west broadway biz master plan

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  • 8/12/2019 West Broadway Biz Master Plan



  • 8/12/2019 West Broadway Biz Master Plan


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    Introducon: West Broadway BIZ Character1.

    Master Plan Goals and Objecves2.

    Master Plan Key Features3.

    BIZ Entry & Important Intersecons Concepts4.


    Storefront Improvement Program6.

    Planned Development Overlay7.

    Recommendaons & Priories8.


  • 8/12/2019 West Broadway Biz Master Plan


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    image source: flicker mrchristianimage source: http://westbroadwaybiz.com/ image source: http://silvergenes-canada.blog

    If you were to visit West Broadway today, you would find:

    A walkable community with a neighbourhood focus and an eclecc range of locally owned businesses

    An organically growing community of local businesses, shops and restaurants, forming an up and coming commercial district within the City of Winnipeg

    Acve stewardship groups and community gardening promong a Green lifestyle and community image

    An emerging cycling and pedestrian culture linking into the Citys riverfront parkway acve transportaon network Diverse community both ethnically and economically

    Arsc richness with many community based art programs and events (Sherbrook Street Fesval, Snowball Fesval, Art City Parade )

    Strong youth outreach programs culvang community pride

    Majesc elms and other mature trees lining the boulevards and streets

    A high density residenal neighbourhood

    A community bounded on the south by the Assiniboine River with direct access to Winnipegs infamous winter ice trail and cycling network

    Love - Community - Diversity - Growth

  • 8/12/2019 West Broadway Biz Master Plan

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    To accomplish these goals, the Master Plan included the following objecves:

    West Broadway BIZ Master Plan Objecves:Developing the Gateways into the West Broadway BIZ

    Streetscaping of Broadway, Sherbrook St. and Maryland St. corridors to improve pedestrian and cycling infrastructure to create astronger pedestrian district

    Strengthen pedestrian connecon between commercial districts and community desnaons at important intersecons

    Locang BIZ branding and signage in prominent places, clearly visible to vehicles and pedestrians.

    Creang beer Acve Transportaon (A.T.) infrastructure, cycle lanes, bike parking and wayfinding to promote sustainable and green


    Provide strategies and ideas in order to idenfy incenves for businesses to improve their storefrontsProvide basis for a future Planned Development Overlay that would become a zoning regulaon that supports BIZ goals

    The West Broadway BIZ Master plan outlines excing opportunies to grow an incredibly engaged and redeveloping neighbourhood.

    West Broadway BIZ Master Plan Goals:Strengthen businesses by strengthening the character and identy of West Broadway

    Promote walkable and cyclable commercial districts

    Brand the district to enliven street corridor and aract visitors

    Promote high quality built form, partnerships, incenves that promote unique places for small shops, local businesses and urban living.


  • 8/12/2019 West Broadway Biz Master Plan


  • 8/12/2019 West Broadway Biz Master Plan

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    Prominently located BIZ graphicbranding on cobra light fixtures.

    Seasonal displays in

    Infill tree planng

    Oversized, vibrant coloured planters

    lining boulevard

    The Broadway & Portage Ave. Gateway Concept


    Develop BIZ Gateway using oversized eye catching planters to create a unique entrance that expresses

    the green gardening culture of the BIZ.

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    Seasonally changing banners

    at entrance to BIZ Seasonal displays in planters


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    Infill Street Trees Highly visible BIZ


    Prominently located BIZ graphic branding

    with seasonally changing banner displays

    Sherbrook St. Gateway ConceptCompelling and highly visible BIZ bran

    with transparency over enre length o

    overhead walkway





    Develop compelling BIZ brand graphics to be displayed on enre length of overhead walkway.

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    Prominently located BIZ graphic brandingwith seasonally changing banner displays

    Broadway & Osborne St. Gateway Concept

    Compelling and highly visible public art / signage with

    BIZ brand graphic to welcome people to the district* Note: East end of Broadway is in Downtown jurisdicon and will require

    Urban Design Review and approval.

