w* the minneapolis journal. speciaistoveoiter · 2017. 12. 13. · tween the tuxedo and olympia...

mm Kwa- ^s^s^T^Vf 14 w* THURSDAY EVENING, THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. NOVEMBER 19, 1903,, POTTS BEATS CAMPBELL m Pacific Coast Fighter Is Knocked ' Out by the Clever Mia- Z\^ neapolis Man. *\ *t* "fl Pat Campbell, a Pacific coast ( flght- •r, otherwise known as "Bruiser" Har- rison, was aefeated by Jim Potts of Minneapolis last night in a prize light held at 252 Second avenue S. Just a second before Campbell's seconds threw up the sponge, Chief of Police Conroy stepped to the ringside and ordered the fight stopped. " Camp- bell's men did not hear the chiefs order, and tossed the sponge, the referee awarding the decision t>*Pqtis. The Minneapolis man was the >- gressor from start to finish. , In the first round he sent Hamilton to the floor, and continued to Jab him until the seventh. Both came up strong in this round, but Potts quickly got in a left to the jaw which sent Hamilton down. The referee had counted three, and Hamilton was trying to rise, when the sponge was thrown up at the same time that Chief Conroy interfered. The first preliminary was a six-round go between Kid Selby and Kid Rose. They fought fast, and the referee called it a draw. Ben Tremble was scheduled for a six-round bout with Jack Harvey, a local man. The referee stopped the fight in the second, giv- ing the decision to Tremble. "Twin" Jack Sullivan of Boston gave "Philadelphia Jack" O'Brien one of the hardest battles of his career last night at Philadelphia. The fight was judged a draw, as both men were .•till on their feet at the end of the I sixth round, the scheduled limit of the bout, and ready to continue. Sullivan had so much the better of the first and fourth rounds that O'Brien was compelled to hold on to avoid punishment. In the first round he cleanly knocked the Philadelphian down. The Boston man also had slightly the better of the second and ^third rounds, but weakened in the fifth. In the sixth O'Brien came to the center of the ring strong and confi- dent. He forced the fighting and had Sullivan almost helpless when the gong sounded, announcing the end of the bout. O'Brien's showing in the last round offset his work in the previous rounds, and the experts about the ringside considered that a draw would have been a lust decision if the laws of the state would have permitted the ref- eree to give official judgment. speciaistoveoiter ^if Avery Purchaser of a J?K: Maiestic BOWLING Games To-night. Minneapolis League—Tasmo vs. Turner B-t C o - o p e r a t i v e alleys Grain and Flour League—Poehler vs. JWatson at Co-operative alleys City League—Baldwin \s. St. Anthony at S t . A n t h o n y alleys. Some high-class bowling was seen last night i n t h e final game o f t h e match be- tween the Tuxedo and Olympia teams of the Minneapolis league. Four men rolled o\er 213, Godfrey leading with 240. The Tuxedos pulled out ahead with a total of 982, giving them a clean sweep for the evening. The score: TT.XED0. First Second. Hansen 161) 179 Kayser 164 170 Nichols 204 177 Hughes JO'! 19ft Steel Range this week will be Given Free a ^ ^ yf-^- Set of Kitchen Utensils -. Worth $7.50. C^ll and see the Majestic v Bake Biscuits in#7 , Three Minutes. - Majestic Coffee served to all callers. ..**> ., Dining Room Furnishings. Extra Special Offer: Double amount (2 for 1) S. & H. Green Trading Stamps given with all purchases of Dining Room Tables, Chairs, Sideboards, Buffets, and China Closets .< " THE* ' * MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL WANT AD COLUMNS. WANT Pages 14andH BABBEBS' SUPPLIES BARBERS—We solicit your business; full line cutlery; grinding and honing a specialty. Wes- tcrn Barbei Supply Co./ 218 Nicollet ov. BOUTELL BROS. saves Yen Msiei WILL DECIDE THE TITLE North and South High Eleven Play To-morrow for Twin City * Championship. Third Average 171 2-3 8andblom 140 1««> 171 214 185 225 187 180 2-1 188 2-:J 205 2*1 164 1*3 Total* 870 S01 OLYMPIA. Fhst Second. F Hitchcock . 150 190 Crocker 160 125 Godfrey 177 144 Viands . . 181 160 Carpenter 120 164 Totals 796 77a City League. 'K. C First. 143 170 137 119 187 982 Third Averag*. 213 187 1-3 170 240 130 180 962 Bosworth . Carter . Armstrong Rowley .. Heffield .. Totals . Second. 15-? 140 136 128 190 151 1-3 187 186 151 1-3 Third. 154 170 151 187 197 The decisive contest for the football championship of the twin city high schools will take place Friday after- noon. The two managements have been at variance in regard to the place for the game, North high insisting that it be played on North high field, while the South Siders prefer North- rop field. The matter came up for final settlement this afternoon. Both teams are confident of victory to-morrow. Bernhagen's men have taken things easy for several weeks, but have been working hard during this wek in preparation for the game, realizing that they will have to extend themselves to the limit. South high has suffered somewhat from injuries, but all her men will be in good shape to-morrow. As this contest will set- tle the championship finally, a crowd of several thousand persons is ex- pected to attend. CROSS COUNTRY RUN ADVERTISING RATES: * All advertisements 1 cent a word, when paid for In advance, otherwise 8 cents per line, 7 words to the line. No advertisement is taken for less than 20c for each insertion. All advertisements received after 1 p. m. of day* of publication are too late for classification. When so desired, in place of an ad- dress, any advertisement can be ad- dressed to a number, care The Jour- nal, and ans-w ers for out of -town ad- vertisers will be forwarded. ^ Want Ads for The Journal will be received at tho following addresses: SOUTH. J. F. Sanderson. 9th st and Nicollet vr** A. B. Crowell, 1012 Htnnepln ay. Marshall & Co., 1825 Nicollet av. Allun Brothers, 1538 Nlctllet av. IT. H. Larabee, 22d st and Hennepin av. M. F. Washburn, Lake st and Hennepin av« C. E. Haugan, Lake st and Lyndale, av. J. H. Kinpoits, 26th st and Lyndale av. Mrs. 0. A. Blgelow, 2 M 2Ct£ st. Goodrich & Jennings, 2 E Lake at. Nicollet Junction Drug Store, 81st st and Nic- ollet ,av. W. C. Buchanan, 146 B Lake st. S. J. Hook, 2835 Chicago av. A. Douglas, 8457 Chicago av. * M. Aune, 15th st and Hennepin av. O. M. Pardoe & Co., Lake st and Bloomlngton. A. J Kline, 2000 Bloomlngton. Outwits it Jones, 2451 Bloomlngton. WIttich & Oleason, Franklin and Bloomlngton. W. K. Hicks, 1585 K Franklin av. J. W. Williams, 1211 E Franklin av. W. H. Sweet, 18th st and Chicago av. ~ E. M. Penotiere, 20th st and 4th av S. J. W. Harrah, 1718 4tU av S. W D. King & Co., 12tli st -and 3d av S. Tupper & Chamberlain, 10th st and 9th av 3. Crocker & Thompson, 601 8th av B- Red Cross Pcarmacy, 717 8d av S. J. 0. Peter«on, 1501 Washington av S. NORTH. C. H. Huhn, 98 Western av. Russell & Case, Lyndale and Western. G. A. Bingenheimer, 042 Sixth avenue N. Oak Park Drug Store, 1342 Sixth avenue N. A. H. Persall, 929 Twentieth avenue N. Wilson Bros , 1500 Twentieth avenue N. Robertson Drug Co., l»2l Washington ave- nue N. F. J. Nagel, Twentieth avenue N and Wash- ington avenue. O. B. Skinner, 2901 Washington avenue N. v NORTHEAST. John Gormley, 2401 Central avenue KB. W. P. Strout, 2022 Central avenue NB. H. Beuhler, 738 Adams street NB. D. C. Bnglund, Spring and Monroe. Sundberg and Muerer, Fifth street and Central. Henry Rauch, Thirteenth avenue and Main street. SOUTHEAST. University Drug Stoie, 401 Fourteenth ave- nue SB. A. Livingston, 515 Fourteenth avenue SE. Tufts Pharmacy, 813 Fourth street SE. J. W. Thompson, 800 Washington avenue SB. BICYCLES AND AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE—A FIVE-HORSE-POWER. GAS0- lene runabout, 80-lnch wood wheels, in good running ncodltion. Prlc e$400 cash. North- western Motor Vehicle Co., 112 8th st S, Min- neapolis, Minn. FOR SALE—CADILLAC, WITH SEATS FOR four passensers, price $600 Northwestern Motor Vehicle Co.. 112 0th st S, Minneapolis, Minn. AUTOMOBILES AND BICYCLES STORED FOR v lntei: also first-class rep.ii-lng. The J. N. Johnson Co., 915 Nlc. Both phones, 1989. « BUSINESS SPECIALS SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, HOLES, ETC., PERSIA- nently removed by electricity. Miss Hollister, 77 78 Syndicate block. Pioneer Stand of the northwest. Exclusive specialist. CIRCULAR LETTERS MPLS. CIRCULAR & ADDRESSING 00., 411-413 Nio. Birmingham Multl Typewriting reproduc- tion' addressing, mailing, etc.; lists supplied. CLAIRVOYANTS FREE TESTS TO ALL. Arrived—Prince de Lester, the Gypsy. The only Dead Trance Medium in the world who is so sure of his power he gives a wonderful test free to nil who come prepared; challenges any one to equal him; his startling revelations are the wonder of all, your name, your thoughts, troubles, full name of your future husband or wife, the one you love, date of marriage, etc. In business speculations, di- vorce, raining, uniting the separated he has no equal. To the sick and all in trouble his help is priceless. Patrons out of the city, who cannot call, stamp will bring a wonderful free test. 711 1st av S. Roosevelt House. . , HUE EXTINGUISHERS r . PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS AND HOMES with an American Chemical Fire Extinguisher. W. J. West, genral agent, 44^ 7th st'S. , MACHINERY AND ENGINES _. ?*„•? ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON REBUILDING automombiles, automobile, printing presses and Linotype repairing a specialty. Jas. Murphy & Co., general machinists, 809 3d st B. FOR SALE—SEOOND-HAND GASOLENE EN- glnes, fiom 1 to 20-horse-power, in good run- ning order. Globe Iron Works, 2229 Univer- sity av SE, Minneapolis. IRON WORKING AND WOOD WORKING MA- cbinery, largest stock In the northwest. North- ern Machinery Co., 217 Jid st S, Minneapolis. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS CALL AND SEE THE LARGEST AND MOSS complete stock of store and office fixtures, f show eases, wall and floor cases,, allj lengths, and cash registers, scales, safes, v desks, refrigerators, pianos, organs, delivery, wagons, store fronts and sash, 500, seconds hand stoves, bake ovens, restaurant ranges,^ trap and phaeton, good as new, less than"* half-price. Ryan, 1027 Washington av S. G. G. FOX ft CO., 808 1st AV S; MACHINISTS and brass finishers, gasolene engine and auto- mobile work; novelty and pattern makers. ATTENTION, LADIEES. Have three sealskin jackets, sizes 36 and 40; cost new $300; will sell for $100 and $150. These garments are as good as new. Don't show any wear whatever. Also two electric seal jackets, sizes 38; will sell one for $30, cost $80, the other for $18.50. Two fur- lined coats, sizes 36 and 42, at a bargain. Two buffalo coats, sizes 40, $40 and $25. B. Bank, 321 Washington av S. ^MEDICAL r X LADIES, ATTENTION. First-class massage institute for all nervous diseases, rheumatism and sleeplessness and all mental troubles. Mrs, Gurll Gummesson, graduate from Sweden, 800-Nlcollet av. Tele- phone, Northwestern, 2301-J Main. MRS. DR. McKAY—ELECTRIC, MAGNETIC * aud alcohol vapor sweats; will cure rheuma- tism, grip and all nervous troubles. 905 Northwestern building, 322 Hennepin. Take elevator. WOMEN'S DISEASES CURED. Goiters and all uterine and ovarian troubles. Dr. B. T. Allen, 412 Masonic Temple. Consul- tation free. Open evenings. T. C. 450. PILES—DR. H. WAITE; 25 YEARS' SPECIAL- 1st; cures every case; write for pamphlet; mailed fiee. 1219 Hawthorn av, Minneapolis. ALWAYS CONSULT THE BEST, KING S0L0- man Dangers, losses, sickness, can be avoid- ed, disaster turned to success, despair to hap- piness. Advice given pertaining to the past, piesent and future. This kind man has made the greatest predictions the world has ever known. He predicted the assassination of President McKinley and the great Galveston flood. He develops people who possess clair- voyant faculties. Prof. King Solomon has re. moved to larger and more convenient quarters at 9U0 Hennepin av, where he can be consulted daily. SPEARS m 747 & BILLITER First Second Hamlin 192 Dayton 154 Scbowell 143 Hench •* J 51 Hoag i3« Totals i76 201 183 131 124 197 838 859 Third. 