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SEAN CROXTON Month 11, Week 3 Radio host, Writer, Blogger, Author, UndergroundWellness.com Finding Health and Losing Pounds: Is It All in Your Head? [These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this audiocast is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.] [Theme song playing] Robyn: Hello and welcome to month 11 of the Self-Care Revolution, where we’re exploring the topic of gratitude. My name is Robyn Benson and I’m a doctor of Oriental medicine for 21 years, the Founder of Santa Fe Soul Health and Healing Center and the creator/co-creator/co-host of the Self-Care Revolution. We are again, thrilled that we’re going into month 11 and going strong. We’re very excited. Kevin: I’m Kevin Snow, an intuitive counselor here at Santa Fe Soul and the co-host of the Self-Care Revolution. We are really excited to have Sean with us today. Robyn: Yes. Sean Croxton, welcome to the Self-Care Revolution. Sean: Thanks so much for having me, I appreciate it. Robyn: It’s funny to welcome you to the Self-Care Revolution because you are absolutely living this message in the biggest way. I’m going to start before reading your bio by sharing a quote that I came across as we’re preparing for month 12 which is all about paying-it-forward and I thought of Sean. Nothing is more powerful than an individual acting out of his conscience that’s helping to bring the collective conscience to life.” Norman Cousins 1 www.jointheselfcarerevolution.com [email protected] Read Our Disclaimer Here

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Month 11, Week 3

Radio host, Writer, Blogger, Author, UndergroundWellness.com

Finding Health and Losing Pounds: Is It All in Your Head?

[These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this audiocast is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.]

[Theme song playing]

Robyn: Hello and welcome to month 11 of the Self-Care Revolution, where we’re exploring the topic of gratitude. My name is Robyn Benson and I’m a doctor of Oriental medicine for 21 years, the Founder of Santa Fe Soul Health and Healing Center and the creator/co-creator/co-host of the Self-Care Revolution. We are again, thrilled that we’re going into month 11 and going strong. We’re very excited.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Snow, an intuitive counselor here at Santa Fe Soul and the co-host of the Self-Care Revolution. We are really excited to have Sean with us today.

Robyn: Yes. Sean Croxton, welcome to the Self-Care Revolution.

Sean: Thanks so much for having me, I appreciate it.

Robyn: It’s funny to welcome you to the Self-Care Revolution because you are absolutely living this message in the biggest way. I’m going to start before reading your bio by sharing a quote that I came across as we’re preparing for month 12 which is all about paying-it-forward and I thought of Sean.

“Nothing is more powerful than an individual acting out of his conscience that’s helping to bring the collective conscience to life.” Norman Cousins

Thank you Sean for all the great gifts you’re giving to humanity. SO, Sean Croxton is the host of Underground Wellness Radio, and the word most often used to describe Sean is PASSIONate! This passion comes from a lifelong love of fitness and health, and a dream to revolutionize the way THE WORLD thinks about health. Recognizing the failures of healthcare, Sean promotes the concept of self -care. In order to regain and/or maintain superb health, we must become more responsible for ourselves.

After graduating from San Diego State University in 2001 with a Bachelor’s in Kinesiology, (emph: fitness, nutrition, and health), Sean began his journey as a certified personal trainer. Despite his extensive education in health, he was met with much failure as clients got heavier and sicker. Client programs consisted of endless cardio and the horrific Food Guide Pyramid. Rather than accept defeat, Sean took his failures as an opportunity for growth. He has since spent thousands of hours educating


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himself on the many truths that eluded him throughout his formal education, often joking that he got his Master’s from Amazon.com.

I want to mention that today Underground Wellness is the most subscribed to health and wellness channel in the world, with almost 40k subscribers and growing fast. You are the brainchild, the man behind this incredible movement, so again welcome and thank you for being with us Sean.

Sean: Thank you so much again. You know what, that’s an old bio because I don’t have the most subscribed to health channel on YouTube anymore, so I want to throw that in there and make any false claims. I wrote that several years ago.

Kevin: The Internet world moves fast.

Sean: These YouTube channels grow fast. There are people on YouTube that have only been around for a year or less and have over a million subscribers now, it’s crazy.

Robyn; But are they all the same quality as UW, really? What you have created, what I’ve seen even in just the past few weeks, I’m blown away like what you did recently with Food Con and all your speakers. I love too that you have your own kitchen and you bring in all these fabulous chefs, it’s neat how you’re educating the world. I’m grateful to know you and I want to put in a plug for J.J. Virgin at this point. Many of you have been with us from the beginning, but she is the women who started this wonderful mastermind where I’ve met many of our speakers.

I know we’re getting to over 100 speakers, but I’d say 20-30 of them have come through her great mastermind, which is where I met Sean. Kevin, we have so many questions would you like to start?

Kevin: We totally do. I think maybe just to sum up your entire career to this point and bring us up to speed and what brought you to this work and to wanting to interview people, much like we’re doing here?