    Infill tree planng to

    entrance into BIZ


    Develop BIZ gateway with highly visible BIZ brand graphics displayed at large scale

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    Sherbrook St. and Broadway Important Intersecon Concept


    Soen hard fenced edge with


    Connuous paving indicaon

    on sidewalk and intersecon to

    demonstrate pedestrian priority

    around corner

    Create a pedestrian scaled intersecon using tree planng and hedges, wayfinding, paving and branding to

    encourage pedestrian link between two primary commercial streets

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    Broadway and Young St. Important Intersecon Concept


    Infill tree planng to frame


    BIZ Informaon Kiosk

    Opportunity for BIZ branding and

    wayfinding (in associaon with Art C

    Reinforce this important community connecon to Neighbourhood Centre by creang a pedestrian friendly

    intersecon with planng wayfinding icons and branding.

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    Maryland St. and Broadway Important Intersecon Concept


    BIZ Informaon Kiosk

    New banner poles, prominently

    located BIZ graphic branding

    Ornamental fence with planng,

    setback from property line to

    create feature corner with planter

    and informaon kiosk

    Oversized, vibrant coloured plantersurrounding exisng elm tree

    Create a south-bound gateway into the BIZ by using an oversized brightly coloured planter, and opening up

    the fencing at the North West corner. Create a pedestrian scaled space with seang, informaon kiosk and

    other pedestrian amenies.

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    Street Furnishing


    Street Tree

    Infill Planng

    District Branding and

    Seasonal Planng on

    Exisng Pedestrian

    Light Fixtures


    Accessible ClearPath of Travel

    Property Line

    District Branding

    Banners on Cobra

    Street Light

    Building Setback Zone

    Opportunity to partner

    with property owners to

    provide addional pedestrian

    amenies in building setback




    Narrow R.O.W.

    Limited space

    for streetscape


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    Examples of Broadway Corridor streetscaping are provided in the following pages through before and aer photo simulaons.

    Images present recommendaons that apply to more than one situaon along the corridor.

    Enhance commercial district of Broadway to promote walkable commercial district, a unique place for small shops, local businesses

    and vibrant urban living

    Broadway Corridor Exisng CondionsBroadway has current constraints and lacks definion and encement of pedestrian environment:

    Narrow right-of-way (R.O.W.) with limited space available to provide addional public amenies such as seang and planng

    that would help to create a comfortable pedestrian environment

    Broadway is a major thoroughfare with high traffic volumes

    Recommendaons1) Introduce streetscaping improvements to create cohesive district image and comfortable pedestrian environment.

    Infill tree planng,

    New contemporary site furnishings such as bike racks

    BIZ district branding

    Upgrade sidewalks to meet universally accessible standards (in associaon with COW street renewal works)

    2) Promote building and facade enhancements that enliven / enrich street character and/or offer addional public amenies byproviding incenves through facade improvement program and building partnership with local business owners

    Encourage landscaping of building setback zone to provide seang and planters

    Breaking up long facade with planters, building arculaon such as windows and doors

    Framing building entries with planng or paving

    Enrich facade design with signage/ canopies/ awnings

    Facade Lighng to enhance pedestrian ambient light

    Planng / fencing/ screening to buffer parking lots

    3) Iniate a Plan Development Overlay to guide appropriate future developments

    Provide basis for a future Planned Development Overlay that would become a zoning regulaon, which supports BIZ goals

    Broadway Corridor Streetscaping

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    Street Tree missing

    Narrow R.O.W.

    limited opportunies for


    Building Setback Zone

    Encourage landscaping of buildin

    zone to provide addional public a

    seating and planters

    Clear path of travel

    not delineated

    Paving Im

    meet Uni


    clear pathStreet Furnishings Zone

    bike racks and pedestrian light



    Infill Street Trees

    Broadway Corridor Streetscaping Examples - Landscaping building setback zone

    Encourage property owners to landscape building setback zones to offer addional public amenies such as seang, planters, paos

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    Broadway Corridor Streetscaping Examples - Breaking up long facade