174 191 158 155 17,} 851 INDEPENDENT FOOTBALL De Vean 122 Pickett 121 Cochran lOfc Morris 115 Strothman isi Flour and Grain League. •. WASHBURN-CROSBY. First Second Thiid Average Totals ST. 645 127 154 fll 153 708 112 108 139 138 105 608 120 1-3 121 2-3 112 145 1-3 146 Thompson ^. Olrard Montgomery Lawyer . .. Hall ANTHONY-DAKOTA. First Second Third. Average. Totals 151 152 118 17% 153 744 179 181 148 186 111 7B5 136 187 161 122 160 776 1B8 2-3 173 1-3 140 2-3 144 11 141 1-8 Commercial League. POWERS MERCANTILE CO _, ... Mrst. Second. Biandt 178 180 Gilbert 164 161 2>anl 161 173 Wesner 131 138 Peterson 197 180 The Adams Athletic Association football team will play the St. Paul Tigers at Lexing- ton park Sutidav for the independent cham- pionship of the northwest. Bach team claims the title in Its citj The Second Badgers would like to arrange a game with any 100 or 105 pound team in the city. Tor games address Willie «Bohn, 1118 Lyndale avenue N The Riverside .Ir s claim the 110 pound cham pionship of the twin cities. Any teams wishing games with them for Sunday and Thanksgiving Day. call or address Fred Reller, 2630 Elgth street S. ' The cross-country run from Minneap- olis to St. Paul, between teams repre- senting the Minneapolis and St. Paul Y. M. C. A.'s promises to be an interesting event. Both teams have been training hard for Hie contest, and good time is expected. T h e r a c e w i l l b e held Saturday afternoon. S i x m e n will represent each association, each man running two miles. They will carry greetings from Mayor Haynes of Minneapolis to Mayor Smith of St. Paul. A s l i k b a n n e r w i l l b e a w a r d e d t o t h e vic- torious team. Dr. Weston, physical direc- tor of the Minneapolis Y, M. C. A., says that h i s m e n are in fine shape, and con- fident of victory. T h e r o u t e follows: F i r s t R e l a y — D o w n T e n t h s t r e e t t o Sixth avenue, Sixth avenue to Portland, Port- land to Twenty-seventh street Second Relay—Twenty-seventh street to Lakt, street, d o w n L a k e s t r e e t t o Twenty- second avenue. t h i s w e e k i n p r e p a r a t i o n f o r the game, down Lake street to far end of Marshall avenue bridge, less fifty yards. Fourth Relay—From bridge along Mar- shall avenue to Craton street, down Craton street t6 Summit avenue, down Summit avenue to Snellfng avenue. . Fifth Relay—From Snelling avenue down S u m m i t a v e n u e t o D a l e street. Sixth Relay—From Summit and Dale a v e n u e s d o w n S u m m i t a v e n u e to Oakland, down Oakland to Pleasant, down Pleasant to Fifth street, down Fifth street to St. P a u l Y . M . C . A. What Makes Ruby Lips. The pure, rich blood, made by Dr. King's New Life Pills. They promote beauty, give clear skin, rosy cheeks. 25 cents. AGENCY P0R HELP . WE SUPPLY THE NORTHWEST WITH bookkeepers, stenographers, general store clerks, hotel clerks, etc. No charge to em- ploye!. S. A. Mora wet/. & Co , 407 Kasota bldg ANNOUNCEMENTS MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL BRANCH OFFICE, •» DONALDSON'S GLASS BLOCK. Next to Western Union Telegraph and Bianch nostofnees. In office on main floor, front of new elevator. Want *'ads" and jieus items received. Journals on sale Subscriptions talen. General information given. LEARN THE SECRET HOW TO CONTROL and fascinate the one you love, near or far. remove all domestic troubles, make jour ene- mies your friends; ^ guarantee to teach you this in one hour, full practical instructions mailed to you on receipt of 25c. Mrs. Sanders, Box 159, Minneapolis, Minn. CUTLERY GRINDING SHEARS, RAZORS AND KNIVES SHARPENED —We grind everything that requires an edge. Berbeck, practical giinder, 211 4th st S, Mpls. WOMEN'S DISEASES CURED. Call or write Dr. Bly, 412 Nicollet av, 3d floor; new book, 25c. MEDICAL—MRSr~DR7~HAUGAN, PHYSICAL culture and massage, 503^ Henn. av, 3d floor. MOVING SAFES, BOILERS AND HEAVY MACHINERY moved; household goods moved and stored or packed for shipment by expert packers; cars of household goods made up for the coast; fre- quent shipments and big saving in freight. Boyd Transfer and Storage Co., 48 3d st S, CAMERON'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE; Ex- pert packers for storage or shipment; large and commodious vans for moving. Office 300 Nic- ollet, both phones 1208. Residence, T. C. 13J24 PIANOS—BARGAINS IN USED PIANOS FOR this week; terms cash or $5 to $8 monthly. Singer piano, $175; two upright pianos, $90 and $125; one Gabler piano, $190; one Mc- Phail piano, $285; one Jewett piano, $220; one Steinway square piano, $90; new pianos tor rent, $8.50 and $4 a month One year's rent allowed if purchased. Foster & Waldo, 38 8th st S, corner Nicollet. v UPHOLSTERING. FINE REFINI8HING, RE- PAIRING. Mattresses, dress boxes, etc., made to order. Perfect work; popular 1 rices. Estimates giv- en. University Fueplture Store, 417-419 14th av SB. Phones, T. C, 16455. N. W.. IS 692-J-l. DAIRY BUTTER, 17o, , 19c, 21c; CHOICE creamery, 28c, choice brick cheese, 10c, cream cheese, 12 %t; Switzer, 15c; fresh roasted coffee, l i e ; best tea dust, 15c, choice Young Hyson tea, 23c; choice Japan, 25c; honey, 9c. Berslln's New Butter Store, 91 7th st S. REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS ON RENTAL—$5 per month and up, good work and prompt ser- vice guaranteed by our superior facilities and natural interest In the reputation of our ma- chine. Remington Typewriter company, 4th st S, Minneapolis. Telephone 1382. ZWQ-HUNDRluD-FOOT PARTITION, SUITABLE for office or bank. Also desks, roll-top, flat, standing, double, etc. Fine line of safes, show cases, wall cases, counters. Big stock cash registers and scales. Twin City Fixture Exchange, 223 3d st S. FURS. FURS. FURS. Have the largest stock in the city of unre- deemed fur-lined coats, ladies' fur jackets, capes, etc. Don't fail to see before buying elsewhere. William Welsman, 224 and 226 Washington av S. THE M. P. D, DELIVERS PACKAGES IN CITY 10c; St. Paul 15c. 619 4th av S. Both tela. 1503 NEWS AND BOOKS SPECIAL SALE OF THE LATEST $1.50 BOOKS. This week only $1.08. Postoffice news and cigar store, 50 3d st S. Both phones. BOWN'S NEW BARGAIN STORE IS'THE BEST place in the west for snaps in slightly used and new furniture, carpets, rugs, heating stoves, ranges, crockery, antiques, Indian rugs, curios, etc.. No. 9 5th st S. opposite Lumber Ex- change. WALL PAPER, So PER ROLL; INGRAINS 8c; ordinary-sized rooms papered with gilts or glimmers, $3; paper hanging, paper cleaneo, 75c to $1.50 per room, painting. Baker, 124 5th st S, opposite N. 1". Life bldg. Both phones. DETECTIVE AGENCIES McNULTY DETECTIVE AGENCY, 810 KASOTA building, S. J. McNulty, Mgr. Detective work in all Its branches. References: B. J. Conroy, chief of police, Minneapolis. N. W- phone. NOTICE—FRIDAY AND SATURDAY PICTURE sale, all new and unclaimed pictures and fram- ing pictures at quick-seHing prices New stock mouldings, oval&# oil paintings. Open Saturday tevenings Zesbaugh, 11 5th st S CARS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS MADE UP FOR Pacific coast, frequent shipments ahd big sav- ing in freight, see us before shipping. Boyd Transfer and Storage Co 46 3d st S HAVE. BYRON ft W;ILLABD PRINT IT. Minnesota-Wisconsin Football Game, Madison, Wis.—$6.00 Round Trip Rate. Account of the big game at Madison, "Wis., Thanksgiving day, Nov. 26, the North-Western line will sell round trip tickets at $6.00, good on special train leaving Minneapolis Nov. 25, 9 p.' m.; arrive Madison 7 a. m. Re- turning special train will leave Madi- son via Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway 9 p. m.; arriving Minneapolis early Friday morning. For sleeping car reservations, etc., call"at city ticket office, 600 Nicollet avenue, Minneap-/ olis, Minn. - Totals I 851 ', MINNEAPOLIS DRY First. Williams 122 "Peterson 187 Bartlett 171 )5e»W 183 Burch 188 Third 183 163 168 133 158 802 HAVE YOU GOT RHEUMATISM? 882 GOODS. Second. Third 147 169 181 109 183 187 153 151 123 174 ^ Totals 816 759 788 H" WYMAN-PARTRIDGE. ^. h . 1 . First- Second. Third rfRlngland 179 161 '». Annls 185 137 )jB.uffum 1G5 171 &f»Petersoa 167 155 ** Line 141 180 143 143 -137 ,149 127 PtM ^Totals 787 K Q\ FALACE CLOTHING M *' A First. L Patton lei K -^, Malmstedt 140 - fftBehwart* 101 £g'N*nier 152 f J4 ^6chloss 179 /"^Totals "783 784 699 CO. Second. Third. 95 128 125 189 141 678 122 142 134 132 152 682 \ ^ATHLETIC ENTERTAINMENT ^ ''- A iarge audience witnessed an excellent athletic program at the Cooke institute In the Kasota building last evening. The fencing exhibition between Professors Leslabay and Le Roux was spirited. Ex- perts declared it the best exhibition of correct fencing ever seen in the city. They gave the thrust and parry and grand salute of Jean Louis, finishing with a five-minute bout. The university champion gymnastic ( team—Haeberle, Ostvig, Telitson, Strwig and Wallser—gave an exhibition on the horse, parallel and horizontal bars. In the wrestling match C. Campbell won from R. Campbell. Nelson defeated Strang and Blanchard downed Knutson. Harry White gave an excellent exhibition on the tra- t peze, and W. F. Edwards and E. G. Tirnme boxed three fast rounds. The f Roland brothers made a hit with a com- edy acrobatio turn. The institute basket ball team played the Lyndale Congrega- tional church, winning by a score of i 14 to 4. r _— *t> "The Good Old Summer Time" f * {« approaching in California, and the Minneapolis & St. Louis is selling low excursion tickets daily. $32.90 from the Twin Cities to San Francisco and IJOS Angeles will be discontinued Nov. SO. Personally conducted excursions each Wednesday and Thursday. Ar- range to book your reservations «arly so as to get choice of space. Call on J. G. Rickel, city ticket agent, No. 1 Washington avewue S, Minneapolis, Minn. 25,000 Boxes Given Away To All Who Apply. John A- Smith and His Remarkable Cure for Rheumatism and Gout. * > ^ Evefy Woman Is Interested and should knowabotit tho wondorfuI Marvel ^% a * Douche ASK T0CB DKCGOISTFOErT. Ifho cannot supply the BUETKIi, accept no other, but send sterna for Illustrated book—sorfe*, It gives foil particulars and directions tarsi- lableto ladles. JflARVEL CO., Room 532 Times Building, N. V For Sale By B. H. Welnhold, 828 NlcolUt and 500 Hen. vr. The Voegell Bros.' Drue Co. cor. Hen.-Wash. DYEING AND CLEANING TWIN CITY DYE WORKS, THE LEADING French dry cleaners for ladies' and gents' clothing and all household goods. 816 Nicollet N0RTH~STAR DYEING AND FRENCH DRY cleaning woik 725 Hennepin av. Both phones. NOTICE STONE, BRICK AND CEMENT REPAIRING one on short notice. Man and rig always ready. We look after chimneys, walls, stone floors, sidewalks, etc. Prices leasonablc. John B. Layne, stone and brick contractor, Kabota building. T. C. 2451. FIRST-CLASS CORRESPONDENT, ACCOUNT- ant and credit man is open for a position. Age 36. Exceptional references. Address 6099, Journal. LADIES ARE GOING WILD TO GET MY NEW book. All you need to know. 25c by mall. Dr. Bly^ PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENT ATTORNEYS. Patents, trade marks, copyrights. Teeser & C o , 512 Globe building, St. Minn. Branch office, Washington, D . C tablished 1870. Louis Paul, Es- WILLIAMSON & MERCHANT, Patent Lawyers and solicitors, main office. 920 936 Guaranty building, Minneapolis, Minn. 52 McGill build- ing, Washington, D. C. NEW AND SECOND-HAND LUMBER, DOORS, windows and other building materials, prlcea •way down, buildings bought to be removed. N. W. Lumber and Wrecking Co , yard 8th st and 14th av S. Washington and 10th ar N. LUMBER. Now is your time to get cheap boards; new and bright. $4 and up per 1,000. We do not deliver, 18th av NB and Jefferson. Frank Peterson, Foreman. FOR SALE—NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, style No. 35, cost $225, been used two years; now as good as new and In perfect condi- tion, price $100, and is a bargain. Address W. J. Orr, South Shore. S. » FOR SALE—FINE COONSKIN COAT (SONNE, bota skins), otter trimmings, good as new $45. Astrakhan overcoat, perfect condition, otter trimmings throughout, $45. Calf buffalo robe, $50 Ground flooi, 234 Hennepin. RAILROAD MEN—DO YOU WANT TO GET A set of Kiikham's Science of Railways, in 12 volumes, half morocco binding, good condition, call at 943 24th av NE. Books will be sold cheap. FANCY POULTRY AND EGGS, ALL KINDS, largest poultry plant in the west: 80 page cata Iogue ot poultry and poultry supplies free. R. A. Pike & Co., 3410 University av SB DYNAMOS AND MOTORS DYNAMOS AND MOTORS. The Browning Co., 309 3d st S, dynamos and motors, the largest stock In the northwest, price and estimates furnished. T. C. 2581; N. W., Main 1137 Jl. EUROPEAN TRAVEL CHRISTMAS EXCURSION TO EUROPE. LOW rates to Scandinavia, England and Germany. Wenham's General Agency, 15 3d st S, Minne- apolis, Minn FURRIERS MEN'S"~FUR~ AND FUR-LINED COATS IN stock and made to order, several fine buffalo coats and robes to sell at bargain. A. Reiner, 701 Hennepin ,iv. Both phones. LOANS AND CHATTELS LOANS MADE ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FURS in storage and waieboute receipts at one-half the usual rates Monthly Installment Loan *Co., 825 Guaranty Loan. WILLIAMS, 617 GUARANTY BUILDING, loans on furniture, pianos, or any security. Large loans a specialty. Terms to suit bor- rowers. Lowest prices. RICE LOANS ON ALL KINDS OF PERSONAL property. Charges reasonable. 