w a a l l ilm h i l i ilifi

TUBbNLX^^^ Tw r iG if » - ............. -^..' ' -• ■ -■■ -- fiftlXlSHuCHi jvWiiKTRAC w m m 0 DEiNDPRElU[ TO ILLED MOVE Parliamentary Loaders in Ber- lin Skeptical in Regard to .Seriousness of Call for. Ex- fradition BEHLIN, i/p)TT’Tv/oivo ttdmirnla, twa . hlffh MU flMt; eommonders, U> I'ont tiaptoiiui find numcroua otbor aetivn • offkora of the'' Oeraiau nary ora itt- cluclod tn iJio Iltt of Oermnn* wliow o*- ' trndilioit ii* dinnsndod by tiho cnttnto powtfra. Tha tuunOB of virtually all tho offSciols on tho naval lumo nnd high ...... -Meao-.Rtaffs ar*'found in' tho list. voa -iinplJw,' «hlef 'of tlio ' nry:rot 'naval osbiBot, nmong thoso nnmod, was ponnqnontly attoehed to KTcat hoodquartor<i whore 4io wn« count' vd nmong formor Emporor WiUiaat'a personal eoafldontltU advbert. Ia ad- dition tho ollcs d(«oaod Admiral voa Tirpttt, Admiral von Capello aad Ad- miral von Trotho, wiio woro sucotaairel/ ^ccrctnrics of tbe navy. I 4st la ■'A<iiniralty officera who will di»cuii t ll«t «har{^.tbU »rt»ol«mlo de* . '' mand fbr Oorman naval offleorri ii^dl- eotos tbo enteato’s dosiro to “ pon^a- nontly-paral«e Ocrman naval tions, and tbe proseuee of nomos like thojw of Admiral von Tirpitz ond Ad' ' miral voa Mueller is ridiculed. Out of a -total of SOO Oorinaa aub marine «ommaadersj tho ontonto poweri have calod for only thirty, who, prO' aumably, are suapectod of bavlag e* coedod. their- UfHtimato-UasinudoM Theao comprise , all the prominent U bonl oporatoirt.' *niB admimily admit tod kHting 200 V-boats. nnd it is eati mnfwl IfiO wore left at Uie cloao'of thi conflict London Bombera Orerlooked Commandor Boeker Is an aviator whe attem pt^ a aenantlonal Zeppelin fligh to -tbe Oorman colony in taio heart o: Africa. Offlciala are unable to ac rnunt for .tho abscnr^ of tho namoa oi Zoppolin commandem who bombed Lon don, in viow of tho fact that naval of ficort wero demanded cblefly by ^ag land. Captain Norger, wht»o name waa in cludM ia tbo U«t( waa commander o the Oorman cmaMree raider Wolff. p a r U v B n n # ’k M d » n Bkeptleal Fow patliamontaiy leaders in Berlli yesterday would venture any opinion a to w ^ t action would bo taken but wer • intillnod .to be dteptical in rcpird to th serbusncss of the allied demand fo extradition. They wero Inclined to b« Have it to be tbo prelude ot-n dcman for a atnggoring Indemnity, or aa aiUo movp in »mo other direction. UtHiNS FROpNEl Leaves Post of Secretary of I d terior A fter Twenty ITear* in Pablio Life WASHINOTOIf, (;P>-S«eri.tllry L«i of tho tloMrtmont of tko interior, hi placed hia reaignatlon'in the haiula i President ‘Wllaoo. It became lrno« some time ago that the secrotarv cu templatod leaving the cabinet wh-<a was conveniont for the preaident to i pliee him. Socrctary Lane's resignation la effr tivo Marcb 1- ' , President "WUson baa accepted the r< {(Cisstton and dato fixed by Itlr. Lai Discnaslon of a probable aucccwor l day included tho nnmo of Alexander Vcgolaang, of California, now first i ,» piHtant soprutnry of the interior. It ia understood that Mr. Lnnc ’■ ii'n fo^he immediate futuro have not \n' faliv matured, but will bo annnunc; soon. Ho lias been aocretary of thn terJor cince the bcfrinnlnR of Preside Wilson’« n-lminiatration. Prior to tl .he waa a member and chairman of t '^'inlerstata commorwi commiMion. Mr. Lane’s roalRnatlon terminate* ' public aervico of more thnn two: veara in which he Ima held many poj i.ppinning with local offirca in hls ho • Btato of California. It hna been a m , irr of common ngrocmont among pi tirinim for aome time thnt bo wonld n iiro#i<ientlal poaalbllity woro it not Die fnft that he wna born in Canada vmCINlA DEFEATS StnTIlAOB AMENDMENT SECOND TD -rTMMONn. Va.. —Tho Klato I nii'’it ri 'i-.-!i'il the foili'nil "ufTn bv a voto ot 21 to 10. ' ir'idti followi'cl nn nil <l:iv nin ii\- Hiurtiiv' (lebnto. TIiIh iiinki* -r.v-iu'1 ib'fva’t It"' anffriitrt* qiii-slloQ in Vir^iniu moNPAimtm^ N W A all iANGE OF ST/ DITION DISMA ijAdvices Point to Dispoytion on J I Part of England to Modify : List of War Offenders to Mollify Germany , : millerand ' for delay . . IN RHINE evacuation PAaiS. h«B bMn catumd in Trmob drrle* by a p duuicai of- attltada of tbe British. •' jrorenunrat rfgardlng tte extrodl- Ih fo n of Oeraaca accond of Tlola- tions of tbfl laws of tnur. K. W'hllo it waa understood timt Omit Britain wna'the most injrfstent nf u\l powers n>prc«ontod a t Uio peace or.nfiT- •nce In demanding tbo tri:^l of former m> lilnipcror William and other proininont U- Germnna, iqfom intba luia been rcceivi* I ivn .‘hilt tiie British now aro nUowinR n itt- tendoncy to loavo the Initiative In tlM> 0*. prorcBfl o f «xtradition to rjtlicrn. ite It waa-aald yeatonlnv thut Biiroii the Birkenhead, lord ehanct-IIor of EhrIuiuI. I igfa la understood to have nmde ll rlenr t.h.> British govommcnt fnx-ored n rndiral tbo njodJfieation of Mio Ii*f in ordor that wo nn ngrooment with Oennnny might bo to reachcd. , nt' Premier Mlllcriihd decllired in the It's chamber of deputloa lost evening the id ' aUios would not ovncuate the left bnnk tm of the Rhino nntll Germany hnd ful- i.d* XUled tlio terms of the Vorsnnies tm ity. * oly -------- LLOYD4EOBOB IS BBPO&TBBD FAyOB UOXnn^ATION ua ^X>NDON, (/P)—Premiar Lloyd- de* Oeorgo' la reports to favor a substan- ^dl> tial modifieatinn of tbe Itst^ of (h^r- M* mona trbaito surrender the allies de- it* mond, tbo Wratminster Oftzette snys iko today. W* Baron \-on Leraner, head of tho Ocr- man deli-galion In Poria, hna mndo -i ub* fonna) report to tho Berlin foreign of- 'crs fiee, acording to n (^penlingcn d i^teli iro* to tho Exchange Telegraph company, ex* The allies are report«d to have told him IM, tfaaL aft< 'c ^ rnaeodi«ga agalaat XJ- tnaas aam«d in tbe prracnt llxt hnd been' ait- twgan. a further of thow fwpiltcd sti* for trial would.bi‘ prcflcnto*!. QUBSnOK UP TO OBBUAN7 IS VIEW OF AMBABSAD0B8 PABIS, (;p)—Dellvprv to the German fflit Ko’^eramcnt -by tho l>(»neh , ehurge in Berlin 'o f the Hat of Ot>rmnns whoso OQ. oxtraditiou la demnndi'<l by t'le alllea in , qi tho proper courao to pursue in the ex- on. istlng clreumntnn'ci-a; tJie coubi:1 l of nm- Qf. 1)n<iaadort declde<l ye.iterdny. Ita oc- inir- u\tu\e known tUrouRh nn offi- . cial rommunique. ig. • It I* understood tliat lu the dlscus- qI nlon of tbo question the nmbasandora took tbo view that the entire question now Is'up -to Germany and that further steps by the allies sliould nwnit tho at* .tion of tho Oermnn,nuthorltiea. » M Tlio reylval by ‘the counell of tho ^«o practico of ioaulng official communiques tho provoked conalderuble coniniont. It was taken ,aa indicating tlint there wm to be- i>o a re«trlctlon upon the aources of in- formation of t*ic council's doings. Hed World Nei "T , WASHINOTON, (/P)— Orde ' I ' obtain the release of Joaeph >I ' ployee kidnapped from the Tl at Lerdo, have been issned t In> aeoording to advices today t the 'Amerioan embassy in He: OTTAWA, Ont., (ff)— The hor plearing house for the coUeqti s of other ene&y nationals in sobi town. the i)eaoe.:trBaty, it was am pM ted that'the olaims to be (. re- partment win aggregate mor ffec- NEW YOBK, (/P>->lmpo9t) , land and Denmark is serving ^ 0. Edwin J. O’MaUey, oommiu *■ nonnced today. Four thousi " ready have arrived from Ho! on the way will sell for $2 n'nns prioe, he predicted. He add bntter and potatoea irom b< 10 in- ported. Ident " — " ' ' ----- - -------- BONILLAS TO ENTER ON PRESIDENCY CAMPAIGN pM tJ MEXICO CITV, (/P)—Ypur.lo Bonil homo InA, Moxiean. nnibimm'bir at WnMlihi}; *”®t- touj will turn tlK* I'tnbiijwv ovi>r lo Al lS**b^ fonso SiUor, couum'tlor. on Pi'b. 11 ani Dt fo^ return to Moxlro to^niignge in hi ,j„ campaign for tho pri-nidoncy, iii^onliii tn inforinntioii n-ci'lv.nl in aiit1 i«{itntlv » ■'“ "r-H i,, ....... ..............v iM ......... M-xirati niitiiHt(- lo Peru upo last 'lir' iirrival nt tlic' '.Amf'ric^n ••apital r rTrnffc Snlviulfir Fi'numcl’'/-, fnmicBl; The ill rhjirte nf Ihe •fori’ii’n <iffici- her' mnrk- Tlie ■llplnmnfi*' rnnk nf .Meuor Pernat iWtho .li'7 . has not. been annouiifecl offlcinll; '0 haH liiit it in rf|Kirtpd In- will be minister t Ihc' TTnlted Statt-a. O CARRYING t aE kVLl djm TWIN FAIXS. IDAHO, BATI ilm rAND ON . ays : french ' »n Duteh Sociatliats fy Agitate Movement to to Intern Wilhelm Speaker in Parliament Declares Oonnt Hohenzollem Great jjy Criminal THf-: HAGUE. (/P)—8«ciuHat s nienilierH of the'Dutch piirliuiiient a are agitnliitg A'movemunt to Intern j h . . fonner ICniperor Wininfl»''fif' Gor- - I- " many nnd reatrict his liberty^ Tliia I- - Htep urg('<l although the parly Renernlly nptiroves the govern- ■rat i*'ent 'a refusal fo ijurrender CoOnI i ii\S llohenroUem. fer- Sji/'aking in the first chamber to- Mor day Deputy Ynn Kol suggest^Ml tho . i. ont former emperor bo given a dwelling ve I In somo part of Hnllund diatant ' a from the German frontier whero he , tbe wowU not be danReroiw to this rnutltry. ron ' "Wr.utd the Dutrh government' .Ild. I permit Nilcolai Lcnlne .to come th.' Iierc nnd live nt ense iu» doi*« Ihe ienl wood cutter of AtnoronRenf ho hot oaked. bo Ho deelnrod (?oiinl nohenr.ollern wna n great criminal nnd aaid bo the wns responsible evoa for miuwncrea . j tho of Amieniana. . , ink » I Bolaheviki Establish , Breaker of Marriages 1 ftW < . GENEVA. (fl>>-UuaBiana who ] lyd- havo arrived here recently by way ran- • of Swedoa and Gcnnxiny aay a for- i }<'r- . mer minister of juatiec, Spltr.berg, i de- has been instanc'd in J’ctrogrud as mya “ breaker of nmrrlngi's.' ’ Be Is j •nid'to be granting from 500 lo flOO j 3cr- divorces a woek, no InvcRltgatlon 0 being noce<«sary. All that nppenrp of- to required is the signature of itelj the porson desiring freedom from >ny. matrimony. him __ . S FEOERALS TAKE OUTLAW IN COSTLY ENGAGEMENT - Bandit Leadn In Tara Onu Begion is 3B8 Oaptorod and Held, to Cooit Martial mnn ___ ^ME.XICO CITY, (/p)—Gimdencm'^e ‘ La Linve, fonnerly a ftxlurnl gi'neral but In recent years nn outlhw lender in the Vora Cru* reg'-on, was cnpturod February 3 In a buttle near Nnutlfl, flUte of Vora Crur., and l« boing taken tn Vcr.% Oru* for n court martial, ac* cording to a statement issued at proal* dentinl stnif headquarters. ,1 The battle wan dlsaatrous to-Hie rebel forces, It Is snid. resulting in tho deatli of General Ponciano Vaaquer. nnd Oen- ' eral Viccnte Lope*, rebel leaders, and tho wounding of tho nolorioua Higinio Aguilar. IDAHO WBATSEB f in- Toniglit and Sunday fnir; colder lo nortb portion. ews Events )rdera to take all possible steps to leph £. Askew, >an American em- e Tlahnalilo company’s plantation ed by the Mexican foreign office, ay to the state department from Meiioo Oity. Che government has established a lection of debts from Oemany and acbordanoe with the provisions of announced last night. It is ex- ) be handled throngh the new de- moro th an| 10 , 000 , 000 . poi^tion of food stuffs from Hoi- viag to cnt the high cost of living, misaioner of public markets, an- onssnd ton? of .potatoes whioh al- 1 Holland and fonr thousand more $2 less than the present market added that large cons^gnmcn^ of a botb countries soon will be im- REVOLUTION IN GREECE IIGN IS FORECAST BY PANA5 Bonil- Alternative Is Eeslgnatlon of th Premier and Betoin of Coastantlao, ' ' Says Ponner Official to Al _ _ _ I «OMF., (/P\— in Grew.' ' 1 hi't f.iriM-.'itt b v Kilo Pnnaa, former Ori'.-> itatlvv in an iuK' J ' -i.'w j.ut.IiHh.'il M l Ihe Giornalo n ’llalti ;fon to T''c imlv .•ilti’rimtivo ik tho rosigtialio I upon of I’n-uior VcnlzeloH and thi' ri'liir ital of nf fornii'r Kltii; (\inslniifino. he fuiy rnicBly “ Civil.\v:ir in Oroi-.-c cnn bo avorto ' her'-', iiiily liy ilii- rotnrii of Kini; Constantin Vrnan- i1k« fail nf VcalzrlnH nnd tlio fnrnialio Icinlly, of a privimiry cnhinei, tlie only duty i ster to which n-lll !'.• tn curr\:^nnt noiicral ole •tlonH ,'' ho a.isi'rta. , . _ . I LL DAY LEASED WIRl DAIL LATUBDAT. rBBBUAST 7, IttO h JPBEIENTG18 FOR COiRJ n Endorses Majorit; IS and Reaffirms tude Expresse Day [ ANTICIPATES GREY’ GREAT BRITAIN WASHMOTON, (/P)— Pret _ltor Hitohoobk, the demooratio Itions to the treaty of Versailles the bi-partisan oonferenoe oom rcaoh an agreement. The letti cation of THsconnt Grey's le;(ter tions were aocepVable to Great Sanator Hitchcock took tbs let- ter with him today Into tbe denm* cratic conferenca to consid* er plans for getting tbe treaty back oa tba seoata floor. Adopt Prevlotts Plan After llatunlng to a letter from I'ro*. ident Wilaon, reaffirming hls atand agalnat any but intcrprutalive reaorva- tlona to the pcace treaty,’, demoeratle SGuntoTs decidcd in conferencv to pro- ccud with their previous plan to holp cf bring tho treaty up in the sennto Mon- day and fo work for n reservation cnm- promiso. Tbe letter Is understood to have ex- pressed the ptcsldcnt's wllUiiRness to accept any Interpretative rcMiirvationH thnt tho democrats might frame, but'to hnve omlttod discussion of nny specific rcBorvatloa proposals. Oompromlsa Urged A long diacrtsiiion, in which some sen' ators nro said to have urged that the demoeratio sennto loaders bo moro com promising in tholr attitude, followe< . aubmisaion of tho communication. Thi only formal docision reached, it was aa |Y nounead, was to .aid In overy posaibl ** way tho movo to toko up tho treaty an< expedite its ratification. :scoiiiR i FORPLEIl FOR I OUREIIELEIIS en- ' North Dakota Independent Vot ers’ Association Enters Fieli to Campaign Against Non partisan League =»» OBAND PQRK8, N. D., Th — North Dakota Independent Voters' a sociation late yeaterday closed ita ai nual convention aftor perfecting plat to carry on Ita campaign againat tt ___ Non-Partisan leaguo. Defeat Sentiment Sonnd Before adjourning, an attempt wi mado to have an informal ballot take to aound the aontimont of the aasocl tlon in rf^gard to gubernatorial cand , dates, but thia effort waa prompt! ^ blocked. Tho aaaociatlon adopted cnmpaign platform which reeommendi Amending tho workmen’* compons tlon act ao aa “ to give employora a c k tional rate nnd the cm^iloyes pronq I and adequate compensation for Inju Ipa," creation of a burden of marke f to co-operato with tlio federal buroi of markets; amendment of the soldier bonus act so as to extend Its beucfi to every North Dakotan who now Is I tbo aer'vica or who haa boen honorab dlaclmrged; tho repeal of the prcac bonrd of administration law; tho repc of tho preaent absent voters’ law ns o plying to women; limiting the amou of state money to bo used in the ti minni elevator ami slate owned mill < pcrlmen^ the management of state : ® diistrier vc.sted in boards directly t sponsible to the legislature. f BeaoluUoQs Attack Prazler Bi'SoliitioiiH adojitcil attacked Gov nor Frar.ier for petitioning Prcaldi Wilson to release Kato O'Hare fr ^ tho federal prison and condemned I efforts of non-partiaan leaders to tend “ 8 <K'lnli*t teachings’' Into the 4/VS instltutiona of tho atnte. L- COLONET lS lTEfiS e ilCEFO IGOVM IlS I HOlSi-: (K]mmm ! iI)—Cohinvl I,. " I’/ilcli, iiifl retunifil from Donvi't. lalia. it known tu a number of alio'i frivncN jin'1 Huiiportcr-, il in Miii.l, t I'liiru he..»v'SlL bo.^ij crtndiilalc for- mivci •uivH, (if |<lalio befnre_ the roj)iiblir;in o«n\ ortod tion. 11' is .Ktati-d li<. liii!* inip.'irti'ii ' ntino. infonn.-il'im lo fiiivernor O.'ivis. ' C lalioii crnor Piivin, it luiiuvii. in ity of considering n<vi‘plaiico of tlie aOv^ci olec nmny supjiorlerM to bcpoim- :■ ciimlii for United SlalcH !.oiin!(if. IE REPORT OF THE J Mm. ili S FIRST GROyi liRATIFCAT ION ity Leader’s Stand ; Executive Atti- sed to Jackson Diners. Y’S APPROVAL FOR N OF LODGE PROGRAM resident Wilson has written Sena- lio leader, approving the reserva- lies whioh the senator presented to ommittees whioh recently failed to jtter was w ritten before the pnbli* ter stating that ttie Lodge reserva- at Britain. sIlOTTOiROER s E](-SEiiyiGEIEH i miEKlCHiEE County Attorney Prosecuting onH j lllleged I. W. W. for Arniis- 'in" tiee Day Shootings Makes Opening Statement to Jury sen. MONTBA8AKo7 Waab., yp>—Exlat- tho ence of a conspiracy to ahont, down om- marebera ia the Crotralia ' ArmUtlco wed Day parade laat Novembor waa alleged Tho in County Attorney Hehnaa Allea'i aa- opening atatement today to tho jurj ilble whlcb ia tryiog elarea allieged Indua and trial Workers of the .World chargei with tho fatal ahootiags. Fonr formci aerviee men wero slain but tho mon ot trial are apocifieally charged with tin murder of Warton 0. Grimm. “ Tho evideaeo wiU ahow," Allei said, “ that all of tbe defendants par I ticipated ia a conaplracy to kill ex servico men; that whllo somo of then did not actually shoot and Ull ox-aol dlers, noverthelcas, 'thoy were present _ aiding, abetting, encouraging and conn I ’ tenanrlng sueb conspiracy and ba< » • helped plan-the snmo, oad actually par I tlcipatcd in carrying out aucb plaaa thnt all the defendants wore proaen und assisted in carrying out aucb eon fot- <-'«cpt Elmer Smith, tbeir law yer, who though not proaont, did advlae ield encourage, aid, counael nnd abet tho de fendanta in their unlawful conspirae' on* which rcauited in murdor.’’ Tho county Attorney described in do tall the alleged meeting beld by. the dc feudants .November 9, tbo Sunday prio -The I to the tragedy, nt which, ho declared ' aa- plana for arming and tliatributliig th I an- men who could shoot were dlseusacd nn plaaa dedded upon. Allen said that thn atat tho will show thnt tho defendants talknd v a purported raid on thoir hall to Ink placc 0)1 Armlatico Day, but said 'ilm was whatever informatioa tho dofendanl aken received regarding any such raid cajii Hicla- from tbo defendants themaelvea. andi*; ----- - nptl^f , NEVADA. BATIFIES 8UFFBA0B •J «| SEWO, Nov, (/P)—Tlo Novnilo lojl fuda: JatuYe in q)ecial aeasion' ratified the fei onsa- eral auffrage amendment ■today. Tl a *a* voto Wna unanimous in Uio sonato aa on^t but one vote was coat in opposition 1 injur- the assembly. rkets . ------------- ------ --- iroau AOOtrSBD WOMAN A0QX7ITXED li'™ ' MAnyerv'iLLE, cm., w>i—Mt«..Oc icnta trudo Wilson was foupd not guiltv i the murder of Charlfta Brown, wcnltV fttbiyJ shccpmnn, on tho firat ballot ef tl cacnt within 15 minutci/of tl u^np. nount ---- ===■- ...................... e ter- A----- — ■ II LANE ASKS C IE RECLAWATK from . id tho WASHINOTON. Secret (o cx- crease appropriations for work he ed- S7.873.000 to 812.873.000. Tba » 0. proved tbo estimated expeadltnn ...... .Nineteen irrigation projects S Nortb and South DakoU. Nebr Texas. Oailfomla and Waablngt mitttag greater development w i CUID lands leasing meaar Jll!] provides for a .dlvlsloq betwoon royalties piild tbe govommcnt srcretary told tho prospects of ' I scom probable tbat the reciama •y ‘ll" I sQven mlllloQ dollars.” ' , ' Urging reclamation of arid '' I Mr. Lane sald.it was “ advli*abU v.M iui: i .'waiting many yean for a water I Projects wblcb would roco: ' Lano plan include tbo Yuma, 0: ,‘"i 1 King m u, Minidoka. Huntloy, vl'I'.'Vv 1 ^‘itttte, Newlaada. Carlsbad, I I Fouro!:e. Strawberry Valley, Ya ASSOCIATED eRES» J lEWS' ..PEwai PivB oawra ilifi JUPIESE STAND N ITH AMER ICANS <■ AGA INST SOV IET Reported Flight of the Russian Forces from Vladivostok Leaves Opposition to Bolshe- viki to Armies of Occupation ^ JAPANESE PORT OFFERS ' REFUGE TO FUGITIVES ra- — ■ to Moscow Dispatches Indicate Oontinned Successes of Sed Arms Operating on the East Ooast of Oaspian Sea L6 ND0 N, (/F ^ T h o BoUhsvlkt J hava ©ccaplad Zraraoredsk, oa the 'f Mstam coast of tbe Oasplin sea. ,1 acccitfln* to a iRlrelan . rftomMowsow. [I ' * - Bolshsvlki forcM ar* adTavdag y along the shore of th« Blade ssa I twenty lallas northeast of OdMsa, accoidlng to a lOTlet goTMBswu ir statssunt sM«lTe4 .h«te today.* m L , ‘thftOaacaaiaazHiM.theBtatea«Bt I . a ^ Bed tiopfl hftva occupied B U g-. ' i« odamoe, fifty miles east of 8Ur- ng - . TOKIO, (ffv— Btis^an offleera* who 15“ have been nerving atTJadlvoatok undar (es' eountaad of Qeneral Boaanoff, gov* 'ernor general of the Baslaa maritime J I province, have arrived with tbelr fam- iiiea in Tsumga harbor on the •outhem (tst. eoaat ot Japan. ’ own They wore on board two Bosaian war . itleo ships whieh entered port early Tuonday sged and tnelr arrival, whieb waa nnherald'-.d lea's ■i 9 pean''t» iBdieM'aB'exodorfraiD*the jnry eastern part of Siberia, tdua* — —: rged Sszions Bltnatloa Indicated > nacr Reports received lato last week re- n on fiocted a serious stato of affairs ia the Vladlavostok aad It appeared tho Uol- sheviki had aaaumod eoatrol of' tlie illen country ap to within a short dlstaaeo par- tho eity. Nikolak, 40 mUes aorth, ex- vaa la tho hands of the reds nt that them time nnd American forces along tke raU- ;-soI* road between that pjaco and Vladisros- ‘o°t, tok reported encountering nalts of the 5 onn* Boviet army. A stato of seige bas been proclaimed in the city ‘and furtter re* . inmorcements of Japanese troops were - '“ “■f expected. mb* More recent advlcoa stated revolution- lat forces had occupied Vladlvoslok' January 31 and tbat tbe allied miaaio^is which had beea in th,o city had left, I “ J going westward over the trans-Siberian railroad ia tbe dlrectloa of Harbiii. , Nothing wae reported aa to tbe flight ^ of Bussian officera which may indicate * , ' the wholesale desertion of Bnssii^ gov* erament troops or tholr disporalon. If r tbe (OoBtlaaad on Page- nve) 1nnd ----- POLAND W IU. CONSIDER PEACE WITH BOLSHEVIKI tlillt ______ of ronUn Atfilii Tromlm Answer to O rertm s from Soviet Oovemnent WARSAW", Peace overtures by th© Boviot government of Bussia will bo considered by tho Polish govern- 9 mcnt, according to a dlapntch sent to M. Tohitchorin, ^labovik foreign minis- ter, by Btaalslaus Patck, Ptilish minis- tor of foreign affairs, Friday. M. Pa- __ tck ’s reply follow#: •' •Tlie Polish govcnunent acknowl- - Ger- edges the receipt of the wireless deelnr- ty of ation of tho governmeat of the Russian :nUhy soviet ttpubUe dated Jnnuary Utt, 1020. f tho Tluit declaration will bo considored nnd f tho tho anw er will bo communicated to tho lanil-i. Iluasinn aoviot government.’' CONGRCSS FOR IONFLND BOOST cretary lone today asked eoagress to In- irk on Irrigation projects nixt"y«ar tn n le secretary said President WOacn had kd- Itnres. >cts in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Hontana rebraaka, Wyoming. Nevada, New-.Hexlco, ington would xecelve lacreated fdladi,' per- wrlc . . . . easnre recently agreed upon in conference' ' oen tbe reclamation fund and the. s t^ a of int for uso of tba mineral lands, and tbe . of enactment of tbe bill makes “ it now lunation fiwd will be increased by five to arid lands an fast os funds are available, able to tho neods of sottlera who bave been - ator supply.’* recolvo incroanod appropriatlona under the ^ Grand'Valley. Dncompagre Volley, Boise* j oy. hUlk Blvor. Ziower Yellowstone, N otth. - . Bio Grande, DmatilU, -Klamath. Belle . Yakima Volley and Sho^gnjkoj^^^j^ -j.

