% of land area) 2010 47.0CO2emission estimates (000 metric tons and metric tons per capita) 2009 26 634/1.4Energy consumption per capita (kilograms oil equivalent) 2009 249.0Temperature in the capital city, mean C (minimum and maximum) 22.3/27.7aOfficial rate. bLuanda. cSeries linked to former series. d2009. e2001. fIncludes refugees. gEstimatesbased, for the most part, on cause of death modelling and death registration data from other countriesin the region. hAs of 31 October 2012.

    8 World Statistics Pocketbook

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    Region Caribbean

    Currency E.C. Dollar (XCD)Surface area (square kilometres) 442

    Population in 2011 (estimated, 000) 90Population density in 2011 (per square kilometre) 202.7

    Capital city and population in 2011 (000) St. John's (27)United Nations membership date 11 November 1981Economic indicators 2005 2010 2011

    GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) 1 002 1 154 1 118GDP: Growth rate at constant 2005 prices (annual %) 6.1 7.9 5.0GDP per capita (current US$) 11 940.0 13 006.0 12 480.0GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) 11 439.0 12 646.0 12 080.0Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) 29.3 36.3 29.5Exchange rates (national currency per US$) a 2.70 2.70 2.70Balance of payments, current account (million US$) 171 162 120CPI: Consumer price index (2000=100) 110 ... ...Agricultural production index (2004-2006=100) 95 110 113Food production index (2004-2006=100) 95 110 113Employment in industrial sector (% of employed) bc 15.6 15.6d ...Employment in agricultural sector (% of employed)bc 2.8 2.8d ...Tourist arrivals at national borders (000) ef 245 230 241Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) 146.0 230.3 221.2Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) 34.7 80.0 82.0Total trade Major trading partners 2011

    (million US$) (% of exports) (% of imports)gExports 29.0 United States 38.3Imports 471.4 United Kingdom 8.3Balance 442.4 Barbados 7.6Social indicators

    Population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 1.0Urban population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 1.0Rural population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 1.0Urban population (%) 2012 29.8Population aged 0-14 years (%) hij 2012 28.3k

    Population aged 60+ years (females and males, % of total) hij 2012 9.8/8.8kSex ratio (males per 100 females) ilm 2012 88.5n

    Contraceptive prevalence (ages 15-49, %) o 2006-2010 52.6p

    International migrant stock (000 and % of total population) mid-2010 20.9/23.6Refugees and others of concern to UNHCR end-2011 0q

    Education: Government expenditure (% of GDP) 2006-2012 2.5Education: Primary-secondary gross enrolment ratio (f/m per 100) 2006-2012 99.1/103.8Education: Female third-level students (% of total) r 2006-2012 68.0Seats held by women in national parliaments (%) 2012 10.5

    Environmental indicatorsThreatened species 2012 42Forested area (% of land area) 2010 22.0CO2emission estimates (000 metric tons and metric tons per capita) 2009 462/5.2Energy consumption per capita (kilograms oil equivalent) 2009 1 759.0s

    Rainfall in the capital city, total mean (millimetres) 1 052Temperature in the capital city, mean C (minimum and maximum) 23.9/29.6aOfficial rate. bOfficial estimates. cThe indices are shown in terms of ISIC Rev. 3. d2008. eAir arrivals.fExcludes nationals residing abroad. gFor more information, refer to the technical notes. hDe factoestimate. iData compiled by the United Nations Demographic Yearbook system. jData refer to the latestavailable census. k2005. lThe distribution between males and females was extrapolated from previousyears. mDe facto national estimate. n2010. oAge group 15 to 44 years. p1988. qValue is zero, notavailable or not applicable. rNational estimate. sUNSD estimate.

    World Statistics Pocketbook 9

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    Region South America

    Currency Argentine Peso (ARS)Surface area (square kilometres) 2 780 400

    Population in 2011 (estimated, 000) 40 765Population density in 2011 (per square kilometre) 14.7

    Capital city and population in 2011 (000) Buenos Aires (13 528)United Nations membership date 24 October 1945Economic indicators 2005 2010 2011

    GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) 183 196 370 263 448 165GDP: Growth rate at constant 2005 prices (annual %) 9.2 9.2 8.9GDP per capita (current US$) 4 736.0 9 162.0 10 994.0GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) 4 576.0 8 911.0 10 727.0Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) 21.5 22.0 22.6Exchange rates (national currency per US$) a 3.01 3.96 4.28Balance of payments, current account (million US$) 5 274 2 830 6CPI: Consumer price index (2000=100) b 162 249 273Agricultural production index (2004-2006=100) 103 115 115Food production index (2004-2006=100) 103 115 115Unemployment (% of labour force) cd 11.5 7.7ef 7.2Employment in industrial sector (% of employed)g 23.5dhi 23.2cj 23.8cj

    Employment in agricultural sector (% of employed)g 1.1dhi 1.3cj 1.2cj

    Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) 48.8 47.0 47.3Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) 76.6 74.9 74.9Tourist arrivals at national borders (000) 3 823 5 325 5 705

    Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent) 86 293 81 878k

    ...Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) 81.7 157.6 159.8Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) 17.7 40.0 47.7Total trade Major trading partners 2011

    (million US$) (% of exports) (% of imports)Exports 83 950.2 Brazil 20.7 Brazil 29.5Imports 73 936.5 China 7.4 China 14.3Balance 10 013.7 Chile 5.8 United States 10.5Social indicators

    Population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 0.9Urban population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 1.0Rural population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 1.2Urban population (%) 2012 92.7Population aged 0-14 years (%) 2012 24.4Population aged 60+ years (females and males, % of total) 2012 17.0/12.9Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 2012 95.8Life expectancy at birth (females and males, years) 2010-2015 79.9/72.4Infant mortality rate (per 1 000 live births) 2010-2015 12.3Fertility rate, total (live births per woman) 2010-2015 2.2

    Contraceptive prevalence (ages 15-49, %) 2006-2010 65.3l

    International migrant stock (000 and % of total population) mid-2010 1 449.3/3.6Refugees and others of concern to UNHCR end-2011 4 578Education: Government expenditure (% of GDP) 2006-2012 6.0Education: Primary-secondary gross enrolment ratio (f/m per 100) 2006-2012 105.1/100.7Education: Female third-level students (% of total) 2006-2012 59.5Intentional homicides (females and males, per 100 000) 2008-2010 1.0/5.4Seats held by women in national parliaments (%) 2012 37.4Environmental indicators

    Threatened species 2012 219Forested area (% of land area) 2010 11.0CO2emission estimates (000 metric tons and metric tons per capita) 2009 174 575/4.4Energy consumption per capita (kilograms oil equivalent) 2009 1 774.0Rainfall in the capital city, total mean (millimetres) 1 215Temperature in the capital city, mean C (minimum and maximum) 13.5/22.5aOfficial rate. bMetropolitan areas. c31 urban agglomerations. dAge group 10 years and over. eMethodology revised. fData are not strictly comparable with those of previous years. gThe indices areshown in terms of ISIC Rev. 3. h28 urban agglomerations. iSecond semester. jAverage of quarterlyestimates. k2009. l2001.

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  • 8/10/2019 World Statistics Pocketbook 2013


    Region Caribbean

    Currency Aruban Guilder (AWG)Surface area (square kilometres) 180

    Population in 2011 (estimated, 000) 108Population density in 2011 (per square kilometre) 600.8

    Capital city and population in 2011 (000) Oranjestad (37)Economic indicators 2005 2010 2011GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) 2 331 2 410 2 677GDP: Growth rate at constant 2005 prices (annual %) 1.2 5.7 8.9GDP per capita (current US$) 23 080.0 22 416.0 24 753.0GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) 21 679.0 21 067.0 23 265.0Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) 32.1 28.7 28.7Exchange rates (national currency per US$) a 1.79 1.79 1.79Balance of payments, current account (million US$) 114 426 235CPI: Consumer price index (2000=100) 117 139 145Employment in industrial sector (% of employed) 20.3bcd ... ...Employment in agricultural sector (% of employed) 0.7bcd ... ...Tourist arrivals at national borders (000) 733 824 870Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent)e 121 124f ...Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) 140.3 155.2 ...Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) 25.4 42.0 57.1Total trade Major trading partners 2011

    (million US$) (% of exports) (% of imports)Exports 148.0 Colombia 40.7 United States 50.6

    Imports 1 195.8 Venezuela 20.5 Netherlands 11.6Balance 1 047.8 United Kingdom 4.7Social indicators

    Population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 0.3Urban population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 0.5Rural population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 0.2Urban population (%) 2012 46.9Population aged 0-14 years (%) 2012 18.3Population aged 60+ years (females and males, % of total) 2012 16.6/14.1Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 2012 90.3Life expectancy at birth (females and males, years) 2010-2015 77.8/73.0Infant mortality rate (per 1 000 live births) 2010-2015 14.7Fertility rate, total (live births per woman) 2010-2015 1.7International migrant stock (000 and % of total population) mid-2010 34.3/31.9Refugees and others of concern to UNHCR end-2011 4Education: Government expenditure (% of GDP) 2006-2012 5.9Education: Primary-secondary gross enrolment ratio (f/m per 100) 2006-2012 101.5/102.9Education: Female third-level students (% of total) 2006-2012 57.2Environmental indicators

    Threatened species 2012 22Forested area (% of land area) 2010 2.0CO2emission estimates (000 metric tons and metric tons per capita) 2009 2 294/21.5Energy consumption per capita (kilograms oil equivalent) 2009 2 333.0e

    Rainfall in the capital city, total mean (millimetres) 472Temperature in the capital city, mean C (minimum and maximum) 25.9/31.5aOfficial rate. bOctober. c2007. dThe indices are shown in terms of ISIC Rev. 3. eUNSD estimate. f2009.

