washington evening times. (washington, dc) 1910-12-07 [p 6]. · 2017-12-26 · fonn s ion d k...

THE WASHLXGTOX TIMES WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 7 1910 6 j Asks for Bill of Particulars- on Charges of Pork Barrel DELEGATES GREETED BY PRESIDENT TAFT Executive Makes Brief But Hu- morous Speech and Re ceives Ovation Continued front girt Page the oaoveation promptly at Htt oclock brought forth the most speatatteotie wel roots the congress has over given him He answered It by delivering the shortest address fie bas ever made tie fore that body In no way did the President refer tn pork barrel methods Practically the only policy h advocated te thatcalcu lated to brims about more cooperation between the railroads and waterways which would be followed by a bitter development of terminal facilities for the latter Hunter In Speech The brevity of the Presidents speech was more theta counteracted by the un- usual amount of humor which he in jected into it Several times the dele- gates were hi a roar of laughter He referred to the snow which he said was not always to be found in Washington but seemed to be popular of late One of Ms duties as President of the United States he declared was to act as mayor of WasMngton and his present before the Congress simply was to welcome the delegates to the Capital The President then expressed his con- fidence in the misty of American ex- perts in transportation and said he be Hcved tkf proMen of obtaining ter- minal facilities for the eventually would be satisfactorily worked out Now to say this morning he concluded I yon that I am in that humor Good morning After the President bad departed Senor Don Francisco Leon de fa Barra Mexican ambassador an ad on the development of the water ways of his country and was followed by r Alva S Alexander chairman of the House Committee on Rivers aad Harbors Mr Ransdells Report President Ranedeil then took the 3otr and presertei Ms aamial report He plunged a denial of the perk harms hi the early part of his address He said We have persistently opposed a drib bling piecemeal policy of waterway improvement sad always have insisted upon the adoption oC a comprehensive general wise conservative plan with the end in view of completing within a definite period of tea to fifteen years those waterways m our interior and along our seacoasts that give promise tinue to make a i3 ieraitt d fight against anything that savors of the so called pork barrel legislation In river and harbor bills and we unhesi- tatingly say that for the poet thirteen years these bttts have beets as free from the charge of pork barrel as any that have been passed by COB gress I respectively swggest to the critics that prepare a brat of particulars Instead of speaking In general terms frr I am sure that on examina tion no serious can be made of any of our waterway teglslatioR In rect nt years Far Contract System President RansdU advocated a con- tinuance of the contract system inVhe waterways movement and the line of tbourht brought out by President Taft urged that Congress pay especial attention to the matter of terminals He said he believed 990MM09 should be expended annually for the improve- ment of the nations waterways He pointed out that with the completion- of the Panama canal in It would that eat waterway r the thorough hors that the stains which wase through the may communicate with every j section of the Fvkm and the rivers which run down to the sea may bear their inn share in eoetrwutine to Its commerce The address of Ambassador de hi Parra was devoted exclusively to an of Mexicos waterways development The diplomas painted out however that whatever development takes place in the United States it iiM infliience that I south of her j Engineers Give Aid Representative Alexander said the en- gineers have submitted minimum esti- mates for a stogie year This paved the Tay be saM for the enactment oC a bill moderate hi amount which would in its selection of proj- ects and helpful to the speedy of great projects congress this wing broke sat records It is estimated there were fo the neigh- borhood of 3 M delegates hi the room when Prudent Taft was introduced ovation Chef Executive year was unusual tout this norainc it surpassed that of former occa- sion The applause from banddap ping expanded into cheers which came The ap- plause lasted several minutes Sec- retary to the President Charles Dyer Norton and Cap Archibald Butt Ms aide accompanied the President Before the President was introduced the invocation was pronounced by the Kev Samuel G Greene pastor of Cal- vary Baptist Church Many Wemen Present Tn the audience was ax i nusual num- ber of woaaen A iotnt setsafon with the Womans National Rivers and Harbors will be held tontorrow evCBiajr Preparatory to the ooenmr this ncmberine U members heW a at toe New WHbtri pot night The financial Tenant presented showed that he congress expPMded SSn- djrir the past year fat edacatme the Thtr afternoon weral