wayana international foundation for integration & awareness (wifia)

Wayana International Foundation For Integration & Wayana International Foundation For Integration & Awareness Awareness (WIFIA) (WIFIA) April 2008

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Wayana International Foundation For Integration & Awareness (WIFIA). WAYANA. April 2008. Our Logo. www.wayana.org. Introduction. Wayana International Foundation For Integration and awareness (WIFIA) Non governmental non profit foundation ,Registered - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Wayana International Foundation For Integration & Awareness Wayana International Foundation For Integration & Awareness (WIFIA)(WIFIA)

April 2008

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– Wayana International Foundation For Integration and awareness (WIFIA)

– Non governmental non profit foundation ,Registered

– Wayana promotes public awareness for persons with disabilities especially mentally handicapped and intellectual disabilities. Wayana's role is not just awareness, but also Educational, Legislative  ...

– Its aim to integrate the people with disabilities and special needs in the society as well as aware society with their needs, problems, and solutions.


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• To integrate persons with disabilities into the community.

• Wayana will support blending persons with disabilities into the society while achieving positive image and attitude towards them.

• Wayana will bring in new opportunities for employment for the new generation.

• Wayana will have a plan of action for awareness of the community about persons with disabilities


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Provide counseling to families through workshops and other means of support.

• Integrate with educational organizations and institutes aiming for the rehabilitation of teachers and tutors tend to special needs on their own.

• Creating a bank of information to manage communication between Wayana and those who have a special needs cases and provide them with support, creating a timely and efficient line of interactivity.

• Aware the society with persons with disabilities.

• Establish an international Academy of disability and special needs areas.


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• 10 % of the population in Egypt are disabled .

• Around 7.5 million persons with disabilities are in the society.

• No accurate statistic study about the number of the persons with disabilities in Egypt or Arab world

• Lack of understanding the aim of integration • Lack of awareness of the society about the

problems of persons with disabilities • No equal opportunities in the society.• Lack of accurate information


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• Advocacy Campaigns as well as Community Awareness for the integration and mainstreaming for persons with disabilities

• Training Academy for Teachers & Caregivers (Sustainable Fundraising Project)

• Parents Support for persons with disabilities • Technical consultancy for other service

providers.• Academy to train Nurses for senior citizens• Employment Service Company for Graduates• Create bank of information for persons with

disabilities• Organizing seminars and conferences for

persons with disabilities, their families, and society


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• To Egypt: – Creating job opportunities by training

professional caliber & decreasing reliance on foreign care givers.

– Decrease level of continual financial support to persons with disabilities citizens by empowering them to be active and productive members of the community through vocational training.

– Integration and inclusion of persons with disabilities in the society .

• To Arab World: – Creating professional Arab care-givers to raise

the new generation with Arab culture.– Teaching confidence, interpersonal skills,

presentation skills and codes of conduct to Arab children

• To Special Need Families: – Providing access to early intervention at an

affordable price– Providing support teachers www.wayana.org

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We have:

• General plan

• Committee’s plans


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• Certification of the Foundation by Ministry of Social welfare

• Head quarter fully equipped with furniture ,technology , library , ……ect

• Managerial structure – Job descriptions – Human resources.

• ً�Wayana Website .


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• 3 major committees

• 9 subcommittees


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Fundraising and Financial committee’s planFundraising and Financial committee’s plan Mission:Mission:

Provide Wayana with all financial resources that will enable it to achieve its objectives

Action plan:Action plan: Setting up committees for:

1. Banks2. Event & Expeditions3. Direct mail & Data Base4. Volunteers5. Schools & University6. Direct solicitationwww.wayana.org

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Banks Sub CommitteeBanks Sub CommitteeMission:1. To create unconventional ways of fundraising using the bank a/c no that signifies our creativity and distinguishes our image at first sight 1001002. to make sure we have the same unified no in other banks3. to involve as many different type of banks to versify the channels of donation:

– National bank of Egypt: the largest base of clients + Charity protocol– Bank M isr: 2nd largest base of clients + online donation support– CIB: very high profile clientele + publicity support– Perious + Blom Egypt: very eager to help to enhance their social image– Housing & Development bank: Students' saving booklet– Credit & Agricultural Bank: 1200 branches (awareness in country side)– Post Authority: 3000 Office –Sponsor – New Charity Cards