Sean: What brought me to this work was a lot of failure. I went to California State University and studied kinesthesiology with an emphasis on fitness, health and nutrition and when I graduated I thought I knew everything there was to know about fitness, nutrition and health. I had a degree and soon thereafter I became a personal trainer and it was my duty in life to rid the world of obesity. That’s what I wanted to do, along with training athletes. Using the information I learned at the university with my clients, I found that it didn’t really work well, not only for them but also for myself because my clients were gaining weight.

They had less energy and I, myself, had major depression, anxiety and digestive issues going on. After a few years of that, during which I blamed my clients for not doing what they were supposed to do, even though they were, I came to the conclusion that maybe it’s something going on with this program and I started looking for other sources of information. It’s like the whole Einstein quote of ‘the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result’ and that’s what I was doing and taking people’s money for it at the same time.

I started then to look for experts and real people who were getting results, like David Gethoff with the Nutritional Foundation. I started looking at Dr. Mercola, William Wolcott who is the author of the Metabolic Typing Diet and Paul Check, among others and found that the real information that truly works is pretty much the complete opposite of what I was preaching previously. So I kept an open mind and started learning this stuff and the fact that I had depression and anxiety issues worked in my


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favor, because I would lay in bed for eight hours a day and read this stuff. It coincided with the invention of YouTube, so I started making videos and people liked them.

We just got done talking about YouTube subscribers, but back in the day in 2006, having 600 subscribers on YouTube was a really big deal. I saw what this could possibly be, but about a year in I said I’m this guy in his kitchen or bedroom with this jenky mic and webcam with his Yankees hat on backwards talking about all this health information that was completely backwards from what we had been told. I said hey let’s get some third party validation for this. Let me interview the authors of the books I’m reading to make it more real.

I started up the Blog Talk Radio Show and have been doing interview nearly every week ever since. I received a text message from my friend Evelyn who said, did you realize that last week was the 5-year anniversary of the show? I said for real, five years that’s crazy. It’s been a good time. I’ve learned a lot and have helped a lot and I’m thankful for that.

Kevin: That is awesome. We can definitely hear your passion, which is a major component of your work is sharing that passion with others. How do you translate this when you’re working with people?

Sean: I translate my passion by always putting out good stuff. I’m really selective about who’s on the show. I’m very tedious about the questions I ask and I also want to respect my listeners and keep the information at a level that everybody can understand. Not to dumb it down per se, but to use the right analogies and verbalize it properly so people get it because when they get it they can share it with others over lunch or around the water cooler. It’s like hey did you listen to the Underground Wellness show, he was talking about this thing called adrenal fatigue and it happens when…

So they get it and it sparks people’s minds to go oh that makes sense, because no one has ever broken it down to them that way and I think that’s the strength of my show, myself as well as my guests who actually deliver the information in a consumable fashion.

Robyn: I love how you’re known for JERF, can you share with our audience how that is one of the biggest parts of your message?

Sean: Absolutely. JERF or just eat real food… maybe two or three years ago I had become so disenchanted with the blogosphere. It’s still ridiculous but it was getting really ridiculous back then. There are bloggers blogging about other bloggers because they said to eat this food or not to eat that food and you have the Paleo people talking about the vegans and the vegetarians talking about the other people and it was dumb. Whenever I create any content I create it with my mom in mind. I say to myself, will my mom get this? My mom doesn’t sit around the house reading health books all day, but she’s curious about what she should eat, what’s good and what’s healthy.

Therefore, if she were to do a Google search about what to eat, nutrition, healthy foods or whatever, the average person like my mom would be completely overwhelmed with all the difference of opinions and all of the battles that are going on among people over food. We’re battling over food, are we serious? So I was sitting there thinking, am I contributing to this? Am I being part of the problem here? I started thinking about Westin A Price, who wrote the book Nutrition and Physical degeneration, which was a huge game changer in my education.

I thought about the natives that he visited and the health that he saw in those people and the fact that they consumed, for the most part, different diets. You had a massai warrior from Africa who ate


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an 80% fat diet with lots of beef, cows milk and few vegetables. Then you have your Eskimo or Inuit Indian who ate blubbery fish and all that, but didn’t really eat carbohydrates because there wasn’t you can’t grow carbs on ice. Then you have people like the Swiss who had grains in their diet, old ancient grains, not the gluten super loaded whatever grains we have today and a little more carbohydrate. None of them counted calories. None of them worried about their macronutrient proportions. None of them had blogger wars about food they just ate real food, that’s it.

They kept the processed stuff out. They ate meat, poultry, seafood, nuts/seeds, grains, vegetables, fruit at the right time of the year and they drank water and everything was cool. They had very low rates of cancer and heart disease, chronic degenerative diseases and everything was okay, so now we’ve changed it up, flipped it upside down and we’re whiny amongst each other and it’s caused confusion, this paralysis by analysis thing that people have when they think about food because they’re wondering who they should believe.

