week 10| term 3 | 2018 celebrating success...week 10| term 3 | 2018 colette williams principal...

From the Principal…. We have had a truly magical term at St Marys with so many successes. I would like to devote this weeks newsletter publication to celebrating and acknowledging the many successes and to thank all of the staff, family and friends who continue to support St Marys Catholic School. The Religious Life of our school has been alive and well this term with Fr Thomas leading us in prayer for our NAIDOC Prayer Celebration, Fathers Day Liturgy and also visiting the classrooms each week to chat with the students. The Year 1/2 Class also led us in prayer this term with a Liturgy focusing on being stewards of creation. This week, our Year 3/4 Class led us in prayer for our final whole School Mass of the term. As many of you also will be well aware, Fr Thomas is coaching the Bowen Arrowssoccer team. We are very proud of our positive relationship with the St Marys Parish and thank Fr Thomas for his ongoing leadership as Parish Administrator. Our P & F Association have had a clear and determined focus on student learning this term, with all fundraising events directly contributing towards purchasing resources and programs to support learning at our school. The Trivia Night was an enormous success and can be contributed to the brilliant organising skills of both Angela Stevens and Aleisha Johnson. I was truly overwhelmed once again with the incredible support from our P & F and staff at the Trivia Night. All funds raised from the Trivia Night will contribute towards the Year 5/6 School camp along with the purchase of an Intervention Program. We also have a lot to celebrate this term with our Year 3 and 5 students receiving their 2018 NAPLAN results. Once again, St Marys students have displayed high academic results and achievements, of which we all should be very proud. Upon reviewing the data both present and past, we have a clear focus on where we need to go with our students to continue to improve their learning. If you have any questions about your childs NAPLAN Report, please dont hesitate to pop into the office or contact your childs teacher. This term we also have welcomed three new parents to our School Board; Mr Danny Pilcher, Ms Lauren Bryson and Mr Grant Land. Mr Grant Land was elected as our new Chairperson and will undertake his new role for the duration of three years. The School Board will grow and flourish with the increased parental involvement, as the Board exists as an advisory group, to ensure that we collectively achieve great things for St Marys Catholic School. Our upgrade is coming to an end. We have thoroughly enjoyed the entire construction process, and I for one have loved wearing my hard hat and high-vis jacket when entering the worksite. We thank the Principal Contractors, Lowcock Builders and the many sub-contractors who have ensured that our vision has come into reality. Next term, we will have a open morning on Saturday 27th October to showcase our new spaces to our entire community. I thank all students, staff, parents, family and friends for being so supportive during the upgrade process. I would like to wish you all a very safe and relaxing holiday. You all should be very proud of the individual achievements of your child as they all have made progress this term. I look forward to seeing you all when school resumes on Monday 8th October. Week 10| Term 3 | 2018 Colette Wiiams Principal Celebrating Success

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Page 1: Week 10| Term 3 | 2018 Celebrating Success...Week 10| Term 3 | 2018 Colette Williams Principal Celebrating Success Term 4 8 October -7 December Week 1 8 Oct Term 4 School begins 8.30am

From the Principal….

We have had a truly magical term at St Mary’s with so many successes. I would like to devote this week’s newsletter publication to celebrating and acknowledging the many successes and to thank all of the staff, family and friends who continue to support St Mary’s Catholic School.

The Religious Life of our school has been alive and well this term with Fr Thomas leading us in prayer for our NAIDOC Prayer Celebration, Father’s Day Liturgy and also visiting the classrooms each week to chat with the students. The Year 1/2 Class also led us in prayer this term with a Liturgy focusing on being stewards of creation. This week, our Year 3/4 Class led us in prayer for our final whole School Mass of the term. As many of you also will be well aware, Fr Thomas is coaching the “Bowen Arrows” soccer team. We are very proud of our positive relationship with the St Mary’s Parish and thank Fr Thomas for his ongoing leadership as Parish Administrator.

Our P & F Association have had a clear and determined focus on student learning this term, with all fundraising events directly contributing towards purchasing resources and programs to support learning at our school. The Trivia Night was an enormous success and can be contributed to the brilliant organising skills of both Angela Stevens and Aleisha Johnson. I was truly overwhelmed once again with the incredible support from our P & F and staff at the Trivia Night. All funds raised from the Trivia Night will contribute towards the Year 5/6 School camp along with the purchase of an Intervention Program.

