wedding poem

CP 1. Demikianlah mereka bukan lagi dua, melainkan satu. Karena itu, apa yang telah dipersatukan Allah, tidak boleh diceraikan manusia. Matius 19 : 6 CP 2. Dan diatas semuanya itu, kenakanlah kasih sebagai pengikat yang mempersatukan dan menyempurnakan. (Kolose 3 : 14) CP 3. Ia membuat segala sesuatu indah pada waktunya, bahkan Ia memberikan kekekalan dalam hati mereka... (Pengkhotbah 3 : 11) CP 4. Jikalau bukan Tuhan yang membangun rumah, sia - sialah usaha orang yang membangunnya. (Maz. 127 : 1a) CP 5. Tali tiga lembar tidak mudah diputuskan (Pengkotbah 4 : 12 b) Hari ini kami berdua menjalin ikatan janji kudus bersama bukan hanya antara dua manusia melainkan antara Allah dan kami. CP 6. So then, they're no longer two but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together let no man separate. Matthew 19 : 6 CP 7. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. ( Romans 8 : 28 )

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Wedding Poem By


Page 1: Wedding Poem

CP 1. Demikianlah mereka bukan lagi dua, melainkan satu.

Karena itu, apa yang telah dipersatukan Allah,tidak boleh diceraikan manusia.

Matius 19 : 6

CP 2.Dan diatas semuanya itu, kenakanlah kasih

sebagai pengikat yang mempersatukan dan menyempurnakan.(Kolose 3 : 14)

CP 3.Ia membuat segala sesuatu indah pada waktunya,

bahkan Ia memberikan kekekalan dalam hati mereka...(Pengkhotbah 3 : 11)

CP 4.Jikalau bukan Tuhan yang membangun rumah,sia - sialah usaha orang yang membangunnya.

(Maz. 127 : 1a)

CP 5.Tali tiga lembar tidak mudah diputuskan (Pengkotbah 4 : 12 b)

Hari ini kami berdua menjalin ikatan janji kudus bersama bukan hanyaantara dua manusia melainkan antara Allah dan kami.

CP 6.So then, they're no longer two but one flesh. Therefore,

what God has joined together let no man separate.Matthew 19 : 6

CP 7.And we know that in all things God works

for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.

( Romans 8 : 28 )

CP 8.Dia mempertemukan,

Dia mengajarkan kami tentang kasihdan kini,

Dia pula yang telah mengikat kami dalam kasihdan pernikahan kudus ...

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CP 9.Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank You for the lovethat grows and grows between us

May we have Your kindness and blessingsSo our hearts are always ready and willing

to forgive, as You doMay Your guidance lead us

Through the life we have to live


CP 10.Marriage Prayer

Lord,help us to remember when we first metand the strong love

that grew between us

Help us work that loveinto practical things

so nothing can devide us

We ask for wordsboth kinds and forgiving

and for hearts always readyto ask forgiveness

as well as quick to forgive

Dear Lord,we put our marriage

into Your hands

CP 11.

Tuhan Allah berfirman : " Tidak baik, kalau manusia itu seorang diri saja.

Aku akan menjadikan penolong baginya, yang sepadan dengan dia ". Dan diatas semuanya itu : Kenakanlah kasih, sebagai pengikat

yang mempersatukan dan menyempurnakan.

( Kej. 2 : 18, Kol. 3 : 14 )

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CP 12.

I will extol the Lord at all times ;his praise will always be on my lips.

My soul will boast in the Lord ;let the afflicted hear and rejoice.

Glorify the Lord with me ;Let us exalt his name together.

Psalm 34 : 1 – 3

CP 13.

Ajarlah kami menghitung hari - hari kamihingga kami beroleh hati yang bijaksana

(Mazmur 90 : 12)

CP 14.Ia membuat segala sesuatu indah pada waktunya,

bahkan Ia memberikan kekekalan dalam hati mereka...

(Pengkhotbah 3 : 11)

CP 15.Unless the Lordbuilds the house,

its builders labor in vain

(Psalm 127 : 1)

CP 16.Marriage....

Marriage is great mysteryMarriage is a bound created and

set by God from the beginning of creationMarriage is arranged by God for the glory of God.

From the beginning God created one Adam and one Eve, bound them to be one flesh.

