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1R5 : S 1 3 E ' c c l ~ i c . ~ ~ ; > , , : - ; ' ~ n e :!nd Inttelaclinpcquip I I l C ' l I .

I R S : TC I.! Alr17ll.litlm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ c d r n a i n t ~ l c c ~ m . eaMr. I RS : TC !O Inner 1 1 1 ~ : i c i ~ ~ Tcr ~rnnsformes joint?. ZRC : TC 15 niturnen I1nw filling compound. 1 RS : TC 2Y Mnisrurc prnol ~ p c c i a l compc~und. IS, : lnd Rcldy ml.rcrt pnrnt. blAu*hlng 7inc c h r m c

pr iminn.

' [ S : 2 1 0 GI-c! I r t i r ) ~ : ~ q i i n g ~ .

I?; : 341 I1lnc.R .tnp;in. 1 S : 5 X O It:~cic c l~mn t ~ c nnrl n~ccli;lnic:~l rlurfitrility lcrt

I'or c'icctrntr~c' componcntc. I S : 1352 Rul>bcr .;cnlin$ rlngq for pas main<. water

rnlln? nn,; qt-lcrs. 15 : 1074 Renrly m~cctl p i n t . rcd oxide-7inc chrome.

p:.imi n?. I S : 4HOO Eni lni~l tcd r.uund winding wircs.

, S : 7 I l~ph dcn.ilv ptllycrhyltnc Far mouldinp and c\t~.\t\icln.

0.3 Whclicvcr In thl, ~ y . c * l i ~ + i r i o ~ i any of thc abovcmentionrd specifi;.~tions i< r.:fc;l ?;I . i t ch;l l l hc t a k t n as a rtftrcnct to the l a t c ~ t i ;cue or that cnecificntion, otherwise, the pafliculnr !m r of rCslle refcrrcd to I l a * 7 . 1 hc rnkcn a< rcrcrrnce.

O.LZ This spcci 6cat ioil 1 5 r ntctirlcd chicFly to covcr the technical prsviqi~~n\. and thc t~rovisionq relating to the supply ~Cmaterials. i~nrl doc< nnl ~ n c T i ~ ~ l c :zll thc unce*v ry prnvizion* nf n c o n t n ~ ! .


1 . 1 This -3:ci f i c~r ion ctlvcrr, thc rcql~irtment for loading coil i i n t foi th: In tin nlurniuium shtatbcd cornposits tttecommuai-

6: I !~OIC ~ 1 ' > 1 5 5 laid uiidtrffround alonr ~ v i ~ h ?allway tracks, electn- fix1 w i ~ n 15 KV 50 I-lz v q ~ l r : phqhc ;I!?crnadng current and cam.. in_: r i i l w , ~ y s te l rcnmmun~c~t tnr i :~nd hlnck circuit<

2 . . L'! I C I - I ~ ~ I , i u i ~ l - . j I L.~'ci ,~ GLI i h c \p~ciliu;&114 ~ I L I L ' ~ ~ t c r c d i,y i t l i t l c l ~ r i i ~ ~ u r ~ ~ glrc l t I r l I ICN ~l>ciil~t.;~tiun No. S 23.

3.2 1 ' ~ ' r ~ 1 1 ~ ~~tl'cr~.cJ I W ill 1lli5 s tp~i i i cn~inn but nor c o ~ ~ r e d in I R5 : B 23 arc clclinrd a \ bclorr..

