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Hi there. I’m Simon and I was born and raised in Umeå in the far north of Sweden. I’m an enthusiastic designer with a passion for beautiful aesthetics and genuine design solutions, with a strong user centered approach.

I have a strong foundation in the design process and its various methods, innate curiosity, and a hands on approach to design with great prototyping skills—which I’ve employed for everything ranging from adjustable prosthetic sockets to full scale vehicle mock ups with adjustable interiors.

As a person I´m optimistic, organized, and structured, and consider myself to be a good team

player. Try, fail, and try again is my approach to learning and to succeeding. I’m detail oriented, observant, and have good technical knowledge and understanding of materials and production methods. I tend to find a interesting angle in every challenge or project that comes my way, whatever it might be.

Outside of work, I’m a vintage car loving sauna enthusiast, physically active, and I feed my design passion with side projects, travel, and photography.

Right now I´m working at Design Partners in Dublin, Ireland.

Simon [email protected] +353 83 459

Swedish and English with a charming accent



SkillsMonthsMonths MonthsMonths

YearsYearYearYear Years

MonthsJanuary20122014 20112010

2010200720062005 2013


610 63

3111 2


Internship Internship Internship Internship InternshipMunich, GermanySan Francisco, USA Shenzhen, ChinaStockholm, SwedenDublin, Ireland Örebro, Sweden

Umeå, SwedenSundsvall, SwedenHällefors, SwedenÖland, Sweden

Umeå Institute of DesignMitthögskolanFIDUÖlands folkhögskola Umeå Institute of Design

Umeå, SwedenBachelor, Industrial DesignIndustrial DesignPrepatory Design SchoolForm and Design Master, Advanced Product Design


The typical industrial design software toolkit: Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Premiere, After Effects, Rhino, Keyshot etc. I also enjoy photography and producing videos, both for documentation and visualization, and just for fun. I like to think of myself as a workshop ninja who can prototype almost anything from almost anything and I’m also an EU certified forklift driver, for those random heavy-lifting moments.

about work and education

Ventum Portable pediatric respirator02

LOOP Connected emergency room06

LIM Infinite Socket Prototyping a prosthetic leg01

NIOX Mine Holistic asthma treatment concept

03 Beacon Remote stove monitor

04 JBL Soundbar SB100 Home audio05



LIM Infinity socket

How do you prototype a prosthetic leg?

LIM Infinite SocketClient work 2014 at Smart Design• Ideation and prototyping• Helping develop the soft goods interface • Collaboration with LIM Innovations

Traditional methods, handcrafted and rigid.

Innovation in the knees and legs

There have been a lot of innovative and technical advancements within the prosthetic industry in recent years: bionically controlled ankles, computerized knees and 3D printed custom parts. However, little has been done to the prosthetic socket—the single part that interfaces directly with

the human body. LIM Infinite Socket is a modular adjustable prosthetic socket that allows the user to adjust tensioning as needed and allows for size changes in the residual limb. We comparatively took the socket from a hand-made wooden clog to a hi-tech sneaker.

Traditional rigid suction socket.


Human interface, tensioning, and support —comfort and flexibility are key.

Hands on prototyping

Create, test, and evolve. Trial and error with multiple mock ups to try and discover the right solution. As we couldn’t test the prototypes on ourselves as we built them, we developed various testing rigs to support the prototyping process.

With any means necessary

Understanding tensioning and pressure distribution.

Understanding the problems

Creating a modular system. One goal was to create a socket that could be assembled with pre-made components, which in turn could be easily custom fit for each unique user.

Scanning the patient’s residual limb provides data

for forming the custom carbon fibre struts to fit the


3D scanning each patient

Designing for easy manufacturing

Evolution After the initial problems were solved and a concept direction was determined the client continued the soft goods development in-house and Smart Design took a more supportive role attending user fittings and design refinement sessions.

Development in the October 2014 issue of Wired magazine

Press and media

Freedom of movement



ventumMaster thesis - 20 Weeks | 2013• Medical design• In collaboration with Norrlands University hospital

Can we give meaningful freedom of movement to children tethered to breathing-assistance equipment?

A respiratory system that allows more freedom of movement for the user and increased inde-pendence. A body worn light weight solution that is targeted to enable play and movement.

Being able to have an active life with freedom of movement is something that should be everyone’s right—regardless of the need for life support equipment. To simplify treatment and therefore increase quality of life for both child and parents

The target group is children primarily in the age of 0-6 years that are in need of respiratory treatment.