There is complemented that fill one another, that caused them to share one another within an exclusive relationship

And finally, only by return to God principles, they can getthe fullness of happiness which God already provided for a true marriage.

"For from Him, and through Him and to Him are all things.To Him be the glory forever ! Amen ! "

(Romans 11 :36)

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CP 17." Dan firman-Nya : Sebab itu laki - laki akan meninggalkan ayah dan ibunya

dan bersatu dengan istrinya, sehingga keduanya itu menjadi satu daging.Demikianlah mereka bukan lagi dua, melainkan satu.

Karena itu, apa yang telah dipersatukan Allah,tidak boleh diceraikan manusia "

(Matius 19 : 5 - 6)

CP 18.Berbahagialah suami dan istri

yang senantiasa penuh pengertian dan saling mengasihi, walaupun mereka

telah lama menikah

Berbahagialah suami dan istriyang tidak mencela atau berkata kasar

satu terhadap yang lain, melainkan membicarakanperbedaan pendapat mereka tanpa emosi, sehingga

tercapai penyelesaian secara baik

Berbahagialah mereka yang mengasihi pasangannya terlebih dari

orang lain yang ada di dunia ini, dan yang dengan senang hati menggenapi janji nikah

mereka untuk saling menolong dan setiasepanjang umur hidup mereka

CP 19.Kasih itu sabar ;

kasih itu murah hati ; ia tidak cemburu.

Ia tidak memegahkan diri dan tidak sombong. Ia tidak melakukan yang tidak sopan dan tidak mencari

keuntungan diri sendiri. Ia tidak pemarah

dan tidak menyimpan kesalahan orang lain.Ia tidak bersukacita

karena ketidakadilan,tetapi karena kebenaran.

Ia menutupi segala sesuatu, percaya segala sesuatu,

mengharapkan segala sesuatu,sabar menanggung segala sesuatu.

(I Korintus 13 : 4 - 7)

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CP 20.Bride & GroomJanuary 1, 2020

Tiada sesuatu yang lebih indahdaripada waktu yang Tuhan adakan

untuk mempersatukanhati kedua anak-Nya

dalam kehangatan kasih sayang-Nyabagi kemuliaan-Nya.

CP 21.Marriage Takes Three

Marriage takes three to be complete.It is enough for two to meet.

They must be united in love byLove’s Creator, God Above.

A marriage that follows God’s plan takesmore than a man and a woman.

It needs oneness that can be only from Christ.Marriage takes three.

CP 22.Lord Jesus,

We thank You for the love that grows between us

May we share Your kindness and blessingsSo that our hearts are always ready and willing to forgive.May Your guidance lead us

through the life we have to live. Dear Lord Jesus,

We put our marriage into Your hand


CP 23.And over all these virtues put on love,

which binds them all together in perfect unity(Colossians 3 : 14)

CP 24.I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine.

Song of Solomon 6 : 3

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CP 25.Doa Pernikahan

Tuhan Yesus, kami bersyukuruntuk kasih yang terus Kau tumbuhkan di antara kami

untuk saling berbagi, memberi dan melayanimemancarkan kelembutanMu

belajar mau mengertisedia saling memaafkan

dalam mengarungi kehidupanseturut teladan dan pimpinanMu

dalam terang anugerahMu

Tuhan, ke dalam tanganMukami serahkan hidup pernikahan ini

CP 26.Love . . .

is patient and kind ;Love is not jealous,

or conceited, or proud,or provoked ;

Love does not keepa record of wrongs ;

Love is not happy with evil,but is pleased with the truth.

Love never gives up ;its faith, hope, and patience

never fail

I Corinthians 13 : 4 – 7

CP 27.In Our Marriage

We know and understandthat Jesus Himself is our Lord and God

it is He who has made us and not we ourselveswe are His people and the sheep of His pasture

We enter His gates with thanksgivingand His courts with praise

We give thanks to HimWe bless His name

For the Lord is goodHis loving kindness is everlasting

and His faithfulness to all generations

Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earthServe the Lord with gladness

Come before Him with joyful singing

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CP 28.


Pernikahan adalah misteri yang agungPernikahan merupakan lembaga yang diciptakandan ditetapkanAllah sejak awal mula penciptaan.Pernikahan diatur dan melibatkan Allah dimanadari satu Adam, Allah menciptakan satu Hawatetapi mereka bukan lagi dua melainkan satu.