606 Globe J>ldg. / Deformities of the hands in general Chronic Articular Rheumatism. Type No. 1. It is now possible to be cured of any form of rheumatism without having your stomach turned upside down or being half choked to death and made to vomit, and every sufferer from rheuma- tism should welcome this new and marvelous dls covary With cfpen arms and give it an he lest trial This new remedy was discovered by John A. Smith, Milwaukee, Wis., who is generous enough to send" a trial free to every sufferer who writes at once. It is a home treatment and will not keep you from your work As you know, if you've tried them, every so- called rheumatic remedy on the market to-day. except this genuine cure, will cause you violent stomach pains and some of them are so danger- ous they will cause heart trouble. And the worst of It Is they never cure When a person has rheumatism the constitution is so run down that he should be very careful what he puts into his stomach. It therefore gives me pleasure to present a rem- edy that will cure every form and, variety of rheumatism without one single unpleasant feel- ing. That remedy is "GLORIA TONIC." . * Before I coined to tell the world about the discovery of "Gloria Tonic" I had it tried orr hospital patients, also on old and crippled per- sons, with perfect uuccess. But some people never will believe anything until they know* i t fiom experience, so the best and quickest way is for you to write me that you want to be cured and JL>£7- rf t /Deformity 01 hands in general && -' ?>* Chronic Articular Rheumatism. »•*,* Type No 2. I will send you a trial box of "Gloria Tonic" free of cost. No mutter what yonr form of rheumatism Is—acute, chronic, muscular, lnflam- m»tor>, deformant, sciatic, neuralgia, gout, lumbago, etc , "Gloria Tonic" will surely cure yon. Do not mind if other remedies have failed you, nor mind if doctors say you are incur- able. Mind no 'One, but write me to-day sure. "Gloria Tonic" will stop those aches and pains, those Inflammations and deformities, and cure you so thnt life will again be wortn livi**' Ihis offer Is not for curiosity seekers but is maac to rheumatics onlv. To them I win send a tritV box of "Gloria Tonic" free. \ever before has a remedy been so highly In- dorsed as "Gloria Tonic." I t Ttas been In- dorsed by such world noted men as Dr. Qnln- tero of the University of Venezuela, Hon. E. H. Plumachrr, United States Consul, Maraeaibo; Prof. Macadam of Surgeons* ;Hsll, Edinburgh- the famous magazine, "Health," London, and a column of others. If you are a sufferer send your name to-day and br return mail yon will tecelve a trial box of "Gloria Tonic." and the most elaborate book ever wiitten on the subject of rheumatism, ab- solutely free Tills book contains many draw- ings from actual life and will tell you all about your case. You get "Gloria Tonic" and this wonderful book at the same time, both free, so let me hear from you at once and, soon you will be cured. Address JOHN A. SMITH, 2817 Germanla blug, Milwaukee, Wis., V, S. A. COME TO US And We WH Help You PATENTS—PROTECT YOUR IDEAS; NO AL- lowance, no fee. Consultation free. Est. 1864. MUo B. Stevens & C o , 861 14th st, Wash- ington. FOR SALE—A SHEET IRON HEATER, GOOD drum, fine oak commode, lamps and many other household articles in good repair; cheap for cash. Call any time. 2712 9th av S PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES WE HAVE 60 DIFFERENT STYLES OF CAM- eras for films or plates. Nice assortment to select from, isn't it?. O. H. Peck Company, 112 5th st S, Minneapolis. PIANO TUNING,, 'tc-4T <A PIANO TUNING—SHERMAN RICH, THE traveling piano tuner, is at home, 8840 Clin- ton av Those wishing his services will phone 1246-L1 South, Northwestern. PRINTERS PRINTING AS YOU LIKE IT. '-CONSIDERING all things," our prices are lowest; office on ground door. 239 3d av N. near Washington. T. C. phone 2802. Kwald. 0. E. KNAPP & CO. WILL DO YOUR PRINT- mg quick and do It right. Telephone Main 5, or call at .45 So. Fourth st. SEWING MACHINES < WILL SELL MY 860 LATEST SHUTTLE FIVE- drawer oak Singer machine for $12, with full set of attachments, good as new, must sell Call evenings after 7 o'clock, 710 8th st S, fiat 3. LATE DROP-HEAD SINGERS, WHITE, Wheeler & Wilson and New Home, from $12 to $20. Large stock of others, $3 to $6. This week only. 611 1st av S. NO JOCKEYING; SftUARE DEALING; RE- liable machines and right prices at New Home office; $25 upward. 420 Nicollet. SEE OUR "STITCHWELL" HAND MACHINE, $5; makes automatic seam. New Home office, 420 Nicollet. SHOE REPAIRING YOUNGaUIST, THE PRACTICAL SjaOEMAK- er, has removed to 122 5th st S, opi*tilte New York Life. Formerly 503 1st av 8. %*i Years ago, at a meeting of the leading specialists o£ the medical profession, it M-as determined to establish in Minneapolis an ideal institute for the treatment of genito urinary and sexual diseases. It was placed under the guidance of men whose brilliant reputation as authors and experts in these particular diseases is duly recognized by the profession, both in America and Europe. Its special treatment for men is SAFE and CERTAIN and within the reach of AJJJ. In EVERY case undertaken a POSITIVE CURE is UEGALIiY guaranteed, We cure. SI Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture, Blood Poison,gA Discharges, Nocturnal Emissions, Kidney and Urinary Diseases : is -••J"! Spee/a/ Offer ^9^ .* g*. In^view of there being so many afflicted with private and chronic* pelvic diseases, who are treating with so-called "specialists," etc., without receiving any benefit, we have decided to make a special offer to charge only one-half of our regular fee for curing those who are now undergoing treatment elshewhere and are dissatisfied, pro- vided they apply before Nov. 30, 1908. , - - *> , Consultation Free All Languages Spoken. Special Home Treatment " To Patients Who Can Not CalL Office Hours—8 a. in. to * p. m. STATE Sundays—10 to 1 only. Call or write. Efootro- MEDICAL INSTITUTE. 301 Hennepin Av. Corner Third St. Minneapolis, Minn. STORM SASH, CARPENTER WORK BUY YOUR STORM SASH AND DOORS OF US. Prices very cheap. O. R. Gutzmann & Co.. 107 Western av TO CALIFORNIA going about the 26th want a chance. A. I Hotel TO CALIFORNIA. "." n Chapman, Brunswick Just a few more to complete the select party Call up quick if you SEND FOR SPECIAL PRICE LIST E. PAWN- brokers' unredeemed pledges. Big bargain list. Diamonds, matches and Jewelry. H. B. Green, 213 Washington av is. ALMOST NEW DAVENPORT, UPHOLSTERED in tapestry; a big bargain as am leaving the city, also Peninsular stove range. Aadrega S. L. C., 1US Hawthorn av. THE UNDERWOOD STANDARD-TYPEWRITER —Absolute visibly writing, second-hand ma- chines of all makes for sale or rent. 326 Hen- nepln av. Send for catalogue. FURNITURE REPAIRED, RECOVERED; HI- gleuie process for cleaning mattresses; dealers in furniture and stoves. Ralnville Bros., mfgrs, 17, Central a?. Both phones. ALL MAXES TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE OR rent. Send for illustrated catalogue. Agents. for Fox typewriter. Minneapolis Stationery Co., 405 Hennepin a v. NEW |25 COLT AUTOMATIC PISTOL; NEW $30 Al Vista panoramic camera; will exchange for pianola music,, equal value. Address 7051, Journal. CLOSING OUT A LARGE FINE STOCK OF second-band range, cook and heating stoves, very cheap. Wm. Slmms, hardware, 411 14th av SE. WOOD—DRY, |8 TO SS.50; GREEN, $1.50 TO $2.25; coal, $6 to $8 75. Plymouth Lumber Co , 237 Hennepin. Phones. M 8S46 LI: T. C . 2807. A FEW FURLINED OVERCOATS; ONE 8EAL jacket, sire 86, one fine buffalo coat, and other furs, at a bargain, at 248 1st av S. THREE GOOD LOGGERS FOR SALE, CHEAP; got no use for them; weight from 1,500 to _1,600 pounds. Inquire 640 Johnson st NE. FINE OLD VIOLINS; PURE" SILVER WOUND, G and genuine'Italian violin stiings, expert repairing. Rose & Saviers. 41 6th Bt S. STOVE—GOLD COIN DOUBLE HEATER, AT.T. renlckeled, in perfect condition, large size. Call 627 1st av S, Haynes Cycle Co. MARK DOWN SALE—LATEST OAK SINGER sewing machine, $10; White, $5; New Home, $4.50; snaps. Elmer, 710 1st av S. PARQUET FLOORS, 75c SQUARE YARD, FOR- merly 90c; red oak, with borders; place your order now. Hurlbut, 11 7th st N. OIL MEAL, $1.50; CRUSHED OYSTER SHELLS, 75c; mica crystal grit, 75c per 100-lb sack. J. H. Smith, 214-216 Hennepin av. DESKS, CHAIRS, TABLES. Ten to 25 per cent saved by buying of th» American Desk Co. 202 Nicollet. STOVE—LARGE HEATING STOVE FOR SALE; Cheerful Oak, coal or wood, inent flat, 30 12th st N. See janitor, base- A COONSKIN COAT, SIZE 42, $7; AND A kerosene stove, tno burners, nearlj new. $3. 1800 E 24th st. FOR SALE—GOOD COOK STOVE, IN GOOD order, cheap if taken at once. 910 Western av, fiat 6. LADIES ARE GOING WILD TO GET X T NEW book. All you need to know. 25c by maiL Dr. Bly. UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRED, REFINIBHED, MAT- tresses renovated, couches, dress boxes and window seats, etc., made to order. Both phones. C. A. Gustafson, 903 Nicollet av. J*>; VIOLIN MAKER EXPERT REPAIRING—BUY MY BEST Rus- sian gut strings, 10c each Genuine silver G, 25c. Weston, 45 Washington av S. WATER FILTERS THE BEST ON THE MARKET. $7 AND $10; $3 down and $1 per month. E. M. Anderson, 604 Sykes block. T. C. 2374. J LOST AND FOUND "0P3 , LOST OR STOLEN—BANK BOOK HO. 118218. issued by the Farmers and Mechanics' Savings - B i n k o f Minneapolis. If not returned to said bank before Nov. 27, 1903, application will be wade for a duplicate thereof. ._ REWARD WILL BE GIVEN ANY ONE Giv- ing Information of person bretiking into barn and stealing two bull terrier dogs; in rear of 15th st and Laurel IT, W. J. Snelllnger. 28 15th st N. LOST—AT 5:15 YESTERDAY, ON NICOLLET av, between Poweis a n d «*d s t , a steel bead chatelaine bag, -with small sum of money, key, etc. Reward Address t!957. Journal. LOST—TUESDAY NIGHT, ON NICOLLET, BE- tween Glass Block and Kerr's, package of gray Skinner's satin; by working girl; return to 807 Masonic Temple for reward. LOST — TABLE CLOTH, BETWEEN LOWRY Hill and Kenwood Parkway, finder please return to 1674 Hennepin av, flat 10, and re- ceive reward. » FOUND—A COMPLETE SET FOR BURNING wood and leather, with two hours' Instruction free, for $3.50, at Hirschy's. 420 Nicollet. FOUND—ONE DARK BR^WN PUFFY WITH white breast, white spot on top of necky white front feet Call 3129 1st av a. _*_ LOST—LADY'S SILVER BELT PIN, DESIGNED lady's head and bird. Return for reward. 501 new Chamber of Commerce. * LOST—SETTER PUP. BLACK AND WHITE; collar mark*,! ©. Ju. Solbergi, return to .406 W 26th, st. k "* * - « > ^ -- ^ * i «*• ns^ DENSM0RE TYPEWRITER, BALL BEARING; $100 machine for $35 cash; or will rent, 7068, Journal. FOR SALE—ONE SELF-FEEDER AND ONE range; modern nouse for rent. 2018 Oakland av. Typewriters, all makes, rented, repaired ft sold. N. W. Typewriter Co., IS Kasota building. FOR QUICK MEAL STEEL RANGES, GAS AND gasolene stoves. C. Herbert Smith. 424 Hen WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 887 Hennepin a v. All makes. Get prices now. FOR SALE—LARGE STEWART HEATER, good as new. 1316 Harmon place ROLL TOP DESK AND CHAIR FOR SALS. 1033 Guaranty Loan. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED — SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, stoves, carpets, buggies and harness for im- mediate shipment, pay more than local deal- ers, send for It. D. Rosensteln, 417 Washing- ton av S. Telephone, T. C, 2817. WANTED—A HARD COAL HEATER. ALSO cook stove Must be in good condition and cheap for cash Give particulars. Address ,6557, Journal. WE BUY DIAMONDS OR TRADE FOR NEW. We pay cash for old gold or make into new Jewelry. Jacobs Jewelry Co., 41 Wash, av S. WANTED—A FUR-LINED OVERCOAT, SIZE 40- or 42. Must be good and cheap. Give description and price. 6937, Journal. j!£' V 5SS WANTED—A ROLL TOP DESK AND A SMITH- ^^Lfca- Premier typewriter. Call at 2301 Central ar kjpfl NE B. A. Ivelsey. - *^-•JjjP' BOOKS IN SMALL QUANTITIES OR WH0LB %J libraries purchased. 605 1st av S. * 9^£3M*J8J£ «•- Ml* STORAGE THE BOYD TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. has unequaled facilities for moving and storing household goods, expert packing for storage or shipment. Collective cars of household goods made up for the coast, frequent shipments and big saving in freight. 46 8 3d st. CAMERON'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE— Best facilities for moving and storing house- hold goods, expert packers; 200 Nicollet. Botfc phones. 1802. Res. phone, T. C. 13324. BENZ BROS., TRANSFER AND STORAGES finest vans and warerooms; goods moved by experienced men. 112 5th st S Both tels, 952. CENTRAL FUEL AND TRANSFER CO., 12 4th ot N; dealers in wood and coal; moving <ti household goods and packing a specialty. NEW WAREHOUSE—FURNITURE^ ST0RE3»J moderate rates. Inquire bakery, 12th «t-3d av m. m^^^^^M^MsMi^^^m^^^ti^^m^' m Defective (liti^r^ifftTflff

