worksheets unit 2

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Worksheet 2.1

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Worksheet 2.1


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Worksheet 2.2

European capitals

After having learned the capitals of the European countries all together, now it is your turn to complete the following chart:


Austria Luxembourg

Belgium Macedonia

Bulgaria Malta

Croatia Netherland

Cyprus Norway

Czech Rep. Poland

Denmark Portugal

Estonia Romania

Finland Russia

France Slovakia

Germany Slovenia

Greece Spain

Hungary Sweden

Ireland Switzerland

Italy Turkey

Latvia UK


Page 4: Worksheets Unit 2

If you need any help, ask the teacher!

Page 5: Worksheets Unit 2

Worksheet 2.3


How often do you take the bus? And the train? Match the following means of transport with the corresponding adverb of frequency.


Usually Often Sometimes Hardly ever Never

Page 6: Worksheets Unit 2

Worksheet 2.3

Now write 4 sentences about you following the example: Example: I always go to school by bus. 1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

Now write 4 sentences about your partner. Look at the example first:

Example: Julia sometimes goes home by bicycle. 1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

Page 7: Worksheets Unit 2

Worksheet 2.4

Read and label the places on the map.

111... A: Excuse me. Where’s the cinema?

B: The cinema? OK. Take the first street on the right. Go straight on.

Then take the third street on the left. It’s on the right.

A: Thanks a lot.

222... A: Excuse me. How can I get to the post office?

B: Go straight ahead. Take the second street on the right. Then take

the first street on the left and go straight on. It’s on the left,

opposite the park.

A: Thank you.

B: You’re welcome.

Page 8: Worksheets Unit 2

Worksheet 2.4

333... A: Excuse me. Where’s the library, please?

B: Go straight on, cross the park and turn left. Then take the first

street on the right. It’s on the right.

A: Thank you.

444... A: Excuse me. How can I get to the swimming pool?

B: Go straight ahead. Take the first street on the left. Then take the

first street on the right after the park. Go straight on and cross the

road. It’s on the left, opposite the library.

A: Thank you.

B: You’re welcome.

555... A: Excuse me. Where‘s the bank, please?

B: Go straight on and take the second street on the right. Then go

straight on. It’s on your left, opposite the petrol station.

A: Thank you very much.

Look at the map and write.

111... A: Excuse me. How can I get to the school?

B: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


222... A: Excuse me. Where’s the bus station?

B: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


333... A: Excuse me. Where’s the petrol station, please?

B: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


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Page 9: Worksheets Unit 2

Worksheet 2.5


1. Look at the following vocabulary and signs that you can find when you go are at the train station. How do you say them in Catalan?

2. Tom wants to go to Bolton by train. He is at the train station and he asking for a

ticket to the clerk. Put the sentences in the correct order. Then listen and check:

Joe: Which platform is it?

Clerk: Single or return?

Clerk: You’re welcome.

Joe: Can I have a ticket to Bolton, please? 1

Clerk: Number four. The next train is at ten past eleven.

Joe: Return.

Joe: Thanks.

Clerk: That’s ₤15, please.

Page 10: Worksheets Unit 2

Worksheet 2.5

3. Now work with a partner and write your own dialogue and act it out:

A: Can I have………………………………………………………………….?

B: Single …………………………………………………………?

A: ……………………………..

B: That’s ………………………………………….

A: Which ………………………………………………?

B: Number ………………… The next …………………………………………..

A: Thanks.

B: You’re …………………………………….

4. Listen to three conversations and complete the chart with the places in the box:

Luton London Liverpool

1. …………………………………………….

2. …………………………………………….

3. …………………………………………….

5. Listen again and complete the following chart:

Conversation 1 2 3

Single or return?

Price of ticket

Platform number

Time of departure

Page 11: Worksheets Unit 2

Worksheet 2.6

Every summer I travel to...

Pablo lives in Badalona. He is 14 years old. Every summer, he travels to Colombia. His family lives there. He likes going there very much. He only sees his cousins once a year, when he travels to Colombia. He misses them very much.

Marian lives in Manresa. In August, she goes to Arenys de Mar with her family. They have an apartment there. She spends all the month there. She has many friends and, every afternoon, they go to the beach and eat an ice-cream.

Jordi and Mireia are brother and sister. They live in Mataró, but they have family in France. Every summer they travel to Paris to visit their grandparents. On Christmas, their grandparents come to Catalonia and they spend the holidays together.

Nerea is from Cadiz but now she lives in Tarragona. In July she takes a bus and goes to Cadiz. She has all her friends there and she misses them very much during the year. She loves spending the summer there. When she is in Cadiz, she stays at her aunt’s house.

ACTIVITIES 1. Remember the spelling rules for third person singular –s:

Verb finished in consonant + –y -ies

Example: fly flies

Verb finished in vowel + -y -s

Example: play plays

Verb finished in –ss, -ch, -sh, -x, -o -es

Example: watch watches, go goes

Page 12: Worksheets Unit 2

Worksheet 2.6

2. Now look at the four texts, underline the verbs in present simple and classify them according to the spelling:

-ies -s -es

3. Look for someone in the class that travels to the same place every summer

and write a paragraph about him or her: ______________________________________________________________________




