washington times (washington, d.c. : 1902). (washington...

t FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished. Uorthwest Section. ? JERSEY AVE. X. W.. ack par- - tivctjr tUIUlBlltUt IlCdl UI1U IMllll, iwt" r.jft T. X. W.. S17 Large front room, heat a Dam, zna noor: with or witnout ngnr ekeenlne-- . WST. X. W.. 412 Large front and back i, wiiiiiiuuicAiiis, Kaa raiijie, .- - v..w .w : :nggfcmii; rwjins. V4 ST. X. XV.. K7 Large first floor front ! I' JRoiiMivnpms room; well ncaica, icascn- - He. 1' Jf.'. T. AVE. X. W.. KB Hall room, fur- - ned: 14 month. i ST. V v j.vt Tun nislv furnished I' fboma: well heated; hot and cold water; vwsonaDie. i. h 8T. X. W 912 Nice room, suitable for one or two; 32.59 per week. 13th 8T. X. W.. 613 Two large rooms for bedrooms or housekeeping; tla per month. N. XV.. 1913 Two rooms and prl- - nrat nigni. ironi. iuiuuc . t . m. lonllni ,V3ftt.A' jVcsHle ior noufeKecpins. dcaui. j....w., Ir, Tange, free gas-- : J"; also two rooms eom- - " yiTc e- - rfl. on. im. V Uth .ST. X. W.. 34T7 Tlree nicely jrl j taoma; private bath; private family; adults; J tSL i XEW JERSEY AVE. X. XV.. 706 Two pleas- ant second floor front furnished rooms; light housekeeping. ROOM 415, MUNSEY BUILDING. We are giving away free of charge a glass sign for your- - wfndow; gilded hanging chain, with each 7 time cash with order adv. Snri st v w Rfa To recond floor rooms furnished complete for L h. k.; water la . room. Inquire 63 ind si. X. XV. I' J Jth ST. X. W., 1107 Large, newly fur. parlor, for business or living purposes; 315 per month. 13TH ST. X.. W.. 1110 Nicely fur. front room on 2nd floor; private family. tth1 ST. N. W.. 410 Steam heat, bath on each- - floor; central location; $L50 per week up. Jiltth ST. X. W.. 160J Large bright weU fur-- ; n. Tiia'h nnm ivtr Kitlir er heat . A. 'unlimited. Phone X. 1166; private family; ilverr reasonable. 1 "iK ST. X.'W- - 4J4 Two large communicating fA front rooms: I. n. K. permiiica; inu uoor; hall room: reaaonapie. ' SfST. X. W.. 313 In private family; nicely !;furnlsh2l secon4-0oo- d front room; S10 per .: hsr'vater heat, electric iignt. anower lui. etc; also smaller room, with porch. $7; I1 kept house, pnone w 1X1. i 3RIDA XVE. X. W 114 Well" furnished ?:roomr aouthcrn exposure: bath adjoining; vH of telephone; S7 per month. 11TH ST-- X. W 1301 Large neatly fur- - . rtlthed front rooms; lli N. TTiS. Can to Capitol. 2V ST. X. W.. ai Beautiful fr. rooms, 2nd fl.; h. k. or aleeplng; clcaa and. warm. 1.. r HARVARD ST. X. W.. 1360 Suite or nicely .fur. rooms, connected by lavatory, bath ad- joining; good home table. 1 JJTE ST. X. W., 90S Front aad back room; light houscketplns; alto small rooms for ttntlemen. 1 THE ALFORD LETTER CO. HAS MOVED TO 607 15th ST., Over FORD & GRAHAM'S, Opposite the Treasury. Northeast Section. C .ST. X. E.. 13 Two nice large furnished rooms for light housekeeping, near Library and'Capltol; alto unfurnished basement, two large -- rooms and, one small; gas and coal furnished: 113 month. TTH BT..X..E.. room for light housekeeping: all front rooms, bath, guar- anteed heat. (Corner Hasi. ave.) .. FUR APT... nicely fur.. 4 rooms and bath; piano and phone: H block from Capitol; references. Lin. 2901. EAST CAPITOL ST.. 1560 Nice large room; new house;, heat, gas and electric light; private rsmiiy. SjdV'ST. X; E.,- - IBS Fur. rooms, with ex cellent board; j.aear. Capitol- - and.. Ubrarr-- . Phone 3320. - V MS,. ST. X. E.. 7H Two large, beautiful rooms, handsomely and completely.' fur- - nished'for nouskeeplng: very reasonable. 1 Ni E IMS Two large rooms; Sid .floor;-suitabl- e for 2 gentlemen; all conven- iences: reasonable. 1.. 4th ST. X. E.. ''SOe One nicely furnished Toom for gentleman. BT. X. E.. 13 One second-flo- front; also'' two southern exposed rooms; phone. 1.. Southeast Section. Sto ST. 8; E., (13 Large back room, warm and 'comfortable: for colored. Southwest Section. 7th ST. S. "W-- . 42S Front furnished room. K week; two back rooms, n; housekeeping. E ST. S. W.. 1C1I Nicely furnished rooms. . fS. and S10 per month. 1 VA. AVE. E. TV.. 941 Large front room, comfortably furnished: southern exposure; $10 month. FOR RENT ROOMS Uninrnfshed. Northwest Section. O ST. X. W.. ire second floor, four rooms; bath, heat, and gas; private; 16th ST. X. W.. 900 Three nice large unfur-room- s: suitable for light housekeeping. .. Southeast Section. Uth ST. S. E.. S4 : unfur. rooms on Zi fl.. L h. k.r heaL gas. bath; no children. Southwest Section. O ST.' 15. E.. 6 Three rooms, private bath, rati range: 1. h. k.: J19. D ST. 6, W., 714 Two rooms. ;d floor; heat, gas. bath: 112. ! FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished or Unfurnished. Northeast Section. K BT. X. E.. Two large rooms. ery con- venient for 1. h. k.. heat and gas: reason- able. ! 11TH ST. N. E.. 222 Two large comfortably furnished rooms: with porch, heat and gas; reasonable. ROOMS AND BOARD R.-- L AVE. X. W.. 235 Xew house, second floor front, excellent table, private family. STH ST. X W. 11CS Large well furnished front room: alcove and bay window, small-e- r room; home cooking. i O ST. X. W.. 445 Several nicely rurnithed rooms; with excellent board; all conven- iences; reasonable. f AFTOX HOUSE, 1123 13TH X. W Excellent fur room, in a well appointed house Good table and sen Ice. X BT, X. V,'.. 1119-XI- ceIy furnished, well heated room, excellent board; transient! accommodated. X. ST. X. W. 1404 Several large nicely fur. rooms; flrtt-cla- home cooking; all con- veniences: hot and cold water in rooms; reasonable. tfth ST. X. W.. 1716 Several nicely furnished rooms; board if drslred; a. m. I.; reason' Ic L.ST., 1433 Rooms with board, steam heat, bath In each floor. 1 Northeast Section. D ST. X. E.. S3 Large front w room; comfortably furnished; liome cooking. reasonable. .. "" Southeast Section. G'ET S. E., 715 Rooms by the day. week, or month: excellent table board. 1 . TABLE BOARD GET A TKJARDING AND ROOM SIGN at Room 42C Munsey Building. We are giv- ing them away with every 7 time cash order advertisement. WANTELW-R00M- S GET A BOARDING AND ROOM SIGN at Room US Munsey Building. We are giv- ing them away with every 1 time cash with order advertisement. RUG WEAVING - ALBERT KAHLERT & CO.. Improved Rug 'Weaving and Carpet Cleaning, , JH MgryUaS are, fi. W. Ph. M. 2031. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS THE ALFORD LETTER CO. HAS MOVED TO 607 15th ST., Over FORD & GRAHAM'S, Opposite the Treasury. FOR SALE Gent's valuable fur lined over- coat. Peislan collar, first-clas- s. Just new. wurth JJO; sacrifice for . 634H L st. X.W. 310 COLl'MBIA GRAPHOPHOXE. woith $40; Urge oak care, extra powerful motor, large silver liorn. records, complete; recently new. SZVi L st. X. W. FURS Handsome large set. genuine: Just .ntw; worth J3J; sacrifice for I6.C0. 6J4'.i L X. W FOR SALE Boat. 25-f- t. cabin cruiser; 11-- p. Ferro engine; $300. 12)1 6th st. X. E. 1 FOR SALE gasolene tank, with pump; perfect condition; a barsain, 1S3 X. Y. ave. N. W. i $400 UPRIGHT PIANO, $105. LtLllE. .E,vy. UKliAJS. fi. SOLAHES. 110. LAWRENCE'S, S02 F. TL'XING. 11.50. SEWING MACHIXE BARGAINS. ?i?. T0- 1- af Sl"Er J115S I'l1JProp Head Singer jro.00 Wheeler & Wllron 110.00 New Sewing Machines. Jl down and Mo wefk. Cleaning. 60c Open evenings. H. R. GIVEN. 6a Pa. ate. S. E. Phone, PLAYER-P- I NO music: IS rolls; new: l.alf price. IKS Jth at. X. EL 1.. Weather Strip on windows, doors adds com. fort, costs little. Kleeblatt's. 11th & H ne. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS THE ALFORD LETTER CO. HAS MOVED TO 607 15th ST., OvertFORD & GRAHAM'S, Opposite the Treasury. PARTY DESIRING TO FURXISH hotel will pay fair prices for desirable furniture. BOX E44. Times office. GOOD PRICES PAID for household furni- ture, office and store fixtures, entire con- tents bought. EDGAR BAUM.' C E H. X. W. Phone Main 965. BEST PRICES PAID for household furni- ture' of every description. Consult the SQUARE DEAL FURNITURE CO.. 601 Eye st. X. W. Phone Main 66SS. WAXTED Furniture for cash. Sell your goods to the man who gives, you the most money, aee HOPWOOD. Sth and K. 1 HIGHEST CASH piice 'pall for worn cloth- ing: either ladles' or gentlemen's; send postal: will call. B. TARSHE3. 1303 7th st. X. W. Phone North 4M. DANCING PROF. WTXDHAM, 8K 12th X. W.-C- Umj Tue. and Sat., 7:3a Dancing. S:30. Lessons. 60c. 6 for ttEO. Prlv. any hour. Ph. M. 679. 1 DAVISON'S. Prof. & Mrs.. 71 Sth st. N, W. Latest dances taught any hour: class and dances. Tue. es. Ph. M. test. Assembly dances Tbura. &. Sat, evs.. Nat. Rifles Arm'y. GLOVER'S, 613 23d St. X. W. Pri. lessons. 60c; waltz & guar. In 6 lessons; class and dance Tue.. Thurs., Sat. eve.. 60c; ball room for rent. H. Orchestra. Phone W. 1123. MISSES CHAMBERLAIN" AXD COBB'S DANCING SCHOOL. 100 Eye st. nor. doclsl Dances Every Mon.. at Arcade. Ph. M. 2843. PRIVATE DAXCIXG SCHOOL, Only One Taught at a Time. "Latest Dances. Folk Dances. Belasco Theater, lop floor. Select. M. 6S29-- T. MDME. COULTER. 425 M St. X. W.- -If yu can walk I con teach you to waltz: lessons any time. 6Uc; classes every Tuesday eve. CLAIRVOYANTS WHEX IX DOUBT COXSULT M. MARLOWE, The Xoted Palmist and Clairvoyant. STUDIO. 112S 14TH ST. X. W. Truthful in her prediction, reliable In her advice; without asking a question she will tell you the object of your call, giving names of friends, relatives, and actual facts con- cerning your life and circumstances which you know to be absolutely true. The Madame will refuse to accept any fee unless she gives the utmost satisfaction. BRING THIS WITH YOU. 64 C ST. N. W. FOR 25c COXSULT THE ORACLE OF HUMAN DESTINY. LEARN WHAT TO DO AXD HOW TO SUCCEED IN HEALTH. LOVE AND PROSPERITT. AtfNINI ANDRlNInilk WHAT IF I AM A NEGRO? Does It appeal to you that I. having been raised In the Southland, born with a superior Inheritual power, educated by a father, mas- ter in the art and practice of magician. I should be consulted first In all love affairs and business difficulties. No faklsm Indulged. Consultations free. PROF. PRINi-E- . 1611 11TH ST N. W. Washington. D. C. r RAY AMERICA'S leading palmist, and card reader. Consult this gifted clairvoyant on business, love, mar- riage, changes, speculation. 931 New York ave. N. W. Closed on Sunday. Basement. 1 TAMOfS MADAM FIELD. The world's lending clairvoyant, palmist and card reader. H and N sts. S. W. r FLORENTINE fc g 1W. Late of Baltimore. Scientific Card Reader. Satisfaction guaranteed or money reiunded. ORIGINAL GYPSY PALMIST. Whole Fortune Told. 20c Open Nights. 1723 Jth st. N. W. PROF. FITZGERALD. Noted Clairvoyant, Palmist; future, courtship, marriage, and business; satisfaction guaranteed. 711 Ee nw. ! SPIRITUALISM SCHOOL OF DIVINE INSPIRATION. Clalrvuant. Mfdlumshlp. developing class In German and English, dally at 3 and S p. m. Bible class. JULIUS KKIMNCTZ. 1119 K st. N. W. Ph. Main Sll. SEANCE Tuea. and Thurs. eves. S p. m.: reading dally; reads lor entertainments. Anacostla cars. Mrs. K. Roth, 70u cth S. E. MRS. HENKLE Try this gttted medium on love and butines affairs, mental and spirit- ual healing, lira. 1 to 8. 11 4th st. se. L. 3040. TRANCE MEDIUM. READINGS DAILY. KKIMNCTZ. 1119 K ST. N. W. MADAL1NE CUUTIN. 403 4lh st. N. H- .- Readlngs dally; healer; developing aihoal; Wednesday circle, S i. m. Ph. Line. 2217-- MRS O'BRIEN. Medium: reading 60 cents: hours' from 1 to I o'clock evenings, lit 4th st. 6. E. MEETINGS Mon., Wed.. Fr!.. p. m. sharp; a message to each; dally readings. MRS. MALTBY. 607 Mt. Vernon pi. N. W. M. 37W. PALMISTRY MRS. CLEMENS. Scientific Palmist Room 32 Kenolf Bldg.. nw cor G & 11th sts. Children. 25c. Hours. 3 UPHOLSTERING PARLOR SUITS upholstered on credit: gjods delivered. ACME UPHOLSTERING CO-- 67 II st. N. W. 1 PIANOS FOR RENT PIANOS FOR RENT. High-grad- e Pianos at special prices; $400 Maynard, S190: $300 Kobler & Campbell, $140; t'M Stelnway. $3M. sllg'utly utej uyrUht. $1(6. HUGO WORC11. 