what prayer plan do you have?what prayer plan do you have? a series on the unlimited power of...

UNLIMITE D What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen for more details. with Pastor Joe Ganahl Calls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace. Shout O ut! #U nlimited #LovePowerGra ce #Abundan tLife

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Page 1: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen


What Prayer Plan do you have?A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.

Come listen for more details. Restrictions do NOT apply.

withPastor Joe Ganahl

Calls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.





Page 2: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen


What Prayer Plan do you have?A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.

Come listen for more details. Restrictions do NOT apply.

withPastor Joe Ganahl

Calls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.





Page 3: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

Romans 1:16-17

…not ashamed of the joyful news of God’s kindness and Jesus’ blessings…it is

THE power for performing miraclesfor deliverance, safety, health, rescue, to

make well,restore to health, to save everyone who

thinks it to be true;places their confidence in it; trusts Jesus is

able to do it…in it God’s righteousness is revealed…‘those in a condition acceptable to God

shall live by belief’.

Page 4: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen


Does God work miracles because you obey the law? Of course not! It is

because you believethe message about Christ.

Calls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

Galatians 3:5-14

Page 5: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

Does God work miracles because you obey the law? Of course not! It is

because you believethe message about Christ.

Galatians 3:5-14

Page 6: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

Page 7: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

What Prayer Plan do you have?A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.

Come listen for more details. Restrictions do NOT apply.

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love.

Power. Grace.

withPastor Joe GanahlWeek 3 // “When God






Page 8: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.


Page 9: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen



Calls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

Page 10: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.


Exodus 2:23-24

…they groaned and cried out… He heard…

remembered their covenant…

Page 11: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.


Isaiah 43:25-26

I will not remember your sins… put Me in remembrance…

Exodus 2:23-24

…they groaned and cried out… He heard…

remembered their covenant…

Page 12: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.


Job 26:14

…merely a whisper of His power; who can understand

the thunder of His power?

Page 13: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.


Habakkuk 3:4

There was the hiding of His power…

Job 26:14

…merely a whisper of His power; who can understand

the thunder of His power?

Page 14: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.


Matthew 21:18-22

…He was hungry…seeing a lone fig tree… He went up to it and found nothing but leaves…“May no fruit ever come from you again!”

At once, the fig tree withered…“If you believe, you will receive

whatever you ask for in prayer.”

Page 15: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.


John 12:1-8

Judas was in charge of the money… he would steal part of what was put in it…

Matthew 21:18-22

…He was hungry…seeing a lone fig tree… He went up to it and found nothing but leaves…“May no fruit ever come from you again!”

At once, the fig tree withered…“If you believe, you will receive

whatever you ask for in prayer.”

Page 16: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

Joy and DELIGHTHe grew…became strong in spirit…filled with

wisdom…grace of God on Him…Luke 2:40

Page 17: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.


John 1:1-17

The Word became flesh… full of grace and truth…

He grew…became strong in spirit…filled with

wisdom…grace of God on Him…Luke 2:40

Page 18: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.


Philippians 2:5-8

…emptied Himself by…taking on the likeness of men…humbled Himself…

John 1:1-17

The Word became flesh… full of grace and truth…

He grew…became strong in spirit…filled with

wisdom…grace of God on Him…Luke 2:40

Page 19: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

Full of POWER

Page 20: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

Full of POWER

God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit

and with power.Acts 10:38

Page 21: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

Full of POWER

Acts 10:38

God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit

and with power.

Chrio (Greek)To furnish with necessary powers; to empowerwith gifts ofthe Holy Spirit

Page 22: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

Sin will not rule over you because you are

not under law, but under grace.Romans 6:14

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

Full of POWERChrio (Greek)To furnish with necessary powers; to empowerwith gifts ofthe Holy Spirit

Acts 10:38

God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit

and with power.

Page 23: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

Full of POWER

Tempted in every way, just as we are…

yet without sin.

Sin will not rule over you because you are

not under law, but under grace.Romans 6:14

Hebrews 4:15

Page 24: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

God cannot be tempted…

Tempted in every way, just as we are…

yet without sin.

Sin will not rule over you because you are

not under law, but under grace.Romans 6:14

James 1:13

Hebrews 4:15

Full of POWER

Page 25: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

God cannot be tempted…

Tempted in every way, just as we are…

yet without sin.