So if I say to someone just eat real food. Eat what your grandparents or great grandparents ate. Take out the processed foods and listen to your body, you will be okay because your body is your best doctor. It will tell you when you’re right, when you’re wrong and nail it down, JERF and move on. Keep it simple.

Robyn: JERF is derfing. That’s great that you’re helping to get that message out to the youth too. In 21 years of my own practice it’s even 80% of my time, along with being 80% of the issue, is educating clients on the simplicity of just making the shift in what you’re eating and realizing that so many people are so addicted to their sugar, breads and all of that. I love this simple message that you’re imparting to your audience.

Sean: Thank you.

Robyn: And yet it’s so difficult right. People make it so difficult to make these simple changes. Just shop the perimeters of grocery stores, oh but, that’s when we have to move on. So many of my patients, if they don’t want to make those changes than we can only offer our insight.

Kevin: You talk a lot about mindsets and I think in your book The Dark Side of Fat Loss, not just weight loss, we’re looking in the last chapter and I wonder what brought you to writing this last chapter?

Sean: My own struggles. I have been trying to write a book for a very long time, like seven years. I tell the story about the first book I was writing which was a survival guide for college students, because I worked on a college campus for eight years in their gym. I never finished it and sabotaged myself with that and then I tried another one, maybe got 50 pages deep into that one and let a friend read it and she criticized it a lot so I just left that alone and then finally I got to the point where I was like I have to do this.

This is similar to what happens with fat loss. People really want to do it, they set their sites on it yet they sabotage themselves for whatever reason it may be. I talked about the similarities between the two and how I was able to break free of that self sabotage and actually get it done. What do they say, less than 5% of people who lose weight or fat actually keep it off and in fact, most people end up heavier than they were when they started in the long run and that’s not a good thing. That tells you that fat loss is a goal that is challenging to achieve.


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In order to achieve it you have to do something different. You have to have a mindset that it’s going to help you achieve it. For example, before we went on the air I believe, Robyn, you said that Brendon told you that you have to have a vision, a mission and a challenge. That vision, mission and challenge, in order for you to achieve those goals that all stands upon the foundation of what you value, so if you don’t have the right values that match up with the challenge, vision and mission then it’s not going to be achieved.

Today, the problem is that people are setting fat loss goals for wishy-washy reasons. As I say in the book, I have to get ready for my high school reunion in a few months or I have to look good for something. I’m going to the beach party in a few weeks so I have to lose 5 pounds. It’s so surface and not really going to instill change in you by any means. You aren’t going to be able to get it done you’re just going to sabotage yourself, because to be honest it’s not that important because fat loss, if it’s not one thing it’s not convenient.

You have to change your lifestyle, the way you sleep, eat, exercise and manage stress, all these different factors, if you want to do it the right way and to achieve that goal. That’s why we call it the dark side of fat loss, because it’s different from the whole basic calories in/calories out model that obviously doesn’t work.

Kevin: Right. You’re talking about obstacles, what are some of the specific mental obstacles that people have that come upon them which are keeping them from reaching their goals.

Sean: I’ll tell you a story. I forget her name now, but she lives in Australia. We did a Skype call and I talk about this in the book. She was going to hire me as a consultant and we were talking and she had been trying to lose weight for 20 years. I was asking her questions about what she had done and she said I worked with this practitioner, I tried this book and did that and a little weight will come off but it always comes back. I’m sitting there thinking what does this woman value in her life?

We started talking about the things that are very important to her. I want to say she said family is important, she values that. Community was important to her. Traveling was important to her. Service was important to her. Her religion was important to her and serving God. She probably mentioned a few other things as well, so I’m sitting there thinking about this and I asked her if she noticed that something was missing from the set of values that you have? She thought about it for like 20 seconds and she says health. I said yes, health doesn’t seem that important to you.

Whenever you try to set a goal that doesn’t match your values all you’re going to get is self-sabotage, it’s just not that important. So what I like to do when working with people, and I don’t work with clients one-on-one anymore, but one thing I would do to light a fire under them is to say okay, now we have these values, these things that you find to be very important to you in your life. What can getting healthier do to benefit those values? If it’s your family, what can getting healthier do to benefit your family? I’ll be able to play with my kids. I’ll have more energy when I get home from work.

What will it do to improve your relationship with God? I’ll be able to hit the street, to preach the word of God and be more active in my Sunday school or whatever it may be, and show up with the energy and vigor that my God deserves. When you do that and you have them list 50 different ways that reaching their goal will benefit their values and lives in general, that fire gets lit and they’re actually ready to do it because they no longer have that wishy-washy reason for doing it. Serving God or having more energy to play with your family and things of that nature, are far more important and


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more motivating than saying, I have to look good at the beach next week. So it gets people going. It’s a huge game changer for a lot of people when they do that.

Robyn: As you’re sharing this value-based life and when we think of the Self-Care Revolution, the why. We see so many people unnecessarily suffering and how simply making choices on a day-to-day basis can change the course of their lives. This is the answer to why we’re seeing all the depression, cancer, diabetes and all of it, just these simple changes. Then you have this fun, fulfilled and engaged life that you ultimately want. I love this value based approach that you have.

