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Weekly Vocab Compilation – Week 1 & 2 Online Mentors Click here to like us on facebook https://www.facebook.com/OMonlinementors/ http://www.dailyquiz.onlinementors.co.in/ Page 1 DAY 1 1. Erudite (adjective) - Having or showing great knowledge or learning – वििान S - Educated, Knowledgeable, Learned, Lettered, Literate, Scholarly A – Benighted, Dark, Ignorant, Illiterate, Uneducated, Unlearned. Mnemonic - taken from RUDE+ITE, in olden days people who were higly educated were basically very rude, as they were having profound knowledge of a subject they use to behave very rudely with less educated or illiterates people. Use - She is a scholarly and erudite person. 2. Extol (verb) - Praise enthusiastically - शंसा करना S - Bless, Carol, Celebrate, Emblazon, Exalt A – Criticize, Blame, Castigate, Condemn, Abase Mnemonic – you pay TOLL tax to cross a glorious praiseworthy Worli Sea link in Mumbai. Use - He often extols the virtues of his students. 3. Enhance (verb) -Intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of – ि धि करना S - Ameliorate, Amend, Better, Improve, Enrich, Meliorate, Perfect, Refine, Upgrade A – Worsen Mnemonic – When you are given a chance you try to improve more. That is ENHANCE. Use - The county took steps to enhance water quality. 4. Gracious (adjective) – Courteous, kind, and pleasant, especially towards someone of lower social status – विनीत S – Courteous, Kind, Polite, Genial A – Ungracious, Brusque, Discourteous, Querulous Use – He was gracious enough to thank me. 5. Grouse (noun) – To complain - बबाना S – Gripe, Grumble, Complain, Squawk A – Congratulate, Accolade Use – He’s always grousing about how hard he has to work. Mnemonic - Spouse. Complain a lot. 6. Feasible (adjective) - Possible and practical to do easily or conveniently – सभाय S – Achievable, Attainable, Possible A – Impossible, Nonviable, Unattainable Use - With the extra resources, the project now seems feasible. 7. Franchise (noun) - An authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities, for example acting as an agent for a company's products – विशेष विय अधिकार S - Enfranchisement

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    DAY 1

    1. Erudite (adjective) - Having or showing great knowledge or learning S - Educated, Knowledgeable, Learned, Lettered, Literate, Scholarly A Benighted, Dark, Ignorant, Illiterate, Uneducated, Unlearned. Mnemonic - taken from RUDE+ITE, in olden days people who were higly educated were basically very rude, as they were having profound knowledge of a subject they use to behave very rudely with less educated or illiterates people. Use - She is a scholarly and erudite person.

    2. Extol (verb) - Praise enthusiastically - S - Bless, Carol, Celebrate, Emblazon, Exalt A Criticize, Blame, Castigate, Condemn, Abase Mnemonic you pay TOLL tax to cross a glorious praiseworthy Worli Sea link in Mumbai. Use - He often extols the virtues of his students.

    3. Enhance (verb) -Intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of S - Ameliorate, Amend, Better, Improve, Enrich, Meliorate, Perfect, Refine, Upgrade A Worsen Mnemonic When you are given a chance you try to improve more. That is ENHANCE. Use - The county took steps to enhance water quality. 4. Gracious (adjective) Courteous, kind, and pleasant, especially towards someone of lower social

    status S Courteous, Kind, Polite, Genial A Ungracious, Brusque, Discourteous, Querulous Use He was gracious enough to thank me.

    5. Grouse (noun) To complain - S Gripe, Grumble, Complain, Squawk A Congratulate, Accolade Use Hes always grousing about how hard he has to work. Mnemonic - Spouse. Complain a lot.

    6. Feasible (adjective) - Possible and practical to do easily or conveniently S Achievable, Attainable, Possible A Impossible, Nonviable, Unattainable Use - With the extra resources, the project now seems feasible. 7. Franchise (noun) - An authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities, for example acting as an agent for a

    company's products S - Enfranchisement


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    A Disenfranchisement Use - The company announced that it was not yet ready to award the franchise to either party.

    8. Flux (noun) Constant change - S Change, Fluctuation A Stability, Constancy, Steadiness Use Our plans are in a state of flux at the moment. Mnemonic - Flux means flow, something that flows, undergoes through change.

    9. Fracas (noun) A noisy disturbance or quarrel - S Brawl, Fight, Fray A Peace, Harmony, Calm Use He was injured in a Saturday-night fracas outside a disco. Mnemonic - Fracas-(fraud + cause), a fraud will generally cause a quarrel or brawl.

    10. Fictitious (adjective) - Not real or true / Imaginary or fabricated S Imaginary, False, Unreal, Fanciful, Imaginary, Bogus, Fictional A True, Real, Genuine, Actual Mnemonic Can be related to FICTION. Use - He dismissed recent rumours about his private life as fictitious.

    DAY 2

    1. Expunge (verb) - Obliterate or remove completely (something unwanted or unpleasant) S - Abolish, Black out, Blot out, Cancel, Clean (up), Efface, Eradicate, Erase, Annihilate A Create, Construct, Build, Fabricate Mnemonic Expunge rhymes with sponge. Which is used to remove dirt. Use - His name has been expunged from the list of members.