    12 World Statistics Pocketbook

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    Region Oceania

    Currency Australian Dollar (AUD)Surface area (square kilometres) 7 692 024

    Population in 2011 (estimated, 000) 22 606a

    Population density in 2011 (per square kilometre) 2.9

    Capital city and population in 2011 (000) Canberra (399)United Nations membership date 1 November 1945Economic indicators 2005 2010 2011

    GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) 759 697 1 283 352 1 515 468GDP: Growth rate at constant 2005 prices (annual %) 3.0 1.9 3.4GDP per capita (current US$) 37 234.0 57 631.0 67 039.0GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) 35 787.0 55 401.0 64 936.0Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) 27.9 26.5 27.6Exchange rates (national currency per US$) b 1.36 0.98 0.98Balance of payments, current account (million US$) 41 728 35 666 32 882CPI: Consumer price index (2000=100) 116 134 139Industrial production index (2005=100)c 100 110 110Agricultural production index (2004-2006=100) 108 99 108Food production index (2004-2006=100) 108 101 108Unemployment (% of labour force) 5.0 5.2 5.1Employment in industrial sector (% of employed) 21.3de 21.1fg ...Employment in agricultural sector (% of employed) 3.6de 3.3fg ...Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) 57.0 58.7 58.8Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) 72.2 72.5 72.3

    Tourist arrivals at national borders (000)hi

    5 499 5 885 5 875Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent) j 278 077 308 655g ...Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) 139.9 148.6 155.0Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) 63.0 76.0 79.0Total trade Major trading partners 2011

    (million US$) (% of exports) (% of imports)Exports 245 631.0 China 27.5 China 18.5Imports 234 319.3 Japan 19.2 United States 11.4Balance 11 311.7 Republic of Korea 8.9 Japan 7.9Social indicators

    Population growth rate (average annual %) a 2010-2015 1.3Urban population growth rate (average annual %) a 2010-2015 1.5Rural population growth rate (average annual %) a 2010-2015 0.1Urban population (%) a 2012 89.4Population aged 0-14 years (%) a 2012 19.0Population aged 60+ years (females and males, % of total) a 2012 20.6/18.5Sex ratio (males per 100 females) a 2012 99.5Life expectancy at birth (females and males, years) a 2010-2015 84.3/79.9Infant mortality rate (per 1 000 live births) a 2010-2015 4.5

    Fertility rate, total (live births per woman)a

    2010-2015 2.0Contraceptive prevalence (ages 15-49, %) k 2006-2010 70.8l

    International migrant stock (000 and % of total population)a mid-2010 4 711.5/21.9Refugees and others of concern to UNHCR end-2011 28 676Education: Government expenditure (% of GDP) 2006-2012 5.1Education: Primary-secondary gross enrolment ratio (f/m per 100) 2006-2012 115.7/119.2Education: Female third-level students (% of total) 2006-2012 56.1Intentional homicides (females and males, per 100 000) 2008-2010 1.2/3.3Seats held by women in national parliaments (%) 2012 24.7Environmental indicators

    Threatened species m 2012 869Forested area (% of land area) 2010 19.0CO2emission estimates (000 metric tons and metric tons per capita) 2009 399 867/18.3Energy consumption per capita (kilograms oil equivalent) j 2009 5 929.0Rainfall in the capital city, total mean (millimetres) 629Temperature in the capital city, mean C (minimum and maximum) 6.4/19.5aIncludes Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Norfolk Island. bMarket rate. cAverage of 12months ending 30 June of the year stated. dAverage of February, May, August and November. eTheindices are shown in terms of ISIC Rev. 3. fAverage of quarterly estimates. g2009. hExcludes nationals

    residing abroad and crew members. iArrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders. jExcludes theoverseas territories. kAge group 16 to 59 years. l2001-2002. mExcludes Christmas Island and Cocos(Keeling) Islands.

    World Statistics Pocketbook 13

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    Region Western Europe

    Currency Euro (EUR)Surface area (square kilometres) 83 871

    Population in 2011 (estimated, 000) 8 413Population density in 2011 (per square kilometre) 100.3

    Capital city and population in 2011 (000) Vienna (1 720)United Nations membership date 14 December 1955Economic indicators 2005 2010 2011

    GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) 304 984 379 311 418 031GDP: Growth rate at constant 2005 prices (annual %) 2.4 2.1 2.7GDP per capita (current US$) 37 048.0 45 190.0 49 686.0GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) 36 688.0 45 085.0 49 516.0Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) 22.0 21.2 22.3Exchange rates (national currency per US$) a 0.85 0.75 0.77Balance of payments, current account (million US$) 6 245 11 671 7 988CPI: Consumer price index (2000=100) 111 121 125bIndustrial production index (2005=100) 100 110 118Agricultural production index (2004-2006=100) 101 100 108Food production index (2004-2006=100) 101 100 108Unemployment (% of labour force) 5.2 4.4 4.1Employment in industrial sector (% of employed) 27.5cd 24.9e 26.0e

    Employment in agricultural sector (% of employed) 5.5cd 5.2e 5.3e

    Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) 51.2 53.9 53.9Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) 67.3 67.8 67.6