We also have a lot to celebrate this term with our Year 3 and 5 students receiving their 2018 NAPLAN results. Once again, St Mary’s students have displayed high academic results and achievements, of which we all should be very proud. Upon reviewing the data both present and past, we have a clear focus on where we need to go with our students to continue to improve their learning. If you have any questions about your child’s NAPLAN Report, please don’t hesitate to pop into the office or contact your child’s teacher. This term we also have welcomed three new parents to our School Board; Mr Danny Pilcher, Ms Lauren Bryson and Mr Grant Land. Mr Grant Land was elected as our new Chairperson and will undertake his new role for the duration of three years. The School Board will grow and flourish with the increased parental involvement, as the Board exists as an advisory group, to ensure that we collectively achieve great things for St Mary’s Catholic School. Our upgrade is coming to an end. We have thoroughly enjoyed the entire construction process, and I for one have loved wearing my hard hat and high-vis jacket when entering the worksite. We thank the Principal Contractors, Lowcock Builders and the many sub-contractors who have ensured that our vision has come into reality. Next term, we will have a open morning on Saturday 27th October to showcase our new spaces to our entire community. I thank all students, staff, parents, family and friends for being so supportive during the upgrade process. I would like to wish you all a very safe and relaxing holiday. You all should be very proud of the individual achievements of your child as they all have made progress this term. I look forward to seeing you all when school resumes on Monday 8th October.

Week 10| Term 3 | 2018

Colette Williams


Celebrating Success

Page 2: Week 10| Term 3 | 2018 Celebrating Success...Week 10| Term 3 | 2018 Colette Williams Principal Celebrating Success Term 4 8 October -7 December Week 1 8 Oct Term 4 School begins 8.30am

Term 4

8 October - 7 December

Week 1

8 Oct Term 4 School begins 8.30am

11 Oct Swimming Lessons

Week 3

22 Oct Pupil Free Day

27 Oct St Mary’s Catholic School

Open Day

News from our School Chaplain…

Friday 21st September, is the International Day

of Peace. The theme this year is ‘The Right to

Peace’ and to recognise this, all students sat in

a minutes silence today to remember those

who are in need of peace in their lives.

Mini Vinnies news – Thank you for your won-

derful support through the purchase of Friday

ice creams. Kye Land has purchased the largest

amount of ice-creams this term so he received

a free ice-cream this week. Last week $14 was

raised for the Assist-a-Student program.

All Mini Vinnie students were on an excursion

so Mrs Maltby visited Murroona Gardens on

Wednesday to brighten the day of some resi-

dents. Four birthday cards, painted by our Prep

class, were handed out. Thank you Preps.

‘There is a need to proclaim the Good

News but also to put that Good News

into action. Both are necessary.’ (Madonna


My contact details: Phone: 47861203

Email:[email protected]

Mary Our Help


Each Thursday during Term 4 all students

will be participating in swimming lessons,

commencing on Thursday 11th October.

Students are required to bring their

swimming gear (including togs, towel,

sunshirt, and googles if required) ALL

items should be clearly named and in a wet

bag. Students should attend school in

uniform and will change before travelling

by bus to the Town Pool.

Page 3: Week 10| Term 3 | 2018 Celebrating Success...Week 10| Term 3 | 2018 Colette Williams Principal Celebrating Success Term 4 8 October -7 December Week 1 8 Oct Term 4 School begins 8.30am

YCDI Awards

Congratulations and well done to our Awardees for Term 3 Week 9

L to R: Persia Kirk Yr 3/4, Ivan Poljakovic Yr 5/6, Matilda Stevens Yr 5/6

and Jayden Sablik Yr 3/4.

Principal’s Award Congratulations to the following students who received a

Principal’s Award .

L to R : Chloe Gordon Yr 3/4, Elizabeth Menzies Yr5/6,

Elle Young Yr 1/2 and Adison Jenkins Prep.

Congratulations to Scarlette Bear (Yr 1/2)

the winner of the YCDI award Week 9

29 Sept Samanatha Pugh

5 Oct Scarlett DeLacey-Green

8 Oct Elysia Nane

Page 4: Week 10| Term 3 | 2018 Celebrating Success...Week 10| Term 3 | 2018 Colette Williams Principal Celebrating Success Term 4 8 October -7 December Week 1 8 Oct Term 4 School begins 8.30am

God Bless

Colette Williams


Page 5: Week 10| Term 3 | 2018 Celebrating Success...Week 10| Term 3 | 2018 Colette Williams Principal Celebrating Success Term 4 8 October -7 December Week 1 8 Oct Term 4 School begins 8.30am

Mary’s Marvellous Big Day Out!!!