    2. Eschew (verb) - Deliberately avoid using / Abstain from S Avoid, Shun, Evade, Forgo, Elude A Embrace, Love, Like, Pursue, Confront Mnemonic People tend to avoid you. When you have severe cold and u say, "AAAh chuu!!" Use - We won't have discussions with this group unless they eschew violence.

    3. Epoch (noun) - A particular period of time in history or a person's life S - Day, Age, Era, Period, Time A Timeless Mnemonic Epics are based on epoch's. Use - The president said that his country was moving into a new epoch, which would be one of lasting peace.

    4. Erroneous (adjective) Wrong / Incorrect


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    S - False, Inaccurate, Incorrect, Inexact, Invalid, Off, Unsound, Untrue, Untruthful, Wrong A Accurate, Correct, Errorless, Exact, Factual, Precise, Proper, Right, Sound, True, Valid, Veracious Mnemonic Sounds like: "Error in us"--> Something that is full of errors and mistakes. Use - An erroneous belief/impression.

    5. Envisage (verb) - Contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable future event S Imagine, Envision, Visualize A Unforeseen, Withdrawn Mnemonic En"vis"age: vis - visualize something which is not present. Use - Train fare increases of 15 percent are envisaged for the next year.

    6. Flair (noun) A special or instinctive aptitude or ability for doing something well - S Genius, Ability, Talent, Aptitude A Inability, Incapacity, Inaptitude, Ineptness, Clumsiness Use He has a flair for languages. Mnemonic - "Flair" = remember the pen company "flair", 'talented' students write with flair pens.

    7. Faux pas (noun) An embarrassing or tactless act or remark in a social situation - S Blunder, Mistake, Error A Amenity, Attention, Civility, Courtesy, Formality, Gesture, Pleasantry Use He made the faux pas of referring to Kashmir as part of Pakistan. Mnemonic - Faux can be thought of as focus and when focus loses(pas) then we commit a social blunder

    8. Glutton (noun) An excessively greedy eater - S Hog, Gourmand, Gourmet A Nibbler, Finicky eater Use What a glutton he ate a whole pizza by himself. Mnemonic - He is such a GLUTTON and eats so much that the BUTTONS on his shirt begin to pop out!

    9. Glib (adjective) Fluent but insincere and shallow (of words or a speaker) - S Smooth, Fluent, Slick A Profound, Quite, Hesitant Use No one was convinced by his glib answers/explanations. Mnemonic - Glib sounds like Ghalib. His shayeri was slick and fluent. 10. Erode (verb) - (of wind, water, or other natural agents) Gradually wear away (soil, rock, or land) - S Wear away, Corrode, Diminish, Reduce, Gnaw, Decay A Build, Create, Construct, Assemble, Compose Mnemonic Iron rod in rain and sun, gets eroded. Use - Wind and rain have eroded the statues into shapeless lumps of stone.


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    DAY 3

    1. Exodus (noun) A mass departure of people S - Outflow, Gush, Outpour, Outpouring A Flux, Inflow, Influx, Inrush Mnemonic (ex)exit (o)of d(us)= Departure. Use - There has been a mass exodus of workers from the villages to the towns.

    2. Errant (adjective) - Erring or straying from the accepted course or standards S - Bad, Contrary, Naughty, Froward, Misbehaving, Mischievous A Behaved, Behaving, Nice, Orderly Mnemonic Running errands without a plan, and therefore making errors. Use - An errant throw cost them the game. 3. Errand (noun) - A short journey undertaken in order to deliver or collect something, especially on

    someone else's behalf S Job, Task, Mission A Vacation, Holiday Mnemonic When somebody goes to rand , it's just to accomplish a short mission for night or a day. Use - I'll meet you at six, I've got some errands to do/run first.

    4. Equanimity (noun) - Calmness and composure, especially in a difficult situation S - Aplomb, Calmness, Collectedness, Composedness, Composure, Cool A Agitation, Discomposure, Perturbation Mnemonic When meditating, you find equanimity when you find your EQUILIBRIUM. Use - In spite of her financial troubles, she faced the future with equanimity.

    5. Enormous (adjective) - Very large in size, quantity, or extent S Huge, Immense, Gigantic, Massive A Tiny, Little, Minute, Small Use - He earns an enormous salary. 6. Endemic (adjective) - (of a disease or condition) regularly found among particular people or in a

    certain area S - Aboriginal, Autochthonous, Born, Domestic, Native, Indigenous A Nonindigenous, Nonnative Mnemonic Simple think of epidemic as an epidemic disease that spreads a vast area and endemic disease as a disease that spreads only a confined area. Use - Malaria is endemic in many of the hotter regions of the world. 7. Evasive (adjective) - Tending to avoid commitment or self-revelation, especially by responding only

    indirectly S Deceitful, Elusive, Devious, Shifty


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    A Direct, Honest, Frank, Candid Mnemonic Evasive when pronounced include evade which means avoid answering and escape physically or mentally. Use - The pilot had to take evasive action to avoid the other plane. 8. Ennui (noun) - A feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or

    excitement S - Doldrums, Boredom, Listlessness, Restlessness, Tedium, Weariness, Fatigue A Enthusiasm, Excitement, Vigor, Liveliness, Alacrity Mnemonic Ennui. When pronounced sounds quite similar to ANNOYed. Now think of a person who is always annoyed with everything. Such a person could be very BORING and irritating for you. Use - The whole country seems to be affected by the ennui of winter.