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iG if» - ............. - ^ . . ' ' -• ■ -■■ --

fiftlXlSHuCHijvWiiKTRACw m m 0


Parliamentary Loaders in Ber­lin Skeptical in Regard to

.Seriousness of Call for. Ex- fradition

BEHLIN, i/p)TT’Tv/oivo ttdmirnla, twa . hlffh MU flM t; eommonders, U>

I'ont tiaptoiiui find numcroua otbor aetivn • offkora of the'' Oeraiau nary ora itt-

cluclod tn iJio Iltt of Oermnn* wliow o*- ' trndilioit ii* dinnsndod by tiho cnttnto

powtfra. T ha tuunOB o f virtually all tho offSciols on tho naval lumo nnd high

......-Meao-.Rtaffs ar*'found in ' tho list.voa -iinplJw ,' «hlef 'of tlio

' nry:rot 'naval osbiBot, nmong thoso nnmod, was ponnqnontly attoehed to KTcat hoodquartor<i whore 4io wn« count' vd nmong formor Emporor WiUiaat'a personal eoafldontltU advbert. Ia ad­dition tho ollcs d(«oaod Admiral voa T irpttt, Admiral von Capello aad Ad­miral von Trotho, wiio woro sucotaairel/

^ccrctnrics of tbe navy.I 4s t la

■'A<iiniralty officera who will di»cuiit ll«t «har{^ .tbU »rt»ol«mlo de*

. ' ' mand fbr Oorman naval offleorri ii dl- eotos tbo en teato’s dosiro to “ pon^a- non tly -p ara l« e Ocrman naval tions, and tbe proseuee of nomos like thojw of Admiral von Tirpitz ond Ad'

' miral voa Mueller is ridiculed.Out of a -total o f SOO Oorinaa aub

marine «ommaadersj tho ontonto poweri have calod for only thirty , who, prO' aumably, are suapectod of bavlag e* coedod. th e ir- UfHtimato-UasinudoM Theao comprise , all the prominent U bonl oporatoirt.' *niB admimily admit tod kHting 200 V-boats. nnd it is eati mnfwl IfiO wore left a t Uie cloao'of thi conflict

London Bombera Orerlooked Commandor Boeker Is an aviator whe

a tte m p t^ a aenantlonal Zeppelin fligh to -tbe Oorman colony in taio heart o: Africa. Offlciala are unable to ac rnunt for .tho abscnr^ of tho namoa oi Zoppolin commandem who bombed Lon don, in viow of tho fact that naval of ficort wero demanded cblefly by ^ag land.

Captain Norger, wht»o name waa in cludM ia tbo U«t( waa commander o the Oorman cm aM ree raider Wolff.

p a r U v B n n # ’k M d » n Bkeptleal Fow patliamontaiy leaders in Berlli

yesterday would venture any opinion a to w ^ t action would bo taken but wer

• intillnod .to be dteptical in rcpird to th serbusncss of the allied demand fo extradition. They wero Inclined to b« Have i t to be tbo prelude ot-n dcman for a atnggoring Indemnity, or aa aiUo movp in »m o other direction.


L e a v e s P o s t o f S e c r e t a r y o f I d t e r i o r A f t e r T w e n ty IT ear*

i n P a b l io L ife

WASHINOTOIf, (;P>-S«eri.tllry L«i o f tho tloMrtmont of tko interior, hi placed hia reaignatlon'in the haiula i President ‘Wllaoo. I t became lrno« some time ago tha t the secrotarv cu templatod leaving the cabinet wh-<a was conveniont for the preaident to i pliee him.

Socrctary L ane 's resignation la effrtivo Marcb 1- ' ,

President "WUson baa accepted the r< {(Cisstton and dato fixed by Itlr. Lai Discnaslon of a probable aucccwor l day included tho nnmo of Alexander Vcgolaang, of California, now first i

,» piHtant soprutnry of the interior.I t ia understood th a t Mr. Lnnc ’■ ii'n

fo ^ h e immediate futuro have not \n' faliv matured, but will bo annnunc; soon. Ho lias been aocretary of thn terJor cince the bcfrinnlnR of Preside Wilson’« n-lminiatration. Prior to tl

.he waa a member and chairman of t '^'inlerstata commorwi commiMion.

Mr. Lane’s roalRnatlon terminate*' public aervico of more thnn two:

veara in which he Ima held many poj i.ppinning with local offirca in hls ho

• Btato of California. It hna been a m , irr of common ngrocmont among pi

tirinim for aome time thnt bo wonld n iiro#i<ientlal poaalbllity woro it not Die fnft that he wna born in Canada


-rTMMONn. Va.. —Tho Klato I nii'’it ri 'i-.-!i'il the foili'nil "ufTn

bv a voto ot 21 to 10. ' ir'idti followi'cl nn nil <l:iv nin

ii\- Hiurtiiv' (lebnto. TIiIh iiinki* -r.v-iu'1 ib'fva’t It"' anffriitrt* qiii-slloQ

in Vir^iniu

m o N P A i m t m ^


a l liA N G E O F S T / D IT IO N DISM AijAdvices Point to Dispoytion on J I Part of England to Modify : List of War Offenders to

Mollify Germany ,: m illeran d ' for delay . . IN RHINE evacuation

P A a iS . h«BbMn catumd in Trm ob drrle* by a

p duuicai of- attltada of tbe British.• ' jrorenunrat rfgardlng t t e extrodl- Ih f o n o f Oeraaca accond of Tlola- ■

tions o f tbfl laws of tnur.K. W'hllo it waa understood timt Omit

B ritain w na 'the most injrfstent nf u\l powers n>prc«ontod a t Uio peace or.nfiT- •nce In demanding tbo tri:^l of former

m> lilnipcror William and other proininont U- Germnna, iqfom intba luia been rcceivi* I ivn .‘hilt tiie British now aro nUowinR n itt- tendoncy to loavo the Initiative In tlM> 0*. prorcBfl o f «xtradition to rjtlicrn. ite I t waa-aald yeatonlnv thut Biiroii the Birkenhead, lord ehanct-IIor of EhrIuiuI. I igfa la understood to have nmde ll rlenr t.h.>

B ritish govommcnt fnx-ored n rndiral tbo njodJfieation of Mio Ii*f in ordor that wo nn ngrooment with Oennnny might bo to reachcd. ,

n t ' Premier Mlllcriihd decllired in the It's chamber of deputloa lost evening the id ' aUios would not ovncuate the left bnnk tm o f the Rhino nntll Germany hnd ful- i.d* XUled tlio terms of the Vorsnnies tm ity . *oly --------


u a ^X>NDON, (/P)—Premiar Lloyd- de* Oeorgo' la re p o rts to favor a substan- dl> tial modifieatinn of tbe Itst of (h^r-

M* mona trbaito surrender the allies de­it* mond, tbo Wratminster Oftzette snys iko today.W* Baron \-on Leraner, head o f tho Ocr­

man deli-galion In Poria, hna mndo -i ub* fonna) report to tho Berlin foreign of- 'crs fiee, acording to n (^penlingcn d i^ te l i iro* to tho Exchange Telegraph company, ex* The allies are report«d to have told him IM , tfaaL aft<'c ^ rnaeodi«ga agalaat XJ- tnaas aam«d in tbe prracnt llxt hnd been'

ait- twgan. a further of thow fwpiltcd sti* for trial would.bi‘ prcflcnto*!.


PABIS, (;p)—Dellvprv to the German fflit Ko’ eramcnt -by tho l>(»neh , ehurge in

Berlin 'o f the Hat of Ot>rmnns whoso OQ. oxtraditiou la demnndi'<l by t'le alllea in , qi tho proper courao to pursue in the ex­on. istlng clreumntnn'ci-a; tJie coubi:1l of nm- Qf. 1)n<iaadort declde<l ye.iterdny. Ita oc- inir- u\tu\e known tUrouRh nn offi-

. cial rommunique. ig. • I t I* understood tliat lu the dlscus- qI nlon of tbo question the nmbasandora

took tbo view that the entire question now Is'up -to Germany and that further steps by the allies sliould nwnit tho at* .tion of tho Oermnn,nuthorltiea.

» M Tlio reylval by ‘the counell of tho ^«o practico o f ioaulng official communiques tho provoked conalderuble coniniont. It was

taken ,aa indicating tlint there wm to be- i>o a re«trlctlon upon the aources of in-

formation of t*ic council's doings.Hed

W o r l d N e i" T , W A S H IN O T O N , (/P)— O r d e ' I ' o b t a i n t h e r e le a s e o f J o a e p h > I ' p lo y e e k id n a p p e d f r o m t h e T l

a t L e r d o , h a v e b e e n i s s n e d t In> a e o o r d in g to a d v ic e s t o d a y t ■ t h e 'A m e r io a n e m b a s s y in H e :

O T T A W A , O n t., (ff)— T h e ho r p l e a r in g h o u s e f o r t h e coU eqti

s of o t h e r e n e & y n a t io n a ls in so b i town. t h e i)e a o e .: t rB a ty , i t w a s a m

p M t e d t h a t ' t h e o la im s to b e (. re- p a r t m e n t w in a g g r e g a t e m o r

ffec- N E W Y O B K , (/P > -> lm po9t) , l a n d a n d D e n m a r k is s e r v in g ^ 0. E d w in J . O’M aU ey , o o m m iu *■ n o n n c e d to d a y . F o u r th o u s i" r e a d y h a v e a r r iv e d f ro m Ho!

o n t h e w a y w ill s e l l f o r $ 2 n'nns p r io e , h e p r e d ic te d . H e a d d

b n t t e r a n d p o ta to e a i r o m b< 10 in- p o r t e d .Ident " — " ' ' ----- - ■ --------


p M tJ M E X IC O C IT V , (/P)— Y p u r . l o B o n il homo InA, Moxiean. nnibimm'bir at WnMlihi}; *”®t- touj will turn tlK* I'tnbiijwv ovi>r lo Al

lS**b fonso SiUor, couum'tlor. on Pi'b. 11 ani Dt fo^ return to Moxlro to^niignge in hi ,j„ campaign for tho pri-nidoncy, iii^onliii

tn inforinntioii n-ci'lv.nl in aiit1i«{itntlv

» ■'“ " r - H i , , .....................v i M .........M-xirati niitiiHt(- lo Peru upo

last 'lir' iirrival nt tlic' '.Amf'ric^n ••apital r rTrnffc Snlviulfir Fi'numcl’'/-, fnmicBl;

The ill rh jirte nf Ihe •fori’ii’n <iffici- her' mnrk- Tlie ■llplnmnfi*' rnnk nf .Meuor Pernat iW tho .li'7. has not. been annouiifecl offlcinll; '0 haH liiit it in rf|Kirtpd In- will be minister t

Ihc' TTnlted Statt-a.



rA N D O N .a y s : f r e n c h '

»n Duteh Sociatliats fy Agitate Movement to to Intern Wilhelm

S p e a k e r i n P a r l i a m e n t D e c la re s O o n n t H o h e n z o lle m G r e a t

jjy C rim in a l

THf-: HAGUE. (/P)— 8«ciuHats nienilierH o f the'Dutch piirliuiiienta are agitnliitg A'movemunt to Intern jh . . fonner ICniperor Wininfl»''fif' Gor- -I- " many nnd reatrict his liberty^ TliiaI- - Htep urg('<l although the parly

Renernlly nptiroves the govern-■rat i*'ent 'a refusal fo ijurrender CoOnI iii\S llohenroUem.

fer- Sji/'aking in the first chamber to-Mor day Deputy Ynn Kol suggest^Ml tho . i.ont former emperor bo given a dwellingve I In somo part of Hnllund diatant' a from the German frontier whero he ,tbe wowU not be danReroiw to this

rnutltry.ron ' "W r.utd the Dutrh government'.Ild. I permit Nilcolai Lcnlne .to cometh.' Iierc nnd live nt ense iu» doi*« Iheienl wood cutter of AtnoronRenf hohot oaked.bo Ho deelnrod (?oiinl nohenr.ollern

wna n g reat criminal nnd aaid bothe wns responsible evoa for miuwncrea . jtho of Amieniana. . ,ink » I

Bolaheviki Establish , Breaker of Marriages 1

ftW — <. GENEVA. (fl>>-UuaBiana who ]

lyd- havo arrived here recently by way ran- • of Swedoa and Gcnnxiny aay a for- i }<'r- . mer minister of juatiec, Spltr.berg, i de- has been instanc'd in J’ctrogrud as

mya “ breaker of nmrrlngi's.' ’ Be Is j •nid'to be granting from 500 lo flOO j

3cr- divorces a woek, no InvcRltgatlon0 being noce<«sary. All that nppenrp of- to required is the signature of

itelj the porson desiring freedom from>ny. matrimony.him __ .S FEOERALS TAKE OUTLAW

IN COSTLY ENGAGEMENT- Bandit L e a d n In T ara Onu Begion is

3B8 Oaptorod and Held, to Cooit Martial

mnn _ _ _’ ^ME.XICO CITY, (/p)—Gimdencm'^e

‘ La Linve, fonnerly a ftxlurnl gi'neral but In recent years nn outlhw lender in the Vora Cru* reg'-on, was cnpturod February 3 In a buttle near Nnutlfl, flUte of Vora Crur., and l« boing taken tn Vcr.% Oru* for n court martial, ac* cording to a statement issued a t proal* dentinl s tn if headquarters.

,1 ” The battle wan dlsaatrous to-Hie rebel forces, It Is snid. resulting in tho deatli of General Ponciano Vaaquer. nnd Oen-

' eral Viccnte Lope*, rebel leaders, and tho wounding of tho nolorioua Higinio Aguilar.

IDAHO WBATSEBf in- Toniglit and Sunday fnir; colder lo

nortb portion.

ews Events) r d e r a t o t a k e a l l p o s s ib le s t e p s to le p h £ . A s k e w , >an A m e r ic a n e m - e T la h n a li lo c o m p a n y ’s p l a n t a t i o n e d b y th e M e x ic a n f o r e ig n o ff ic e , a y t o t h e s t a t e d e p a r tm e n t f r o m M e i io o O ity .

Che g o v e r n m e n t h a s e s ta b l i s h e d a le c tio n o f d e b t s f r o m O e m a n y a n d a c b o rd a n o e w i t h t h e p ro v is io n s o f a n n o u n c e d l a s t n ig h t . I t i s e x -

) b e h a n d le d th r o n g h t h e n e w d e - m o r o t h a n | 1 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 .

p o i ^ t i o n o f f o o d s t u f f s f r o m H o i- v ia g t o c n t t h e h ig h c o s t o f l iv in g , m is a io n e r o f p u b l ic m a r k e t s , a n - o n s s n d to n ? o f .p o t a t o e s w h io h a l -1 H o l la n d a n d f o n r t h o u s a n d m o re $ 2 le s s t h a n t h e p r e s e n t m a r k e t a d d e d t h a t l a r g e c o n s ^ g n m c n ^ o f

a b o tb c o u n t r i e s s o o n w il l b e im -

REVOLUTION IN GREECE IIGN IS FORECAST BY PANA5Bonil- A lternative Is Eeslgnatlon of th

Prem ier and Betoin of Coastantlao,' ' Says Ponner Official

to Al _ _ _

I « O M F ., ( / P\ — i n G re w . ' '1 hi't f.iriM-.'itt b v K ilo P n n a a , fo rm e r Ori'.->

i ta t lv v in a n iuK 'J ' - i . 'w j.ut.IiH h.'il Ml Ihe G io rn a lo n ’l la l t i;fon to T ''c im lv .•ilti’r im tiv o ik th o ro s ig tia lioI u p o n o f I’n - u io r V cnlzeloH a n d th i ' r i 'l i iri ta l o f n f f o rn i i 'r K ltii; ( \ in s ln i i f in o . h e fuiyrnicBly “ C iv i l . \v : i r in Oroi-.-c cnn bo a v o rto' her'-', iiiily liy ilii- ro tn r ii o f K in i; C o n s ta n tinV rn a n - i1k« f a i l n f V calzrlnH n n d tlio fn rn ia lioIc in l ly , o f a p r iv im iry c n h in e i , tlie o n ly d u ty is te r to w h ich n-lll !'.• tn c u rr\:^ n n t n o iic ra l ole

• t lo n H ,' ' ho a .is i'rta . ,. _ . I




FOR COiRJn E ndorses M ajorit; IS an d R eaffirm s

tude Expresse Day [


W A S H M O T O N , (/P)— P re t _ l t o r H ito h o o b k , t h e d e m o o ra t io

I t io n s t o t h e t r e a t y o f V e rsa il le s t h e b i - p a r t i s a n o o n fe re n o e oom r c a o h a n a g r e e m e n t . T h e le t t i c a t io n o f T H sconnt G r e y 's le ;(te r t i o n s w e r e aocepV ab le t o G r e a t

Sanator Hitchcock took tb s let­te r w ith him today Into tbe denm* cratic conferenca to consid*er plans for getting tbe trea ty back oa tba seoata floor.

Adopt Prevlotts Plan A fter llatunlng to a letter from I'ro*.

ident Wilaon, reaffirming hls atand agalnat any but intcrprutalive reaorva- tlona to the pcace treaty,’, demoeratle SGuntoTs decidcd in conferencv to pro- ccud with their previous plan to holp

cf bring tho treaty up in the sennto Mon­day and fo work for n reservation cnm- promiso.

Tbe letter Is understood to have ex- pressed the ptcsldcnt's wllUiiRness to accept any Interpretative rcMiirvationH thnt tho democrats might frame, but'to hnve omlttod discussion of nny specific rcBorvatloa proposals.

Oompromlsa Urged A long diacrtsiiion, in which some sen'

ators nro said to have urged tha t the demoeratio sennto loaders bo moro com promising in tholr attitude, followe<

. aubmisaion of tho communication. Thi only formal docision reached, i t was aa

|Y nounead, was to .aid In overy posaibl * * way tho movo to toko up tho treaty an<

expedite its ratification.


North Dakota Independent Vot ers’ Association Enters Fieli to Campaign Against Non partisan League

=»» OBAND PQRK8, N. D., Th— North Dakota Independent Voters' a

sociation late yeaterday closed ita ai nual convention aftor perfecting plat to carry on Ita campaign againat tt

___ Non-Partisan leaguo.Defeat Sentiment Sonnd

Before adjourning, an attem pt wi mado to have an informal ballot take to aound the aontimont of the aasocl tlon in rf^gard to gubernatorial cand

, dates, but thia effort waa prompt! blocked. Tho aaaociatlon adopted

cnmpaign platform which reeommendi Amending tho workmen’* compons

tlon act ao aa “ to give employora a c k tional rate nnd the cm^iloyes pronq I and adequate compensation for Inju

Ipa," creation of a burden of marke f to co-operato with tlio federal buroi

of markets; amendment of the soldier bonus act so as to extend Its beucfi to every North Dakotan who now Is

I tbo aer'vica or who haa boen honorab dlaclmrged; tho repeal of the prcac bonrd of administration law; tho repc of tho preaent absent voters’ law ns o

’ plying to women; limiting the amou of state money to bo used in the ti minni elevator ami slate owned mill < pcrlm en^ the management of state :

® diistrier vc.sted in boards directly t sponsible to the legislature. f BeaoluUoQs Attack Prazler

Bi'SoliitioiiH adojitcil attacked Gov nor Frar.ier for petitioning Prcaldi Wilson to release Kato O 'Hare fr

^ tho federal prison and condemned I efforts of non-partiaan leaders to tend “ 8<K'lnli*t teachings’' Into the

4/VS instltutiona of tho atnte.L- COLONETlSlTEfiS eilCEFOIGOVMIlSIHOlSi-: (K]mmm!iI)—Cohinvl I,.

" I’/ilcli, iiifl retunifil from Donvi't. lalia. it known tu a number ofalio'i frivncN jin'1 Huiiportcr-, il in Miii.l, t I'liiru he..»v'SlL bo.^ij crtndiilalc for- mivci •uivH, (if |<lalio befnre_ the roj)iiblir;in o«n\ ortod tion. 11' is .Ktati-d li<. liii!* inip.'irti'ii ' ntino. infonn.-il'im lo fiiivernor O.'ivis. ' C lalioii crnor Piivin, it luiiuvii. in ity of considering n<vi‘plaiico of tlie aOv^ci olec nmny supjiorlerM to bcpoim- :■ ciimlii

for United SlalcH !.oiin!(if.


Mm.i l iS FIRST GROyi liRATIF CATIONity L e a d e r ’s S t a n d ; E x e c u t iv e A tt i- sed to Ja c k s o n D in e rs .

Y’S APPROVAL FOR N OF LODGE PROGRAMr e s id e n t W ils o n h a s w r i t t e n S e n a - lio le a d e r , a p p r o v in g t h e r e s e r v a - lies w h io h t h e s e n a t o r p r e s e n t e d to o m m itte e s w h io h r e c e n t l y f a i le d to j t t e r w a s w r i t t e n b e f o r e t h e pnbli* t e r s t a t i n g t h a t t t i e L o d g e r e s e r v a - a t B r ita in .


County Attorney Prosecuting onH j lllleged I. W. W. for Arniis- 'in" tiee Day Shootings Makes

Opening Statement to Jurysen. MONTBA8AKo7 Waab., yp>—Exlat-tho ence of a conspiracy to ahont, down om- marebera ia the C rotralia ' ArmUtlco wed Day parade laat Novembor waa alleged Tho in County Attorney H ehnaa Allea'i aa- opening atatem ent today to tho jurj

ilble whlcb ia try iog elarea allieged Indua and trial W orkers of the .World chargei

with tho fa ta l ahootiags. Fonr formci aerviee men wero slain but tho mon ot trial are apocifieally charged with tin murder of W arton 0 . Grimm.

“ Tho evideaeo wiU ahow," Allei said, “ th a t all o f tbe defendants par

I ticipated ia a conaplracy to kill ex servico men; th a t whllo somo of then did not actually shoot and Ull ox-aol dlers, noverthelcas, 'thoy were present

_ aiding, abetting, encouraging and conn I ’ tenanrlng sueb conspiracy and ba< » • helped plan-the snmo, oad actually par I tlcipatcd in carrying out aucb plaaa

thnt all the defendants wore proaen und assisted in carrying out aucb eon

fot- <-'«cpt Elmer Smith, tbeir lawyer, who though not proaont, did advlae ield encourage, aid, counael nnd abet tho de fendanta in their unlawful conspirae' on* which rcauited in murdor.’’