    Tourist arrivals at national borders (000)f

    19 952 22 004 23 012Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent) 6 066 6 878g ...Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) 150.7 186.3 195.1Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) 58.0 75.2 79.8Total trade Major trading partners 2011

    (million US$) (% of exports) (% of imports)Exports 169 511.4 Germany 30.7 Germany 38.2Imports 182 349.8 Italy 7.7 Italy 6.5Balance 12 838.4 Switzerland 5.3 Switzerland 5.5Social indicators

    Population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 0.2Urban population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 0.5Rural population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 0.5Urban population (%) 2012 67.9Population aged 0-14 years (%) 2012 14.4Population aged 60+ years (females and males, % of total) 2012 26.1/21.0Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 2012 95.5Life expectancy at birth (females and males, years) 2010-2015 83.6/78.4Infant mortality rate (per 1 000 live births) 2010-2015 3.7

    Fertility rate, total (live births per woman) 2010-2015 1.4Contraceptive prevalence (ages 15-49, %) h 2006-2010 50.9i

    International migrant stock (000 and % of total population) mid-2010 1 310.2/15.6Refugees and others of concern to UNHCR end-2011 72 017Education: Government expenditure (% of GDP) 2006-2012 6.0Education: Primary-secondary gross enrolment ratio (f/m per 100) 2006-2012 97.5/100.4Education: Female third-level students (% of total) 2006-2012 53.1Intentional homicides (females and males, per 100 000) 2008-2010 1.3/2.3Seats held by women in national parliaments (%) 2012 27.9Environmental indicators

    Threatened species 2012 102Forested area (% of land area) 2010 47.0CO2emission estimates (000 metric tons and metric tons per capita) 2009 62 262/7.4Energy consumption per capita (kilograms oil equivalent) 2009 3 124.0Rainfall in the capital city, total mean (millimetres) 620Temperature in the capital city, mean C (minimum and maximum) 6.7/14.5aMarket rate. bSeries linked to former series. cExcludes conscripts. dThe indices are shown in termsof ISIC Rev. 3. eEuropean Labour Force Survey (Eurostat). fArrivals of non-resident tourists in all typesof accommodation establishments. g2009. hAge group 20 to 49 years. i1995-1996.

    14 World Statistics Pocketbook

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    Region Western Asia

    Currency Azerbaijan Manat (AZN) a

    Surface area (square kilometres) 86 600Population in 2011 (estimated, 000) 9 306 b

    Population density in 2011 (per square kilometre) 107.5

    Capital city and population in 2011 (000) Baku (2 123)United Nations membership date 2 March 1992Economic indicators 2005 2010 2011

    GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) 13 245 52 906 63 404GDP: Growth rate at constant 2005 prices (annual %) 26.4 5.0 0.1GDP per capita (current US$) 1 542.0 5 758.0 6 813.0GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) 1 366.0 5 413.0 6 405.0Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) 41.3 18.2 19.8Exchange rates (national currency per US$) c 0.92 0.80 0.79CPI: Consumer price index (2000=100) 125 204 ...Industrial production index (2005=100) 100 200 190Agricultural production index (2004-2006=100) 104 117 125Food production index (2004-2006=100) 103 122 129Unemployment (% of labour force) 5.7d 5.7 5.9Employment in industrial sector (% of employed) 12.1ef 13.7g 14.1g

    Employment in agricultural sector (% of employed) 39.3ef 38.2g 37.9g

    Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) 59.3 61.1 61.6Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) 68.4 67.8 68.5Tourist arrivals at national borders (000) 693 1 280 1 562

    Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent) 28 101 68 543h

    ...Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) 38.9 115.5 126.8Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) 8.0 46.0 50.0Total trade Major trading partners 2011

    (million US$) (% of exports) (% of imports)Exports 26 480.2 Italy 35.3 Russian Federation 16.9Imports 9 732.9 France 15.2 Turkey 13.4Balance 16 747.3 United States 8.6 Germany 8.7Social indicators

    Population growth rate (average annual %) b 2010-2015 1.2Urban population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 1.6Rural population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 0.7Urban population (%) b 2012 53.9Population aged 0-14 years (%) b 2012 21.4Population aged 60+ years (females and males, % of total) b 2012 10.3/7.8Sex ratio (males per 100 females) b 2012 98.2Life expectancy at birth (females and males, years) b 2010-2015 73.7/68.0Infant mortality rate (per 1 000 live births) b 2010-2015 37.6Fertility rate, total (live births per woman)b 2010-2015 2.2

    Contraceptive prevalence (ages 15-49, %) 2006-2010 51.1International migrant stock (000 and % of total population) i mid-2010 263.9/3.0Refugees and others of concern to UNHCR end-2011 602 711Education: Government expenditure (% of GDP) 2006-2012 2.8Education: Primary-secondary gross enrolment ratio (f/m per 100) j 2006-2012 86.9/89.1Education: Female third-level students (% of total) 2006-2012 49.7Intentional homicides (females and males, per 100 000) 2008-2010 6.7/23.6Seats held by women in national parliaments (%) 2012 16.0Environmental indicators

    Threatened species 2012 48Forested area (% of land area) 2010 11.0CO2emission estimates (000 metric tons and metric tons per capita) 2009 49 035/5.4Energy consumption per capita (kilograms oil equivalent) 2009 1 309.0Rainfall in the capital city, total mean (millimetres) 210Temperature in the capital city, mean C (minimum and maximum) 12.0/18.1aBeginning January 2006, 1 new Manat = 5000 old Manats. bIncludes Nagorno-Karabakh. cOfficialrate. d2008. eOfficial estimates. fThe indices are shown in terms of ISIC Rev. 3. gDecember. h2009.iIncludes refugees. jNational estimate.