Di dalamnya ada kesepadanan yang saling melengkapi,ada kesetaraan yang mengharuskan saling berbagi

ada hubungan eksklusif hanya untuk berdua

Pada akhirnya, hanya dengan kembali pada prinsip Allahmaka akan ditemukan kebahagiaan pernikahan sejati.

"Sebab segala sesuatu adalah dari Dia, dan oleh Dia,dan kepada Dia, Bagi Dialah kemuliaan sampai

selama-lamanya! Amin!"(Roma 11 : 36)

CP 29."Kiranya engkau memperhatikan

perintah - perintahKu,maka damai sejahteramu

akan seperti sungaiyang tidak pernah kering

dan kebahagiaanmu akan terus berlimpah

seperti gelombang - gelombang lautyang tiada pernah berhenti."

(Yesaya 48 : 18)

CP 29.

Doa Pernikahan

Allah tolonglah kami berdua, Ingat selalu saat pertamaKami berdua bertemu muka, Dan kasih merekah indah

Menjalin kasih sayang kami berdua.

Allah, tolonglah kami berdua, menerapkan kasih setia,Sehingga tak ada apapun juga,

Yang dapat memisahkan kami berdua.

Ciptakanlah kata-kata manis dan ramahDalam hubungan kami berdua,Dan hati selalu siap sedia,

Meminta maaf bila bersalah, Memberi maaf kepada sesama.

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Ya Allah, kekasih kami, Kedalam tangan-Mu saja,Kami serahkan sepenuhnya Pernikahan kami. Amin

SP 1.To have and to hold

from this day forward ...

SP 2.Our friendship has grown into love...

and now our love into marriage

SP 3.Love fills the moment, and the moment begins eternity.

Love fills a lifetime, and a lifetime begins this hour

SP 4.There is only one happiness in life,

To love and be loved

SP 5.Place melike a seal

over your heart,like a seal

on your arm, ...

Song of songs 8 : 6

SP 6.To Love is

to place our happinees in the happiness of another

SP 7.I wish I could tell you

the day, the hour, the minutemy love for you become real.

I only know it seems I've loved you forever

SP 8.The highest love of all

finds its fulfillment not in what it keeps,but in what it gives

SP 9.Two lives, two hearts

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Joined together in friendshipUnited forever in love

SP 10.With an endless love

we'll share our thoughts,our dreams, ourselves

SP 11.I have placed you in my heart

above all others

SP 12.Let this be our destiny love, to live, to begineach new day together,to share our live forever

SP 13.In a world

of uncertainty,we have discovered

one another.Different, yet alike,we have the desireto unite our lives

and continue to growtogether in love

and understanding

SP 14.He was the boy next door

and we shared our childhood as best friends.I never dreamed me would one day marry

He said he always knew

Groom & Bride’s name

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MP 1.

" Dan diantara tanda - tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah diciptakan-Nya untukmu pasangan hidup

dari jenismu sendiri supaya kamu mendapat ketenangan hati dan dijadikan-Nya kasih sayang diantara kamu.

Sesungguhnya yang demikian menjadi tanda - tanda kebesaran-Nya bagi orang - orang yang berpikir "

(Ar - Rum : 21)

MP 2.

" Dan diantara tanda - tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah diciptakan-Nya untukmu pasangan hidup

dari jenismu sendiri supaya kamu mendapat ketenangan hati dan dijadikan-Nya kasih sayang diantara kamu.

Sesungguhnya yang demikian menjadi tanda - tanda kebesaran-Nya bagi orang - orang yang berpikir "

(Ar - Rum : 21)

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MP 3.

MP 4.“Semoga Allah menghimpun yang terserak dari keduanya,

memberkahi mereka berdua dan kiranya meningkatkankualitas keturunan mereka, menjadikannya pembuka

pintu rakmat, sumber ilmu, dan hikmahserta pemberi rasa aman bagi umat.“

Do’a Nabi Muhammad SAWpada pernikahan putrinya Fatimah Azzahra dengan Ali bin Abi Thalib

BP 1.Suami dan istri haruslah saling setia,ramah tamah, saling memperhatikan,

susila, hidup di dalam Dhamma, maka berkah dan kebahagiaan

akan menyertai mereka, jauh dari kesukaran hidup,

di dalam kebajikan di dalam Dhamma, mereka berbahagia di Alam Bahagia /

Surga yang tiada terhingga.( Angguttara 2 : 62 - Sutta IV : 56 )

LP1.Marriage is a promise of an everlasting love ...