Going back to your book, I want to mention to all our listeners that to get a free chapter of Sean’s book The Dark Side of Fat Loss, go to FreeDarkSideChapter.com and that’s going to be on the speaker page as well.

Can you go a little further into the depth of your book, like if someone listening says I want to get this extra 5% of fat off my body, what are your main methods to recommend?

Sean: I like telling another story with this. When I was personally training if someone were to come to me and say hey Sean, I want to hire you. I want you to help me lose this next five pounds and with most people it was 20, 30 or more. We would sit down and talk and I would say okay I can help you lose whatever goal you have and I say I want to ask you some other questions first about your health, not just about the extra weight you think you have right now.

o How well do you sleep? Typically the response is I have a hard time falling asleep, wake up several times during the night and sometimes I have to get up and eat something to go back to sleep. I write that down.

o How is your digestion? It’s not too good. I go to the bathroom once every few days. I’m plugged up pretty good and have some serious constipation going on and it’s been going on forever.

o How is your libido? I haven’t had a libido. It’s pretty non-existent and it’s causing lots of issues in my relationship, etc.

o How is your mood? I have anxiety and depression going on. I tried some drugs that actually suppressed my libido even more.

I can ask these questions and get these very common responses that I hear from nearly everyone. So I say okay I can help you lose 5-30 pounds, but do you still want to have a hard time going to sleep? Do you still want to have no libido? Do you still want to be constipated? Do you still want to have mood issues? Of course, the answer is no but the thing is that all the symptoms they’re having they’re all interconnected and they all have a lot to do with the fact that this person is overweight. Being overweight is just another symptom.

We’ll take the digestive person, for example, and this is what happened with me and many of my clients. Someone that has long-term digestive issues it could be a parasite which is very common. It could be a bacterial overgrowth. It can be a yeast overgrowth, which is common as well or maybe something else. That’s a major stress on the body. You’re literally fighting off an infection in some of those cases and that’s hard on the adrenals and hormonal system, so now we’ve gone from digestion to the hormonal system.


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So the hormonal system gets out of what and we have to remember that testosterone is a really important hormone when we’re trying to lose fat. So typically when I would test these folks who had digestive problems, when I looked at their adrenals and hormones, they pretty much all had low testosterone. I’d say okay what do you think the odds are that you’ll be able to lose weight when you have low testosterone? It’s probably not too high. What are the odds that you’ll have the energy to workout when you have basement low cortisol levels throughout the day which are keeping you tired all the time? Not good.

Okay, now you’re constipated and what happens when you’re constipated like that is that you’re going to get re-absorption of a lot of those toxins back into your bloodstream and where do they go typically? To your liver. Did you know that 60% of your thyroid hormone is actually converted in your liver and your thyroid is in control of your metabolism? So if you have liver backup then you won’t have the proper conversion and you have liver backup because you have digestive problems and the digestive problems are causing hormonal problems and this goes well beyond calories in/calories out.

This is why it’s called the dark side of fat loss, because it’s really not that simple. There are a lot of other things that need to be taken into consideration, and that would be the way that I help that individual. First is to get down to what Paul Check calls the foundation principles. Getting back to living well, which means that you’re eating the right foods, reducing your stress level, you’re breathing, sleeping and staying hydrated that real basic stuff.

If that doesn’t work than it might be time to start doing more advanced stuff like the testing I’m talking about in order to start dialing it in and see exactly what’s going on with you and writing up the proper protocol for you to follow to fix some of these dysfunctions that are going on within the body and are causing the symptoms I talked about earlier. Make sense?

Robyn: Absolutely.

Kevin: Absolutely. I think what you’re calling the 5 pillars of health; can you make them more obvious?

Sean: I usually call them the four pillars but I added one. The analogy I give is a four-legged stool which is what your health stands upon so you have your…

1. Digestive system2. Hormonal system3. Immune system4. Detoxification system

That’s the four legs on the stool. When there are dysfunctions in those pillars, cracks in the legs or breaks then that stool or your health aren’t as stable. So you start seeing symptoms over time which eventually get bad enough that now you have disease and the problem with our healthcare system right now is that our system looks at the disease aspect of things. They’re trying to chop off the tip of the iceberg with particular medications without considering what’s going on underneath, beneath the water or with the legs of that stool.

So the fifth aspect of that would be…

5. Your diet


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The diet is incredibly important. There are a couple chapters in the book that are dedicated specifically to what you should eat and also how you can figure out what proportions work right for you. I can get quick into the immune system which goes hand in hand with the digestive system. There are many people out there that have leaky gut which has been a big topic this week at Dr. O’Brian’s Gluten Summit. What happens with that is that due to stress and the lifestyle that we live, you get big holes in your gut and the analogy I like to give is that we all have homes with screens on the windows and we open up the windows the good air can come through but we keep the gnats, flies and other insects outside so they don’t come in.

