what is public policy? asu paf340

What is Public Policy? PAF 340 – Contemporary Policy Challenges Summer 2014 Andrea E. Mayo Hover over for Audi

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Post on 04-Dec-2014




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  • 1. What is Public Policy? PAF 340 Contemporary Policy Challenges Summer 2014 Andrea E. Mayo Hover over for Audio

2. The Experts The sum of government activities, whether pursued directly or through agents, as those activities have an influence on the lives of citizens. Peters p. 4 Who gets what, when, and how?-Lasswell Placing an issue on the government agenda and deciding what to do about that issue. James Q. Wilson The study of government decisions and actions designed to deal with a matter of public concern. Cochran & Malone 3. But Non-governmental organizations and private organizations participate in administering and deciding public policy. Residents, foreigners, and others not granted citizenship status are also affected by policy. Definition may change substantially depending on context. I know it when I see it. Justice Potter Stewart on Obscenity Laws 4. Policy Instruments and Tools Services Public Education Law The Voting Rights Act, immigration quotas Money Social Security Taxes Earned Income Tax Credit, Healthcare mandate Loans Student loans, FHA mortgages Suasion Foreign policy Other economic instruments Insurance 5. Tools are used to Confer rights Provide goods and services Distribute benefits and burdens 6. The context of public policy Public Policy Politics Participation Pragmatism Diversity Market History 7. Context Matters! How conservative/liberal is the nation/state/city? Good policy and/or good politics What works? Incrementalism Best Practices The market Inequality Efficiency Diversity The melting pot/salad bowl History American exceptionalism City on a Hill