A love that always endure the trials and Pressures of the sad days and the happy ones,

The sick days, days of health,

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The poorer days, the rich ones, too, That show that love is wealth ...

And it's this wealth that means the most And brings such happiness to those

Who so unselfishly share All that they possess !

LP2.The Art Of Marriage

A good marriage must be created.In marriage the little things are the big things...

It is never being too old to hold hands.It is remembering to say “I Love You” at least once a day.

It is never going to sleep angry.It is having a mutual sense of values and common objectives.

It is standing together facing the world.It is forming a circle of love that gathers in the whole family.

It is speaking words of appreciationand demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways.

It is having capacity to forgive and forget.

It is giving each other an atmospherein which each can grow.

It is not only marrying the right person,It is being right partner.


From this moment life has begun, from this moment you are the oneRight beside you is where I belong, from this moment on

From this moment I have been blessed, I live only for your happinessAnd for your love I’d give my last breath from this moment on

I give my hand to you with all my heart, Can’t wait to live my life with you, can’t wait to start...

You and I will never be apart, My dreams came true because of you

From this moment as long as I live,I will love you,I promise you this

There is nothing I wouldn’t give from this moment on

You’re the reason I believe in love, and you’re the answer to my prayers from up above,

Thank God for this moment

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LP4.To have and to hold

The wonder of marriage begins with a wedding where two people promise to love, come what may...

The comfort of marriage continues with kindnessand care that they give one another each day...

The blessings of marriage grow precious and deep as the dreams and desires of a lifetime unfold,

And both husband and wife find the meaning of life in their beautiful promise " to have and to hold ".

Amanda Bradley

LP5.Marriage is a promise

of an everlasting love ...A love that always endurethe trials and pressures of

the sad days and the happy ones,the sick days, days of health ,

the poorer days, the rich ones, too,that show that love is wealth ...

And it's this wealth that means the most and brings such happinessto those who so unselfishlyshare all that they possess !

LP6.Love is the best part of marriage

To love is to share life together,to build special plans just for two,

to work side by side,and then smile with pride

as, one by one, dreams all come true.

To love is to help and encouragewith smiles and sincere words of praise,

to take time to share,to listen and care

in tender, affectionate ways.

To love is to have someone specialon whom you can always depend

to be there through the years,sharing laughter and tears

as a partner, a lover, a friend.

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To love is to make special memoriesof moments you love to recall,

of all the good thingsthat married life brings,

love is the greatest of all.

Amanda Bradley

LP7.I can't honestly say that I was looking for you, And I doubt that you were looking for me,.....

But as God has planned it all happen, and here we are.....,

Two people not sure where we are going, But happy just to know that wherever it is,

It is God's will and we are going there together.

(Name of the Groom)

I love you not as I want to..... but as God wants me to.....

If you seek love on me alone, you'll find nothing.....But if you seek God's love through me..... you'll find everything

Because it takes three to make a true and perfect love. God, you and me.....

(Name of the Bride)


To have and to hold

The wonder of marriagebegins with a wedding

where two people promise to love, come what may...

The comfort of marriagecontinues with kindnessand care that they give one another each day...

The blessings of marriagegrow precious and deep

as the dreams and desiresof a lifetime unfold,

And both husband and wifefind the meaning of life

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in their beautiful promise" to have and to hold ".

Amanda Bradley

LP8.This day I married my friend ...

... the one I laugh with as we share life 's wonderous zest, as we find new enjoyments

and experience all that 's best.

... the one I live for because the world seems brighter as our happy times are better and

our burdens feel much lighter.

...the one I love with every fiber of my soul we used to feel vaguely incomplete, now

together we are whole.

Love,Groom & Bride’s name

LP9.Love is patient;

love is kind and envies no one.

There is nothing love cannot face;there is no limit to its faith,its hope, and its endurance.

In a word,there are three things that

last forever: faith, hope, and love;but the greatest of them

all is love.

LP10.My Promise of Love to You

I promise to give youthe best of myselfand to ask of you

no more than you can give.

I promise to accept youthe way you are,

and I won't try to reshape youin a different image.