1110 Q N. W. CARPET CLEANING ALBERT KAHLERT & CO.. Improved Steam Carpet Cleaners. ttx Maryland v. 8. W. Phone Main 203$. NOTICE TO LADIES VJAVI SCIENCE OF HEALTH: naturaL cloth-boun- d book free. Apply by mall. 916 Colorado Building. Fm lecturs far women Wcdattdayi at 2;jt, 9 ?' i. sv 'V 'r?fr-?so.- - - THE WASHINGTON TIMES,' WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1913. ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THE ALFORD LETTER CO. HAS MOVED TO 607 15th ST.. Over FORD & GRAHAM'S, Opposite the 1 reasury. ROOMING HOUSE. K St.. 16 rooms; rent $60: best hnuse In city for price. ROOMING HOUSE. H st.. 20 rooms; Income $160; rent $63; $175 on terms. RESTAURANT on buslneES rt. near 12th st.. receipts $13 and over dally: cheap rent. long lease; don't 1il- - a lunch room until vou Investigate this EQUITY BUS. BROKERS. 1227 N. 1. ave. THIS IS DIFFERENT Established home-makin- g, money-makin- g business needs serv- ices of competent man or woman as treasur- er: a really splendid opportunity with good salary and share of profits; permanent, con- genial; 43.000 cash required, secured by Na- tional Bank or Trust Co. against nil possi- bility of loss; extraordinary chance to secure commanding pcsltlon In established and rap-Idl- y growing business; principals only: don t waste time unless prepared to meet requlro-met- s If satisfied: bank, business, and social references given and required. Address BOX 533. Times office. 1 ROOMING HOUSE. 12 rooms, all iM'&i price, $325: cash or terms. 512 6th st. N.W. FOR RENT To cobbler or shoemaker, a house and shop, $23.60; no shoemaker In n.lphho-hnn- d: tinnosite DUbllC School. 730 t . P. . ,,F v.oiumoia roao. . vv. CONFECTIONERY STORE, sacrifice sale l. . l ... I...I. Cft4 T", DlKgrsi urgnui Ctrl, fcwy ,auc, ow N. W. ' RAIS1 CAPITAL Best methods: corpora- tions organized ,and promoted: collections. U. S. LEGAL CORP.. 610 Bond Eldg. GROCERY STORE N. E.. living rooms.1.200 TAILORING business nw.. bargain L2O0 DRUG STORES, all sections; bargains. GROCERIES, dry goods, second-han- d, and all kinds of business at bargains. Let us know our wants. FIELD & CO.. Southern Building. FOR SALE Grocery and provision store: all cash business; will sacrifice to an Immedi- ate buyer: must be told. 901 F st. S. W. WILL PAY CASH for a drug store that will stand Investigation. BOX 617. Times office. WANTED a good Grocery with living rooms: 'will pay cash. BOX Sit. Times olnce. ONE OF THE BEST PAYING livery and boarding stables in center of city: full or boarders. Address BOX 630. Times of- fice- FOR SALE General store, well located, near city: easy assets: doing good business; good reason for selling. Address BOX 637. Times office. FOR SALE Four apartment and rooming nouses: win sell one or an; miea ana pay- ing well: low price, easy terms If desired. Address BOX 629. Times office DRESS SUITS FOR HIRE ONLY full dress and tuxsda suits for hire. M. T. PIMES. Merchant Tailor, loot 7th st. N. W. Phons Main 6314. LOAN COMPANIES AMERICAN $ FOR EVERYBODY DID YOU EVER NEED MONEY IN A HURRY? Brine This "Adv." With Ton." It Means $1.00 In Case You Barrow. Our money Is yours as long as you like. Ceuld you us It to advantage a' a low rat? How much do you want right bow? WE LOAN MONEY TO ALL. HO AND UPWARD. No publicity. Ws take your promise to pay. Our plan enable you to borrow on your own guar- antee. Eaves time and worry, because there are no Indorsements, no references, no as- signments, no pledges. XOTHIXG TO PAY FOR TWO MONTHS. AMERICAN LOAN CO., IK XEW YORK AVEXUE N. W. Second Floor Front. Pbon Main MIX WE WILL PAY YOUR DEBTS. Figure up how rnuch7ou owe and we will let you. have enough mony t square upwlth everybody. Instead of owing a dozen bills you have Just on place to pay a small monthly install- ment. Our easy payment plan enables you to get out of debt easily and com- fortably. We accept pianos, furniture, endorsed notes, any kinds of security. No red tape or delay. All transac- tions strictly private. "W do just as w sdvertlse." CITIZENS LOAN & TRUST CO., No. 406 Commercial Bank Building. X. W. Cor. 14th and G sts.. 4lh floor. SPECIAL NOTICE! ? 4- - TO BORROWERS T lLOANS of ? i $10 OR MORE? X TO ANYONE ? 7 We want no advantages, care very X V little about security, promise satlsfac- - I r tlon. and guarantee a square deal. T 4 Tell us how much money jou want. T 4 Convince us of your ability and honest T intention to live up to your agree- - JL ment, and we will make you a loan. ? 4 Our easy payment plan enables you 4. X to repay the loan enlly and quickly. J. f Potomac Financial Co., I 4- - 1994. a St. 1ST w .L Jl Rooms 1. 2d Floor. Cor. 13th s: Phone Main its. 4" .. . . .. ... .....f-.-t- -. .. . .... . ....... . yi"i"i n1 ..- - . g LOANS 3 ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. HORNING, Ninth and D. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own names; cheap rates; easy payments; confidential. D. H. TOLMAN. R. 606-6- IStb st. N. XV. PBUDENTIAL LOAN & TRUST COMPANY, ROOM 3, WARDER BLDG., 9th and F Sts. N. W. V7 will lend you money on your own Us-aat- without Indorsement. Confidential loans made to ladles. Lowest Rates. See Us First. PEOPLE'S LOAN CO. LOANS made to housekeepers and work- men living In the NORTHWEST and NORTHEAST sections of the- - city, cheaper and quicker than any company In Wash- ington. Why Go Downtown? Call. Write, or Phone North 1710. 1912 7th ST. N. W. NEAR COR. FLORIDA AVE. OPEN S A. M. TO 4:30 P. M. IF YOU WANT TO BORROW FROM 110 to 1200 On Furniture or Pianos at less than half what a loan company will charge, save time and trouble by dropping us a card stating the amount wanted and when our agent may call. Our business Is trans- acting by mall, and you are not embarraised by going to a public office. No payment required on interest or princlpsl for TWO MONTHS. INDEPENDENT REALTY CO.. . Address P. O. BOX COS. WAFH..p. C; ON DIAMONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY. ETC. MONEY Capital Il.d00.00l). strictest prlvscy. Indorsed by lead- - CO EXTHAS ,rx banks snd newspspers. Why Pay More? Bonded to th District. KUDENTIAL LOAN SOCIETY, .Victor Bids. 724 Kb it. cor. Qrant FImo. FOR RENT OFFICES EXCELLENT OFFICE ROOMS for paUnt lawyers and men of other professions. In the new Ben Schwarta Building. SCO F St. X. W.; every modern convenience: steam heated: electrically lighted: Janitor sen-Ice- : half block from Patent Office. Apply on premises. 1 VERT DESIRABLE OFFICB ROOMS In th BOND BUILDING, 14TH ST. AXD XEW YORK. AV. Bufldlng recently renovated through-eu- u Rents ery reasonable. Real Estate Trust Co.. ' 1U4 F ST. N. W. TAKE AN OFFICE IN. THE NEW MUNSEY BUILDING Remarkable for its central location, and the street car maps of the city will show It to b almost the EXACT center at the street car system, and splendidly, conveniently served by it. Easily the very latest word In office building construction. The offices are splendid, comfortable, at- tractive, light, and airy. Day and night elevator service. The building la well ventilated and well lighted. Warm In winter and the cooUst officii building in the city In summer. SPACE FOR RENT. There are a number of single rooms and suites ready for your Immediate occupancy. Renting Agent. il3 Munsey' Building. Phone Main 62M. LOAN COMPANIES You Don't Pay Us Anything Until TWO MONTHS From the Day You. Borro.w. This Is the only company In the -- Jty offs Ing this inducement with Absolutely No Charge . For the First Two Months. Others may allow you two months, but they will charge you a higher rate of Interest or will require ou to repay the loan in larger installments. We give you our reg- ular rate, which Is admitted to be th. low-e- at In the city, and' allow you to make th payments any size you desire, riving you from one to thirteen months In which to pay os. We cater to the better class of trade, and as a large proportion of our patrons are ladles, we have provided " hand- some suite of private offices for their ac- commodation. We, make the loan the sam day you apply. We do not disturb the secur- ity. We respect your Interests, and your transactions with us are absolutely conf- idential. Write or phone. NATIONAL LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO., THOMPSON BLDO.. 703 15th ST. N. W. Bet. Git & N. Y. ave. Opp. Treaurr DPt -- M : I M-- -i- -i I 1 i i Sic :BUKKUWfcKS """ um ATTENTION!? We make a specialty 'of assisting men and women to secur :loans $10 OR MORE On Furniture, Pianos, Etc. Our new system of meeting this de- mand is the most reliable th best-sa- fest fairest yet devised. W act entirely as your agent, your promts to pay Is our guarantee. We will tell you just to the penny what the accommodation will cost you, and If this is satisfactory to you. th understanding is perfect and you get the money. All our transactions are road In a clean straightforward manner. Our offices are especially arranged for privacy and th com enlenco of our customers. MUTUAL LOAN CO., - 700 NINTH ST. N. W. 4- - T Phone M. 1574. Second Floor, .llIIlM-1-M'MUHniIH.I'l- , THE OLD RELIABLE WASHINGTON LOAN CO 610 F Street N. W. TOU CAN BORROW $3 TO 100 of us on your furniture or piano and have plenty of time to pay us beck In convenient monthly payments or vou can pay weekly lr you wish. YOU DON'T J.UED TO HAVE A FINELY FURNISHED HOME lO GET" A LOAN OF US. Just satisfy us that you are hones; and we will make you a loan. NO INDORSERS NECESSARY: no red tape: no board of directors to bother with. Even if ou have a loan now we will make you a loan. All business strictly conf- idential and loans rosde the same day you apply. XO CHARGE FOR IXVESTIGATIOX. WHY NOT SEE US. WRITE U5. OR PHONE MAIN 2033. TODAYT Information cheerfully given whether you borrow or not. All applications will receive prompt atten- tion. Office open S to t. WE MAKE LOANS IN ALEXANDRIA. VA.. AND ALL SUBURBAN TOWNS WITHIN THE DISTRICT LINE. $10 LOANS and upward secured for salaried employes. owners of furniture, and others. (10 loan.... Sic weekly I I2S losn....SSc weakly tit Imp. ...60c weekly I $35 loan. ...96c weekly K0 loan. ...Tic weekly I 1W loan..ll.tf weekly Can repay weekly, or mnthly. If you have a loan elsewhere, bring in your receipt and we will show you how much you can save, by borrowing from us. Having loans elsewhere does not prevent your getting loans here. Credit once established with us Is as good as a bank account In time of need. Our rates and plans have proved to be the best because our customers aru glad to come again. AEL1NGTON & CO., 4b JENIFER BLDG.. 400 7TH ST. X. XV. CAPITAL LOAN CO., 602 F ST. N. W. FURNITURE LOANS. Loins made on your own signature. No Indorsement required. You may hav been refused a loan by some tompany. Don't It that Interfere with ou ckllinc on us. w nuke loam to ever) body. SPECIAL CONSIDERATION AND PRIVACY ASSURED ON LOANS MADE TO LADIES. WEEKLY OR MONTHI.f PAYMENTB. 602 F ST. N. W. Phone Main J06J- - Office Hours. S a. m. to i p. m. "THE OLD ESTABLISHED" HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO., I C ST. X. W. U l U r iSli FLOOR. $10. $15. $20. OR $a AND UPWARD TO $10C We will loan you $10 as quickly and cheerfully as a larger amount. Call at ofaie. Drop us a pojial ur pnan Main 3089. TWT "I"i"I" -$-- READ THIS X we will aid a::y one. T MAN OR WOMAN TO T SECURE SMALL XXOANS.SIOORMORE 4 Remember, we care Uttlo about se-- - curity. Tell us how much money you 4 want, and If our chargo for the ac-- j. commodatlon Is satisfactory lu you J. jou get the money. J. We loan you the money on YOUR T OWN GUARANTEE. No hardship to X rpay It. f $1.00 OR 1?2.00 T A WEEK WILL REPAY THE LOAN. T We have acquired our present en-- i viable reputation by honest, alrulgm-- , forward methods, and we Inlet-- a to iialnuin tnis policy, Union Loan & Trust Co., I 810 F St. N. W. Phone &B4. rtrwiif--s ii H- - 4-- .... ,? tk.IV ..I r.Af4 ....I. uu.bi A..' -- .... iKwiv, woman keeping house, and others, ttgy payment. h7 WOOD JBNIX'ER KLDU., APARTMENTS TO LET Unfurnished. FOR RENT-W- O COL. .RD., THE "ELBE-RON- " APT. HOUSE: ONE -- ROOM APT.. ALL MODERN IMPHOVEMEXTS: HEAT AXD' JAXITOR SERVICE FURXISHEO; SIDE PORCH. PRICE. $37.00. C. W. BLACKWOOD, 1M1 G ST X. W. . 