wagg.~ taml~ -1945 · 2021. 5. 14. · tibeton spaniel "count" 2nd innon-sporting group...

WAGG.~ TAml~ DIIE~IIEM~IIE~~(@)iIl4 Richland Kennel Club P.o. Box 386 Richland, WA 99352 Est. 1945 - Officers Next General Meeting Christmas Party Dec. s", 2014 6pm @ the home of Bonnie & Chuck Ames Knox Rd. Benton City (see inside for details) RSVP: 588-6430 Handling Classes We are back at 4-Paws 7pm There will be no class thru the month of December Please bring proof of vaccinations if your dog has not been here before. ·W President Vice President Treasurer Recording Show Board of Michele Chairman Directors Chuck Ames Kevin Davis Murray Secretary Bruce Glenn Alyssa Paxton 588-6430 628-0556 531-0432 Liz Summa 491-9180 Lori Weed Conunittees Corresponding Newsletter Judges Judges Historian/ Bruce(past Selection Selection Secretary President) Chrmn Co-chrmn Handling Class Refreshments Bonnie Ames Bonnie Ames 588-6430 Kim Glenn Valerie Brown Marion Ford 588-6430 491-9181 554-1668 588-8413 RKC Board Meeting Thursday No Meeting In December Deadline for Newsletter 15th of the month Any material received after this date will be considered for inclusion in the following newsletter. Contact Info: BrucelKim Glenn [email protected] 4502 Arlington, Dr. W. Richland, WA 99353 491-9181

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Page 1: WAGG.~ TAml~ -1945 · 2021. 5. 14. · Tibeton Spaniel "Count" 2nd inNon-Sporting Group Match Boise,ID Richard Welty Pug "Maverick" Earned his Championship Boise,ID Teresa Obenauer


Richland KennelClubP.o. Box 386Richland, WA99352

Est. 1945-


Next General MeetingChristmas Party

Dec. s", 20146pm

@ the home of Bonnie & ChuckAmes

Knox Rd. Benton City(see inside for details)

RSVP: 588-6430

Handling ClassesWe are back at 4-Paws


There will be no classthru the month of


Please bring proof ofvaccinations if your dog has

not been here before.


President Vice President Treasurer Recording Show Board ofMichele Chairman DirectorsChuck Ames Kevin Davis Murray

SecretaryBruce Glenn Alyssa Paxton588-6430 628-0556 531-0432 Liz Summa 491-9180 Lori Weed

ConunitteesCorresponding Newsletter Judges Judges

Historian/Bruce(past Selection SelectionSecretary

President) Chrmn Co-chrmn Handling Class RefreshmentsBonnie Ames Bonnie Ames

588-6430 Kim Glenn Valerie Brown Marion Ford 588-6430491-9181 554-1668 588-8413

RKC BoardMeetingThursday

No MeetingIn


Deadline forNewsletter15th of the month

Any material received after thisdate will be considered forinclusion in the following

newsletter.Contact Info:

BrucelKim [email protected]

4502 Arlington, Dr.W. Richland, WA 99353


Page 2: WAGG.~ TAml~ -1945 · 2021. 5. 14. · Tibeton Spaniel "Count" 2nd inNon-Sporting Group Match Boise,ID Richard Welty Pug "Maverick" Earned his Championship Boise,ID Teresa Obenauer

President's Bark


HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO EVERYONE! We are now approaching the Holiday seasonwith Christmas and New Year's around the corner. This is a time where we spend our time withour families and most of us take the month off from dog shows. I know a few members are stillparticipating in the Greater Clark County dog shows the first weekend in December so will not beable to attend the Club Christmas Party. I understand the importance of attending these showsto meet your goals, even so you will be greatly missed!

This is also the month where the handling class takes time off. We have tried in the pastto continue these classes during this time and it has not been very successful in getting instructorsand participants. Again, too many other holiday festivities take up much of our time. Again, thatis what Thanksgiving and Christmas is all about - spending time with the family.

Our newly elected board held their first board meeting this month and everyone appearsto be excited about the possibilities the New Year will bring. The September 2015 show is wellon its way to being approved with one day already approved (Saturday). Discussion was held onwhat special event we would hold in conjunction with our show (best puppy, best bred-by,veterans, Owner Handler) and the decision to date is to hold no other special events. While thismay change in the future, the major concern is length of time to complete. We just barely met ourrental return times following Sunday's show this year. Even so, we all know our show will be justas successful as years past.

I also want to remind everyone that the Family Expo is right around the corner being heldthe last weekend in January (Friday the 23rd, and Saturday the 24th). Bonnie will be callingeveryone early next month to set up your participation times. She tries to schedule in 2 hourblocks to minimize impact to the dogs, and she tries to have large and small dogs together duringthe 2 day event. The importance of this event is to promote responsible dog ownership, teachchildren the proper way to greet dogs, and to give our dogs highly needed socialization with about5000 attendees. We always have a great time and great participation by all the club members.