    Promote building and facade enhancements that enliven / enrich street character. Breaking up long facade with planters,

    building arculaon such as windows and doors


    Long facade does not engage the street or provide

    pedestrian friendly / inving environment

    Building Entry

    Entry to Broadway has

    been closed

    Establish rhythm and connuity with BIZ

    branding on banners

    Create arculaon on long fac

    seasonal planng and displays

    sidewalk and provide more ap


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    Frame building entry with planters, seasonal displays, or furnishings and paving

    Broadway Corridor Streetscaping Examples - Framing building entries





    Frame building entry with pl

    displays, or furnishings and d

    entrance with paving

    Establish rhythm and connuity with BIZ

    branding on pedestrian light fixtures.

    Refurbish canopy and signage

    Exposed Parking Lot

    Commercial EntryUnique Building Canopy

    EXISTING PROPOSED Seasonal planng display with oversizedhanging planters

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    Broadway Corridor Streetscaping Examples - Signage and Canopies

    Faade lacks definion and character of

    commercial businesses

    Faade design enhancements with

    canopy, signage + lighngNot clearly defined commercial


    Frame building en

    seasonal displays,

    delineated entran

    Enrich facade design with signage/ canopies/ awnings


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    Sherbrook Corridor Streetscaping


    Property Line

    Cobra Street Light with

    District Branding Banners

    1.5- 2.5m clear

    path of travel

    Street Furnishing Zone

    Encourage bike parkingfacilies

    Building Frontage Zone

    Provides an opportunity for

    property owners to spill out

    into the R.O.W. with:

    - Seang

    - Planters

    - Pao Tables

    - Display Boards & TablesBuildingExisng Pedestrian

    Light with

    District Branding &Seasonal Planng

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    Sherbrook Corridor Streetscaping

    Examples of Broadway Corridor streetscaping are provided in the following pages through before and aer photo simulaons.

    Images present recommendaons that apply to more than one situaon along the corridor.

    Sherbrook Corridor Existing Conditions

    Wide R.O.W. with opportunies for businesses to spill out into public R.O.W. and enliven pedestrian environment Concentraon of shops and restaurants in one area of the corridor, offers strong commercial district that promotes walkability

    Close proximity to a strong cycling community, corridor has limited infrastructure to support cycling acvity

    Recent developments have not supported the local character ie. long building facades that lack interest and arculaon, parking lots

    adjacent to sidewalk

    Concern that new/ infill developments may not promote and enhance exisng street character

    RecommendationsIntroduce streetscaping improvements to create cohesive district image and comfortable pedestrian environment.

    - Street Tree infill planng

    - BIZ district branding

    - Upgrade sidewalks to universally accessible standards (in associaon with COW street renewal works)

    - Install furnishings such as bike racks to promote cycling and A.T., planters and benches

    Develop A.T. infrastructure (cycle lane and parking) to encourage sustainable transportaon

    Encourage building and facade improvements through - Partnership with business owners

    - Incenves through facade improvement program

    Develop a Plan Development Overlay to guide appropriate future developments that enhance the exisng street character strengths

    Promote facade enhancements that enliven / enrich street character and/or offer addional public amenies.

    - Encourage spill out of businesses onto sidewalk (pao, signage, sales)

    - Breaking up long facade with planters, building arculaon such as windows and doors

    - Framing building entries with planng or paving

    - Enrich facade design with signage/ canopies/ awnings - Facade Lighng to enhance pedestrian ambient light

    - Planng / fencing/ screening to buffer parking lots

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    Exposed Parking Lot

    open to the sidewalk

    Develop new A.T. Facility, withbump-outs at transit stops, to

    link commercial district to city of

    Winnipeg cycling network

    Encourage bicycle parking infrast

    accommodate and promote cycli

    Develop A.T. infrastructure (cycle lane and parking) to encourage sustainable transportaon

    Sherbrook Corridor Streetscaping Examples -Acve Transportaon (A.T.)