    9. Encomium (noun) - A speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly S Panegyric, Commendation, Eulogy, Praise, Compliment, Applause, Laudation A Rebuke, Admonition, Censure, Condemnation, Criticism, Reprimand Mnemonic INCOME - People of high INCOME are formally praised for their large donations. Use - The movie MS DHONI opens with the encomiums of Indias victory in 2011 worldcup.

    10. Gimmick (noun) - A trick or device intended to attract attention, publicity, or trade S Contrivance, Gizmo, Trick A Reality, Frankness Use - They give away free gifts with children's meals as a sales/marketing gimmick.

    DAY 4

    1. Fawning (adjective) Displaying exaggerated flattery or affection / Obsequious S Obsequious, Flattering, Sycophantic A- Imperious, Unservile, Aloof Use A fawning young man. Mnemonic - Relate it with a FAN. Imagine of a crazy FAN who ALWAYS TRY TO exhibit his affection and COURT A favour to be with you whole day by flattering with you. 2. Fecundity (noun) The ability to produce an abundance of offspring or new growth / Fertility OR the

    ability to produce many new ideas S Fertility, Productivity, Fruitfulness A Aridity, Infertility, Barrenness Use In the early decades of the last century birth control was seen as a means of population control essential for limiting the fecundity of the poor. Mnemonic - Relate fecundity to funding! For our higher studies we will be looking for the professors to fund us, when they fund us then it will be fruitful for us


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    3. Foray (noun) A sudden attack or incursion into enemy territory, especially to obtain something / A

    raid S Raid, Attack, Incursion A Idleness, Immobility Use A brief/disastrous/successful foray. Mnemonic - Foray -> ray -> raid

    4. Jinx (noun) A person or thing that brings bad luck S Curse, Hex, Voodoo A Luck, Boon, Talisman Use I didnt want to say anything to him I was afraid I might jinx him. Mnemonic - Sounds like jink (win), a person who wins every time seems to cause bad luck for losers.

    5. Frigid (adjective) Very cold in temperature - S Cold, Icy, Cool, Chilly, Glacial, Frosty A Hot, Warm, Burning Use The frigid gaze swung back to her.

    6. Filial (adjective) - Relating to or due from a son or daughter S Affection, Adoring, Conjugal A Agnate, Enatic Mnemonic FEELial. People for whom u have feelings are your offsprings. Use - Filial duty/respect/affection.

    7. Fallible (adjective) - Capable of making mistakes or being wrong S Questionable, Uncertain A Infallible, Sure, Certain Mnemonic Fall+iblle. Think of a person who can FALL FOR anything, hence makes mistakes. Use - We place our trust in doctors, but they are fallible like everyone else.

    8. Fervent (adjective) - Having or displaying a passionate intensity S - Ardent, Blazing, Burning, Charged, Demonstrative, Emotional, Fervid, Feverish A Dispassionate, Emotionless, Impassive, Unemotional Mnemonic Fervent/fervid both can be remembered by February -specifically Feb14 when youngsters are quite emotional regarding V-Day. Use - It is his fervent hope that a peaceful solution will soon be found. 9. Ecology (noun) - The branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and

    to their physical surroundings / study of environment S Bionomics, Biology, Environment Use - The oil spill caused terrible damage to the fragile ecology of the coast.


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    10. Egregious (adjective) - Outstandingly bad / Shocking S Glaring, Flagrant, Outrageous A Concealed, Piddling, Slight Mnemonic Scores we get in GRE is outrageously bad (egregious). Use - It was an egregious error for a statesman to show such ignorance.

    DAY 5

    1. Flout (verb) Openly disregard (a rule, law, or convention) - S - Despise, Disregard, Scorn, Defy, Deride A - Accept, Approve ,Respect, Comply, Honour Use Many motorcyclists flout the law by not wearing helmets. Mnemonic - FOUL + OUT. When a player is sent out by foul, the player shows his contempt to the referee.

    2. Foment (verb) Instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action) - S Provoke, Incite, Stimulate A Allay, Soothe, Tranquilize Use The song was banned on the grounds that it might foment racial tension. 3. Furtive (adjective) Attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that

    discovery would lead to trouble / Secretive - S Sneaky, Stealthy, Underhand, Sly A Honest, Open, Truthful, Forthright Use There was something furtive about his behaviour and I immediately felt suspicious. Mnemonic - Furtive sounds like 'FLIRT'ive. So a flirtly look is always SNEAKY.

    4. Frantic (adjective) Distraught with fear, anxiety, or other emotion - S Frenzied, Frenetic, Furious A Calm, Peaceful, Tranquil Use Where on earth have you been? We've been frantic with worry. Mnemonic - Although telling truth in your heart if someone asks you to tell frankly, you will get highly agitated,widely excited with.

    5. Fortitude (noun) - Courage in pain or adversity S Courage, Determination, Tenacity A Timidity, Foible, Frailty Mnemonic Fortitude, the soldier killed forty dudes in battle, so he was very brave. Use - Throughout his illness, he showed great fortitude.

    6. Glut (noun) An excessively abundant supply of something S Surfeit, Oversupply, Surplus A Lack, Absence, Scarcity Use The fall in demand for coffee could cause a glut on/in the market.


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    Mnemonic - Glut=Gain a Lot, excess.

    7. Guileless (adjective) Devoid of guile / Innocent and without deception S Artless, Ingenuous, Candid A Cunning, Artful, Crafty Use He was completely guileless and trusting. Mnemonic - "Guile" means to decieve guile+less means no deception, only honesty.