So that’s what you have going on in your gut is that little screen to keep the bad stuff out, however, let’s say you’re at home one day and you’re babysitting some kid and the kid goes with scissors and starts poking holes in all your window screens because they want more air to come in. What’s going to happen? You have flies coming in, gnats, mosquitoes and what do you do? You grab a piece of paper or something and start whacking away at them. It’s the same with your gut, where you get this intestinal hyper permeability, this leaky gut where your gut no longer has the ability to keep the bad stuff out and just allow the good stuff in.

Therefore, undigested food particles start to leak into your bloodstream and your immune system says this isn’t supposed to be here. This has to go. We need to fight this off. So you then get what are known as food sensitivities, where your immune system is actually fighting off the very foods that you eat every single day. This is highly stressful to the body. This can cause hormonal problems. It can cause insulin resistance, which can lead to more weight gain and at some point down the road you could end up with an autoimmune issue where your immune system is actually attacking your own body.

What a lot of fat loss clients have are thyroid issues. For many of them they have Hashimoto’s, which is an autoimmune thyroid issue, so what may be happening is that let’s say for example, you’ve been eating steak everyday but you have these holes in your intestinal lining that are too big and are allowing undigested steak particles to get into your bloodstream and now you’ve been fighting off that protein molecule peptide for so long that your immune system says hey, that piece of steak is starting to look very much like Sean’s thyroid or like his joints, cartilage or the myelin in his brain, let’s go attack that too.

So it becomes this domino effect and the reason I told you that is because it’s quite common, but it also shows that with fat loss or weight gain it’s the domino effect of one thing leading to another, which again is not as simple as calories in/calories out. I do a good job in the book of breaking it down in a way that everyone understands and at least spark their mind when they’re thinking about what their issue might be. Maybe I should hire myself a functional medicine practitioner or someone who can help me with this.

Robyn: Well, you’ve certainly helped us to understand why it is a true revolution that we all need to be committing to our own self-care, when looking at all those pillars and to keep that dance going harmoniously takes day-to-day good choices. I’m thinking about what you said earlier too Sean about testosterone issues and how many people have low testosterone. I can’t tell you how many big time athletes when I do their blood work, they have very low testosterone and they are dealing with weight issues more than when they aren’t exercising as much.

Can you talk a little about that, the over-exercising part and the myth about that and how we used to believe that aerobic exercise is the way to lose fat?


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Sean: Absolutely. I’ve seen this so many times, not just with hormones but also with very high levels of oxidative stress. Some of the most horrendous test results I’ve seen have been with athletes and most people would think so. I remember being a personal trainer and there would be that really ripped guy or girl walking around and people in my class would be like, I want to look like that and I’d be like, I don’t know because if you talk to that person and get deep with them there’s probably a lot of other not so good stuff going on. Again, like digestive problems, libido issues, fatigue and more.

It is a myth like you mentioned, about doing all this exercise to lose fat. When you’re doing all that exercise, when you’re doing the long steady cardio or 60 minutes on the treadmill and whatnot, which his what I used to tell my personal clients to do, again it’s very stressful to the adrenal glands and hormonal system. So over time what happens is you start to see that drop in DHEA and that’s a precursor to testosterone, so if DHEA comes down then your testosterone is coming down as well and then people start having libido issues and what not.

I would have a lot of clients that I worked with that would go to spin class every morning for hours, six days a week on that spin bike. I would say to them you’re working out and we’re looking at your test results and your testosterone is low, your cortisol is low, your DHEA is low, everything is low so I want you to stop going to spin class. At the very least, go twice a week and the other days of the week you can go to the gym, but I want you to go to yoga, go to tai chi or meditation, something where you’re actually drawing energy into the body instead of pulling it out all the time.

Typically I would get a lot of resistance from the client. They’d be like no, there’s no way I have to go to spin class, that’s how I’m keeping my weight off. But you’re not losing anymore weight and you’ve been stuck at this weight for so long so finally I would twist their arm and get them to do it and two weeks later they would send me an email or call me and say oh my gosh Sean, I stopped going to spin class and doing more yoga, mediation and I’m actually losing weight, how can this be? I’m like because it’s not always about calories in/calories out it’s about reducing the stress load on your body.

When you’re going to cardio or spin class everyday you were stressing your body like crazy and creating a hormonal state that wasn’t conducive for fat loss. So they finally got it. Every once in a while I’ll do a long job on a treadmill or outside just because I feel like it, but it’s not something I would recommend doing everyday. You should see marathon runners’ adrenal glands it’s horrible. I’m a big fan of burst training, interval training, rest based training and that’s simply running on the treadmill for a minute and then hitting the stop button, straddling the treadmill and waiting a minute by resting and then going another minute.