    EXISTING PROPOSED Create plaparking lo

    Large commercial parking area

    with no bicycle parking

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    Sherbrook Corridor Streetscaping Examples - Breaking up long facade

    Promote building and facade enhancements that enliven / enrich street character. Breaking up long facade with planters,

    building arculaon such as windows and doors

    Seasonal planng to frame b


    Long facade with limited entries onto sidewalk,

    does not promote pedestrian friendly / inving


    Break up long

    windows and

    pedestrian en

    Doorway onto Sherbrook is

    not main public entry

    Develop main public entrance facing street

    or directly accessible from public sidewalk

    Seang, tables along buildin

    out onto sidewalk


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    Bike Parking

    limited facilies

    Faade lacks definion and character of commercialbusinesses

    Wide R.O.W., opportunity for

    Business to take advantage of

    building frontage zone

    Opportunity for businesses to

    spill out onto public R.O.W

    with seang, display table etc.

    Sherbrook Corridor Streetscaping Examples - Facade Design with Signage and Canopies

    Enrich facade design with signage/ canopies/ awnings


    Faade design enhancements with

    colourful canopies, signage + lighng,window boxes



    to accom


    Main public entrance facin

    directly accessible from puChange door style to creat


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    Corridor Streetscaping Examples - Infill Tree Planng, Protecng the Urban Forest

    Engage in discussions with City Councilor and City of Winnipeg Forestry department to promote infill tree planng.

    Image: Tree planng

    Image: Strategy for gr

    planng to increase s



    Health Centre

    Infill Tree planng in Commercial Areas (shown in pink on maps below) to follow City of Winnipegs Best

    Pracces for Urban Trees principles and guidelines on Regional Streets . Tree guards to be installed with all newstreet tree planng in commercial areas. These guidelines are in place to enhance success of urban tree survival.

    Guidelines include tree planng using structure cells below sidewalk.

    Infill Tree planng in Residenal Areas (shown in green) can be planted directly into sodded boulevard or open

    trenches as per images on right.

    Broadway Tree Planng Areas

    Sherbrook & Maryland Tree Planng Areas

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    Corridor Streetscaping Examples - LighngPedestrian Light Fixtures Facade Lighting Architectural Accent Lighting

    Refurbish Pedestrian Light Fixtures.Refurbish and clean up exisng

    pedestrian light fixtures with

    replacement of bases, consistent

    fixtures throughout district, and

    painng poles

    Fixture Replacement Opons:

    (Cost prohibited in the short term)Select new fixtures and poles to

    update look and feel

    Select new fixtures that focus light

    on branding and signage

    Replace exisng fixtures with

    coloured LED for unique colour

    ambiance along street

    Promote facade lighng that contributes to the

    ambiance and safety of the street during evening


    Highlight significant local building icons with a

    accent lighng.

    Precedent Example Precedent Example

    Precedent Example

    Crossway Church, Broadway Westminster Church, Maryl

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    Develop highly visible informaon kiosks with

    compelling BIZ brand graphics. Informaon kiosk

    will be located throughout the BIZ at key vehicular,pedestrian and A.T. intersecons. Kiosks to feature

    a community noce board to promote local events,

    sales, concerts, and fesvals, and a slot to place BIZ

    map leaflets for visitors to use to navigate the area

    Informaon Kiosks Features

    Gordon Bell

    Sports Field





    Westminster Ave
























    United Church

    Balmoral Green

    Space, Great

    West Life










    e t

    Spence Landing

    (Future Neighbourhood



    igh our


    Mulligans Landing

    (Future Waterfront


    Mostyn Place




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    F d I t P R d

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    Facade Improvement Program Recommendaons


    Storefront Improvement Program Recommendaons


    Re-structure West Broadways storefront improvement program with markeng incenves, design advice, fundingmatching and improved program administraon in order to encourage businesses / owners to take pride and

    invest in faade enhancements that improve the street character and provide a welcoming environment to work,

    shop and live.


    1. Markeng Incenves

    Promote program through website and newsleer; publish previous successes with before and aer


    Provide recognion to businesses already contribung to character of neighbourhood through good design.