proHiiuent- rnealo rs addressed the araone titer J A Patton of Chattanooga Tenn Col William 1 SI bert n T of the Panama Canal fonn s ion D K Skinner of S an- Franrisco Cal and Senator Borah of Idaho i RANSDELL DEFENDS RIVERS LEGISLATION J dr lute 7 or sad haW eon eo following I i f I ht be uawl8e tR ration not to and of her her anal t a st ac W tM to th I be fair to all sections of the country tiilreri The at the Of Ute The e the tom every part Of tile halt 1 tile hoard of or con- gress had pNte in the nor WSterwAp n i co c o bar- re 1 increeefag efneapeniwg transpor- tation We fiver monde and siren careful coma lant for assist country comple- tion attendance opening last the Congress morn- ing dtrectar the meet uz cause lie ng eT i F era ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > << = Prominent Figures in Opening Session of Rivers and Harbors Congress I 1 II r pyTijrht by BJn SENOR DE LA BARRA Mexican Ambassador to United States Who Made An Address PRESIDENT TAFT Who Welcomed the Delegates tc the Capital REV SAMUEL H GREENE Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church Who Pronounced the Invocation iI J = = M RAISES me von LAUNDRY VICTIm Decides Against Girl in Damage Suit But Would Twelve Jurymen saw Floods May Clements fall fainting when she bared her mangled arm before them ta damage suit yet who wefc htaa can by their oaths and by the iastmcticns of the court found a verdict in favor scriptioc for the girl They raised ML They want mad more Already ins tote at- torney subscribed 56 Other contribu- tions are in prospect Arid all this te because the strict interpretation of legal equity leaves the girl maimed inca- pacitated for work destitute The jury alter meshes tributim 5 authortaed Ttooma W Schaifer of 6 Thfefeeeath street of its members to receive further tributions In UK meantime tae attorneys who conducted the gait for Miss loments are preparing to note an front the ruliagr of Justice jodge after hearto the evidence negligence on directed that a be returned for the defendant The girt is represented- by Attorney Crandal J MeD Carrington and Hayden JoHaeon Caught In Machinery young laundry employe happened oa April T M Her was caught In Ute heavy machinery of a mangier Horribly scalded she was hurried to the hospital where a Arst and then a sec- ond amputation was necessary before the girl was cured help- less She brought suit against the company Meanwhile the girl and her mother have existed in a ballroom ta Mls ourl avenue where light for life has been very hard The case was called before Justice Barnard of the Bistrfet Supreme Court and on Monday morain he girl skrink- i g meta an exhiMtkHi cf her injuries was called to the wirin stand She gave br testimony And then she was requested to draw back her Faints snStaad The girl who is yet young enough to her trembled drew the mangled arm and feB tainting m the She carried from the courtroom and it was hours before sh could her Yesterday the contributory negNg we arose and was decided against the girL THEY GROWG- ood Humor and Cheerfulness front Itigut Food Drink Anything that Interferes with good health is apt tokeep cheerfulness and good humor ia the IwelcgreiHtd A Washington lady found that letting coffee alone made things brtsht for her She writes Four years ago I was practically given up by my cteV not to live long Ms nervous was in bad condition I was young and did not want to die so I begte o look about for the cause of chronic trouble I used to have spoils which would exhaust me and alter each spell it Vj uld take me days before 1 could sit up in a chair- I became eonvineed my treoJHe was caused by cotes I decided to it bought The nrst cup which I made accord directions had a soothing ef- fect on my and I liked the taste For a time I nearly lived OR- Pesttwa and ate little food besides 1 am today a healthy woman My family and relatives wonder if I am the same I was four years ago when I could do no work on accousit of nervousness I am doing my own hoosewerk take of two babies one twenty the ether two months el I am se busy that I hardly get time write a yet I do it all With the dteerfulttese and ood humor that comes from en- Joying good health owe my lilt today Rod to Wellvllle is- pkgSL Th res a Reason Bver rend the above Ictfor new srcnnlnc true and lull of human Help Her A who ot the defendant startetd s salt corn TIM that the lajtTy re ulte4 frOia COlt trllitttor her vert Injury to May a right for f6tl o appreciate the lone which come the back floor was resume q and SSStem But and Now care tea letter ten my tt Postttat 1 Rf one appears from time to time nre Ynjcret u f tar the Today Washington and sod One tom app fend Sires end Mack The Flossie Clements hand the sleeve It has sleeve rom testimony a and teas expected ii nay nervous stop some Pgti npr into nerves 4 frksr il t4 The 1 4 key ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ = = Favors Its Use on All Car Lines for All Pur- poses Alter Dpamltnc