Now, do that 8-10 times, you’re done in 20 minutes and your metabolism is going to stay cranked up for literally 24-48 hours after you’ve done that, as opposed to doing your long cardio for 60 minutes when at the end your metabolism comes right down. There’s also a better hormonal impact of doing interval training, while at the same time you keep your metabolism cranked up for hours afterwards and it’s far more bang for your buck. That’s the type of exercise that I recommend and you don’t need a treadmill you can go outside and run. You can speed walk or do whatever it is that works to your fitness level.

For someone out there it may be just standing up and sitting down out of your chair for 30 seconds at a time and taking a break. Do what works for you instead of going buck wild and wearing yourself out or injuring yourself.


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Robyn: Sean, this is information you just shared is so critically important. I happen to be one of those people living the dark side for 30 years as a long distance runner, from the time I was 15. I grew up with a dad who was a swim coach, so from 15 until 45 I was running marathons, half marathons and I couldn’t even… and I’ve read every book on exercise, you can imagine. I studied exercise physiology, but it’s only in the last three years I’ve seen the light. I’ve gone from the dark into the light to realize this.

That could be your next book, from the dark side to the light, because that’s what you’re sharing with your as your work in the world is that this is the light side. I want to say to everyone listening, my own personal experience was that I struggled with my weight for those 30 years. The last three years now that I gave up running and have basically do kettle bell and various forms of yoga, I never worry about my weight. My body fat has dropped and my testosterone and DHEA was always low and it’s amazing, because I think of myself as well trained and well educated like you do, but busting the myths about what’s out there is something else.

Fortunately, we’re out there sharing the truth so what you just shared and this oxidated stress, we just finished the month with aging which is a big reason why we accelerate in terms of how we age, so again thank you for going into that in such depth.

Kevin: You mentioned earlier that you recommend people see a functional diagnostic nutritionist? What is that and how do we find one of those?

Sean: I am one. I don’t practice anymore. I help recruit new students and basically it’s a course that changed my life because when I was personal training and got to that point where I was like I’m covering the physical side of things but I’m missing everything else and I didn’t have anyone to refer out to. I was working with a client named Francesca. She came in and had a hard time losing belly fat. She said she was always bloated I can’t do anything about it, help me with this. We started exercising and I put her on a good diet but it wouldn’t go away.

I was just getting into Paul Check’s stuff at the time. I learned about food sensitivities so I sent her to a website to learn more about it and then introduced her to a practitioner named Reid Davis. They did some work and also did a stool test and found out she had a nasty parasite called blastocystis hominous. The protocol is not to do your interval training and your crunches, there’s actually a serious antibiotic protocol or natural protocol to get rid of it. That’s where her bloating and digestive issues were coming from, so in using that protocol she was able to flatten her stomach, get rid of the foods she was sensitive to and regain her health.

She kept working out with me to do the physical part but she took care of the stuff I couldn’t do. A couple months later she emailed me and said Sean, Reid Davis is hosting a seminar for certification down the street from your house you should check it out. I did and it literally changed my life, because it allowed me to look at those pillars of health, the hormonal, immune and digestive systems and detoxification to find out where those dysfunctions were and it also showed me how to interpret the test scores/markers and how to write the protocols in order for me to help individuals I was working with.

So that’s what a functional diagnostic practitioner does. You can learn more at FunctionalDiagnosticNutrition.com. There are many practitioners out there also like Dr. Kalesh who has the Kalesh Method. Paul Check has his health practitioners. You can go to FunctionalMedicine.org to look for a practitioner in your area that has been schooled on this stuff.


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Kevin: That’s a buzzword, functional could you break that down for us a bit?

Sean: Functional just describes the proper function of the systems that I talked about and the five pillars, along with the elimination system, neurotransmitters as well. The acronym I like to use is hidden which stands for all those different systems and just looking to make sure everything is functional and if it’s not than you find the dysfunctions, do what you can to repair them, which may include a supplement protocol which will include dietary and lifestyle modifications as well and also may require some medical intervention.

Robyn: Sean, we ask all our speakers about their own self-care. Obviously you are one busy man, so how do you practice self-care in day-to-day life? What’s your self-care lifestyle look like?

Sean: My self-care lifestyle is that I like to sleep. I get eight hours because if I don’t get my rest then I’m miserable the next day. I’m sipping on some cucumber and pear thing that I blended in the vitamix before we got on the call. I’m not a big fan of vegetables but I like to get them in the vitamix because that makes them easier to get down. I JERF 90% of the time. I live in downtown San Diego so I go out and have a blast when I can and sometimes I forget about my whole healthy lifestyle, but I think that’s something that’s helpful because it’s less stressful, allows me to socialize and have a life.

Whereas, with some people, they want to do this thing 100% of the time and I find that many of them become miserable, isolated and don’t really fit in anymore. I keep my stress levels as low as possible. I’m good at identifying potentially stressful situations and people in my life and have no problem steering clear of them. I do what I love to do. Very seldom do I do anything that I don’t actually want to do. The things that I do give me energy, even though sometimes they can also wear me out when I’m doing too much.