1 THE IOWA. 15th AND O STS. N. W. Four rooms and bath. $37.fc0; modern fire- proof building. " McLACHLEX BANKING CORPORATION. Agents, 10th and G sts. X. W. FLAT. $14 PER MONTH. In good neighborhood and In excellent re- pair on car line; very cheap. No. 111S C st. N. E. Key next door. B. F. SAUL CO., 7th and L sts. X. W. THE ONTARIO. Ontario Road and ISth Street. One four-roo- north and east exposures, third floor, balcony. Rent. $S0 per month. KlCpuAnt mMI sllnlntT rrwri iwvnH twu4 by the management. McLACHLEN BANKING CORPORATION, Agents. FOR RENT TO COLORED. 32H P st. nw.. b room aid bath, 2nd floor: In excellent condition ....JZ1.M CLIFFORD A. BORDEN CO.," PHONE M. no. 604 Sth St. X. W. 1M1 NEWTON ST.. Brookland Apartment. B large rooms, walls oil painted; bath, water, heat; rose garden. l FAIRMONT ST.. li-T- hree rooms; private oath, sleeping porch, steam heat. Janitor service: $25. l FOUR ROOMS and bath, or business rooms; -- 'm. 1. 717 11th st- - X. W. Furnished. AXD BATH. APT.. IX THE CORDOVA; Apt. 2(0. Rent. $40 FOR RENT Handsomely furnished apart- ment of 4 rooms, reception hall and bath; modern conveniences and management. The I.ar!tflA t9Y V,.mnnl bva no, 1ml. w y"""g vo jvpv. i. ionn wi. 'Furnished or Unfurnished. FURNI8HED OR UNFURNISHED APART- MENT of .rooms, bath,' pantry, and sleep- -' Ing porch; east, west, and north exposure. U'iS Holmead pi. N. W. ' 1 Wanted. WANTED bath, and kitchen apart- - "cni, plenty 01 ugni ana venuiationtrenr not to exceed $ month. Answer BOX 640, Times office. J OR 4 ROOM heated apartment,, within 10 mln, .walking distance of Sth and! Ave. BOX 91. City Postofflce. ' r FOR SALEHOUSES ONLY ONE FIRE ' TO TAKE CARE OF Instead of several. That's one. advantage of the hot-wat- er heating system in thes homes. Another advantage is that it gives you plenty of heat: a third, and not th least. Is Its economy. Like everything else used In the construction of Mlddaugh Shannon. Inc. homer. It Is of the highest quality and best for the purpose. No ex- pense has been spared to make these homes thoroughly comfortable and desirable. ' U TO 31 M 8TREET X. E. Splendidly located on the finest street In the northeast, adjoining the spacious grounds of Gallaudet College. Exhibit home open daily, lighted and heated, until S p. m. Six bright Vooms; large, light cellar with laundry: convenient kitchen with excellent gas range, porcelain sink and .fine kitchen cabinet; handsome china cabinet in the din- ing room; artistic fireplace with gas logs In the parlor. Double hardwood floors, hardwood trim, expensive gas fixtures with electric lighting attachment. Front and rear porches. Very desp lots to paved alley, affording plenty of room for gat age. Price, $1,650. Terms, $100 cash and J3.W a month. In- cluding all Interest. . Of this amount the high average of $18.4$ applies- directly To the purchase of th home and is" the amount you actually save. MIDDAUOH & SHANNON, 'INC. Builder and Owner. SHANNON & LUCHS. 71$ 14th St.. Selling Agents. 1 DETACHED RESIDENCE Price less, than $1,000. Owner" rroilng to country will sacrifice brick, S rooms, tiled bath, cellar, hot water heat, located In refined residential section. Convenient to cars. Facing large private grounds, view will never bo obstructed. Beautiful outlook. Actual value. $5,000. Call for particulars. GARDINER & DENT, Inc., 812 14th St. N. W. l HOME BARGAIN! One-ha- lf square of 14th st. In Columbia Heights. Practically new brick, six rooms, bath, cellar, hardwood floors and all latest improvements. Porches, large lot to alley. Cost. $5.20. Price for quick sale. J4.SC0. Small cash payment. GARDINER & DENT, Inc., 812 14th St. N. W. FOR BALE-- ON CLIFTON ST.. COL. HGTS.. BRICK, 4 ROOMS DEEP; SIX BEDROOMS, I BATHS; STEAM HEAT: ELECTRIC LIGHT: LOT lx4J TO alley; in perfect order. PRICE. $3,000- - C. W. BLACKWOOD. 1T01 G ST. 1- - To Colored Purchaser. 84,500 Buvs my and concreted cellar. SEMI- DETACHED brick home, 7 large rooms and modern bath. LOCATION: Just west of 14th st. and near Rhode Island ave.. within a few minutes walk of all departments and stores. I have always occupied this .property and have kept It In perfect condition. FINANCIAL REVERSES ALONE AC-- COI'NT FOR THIS REMARKABLY LOW PRICE. AN INSPECTION AVILL CON- VINCE YOU OF THE VALUE. WRITE BOX Hi. TIMES OFFICE. REAL ESTATE CLEARING HOUSE We have full information In regard to all the best propositions offered In the Washington Real Estate Market P'operty "for sale," "for rent." and "for exchange." Drop us a card, let- ting us know what vou want to buy. rent or exchange and we will put you In touch with the proposition which seems best to antrwer our description. IS ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE. NO OBLIGATION TO AS- SUME FOR THIS SERVICE. BOX SOI. Times office. FOR SAIJ" Beautiful r and It corner h.imc In the best location S. E. Own- er will inako attractive proposition tu quick buver. A snap. ACT QUICK. PHILLIPS SAGEK. M 1537. 711 11TH ST. N. W. NEW MODERN HOUSE, desirably located in the Northwest, convenient to car line; 70 minutes to center of city, er heat, gas and electric lights-- , will sell at a bargain. Address OWNER. Room KO. Wash- ington Loan A Trust Building. SALE-BUSIN- ESS PROPERTY FOR-SA- LE Store and dwelling, centrally large brick building In rear, suit- able for any kind of business; team! at $15 month. Price. $5,500. BOX 543. Times office. FOR SALE FARMS VIRGINIA FARMS and Country Horata, HENRY C. MACKAI.U National Metro-polll- Bunk BMg.. Phone Main VT.K FOR FERTILE FARMS and select ncus in any psrt or Maryland, se u UAKION DUCK KIT d, SON. tu j r x. w. - -.- FOR RENT HOUSES Unfurnished. $20.50 A MONTH. Six rooms and bath: new. IS minutes to heart of city by either of two direct car lines. All Improvements; guaranteed heating sys tem. Beyond question the best rental value in Washington. SHANNON & LUCHS, Renting Service. Main 343. 713 14th at, X. W. Maul StZ. LIST TOUR VACANT PROPERTY WITH MIS. I Make It a paving Investment. FRANCIS &. DUNIGAN, 230 Bond Bldg.'i 14th and Xew Tork ave. "lOOe. Efficiency In Rent Service." 1KI sTH" STREET N. W. Modern residence of nine snadous rooms and bath. Furnace heat; big yard. Just put in ai condition; on tn st. car Jine. ror- - merly rent.ed for $35.50. No reasonable offer rejected. JOHN W... CHILDRESS. 1411 H ST. N. W. FOR rtEXT-F- OR COLORED TENANTS. 7153 L St.. 12r,b. fur. heat $23.50 1752 Beaton, tr.b. lat. heat 2S.S0 UiS lit a st.. er.b. lat. .beat 2-- KKO Sherman ave.,' 6r.b, fur. het 2.S0 771 Xenyon. er.b, lat. beat 20.50 131 :7th , St.. 5r,b, lat. heat 1S.0O $003 Sherman ave...6r,b. fiat 1&.00 Uardmer & Dent, Inc., 812 '14th. FOR RENT-- SO Jl at. nw., 7 rooms and bath; recep- tion hall, cellar, furnace; a desirable house In excdlent.'condltlon $33.60 CLIFFORD A.BORDEN CO., PHONE M. r43. - - COt 6th' st. X. W. 1432 D ST.. N. E. To select colored tenant; e, rooms and bath, newly papered and reno- vated. Rent rednred to 11R.SO- - J. t. LEON. ARD. KM O'st. X. W. ! 723 10TH ST. N. W. STORE and S rooms and bath. Rent, $100.09 per month. 407 1$U ST. N. W. Entire Building. Kent only; $55 per month. McLACHLEN BANKING CORPORATION, i Agents. 10th and O sts. If. W. 04'O 8T..N. E. rooms and bath; will do . - J ISUMi. MUU A CUV W month. - 1210 EYE ST. X. '.- - rooms and bath; hot water' heat; cheapjat $22.50 month. ' 1IS DST. N. E. 6 rooms and bath; cloao to car lln; good repair; cheap at $22.50. 715 A ST. N. E. 5 rooms and water; Just put in good repair: rent reduced $15.50. NEW TORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 1423 F st- - N. W. 1 COLORED. 2033 Uth 8T. N. oms and btah: location and house In good repair; rent reduced to $22J0. 'I 329 15th. ST. S. E. t rooms and bath; newly 'papered and painted throughout: owner will rent to first class tenant at $14.60 month. 30 JACKSON HALL ALLEY X. W. I rooma and water; will put in good condition and rent for $11 month; large rooms. 122S TO 12S 2nd ST. 8. E. t rooms and water: houses In good condition: to good tenant will rent for $9.60 K REAL ESTATE BROKERS. . 1413 T st- - N. 'W. ' 1 'i 1 1 ; mi 1 1 ii i ; t ;ih hi ii i ; IT COLORED TENANTS 4--: 4- - BRAXD XEW TWO-STOR- Y BRICK. DWELLING. -- PRES8 BRICK FRONT. COLONIAL PORCH. LOT 120 FT. DEEP. BETWEEN THREE CAR LINES. ONLY TWO LEFT. RENT. $18.50 FRANCIS S. DUNIGAN 230 Bond Bldg.. 14th &. N. T. ave. Telephone Main 4533. "100 Efficiency in Bent Service." I"I IIIIII 1 III I IIIIII 1. 1 r TO LET--TO DESIRABLE COLORED TEN"-AN- T. 441 O St. nw.; house of 11 rooms and bat hr newly papered and painted; large front, side and rear yards: $47.50. THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY. . 140S Xew York Avenue. 4TH AXD X. Y. AVE. X. W.. Th Melton 4 rooms and bath. $22.50: 5 rooms and bath. front corner. $SS; electric elevator: telephoae exchange. S. W. COCKRELL. S02 F st. nw. . 1 1115 C ne.. tr.b. front porch. Reduced. .$18.50 702-- $ Irving st. tr.b. hot-wat- er heat, new 25.50 1022 Fairmont, tr.b, front porch, reduced. IS.SO X. U SAXSBURY CO.. 719 Uth St. Main 5904. FOR RENT 218S Hltlyer place, beautiful fur- nished house, corner of 21st and Hlllyer pL Furnished. FOR RENT Newly furnished bouse: rooms; per momn; not water neat; ail conven-lence- s: 2 baths. BOX 527. Times office. INVESTMENT PROPERTY ANNUAL. 0QQO PRICE INCOME OAiaWO $1,900 A SNAP FOR AN INVESTOR ABLE TO TALK BUSINESS QUICK. Will sell any or all of these ten nearly new, modern, four-roo- m and bath brick houses, always rented to good tenants. Located In good section of Northwest on numbered street. Trust of J1.CO0 at 5'S per cent on each remains until September. 1915. A better offering cannot be fuund In Washington. .A. C. HOUGHTOX & CO., 635 F ST. For Store and Dwelling: A fine corner northwest, with guud busi- ness now In It. Rent. $53. Price. $7,750. An exceptional chance to buy In an Im- proving neighborhood. J. M. Woodward, 723 20TH ST. N. W. FOR EXCHANGE MY EQUITY OF $1,700 In m. I. tr press brick, for unencumbered city or suburban house. BOX 532. Times office. WILL EXCHANGE well rented Philadelphia property for a suburban home convenient to Washington. Apply BOX 51S. Times of- fice. MONEY WANTED & TO LOAN WANTED Ix3n of $.O00 at 4jT. for first trust on Improved real estate In N. W. sec- tion. BOX 533. Times office. 1 SECOND TRUST. Honey to loan at tfA on District Real Es- - nt. Anv amount from 1200 to $5,000 un first or second trust. In straight note or monthly payments. Takes only three days to make tnem. CHARLES E. TR1BBY. Thompson Building. 703 15ih St. N. W. Upp. Treasury. Next to Drug Store. MONEY TO LOAN $20 to $500.u00,on D. C. real estate. Several trust funds 4ii to 6 per cent. All transactions conducted with economical consideration for borrowers. " SAUNDERS & CO.. Southern Building. $07 15th st. X. W. AN INVESTMENT THAT DOES NOT FLUCTUATE S PER CENT FIRST MORTGAGE NOTES, Amply secured upon conservatively valued and improved Dlvtrlct or Columbia Real Es- tate Interest un Investments collected and remitted without charge to Investors. Notes from $250 and upward. Writ for furtner Information. REAL ESTATE TRUST CO., 1U4 V STREET NW. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate: lowest rates: prior pament privileges; large amounts. TYLER &. RUTHERFORD. 