Tho county Attorney described in do tall the alleged meeting beld by. the dc feudants .November 9, tbo Sunday prio

-The I to the tragedy, n t which, ho declared ' aa- plana for arming and tliatributliig thI an- men who could shoot were dlseusacd nn plaaa dedded upon. Allen said that thn atat

tho will show thnt tho defendants talknd v a purported raid on thoir hall to Ink placc 0)1 Armlatico Day, but said 'ilm

was whatever informatioa tho dofendanl aken received regarding any such raid cajii Hicla- from tbo defendants themaelvea.andi*; ----- - —nptl^f , NEVADA. BATIFIES 8UFFBA0B •J « | SEWO, N ov, (/P)—T lo Novnilo lo jl fuda: JatuYe in q)ecial aeasion' ratified the fei onsa- eral auffrage amendment ■today. Tl a *a* voto Wna unanimous in Uio sonato aa on^t but one vote was coat in opposition 1 injur- the assembly.rkets . ------------- ------ ---iroau AOOtrSBD WOMAN A0QX7ITXEDli'™ ' M Anyerv'iLLE, cm., w>i—Mt«..Ocicnta trudo Wilson was foupd not guiltv i

the murder o f Charlfta Brown, wcnltV fttbiyJ shccpmnn, on tho firat ballot ef tl cacnt within 15 m inutci/of tlu^np.n o u n t----■ = = = ■ - ......................e ter- A----- — ■


from — . id tho WASHINOTON. Secret (o cx- crease appropriations for work he ed- S7.873.000 to 812.873.000. Tba » 0. proved tbo estimated expeadltnn

.......Nineteen irrigation projects

S Nortb and South DakoU. NebrTexas. Oailfomla and Waablngt m itttag greater development w i CUID lands leasing meaar

J l l ! ] provides for a .dlvlsloq betwoon royalties piild tbe govommcnt srcretary told tho prospects of

' I scom probable tb a t the reciama•y ‘ll" I sQven mlllloQ dollars.”' , ' Urging reclamation of arid'' • I Mr. Lane sald .it was “ advli*abUv.M iui: i .'waiting many y ea n for a water

I Projects wblcb would roco:' Lano plan include tbo Yuma, 0:

, ‘" i 1 King m u , Minidoka. Huntloy,vl'I'.'Vv 1 ^‘itttte, Newlaada. Carlsbad, I

I Fouro!:e. Strawberry Valley, Ya


lEWS'. .P E w a i P iv B o a w r ailifi


Reported Flight of the Russian Forces from Vladivostok Leaves Opposition to Bolshe­viki to Armies of Occupation


ra - — ■to M o sco w D is p a tc h e s In d ic a te

O o n tin n e d S u c c e s s e s o f S e d

A rm s O p e r a t in g o n th e E a s t O o a s t o f O a s p ia n S e a

L6 ND0 N, ( /F ^ T h o BoUhsvlkt J hava ©ccaplad Zraraoredsk, oa the ' f Mstam coast o f tbe Oasplin sea.,1 acccitfln* to a iRlrelan

. rftomMowsow.[I ' * - Bolshsvlki forcM ar* adTavdag y along th e shore o f th« Blade ssa I twenty lallas northeast o f OdMsa,

accoidlng to a lOTlet goTMBswu i r s ta tssu n t sM«lTe4 .h«te today.* m L , ‘ thftO aacaaiaazH iM .theB tatea«B t I . a ^ Bed tiopfl hftva occupied B U g-.

' i« odamoe, f ifty miles east of 8U r-

ng -. TOKIO, (ffv— Btis^an offleera* who 15“ have been nerving atTJadlvoatok undar ( e s ' eountaad of Qeneral Boaanoff, gov*

'ernor general of the Baslaa maritime J I province, have arrived with tbelr fam-

iiiea in Tsumga harbor on the •outhem (tst. eoaat ot Japan. ’own They wore on board two Bosaian w ar . itleo ships whieh entered port early Tuonday sged and tnelr arrival, whieb waa nnherald'-.d lea's ■i9 pean ''t» iBdieM 'aB 'exodorfraiD*the jnry eastern part of Siberia, tdua* — —:rged Sszions Bltnatloa Indicated > nacr Reports received lato last week re- n on fiocted a serious stato o f affairs ia

the Vladlavostok aad It appeared tho Uol- sheviki had aaaumod eoatrol of' tlie

illen country ap to within a short dlstaaeo par- tho eity. Nikolak, 40 mUes aorth, ex- vaa la tho hands of the reds nt that

them time nnd American forces along tke raU- ;-soI* road between that pjaco and Vladisros- ‘o°t, tok reported encountering nalts of the 5onn* Boviet army. A stato of seige bas been

proclaimed in the city ‘and fu r tte r re*. inmorcements of Japanese troops were - '“ “■f expected.mb* More recent advlcoa stated revolution-

lat forces had occupied Vladlvoslok' January 31 and tba t tbe allied miaaio^is which had beea in th,o city had left,

I “ J going westward over the trans-Siberian railroad ia tbe dlrectloa of Harbiii.

, Nothing wae reported aa to tbe flight of Bussian officera which may indicate

* , ' the wholesale desertion of Bnssii^ gov* erament troops or tholr disporalon. If

r tbe (OoBtlaaad on Page- n v e )1 nnd -----


of r o n U n A tf i l i i Tromlm Answer to O re r tm s from

Soviet O ovemnent

WARSAW", Peace overtures by th© Boviot government of Bussia will

■ bo considered by tho Polish govern- “ 9 mcnt, according to a dlapntch sent to M.

’ Tohitchorin, ^ labov ik foreign minis- ter, by Btaalslaus Patck, Ptilish minis- tor of foreign affairs, Friday. M. Pa-

_ _ tck ’s reply follow#:•' • Tlie Polish govcnunent acknowl-

- Ger- edges the receipt of the wireless deelnr- ty of ation of tho governmeat o f the Russian :nUhy soviet ttpubUe dated Jnnuary Utt, 1020. f tho Tluit declaration will bo considored nnd f tho tho anw er will bo communicated to tho lanil-i. Iluasinn aoviot government.’ '

CONGRCSS FOR ION FLND BOOSTcretary lo n e today asked eoagress to In- irk on Irrigation projects n ix t"y«ar t n n le secretary said President WOacn had kd- Itnres.>cts in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, H ontana rebraaka, Wyoming. Nevada, New-.Hexlco, ington would xecelve lacreated fdladi,' per- w rlc. . . .

easnre recently agreed upon in conference' ' oen tbe reclamation fund and the. s t ^ a of int for uso of tba mineral lands, and tbe .

of enactment of tbe bill makes “ i t now lunation fiwd will be increased by five to

arid lands an fast os funds are available, able to tho neods of sottlera who bave been - ator supply.’*recolvo incroanod appropriatlona under the ^ Grand'Valley. Dncompagre Volley, Boise* j oy. hUlk Blvor. Ziower Yellowstone, N o tth . - . Bio Grande, DmatilU, - Klamath. Belle . Yakima Volley and S h o ^g n jk o j^^^ j^ - j .

Page 2: W A a l l ilm h i l i ilifi

EElliiiLE"iN rc m iKPORDJiGES

Demand for More Than 5,000,• OOO Marks from American Army of Occupation Pared to 250,000 by Adlustors

AMERICAN HKADQUARTERa, Co')- ]en2> Gonnany, (/P)—OIniniH for <lnm* riRcfl »o atreet, iiulMinjpt, farms nn<l ovon individuiilB, lUI roputnd to liftvo = l»wm clone l>y Amorlcaii^ noldJots or r Amorifan c q u i^ c n t of «om« Wnd eincn * tho nrniy of oceupntlon roaohod tho Rhino, ngfn’ogato Mmothioff moro than .’>.000,001) marka Thoso (Ulowod totjil iqiproxlmatoly 250,000 m arka Many ' floinin oro uniquo and Bomo witlioaL oity jUBtifieation.

A.woraan who contondcd (hnt her fa­cial uppenrnnro hnd boon marred for Ufc, owinfr to cuta caiisod by flying i rIqm duu to nn oxplosiun nt nn unmu' ] nition dump, nont in Uio modest claim

. . for 2.'50 m arka I t wn* nllowod^ ‘Anothor worann, wlioso liusbund had I

bunu killed hy.an Amorican military po* 1 liccman irho wan eha.iin(T dintribntor# i of contraband liquor, submitted a claim I lo tho An»orican» for 250,000 mark*, ; cont«ndiuR Uiat her solo eupiport had been takon from her. Tbo Amorieans mnlntoined that tho Oorman had boon killod by tho Amerioan Boldior wbo whs -ncUnff witlun his rlfrbtnln lino of duty. ■Tbo nlaUn wnn diflapprovod. -

(^me of tho rlninin nro humoroua uoat ftummor tho Eiffhty-ninth division ' borrowcJ a Ront, for a circus a t its hoadquartcrs. Rocontly n. .cJaim was •filod with tlin Amoricnn town major

. 'aaUng diunngofi on tho eontonUon that tho health of tlio goat had booa Injurod. Tbia cWim was pigooaholeS.

A Rltinoland fnm>or ruccutly demand­ed fivu mark* for a benn jiolc alleged ■

.to- havo boon Btol'on by nn Amorlcfto nldiorl An anny commisnion heard tbo coao.an'l tlvrow out th« claim on ttio ground thoro wjw no ovidonco to riiow that-an^ Amoricnn bod eomaiittod tho theft. '


to P«ac« Oonferenca Says tbo F o m e r Freseh Premier Will B»-

colvo OoMlal Welcome

PABIB, (/P>—Tclegrnma threutvnlug formor Premier Clcmencenu in cnn<* ho vlalts Egypt did not cmnnnto from tlio EioTitian deleinttion bore, ncrnnlini; Jii Said Zagooui I’lmliar hinui o f the 1iiMi misnlon to tho penro crinfi'reniu’.

“ lleforo liis departure M. Cleinoneefiii ' rocoivod u« mo^t courteoHuly," HavH

Zagloul Paithn in nn interview published in tlw Temps, “ nnd aasurod mo he ivrui going to Egypt'nn a friond of thnt coun­try. I f ciryumslnaces compelled tho peace confcrenco <o inaert in tho treaty of .Versailleti n elaoso rocognizing tho ,British proteetomto dvor Egypt, M. Clomenofau reronins a Bincoro Xrtcnd of

Egyptlnn peopli*, tJio Jiilerviowj saya, will bo most cordial in Tlieir wel- como of tho ‘.‘tiger.” ^

r Aj l b o a d a c t i v i t i e s s t a n d.^TILL ZN B09M0BT OT 3XPLBY

TOPEKA, Kan., n period of' fivo minutes tomorrow all activities nn

' tho Alehinon, Topokn and S antnFo will stop as a tribu te to £ . P! R^loy, for mnny years president of tho Santa Fe, whose flmoral sorvices will 6o boW to­morrow at 12 o ’clock a t Banta Dorbaro, California. Tho period wlU "bo 12:00 to 12:05 on tho const linon; 1:00 to 1:05 on the western linen uud 2:00 to 2:05 on tbo eaitern linen wliow eaatom tormi- Hs in <Uii«igo. Tlie order wiin Ismde at fho genernl offices of the Santa Pe horo today.


MONTREAL, (VP)—A sharp decrease in .tbo cost or living wnn predlcCod to­day bucftuao of tbo virtual suspension of oxports resulting from ^ Idgh rato of \'xd\ango. CansuUnxv ox'^rtora have on Uiolr hands l.argo quautitios of food- ntuffs di'signe<l for ohipmpnt to fnrugn countries nnd tiiu only markets left for them iuT< tltOBo in the <Iomini(^n.

Crtbthell Barometer.T be A nucaatnw M Chile ose a cnl><

• shell as a barometer. In dry. foir weather it Is white, bat when rain Is approaching red spots nppenr on It, and when cxcesalvc inolflture la In tlio

Nibley-ChannelL O T IB H E 0 6 M T A K V

■ TW IN FAL1^:d.A1] H o m » B O i B N T i s r A B J i r

I M i i H

^ s i r O liver Lodged th e E n g llib si « o r ld v i t b h is sp lrltu a lla tlc fea t« s ince W ar, U now In A nterlea fo r .a le c tu re h is w ife qpon a rr iv a l a t N ew vnrir


V ise Fee Increased to Ten D ollars b y ProT ision W U tten In to D iplom atic

' ■ A ppropriation B ill

r ' W ASHINQTON. (/p>-Tlie j.naniwrt ( viso foo woul<I lui liirfiiHed to ten dol- I Inrs by n j>r()ViHi(iii wriltcii in to tho

diplom at ir. npropriatiDH liili yentnrdny I by thu Bcnnte i'ori-i).'ii^>'liitii)iift coiiniiit-• tuo. Tho pVi'Kiuil r;iti' in inu- dii.liiir ini'I , S coiiunitti'o ;n<>niljfr.H (•ntiniiileii iha t the1 incri'une w oultl^jriiij' iu 1«').(l0 0 ,00 () jiu- bu t, nnally. • ' .roii Ah repoNc'I In the itNinte iJio hill car- s rit'ti tl),nil,IHIil {•(ini)>u>i'<l witli <>}<,.H'Ct,IIDU . a when it piurned thu nonatoj* *•'a w hen it.p:insed ITre ln>u»i‘, .V'ti.ono hav- wc ^ iug been added fo r milary iiicreiiaes fu r th

einbii.my mid Icgutiun clerkH, 411)0,000 L for oxiienneH n f foreign mis.'(i<>n!i iiikI n '*1;10,000 -for niirchnw of :»n einbuHBv j . , s building ill Chill-. ' ^

\ TREE PLANTING RGURES L IN.PLANS FOR MEMORIAL™I - ■ - be>: B o ta iy Club a t Tampa, .F lo rida, P u r- i t J ■■ pose* TT»lque^ t t n )gbevfB-.Hoa.<>f

“ W ASHINOTON, (ffV -T be firs t R..- w.tn ry ulub in tho roun try In rejm rt p lans o\fo r n Iload » f Rimiembrnnce to thn eoAmerii-au P n re stry junncM-intion, w hiah C;•H "•(.({iH’i.iiiiy , | | | nieiiiorial *roes in a eon a tio n a l honor roll, iv tho orcnnlzntion of

Jill Tampn. F lorida. A t u cost o f $7,000 a& t n o w ill bo plnntcil nlong th e E;O oast rood fo r overy ronn in the ner\ ler el

0 I'rom Ilillflhnrnugh coiiutv. v«A t M iddletown. Oliio, iJie W elfare n.x- e<l

inein tion w ill plnnt 1,000 treen nlnng the o(D ixie Iflghwny lu-xt ujiring ami at In

g ClinMAiioiign the N a'ional Iieasue fnrWtjtHVtt’s Kervii-o ^YUl plnnt n llouil o f lif Remenibtaiiee leading nut o f thn t r i ly . pl

'* In M inneapolin a Itoiid o f R em em branre .V‘ betw een two piirkn is being laid on t a!

aiMv a n l lhe treen will be plnnttni in ItI' Ml:!l. • Tile W om an 'k e lu b 'o f V ork, I’a., Hi" .vill plnnt tw entv-five inlles o f tho Lin- or

i-oln hi;chway wliU ineworlal trees . l l

»• MEXICO P I . / N 8 EX TEN SIV B ' I’f 0 STODY O F F I8 K IN 0 IN D U pTB Y oty ■' —. ■. - 100 .l irA R ra , Mexieo, ( f lV T h e M exlenn th*• gnvernm ent hns p lans for an exteim ive in

s tudy of the fish ing indu.Hry o f th e aironnlr>’, ncrnrd ing lo a n-|>«rf reei-ived in

^ by E«lwnr<1 A. Do.w. Anier'i-un ronnul aihere. it

As a roault o f the <lrrision to fu r th e r fi the fish ing Indunlry, new lawn w ill be promulgntwl, it is nald. There a rc fr

* m any k inds o f fish in .the west roanf m it w ntem o f M exieo, nnd it is believed vi n th a t j f e ap itnM n iudnred lo invest in 'II the industry xgimlder.ible re!iirnn will t i ir re^tult. nl

The <|uestion uf pearl flsherien in be- tij >• lng given preferebee in the govwrn- bi I, n ie n t 's Htudy o f th e •|ue<ition. niO ........ .................... piII We Fancy T h e /d Lllce I t di? Law n TennlH R eport—“BeeaoBP th e

ploy w as not spectncuyir. th e b rillian t •0 rtclll w as n o t apprec ia ted by th e mn-

Jo rity of tbo Bpectatom—it w as *ns g, cav n lr befo re aplQ C.'"—B oston T ran -

k"'*"'- ■■e YoQ can sell th a t lo t o r p lo t o f tl0- g round‘- * a t '^ ‘ sm all advertis ing 6 o s « ^ a>n through tbe clasalfied. yto ______ I___________________________________



The Ladder of B u ;

more quickly scaled in one’s aBility.isij cd-operatlve<^oi^R ’

An association with helps the business i

, top, and once arrive tain his hold unswer

Business men—thos foothold on the lovve nearing the top—wc ice. ■ ,

Twin falls BanlTWINFALI

■■“Member Federal

A ILY im VS. TTWnJ FA LI i f o i ^ y . g . T O P i t O Ff

^ ‘’*£

Aug---- J navi

- , Bril com

, : ' tak(



lib scl'oatlst'who l ia e .a ta r t le 4 .: t te j ilace baTlnc'lM t a son tn tb* W orld „o i tu re tour. He la abovn b e r^ «Ubrit __

T * i :' HELPSimOIIIST,t _ ■ boe'• Automobile traveler in New ° Eogland Haa Advantage of eon

BuUefin Service'I BOatON, (;p)—A highway wcnthvt J. bulletin, oontulning bolh thp provuilinn

.condition of rocils and a week’a fore- ’ t east of probablv' conditiona, lias'been inaugiirfttwl by the Unitod 8 tutea j wealher buronu ii!i an aid to motorists

ir throughout New iCnglnnd. For sovvrul qu weekn tourists nnd trucknusn nbout fo sljirt on long trlp.» have been ftblo to iearn what sort of going to cxpcct h' ^ tluj .various soctionK iJio depth o f sno^, _ tho'presenco bf ico, whctbor roads flfc

■I’pirssnblo or detours nccewniry, whether th

LlroughnosH In boing worn dtw n o r drifts th nro in tko making. Tho norvieo hns of boon so nueecssful thut, it in underatood, an

ir- it will be extended to othor sections. o£, «c (Jie eoimfry on fJie minio broad ae«Ie. ha

i The KVKteni of rond informntion eon- u t tiiined iu Uio New England highway

o- weather bulletin is bnncd on a plan used ev IIB overseas for tho benefit o f anny motor n eonvoys' It is in elintge of Louis. >V.•h Oarroil, who served in Franer on mot-

eorologiral duly which ineludcd aorvleo p )ii of this kind. Tli>* idea whh Irii’d out in , 50 a small wny in yesteru ntatcs, but.New n. England is the (irnl. nwlion to bo In- ® Cl' eluded in a general foree.aHt and sur-

............ I the result here Iiu.h been await- W.N- ed fo determine whether other groups F !ie of males slinll be lnelu<li’«l under onr |i itl bulletin. 0nr Hy une o t 'li.e nlatnnent of rond ron- Ilf li^inn* nnd fnTeensI, a pernot> CD^lem- y. plating a Iriji b> rnnd to nny pnrt of ^ [•e .Vew Kni’lnnd may learn wlmt lief lit ahead. .V umtnr Iruekman wilh a eon- < in Iraet to move a loml from Boslnii to J., Fbini'or i-aa learn whether Ibere is mueh n- or lillle muiw on the Maine ri»ads. if

Ihey nre uuul-.mtU'd ua si fenult o f miu,. or ill i-on<Iition fnr a qiiiek tiaii); and

if wealher rhaiiKes are likely to liel|>. iY or hinder lhe trip. Siinilnrly, a. motor '

tourist eontemplr.ling n trin tbrongh in the Whito Mouulalns, instead o f s tart­le ing of into tho unknown, will know in , lie advance w'hether ral nor'snow bns or e-l in likely to inii*ose a bnrdon on travel, . ul and may ]mntpone the tri[> or so nhape ■

it as to nvoid serlions iii w'Uch enndl- Jj or fions nre shown to be unfavorable. ' be All main routes of highway tm ffir P rc fnim Maine to Rhode Island are oov- nt ered in the detniled nummary o f pro- . ed vailing eonditons. . ^in Tlie aniount of snow in the scvornl sec- _ ill tions is indientM by a mop, with varied j

niuidings nrrnngod to sliow wlietber the •e- snow blanket Is less than thrte inches, - n- botwei'U three and six inches, o r over ■

six inches deep. In the aiiring tho I preseueo of frost and'm ud will be in- I dirated; in summer conditions o f rain I

,e and rond repairs. I,, Obsorvern are jxislod at JOO places I

throughout New England, from which ■ '■ lliey send in weekly reportn eDVeriug “ '* conditions of weather and information

as to romls lhat are ImpajwnWe.

I f the adg coutaln information about of tho articles you want to bny on your

aaxt ahopping trip, “ read u p " before yoV start.

ERS-UP!Business. Success is led when confidence ^ |icked by a strong

*ith this institution ss man to reach the rived there to main- s'ervingly.

hose just gaining a )west rung and those -we iJS’afiryour serv-'

• » .

ink S Trust Co.lLLS, IDAHO

al Reserve System”



Oaptnre of S e a t O a r r ^ ^ ^ a r ' f w the Troopa asd

tine Commander Obarfed.,,;^.

- B.^RI, Italy, (/P>-Naval ■Lfoatotinat KAugusto Tesl ond Giovanni Trenton, a cr)naval cnglnuor, bavo been arrested a t atBrindisi for having tried-to induce the' od commondcr of on Italian submarine lotako his craft to Finm^.'T . bl'

Tufly arc olso accused-«f Uavn?'ca,>- piiured and taken to Kiomo tho stnamcr sliTaranta which wnn .canylng nbont ?,• la<000.000 Urn in gold destlnod fo r ItaUan ed troops in Albania. A protty 20 year old ^ giri also woa aVroetcd and ia boHuved t ^ « have been ^hcir a^omplico. '

•Doeumcnta were found-on the two mon seeming to indicate thoir respt.n- “ albility for tho alleged crlmcs.


MobUo TitibuiuUs u g EsUblidlM to £z- pedlte Trials i a Oases of Illegal tl

P rice Fixing h

V fB N N A , yO -^M oliU c co u rti Im v i *' been established itl ro to oxpe-llto ithe trial - o f poraons chargod wjth'HllogKl priclM of fixort-prlco nrtlclea - They „ consiiG of three membera, unu a mer­chant or bualnosa expert, and if l!ie ~ verdiet is unanimoua thorq is no appeal. Tho rojgnlar courts are so congested with caacB o l thia chanl&tor thal tl>.‘ calendar novor could bo cleared,.

’ A curiooa result of tlda delay wan ahown in a oase tried tho other , day. Tho morcliant wa.s charged %vith over­pricing laat Junc. In the trial his counsel aliowp<l thnt .the article in - quoation now soils for fivo times, mmo than tho prico ho thon naked.


' WAiiuiNQTON, (/P)—Approvii by ’ iho liOuao wnya and means ^oinniittee of I tho proposal to foud the 10,OOd,ni)U,OUO I o f Aimericnn loana to foreign eountrloH , and to fiofor collection of intereH! for1, not moro th an Cliroo years was Miid to , bavo beon indicated ,todny at an exci--

utivo soaslon of tho committee. {Final decirion waa deferred, lio'V-

i ever, until next weok. ' ' '

Demiely.Populated Countriea ,. Egypt proper In the most densely,

' populated country of tho world, with |1 1,057 porsons to the square mile. S ax-;. ony iR next with 830, Belgium th ird '. with 052. England nnd Wnle.s nert |• w)th 018 .imd Holland next with 536. i

For the wbolo 'Oerinuny tbe number' Is 310, while the United States has only nbout W persona to the «j;inre mile, Canndn two persons and Aus*

f tralia l .a .

: “SLOAN’S LINIMENT I : NEVER FAILS MEI” ir m an o r w o m ^ w ho keepe ItI *iandy will tell.you tb a t i

aazne th in l

E s p e c i a l l y th o .. irequtnay 1attacked bv rheumatic tw io M A couater>irritant, Sloan'a Oai*

. ment scattera the congeatlon and^ew- • IraUf vithaui rubbirtr to the afilicted ' part, soon relieving the ache and paio. !

Kept handy and uaed everyvrhen for r^ucing and 6nally eliminating the palna and acheit o{ lumbago, neuralgia, muscle strain, join atUIneaa, aprains. bruises, the reault o( exposure

“ to weather.I' Linimcmt ia aold by aH drug«

K ------ ' 'II

I >I

■ , ■ / 1

Here is tbe For into the daily life < time. For town an

alxiut. Lo m th all tl

t j W j for which your order

mMM motor car 1 WDf . genuine Fo

§Sjmm I ’ I I W Bli

L L S , I D A H O , S A T U R D A

SERBIA' FULL OF CRIPPLES “Bdtwt mmt oomd Bo i, . . IM t o M b r iU o d e o i Ib t l u iU .

-LONDON", Lyntt-toom. A*aa, the widely .k^own 9cthop*dl«;w> M< gcon of Cardiff,^who rotuFbc>d reebnt^ ms from Sorbin, aaya the land ia fiIloa..with v . cripples, mnny of whom could be cured ^ a r Improved if^nodem orthopedic metb- ods-vTere-nvaiiable. '

Tl»o state of tho wounded and disa- _J bled. Mldreni -of fYorbla is said to be pit'eofii' T lifio 'm oa are without ,the slmpleat appllancea nnd tho country „ lacka aurgeom with tho ^'qulsitc knowl* edgoof now ao thoda Tiio Serbian Bod ]a Cross .society ii) Oroat Britain Invited S e rb i^ .surgeons to eome to England ^ a h l ; ^ d y Britlah irtbop^lca


ITBXIOO CITY, (/P)—Potroloum pro dueUon in Mexico uocrcaaod forn flian 30 por cent during tbo lost two montha of tho year, IDID, according.to govern­ment statlailca, wliich aaaign the clos­ing of many wolls, oepeoially by Amer-

‘ icanS objoeting to legal rcatrlotlons, nu tho' causo. Eleven of the wolla which havo boon cloaod woro opened during

, tho early days of January.