I live a very passionate life where I get to work the job which I absolutely love doing and that involves helping people every day, putting out cool stuff on the Internet and reading all the thankful emails that come in. That is super badass and I couldn’t ask for anything better.

Kevin: Awesome! In moving over to what you’re doing with our Underground Wellness, do you have a favorite interview that you could share with us?

Sean: That’s tough. That’s like asking if I had kids which one I like better. I would have to say that my favorite video interview is the one that I just did two days ago with Dr. Tom O’Brian for the Gluten Summit.

Robyn: I loved that.

Sean: I just made that public on the YouTube channel, so if you go to YouTube.com/undergroundwellness you can find that there. On the radio show man, I’m going to say there are two. The first one is the one I did with Chris Kresser the first time he was on my show. We had such a good time. It was like two friends hanging out and we didn’t even know each other before we did that call. It was rad. The next one would be a show I did recently with Cynthia Pasquela where we talked about her institute for transformational nutrition. The reason is because I love talking about food but something else I love talking about is living your passion, your dream and having a job or occupation that you absolutely love to do.


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I see so many people out there who hate their jobs and I want more people. I want to recruit more people to do what we do to make a good living, helping and serving people and putting out a message and being an expert. For everyone out there there’s something that people call upon you for, whether it’s for breaking up with someone and they need advice or hey, I need to change my oil on my car can you tell me how to do it. We’re experts at something and I think people don’t realize that you can monetize your expertise, because Google is a giant and there are people Googling weird stuff.

They’re looking for your help so Cynthia and I had an amazing show talking about how to do that. It was fun. We had a good time and we received amazing feedback from the people who listened to that. It wasn’t about health and nutrition it was about living an awesome life.

Kevin: If people want to check those out where do they find them?

Sean: That would be on the website UndergroundWellness.com and click on podcasts you’ll see the show there, as well as on iTunes. It was called three simple steps to transform your life and something else.

Kevin: Sweet.

Robyn: You have interviewed some of the top experts in fitness and wellness in the world, is there something you would say that has hit you like, oh my gosh, this is one of the biggest epiphany’s of my career or something so revolutionary and new that the whole world needs to know. Is there anything that comes to mind?

Sean: The first show I did with Dr. Tom O’Brian, it was good. I think it was called Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease. I remember preparing for that show. I really prepared. I could probably recite the entire DVD that I watched right off the bat. That show was amazing because the problems that are involved with consuming gluten go well beyond what anybody would have thought. I can’t remember the actual number of health conditions that can be associated with gluten sensitivity but it’s through the roof. The number of people who are sensitive to gluten but aren’t Celiac are through the roof as well.

And also, those who have gluten sensitivity and don’t have any digestive symptoms, that number is through the roof and there are many people out there who are having health challenges who are literally eating their way into those health challenges so just by removing gluten they can help themselves by doing that. Listen to the show. His Gluten Summit is going on right now so if you go to FreeGlutenSummit.com and you opt-in you can check out today the encore day where he reposted seven of the summit presentations.

Robyn: Again, many of you who have been with us since the beginning, we interviewed Dr. Tom in April when we were talking about unleashing your brain power and how much it affects all of our systems in the body, so I think it’s great that you’re bringing it up and kudos to you, for letting him have part of your outstanding team to help get this first ever global gluten summit. It’s going strong, like 100k people have signed up. It’s fantastic. I had a patient on my table yesterday who is 250 pounds. She signed up and it’s changing her life. She’s read the diet books but she can’t give up this last thing. She’s one of the people like you mentioned, it’s not like 2% are Celiac but so many of us are sensitive and it’s wreaking havoc in our systems.

Thanks for sharing that. To hear that from you, having interviewed all these people that’s one of the most important things you learned and it’s changing people’s lives literally, that’s amazing.


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Kevin: Mine as well. Do you have a favorite real food that you could share?

Sean: Ooh. I love, like the guys at Whole Foods know me now because I go in there all the time and get king crab. I love that. It’s like the greatest thing in the history of the world, dipped in that salted butter, I could eat that every day, so when I go to Whole Foods they’re like you again and I’m like yeah hook me up. Give me at least a pound of that and I’ll go home and throw it down real quick. I love bacon and leg of lamb steak. Those are some of my favorite things. I’m a huge fan of avocado and lobster and shrimp but crab has overtaken everything.

Robyn: Do you have another book in you, something that’s percolating?

Sean: I have a couple things that are percolating in my dome right now and hopefully at some point, maybe not 2014, because I’m working on an online program for health practitioners that do what I do, but 2015 I would love to set the year aside and write the most amazing book in the history of the world but I will not reveal the topic because someone might jack-it.

Robyn: It’s nice to hear that your book took you seven years.

Sean: It took me seven years to actually write it but the writing process of it was a little over three months.

Robyn: Kevin is in the process of writing a book. Before starting the Self-Care Revolution last fall I was 70% done with a book, but this revolution for both of us, it’s almost like something so much bigger than we are that’s taking over. It’s like put the book aside and do this. We’re seeing the light as to the why. I’m writing a book on travel and health but these seven pathways people wouldn’t necessarily consider but I know when I finish the final 25% will be so much better because of this wealth of information that I’ve learned.

