water treatment plant reflections

Monroe L. Weber-Shir k S chool of Civil and Environmental Engi neering Water Treatment Plant Reflections alum alum Flocculation Clear Well Sedimentation

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Water Treatment Plant Reflections. Flocculation. alum. alum. Clear Well. Sedimentation. Overview. Trouble shooting guide Hydraulic challenges Surface tension Startup requirements Wrap up. When it doesn’t work!. You are creating a complex system - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Water Treatment Plant Reflections

Monroe L. Weber-Shirk

School of Civil and

Environmental Engineering

Water Treatment Plant Reflections

Water Treatment Plant Reflections



Clear WellSedimentation

Page 2: Water Treatment Plant Reflections


Trouble shooting guideHydraulic challengesSurface tensionStartup requirementsWrap up

Page 3: Water Treatment Plant Reflections

When it doesn’t work!When it doesn’t work!

You are creating a complex systemAny component that fails can lead to failure

in the systemHow do you identify the source of a

problem?Attempt to identify the events that could

cause a failure in advance

Page 4: Water Treatment Plant Reflections

Scientific Method of Troubleshooting

Scientific Method of Troubleshooting

The Scientific method:Clearly identify the problemCreate hypothesesDesign experiments to test the hypothesesDraw conclusions based on the data

How can you choose which components to test first? Intuition?Ask which component could cause the observed

symptomsRequires an understanding of how the system works!

Page 5: Water Treatment Plant Reflections

Modular ApproachModular Approach

How can you build a complex system with the greatest probability of ultimate success?

Break a system down into its components and test individual pieces

Only add components to the system after the components have been tested

Begin with the system as simple as possibleWhat would the simplest operating rules be?Add unit processes one by one

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Hydraulic Challenges (getting the water to go where you want it to go)

Hydraulic Challenges (getting the water to go where you want it to go)

LeaksConnections not sufficiently tight Improvised connections lacking a good seal

OverflowsCaused by water not going where you thought it was

goingOpen channel flows (air and water) – coming up

Excessive head lossTubing size too smallFilter clogging

Page 7: Water Treatment Plant Reflections

Simplified WTP SchematicSimplified WTP Schematic

Can the flow accumulator be on the bench top? What controls the water level in the flocculation tank? Why does the water flow through the filter? How would you start up the plant and get water to flow

through the filter the first time? How much head loss can the filter cause before the

system fails?Flocculation

Clear WellSedimentation

Page 8: Water Treatment Plant Reflections

Improved WTPImproved WTP

Why is this better? Max head loss? What if sedimentation

tank were open to atmosphere?

How could you measure head loss through the filter?

Clear WellSedimentation


Open Channel Flow

Design it!

Page 9: Water Treatment Plant Reflections






0.1 1 10 100

length scale (mm)







Relative Strength of ForcesRelative Strength of Forces

3Fg glr=

F ls s=


0 20 40 60 80 100

Temperature (C)








0 20 40 60 80 100

Temperature (C)







Surface tension Gravity

Stable* Unstable?

* water column over air won’t break

Page 10: Water Treatment Plant Reflections

Open Channel Flows: Water and Air

Open Channel Flows: Water and Air

All overflows tubes are open channel flowMinimum inside diameter for sink drain is

6.35 mm (¼”)Minimum inside diameter for line where

water level moves up and down based on filter head loss is 9.5 mm (3/8”)

What happens if the tubing isn’t large enough for open channel flow?


Page 11: Water Treatment Plant Reflections

Leak PreventionLeak Prevention

Clear well overflow line must be flat on bench top What happens if head loss through the filter

increases too much? Check each tank or tube with an opening to the

atmosphere and ask: What could cause an overflow at this location?How could we design the system to reduce risk of

failure Turn off the manual supply valve when you aren’t

using the plant Make sure that all valves are off when the plant

isn’t being used. WTP

Page 12: Water Treatment Plant Reflections


Pressure sensors must be kept dry (they can fail if one drop of water soaks into the terminals)

Use manual valves to make it easy to drain tanks Make sure you are using the most recent

configuration file in your folder! Label all processes Label the alum stock bottle Label all containers containing fluids

Page 13: Water Treatment Plant Reflections

Plant LayoutPlant Layout

Design a plant layout that is easy to followTubing lengths can be changed so you can

place your devices anywhere you want them

Beware of large diameter horizontal tubes containing particlesWhy?


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Startup RequirementsStartup Requirements

Stamp module must be on the computer side of the bench divider

Must prove that excessive head loss will cause the filter to backwash before causing a flood!

Must show that backwash won’t empty clear well Must show that the plant switches between states


Page 15: Water Treatment Plant Reflections

Operating CriteriaOperating Criteria

Initial down flow rate of 5 m/h (40.9 ml/min) If you increase the down flow rate make absolutely sure

that the plant doesn’t overflow

Use your water treatment plant design homework to calculate the best stock concentration of alumThe best stock concentration might change if you

significantly change the plant flow rate

Plan to have someone check on the plant at least once per day (alum stock!)

Page 16: Water Treatment Plant Reflections

Competition SubmissionCompetition Submission

Submit 5 copies by 5 pm on Thursday (Dec. 4). Executive Summary

A one page cover letter to the judges where you introduce your design firm, identify the members of your design team, and describe the important features of your water treatment plant. 

Final plant schematic all valves, sensors, tanks, and pumps with correct relative elevations.

Clearly show the elevation of the laboratory bench top. Description of your design and your design process

How did you size the unit processes in your plant? How did you test the plant? How did you use data that you acquired to modify the design? What are the special features of your plant that make it the best?