vvv tourist guide 2013, dordrecht

VVV Tourist Guide 2013 Free publication from VVV Zuid-Holland Zuid Highlights of Dordrecht Tips for a day out Practical information Dordrecht Holland's oldest city

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VVV Tourist Guide 2013, Dordrecht


Page 1: VVV Tourist Guide 2013, Dordrecht

VVV Tourist Guide


Free publication from VVV Zuid-Holland Zuid

Highlights of Dordrecht

Tips for a day out

Practical information

Dordrecht Holland's oldest city

Page 2: VVV Tourist Guide 2013, Dordrecht

At the VVV (Tourist Information Office), you can find tourist and recreational information concerning the Dordrecht region and the rest of the Netherlands, brochures, (bicycle) maps and street maps, accommodation and places of interest. You can also reserve an overnight stay in a hotel or a B&B.

This brochure has been prepared with great care. However, liability with respect to changes or incompleteness cannot be accepted.

PublisherVVV Zuid-Holland ZuidEdited byVVV Zuid-Holland Zuid and Dordrecht MarketingTranslationsFoppen Vertalingen, DordrechtPhotographyDordrecht marketing, Marco de Nood, Fokko van der Straaten, Nationaal Park De Biesbosch, Mascha JoustraDesignBackdoor graphics, BredaPrinted byControl Media, Essen (Belgien)Copies3.000

InformatIon VVV

VVV/intree DordrechtSpuiboulevard 993311 GN Dordrecht0900-463 [email protected].

Opening hours:Tue-Fri: 09:00-18:00Sat: 10:00-17:0015/10-15/4 Mon: 12:00-18:0015/4-15/10 Mon: 10:00-18:00First and last Sunday of the month: 12:00-17:00National holidays: see website



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06 Things not to miss: Highlights

04 Dordrecht, the waterside city

16 Sleeping, eating and drinking: Hotels, restaurants, bars

12 Come and see: Unique

22 How do I get there? Accessibility



08 A long story: History

15 Window shopping and buying: Shopping

10See them all: Monuments

18 Green in and around the city: Nature

13 Experience Dordrecht: Do

Table of conTenTs

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Dordrecht,the waterside city

DorDrechT, The waTersiDe ciTy

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Holland's eldest city is located on an island, surrounded by wide rivers. Around one thousand monuments, historic inner city harbours and a fantastic atmosphere determine the character of this age-old port. Dordrecht is easy to access by both car and public transport. The historic city centre can be found at the intersection of the rivers the Oude Maas, Noord and Merwede. The nature of the Biesbosch holds sway over the green rural area around Dordrecht. Visit: Step 1Visit the Intree Dordrecht visitors' information centre at Spuiboulevard 99. The VVV [Tourist Information Office] will offer you a warm welcome and provide all the information you need about the city. The VVV shop sells books, maps, city walks and souvenirs. Various free brochures are available. Intree Dordrecht offers audio-visual presentations, an interactive scale model of the city, seats, free Wi-Fi and an informative exhibition. You can also pay a visit to the basement where you can see ‘The treasures of Dordrecht’.

Visit: Step 2 This brochure gives an impression of the history of the city, the greatest monuments, the places of interest that you should not miss, the museums, the hotels and restaurants and the nature on the island. It also points out the things you should not miss if you are here for a short (day) visit and the other things to discover if you have somewhat more time. Consult the table of contents for a rapid overview or get inspiration by scrolling through this brochure. Addresses and opening hours are at the back, you can find a map on page 20 of this brochure.

Dordrecht,the waterside city

DorDrechT, The waTersiDe ciTy

Would you like to know more?www.vvvdordrecht.nl

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Things noT To miss: highlighTs

things not to miss: Highlights

• Historic harbours• Groothoofd• Grote Kerk• Het Hof• Huis van Gijn• Dordrechts Museum• 1600 monuments• Events

What shouldn't you miss when visiting Dordrecht? First visit the places that determine the character and skyline of the city.

Historic harboursDordrecht has havens [harbours], but no canals. The Voorstraatshaven forms the backbone of the old city. Graceful bridges connect the Voorstraat and the Wijnstraat, streets that lie on either side of the water. To effectively handle trade, the Nieuwe Haven (1410) and the Wolwevershaven (1609) were created, followed later by the Maartensgat and the Kalkhaven. The unchanged attractive harbour quarter with its warehouses, merchants' mansions, quays and - now - pleasure boats is found between the Grote Kerk and Groothoofd.

GroothoofdThe much-praised view of the three-river point at the Groothoofd is at your feet if you walk from the inner city through the Groothoofdspoort gate. In the past, this was the most important mooring for ships. The Groothoofdspoort gate, the main city gate, determines together with the Grote Kerk the skyline of the city from the water. The rivers the Oude Maas, Beneden Merwede and Noord converge at Dordrecht at Europe's busiest river confluence: a place where you never need to be bored.

Grote Kerk The Grote Kerk, the Great Church, is the most well-known monument of Dordrecht and a landmark in the city. A striking feature is the leaning

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Things noT To miss: highlighTs

tower, which houses the 67-bell carillon. The church is built on the site of an early medieval chapel and assumed its current form at the end of the fifteenth century. Things that stand out in the interior of the late gothic church are the choir stalls decorated with carving, the brass choir screen, the mahogany pulpit, the organ, the chapels and the stained-glass windows. The Mariakoor with its star vault is the oldest part of the church.

Het HofIn the Middle Ages, Het Hof was the most important Augustinian monastery in the Northern Netherlands. What remains are the main building with the refectory, the sleeping quarters and the crypts. In 1572, an important meeting was held in Het Hof of the cities of Holland that revolted against King Philip II of Spain. Their decision led to the inde-pendent Republic of the United Netherlands. After being renovated and restored, Het Hof will be reopened at the end of 2014 with a contemporary presentation of the history of Dordrecht, an exhibition hall and a reading room.

Huis van GijnEveryone can roam through the former residence of Simon van Gijn, because it is now a museum. Here you can see how this nineteenth century collector and art lover lived with his wife. He purchased the prominent building on the Nieuwe Haven in 1864 and created various period rooms. His collection includes model ships, porcelain, glass, silver, furniture, prints and paintings. Antique toys are on display in the attic. In this domestic museum, the linen hangs on the washing line, the dinner table is set with attractive crockery and the copper pans gleam in the kitchen.

Dordrechts Museum Early and contemporary artwork is housed in a historic building with a modern wing on the Museumstraat: the Dordrechts Museum. It is the treasure house of Dutch painting from 1600 onwards. Of course, works from famous Dordrecht painters including Aelbert

Cuyp are on display. The museum has a restaurant with a terrace on the garden side, a museum shop and a film and concert hall. Exhibitions are held and activities arranged for children and adults regularly. The permanent collection is always on display.

1600 monuments Dordrecht has almost 900 listed buildings, 700 municipal monuments and a large number of striking buildings. Extraordinary facades, residences, churches and other buildings can mainly be found in the historic inner city and the surrounding nineteenth century ring of buildings. See page 10 for some extraordinary monuments.

EventsLarge and small events ensure a feeling of vitality in the city. On the first Sunday of July, the most attractive antiquarian and second-hand books can be bought from the more than 550 stalls of the Dordtse Boekenmarkt [Dordrecht Book Market]. The Big Rivers music festival in July offers a swinging summer weekend with performances on podiums in the inner city. In the second weekend of September, historic buildings and museums can be visited for free during the Open Monumen-tendagen [Open Monument Days]. In December, the Christmas Market creates a great Christmas atmosphere in the historic inner city. Up-to-date information concerning events can be found on the VVV website.

Would you like to know more?www.vvvdordrecht.nl www.grotekerk-dordrecht.nlwww.huisvangijn.nl

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a long sTory: hisTory

Almost one thousand years ago, the first inhabitants of Dordrecht came to live on the banks of the Thuredrith river. In the early Middle Ages, Dordrecht grew from being a simple settlement into the most powerful mercantile city of Holland. There are many stories to tell about Dordrecht's long history. You can find a few below.

a long story: History


City rightsDordrecht arose in the water-rich area on the banks of the Thuredrith river. The favourable location at an intersection of trade routes, mainly over water, accelerated the development of the city. In 1220, the count of Holland bestowed city rights on a residential area for the first time. This was Dordrecht, the first city of Holland.

Medieval city with 'staple rights'Dordrecht received more privileges. The most important was the 'stapelrecht' [staple rights]. All ships that transported goods over the water were obliged to store and trade them in Dordrecht. The city grew, first along the raised embankments of the river Thuredrith, which is now the Voorstraatshaven. Later, warehouses and merchants' houses were built on the sandbanks outside of the city. Here, the Nieuwe Haven and the Wolwevershaven were created. The city became prosperous and influential.

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a long sTory: hisTory

Wine tradeGrain, wood, sugar and wine were important commodities. The winding Wijnstraat, the Wijnhaven and the wine warehouses are reminders of the flourishing wine trade. Wine sellers, timber merchants and owners of breweries and sugar refineries lived in prominent houses along the Wijnstraat and Groenmarkt. Along the Voorstraatshaven, there are jetties where ships moored to unload their cargoes.

St. Elisabeth floodThe water brought not only prosperity, it also regularly caused problems: floods and burst dykes. In 1421, disaster struck. The St. Elisabeth flood caused extensive flooding around Dordrecht. Some of this area was later reclaimed and enclosed by dykes, a large area developed into the Biesbosch. The forces of nature changed the landscape for ever, but the city was spared. Trade steadily recovered and attracted merchants and craftsmen from Germany, Flanders and England.

The birth of the NetherlandsDordrecht also played an important role in the area of politics. In 1572, twelve cities of Holland met in secret in Dordrecht to join forces to resist Spanish rule. They supported William of Orange by funding an army and acknowledged him as their only stadtholder. The First Assembly of the Free States, held in Het Hof, marks the beginning of an independent Dutch state. Dordrecht is the city where The Netherlands was born.

The Dordrecht SynodThe Synod of Dordrecht was held in 1618/1619 to put an end to the religious disputes within the protestant church. The results of this important national synod were the Dordrecht principles and the order to make the first Dutch translation of the bible. This became the Statenbijbel [State Bible] of 1637. The Synod and the authorised translation of the bible have greatly influenced the ecclesiastical and cultural history of the Netherlands and the Dutch language.