730 15th. I WISH TO BORROW $.5,000 OX GOOD. Gilt-edg- e, first-cla- ss security. E. H. TAG-GAR- T. 1410 U st. LOANS ON INDORSED NOTES, stocks, alt kinds, collateral. I buy notes. Second trusts n real eatat. No red Up. Can accommo- date sam day that apply. R. R. BENNETT. tU UU Max 814. Tti. Mftla ML l-- AUTOMOBILES . Storage For Gas and Electric Autos. W make a specialty of storage batteries. We hav also a number of IGNITORS for sale cheap. " VHKMONT GARAGE 118 VERMONT COURT N. W. C U. SCHOOLET. W. F. REDsfAIX. Proprietors. TeIenhon North 174 and 378. 1 AUTOMOBILE TIRES-Fact- orr "seconds" Diamond., Hartford. G. & J. and United States tlrmr new, fresh stock; all to go at i.SS ""' These bargains won't last long. JpNES KESSLER CO.. SS E SL nw. PfcoB MjJOSt. 1 FOR SALE-Mo- del 10 Bnlck. newly painted: full equipment o electric lights; fine running order. Room ML Wilkin's bldsi. PhonM. SCL 1 GKARA:NTEED REPAIR WORK reduced to 50c in hour; engine overhauling only $15; storage $ month: automobile painting with real factory finish: lamps and fenders re- paired. Automobiles sold; new brick garasja always heated, and kept clean. H D SC X. W. Phone Main 41S. AUTO SHOW HEADQUARTERS, ROOM 206, Woodward Building i FOR HIRE AUTOMOBILES FOR GOOD AUTO SERVICE Call Hat MM. Private Apparln; Tourlnr Cars. RH par hour; Hmonsln. SUM. R AUTOS. $4 an now". second-han- d auto for sal. Uaonta JML STEAM AUTO SHOP. 5ffl N. J. av. X. W. MOTORCYCLES. UsTCOND HAND MOTORCTCL . S nw AITltllVFPVn orifirmv i .. MACHINES) LEFT WHICH tCAN B BOUGHT At BARGAINS. vjjsjn Km rAiKEHTB. BEBJJTHAN WILLIAMS. afaln 41M. SU MA sC K. W. " 1 r- - H0RSES AND VEHICLES FIXE THOROUGHBRED Kentucky driving-hors- e. Al saddler: reasonable. B. A. JA- COB. 72 7th N. W. FOR SALE Cheap, practically new delivery wagon. 101 yarn, m bil he. i BARGAINS In all kinds of vehicles and harness. $U buggy harness. $10.75, Every- thing cheaper than elsewhere. H. G. LEAKY. successor to Robt. L. Waters. 310 Pa. ave. LARGE BAY HORSE In good condition. Can be bought very cheap. Apply to L. M. JOHNSTON. 314 Indiana-ave- . N- - W. V FOR. SALE Four horses. Z mares. Apply rear of .472 Pa. ave. N. W. GANTZ has 10 car loads of runabouts, rar-rey- s. and 7 spring wagons, will sell tham regardless of cost. 1203 D st-- N. W. 1 .TRANSFER AND STORAGE WE DO PACKING Household goods) for shloment: storage In private aDartmentsJ Free hauling to our storage. L1TTLEF1ELD. AU1UA1J AC K.J . Wi JtUl H. BIT. " PADDED van. $4 st Mid.: wag. 4 ti. Fhon Mala Utf-ls- COLCMBIA TRAXSFXR BTORAaB CO,. ttt N. z. tr. N. W. , facklng and Shipping; Storage. O vaa loasL STORAGE QET OUR ESTIMATES on absolutely ftr . proof storage, moving, packing. UMlsg STATES STORAGE (XX. 413--3) 10th sC Ji. W. Fhon M-- 43 I PRINTING SMALL WORK EXCLUSIVELY .. XHATJUL SUBURBAN PROPERTY JfrStk": FOR BARGAINS IN HOMES AND ACREAGE In Alex, and Falrfaxcount!es. Va., onBtu-mon- t. Great Falls, and Falls Chcrch electric lines, get In communication with us. Aa at- tractive Hat of new offerings. Our exchange department will merit your attention. STEPHEN P. WRIGHT CO.. ' 1 Offices. Clarendon. Va. OWNER MUST SELL on account of chang In business, six rooms, bath, cellar, gas range, hot and cold water, guaranteed heat- ing plant. An bom, with nearly 7.0U0 sq. ft- - In lot. Price. tXKM for this week only. One square from station. One car fare to any pan of city. On Great Fall trolley. Terms to suit purchaser. Writ at" once. BOX 523. Time oSIc. 1 Jl.onO $50 cash, balance $7.50 monthly pretty country home, two acres land; pretty traw cottage. BOX43S. Times office. t ACRES in Virginia and houst: hot water heat; water pip to barn; nar school and cars. Call H Blltmor St.. ApL 10. Phono CoU 340. For Seat FOR RENT house on Grant road, bet. Chevy Chase and Tenleytown cars; porches', large lot: $13 month. Address AN- DREW PAYNE. Tenleytown. D. C 1 HOUSE on large lot.- - high eUva- - tion; well, chicken house; So far: $10 mo. 303 Wash. Loan &. Trust Bldg.. tth A F. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FRONTAGE ON GEORGIA AVE. improved Dy - moucm wirii, wiva enhancing. Will give equities and cash for--J larger properly. . GAKDllNtK & Dfcm, inc., 812 14th St. N. W. 14TH STREET PROPERTY and cellar Duiiaing. toi isxii 10 pavea alley. Suitable for business purposes. Good opportunity. Don't delay Investigating. GARDINER & DENT, Inc., 812 14th St. N. W. FOR SALE LOTS LOT near 5th and Florida ave. N. E.: a bargain if sold Immediately. $0S tth at. n. Wanted. IF YOU WANT TO CONVERT YOUR vrj.nt lots Into cash see or writs ua at once, giving location and price. 201 Southern Building. RAILROADS SOUTHERN RAILWAY. PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH. ; j. Follow Inc schedule figures published only as Information and are not guarantied. TRAINS LEAVE WASHINGTON For Atlanta. Montgomery. Mobile. New Orleans'. 8:50 a. m. and 10:15 p. m. daily. Dining cars. For Chattanooga .nnd Memphis via Ash. llle 10:5 p. m.. daliy. For Atlanta. Columbus. Birmingham. I:J a. m. and 433 P-- m. dally. Dining cars. For Atlanta. Annlston. Talladega. Calera. Selma. :5d - ", n'1 V ?: mi Ja"'- - nd tor linlontowu. DemopoLs, Meridian. S:Jo a. m iitly. Dining cars. For Roanoke. "rtstoL Knorvllle. CSatta. nooga. Birmingham. Meridian, Vicksburg. :.v:..n,lnt lu:10 P. m. dally. Dlnln - For Roanoke. Knoxvllle. Chattanooga. Nash- - AieiiiDuisTi .w - j. 9tccDuiaf be occupied after 10:00 p m. Dining Sr. may For Ashevflle. a0 . m.. 5:i p. m.. and it;- - rntnmbla. Summervllle. Charlt Aiken Augusta. Savannah. Brunswick. Jack- sonville, and Florida points. 5:55 p. m. dally. Dhilng tar. .,,. ... .,. Tounsi .vcv sua 4:25 p. m. "or Danville (local). 7:20 a. m. dally. Por Harrisonburg. J:30 a. m. (parlor carl dally; 3:25 p. m. (parlor car), and p. m. virf'stt day- - For Charlottesville (local). 7:30 a. m. anl p. m. dally. For Warrenton. $:S0 a. m.: 11:C0 a, m.: 4:03 d. m. dally; 3:35 p. nu (parlor car), and 4:ii p. m. week caa. L. s. uiiuwm. General Agent. CHESAPE-IK- E Jt OHIO LINES. 3:15 p. m. dally Sleepers to Louisville, tin. elnnatU IndUnapolls. and St. Louis. . t:50 p. m. daily Pullman to Cincinnati aal Chicago. 11:10 p. m. daily Sleepers to Virginia Hoi Springs. Cincinnati and l.oulivlll. Offices. S13 Pa. av.. UU r lit. and Uaios Mttoa. DEATHS BACMBACH-O- rt Tassstey. January 7, MO. at 2 a. m.. AUGUST. H. BAUM BACH, be- loved husband of Kate Baumbacti (mo Sandstrum). and. son 'of Virginia and tho late August Baumbach. FunerrJ from residence. It N street north- east. Thursdar. Janoarjt 9. at :a9 p.' m. (Baltimore papers please copy. KELLT On Monday; January- - , 1H1 at o'clock p. m.. JOHANNA M. KELLT; bo-lo- daughter of the lata John and Johanna Kelly. ' ' Funeral from the residence of her sister, Mrs. N. McLane. 1M FJortda-avenu-o Berth-ea- st, on Thursday, January 9. at o'dook: thence to Holy- - Name, Church, wher requiem mass will be "said for th repose of her souL . TUCKER On Tuesdar. January 7. 1JU. at i-- p. m.. Mrs. MART W. TUCKER.- - aged seventy-tw- o years four months. Funeral services will be held at hr lata residence, 31S Thirteenth street northeast, Friday, January 10, at 2 o'clock p. ra.' - Mrs. Tucker Is survived by four chlldrf -- William Lawman, of thta city: BdwaK Lawman, of Ohio; A. J. Good, of XcrHr Carollna, and Mrs. Frank Broughtos. of Portsmouth, Va. WHARTON-- At her residence. J4U OakwcsM Terrace. January 7. 1"C at f p. B.. ADELLA MOORE CKYMBS. wife Of J06a J. Wharton. Funeral private. No flowers. (Southern papers please copy.) Vital Records. 'JirtTu. "WHITE. Anthony and Barbara.' Kodar. girl. Edward J. and'Marr P. Klttwen.' btqr. Wlllira F. and Sailv M. Thfei Kdwar E. and Alice it. T1hwr. srfrL ocn a. ana Bauer dot. John W.. jr., and Ell at Featea. gtrl, Elliott and Mary Brown, boy. Joseph J. and Clara. M. Xottalle. -- flrt. Edmund E. and. Ada, Tyrrell, boy. Antonio and Fllomina Narda, girl. Guy JJcL- - and Rata H. Insby. bey. Daniel J. and Mamie X. QuUl. tftl Charles and Bertha Ockerahauaea, boy, Henry and Marian L. Haydea. boy. -- Charles T. and OHve Plndell, gfrl. William E. and Edith Magnire, bor. Frank' E. and Mary E. Chase, boy. George and Heater gels, girl. Mitchell and Fannie Hunt, boy. Joseppe and Maria Dl Antrelo, girl. Joseppe and Glovarma Itallano. boy. Joseppe and Maria M. Dl MegUo, srL COLORED. William T. and --Blanche Green., boy. William and Katbryn Marshall. Jaoy. Orln and Agatha Herbater, boy. William and. Carrie 'Wooten, glrL George and Lula McCarrot. girt. Randolph and Minnie Massey. glrL. Wm, D- - and Helen M. Wood. glrL. James and Addle Brown, girt. Gilbert and AnnI. W(n" v.. -- Aubrey and Martha Brows. glrL vvniiam and Mary Walsh, glrL Marriage Lkesucs. WHITE. Edgar W. -- Stork and Edna R. Drew, both of Washington. John W. Clary and Lottie M. .Hill, betk of Washington. James V. Satnpsells and Ruth Haxrlaaa. win ot vvasnington. Henry F. Mnhienfeld and BUeeB 2U Carrlco. both or Baltimore. George W. Hllker and Gertrude McXaittT both of Baltimore. Richard E. Detmer.and Ellen HurameL both' of Washington-Richar- d M. Morris and Ellnore A. Cos- - very, Dotn or Washington. Deatts. WHITE. Julia M. Moran. '13 years; 941 Massacha. setts avenue northwest. Eleanor B. Bennett. 80 years. 1388 CHf ton street. " Elizabeth a Jenkins. 73 years. Mt Xorth Carolina avenue southeast. Annie X. Robertson, 60 years, 174 B street northwest. Robert J. Cooney. 48 years. Govern- ment; Hospital for the Insane. William Mays, 76 yearv Provldeaeo HbspitaL Samuel F. Tappan. f years. George- town University HospltaL George F. Emblen, 66 years, 966 H street northwest. Henen Moore, 77 years, 115 Elsveath street northeart, Joseph M. Patton, 55 years. UBS H street ' northeast. - Mary E. Johnson., C J ears, lies First street southwest. Catherine Rlchter. 68 years, X6S Btev. enth street northwest. Alice D. Jewett, 69 years. W DahH street. Takoraa, D. C. , Margaret Kelly. 4S years. 1738 Thirty- - I fourth street northwest. Dorothy E. Suttle. 1 month'. SB TMr4 street northwest. COLORED. Raymond Smlb, Z! years, Tuberciriesil Hosplui. Rose E. CleveJand. year, MS Cercer- - tji street northwest. Julia Johnson. 46 years, SevcrMMsVt Hospital for the Insane. Jennie Lee. 16 years, lat C street Mk east. i FUNEHAL 0SrMIS j. a small k sons; FLOSISTs. Washloftaa. Nw Tsrk. gth and H nw. 1MI BrsjrWsJ4rf-AsHa- . FUNERAL DESIGNS, Kavcry description modera srlosd, GUB-e- , isi rtTMrr. MARCHE t CO Florists, Floral Sprays. Tuacral Artistic. Inexpensive. Auto DU Ttt 14th St. X. W. Tti. K. a UNDERTAKERS GEO. MASON, (Colored.) tea Nichols Ave. Anacostla, D. & J. WILLIAM LEE, UNDERTAKER AND LIVERY. 333 Pa. av. N. W. Telephone M. 13X5. Washingtaa. D. CL . R. C ADAMS, (Colorad.) tot Nichols Ave.. i"" D. C P. A: LOMAX, JR - (Colored) Undertaker and feinbalmet. HOMi 8 st. X. W. Phone North tat. GEORGE P. ZURHORST, 301 E. Capitol St. Established 1857. Chaav S. Zcrbonrt. Its'. JAMES T. CLEMENTS SONS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS & EMBALMER3. Ph, West S04. ' 1341 Wisconsin av.. JOHN M. MITCHELL & SONS, 133 Uth St. S. B. O: B. JENKINS, UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER. C3 H st- - N. W. Phon Main UK. j. b. McCarthy, UNDERTAKER EMBALMER. . 3SJt M aL X. W. ' P. A. TALTAVULL, FUXERAL DIRECTOR AXD EMBALMS. 443 Tth st,. S. W. Phone Main 1ST. W. R. PUMPHREY & SON, rUXERAL DIRECTORS EMBALMSRi 1133 11th St. N. W. . JOSEPH F. BIRCH'S SONS, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMER9. 3031 M st-- X. W. TaL W. H. S. H. HINES & SON, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS. 1H5 14th st. N. W. - North UM. A. a FREY, UXDERTAKER & EMBALMER. 1330 14th St. N. W. N. S5S. Strictly first-clas- s: reasonable; terms ta stat- - JAS. H. WINSLOW, UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER. 1703 Uth st. X. W. .(Colored.) North Kl UMBRELUS RECOVERED U. H. PHILP1TT. Reliabl UmbrsUa aal parasot Maker. Repairing aad BvnmM. gloria, at all U, W8ita t - ib'-t- SiitSm 1 i r. j 3 5 i 1 .i 1 a'I lr i t ii