Thank you! A very BIG thankyou to our Year 5/6 teacher, Mrs Melanie Menzies and her

mum, Mrs Fay Ryle for their huge efforts in organizing a very successful

Peach Cake and Caramel Tart Drive. THANK YOU also to the following

helpers who assisted over the weekend baking and assembling:

Sue Lawless, Trasy McEniery, Merleen Carlson, Shantae Ryle, Belinda

Farley, Clare Brazil, Ella and Lizzie Menzies.

THANK YOU also to the Bowen State High School for allowing the use of

their kitchen facilities. And THANK YOU to ALL of our family and friends

and local businesses who purchased the “Yummy” tarts and cakes to help

raise over $2400 for our Year 5/6 Camp.

Page 6: Week 10| Term 3 | 2018 Celebrating Success...Week 10| Term 3 | 2018 Colette Williams Principal Celebrating Success Term 4 8 October -7 December Week 1 8 Oct Term 4 School begins 8.30am

Congratulation to Brianna Ninnes Year

3/4. Brianna recently competed at the

Charters Towers Eisteddfod and received

a Highly Commended for Demi-Character

9yrs, a Highly Commended and the Fittock

Family Perpetual Trophy for 9yrs/10yrs

Tap Solo. Brianna was also awarded a

Highly Commended for Song and Dance

12yrs and under. At the Burdekin Festival

of Arts Brianna received 1st Place for

Music Theatre Vocal Solo.

Congratulations to Poppy Nobes

Year 5/6. Poppy is a talented young

dancer who attends La Petite Danse

School here in Bowen. Poppy has

been selected to join the Oztheatre

Sister Act Jnr Pilot program. Poppy

will be travelling to Newcastle

during October.

Congratulations to Aislinn

Ninnes Year1/2. Aislinn also has

competed recently at the Burde-

kin Festival of Arts and received

1st place in Instrumental Solo,

Novice 1. Aislinn danced at the

Charters Towers Eistedd-

fod in the Tiny Tots and re-

ceived a participation ribbon.

Congratulations to Shavonne

Nane, Year 3/4. Shavonne has

just started learning Violin with

Mrs Ninnes. She recently

travelled to Ayr to compete in the

Burdekin Festival of Arts and

received 1st place for her Violin

Solo. This was the first time she

has performed in front of an

audience, so it was a great


Today in our newsletter, we are featuring some of our very busy students who

are involved in many activities outside of school.

Congratulations to all of our students who have achieved some fantastic results

in dance, instrumental music, gymnastics, creative art and athletics. We hope

you enjoy reading about their achievements. We certainly have some stars of

the future at St Mary’s!!

Page 7: Week 10| Term 3 | 2018 Celebrating Success...Week 10| Term 3 | 2018 Colette Williams Principal Celebrating Success Term 4 8 October -7 December Week 1 8 Oct Term 4 School begins 8.30am

Congratulations to Keeleigh Muir Yr 3/4. Keeleigh

is a member of the Bowen Athletics Club and this

year received the 10 yr Age Champion Runner up.

Keeleigh has attends athletic club every Saturday

competing in 6 events each week.

Keeleigh also received the Junior Club Champion

2018. Her athletic performances over the season

(March to September), helped her gain the most

points to win this trophy.

Congratulations to Taylah Smith Yr 3/4.

Taylah has been attending Art classes

for two years under the guidance of

Suzi Hancock who owns Smart Arts.

Taylah has been learning some

wonderful drawing techniques and

loves to work in the mediums of

pencil, pastel and charcoal.

Congratulations to Elle Young

Yr1/2. Elle represented the

Bowen PCYC at the first NQ

Team gymnastics competition in

Townsville. The day involved

teams from Bowen, Townsville

and Ayr performing routines

followed by a series of skill

workshops. The team were

commended on their


Congratulations to Violette

Windridge Yr 3/4. Violette

also competed in Townsville

recently at the first NQ

Gymnastics competition,

representing Bowen PCYC.

She received a participation