The changing cityThe staple rights were rescinded, Rotterdam and Amsterdam grew as trading cities. Dordrecht had to abandon its leading position. In the nineteenth century, many ships were still built in the yards along the river. By then, the majority of the city wall had been demolished. The city gates disappeared, bridges appeared made of cast iron and Itz, the city architect, provided the city with buildings in the neoclassical style. The desire to innovate also resulted in demolition in the nineteen sixties. Even so, the city always retained its own (and self-willed) character.

Famous citizens of Dordrecht

Johan und Cornelis De Witt are immortalized in bronze on the Visbrug bridge. They were born in

the Grotekerksbuurt. In the seventeenth century, they climbed high on the political ladder, but were murdered by the people. The landscape paintings of Aelbert Cuyp (1620-1691) are world famous. He lived and worked his entire life in Dordrecht. Ary Scheffer, born in Dordrecht (1795-1858), became a famous romantic painter in Paris. His statue can be found on the Scheffersplein. In 1864, Simon van Gijn bought a house on the Nieuwe Haven. When he died in 1921, the city inherited his house and his artistic collections.

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see Them all: monumenTs

Dordrecht is a true city of monuments. With buildings that were built in the Middle Ages, typical Dordrecht facades, prominent mansions, warehouses, churches and water towers. Read more about several special monuments here.

See them all: Monuments

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see Them all: monumenTs

StadhuisThe neoclassicistic facade that the Stadhuis [city hall] received in the nineteenth century hides the medieval secret behind: this building, with its cellars with groined vaults and its roof with the original wooden construction, was built in the fourteenth century as the Flemish commodity exchange. It became the home of the city council in 1544. When you visit, explore the hunting room, the eighteenth century prison in the attic and the wedding room with wall paintings by Reinier Kennedy.

AlmshousesBetween Bagijnhof and Vriesestraat are the almshouses of the Regenten- of Lenghenhof. They are built around several central courtyards. These almshouses, which date from 1755 and were built for poor women, were governed by trustees. The oldest are on the side of the Bagijnhof. In 1625, Arend Maartenszoon founded the almshouses for poor women that bear his name in the Museumstraat. Cottages surround a courtyard with ancient trees and a water well and are now occupied by both men and women.

Dordts PatriciërshuisBehind the grand facade of Wolwevershaven 9, you find the ‘Dordts Patriciërshuis, Museum aan de Maas’ [Dordrecht mansion, museum on the river Meuse]. Here you can go back in time and experience how a Dordrecht patrician household lived at the end of the eighteenth century. Furniture and articles in the style of Louis XVI, drawings and paintings decorate the period rooms in this historic mansion. From the circular Maaskamer, you have a unique view of the Oude Maas, Noord and Merwede rivers.

Munt van Hollant The sandstone Muntpoortje gate from 1555 on the Voorstraat gives access to the Muntgebouw [The Mint] where from 1367 up to its closure in 1806 the coins for Holland and Zeeland were minted. The Holland coat of arms hangs above the entrance of the main building. The Dordrechts Museum holds a portrait of the Master of the Mint, painted by Samuel van Hoogstraten in 1674.

’t ZeepaertThis house, built around 1495, is Dordrecht's oldest dwelling and is one of the oldest dwellings in the Netherlands. The original decorative wall ties and cross windows adorn the late Gothic facade made of precious Namur stone. It has been home to a soap maker, a brewer and various merchants. The interior

contains many original elements from various periods. The restored building is now used for conferences.

AugustijnenkerkThe most important building of the Augustijnenklooster (now Het Hof) was the church. The design of the original monastery church is unknown. After a fire in 1512, the church was rebuilt and in 1776 the facade was reconstructed. It is an example of the style referred to as early Waterstaatstijl. Prominent Dordrecht people (including Aelbert Cuyp) are buried in the church. Striking features are the pulpit, the Maarschalkerweerd organ, the wooden barrel vault and other historic elements.

Kyck over den DyckOf the many different types of windmill: polder mills, grist mills, sawmills, oil mills and malt mills that previously operated in Dordrecht, only one remains: Kyck over den Dyck, a tower mill that projects high above the Noordendijk. The malt mill, which was built in 1713, was later used to grind grain. The last restoration restored this use. The mill operates on Saturdays, the platform offers a splendid view and the shop sells products from the mill including flour and biscuits.

Would you like to know more?For the addresses and opening times of the monuments that can be visited, see page 27.


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come anD see: unique

Come and see:


Dordrecht has several exceptional buildings and places that are unique to the city and the country. Why are they so special? Read about them here, but then go and discover them yourself.

Noah's ArkThe Biblical story of the Flood and Noah's Ark is told in the belly of this enormous ship. With its impressive dimensions, the wooden ship on the Maasstraat is a great attraction. You get an impression of the life of Noah and the animals in this Ark and get to see how this replica was built. From the restaurant and the top deck, you have an extensive view over Dordrecht and its surroundings.

Villa AugustusSleeping in a water tower, strolling through vegetable and ornamental gardens, eating in what was once a pumping station: this is all possible in Villa Augustus on the site of the former waterworks of Dordrecht. The complex, with the water tower that was built between 1881 and 1883 and the pumping station from 1942, is located on the Wantij, at the corner of Oranjelaan and Noordendijk. Creative entrepreneurs transformed the site into a green and lively place where you can eat and drink, sleep, shop and stroll through the gardens.

EnergiehuisSince the start of 2013, the former electricity plant on the Noordendijk has been a home for performing arts. Various organisations hold pop and classical concerts, theatre performances and dance shows. It also houses a café-restaurant: Khotinsky. The complex consists of three adjacent buildings in different building styles. It is a beautiful example of industrial architecture from the beginning of the twentieth century. As Dordrecht's house of culture, the complex has a second life.

Would you like to know more?www.arkvannoach.com www.villa-augustus.nl www.energiehuis.nl

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Just wander around the city, follow the signs for the 'Rondje Dordt' city walk or view the monuments from the water? Choose for yourself how to discover Dordrecht.

City walksThe 'Rondje Dordt' [Discovering Dordrecht] is a clearly signed walk taking in the most important monuments of the city. The route is marked by posts with a gold band and a ‘Rondje Dordt’ sign. Stroll past art and antique shops by following the map in the ‘Kunstrondje Dordt’ [Dordrecht Art Walk] folder. Groups can book a city walk led by a VVV guide at the VVV.

Waterrondje DordrechtView the monuments from another perspective: from the water. From April to October, the Dordtevaar, an open electric pleasure boat, makes a relaxed trip through the harbours of the historic inner city in just

under an hour. The Dordtevaar departs from the Wijnbrug Bridge. You also venture onto the river to get a great view of the Groothoofdspoort gate.

Climb a towerIt takes some energy, but after a climb to the gallery of the Grote Kerkstoren, the city lies - in miniature - at your feet. The view of the city and the rivers is fantastic. The construction of the tower, which with the spire was intended to rise to 108 metres, started at the beginning of the fourteenth century. Subsidence during construction meant that the original plan had to be scrapped. For the lovers of facts: the tower is 2.25 metres from the vertical, the spiral staircase has 275

Experience Dordrecht: Do


experience DorDrechT: Do

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experience DorDrechT: Do

steps, the clock faces were installed in 1626 and the carillon has 67 bells. And don't forget that view!

Cycling on the islandTake the bicycle and ride out of town, you are soon surrounded by the green polders (reclaimed low-lying areas) and nature reserves of the Biesbosch on the island of Dordrecht. The 'Eiland van Dordrecht' cycle route follows the numbers of the cycling route network and takes you over old dykes and car-free cycle paths through the nature of the Biesbosch and along the Wantij. The route starts in the centre of Dordrecht, follow route numbers: 88 > 87 > 86 > 84 > 83 > 44 > 43 > 42 > 41 > 85 > 81 > 75 > 46 > 47 > 48 > 49 > 88.

Active perceptionGo to the outskirts of the city and take a refreshing trip through the nature of the Biesbosch. Short walks are marked out in the neighbourhood of the Biesbosch Centre Dordrecht. Explore the Biesbosch from the water? Rent a canoe, rowing boat or electric boat from the Biesbosch Centre for a trip through this water-rich national park.

Would you like to know more?www.vvvdordrecht.nlwww.kunstrondje.nl

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winDow shopping anD buying: shopping

Shopping streetsFor the latest fashion, bags, spectacles and shoes try the shops on the Achterom, Bagijnhof, around the Statenplein and in the Drievriendenhof arcade. In the Vriesestraat you can find a succession of specialist shops. You can buy farmhouse cheese from Gertjan de Kaasboer, bonbons from ’n Joy Chocolate, cakes from Van der Sterre and traditional spirits from Rutte. Discover the other extraordinary shops in the inner city yourself.

VoorstraatThe Voorstraat is one of Dordrecht's oldest streets. It is a long pedestrian shopping street that winds its way following the Voorstraatshaven and also acts as a dam. This is where the people of Dordrecht have traditionally shopped. Voorstraat Noord is mainly the domain of art and antique dealers and specialist shops including the wine shop Rood, wit en rosé and Olala Chocola.

MarketsOn Fridays and Saturdays, weekly markets are held on the Statenplein. Here you go to buy flowers, fried fish, fruit and vegetables, cheese, but also attractively priced clothes and (on Friday) there is a farmers market selling organically grown products. Every Thursday, in the area around the Nieuwkerk, you can find the stalls of the Culimarkt, with a large assortment of fresh, organically grown and traditional products and delicacies.

KunstrondjeA lover of art, books or antiques? A collector of curiosa? In Dordrecht, you can follow a route along the art dealers, galleries, antique and curiosa shops and antiquarians that can be found close together in the inner city. The shops that collaborate in the Kunstrondje Dordt [Art Walk Dordrecht] open specially on the first Sunday of the month. Get a free folder

Window shopping and buying : Shopping Start your shopping adventure in the heart of the city. Fashion stores, department stores and well-known shop chains are found together in the area around the Statenplein. True Dordrecht specialist stores and unique shops give colour to the sometimes narrow shopping streets.

from the VVV that contains a map and the addresses of the participants in the Kunstrondje.

SouvenirsFor attractive and affordable souvenirs from Holland and special Dordrecht souvenirs, there is no better place to be than the VVV shop in Intree Dordrecht. Of course, you will also find here a wide assortment of maps, routes, tourist guides and books.

Would you like to know more?Late night shopping every Thursday, and the shops are open on the last Sunday of the month.