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I promise to respect youas a person with your own

interests, desires, and needs,and to realize that those are

somethings different,but no less important,

than my own.

I promise to grow along with you be willing to change

in order to keep our relationshipalive and exciting.

And finally,I promise to love you

in good times and in bad,with all I have to giveand all I feel inside ...

completely and forever.

LP11.All I want is to love youfor the rest of my life ...

to wake up every morningWith you by my side,

knowing that no matter what happens,I'll be able to come home

to your loving armsAll I want

is to give you my love a place you can always

come to for acceptanceor the simple comfort

that silence bringsWhen things left unspokencan still be understood ...

LP12.The ConsecrationYellows, reds and blues

Again have come to adornThe exquisite loveliness

Of the orange sunriseLike the wild grass in spring

They warmly embrace the sun.

We come as two to bow downIn all sincerity of heart

Together to weave a blessingEnshrined in the Light of Your Grace.

LP13.Marriage is more

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than a walk down the aisle,

It's a promise that's shared ...

It's an intimate smileits a personal bond

that you look on with prideand the knowledge

that someone will be by your side

It's a vow of commitmentthat's blessed from above ...

It's hope and a dreamfrom a life time of love.

LP14.Bonded Together

Like a tightly woven garment, like a metal alloy

we are put together in the strongest way with a common band to join us.

That they can not destroywe are held together in the longest way

and we could not be pulled apartwithout it tearing out a heart.

There is never space between us for a separationwe are put together in the highest way

and a holy fusion causes the amalgamationwe are held together in the brightest way

and we could not be pulled apartwithout it tearing out a heart.

LP15.Yesterday . . .

we discovered love,gently unfolding in our hearts,whispering of the joy to come.

Today . . . Our dreams will come true,

creating memories that we'll cherish for a lifetime.

Tomorrow . . .We begin a new journey

hand in hand, eager to explore a world of promise

Forever . . .We will share an everlasting lovethat could come from God alone.

LP16.What is marriage ?

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It is sharing and caringGiving and forgiving,

Loving and being loved,Walking hand in hand,Talking heart to heart,

Seeing through each other's eyes,Laughing together,Weeping together,Praying together,

And always trustingand believing,

and thanking God for each other

LP17.Every experience in love

is a journey of self discovery. The more we learn about the one we loves.

And even though the love may cool,and we may go our separate ways,

we have gained in knowledge. We understand at least one other person better.

And we cannot help but better understand that intriguing, grouping, puzzling companion

we are destined to live with forever :the secret inner self.

LP18.This day I married my friend ...

... the one I laugh with as we share life 's wonderous zest, as we find new enjoyments

and experience all that 's best.

... the one I live for because the world seems brighter as our happy times are better

and our burdens feel much lighter.

...the one I love with every fiber of my soul we used to feel vaguely incomplete,

now together we are whole.

Love,Groom & Bride’s name

LP19.A wedding unites two lives

in the miracle of love ...It combines old traditions

with new meaning ...It joins two families

and creates a new one ...It brings together the unique qualities

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of two special peopleAnd multiplies their joys

for all the days that lie a head.

LP20.Marriage is a promise

that two hearts gladly make,A promise to be tender,to help, to give and take.

Marriage is a promiseto be kind and understanding,

to be thoughtful and consideratefair and undemanding.Marriage is a promise

to share one life together ...A love - filled promise meant to be

kept lovingly forever

LP21.“Love ... bears all things,

believes all things, hopes all things endures all things, Love never fails”

The joy that we find togetherbrings the most perfect fulfillment

that life ever gives to a man & a woman

Together we honor & cherish each other, together we worship & pray.

Our home life is founded on faith, hope and love, and our happiness grows everyday.

There’s no greater joy for us in life than to be a husband and wife

in the beautiful presence of love

Thank Youfor sharing our new life together

(Groom & Bride’s name)(Wedding date)

LP22.I Love You

I love you for so many things,I don't know where to start,But most of all I love you

for your understanding heart -A heart that makes you thoughtful

and considerate and kind,

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A heavenly combinationthat is difficult to find.

And I can't help the feelingthat loving folks like you

Sent out so many thought wavesthat my dearest dream came true.

LP23.It’s hard to keep a promise like the sun

that rises on the east and set on the west.I will try my best to become your own sunshine somehow,

I may not be able to rise and set, whenever you want,because the sun itself is never able to do so.