4. to waive all commissions & charges5. to get best rates on our deposits6. to create new banking program to W ayana's favor7. to get them sponsor our events8. to get publicized through their mater ials9. to approach their potential clients10. to apply reward system


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Direct Mail Sub CommitteeDirect Mail Sub CommitteeMission To insure a comprehensive communication platform for

all our contacts: NGOs, Ministers, and Embassies, International foundation with same interest, suppliers, donors & employees

Action plan1. to get the data base of all chambers of commerce2. To get the data of federations and association of business3. make sure data is correct by double checking by telephone4. make sure we send to all companies after the end of the fiscal year to get

allocated in the new budget5. emphasize the fact that donation is tax exempted up to 10% of the general

income6. Invite the unkind donation against thank you letter as a receipt to tax dept.7. Encourage the ongoing donation no mater small it is.8. get prepared for Ramadan campaign at least one month in advance 9. get support of post authority in delivering the direct mail10. evaluate the outcome of the campaign 11. Take necessary corrective action to get optimum results12. increase the volume of our communication plat form by at least 10% monthly


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Awareness CommitteeAwareness CommitteeMissionProviding parents with the necessary know- how that would enable them to handle their special need loved one correctly , together with the psychological aspects of acceptance and many other angles to tackle . That’s not at all . We target the society as whole in our awareness campaign which includes the immediate community ,schools and medical institutions .

Action plan•Create a media campaign•Printing material to aware the community•Produce CD , DVD , books , brochure•Produce films , movies about integration•Informative public programs•Children cartoons series :

– Cartoon character support– Voice of conscious and values

•Series of books •Series of games and entertainment tools•Series of events


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Objectives of Awareness CommitteeObjectives of Awareness Committee

• To create public awareness among healthy people about special needs and merge them into the community.

• To achieve a positive image about special needs among the society .

• To support parents and children better understand how to deal with special needs .

• To educate the society on how to deal with special needs.


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International academy and training committee’s planInternational academy and training committee’s plan • Collection of information about

program of having courses for special needs.

• Create a program & calendar of training courses for teachers & parents .

• Organize workshops &seminar to know what are the weak areas of education & training courses

• Give the technical support to the parents through meetings , training , ……………, etc

• Arrange and prepare the curriculum , certification , instructress for courses .

• Liaise with National / institutions and universities


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Agreement with Kennesaw State UniversityAgreement with Kennesaw State University

• Agreement with Kennesaw State University was Signed for cooperate , exchange information , instructor and support .


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Agreement with Higher Institute Agreement with Higher Institute for Social Studies TMAfor Social Studies TMA

and Industrial Training Council ITC and Industrial Training Council ITC

• Agreement was Signed with TMA and ITC for cooperate , for cooperation and certification .


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CEO Auditing

Executive Body

Fund raising & financial committee

International academy & training

committeeAwareness committee

Support Teacher









Technical support

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• Monthly reports

• Workshops for evaluation

• Meetings for evaluation

• Monthly newsletter will be published including all the activities of Wayana

• Frequent market research to stand of the level of awareness


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أهداف وياناأهداف وياناو • المعاقي��ن و الخاص��ة اإلحتياجات لذوى الالزم��ة التوعي��ة عم��ل

أسرهم .التثقيفي��ة • و التدريبي��ة المعاه��د و التعليمي��ة المؤس��سات إنشاء

و الخاص��ة اإلحتياجات ذوى مجال ف��ى تعم��ل مؤهل��ة ك�وادر إلعدادالمعاقين .