a htvesti tulag tile street eat seat issue the tranppjrta long arrived by a ciremums path at ah indorsement of the crossoaat The report of the committee made public today and filed with President Geo H Harries of the Board of Trade for coMMeratHm by the board later shows that the members of tile com- mittee have concluded that cars with longitudinal seats are preferable for city service stress where stops are frequent and the average length of cars with transverse seats are prefer- able for service or streets whose stops art infrequent and the average length of of each pace en gar Following this however Is a recom irendatian that transverse seats be pro- vided in equipment purchased ta the future if the companies adopt the pot lcy of using one convertible ear for both winter and summer use The fact that the companies have already this policy makes the report of the Board of Trade committee favorable to ultimate use of pus for all purposes oa aH hoes Cressseat Car Preferable The committees report signed by Alexander Brttton chairman shows that hearings on the carfeat question were held and that rvidet ce was oH tamed from citizen from officers j both local coirpar5fp itn T from fh BOARD OF TRADE tJoR cerandttee fire Board st TJWIe or for of short limn I l rile the Jofts eat lOr- 5FORCROSSSEAT mantis Cot fide each pdhbenger tend suburban adopt- ed ¬ District Electric Railway Comrnonten The committees coaeluoionr are act forth as follows N- e that the transverse seat ear te preferable f general use and should be used by aH companies for tons hauls sad upon suburban lines and as fr as possible upon city lines where truffle has not reached a crowd- ed that upon all other lines of short runs and frequently crowded rem diUoNs it will be found impossible to operate sufficient numbers of such care for the traffic and that longitu dinalseat cars will probably be found effective for such use If however as stated by the railway companies it should be impossible for them for financial dad ether reasons to maintain a separate equipment for winter and summer use necessitating their putting into service convertible payasyoneater or paywithin tare it Is the opinion of this committee that the ear tends itself most readily to the convertible feature and that m future orders for convertible ran the same should be of the trans verseseat pattern President to Be Guest Of Honor At President Taft will be the guest of honor at the dedication of the Holy Cross Academy by Cardinal Gibbons- at 29 oclock tomorrow afternoon Following the dedicatory exercises there will be a receptkn front 4 oclock until in the academy building I should feel guilty of In- gratitude if I did not tell of the benefits I have derived from Hoods Sarsaparilla Five ugly and painful abscesses formed in the lower part of my abdomen I was confined to my bed thirteen weeks and the pain was almost unbearable A neighbor sug- gested that I try Hoods Sarsaparilla which I did I began to improve inn znediatelr the abscesses began to heal and I took the medicine until I was John Wallace Field Sec Y M- f A it todav In usual liquid form or fvoafM fables railed Sarsatab eoIIIIaIUee of the and can- to tlaJlSlenr1 MIlt < A I3 Plt ton II lire is epic sips recommends most Roll Pa- ct ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > FREE THE PUBLIC- I Is Cordially Invited To the I GRAND OPINING Of THE I ARCAD MARKEr I 14th Sto and Park Road N W Saturday December 10th GOOD MUSIC The attention of the called to the central of this market The best of can found here paves you the and of doing downtown t e E 0- Srrd to Bead Doh S Cbecicsl Bsltlmestc I rr I aeazsA Tral racrd e maned Tree i public is t and convenient location everything lie It time I trouble your marketing 7 Found in Pocket After Ar- rest on Telephone Message From House Robbed Edward West a negro charged with housebreaking ht locked up at th police station an will be arraigned m Police Court tc morrow Hearing an unusual oa th first of hw home while alone in the house yesterday afternoon Mrs Agnes of 1S 3 Sixth street northwest rushed downstair and was surprised to find a negro standing Ix the hallway The negro ran out the front door before White could summon assistance Mrs White telephoned No 2 police station and a description of the intruder Half a hour later Police mail Belt arrested West and accord to the police a muffler curling Iron and several other stolen from the White home were found la his possession The negro entered the house by climbing in rear window GENUINE HAARLEM OIL CAPSULEST- ha o3et rarnirr medicine for Stomach KIdnnr and Baddr 25c and 50c Per Box There Is nothing lost as good Beware of preparations offered as aucti We import only from original Tiny Protect looting tot HOLLAND IMPORTING CO Phlla Sold ODoonell Peoples Pharmacy Nine Drug StorM and an other drug stores EDUCATIONAL The Catholic University of America C Term Tues Oct A Ifla Courses Leading to Degrees and to Careen School