    World Statistics Pocketbook 15

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    Region Caribbean

    Currency Bahamian Dollar (BSD)Surface area (square kilometres) 13 943

    Population in 2011 (estimated, 000) 347Population density in 2011 (per square kilometre) 24.9

    Capital city and population in 2011 (000) Nassau (254)United Nations membership date 18 September 1973Economic indicators 2005 2010 2011

    GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) 7 706 7 771 7 788GDP: Growth rate at constant 2005 prices (annual %) 3.4 0.2 1.6GDP per capita (current US$) 24 130.0 22 665.0 22 431.0GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) 23 723.0 22 060.0 21 889.0Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) 24.2 23.4 26.0Exchange rates (national currency per US$) a 1.00 1.00 1.00Balance of payments, current account (million US$) 701 814 1 091CPI: Consumer price index (2000=100) 110 125 129Agricultural production index (2004-2006=100) 98 116 114Food production index (2004-2006=100) 98 116 114Employment in industrial sector (% of employed) b 17.8c 16.0cd 12.9e

    Employment in agricultural sector (% of employed)b 3.5c 2.9cd 3.7e

    Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) 68.0 69.3 69.3Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) 78.0 79.4 79.3Tourist arrivals at national borders (000) 1 608 1 370 1 346Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) 113.0 162.7 124.4

    Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) 25.0 43.0 65.0Total trade Major trading partners 2011(million US$) (% of exports) (% of imports)f

    Exports 726.9 United States 78.3 United States 88.9Imports 3 410.3 United Kingdom 4.3 Trinidad and Tobago 4.7Balance 2 683.4 France 3.7Social indicators

    Population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 1.1Urban population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 1.4Rural population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 0.1Urban population (%) 2012 84.5Population aged 0-14 years (%) 2012 21.8Population aged 60+ years (females and males, % of total) 2012 12.5/9.7Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 2012 95.8Life expectancy at birth (females and males, years) 2010-2015 78.9/72.7Infant mortality rate (per 1 000 live births) 2010-2015 14.1Fertility rate, total (live births per woman) 2010-2015 1.9Contraceptive prevalence (ages 15-49, %) g 2006-2010 61.7h

    International migrant stock (000 and % of total population) mid-2010 33.4/9.7

    Refugees and others of concern to UNHCR end-2011 42Education: Government expenditure (% of GDP) i 2006-2012 2.9j

    Education: Primary-secondary gross enrolment ratio (f/m per 100) 2006-2012 105.9/102.2Intentional homicides (females and males, per 100 000) 2008-2010 5.8/46.6Seats held by women in national parliaments (%) 2012 13.2Environmental indicators

    Threatened species 2012 68Forested area (% of land area) 2010 51.0CO2emission estimates (000 metric tons and metric tons per capita) 2009 2 583/7.6

    Energy consumption per capita (kilograms oil equivalent) 2009 2 531.0


    Rainfall in the capital city, total mean (millimetres) 1 396Temperature in the capital city, mean C (minimum and maximum) 20.7/28.9aPrincipal rate. bThe indices are shown in terms of ISIC Rev. 3. cApril. d2009. eMay. fFor moreinformation, refer to the technical notes. gAge group 15 to 44 years. h1988. iUNESCO estimate. j2000.kUNSD estimate.

    16 World Statistics Pocketbook

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    Region Western Asia

    Currency Bahraini Dinar (BHD)Surface area (square kilometres) 758

    Population in 2011 (estimated, 000) 1 324Population density in 2011 (per square kilometre) 1 747.2

    Capital city and population in 2011 (000) Manama (262)United Nations membership date 21 September 1971Economic indicators 2005 2010 2011

    GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) 13 459 21 930 25 825GDP: Growth rate at constant 2005 prices (annual %) 7.9 4.5 2.2GDP per capita (current US$) 18 569.0 17 379.0 19 512.0GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) 17 999.0 15 499.0 18 292.0Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) 23.1 28.1 23.8Exchange rates (national currency per US$) a 0.38 0.38 0.38Balance of payments, current account (million US$) 1 474 770 3 247CPI: Consumer price index (2000=100) 105 120 119Industrial production index (2005=100)b 100 117 ...Agricultural production index (2004-2006=100) 92 115 158Food production index (2004-2006=100) 92 115 158Employment in industrial sector (% of employed) 15.0bcd ... ...Employment in agricultural sector (% of employed) 0.8bcd ... ...Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) 36.1 39.2 39.4Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) 83.6 87.2 87.3Tourist arrivals at national borders (000) 3 914 4 935e ...

    Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent) 16 759 18 345f

    ...Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) 132.5 142.3 148.9Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) 21.3 55.0 77.0Total trade Major trading partners 2011

    (million US$) (% of exports) (% of imports)Exports 7 071.3 Saudi Arabia 23.2 China 13.4Imports 10 173.9 Qatar 11.0 Brazil 12.4Balance 3 102.6 Oman 10.9 United States 8.2Social indicators

    Population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 2.1Urban population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 2.2Rural population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 1.5Urban population (%) 2012 88.7Population aged 0-14 years (%) 2012 20.5Population aged 60+ years (females and males, % of total) 2012 4.5/3.4Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 2012 166.7Life expectancy at birth (females and males, years) 2010-2015 76.1/74.7Infant mortality rate (per 1 000 live births) 2010-2015 6.7Fertility rate, total (live births per woman) 2010-2015 2.4

    Contraceptive prevalence (ages 15-49, %) 2006-2010 61.8g

    International migrant stock (000 and % of total population)h mid-2010 315.4/39.1Refugees and others of concern to UNHCR end-2011 359Education: Government expenditure (% of GDP) 2006-2012 2.9Education: Primary-secondary gross enrolment ratio (f/m per 100) 2006-2012 106.2/104.6Education: Female third-level students (% of total) 2006-2012 60.5Intentional homicides (females and males, per 100 000) 2008-2010 0.0/0.0Seats held by women in national parliaments (%) 2012 10.0Environmental indicators

    Threatened species 2012 32Forested area (% of land area) 2010 1.0CO2emission estimates (000 metric tons and metric tons per capita) 2009 24 201/20.7Energy consumption per capita (kilograms oil equivalent) 2009 8 656.0Rainfall in the capital city, total mean (millimetres) 71Temperature in the capital city, mean C (minimum and maximum) 23.0/30.1aOfficial rate. bThe indices are shown in terms of ISIC Rev. 3. c2004. dNovember. e2007. f2009. g1995. hData refer to foreign citizens.

    World Statistics Pocketbook 17

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    Region South-central Asia

    Currency Taka (BDT)Surface area (square kilometres) 147 570

    Population in 2011 (estimated, 000) 150 494Population density in 2011 (per square kilometre) 1 019.8

    Capital city and population in 2011 (000) Dhaka (15 391)United Nations membership date 17 September 1974Economic indicators 2005 2010 2011

    GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) 57 628 99 689 106 200GDP: Growth rate at constant 2005 prices (annual %) 6.0 6.1 6.7GDP per capita (current US$) 410.0 670.0 706.0GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) 431.0 733.0 764.0Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) 24.5 24.4 24.7Exchange rates (national currency per US$) a 66.21 70.75 81.85Balance of payments, current account (million US$) 176 2 109 244CPI: Consumer price index (2000=100) b 127 183 203Industrial production index (2005=100)cd 100 148 173Agricultural production index (2004-2006=100) 103 129 132Food production index (2004-2006=100) 103 130 131Employment in industrial sector (% of employed) 14.5ce ... ...Employment in agricultural sector (% of employed) 48.1ce ... ...Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) 55.5 56.9 57.2Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) 85.0 84.4 84.3Tourist arrivals at national borders (000) 208 303 ...

    Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent) 12 262 17 665f

    ...Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) 7.2 47.2 57.5Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) 0.2 3.7 5.0Total trade Major trading partners 2011

    (million US$)g (% of exports)g (% of imports)g

    Exports 13 143.0 United States 25.7 China 15.6Imports 17 622.9 Germany 15.2 India 13.2Balance 4 479.9 United Kingdom 9.5 Kuwait 7.2Social indicators

    Population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 1.3Urban population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 3.0Rural population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 0.6Urban population (%) 2012 28.9Population aged 0-14 years (%) 2012 30.0Population aged 60+ years (females and males, % of total) 2012 7.0/6.5Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 2012 102.4Life expectancy at birth (females and males, years) 2010-2015 70.2/68.5Infant mortality rate (per 1 000 live births) 2010-2015 41.8Fertility rate, total (live births per woman) 2010-2015 2.2

    Contraceptive prevalence (ages 15-49, %) 2006-2010 55.8International migrant stock (000 and % of total population)h mid-2010 1 085.3/0.7Refugees and others of concern to UNHCR end-2011 229 671Education: Government expenditure (% of GDP) 2006-2012 2.2Education: Female third-level students (% of total) 2006-2012 37.0Intentional homicides (females and males, per 100 000) i 2008-2010 4.3/12.4Seats held by women in national parliaments (%) 2012 19.7Environmental indicators

    Threatened species 2012 124

    Forested area (% of land area) 2010 11.0CO2emission estimates (000 metric tons and metric tons per capita) 2009 50 996/0.3Energy consumption per capita (kilograms oil equivalent) 2009 146.0Rainfall in the capital city, total mean (millimetres) 2 154Temperature in the capital city, mean C (minimum and maximum) 21.5/30.6aPrincipal rate. bGovernment officials. cThe indices are shown in terms of ISIC Rev. 3. dAverage of12 months ending 30 June of the year stated. eYear ending in June of the year indicated. f2009. g2007.hIncludes refugees. iEstimates based, for the most part, on cause of death modelling and death regis-tration data from other countries in the region.