In closing, I want to remind everyone that our next meeting the annual Christmas Partybeing held at the home of Chuck and Bonnie Ames in Bento City. The party is on Friday,December 5thand you can get there starting at 6:00 pm. We always have a great time, the maindish will be Beef Stroganoff again, and we will have our gift exchange for members that bring gifts(try to keep around a $20.00 limit). I look forward to seeing you all next month and have a greatThanksgiving!

Your President

Chuck Ames

Page 3: WAGG.~ TAml~ -1945 · 2021. 5. 14. · Tibeton Spaniel "Count" 2nd inNon-Sporting Group Match Boise,ID Richard Welty Pug "Maverick" Earned his Championship Boise,ID Teresa Obenauer

Richland Kennel ClubGeneral MeetingNovember 6, 2014

Meeting was called to order by President Chuck Ames at 7:31 pm at Richlandcommunity Center. Membership roll call was done with brags. Chuck requested amotion to accept minutes of last meeting as was printed in the Newsletter. CherylStevens made the motion which was seconded by Liz Summa. Motion was carried.

Report of President- Chuck requested a motion to accept officers as nominated.Motion was made by Cheryl Stevens and seconded by Mary Ann Brownlee.Motion was carried. List of officers will be sent to AKC. Chuck requested amotion to accept Richard and Debbie Calcavecchia as members ofRKC. Motionwas made by Cheryl Stevens and seconded by Mary Ann Brownlee. Motion wascarried. Welcome to Richard and Debbie.

Report of Secretary- Cards of sympathy were sent to Bill and Michelle Murrayand Aaron and Lori Stevens on the loss of family members. Chuck Amesregistered with the AKC for our Fall 2015 show.

Report of Treasure- Michelle Murray reported on the status of the Treasury.

Handling Class- Last handling will be 11119/2014 until Jan 7, 2015

Show Committee- Bruce Glenn will be show chairman again. He is asking foranyone interested in learning how to be show chair to work with him this year.Debbie Calcavecchia volunteered. Skeeter Benton will be Obedience chair person.Motion was made to increase entry fee from $28.00 to $29.00 for the Fall 2015show by Cindi McIntruf and seconded by Kay Hulstrom. Motion was carried.

Old Business- Motion was made by Skeeter Benton to increase allotment forRKC logo items to $2000.00. More items need to be replaced than previouslythought. Motion was seconded by Michelle Murray. Motion was carried.New Business- Christmas Party will be at Chuck and Bonnie Ames home. Dee 5,2014 at 6:00pm. Bonnie will make stroganoff and it will be potluck sides. $20 giftlimit. Bring a gift get a gift. Family Expo will be Jan. 23, 24 and zs" 2015. Bonniewill be calling and scheduling time slots for volunteers. Make sure your dog canhandle being surrounded by adults and children.

Brag box was won by Liz Summa.Motion was made to adjourn meeting by Skeeter Benton and seconded by BonnieAmes. Chuck adjourned the meeting at 8:28pm.

Page 4: WAGG.~ TAml~ -1945 · 2021. 5. 14. · Tibeton Spaniel "Count" 2nd inNon-Sporting Group Match Boise,ID Richard Welty Pug "Maverick" Earned his Championship Boise,ID Teresa Obenauer

Richland Kennel Club-Minutes for Board Meeting

November 20, 2014

ATTENDEES:Chuck Ames, Bonnie Ames, Kim Glenn, Bruce Glenn, Alyssa Paxton, Elizabeth Summa,Bill Murray, Michelle Murray, Laurie Weed, Kevin Davis

CALL TO ORDER:President called the Richland Kennel Club Board Meeting to order at 7:30 pm, atDenny's in Richland, WA. Club Minutes for October were printed in the newsletteraccepted and approved as printed by Bonnie Ames & seconded by Michelle Murray.

TREASURER'S REPORT:Treasures report was given by Michelle Murray.

OLD BUSINESS:• Items for the RKC and to be handed out at functions have arrived• Notice from AKC for annual $25 club dues• Katie Clute has emailed about the expo in January- RKC has reserved a spot

COMMITTEE REPORTS:• Show Committee- AKC has approved Saturday, Sunday is still pending. Dog

show Entry fees have been raised $1 for 2015. City of Kennewick will not beincreasing Park use or camping fees for the 2015 show.

• Membership- Nothing to report• Handling Class- Last class was Nov. 19. Class will resume January ih.

NEW BUSINESS:• Kevin offered a brochure for canopies for event to replace old ones

o It has also been brought up to consider fixing the old canopies instead ofpurchasing new

• Discussion on offering Owner-Handler competition at 2015 show - consensus ofthe Board - not to offer at 2015 show.