of Law and Jurisprudence Department o Com XTV oC study three yean LL B Graduate of Common ol study three years 3i J D Department of Civil and Canon Law Course of study Ive yeexs Decrees B C L it C D C L Department of Jurisprudence j Course of study years Degrees J C J C LL D Law may follow courses In other j departments Sociology Political History science Graduate Is encouraged and work s for hours coavea lent to such students Members the bra and others who have received f baccalaureate degree are admitted to the advanced courses In Law the Department of Chi cophlcal hysterical and cemBarative Courses in Engineering Lectures and Work Civil drawing land surveying graphical stalks structural design roofs and bridges hydraulics masonry and round sanitary water en highway cuostrocUoB raIlway eon ttructktt- i3IechanIcal Englnccrlns Shopwork mechanism design engines and Boers Electrical EmrincerlDC Direct cur rent alternating current machla try designing of generators and motors elec trlc lighting electrical distrloutkxi of power primary and secondary batteries and teegraph electric railways Chemical H and Arch lecture lead tc either the Bachelors Degree or if graduate courses are taken to the Masters Doctors Degrees These degrees are also obtainable In mathematics phrsics and laboratory and library chemical and mu ceum engineering laboratory astronomical For Courses In Matnematlcs Arch teeters Astronomy Physics Mechanics and Chemistry and for degrees and their coali- tions see announcements ol the Schoo qf Sciences The Berlitz School of Languages 723 Hlh st X W cor York ave Telephone Main 217 Over ia Leading Cities Pupils traveling may transfer value of these lessons from one Berths School to any other In the World All languages by superior Native teachers Terms Reasonable Trial Lessons Free Private lessons and classes School or real dence PRIZES AT ALL HE ENT POSITIONS Catalogue mailed en application Tuition 75 Per For catalogues further ioformatlaa- address Bt Rev THOSIAS J SHAHAN D Rector CURLING IRONS TELL ON NEGRO CAPTIVE hobo oor Ira p I the house the box pnd wrapper i no f I D Fall Pra a tDder uJDate rtment LawCourse nine D D mnD1 n Law the is Jurisprudence En i Dee rIll gMechanlcal I uD tm Jne and I EquipmentPhysIcal ew e the GRA D Annum hand D a your elf name es every Beet anon t Lett of and coe rees phfo g geodetic lions e < ¬ NEW YOUJC Dee 7 tuwjeroe Court Justice Charles W Dayton died at his home ia tins city today after an illness of a year Early last spring e a nervous breakdown and greifr worse Several weeks ago he developed pncnnnnla and fr a week death IKM been looked for Justice Dayton was sixtyfew years old and bad been prominent in Xew York politics for many i While Grocer Cleveland was President be was postmaster of th dty and he was elected to the supreme court bench in 1905 JUDGE C DAYTON I OF NEW YORK DIES I I e rIY his I W3 suffered con- tinually i years COAL IN CHICAGO 7 December IS to the Jump in price of coal The excuses given are the sfcortmce tile re- cent strike in the mines and te railroad rates Tile prices have been advanced X cents a ton In the last month The new increase win be between 50 and cents a ton and mm nvnal tbe consumers will have to pay Leeks Bring Luck- In Wales ii is considered very lucky to house leeks grew on the houses this being snpT o d to insure all those in the house from disease or Disaster CHICAGO Tn JUMP SKYWARD i ec day set coal dealers for another the is b sky- ward In- creased t have ¬ > i i Tells How to Make 178 Kinds of Cake Cakes of all kinds for all peopI are best made th Royal SPECIALLY FINE I FOR LA YER CAKE Tj BAKING POWDER 3 tl c Royal iramdsdiately Cook Book fit on receipt of- ranilcet freo 9our addre s 1 wl L lid r Res y J- y We had contract for hauling and erecting entire stone and bronze work Nothing too difficult for us in the way of hauling and monuments machinery iron safes payer plants c Practically all of the bronze statues in Washington as well as most of the heavy machinery for large power plants in and around the city were hauied and erected by us have an unequaled service for moving furniture consis- ting of Upholstered Vans and skilled movers We ilea provide steel vans for transporting household effects for foreign countries and across continent No Matter How Large or the Order We Deliver the Goods Owing to the enormous increase of ourbusiness TFO have CBHJ pletely outgrown our offices at 1417 Pennsylvania avenue Since December 1 tre haTe occupied our new general offices corner Second and B streets northwest but will continue to maintain our downtown office for the convenience of patrons 1417 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE Freight Delivery Agents Vcnnsylvnnln Railroad Co Freight Delivery Agents Norfolk and Washlnsrton Steamboat Co Washington Fast Freight Line Bctiveen Baltimore and AVnmhln ton 1 Maj Gen von Steuben Monument erectifJ bi Ve Small I J Moving j 6eo W Knox Co t 1 Packing Storage press