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Page 1: w* THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. speciaistoveoiter · 2017. 12. 13. · tween the Tuxedo and Olympia teams of the Minneapolis league. Four men rolled o\er 213, Godfrey leading with 240

mm Kwa- ^s^s^T^Vf



Pacific Coast Fighter Is Knocked ' Out by the Clever Mia-

Z\^ neapolis Man. *\ *t*


P a t Campbell, a Pacific coast (flght-•r , otherwise known as "Bruiser" Har­rison, was aefeated by Jim Potts of Minneapolis last night in a prize light held at 252 Second avenue S. Just a second before Campbell's seconds threw up the sponge, Chief of Police Conroy stepped to the ringside and ordered the fight stopped. " Camp­bell's men did not hear the c h i e f s order, and tossed the sponge, the referee awarding the decision t>*Pqtis.

The Minneapolis man was the > -gressor from start to finish. , In the first round he sent Hamilton to the floor, and continued to Jab him until the seventh. Both came up strong in this round, but Potts quickly got in a left to the jaw which sent Hamilton down. The referee had counted three, and Hamilton was trying to rise, when the sponge was thrown up at the same t ime that Chief Conroy interfered.

The first preliminary was a six-round go between Kid Selby and Kid Rose. They fought fast, and the referee called it a draw. Ben Tremble was scheduled for a six-round bout with Jack Harvey, a local man. The referee stopped the fight in the second, giv­ing the decision to Tremble.