الت�ى • الجمعيات و المؤس�سات م�ع التنس�يق و التعاون و اإلشتراكالميدان . نفس فى تعمل

المؤسسة . • ألنشطة بيانات قاعدة و معلومات بنك عملالمؤسسة .• أنشطة عن اإلعالماإلحتياجات • لذوى المعارض و المؤتمرات و الندوات تنظي�����������م

األنشط��ة و الدولي��ة الندوات ف��ى اإلشتراك أس��رهم و الخاص��ةاإلقليمية . األنشطة فعاليات تنظيم و اإلقليمية

الحقوق • تص�ون و تضم�ن الت�ى القانوني�ة اآلليات إقتراح و دراس�ةأسرهم . و المعاقين و الخاصة اإلحتياجات لذوى المدنية

و • الخاص���ة اإلحتياجات ذوى أمور ألولياء الفن���ى الدع���م تقدي���مالمعاقين .

افحتياجات • ذوى و للمعاقي���ن عم���ل فرص إيجاد عل���ى العم���لالخاصة .


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Fatwa on Zakah for Supporting Training Fatwa on Zakah for Supporting Training and rehabilitation sectionsand rehabilitation sections


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Persons with disabilitiesPersons with disabilities


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Refers to the medical description of a specific low or abnormality of psychological function, physiological function and/or anatomical structure

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Refers to the effect that the condition has on the individual


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HANDICAPHANDICAP• Refers to situations where the condition or the disability

causes an individual to have, or contributes to an individual having, a disadvantage compared with an able-bodied peer.

• For example• A person with spina bifida (the condition) may have

paraplegia (the disability) which would probably prevent them from playing a sport requiring them to run and kick, such as football (soccer) (the handicap).

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Spinal cord injuries and Poliomyelitis

Cerebral Palsy• Cerebral palsy is a disorder of movement and

posture due to damage to an area, or areas, of the brain that control and coordinate muscle tone, reflexes, posture and movement (Jones 1988).

• The degree and site, or sites, of brain damage can vary considerably among individuals with cerebral palsy. Consequently, the severity of impairment and the symptoms of each individual with cerebral palsy also vary considerably. www.wayana.org

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Amputees The term amputee includes those individuals who have at least one major joint in a limb missing (that is, elbow, wrist, knee or ankle) or, in cases where the amputation is through the ankle or the wrist, no functional movement remaining at that joint.

•Les Autres•The term les autres is French for the others and is a term that has been used to describe athletes with a range of conditions that result in locomotors disorders.


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Sensory DisabilitySensory Disability

•Blind and Visually impaired•Any condition that interferes with normal vision can be regarded as a vision impairment. Thus, the term vision impairment incorporates the entire range of vision difficulties from correctable conditions through to total blindness.

DeafDeafness is a hearing loss that renders it impossible to understand speech through hearing alone, even if a hearing aid is used. Usually, an alternative or assistive mode of communication is required in order to communicate with a deaf person (for example, lip reading, signing, demonstrations or written messages).


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Mental DisabilityMental Disability


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Intellectual & Learning disabilitiesIntellectual & Learning disabilities • Internationally, the most widely accepted definition of intellectual disability has been the

one produced by the American Association of Mental Retardation. According to the Association (1992):

• [Intellectual disability] refers to substantial limitations in present functioning. It is characterised by significantly sub-average intellectual functioning, existing concurrently with related limitations in two or more of the following applicable adaptive skill areas: communication, self-care, home living, social skills, community use, self-direction, health and safety, functional academics, leisure and work. Intellectual disability manifests before age 18.

• Thus, a person with an intellectual disability, as defined by the American Association of Mental Retardation, must have:

• a significantly sub-average general intellectual functioning. (Note: The Association defines this as an IQ, that is, Intelligence Quotient, of 70 or below on a standardised measure of intelligence)

• b limitations in two or more of the following adaptive skill areas: communication, self-care, home living, social skills, community use, self-direction, health and safety, functional academics, leisure and work (usually assessed by observing the person over a period of time in a variety of settings)

• c acquired their condition before age 18.• Generally, a registered agency or professional (for example, an educational psychologist)

would have to make the assessments before an individual could be verified as having an intellectual disability and be eligible to receive the type of support services described above.

• At the time of publication, the methodology for assessing the intellectual disability of an athlete with respect to their eligibility to compete in the Paralympic Games was under review.


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Like chronic Lung and hear diseases and Diabetes ect…

TransplantationTransplantationThe term transplanted refers to people who have received a kidney, heart, heart and lung, liver or bone marrow transplant