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Page 1: Washington times (Washington, D.C. : 1902). (Washington ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1913-01-08/ed-1/seq-13.pdf · I' fboma: well heated; hot and cold water; vwsonaDie



Uorthwest Section.

? JERSEY AVE. X. W.. ack par- -tivctjr tUIUlBlltUt IlCdl UI1U IMllll, iwt"

r.jftT. X. W.. S17 Large front room, heata Dam, zna noor: with or witnout ngnrekeenlne-- .

WST. X. W.. 412 Large front and backi, wiiiiiiuuicAiiis, Kaa raiijie, .-- v..w.w ::nggfcmii; rwjins.

V4 ST. X. XV.. K7 Large first floor front!

I' JRoiiMivnpms room; well ncaica, icascn- -He. 1'

Jf.'. T. AVE. X. W.. KB Hall room, fur- -ned: 14 month. i

ST. V v j.vt Tun nislv furnishedI' fboma: well heated; hot and cold water;

vwsonaDie. i.h 8T. X. W 912 Nice room, suitable forone or two; 32.59 per week.

13th 8T. X. W.. 613 Two large rooms forbedrooms or housekeeping; tla per month.

N. XV.. 1913 Two rooms and prl- -nrat nigni. ironi. iuiuuc. t . m. lonllni

,V3ftt.A'jVcsHle ior noufeKecpins. dcaui. j....w.,Ir, Tange, free gas-- : J"; also two rooms eom- -" yiTc e- - rfl. on. im.

V Uth .ST. X. W.. 34T7 Tlree nicely jrljtaoma; private bath; private family; adults; J

tSL i

XEW JERSEY AVE. X. XV.. 706 Two pleas-ant second floor front furnished rooms;

light housekeeping.ROOM 415, MUNSEY BUILDING.

We are giving away free of charge a glasssign for your-- wfndow; gilded hanging chain,with each 7 time cash with order adv.Snri st v w Rfa To recond floor rooms

furnished complete for L h. k.; water la .

room. Inquire 63 ind si. X. XV. I' J

Jth ST. X. W., 1107 Large, newly fur.parlor, for business or living purposes;

315 per month.13TH ST. X.. W.. 1110 Nicely fur. front room

on 2nd floor; private family.tth1 ST. N. W.. 410 Steam heat, bath on

each-- floor; central location; $L50 per weekup.

Jiltth ST. X. W.. 160J Large bright weU fur-- ;n. Tiia'h nnm ivtr Kitlir er heat

. A. 'unlimited. Phone X. 1166; private family;ilverr reasonable. 1

"iK ST. X.'W- - 4J4 Two large communicatingfA front rooms: I. n. K. permiiica; inu uoor;

hall room: reaaonapie. 'SfST. X. W.. 313 In private family; nicely!;furnlsh2l secon4-0oo- d front room; S10 per

.: hsr'vater heat, electric iignt. anowerlui. etc; also smaller room, with porch. $7;

I1 kept house, pnone w 1X1. i3RIDA XVE. X. W 114 Well" furnished

?:roomr aouthcrn exposure: bath adjoining;vH of telephone; S7 per month.11TH ST-- X. W 1301 Large neatly fur- -. rtlthed front rooms; lli N. TTiS. Can toCapitol.

2V ST. X. W.. ai Beautiful fr. rooms, 2ndfl.; h. k. or aleeplng; clcaa and. warm.

1..rHARVARD ST. X. W.. 1360 Suite or nicely

.fur. rooms, connected by lavatory, bath ad-joining; good home table. 1

JJTE ST. X. W., 90S Front aad back room;light houscketplns; alto small rooms for

ttntlemen. 1


607 15th ST.,Over FORD & GRAHAM'S,

Opposite the Treasury.

Northeast Section.C .ST. X. E.. 13 Two nice large furnished

rooms for light housekeeping, near Libraryand'Capltol; alto unfurnished basement, twolarge --rooms and, one small; gas and coalfurnished: 113 month.TTH BT..X..E.. room for light

housekeeping: all front rooms, bath, guar-anteed heat. (Corner Hasi. ave.) ..FUR APT... nicely fur.. 4 rooms and bath;

piano and phone: H block from Capitol;references. Lin. 2901.

EAST CAPITOL ST.. 1560 Nice large room;new house;, heat, gas and electric light;

private rsmiiy.SjdV'ST. X; E.,- - IBS Fur. rooms, with ex

cellent board; j.aear. Capitol- - and.. Ubrarr-- .Phone 3320. - VMS,. ST. X. E.. 7H Two large, beautiful

rooms, handsomely and completely.' fur- -nished'for nouskeeplng: very reasonable. 1

Ni E IMS Two large rooms; Sid.floor;-suitabl- e for 2 gentlemen; all conven-

iences: reasonable. 1..4th ST. X. E.. ''SOe One nicely furnished

Toom for gentleman.BT. X. E.. 13 One second-flo- front;

also'' two southern exposed rooms; phone.1..

Southeast Section.Sto ST. 8; E., (13 Large back room, warm

and 'comfortable: for colored.

Southwest Section.7th ST. S. "W-- . 42S Front furnished room. K

week; two back rooms, n; housekeeping.

E ST. S. W.. 1C1I Nicely furnished rooms.. fS. and S10 per month. 1

VA. AVE. E. TV.. 941 Large front room,comfortably furnished: southern exposure;

$10 month.

FOR RENT ROOMSUninrnfshed.

Northwest Section.O ST. X. W.. ire second floor, four

rooms; bath, heat, and gas; private;

16th ST. X. W.. 900 Three nice large unfur-room- s:

suitable for light housekeeping. ..Southeast Section.

Uth ST. S. E.. S4 : unfur. rooms on Zi fl..L h. k.r heaL gas. bath; no children.

Southwest Section.O ST.' 15. E.. 6 Three rooms, private bath,

rati range: 1. h. k.: J19.

D ST. 6, W., 714 Two rooms. ;d floor; heat,gas. bath: 112. !

FOR RENT ROOMSFurnished or Unfurnished.

Northeast Section.K BT. X. E.. Two large rooms. ery con-

venient for 1. h. k.. heat and gas: reason-able. !11TH ST. N. E.. 222 Two large comfortably

furnished rooms: with porch, heat and gas;reasonable.

ROOMS AND BOARDR.-- L AVE. X. W.. 235 Xew house, second

floor front, excellent table, private family.STH ST. X W. 11CS Large well furnished

front room: alcove and bay window, small-e- rroom; home cooking. i

O ST. X. W.. 445 Several nicely rurnithedrooms; with excellent board; all conven-iences; reasonable. f

AFTOX HOUSE, 1123 13TH X. WExcellent fur room, in a well appointed

house Good table and sen Ice.X BT, X. V,'.. 1119-XI- ceIy furnished, well

heated room, excellent board; transient!accommodated.X. ST. X. W. 1404 Several large nicely fur.rooms; flrtt-cla- home cooking; all con-veniences: hot and cold water in rooms;reasonable.tfth ST. X. W.. 1716 Several nicely furnished

rooms; board if drslred; a. m. I.; reason' Ic

L.ST., 1433 Rooms with board, steam heat,bath In each floor. 1

Northeast Section.D ST. X. E.. S3 Large front w

room; comfortably furnished; liome cooking.reasonable. ..

""Southeast Section.

G'ET S. E., 715 Rooms by the day. week,or month: excellent table board. 1 .


GET A TKJARDING AND ROOM SIGN atRoom 42C Munsey Building. We are giv-

ing them away with every 7 time cash orderadvertisement.


GET A BOARDING AND ROOM SIGN atRoom US Munsey Building. We are giv-

ing them away with every 1 time cash withorder advertisement.


Improved Rug 'Weaving and Carpet Cleaning,, JH MgryUaS are, fi. W. Ph. M. 2031.



607 15th ST.,Over FORD & GRAHAM'S,

Opposite the Treasury.

FOR SALE Gent's valuable fur lined over-coat. Peislan collar, first-clas- s. Just new.

wurth JJO; sacrifice for . 634H L st. X.W.

310 COLl'MBIA GRAPHOPHOXE. woith$40; Urge oak care, extra powerful motor,

large silver liorn. records, complete; recentlynew. SZVi L st. X. W.FURS Handsome large set. genuine: Just.ntw; worth J3J; sacrifice for I6.C0. 6J4'.i L

X. WFOR SALE Boat. 25-f- t. cabin cruiser; 11--

p. Ferro engine; $300. 12)1 6th st. X. E.1

FOR SALE gasolene tank, withpump; perfect condition; a barsain, 1S3 X.

Y. ave. N. W. i$400 UPRIGHT PIANO, $105.

LtLllE. .E,vy. UKliAJS. fi. SOLAHES. 110.LAWRENCE'S, S02 F. TL'XING. 11.50.

SEWING MACHIXE BARGAINS.?i?. T0- 1- af Sl"Er J115SI'l1JProp Head Singer jro.00

Wheeler & Wllron 110.00New Sewing Machines. Jl down and Mo

wefk. Cleaning. 60c Open evenings.H. R. GIVEN. 6a Pa. ate. S. E. Phone,

PLAYER-P- I NO music: IS rolls; new:l.alf price. IKS Jth at. X. EL 1..

Weather Strip on windows, doors adds com.fort, costs little. Kleeblatt's. 11th & H ne.



607 15th ST.,OvertFORD & GRAHAM'S,

Opposite the Treasury.

PARTY DESIRING TO FURXISH hotel willpay fair prices for desirable furniture. BOX

E44. Times office.GOOD PRICES PAID for household furni-

ture, office and store fixtures, entire con-tents bought. EDGAR BAUM.' C E H.X. W. Phone Main 965.

BEST PRICES PAID for household furni-ture' of every description. Consult the

SQUARE DEAL FURNITURE CO.. 601 Eyest. X. W. Phone Main 66SS.

WAXTED Furniture for cash. Sell yourgoods to the man who gives, you the most

money, aee HOPWOOD. Sth and K. 1

HIGHEST CASH piice 'pall for worn cloth-ing: either ladles' or gentlemen's; send

postal: will call. B. TARSHE3. 1303 7th st.X. W. Phone North 4M.


PROF. WTXDHAM, 8K 12th X. W.-C- Umj

Tue. and Sat., 7:3a Dancing. S:30. Lessons.60c. 6 for ttEO. Prlv. any hour. Ph. M. 679.


DAVISON'S. Prof. & Mrs.. 71 Sth st. N, W.Latest dances taught any hour: class and

dances. Tue. es. Ph. M. test. Assemblydances Tbura. &. Sat, evs.. Nat. Rifles Arm'y.GLOVER'S, 613 23d St. X. W. Pri. lessons.