? A CLAStilFlEU Al» will find a buy I er i’or your Jot, Inl# *>r,pioia—If your '■ offer w'ill Hiand uji unde- investigatJon.




d:t;s.;- r ' is


I Th e s e SPOKES succE issFU U Y 1i WE AEE^QUIPPED Tl

i OxyacetyleiHeavy Repair Work Oi

prepared to give yoi guarantee


218 Second Ave. So.

TU C V S rV E R SA H . C A R

ord Runabout, a perfect wbirlwin e of eveiybpdy, anywhere, every and country, it is alt that its nam Low in cost of operation; low in COI the sturdy strength, dependabili

h Ford cars are noted. We’d b< ler for one or more. We hfwe ah ar accesMnSrand always hav FordParl^ We’d like to have you

3Trice you must keep it in goo< will do i t for you.

^ WESTERNI 4 U 2 2 , i m

^ l z A . p h o n

l A Y , F E B . 7 , 1 9 2 0 _________________

LBTTKB B T O O L O an W TO >- JPKWBR » o m i t t i r . B m B i T

' B E E tlK ,- t o f t ^ n .l>yColumbus regardJag tt '« M lse o V ^ ^of , Ainoiica, a a^ w n ^ i^ e r^ e d ; ^ ^ h i e h *: records, thp diaeovoiy- o f ' B r ^ , ! and m any other ceafuxy-old exhlbita^iro to be features of an exhibition b4»ing or— • g u d a ^ by the Oorman Musounr* :: ^ o k s and .Mnnuscripia in Lelpslz. rolat* . . ing to: the historical development o'f th o • n e w w p e r . The .exhlblta will Indicate th e 'm ilr tb o f aow»p<4>er making from Ita le tb 'ceatn jy beginning down to tbo appearoBoe e f :tbe weekly nowaiwper'i and .to tbo addevementa of ISA and - Ifltb 'eenturiea;

Obiaalfifld Ada are jm e a p ^ f f o e t iv e .

f Expert

Battery^ and » lgnitl(jii S e r v i c ei3CI VIliC

baxter; Oharging and Winter Storage

Automotive Eleotrioal , . 'Specialists


D. C. WATSbN CO.-^IText to Post Office—

* Twin Falls. Idaho


ene WeldingOur Specialty. We are lou quick service and. ee all work


Twin Falls

vind of utility. Fits xywliere, and all the une implies—a Run- coet of maintenance, bility and reliability 1 be pleased to have about-„<!verything in lavc a lull line of . rou for our customer.

ood condition. We ^


Page 3: W A a l l ilm h i l i ilifi

i B i i l l i : ISiipOBI

l^appoiatm ent in Store < fo: V 'Waltors.to San franciflco

Bxpebting ThrinSAN rB A N O iaC O , ThoBO wh

' inav ponr<* to 8tin FrriiciMO a t tho tim • of the tlemocmtic c« nveaiJoa tho.latt®

^ part of Juno with 5ho Idon of oxpor. ■'onolnir a ll-r'tl by n iU ln a tho "B n A a f

CoMt” will bo di«appolntu<L Monv of th& M»nrU, «eJebratea I

Htnrv nnd vorw a* the « « jn « c t iw

E9riit© advpiUdro, w here el\eap board in j BUBO o pcm to rs . comTnoaly^Jcnown o / ' free lr-p llP d Ih e lT 'tn n ie c

ak an irh j^K •ailo r* - fo r unscrupuloi Boft «a |rtn ln « .\a rr. purmaaDntly, .closci O ther* linvc b u t tho namo o f th(* th a t onco fliunod w ith , color, m usic nn revelry.

Loap liofore mvtloaal prohlbH^on wi BPiiornlly • conniilcriul a pt^siblU t; “ B urbarv C oast,” a accMou o f P:»clf

• a treo t oxtonillnfr bock from the bn f ro a t a hn lf <lo7.on bUx-.V" to who C lilnatown touchoB tho Ila linn <1intrip had bet'U rendered iriocuniis by th e p r hlbiUon o f tho salo o f li«|uor in the Inn row o f dniice ha lls then*.

Tho m ain n rto rv frnm thi» ilistrio t I M ark(\t streo t, 9»n FrnnclHco’ft prine pal thorouR hfare, in K eiiniey nttcn w l^ o .o n r e , i t is declared, w ith in n fiour..onouKii recklcus uplrits eouhl I picked up lo s ta r t alnirwt nny sn rt c deoperalt* ontoi’prUo. Now K onm oy one o f the <iuiuteHt an d 'm o s t rofrpect

. , ble o f businoM sireetn. «


COLUM BIA PA LLS, M ont., (Py—‘ A. Bobinson, d epu ty game w arden , Ji/ brought in from ,tho hills a photoyrni

• o f tw o buck d o o r . w h o . fo u g h t, wi horns in teriockod, u n til death came.

Mr. B obinson found th e p a ir la t obseuro glado. T be earth nil ab o u t fi somo d istance w a» torn up, and tho be tie ev iden tly 'h n d Inatod a lOBB-tlin Tho bucks woro iargo and pow erfu l ni th o ir an tlora wore sj{ in torlocked th; thoy could n o t bo so p ara to d .,


IIB LEN A , M ont., (/P)—Tho GoyneT to-OlacierB T ra il association has deei

. ed to in sta ll a system of co-oporatii path finders, located '.In each coun through w hich tho h ighw ay paw i whoao du ty It shall bo to h«o th a t tl road, w hich ru n s from Y ellow stone N tional P a rk to O lacior N a tiona l P nr is kep t in the b e s t o f condition.

The path fin d o ra also w ill a ss is t tov lMt4 and w ill co-operato w ith coun

' eommiMloDcrs a n d county clubs in o ,, tunding overy courtesy to thoso ush tho tra il.

M lBSOtJLA W IL L B B P 6 b T ' ’ 'ON O O N p m O N OP EO A l

■■MISSOULA, M ont., (7P)—Tho cha her o f conimereo boro announces th M issoula has bcon namod a s ono of a M ontana c itics ^ s o n d o u t rep o rts i

, road c o n d itio n v fn tho sta to . ‘l^ie liiroport w as i ^ d o on J a n u a ry 10, a: from th is timo such repo rts w ill be BUod from tho cham ber o f commer hero every F rid a y ID all w oather I reaus no rth o f Chicago.

" C u re t" fo r Rheum atism .Ilheumntlsro is pcrhnpR n dlscn

which nffccta moro J>coplo on tl earth than nny other complaint, ni tho w riter figreoa that n anmple ^ p t c ! But the number of roco mended “cnrcs” cmbmclnR tho co

. jn o n Olauber’B aaltn and the costlU Aroff. atill seem to lenvc aomo stiffi

to the nnnoylDR ache, n writer ''TDondon Answers Btates.

p . Q. O LO Y STEIN _ . 360 3 rd A ve. N . Twin

p i in in i i i H M



S e s s i o n ;F a r

I M e ch a




I l f Deiioaed B qIr o f U o n te iie g ra B n lls ts

l l1 PABJB, y n —Kihff XicholBf. who has

Vemalncd.at tho head of the royal Mon- • . tcnegri’n'goverBment 'in iplto of thOj

. j f a r t tbat hV.w#* ouated by the nation-.nl n.McmblT of that country, in un<1er*i

. 'stood to 'be 'ln 'A lban ia j)reparln^ for s ' coup which ^ i y Veitoro him to hls!

I” ® throno and country.Tho fom er ItlnR ha.«i not been ablo

to rocovll» himsoif to tho abtiorntinn '.®^ o£ Montenegro by tho new JuRo'Slav

kingdom and reports from floutari iwy a .< tho Albanian Montenegrtnii aro synipa- i-„ . It&etlc to hU causo. Albanian territory

^ j i s now eccupicd by Italian troo(ii who g{ aro said to bo ,favor2 1y dinpoiki.l to-:

lous >vard King NiHiolas toroiigh tbe foot' that ho in father of Queen Helena.:: iiiSMsWiEsi £ or CONGRESS FORK

Tin.. Five Item?, of Legislation Asked P-"’ for Ifevelopment of the. ‘"'"= ; : - T e r r i t o r yt to ■ —inn- BRATTLE, Wnnh.. (i'p)—H ve - big

Items on a list nf loirislntive onnct- an mrntA Alnska i* froinij to n»k of can-

1 bo groHS, Oovftrnnr Tlnmnn Riwr». Jr-, ot t f'."' Ala-<kn. snid reeentlv when he piis.K'd y through enroute to tho natlon.n1 cnpital !cta- Jo pri>«iont tlio northern torritnry’s re-

(|tipst tn Washington.The five itemH are:Grant n>o.nu8 to gold miners. Alnsk-

^TH_uh8 olnim tlia t‘everythlnc ha.i up —C.l in price except gold itself, nnd jirnspcc- hoaltors will not-'Mureh fnr lht> Jiietnl un-

rnphjiess it will buy more f i r them, withi the pending oil and •'•ml lensinj;J, b.ill. _i»u(i8afre of tbe bill, i ' is clii'nied, i an cnai>le dovolnpmeht of Ahmkn’s oil

j'Qf fieldi*.Opon tho niitinn.'il forest reserves for

•jmg pulpm ills . Billions of feet)of good nn(i Alnska’s two bigthat rP8crv(«H. I’u’i ' nml paper men

will not estiibllsli mlllK on the resreveti, however, nntll laws are [iiuwed wliich would give Ihem title to tli« land.

Regulate the salmon fishing industrr. oa d A-loska's big industry, siilninn fitiliing, Hors-jis rnpidly becoming n thing of tlio'pnst oeid- nnd unless the fishing is conscrwd the iting silver hordo of the north will ho go><c unty within a few-yeurs, it I* eliilmed.

Establish a federal cnnslnbularj-. (),O.Aia.Hka wnnts a federal conntabuhiiy

the order of tlie «t«te polico of ’nrk I I-’eJinBylvanii». At present .n few Unit-

’ ,ed Stati'.i niiirxhalH have the big task of lour 'preserving peaco itb-nlmost th(v entire u„ty no rlW an d .^_______^

‘ .®*'l Look to the ads f o r ligh t on your ® buying problem*.


il FORierco H •' bu- ■

REX ARMS Athis *

, ■ SHOSHOr'Com* H com- H

h ' $ 7 5


INE AND TRACT REE TO EVERYiry 12,139;00 A. M. TO 2:00 P,

IS H e l d a t T ' p m B u r e a u R^ j t i j c a l D e m o n s t t

UTd & SUPPLYS a l e s r o o m

S S d Y N E m'" “ r a S o o S G w i r i S l



e r a ' .

ab le W

nipa- '

' S

0. ’ Mias Mary Foy of Loa Angeles,Is ono of tbo two women recent)^

appolDtod a m em ber of tb e Demo* cra tlo D otlonal execu tiv e comtnlt* too on a rra n g e m o a ts . the other

1IIP woman m em b er being Mrs. Oeorse l y y n O au . This Is tbo flrst Ume la the

* an n a ls of Americao p o litic s tbat a n f womoD has b«on appointed to iked - a n , im p o rta n t com m ittoo In a n y

'• ’ poUtlca! party.Mtas Poy made a speech of In-

vitatton o sk tn g tbat Ban rrancisco bo the place for tbe national oon-

- b ig mention In Jnna.■jinct- "," = s ^ ^ ^ ^ = = r-"f.T'".i=a


llIV B lia lU E , Cnl., OT — Woiilh. or Hharps a re pui7.1e<l. T h e ir Hignnls

" aro croBsed. A fow d ays ago tho south­w ard flig h t o f rt flock p f w ild gcfflc

. brought fo r th ron flden t p red '.ctions of a cold wavo. The n rx t day a dor.en

•‘I’d'brwLHls, harb ingom o f Hprh'g,

1 un- _' r m C M E N U SE O A S BIASES

i*"'",'' ANACONDA, M ont., F ire from jj a carboy o f n itr ic acid in the mailing

" ° ' room of T he A naconda S tan d a rd Pub- fo - llshlng com pany here recen tly was ex-

.^ ^ .1 tinguisbed by flrom en using arm y gas *^ 5 masks. The local fire departm en t in-

sta lled tho m ask s shortly a f te r tlie-w ar ■ovc», »»■>':'>. - _________ _

i x o io i r OETS EEUEF TOMBSliO U N D U P, Monl., (ff)—A t n rccont

,],in(»*'meeting o f thu association, tho w ar ro- •pnst l^of w orkers horo dceldcd to tu rn over

d th? rem aining funds to the Am erican Le- gohc glon- \T lie W ar R elief association w ai

o rgan iifd d u rin g tho w a r to a tten d to jlarj-. needs o l dependents o f servico mon.

“"‘3U uit- “A m a ^ a t keep.s ta lk in ’ 'b o a t his- sk o f Bclft" s&ld U nctc Ebon, “som etim es jn tire surprises you by do w ay he m anages to

. ] moke a p n r ty good spocch on a m ighty 'slim subject."

jo u r I -------- --------------- ------I READ THE DAILT N E W a



p. M.

F w i n F a l l s R o o m s I

» E

itre c tio n s a.t j


^ X L S , I D ^ O , S A T U R D A

T lB iliijrvocHinnRomofiXnonrslons . of Americ^an Slang

' Give'. Britons Cause for Alarm

IX)NDON, (fl»V-England is opprcheni ivo lost tho vocabularies o f her youti

_ bccomo .corrupted through in c u rsb n s ol , Am ericnn sli^ng.

T nm s-A tlanU e touriHts in Eoglan' noto w ith in te re st tho frequency will wliich rcfiort is mndo to “ Yanltoo ta lk ' by B ritish song nnd p lay w riters «oek ing to en liven the ir pnxmctlonft. iinno nnd orcheHtniB throughout th e rountry when p lay ing popular music, piny Amei lean Belec.tlons alm ost excliisivelj A m erican songn roonopollf.i) Iho Englis munlc-hall and m usiral m niedy stage.

I t is tho sub title o f tho Americn m oving-picturK film whioh, it i i fcarei

^ co n stitu tes th e m ost m enacing thren * |o vaun ted B ritish p u rity o f upcecJi.^ “ The ch ild a t the p ic tu res is plckln ^ up n new langunge fn tai tho slani: '* Amerieim film « ,” s.'vvh a c.rilic in a cot " tr ibu tion lo the London Pally Ne« J lie.nded “ Thi* Vulgar T o n g u e ."^ “ I v isited two p ic tn ro -th ea tre« ti y day fo r Ihi* express .pi^HK^se of eolleo ^ ing slang phruauH'nnd nolle ing tho ?

foot o f the n eV lm igunge on tin* ehil ^ IIS well ns o n the adult. W 'hat the vi

Itiln «aid to ih e hero when Ihe Int It s ta r te d to arguo w ith him wns ‘ Ci o u t th a t d o p e ,’ and a hundred pipin voices rep ea ted tho Injunction. Th eomie mun announced his m arringo I

^ S the Bello o f Luinbertown bv BH-vlui Uh- ‘ I ’m h itc h e d .’inls “ Of course, thn ,A m erican rhild oii ilh - com prehend the*** th ings murli betti H*fle than tho B ritish child, who ia (julte u I o f fan iilin r w ith Huch phraHi^K. liiin^^hi'' )7.en child go>i«g home In m other and askli h 'g , tho m eaning o f ‘ fly cop .’ We niiiy a

m ire tho terseness o f tlie plira'ie ‘ Fo get i t , ' b u t does the sub -tl'lc ‘Ti

' U un’s gone d/».ffy’ convey nnyth ing ; rom a th ea tre fu ll o f cockncysf ling “ In u iio ther piclun* a m an traffick t ’ub- secroLly w ith Ind ians, exchanging l)o fx- lies o f ' f i r o w a fe r ’ fo r heaver nkiuu; gna wns su b -titled ‘ The B o o tlep fe r’. ” in- '


M A D RID , (A»;—Spanish giVvernmi'i I nutdiorities a re pliuiing to iniiuguru ;ont a liondon-to-NIadrld jiassenger survli ro- by airp lane w ith in a few moutlis. * •

iver 'Lp. p ......... ... .w ai 1 ton. B«iw ii.in;!ii................^

. I

mII I ^I M ^

H I ifl' nffH I I b e w id

^ S | J L other y ^ 9 1 elegance. 1

and low fro

II back.

Y ousitd . the side lir

W lower than~ F m Ghalniers,■“ M Seats are

^ you cling tcI H you hI foot room,

In detail possesses a finality thal

. ' to improve

■ JOHl

H 2 1 4 - 2 2 0 Sl


a L - ' -v j jM

PAY, FEB. 7 ,1 ^6 .C A R R A N Z A O R D E R S N E W

^ A N T t-B A N D IT C A M PA IG N

[III Undcan Fndihmt DInots BMmbled. 1 Bncrt to jmmlnnte SatMlUon filor

mg' ompiJgnB ii - PAEK), T exas, yp>— Presiden t

V onustinno C brrnnxa o f M exico hAa-ls- sued u rg en t te lo fn^ph le on lo rs -to all Ms cliiofs o f o p e ra tio n 'In s is tin g ; th a t they ri>doublo th e ir c ffo r ta to e lim in a te , rp-

jb eU b n nnd b a n d itry in th e republic, se la n l ' th a t tho elec tions o f noxt J n ty caif taku

place uadec peacefu l condlUonA, accord' dk J„jj to Excelsior o f M exico CSty- .• oek' The cnm paign agnlns'l tho rebels will iinfi. J,,, t-nnducted w ith especial vigor Ir itry . VeiT» Crur.. w hero Felicistju* nre operat f” ” ' ing : in th e petroleum reg ion In th<

northern part o f tho samo s ta te , non kHsIi th rea tened by M anuel I ’o laez; and ir

tho cen tn il p a r t o f Cliilui:Uiua, when •«nn v i l la ban d s slill a re aoHve, nc ireil, cord ing lo KxcelBior. i r c a t _______________________________________

i F I ®lleot- e cf-

• vll- '

x ^ r S t a r f f i

caa 'e tte r , c I S we u u - ‘ "‘ ^

!ki,i5 ----ird d o fb ty o u hi r,7';: ( M

f l ® 0 T h e “ f i X t 6 e " S i>>'>(' K nw f I, ^ ariAiiul Unlt.«‘t*: >> amictad fc«tt«7 . I t

r - i s r ®OED . | M D . C . W A 'mi'nt - • N tX Tura-o T W I N F A Lrvlce

\ C H A L I v l In t h a n E l e g a n t 7 < i e u

new, will no doubt Undcmcwidely copied in an- same, \)ncr year, and expresses, chassis thal

It is “cut” high in leas,at the radiator line, gp .

from the .windshield continue ii masterly v

t dose to the ground; the powerline is considerably mtogas,thc

lan in any previous against the9. ' increase daire lower, tilt more; There's;I to the seat cushion, ply o f the ]have abundance of thereseemf

m, £ront and rear. number oitail this new body ^

a completeness, a A s a wohat seems Impossible this newve upon. .• • atdy.


S h o s h o n e S t . E J h o n e 5 0 T W I

g u a E E A ijp A L i4 ,» < o » i^ j .W > b : sdamage to/.ivbeat by ^riadSn-a«Ke m ;. try nortb iiisd'west o f l^r^i ^

„ Becent ^ o s '^ a re declared*io k ire 'to rn tbe t>)siiU* fro m tb e ;'f ie ld 'an a^ tte ’dry . m rth 'has'been bloir^ aw sy.i ( Y'j

len t

1H. r 7 ^ -

5 PHiLLE»taku —

' Has.*1" Plenty of Storage " t Roomnow

t ; ; P H O N E 8 7 2

I .

m h a fe been ttsinfl your s ta r t in g lMt« ty stroQuously th is snm nie r: w n ’t ‘ i r o n i ts w in ter's work W ithout bar*>d o rd e r ., C ats a re h a rd to s ta r t In Vt m ake no charfte fo r Inspecting your

’ s t a r t i n g a n d L ig h tin g B a t t e r y



ERS Iz w B o d y ^

'J '

m eath thebody isthe j H Binchanged Chalmers n^BBjh a t is well nigh I H I

Spot and KamVhom | H | e in their original and • B ^ g |f way to get out all n ^ S iTra th a t nature put b H ,tho\^hthe complaints / the grade of gas today; daily. n^EBe's a limit to the sup' | ^ E |he new Chalmers, but I Hemstobe nolimit to the 0 H :' of thoise who insist

word of warning—see |w Chalmers immedi- H |■COMPANY ■



I '1 1 I B h S I

Page 4: W A a l l ilm h i l i ilifi

A'y;lPO l(»' • ;, .... ,


____ ' blT w ia F a U a D e f e a ta O a k le y i n a>

] ^ q l 0h r6 F a B U o n 'o B H o m e gi F lo o r — S o o re 56> 2S to

By Dlajrinff tlie beet all-arDiuid gftmo of tho aoosoD, Twin Palla. hlffh Khool'■ ° lioakotbnll team deelaivolj' defeated the Oakley achool (luInteC Inat niRbt, sn to 2:J. Tho vifiilora pInycJ a fairly jrnod ffamo but worfl outclaaned by Naf- zSffor'a men, wtio nro bcfclnnlnR to thow y rcnJ form. “

Tho locals atnrtcd tho Korinff nni * kept it up, never loninR: the Iciul to Onk- icy. At tho end of tho firnt half th« ♦! coont itood 23 to 13. In the second 4 period both flvcfi canio back much Btrongcr nnd played bctler ball, but Tn'in Falla outpointed Uio vUltora all tlirouflh tho fpuno. Tho victory means ,j, RomothinfT tn the locals, ainoo Oakley has won from both Bupert und Burloy, who liavo cach taken a jjanie from Twin |t Falls. Tf the bcul }junc.h kcoi>a up i thelr faal^ atride of the present thero _ Jn uo ilw bt thnt they will defeat Bur- ley on ita own floor toward tho close of tlie Bcnaon, nnd Rupert la ia for a tonffli . time when it comoa hero next week. ~

Tlic team piny of tite local men caus- ^ «mI much comini'n' ivmonK the spcttatora, • thouRh 6omo of the playem did good In- *' dl>*iduAl >xt>rk. Newman did aomo foat ° work nil through the.fray and wna ri­valed by Taylor, who plnyo<l a pood of- * fenalvo nnd dofonslvo parae. Krengle I) hnd u Rood eye for Imakets nnd Carter 1« 8liow4?<l hia UBunl good foroi. t

Two wrostllng mntrhes nnd one box- # inc bout wore atnf^ed by the school ath- loUe eltib durin'ft tho ovcnlnff. H odgn o nnd' Roynolda wr«‘«tled 12 .mmutc* to a n draw. Ho}^ nnd Nichohnh put oa a v S-minuto wrofltllnjt affair •whicli nlio

ended.^n a drn^. In n fnat three-round a boxlnK contest Day and Irwln did Rood j, work, but tho decision was a draw. Day f had'somowhat lho advantaao of Irwln.

X g irla ' toam froro the Junior claas plnjied a mlxod school quintot boforo the m ala tnelae, which ended ia a vit- • tory for the. juniora. ^

The line-ups; ' .Oftkley: Stevens, centcr; Whittle and ^

C. Stcvomi, forwards; Thnrber-nnd Bnt- Icr, •guarda.

Twin Foils: Carter and King, centoraj Nowmnfl nnd Krengle, fonvards; Hort* nnd Taylor, ffunrd*.

Field Roatt: OaJcloy—Whittle 5, 8 tev- ena 1, C. Stovcns 5, Thurber 4. Twin Falla—Carter S, Newmaa 6, Krenglo 10, Taylor 4, King.

Beforeo: I to M y .________ ■ B


h in . V. 0. Willey, of Doise, stato ll- rector of Baptist 'Women’s work, and M ln Elsie Knppen, of Seattle, fiold secretary for'the annie branch of work, will be Sn TVin Fulls in thn iirtcrcsts of local women'a work .toworrow and Mon­dny. Mrs. Willey nnd Mta< ICnppoii ^rill address the yonng peoplo .of tho Baptiat church tomorrow evenlnp. An in%*itntion hiis been extenilod to all por- flons interested to attend.

The nilsaioanry mclety of the BaptU'.• ehurt^ will tender the vluUnrs a recq>-

tlon a t the home of Mrs. J . A. Woods, 420 Sccond nvenue west, Mondny after­noon ut 2 0 Vlock. During tholr vi^it in the eity Mra. Willey nnd MIsj Kuppou will be llie of Mrs. iD. Shaffer.'.Mrs. Henry Heurlfleld nn'l Mra. O. W. Uarshaw.



248 4th Avenue So. P.'iONEgSBUVtHS Of BAW f UBS


We re-cut ATJTO PLY WHEELS, replacing origi­nal cast tooth with STOSL.

OEKEEAL OEAB OUT- TlNa and Mill Machln^ Work.