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HotelsGet a good night's sleep and a great meal in Bellevue Groothoofd Hotel Culinair, which offers a view of the three-river confluence. Hotel Dordrecht offers romantically furnished rooms in the former residence of Frans Lebret, the Dordrecht painter. The modern Inner City Hotel is a couple of minutes' walk from the NS railway station and the city centre. Not directly in the inner city, but with their own

parking and modern facilities, are the Bastion Hotel Dordrecht and Postillion Hotel Dordrecht. Close to the beautiful nature of the Biesbosch, you can stay in the Stayokay Hotel or Hotel Kop van ’t Land.

Sleeping in a water tower An exceptional place to stay the night is Villa Augustus on the site of the former Dordrecht waterworks. The rooms in the nineteenth century water tower have all been furnished differently. Gardens surround the tower and a restaurant and market café can be found in the former pumping station. The rooms in Hotel De Watertoren on the Kromme Zandweg offer you a view over the polders. The hotel has been created in the former water tower of Dubbeldam, a village that has now become a district of Dordrecht.

Bed & BreakfastThe B&Bs and other private accommodation offering overnight stays are small scale, homely and

Sleeping, eating and drinking: Hotels, restaurants, barsThere is much to see in and around Dordrecht, so it is a good idea to stay for the night. Discover the flavours of Dordrecht in restaurants and cafés. You can also try the spirits, beer and pastries originating from the city.

sleeping, eaTing anD Drinking: hoTels, resTauranTs, bars

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sleeping, eaTing anD Drinking: hoTels, resTauranTs, bars

often very surprising. Above a violin workshop, close to the Grote Kerk, with a view of the harbours or conversely on the outskirts of the polder: there are numerous great addresses in Dordrecht. Ask for advice at the VVV or find a list of addresses on the VVV website.

Weekend breakIs one day not enough? Book a Discover Dordrecht weekend break, Ontdek Dordrecht, from the VVV and enjoy a relaxed visit to the city and the Biesbosch. You can choose between three inner city hotels. The package includes admission to the Dordrechts Museum or Huis van Gijn, a day ticket for the waterbus and a present from Dordrecht. Available throughout the year, arrival on either Friday or Saturday.

Enjoy your mealYou can find different styles of places to eat or drink around the Scheffersplein and Statenplein, in the Nieuwstraat and on the Groenmarkt. Would you prefer to be closer to the water? There are many cafés and restaurants around the Groothoofd and near the Grote Kerk. In the summer, you can enjoy an Italian ice cream at Talamini or La Venezia. Would you prefer a beer? Café De Tijd is the place to be, it has an enormous selection of beers on tap and a beer menu.

Spirits ‘Oude Simon’ gin, a Dutch gin, cinnamon and almond liqueur, eau-de-vie from pears: these are all purely natural products made by Rutte & Zn. This Dutch gin and liqueur distillery has been distilling spirits at the corner of the Vriesestraat and the Stoofstraat since 1872. Don't forget to visit the attractive shop! The traditional Rijneveen distillery on the Groenmarkt also produces Dutch gins, absinth and liqueurs. It is possible for (small) groups to book a visit.

StadsbrouwerijIn the restored malthouse of De Sleutel, the historic Dordrecht brewery on the Buddingh’plein, they brew pure and delicious beer. The Schapenkopje [sheep's head] beer is available from several shops in Dordrecht. Every last Saturday afternoon of the month, you can take a tour of the Stadsbrouwerij.

Moreish Sensational flavours are created in the ’nJoy Chocolate studio. The traditionally made bonbons

are so moreish. Olala Chocola, in a beautiful historic building on the Voorstraat, also entices passers-by with its chocolate creations. On Saturday afternoons, you can follow a bonbon-making workshop. The delicious Brokking hazelnut pastry is served in various cafés and restaurants. Ever tried 'appelmarijn' (a special apple pastry)? Draw up a chair in Konditorei Van der Sterre and enjoy.

TeatimeHet Theewinkeltje in the Nieuwstraat offers an extensive range of teas, including a special Dordrecht and Biesbosch blend. At Christa’s Cookies you can make a reservation for afternoon tea with Christa’s homemade delicious cheesecake, scones, cookies and brownies. During a bicycle ride over the island of Dordrecht, you can take a break at the horse-milking parlour Shirestal De Griendheuvel. In the summer, you can visit the garden terrace where you can drink a glass of horse milk or a cup of coffee or tea.

Would you like to know more?For a list of accommodation addresses: see page 26.


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A trip out of town in search of refreshing green? The Biesbosch National Park is in easy reach. With their ancient trees, ponds and borders, the parks and gardens in the city also give you the outdoor feeling.

Green in and around the city: Nature

green in anD arounD The ciTy: naTure

Naturally: De BiesboschThe Biesbosch National Park is an extensive freshwater tidal area that is within easy and fast reach of Dordrecht. These unique wetlands arose after a natural disaster. In 1421, the St. Elisabeth flood inundated the land around Dordrecht. Due to the influence of high and low tides, in the centuries that followed a rugged

natural area arose, with osier and reed beds and meandering creeks. The Hollandse Biesbosch, on the island of Dordrecht, is part of the National Park.

Holland's jungleIn the Biesbosch you can sail, walk, ride a bike, picnic and discover nature. The Biesbosch

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green in anD arounD The ciTy: naTure

centre Dordrecht is the starting point for sailing and walking excursions. Would you like to take to the water on your own? You can rent rowing boats, canoes and electric whisper boats. A solar-energy-powered ferry sails between the Biesbosch centre and the Griendmuseumpad, where you can go for a relaxing nature walk. Navigating through the creeks you can imagine yourself in an adventurous Holland jungle!

De Elzen You can walk, play and even swim to your heart's content in the Elzen forest on the southern part of the island. It has walking, cycling and bridle paths, a wood in which children can play, the cultural historic museum Twintighoeven and a natural swimming pool near the De Viersprong pavilion. The adjacent Nieuwe Dordtse Biesbosch is a newly developed nature and recreational reserve. The Tongplaat is open to the river and attracts many water birds.

Green in the cityTwo city parks have been created on former country estates: the Merwesteinpark and the

Weizigtpark. The landscaped gardens and city farm of the Duurzaamheidscentrum Weizigt [sustainability centre] are freely accessible during the day. The Wantijpark is the largest city park. It has ponds, pastures, footpaths and a large playing field. Close to this park are the vegetable, herb and ornamental gardens of Villa Augustus, which are open to the public.

Strolling along the riverBetween the Oosthaven and Zuidhaven, an adventurous path winds through the osier and reed beds and the willow thickets along the banks of the Nieuwe Merwede river. Strong shoes are certainly required to explore this area of the Dordrecht Biesbosch. At the Kop van ’t Land, you can take a ferry to the Brabant side of the Biesbosch National Park.

Would you like more information?www.vvvdordrecht.nl


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Download citymap.

Uitgever: Dordrecht Marketing Design/DTP: www.buffelreclame.nlFotografi e: Mascha Joustra/le.sTudio.35

Places of interest:1 Grote Kerk2 City hall3 Public library4 Museum Huis van Gijn5 Museum '40-'456 School museum (temporary location)

7 Straatman Dock (monument)

8 Warehouse Stokholm (monument)

9 Dordts Patriciërshuis (monument)

10 Damiatebrug 11 Groothoofdspoort (monument)

12 ’t Zeepaert (monument)

13 Bonifatiuskerk 14 Nieuwkerksplein15 Pictura (monument)

16 De Munt (monument)

17 Dordrecht Court 18 Augustijnenkerk19 Berckepoort (monument)

20 Het Hof (1572) (monument)

21 Monastery garden 22 Dordrechts Museum23 The Movies (art cinema opens autumn of 2013)

24 Arend Maartenszhof (almshouses)

25 Regentenhof (almshouses)

26 Windmill 'Kyck over den Dyck'27 Energiehuis (pop podium)

28 Villa Augustus (monument)

29 DordtYart (art exhibition)

30 Noah's Ark (attraction)

31 Central Station32 Weizigt Natuur & Environment Centre (NMC)33 Council Offices


Police station

Boat trip pick-up point - Dordtevaar

City map

Parking 24 hours free

Parking garage

Bicycle parking free & supervised Cash dispenser

Bus 9 (only on late night shopping evenings, Saturdays and Sundays when shops are open

Bus 10

Bus station



eerste 24 uur gratis



Uitgever: Dordrecht Marketing Design/DTP: www.buffelreclame.nlFotografi e: Mascha Joustra/le.sTudio.35

Places of interest:1 Grote Kerk2 City hall3 Public library4 Museum Huis van Gijn5 Museum '40-'456 School museum (temporary location)

7 Straatman Dock (monument)

8 Warehouse Stokholm (monument)

9 Dordts Patriciërshuis (monument)

10 Damiatebrug 11 Groothoofdspoort (monument)

12 ’t Zeepaert (monument)

13 Bonifatiuskerk 14 Nieuwkerksplein15 Pictura (monument)

16 De Munt (monument)

17 Dordrecht Court 18 Augustijnenkerk19 Berckepoort (monument)

20 Het Hof (1572) (monument)

21 Monastery garden 22 Dordrechts Museum23 The Movies (art cinema opens autumn of 2013)

24 Arend Maartenszhof (almshouses)

25 Regentenhof (almshouses)

26 Windmill 'Kyck over den Dyck'27 Energiehuis (pop podium)

28 Villa Augustus (monument)

29 DordtYart (art exhibition)

30 Noah's Ark (attraction)

31 Central Station32 Weizigt Natuur & Environment Centre (NMC)33 Council Offices


Police station

Boat trip pick-up point - Dordtevaar

City map

Parking 24 hours free

Parking garage

Bicycle parking free & supervised Cash dispenser

Bus 9 (only on late night shopping evenings, Saturdays and Sundays when shops are open

Bus 10

Bus station



eerste 24 uur gratis



Page 21: VVV Tourist Guide 2013, Dordrecht



Uitgever: Dordrecht Marketing Design/DTP: www.buffelreclame.nlFotografi e: Mascha Joustra/le.sTudio.35

Places of interest:1 Grote Kerk2 City hall3 Public library4 Museum Huis van Gijn5 Museum '40-'456 School museum (temporary location)

7 Straatman Dock (monument)

8 Warehouse Stokholm (monument)

9 Dordts Patriciërshuis (monument)

10 Damiatebrug 11 Groothoofdspoort (monument)

12 ’t Zeepaert (monument)