    18 World Statistics Pocketbook

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  • 8/10/2019 World Statistics Pocketbook 2013


    Region Eastern Europe

    Currency Belarusian Ruble (BYR)Surface area (square kilometres) 207 600

    Population in 2011 (estimated, 000) 9 559Population density in 2011 (per square kilometre) 46.1

    Capital city and population in 2011 (000) Minsk (1 861)United Nations membership date 24 October 1945Economic indicators 2005 2010 2011

    GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) 30 210 55 221 55 136GDP: Growth rate at constant 2005 prices (annual %) 9.4 7.7 5.3GDP per capita (current US$) 3 075.0 5 755.0 5 768.0GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) 3 080.0 5 634.0 5 584.0Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) 26.5 39.3 38.0Exchange rates (national currency per US$) a 2 152.00 3 000.00 8 350.00Balance of payments, current account (million US$) 497 8 260 5 702CPI: Consumer price index (2000=100) 384 623b ...Industrial production index (2005=100)c 100 146 159Agricultural production index (2004-2006=100) 98 117 117Food production index (2004-2006=100) 98 117 117Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) 51.0 50.0 50.2Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) 62.9 62.2 62.6Tourist arrivals at national borders (000) d 91 120 116Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent) 2 542 2 454e ...Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) 75.2 150.8 155.9

    Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) ... 31.8 39.6Total trade Major trading partners 2011(million US$) (% of exports) (% of imports)f

    Exports 41 418.7 Russian Federation 34.8 Russian Federation 54.0Imports 45 759.1 Netherlands 14.8 Germany 5.6Balance 4 340.4 Ukraine 10.0Social indicators

    Population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 0.3Urban population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 0.2Rural population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 2.0Urban population (%) 2012 75.5Population aged 0-14 years (%) 2012 15.3Population aged 60+ years (females and males, % of total) 2012 23.0/14.1Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 2012 86.8Life expectancy at birth (females and males, years) 2010-2015 76.4/65.2Infant mortality rate (per 1 000 live births) 2010-2015 6.5Fertility rate, total (live births per woman) 2010-2015 1.5Contraceptive prevalence (ages 15-49, %) 2006-2010 72.6g

    International migrant stock (000 and % of total population) mid-2010 1 090.4/11.4

    Refugees and others of concern to UNHCR end-2011 8 036Education: Government expenditure (% of GDP) 2006-2012 5.3Education: Primary-secondary gross enrolment ratio (f/m per 100) 2006-2012 101.3/103.5Education: Female third-level students (% of total) h 2006-2012 57.4Intentional homicides (females and males, per 100 000) 2008-2010 3.8/6.4Seats held by women in national parliaments (%) 2012 26.6Environmental indicators

    Threatened species 2012 22Forested area (% of land area) 2010 42.0

    CO2emission estimates (000 metric tons and metric tons per capita) 2009 60 243/6.3Energy consumption per capita (kilograms oil equivalent) 2009 2 529.0Rainfall in the capital city, total mean (millimetres) 677Temperature in the capital city, mean C (minimum and maximum) 2.1/9.9aOfficial rate. bSeries linked to former series. cThe indices are shown in terms of ISIC Rev. 3. dOrganizedtourism. e2009. fFor more information, refer to the technical notes. g2005-2006. hNational estimate.

    20 World Statistics Pocketbook

  • 8/10/2019 World Statistics Pocketbook 2013


    Region Western Europe

    Currency Euro (EUR)Surface area (square kilometres) 30 528

    Population in 2011 (estimated, 000) 10 754Population density in 2011 (per square kilometre) 352.3

    Capital city and population in 2011 (000) Brussels (1 949)a

    United Nations membership date 27 December 1945Economic indicators 2005 2010 2011

    GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) 377 351 471 660 514 122GDP: Growth rate at constant 2005 prices (annual %) 1.8 2.4 1.8GDP per capita (current US$) 36 234.0 44 031.0 47 807.0GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) 36 472.0 44 898.0 48 332.0Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) 20.7 20.0 20.7Exchange rates (national currency per US$) b 0.85 0.75 0.77Balance of payments, current account (million US$) 7 703 6 132 4 839CPI: Consumer price index (2000=100) 111 123 127Industrial production index (2005=100) 100 105 110Agricultural production index (2004-2006=100) 100 101 104Food production index (2004-2006=100) 100 101 104Unemployment (% of labour force) 8.4 8.3 7.1Employment in industrial sector (% of employed) c 24.7d 23.4 23.2Employment in agricultural sector (% of employed)c 2.0d 1.4 1.3Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) 45.8 47.6 47.7Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) 61.5 60.8 60.6