    8. Foible (adjective) - A minor weakness or eccentricity in someone's character S - Demerit, Dereliction, Failing A Merit, Virtue Mnemonic Fail to be able, so you have a weakness or slight fault at something. Use - We all have our little foibles. 9. Fete (noun) - A public function, typically held outdoors and organized to raise funds for a charity,

    including entertainment and the sale of goods and refreshments S Gala, Feast, Festival, Fiesta, Carnival A Chasten, Famine Mnemonic I bought a new ford FIESTA (sounds like fete) so I am celebrating. Use - The annual fete to raise money for cancer research netted more than Rs. 1,00,00,000.

    10. Freak (adjective) A person or animal with an unusual physical abnormality - S Fiend, Enthusiast, Fan A Ordinary, Normal Use All her life she was ridiculed for being a freak, when there was really nothing strange about her.

    DAY 6

    1. Adamant (adjective) - Refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind S - Obstinate, Adamantine, Bullheaded, Dogged, Hard, Hardened, Hardheaded, Hard-nosed, Headstrong, Immovable, Implacable A- Acquiescent, Agreeable, Amenable, Compliant, Complying, Flexible, Pliable, Pliant, Relenting,

    Yielding Mnemonic A+DAM+ant...A DAM IS GENERALLY INFLEXIBLE AND HARD so vehicles can pass through it. Use - I've told her she should stay at home and rest but she's adamant that she's coming.

    2. Affected (adjective) - Influenced or touched by an external factor S - Artificial, Assumed, Bogus, Contrived, Factitious, Fake, False, Feigned, Forced, Mechanical, Mock A Artless, Genuine, Natural, Spontaneous, Unaffected, Uncontrived, Unfeigned, Unforced Mnemonic - Affected.....past form of affect....affect..af+fect(FACT).SO SOMETHING which has nothing to do with facts.


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    Use - He has a very affected style of writing.

    3. Allay (verb) - Diminish or put at rest (fear, suspicion, or worry) S - Alleviate, Assuage, Ease, Mitigate, Mollify, Palliate, Relieve, Soothe A - Aggravate, Exacerbate Mnemonic - Allay allay allay rote nhi chup ho jaao. Use - The government is trying to allay public fears/concern about the spread of the disease.

    4. Accord (noun) - An official agreement or treaty S - Treaty, Alliance, Compact, Convention, Covenant, Pact A Conflict, Disagreement, Incongruence, Incongruity, Incongruousness Mnemonic - Sounds like ACC(ACCORDING)+cord(record)...well ACCORDING TO our RECORDS we are in agreement with our investors ,as where to invest their money. Use - The project is completely in accord with government policy. 5. Adulterate (verb) - Render (something) poorer in quality by adding another substance

    S - Impure, Adulterated, Alloyed, Contaminated, Dilute, Diluted, Polluted, Tainted, Thinned, Weakened A Fine, Pure, Ultrapure, Unadulterated, Unalloyed, Uncontaminated, Uncut, Undiluted, Unmixed, Unpolluted, Untainted Mnemonic - Adults are more impure than children, so adulterate means to make impure. Use - There were complaints that the beer had been adulterated with water.

    6. Agility (noun) - Ability to move quickly and easily S - Dexterity, Deftness, Nimbleness, Sleight, Spryness A Awkwardness, Clumsiness, Gaucheness, Gawkiness, Gawkishness, Gracelessness, Ham-handedness Mnemonic - AGILITY IS SIMILAR TO ABILITY...ABILITY to move fast and quick. Use - Monkeys are very agile climbers.

    7. Admonish (verb) - Reprimand firmly S - Rebuke, Chide, Reprimand, Reproach, Reprove, Tick off A Applaud, Extol (also extoll), Hail, Laud, Praise, Salute, Tout Mnemonic - To avoid A DEMON-ish act, a mother Warns her naughty child [Note: A face of a demon as the warning Sign]. Use - His mother admonished him for eating too quickly.

    8. Assuage (verb) - Make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense S - Allay, Alleviate, Help, Ease, Mitigate, Mollify, Palliate, Relieve, Soothe


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    A Aggravate, Exacerbate Mnemonic Ass means donkey... donkey's usage give huge relief from carrying loads. Use - The government has tried to assuage the public's fears.

    9. Alleviate (verb) - Make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe S - Allay, Help, Assuage, Ease, Mitigate, Mollify, Palliate, Relieve, Soothe A Aggravate, Exacerbate Mnemonic - Alleviate ~ elevator: It sounds like elevator and elevator helps us reduce leg pain while walking or climbing stairs. Use - The drugs did nothing to alleviate her pain/suffering.

    10. Altruism (noun) - Disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others - S - Selflessness, Self-sacrifice, Self-denial / Consideration, Compassion, Kindness, Goodwill, Decency, Nobility A Selfishness Mnemonic - Al+tru.. someone who is always true i.e. somelike Gandhiji.. unselfish concern for welfare of others Use - Nobody believes those people are donating money to the presidents party purely out of


    DAY 7 1. Amass (verb) - Gather together or accumulate (a large amount or number of material or things)

    over a period of time

    S - Accumulate, Gather, Assemble, Bulk (up), Collect, Concentrate, Congregate, Constellate, Corral, Garner, Group, Lump, Pick up, Round up

    A Dispel, Disperse, Dissipate, Scatter

    Mnemonic aMASS-how does a mass gets made? or how does some mass gets accumulated ? ans-when it is collected( and stored).