We know that our promise may not be perfectbecause nothing is perfect in this world.

There is only one and the only one that is perfect :our Might God Jesus Christ.

I’’m glad we realize that we have Himin our hearts and souls,

it’s a blessing that He gives us this relationship ;you and me.Therefore ....

I want to dedicate our love to Him as our thanks.Together, we help each other when we fall in His tests.

Together, we pull each other from evil temptations.Togther, we work each other to make Him and other happier

Together, we say ....I Love You.

Groom & Bride’s Name

LP24.Your love is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

It has given my life new priorities and meaning,and filled it with joy.

Thank you for giving so much of yourself and for helping me to discover

so much about myself too.Sometimes I think

you know me better thanI know myself ...

When we are together love feels so right with you

and I miss you so muchwhen we are apart.

I’ll always be there for you,and together I know we can make

our dreams come true.

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(Groom & Bride’s Name)

LP25.Share with me the events

Of each day, the bliss of each nightBe my partner, my best friend, my love.

Talk with me through the seasons.Go with me through all that life

May bring our way.Travel with me to the places

Of our dreams.

LP26.The Meaning of True Love

It is sharing and caringGiving and forgiving,

Loving and being loved,Walking hand in hand,Talking heart to heart,

Seeing through each other's eyes.

Laughing together,Weeping together,Praying together,

And always trustingAnd believing

And thanking GODFor love that is shared

For each other a beautiful thing ...It enriches the soul

and makes the heart sing !


I love you,Not only for what you are,

But for what I amWhen I am with you.

I love you,Not only for what

You have made of yourself,But for what

You are making of me.

I love youfor the part of me

That you bring out.

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(Groom & Bride’s Name)

LP28.When we’re born, the soul we’re given

splits apart and half of itis given to someone else.

So all our lives, we’re lookingfor the person with

the other half of our soul.And if we’re lucky enough

to ever find that person.Our soul says “At last. I can rest. I have found my missing half.“Then, it is said, we have found

our soul mate. And we are happy and at peace.


puts the music in laughter,the beauty in song,

the warmth in a shoulder,the gentle in strong...

LOVEputs the magic in memories,

the sunshine in skies,the gladness in giving,the starlight in eyes...

LOVEputs the fun in together,

the sad in apart,the hope in tomorrow,

the joy in a heart.

LP29.When we're born, the soul we're given

splits apart and half of itis given to someone else.

So all our lives, we're lookingfor the person with

the other half of our soul.And if we're lucky enough to ever find that person,

our soul says, "At last. I can rest.I have found my missing half."Then, it is said, we have found

our soul mate. And we are happy and at peace.

When I saw you,when we met,

you were familiar,you were known.

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When I saw you,when we met,

my heart recognized youas part of its own.


Apakah Cinta Itu ?

Ketika kita menyatakan bahwa itu adalah cinta, apakah kita benar ?Sesuatu untuk direnungkan ...

Apakah telapak tanganmu berkeringat, hatimu berdebar-debar dan suaramu tercekat didadamu ?

Itu bukan cinta, itu sukaAnda tidak dapat melepaskan pandangan atau tangan darinya ?

Itu bukan cinta, itu nafsuApakah anda bangga dan ingin sekali memperlihatkannya pada orang lain ?

Itu bukan cinta, itu keberuntunganApakah anda menginginkannya karena anda tahu dia ada disana ?

Itu bukan cinta, itu kesepianApakah anda mencintainya karena itulah yang diinginkan setiap orang ?

Itu bukan cinta, itu loyalitasApakah anda tetap tinggal untuk mengakuan cintanya, karena anda tidak

ingin melukainya ?Itu bukan cinta, itu belas kasih

Apakah anda ada disana karena dia menciummu atau memegang tanganmu ?Itu bukan cinta, itu kurang percaya diri

Apakah anda memanfaatkan kesalahannya karena anda memperdulikannya ?Itu bukan cinta, itu persahabatan

Apakah anda menyatakan kepadanya bahwa setiap hari hanya dia yang anda pikirkan ?