13 Bonifatiuskerk 14 Nieuwkerksplein15 Pictura (monument)

16 De Munt (monument)

17 Dordrecht Court 18 Augustijnenkerk19 Berckepoort (monument)

20 Het Hof (1572) (monument)

21 Monastery garden 22 Dordrechts Museum23 The Movies (art cinema opens autumn of 2013)

24 Arend Maartenszhof (almshouses)

25 Regentenhof (almshouses)

26 Windmill 'Kyck over den Dyck'27 Energiehuis (pop podium)

28 Villa Augustus (monument)

29 DordtYart (art exhibition)

30 Noah's Ark (attraction)

31 Central Station32 Weizigt Natuur & Environment Centre (NMC)33 Council Offices


Police station

Boat trip pick-up point - Dordtevaar

City map

Parking 24 hours free

Parking garage

Bicycle parking free & supervised Cash dispenser

Bus 9 (only on late night shopping evenings, Saturdays and Sundays when shops are open

Bus 10

Bus station



eerste 24 uur gratis



Uitgever: Dordrecht Marketing Design/DTP: www.buffelreclame.nlFotografi e: Mascha Joustra/le.sTudio.35

Places of interest:1 Grote Kerk2 City hall3 Public library4 Museum Huis van Gijn5 Museum '40-'456 School museum (temporary location)

7 Straatman Dock (monument)

8 Warehouse Stokholm (monument)

9 Dordts Patriciërshuis (monument)

10 Damiatebrug 11 Groothoofdspoort (monument)

12 ’t Zeepaert (monument)

13 Bonifatiuskerk 14 Nieuwkerksplein15 Pictura (monument)

16 De Munt (monument)

17 Dordrecht Court 18 Augustijnenkerk19 Berckepoort (monument)

20 Het Hof (1572) (monument)

21 Monastery garden 22 Dordrechts Museum23 The Movies (art cinema opens autumn of 2013)

24 Arend Maartenszhof (almshouses)

25 Regentenhof (almshouses)

26 Windmill 'Kyck over den Dyck'27 Energiehuis (pop podium)

28 Villa Augustus (monument)

29 DordtYart (art exhibition)

30 Noah's Ark (attraction)

31 Central Station32 Weizigt Natuur & Environment Centre (NMC)33 Council Offices


Police station

Boat trip pick-up point - Dordtevaar

City map

Parking 24 hours free

Parking garage

Bicycle parking free & supervised Cash dispenser

Bus 9 (only on late night shopping evenings, Saturdays and Sundays when shops are open

Bus 10

Bus station



eerste 24 uur gratis



Page 22: VVV Tourist Guide 2013, Dordrecht


how Do i geT There? accessibiliTy

By carDordrecht lies on the A16 motorway between Breda and Rotterdam and is also quickly accessible from the A15. Parking is free for the first 24 hours in the Energiehuis and Weeskinderendijk car parks. Or follow the signs and park your car in one of the parking garages in the centre.

Restricted traffic in the inner cityThe car-free area in the historic city centre allows pedestrians to wander around. ‘Pollers’, retractable bollards in the road surface, restrict traffic access to this area, where parking is not allowed.

By bikeBicycles, mopeds and scooters can be parked for free in the Achterom (Raamstraat) and Statenplein (Kolfstraat) bicycle parking facilities. Bicycles can be rented from, among others, Bike Totaal Zwaan (NS station). The VVV rents electric bikes. Recumbent bikes can be rented from Maia Ligfietspunt.

Train and busNS station Dordrecht Centraal is less than a ten-minute walk from the city centre. The NS station is the departure point for the city and regional buses operated by Arriva. Bus line 10

runs through the inner city, past the Grote Kerk [Great Church] and the Groothoofd to the Energiehuis car park.

By waterThe Waterbus sails between Dordrecht and the Drecht cities (various routes) and between Dordrecht and Rotterdam. Bicycles travel free of charge. Waterbuses for Zwijndrecht depart from the Hooikade, the other waterbuses depart from the Merwekade.

Would you like to know more?www.dordrecht.nlwww.9292ov.nl (public transport in the Netherlands)

Dordrecht is easy to reach by both car and public transport. Waterbuses provide public transport by water. Motorised traffic has only limited access to a part of the inner city.

how do I get there? accessibility

Page 23: VVV Tourist Guide 2013, Dordrecht



Arend MaartenszhofCourtyard (1625) with 38 dwellings and a renovated regents' room with its 1701 interior, portrait gallery with portraits of the founder and the first regents. museumstraat 56.

mon-sun 09:00-18:00. free. push the button at the

entrance to the regents' room to illuminate the interior.

Clara en Maria HofNeoclassical courtyard (1880) with 17 dwellings having simple facades.

mon-sun 09:00-18:00. free.

Regenten- of lenghenhofCourtyard (1756) in Louis XV-style with regents' room in Rococo style and 58 dwellings. The complex actually consists of four courtyards that are linked by gates. bagijnhof -.

mon-sun 09:00-18:00. free.

Van SlingelandthofOldest Dordrecht courtyard (1519), currently in use as shops (front) and Salvation Army shelter (rear).Vriesestraat.

mon-sun 09:00-18:00. free.

WilhelminastichtingCourtyard (1927) with 33 dwellings. The design was influenced by the Delft and Amsterdam School.

mon-sun 09:00-18:00. free.


A.E.J. van Asselt 3-room apartment with bathroom, kitchen, toilet and garden. On the outskirts of the centre, close to station.Toulonselaan 60, 06-2621 8209

1 x 6 pers.

De Berkenhof Two apartments in coach house of historic farm on the outskirts of Dordrecht. With own entrance and terrace.wieldrechtse Zeedijk 13, 078-654 9629, www.berkenhofinfo.nl

1 x 2 and 1 x 6 pers. € 425/ 575 p/wk.

Recreatie en Watersportcentrum De Biesbosch Recreation and water sports centre, part of Europarcs, on the 'Hollands Diep' close to the Moerdijk bridge.rijksstraatweg 186, 078-618 3241, www.recreatieenwatersportcen-trumdebiesbosch.nl

Various holiday homes.

Dichterbij Dordt Attractively furnished, 2-storey city apartment (1850).schrijversstraat 8, 078-614 2586

1 x 4 pers. € 450.

Enjoy DordrechtSpacious apartment in historic harbour district with view of the Oude Maas river.l. geldersekade 1, 078-631 2303, www.enjoydordrecht.nl

1 x 2-4 pers. wi-fi.

Holland HuisFully equipped 4-person apartment in the heart of Dordrecht.wijnstraat 168 b, 06-5388 8838

1 x 4 pers.

De Kade Appartementen Luxury apartments/ suites with a view of the three-river point, equipped with, among other things, a Jacuzzi, flatscreen TV and kitchenette.boomstraat 35, 078-632 2463, www.dekade-appartementen.nl

6 x 2 pers., wi-fi. € 499/599 p/wk.

De Kop van 't land 2 x 2 person apartment in small hotel/ innZeedijk 32, 078-630 0650, www.kopvanhetland.nl

2 x 2 pers. € 349 p/wk.

Studio Sweet Dreams With great view of Dordrecht's peaceful harbours. Own entrance.Turfsteiger 8, 078-614 8467

apartment, 1 x 3 pers. € 450, wi-fi.


Noah's ArkThe Ark shows how, according to the Bible, Noah lived. Polyester animals and living (small) animals inhabit the ship. Flatscreen displays inform the visitor about the construction of the ship, the origin of the earth from the perspective of the Bible and the story of the Flood. maasstraat 12, 078-613 4535, www.arkvannoach.com

mon-sat 09:00-18:00. adult € 12.50, child (3-12) € 7.50.

Duurzaamheidscentrum Weizigt [Sustainability centre]The Netherlands most sustainable city farm. Including a cuddle corner, playing with goats and stroking ponies. The Aquarama, where you can learn everything about living under water. And flowering gardens, Bird Island and the Climate Greenhouse. Van baerleplantsoen 30, 078-7708200, www.weizigtnmc.nl

mon-sun 09:00-17:00. free.


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Sterrenwacht Mercurius [observatory]Information centre for space travel, meteorology and astronomy, in De Hollandse Biesbosch nature reserve. In clear weather, visitors can look at the stars through a telescope. The largest exhibition of meteorites of all observatories in Europe.baanhoekweg 75, 0184-490 660, www.sterrenwacht-mercurius.nl

wed-fri 09:00-17:00, sat 13:00-22:00, sun 13:00-18:00, 1st fri of month 20:00-23:00.

adult € 3.25, child (4-12) € 2.25.


B&B Albert Cuyp Attractive B&B close to train station with private entrance and kitchen.singel 276, 078-645 1431, www.bedandbreakfastdordrecht.eu

centre, beds: 2. € 60/80.

B&B Amstelwijck Peaceful rural environment in detached characteristic country house on the outskirts of the city.amstelwijckweg 36, 078-751 6107, www.bbindordrecht.nl

beds: 2, wi-fi. € 50/70.

Bed and Beautiful View In historic centre with a view of the three-river point.kuipershaven 9, 078-844 3654, www.bedandbeautiful-view.nl

centre, beds: 2, 4 Tulips, wi-fi. € 65/125.

Bedbadbrood Apartment with a splendid panoramic view. Stairs make it unsuitable for people with a handicap.wijnstraat 108 a, 078-631 3219, www.bedbadbrood.nl

centre, beds: 2, wi-fi. € 65/85.

B&B De Berkenhof In bakery and coach house of an historic farm on the outskirts of the Biesbosch. With private bath, shower and toilet.wieldrechtse Zeedijk 13, 078-654 9629, www.berkenhofinfo.nl

beds: 10. € 40/75.

Bed and Breakfast BeukenhofSimple detached guest house in park-like garden of a monumental villa close to the centre.singel 87, 078-631 3109, www.beukenhofdordrecht.nl

centre, beds: 2. € 80.

B&B De Biesburcht Small-scale B&B on the outskirts of the city with a view of the Biesbosch. Two comfortable rooms with luxurious bathroom.Johanna naber-erf 218, 078-616 0519, www.biesburcht.nl

beds: 4, wi-fi, charging point for electric bike.

€ 40/70.

Blom aan de Gracht In the historic centre close to the Grote Kerk. Rooms with shower/toilet and private entrance. Bicycle shed.grotekerksbuurt 46 -48, 078-613 8408, www.blomaandegracht.nl

centre, beds: 9, wi-fi. € 55/75.

Enjoy Dordrecht Apartment with living room, kitchen and 2 bedrooms with a view of the Oude Maas river.lange geldersekade 1, 078-6312303, www.enjoydordrecht.nl

centre, beds: 4. € 95.

’t Hofhuysje Situated in a friendly courtyard in the '19de Eeuwse Schil' district, just outside the historic centre.Vriesepoortshof 23, 078-613 1283, www.dordrechtbedandbreakfast.nl

centre, beds: 4, wi-fi. € 55/77.50.