60c; waltz & guar. In 6 lessons; classand dance Tue.. Thurs., Sat. eve.. 60c; ballroom for rent. H. Orchestra. Phone W. 1123.


Dances Every Mon.. at Arcade. Ph. M. 2843.

PRIVATE DAXCIXG SCHOOL,Only One Taught at a Time.

"Latest Dances. Folk Dances.Belasco Theater, lop floor. Select. M. 6S29-- T.

MDME. COULTER. 425 M St. X. W.- -If yucan walk I con teach you to waltz: lessons

any time. 6Uc; classes every Tuesday eve.



M. MARLOWE,The Xoted Palmist and Clairvoyant.

STUDIO. 112S 14TH ST. X. W.Truthful in her prediction, reliable In her

advice; without asking a question she willtell you the object of your call, giving namesof friends, relatives, and actual facts con-cerning your life and circumstances whichyou know to be absolutely true.

The Madame will refuse to accept any feeunless she gives the utmost satisfaction.



WHAT IF I AM A NEGRO?Does It appeal to you that I. having been

raised In the Southland, born with a superiorInheritual power, educated by a father, mas-ter in the art and practice of magician. Ishould be consulted first In all love affairsand business difficulties. No faklsm Indulged.Consultations free.

PROF. PRINi-E- . 1611 11TH ST N. W.Washington. D. C.

r RAY AMERICA'S leading palmist,and card reader. Consult this

gifted clairvoyant on business, love, mar-riage, changes, speculation. 931 New Yorkave. N. W. Closed on Sunday. Basement.


TAMOfS MADAM FIELD.The world's lending clairvoyant, palmist andcard reader. H and N sts. S. W.r FLORENTINE fc g

1W.Late of Baltimore. Scientific Card Reader.Satisfaction guaranteed or money reiunded.

ORIGINAL GYPSY PALMIST.Whole Fortune Told. 20c

Open Nights. 1723 Jth st. N. W.

PROF. FITZGERALD. Noted Clairvoyant,Palmist; future, courtship, marriage, and

business; satisfaction guaranteed. 711 Ee nw.!


Clalrvuant. Mfdlumshlp. developing classIn German and English, dally at 3 and S p.m. Bible class. JULIUS KKIMNCTZ. 1119

K st. N. W. Ph. Main Sll.SEANCE Tuea. and Thurs. eves. S p. m.:

reading dally; reads lor entertainments.Anacostla cars. Mrs. K. Roth, 70u cth S. E.

MRS. HENKLE Try this gttted medium onlove and butines affairs, mental and spirit-

ual healing, lira. 1 to 8. 11 4th st. se. L. 3040.


MADAL1NE CUUTIN. 403 4lh st. N. H- .-Readlngs dally; healer; developing aihoal;

Wednesday circle, S i. m. Ph. Line. 2217--

MRS O'BRIEN. Medium: reading 60 cents:hours' from 1 to I o'clock evenings, lit 4th

st. 6. E.MEETINGS Mon., Wed.. Fr!.. p. m. sharp;

a message to each; dally readings. MRS.MALTBY. 607 Mt. Vernon pi. N. W. M. 37W.


MRS. CLEMENS. Scientific Palmist Room32 Kenolf Bldg.. nw cor G & 11th sts.

Children. 25c. Hours. 3


PARLOR SUITS upholstered on credit: gjodsdelivered. ACME UPHOLSTERING CO-- 67

II st. N. W. 1


PIANOS FOR RENT.High-grad- e Pianos at special prices; $400

Maynard, S190: $300 Kobler & Campbell, $140;t'M Stelnway. $3M. sllg'utly utej uyrUht. $1(6.

HUGO WORC11. 1110 Q N. W.


ALBERT KAHLERT & CO..Improved Steam Carpet Cleaners.

ttx Maryland v. 8. W. Phone Main 203$.


cloth-boun- d bookfree. Apply by mall. 916 Colorado Building.Fm lecturs far women Wcdattdayi at 2;jt,

9 ?' i. sv'V 'r?fr-?so.- - -



607 15th ST..Over FORD & GRAHAM'S,

Opposite the 1 reasury.

ROOMING HOUSE. K St.. 16 rooms; rent$60: best hnuse In city for price.

ROOMING HOUSE. H st.. 20 rooms; Income$160; rent $63; $175 on terms.

RESTAURANT on buslneES rt. near 12th st..receipts $13 and over dally: cheap rent.long lease; don't 1il- - a lunch room untilvou Investigate this

EQUITY BUS. BROKERS. 1227 N. 1. ave.

THIS IS DIFFERENT Established home-makin- g,

money-makin- g business needs serv-ices of competent man or woman as treasur-er: a really splendid opportunity with goodsalary and share of profits; permanent, con-genial; 43.000 cash required, secured by Na-tional Bank or Trust Co. against nil possi-bility of loss; extraordinary chance to securecommanding pcsltlon In established and rap-Idl- y

growing business; principals only: don twaste time unless prepared to meet requlro-met- s

If satisfied: bank, business, and socialreferences given and required. Address BOX533. Times office. 1ROOMING HOUSE. 12 rooms, all iM'&i

price, $325: cash or terms. 512 6th st. N.W.

FOR RENT To cobbler or shoemaker, ahouse and shop, $23.60; no shoemaker

In n.lphho-hnn- d: tinnosite DUbllC School. 730t . P. . ,,Fv.oiumoia roao. . vv.

CONFECTIONERY STORE, sacrifice salel. . l ... I...I. Cft4 T",DlKgrsi urgnui Ctrl, fcwy ,auc, ow

N. W. 'RAIS1 CAPITAL Best methods: corpora-

tions organized ,and promoted: collections.U. S. LEGAL CORP.. 610 Bond Eldg.

GROCERY STORE N. E.. living rooms.1.200TAILORING business nw.. bargain L2O0

DRUG STORES, all sections; bargains.GROCERIES, dry goods, second-han- d, and

all kinds of business at bargains. Let usknow our wants.

FIELD & CO.. Southern Building.

FOR SALE Grocery and provision store: allcash business; will sacrifice to an Immedi-

ate buyer: must be told. 901 F st. S. W.

WILL PAY CASH for a drug store that willstand Investigation. BOX 617. Times office.

WANTED a good Grocery with living rooms:'will pay cash. BOX Sit. Times olnce.

ONE OF THE BEST PAYING livery andboarding stables in center of city: full or

boarders. Address BOX 630. Times of-


FOR SALE General store, well located,near city: easy assets: doing good business;

good reason for selling. Address BOX 637.Times office.FOR SALE Four apartment and rooming

nouses: win sell one or an; miea ana pay-ing well: low price, easy terms If desired.Address BOX 629. Times office


ONLY full dress and tuxsdasuits for hire. M. T. PIMES. Merchant

Tailor, loot 7th st. N. W. Phons Main 6314.




Brine This "Adv." With Ton." It Means$1.00 In Case You Barrow.

Our money Is yours as long as you like.Ceuld you us It to advantage a' a low rat?

How much do you want right bow?WE LOAN MONEY TO ALL.

HO AND UPWARD.No publicity.

Ws take your promise to pay. Our planenable you to borrow on your own guar-antee. Eaves time and worry, because thereare no Indorsements, no references, no as-signments, no pledges.


IK XEW YORK AVEXUE N. W.Second Floor Front. Pbon Main MIX



Figure up how rnuch7ou owe andwe will let you. have enough mony tsquare upwlth everybody. Instead ofowing a dozen bills you have Just onplace to pay a small monthly install-ment. Our easy payment plan enablesyou to get out of debt easily and com-fortably. We accept pianos, furniture,endorsed notes, any kinds of security.No red tape or delay. All transac-tions strictly private.

"W do just as w sdvertlse."

CITIZENS LOAN & TRUST CO.,No. 406 Commercial Bank Building.X. W. Cor. 14th and G sts.. 4lh floor.


lLOANS of ?i $10 OR MORE?X TO ANYONE ?7 We want no advantages, care very XV little about security, promise satlsfac- - I

r tlon. and guarantee a square deal. T4 Tell us how much money jou want. T4 Convince us of your ability and honest T

intention to live up to your agree- -JL ment, and we will make you a loan. ?

4 Our easy payment plan enables you 4.X to repay the loan enlly and quickly. J.f Potomac Financial Co., I4- - 1994. a St. 1ST w.LJl Rooms 1. 2d Floor. Cor. 13th s:

Phone Main its.4" . . . . . . ... .....f-.-t- -. .. . ..... ....... .yi"i"i n1 ..- - . g



HORNING, Ninth and D.

MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLEand others, upon their own names; cheaprates; easy payments; confidential.D. H. TOLMAN. R. 606-6- IStb st. N. XV.


ROOM 3, WARDER BLDG.,9th and F Sts. N. W.

V7 will lend you money on your own Us-aat-

without Indorsement. Confidentialloans made to ladles.

Lowest Rates. See Us First.PEOPLE'S LOAN CO.

LOANS made to housekeepers and work-men living In the NORTHWEST andNORTHEAST sections of the-- city, cheaperand quicker than any company In Wash-ington.

Why Go Downtown?Call. Write, or Phone North 1710.


OPEN S A. M. TO 4:30 P. M.


On Furniture or Pianos at less than halfwhat a loan company will charge, savetime and trouble by dropping us a cardstating the amount wanted and when ouragent may call. Our business Is trans-acting by mall, and you are not embarraisedby going to a public office. No paymentrequired on interest or princlpsl for




MONEY Capital Il.d00.00l). strictestprlvscy. Indorsed by lead- -

CO EXTHAS ,rx banks snd newspspers.Why Pay More? Bonded to th District.

KUDENTIAL LOAN SOCIETY,.Victor Bids. 724 Kb it. cor. Qrant FImo.


lawyers and men of other professions. Inthe new Ben Schwarta Building. SCO F St.X. W.; every modern convenience: steamheated: electrically lighted: Janitor sen-Ice- :

half block from Patent Office. Apply onpremises. 1



Bufldlng recently renovated through-eu- u

Rents ery reasonable.

Real Estate Trust Co.. '1U4 F ST. N. W.


Remarkable for its central location, and thestreet car maps of the city will show Itto b almost the EXACT center at the streetcar system, and splendidly, convenientlyserved by it. Easily the very latest wordIn office building construction.

The offices are splendid, comfortable, at-tractive, light, and airy. Day and nightelevator service.

The building la well ventilated and welllighted. Warm In winter and the cooUstofficii building in the city In summer.

SPACE FOR RENT.There are a number of single rooms and

suites ready for your Immediate occupancy.Renting Agent.

il3 Munsey' Building. Phone Main 62M.


You Don't Pay Us Anything UntilTWO MONTHS

From the Day You. Borro.w.This Is the only company In the --Jty offsIng this inducement with

Absolutely No Charge .For the First Two Months.Others may allow you two months, but they

will charge you a higher rate of Interestor will require ou to repay the loan inlarger installments. We give you our reg-ular rate, which Is admitted to be th. low-e- at

In the city, and' allow you to make thpayments any size you desire, riving youfrom one to thirteen months In which topay os. We cater to the better class oftrade, and as a large proportion of ourpatrons are ladles, we have provided " hand-some suite of private offices for their ac-commodation. We, make the loan the samday you apply. We do not disturb the secur-ity. We respect your Interests, and yourtransactions with us are absolutely conf-idential. Write or phone.


THOMPSON BLDO.. 703 15th ST. N. W.Bet. Git & N. Y. ave. Opp. Treaurr DPt

--M : I M-- -i- -iI 1 i iSic

:BUKKUWfcKS """ um

ATTENTION!?We make a specialty 'of assisting men

and women to secur

:loans$10 OR MORE

On Furniture, Pianos, Etc.Our new system of meeting this de-

mand is the most reliable th best-sa- fest

fairest yet devised. W actentirely as your agent, your promtsto pay Is our guarantee.

We will tell you just to the pennywhat the accommodation will cost you,and If this is satisfactory to you. thunderstanding is perfect and you getthe money.

All our transactions are road In aclean straightforward manner.

Our offices are especially arrangedfor privacy and th com enlenco of ourcustomers.


700 NINTH ST. N. W. 4--

T Phone M. 1574. Second Floor,.llIIlM-1-M'MUHniIH.I'l- ,


610 F Street N. W.TOU CAN BORROW $3 TO 100 of us on

your furniture or piano and have plenty oftime to pay us beck In convenient monthlypayments or vou can pay weekly lr you wish.

YOU DON'T J.UED TO HAVE A FINELYFURNISHED HOME lO GET" A LOAN OFUS. Just satisfy us that you are hones;and we will make you a loan.

NO INDORSERS NECESSARY: no redtape: no board of directors to bother with.Even if ou have a loan now we will makeyou a loan. All business strictly conf-idential and loans rosde the same day youapply.


PHONE MAIN 2033. TODAYT Informationcheerfully given whether you borrow or not.All applications will receive prompt atten-tion. Office open S to t.


$10 LOANSand upward secured for salaried employes.

owners of furniture, and others.(10 loan....Sic weekly I I2S losn....SSc weaklytit Imp. ...60c weekly I $35 loan. ...96c weeklyK0 loan. ...Tic weekly I 1W loan..ll.tf weeklyCan repay weekly, or mnthly.

If you have a loan elsewhere, bring in yourreceipt and we will show you how muchyou can save, by borrowing from us. Havingloans elsewhere does not prevent your gettingloans here.

Credit once established with us Is as goodas a bank account In time of need. Our ratesand plans have proved to be the best becauseour customers aru glad to come again.