The solution is meant to be mobile and work both in private and in hospital environments.




Watch the Ventum video at:

Watch the work process video at:



Areas to explore

Mobility Hose management Hose connections Remote alarm function PersonalizationClear interface

1. 2. 3

Emil 1 year old, born with underdeveloped lungs.

“All of the hoses and cords are the biggest problem”Charlotte Svensson 2013

“It´s like an extension of her lungs”

“The hose is in the way all the time, he can´t even lie on his stomach”

“The values on the screen give you comfort, you can see that it works”

Quotes from interviewed parents of children with respiratory conditions.

Emma Jonsson, 2013

Charlotte Svensson, 2013

The user

Multiple devices involved, 24/7 monitoring needed.

Complex treatment

Size and package mockups to keep the concepts realistic.

Size and technology

• Multiple concepts • Constant user testing through the process• A growing user group

User testing


Form development

Technical research

The process

The active user The caregiversThe professional

Key features for backpack• Prioritising good mobility• Easy to take on and off• Good adjustability• Protection and hose management• Possibility to personalize

Three different users add complexity. Size and function mock-ups.

Backpack and users

Activated mode is highlighted

In case of alarm the indication light turns red and an audio warning will sound

Battery indicator Speaker holes

Alarm reset button.

Mode buttons with day/night setting, set by doctor

O2 inlet

Air intake

Weight 400 gram

Injection molded shell ofengineered thermoplastics

Double moulded with soft touch material

Piezopump array of 10 pumps, max flow 150l/min

Patient circuit with a retractable hose

Collector tank for air and O2

Battery with 12 hour battery life

Induction charging

Magnesium alloy frame

Air inlet collector

Air inlet

O2 connection

Simplified and clear

Air filter

Air to patient Oxygen inlet

Air inlet

• Smart hose connection where the patients stores personal settings• Connect to any machine and instantly start using it without setup • Magnetic snapping of the hose allows for free rotation • A retractable hose is used to facilitate use on and off the user’s body

Air filter is changed monthly, or

according to the patient’s needs

Air delivery

Remote monitoring

Remote alarm

Rotatable trac connection.

Tracheotomy connection

Critical alarms have to be reset

on the respirator.

Remote alarm and reset.

Remote alarm and reset

Magnetic snap connection. Filter hatch.


• Protective backpack• Easy access to respirator• Hose management• Freedom of movement for the user

Easy access. Hose management. Mobility.

Backpack features

Induction charging, grab and go.

Induction charging


10 Weeks | 2012• Technological innovation• Increase fire safety in homes• In collaboration with Länsförsäkringar

Firefighter Martin Feuk shows how to use a fire blanket in an efficient and nondestructive way of putting out fires.

Smoke alarms are very good and help save life and property, however they only trigger when something is already wrong.

I want to create a solution that increases awareness and can remind users about their actions. Something that can alert users before a problem occurs, giving you a chance to prevent fires.

How can I help prevent stove fires?

Hands-on experience

Water on burning cooking oil

• Preventative action.

• Awareness, alertness, actions, remotely.

Public buildings

Industrial buildings

Residential buildings Other buildings

60% 19%



11 000 fires in buildings per year

6 700 of those where in residential buildings

At least 50% of all house fires do not lead to an action by the rescue services.

Fire statistics in Sweden

Stove fires account for 20% of all kitchen related fires and are one of the most common causes for residential fires. Stove fires are one of the three biggest causes of any fire to spread outside of the starting point and to cause severe damage.



Concept ideas

Automatic shutdownRemote warning

Interior object

Multidisciplinary workshops.

Team ideation. Project definition in team.

Individual directions and results.

Identification and definition




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b e a c o n



b e a c o n

b e a c o n

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B e a c o n

b e a c o n

remote stove monitoring

b e a c o n

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b e a c o nremote stove monitoring

b e a c o n

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b e a c o n

remote stove monitoring

b e a c o n

b e a c o n

b e a c o n

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b e a c o n


The tub


MicThe cone





Box stand


Tilted cube

The sphere



GraphicThe horn



Quick mock-up video to

explain scenarios and prototype



3D printing with tolerances, manual machining, custom painting.