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-12-07 [p 6]. · 2017-12-26 · fonn s ion D K Skinner of S an-Franrisco Cal and Senator Borah of Idaho i RANSDELL DEFENDS RIVERS LEGISLATION


Asks for Bill of Particulars-on Charges of Pork



Executive Makes Brief But Hu-

morous Speech and Re

ceives Ovation

Continued front girt Pagethe oaoveation promptly at Htt oclockbrought forth the most speatatteotie welroots the congress has over given himHe answered It by delivering theshortest address fie bas ever made tiefore that body

In no way did the President refer tnpork barrel methods Practically theonly policy h advocated te thatcalculated to brims about more cooperationbetween the railroads and waterwayswhich would be followed by a bitterdevelopment of terminal facilities forthe latter

Hunter In SpeechThe brevity of the Presidents speech

was more theta counteracted by the un-usual amount of humor which he injected into it Several times the dele-gates were hi a roar of laughter

He referred to the snow which hesaid was not always to be found inWashington but seemed to be popularof late One of Ms duties as Presidentof the United States he declared wasto act as mayor of WasMngton and hispresent before the Congress simplywas to welcome the delegates to theCapital

The President then expressed his con-fidence in the misty of American ex-perts in transportation and said he beHcved tkf proMen of obtaining ter-minal facilities for the eventuallywould be satisfactorily worked outNow to say thismorning he concluded Iyon that I am in that humor Goodmorning

After the President bad departedSenor Don Francisco Leon de fa BarraMexican ambassador an adon the development of the waterways of his country and was followedby r Alva S Alexander chairman ofthe House Committee on Rivers aadHarborsMr Ransdells Report

President Ranedeil then took the 3otrand presertei Ms aamial report Heplunged a denial of the perk

harms hi the early part of hisaddress

He saidWe have persistently opposed a drib

bling piecemeal policy of waterwayimprovement sad always have insistedupon the adoption oC a comprehensivegeneral wise conservative plan withthe end in view of completing withina definite period of tea to fifteen yearsthose waterways m our interior andalong our seacoasts that give promise

tinue to make a i3 ieraitt d fightagainst anything that savors of theso called pork barrel legislation Inriver and harbor bills and we unhesi-tatingly say that for the poet thirteenyears these bttts have beets as freefrom the charge of pork barrel asany that have been passed by COBgress

I respectively swggest to the criticsthat prepare a brat of particularsInstead of speaking In general termsfrr I am sure that on examination no serious can be madeof any of our waterway teglslatioR Inrect nt yearsFar Contract System

President RansdU advocated a con-tinuance of the contract system inVhewaterways movement and theline of tbourht brought out by PresidentTaft urged that Congress pay especialattention to the matter of terminals

He said he believed 990MM09 shouldbe expended annually for the improve-ment of the nations waterways Hepointed out that with the completion-of the Panama canal in It would

that eat waterway r the thoroughhors that the stains which wase throughthe may communicate with every j

section of the Fvkm and the riverswhich run down to the sea may beartheir inn share in eoetrwutine to Itscommerce

The address of Ambassador de hiParra was devoted exclusivelyto an of Mexicos waterwaysdevelopment The diplomas painted outhowever that whatever developmenttakes place in the United States itiiM infliience that I

south of her jEngineers Give Aid

Representative Alexander said the en-gineers have submitted minimum esti-mates for a stogie year This pavedthe Tay be saM for the enactment oCa bill moderate hi amount which would

in its selection of proj-ects and helpful to the speedy

of great projects

congress this wing broke sat recordsIt is estimated there were fo the neigh-borhood of 3 M delegates hi the roomwhen Prudent Taft was introduced

ovation Chef Executiveyear was unusual tout this noraincit surpassed that of former occa-sion The applause from banddapping expanded into cheers which came

The ap-plause lasted several minutes Sec-retary to the President Charles DyerNorton and Cap Archibald Butt Msaide accompanied the President

Before the President was introducedthe invocation was pronounced by theKev Samuel G Greene pastor of Cal-vary Baptist Church