L a w r e n c eMachine & lr;)ii Works

131 3rd V . Phone 73


T o d o y i M \ r f c © t s^ .......... I...... * «he-(

- ■ ■' — • to 7.' - S n r Toxk B zduoce (ealv<

NEW YOBK, (ff>-Tbo weok ead ?5e B«uiBD of tho Stoclc market was attend- Bt «d V «1tcR>at« parlodt of atrenrtb aad a w< beavinoss, many aabstontiol gaTns pre- t l 1' vailing in the final dealings. Advances st«a< of 1 to five points a t tbo outset a n in ataai originated mainly from short eavonng;, but a moderate roaetion in foreign ex-' o; changc afforded an oxeuso fo r tbe ox- orcUe of fresh prosaara, specalative«U ^14] aues reversing thoir early course b y 'i to 4 points. Buying lator of high prlo- «d motors, atcels, equipmonta, oils aad 24- ahippings, moro than restored moat •{„« >o»®es. ^

Tho cloniug waa -.ittong. Sales proxlmated 430,000 sharep.. . . ' o

Llbarty Bonda weeNBW YOBK, ( f l^ F in a l prices of but(

Liberty Bonds today wore; 3 1-2’a 407; and first 4 ’s *00.00; soeond 4 's 400; flrtt atea 4 1-4’fl «01.10; second 4 1-4’a «90.2&: J y | th ird 4 1-4’a 183.40} fonrth 4 1-4 > B ♦00.30! Victory 3 3-4’s $97.80; Victory lowi 4 3-4’b *07.80. 7fic

Qraiju an d Ptorlatoas 'CUICAaO, prospcctB of oijlarg- C

ed recoipt* bad a bearish influence to- tfrei dny on cort^and eo too did ossertlonB 6,0(] thnt the- feforal reaoWe board won oi>- 4C t posed lo spoculatioMS on margins. On 02 tho other hand, higher <iuotations onj hogs tomlcd somowhnt to handicnpi k would-be sellers of com .. Absonco of ng- gresslvo support nppcnrcd to bo tho main p ^ i oharncteriitlcs of tho corn market, jow. Opening pricea, which ranged from 1 1-4 decline to l-2c advance, with May ^ *1.30 3-4 to t l .3i 3-8 and Juiy«1.27 14 \ to $1.27 3-4, wore followed by a moder- I oto genernl selhnck.^ •

Estimates tliat arrivals of corn here I Mondny would total COO to 600 cars ' brought about further deprcsaion in the p lato dcnliugs. Prices closed heavy,1 3-8 to 8 l-2c not lower, with Moy *1.20 to _ ‘ ♦1.29 1-8 and July «1.2C 7-B to 11.20. (aisi

Oata weakened with corn. Aftor i_ opening 1-8 to fi-Sc up, including MayL«f«. n t 77 1-4 to 77 I-2c, tho marHefundor-jThi wont a decided sag. •

Sharp upturns iu the hog nUirkot gavel j strength io provisions. On tho advance Mn howovor, one of tho big packers was a wll froo aoller of Jard.. _ ... . . .. j / -

. "Oaifi-Qiwtatfci* 'CHICAGO, (/P)—Com No. 2 mixed ""'I

♦t.40; No. 2 yollow not qooted; No. 3 yollow <11.40 to 1.40 1-2.

Oata No. 2 whito 84 to 84 l-2c: No. 3 whito 82 1-2 to 83 l-2e. .

fiyo No. 2 11.49.Barioy ♦1.20 to 1.44.Timothy seed *10.50 to 14.50.Clovor seed $45 lo 50. .Pork nominal.Lard *10:20 to 80.45.Bibs •17.60‘to 18,75.

Ohleago LivMtock y,,,CU^QAOO, (/^—Hog roceipts 3,000: ‘ ■„ 1

OOo higher; hulk *14.35 lo 14.85; t^P M *15; heavy *14.20 to' 14.75; modium i.Fh *14.35 to 15; light' *14.40 to-14.00;,llRht joc *14 to 14.60; hoavy packing sows, of smooth *13.50 to 14; packing sows, ed rough *13 to 13.50; pigs *13 to 13.00. 1 all(



In these days of extremel terested in the idea of startin{ store? ■ The real center of the been' so snccessfully carried ou plaoes, is the return of all net and interest on stock to the pa amount of business thoy have Twin Falls County Formers’ think that the'tim e has arrive< and upon the suggestion of tfa ttire are sponsoring the movem ings of fanners held in Twin pledged, the general opinion p that at least (50,000 should be start.

Do yoa believe that we coi tively for out'Orocerles,’>perh Hardware, Lumber, Twin, Sad make a saving, through collect

Do yon believe that such farmers in selling some of our ] age?

If so, are you willing to di rolling?

Aro you willing to bny sti not more than 10 shares, the st of interest proviifing e^mgh sh success from the s t a r t i

If so, sign the attached c of shares you would like to hj store started we must act qui must take the limit of'lO share

At any- rate, please sign tl what you think of the plan.



1 ftin intPTVflU'd in whnt thp Tv fu)riiitii)u ili doini; to CHtubliah n 11 Twill Fulls nnd nm willing to do ni

I will buy .............................. sluper ulinre,' the samo to drn'v the legi (iilioiinlly ii]ion the nere!ii<ar>' nmui n:<mire itn hucress.

Higned..........r............• ,V. n.—Tnke the limit, 10 sharci

iuHure i[iliok action, (/et your nei^l

>AILY NEWS, TW IN FA LCatUs'iecalpta IflOOf compircd w ith ' 01

a.'w eek’ago: bM t'baef ttaert w a a k .te ' if] 20c lower; others 50 f« 75e lower; best Uoii ahe-jlock * l to #2^ lower; other* 85 com] to 75e lower; eaojlera 25 to SOe loT^r; hold calvea *1JS0 to *8 lower; faedara 50 to legal 75e lower. ■; o f *

Sheep roealpta 8,000:' compar'ad with ___a week ag<>: ikmbi and yearliagi 75 to.*1 lower; beat sifoa £5e higher, others ^ t steady to 25« lower; wothers mostly \ataady. [__ ;

Onuha la r t t to e k ; OMAHA, (fl»)-Hog receipta 1,700; market aetiva, 85 to SOe higher; top ^ *1425;, balk *18J0 to 14.10; Jieavy weight *13.90 to 14.15; medium weight *14 to 14.25; Ught weight *13.85 to ,“ S 14; light *18.50 to 1 8 ^ ; . heavy pack- . • . ing BOWS, smooth *18.50 to 18.85; p a c k - 'f '- , ing sows, rough * 1 ^ to 18.50; pigs pt„,j ^ . 5 0 td 14.25. , t - J Z

Cattlo receipta 200; compared with W week ago; beef ateers *1 to“*1.25 lower; roon butcher cattlo 76c to *1 lowor; canners furn nnd cutters 25 to BOc lower; Ught vcala —— ateady, othera lower; heavy foedera ful- Jy*l tower, otJior elaase8 25 to BOc lowor.

Sheep roceipU 200; lambs *1 to *1.25. lower; aheep BOc lower; feeding lambs p 7fic to *1 lower. j,oui

OhlcTCo Prodnce CHICAQO, OP) — Butter oaalor; dny

tfreamory 50 to flic; eggs lower; recolpts^'Phe B,902 cases; firs ts 53c; ordinary firsts —r

■ 4Q to BOe; at mark caaca inelodod 50 to ^02 l-2c; poultry allvo, unchanged.1 -Wl_____ f r t iu Tr.r.T_l.i, .L■ 1 n Hnvas City ptouuco ^orti

'1 KANSAS..CITY, (/P)—Oroam«^ry but- Hoi• ter unchanged; paeklng le lower, 37c;J-----' firsts 3c lower, 51c; eaae lots 8Cc,- T'• lo^er, *1B.25; poultry unchanged. Twi

, for' — Invi

I £ ) e a i : l i 5

; Funeral s-'rvicen for tho lute Oeorge• M. Dow will ho held lomnrrow tiftor-

noon’Tit 2"o’clock In the F irst Motho-Idist church, tho Bev. A. 0. Bennett, ^

^jln ehargo of tho flrat Bcetlnh of tho 11 rites, delivering tho funernl nddrcss. = •IThis will be followed by,Knight« Te.ii- ^ I plnr rltunllBtlc aorvlces ot tilio church,

ol Knights Templnr will m od a t the0 Masonic templfl nsylum nt 1 o ’clock nnd i.w lll march to, tho church. Memhors . irf tJie 'Knaforn S tar will meot a« the

L. Dinkelnckot- residence at 1:J0 \ nnd from tliere proceed to tho church.J Elks will attend fcho sorvicca and nc-

compimv the coakct to the grave.During tho enrlv iicctlon of tJio »er*'-i

Ices a t -the <rhurch a mixed quartet, compoBed of Mni. 0 . P. Duvnll. soprano;Mrs. .T, E. Byers, contralto; Hnrry Bnr­ra tt, tenor, nnd F.lnnr Oldon, hnsso. will Bintr approprlnto selecl'onB. Rurlnl will

• ho In chnrgo of J . B. DoWltt.

SEBKS AH AOOOTTNTINO ,4 . v.In bho d'strlct court Altorney,J.rjR.- ^

Wj.,. hns filMl Hctlon.fo- an ac#»mnttiiij‘ ‘; , In the name of Jessie B. Falling, against ' i' M. W. Johnson. Pln'ntHf is admmlstrn • 'tr lx for tho c«tute of Henrj- J . Failing, t doceaacd, wlio Is seeking nn acconntmg , of tho lands nad rohlty business o p e r a t - ^ I, ed by tho dofendnnt nnd lii which it »*i__

I alleged decodent had an interest,


cement! |/ !

»mely high prices, are you in- I rting a Soohdale co-operative | the Bophdale plan, whioh has i'

1 out for many years in other net profits abovo expenditure e patrons in proportion to the lave given .t6 the store. Tho ers’ Assbolation unanimonoly j rived to start th ^ movement, i •f the Department of Agriciil- vement. At two recent meet- win Falls some $10,000-rwiis>n prevailed a t both moetirps d be collected before making a ' <

0 could, as farmers deal coUcc- perhaps Shoes and Clothing, Sacks, Goal, etc., and thereby llectlve bargaining?mch a store conld help ns as our products to better advant-

to do yonr bit to start the baU

7 stook a t 10.00 0-;shara and iie same to draw the. legal rate h shares are sold to assure its

ed coupon stating the number .0 have. In order to get this quickly, as many as posaible

iiares.;n the coupon and let us know

OHN E. WHITE, SeoretaryO

ma COUPON t o d e . j o h n e .. O. BOX 447,:TWIN PALIAie Twin Valla County ViVTmois’ A>.-1 n Korhilnlc Co ojierative Btoro in do my bit.... shares nf stock, jKir valuo SIO.'JO e legal mte of intere!>t at 87c, con- amuuiit Ilf money being rniacd to i

iiliarca, if you eiin poHnibly do ao, (o. neighbor to do likewise.

. L L S , I D A H O , ^ A T U R D ^

OTiTIABTKQ-HOPHB- QONPITIOW' . NEW YOBK, (ff^ T h o wrtnal'eondt-

Joni o f c lo o riu houM bas)u. asd’ trukt :oDipaaiea,fer the w eebshom that fh'ly lold *28,^,380..'.co*erve*'i^»~«*c«aa of egal r6<jnirementt. This.is aa ihereaae )f ♦4,O06,lg0: in m laat weak. ■ ^ , •

- Q i < L a j ± f ± e d \

yioty lA T B TOE co^MBn n o A a B ^

FOB SALE—Dining » k>b> tab le ' -aad four chairs. 418 Ninth avenao .'eaat. E*hone 78IJ. . .

FOB BENT—!0 acrea, rich soil, jnoat- . ly eiover tmd alfalfa, 2 1-2 milea' from “ town;- Cash aad terms will hondro this. Phono 514B3. . , I f

WANTED TO BENT—Tht™ or /our room modem honse, fumiahed or un- fumiahed. Phono 820.

POR BENT to responsible -prirfv. B- loom honse, partly fumiahed. 320 Flft^i north.

POB-SALE—Strictly modem s'x-roon; iiouso, hardwood floors, concrete base­ment, fumaco hcnt; poswcwlnn in ten dnvs.' 3.10 Eleventh ave. onat, Eosttawn. •Phone 173J.

FOB BALE—160 acres Irrigated land on Bock Creek, ono milo from Boek Crook postoffiee. Big bnrgnln; *lS,000; <cm\a. Salmon Blver lavcfctment Co., I Hollister, Idaho. ' ■ |

TO TBADE—35 acres 4 miles oust o f | Twin Falls, *425 porjicro; equity *4000 , for Salmon tract ISod. Salmon Blver : Investment Co., Holliator, Idaho.

OTO NEXT PAETYwill leave for tlie Ooose L<ik<j p Vnlley Saturday, Febnmrj’ 14lb.Seo mc nt Durrow Bros.’ .Seed Store for particulars. Geo. II. Dnrmw, phone 547.


We have three 3-ton trucks which egolpa tis to do long dls- taoco hauling.

"We do transfer wotk of aoy kind.

■ \

Phone 2 7 5 w1 221 SHOSHOHB ST. a

........... - r ...... - ..... ■ ' - - i L

1 ' ■! A


i N V

H i

F o lg e r ’s < th a n c h a d iffe ren t coffee.

V acuum p,

3 A Y , F E B . 1 9 2 0 '

' W> h i n Uu leajlsjr J i tn :>Uaje»^ % 60 ia herd, and ^ e have eoip U isoatbs, dbwa, and they are fo r sale 1

^ ^_eorreipoad sad deaoribe wliat we hav '" 'M o it all oor eowi are either la

. They are itrong and healthy, and we (it W e iome of the h e ^ b re d s ta ff In the '

AIm a few Duroe gilts, e f jgjoM *toe


h . . . d

Dollars DecreaseThey increase if .deposited 1

Interest at 4 per oent^if oompooi dollars keep growing every day

Uoney In the pooket is more < may give you no benefit or real

II it is withdrawn only when need $1.00 will start an account ii

\ now.


| i— ,,


W e a r e e x c l u s i v e O P l

O P T I C I A N S ; p r a c t i c i n g

p e d o p t o m e t r i c a l o f f i c e s

c o u n t r y .

W h e n o t h e r s f a i


133 Uain A\ — iPhone 2]

W m f .

[ere’s H o y \

G o ld e n G a te C o f f ^ lam pagne— te s ts n o ; in taste fro m an;

f t


CATTL£i rw j i 111 Ooiorldl^ br«i4«|lr in i iia , '.

eoiWug ,iMl b a i^ n ( . t n ^ '’. ■.lo «i H(bt .hare.r • UoS « i ^ iA •J (oaiaBtM eTeTythlhf .-w».si^ - ^ 2. the U. a-aad oor piicws ace'XOGrBS .''*toi^

N, Greeley, Cels.

ie In the Pocket■ • ,■ - '■

id is the Idaho State " ( .loanded sem i-an n iu ^ .' l^otu <Jay and aight.re easily spent for things th a t real pleuure. If in the bank ' ' seded. *It in this bank. Begin saving,

\ T E . B A N KL S . ID A H O


i n g i n t h e b e s t e q u i p -

; e s i n t h i s p a r t o f t h e

f a i l c o n s u l t t h e .


I 219-J—

w l

e ^ b e t t e r o m ore— m y o th e r

Page 5: W A a l l ilm h i l i ilifi

Un. Wybod. U quite ill witti b roadiitto. ■ ; ■

BltM on ^ w i— day afurnobn fo r tt '.rW i wtth W* i»o

Uy-!a l ^ '

' B tte m f t m BuV->Hr. ia d U n , Boi ■ ert.Omwford‘ T®tttra*d. f M ft •oVeri

, wMk«’ vM t in ywterd«7 . •

: ^ V P ia i£ 9n il* P r l « l a ^ n . .M. V Kankeljr left Titaradsy o V « i^ -fb r Lc Angeles whwo r to will vleit frieiula fo several.^ejsko, .. .

• .To Loa AxwelM-oMro. A. L. Jonme lind Miss Elizabeth Z>rl«keU jo ft o Th’ursdA7 f<)i« h o t. Angeles, where the will vlg^^f^t e e v c ra l^ e k fc •

to O o u t^ D r. and Mn. U . ^ «Wi]jM>nJ^va.:.g9pe .t«. CaUfonla, wtiei

thor will anend eomo time fo r the b«ai f i t o f t t f r ^ c t dr*r health. •

' Bajrt H W ,E v id e n ce—Unrl J. Kali ' - lint'purchawd tlio Sam H art rcaidonc

on Tcttlh avoQuo norttt, acording to u nouneomont jua t m t^o.■ 0»U laauBd to O.’e . S.—All momboi

of 010 E u tcrn S ta r wll) moot a t tli lionio of Mrs. H. L. Dlakoloekcr, 20 Fourth avcnuo cast, a t 1:30 o^ctoe

t Sunilay afternoon to attend tho funcn o f Oeorgo M. Dow. *

Storo Expuid»~ArrnnRomcnls - liav 'boen mado by tbo m ana^oncnt'of tli Hlff Whlto Storo to occupy that ywrJlo of tha baaoment until roconily usod a a poolhal).. IQio area will bo dovotod t BtorBffo purpoaoa

Social Session Postpooed—Tho Amei lean LcRlon post social, uchodnlod 't bo held In Elkn clut> rooma on the nlgli of Kobruary 17, haa been iwatponM on ■Iny, and <^jl b e holil In the Mattoni

- tiTOjilo on tho night of Fobrunry 18, U' coriling to announcumfut.

Church of the Brethren—Rogulivr ao: vlecn wlll bo hold n t the Olmrch o f th Brrtlirca, eomor of *nUrd avenno nort nnd Fourth atrool. ^Tlio Rov. Cliarh W. Bnuk ia pastor In cJiarge. Sfomin woraUlp a t 11 o ’clock; Clirlatlnii Worl era 0::<0 p. m. nnd cVuninK wonblp a 7;:iO o ’clork. Bible ntudy Wnlnoada evening. Ref^ilar Sunday achool one

• Pflbbath mofnlnR a t 10 o'clock.

Lodge Eos la l^ a tio n —A elniw o f 1 WIU ’initiated, by thb Pytlilnn Slatoi l.iat nlRht. Work started early in th ovoninR, nnd following initiation a bni quofc jvaA.a8rved. Tl>o class waa compoi ed of nlni) Pythlnna nod nix women, thi boing tlio first timo men havo boon t4 ki'ii inlo the lodRO. Tlic ccromonlc wero conductod in Mjisonlr temple.

Tdmplara Galled to Aaaemhla—Monbi'ra of tho Twin Pnlla commandcry, Ni

• 1(1, KulRlits Tomplnr, iiavc been callo npon to meet la tlio Mnconic templo aaj lum oi 1 o ’clock tomorrow afternoon t attend the funernl <if tbe lato Q ^rf;

C, .M. Dow. Scfvires will bo held d t th Methodist church.


IDAHO—Enid Bennett lo "Tho Uaun «. cd Dodroom” ; alao comody ond Patb

N’owa.' .ORl’IlEUM—Two vnudevillo neta an • jjicturds.r.KM—Mary Pickford i n ' ' “ Heart ( ' Tho HillH.” AIho a Priamn colc

acciiir and a Billy Bhodea comedy.

Evory porson rocolviog a letter f roj you on your bualncsa atatloiierv forn

' an imprcsalon of you and your buslno: from that bit of printing- I f It bi dl tincUvc, appropriato, arlis 'ic , hat in proaaion ia of high valuo to /o'l.


Haunted Bedroom*J i g x ^ g ^ ■

• ■ Sherlock Holpies, Liqno and Borns, great man*hoands all, trailed MEN of flesh and blood.- But Enid Bennett, as a young newspaper woman, trails a ghost, a thing: oi shadows and empty ether, in “Xho Haunted Bedroom.”

And she wins in a dflsper. ate gamble. Oome to seo thii great mystery picturo.



Jland —

• ;^Mra. Alan P. Seidor and Mra. Charlea H. Burton imtoKslned a t bridfn Thara*

inn* day and Friday eTenkgs o f this wook !aia> a t bho home of Mrs! Sonior, Tho suoat * Ifat on Thuraday included' Meadamea E.

. B. Lamed, AV. H. Grsenhow, Osorge R. lob- Eoaley, B. A.' Bead. .TLi B. Spafford, L ersi T. Wright, L. Bacauasen, T . F. Murray,

W. 8. Hill, L . a . Bslladjiy, B.. Lutz, J.B. McLalu, a SamueU, A. B, Wilaon,

, W. Morgan Hesp, Leonard Smith, H. B. Los Lowbi.-M. J . Swoeley, S . 0 . Lavcfini;, for L. p Morae, V. H. Ormaby, OJiarlea

Bulltti, John Oott, Jack Thorpo, L. Cloa,C. SL Booth aad Misa Cora Oreenhow.

mey Miaa Oreonhow won first priw and Mrs.'on Morso seeoad, botli hand.mn<lc haadkor-

Jiey chlafa. : Mrs. 0«orge Baaloy ^-on tho ■ oonaoUAton, ti, dock of cards.' On Friday

ovoolog tho gueata-wore Mewlomca H. _W. Hart, John and P. J . Coatello, ff. II. here Kaylor, El H. Biter, B. B. Hoineeko, 3. «a«- Shrout, T. Reed. P. Kriekson, M. Kelloy,

J P. CoiiijliUn, Chnrled Macnuloy, A. B..■ Colwell. II. E. Dc^w, M. C. Ware. H. P- iahn Lnh-d, W. Ilnnco, 8r.. Kmeat Whlttf, H. Buoo W. Bnnyer, and Gcorgo Leopold. Mta. aa- P. Krlrkpon won firal prize, Mra. K. P.

Laird M’roml, and Mrs. John Ooat«Ilo , ' . the conaolntioii, ull being tho aame iiH .. thoso for Tliuraday evening. DelieiiHis 200 "■' <■0 served l^t!: evcnin>{i.

lockcrjj Miim Milrtha Steveiumn eu.ofiaiiK'd

fho members of the D. W. J*. chih hint ovonlng a t hor homo oa Teiitii uv.;«Ui-

lavo north. Corda nnd dancing formed tho tho amummoata for tho evening, and nt .t

tlon lato hour dnlnty refresomenta were «er'.*- I 08 od by the hoatcaa, ns.<riated by her nfotlia d to er, Mra. B. H. Btevenaon. Membera of

the club present woro Mm.-Lydia BoyU Keogh, the Mlsaes Suzannw and .lulin Tavlor. Guests wore Meanra, Pre<l lU'd--

, ‘0 man, KewnU 8. Wight. U C. Ulm, Will- iird Kiiufniaii, Clvde Kuder of BoIm', luid Wi-IT^rConnel o f Oooding.

onip . ' ■“ — -' Till! aunual moettlng of-the P, A. K.-

waa,held a t tho tiome of Mrs. 1' Muusnn ou Wcdnoaday inat. Tlie follow-

jIjj, ing officers wore elected: Mrs. Mnry Y. Norton, regent; Mra. H. .1. Ypoiig^.

tries regent; Mra. Oliver Haratad, sec- lins rotary; M ra.-ir. Tl. Eldriflgt*, trcoai/rcr; o,j-. Mrs D. S. Sweot, reciatrar; Mrs.’J. Ji., a t Ault, hlatorlan. l>elogate» wore alHo iday elected to atato conferonco to be held al jach Oooding in March Two delegates—Mrn.

Norton nnd Mrs. Sweet—were electml in attend the nntionnl eonferenc'> to bo]

r 13 held in WnHhington. D. 0. itora .tho The (.‘urrent Eventj* deiurrtiiient of

bnn- the-Twentieth Century rlub met a( the poa* homo of Mrs. C. A. Enien th is week witli thia the hostess presiding. Tho inoctlnir ta* will bo at the a;ime plcir<* lVbunif>* M

nics nnd will be the annual Vnleiitiiir p-'irt;--. It will tnke the forpi of a Hocini H-n. Thfft wMl be im opt>n n;ectlng for aay who ilrsiri- to rome.

Mrs. Jiiinea MrMilhin, Mrs. DeWitt Yonng nnd Mrs. J . W. Leedoni enter

" " tnlned the Prcabvterian Miaalonary so- ’.fhn at the hwne of Mrs. MrMilbm •ino 'Thuraday. A buslneaa meeting was

hold imd officera Elected for tho cam- ^ng yrar,TO follows: Mrs. 'WDVJobnson,

T president; Mra. .J. D. Barnhart, vire j JirMhlcnt; Mra. 1). P. Swei't. aeeond vice

preaident; Mra. Kobert McBride, aeoro- far>*| itra. A. K. Slifer, treaaurcr; Mra. Harry Smith; auperlfttendent Home dc

unt- partment'; Mrs. J. W. .leasee, auperio' athe — ■— ... ---- —

iainiiittittiiininiittHiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniHiiiiiiiniiiiiiand JuullUlUillllllililllllllillilNlllllltlilllllllilllNN

■olory.'rom 1)rma Anosa dl6-

= » A

S A IWhat you des

in a Buick. You ge you get Beauty of L

I riding qualities; yc J YOU GET MOTOR

To Buick owr peace of mind—whi(

no can -greater value b( know that for ever; are getting in returi

“ pleasure.

i ' The Buick is iket today.

i t - - ‘ ■

I I lindBiggest, Finest


T W I N F A L L S P A I L ^

-t«>iidenl of Itte ra tu i^ '-The prograim was • in. ehargs o f Mrs. PIshen who m ye sn

Q iiUerestlDg paper oa tho ‘‘.American la*■ dlaa.” Mra. P . P . Bracken gnvo' ua

eajoyoblo rending.