FURNITURE LOANS.Loins made on your own signature. No

Indorsement required. You may hav beenrefused a loan by some tompany. Don't Itthat Interfere with ou ckllinc on us. wnuke loam to ever) body.



602 F ST. N. W.Phone Main J06J- - Office Hours. S a. m. to

i p. m.



U l U r iSli FLOOR.

$10. $15. $20. OR $a AND UPWARD TO $10C

We will loan you $10 as quickly andcheerfully as a larger amount.

Call at ofaie. Drop us a pojial ur pnan

Main 3089.

TWT "I"i"I" -$--

READ THIS Xwe will aid a::y one.


XXOANS.SIOORMORE4 Remember, we care Uttlo about se-- -

curity. Tell us how much money you4 want, and If our chargo for the ac-- j.

commodatlon Is satisfactory lu youJ. jou get the money.J. We loan you the money on YOURT OWN GUARANTEE. No hardship toX rpay It.

f $1.00 OR 1?2.00T A WEEK WILL REPAY THE LOAN.T We have acquired our present en-- i

viable reputation by honest, alrulgm-- ,forward methods, and we Inlet-- a toiialnuin tnis policy,

Union Loan & Trust Co., I810 F St. N. W.

Phone &B4. rtrwiif--s iiH-- 4--

.... ,? tk.IV ..I r.Af4 ....I.uu.bi A..' -- .... iKwiv, womankeeping house, and others, ttgy payment.





C. W. BLACKWOOD, 1M1 G ST X. W.. 1

THE IOWA. 15th AND O STS. N. W.Four rooms and bath. $37.fc0; modern fire-

proof building."


Agents, 10th and G sts. X. W.


In good neighborhood and In excellent re-pair on car line; very cheap. No. 111S Cst. N. E. Key next door.

B. F. SAUL CO.,7th and L sts. X. W.

THE ONTARIO.Ontario Road and ISth Street.

One four-roo- north and east exposures,third floor, balcony. Rent. $S0 per month.KlCpuAnt mMI sllnlntT rrwri iwvnH twu4by the management.McLACHLEN BANKING CORPORATION,


FOR RENT TO COLORED.32H P st. nw.. b room aid bath, 2nd

floor: In excellent condition ....JZ1.MCLIFFORD A. BORDEN CO.,"

PHONE M. no. 604 Sth St. X. W.

1M1 NEWTON ST.. Brookland Apartment. Blarge rooms, walls oil painted; bath, water,

heat; rose garden. lFAIRMONT ST.. li-T- hree rooms; private

oath, sleeping porch, steam heat. Janitorservice: $25. lFOUR ROOMS and bath, or business rooms;

-- 'm. 1. 717 11th st-- X. W.

Furnished.AXD BATH. APT..

IX THE CORDOVA;Apt. 2(0. Rent. $40

FOR RENT Handsomely furnished apart-ment of 4 rooms, reception hall and bath;

modern conveniences and management. TheI.ar!tflA t9Y V,.mnnl bva no, 1ml. w

y"""g vo jvpv. i. ionn wi.'Furnished or Unfurnished.

FURNI8HED OR UNFURNISHED APART-MENT of .rooms, bath,' pantry, and sleep- -'

Ing porch; east, west, and north exposure.U'iS Holmead pi. N. W. ' 1

Wanted.WANTED bath, and kitchen apart- -

"cni, plenty 01 ugni ana venuiationtrenrnot to exceed $ month. Answer BOX 640,Times office.J OR 4 ROOM heated apartment,, within 10

mln, .walking distance of Sth and! Ave.BOX 91. City Postofflce. ' r


Instead of several. That's one. advantageof the hot-wat- er heating system in theshomes. Another advantage is that it givesyou plenty of heat: a third, and not thleast. Is Its economy. Like everything elseused In the construction of MlddaughShannon. Inc. homer. It Is of the highestquality and best for the purpose. No ex-pense has been spared to make these homesthoroughly comfortable and desirable. 'U TO 31 M 8TREET X. E.

Splendidly located on the finest street Inthe northeast, adjoining the spaciousgrounds of Gallaudet College.

Exhibit home open daily, lighted andheated, until S p. m.

Six bright Vooms; large, light cellar withlaundry: convenient kitchen with excellentgas range, porcelain sink and .fine kitchencabinet; handsome china cabinet in the din-ing room; artistic fireplace with gas logsIn the parlor. Double hardwood floors,hardwood trim, expensive gas fixtures withelectric lighting attachment. Front andrear porches. Very desp lots to pavedalley, affording plenty of room for gat age.

Price, $1,650.Terms, $100 cash and J3.W a month. In-

cluding all Interest. .Of this amount the high average of $18.4$

applies- directly To the purchase of thhome and is" the amount you actually save.

MIDDAUOH & SHANNON, 'INC.Builder and Owner.

SHANNON & LUCHS. 71$ 14th St..Selling Agents. 1

DETACHED RESIDENCEPrice less, than $1,000. Owner" rroilng to

country will sacrifice brick, S rooms,tiled bath, cellar, hot water heat, located Inrefined residential section. Convenient tocars. Facing large private grounds, viewwill never bo obstructed. Beautiful outlook.Actual value. $5,000. Call for particulars.

GARDINER & DENT, Inc.,812 14th St. N. W.


One-ha- lf square of 14th st. In ColumbiaHeights. Practically new brick, sixrooms, bath, cellar, hardwood floors and alllatest improvements. Porches, large lot toalley. Cost. $5.20. Price for quick sale.J4.SC0. Small cash payment.

GARDINER & DENT, Inc.,812 14th St. N. W.




PRICE. $3,000- -

C. W. BLACKWOOD. 1T01 G ST.1--

To Colored Purchaser.84,500

Buvs my and concreted cellar. SEMI-DETACHED brick home, 7 large rooms andmodern bath.

LOCATION: Just west of 14th st. and nearRhode Island ave.. within a few minuteswalk of all departments and stores.

I have always occupied this .property andhave kept It In perfect condition.





We have full information In regardto all the best propositions offered Inthe Washington Real Estate MarketP'operty "for sale," "for rent." and"for exchange." Drop us a card, let-ting us know what vou want to buy.rent or exchange and we will put youIn touch with the proposition whichseems best to antrwer our description.



FOR SAIJ" Beautiful r and It cornerh.imc In the best location S. E. Own-er will inako attractive proposition tuquick buver. A snap. ACT QUICK.

PHILLIPS SAGEK.M 1537. 711 11TH ST. N. W.

NEW MODERN HOUSE, desirablylocated in the Northwest, convenient to car

line; 70 minutes to center of city, er

heat, gas and electric lights-- , will sell at abargain. Address OWNER. Room KO. Wash-ington Loan A Trust Building.


LEStore and dwelling, centrally

large brick building In rear, suit-able for any kind of business; team! at $15month. Price. $5,500. BOX 543. Times office.


HENRY C. MACKAI.U National Metro-polll-

Bunk BMg.. Phone Main VT.K

FOR FERTILE FARMS and select ncusin any psrt or Maryland, se u

UAKION DUCK KIT d, SON.tu j r x. w. -



$20.50A MONTH.

Six rooms and bath: new.IS minutes to heart of city by either of

two direct car lines.All Improvements; guaranteed heating sys

tem.Beyond question the best rental value in

Washington.SHANNON & LUCHS, Renting Service.

Main 343. 713 14th at, X. W. Maul StZ.


230 Bond Bldg.'i 14th and Xew Tork ave."lOOe. Efficiency In Rent Service."

1KI sTH" STREET N. W.Modern residence of nine snadous rooms

and bath. Furnace heat; big yard. Just putin ai condition; on tn st. car Jine. ror--merly rent.ed for $35.50. No reasonable offerrejected.JOHN W... CHILDRESS. 1411 H ST. N. W.

FOR rtEXT-F- OR COLORED TENANTS.7153 L St.. 12r,b. fur. heat $23.501752 Beaton, tr.b. lat. heat 2S.S0UiS lit a st.. er.b. lat. .beat 2--

KKO Sherman ave.,' 6r.b, fur. het 2.S0771 Xenyon. er.b, lat. beat 20.50

131 :7th ,St.. 5r,b, lat. heat 1S.0O$003 Sherman ave...6r,b. fiat 1&.00

Uardmer & Dent, Inc., 812 '14th.

FOR RENT-- SOJl at. nw., 7 rooms and bath; recep-

tion hall, cellar, furnace; a desirablehouse In excdlent.'condltlon $33.60

CLIFFORD A.BORDEN CO.,PHONE M. r43. - - COt 6th' st. X. W.

1432 D ST.. N. E. To select colored tenant;e, rooms and bath, newly papered and reno-

vated. Rent rednred to 11R.SO- - J. t. LEON.ARD. KM O'st. X. W. !

723 10TH ST. N. W.STORE and S rooms and bath.

Rent, $100.09 per month.407 1$U ST. N. W.

Entire Building.Kent only; $55 per month.


10th and O sts. If. W.

04'O 8T..N. E. rooms and bath; will do.- J ISUMi. MUU A CUV W

month. -

1210 EYE ST. X. '.-- rooms and bath; hotwater' heat; cheapjat $22.50 month. '

1IS DST. N. E. 6 rooms and bath; cloao tocar lln; good repair; cheap at $22.50.

715 A ST. N. E. 5 rooms and water; Just putin good repair: rent reduced $15.50.


COLORED.2033 Uth 8T. N. oms and btah:

location and house In good repair;rent reduced to $22J0. 'I

329 15th. ST. S. E. t rooms and bath; newly'papered and painted throughout: owner will

rent to first class tenant at $14.60 month.30 JACKSON HALL ALLEY X. W. I rooma

and water; will put in good condition andrent for $11 month; large rooms.122S TO 12S 2nd ST. 8. E. t rooms and

water: houses In good condition: to goodtenant will rent for $9.60 K

REAL ESTATE BROKERS.. 1413 T st-- N. 'W. ' 1

'i 1 1 ; mi 1 1 ii i ; t ;ih hi ii i ;




$18.50FRANCIS S. DUNIGAN230 Bond Bldg.. 14th &. N. T. ave.

Telephone Main 4533."100 Efficiency in Bent Service."


441 O St. nw.; house of 11 rooms andbathr newly papered and painted; large front,side and rear yards: $47.50.

THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY.. 140S Xew York Avenue.4TH AXD X. Y. AVE. X. W.. Th Melton

4 rooms and bath. $22.50: 5 rooms and bath.front corner. $SS; electric elevator: telephoaeexchange. S. W. COCKRELL. S02 F st. nw.. 1

1115 C ne.. tr.b. front porch. Reduced. .$18.50702-- $ Irving st. tr.b. hot-wat- er heat, new 25.501022 Fairmont, tr.b, front porch, reduced. IS.SOX. U SAXSBURY CO.. 719 Uth St. Main 5904.

FOR RENT 218S Hltlyer place, beautiful fur-nished house, corner of 21st and Hlllyer pL

Furnished.FOR RENT Newly furnished bouse: rooms;

per momn; not water neat; ail conven-lence- s:

2 baths. BOX 527. Times office.



A SNAP FOR AN INVESTOR ABLE TOTALK BUSINESS QUICK. Will sell anyor all of these ten nearly new, modern, four-roo- m

and bath brick houses, always rentedto good tenants. Located In good section ofNorthwest on numbered street. Trust ofJ1.CO0 at 5'S per cent on each remains untilSeptember. 1915. A better offering cannot befuund In Washington..A. C. HOUGHTOX & CO., 635 F ST.

For Store and Dwelling:A fine corner northwest, with guud busi-ness now In It. Rent. $53. Price. $7,750.An exceptional chance to buy In an Im-proving neighborhood.

J. M. Woodward,723 20TH ST. N. W.

FOR EXCHANGEMY EQUITY OF $1,700 In m. I. tr press

brick, for unencumbered city or suburbanhouse. BOX 532. Times office.

WILL EXCHANGE well rented Philadelphiaproperty for a suburban home convenient

to Washington. Apply BOX 51S. Times of-



WANTED Ix3n of $.O00 at 4jT. for firsttrust on Improved real estate In N. W. sec-

tion. BOX 533. Times office. 1

SECOND TRUST.Honey to loan at tfA on District Real Es- -

nt. Anv amount from 1200 to $5,000 unfirst or second trust. In straight note ormonthly payments. Takes only three daysto make tnem.

CHARLES E. TR1BBY.Thompson Building. 703 15ih St. N. W.Upp. Treasury. Next to Drug Store.

MONEY TO LOAN $20 to $500.u00,on D. C.

real estate. Several trust funds 4ii to 6per cent. All transactions conducted witheconomical consideration for borrowers.

" SAUNDERS & CO..Southern Building. $07 15th st. X. W.


FIRST MORTGAGE NOTES,Amply secured upon conservatively valued

and improved Dlvtrlct or Columbia Real Es-tate Interest un Investments collected andremitted without charge to Investors.

Notes from $250 and upward. Writ forfurtner Information.


MONEY TO LOAN on real estate: lowestrates: prior pament privileges; large

amounts. TYLER &. RUTHERFORD. 730 15th.

I WISH TO BORROW $.5,000 OX GOOD.Gilt-edg- e, first-cla- ss security. E. H. TAG-GAR- T.

1410 U st.LOANS ON INDORSED NOTES, stocks, alt

kinds, collateral. I buy notes. Second trustsn real eatat. No red Up. Can accommo-

date sam day that apply. R. R. BENNETT.tU UU Max 814. Tti. Mftla ML l--

AUTOMOBILES .Storage For Gas and Electric Autos.