B&B Huize Bots Mansion (1938) in quiet neighbourhood outside of the centre. Shared shower and toilet.reeweg oost 180, 078-635 0012

beds: 4, wi-fi, charging point for electric bike.

€ 38/60.

B&B De logeerbootOn Erasmus, an old pleasure boat moored in the Wantij river outside of the centre.badweg 2 opposite 15, 078-639 0221, www.delogeerboot.nl/bedbreakfast.html

beds: 9, wi-fi. € 40/80.

De luthiers Guest rooms above violin workshop with living room including grand piano where guests can play music. Of course, non-musicians are also welcome.Voorstraat 13, 078-631 3390, www.deluthiers.nl

centre, beds: 6, 5 Tulips. € 85/95.

Moons Bed & BreakfastModern detached B&B with private entrance and parking, situated next to the A16 and N3.rijksstraatweg 56, 078-616 7182, www.moonsbedandbreakfast.com

beds: 2, wi-fi. € 55.

Annemoon Mulder Room with bathroom on second floor of a monumental building in historic inner city.wijnstraat 71-73, 078-614 8973, www.annemoonmulder.nl/benb

centre, 1 bed. € 55/65.

B&B ToF B&B with modern new interior and a splendid view of the harbour, ground floor with private entrance.knolhaven 44, 06-42629255, www.tofslapen.nl

centre, beds: 2, wi-fi. € 50/75.


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Het Tuinhuis Free-standing garden house belonging to a city farm outside of the centre.Dubbeldamseweg Zuid 362, 078-614 9924, www.bedandbreakfasthettuinhuis.nl

beds: 4. € 50/80.

B&B Viottakade 46 In terraced house (1938) outside of the centre with a view of water and vegetation. Attic with bathroom and bedsitting room.Viottakade 46, 078-6139722

beds: 3. € 40/60.

Bed and Breakfast WelcomeIn the historic centre and the most enjoyable street of the city.Vleeshouwersstraat 9, 06-5082 7826, www.bedandbreakfastwel-come.com

centre, beds: 4. € 85.


Boat trips through the Biesbosch

Boat trips and day trips with 2 solar-powered pleasure boats. Various walks and canoe excursions including toadstool and early bird excursions. biesboschcentrum Dordrecht, 078-630 5353, www.np-debiesbosch.nl.

Various trips possible, ask for information at the visitors' centre.

Waterrondje Dordt Sail silently through waterways that were impossible to reach in the past. You sail under leaking bridges, past hazy views and colossal warehouses. De Dordtevaar, wijnbrug, 078-613 0094, www.destroper.com

1/4 to 31/5 mon-sun 14:00-17:00, 1/6 to 31/8 mon-sun 11:00-17:00, 1/9 to 31/10 mon-sun 14:00-17:00. once an hour on the hour. The tide can influence the duration of the trip

and whether the boat will sail.Dates and times conditional, always call in advance.

adult € 6.50, child (4-12) € 5.00. Tickets on sale from fish

restaurant De stroper next to the departure point.


Naturistencamping Ammoniet Naturist camping sitelandscaped club site (3.5 ha) of Dordrecht naturist association goed-af.smitsweg 3, 078-617 5337, www.goedaf.dordt.nl

1/4-31/10. 60 places, motorhomes.

Motorhome sitesNo special facilities.weeskinderdijk and noordendijk, www.dordrecht.nl

1/1-31/12, motorhomes.

Natuurvriendenhuis De Kleine Rug

Nivon camping site surrounded by water on a peninsula in the Wantij river. In connection with crossing, call in advance.loswalweg 1, 078-616 3555, www.dekleinerug.nl

1/4-31/10, 15 places (only tents).

Stayokay Dordrecht Seasonal camping site under high trees next to the water in the Hollandse Biesbosch.baanhoekweg 25, 078-621 2167, www.stayokay.com/dordrecht

1/5-1/10, 30 places, motorhomes.

’t Vissertje A beautiful and quiet nature camping site next to the Wantij river and yet close to city facilities offering the possibility to row, cycle and swim.loswalweg 3, 078-616 2751, www.campinghetvissertje.nl

1/4-15/9, 30 places, motorhomes.


Sint AntoniuskerkNeo-Gothic church (1920-1921) with Lady altar in art-nouveau style. The church has a relic dating from the Middle Ages with particles of the Cross of Christ (Holy Cross of Dordrecht).burgemeester de raadtsingel 45, 078-613 6390, www.katholiekdrechtsteden.nl

mon-sat 10:30-12:30. Tour for groups, by appointment only.


AugustijnenkerkOriginal monastery church built in 1293 and completely rebuilt after a fire in 1512. The entire space is filled with pews, a striking feature are the more than 200 grave stones including those of Albert Cuyp and Willem v. Beveren. Voorstraat 216, 078-6145 034, www.augustijnenkerk.nl

7/4 to 27/10/ sat 11:30-16:00. free.

Grote KerkThis cruciform basilica is completely stone vaulted, an example of Brabant's Gothic. The church has a nave with two aisles with chapels, a transept and a choir with gallery. The interior is certainly worth a visit. The 16th century choir stalls carved in the renaissance style are famous.lange geldersekade 2, 078-614 4660, www.grotekerk-dordrecht.nl

1/4 to 31/10 Tue-sat 10:30-16:30, sun 12:00-16:00, 1/11 to 12/12 Tue+Thu+sat 12:00-16:00, 13/12 to 14/12 fri-sat 12:00-20:00, 15/12 sun 12:00-16:00. 1/1 to 31/3 by appointment only, groups by appointment only.

free. Tour for groups for a fee. Tours for individual visitors Thu+sat 14:15 € 1.00 p.p.

Due to maintenance, scaffolding is around the grote kerk until mid 2013.


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Grote Kerk TowerThe tower is 72 m high, leans 2.25 m from the vertical and has 275 steps. Climb the tower to enjoy a beautiful view. The movement of the clock dating from 1626 and the carillon with its 67 bells, which are regularly played, are certainly worth a visit. lange geldersekade 2, 078-631 0413, www.grotekerk-dordrecht.nl

1/11 to 31/3 sat 13:00-16:00, 1/4 to 31/10 Tue-sat 10:30-16:30, sun 12:00-16:00, nov-mar if desired, also open on sunday, only in good weather. groups by appointment.carillion: performance fri 12:00-13:00, performance and tour sat 14:30-15:30. information: 033-2537786.

adult € 1.00, child (5-12) € 0.50. Due to maintenance,

scaffolding is around the grote kerk until mid 2013.

Evangelisch-lutherse KerkEvangelical Lutheran ChurchOriginally the chapel of the Blindenliedengasthuis [Hospital for the Blind] (14th century), then used as the city archive and for storing city peat. In the interior, the pulpit, in the style of Louis XVI and the organ dated 1781 stand out.Vriesestraat 20, 078-614 0167, www.luthersdordrecht.nl

1/4 to 30/9 sat 13:00-17:00 and by appointment.

oud Katholieke Parochie H. Maria MaiorOld catholic parish churchNeoclassical church (1843) the front facade of which is decorated with a tympanum picturing a Lamb of God with a banner of the Cross, resting on a book with the 7 seals. Next to the main alter there are two 17th century statues, a carved wooden communion rail and a pulpit from the 18th century. Voorstraat 120, 078-613 6366, http://dordrecht.okkn.nl/

1st sun of mth 13:00-16:00.


All routes are available from VVV Tourist Information Zuid-Holland Zuid.

Biesboschroute (45 km), Bunkerlinie fietsroute [along bunkers], Devel en Waalroute [along rivers] (30 km), Eiland van Dordt route [Dordrecht Island] (30 km), Hollands Glorie (50), Fietsen langs herbestemd erfgoed [cycling along heritage sites with a new use] (36 km), Piepers route [along potato growers] (54 km), Smakelijke Fietstocht [along city nature and delicious addresses] (40 km), Waterbusroute (25 km), Waterfietsroute (37 km). VVV Zuid-Holland Zuid, Spuiboulevard 99, 0900-4636 888, see www.vvvdordrecht.nl for detailed route information.


Recreatie- en Watersportcentrum Biesbosch Modern group accommodation with terrace and outdoor kitchen, private swimming pool and sunbathing area.rijksstraatweg 186, 078-618 3241, www.recreatieenwatersportcen-trumdebiesbosch.nl

32 beds, 6 showers.

Natuurvriendenhuis De Kleine Rug

Nivon house for small groups, located on peninsula in the Wantij river. Also, two log cabins, nature camping site and canoe rental.loswalweg 1, 078-616 3555, www.dekleinerug.nl

33 beds, 3 showers.

Stayokay Dordrecht On the border of the Biesbosch and Dordrecht and therefore ideal for nature and culture lovers.baanhoekweg 25, 078-621 2167, www.stayokay.com/dordrecht

128 beds, 33 showers, wi-fi.


Bastion Hotel Dordrecht/PapendrechtLocated on the Dordrecht ring road N3 near the A16 motorway.laan der Verenigde naties 363, 078-651 1533, www.bastionhotel.nl

beds: 204, 3 stars, wi-fi. € 79.50/107.

Bellevue Groothoofd - hotel culinairHotel, restaurant, brasserie in monumental building near the three-river point.boomstraat 37, 078-633 2500, www.bellevuegroothoofd.nl

centre, beds: 24, 4 stars, 5 conference halls, wi-fi.

€ 125/275.

Hotel Dordrecht City hotel in monumental building at the historic inner harbour with private parking. Rooms have extensive facilities.achterhakkers 72.078-613 6011, www.hoteldordrecht.nl

centre, beds: 37, 3 stars, wi-fi. € 90/145.

innercityhotel Modern and comfortable city hotel with modern bar close to train station and inner city. With exercise possibilities in the nearby sports centre.Johan de wittstraat 35-37, 078-611 9933, www.innercityhotel.nl

centre, beds: 26, 3 stars, wi-fi. € 69/129.

De Kade Appartementen Luxury apartment hotel with a view of the three-river point, rooms with among other things a Jacuzzi, flatscreen TV and kitchenette. No reception desk. Reservations via VVV Tourist Information.boomstraat 35, 078-632 2463, www.dekade-appartementen.nl

centre, beds: 6, wi-fi. € 85/99.


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De Kop van 't land Nice, charming and small-scale hotel in De Hollandse Biesbosch.Zeedijk 32, 078-630 0650, www.kopvanhetland.nl

beds: 6. € 79/89.

