we looked at how people should live blah blah blah… democracy


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Post on 13-Jan-2016




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Page 1: We looked at how people should live Blah Blah Blah… Democracy
Page 2: We looked at how people should live Blah Blah Blah… Democracy

We looked at how people should live

Blah Blah Blah…


Page 3: We looked at how people should live Blah Blah Blah… Democracy

We looked at how people should rule



Page 4: We looked at how people should live Blah Blah Blah… Democracy

But how should people work?


Page 5: We looked at how people should live Blah Blah Blah… Democracy

Pre-Industrial England: A Review c.1600-1750

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Subsistence Farming,Common Grazing Land,

and theThree Field System!

Vegetable Crops

Grain Crops

Fallow Field

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Life was family based, everybody worked, and many tools and almost all clothes were made at home

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The local Parish church was central to village social life and small merchants, artisans, and craftsmen drove a developing cash economy

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The Domestic System allowed people (especially women) to do piece based textile

manufacturing at home while still setting their own hours and taking care of the home

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Driven by the Enclosure Movement, technological and theoretical innovations, and a population boom, the Agricultural Revolution took place.

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New World Crops and the Agricultural Revolution resulted in a 1/3 increase in production which in

turn drove an even larger population boom.

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As the population grew, so did the demand for land and employment. The population grew faster

than available work and so many people in the 1700s and early 1800s were unemployed.

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The Industrial Revolution Arrives in Britain

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I. The Factory System

A. New machines are created to meet increased demand for textiles

Flying Shuttle

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I. The Factory System

A. New machines are created to meet increased demand for textiles

Spinning Jenny

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I. The Factory System

A. New machines are created to meet increased demand for textiles

Water Frame

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I. The Factory System

A. New machines are created to meet increased demand for textiles

Spinning Mule

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I. The Factory System

A. New machines are created to meet increased demand for textiles

Power Loom

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B. Factories built to house these new machines

I. The Factory System

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I. The Factory SystemC. Power Sources

1. Early factories used animals (horse, mule, etc.) and water for power

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I. The Factory System2. Later, coal was used for fuel for new machines; ironwas used to make machines

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I. The Factory SystemD. Steam Engine (if this is super confusing, don’t panic the video will make it more clear)

1. Machine fueled by coal, which heated water to produce steam

2. Steam is forced through chambers at varying pressure

3. Steam moves pistons in chambers to create rotational power

4. Engine allowed for easier mining of coal and iron which led to a mining boom5. Steam engine also increased textile production (Spinning Mill powered by Steam Engines)

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I. The Factory SystemE. Blast Furnace – allowed for cheap production of iron using cheap coal

(carbon in the iron makes it brittle) instead of expensive timber, which led to a building and mining boom

If this picture is a little confusing, there is a video to explain it all!

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II. Transportation Improved

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II. Transportation Improved

A. Greater production created a need for better transportation systems to move goods

B. Paved roads, canals, and railroads built to transport goods (and later people)

The “Rocket”

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III. Six Reasons Britain Led Industrialization

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A. Agricultural Revolution/Population Boom:

increased population created by the

agricultural Revolution led to a mobile,

unemployed, and available workforce

III. Six Reasons Britain Led Industrialization

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B. Geography: had many natural

resources (iron, coal) and many rivers

III. Six Reasons Britain Led Industrialization

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C. Political Stability: government encouraged

business development and urbanization

III. Six Reasons Britain Led Industrialization

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D. Economics: booming economy conducive to trade

and investing in new ideas

III. Six Reasons Britain Led Industrialization

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E. Colonization: colonies provided raw materials and

a market for manufactured goods

III. Six Reasons Britain Led Industrialization