Richland Kennel Club Christmas Party will be at Chuck and Bonnie's on Dec. 5, 6pm

Motion to adjourn was by Laurie Weed and Kevin Davis.

Elizabeth SummaRKC Recording Secretary for 2015Meeting Adjourned at 8:26 pm

Page 5: WAGG.~ TAml~ -1945 · 2021. 5. 14. · Tibeton Spaniel "Count" 2nd inNon-Sporting Group Match Boise,ID Richard Welty Pug "Maverick" Earned his Championship Boise,ID Teresa Obenauer
Page 6: WAGG.~ TAml~ -1945 · 2021. 5. 14. · Tibeton Spaniel "Count" 2nd inNon-Sporting Group Match Boise,ID Richard Welty Pug "Maverick" Earned his Championship Boise,ID Teresa Obenauer

Print - Maps Page 1 of 1

~ bing Maps

A Richland, WA

8 33708 W Knox Rd, Benton City, WA 99320

l!MY Notes

Route: 18.5 mi, 25 min GiI On the ';iC? Use m.bing.c:om to find maps,cfirectkJll5, busmesses. and more

A B'18 5 mi IIC an , - . .25 min

1. Depart WA-240 Branch 1 George Washington Way toward Falley St 0.8mi

: 2. Take ramp right for 1-182toward Yakima 1 Pendleton 4.6mi ,

; 3. Take ramp right for US-12 West 11-82 West toward Prosser 1Yakima 5.9mi

r 4. At exit 96, take ramp right for WA-225 North 1WA-224 East toward 0.3miBenton City 1W Richland

~5. Turn right onto WA-2241 WA-225 1 1st St 1 N Webber Canyon Rd NE 148 ft

t 6. Keep straight onto WA-225 1 1st St 2.0 miPass Conoco in 1.2 mi

+a 7. Turn left onto Hazel Ave 1W Old Inland Empire Hwy 3.7 mi

r-- 8. Turn right onto W Knox Rd 1.2 mi

B 9. Arrive at 33708 W Knox Rd, Benton City, WA 99320The last intersection is W Highland Ext RdIf you reach N Shuler Rd, you've gone too far I.-J

R' hi d WA

These directions are subject to the Microsoft® Service Agreement and for informational purposes only. No guarantee is made regarding their completeness or accuracy.Construction projects, traffic, or other events may cause actual conditions to differ from these results. Map and traffic data © 2014 NAVTEQTM

~~-~~~\r,,,~ \ ) .~O\A ---.; ~ ,

Page 7: WAGG.~ TAml~ -1945 · 2021. 5. 14. · Tibeton Spaniel "Count" 2nd inNon-Sporting Group Match Boise,ID Richard Welty Pug "Maverick" Earned his Championship Boise,ID Teresa Obenauer

Upcoming Showsl~~

Sammamish KCPuyallap, WA

Dates: 1110-1112015Closes: 1212412014


Puyallap Valley DFPuyallap, WA

Dates: 1/12/2015Closes: 1212412014


TualatinKCPortland, OR

Dates: 1115 & 1812015Closes: 1213112014


Dog Fanciers Ass. of ORPortland, OR

Dates: 1/16-1712015Closes: 1213112014


New Slate of Officer's for 2015

President-Chuck AmesVice President-Kevin Davis

Recording Secretary-Liz SummaTreasurer-Michele Murray

Show Chairman-Bruce Glenn

Board of DirectorsAlyssa Paxton

Lori Weed************************

RKCDuesNow DueJr's-$5


S,melhing I, 11,..,1A6,ulClu6 mem6er

Brag'sI would like to apologize for a miss

print last month on the brag's"Hera"

Is a Grey HoundSo very sorry Scott & Rosann.

Skeeter BentonGerman Shepherds

BigSky's Last Dance at Windvane PolkaBOB & Group 4 in CA

Bonnie & Chuck AmesPembroke Welsh Corgi

Amsburg's Uni5 pt Major & BOB out of the puppy

classBoise, IDAlso

Tibeton Spaniel"Count"

2nd in Non-Sporting Group MatchBoise,ID

Richard WeltyPug

"Maverick"Earned his Championship


Teresa ObenauerPembroke Welsh Corgi

."Shooter"Winners DOl all 3 day's

BOB & 4 in group9m of age

Rapid City, SD

Cheryl StevensBoxer

Jestic N Draymia's Can't Put The BookDown"Page"

Reserve WB to 5 pointerRegional Specialty Show

Vancover, WA

Page 8: WAGG.~ TAml~ -1945 · 2021. 5. 14. · Tibeton Spaniel "Count" 2nd inNon-Sporting Group Match Boise,ID Richard Welty Pug "Maverick" Earned his Championship Boise,ID Teresa Obenauer

Richland Kennel Club

P.O. Box 386Richland, WA 99352