Sin will not rule over you because you are

not under law, but under grace.Romans 6:14

James 1:13

Hebrews 4:15

Full of POWER

Page 26: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

The Son is not able to do anything on His own,

only what He sees the Father doing.John 5:19

Full of POWER

Page 27: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

I do nothing on My own… just as the Father

taught Me… I say these things.

The Son is not able to do anything on His own,

only what He sees the Father doing.John 5:19John


Full of POWER

Page 28: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

The truth is anyone who believes in Me will do the same works that I have done and even greater


I am going to the Father.

I do nothing on My own… just as the Father

taught Me… I say these things.

The Son is not able to do anything on His own,

only what He sees the Father doing.John 5:19

John 14:12

John 8:28

Full of POWER

Page 29: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

Full of POWERYou will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.Ac

ts 1:8

Page 30: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

Full of POWER

Ephesians 1:15-19

…the immeasurable greatness of His power to us

who believe…

You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.Ac

ts 1:8

Page 31: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

Full of POWER

Ephesians 1:15-19

…the immeasurable greatness of His power to us

who believe…

…according to the power that works in us…

You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.Ac

ts 1:8

Eph 3: 14-20

Page 32: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

Ephesians 1:15-19

…the immeasurable greatness of His power to us

who believe…

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.


(Greek)The power for performing miracles;the power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature

Full of POWER

…according to the power that works in us…

You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.Ac

ts 1:8

Eph 3: 14-20

Page 33: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.


(Greek)The power for performing miracles;the power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature

Full of POWER

Ephesians 1:15-19

…the immeasurable greatness of His power to us

who believe…

…according to the power that works in us…

You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.Ac

ts 1:8

Eph 3: 14-20

Page 34: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

God LOVES Memorials

Page 35: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

God LOVES Memorials

Page 36: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen


On the 14th dayof the 1st monthis the Lord’s Passover…

Leviticus 23:5


Calls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

God LOVES Memorials

Page 37: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen


On the 15th day of the same month…the Feast of Unleavened Bread…eat for seven days…

Leviticus 23:6


Calls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

God LOVES Memorials

Page 38: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen


…bring a sheaf of first fruits…wave the sheaf to be accepted…after the Sabbath…

Leviticus 23:10-11


Calls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

God LOVES Memorials

Page 39: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen


…grain offering…50 days after 7th Sabbath…two loaves…

Leviticus 23:16-17


Calls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

God LOVES Memorials

Page 40: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

God LOVES MemorialsWhatever was written before was for our instruction…

so we may have hope…Romans15:4

Page 41: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

God LOVES Memorials

These things happened as examples…

Whatever was written before was for our instruction…

so we may have hope…Romans15:4

1 Corinthians 10:11

Page 42: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

God LOVES Memorials

A shadow of the things to come… the substance is of Christ.

These things happened as examples…

Whatever was written before was for our instruction…

so we may have hope…Romans15:4

Colossians 2:17

1 Corinthians 10:11

Page 43: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.


Page 44: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

God LISTENEDGod listened to Leah and she bore Jacob a son… Genes


Page 45: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

God LISTENEDGod listened to Leah and she bore Jacob a son… Genes


Page 46: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

“Give me sons or I will die…” Jacob said, “Am I in God’s place?!”

Genesis 30:1-2

God LISTENEDGod listened to Leah and she bore Jacob a son… Genes


Page 47: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

“Give me sons or I will die…” Jacob said, “Am I in God’s place?!”

Genesis 30:1-2


Then God remembered Rachel; He listened to her and opened her womb.

God listened to Leah and she bore Jacob a son… Genes


Genesis 30:22

Page 48: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

God LISTENED The Israelites groaned because of their difficult labor…they cried out…their cry for help went up to God… God heard their groaning and remembered His covenant…

Exodus 2:23-24

Page 49: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

God LISTENED The Israelites groaned because of their difficult labor…they cried out…their cry for help went up to God… God heard their groaning and remembered His covenant…