Postillion Hotel Dordrecht Friendly and functional hotel next to A16 motorway with sufficient parking facilities and 96 beautifully, well equipped hotel rooms.rijksstraatweg 30, 078-618 4444, www.postillionhotels.com

beds: 136, 3 stars, 11 conference halls, wi-fi.

€ 85/147.

Stayokay Dordrecht Attractively situated by the waters of De Hollandse Biesbosch. Various active arrangements possible.baanhoekweg 25, 078-621 2167, www.stayokay.com/dordrecht

beds: 60, 3 conference halls, wi-fi.

€ 47.

Van der Valk Hotel Dordrecht Hotel with à la carte restaurant, hotel bar, swimming pool, wellness, parking garage and 12 multifunctional conference halls.laan van europa 1600, 078-870 0800, www.vandervalkhoteldor-drecht.nl

beds: 280, 12 conference halls, wi-fi.

€ 115/199.

Villa AugustusHotel in monumental water tower with restaurant in the nearby pumping station (1942) with vegetable gardens and own bakery.oranjelaan 7, 078-639 3111, www.villa-augustus.nl

beds: 74, 4 stars, 3 conference halls, wi-fi.

€ 125/210.

Hotel de Watertoren Small-scale hotel in former water tower between the city and the Biesbosch.kromme Zandweg 80, 078-622 4411, www.hoteldewatertoren.nl

beds: 10, 3 stars, 1 conference hall, wi-fi.

€ 95/115.


Recreatie- en Watersportcentrum De Biesbosch rijksstraatweg 186, 3316 eJ 078-618 3241, www.recreatieen-watersportcentrumdebiesbosch.nl

20 visitor berths, hollands Diep.

Watersportbedrijf de Graaff b.v.

badweg 8-10, 078-613 6911.www.degraaffwatersport.nl

no visitor berths, wantij.

Koninklijke Dordrechtse Roei- en zeilvereeniging houttuinen 27/29, 078-613 3905, www.kdrzv.nl

centre, 60 visitor berths, oude maas.

W.S.V. Maartensgatmaartensgat 3, 078-613 1053, www.maartensgat.nl

centre, 20 visitor berths, oude maas.

De Vlijhavennoordendijk 362, 06-5470 4248, www.wsvdrechtstad.nl

Watersportvereniging 87 badweg 20, 078-635 6700, www.waterlust.nl

no visitor berths, wantij

Jachthaven Westergootbaanhoekweg 1, 078-616 5201, www.westergoot.nl

20 visitor berths, wantij/noord.

De WijnhavenThree-river point, www.wsvdrechtstad.nl

centre, 7 visitor berths, oude maas/merwede/noord.


Het Hof van Dordrecht'Het Hof' is an important historic location for Dordrecht but it also plays an important role in Dutch history. In 1572, the first Assembly of the Free States was held here in the room that is now called the Statenzaal (states hall). hof 12, 078-7708710, www.hethofvandordrecht.nl

Due to renovation, closed to end 2014.


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Huis ScharlakenMedieval vault of the underground septic tank of the former Huis Scharlaken. Passers by can see the turbulent history of Scharlaken on three screens. waag -, 078-7708710, www.erfgoedcentrumdiep.nl

can be seen at any time from the outside.

Kyck over den Dyck millTower mill (1713). If the wind is strong enough it is used to mill the wheat, otherwise the mill is driven electrically. Products for (home) bakers are sold in the mill shop. noordendijk 144, 078-631 0001, www.molen-dordrecht.nl

sat 10:00-16:00, summer months sat 10:00-13:00.

Stadhuis[City Hall] Built in 1383 by Flemish merchants as a market for trading cloth. In 1544, the city administrators took their seat in the building and it found its current function as city hall. The rich history of the city and the city hall can be seen in the interior.

stadhuisplein 1, 078-639 6110, www.dordrecht.nl

1st sun of mth 12:00-17:00. €1.00. kunstrondje Dordt [art walk

Dordrecht] participant.

't ZeepaertOne of the oldest houses in the Netherlands with a decorative, Gothic stepped gable. An audio tour takes visitors on a journey back in time. wijnstraat 113, 078-770 8008, www.dordrecht.nl/zeepaert

1st sun of mth 12:00-17:00. groups also on other days by appointment.

€ 1.00. kunstrondje Dordt [art walk

Dordrecht] participant.


Dordrechts Museum An art museum with a rich collection of Dutch paintings from the 17th century to today. Paintings from among others Albert Cuyp, Rembrandt's Dordrecht students, 19th century impression-ists and contemporary artists.

museumstraat 40, 078-7708 708, www.dordrechtsmuseum.nl

Tue-sun 11:00-17:00. adult € 10.00, young people

(12-18) € 5. Het Dordts Patriciërshuis, Museum aan de MaasUnique mansion with authentic period rooms furnished with original Louis XVI-style furniture. Featuring the extraordinary circular Maaskamer (Maas chamber) that offers a view of the three-river point and an art collection of works from various 18th century painters. wolwevershaven 9, 078-843 8746, www.dordtspatriciershuis.nl

wed-sun 13:00-17:00. € 5.00.

Huis van Gijn Former home of banker and collector Simon van Gijn (1864-1922). In addition to interiors from the 17th, 18th and 19th century, a rich collection of arts & crafts, a collection of toys and the Atlas van Gijn. nieuwe haven 29, 078-770 8709, www.huisvangijn.nl

Tue-sun 11:00-17:00. adult € 7.00, child (13-18) €

3.50. Stichting Museum 1940-1945 Dordrecht Region Museum of general history that shows the ups and downs of the Drechtstreek region during World War II. Including the mobilisation, national socialism, the resistance and the occupation. nieuwe haven 28, 078-613 0172, www.museum19401945.nl

1/2 to 31/12 Tue+wed+fri+sat 10:00-17:00, sun 13:00-17:00.

adult € 2.00, child (6-12) € 1.00.

Natuur- en Cultuurhistorisch museum Twintighoeven[Natural and cultural history museum]The cultural history of the island of Dordrecht since the St. Elisabeth flood of 1421. Attention is given to


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man and landscape, archaeology, and the nature on the Island of Dordrecht and in the Biesbosch. noorderelsweg 2b, 078-621 3921, www.twintighoeven.nl

wed 10:00-16:00, sat-sun 12:30-16:00.



Nationaal Park De Biesbosch The largest freshwater tidal area of Europe, with as its main entrance the city of Dordrecht. A part of the National Park is found on the island of Dordrecht with the Biesboschcentrum Dordrecht as the departure point for relaxing and exciting excursions, by water and by foot. baanhoekweg 53, 078-630 5353, www.np-debiesbosch.nl

publicly accessible, all the time.

Duurzaamheidscentrum Weizigt Sustainability centre Water garden, culture and nature garden. The site includes a Climate greenhouse, a city farm, an Aquarama, apiary, bird island and a small animal-garden. Van baerleplantsoen 30, 078-7708200, www.weizigtnmc.nl

mon-sun 09:00-17:00.


Alarm number Police/Fire brigade/Ambulance112. for non-emergency: 0900-8844.Albert Schweitzer hospital premises amstelwijck, van der steenhovenplein 1 and Dordwijk, albert schweizerplaats 25, 078-6541111, www.asz.nl

Bibliotheek a tot z Public librarygroenmarkt 153, 078-6205500, www.debibliotheekatotz.nl

Post offices - city centreblZ, Vriesestraat 43, 078-6133077ako Dordrecht ns, stationsplein 3, 078-6390793

Stadskantoor[Municipal offices] spuiboulevard 300, 078-6398989, public information number: 14 078

Public transportOpenbaar Vervoerlijn [public transport customer service line], 0900-9292, www.9292ov.nlstad- en streekvervoer arriva, 0900-2022022, www.arriva.nlstreekvervoer connexxion, 0900-2666399, www.connexxion.nlstichting Taxicentrale, 078-6131234, www.taxicentraledordrecht.nlVeerdienst De biesbosch, www.veerdienstbiesbosch.nl waterbus, 0800-0232545, www.waterbus.nl watertaxi imbarcazione barone, 06-2143 5005, www.ibarone.nl


Energiehuisnoordendijk 148, www.energiehuis.nl

halls: 8, Theatre/pop podium, conference and congress accommodation.

Jazzpodium DJSgrotekerksplein 1, 078-614 0815, www.jazzpodiumdjs.nl

Theatre/pop podium, nightlife/ bar.


AA Rental laan der Verenigde naties 75, 078-633 8319, www.aarental.nl


Ballonvaren uit Dordrecht06-4243 9743, www.ballonvarenuitdordrecht.nl.

balloon flights.

Biesboschcentrum Dordrecht baanhoekweg 53, 078-630 5353, www.np-debiesbosch.nl

bicycles, scooters, canoes, electric boats, rowing boats, party boats.

Bike Totaal Zwaanstationsplein 6, 078-635 6830, www.czwaan.nl

bicycles, Tandems, electric bikes.

Bootverhuur Dordrechtbaanhoekweg 1, 06-12878497, www.bootverhuurdordrecht.nl

open motorboat, sloop.

Shirestal De Griendheuvelhollandse biesbosch,06-2506 0301, www.degriendheuvel.nl.

covered wagon/ carriage.

imbarcazione BaroneTraditional, wooden boats.oranjelaan 27, 06-2143 5005, www.ibarone.nl

open motorboat, open sailing boat, sailing yacht.

Vaarschool De Kilrijksstraatweg 174, 06-4131 8247, www.vaarschooldekil.nl

sailing yacht.

Koetserij Bijker Old timers and coaches.noordendijk 43, 078-616 3892, www.koetserijbijker.nl

old-timer, covered wagon/carriage, coaches.

Maia ligfietspunt stevensweg 79a, 078-616 6302, http://maialigfiets.nl

recumbent bikes, Tandems.

Pak je Biezenpak je biezen ottersluis, 06-4482 6106, www.pakjebiezen.nl.

open motorboat.

Sport- Health Centre Pentagonsikkelstraat 3, 078-616 6964, www.pentagonsport.nl,


Ribvaren@Merzkorte kalkhaven 3, 06-2005 8610, caferestaurantmerz.nl/?p=714

open motorboat (ribs).


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Sixt Rent a Car Dordrechtplanckstraat 5, 023-5698656, www.sixt.nl


De Smaak van BuitenZuidendijk 266, 078-617 7708, www.desmaakvanbuiten.come2me.nl

covered wagon/ carriage.