Tlic-program for the social hour at irlei the Uhrlatlan chureh^’aador B>« losder* mra- ship of M ra E. B, Vaa Coit will begin rook at 5:30 p. tn. and'wUl c^ntaia tho £>1* T»Mt tawinff numbers: Vocal solo by Ctara a E. Cam^oU; 'coho'-aoloi W. Zenss Smith; a R. dramntic r«adihg| •B^^le-'OIakr; ebm«t >> L. aolo. KeD&etb Aysr^ and .a » alo ehonia Tay, aceobipaaled by P r o t PbweIl._,The pubi

J- lie ia-invited to attend. 'laoa, •-...............• B. Members o f tho'.Eplseonal guild are ring, rofjuMted to meet a t tho home e f Mrs. irlea Tliomaa Bobertsoa Jucsday afloraoon ^oa, to aow oa the choir veatmonta. This 30W. will take tbo place o f the regular moot- Mrs.- jug.kor- , - • _ i • ..............., 7APAHSSS STAHD 'WITH


0 (Continued from Page One)

this ahould provo to be the eaao, tho . P- only conaldorablo anti-Bolahovlk forccs ^ ' in far eanteni Siberia would bo Japa-

neao.and AmoricOBB.tello --------c as A21EBI0AK HABDOSS DTTBBVBKi: ii<)i>» AGAINST JA P ZKTBBFSBEirCi:

LONDON, (JPj—Amorican marlnoa at Vln<livo8tok intervened when Jnpanenot-

■'"’'I aoldiora attempted to prevent rovoluy '“^*|tionnry troopa, from capturing Oorierab

-•iiUi- Koxjv,i„ff Rwwlnn governor genernl' ‘“® when the city was taken by the roila.l

I'J aceordinc to a Vladivoatok diapntch to( , tJtr Mali. Tho meaaago, whifh wnal

dated last Sunday, atafod. Ocnoml Ro/.f nnoff finally carapcd and took rofuj;oj

luiin •^apnat-'so cruiacr In tho habor. | DrHcribiMg tho cnpture of tho clly,i

>V\U- correspondent aaiys the firat rcvolu-1 tioniatfl entered by stealth, aclEcd thoj street railroad and tiaed tho earn to> cnrry them up the main street to tlie-

l(. Jutubo occupied by . General' B ounoff.J.-' When thoy tried to enter tho bulliUng

i„,v! the Jnpanoao blocked the way, but the Inrv offiecr of an Amorican marine delacli-

ment announced ho would not permit! see- intcrfenonce. Tho Japaheao then witli..|

ircr; drew and all foreJgn forces ohsorm? a) ’. neutral attitude aubacqucntly. Inlso T ,

SALMON BIVEE SETTLERS ctini The Salmon River Settlers’ asnorin- [> be] tiou ia ]>repart'd to. defend ngalnst fore­

closure, instituted by the Salmon River Company intercats, nil aettlem who are

t of now or wHIl become members of the An- the aociatlon.

witli All persons not now nienibiTH inay tlni: become sueh by pnyiiig the laat two ns- y 1.1 sestments, fifty (50) cents and twenty irty. (20) cents per ncre, to defray the ex- ten. pen.tes of litigatidn. any Au arningement Kn» altw bceu wade

whereby the Bct.tlera’ attorney, .1. R. liothwell, will handle nny rounterrlainii

^Vitt foe dumagen thnt the settlers defendant Iter m/y havo againat the compnny. '

so- 'T im annual election -of directors will ilbin be held Friday, M ard i,5, ID20, aa fob wns Iowa:

cam- .' For Townshipa ll-IS , 11-lH, 11-17, at ison, Bergor: *vire Ftor Townslilpa lg-l.'5, 12 0, 12-17 nnd vice 13-10, a t Hollister, eoro- For Townahips ‘14-1.1 nnd 14-10, at Mra. Rogerson.« dc RAY M. BEAUCHAMP,eriu' Adv. Secrotarj*.

.T I S F A G T idesire and demand in a mo get power; you getStreiij

if Line and Finish; you gei you get Economy in Upl(


wners comes that mental vhich is the result of knowi e be secured for the investi rery dollar they have put ;urn just as many dollars’ i

is the lowest priced six in i

Automobsst and Best Equipped Gan

DAHO . - - -

-u f I ll IIII.,; ■ . I . . ; . . ,

£ J ? © r , j b n a . l j

ai ' Olorence Soreaaoa tk in the eity fron er- tMgga.ria' Oeorge F . Bmco of Boiae ia a budnea 01* vishor in, Twia Palis;

H. H. Bailey of Oooding U la tbj 1 c ity for a brief ..viait,. _ . , r .

Mrs. Percy. Be«k»teod of Downoy 1 J l ft’ Twin-PalU vlaltor. : ■

B.''r.'MacNamam,,of Bahl, is'In Twii I^ lla oa buslneas.

ire Joy B. Taylor waa a Hanaen vlslto ;ra. In Twin Palla yostorday.‘®,'» inw ard Bcauchamp, of Pocatollo, 1 o u tranaoctlng business ia Tvrin Fails.

Mrs. A. B. Thomas, of Jerome, is J; Twin Falla for a brief viait. ,

Carl J . Miller ia ovor from Bi/hl nt p tending to buaineas affaira.“ ■*' W. H. Snyder is a Rogerson vW lor I

Twin Falla. ,Mra. J . Arnold Hutto was down frot

__ Burley yesterday visiting with fiTcnltho and ahopplng.^ Miaa Marguerite Hamilton, of H o IHj

tor, wna nmong yeatorday’a shoppers i pa- th is city.

Mr. and Mts. E. Q. Bmurr were dow from Murtaugli yeatorday shopping nn

■JS %’isltlng with friends.OE Mrs. 11. MrMlllnn, of Roguraoi

it< ill the eily on a buslneas nud «hoi ping tour.

fso *• Mrs. J . W. Nance returned to Hmiac yeatorday nfter apendlng tho past tw

rab woeka in T^vln Falla, rn l' W. O. Daniel wjis over from Jeroni ’lO) yoatorday looking after buaineas intei to [ esta.

rna l.. J . Rtdder haa returned from 'L ak t o /.'v lo w , Ori'gon, whero ho purchased ii;ej form. Uo will rotum in tho near fu tnr

to mako thnt place his home, ly, I Mrs. .1.1’. Ivinney will leave tomorrox lu -lfo r Stilt Laho to nieol Mr. Kinney, wh tiiol^a returning from Lnkcvicw, Oregoi to I whoro ho purehnacd fnnu pVoport^

They will remain iu Salt I^nko for ,ff_ short* visit with ^friends.^ . , lag ■■ ~ ■fhe ch-

n‘| Are You Going toRAISE WHEAT?

ro- J have two nniii]ilea of whi*nt•er • ou niy desk.ire One was raised at Gooao Lai;eVn- on Innd that coat mo tS.'i.OO an

acre; 11.25 an acre for water, auil ity 40e un ncru taxes- I got $2.01 a DS- bushel and - tho yield waa about ity -10 liUKhela au aero.•X- The other sainplo was gri>wn

on Innd a t Cnstlcford that 1 vnb idc HP ,15 >300.00 an acrc) *3.t>0 an

arre for wator, and |2.00 an a:ro taxes. Tho yield waa about the same ua tho other, but I got i.V n bushel lesa for the same grade uf

;*j* wheat.“ *■ Lrt nic tell you more nbout tliia


- GEO. H. DARROWA t Darrow Broa. Seed Store, or

Phone 647


I O Nfiotor car you will find iiigth of Construction; je t comfort and easy pkeep and Mileage—r. - .al satisfaction —'th a t wing that nowhere else stment- Buick owners it into their cars, they 5’ worth of service and

n her class on the mar-

bile Co.irage in the West.

-- PHONE 299'

i s , I D - A H O r S A T U R D A - !k Y , F E B . 7 , 1 8 2 Q . ■ -

. A n n jp so u B M X 'W..C. Hall tliiii morning filed In'Tno

ph>ba»e eonrt a eomplaint •^ laa t-W ill- ^ lam A. Ervia, alleging th a t the dofead-

s a t owM 1 WjJ.-on a jmmdasory note.rain


tbp ' 'r is

•win _ .................

iltor ,

I, is

a' Jn : '

1 at*

>r In

'rom Heuia '>>llla*

raon, >t.‘ «'■’>

aaen WMW8W‘wo


ako-l atnre

= THE MARTIjrty .

With the MAETIN DITC = ; ditches or make new ones w ■ ■ tor job than any other way.I Yon cannot afford to be

I ----- A Full Line <

C . O . i;; 164 3d AVE. 8 . ' TW

n ■n

« ■ m

f ; p , . .

G o a h e a d a i h a v e a goodIf you can get any t that you can b u ^ g twenty-five dollars- good time.

But before you put action just look aroi who thought they c market.'

Thirty-five dollars ought to pay for,a a dollars is better an if you expect to lik- it wear you.

At the above ment assortments of fine age.

Under Thirty-five v and if we did it wou about.

—pay eneugt get all vvoo tailoring ai style.


I d a h q P e p a r t^ Up to d a t* ^ E E Z C IZ a a S

I r, ■nil II liil I I — I » IIII ■

Interest, atioraey.’s fee and

Vill* flioBad- \lote.' -''B B A D TBS. O U l i n r U D . i ^ y * ^

l l '.J ■


riN DITCHERtrOHEB yon oan clean yonr old B with less expense and do a bet*ay.be without one on your farm. ^

1C of Implements-----


HAiLi-mnr *u»-nuT . cun rn r -

ihd»d timef thrills out of thinkingt- i good suit of clothes fo r ' rs—go ahead ahd have a-

lut your aspiration into poun,d and count the men f could corner the stock

rs is the very least you I auit this season—Forty md Fifty is more like it ike it, wear it, and have

ntioned prices we show ne suits above the aver-

i we have nothing to say juldn’t be worth talking

ghto ool, handand solid . • ■

•n Value First Suits 35 to $55—

Store LtdP r o g n t s tv * ■

Page 6: W A a l l ilm h i l i ilifi

fWIN fA U ^ DAILY NEW^. ■ ' iMUcd • « o r y , k f te rn o o n ,. Surtdny

rftUa^ New* Ptibllahlnt Co.. Ino.(ffiitaW lahod ^9W^

'•IQ ntorod l u aocond cdoM m ail m & tu r Kprll 9. l# I8. a t Oio poa to fnco M T w in rnllK, IdiUio, u n d e r ttio A c t of U itrch S, U78..

8U B8C W P T I0N R A TESOne year ............................................ I*-®** m o n th a ......................................................S-KI m o n th a ......................................................... I .f*I m o n th ............................... ..............................#0

i m t B B R O P ABBOCIATGO PR E SS T h e ABBoclflCcd r r e s a W OKclualVoly e n -

ttil«d to th e uao for rep u b llca iio a ot att nnwa dlapntclit-a cro d lled to tt , o r n o t o lbo rw U e crcdH od. In tl>Io w p o r, a n d aJM

. Ihn looU nowH pub llshod heroin . A ll r tg h u o f ropub llov ilon o f apecial d lapatob- M he re in n r e . a lao rcaorvcd.

’ No rea p o n alb lltty U aan im pd (o r th o a n te o r unftollc lted nu in u acrlp t, pho to - c m p h a o r o th e r o o n tr ib u to d m ntlor. A r- t lc lra nu b m lttcd fo r pub lication wilt tw us<^ o r n o t lit th o d iacretlon of tho e d ito r • n d no m onuK rlp t* w ill bo returnc^l un> leaa accoitipanUM) b r th e ncccaanry p o tt* «S0. ,

.PA ST K R K R E t’U ESBN TA TIV K S: O eo rae B. D avid Co.. ln« ., ITl MnUlaon

A ve.. N ew T o rk : A . R. K ciitor. H l l H a r t ­fo rd B u lld liis , Chlcnffo.

yumncr AudIt'"Doreau i f Clrculoilbna

ALTEfiED VlBWa^ According to Scnator..Jg^cgmk, tho loafler o f-the tenato foircB lately ca-

^ Jin toa in Jho_Qgfit_^to obtain ratifiea.* ^ .^ t lo n of tUo poact< Ircftty and league of

nations covenant witlioul reservationn wJuitiwovor, «nvcr»inK wllh , .Lord Grey, aoniotimo roprosontall'ro of jtlio, Britioh Kovornmunt in.' the Unitod StatoB, rovonlod tho dlntlnguiflhod d^p- lo n a t 's opinion thnt " th e only roBorva' tion >yhlcli canccrned h it country di* roctly was Chat whieh doelarod UiAt tbe Unitod States wbuld not be bound by any dooiBlon or cloction in which tbo colonlea coat Boparate votot.'’

" ^ ^ f o r as Mr. Hitchcock's toitlmony shows thoro yti^~noi ono word In Lord Oroy’n conversation to Indicato lhat Oreat Britain would Intorposo aay ob*i jecUon to any of tho pwpoaod roacrva*; tion—n6t evon that with rospeet to ar* tielo ten whlefa tho prosidont dodarod would " c u t the heart out ot the cove* n an t” —and in rogard to th^ reserva­tion mentioned in this hitorchangn of opinion, according to Mr. KitehooA again, Lord Orey said that it'wonld. a n affect tho mother country but bo thought **the colonics might atrongly object nt having tholr voting right thu« «tlack«<J.»* .

Statoncnts made by Lord Orey sinec his return te England confinn thfi bo- U ef'tha t Orea't Britain, at least, will intori>oBe oo serioua objooUon. to aay oi tho resorvntioos now proposed as ro qujsito fo r Amprienn ratifiratioo of the treaty. /

Nocossarily Lord Oray’s statemont^ «rith roBpcct .to the Ameriean attitude toward tho treaty most bo tinetiirod ir ith a considerable amount of expla­nation, heretofore lacking In England, H|)on tho status of affairs in the Unitod States during tho'past sovcral months.

Neeesaariiy thoso explanations miul effect a radical alteration in tho osU mnto of tho Amorican attitudo as heid abroad, and it (s inovitablo that the imprcuion of this m atter cultivated b j tho president while a foreign visltoi jnuBt anf/er.

Dut i l is not a question of the aitua tion In which this now stato of offain may leave any one person that matton partlculorly now, whilo the rcadinoai with w h l^ othor nations .voir.o wil

CLOSINGA t my Battch. C BSllei Wcet; 4 Mflea HUes £ofl« and 6 MUes Sovth of File:

and 1 UUo East and i


nOESES1 bliwk more, -I yrii., w t. 1(10»1 b la rk maru, fi ym.. w t. IROO 1 black m are, 4 yra., wt. 1400 i bJack horita, 7 yrs., wt. J5C0.1 g r a y L orso , 8 y ra ., w t. ITOO. i g r a y tcram, nn joo th , w t. 2M #1 R orrel to a m , fl y ra ., w t. 2S0<1 1 b a y hofHO, 3 y/H ., w t. IBOO 1 ro u n liorac, 8 y ra ., w t. IGOO 1 Korrol m a re , sm o o th , w t. l i . l t

OATTLBJ .Jem ey cow , 4 y r s . o ld 1 I lo b itc in co w , 4 y ra . o ld 1 r e d h o ifo r , e a l f b y side .1 rod h o ifo r , * y r s , o ld - red h o ifc ra , A m o n th s o ld ‘1 l lo r o f o rd h o if c r , 2 y r^ . o ld 1 r e d a io p r, 8 n o n th a o ld 1 Jcr.sojr baM

' .M iaecU aneoim 'f tr t ic k a , f a rm too la , ha: 850, bni

TEEMS—AU'Buros of »10 and widbr cj •at 10 per cent intorost from data. Ko ccnt o ff for cask.__________________

V .E .M O R (H. B. I.TOB, AnotU)lu»t


Whon Robert LiimbotLWoS^ a — more boy working, about the'Na*

tlo;inl 'Zoologlcnl 'I’ark a t *—' :/,inctoD . D. C.. the then choap Bol-

harcs..j^wore natnofons and * pJoDtlNl*'''‘Ho stnrtoU raisin*

ho thoin.jia^pot8, then as (ood fon.the . . >n. roptlles nn'd animals. Mow it is

his buslDoes. I t - i s 'th e ' "choico" diet of tKe>"flnlk*i: -cater# a n d .,

of irfimbort'a unlqu»-1»u8lnto8 iB in- diaponsablo. .Chickens and plB-

. eons aro also part o t b la too ird .moats.ho, 7 ! r x = = = = — =-T .............. .........od lingBcss to aecupt Amorican ratifies* ^ tion on Ameriuaii termB might lead to in- further profitable consideration of jiiat di*i what Amorica Is getting into tlirough A ttrati/iftttlon . •od -- , .ch DELAXET LIOEEO AaAXK

8 T. I>AUL. Minu., f/p)—I'inkie Mitch­oli, Milwaukee lightm'ijilit, nntbnxod Cal I>oIaney, Clovelnnii, in n tfn-round

rd loiit'liuit nieht.

■t 18 PAL K JCTW O ? b* , BALT/AfOKB, ( f l^ B a y Moor© of fit.

I*-aul, Minn., wos givon thu reform ’s do- rlsloa ovor i ’al Mooro of Mumphia in 12 rounds InBt night,

od • ■ '■ ■---------- 're. <' Need More Motive Rice.

• ^ l l o tho rice milling ImliiKtry has been Htpfldlly growing in lho United S tates, It hoR trcnied iloinestic rlco

fk almost cxcttislvcly. very little of th»J t foreign product being-handled.-JCha. _ h ' growth of this Industry. Bconw, th e r^

1 fore, to deperwl npon tho development of tho rlpe-growlng Industry In the

lus United States. --w

■ . Hog* as P eu l ^Before tbo advent of Christianity,

hogi i^ere hotuehold pots nmong tbo '^W.HAwallans.



1B7 Uain Bt.ril-

OUT SALEea Sonth of Shoshone Btreet Bridge, 1 1*2 Her, 1 1-2 MUes South of Ooodwin Swltd^1 2 UUoa North of Berger


FARM MAOHINEBT1 2 1-1 Manilt wagon, now.1 .T 1-4 Studi'bakor woKon 1 .1-iii. Hiiin wngon with rnok J 7-ft. .MoJino bhiiJer T ri-ft. Mc-('ornii<?k mower 1 .'i ft. Wiiltor A. Wood mower ,1 10-ill. Walter A. Wood rake 1 Mi)linc 4 row cultivator 1 ..iilUy plow, 10 in.1 walkinj; plow, 12 in.J «!ri'l crirnit'ulor 1 ntwljiiirrr.w. 111 ft.J ^;rain drill, VI <liHcI singli- «i-i'tion Imrrnw, ft.1 hny ilcrrii-.k, a gCoil ono - Kl'tH KUngs 1 lni;:i'v, - Hi'atrt1 cirnK I lo]) t.uKKY I I (• V c 115 r

harncfia, etc., bouiioholcl gooda, 15 tons hay, bnsho)n wlirnl

■ cash. All sums ovor $10 timo until Oct. 1st, ( 0 property removed until settled for. 5 per

G AN , OwnerO. A. BOBINBOK, Clerk

T W I N F A L L S D .


' —— * Extensive PreparationB Made {

for Eradication of Orchard |< Diseases ‘

Tho'Stato Dopartmost of AgrjenUuro .] through ita bureau of p lan t indastry, | lina perfected oxtenalvo fru it pest con- i trol plans which aro riowln-orfeet. ' The ; Rtato Jias been divided according to tho < fiommercial fijjit production as shown by ear lot shlpmettts.'-Tho dlatrlct un- i

' (icr tho aupervision of an inspcctnr la Hufficicntly small tliat closo superviiiion : of details la poasible by tho inapcc'.or portnining to each orchlird in his die- trict;

Tho sum of 413,000 of Lho Bureau of Plant Industrj- ia being uked for pist

g fof tho spring and lummor imQntliH.:^In localities whoro no comniur- '

^ cinl orchard exiata and whem no attu^npt la made to apray or no Interest nhown ; In the fruit'indUfltry It Is^ to t dccmcTI : ndvianblo to employrtho funds of tlio ■

. department in tho work of post crndl(-.a>, : ^ tion. Each iaBpoctoc is ro8poi»dbro"for .6 . —-^--rIs-


f . A. Cfl>0

I JOB PLUMBjgh C o m m e n c i n g F e b t

w i l l t n a k e a s p e c i a l

Your Workcod

I t w i l l b e d o n e r i g h

f Phone 283de­ls

laa ^ed Ico he •'ha.___ ______________________n - . >sntlh© • ‘ ^> ■, Atbo


: f r l hit 4

» J ^

. i s 6

E “= 3 y o «1-2 \ win

‘W ly o tt

[h .SVM

“ ' ufocifroothal

V th is to £

•the ver Alsi tba: — J w w

hay, - | -

. 1st,> per ' 301

5r 4-— — ^31otk| ~

, pest control in bis ^ t i e t . JBeginaiAg’ Tebruorjr fint, aid willvlM g i ^ by the

Inspector to proper prMlog ia ordcr to .’ bave thU opofatira MmpUi«iI'^oro,tho

Bpray MasoD begiaa^ - '' The growoi^ ara ia fo m e d o i 'tbe acie essity of eecuring spray aia te iia l early to inake sure of b a n n g i r m tbe propet

5 time/ They are being urged alfO to ra* pnir'spray nuiehlnory and oatilpnentor to buy now equipment if neoem ry. Contract or eommorelal spray mea eaa not apray all tho orchards a t the righ t

, season, hence it Is therefaro necessary i® that moro individual orchard ownorg so*

cure tholr own oquipmont and soo to their own spraying. ■■

Insect control consists of thi>oo out* standing points. Plrat: Proper Bpray juaterlttl. Second: Proper timo of ‘aft-

Tl plication. Third: Thorough work in >n- applying. - . An Insect Control Poster he showing the lifo hiatory of tho Cod- he dling moth, San Joso Scale, Peach Twin KO Borer, nud Bed Spider^ nnd giving thi: in- spray materia) to use and time to epray la mny bo aeetired from tho district in'

on apector or from tho Bureau ofYPIaiil :or Industry, Bolso.ie- I t Is tho duty of each inaiK'clor tf

give all posjiiblo aid to fru it growers nl of Ills torritory lu all,orchard operatinnH ist but bo is cljargcd eapocially with thi icr enforeemen|.of the.-horticulturol low* ur- which comppl pest control work to be ;pt done. The ncgluelod or-Hiard or.plnuti vn Acliich arc a Bourco of public nulwAum oil lo 7rulV"grDVers"’ iT?^vlieg- protert'loi lie w lirb tf Bproyod or oV'adicatiM ,'t»y tlx i-j- state. Information, will-tti' approclnti'? •or b.v ' ln«pcctors-of:^uH hig j*« 'tt^


BING WORKi b r u a t y 1 s t , 1 9 2 0 , 1

r i a l t y o f r e p a i r w o r k .

( Is Solicitedg h t a h d p r i c e d r i g h t .

230 2nd Ave. E.

andYomBHSlOm mam yoa pmj m a a ^ toe wmsbt • datannbed by a ntunbar of iKtovs. iKton. watar te ooe cf th* nxat Impor

If aoft water te employed in the ^ roar thiogs they will w«ar mach lot ivDI be so if hard wttber te uaed. I t i reaabo that we employ aoft ^ t a r w i fOor fuxifiy waahioa.

Moat water te faard. Tha hardDei Eiwega water te about ten degreee.

If aoap te added to thte hard water, formed. It is thte acom, oaoaOy, am From the body, which mafaa that famS tbat forma in the bathtub.

When cfofhea are waahed in tUs hi thte scam fills tbe pores in tbe weave to fabrics a gray Hue. To renjove thte tbe laundress must use a very large quantity of soda.Also, sbe most rub border t than te good for -tbe clotbcs ^cnc/ f —your bills for what you wear are increased.

TWIN FALLS301 Third 4ve. E ast P H

7 , ^ 1 ^

ing miiiiuiew 'e i ^ e r to feeilitate t^ 'w o rlt the give tbe 'greatest effieleaey toward

p<wt contwT'of the dirtriefc'. ------Through tho eo*operatloa of ail earn*

eat^. fru it growera the departmeat of ' • tgrietiltareliexpeetingaaiuitiaai^ 'eloan

Iro it crop fo r 1920, aod thia’ean. be se- JfV eored by a li grow en eoBtroiUng-hU own ^ pasta and asaiatiag tbe department in ^ enforoiag tho hortlculttira! laws. .^ .< J . A. W atert baa been chosen in^yee*

to r aad will have charge of. control op- ^ erationi to th is eounty.

■ I f yon fcTo a little nneertaln about it. ■ t o V .

n HLi I o<i- v m I '

n n ' I— — i K B b B H I I H IV iw II i\l I MEBUiHHBS

in'- M rill I laiit I

» ofnnn, {k . B j£th e I

“ bo , —

• iol' j J j j

t i o ^ <^ | |K | ! * X E r ^ f l most■ H - . ' I m3 | | I H eadx-


C ^5 > ^ 'o r SOjOOO D ELcb-m

ftWate:II for Wearing iite( «pi«nl But tf tUaJiml m b». o r thtM w»y—« w«y'tli«t waa

Oana—kbacoow iaata

, waaUng xt _ W a naa lUa Oana m loogar *Vainwatar-—we aoftaa[ t ia f iv th h which yonr thfaga are II whaowado dotUni waahed in tU

qnktdy dMn with tha hir f .M . <>f“ «P«o<l»»ln>pl«I>n) “ “ >1.

yOQ wear are /eaaanadL r, a acmnia Aa mach aa eoo (aUo and not eoa play over yoijr dothea miliar “ring- Water thit la dlecolore

ia added aa many aa fn hard water while waahto* le in pro(

veandi^vea Could aoy method be 3te graynees, Could any other waafaw

J ^O...

STEAM i mH O N E 7 8 8 TWIN M l

m i ! ’ A B IO T O W B B S , ard BALTIMOBB, {;P)rr-Columbia cap-

iurod flvo of tbo d ^ e n ta - f r o m Jobne- . mt* Sbpldns. in a swiniming. oonteet last

of a l ^ t . ________ ,

,; ,BaAJ) TBB OXABSXFI] AXW,';- >wn --------- '

■ TACOMA OtIN STORE. Inc.>ee- . TACOMA, WASH. ' .op- i Laraeat Stock ef Hunter** and Tmp-

pers* Supplies m the Northwest. Es*. pMlal attention to mall orders. -

:. . S«n,d ooo cent sum p for catalofftK-

DELCO-MGHTQ c r e a s e ^ i i i r m E i ^ c i e i i c yifty thotia«j}dDek»L!ght planta in opn- ^on oa Amtfcaa ftnns are caving at the . lost convnative estimate, aa hour a day idx—« o«r 18,000,000 work bouia a year.'hat ii egaof fo on army of60,000'mm torUngtmheanaJayfwannmoialL . Delco-JJght U a oompto electric light

and'powcr plant for fams and suburban homes.