Model making

A wireless awareness and warning system for stoves in private homes, indicating what’s happening on the stove in other rooms. The Beacon lights up as soon as the stove powers on and immediately starts reminding you.

A large number of stove related fires today happen because of unexpected incidents and because of pure forgetfulness. Beacon’s subtile, elegant notification light keeps the user aware of their stove usage.

The target group is the majority of stove users. The idea is to design a minimum effort system enabling use at all times.

The intelligent ‘brain’ of the concept is the induction cook top located in the kitchen and the beacon(s) are portable and can be used wherever suitable—in the living room, bedroom, or the laundry room, wherever the user needs reminding.





“A beacon is an intentionally conspicuous device designed to attract attention”

Watch the work process video at

Project definition

In timer mode a blue glowing ring appears

and completes itself when time is up, followed by

audio feedback.

The battery level can be checked easily by pressing the button

on the bottom

The Beacon has a white soft breathing

light when on.

Active pulse

First a red light that grows more intense, followed by a alert sound, then finally circuit-break to the stove.

Light Sound Power cut

Three stages of alert

Glowing timer

Battery check


The stove acts like the brain in the system. It provides

status information and alert states to the beacons, as well

as induction charging.

Control center

A soft blue light at the top indicates that the Beacon is charging.

Illuminated charging

Control and charging

4 mm thick frosted glass

Cast aluminum base

Battery check button

Induction charging unit

RGB Led diodes


Aluminum reflector

Rubber foot

Battery indicator light

Rechargeable Li-Jon battery

Light diffuser

PCB, Bluetooth antenna

Battery indicator light glows blue when fully charged

130 mm

Additional beacons can be added to the system.

Different color and material variants provide appeal to

different buyers

CMF variants

The fine details

Expandable system

allows use of multiple


Expandable system

Did I turn off the stove?

A effortless reminder


8 Weeks | 2011• Strategic design project• Create the next generation NIOX for home use• In collaboration with Aerocrine

Asthma monitoring in home environment


Persona 1

> Name> Age > Social status> Family

> City of residence> Type of residence> Occupation> Hobbies> Transportation> Favorite brands> TV shows

> Social environment

> Personality

> Goals in life

> Diagnose

> Fears


Eva39MarriedHusband Per age 42 Children Elin 8 and the twins Tuva and Tyra 3 years oldSävar VillaUniversity employed, Institution of mathematicsPower walking, gardening and singing in a choirVW SciroccoNike, Eva SoloDesperate housewives, Cooking shows

At work i´m social but not to personal. I don´t really fit in with my colleagues so we don´t really have any interaction with each other outside of work. I spend a lot of time with my family and one of the few occasions i get to meet my friends is when we go for our power walks.

I see myself as a quite calm person. I´m hard working and really want to do my best. Unfortunately i´m a little bit sloppy and often forget things such as keys, mobile phone etc. i like my privacy and don´t reveal to much of my personal life to others than my family.

in general i like my life. I have a nice house even do it still needs a lot of renovation. A great husband and beautiful kids. My work is good but it´s not really what i want to do. I would like to work with my hands and take my big interest of gardening to a another level and find a way to work with that full time.

I got to know that i have asthma just two months ago. It haven´t really sunk in yet and i haven´t told anyone at work about it. Not even my kids know. Before i can tell them anything i want to know more. I know that they are going to ask a lot of questions and right now i cant answer them. i responded hardest on allergens from grass, pollen, and strong smells. How is this going to affect my biggest interest of gardening?

How does my asthma affect my possibilities to keep on working in the garden? Can i still doe it or is it going to hard for me? And i don´t want to quit my power walking. That´s one of the highlights of my

week when i can get some fresh air and exercise with my girlfriends.

I have a really hard time to get used to this inhaler thing. I keep forgetting it all the time. I mean it´s hard enough for me to remember my keys and mobile phone and now this thing. The medication is already affecting me and i want to use it as little as i can. Some days i feel really good and don´t want to take the medication at all but still i know that i´m supposed to take it everyday as a preventive measure.