Stapvoets door Dordrecht Trip in a horse-drawn tram or covered wagon.groenezoom 400, 06-4155 9330, www.stapvoets.com

covered wagon/ carriage.

Trabant Verhuurpostbus 602, 06-5166 5692, www.trabanthuren.nl

old-timers (Trabants). VVV Zuid-Holland Zuid Electric bikes for individuals, tandems and Solexes only for groups.spuiboulevard 99, 078-632 2422, www.vvvzhz.nl

Tandems, solexes, electric bikes.

Eetcafé Waterlust Steel flat-bottomed boat for 6 pers.badweg 20, 078-635 6700, www.waterlust.nl

open motorboat.

Surfvereniging Windkrachtbaanhoekweg 9, 078-621 2510, www.windkracht-surf.nl


WalksAll routes are available from VVV Tourist Information Zuid-Holland Zuid.

Kunstrondje Dordt [Art walk Dordrecht] Almost sixty shops full of antiques, second-hand books, art and curios reinforce the historic character of the inner city, www.kunstrondje-dordt.nl

Daily and 1st sun of mth 12:00-17:00.

free folder available from VVV and participants. rondje Dordt [Discovering Dordrecht]signposted walk through the historic inner city with signs and information panels.VVV Zuid-holland Zuid, spuiboulevard 99, www.vvvdordrecht.nl

€ 4.95.

Walks for groups led by a VVV guide (City)walks with a VVV guide by appointment for groups. Walks through Dordrecht, Gorinchem, Leerdam, Oud-Beijerland, Schoonhoven and the windmills of Kinderdijk. VVV Zuid-holland Zuid, 078-632 2477, www.vvvzhz.nl

all walks possible, by appointment only.



McDonalds Dordrecht Centre New restaurant with indoor Playland and Birthday Party Room.bagijnhof 10, 078-614 0828, www.mcdonaldsdordrechtcentrum.nl

seats: 230, fast food, american, wi-fi.Bistro

De lachende GansHistoric urban building, traditional Dutch interior.singel 389, 078-631 3255, www.delachendegans.nl

seats: 100.


Art & DiningIn the Dordrechts Museum, museum visit not required.museumstraat 40, 078- 632 9100, www.art-dining.nlclosed: mon.

seats: 90, wi-fi.

Brasserie BellevueBrasserie open all day.boomstraat 37, 078-633 2500, www.bellevuegroothoofd.nl


Sandwich Bars

Broodje van WillemVoorstraat 433, 078-631 3510, www.broodjevanwillem.nl

seats: 8.

Sandwich bar CaïroTolbrug 5, 078-635 2365

Chinese/ indonesian

Happy linVoorstraat 282, 078-614 1057

closed: Thu, chinese, surinamese.Mulia, indonesian RestaurantVriesestraat 11, 078-614 5104

indian/ indonesian.

Pubs serving food/ Grand Cafes

BabylonVoorstraat 293, 078-614 5111, www.eetcafe-babylon.nl

seats: 20, pub serving food.

Baloe BeerOn the square with bars and restaurants: the Scheffersplein.wijnstraat 241, 078-639 9988, www.beren.nl

seats: 170, pub serving food, wi-fi.

't-Bevertje With garden terrace (partially covered).Johan de wittstraat 49, 078-614 3043, www.cafehetbevertje.nl

closed: sat+sun, seats: 43, pub serving food.

Centre VilleInexpensive plate service.Voorstraat 345, 078-631 1575

closed: sun, seats: 60, pub serving food.


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Crimpert Salm Only fresh products for lunch, dinner and coffee.Visstraat 5, 078-614 5557, www.crimpertsalm.nl

seats: 36, grand cafe, wi-fi.

Dordts Genoegen Enjoyable meeting point in the heart of Dordrecht.Voorstraat 256, 078-843 8001, www.dordtsgenoegen.nl

grand cafe, wi-fi.

De Dulle Griet Cosy restaurant with homemade dishes, world cuisine.nieuwstraat 25, 078-614 5995, www.dedullegriet.nl

closed: oct-mar: mon+sun, seats: 45, pub serving international food.

Het GerechtVoorstraat 202, 078-843 6940, www.grandcafehetgerecht.nl

closed: mon, grand cafe.

Grandcafé Groothoofdgroothoofd 4, 078-613 1565, www.groothoofd.nl

grand cafe.

Jongepiergroothoofd 8, 078-639 0855, www.eetcafe-jongepier.nl

seats: 50, pub serving food, charging point for electric bike.

Maritime pub serving food Kantje Boord Maritime pub serving food with view of the three-river point.boomstraat 27, 078-631 5458, www.eetcafe-kantjeboord.nl

seats: 40, pub serving food.

Taveerne in de Klander MuelenFamily restaurant.statenplein 149 -150, 078-635 6338, www.klander.nl

seats: 60, pub serving food, wi-fi, charging point for electric bike.

Eetcafé Malle Babbesingel 550, 078-631 0556

closed: mon, pub serving food.

Eetcafe de PassantWith terrace near Grote Kerk and harbours.blauwpoortsplein 15, 078-614 5182, www.eetcafedepassant.nl

closed: wed, seats: 42, pub serving food.

Rood, wit & rosé - wine shop & wine barVoorstraat 227, 06-15351817, www.roodwitenrose.nl

closed: mon+Tue+wed, pub serving food, wine bar.

ZARA Restaurant & loungeVoorstraat 261, 06-4137 2238

pub serving international food, lounge bar.

Pub ’t Zottekotgrote markt 8, 078-631 8302

closed: mon+Tue, pub serving belgian food.


De Grote GriekVoorstraat 392 -394, 078-648 9495, www.degrotegriek.nl

closed: mon, seats: 150, wi-fi.

Kreta groenmarkt 84, 078-631 5801

seats: 120.

olympiada Visbrug 2, 078-631 2323, www.olympiada.nl

closed: mon, seats: 115.

living room restaurants

Chef en SloofVoorstraat 128, 06-5121 5308, www.chefensloof.nl

closed: sun, seats: 12.

living room restaurant Prins' BovenkamerVoorstraat 386 e, 06-2440 2848, www.prinsbovenkamer.nl

seats: 7.


Costa d' oro Simple Italian restaurant.Voorstraat 444, 078-613 6875

closed: Tue+wed+sun, seats: 46, pizzeria.

Piccola italia Voorstraat 259, 078-614 4950, www.piccola-italia.nl

closed: mon, seats: 63, italian.

Portobello Vriesestraat 39-41, 078-614 6050, www.pizzeriaportobello.com

closed: mon, seats: 100, italian pizzeria.

ice-cream parlours

la Venezia DordrechtItalian ice-cream and coffee.Vest 180-184, 078-613 5928, www.laveneziadordrecht.nl

closed: nov-feb.

ice-cream parlour Talamini-gelato Trendy Italian ice-cream parlour for ice-cream, coffee and pastriesgroenmarkt 141, 078-613 2134, www.talamini-gelato.nl

closed: Dec-feb + mon+sun, seats: 32, coffee shop, ice-cream parlour.


Sushi & Japanese Grill Café Shabu Shabuwijnstraat 239, 078-639 0715, www.shabushabu.nl

Japanese, sushi.

Sushibar Sushi-SushiVriesestraat 82 e, 078-879 6194, www.sushi-sushi.nl

Japanese restaurant.


Famous Mister ChickenTake-away and sandwiches.Voorstraat 215, 078-615 7545, www.famousmisterchicken.nl

closed: mon.


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The Beatnik American CafeAmerican coffee shop.Voorstraat 171, 078-7504818, www.beatnikcafe.nl

closed: mon+Tue, american.

Den Witten HaenWith terrace in peaceful urban garden.groenmarkt 19 b, 078-611 2050, www.denwittenhaen.nl

closed: sat+sun, seats: 40.

lunchroom Hema Lunchroom in department store Hema.bagijnhof 15, 078-614 4073

closed: sun, seats: 144, place to eat.

lades Smaakvol Shop with lunchroom.Vriesestraat 71, 06-2059 1742, www.lades.nl

la Place Lunchroom in department store V&D.Voorstraat 258, 0900-235 8363, www.laplace.nl

seats: 390, lunchroom.

Van der Sterre Patisserie with lunchroom and high-tea.Vriesestraat 97, 078-613 3286, www.banketbakkerijvandersterre.nl

closed: sun, seats: 100, patisserie.

in de Vergulde lampetstatenplein 62, 078-614 7737, www.indeverguldelampet.nl

closed: mon+sun, seats: 50, lunchroom.

Zoete BelofteLuxurious place to eat with urban garden.groenmarkt 121, 078-613 1173, www.zoetebelofte.nl

closed: sun+mon, lunchroom, mediterranean.

ZusjesOnly organic & vegetarian dishes.Voorstraat 431, 078-635 1106, www.zusjes.net

closed: sun+mon, lunchroom, vegetarian.


Pablo’s Cantinahouttuinen 32, 078-614 2126, www.pabloscantina.nl

closed: mon+Tue, seats: 120, argentinian, mexican.Breakfast

The Captain’s Table achterhakkers 72, 078-613 601, www.hoteldordrecht.nl

seats: 32.

Pancakes/Poffertjes (Dutch delicacy)

Pim’s Poffertjes & Pannekoeken-huis Friendly 'poffertjes' and pancake house.nieuwstraat 19, 078-631 2709, www.pimspofenpan.nl

closed: mon+Tue, seats: 38.

Visser’s Poffertjessalon groenmarkt 9, 078- 613 7373

seats: 60, 'poffertjes', pub serving food.


BlancExclusive restaurant at the three-river point.boomstraat 37, 078-633 2500, www.bellevuegroothoofd.nl

wi-fi, french.

Deliceessteegoversloot 189, 078-621 3772, www.delicees.nl

closed: mon+Tue, seats: 26.

Humphrey’s 3-course set menu for a fixed price.stationsplein 36, 078-613 8825, www.humphreys.nl

seats: 164.

Knollen & CitroenenDutch/ Flemish dishes.groenmarkt 8, 078-614 0500, www.knollen-citroenen.nl

closed: mon+Tue, seats: 34, Dutch, belgian.

MerzEating + Drinking + Culture = Merz.korte kalkhaven 3, 078-613 2582, www.merzdordrecht.nl

closed: mon, seats: 120, café-restaurant, wi-fi.Veerhuis Quality cuisine with view of three-river point.bleijenhoek 2, 078-613 2425, www.veerhuisdordrecht.nl

closed: mon, seats: 55, international.