2.2.1 Lut ; RII the com;)rlncnts of the same type and category 1n~rlsf4sr~:rJ b y t h c u m c iiiciurl dur ing 1!1r 3amr pcsiod using I oli 3;Lnle ~ ) r , ~ i E h s ;ilid r.ln II I:CIC~~~!\ I he cunlpc>nrllt'l ;bnd linis2i:ri pra~luct .r. 1

3 . I ~,.I<II c . ~ l \li,~ll L , ~ I I \ I \ I &I!' I$\ u ltt~rtb,,~h% ~ \ ! I I L I ~ ;\rc c ~ ~ c l r i ~ ~ ~ l l } ;iuJ el l::rr ,~~n~~uetically cqu:ll and ,us hu1~1blc for insczlioa ~n - ti1zl11115 - ol'a pilir ol'stas-qu~drd n!umrnium shcazhed telecorn- an~nic'31ir~ns cabre co ~larlning lo PKS : TC 14. Thew C O I ~ S are I ?i:t!ed :II i nlervals t i t 1 830m lo reduce ai t c n u ~ ~ i o n of G p ~ a 1 5 .inJ !J : cv? ~n~f~rrnattcn~at ianthroughout thc rrccluency,band of 3S.uHr Lo 3.4 KHz $0 3s LO i n~pravc I he t r a n%nli~bi011 etliciency. Tllc 13rc"i farming rhe magnetic C I ~ C U ~ ~ F of the loading coils shall h.: .uch r hat t!2c el :ciro:n:ignettc propertie3 wi I! not alzeg with age.

t . 2 I',IY . I ~ l , l i ng coi l joints along with the rnai I I lclccomrnuni- s ~ t i o n u b l c are buried undcrgrou nd at a depth of 0.8 mlrt

j arc i~ahtr 1 1 , get submerged i n water for cxaendcd periods.

3.3 Thc ioi ar 5 shall hc fully pruicatd ; i ~ a i n \ i any il.>rm af corro- \ i r 3 : i .In ! i ~ ic re is , I ! ' ~ u , l i < t ~ i ~ c , fu r uhich Iru,.ljt\q boll1 tlir c;\st I c t i I t I ! i f c i C L I ~ I J ~ C ~ U R ~

3!1;111 bc of I1is11 qu:~liil;, rlc\lgir nncl 111a nuljckutc. +- . -

4.1 Loading coil joittt

1.1 . I The laodiog coil joil11.l 41,111 h ~ v c two laycrc of rntral - !I:O~<:~I~II inA~c:~ t td hclt3$i +

'Th - load1 ng call, arc COII~A~IICJ i 11 2 brass container (inner - ru :tal ca-1:) which i 5 fill( d with n~oisrure-proof special compound. The braci container ?ball have a hermetically ceded cover and \hall aIs.1 h: orotc:tcl by n w51 iron protection box suitable for brrryiog i n ~ l l c ground. Tlrc bpace between the inner metal a r c and the outcr cart iron protection box shall be fil!cd tsith hirumcn hafe f i l l i n~ compound conforming t o TRS : TC 25.

4.11 Thc site o i ~ h e corc \hall bc as ~11a31 a h possr bEe cornmen- : ruratc w ~ t h ~ h t electrical pcrl'ormancc ol thc coil as te t rut rn - claust: 5.

4.2.2 Tllc clcctl lcol cl~;~ractrrisl~us ul I hc 1;ioding corl shall kc ns spcciticd in c l s u w 5 .

-fw 4.2.3 'Illt L U L J ~ IILIIII~CT loading corls rcquircd 3 h ~ l I be rtslct thc number u i pdper rn~ulaicd quads of the cable for t b h r h t t c Foadlng car1 joints arc meant. 4.2.4, Thc lodd~ng corls shall be wound with s u p anilu.clled wppcr wire conrorming to IS : 4800 Pt. IV (cllrss U the fra f rat~ng) or ally other suitable material satisfying 1t.r: 1;~rform;~~cr: rcqurremtnls set out in clause 5 .

4.2.5 The t w o wlndingb of the coil are lo be wouod on a core of high ptrmcab~l i ty magnetic material. 7 he ccrc &hail t e mch that the elcctromag~etic property will not be a8c-cttd airL age.