Persona 2

> Name> Age > Social status> Family

> City of residence> Type of residence> Occupation> Hobbies> Transportation> Favorite brands> TV shows

> Social environment

> Personality

> Goals in life

> Diagnose



Johan45MarriedWife Mia age 41 Children Jenny age 12Tim age 9A suburb to Gothenburg VillaArt director Hiking, kayak, campingVolvo XC60Haglöfs, POC, Apple, LeathermanDocumentaries, nature shows and survivor programs

I think i´m a really social person. Through my job i´m meeting and interacting with new and interesting people every day and I really like the challenges that my work offers. Regardless of it´s to come up with fresh ideas for a new advert campaign or persuade a client that our way is better than their way. I think i have the roll as the strong leader in the company and i feel that my co-workers depend a lot on me. At my spare time I try to spend as much time as possible with my family and my spare time interests. I just love to take everyone for a weekend camping trip or to go and kayaking with my buddies. My friends is important to me and when we meet we always have a good time but we rarely talks about deeper stuff.

It´s a little bit hard to say. I see my self as a strong person with a great sense of responsibility. I´m often concerned how other people are feeling and i want to be there for them. I can look calm on the outside but the stress still affects me on the inside. I rarely show my weaknesses and are actually a little bit afraid to do so.

I think i met a lot of the goals i had set up for my life. I have a nice job, a beautiful wife and two amazing kids. I can provide for my self and for my family an have enough to be able to live a good life.

I was diagnosed with asthma just a few weeks ago. I knew that i had some problems breathing in the past but i always ignored them and blamed it on something else like that I strain myself to hard or something like that. But lately it has come clear that there were something else. The shortness off breath came more frequently and felt a little bit stronger every time. I didn´t really want to admit to my self that it could be something serious but finally i couldn´t ignore any longer. After doing some initial test with spirometers, NO exhalation tests and finally a spot test to see what allergens i would react to it stud clear that i had asthma. I got strain asthma and also responded slightly on both grass and pollen.

I don´t really know that much about asthma and i don´t really feel that i have a good source of information. What can I do? Can i still keep on doing all my spare time activities? Can I have full control over my life or do I have to put my trust to doctors?

I need information. I mean I always have the possibility to search the internet for information but what can I trust and I want it explained in a clear and simple way. I would like to have somewhere to go for information and a way to control my disease. Something that i can use at home and that helps me stay on top of my disease and helps me understand whats happening. I really like electronic gadgets, so maybe it could be something like that?



Anton 15Is born with asthma desease.His girlfriend Julia has more in-fluence on him than his parents does. He doesn‘t care abouthis asthma desease.

Wake up!Anton wakes up 10 min before the busis leaving. He has no time for breakfast and forgets to take his medicine that should prevent him from having an asthma attack

Medicine!Anton is checking his asthma group on facebook and takes his medicine to prevent another attack.

DistractionInstead of talking to his parents about the attack he tries to forget about it while playing Fifa 2011 on his PS3. He is going to sleep late.

Normal bronchial tube

Inflammated bronchial tube

SportAfter 30 mins Anton starts coughing and he feels that it is getting harder to breathe but in his opinion he is dealingwith unnessesary symptoms.

Attack!During lunch Anton prepares mentally for the important football game in the evening but he ignores the symptoms of his disease.

In the second half he can not breathe due to his asthma. Luckily his team mates knew where to find his emergency inha-ler so he does not have to go to hospital.

In a hurry!After running to the school bus Anton has to finish his homework in the bus on his way to the high school.

Come on!His girlfriend is concernedabout Anton‘s attack, after shereceives a message from her friend.She talks with Anton to make surethat he will make his NO testin the evening to check his inflammation.

Asthma ScenarioTeenager

Hanako / Simon / Marco


How would you react if you were diagnosed with asthma as an adult?

Asthma treatment, management, and control in a home environment.

Primarily for adult-diagnosed patients.

Monitoring the nitric oxide level in patient airways, a direct symptom of asthmatic inflammation.

A concept to help asthma patients by offering a complete treatment and guidance solution.

Medication can be optimized to always take the ideal dose. This prevents over- or under-medicating and will often have a significant positive impact.

User scenario, personas, user interviews and feedback






Expert consultation. Group ideation and identification sessions.


The current NIOX

Mino. Made for

professional use


UI facing away

from the user.

Secondary UI for

external screen.Filter details.

Test, analyze and understand.

Product analysis



> Clean shapes> Different finishes> Accent colors> Premium packaging

3D scanning for

CAD underlayCharger


Formed by hand

Your asthma


Your results

What now?

What does it mean?