Zest Unique formula of dishes and delicatessen.nieuwstraat 5, 078-645 1962, www.restaurantzest.nl

closed: sun+mon, seats: 43, restaurant, Traiterie.


Stadsplazabeverwijckstraat 49, 078-649 2111, www.wielborgh.nl


Tapasbar Miró True Spanish tapas and pinchos.Voorstraat 256 b, 078-620 0017, www.tapasmiro.nl

closed: oct-apr: mon, seats: 100, pub serving food, Tapas.

Tapasbar ’t Vlak World tapas with view of inner harbours.Vlak 11, 078-613 1088, www.hetvlak.nl

closed: mon, seats: 16, pub serving food, Tapas.


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Thai food

Nakorn Authentic Thai restaurant.Voorstraat 397, 078-614 9396, www.nakornthai.nl

closed: mon, seats: 25.


Gary’s TearoomClassical English tearoom.Voorstraat 410, www.garystearoom410.nl

closed: sun+mon+Tue, tearoom, english.


Diwan otantik Turks restaurantlange breestraat 3, 078-635 2486, www.diwanrestaurant.nl

closed: mon, seats: 70.


Visrestaurant MarktzichtSpecialists in lobsters, oysters and fish.Varkenmarkt 17, 078-613 2584, www.visrestaurant-marktzicht.nl

closed: sun+mon+Tue, seats: 24, mediterranean.

Fish restaurant De Stroper Classical French cuisine with seasonal specialities.wijnbrug 1, 078-613 0094, www.destroper.com

seats: 60, french.



Postillion Hotel Dordrecht International restaurant.rijksstraatweg 30, 078-618 4444, www.postillionhotels.com

seats: 150, brasserie, wi-fi.

Stir-fry restaurant

Wok of Fame 'All you can eat' buffet.baanhoekweg 1, 078-616 9969, www.wokoffame.nl

seats: 700, stir-fry restaurant.

Pubs serving food/ Grand Cafes

Bastion Hotel Dordrecht/Papendrechtlaan der Verenigde naties 363, 078-651 1533, www.bastionhotel.nl

seats: 170, pub serving food, wi-fi.

Grandcafé Boekmans Grand cafe furnished as a traditional English library.Dudokplein 210, 078-622 9366, www.boekmans.nl

seats: 90, grand cafe, charging point for electric bike.

Poldercafe de Waterjuffer Small pub serving food in Water Tower.kromme Zandweg 80, 078-622 4411, www.hoteldewatertoren.nl

closed: mon, seats: 30, restaurant, pub serving food, wi-fi, charging point for electric bike.


De Hoff'narRestaurant with orangery in coach house of Crabbehof Castle.Talmaweg 10, 078-618 0466, www.restaurantdehoffnar.nl

closed: sun, seats: 40.


Huiscafé Biestro baanhoekweg 53, 078-630 5364, www.np-debiesbosch.nl


Chez Heeren Jansen Cosy restaurant on the Dordtse Kil.wieldrechtseweg 52, 078-618 2232, www.chezheerenjansen.nl

closed: sun, seats: 76, international.

Jacks Steakhouse Steakhouse at golf course in Hollandse Biesbosch.baanhoekweg 50, 078-621 1039, www.jackssteakhouse.nl

seats: 80, wi-fi, charging point for electric bike.


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De Merwelanden Restaurant next to swimming water in the Hollandse Biesbosch.De bekramming 13, 0184-411 131, www.merwelanden.nl

closed: mon+Tue, seats: 115, cafe-restaurant.

Van der Valk Hotel DordrechtModern restaurant in hotel.laan van europa 1600, 078-8700 800, www.vandervalkdordrecht.nl

Dutch, wi-fi.

Villa AugustusIn former pumping station with seasonal dishes, ingredients grown in grounds.oranjelaan 7, 078-639 3111, www.villa-augustus.nl

seats: 200, international.

Restaurant & Partycentrum Wantijpaviljoen Restaurant, party and wedding location in Wantijpark.wantijpark 1, 078-614 1306, www.wantijpaviljoen.nl

closed: Tue, seats: 175, restaurant, wi-fi, charging point for electric bike.


De Kop van ’t landOrganic and vegetarian, close to ferry to Werkendam.Zeedijk 32, 078-630 0650, www.kopvanhetland.nl

closed: Jan-feb + Tue-wed, seats: 28.


Crayestein Golf Golf course with golf shop and restaurant in the Hollandse Biesbosch.baanhoekweg 50, 078-621 1221, www.crayesteingolf.nl

golf course.

Ski and Snowboard Centre Drechtsteden Ski, snowboarding and Fun Tubing possible.Vogelaarsweg 1, 078-621 0355, www.ski-baan.nl

ski piste.

Go-Kart-inRace and party centre.baanhoekweg 1a, 078-616 6164,

www.kart.nl go-karts, laser games, (mini)

car/ motorbike circuit.Bowling and Party Centre Merwehal Bowling and party centre.baanhoekweg 1a, 078-616 4777, www.bowlingcentrum.nl


Mountain Network Dordrecht1250 m2 climbing hall.maria montessorilaan 3a, 088-123 6840, www.mountain-network.eu/dordrecht

climbing, fitness.

optisport Sportboulevard DordrechtSports complex with swimming pool, ice rink and sports hall.fanny blankers-koenweg 10, 078-711 1600, www.optisport.nl/dordrecht

swimming pool, skating rink.


Galerie Blom Hedendaagse Kunst Contemporary art, figurative and abstract works of Dutch, Belgian and French artists. Paintings, water colours, gouaches, graphic art and sculpture.Johan de wittstraat 43, 078-631 3130, www.galerieblom.nl

Thu-sat 12:00-18:00, sun 12:00-18:00 and by appointment.

Galerie De Compagnie Contemporary art, all disciplines. Six exhibitions a year and work of ± 40 artists in stock.kuipershaven 21, 078-631 7918, www.galeriedecompagnie.com

Thu+fri 11:00-17:00, sat+sun 13:00-17:00 and by appointment.

kunstrondje Dordt [art walk Dordrecht] participant.

DordtyartInternational centre for contemporary art, housed in a former shipyard in Dordrecht. In the inspirational spaces of the industrial complex, artists can both create and exhibit their work.



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maasstraat 11, 078-632 1200, www.dordtyart.nl

13/4 through 29/9 wed-sun 10:00-18:00.

€ 7.00, child (-16) free. per two people: €12.50. group arrange-ment: €10 per person (entry, tour, refreshment).

Kunstrondje Dordt [Art walk Dordrecht] Almost sixty shops full of antiques, second-hand books, art and curios reinforce the historic character of the inner city, www.kunstrondjedordt.nl

Daily and 1st sun of mth 12:00-17:00.

free folder available from VVV and participants.

Teekengenootschap PicturaOldest drawing society of the Netherlands (since 1774). Contemporary art exhibitions, graphical art workshop and studios. Voorstraat 190-192, 078-614 9822, www.pictura.nl

wed-sun 13:00-17:00. can only be visited during exhibitions or by appointment. graphical art workshop open mon-fri 10:00-18:00.

kunstrondje Dordt [art walk Dordrecht] participant.

A. Mak Kunst- en Antiekveilingen sinds 1839 bv The oldest private auction house in the Benelux. It organises art and antique auctions twice a year and antiques and collectibles auctions three times a year.Visstraat 25, 078-613 3344, www.makveilingen.nl

only during auctions and viewing days.

Galerie WittRegular exhibitions of contempo-rary visual arts. groenmarkt 125, 078-614 8158, www.galeriewitt.com

Thu+fri+sun 13:00-17:00, sat 12:00-17:00 and by appointment.

kunstrondje Dordt [art walk Dordrecht] participant.


Distilleerderij Rutte Traditional distillery since 1872 with wine shop and public house, where even now Dutch gins, liqueurs and eaux-de-vie are still distilled in the traditional way.Vriesestraat 130, 078-613 4467, www.rutte.nl

only for groups by appointment (VVV, 078-63224777).

olala ChocolaTraditional chocolate studio with demonstrations and (walk in) workshops. Voorstraat 182, 078-645 4314, www.olalachocola.nl

Tue-fri 08:30-17:30, sat 08:30-17:00.

P. Rijneveen Branderij/DistilleerderijTraditional distillery of Dutch gins, liqueurs, eaux-de-vie, absinths, special Dordrecht drinks. Tour with tasting. groenmarkt 4, 06-14296583, www.branderij-distilleerderij.nl

Tours and tasting by appointment only.

Stichting Stadsbrouwerij DordrechtProfessional microbrewery and educational institute where the beer is traditionally brewed. Schapenkopje Bier (Sheep's head beer) is brewed here.buddingh'plein 20, 078-750 7227, www.stadsbrouwerijdordrecht.nl

last sat of mth 13:00-16:00. groups by appointment.

€10 incl. tour (1.5 hours) and tasting.


Biesboschcentrum Dordrecht Visitors' Centre featuring the exhibition: De Biesbosch, a Dutch jungle'. Lots of "do" elements. Information desk, bistro, apiary, library, "green"shop, sailing and walking excursions, 'Beaver Wood'

with an observation platform.baanhoekweg 53, 078-630 5353, www.np-debiesbosch.nl

nov-mar wed-sun 10:00-17:00, apr-oct Tue-sun 09:00-17:00.

Erfgoedcentrum Diep[Heritage centre]Thousands of items from the public archive can be examined including photos, drawings, maps, books, magazines and newspa-pers.stek 13, 078-770 8710, www.erfgoedcentrumdiep.nl

Tue-sat 09:30-16:30.

VVV|intree Dordrecht [Tourist information]Information about recreation, culture, living and working in and around Dordrecht. Tourist information and reception centre for every visitor to the city: tourists, home-seekers or entrepreneurs. spuiboulevard 99, 0900-463 6888, www.vvvdordrecht.nl

Tue-fri 09:00-18:00, sat 10:00-17:00, 15/10 to 15/4 mon 12:00-18:00, 15/4 to 15/10 mon 10:00-18:00.


Weekend arrangement ontdek Dordrecht Book an 'Ontdek Dordrecht' (Discover Dordrecht) weekend break and enjoy a relaxed visit to the city and the Biesbosch. You can choose from three hotels, all in the inner city. The booklet Rondje Dordt leads you past the monuments. Including tickets for the Dordrechts Museum or Huis van Gijn and a day ticket for the Waterbus.

1/1-31/12, arrival fri or sat. € 75 to € 99 p.p.

VVV Zuid-holland Zuid078-6322440, www.vvvdordrecht.nl



Page 36: VVV Tourist Guide 2013, Dordrecht