Many Wemen PresentTn the audience was ax i nusual num-

ber of woaaen A iotnt setsafon with theWomans National Rivers and Harbors

will be held tontorrow evCBiajrPreparatory to the ooenmr this

ncmberine U members heW aat toe New WHbtri pot night

The financial Tenant presented showedthat he congress expPMded SSn-djrir the past year fat edacatme the

Thtr afternoon weral proHiiuent-rnealo rs addressed thearaone titer J A Patton ofChattanooga Tenn Col William 1 SIbert n T of the Panama Canalfonn s ion D K Skinner of S an-Franrisco Cal and Senator Borah ofIdaho





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Prominent Figures in Opening Session of Rivers and Harbors Congress I





Mexican Ambassador to United StatesWho Made An Address

PRESIDENT TAFTWho Welcomed the Delegates tc the Capital

REV SAMUEL H GREENEPastor of Calvary Baptist Church Who

Pronounced the Invocation

iI J= =


Decides Against Girl inDamage Suit But Would

Twelve Jurymen saw Floods MayClements fall fainting when she baredher mangled arm before them tadamage suit yet who wefc htaa canby their oaths and by the iastmcticnsof the court found a verdict in favor

scriptioc for the girlThey raised ML They want mad

more Already ins tote at-torney subscribed 56 Other contribu-tions are in prospect Arid all this tebecause the strict interpretation of legalequity leaves the girl maimed inca-pacitated for work destitute

The jury alter meshestributim 5 authortaed Ttooma WSchaifer of 6 Thfefeeeath street ofits members to receive furthertributions

In UK meantime tae attorneys whoconducted the gait for Miss lomentsare preparing to note an frontthe ruliagr of Justicejodge after hearto the evidence

negligence ondirected that a be returned forthe defendant The girt is represented-by Attorney Crandal J MeDCarrington and Hayden JoHaeon

Caught In Machinery

young laundry employe happened oaApril T M Her was caughtIn Ute heavy machinery of a mangierHorribly scalded she was hurried to thehospital where a Arst and then a sec-

ond amputation was necessary beforethe girl was cured help-less

She brought suit against the company

Meanwhile the girl and her motherhave existed in a ballroom ta Mls

ourl avenue where light for lifehas been very hard

The case was called before JusticeBarnard of the Bistrfet Supreme Courtand on Monday morain he girl skrink-i g meta an exhiMtkHi cf her injurieswas called to the wirin stand Shegave b r testimony And then she wasrequested to draw back her

Faints snStaadThe girl who is yet young enough

to her trembled drewthe mangled arm and feB tainting

m the She carried from thecourtroom and it was hours before shcould her

Yesterday the contributorynegNg we arose and was decidedagainst the girL


ood Humor and Cheerfulness frontItigut Food Drink

Anything that Interferes with goodhealth is apt tokeep cheerfulness andgood humor ia the IwelcgreiHtd AWashington lady found that lettingcoffee alone made things brtsht forher She writes

Four years ago I was practicallygiven up by my cteV not

to live long Ms nervouswas in bad condition

I was young and did not wantto die so I begte o look about forthe cause of chronic trouble Iused to have spoils whichwould exhaust me and alter eachspell it Vj uld take me days before1 could sit up in a chair-

I became eonvineed my treoJHe wascaused by cotes I decided to it

boughtThe nrst cup which I made accord

directions had a soothing ef-fect on my and I liked thetaste For a time I nearly lived OR-

Pesttwa and ate little food besides1 am today a healthy woman

My family and relatives wonder ifI am the same I was fouryears ago when I could do no workon accousit of nervousness I amdoing my own hoosewerk takeof two babies one twenty the ethertwo months el I am se busy thatI hardly get time write ayet I do it all With the dteerfultteseand ood humor that comes from en-Joying good healthowe my lilt today

Rod to Wellvllle is-pkgSL Th res a Reason

Bver rend the above Ictfor new

srcnnlnc true and lull of human

Help HerA


ot the defendant startetd s salt



that the lajtTy re ulte4 frOia COlttrllitttor her vert

Injury to Maya


for f6tl

o appreciate the lone which comethe back

floor was






tea letter

ten my tt Postttat 1

R f

one appears from time to timenreYnjcret u








Sires end


The Flossie Clements




It hassleeve




and teasexpected




stopsome Pgti npr


4 frksr il t4The

14 key









Favors Its Use on All CarLines for All Pur-


Alter Dpamltnc a htvesti tulagtile street eat seat issue the tranppjrta

long arrived by a ciremums path atah indorsement of the crossoaat

The report of the committee madepublic today and filed with PresidentGeo H Harries of the Board of Tradefor coMMeratHm by the board latershows that the members of tile com-mittee have concluded that cars withlongitudinal seats are preferable forcity service stress where stops

are frequent and the average length of

cars with transverse seats are prefer-able for service or streetswhose stops art infrequent and theaverage length of of each pace en gar