. It fumishe* an abundance ol dean. taie. economical Ught, and operates pump, dium, cream separator, washing machine aod other appUancea.It is also lighting run stores, garages, churches, schools, anny camps awUaiU way statwos.


rTWIN F4LLS, IDAHOTW n—«ti. r w ...... Owf. oia.

■UGHT P la n ts in AduigTbeQf l

irA p p are l

n ta r Is fiharad ia a tpacU as loveotad by p r. Robert ■t aa aoftaa rainwstar.I method to mika oar own taa arary drop of watar la- a latmderaAL thte fOtared watar becocDM > hdp of a iftlidmrnn amount procaaa of aooabg aad riaa* tgar aad yoor bda lor whatsd ' ' '■nooa of thte velvety water bea during every waahisg. iored te drawn off azul pm^I from niae to tw ^ e

be more aaving of dothea? hway be aa saiihary.

Let ua give.you leiatxre aod raedom from the trials of vasbday. Telephone, asd wr driver will call fbr yoor amHy bundle.


- IT1

Page 7: W A a l l ilm h i l i ilifi


/ . / -------- Baseball Haffnates are Not Xn>

blined to Aooapt SaggestiooB ; from the Outslde-i-..

Bjr I.'E.'Saiil)om ' \ OIIldAOO. (flpcelftl)—Procodinjr the

jo in t Bcli^ulo meoUnRB o f tho N ational 'nnd 'A tnorleon Ieaguos in Cbicafro ncxi week a «onforoneo o f h ilca commlttoes roprnoniiiiK tho kWD mnjorii and tho boflobnll. w rite rs tako plfico. Unlciw lJ io ‘rulo m alteni' d ep a rt from oil proco- (lent they w ill t r e a t nil BU(;(;cstionB for ehantfcfl and roviaioa frum tlie ir own Btnndiinlntfl.

E\)r two BforU yoam tlic prcjibUTs of |iroftfx<iiona] bn-icbutl hnvo' frunii'd mi l wordwl nil playiiiK nilpo a s if they were intonilcd'oiily for uso in th i 'ir own fichl. Never have they Beonird to ' rcnliJii- Ihc

. coilo of .which they uro tfuard'nns nml sp(in(u>rR n ffe c ti a fie ld by rotnjiariKoii w ith which th e ir oven «])h<*ri' iH a tncrc Miiiliend. Tho (fuy who ilouluri'd ni'ijor irnRuu r lub nw nem ’ iinrizouii lire houud- od ity thp fenros o f the ir hull pnrkn hn<-w wlicreof lio ntxjkv.

Bulos N M d InterprotatdoD Tim ruioa na they ex is t to-

dny nnrvo tliu purposes o f th« mnjor U‘:i(p)CB nnd hlRhor m inora fnirly wcl) bi'cauno tho unipirea o f thoso circuits uro colled tAgoiher every w in ter or «IiritiR and agrco on a mothod of in 'er- proting obscuro nnd lechulcal points. Theur in le rp roU tlnna d i l fo r ditfcrcn t li’iiKuo.-i. RO it-lB noconsnrj' to ngr«o on o lot Ilf jwintfl in advance o f u w orld’* wi'rios in which both Xnfiorinl nml

. American leitgue tmuiia and unipireB ure involved.

Wlmt chance, theroforo , hnvc tho uih- • . jiirps, m anaK orfl/o r p la y e rs -o f prnfrk

(jnniM. to undorvtand, ouforce o r in te r jiri't corroctly tho b lind a tu f f they find iu tlio “ o f f ic ia l" plnyinK code! ArpU' incnis bcoonio wrnnRlcs un»l disputes often Rrtiw into forfoit.H, prciilly to the diHrlna-nl o f tlio Bport nnd Iho aports niunnliip o f tliu parlic ipun ta . All thii voulil be ttvoidi'd by a Htllo broad

•niludi-dnem in tho ru les conference. T an ia tlle A ll Im p o rtan t

Nunieronn ttiWCKonlions fn r iniprnvu . nii'ulH in tlio K.inio, to increiise the

I l.ivUiHg and cnlvtuwiB IU« fa n s ' in terest .. r. will b f ronsidorcnl horo. A ll ideas wil

be ciiiiRiilorcd Bolely from tliu atnnd point o f th e U irnslile. No thought wll bo taken o f Uio brcediut: spots o f boae

•' bull HtnrH and fona unlcHs -thiit ia un ox ceptlonul year.

UsuaUy a “ liOTril>le t'sajnp^vs’' ia ace fSwiry to e m p h a s is a Bcrnion. IMont^ <!un bo fum inhod, b u t ono will fluffice.

/ K conjtiderablo percontnRo of tho tau ({Icji which require u n rave ling have U do w ith w hen a bn«o runnor is forccc

• o u t o n n p lay . F u lly lia if o f tho,quoriei bi-Rin unB ram m ntlcnlly: “ T hero waa }

' runner on t^ Ird nnd nocoud w ith om o u t,” nnd tho runor on socond got-B t< tUiril, w licreup tho ball ia throw n to thi catcher, who . touches tho p late ant cbiiina tho runner on th ird i» forco; ou t. Overlooking tho fo u t ouo runnei (-nnnot occupy b o lh accond ftnd ^Uilrt busi'* irlmuJtuncou«ly, tho (luestion rc (luiriw no apology. T here Ib absolutelj nothing iu tho ba.ie running ruleii tt Boh-o th n l problem.

PraijiB Ump U p A ca ln s t I t AuotUer aourco o f di«pute i

when u runner on tliird 1ioI<1b h ;s buit' until n f te r r f ly ball is enught, thei Hcoro'i before a succcodiug. b;i»e rutinn in doubled up on th e w ay bnck to th' bane which he le f t ,b e fo re the fly'W B cuoght. J f th is th ird o u t re tires th'

llu'TC b a n ttTgumcnt a» V whuthi'r o r not- tho ruu should be nl lowed. I t is truo a ruu i-annot scor

t during a p iny in w hich tho tM rd m an i forccd o u t, b u t i t is not tru e , na so mnn; w lievo, th a t a ru n canno t scoro durin,

, u tbublo tilay which re tire s the sire. .Bu the pralrio lo t um pire, oven if ho know tho rules, has a helova tim e finding th one th a t covers th(' two foregoing pl.iyi

I t is the lost aontonco o f a long nn verl'OHP rule ’way ov e r nenr the end o the vnilc und, from rend ing the firs t o ihe extended parogrnph no dno woul nnspiH-t itn exiffteneo. I t i s Bpecifio an envcrn both of tho foregoing p o in t biviiuso i t Bays d is tin c tly : “ A fbrci out ean lo mado only when a bnao-rui ner leguly Iorcb tho rig h t tu thu baso h necupiu!), b y ronson o f the bn tnnan bi I'omiiig a buBoruniier, and he is thorob forced to advance .”

V liy no t p u t lh a t sentence into th rulen gDv«rning base-runninijT

D BO n>£D Q X noSST. I.0U 1S, IU.y Lonff, welte

weight o f Jop lin , Mo., knocked oi •Tnuiniy Itownn o f B rooklyn ia the fir round of a 8cliodulod-_oight-lound boi 1:h 1 nighl. ,

The scheduled ciglvt-ruund contCBt b l^'PfOi rin rvey T horpe, KanHun Oit lighiweiKht, und F red Nclnon o f th

.(•Uy w-.i: stopped in th e six th rout wlii'n Ni'lwin elaimod a foul.

Y o i m a GOTOH w iK a1‘HOKNl.X, Arir.., Young Ooi,

i)f Ui!t Anaelt"* WU.S retu rned n wian itviT Ou.s I'ajipriH o f Son nicj;f) li.-re t n ight, (ioicli won the fim l fnU 34:40 on a crotch hold nnd bnr nrm ni I’uppiM was diRqualifieit in tho sueoi fnll for rmij;!i t.-u-.tii-n a f te r both h; thrown Oneh other from tho ring aovci tlni(*s.

^ BABKETB A l i ~ST. I.OUIB, .Mo., (/l’)~\Vn»hlnffi

iiuiviTHily^, won over Oriniiell colie i: ll. Ill, in a fu st aud !iiinl fou;:l.t M sDiiri valley conferenoe-biuskethnll ^ni hill uii^hl

Boxrr W AS b l o wKAl.AMAZ(H), M idi., (/p)— Mai

lin-l. ol’ Piti.iliirrgh und Mikn Lomair \ . ‘w Vork l.os-->l ten «U>w nninds hi laNl iiit;ht. Ori-b in jured liis rig lil a iluriii^’ the bout.


, JACj^EM PSEY 1I M flw a n k e e P o s t D e c id e s t o B e ­il s o in d H o n o r a r y H e m b e r> V i

S a h ip A c tlo E

' MILWAUKEE, Wl«., UP) — Gordon .Barber post of tho Amorican Legion, [which Mcoatly brought uj)on itself r

[j. ittonn o f mingled protest and approval by ZDttkinir 4aek Dempsey a honorary U<« member ol the post and declaring * tbo slacker nud draft dodger charges - ngainst him to be fnlso, voted laat night to nullify the heavy weight ehomplon'a <

ho memborahip'.lall The resolution praised DompseT's !Xi' character and war record ond atfputat* * 9CB ed thnt tho rotrnc^ion waa duo no t to :ho nny cliango of mind on tho part o f tbe < ess,7.,cgion membera but bocauac of thft.di»* , fo-triiven' that h<^ora^^^-^mborahip in ^orjtho li'Sion is . unconstitutional.- -wn. I, I m ■ " ' '

J College and Club Meet iti the East tor Gamea Tonight ,

Jll B o s to n i s S c e n e o f B ig I n d o o r ■ I'ro . A th le t ic C o m p e t i t io n —

S t a r s a r e E n t e r e d -

OOSTON, 0P>—OoUcgo and. club ath­letes 'from thn cnat’ and (uiddlo west

, will compete tonight in tho aniinl in- ; . ’ door g.'imes of tho Boston Athlotic ns- J ,, sopintion.

T'lu Hunter milo Iiuh arronj; itn en- ' ^ itriints Jolo Bay,-the emek ('liieago '

fly'Ti nnd Miehncl A. Doviinney, of New ' : ‘ jYork, e.-ich of whom hus won *ttic event

twiee. In tiio 40 yard dnsh Charleu Pad­dock, I'niveniity of Bourheni C:ilifor- nia: .f. Scot?., Univtfraity o f ^ iaKourl,

. :nucl- W. D. Hayes, Notre Diimn uaivcr* ur'j.'.sity, uro t-nterod.

Brief Bits of Sport—

ler-j Hnrdy Downing iniport«Hl a foathor- ind I weight fighter from the coast to dead- gu-jliiic liis hwt week’s Manhaltnn bill in .tes Vjill U-ike.the ^ ' Irts-j J^P'der Mnffutt, with a siring of vie- h i a ' - ' ' " ' K moral luw to h h

eredlf, wn.'i fhe stnt. He lusted ono roiiii'l und started tlie second but quit.

NIoffatt wnn sluekeil up against Kid Pavifl, ;i Suil I. |ke section product, nnd

.(list loiild not stnml the «nff, th a t's-iii _____

nd' JJahe IJuth ia un nHptring cuss. He vill ..;iii wants n wedgi* ont o f' the price.

,.ak" fnim the Bed Sox. ox- .

I-Ved Fulton. Minncsotn plsLHtorer and vest .« «ona^do»abi« man, -thenty „ 'iicr night in B ^tou clouted John Les-

ter .lohnsnn, a colored hrjvyw oight, to an* nicep in oight rnunds. Prod slammed to Ills fist into tho black’s mid-aoction

ccd and cnimpled him. riesa Siill Counio Mnck dings to tho idea ono thut baseball ia learned bottor in col- I to U'ge than on Uio saiidlots. tholind A dwade ugii Wlieeler, collcgiaa, cod playcHi third bare for S t. Paul.. Pcto ner D ’Drien. sandlotter, plnyed socond Lnso I'fd (,a the same team. An old-timo b&l! •■c* :.j„r' had .just died i^ L th o men on iho

t*-‘ly Sniuts’ bench were discui«in{> iL to “ Yes,” said Eddie, “ he died of tubcr- • eiilosis. ”

‘‘Whut wur. dfit youso miid, i-Jfldiv*,’*L> is nslced O ’Drieu in his 81. Louis patois, luno “ He tlied of tuberculosis.” hen “ J^nt sof ” qucKtioned Peto again, “ I mer it "U i I'ousumption." .•>the -------- '

was Hut Pcti* could piny tho koystoao po- the sition ns well aa Eddio could play third k tu bas^, (vml Ii<bUe waa no aloueb.

ol- —^:opo Jock Coombs, former s ta r tw irler for n i s the Athlotics, hus been signed os liou- any tewint to Mnnagcr Hughio Jennings of ring the Detroit club. .lack will coach But rookie pitchers.OWS _ --------thi' Bim Hmilcy, s;igcbrusli unge, »aya:.

.lys. ',‘FolkH are jiever failures in thia hero and vale o ' tears ’til they lose their grip 1 of nn’ Helf-renpeiW. Then thev uir i-?. good l o f c t dead.”juldl --------and Holding Dob Mnrtin u t bav for lU ints, rounda did something for liiiy Smith, rce- Slnco. that uiomorable night when Mur- run* tin Tailed to score decisively yinitli hns 0 he Ix-^n swnmpud with offers from nsjiiring l)C« promoters.

•oby -------- -Just think of Doadandburicd Gunboat

tho Sniith whijiping Willie .Meehan, the rniui who hiLs a decision over Jack DciupHcy.

Well, well!Itci- --------out Never miiid worrying, girls, Oeorgvs

first (Jarju'iilier will nut be ellgihle'fbr leap bout year pro]>os;ils wlien he coiuun over,..-H«

will marry a di-muri' Kreuch niaidon t bo just bcf<ire he ttds nail f..r these Hhores nit.v, ia .Marei;.

oun-l Kearns, .sec-niin lv desiring to bcetoud thu main sayn i l 'm .jiiHf

the (lii'ferencc iu Hpclliiig a word, nlick- er, mil Kl:u-ker.

lolcli •,nncr DOWNEY OETS VERDICT ° ‘n- .MliAVAUKKK, . Wis-., {/{’)—llryaii ■I in Downey, Coluutbus, Ohio. jv.-UcrwciKli*' Iind outlxixed Navy Hoslan, Clii.MK". in i' icon tcn-roimd, uu-deciHinn Uiat la-l. ni^ht

hac tic-ordiug to Kporliug wrilern.Vera I ______ •


ifflnn Chicago, 111., and Oscur .\lnlhicHou u thin city, world’s ice skuliu^' cluuiipinn

Mis- toniorruw fur t!ie l'irnt eventirnme t!u*ir mutch for Ihe profoHsioua

chuni]'ion>t1iip of llicwurlil. Tomorrow' ovents will bo Iho f Oli and .';,l)Ul> ux'te

'-'‘"■-X . ba bk e ' t b a l lur of COLUMUIA, Mo., (/I>)-.Mi«Ho»ri uni hero vorsity caaily defcnte<l Drake univci a rn ,i;i jq ^ xdnaauri Valley cot

forcnco boHkelbull game Iaut nijjht.

T W I N F A L L S D .

' DAILY Nr I . •' ' \y ' ' T j .

to . ; ; ' ; - E 4 T ^ ; ,

P e r w o r d p e r i n s e r t i o n l o

P e r w o r d p e r w e e k .6 0

ion, F e r w o r d p e r m o n th 1 5 o If t , Ival ’---------- --------------------------------------- - «ary ■ ■ ---


On« InsertlOD, per word...._.......... ic *, 0 B»v«ek (Daily arid Weekly)...;...;.. Vc

One »onth (DaUy and W eekly)......15c (; to ' Sdnlmmn .'cliarge for «aeb lasertion •

a f u y classified ad, 16 cents. Ada , must nm for » stated period of timo. >

—PHONE 32—, ' •


L x HOTEL FOB SALE—If yon bave a i '*«' littlo money to Invest ond wont to Iiavo I

an income of ten to forty dollars per )o r day you BhouM see me a t onca -Aboat *

tho best proposition In tbls line. A roal bargain for the right man- See ' me At my offipe, 143 Main Bast. Don

».h. S g L : : . - ... _____________ !vest FOIt SALE—Two ehoice lots, Bickol

in- aiMition. Only *350 crnjh. Phono 80-lJ. ,~ 0 n S A L E -K irk n iiin ranch, 4Sr, :nercs, I milo west and 4 1-4 milos south '

aj;o «if southwest corncr of Twin’ Falls.>Iuw Terms, 'Tolcphono 840-W, |

>aa! FOR 8ALK—» room lioiise” ^TOr~n‘,l 'for- ^ ________vllj SALE—New «ix room house, '

-lUl Cth Avo. E. Inquire a t 423 Oth ■ Ave. E. ■

FOK BALE—G room modorn house, (slee])ing porch and furnaco heat, good 1

hor- location. Phono. J20.'llt. ( sad- — . - —— —1 in FOJI 9ALE—.M.v reHtnence at 143 '

lOth Avenue Norfli. 7 large room",Sasemcn; anti noml garage, Samuel '

'^c- Hart. - !

ono FOit bALK—1-l-T.rc tract with g«».j i juit. I'lantori'd houne, clo»c in.Addross D. T .i

___________, ;nnd 0!{. TR.\DE—For city lia t 's property or small acreago, 40 acres.|-

;i-4 milo from schooL Address Box 10,)' cnro Nows. '

H e ---------------------- ---------------------------- :'rice FUR'bALB—T,nts I and 2 ia lilnck I'

Viilue Lakes addition. Prico $1000; one- lmlf cash, bnlanco 1, S ond 3 yoara timo .

nnd at 7 per cont interest, payable samJ-an- ' -the nually. CTL. Pittmn'u, F t. Jlorgan/Col., Les- BoiC 305.

to I. . ...I ...11.

£ FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILESFOR SALE—1017 Ford touring car. :

idea New lop nnd now tires; 10x12 tont, 12 col- or.., in good condition. 405 4th W.

FOR^A LE OR TBADB—C passonger,riaa, ti cylinder Ovorland auto; fine shape. 'Peto aIbq Ford roadster. Munson t Bordor.Lwio Phono 276.ball ----- ---------------------------------------- •tlio l-'OR SA L E -^ord totirlng car in ec-iL cellont condition. Phono 324W or G03.

FOR BALE—Ford auto with enclosed delivery body, almost now. Addro.rs Box enro Nows.

.'•I WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. „ WANTED—Rhoile Island Bod roost-

■ AWASTED—Roy with bicy«;.le for ul-

liT school work. Must be reliable.: for Phone 043.lieu- __________________________________ :^ of WAl^TED TO BENT—4 or S room oaeh house, furnished or unfurnished, by tho

Tirst of March. No children. Phono 24V-W. F. F . Johnson. (

laya: ____________________________ _____horo WANTICD — Dressmaking. Phone grip 600-M.good --------------------------------------------------

WANTI-]D— 1 to .T room furnished house by familv of three. References.

• 10 Address: P. 0 . Box 213, City.mith. -------------------------------- L _ 1 _______Mar- WANTEIi—Infonnntion concerniu.;1 hns the whereabouts of Mrs. R. A. Baril iring will be appreciated hy The Minidoki

County Nnw.(j, JluperU,

ibo-it WANTED—Few chcap acres on Rock

WATCH FOU THK HAT ou tiie strcel. diimiiev and furnit<-e clc:iuin<’. I'lmnc M. ' •

orgcs ~T O ll vwrs, \ ir> 4 year«old. will lamb in Febniary. I.«t7. an l

.--H« Hobertii, Room 0 B.mgh building.ajdon _________ _______________________hores WANTED—Will take care of chil­

dren by tho hour or afternoons. Pbone 315-M<

ig to ---- ------------______ ________________i JiiHf W.\NTI-]D—C.mli register at Vnr Hlifk- ney's.

WANTED—Yonr razor hlniles ’osliarpeu. W erner's Repair Shop, 214

ilrvaii K.C>k1| -, , ------- - ----------------------------------- -----

“ D IiLCO-UGHTI W m n i h ia E)k >i <c L h U

HOU ill' deprive your family of thoiipinn, rionofits of-Deleo-Lightf

mil-l'r. ;ci. 0 . W A T SO N 0 0 . y ," ’”' I Tirin r«lH, Id«li»

i D A I L Y N E W S , T W I N



FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS: FOB SALE—One set iron b<^ch'. pianos, good lu new, cheap. Cnll Frnnk^ Tate, Kimberly, Idalto^ P, O. Box I'-U,in ■ _____ ___ ■ ■^ l'X)B SALE—Blcyclo, good shape; now

tires; cheap if aold a t onco. Inquire1 250 Van Burcn.

FOB SALE—Colo’s Hot Blast heater. .F^rst olosa condition. Must soil a t once. Inquire 250 Von Buren.

- CLADIOLU BULBS—100 mail size, a Sure to bloom, glorious colors. Post-

;o paid >1.00 wltb order. Buport l-i-Br Co., Bupert, Idaho.A FOB HALE—Fr«'ali cow. E. M. Me- jg Clojiry. Routo .”5, Twin Falls.>n FOB SALE—3 or 4 ttins beols per

ton. Phono 511.12.ol FOB SALE — Burrough’s 7 column

adding tnachine. National EJocVtIc Cash 2,r Begistor. Almost now. Splondid shape.

Munson (i Harder. Phone 270.

DUV JIEII GOOSE School Shoe, for bova and girls i^ you wnnt thir bOsi-^

,‘ j at*A rns', Uolden Rule's old aloud.

_ I'OR SALtJ—Several good tennis ofhorses nnd mules nt Horso's Homo Burn,

tl, 44(5 2fld Avo. a *

_ TYPEW RITERa-nnvo just' recoiv 'o, od a big shipment of factory rebuilt )d UndorATood, Royals, Monarchs and L.

C. Smith typewriters. All the very lat- eat models ond all guaranteed to bo first class. They dro for sale, or rent,

,j on easy monthly payments. Soo Hoov­er, nt Business College, or write J . R.

. Hicbey, “ The Typowritor M un," Bu- tij pert, Idnho.

^ ’! FOU HALh:—1 Harrington light riin-_I nor mnil wngon. New pole nnd shnfis:ty |a lso now harness. W’m. M. Prire, Filer, 90. Idaho. Phono 102.

1 OIJIl MEN'S WOBK 8I10KS nro t'h-i _ j best on the market. At Qoldeu RuIo’h

I old stand. S. 8. Arn.

I'OR 6ALE>—Fine regular milk gouts, "» Ronllo, >vcll broke. I'hono 050-It. P. 0I ________________:

FOB SALE—Rhode Island Red cock- “ crels, eastern stock, threo to five dol- » lara coch; Phone 050-R. Box 754.^ FO irSA LE-Con> in tho car, 1~1--J ir. milo south of foundry and 1-4 cost.

IDAHO GROWN: F n m ^ ^ A d o ,^ i__ ornamental trcos, rosc^'"'^flowerin;!Qji shrubs, und perennials cnn bo obfainoiJ

* onlv nt KimW ly Nuraories, Klmboriy Twin Fnlls county, Idalio. Complote

' InndBcapo sorvico department. Catalogue freo on request. Phono 25R2.

* ' F O B ^A LE—McCormick mowor and _ rako, P. nnd O. plow. C1>cap. Call 60QW,^ FOB SALE—Soda fonntnin a t Vor-

■ ney's. ______ ______ .FOB SALE—Post Cord Bocks at S Varney’s. _____________• ___

— FOB SALE—Brood sows and shoata Begistorod HompsMroB and grado Po lond Ohina, Duroc and Ohostor. Cal botwaon Z and 4 o ’clock a t Edwardi ronch north of Buburbivn Pnrk^_______

FOB SALE—Oood milk cow, jas frcsb. Tolephono 61W5.

tho '. FO R R E N T

— i ‘~FOR RENT—Office, ground flooi ijhosbono street. Address A. Y., car News.

i'cd ■ yQ|{ RKNT — Two ‘ unfurflisho Tonms, groijati flooi. 304 Sixth avo. N inquiru al rrar iloor.

FOR RENT—Desk room. Givo nam and business. II 71, care News.

FOR RENT—Nicclv furnished rooii“ k _________________

FOR RENT—Room for re n t PhoaTii; 0P8- M . _________________________

f o r r e n t —Nice- fronl sloepln _ _ room, 0-17 Tliifd west.

TO TRADEiiil!- FOR TRAItE—ICO acres state.lam lone all improved, half mile from Bo;

Idaho; wUl trado for auto. Inooire I__ ronto a. Twin FaUs. Idaho.V n r ___________— ------------------------------

_ LOST /214 J.OST—Between Oth Avo, and 9

Ave. N., gold hor jiin with diamond si __■ UiiK- Vhone C35W. Libcrai t©war>


1 Bntinfii'd patronB testify to our ,• efficiency.J Halcfi dnfcB muV be mado at Nowa.* Office. Call us nt our expease

a t Filer.

_ 'lllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllll

F A t a ^ , I D A H O , S A T U R ]


JS POSITION WANTED^ WOULD LUCE respunaible 'positio'n ich' on nuich. Good te;inistcr. WorHud nk with hoga, eattk* and horses all my

life. Fiv« yi'tvta* I'xpericnc* us irrign' ‘- tor, hnmlyjiiai} with all fiu-m tool*. Ad-

dreM 'tlarcnco Niccum, Filer, Idaho, iiro Routo 2. . \- ■ WANTED—Position by n iiookkecp- ' •^r. cr; pan do typewriting; city n*fercnces. cc. Address Box 181 City.

HELP WANTED ~ ;idt* ____ __________ - - - ________ - ■____

w a n t e d —Laundress a t County hou- . Jiitnl.