"Twin" Jack Sullivan of Boston gave "Philadelphia Jack" O'Brien one of the hardest battles of his career last night at Philadelphia. The fight was judged a draw, as both m e n were

.•till on their feet at the end of the I sixth round, the scheduled limit of the bout, and ready to continue.

Sullivan had so much the better of the first and fourth rounds that O'Brien was compelled to hold on to avoid punishment. In the first round h e cleanly knocked the Philadelphian down. The Boston man also had slightly the better of the second and

^third rounds, but weakened in the fifth.

In the sixth O'Brien came to the center of the ring strong and confi­dent. He forced the fighting and had Sullivan almost helpless when the gong sounded, announcing the end of the bout.

O'Brien's showing in the last round offset his work in the previous rounds, and the experts about the ringside considered that a draw would have been a lust decision if the laws of the state would have permitted the ref­eree to give official judgment.

speciaistoveoiter ^ifAvery Purchaser of a

J?K: Maiestic

BOWLING G a m e s T o - n i g h t .

M i n n e a p o l i s L e a g u e — T a s m o v s . T u r n e r B-t C o - o p e r a t i v e a l l e y s

G r a i n a n d F l o u r L e a g u e — P o e h l e r v s . J W a t s o n a t C o - o p e r a t i v e a l l e y s

C i t y L e a g u e — B a l d w i n \ s . S t . A n t h o n y a t S t . A n t h o n y a l l e y s .

S o m e h i g h - c l a s s b o w l i n g w a s s e e n l a s t n i g h t i n t h e f ina l g a m e o f t h e m a t c h b e ­t w e e n t h e T u x e d o a n d O l y m p i a t e a m s o f t h e M i n n e a p o l i s l e a g u e . F o u r m e n r o l l e d o \ e r 213, G o d f r e y l e a d i n g w i t h 240. T h e T u x e d o s p u l l e d o u t a h e a d w i t h a t o t a l o f 982 , g i v i n g t h e m a c l e a n s w e e p f o r t h e e v e n i n g . T h e s c o r e :

TT.XED0. First Second.

Hansen 161) 179 K a y s e r 164 170 Nichols 204 177 Hughes JO'! 19ft

Steel Range this week will be Given Free a ^ ^ yf-^-Set of Kitchen Utensils -. Worth $7.50. C l̂l and see the Majestic v Bake Biscuits i n # 7

, Three Minutes. -Majestic Coffee served to all callers. ..**> .,

Dining Room Furnishings. Extra Special Offer:

Double amount (2 for 1)

S. & H. Green Trading Stamps

given with all purchases of Dining Room Tables, Chairs,

Sideboards, Buffets, and China Closets .<



WANT Pages 14andH

BABBEBS' SUPPLIES B A R B E R S — W e solicit your business; full l ine

cut lery; grinding and honing a specia l ty . W e s -tcrn Barbei Supply C o . / 218 Nicol let ov.

BOUTELL BROS. saves Yen Msiei

WILL DECIDE THE TITLE North and South High Eleven Play

To-morrow for Twin City * Championship.

Third Average 171 2-3

8andblom 140 1««>

171 214 185 225 187

180 2-1 188 2-:J 205 2*1 164 1*3

Total* 870 S01 OLYMPIA.

F h s t Second. F Hitchcock . 150 190 Crocker 160 125 Godfrey 177 144 V i a n d s . . 181 160 Carpenter 120 164

Tota l s 796 77a

City League. 'K. C

First . 143 170 137 119 187


Third Averag*. 213 187 1-3 170 240 130 180


Bosworth . Carter . Armstrong Rowley . . Heffield . .

Totals .

Second. 15-? 140 136 128 190

151 1-3 187 186 151 1-3

Third. 154 170 151 187 197

The decisive contest for the football championship of the twin city high schools will take place Friday after­noon. The two managements have been at variance in regard to the place for the game, North high insisting that it be played on North high field, while the South Siders prefer North­rop field. The matter came up for final settlement this afternoon.

Both teams are confident of victory to-morrow. Bernhagen's men have taken things easy for several weeks, but have been working hard during this wek in preparation for the game, realizing that they will have to extend themselves to the limit. South high has suffered somewhat from injuries, but all her men will be in good shape to-morrow. As this contest will set­tle the championship finally, a crowd of several thousand persons is ex­pected to attend.


ADVERTISING RATES: * All advertisements 1 cent a word,

when paid for In advance, otherwise 8 cents per line, 7 words to the line. No advertisement is taken for less than 20c for each insertion.

All advertisements received after 1 p. m. of day* of publication are too late for classification.

When so desired, in place of an ad­dress, any advertisement can be ad­dressed to a number, care The Jour­nal, and ans-w ers for out of -town ad­vertisers will be forwarded. ^

W a n t Ads for The Journal w i l l be received at tho fol lowing addresses:

SOUTH. J . F . Sanderson. 9th s t and Nicol le t vr** A. B. Crowell, 1012 Htnnepln ay. Marshall & Co., 1825 Nicol le t av. Allun Brothers, 1538 N l c t l l e t av. IT. H . Larabee, 22d s t and Hennepin av. M. F . Washburn, Lake s t and Hennepin av« C. E. Haugan, Lake s t and Lyndale, av. J . H. Kinpoi ts , 26th s t and Lyndale av. Mrs. 0 . A. Blge low, 2 M 2Ct£ st . Goodrich & Jennings, 2 E Lake at. Nicol let Junction Drug Store, 81st s t and Nic­

ol let ,av. W . C. Buchanan, 146 B Lake st . S. J . Hook, 2835 Chicago av. A. Douglas, 8457 Chicago av. * M. Aune, 15th st and Hennepin av . O. M. Pardoe & Co., Lake s t and Bloomlngton. A. J Kl ine , 2000 Bloomlngton. Outwits it Jones, 2451 Bloomlngton. WItt ich & Oleason, Franklin and Bloomlngton. W . K. Hicks , 1585 K Franklin av . J. W . Wil l iams, 1211 E Franklin av. W . H . Sweet , 18th s t and Chicago av. ~ E. M. Penotiere, 20th s t and 4th av S. J . W . Harrah, 1718 4tU av S. W D . King & Co., 12tli s t -and 3d a v S. Tupper & Chamberlain, 10th s t and 9 th av 3 . Crocker & Thompson, 601 8th av B-Red Cross Pcarmacy , 717 8d av S. J . 0 . Peter«on, 1501 Washington av S.


C. H . Huhn, 98 Western av . Russel l & Case, Lyndale and Western. G. A. Bingenheimer, 042 Sixth avenue N. Oak Park Drug Store, 1342 Sixth avenue N . A. H . Persal l , 929 Twentieth avenue N. Wilson Bros , 1500 Twent ieth avenue N. Robertson Drug Co., l » 2 l Washington ave-

nue N. F. J. Nage l , Twent ie th avenue N and Wash­

ington avenue. O. B . Skinner, 2901 Washington avenue N . v

NORTHEAST. John Gormley, 2401 Central avenue KB. W . P . Strout, 2022 Central avenue N B . H. Beuhler, 738 Adams street N B . — D. C. Bnglund, Spring and Monroe. Sundberg and Muerer, F i f th street and Central. Henry Rauch, Thirteenth avenue and Main

street . SOUTHEAST.

Univers i ty Drug Stoie , 401 Fourteenth ave­nue SB.

A. Livingston, 515 Fourteenth avenue SE. Tuf t s Pharmacy, 813 Fourth s treet SE. J. W . Thompson, 800 Washington avenue SB.


lene runabout, 80-lnch wood wheels , in good running ncodltion. Prlc e$400 cash. North­western Motor Vehicle Co., 112 8th s t S, Min­neapolis , Minn.

FOR SALE—CADILLAC, W I T H SEATS FOR four passensers , price $600 Northwestern Motor Vehicle Co.. 112 0th s t S, Minneapolis, Minn.

AUTOMOBILES A N D BICYCLES STORED FOR v l n t e i : a lso first-class rep.ii-lng. The J. N. Johnson Co., 915 Nlc. Both phones, 1989. «


nently removed by electricity. Miss Holl ister, 77 78 Syndicate block. Pioneer Stand of the northwest . Exclus ive special is t .


MPLS. CIRCULAR & ADDRESSING 0 0 . , 411-413 Nio. Birmingham Multl Typewrit ing reproduc­t ion' addressing, mail ing, e tc . ; l i s t s supplied.


Arrived—Prince de Lester, the Gypsy. The only Dead Trance Medium in the world who i s so sure of his power he g ive s a wonderful test free to nil who come prepared; challenges any one to equal h im; his start l ing revelat ions are the wonder of a l l , your name, your thoughts , troubles, ful l name of your future husband or w i f e , the one you love, date of

marriage, e tc . In business speculations, di­vorce, raining, unit ing the separated he has no equal. To the sick and al l in trouble his help i s priceless. Patrons out of the c i ty , w h o cannot cal l , s tamp wi l l bring a wonderful free tes t . 711 1st av S. Roosevelt House .


wi th an American Chemical Fire Extinguisher. W . J . Wes t , genral agent , 44^ 7th s t ' S . ,


ESTIMATES F U R N I S H E D ON REBUILDING automombiles , automobile, printing presses and Linotype repairing a special ty . Jas . Murphy & Co., general machinists , 809 3d s t B.

FOR SALE—SEOOND-HAND GASOLENE E N -glnes , f i o m 1 to 20-horse-power, in good run­ning order. Globe Iron Works, 2229 Univer­s i ty av SE, Minneapolis.

IRON WORKING A N D WOOD WORKING MA-cbinery, largest stock In the northwest . North­ern Machinery Co., 217 Jid s t S, Minneapolis.


complete stock of store and office fixtures, f show eases , wa l l and floor c a s e s , , a l l j lengths , and cash reg is ters , scales , safes , v desks, refrigerators, pianos, organs, delivery, wagons, store fronts and sash, 500, s e c o n d s hand stoves , bake ovens, restaurant r a n g e s , ^ trap and phaeton, good a s new, l ess than"* ha l f -pr i ce . Ryan, 1027 Washington av S.

G. G. F O X ft CO., 808 1st A V S; MACHINISTS and brass finishers, gasolene engine and auto­mobile work; novelty and pattern makers.

ATTENTION, LADIEES. Have three sealskin jackets , s izes 36 and

40; cost new $300; w i l l se l l for $100 and $150. These garments are as good as n e w . Don't show any wear whatever. A l so t w o electric sea l jackets , s izes 38; w i l l s e l l one for $30, cost $80, the other for $18.50. T w o fur-l ined coats , s izes 36 and 42, at a bargain. Two buffalo coats , s izes 40, $40 and $25. B . Bank, 321 Washington av S.


First-c lass massage inst i tute for al l nervous diseases, rheumatism and s leeplessness and all mental troubles. Mrs, Gurll Gummesson, graduate from Sweden, 800-Nlcol let av . Tele­phone, Northwestern, 2301-J Main.

MRS. DR. McKAY—ELECTRIC, MAGNETIC * aud alcohol vapor s w e a t s ; wi l l cure rheuma­

t i sm, grip and all nervous troubles. 905 Northwestern building, 322 Hennepin. Take elevator.