Following this however Is a recomirendatian that transverse seats be pro-vided in equipment purchased ta thefuture if the companies adopt the potlcy of using one convertible ear forboth winter and summer use The factthat the companies have already

this policy makes the report of theBoard of Trade committee favorable to

ultimate use ofpus for all purposes oa aH hoesCressseat Car Preferable

The committees report signed byAlexander Brttton chairman showsthat hearings on the carfeat questionwere held and that rvidet ce was oHtamed from citizen from officers j

both local coirpar5fp itn T from fh


tJoR cerandttee fire Board st TJWIe

or for

of short limn



the Jofts eat





fide each pdhbenger tend




District Electric Railway ComrnontenThe committees coaeluoionr are actforth as follows N-

e that the transverseseat ear te preferable f general useand should be used by aH companiesfor tons hauls sad upon suburban linesand as fr as possible upon city lineswhere truffle has not reached a crowd-ed that upon all other lines ofshort runs and frequently crowded remdiUoNs it will be found impossible tooperate sufficient numbers of such

care for the traffic and that longitudinalseat cars will probably be found

effective for such useIf however as stated by the railway

companies it should be impossible forthem for financial dad ether reasonsto maintain a separate equipment forwinter and summer use necessitatingtheir putting into service convertiblepayasyoneater or paywithin tare itIs the opinion of this committee thatthe ear tends itself mostreadily to the convertible feature andthat m future orders for convertibleran the same should be of the transverseseat pattern

President to Be GuestOf Honor AtPresident Taft will be the guest of

honor at the dedication of the HolyCross Academy by Cardinal Gibbons-at 29 oclock tomorrow afternoonFollowing the dedicatory exercises therewill be a receptkn front 4 oclock until

in the academy building

I should feel guilty of In-

gratitude if I did not tell ofthe benefits I have derived from HoodsSarsaparilla Five ugly and painfulabscesses formed in the lower part ofmy abdomen I was confined to mybed thirteen weeks and the pain wasalmost unbearable A neighbor sug-gested that I try Hoods Sarsaparillawhich I did I began to improve innznediatelr the abscesses began to healand I took the medicine until I was

John Wallace Field Sec Y M-f Ait todav In usual liquid form or

fvoafM fables railed Sarsatab

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Plt ton


lire is epic sipsrecommends











THE PUBLIC-I Is Cordially Invited To theI GRAND OPINING



14th Sto and Park Road N W

Saturday December 10th

GOOD MUSICThe attention of the called to the central

of this market The best ofcan found here paves you the

and of doing downtown




Srrd to Bead Doh S Cbecicsl BsltlmestcI rr I aeazsA Tral racrd e maned Treei

public ist and convenient location

everything lie It timeI trouble your marketing


Found in Pocket After Ar-

rest on Telephone MessageFrom House Robbed

Edward West a negro charged withhousebreaking ht locked up at thpolice station anwill be arraigned m Police Court tcmorrow

Hearing an unusual oa thfirst of hw home while alone inthe house yesterday afternoon MrsAgnes of 1S 3 Sixth streetnorthwest rushed downstair andwas surprised to find a negro standingIx the hallway The negro ran out thefront door before White couldsummon assistanceMrs White telephoned No 2 policestation and a description of theintruder Half a hour later Police

mail Belt arrested West and accordto the police a muffler curlingIron and several other stolenfrom the White home were found lahis possession The negro entered thehouse by climbing in rear window


CAPSULEST-ha o3et rarnirr medicine for Stomach

KIdnnr and Baddr

25c and 50c Per BoxThere Is nothing lost as good

Beware of preparations offered as auctiWe import only from original Tiny

Protect looting tot

HOLLAND IMPORTING CO PhllaSold ODoonell Peoples Pharmacy

Nine Drug StorM and an otherdrug stores


The CatholicUniversity of America

CTerm Tues Oct A IflaCourses Leading to Degrees and to

CareenSchool of Law and

JurisprudenceDepartment o ComXTV oC study threeyean LL B

Graduate of Commonol study three years

3i J DDepartment of Civil and Canon LawCourse of study Ive yeexs Decrees B CL it C D C LDepartment of Jurisprudence j