    Use - She has amassed a huge fortune from her novels.

    2. Acrimonious (adjective) - (typically of speech or discussion) angry and bitter

    S - Acrid, Bitter, Embittered, Hard, Rancorous, Resentful, Sore

    A Caring, Forgiving, Gentle, Kind, Kindhearted, Loving, Sweet, Sympathetic, Tender, Warm, Warmhearted


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    Mnemonic Acri + moni + ous ~ a crore money; excess of money, which can make someone bitter, harsh.

    Use - Their marriage ended eight years ago in an acrimonious divorce.

    3. Anomaly (noun) -Something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected

    S - Aberration, Abnormality, Exception, Oddity, Oddment, Rarity

    A Norm, Ordinary, Usual

    Mnemonic Anomaly sounds like abnormally.. that is one who deviates from the normal order.

    Use - The anomaly of the social security system is that you sometimes have more money without a job.

    4. Aptitude (noun) - A natural ability to do something

    S - Talent, Bent, Endowment, Faculty, Flair, Genius, Gift, Head, Knack

    A Disability, Handicap, Inability, Incapacity, Shortcoming, Weakness

    Mnemonic Remember this word from various "aptitude tests" which check talent or IQ etc.

    Use - My son has no/little aptitude for sport.

    5. Alimony (noun) - A husband's (or wife's) provision for a spouse after separation or divorce; maintenance

    S - Maintenance, Support, Provision, Allowance, Keep, Upkeep, Sustenance, Livelihood

    A Neglect , Nonexistence

    Mnemonic Ali+mony mony==All I need is Money and not my husband.

    Use - An example of alimony is when a couple divorces and the court orders the ex- husband to send a check to his ex-wife each month.

    6. Atone (verb) - Make amends or reparation


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    S - Expiate (for), Mend, Redeem

    A Hurt, Injure, Worsen, Deprive

    Mnemonic At+own(one) - he realised his mistake 'at' his 'own' and wanted to make amends for it.

    Use - The country's leader has expressed a wish to atone for his actions in the past.

    7. Abjure (verb) - Solemnly renounce (a belief, cause, or claim)

    S - Abnegate, Forswear (also foreswear), Recant, Renege, Renounce, Repeal, Repudiate, Retract, Take back, Unsay, Withdraw

    A Adhere (to)

    Mnemonic Abjure think it like injure. so once you are injured you will give up. so abjure means give up.

    Use - He abjured his religion/his life of dissipation.

    8. Allege (verb) - Claim or assert that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically

    without proof

    S - Affirm, Claim, Assert, Aver, Avouch, Avow, Contend, Declare, Insist, Maintain, Profess, Protest, Purport, Warrant

    A Deny, Gainsay

    Mnemonic All ege(is)not fine when there is a statement without proof.

    Use - The two men allege (that) the police forced them to make false confessions.

    9. Acme (noun) - The point at which something is at its best or most highly developed

    S - Height, Apex, Apogee, Capstone, Climax, Crescendo, Crest

    A Bottom, Nadir, Rock bottom

    Mnemonic Like acne=high points on skin(pimple).Acme=Highest point in ones work.

    Use - To act on this world-famous stage is surely the acme of any actor's career.


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    10. Analogy (noun) - A comparison between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of

    explanation or clarification -

    S Comparison, Correlation

    A Difference, Dissimilarity

    Mnemonic Ana creates a logic which always includes comparing 2 similar things.

    Use He drew an analogy between the brain and a vast computer.

    DAY 8

    1. Appraise (verb) - Assess the value or quality of

    S - Estimate, Assess, Evaluate, Guesstimate

    A Criticize

    Mnemonic Appraise -consider praise and price --what is the price of praise which u cant say but u can estimate.

    Use - At the end of each teaching practice, trainee teachers are asked to appraise their own performance.

    2. Allocate (verb) - Distribute (resources or duties) for a particular purpose

    S - Allot, Allow, Apportion, Assign, Distribute, Lot, Ration

    A Begrudge, Deny, Deprive (of)

    Mnemonic Allocate- to locate, and then set apart for a certain purpose.

    Use - As project leader, you will have to allocate people jobs/allocate jobs to people.

    3. Adage (noun) - A proverb or short statement expressing a general truth

    S - Saying, Aphorism, Apothegm, Byword, Epigram, Maxim, Proverb, Saw, Sententia, Word

    A Absurdity, Ambiguity, Foolishness, Nonsense, Paradox

    Mnemonic Ad + age generally old people tell us all the proverbs and all.


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    Use - He remembered the old adage "Look before you leap".

    4. Adversity (noun) - A difficult or unpleasant situation

    S - Misfortune, Ill, Knock, Misadventure, Mischance, Mishap, Tragedy

    A Fortune, Luck, Serendipity

    Mnemonic After UNIversity when you are jobless, you are in ADversity (misfortune, great hardship).

    Use - Shes cheerful in the face of adversity.

    5. Ample (adjective) - Enough or more than enough / Plentiful

    S - Abundant, Plentiful, Aplenty, Bounteous, Bountiful, Comfortable, Cornucopian, Galore, Generous, Liberal, Plenteous, Plenty

    A Bare, Minimal, Scant, Spare

    Mnemonic Amplifier means to increase in strength of signal so ample means in abundance.