WOMEN'S DISEASES CURED. Goiters and a l l uterine and ovarian troubles.

Dr. B . T. Allen, 412 Masonic Temple . Consul­tation free. Open evenings . T . C. 450.

PILES—DR. H . W A I T E ; 25 Y E A R S ' SPECIAL-1st; cures every case ; wr i te for pamphlet; mai led f i ee . 1219 Hawthorn av, Minneapolis.

A L W A Y S CONSULT T H E BEST, K I N G S 0 L 0 -man Dangers, losses, s ickness, can be avoid­ed, disaster turned to success, despair to hap-piness. Advice g iven pertaining to the past , p iesent and future. This kind man has made the greatest predictions the world has ever known. H e predicted the assass inat ion of President McKinley and the great Galveston flood. He develops people who possess clair­voyant facult ies . Prof. King Solomon has re . moved to larger and more convenient quarters a t 9U0 Hennepin av, where h e can be consulted daily.

S P E A R S m 747 & BILLITER

First Second H a m l i n 192 Dayton 154 Scbowel l 143 Hench •* J 51 Hoag i 3 «

Totals i76

201 183 131 124 197



Third. 174 191 158 155 17,}



D e Vean 122 P i c k e t t 121 Cochran lOfc Morris 115 Strothman i s i

Flour and Grain League. •. WASHBURN-CROSBY. •

First Second Thi id Average

Tota l s ST.


127 154




112 108 139 138 105


120 1-3 121 2-3 112 145 1-3 146

Thompson ^. Olrard Montgomery Lawyer . . . H a l l

ANTHONY-DAKOTA. First Second Third. Average.

Tota ls

151 152 118 17% 153


179 181 148 186 111


136 187 161 122 160


1B8 2-3 173 1-3 140 2-3 144 1 1 141 1-8


_, ... Mrst . Second. B i a n d t 178 180 Gilbert 164 161 2>anl 161 173 Wesner 131 1 3 8 Peterson 197 180

The Adams Athle t i c Associat ion football team wi l l play the St . Paul Tigers a t Lexing­ton park Sutidav for the independent cham­pionship of the northwest . Bach team c la ims the t i t l e in Its c i t j

The Second Badgers would l ike to arrange a game w i t h any 100 or 105 pound team in the c i ty . Tor games address Wi l l i e «Bohn, 1118 Lyndale avenue N

The Riverside .Ir s c laim the 110 pound cham pionship of the twin c i t ies . Any teams wishing games w i t h them for Sunday and Thanksgiving Day. call or address Fred Reller, 2630 Elgth s treet S. '

T h e c r o s s - c o u n t r y r u n f r o m M i n n e a p ­o l i s t o S t . P a u l , b e t w e e n t e a m s r e p r e ­s e n t i n g t h e M i n n e a p o l i s a n d S t . P a u l Y . M . C. A . ' s p r o m i s e s t o b e a n i n t e r e s t i n g e v e n t . B o t h t e a m s h a v e b e e n t r a i n i n g h a r d f o r Hie c o n t e s t , a n d g o o d t i m e i s e x p e c t e d . T h e r a c e w i l l b e h e l d S a t u r d a y a f t e r n o o n .

S i x m e n w i l l r e p r e s e n t e a c h a s s o c i a t i o n , e a c h m a n r u n n i n g t w o m i l e s . T h e y w i l l c a r r y g r e e t i n g s f r o m M a y o r H a y n e s o f M i n n e a p o l i s t o M a y o r S m i t h o f S t . P a u l . A s l i k b a n n e r w i l l b e a w a r d e d t o t h e v i c ­t o r i o u s t e a m . D r . W e s t o n , p h y s i c a l d i r e c ­t o r o f t h e M i n n e a p o l i s Y , M . C . A . , s a y s t h a t h i s m e n a r e i n fine s h a p e , a n d c o n ­f i d e n t o f v i c t o r y . T h e r o u t e f o l l o w s :

F i r s t R e l a y — D o w n T e n t h s t r e e t t o S i x t h a v e n u e , S i x t h a v e n u e t o P o r t l a n d , P o r t ­l a n d t o T w e n t y - s e v e n t h s t r e e t

S e c o n d R e l a y — T w e n t y - s e v e n t h s t r e e t t o L a k t , s t r e e t , d o w n L a k e s t r e e t t o T w e n t y -s e c o n d a v e n u e . t h i s w e e k i n p r e p a r a t i o n f o r t h e g a m e , d o w n L a k e s t r e e t t o f a r e n d o f M a r s h a l l a v e n u e b r i d g e , l e s s f i f t y y a r d s .

F o u r t h R e l a y — F r o m b r i d g e a l o n g M a r ­s h a l l a v e n u e t o C r a t o n s t r e e t , d o w n C r a t o n s t r e e t t 6 S u m m i t a v e n u e , d o w n S u m m i t a v e n u e t o S n e l l f n g a v e n u e . .

F i f t h R e l a y — F r o m S n e l l i n g a v e n u e d o w n S u m m i t a v e n u e t o D a l e s t r e e t .

S i x t h R e l a y — F r o m S u m m i t a n d D a l e a v e n u e s d o w n S u m m i t a v e n u e t o O a k l a n d , d o w n O a k l a n d t o P l e a s a n t , d o w n P l e a s a n t t o F i f t h s t r e e t , d o w n F i f t h s t r e e t t o S t . P a u l Y . M . C . A .

What Makes Ruby Lips. The pure, rich blood, made by Dr.

King's New Life Pills. They promote beauty, give clear skin, rosy cheeks. 25 cents.


bookkeepers, stenographers, general store clerks, hote l c lerks, e tc . No charge to em­ploye! . S. A. Mora wet/. & Co , 407 Kasota bldg



DONALDSON'S GLASS BLOCK. N e x t to Western Union Telegraph and

B ianch nostofnees. In office on main floor, front of new elevator.

W a n t *'ads" and j i eus i t ems received. Journals on sale Subscriptions t a l e n . General information g iven.

L E A R N T H E SECRET H O W TO CONTROL and fasc inate the one you love, near or far. remove al l domestic troubles, make j o u r ene­mies your fr iends; ^ guarantee t o teach you th i s in one hour, ful l practical instructions mai led to you on receipt of 25c. Mrs. Sanders, Box 159, Minneapolis, Minn.


S H E A R S , RAZORS A N D K N I V E S S H A R P E N E D — W e grind everything that requires an edge. Berbeck, practical g i inder , 211 4 th s t S, Mpls.

WOMEN'S DISEASES CURED. Call or write Dr . Bly , 412 Nicol let av, 3d floor; new book, 25c.

M E D I C A L — M R S r ~ D R 7 ~ H A U G A N , PHYSICAL culture and massage , 5 0 3 ^ Henn. av, 3d floor.


moved; household goods moved and stored or packed for shipment by expert packers; cars of household goods made up for the coast ; fre­quent sh ipments and big saving in freight. Boyd Transfer and Storage Co., 48 3d s t S ,

CAMERON'S T R A N S F E R A N D STORAGE; E x ­pert packers for storage or shipment; large and commodious vans for moving. Office 300 Nic­ol let , both phones 1208. Residence, T. C. 13J24

PIANOS—BARGAINS I N USED PIANOS FOR this week; terms cash or $5 t o $8 monthly . Singer piano, $175; t w o upright pianos, $90 and $125; one Gabler piano, $190; one Mc-Phai l piano, $285; one J e w e t t piano, $220; one Ste in way square piano, $90; new pianos tor rent, $8.50 and $4 a month One year's rent a l lowed if purchased. Foster & Waldo, 38 8th s t S, corner Nicollet . v


Mattresses , dress boxes, e tc . , made to order. Perfect work; popular 1 rices. Est imates giv­en. University Fueplture Store, 417-419 14th av SB. Phones, T . C , 16455. N. W. . IS 692-J-l .

D A I R Y B U T T E R , 1 7 o , , 19c, 21c; CHOICE creamery, 28c, choice brick cheese, 10c, cream cheese, 12 % t ; Switzer, 15c; fresh roasted coffee, l i e ; best t ea dust , 15c , choice Young Hyson tea, 23c; choice Japan, 25c; honey, 9c. Bersl ln's N e w Butter Store, 91 7th s t S.

REMINGTON T Y P E W R I T E R S ON RENTAL—$5 per month and u p , good work and prompt ser­vice guaranteed by our superior faci l i t ies and natural interest In the reputation of our ma­chine. Remington Typewriter company, 4 th s t S, Minneapolis. Telephone 1382.

ZWQ-HUNDRluD-FOOT PARTITION, SUITABLE for office or bank. Also desks, roll-top, flat, s tanding, double, e tc . F ine l ine of sa fes , show cases , wa l l cases , counters. B ig stock cash registers and scales . T w i n City Fixture Exchange, 223 3d s t S.

F U R S . F U R S . F U R S . H a v e the larges t stock in the c i ty of unre­

deemed fur-lined coats , ladies' fur jackets , capes, e tc . Don't fa i l to see before buying elsewhere. Wi l l i am Welsman, 224 and 226 Washington av S.

T H E M. P . D, D E L I V E R S PACKAGES I N CITY 10c; St . Paul 15c. 619 4th av S. Both tela. 1503


This week only $1.08. Postoffice news and cigar store, 50 3d s t S. Both phones.

BOWN'S N E W B A R G A I N STORE I S ' T H E BEST place in the w e s t for snaps in s l ight ly used and new furniture, carpets, rugs , heat ing stoves , ranges, crockery, antiques, Indian rugs, curios, e tc . . N o . 9 5th s t S. opposite Lumber Ex­change.

W A L L P A P E R , So P E R ROLL; I N G R A I N S 8c; ordinary-sized rooms papered wi th g i l t s or gl immers, $3; paper hanging, paper c leaneo, 75c to $1.50 per room, painting. Baker, 124 5th s t S, opposite N . 1". Life bldg. Both phones.


building, S. J. McNulty, Mgr. Detect ive work in al l Its branches. References: B . J. Conroy, chief of police, Minneapolis. N . W- phone.

NOTICE—FRIDAY AND S A T U R D A Y PICTURE sale , a l l new and unclaimed pictures and fram­ing pictures a t quick-seHing prices New stock mouldings, oval&# oil paint ings . Open Saturday tevenings Zesbaugh, 11 5th s t S

CARS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS MADE U P FOR Pacific coas t , frequent shipments ahd b ig sav­ing in fre ight , see us before shipping. Boyd Transfer and Storage Co 46 3d s t S


Minnesota-Wisconsin Football Game, Madison, Wis.—$6.00 Round Trip Rate . Account of the big game at Madison,

"Wis., Thanksgiving day, Nov. 26, the North-Western line will sell round trip tickets at $6.00, good on special train leaving Minneapolis Nov. 25, 9 p . ' m.; arrive Madison 7 a. m. R e ­turning special train will leave Madi­son via Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway 9 p. m.; arriving Minneapolis early Friday morning. For sleeping car reservations, etc., call"at city ticket office, 600 Nicollet avenue, Minneap-/ olis, Minn.

