what the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!


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Post on 05-Aug-2015




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Page 1: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!


Page 2: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

In 2015, we’ll be focused on two priorities in online marketing: email marketing, and content marketing. Obvious, right? It might seem obvious, but it’s actually really hard to focus when there are so many bright, shiny objects to pull you in every direction (kind of like The Rack, and just as painful). Our filter for everything will be, at the highest level, this: will it enrich our subscribers’ lives? If not, we won’t do it.

Page 3: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

“In 2015 I will be focusing on building email lists at my blogs/sites, and also working to increase engagement with subscribers. As I have made email marketing more of a priority it has had a really positive impact on traffic, product sales, and affiliate product sales, so that will be my main emphasis in the coming year with a few different sites and email lists. One of the reasons it is important is because I have been able to get much better results for my effort with email marketing than with any other type of marketing or promotion.”

Page 4: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

Everything can be a repeatable process. In 2015

we’re going to spend a lot more time focusing on planning. As

Vero switches from a small business into a company with huge growth potential, similarly we’re focused on how our teams

can create repeatable processes and scale along. It’s

going to be a fun year.”

Page 5: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

“2015 for Unbounce will be the yearof new conversion data. Specifically

I’ll be mining the data from the Unbounce database to gain insight into the world’s largest data set on landing page conversion rates. It

promises to be fascinating. This data will uncover new evidence-based

conversion centered design theories, and put to bed many myths of conversion rate optimization.”

Page 6: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

“In 2015 my marketing goal is to concentrate more on adding value in my posts and content

while at the same time seeking to engage more with my readers.”

Page 7: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

“My main goal in the new year is all about optimization. One of the

key areas of our business is building email subscribers as that’s

where most of our sales were generated from. We have a good conversion process to build email

subscribers but we want to optimize further. The second major goal is optimization of our sales conversion. Whatever conversion any company gets there’s always

room for improvement!”

Page 8: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

“Reaching more people: For me, creating brand awareness for myself is the first priority in 2015. By improving my website’s search visibility, I can reach

out more people to grow my brand awareness.

Page 9: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

“I’m focused more on personal goals. Work life balance has been

hard for me as a full time entrepreneur now for half a

decade and with twin girls now I’m positioning myself to cut out

Fridays. So I’ve already let my team know that I’m making that transition.”

Page 10: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

“My New Years resolution as it relates to online marketing is to boost Crazy Egg’s

conversion rate by double. Reason being is customer acquisition costs are

rising rapidly in the analytics space and by increasing conversions it will help

reduce the cost to acquire a customer by half. This will allow us to spend more

and stay competitive as paid advertising costs will continually rise.”

Page 11: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

I like the concept of SMART goals, whether it’s for performance reviews or for New Year’s resolutions. It’s too easy to lose track of the basics in online marketing, so building out these types of no-brainers as a “website essentials checklist”

would be the specific goal I’d put in place.

Page 12: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

“Our New Year’s Resolution is to plan out a publishing schedule. This year we’ve been quite sporadic in writing on our blog and

sites like Econsultancy and Search Engine Watch

because with a running topic list but no schedule invariably we get engulfed with client work and before you know it months have


Page 13: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

“When it comes to online marketing, I hope to continue to expand the ways I’m measuring

the impact of content. As a marketer I’m regularly helping

businesses develop and distribute their content, then measure how it

affects their business goals. By continuing to expand upon the

different ways to use analytics to inform marketing, i’ll be a more

effective marketer in the long-run.”

Page 14: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

We’re taking the notion of “brands are publishers” and pushing the

boundaries of that further.

How that plays out: We’ll focus on enormous empathy and customer experience …We’ll focus on more relevance and new inspirations (rather than just the tried and true).And we’ll focus on being

generously useful. 2015 really will be the year we create and curate

content our customers will thank us for. Which leads me to…

Page 15: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

One more.

One more devoted reader. One more email subscriber. One more follower on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus.

One more comment from someone who loves my writing. One more laudatory email from a stranger. One more stranger-turned-friend.

Page 16: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

“At social media I have expanded my networking by regularly attending queries of my visitors and serving them as best as I can.

Now the second phase of selling is about to start and it will happen once I create a focused list of email subscribers.

So in first of month of 2015 I will install an email builder at my blog and also subscribe an email marketing service.”

Page 17: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

At a top level for my business, it really comes down to one thing; diversifying revenue


In 2014 my focus has been on growing my existing revenue

streams and that’s been going well but it’s essential that I switch my focus to minimize

financial risk.

I’ve been putting plans together and working on new products but in 2015 it will be time to push forward with these.

Page 18: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

“First is mobile, mobile, mobile. Did I mention mobile? I hate to be so

reactive to Google, but unfortunately they are so gigantic –when they start pushing something the entire world adjusts. And 2014

was the year of the biggest push for mobile I’ve ever seen by Google. It’s critical moving forward to be sure your site is perfect on a mobile

device. There are a lot of bases to cover ensuring this, and I need to

spend more time there.”

Page 19: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

“Increase sale of our product on-line by 50% by introducing six new products and actively promoting them through our social networks. We are at capacity in our

consulting business. Therefore, generating

passive income is a must to keep our growth


Page 20: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

Our biggest resolution for 2015 is to stop referring to people as targets. It’s a phrase we’ve used in the past but

we need to remember … they’re people, not something you shoot or at which you throw a dart! We’re still out to find as many professional speakers

and coaches as we can, because they are the niche upon which we’re

focused. Instead of “targeting” them, though, we think it’s more valuable to

start a dialog and use it as an opportunity to learn more about the

people we serve.

Page 21: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

“Our goal for 2015 is to implement a lead

generation program through inbound marketing. We do this work for all of our clients. We stress the importance of it. We even have serious data and metrics that prove its

effectiveness…and yet, the shoemaker’s children don’t

have shoes.”

Page 22: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

I will increase my networking activity with influential online marketers. For me, networking really means

making connections with people and being of service. It’s all about building meaningful relationships. To do this, I’m going to be spending more time on social

media, blogs, and forums. This is important for me not just for business, but to make a bigger impact in the


Page 23: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

“2015 is going to be a defining year for Fridge Magazine. Every piece of content that we publish will be able to be consumed in a minimum of two ways. For instance take an article published on our website, yes the main format may continue to be written however all articles will also be published with a well-produced audio piece to accompany the article. I think by doing this it will open our content up to a whole new audience especially mobile users.”

Page 24: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

“For the last six months my focus has been entirely on writing long, detailed, high quality posts that solve a

business’s problems or make their life better and

connecting with blog influencers who serve the

same audience I do but in a different way.”

Page 25: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

“In 2015, one of my online marketing objectives (resolution) is to focus a bit more on capturing leads to increase my email

subscribers. I feel that I have neglected this channel somewhat in 2014 and I intend to review all the landing pages, offers, etc., to build my list. Another area that I wish to focus on is

content marketing on “other” platforms aside from my on site. This is particularly important to ensure that my “brand” (or name

if you prefer) continues to get noticed.”

Page 26: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

“Increase the creativity of our online content marketing: We are strong believers in the power of content

marketing to engage buyers, which should come as no surprise since we’re a content marketing SaaS company. However, buyers continue to be overwhelmed with online content; and if we want to be relevant, we’ll need to continue delivering highly

relevant content in more creative ways in 2015. For example, developing more

infographics, creating more tools that can help other content marketers be

successful, and repurposing existing content into multiple formats that are suitable for many types of audiences.”

Page 27: What the experts are planning for their businesses in 2015!

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