    Tourist arrivals at national borders (000)e

    6 747 7 186 7 494Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent) 4 321 4 638f ...Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) 138.3 156.8 159.7Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) 55.8 75.0 78.0Total trade Major trading partners 2011

    (million US$) (% of exports) (% of imports)Exports 477 925.2 Germany 18.2 Netherlands 19.7Imports 465 216.1 France 16.4 Germany 14.8Balance 12 709.1 Netherlands 12.2 France 10.6Social indicators

    Population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 0.3Urban population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 0.3Rural population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 0.9Urban population (%) 2012 97.5Population aged 0-14 years (%) 2012 16.9Population aged 60+ years (females and males, % of total) 2012 26.2/21.6Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 2012 96.2Life expectancy at birth (females and males, years) 2010-2015 82.8/77.2Infant mortality rate (per 1 000 live births) 2010-2015 3.7

    Fertility rate, total (live births per woman) 2010-2015 1.8Contraceptive prevalence (ages 15-49, %) 2006-2010 74.6g

    International migrant stock (000 and % of total population)h mid-2010 974.9/9.1Refugees and others of concern to UNHCR end-2011 42 105Education: Government expenditure (% of GDP) 2006-2012 6.6Education: Primary-secondary gross enrolment ratio (f/m per 100) 2006-2012 106.1/108.2Education: Female third-level students (% of total) 2006-2012 55.2Intentional homicides (females and males, per 100 000) 2008-2010 1.5/2.2Seats held by women in national parliaments (%) 2012 38.0Environmental indicators

    Threatened species 2012 31Forested area (% of land area) 2010 22.0CO2emission estimates (000 metric tons and metric tons per capita) 2009 103 508/9.7Energy consumption per capita (kilograms oil equivalent) 2009 3 611.0Rainfall in the capital city, total mean (millimetres) 820Temperature in the capital city, mean C (minimum and maximum) 6.7/13.9aRefers to the population of the arrondissement of Brussels. bMarket rate. cEuropean Labour ForceSurvey (Eurostat). dThe indices are shown in terms of ISIC Rev. 3. eArrivals of non-resident tourists inall types of accommodation establishments. f2009. g2004. hData refer to foreign citizens.

    World Statistics Pocketbook 21

  • 8/10/2019 World Statistics Pocketbook 2013


    Region Central America

    Currency Belize Dollar (BZD)Surface area (square kilometres) 22 966

    Population in 2011 (estimated, 000) 318Population density in 2011 (per square kilometre) 13.8

    Capital city and population in 2011 (000) Belmopan (14)United Nations membership date 25 September 1981Economic indicators 2005 2010 2011

    GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) 1 115 1 401 1 474GDP: Growth rate at constant 2005 prices (annual %) 3.1 2.7 2.4GDP per capita (current US$) 3 968.0 4 496.0 4 636.0GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) 3 561.0 4 180.0 4 310.0Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) 18.5 18.0 19.0Exchange rates (national currency per US$) a 2.00 2.00 2.00Balance of payments, current account (million US$) 151 46 31CPI: Consumer price index (2000=100) 113 128 ...Agricultural production index (2004-2006=100) 96 91 88Food production index (2004-2006=100) 96 91 88Employment in industrial sector (% of employed) 17.9bcd ... ...Employment in agricultural sector (% of employed) 19.5bcd ... ...Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) 44.8 48.0 48.3Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) 80.8 81.8 81.8Tourist arrivals at national borders (000) 237 242 250Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent) 6 21e ...

    Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) 46.2 72.0 72.9Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) 9.2 14.0 ...Total trade Major trading partners 2011

    (million US$) (% of exports) (% of imports)Exports 396.2 United States 56.7 United States 31.5Imports 835.5 United Kingdom 16.6 Curaao 14.6Balance 439.3 Guatemala 6.9 China 14.2Social indicators

    Population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 2.0Urban population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 1.5Rural population growth rate (average annual %) 2010-2015 2.3Urban population (%) 2012 44.5Population aged 0-14 years (%) 2012 33.8Population aged 60+ years (females and males, % of total) 2012 6.0/5.6Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 2012 97.3Life expectancy at birth (females and males, years) 2010-2015 77.8/74.9Infant mortality rate (per 1 000 live births) 2010-2015 16.2Fertility rate, total (live births per woman) 2010-2015 2.7Contraceptive prevalence (ages 15-49, %) 2006-2010 34.3

    International migrant stock (000 and % of total population)f

    mid-2010 46.8/15.0Refugees and others of concern to UNHCR end-2011 133Education: Government expenditure (% of GDP) 2006-2012 6.6Education: Primary-secondary gross enrolment ratio (f/m per 100) 2006-2012 90.6/97.5g

    Education: Female third-level students (% of total) 2006-2012 62.5Intentional homicides (females and males, per 100 000) 2008-2010 10.1/73.5Seats held by women in national parliaments (%) 2012 3.1Environmental indicators

    Threatened species 2012 99

    Forested area (% of land area) 2010 61.0CO2emission estimates (000 metric tons and metric tons per capita) 2009 414/1.4Energy c