    Use - You'll have ample opportunity to ask questions after the talk.

    6. Absolve (verb) - Declare (someone) free from guilt, obligation, or punishment

    S - Exculpate, Acquit, Clear, Exonerate, Vindicate

    A Criminate, Incriminate

    Mnemonic Ab + solve : if you can solve this problem, I can absolve your sin from the accusation of cheating in exam. (a teacher said to his student).

    Use - The report absolved her from/of all blame for the accident.

    7. Abscond (verb) - Leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to escape from custody or avoid arrest -


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    S - Escape, Break out (of), Clear out, Flee, Fly, Get out, Lam, Run away, Run off

    A Abide, Dwell, Hang around, Linger, Remain, Stay, Stick around, Tarry, Come back, Return

    Mnemonic absCOND sounds like abs 'KAND'..when you do KAND you run away, depart secretly and hide. :p

    Use - Two prisoners absconded last night.

    8. Affray (noun) - An instance of group fighting in a public place that disturbs the peace

    S - Brawl, Broil, Bonnybrook, Fracas, Fray, Free-for-all, Melee, Rough-and-tumble, Row, Ruckus, Ruction

    A Accord, Agreement

    Mnemonic Affray..close to affraiD..so you are afraid of a NOISY FIGHT.

    Use Salman Khan was charged with causing an affray at a nightclub.

    9. Annihilate (verb) - Destroy utterly / Obliterate

    S - Abolish, Black out, Blot out, Cancel, Clean (up), Efface, Eradicate, Erase, Expunge, Exterminate, Extirpate, Liquidate, Obliterate

    A Conserve, Preserve, Protect, Save, Build, Construct, Create, Fabricate

    Mnemonic Annihilate ~ Eliminate; So to ELIMINATE someone completely from your life.. means to kill them.

    Use - A city annihilated by an atomic bomb.

    10. Affable (adjective) - Friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to

    S - Easygoing, Breezy, Devil-may-care, Happy-go-lucky, Laid-back, Low-pressure, Mellow

    A High-strung, Uptight

    Mnemonic Affection+able=affection to others.

    Use He struck me as an affable sort of a man.


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    DAY 9

    1. Amplify (verb) - Increase the volume of (sound), especially using an amplifier

    S - Expand, Develop, Dilate (on or upon), Elaborate (on), Enlarge (on or upon), Flesh (out)

    A Abbreviate, Abridge, Condense, Shorten

    Mnemonic Amplifier means to increase in strength of signal so ample means in abundance.

    Use - This study amplifies earlier research.

    2. Amalgamate (verb) - Combine or unite to form one organization or structure

    S - Blend, Combine, Commingle, Commix, Composite, Concrete, Conflate, Fuse, Homogenize, Immingle, Immix, Incorporate, Integrate, Interfuse, Intermingle, Intermix, Meld, Merge, Mingle, Mix

    A Break down, Break up, Separate, Unmix

    Mnemonic Amalgamate: as we all know that AMALGAM is the alloy of mercury.and alloy means MIXING things together.SO AMALGAMATE means mixing or combining.

    Use - The different offices will be amalgamated as/into employment advice centres.

    3. Appease (verb) - Pacify or placate (someone) by acceding to their demands

    S - Pacify, Assuage, Conciliate, Disarm, Gentle, Mollify, Placate, Propitiate

    A Anger, Enrage, Incense, Inflame (also enflame), Infuriate, Ire, Madden, Outrage

    Mnemonic Appeaseapp(appeal)+pease(peace) appeal for peace..when war was going on in kasmirour prime minister appealed people to maintain peace in the region.

    Use - Opposition claimed that the government had only changed the law in order to appease their critics.

    4. Apprise (verb) - Inform or tell (someone)


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    S - Acquaint, Advise, Enlighten, Brief, Catch up, Clear, Clue (in), Familiarize, Fill in, Hip, Inform, Instruct, Tell, Verse, Wise

    A Misinform, Mislead

    Mnemonic One who will inform will get the prize.

    Use - The President has been apprised of the situation.

    5. Apprehend (verb) - Arrest (someone) for a crime

    S - Appreciate, Comprehend, Assimilate, Behold, Catch, Catch on (to), Cognize

    A Miss

    Mnemonic Up your hands - said the CBI before grabbing the criminal.

    Use - The police have finally apprehended the killer.

    6. Ameliorate (verb) - Make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better

    S - Improve, Amend, Better, Enhance, Enrich, Help, Meliorate, Perfect, Refine, Upgrade

    A Worsen

    Mnemonic Take the suffix 'rate'. With the increase in product rate it's quality will also improve.

    Use - Foreign aid is badly needed to ameliorate the effects of the drought.

    7. Adulation (noun) - Excessive admiration or praise

    S - Worship, Deification, Hero worship, Idolatry, Idolization

    A Condemnation, Disapproval, Disfavor, Dislike, Dismissal, Disregard, Hatred, Loathing, Scorn

    Mnemonic Adulation: additional congratulations.

    Use - He couldnt deal with the adulation of his fans.


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    8. Animosity (noun) - Strong hostility

    S - Enmity, Animus, Antagonism, Antipathy, Bad blood, Bitterness, Gall, Grudge, Hostility, Jaundice, Rancor

    A Amity

    Mnemonic Pronounce animosity like 'Enemy'sity. so if someone is having enemysity he will have ill will intentions.