Name: Gender:Age:Personal nr:

Diagnose date 2011 04 20

NO exhalation test

Allergen spot test

You responded negative on fur animals mainly cats but in some extension also dogs. Pollen

and nuts also provoked some reactions but only mildly so far. Keep a track on that and try to

remember what you eat to be able to discover other food´s that might trigger an attack. Please

use your asthma controller to keep a diary and log your values for further assessment.

Peak Flow Meter (PEF test)


0 ppb

0 L/Min

If you get a value below 300 please adjust your medicine dosage and contact your doctor

300 L/Min

850 L/Min

30 ppb40 ppb

100 ppb

Risk zone Asthma

Johan SkogM4519661008-8512

You can still live your life as you did before. You have to be careful around fur animals and make

sure that you always have your inhaler near by. The reactions to food and in your case nuts we

are not 100% sure if it is something else that can trigger a reaction. We want you to still keep on

enjoying food but be a little bit observant of what you eat and if you get a response please not

it down for further investigation. It´s very important that you keep on taking your medication on

a regular basis. This is critical for you to maintain a good health and avoiding emergency attacks.

Asthma is a chronical disease and are basically an inflammation in your airways. Treated right

with regular medications you should be able to live your life without any bigger complications

ore restrictions.

Questions?Call DR. Mark Anderson090-1717810 or visit








AC adaptor

Your status

Stand / docking station

FeNO meter


Extra mouthpieces and filters

Graphical overview

What´s in the box?


Dedicated website

A complete system, all you need for your treatment.

The system

Watch the NIOXmine video at:

Mouthpiece Protective cap

Disposable filters

Induction charger

Air intakes

Air filter



The graphical interface shows how the air flows through the air intakes, filters, and on to the patient.

When exhaling the graphics fill up the “chamber” inside the device, indicating analysis of the air.

Incorrect exhalation techniques are indicates with altered colors.

• Activate on screen touch

• Standby mode

• Inhale

• Right technique • Controlled exhalation • Analyze air and adjust medicine dosage

Intuitive interface

Monitoring and control in your home


Professional work done during internship at Harman | 2011-2012

JBL SB100 Soundbar Teamwork with Matthias Schmiedbauer

Surround sound in a small package.

Development of a product family consisting of three sound bar models—good, better, and best, where the SB100 is the entry model at a 199 USD price point. SB 100 is a plug and play speaker that produces rich surround sound using HARMAN Display surround technology and 60 watt of music power.

JBL SB 400

JBL SB 200

JBL SB 100SB100

Part of a

product family

Moodboards to

describe the user

for each product

The project

Covered base port

Integrated wall mount solution

Working with technical packages against price points and engineering restrictions.

Small format with big sound


Concept for wearable technology, 5 weeks 2014• Teamwork at Smart Design• Role as co-creator of concept and responsible for industrial design

Connected emergency room


In the chaos of the emergency room time is always an important factor.

Doctor patient time is decreasing and number of patients per doctor is increasing Confusion and insecurity among patients are common

Tracking patients and their treatment reduces mistakes and speeds up the process.

Gives patients a chance to follow what happens, get real time feedback on their progress, and clear information on their treatment and discharge. The Loop




Concept flow

Power connection

Mini USB port

On/Off switch

Heat vent

Maintnace hatch

Thermal printer

Patient information screen100 mm

138 mm 38 mm

RFID armband


Printing patient information.

Securing band around wrist. Connect to see your personal information.

Easy setup

Clear discharge instruction.Real time updates and information for patients in exam rooms.

Push notifications of test result to doctors.

Notifications and information

Loop, for a enhanced patient experience.

Security for both patients and staff

Personal projects

Using nature as a

graphic designer

Forrest fire, unique wooden candlesticks. Lamp shade made entirely out of paper with hand drawn graphical pattern.

Spare time creativity

User testing

User workshops




Function analysis



First hand experienceObservation

CompetitorsGeneral research

Technical research

Verification from expertise


Design opportunities

What does the user need / want What?Why?Where?How?For who?

Problem framing



Follow-up Display model



Final design


Final sketch models


Form &function

Rough sketch models


Mood and inspiration boards

Full scale mock-ups


Creative techniquesIdeation

ExcersiceMeet your buddies

Great ideas comes when you least expect it

Get your mind somewhere else Incubation

User centericFinalizing

And then w

e start all over again.

The way I work

FOR YOUR ATTENTIONThank you! SIMON FREDRIKSSONIndustrial designer MFA Advanced Product [email protected]

+353 83 459