I can’t wait to see what your book is about. For anyone out there wanting to write a book, just know it‘s a process and life throws you some interesting things. Kevin and I are both visionaries and we’re like there’s something, and now that we’re ending our first year of the Self-Care Revolution we want to get this message out to massive numbers of people, one billion, to understand that self-care is vital. Like what Sean and the others are sharing with all of us, we’re so fortunate to hear the simple message of just eating real food.

Just to know that you can still enjoy king crab with some delicious organic yummy butter, you can eat meat and know there are choices you make everyday, like staying away from gluten, processed foods and all that, just that simple choice.

Kevin: You touched on it earlier, but what are some points that you’ve used to get your message out to the world. To help others get their message out what would you recommend to them?

Sean: Start. Do it. Pick a platform. There are three primary platforms… writing blog posts, podcasting, video… pick the one you’re the most comfortable with and just starting putting out content. I think people get so caught up… I do a lot of consulting for this and people who I consult with are already thinking about product. They’re like I want to create this product, this online course, this eBook or system and they have no following, trust or credibility amongst any audience so that is step one. Start giving. Give away your best stuff because that’s when you create raving fans who will know you, trust you and like you.


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For me, I didn’t start making any money doing this until like three years into it, because I had money issues in my head. If I try to make money then people won’t like me anymore, blah-blah, so if you have money issues get over them. It’s not that easy. There’s a good book by T Harv Eker called Secrets of the Millionaire Mind and I think everyone should read it. I used to go to these Landmark Seminar things and I’ve gone to a couple of their side seminars but when I go the room will be full for them, whether it’s communication or something else, but the one involving money, the line was out the door because people have some serious money issues right now.

We got those from our family, our surroundings and environment and once you overcome that the sky is the limit because the amount of service you give is typically in line with the amount of money you’ll make in your business. That’s my thing is to serve, love it, enjoy it, be passionate about it, connect with a lot of people and it tends to reflect itself in the bank account which gives me more flexibility with the things I want to do with not only life but in business, whether that’s employing more people or hosting an event that costs a lot of money but at the same time made $70k in affiliate commissions for other bloggers out there.

Getting to realize not just how you can help the people who are coming to your blog but also realizing how you can change the world, employ people, do cool philanthropic stop with what you get out of the business. It’s great. So first, pick your platform, create your website and then learn how to create an email list. That’s important. The first three years I was online I didn’t have an email list. I wasn’t asking folks for their email addresses and didn’t have a squeeze page or offers, but email lists are king because that’s how you stay connected with people.

That’s how you communicate with people is through email and social media. That’s how you create your tribe, but it won’t happen overnight. I consult with many who won’t see major progress in two months but I’ve been doing this for seven years, so take your time, be patient, keep serving and you’ll love what you do, who you hang out with and you’ll be at a J.J. Virgin mastermind and be like, that’s Dr. Benson, etc. It’s wild because you’re in this room full of people who you admire and love, then you become friends and they become part of your network.

My life is pretty darn cool. I want others to feel that way. Someone told me a stat yesterday that said 3% of people actually love what they do for a living. That means the other 97% aren’t doing it and I feel bad for them. I want to bring them to this side so they can do what we do, not just in health but any other area of expertise as well.

Kevin: That definitely cycles it back around to our topic this month of gratitude. We appreciate that, that’s such a powerful message you just shared. We are grateful to have been a part of your passion.

Robyn: Yes. That is such the source of everything for you. You see it in your videos and all the great work you do. That is where success comes from, because your heart is into what you’re doing. Thank you, because for many that are listening I know that want to learn the secret sauce of Sean Croxton’s empire. It all comes from the humble beginnings and as we know, I think about 2 ½ -3 years and it totally took off. I’ve never done an online program before, so with this we’re 11 months into our first year and we’re so thrilled for the community that has developed.

The community of speakers, sponsors, you, all of our members and again I want to thank you Sean for being here with us, you rock! We love you.

Sean: Thank you very much I appreciate it. 14


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Robyn: We know you’re in a busy time in your life so thank you for saying yes to the Self-Care Revolution. You’re living and breathing it and thank you again for sharing your message with us.

Sean: My pleasure.

Kevin: Absolutely. To find this go to JoinTheSelfCareRevolution.com and if you have any questions, email us at [email protected].

Sean: You can find me at my website and on Facebook which is Facebook.com/undergroundwellness.

Robyn: What is your biggest message to leave with our audience today?

Sean: Live your best life and that’s what I want to help people to do, not just with your health but with everything. I call it self-mastery, health mastery, wealth mastery and help mastery, as in serving people. When you master those or work on mastering those, then your life becomes pretty incredible. That’s the vision, is helping people to do that.

Robyn: Very good. We’ll say bye to everyone.


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