W make a specialty of storage batteries.We hav also a number of IGNITORS forsale cheap. "


C U. SCHOOLET. W. F. REDsfAIX.Proprietors.

TeIenhon North 174 and 378. 1

AUTOMOBILE TIRES-Fact- orr "seconds"Diamond., Hartford. G. & J. and United

States tlrmr new, fresh stock; all to go ati.SS ""' These bargains won't last long.JpNES KESSLER CO.. SS E SL nw. PfcoBMjJOSt. 1

FOR SALE-Mo- del 10 Bnlck. newly painted:full equipment o electric lights;

fine running order. Room ML Wilkin's bldsi.PhonM. SCL 1

GKARA:NTEED REPAIR WORK reduced to50c in hour; engine overhauling only $15;

storage $ month: automobile painting withreal factory finish: lamps and fenders re-paired. Automobiles sold; new brick garasjaalways heated, and kept clean. H D SCX. W. Phone Main 41S.


Woodward Buildingi

FOR HIRE AUTOMOBILESFOR GOOD AUTO SERVICE Call Hat MM.Private Apparln; Tourlnr Cars. RH parhour; Hmonsln. SUM.

R AUTOS. $4 an now".second-han- d auto for sal. Uaonta JML

STEAM AUTO SHOP. 5ffl N. J. av. X. W.



vjjsjn Km rAiKEHTB.BEBJJTHAN WILLIAMS.afaln 41M. SU MA sC K. W."


FIXE THOROUGHBRED Kentucky driving-hors- e.

Al saddler: reasonable. B. A. JA-COB. 72 7th N. W.FOR SALE Cheap, practically new delivery

wagon. 101 yarn, m bil he. iBARGAINS In all kinds of vehicles and

harness. $U buggy harness. $10.75, Every-thing cheaper than elsewhere. H. G. LEAKY.successor to Robt. L. Waters. 310 Pa. ave.

LARGE BAY HORSE In good condition.Can be bought very cheap. Apply to L.

M. JOHNSTON. 314 Indiana-ave-.

N-- W. VFOR. SALE Four horses. Z mares. Apply

rear of .472 Pa. ave. N. W.GANTZ has 10 car loads of runabouts, rar-rey- s.

and 7 spring wagons, will sell thamregardless of cost. 1203 D st-- N. W. 1


shloment: storage In private aDartmentsJFree hauling to our storage. L1TTLEF1ELD.AU1UA1J AC K.J . Wi JtUl H. BIT. "PADDED van. $4 st Mid.: wag. 4 ti.

Fhon Mala Utf-ls-


facklng and Shipping; Storage. O vaa loasL


QET OUR ESTIMATES on absolutely ftr. proof storage, moving, packing. UMlsgSTATES STORAGE (XX. 413--3) 10th sC Ji. W.Fhon M-- 43 I





In Alex, and Falrfaxcount!es. Va., onBtu-mon- t.Great Falls, and Falls Chcrch electric

lines, get In communication with us. Aa at-tractive Hat of new offerings. Our exchangedepartment will merit your attention.

STEPHEN P. WRIGHT CO.. '1 Offices. Clarendon. Va.

OWNER MUST SELL on account of changIn business, six rooms, bath, cellar, gas

range, hot and cold water, guaranteed heat-ing plant. An bom, with nearly7.0U0 sq. ft-- In lot. Price. tXKM for thisweek only. One square from station. Onecar fare to any pan of city. On Great Falltrolley. Terms to suit purchaser. Writat" once. BOX 523. Time oSIc. 1

Jl.onO $50 cash, balance $7.50 monthly prettycountry home, two acres land; pretty traw

cottage. BOX43S. Times office.

t ACRES in Virginia and houst:hot water heat; water pip to barn; nar

school and cars. Call H Blltmor St..ApL 10. Phono CoU 340.

For SeatFOR RENT house on Grant road,

bet. Chevy Chase and Tenleytown cars;porches', large lot: $13 month. Address AN-DREW PAYNE. Tenleytown. D. C 1

HOUSE on large lot.- - high eUva--tion; well, chicken house; So far: $10

mo. 303 Wash. Loan &. Trust Bldg.. tth A F.


improved Dy - moucm wirii, wiva

enhancing. Will give equities and cash for--J

larger properly. .GAKDllNtK & Dfcm, inc.,

812 14th St. N. W.

14TH STREET PROPERTY andcellar Duiiaing. toi isxii 10 pavea

alley. Suitable for business purposes. Goodopportunity. Don't delay Investigating.

GARDINER & DENT, Inc.,812 14th St. N. W.


LOT near 5th and Florida ave. N. E.: abargain if sold Immediately. $0S tth at. n.


IF YOU WANT TO CONVERT YOURvrj.nt lots Into cash see or writs ua at

once, giving location and price.

201 Southern Building.


SOUTHERN RAILWAY.PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH.; j. Follow Inc schedule figures published

only as Information and are not guarantied.TRAINS LEAVE WASHINGTON

For Atlanta. Montgomery. Mobile. NewOrleans'. 8:50 a. m. and 10:15 p. m. daily.Dining cars.

For Chattanooga .nnd Memphis via Ash.llle 10:5 p. m.. daliy.For Atlanta. Columbus. Birmingham. I:J

a. m. and 433 P-- m. dally. Dining cars.For Atlanta. Annlston. Talladega. Calera.

Selma. :5d - ", n'1 V ?: mi Ja"'-- ndtor linlontowu. DemopoLs, Meridian. S:Jo a.m iitly. Dining cars.

For Roanoke. "rtstoL Knorvllle. CSatta.nooga. Birmingham. Meridian, Vicksburg.:.v:..n,lnt lu:10 P. m. dally. Dlnln -

For Roanoke. Knoxvllle. Chattanooga. Nash- -AieiiiDuisTi .w - j. 9tccDuiaf

be occupied after 10:00 p m. Dining Sr.mayFor Ashevflle. a0 . m.. 5:i p. m.. andit;- - rntnmbla. Summervllle. Charlt

Aiken Augusta. Savannah. Brunswick. Jack-sonville, and Florida points. 5:55 p. m. dally.Dhilng tar. .,,.... .,.

Tounsi .vcv sua4:25 p. m.

"or Danville (local). 7:20 a. m. dally.Por Harrisonburg. J:30 a. m. (parlor carl

dally; 3:25 p. m. (parlor car), and p. m.virf'stt day- -

For Charlottesville (local). 7:30 a. m. anlp. m. dally.

For Warrenton. $:S0 a. m.: 11:C0 a, m.: 4:03d. m. dally; 3:35 p. nu (parlor car), and 4:iip. m. week caa.

L. s. uiiuwm. General Agent.CHESAPE-IK- E Jt OHIO LINES.

3:15 p. m. dally Sleepers to Louisville, tin.elnnatU IndUnapolls. and St. Louis. .

t:50 p. m. daily Pullman to Cincinnati aalChicago.

11:10 p. m. daily Sleepers to Virginia HoiSprings. Cincinnati and l.oulivlll.

Offices. S13 Pa. av.. UU r lit. and UaiosMttoa.

DEATHSBACMBACH-O- rt Tassstey. January 7, MO.at 2 a. m.. AUGUST. H. BAUM BACH, be-

loved husband of Kate Baumbacti (moSandstrum). and. son 'of Virginia and tholate August Baumbach.

FunerrJ from residence. It N street north-east. Thursdar. Janoarjt 9. at :a9 p.' m.

(Baltimore papers please copy.

KELLT On Monday; January-- , 1H1 ato'clock p. m.. JOHANNA M. KELLT; bo-lo-

daughter of the lata John andJohanna Kelly. ' '

Funeral from the residence of her sister,Mrs. N. McLane. 1M FJortda-avenu-o Berth-ea- st,

on Thursday, January 9. at o'dook:thence to Holy- - Name, Church, wherrequiem mass will be "said for th reposeof her souL .

TUCKER On Tuesdar. January 7. 1JU. ati-- p. m.. Mrs. MART W. TUCKER.- - agedseventy-tw- o years four months.

Funeral services will be held at hr lataresidence, 31S Thirteenth street northeast,Friday, January 10, at 2 o'clock p. ra.' -

Mrs. Tucker Is survived by four chlldrf --

William Lawman, of thta city: BdwaKLawman, of Ohio; A. J. Good, of XcrHrCarollna, and Mrs. Frank Broughtos. ofPortsmouth, Va.

WHARTON--At her residence. J4U OakwcsMTerrace. January 7. 1"C at f p. B..ADELLA MOORE CKYMBS. wife Of J06aJ. Wharton.

Funeral private. No flowers.(Southern papers please copy.)

Vital Records.'JirtTu."WHITE.

Anthony and Barbara.' Kodar. girl.Edward J. and'Marr P. Klttwen.' btqr.Wlllira F. and Sailv M. ThfeiKdwar E. and Alice it. T1hwr. srfrLocn a. ana Bauer dot.John W.. jr., and Ell at Featea. gtrl,Elliott and Mary Brown, boy.Joseph J. and Clara. M. Xottalle. --flrt.Edmund E. and. Ada, Tyrrell, boy.Antonio and Fllomina Narda, girl.Guy JJcL- - and Rata H. Insby. bey.Daniel J. and Mamie X. QuUl. tftlCharles and Bertha Ockerahauaea, boy,Henry and Marian L. Haydea. boy. --

Charles T. and OHve Plndell, gfrl.William E. and Edith Magnire, bor.Frank' E. and Mary E. Chase, boy.George and Heater gels, girl.Mitchell and Fannie Hunt, boy.Joseppe and Maria Dl Antrelo, girl.Joseppe and Glovarma Itallano. boy.Joseppe and Maria M. Dl MegUo, srL

COLORED.William T. and --Blanche Green., boy.William and Katbryn Marshall. Jaoy.Orln and Agatha Herbater, boy.William and. Carrie 'Wooten, glrLGeorge and Lula McCarrot. girt.Randolph and Minnie Massey. glrL.Wm, D-- and Helen M. Wood. glrL.James and Addle Brown, girt.Gilbert and AnnI. W(n" v..

--Aubrey and Martha Brows. glrLvvniiam and Mary Walsh, glrL

Marriage Lkesucs.WHITE.

Edgar W. --Stork and Edna R. Drew,both of Washington.

John W. Clary and Lottie M. .Hill, betkof Washington.

James V. Satnpsells and Ruth Haxrlaaa.win ot vvasnington.Henry F. Mnhienfeld and BUeeB 2UCarrlco. both or Baltimore.

George W. Hllker and Gertrude McXaittTboth of Baltimore.

Richard E. Detmer.and Ellen HurameLboth' of Washington-Richar- d

M. Morris and Ellnore A. Cos- -very, Dotn or Washington.


Julia M. Moran. '13 years; 941 Massacha.setts avenue northwest.

Eleanor B. Bennett. 80 years. 1388 CHfton street. "

Elizabeth a Jenkins. 73 years. MtXorth Carolina avenue southeast.

Annie X. Robertson, 60 years, 174 Bstreet northwest.

Robert J. Cooney. 48 years. Govern-ment; Hospital for the Insane.

William Mays, 76 yearv ProvldeaeoHbspitaL

Samuel F. Tappan. f years. George-town University HospltaL

George F. Emblen, 66 years, 966 Hstreet northwest.

Henen Moore, 77 years, 115 Elsveathstreet northeart,

Joseph M. Patton, 55 years. UBS H street' northeast. -Mary E. Johnson., C Jears, lies First

street southwest.Catherine Rlchter. 68 years, X6S Btev.

enth street northwest.Alice D. Jewett, 69 years. W DahH

street. Takoraa, D. C. ,

Margaret Kelly. 4S years. 1738 Thirty- - I

fourth street northwest.Dorothy E. Suttle. 1 month'. SB TMr4

street northwest.COLORED.

Raymond Smlb, Z! years, TuberciriesilHosplui.

Rose E. CleveJand. year, MS Cercer- -tji street northwest.

Julia Johnson. 46 years, SevcrMMsVtHospital for the Insane.

Jennie Lee. 16 years, lat C street Mkeast. i

FUNEHAL 0SrMISj. a small k sons;

FLOSISTs.Washloftaa. Nw Tsrk.

gth and H nw. 1MI BrsjrWsJ4rf-AsHa- .FUNERAL DESIGNS,

Kavcry description modera srlosd,GUB-e-


isi rtTMrr.MARCHE t CO Florists,

Floral Sprays. TuacralArtistic. Inexpensive. Auto DU

Ttt 14th St. X. W. Tti. K. a


GEO. MASON,(Colored.)

tea Nichols Ave. Anacostla, D. &


333 Pa. av. N. W.Telephone M. 13X5. Washingtaa. D. CL

. R. C ADAMS,(Colorad.)

tot Nichols Ave.. i"" D. CP. A: LOMAX, JR -

(Colored) Undertaker and feinbalmet.HOMi 8 st. X. W. Phone North tat.

GEORGE P. ZURHORST,301 E. Capitol St.

Established 1857. Chaav S. Zcrbonrt. Its'.JAMES T. CLEMENTS SONS,


133 Uth St. S. B.


C3 H st-- N. W. Phon Main UK.





1133 11th St. N. W.. JOSEPH F. BIRCH'S SONS,



1H5 14th st. N. W. - North UM.


1330 14th St. N. W. N. S5S.Strictly first-clas- s: reasonable; terms ta stat--


1703 Uth st. X. W. .(Colored.) North Kl


parasot Maker. Repairing aadBvnmM. gloria, at all U, W8ita


- ib'-t- SiitSm