Exodus 2:23-24

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

“…groanings which cannot

be uttered…often prayers which cannot

be refused…”// Charles Spurgeon //

Page 50: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

“…groanings which cannot

be uttered…often prayers which cannot

be refused…”// Charles Spurgeon //


Page 51: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

God LISTENED You desire and do not have, because

you do not ask…or ask wrongly.James 4:2-3

Page 52: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

God LISTENED You desire and do not have, because

you do not ask…or ask wrongly.James 4:2-3Come boldly to the Throne of

Graceand receive mercy and grace to help


Hebrews 4:16

Page 53: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

God LISTENED You desire and do not have, because

you do not ask…or ask wrongly.James 4:2-3Come boldly to the Throne of

Graceand receive mercy and grace to help


Hebrews 4:16By grace you are saved,

through faith— not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.Ephesians 2:8-10

Page 54: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

God LISTENED …hear the Word…welcome it…produce a crop…30, 60, 100 times… Mark


Page 55: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

Whatever you ask for… believe you have

received… …you will have


Mark 11:23-24

God LISTENED …hear the Word…welcome it…produce a crop…30, 60, 100 times… Mark


Page 56: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

Whatever you ask for… believe you have

received… …you will have


Mark 11:23-24


At the beginning of your prayer… the answer went out…Daniel 9:23;


…hear the Word…welcome it…produce a crop…30, 60, 100 times… Mark


Page 57: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

Page 58: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDI have placed My rainbow in the

clouds;A sign of My permanent promise to

you:‘Never again will there be a flood

that will destroy all life!’When I see the rainbow…

I will remember my eternal promise.

Calls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

Genesis 9:13-16

Page 59: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDI have placed My rainbow in the

clouds;A sign of My permanent promise to

you:‘Never again will there be a flood

that will destroy all life!’When I see the rainbow…

I will remember my eternal promise.

Calls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

Genesis 9:13-16

…life…in Christ…



Page 60: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen


…life…in Christ…

Calls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace. Roma

ns 6:111 Cor. 1:30


redemption…in Christ…

Page 61: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen


…new creationin Christ…

Calls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

2 Cor. 5:17

…life…in Christ…


redemption…in Christ…


6:111 Cor. 1:30

Page 62: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.…every spiritual

blessing…in Christ…

Ephesians 1:3

Page 63: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

…forgiveness…in Christ…

Ephesians 4:32

…every spiritual blessing…in Christ…

Ephesians 1:3

Page 64: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace. God’s will for

you…in Christ…

1 Thess. 5:18

Page 65: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

…everything required for

life and godliness…in Christ…

2 Peter 1:1-3

God’s will for you…

in Christ…1

Thess. 5:18

Page 66: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

…everything required for

life and godliness…in Christ…

2 Peter 1:1-3

God’s will for you…

in Christ…1

Thess. 5:18

Page 67: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

UNLIMITEDChrist has redeemed us from the

curse of the lawby becoming a curse for us…cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree…the purpose was that the blessing of Abraham would come to the Gentiles

in Christ Jesus…so we could receive promise of the

Spirit by faith…

Calls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

Galatians 3:13-14

Page 68: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law

by becoming a curse for us…cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree…the purpose was that the blessing of Abraham would come to the Gentiles

in Christ Jesus…so we could receive promise of the

Spirit by faith…Galatians 3:13-14


“We tend to use prayer as a last resort, when God wants it to be

our first lineof defense! We pray when

there’snothing else we can do,

but God wants us to pray BEFORE

we do anything at all!…”// Oswald Chambers //

Calls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

Page 69: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

“Most of us would prefer, however,

to spend our time doing something

that will get immediate results.We don’t want to wait for God to

resolve matters in His good time, because His idea of good timing is seldom in sync with

ours.”// Oswald Chambers //

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

Page 70: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen


“Most of us would prefer, however,

to spend our time doing something

that will get immediate results.We don’t want to wait for God to

resolve matters in His good time, because His idea of good timing is seldom in sync with

ours.”// Oswald Chambers //

Calls. Texts. Data. Love. Power. Grace.

Page 71: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

What Prayer Plan do you have?A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.

Come listen for more details. Restrictions do NOT apply.

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love.

Power. Grace.





withPastor Joe GanahlWeek 3 // “When God


Page 72: What Prayer Plan do you have?What Prayer Plan do you have? A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.A series on the Unlimited power of prayer. Come listen

What Prayer Plan do you have?A series on the Unlimited power of prayer.

Come listen for more details. Restrictions do NOT apply.

withPastor Joe GanahlWeek 4 // “Sound the

Trumpets”NEXT WEEK…

UNLIMITEDCalls. Texts. Data. Love.

Power. Grace.