    Use - Of course we're competitive, but there's no personal animosity between us.

    9. Amnesty (noun) - An official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offences


    S - Absolution, Pardon, Forgiveness, Remission, Remittal

    A Penalty, Punishment, Retribution

    Mnemonic Am-nesty-> similar to "i am nasty" but still my parents generally pardon my mistakes.

    Use - Most political prisoners were freed under the terms of the amnesty.

    10. Ancillary (adjective) - Providing necessary support to the primary activities or operation of an

    organization, system, etc

    S Auxiliary, Additional, Subsidiary, Supplementary

    A Central, Chief, Primary, Necessary

    Mnemonic Sounds like "hillary". Think of Hillary Clinton who was the VP to Obama and thus supports him.

    Use An ancillary role.

    DAY 10

    1. Agrarian (adjective) - Relating to cultivated land or the cultivation of land

    S - Agricultural, Farming

    A Nonagricultural

    Mnemonic Agrarian = agriculturian related to rural.

    Use - This part of the country is mainly agrarian.


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    2. Abrasive (adjective) - Capable of polishing or cleaning a hard surface by rubbing or grinding

    S - Rankling, Rebarbative, Riling, Vexatious, Vexing

    A Delightful, Pleasing

    Mnemonic Abrasive: ab-Erasive: which means rubbing away.

    Use - The paint comes off with an abrasive steel-wool pad.

    3. Amulet (noun) - An ornament or small piece of jewellery thought to give protection against evil, danger,

    or disease

    S - Charm, Fetish (also fetich), Mascot, Mojo, Periapt, Phylactery, Talisman

    A Hoodoo, Jinx

    Mnemonic Amulet: amu-amazing let-locket

    Use - If you take the amulet, no pain, guaranteed.

    4. Benevolent (adjective) - Well meaning and kindly

    S - Beneficent, Humane, Benignant, Compassionate, Good-hearted, Kind.

    A Atrocious, Barbaric, Barbarous, Bestial, Brutal, Brute, Brutish, Callous

    Mnemonic Bene(root bene means good)+volent(voluntarily)..so good person voluntarily donating his all GOODS to people.

    Use - He was a benevolent old man and wouldn't hurt a fly.

    5. Biennial (adjective) - Taking place every other year

    S Biyearly, Periodic , Periodical

    A Aperiodic

    Mnemonic Enn means year Therefore, Biennial - Happening every second year.

    Use - A biennial exhibit.


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    6. Belated (adjective) - Coming or happening later than should have been the case

    S - Behind, Behindhand, Late, Delinquent, Latish, Overdue, Tardy

    A Early, Inopportune, Precocious, Premature, Unseasonable, Untimely

    Mnemonic Be+lated ~ belated is being late or delayed.

    Use - Belated birthday greetings!

    7. Beguile (verb) - Charm or enchant (someone), often in a deceptive way

    S - Allure, Charm, Bewitch, Captivate, Enchant, Fascinate, Kill, Magnetize, Wile, Witch

    A Disgust, Offend, Repel, Revolt, Annoy, Displease, Irk

    Mnemonic Be+guile--- guile means to attract by deception.

    Use - He was completely beguiled by her beauty.

    8. Behove (verb) - It is appropriate or suitable / It befits

    S Meet, Conform to, Fit

    A Fall short of, Disagree

    Mnemonic Relate to "behave" or "behaviour" which should always "be appropriate" and upto "necessary" standards.

    Use - It behoves the House to assure itself that there is no conceivable alternative.

    9. Banal (adjective) - So lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring

    S - Wishy-washy, Flat, Insipid, Milk-and-water, Namby-pamby, Watery

    A Piquant, Poignant, Pungent, Racy, Spicy

    Mnemonic - Ban + al(ban all people); you ban all those people from your group, if they are repeating the same activity again and again.

    Use - He just sat there making banal remarks all evening.


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    10. Brazen (adjective) - Bold and without shame

    S Arch, Audacious, Bold, Bold-faced, Brash, Brassbound, Brassy, Nervy

    A Meek, Mousy (or mousey), Retiring, Shy, Timid

    Mnemonic Brazen, its from old english word braesen means made of brass(strong enough metal)so the person who is brazen is bold or strong enough & don't really care what others will think about it.

    Use - He told me a brazen lie.

    DAY 11 1. Bouquet (noun) - An attractively arranged bunch of flowers, especially one presented as a gift or carried

    at a ceremony -

    S - Bob [Scottish], Nosegay, Posy

    A Stench

    Mnemonic No Mnemonic

    Use - Christine sent me a lovely bouquet when I was sick.

    2. Brooch (noun) - An ornament fastened to clothing with a hinged pin and catch

    S Pin, Clip, Clasp

    A Unclip, Rout

    Mnemonic Brooch sounds like RICH, women wear ornamental pins to look rich.

    Use - She wore a small silver brooch.

    3. Bantering (noun) - Exchange remarks in a good-humoured teasing way

    S Badinage, Joking

    A Mollifying, Subsiding

    Mnemonic Banta Singh bantering with Santa Singh.

    Use - "Oh, I am not going to separate the inseparables," he said in his usual bantering tone.

    4. Broach (verb) - Raise (a difficult subject) for discussion


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    S - Break, Surface

    A Dive, Drop, Drown

    Mnemonic BROACH sounds like Brochure. So a Brochure is always is used to INTRODUCE or we can remember it as Brochure is to OPEN.