Itu bukan cinta, itu dustaApakah anda rela memberikan seluruh hal-hal yang anda senangi untuk

kepentingannya ?Itu bukan cinta, itu kemurahan hati

Tetapi ......Apakah anda tetap bertahan karena campuran antara kesakitan dan sukacita, yang membutakan dan tak terpahami, menarikmu mendekat dan menahanmu

?Jika demikian, itu adalah cinta

Anda menerima kesalahannya, karena itu adalah bagian dari dirinya dan siapa dirinya ?

Jika demikian, itu adalah cintaApakah hatimu sakit dan hancur ketika dia bersedih ?

Jika demikian, itu adalah cintaApakah anda menangis karena kesakitannya, walaupun pada saat itu dia kuat

?Jika demikian, itu adalah cinta

Apakah matanya melihat hatimu yang sesungguhnya dan menyentuh jiwamu begitu dalam hingga terasa menusuk ?

Jika demikian, itu adalah cinta

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Sekarang, jika cinta begitu menyakitkan dan menyiksa luka, mengapa kita mencintai ?

Mengapa hanya itu yang kita cari seumur hidup kita ?Kesakitan ini, kesengsaraan ini ?

Mengapa itu semua kita ingini dan kita dambakan ?Siksaan ini, kematian luar biasa dari ego seseorang ini ? mengapa ?

Karena itu adalah Cinta

LP31.To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides

A path that's filled with true delight,when everything turns out just right, this is what I wish you

A heart that deeply cares for you,and wants to share in all you do, this is what I bring you

A love that's so alive and real,words can't describe the joy I fell, this is what I give you

True love doesn't have a happy ending 'coz true love doesn't have an ending- (Groom & Bride’s name) -


Wedding Day

Today, I give you my heart to youAnd only for you -- Forever.

I give you my trust, my supportAnd my unconditional love.

I promise to be Your constant source

of strength and comfort.I promise to be

your place of rest.I promise you our love will be


LP33.Finding Love

I find lovenot only in the things we do together

but alsoin the things I do alone

because of you.In the thoughts you inspire,

in the dreams you haunt,and in the memories

you are helping me to build.I find love in you.

LP34.The Wedding

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For hearing my thoughts,understanding my hopes,

sharing my dreams,and being my best friend ...

for filling my life laughter and joyand loving me without end ...

LP35.Kupinta setangkai bunga

pada TuhanIa memberiku serangkai yang menawan

Kupinta satu menit pada TuhanIa memberiku seluruh hari yang indah

Kupinta seorang teman pada TuhanIa memberiku cinta sejati

Kupinta seorang malaikat untuk menjagakuIa menghadirkan engkau dalam kehidupanku...

LP36.I promise you my love. without any limits

To accept the things you believe inAnd to always try to understand you

to be near you whenever you need my presenceTo trust in your love for me and pray that

it grows stronger everyday ...

Anniversary Poem 1We have not fallen into love,

but have built our lovemoment by moment

sharing the bitterand the sweet,our laughter,

our tears,our dreams,

our tomorrows ...

Two become onenot through the strength of

promises madebut through the strength of

promises kept.

With love,(Groom & Bride’s Name)

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Birthday Poem 1

A Birthday is a Special Time

A Birthday is the first dayof another lovely year ...

A year of tomorrowsthat are shining bright and clear.

A year of possibilitiesas endless as the sky

A chance to meet challengesin everything I try ...

A Year of true contentmentto be found in special things.

like sunshine, laugher, caring friendsand fond rememberings ...

A year to fill with joys and dreamsto last a lifetime through.

Birthday Poem 2

A Baby Daughter

A sweet little daughterto hold on your shoulder to love and enjoy

As you watch her grow older,to read to and play with, to cuddle and kissFew pleasures in life are as precious as this.

Birthday Poem 3

This is Going to be My Year

Make myself a promise this is going to be my year ....the one that I“ve been dreaming of so long,

A year when every new day brings me rasons to be happyand leaves me feeling confident and strong ....

A year that honours all the ways I’ve changed and grown,A year when my whole life just seems to blossom into fullness

with all the deepest joys I’ve ever knownI have so many hopes and dreams and things I want to do

and there’s no reason why I shouldn’t have them all come true.Make myself a promise .... this is going to be my year!

Birthday Poem 4You are a very Special

mother and Grandmother for us.You have always tried to give us

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the best in all things -and the very best has been ... yourself.

Your love and support have meant more than you can realize.

Happy Birthday !