- Tota l s I 851 ' , „ MINNEAPOLIS D R Y ,» First . W i l l i a m s 122

"Peterson 187 B a r t l e t t 171 )5e»W 183 Burch 188

Third 183 163 168 133 158



882 GOODS.

Second. Third 147 169 181 109 183

187 153 151 123 174

^ Totals 816 759 788 H " W Y M A N - P A R T R I D G E . ^ . h . 1 . First- Second. Third r f R l n g l a n d 179 161 '». Ann l s 185 137 ) j B . u f f u m 1G5 171 &f»Petersoa 167 155 ** L i n e 141 180

143 143

- 1 3 7 , 1 4 9


PtM ^ T o t a l s 787 K Q\ FALACE CLOTHING M * ' A First . L Pat ton l e i K-^, Malmstedt 140 -f f t B e h w a r t * 101 £ g ' N * n i e r 152

fJ 4 ^ 6 c h l o s s 179

„ / " ^ T o t a l s "783

784 699 CO. Second. Third.

95 128 125 189 141


122 142 134 132 152



^ATHLETIC ENTERTAINMENT ^ ''- A iarge audience witnessed an excellent

athletic program at the Cooke institute In the Kasota building last evening. The fencing exhibition between Professors Leslabay and Le Roux was spirited. Ex­perts declared it the best exhibition of correct fencing ever seen in the city. They gave the thrust and parry and grand salute of Jean Louis, finishing with a five-minute bout.

The university champion gymnastic (team—Haeberle, Ostvig, Telitson, Strwig and Wallser—gave an exhibition on the horse, parallel and horizontal bars. In the wrestling match C. Campbell won from R. Campbell. Nelson defeated Strang and Blanchard downed Knutson. Harry White gave an excellent exhibition on the tra-

t peze, and W. F. Edwards and E. G. Tirnme boxed three fast rounds. The

f Roland brothers made a hit with a com­edy acrobatio turn. The institute basket ball team played the Lyndale Congrega­tional church, winning by a score of

i 14 to 4. r _ — *t> "The Good Old Summer Time" f*

{« approaching in California, and the Minneapolis & St. Louis is selling low excursion tickets daily. $32.90 from the Twin Cities to San Francisco and IJOS Angeles will be discontinued Nov. SO. Personally conducted excursions each Wednesday and Thursday. Ar­range to book your reservations «arly so as to get choice of space. Call on J. G. Rickel, city ticket agent, No. 1 Washington avewue S, Minneapolis, Minn.

25,000 Boxes Given Away To All Who Apply. John A- Smith and His Remarkable Cure for

Rheumatism and Gout. * > ^

Evefy Woman Is Interested and should knowabotit tho wondorfuI Marvel ̂ %a*


ASK T0CB DKCGOISTFOErT. Ifho cannot supply the BUETKIi, accept no other, but send sterna for Illustrated book—sorfe*, It gives foil particulars and directions tarsi-lableto ladles. JflARVEL C O . , R o o m 5 3 2 T i m e s B u i l d i n g , N . V

For Sale By B. H . Welnhold, 828 Nlco lUt and 500 Hen. vr. The Voegel l Bros. ' Drue C o . cor. Hen. -Wash.


French dry cleaners for ladies ' and gents ' c lothing and all household goods. 816 Nicol let

N 0 R T H ~ S T A R D Y E I N G A N D F R E N C H D R Y cleaning wo ik 725 Hennepin av. Both phones.


STONE, B R I C K A N D CEMENT R E P A I R I N G one on short not ice . Man and r ig a l w a y s ready. W e look after chimneys , wal l s , s tone floors, s idewalks , e tc . Prices leasonablc . John B. Layne, s tone and brick contractor, Kabota building. T. C. 2451.

FIRST-CLASS CORRESPONDENT, ACCOUNT-ant and credit man is open for a position. Age 36. Except ional references. Address 6099, Journal.

LADIES A R E GOING W I L D TO GET MY N E W book. All you need to know. 25c by mal l . Dr. Bly^


Patents , trade marks, copyrights . Teeser & C o , 512 Globe building, St . Minn. Branch office, Washington, D . C tabl ished 1870.

Louis Paul ,


WILLIAMSON & MERCHANT, Paten t Lawyers and sol ic i tors , main office. 920 936 Guaranty building, Minneapolis, Minn. 52 McGill build­ing, Washington, D. C.

N E W A N D SECOND-HAND LUMBER, DOORS, windows and other building mater ia ls , prlcea •way down, buildings bought to be removed. N. W. Lumber and Wrecking Co , yard 8th s t and 14th av S. Washington and 10th a r N.

LUMBER. Now i s your t ime to g e t cheap boards; new

and bright . $4 and up per 1,000. W e do not del iver , 18th av NB and Jefferson.

Frank Peterson, Foreman.

FOR SALE—NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, s ty le No. 35 , cost $225, been used two years ; now a s good as new and In perfect condi­t ion, price $100, and i s a bargain. Address W . J . Orr, South Shore. S. »

FOR SALE—FINE COONSKIN COAT ( S O N N E , bota sk ins ) , otter trimmings, good as new $45. Astrakhan overcoat, perfect condition, otter tr immings throughout, $45. Calf buffalo robe, $50 Ground flooi, 234 Hennepin.

RAILROAD MEN—DO YOU W A N T TO GET A se t of Ki ikham's Science of Rai lways , in 12 volumes, ha l f morocco binding, good condition, cal l a t 943 24th av N E . Books wi l l be sold cheap.

FANCY POULTRY A N D EGGS, ALL K I N D S , largest poultry plant in the w e s t : 80 page cata Iogue o t poultry and poultry supplies free. R. A. Pike & Co., 3410 University av SB


DYNAMOS A N D MOTORS. The Browning Co., 309 3d s t S, dynamos and

motors , the largest stock In the northwest , price and es t imates furnished. T. C. 2581; N . W. , Main 1137 J l .


rates to Scandinavia, England and Germany. Wenham's General Agency, 15 3d s t S, Minne­apolis, Minn


stock and made to order, several fine buffalo coats and robes to se l l a t bargain. A. Reiner, 701 Hennepin ,iv. Both phones.


in storage and wa ieboute receipts a t one-half the usual rates Monthly Insta l lment Loan

*Co., 825 Guaranty Loan.

WILLIAMS, 617 GUARANTY BUILDING, loans on furniture, pianos, or any security. Large loans a special ty . Terms to sui t bor­rowers. Lowest prices.

RICE LOANS ON ALL K I N D S OF PERSONAL property. Charges reasonable. 606 Globe J>ldg.


D e f o r m i t i e s of t h e h a n d s in g e n e r a l Chronic A r t i c u l a r R h e u m a t i s m . T y p e N o . 1.

I t i s now possible to be cured of any form of rheumatism without having your stomach turned upside down or being half choked to death and made to vomit , and every sufferer from rheuma­t i sm should welcome th i s new and marvelous dls covary With cfpen arms and g ive i t an he l e s t trial This new remedy w a s discovered by John A. Smith, Milwaukee, W i s . , who is generous enough to send" a trial free to every sufferer who w r i t e s a t once. I t i s a home treatment and wi l l not keep you from your work

As you know, i f you've tried them, every so-cal led rheumatic remedy on the market to-day. except this genuine cure, w i l l cause you violent stomach pains and some of t h e m are so danger­ous they w i l l cause heart trouble. And the worst o f It Is they never cure W h e n a person has rheumatism the const i tut ion is so run down that he should be very careful w h a t he puts into h i s s tomach.

I t therefore g ive s me pleasure t o present a rem­edy that w i l l cure every form a n d , variety o f rheumatism wi thout one s ingle unpleasant feel ­ing. That remedy i s


Before I coined to tell the world about the discovery of "Gloria Tonic" I had i t tried orr hospital pat ients , also on old and crippled per­sons, w i t h perfect uuccess. B u t some people never wi l l believe anything unt i l they know* i t f i o m experience, s o the best and quickest w a y i s for you to wr i te m e that you w a n t to be cured and


rft /Deformity 01 hands in general && -' ?>* Chronic Articular Rheumatism. »•*,* T y p e N o 2.

I w i l l send you a trial box of "Gloria Tonic" free o f cost . No mutter w h a t yonr form of rheumatism Is—acute, chronic, muscular, lnflam-m»tor>, deformant, sc iat ic , neuralgia, gout, lumbago, e tc , "Gloria Tonic" wi l l surely cure yon. D o not mind if other remedies h a v e fai led you, nor mind if doctors say you are incur­able. Mind no 'One, but wri te me to-day sure. "Gloria Tonic" w i l l stop those aches and pains, those Inflammations and deformities , and cure you so thnt l i f e w i l l aga in be wortn l iv i** ' I h i s offer Is not for curiosity seekers b u t i s maac to rheumatics onlv. To them I w i n send a tritV box of "Gloria Tonic" free.

\ e v e r before h a s a remedy been so highly In­dorsed as "Gloria Tonic ." I t Ttas been In­dorsed by such world noted men as Dr. Qnln-tero of the Universi ty of Venezuela, Hon. E. H. Plumachrr, United States Consul, Maraeaibo; Prof. Macadam of Surgeons* ;Hsll, Edinburgh-the famous magazine, " H e a l t h , " London, and a column of others .

I f y o u are a sufferer send your name to-day and br return mai l yon w i l l tece lve a tr ial box of "Gloria Tonic ." and the most elaborate book ever w i i t t e n on the subject of rheumatism, ab­solutely free Tills book contains many draw­i n g s from actual l i f e and wi l l te l l you a l l about your case . You g e t "Gloria Tonic" and this wonderful book at the same t ime, both free , so l e t m e hear from you a t once and, soon you wi l l be cured. Address JOHN A. SMITH, 2817 Germanla blug, Milwaukee, W i s . , V, S . A.

COME TO US And We WH Help You

PATENTS—PROTECT YOUR I D E A S ; NO AL-lowance, no fee . Consultation free. Est . 1864. MUo B . S t e v e n s & C o , 861 14th s t , Wash­ington.

FOR SALE—A S H E E T IRON HEATER, GOOD drum, fine oak commode, lamps and many other household art icles in good repair; cheap for cash. Call any t ime . 2712 9th av S


eras for films or p lates . N ice assortment to se lect from, i sn' t i t ? . O. H. Peck Company, 112 5th s t S, Minneapolis.


PIANO T U N I N G — S H E R M A N RICH, T H E travel ing piano tuner, i s a t home, 8840 Clin­ton av Those wishing h i s services wi l l phone 1246-L1 South, Northwestern.


al l th ings ," our prices are lowest ; office on ground door. 239 3d av N. near Washington. T. C. phone 2802. Kwald.

0 . E. K N A P P & CO. W I L L DO YOUR P R I N T -m g quick and do It r ight . Telephone Main 5, or cal l a t .45 So. Fourth s t .


drawer oak Singer machine for $12, w i t h full se t of a t tachments , good as n e w , must sel l Call evenings after 7 o'clock, 710 8th s t S, fiat 3 .