    Instute grant recognion program (such as program sckers from storefront doors) for businesses to

    recognize West Broadway BIZ contribuon.

    Recognize grant awardees at AGM or separate recepon.

    Encourage businesses to apply for other awards such as Commerce Design Winnipeg contest through

    Chamber of Commerce Winnipeg

    2. Design Advice

    Engage local architects from BIZ membership on retainer to provide design assistance or advice to help

    prepare grant applicaon. BIZ to provide cost of 2-3 hours of me.

    3. Funding Matching

    Increase the amount of money available to a maximum $5000 for matching contribuons.

    Establish an annual budget ($5,000 - $15,000).

    4. Program Administraon

    Name program coordinator within BIZ to administer program, answer quesons, promote awareness of

    grant and assist businesses with applicaon.

    Set grant applicaon deadline for each calendar year.

    Improve markeng for grant applicaon such as pamphlet with promoons, outline benefits, how program

    works etc. Use graphics, before and aer pictures of previous recipients.

    Instute grant requirement for building to be at least five years old to be eligible for grant.

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    Faade Enhancement Examples:

    Main public entrance facing the main street or directly accessible from public sidewalk

    Add faade arculaon to visually interrupt long faades such as projecons, recesses, awnings, windows, building entries,

    seang and plantersHigh quality design of canopy and building signage

    Increased building transparency, such as addion of display windows, to provide visual interest to pedestrian environment

    Seang and planters in setback zones

    Fencing and hedges to buffer parking lots

    Faade accent lighng

    Execuve Summary of Best Pracces

    Similar grant programs were reviewed from Edmonton, Alberta; Toronto, Ontario; Portland, Oregon; Minneapolis, Minnesota; San

    Diego, California and Winnipeg, Manitoba. Design Guides from Edmonton and Minneapolis are provided in the Appendix. The

    following is a summary of some of the best pracces from these other communies:

    Several cies have developed design guides to assist businesses with improvements.The best design guides use a significant amount of graphics.

    Matching grants were available from $5000 to $60,000 in each community.

    Most communies have a maximum amount of funding established for each year.

    Grant programs recognized that buildings located on a corner have two faades to do improvements on. Corner buildings

    eligible for addional funds beyond the program maximum.

    Pre-qualified architects were held on retainer to provide design assistance to qualifying businesses.

    Websites for grant programs recognized past winners as well as providing before and aer pictures.

    Grant awardees recognized contribuons through signage placed in windows.

    Grant programs had staff person dedicated for answering quesons and providing assistance with applicaon process.

    Most grant programs define what work is eligible (i.e. new signage, exterior painng or new awnings) and what work is not

    (i.e. security bars, roof structural work, interior window coverings).

    Programs set condions on award, including maintaining improvements for at least five years.

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    Opons for Planned Development Overlay Zoning District Implementaon

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    The West Broadway BIZ Master Plan provides a vision for the two commercial streets, Broadway and Sherbrook St.. Recommen-

    daons from the plan include improvements to the streetscape and to the surrounding built environment. This includes areaswithin the right-of-way (road, sidewalks and boulevard) but also the private property/buildings abung the streets. While the

    area within the right-of-way is under the complete control of the City of Winnipeg, private property is largely controlled by the

    property owners with the excepon of the requirements and parameters established by zoning. With the intent of promong a

    vibrant, pedestrian-oriented, and aracve streetscape, such zoning regulaons may/ may not provide enough detail to dictate

    the physical form and sing of future buildings to be consistent with the recommendaons detailed in the Master Plan.

    Currently, under The City of Winnipeg Charter there is a statutory provision called Planned Development Overlay (PDO) zon-

    ing districts. The purpose of PDOs is to provide a tool which city planners can use to develop prescripve zoning regulaons toshape the form and character of future development abung Broadway and Sherbrook St. to be consistent with the direcon

    established in the Master Plan.