Course of study years Degrees J CJ C LL DLaw may follow courses In other jdepartments SociologyPolitical History scienceGraduate Is encouraged andwork s for hours coavealent to such students Members the braand others who have received f baccalaureatedegree are admitted to the advanced courses

In Law the Department of Chicophlcal hysterical and cemBarative

Courses in EngineeringLectures and WorkCivil

drawing land surveying graphical stalksstructural design roofsand bridges hydraulics masonry and roundsanitary water en

highway cuostrocUoB raIlway eonttructktt-

i3IechanIcal Englnccrlns Shopworkmechanism design engines andBoers

Electrical EmrincerlDC Direct current alternating current machlatry designing of generators and motors electrlc lighting electrical distrloutkxi of powerprimary and secondary batteriesand teegraph electric railways

Chemical H and Archlecture lead tc either the BachelorsDegree or if graduate courses are taken tothe Masters Doctors Degrees Thesedegrees are also obtainable In mathematicsphrsics andlaboratory andlibrary chemical and mu

ceum engineering laboratory astronomical

For Courses In Matnematlcs Archteeters Astronomy Physics Mechanics andChemistry and for degrees and their coali-tions see announcements ol the Schoo qfSciences

The Berlitz School of Languages723 Hlh st X W cor York ave

Telephone Main 217Over ia Leading Cities

Pupils traveling may transfervalue of these lessons from one BerthsSchool to any other In the WorldAll languages by superior Native teachersTerms Reasonable Trial Lessons FreePrivate lessons and classes School or realdence PRIZES AT ALL HE ENTPOSITIONS

Catalogue mailed en application

Tuition 75 PerFor catalogues further ioformatlaa-

addressBt Rev THOSIAS J SHAHAN DRector







thehousethe box pnd wrapper




DFallPra a

tDder uJDate


nineD D

mnD1 nLaw the is Jurisprudence

En i Dee rIll gMechanlcalI


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your elfname es every





and coe rees phfo






NEW YOUJC Dee 7 tuwjeroe CourtJustice Charles W Dayton died at hishome ia tins city today after an illnessof a year Early last spring e

a nervous breakdown andgreifr worse Several weeks ago

he developed pncnnnnla and fr a weekdeath IKM been looked for

Justice Dayton was sixtyfew yearsold and bad been prominent in XewYork politics for many

i While Grocer Cleveland was Presidentbe was postmaster of th dty and hewas elected to the supreme court benchin 1905




e rIY




suffered con-





CHICAGO 7 December IS to theJump in price of coal The

excuses given are the sfcortmce tile re-cent strike in the mines and terailroad rates

Tile prices have been advanced Xcents a ton In the last month

The new increase win be between 50and cents a ton and mm nvnal tbeconsumers will have to pay

Leeks Bring Luck-In Wales ii is considered very lucky

to house leeks grew on the housesthis being snpT o d to insure all those inthe house from disease or Disaster




ecday set coal dealers for another



b sky-ward








Tells How to Make 178 Kinds of Cake

Cakes of all kinds for all peopIare best made th Royal



3 tl

cRoyal iramdsdiatelyCook Book fit on receipt of-ranilcet freo 9our addre s










We had contract for hauling and erecting entire stone andbronze work Nothing too difficult for us in the way of haulingand monuments machinery iron safes payer plants c

Practically all of the bronze statues in Washington as wellas most of the heavy machinery for large power plants in andaround the city were hauied and erected by us

have an unequaled service for moving furniture consis-ting of Upholstered Vans and skilled movers We ilea providesteel vans for transporting household effects for foreign countriesand across continent

No Matter How Large or theOrder We Deliver the Goods

Owing to the enormous increase of ourbusiness TFO have CBHJpletely outgrown our offices at 1417 Pennsylvania avenueSince December 1 tre haTe occupied our new general offices cornerSecond and B streets northwest but will continue to maintain ourdowntown office for the convenience of patrons

1417 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUEFreight Delivery Agents Vcnnsylvnnln Railroad Co

Freight Delivery Agents Norfolk and Washlnsrton Steamboat CoWashington Fast Freight Line Bctiveen Baltimore and AVnmhln ton

1 Maj Gen von Steuben Monument





Moving j

6eo W Knox Co



Packing Storage