L A T E DROP-HEAD SINGERS, W H I T E , Wheeler & Wilson and N e w Home, from $12 to $20. Large stock of others, $3 t o $6. This week only. 611 1s t av S.

NO JOCKEYING; SftUARE DEALING; R E -liable machines and r ight prices a t New Home office; $25 upward. 420 Nicol let .

SEE OUR "STITCHWELL" H A N D MACHINE, $ 5 ; makes automatic seam. N e w Home office, 420 Nicol let .


er, has removed to 122 5th s t S, opi*tilte New York Life . Formerly 503 1st av 8 .

%*i Years ago, at a meet ing of the leading specialists o£ the medical profession, it M-as determined t o establish in Minneapolis a n ideal institute for the treatment of genito urinary and sexual diseases. It was placed under the guidance of m e n whose brilliant reputation as authors and experts in these particular diseases is duly recognized by the profession, both in America and Europe.

Its special treatment for m e n i s S A F E and CERTAIN and within the reach of A J J J . In E V E R Y case undertaken a POSITIVE CURE is UEGALIiY guaranteed, W e cure.

SI Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture, Blood Poison,gA Discharges, Nocturnal Emissions, Kidney and Urinary Diseases

: is -••J"! Spee/a/ Offer ^9^ .* g*. In^view of there being so many afflicted wi th private and chronic*

pelvic diseases, w h o are treating with so-called "specialists," etc., without receiving any benefit, w e have decided to m a k e a special offer t o charge only one-half of our regular fee for curing those w h o are n o w undergoing treatment e l shewhere and are dissatisfied, pro­vided they apply before Nov. 3 0 , 1908. , - - *> ,

Consultation Free A l l Languages Spoken.

Special Home Treatment " To P a t i e n t s W h o Can Not CalL

Office Hours—8 a. in. to * p. m.

STATE Sundays—10 to 1 only. Call or write.

Efootro- MEDICAL INSTITUTE. 3 0 1 H e n n e p i n A v . C o r n e r T h i r d S t . Minneapolis, Minn.


Prices very cheap. O. R. Gutzmann & Co.. 107 Western av


going about the 26th w a n t a chance. A. I Hotel


"." n Chapman, Brunswick

Just a f e w more to complete the se lec t party Call up quick i f you

SEND FOR SPECIAL PRICE LIST E . P A W N -brokers' unredeemed pledges. B ig bargain l i s t . Diamonds, matches and Jewelry. H. B. Green, 213 Washington av is.

ALMOST N E W DAVENPORT, UPHOLSTERED in tapestry; a big bargain as am leaving the c i t y , a lso Peninsular stove range. Aadrega S. L. C., 1 U S Hawthorn av.

T H E UNDERWOOD S T A N D A R D - T Y P E W R I T E R —Absolute vis ibly wr i t ing , second-hand ma­chines of all makes for sa le or rent. 326 Hen-nepln av. Send for catalogue.

F U R N I T U R E R E P A I R E D , RECOVERED; H I -gleuie process for c leaning mattresses ; dealers i n furniture and stoves . Ralnvi l le Bros., mfgrs, 17, Central a ? . Both phones.

ALL M A X E S T Y P E W R I T E R S FOR SALE OR rent. Send for i l lustrated catalogue. Agents. for Fox typewriter . Minneapolis Stationery Co., 405 Hennepin a v.

N E W | 2 5 COLT AUTOMATIC PISTOL; N E W $30 Al Vis ta panoramic camera; wi l l exchange for pianola music,, equal value . Address 7051, Journal.

CLOSING OUT A LARGE F I N E STOCK OF second-band range, cook and hea t ing stoves, very cheap. W m . Slmms, hardware, 411 14th av S E .

WOOD—DRY, | 8 TO SS.50; GREEN, $1.50 TO $2.25; coal , $6 to $8 75. P lymouth Lumber Co , 237 Hennepin. Phones . M 8S46 L I : T. C . 2807.

A F E W F U R L I N E D OVERCOATS; ONE 8 E A L jacket , s ire 86 , one fine buffalo coat, and other furs, at a bargain, a t 248 1s t av S.

T H R E E GOOD LOGGERS FOR SALE, C H E A P ; got no use for them; we ight from 1,500 to

_ 1 , 6 0 0 pounds. Inquire 640 Johnson s t N E . F I N E OLD VIOLINS; PURE" SILVER W O U N D ,

G and g e n u i n e ' I t a l i a n violin s t i i n g s , expert repairing. Rose & Saviers. 41 6th Bt S.

STOVE—GOLD COIN DOUBLE H E A T E R , AT.T. renlckeled, in perfect condit ion, large s ize . Call 627 1st av S , Haynes Cycle Co.

M A R K DOWN SALE—LATEST OAK SINGER sewing machine, $10; Whi te , $5 ; N e w Home, $4.50; snaps. Elmer, 710 1st av S.

PARQUET FLOORS, 75c SQUARE Y A R D , FOR-merly 90c; red oak, w i t h borders; place your order now. Hurlbut, 11 7th s t N .

OIL MEAL, $1.50; CRUSHED OYSTER SHELLS, 75c; mica crystal grit , 75c per 100-lb sack. J . H . Smith, 214-216 Hennepin av.

DESKS, CHAIRS, TABLES. Ten t o 25 per cent saved by buying of th»

American Desk C o . 202 Nicol let . STOVE—LARGE HEATING STOVE FOR SALE;

Cheerful Oak, coal or wood, inent flat, 30 12th s t N .

See janitor, base-

A COONSKIN COAT, SIZE 42, $ 7 ; A N D A kerosene stove, t n o burners, nearlj new. $3 . 1800 E 24th s t .

FOR SALE—GOOD COOK STOVE, I N GOOD order, cheap i f taken a t once. 910 Western av, fiat 6.

LADIES A R E GOING W I L D TO GET X T N E W book. All you need to know. 25c by maiL Dr. Bly.


tresses renovated, couches, dress boxes and window seats , e tc . , made to order. Both phones. C. A. Gustafson, 903 Nicol let av.

J * > ; VIOLIN MAKER E X P E R T R E P A I R I N G — B U Y MY B E S T R u s ­

s ian g u t str ings, 10c each Genuine s i lver G, 25c. Weston, 45 Washington av S.


$3 down and $1 per month. E . M. Anderson, 604 Sykes block. T . C . 2374.


LOST OR STOLEN—BANK BOOK HO. 118218. issued by the Farmers and Mechanics' Savings

- B i n k of Minneapolis. If not returned to said bank before Nov. 27, 1903, application wi l l be w a d e for a duplicate thereof. ._

R E W A R D W I L L B E GIVEN A N Y ONE G i v ­ing Information of person bretiking into barn and s tea l ing two bull terrier dogs; in rear of 15th s t and Laurel I T , W. J. Snell lnger. 28 15th s t N .

LOST—AT 5:15 Y E S T E R D A Y , ON NICOLLET av, between P o w e i s and «*d s t , a s teel bead chatelaine bag, -with smal l sum of money, key , e tc . Reward Address t!957. Journal.

LOST—TUESDAY N I G H T , ON NICOLLET, B E -tween Glass Block and Kerr's, package of gray Skinner's sa t in ; by working g ir l ; return to 807 Masonic Temple for reward.

LOST — TABLE CLOTH, B E T W E E N LOWRY Hi l l and Kenwood Parkway , finder please return to 1674 Hennepin av , flat 10, and re­ceive reward. »

FOUND—A COMPLETE SET FOR B U R N I N G wood and leather, w i t h two hours' Instruction free, for $3.50, a t Hirschy's . 420 Nicollet .

FOUND—ONE D A R K B R ^ W N P U F F Y W I T H w h i t e breast, w h i t e spot on top of necky w h i t e front fee t Call 3129 1st av a. _*_

LOST—LADY'S SILVER BELT P I N , DESIGNED lady's head and bird. Return for reward. 501 new Chamber of Commerce. *

LOST—SETTER P U P . BLACK A N D W H I T E ; collar mark*,! ©. Ju. Solbergi , return to .406 W 26th, s t . k "* * - « >

^ -- ^ * i «*• n s ^

D E N S M 0 R E T Y P E W R I T E R , BALL B E A R I N G ; $100 machine for $35 cash; or w i l l rent, 7068, Journal.

FOR SALE—ONE SELF-FEEDER A N D ONE range; modern nouse for rent. 2018 Oakland av.

Typewriters , a l l makes , rented, repaired ft sold. N. W. Typewriter Co., IS Kasota building.

FOR QUICK MEAL STEEL RANGES, GAS AND gasolene stoves . C. Herbert Smith. 424 Hen

WHOLESALE T Y P E W R I T E R EXCHANGE, 887 Hennepin a v. All makes . Get prices now.

FOR SALE—LARGE STEWART HEATER, good as new. 1316 Harmon place

ROLL TOP D E S K A N D CHAIR FOR S A L S . 1033 Guaranty Loan.


W A N T E D — SECOND-HAND F U R N I T U R E , s toves , carpets, buggies and harness for im­mediate shipment, pay more than local deal­ers , send for It. D. Rosensteln, 417 Washing­ton a v S. Telephone, T. C , 2817.

W A N T E D — A H A R D COAL HEATER. ALSO cook stove Must be in good condition and cheap for cash Give particulars. Address ,6557, Journal.

W E B U Y DIAMONDS OR TRADE FOR N E W . W e pay cash for old gold or make into n e w Jewelry. Jacobs Jewelry Co., 41 Wash, av S.

W A N T E D — A FUR-LINED OVERCOAT, SIZE 40- or 42. Must be good and cheap. Give description and price. 6937, Journal.


WANTED—A ROLL TOP DESK A N D A SMITH- ^^Lfca-Premier typewriter. Call a t 2301 Central a r k j p f l NE B. A. Ivelsey. - *^-•JjjP'

BOOKS I N SMALL QUANTITIES OR W H 0 L B %J l ibraries purchased. 605 1st av S . * 9^£3M*J8J£ « • -


T H E BOYD TRANSFER A N D STORAGE CO. has unequaled faci l i t ies for moving and storing household goods , expert packing for storage or shipment. Collective cars o f household goods made up for the coast , frequent shipments and big saving in freight. 46 8 3d s t .

CAMERON'S TRANSFER A N D STORAGE— B e s t faci l i t ies for moving and storing house­hold goods, expert packers; 200 Nicol let . Botfc phones. 1802. Res . phone, T. C. 13324.

BENZ BROS., T R A N S F E R A N D STORAGES finest vans and warerooms; goods moved by experienced men. 112 5th s t S Both tels , 952.

CENTRAL F U E L A N D T R A N S F E R CO., 12 4th ot N; dealers in wood and coal ; moving <ti household goods and packing a specialty.

N E W W A R E H O U S E — F U R N I T U R E ^ ST0RE3»J moderate rates. Inquire bakery, 12 th «t-3d av m.

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