    Examples of elements from the Master Plan which could be regulated through a PDO include:

    Height restricons or setback from faade requirements for building over certain height

    Length of building facades;

    Faade arculaon (ie. longer than 30 requires architectural features such as projecons / recesses, to visually interruptfaade);

    Main public entrance facing main street or directly accessible from public sidewalk;

    Requirements for windows or building transparency (ie. percentage of street level faade made of transparent materials);

    Faade design (ie. must include 3 of the following : canopy/ arcade/ roof arculaon/ pao/ display window/ planters/ wing

    wall/ landscape/ seang areas).

    Currently, Broadway and Sherbrook St. are subject to an exisng PDO (called PDO-1 Neighbourhood Main Street).

    Opons for Planned Development Overlay Zoning District Implementaon

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    This same PDO is also in effect over secons of neighbourhood streets such as Osborne St., Selkirk Ave., Corydon Ave., and Ellice Ave. This

    PDO provides very limited direcon and regulaons and does not capitalize on the full power and potenal of the PDO tool (see aached forcopy of the by-law). In contrast, streets such as Provencher Blvd., Academy Rd. and Pembina Hwy. (through St. Norbert) each have street

    specific PDOs which provide zoning regulaons and standards specific to the street but also reflecng the unique identy of the surrounding


    The City of Winnipeg is currently conducng a review of the Citys zoning by-law. As part of this review, the City may be revising PDO-1

    Neighbourhood Main Streets. Currently, there is no meline or funding commied to this project and no indicaon of when or if it will occur.

    For consideraon and to help realize the direcon provided by the Master Plan, we propose the following opons:

    Opon 1 (City Wide PDO)

    The BIZ should monitor and become involved in the planned revisions to PDO-1 Neighbourhood Main Streets. We recommend the BIZ to dis-

    cuss with the area Councillor and highlight the need for addional detail and regulaons for future development. Again, there is no meline

    or funding for this project and it may take several years to be completed.

    Opon 2 (Street Specific PDO)Just as streets like Academy Rd. have done, a site specific PDO could be developed for Broadway and Sherbrook St. This project would be

    much smaller than the City-wide revision to PDO-1 Neighbourhood Main Streets, and as a result, potenally implemented much quicker.

    Again, for this opon we recommend the BIZ discusses with the area Councillor for consideraon and support.

    2013 2014 2014 2015

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    Gateway a t Portage Ave. & Broadway: Design development/ tender for spring 2014


    Gateway Sherbrook St.: Begin discussion with Misericordia Health Centre

    Branding: Install Banners on exisng cobra lights and pedestrian light fixtures

    Faade improvement program: Re-structuring program and establish budgeng for

    next year

    Planned Development Overlay: Begin discussions with City of Winnipeg Planning

    Department on a Planned Development Overlay (Updang exisng P.D.O. -1

    Neighbourhood Main Streets; or iniang own process for Sherbrook St. andBroadway)

    Tree re-planng strategy: Begin discussions with forestry and councilor

    Design site furnishings strategy

    A.T. Corridor and bump-outs: Begin discussions with city of Winnipeg A.T.


    Develop operaons/ maintenance agreement with City of Winnipeg


    Gateway at Sherbrook St.: Design development/ tender/ co

    Gateway at Osborne St. & Broadway: Begin discussion with

    Branding: Install Banners in new locaons and seasonally ch

    Faade Improvement Program: Roll out new program and m

    Site Furnishings : Begin implemenng site furnishing strateg

    locaons (coordinate with City of Winnipeg street works)

    Informaon Kiosk and Important Intersecon Sherbrook St.

    Young & Broadway: Design development

    A.T. Corridor: Design development/ tender/ construcon (d

    Winnipeg Scheduling)

    2015 2016

    Gateway Osborne St. and Broadway: Design development/

    Informaon Kiosk and Important Intersecon Sherbrook St.

    Young St. and Broadway: Tender/ construcon

    Site Furnishings: Begin implemenng site furnishing strateg

    locaons (coordinate with City of Winnipeg street works)

    A.T. Corridor: Design development/ tender/ construcon (d

    Winnipeg scheduling)

    Note: Priories are subject to change as project progresses and as informaon is received on City Streetwork

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