AN OPPOBTXmiTY i- ' The ccntral offico of the Westorn per niHtrict. located at B<iam 609, Flood

I buihliui;, San Frniiclsco, Cnl., is actin,-; ~ ns a cliviring house, or medium through

. whieh prospective employers mny got : In touch with ex servicc mun of techni-

P‘‘- eal abilii.v. - .' Thia office hns personally iaterviow- od these men to determino their oxperi- ence an 1 gives you bolOAV a brief stato ment of the qualifications of somo np- plichnts for agriculturnl positions.

- You have (lie liberty of choosing aav ; of (lu'se upplieants, rwlvislng tho Wnr

'’'**> Di'fwirtment a l nbovo address of I those selected, nud the men wil immc-

■“ dintely be referr.td to you for your fur- '‘V- ther eonsidcratloii. lilt; ^ _____■ ^ 1. (.MANAOKK RANOH) A. !1. B.,“ age 28 yenrs, single. Grnduato Agri-

cultural College. 20 mos. Bibiriun ftirccs. Interpreter. Experience:. Hor- ticultural commission of Inyo county;

^ mnnnger Hillside W ater (^. orchards;, mnnagcr Pred Hens dairy; inslructnr agriculture. Inglewood, Calif. Bpcflks llUNsiiiu. Knowj !mp!emeii.t gnme.

'is |: 2. (MANAGER or SUPERINTEND ler. ' e n t OF FARM . or COUNTRY ES

(TATE.) H. G. H., ugo 30 wears; mar-- - I ried. Cornell VlnlVBrslly AgiicnUUTC. th---i 1st Lt., Army. Hupt.. general farm and Io'h country estate, handling cattle,.horses,

jlandst^'ape gririlening, dovolopiag land.3. (RANCH WOBK, TEAMING.)

(5' ;'W. G. L., nge 20 years, single. Highschool'. 1 year wagoner, U. B. Amy- &

._ _ |y ca rs cxperionco on ranch,4. (CATTLE or BEED BUSINESS.)

W, R. it., 25 /oars, alnglo. Threo and ono-half joars, eollogo. 2nd Lt., Field

J.., Artillery. Opportunity to manage cattlo or sood buaincBs. Considorablo cxpcri*

_ _ cnco along those linos.“ O'? -5. (RANCH HAND WITH DESIIU-:

TO GAIN MECHANICAL FARM EX- nod PERIENCE.) M. M,, ngo 31 yeor#. rly. Grammar school. 1 yoar, Field Artli^

lory. (^nBidorab'le business exporienco.. 0. (RANCH FOREMAN, HAND-

---- LING CATTLE.) a,_ago 25 years,and married. Experience, 5 years fo rc m ^ 3W. and 2 years raach work. 2 year for '— cattlo company.

7. (MANAGER FARM or LUMBER ___ CO.) A. U. S., 22 yeara, married. Uni­

a t versity of Minnesota. 1st Lt., Air Sor- vice. Landing manogcr, Laad ond-

—« Lumber Co.at*- 8. (RANCH WORK.) A. W. 8., 24 ^ 0 ' years. Public school. Cook, U. 8 . Call Shipping Board on tho U. S. T. 8 . Iris, ird* « years, Moorw tthlpbulldlng Co., Oak­

land, Cjilif.-ja s t ---------

In addition to iho above we liav« _ many farm hands, truck driVoni and

tractor mechanics with whom wo caa placo you iu contnct nt your request. -

loor, ~

§|w a m e d |r CLEAN HAGS

n e w s o p f ic e I

Mr. HomeseekerBoy

o. You have read in th( -----i the opportunities for invesi

r ^ h '; N O E T H «Now is tho time to bu;

----- - now available.mill. 80 AOEES— Oloseto.

ped with buildings and welR40 AOEES— One-hall

alfalfa, Oood land. Prict



R D A Y , F E B . 7 , 1 9 2 0 '

' ■■■ ■ I- -

S E C IIiS i■ ' -• r - ' -^> 1 : ' ■

j If you want tq bay, lell, ” oiohBngo, barter. di»-

S poso oi or aoqniro AHY-THINO try DaUy H em ■ ■ Class ada. ■ , ”

^ ? ^ B s = s = K 3 a e :^ s s R s rs s s s s s s s s ra :s s .

t BUSINESS DIRECTORY■»y ^ •?. B U S n iE S S O A E D E A T B S10, One Inmrtlnn, per line___ ....__ __«lOe

One wsek, per U n e _____________ 26c; r One montli, per l in e ______ .'.___ :„.76®

—P H O N E S ^ '


W n S o W O L A S ^W ind ahields; c«b- ~ inot work. Moon’s Shop, Phooo a.

_ T R A N S P B E

OBoS b T R A K a rm ^ OOMPANY ,fii Phono 348. .0,1 ---- I I I - — ' In,-; P IA N O T U N IN O •gh ---- -------------- ------------------------- •■■ ■:ot PIANO TUOTNO—8. O. HttlK Phon*Di- 64, Bogerson Hotel.

w- P I ^ O SUNIHO—Phone 108. L o n s ri- Musie Co.lo .... • .•P P IA N O B T U M O

nv ^ iA k o S t l ^ i o —iirs . ismt m n t;^ ur Piano lessons. Phono MI-B, 120 fltb

Ave. No.e- ■____jr- ' '

g , p > r o f e j j i o M . a . l

“ A T T . o 5 J i s i

AnH^h"[JJII HOMEB 0. M ILLS-Boyd B a i ] d M ~

TATL0& CUMMINS—Babeoek Bid«ID Probate and civil praetiw>•:s ----------------------------------------------------ar- SWEBLET ft .BWEBUrT—Attomeys iTc. a t Law. ProetlftQ i& *11 Ooarts, TwiB iad Foils, Idaho. \ .j ’ ' a M. W O tr B - U » r j« , Boonu IS

6, over Idaho Department Storn.«-) Falls, Idaho.igh -------- -------- ------ — .. & X H . ' WIBB—U w yer. PoUy ats^

ed'OoBeetlon Departaxeat Otfwe^—IH \ Booms 6 and t, oVei'.Twln ra ils B«nk S d * Trust Co., Twin P all^ H ih o . leld jT -Jnn im -iju iittlo A B O H IT E O Tcri- . - _ - ____1 -__________

0HAELB8 B. KAUFMAN, srehitect,IIU-: Babooek.bnilding, ‘ •

ars. O O L L E O T IO N S

[cc. D O W J. BHWBT—B. * » I ^ . lo e ^ n s <ind Oommorelal Law.

The Board of Trustees of Indepen- ER dent B ^ l District No. 1 of Twia Ini- paUa. Oooa^> Idaho, wiU seU 20 r« a r

nego^blA eo u p u b o n « in tbo sum of $100,1000 Thursday, Pobniary I t , 1380,

24 ftt the otfie*- of tbe elorit a t tbe boor S. o f 8 . p. BL, In the (Hty of Twin Tails,

W®- Idabo.. . Baid bonda to bear data tbo 1st day of

March, A. D. 1030, and xodeomable a i follows: $10,000 H aieb' 1, 1931, -

iav« $10^00 ea March 1st e f ««eb j« u thereafter; rate of interest ao t to <a- eeed 0 por ee n t A certified eheek for M,000 mviaV aetompaay all l»l4t. Tbe Board reserves the right to reject any

___ ond all bids.GEO. E. BBYANT,

Clerk.January 81, 1020.

Finding a position ia aometlmea a most disheartening task. Ju st to rolj upon friends, or upon going about ami making pornonnl applications, ofton loads to utter diseoorogvmeat. Th-i quick rond to a position is through tho classified. Bomctimcs thia road re­quires more than ono day to travet— but it leads inevitably to the doair.>d

I goal if followed.

ir and InvesWr—t h e s e c o lu m n s o u r s t a t e m e n t o f

v e s tm e n t a n d p r o f i t in

a S ID E P A B M S

b u y a n d h e r e a r e tw o g o o d p la c e s

t o J e r o m o . L a y s w e ll, fn l ly e q n ip - weU. AD f c n c e d . P r ic e $ 3 3 5 p o r

j a l f niiile o f s t a t i o n . SO a o r e s in r ic c $ 1 8 0 p e r a o re .

-W E A E E “ A T YO U E S E E V IO E " *


= _ = = _ = J

Page 8: W A a l l ilm h i l i ilifi

........... ,••-•■u b n .

5H I'Farmez^'ftnd Workers Display

Interest ia Oo-operative , - Scheme ' *

- ■ ■ ■■- aEDthufliasm oad willlni^bss -to Bub- t

■cribfl -for promotion «to«k woro tJio ° domJnaxrt feature* of Inst aJffht'e m®ot* , lng of farmora and «ity mos for eouid* t erattea of tho ostabHahlnff o f a Eoch- p daltf co-oporativo ploa storo Id Twin *' Fttllfc Tho t<vtaJ ainouat « f stock thu* * far roportcd is apprdxinmtolf $10,500.

Tfio convcnUon, hold In Parish ’hall, | drpw not IcM than SSftJorroorB aad city * workors.. B^bacrlption lists, worked on ■dHrinfj' lho paat wook for tUo purjrow “ n f proRiirinR plodges for tho 'tiuroha.<o ’ o f ftlock, wuro presented for olicckin,; nnd Hhflwcd »lfl,430 nubKrlbod. >. Opcninjt iho meotinfj .Dr.' Joho _B. "

White, orffanizai;.of tlilv effo rt toward :*• loeatin;; a cooporativo «toro in Twin

Falls', roviowod Wio Rochdalo plf^h'?r5m ita incopUou in EoRland in taio 40’s. Tlo said tho Uochdalo co-oporativo srhomo of buying and «cllin(; (O'l'W out o f a period of iilrww'in England wljen ‘ profltoeni, 'taking ndvantnKO of .a oritl* cal oUuntionj «oniM-cd nil K^ain nnd cereal provinlon», tho prico of whjeh wan run up to nn exorbltniit di.*(rroo. In his rovl.cw Dr. Whltii ntatod’ that tiio Rociulalo plnn hoii iavadod many Kuro- | peon coutttrics, and whcro oporatod on truly Rorlidalo syntcina it is eminently Kuccensful. I>r. Wlilto docricd .the “ Anierlcnii p lan” of "corporaUon;” innlphd nf eo-opnralhu, sayinff iho' for* , mcr meant bip profits for a fow, whllo eo-opoMtlon moon.-i roaimnablo profits fnr nil. Ho stated tliat la ‘tihfl United . BtatOH now thoro aro 270 Bochdalo Mores, £7 boing locatcd in Kansas 6 lty alone. Ho nd^od that tlirough- iho iipchdalo schrniR of buying and aolling coal can laid dowA In Twin Falls consumprs’ bias a t not to vxceod 7.50. He told his auditors, too, tba t a Boeh dale storo dooa ao t n^wn eat prieat^ d»< rlaring th a t tho profits como through dividends doelarod quarterly. Oloalng Ills remarks Dr. Wblto void -ho foresaw vuccossful conoluaioa of iho atock sab iicvlbing by Uareh 1, and tlio oporatloa o f a storo is April.

Jamos Pendlobury of Btaokfoot, Ida­ho, formerly o f Barns, ad- drouod the aaaembUge a n d < tfH a a il* luiniaatias talk oa operatiag-'^ktariM of tbe Bochdalo plan. U r. Pendlebary, beforo eomiag t« Uitlt«d States, f«r a anmber of yeara was eoaaectod with tho cxooutiTo depariffloat of a Boeh* date atoro io Baraa, wbtoh ia bat aiatt miles from Bochdalo itaolf. He anawor* ed all qoeatloaa addresaod to liim nn Bochdalo questioas aad preaeatod fig* area showtag allogod heavy profits >a coal la Idaho. Mr. Peadlebury explain* ed th a t fco-oporativo baying and soiling

. bas roqoired tho additloa of many braaches, laeluding a hom'o-bnildlag do­partmont aad alao a wholosalo branch.

Subseriptionn lUta will be elreulatod throughout tho eoming wook and it is possiblo that a goneral roundnp meettng,

~'f f l U u v i l i H' I ^ w s w

/ f f

BlDjiinty 1»1o»ihoh of linjjori

mnartly tailored rrt'po do our i-cwnt Hliipnu*nt din'ct I KtrikiUKly effective u.s to «-dI

sft in pmUcted timt skiKs

tliix S{*JLS!)I1, pcrhups, baraus in (•oiiii):n’isi»ii. Vcm will ( in(«lolH in onr display.


lp f.C .L L O N G L E lf ^ M S E N T F U IG

Program Prepared for Oeliyery ' of Banner to -Twin FoUa ]

, . . . Legion Post ; JCulminatiag a: . movomeat in'4iat«d

several weeks ago by Jnmcii M. BIcc, adjutant of Don UcCtook post, 0 . A. R.,

. flag prosentation corcmonies of an elab­orate nature will be colcljratcd In the Ugf> wihool auditoriam. Tllo esromon{cB|

’ will t>e of a commuaity nature and will]* to hold a t 8:15 p. m. Tho affair will bet . presided ovor &y Mayor W. H. Eld-| rldgt^, tho- preeuntation addrcsa boln;;, made by Captain C. L. Longlfly.

The dato, Llheoln'^ birthday, hna been selected for this occasion us lc-

I ing oftpoclally npproprlate. Tho o«or- , ciflCH^wlll all be of a potriotic nature : nnlHis a feature a malo elioru^ directed |, by Powoll, will provide some ofi, tho evening's music. Dr. A. O. Beu-i■ nett, fit tho First Mcthoilint church, wlJi

open and cloao t!hc ohdtirvnncca.i Following, is Ibe romploto program:, 8olee.tlons by Uio Twin Fnlla bnml.[ Call Jo orderMayor W. II. Eldridge.

Music—Male chorus.Invocatbn—Dr. A. Q. Bonnott.

t Flag presentation, luldrcHS by Cup*, t(iin 0 L. Longlry.

Acceptance, rcapon.’tc by Lieut. I.k?o ^J Bracken; I__=, Male ohoruji. JoniJ BonedlcUonr-Dr. A. 0 . Bonnott,.^ ] j,u,

■ Cellar Digger? Uncovers Bars ti.‘1 of Robber Loot S

- ~ th 0 W. A. Snyder Turns Up Silver be 9 Bullion whUe Excavating ^0 House Basementg \V. A, Snyder hn* mnde a deposit .it

tho Finit Nntionnl bnnk of a rntiior un- J ustiaL'haturo—unuBunl for this period in , thiil ^ t io n .

Tho deposit in in tho nature of eight trniall bars of silver bullion repreaent-

h lng An necldental discovery Of whai la presumed to be robbom’ buried inot, nnd

* a reminder o f ohl stairernnrli duy» in , Idaho._ 8ny«dor ia a farmer In tho district

about Antolope Springa, wost of RoRor- i^a and not fnr irom t ie 8 .nlmon dam.He had oeeasloQ to build a rosidoneo >it

1 A&tolope Springs'and while d!ffK>»g^ tho basoaeat oncoontored iho ^ t y* aboot four feot below tho surface.* Tolling of Uio discovery Mr. Snyder* saya ho was plokin^ and tho implement a euddonly aonk into a hole, rovoallng the I* presoaco of two sliver bars InveaHga-

tion revealed iho proseneo of six other '* aimilar bars and a quantity of docayod A wood, suggesting ih a t the' bars had nty _____________________________■D s = = = = = = = = ^ ^ = = e = =!• with a banquet as ono of tho .ittrnct- g ing features, will bo hold In tho vury y near futuro tp put tho final touches to y tbe orgasltlng effort.I. SQbseription lists, circulated nmong d tho working men In Twia Falls, dom- a onatrated inMnse Iaterest In tho Bocb-

dalo eo-operativo store movcmoDt hera

- : EaRev

I t f You willjll - ful Fash

j f l So manjI I that is r

/ / I fairly thj l l alone thf / / / .You wil

• / n high fa\I I ly a ttin

■ I vy trico'Ub Then th

t B silhouetof them

S mlg-ht w . g ins.

Your St - and aui

Fashion is quite

Clauseslo v e ly (rrontiotiH In j je o rn e tte ,

r h in c a n d Nutiii b lo u se s a r r iv e d in t fro tn New’ Y o rk . T lio in o d t'ls nve •oI<ir.

Skirtst s a n d liUin>Jes will v<‘ry p o |n i l ji fu se I l f 111;' I 'a rl ilia l sni(.'< a r cI r i n d .a plfa-<iii:: o f lati


AltnanaeWihi J Decision Over :

Weather Man »

PBRITNA won a decision over J ’tho state’s paid prognosUea- mottor M a y . .’n ie -P o n m a al' \v.. <

I ' mnnae prcdlotod .Btarmy weather , * for todays and fo r aome 4ays te

> come, \vlth lowor temperatures "PP> t^iroupliout this 8(>ctlon of the . San

country. ’ — pon't Tlio weatJier iiupeFhitcndent or-

dered “ fair Saturday.", I f disbelief is ontortained in , P®5• I what is herewith recorded . eon* ,• ,t- r coming tho a lm ^ ao the boOK'

will provide Its own testimony as , lo l l i p r td ltlio n .

Anyhow tlio Boise cxooutlvo of the elimntologlcal, worka was

» • vvrhng; to th a t all agree. F irst . ll it blow a vblconie blizzard, thon fl rho tem peraiuro-got a chill and -i Ihlft n-ns folbwod by a sweeping, < r siifi'v from tho northwCTt. . ^

Ilaromotric conditions all ens*; ii'in tho patent nostrum folks' "O'

yueiw for tomorrow, which aays , stormy, the official woatihor ma* "to k(<r to tho contrary notwithstand* ' liiR. of

,. lllRh yeatorday wns 68 with I..V '24 lost night.

l ' " ----- ------ " ~ ■ ' ' ' » <-0lI one time boen enclosed In a box an il I burled. , . [

Mr, Snyder is of tho Imprcsaion that the barn form a p a rt of the loot from a Atageconch holdup, tlio robbers buryloR ^ tho ireasuro and fnlling to k>cate It

L when thoy wanted It, or perhaps being .. t captured beforo they could return to '

tho cache. Tlio voluo of the bn» has not r boen fully determined. They represent

n neat sum but nnt u fortune.. I '

It • •1-

n IkU liN iH


A cheap tube in a IJ speculation. A Kell; I Tire is an, investme a dividends in b i^ ^ ik

: Twin Falls Vglci!■ EXCLUSIVE TIRE!•


arlySp rijveal the Trewill not recall a Season tha ashions as this Spring.any innovations you will v is new, and interesting! It f thrilled a t the prospect oi ! the joy of selecting themwill be pleased, we-know, tc favor among the new Suits; tired in a tricolette Suit ii icotine is very-much in evi(the Coats with their “widi

uettes put such a new note iem have set-in sleeves.' T, ,t wish for from light weigl

■ Spring Frock will probabi juite likely be finished witl ion says it-shall be so. Wl ite as interesting. •

Sport Fite, Beach and Vietory Olotli, in i in .shades, jjeraninnj, navy, pink, 1>I ive tci inis mnto 36 inehos wide and

drt*n’H dresses and school friiekH

New Sprlnar Kew fabrics and ne\v/‘«)Iorin{j ! r ill;; of voiles one of beauty and i it) to simplify tlu‘ ciioosin*; of tli<

spring; wardrobe.

lLLS, id a h c v s a t u b d ,DEFENDANT REQ U Iji^ I [~

V i

I W . to J

H. WljiB, SmoHoa In thd 'd tatrfai \V. O. Sampson t0;payi»rt0 ,ttle‘e6i i r t - l^ 1 following sums- In eonnocUoi» appeal of an octioa in divorce joai by ^m pson In a recoat Irlal: #2000 Um-' 4 pbrary nttorapy's fees; $.500 aa aiitt monor for trial on appeal and <100 per ^ nionth for aupport and maintenance aa X permanent alimony. ‘ ’ • «

Thia motion grows out of the W. 0 . 'J Sampson against Bmmon Sampson di­vorce action, which lately oeuplod . moro than a w eek's attontion in the dis- ^ trict court, the result o f witlch wns a vordlct awai^l for th© defendant, with damages o f ♦10,000. Notico o f appeal has been mado. ^

' o o M u m s io in m s b b t d s h ‘All of the county commissioners huvo

returned from Bolae, whoro t'hoy spont ' sovornl days tills wook attending n con- ■ vention of couaty commissioners o f the atate.

Cbmmissionor Breekon wns a'member of tlie resolutions rommKtoo for tho convention, while CommiiHlotter Parish wa» apppinted ou the leffl-ilatlvc boanl.A number o f cxecilent nddreaaes' on county leirlalntlve and farm matters

jv e ro heard during tlio convention.

I . 7UBT VIEW S SITEIn the case of tho Idaho Farm Devel­

opment company agninst Ira Brackect ond othors, which has beon on trial for several days, the jury left at> 8 o ’clock thin mornlnR lo view tho premises con- cpmetl In the suit. Tho company Is ask-

] 'n n condeninatioii o f -the defendants’ landa for a reservoir site.

a costly easing is a illy Tube in a Kelly nent, which insures ileage.

I 'X

canizing WorksRE MERCHANTS ’


in g Sty lend of Fas):hat has disclosed such \

1 want to know about; s I t reads like a story ant of seeing the new mode tn for actual wear!to. find that Eton styles

ts : or tha t one can be.verj in Tuxedo effect. Of cov

vidence.idth at the hip” and “flai ate in.this season’s modes! The fabrics—most anyth ight duvetyns to shimmer

ibly possess a fullness at t ith a Turkish hem. At leai iVhat she says about the

Fabrics —in an assorftncnt of ii(*w sj)rinii , blue and lav<*nd(“r. Tbe.sc ma nd are especially sifted for chil- cks.

ing Voilesinpj nil b(*lp to make tbis sbow- ' id interest. A visit bore is sure those dainty fabrii's for oiicjs

« > /

D A Y . F E B r 7 , 1 9 2 0 -

jm r 'K M S f -S ' '> ‘, 1 A com^lalBt haaibeen filed fa tho pro* n

bate eourt by '‘J o h a '^ r to r in a . a ^ n i r t ti JehS 'B . Quigley, the ^lo ia tiff seekiB;; ht

, I l l s 'alleged to bo due oa a promlasory ^ ' airte, w ^ 'c o a ta of oetlonj to ^ fljo r witii “ ; lirteteel:. Both parties are resldeata p t * . P lf lQ tif f la repreeeat«d by.A t-4^w ya atrooL aad Oreen,. o f’ Bnh). -


’ ■ i ^ K N Q T O N , </p)—Weather pre- dletldas fo r the weok beginning Mou- day ara:

^ p o r Misdarippl. and'lower Mlasonrl I ■ Occasloaal light saOws about '

the middle aad again at' the end of the week; :allghtiy. colder first of week:normal or above thofeafter.

, .Korthera Bodcy'. aoim tala and pla-• I-« » l «w>wa about middle

M d the oad of tho week. Temperature botew norm al-first of.week aad abovo

I normal Ihereaftor.Southern Bocky monntaln and pla­

teau regions. Pair weather and efoso to normal temperature thnnwbout tho weok.


I-.e •

—Inquire About Our I

American EH. .I-SIN H E X .


leshion / I ' nwonder- ' ■

so much W ■nd one is \\ \ I IJes — let \\ \U '

es are in \\ Wiry smart- \\ Pourse, na- \\ H

are back” V j:s! Many ■[thing you T ering sat-

t the hips,:ast Dame J “le fabrics j p

Fan-Ta-SiWo have just a very few patte

and immensely popular material cut in 2 1-4 yard lengths. Just c

• pocket nnd bolt.

W a rn e r^A W arner’s will pvo yon Ihe

• slitjbtest indented waist and tbe I contour fop tho fashions of tb<* li

(Mch one (;(junjly nice for tbe fi<;i

rij. *r fo r :jw n re « r-« yoBTiffw i» t tivo. Qlve tb s dat^la a proapsetlTs { hoyer sxpeetf. "

I ■ ; , . ■ ; ' " ' ‘ . ■t I , .• I

f W s M t sY djifN E r' 'lOi/Biaiatt—iVoni'--«p- to-i48'-

) oerea «9«h, w ith ' sm alr paym ent. *-dowo ahd terma'to Bnit^parehaaer.

-103 'A e m —In Geni Dlatriet, good eoaifortable/Iipasb. b a n for

, 8'head. o f horsed cow stable, deop'. , well, aboQt <8 aeres . » alfalfa,, . balaaee g taia land. -111,600. :

120 A c rn <4rBlve'tsCdo. Good >’ house, 8tal>l9,'*dee> ireU, aboot'- if

06 aerea in alfalfa, the best of. e soil. Price tlMOO* Orala and 0 hay rent jiald ms more thaa 100 por. eent on tho price aaked for.. Address D. 0. BUB7,° O A L D W E U , m i f B O



The APEX BLEOTBIO WASHEB«is the leader in aervice .simplicity, satis-

1 , faction and improvements.In addition to its efficiency in washing, the APEX is

« the most convenient ma- chii^^ in use; mounted on swivel casters, it is easily moved evon when lull.

Put your dirty clothes and hot water, ,^dth aoap,' into 'the tu t of the A^EX, attach the plug to the elec­tric light socket, touch the button, and the washing— " the whole family washing .— is done in less than two hours, with no labor and at a very small cost for elec­tricity.

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Electric Co.XXAOKBB, Mgr. ^


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-Si Silkstterns to show you uf Ibis new,*ial. Thes(* patterns have betju 'it ciion 'b to make a skirt, v.'ith

S^orsetshe lon;:, straight back line, tin* tbe hip curve,—-the necufSsary | e bour. W(* have nuiny .styles, I. figure it is inlende-Wo fit. .