    Use - He hopes they will sponsor the poetry event, but he hasnt broached the subject with them yet.

    5. Bereft (adjective) - Deprived of or lacking (something)

    S - Blank, Empty, Innocent, Stark, Vacant

    A Furnished, Provided, Supplied

    Mnemonic Bereft = beer + left and therefore DEPRIVED of beer.

    Use - Alone now and almost penniless, he was bereft of hope.

    6. Benefactor (noun) - A person who gives money or other help to a person or cause

    S - Angel, Donator, Donor.

    A Beneficiary, Donee, Giftee, Recipient

    Mnemonic Bene is a root word which means good.. bene+factor i.e some good factors like money, help.

    Use - They hope to find a benefactor, and turn the factory into a museum.

    7. Benediction (noun) - The utterance of a blessing, especially at the end of a religious service

    S - Blessing, Benison

    A Anathema, Curse, Execration

    Mnemonic You know Pope Benedict...pope gives BLESSINGS.

    Use - The priest made a benediction of blessings for the newly baptized infant.

    8. Bonanza (noun) - A situation which creates a sudden increase in wealth, good fortune, or profits

    S Windfall, Boom

    A Loss, Strain


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    Mnemonic Bonanza comes from bonus ; that is something carry good luck for you.

    Use - April was a bonanza month for car sales.

    9. Bellicose (adjective) - Demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight

    S - Aggressive, Agonistic, Argumentative, Assaultive

    A Anti-imperialist, Antimilitarist, Unwarlike; Affable, Amiable, Amicable

    Mnemonic Bellicose as belli + cose ...belli we can remember as sumo's with huge bellis will fight (wrestleling) each other.....so belli-cose means a warlike.

    Use - The general made some bellicose statements about his country's military strength.

    10. Bereavement (noun) - The action or condition of being bereaved

    S Mourning, Loss, Deprivation

    A Comfort, Dispostion

    Mnemonic Be+ reave +ment=BE in GRAVE without any arrangeMENTS ...hence the dead is derpived valuable things forever.

    Use She has recently suffered a bereavement.

    DAY 12

    1. Berate (verb) - Scold or criticize (someone) angrily

    S - Baste, Bawl Out, Scold, Call down, Castigate, Chastise

    A Approve, Endorse

    Mnemonic Be+rate ~ he was RATEd BElow expectations and hence forth scolded.

    Use - As he left the meeting, he was berated by angry demonstrators.

    2. Beneficiary (noun) - the utterance of a blessing, especially at the end of a religious service

    S Heir, Donee, Recipient

    A Benefactor, Contributor

    Mnemonic BENE(root for GOOD) and FICIARY sounds like fishry...so if the fisherman does GOOD FISHRY, he will RECIEVE ITS BENEFIT.


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    Use - His wife was the chief beneficiary of his will.

    3. Betroth (verb) - Formally engage (someone) to be married

    S Affianced, Intended, Engaged

    A Uncommitted, Unmarried, Unattached, Single, Divorced

    Mnemonic Be+Troth -- sounds like truth The lovers finally fretted out the TRUTH that they both are going to marry each other after hiding their affair from past 3 years.

    Use - She was betrothed at an early age.

    4. Brochure (noun) - A small book or magazine containing pictures and information about a product or


    S Pamphlet, Leaflet, Booklet

    Mnemonic Book to be sure

    Use - They produced a brochure on healthy eating that was to be distributed in supermarkets.

    5. Bestow (verb) - Confer or present (an honour, right, or gift)

    S - Give, Contribute, Donate, Give away, Present, Volunteer

    A Hold, Keep, Pocket, Retain, Withhold

    Mnemonic (BESTOW) best people are bestowed with awards and trophies

    Use - The countrys highest medal was bestowed upon him for heroism.

    6. Bid (noun) - Offer (a certain price) for something, especially at an auction

    S - Assay, Bash, Attempt, Crack, Endeavor

    A Reject, Prohibit, Enjoin

    Use - She knew she couldn't afford it, so she didn't bid.

    7. Bravado (noun) - A bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate


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    S Boast, Bluster, Brag

    A Modesty, Restraint

    Mnemonic Brava+Do = Act like brave but not brave. Pretended bravery.

    Use - It was an act of bravado that made him ask his boss to resign.

    8. Besmirch (verb) - Damage (someone's reputation)

    S - Befoul, Begrime, Bemire, Dirty, Blacken, Daub, Distain

    A Decontaminate, Purge, Purify

    Mnemonic Besmirch = Bees + Mirch (In Hindi language Bees means twenty and Mirch means pepper) So,if you will add twenty pepper, you will definitely spoil the food.

    Use - His accusations were false, but they served to besmirch her reputation.

    9. Bovine (adjective) - Relating to or affecting cattle

    S - Cow

    Mnemonic Bov(boy)+ine(ninesounds like boy nine..so a nine year boy is generally very innocent and placcid so cowlike....and they are generally very slowthinking.

    Use A bovine virus.

    10. Baffle (verb) - Totally bewilder or perplex -

    S - Frustrate, Balk, Beat

    A Advance, Cultivate, Encourage, Forward

    Mnemonic Baffle sounds like buffalo and a wild buffalo can really frustrate you with his crazy actions.

    Use - He was completely baffled by her strange behaviour.