4.2.6 Thc tnds of the cod shall bc terminated to the c o l c ~ l c d palyethylcnc inwlatcd lead wlrcs. The conductor shall t e of anncaled Coppci w11h llorninal diamentcr of 0.6 m m and lnsula- tion shall c ~ n f u t r n to Gradc 41 KB of 1 S : 7 3 2 b and with nomrnal I-adla1 t llickncblr of i nsulaLlun or O.25mm. The colour scheme of lthc lcad wires shall bc as indicated in Fig. 1 .

4.3.7 The body of the corc which i s rcquired to be earthed shall bc silitnbly terminated on an cart I1 terminal.

a 42.8 The hole in ehc central cylinder of pot care which permits inductance to be adjusted, if oeccssary, after the coil hzs teen dsstmbled, shall be ~uizably protcctcd against ingress of m o i t Lute. The adjust~ng pin which 1s introduced in the holes i n the centre cyclinderof the pot core shall be a magnetic haterial oflow ~ m e a b i l ~ t y so t l m the insertion of lhe adjubtinc f in causes the magnetic rusislaace of thc air gap ro he shunted 2 0 permit increase of inductnnce value.

4.2.9 Shc loadlltg coils s l ~ a l l bc suilabl} .calcd by cpoxy ant1 iball be suitably assembled i n rows in the lowcr portlon oh thc inner metal caw. Thc two marcst coils sball bc chascn for a particular quad. The ~ i o u r e d Pcad witcs pertaluing to a quad of cable shall be stranded in the form of a quad. Quaded in- coming and outgoiug lead wircs shall bc iiakcn to t h t uppcr portion of Lhc Inarlinp coil joints tlirough thc numtercd holcs q$ tbc guide-plate.

2 Thc !ctigth ul the yu;idcd lead t ~ ~ t . c h taLca ~ 1 1 r o ~ ~ g I ~ tllc auide p I ~ t c shal' nor Sc Icss [!inn 30U m m


4 2 . 1 1 After asccmbty of thc r c q u i r d number of loading coil\, the lower portion of ! t ie jrlrlcr 1neta1 s a x I . c . , 1 1 1 ~ purtio~t beneath - - the guide-plate shitll bc Ijllcd with mnfrturz-]~roorrpccia! corn- = pound conform in_^ to r RS : 'TC' 2 8 .

4.3.1 Thc inncr n ~ c l i ~ l c ~ k c ~ ! ~ u l l cortform lo zhc reqllirernent4 o l IRS : TC 10 to the e i i c n t porsi\llc.

4.3.2 I nncr mrtal c ~ s c \hull he rcclanpular i 11 concil.uslion nrld shall caarist of i~ body. a cuvel- ~ n d it^ lixing nrr:l!Ipcmenl. Tllr . I g u ~ d t plate \hall bc u i tab ly fixed i 11 hr~riro11t;tI pov tion dividing I the i nncr metal ease illto two cz~rnpartmenis. Thc loiva. cornpart- m t n t shall accommorEatc all thc lundrng coil< with the mrnimum clearance of 1Smm o ~ c all thC fonr side? after placing lhtm i n I

posirion. The upper compartment qlial i :~ccomo~late tllc spl~cles joint to Lhc Icad wires wik!~ the c;lblc c o ~ ~ d ~ i c i u r s or tllc I main rtltcom. cnblc. Thc ~nlnirnum ~pacercquircd nn thc upper I

compartment rha?l be :IT f o l f o i ~ s : --

4.3.3 The cable entry sleeves Tor the morn tclrcomrnunicati~n cable shall be split into two haltrs vir.. one nclc+ed no r he covcr and another to the body c?T the inncr metal case. so that the 1 crrcular shape of the sleeve 1s correctly formed when the cove#- I

i s fitted on thc body. The cable entry sletvcs rh;ill he on tllc - 1 opposrre s d c s of tlrc i nacr metal cast :~lonp irc length. - - 4.3.4 The covet shall fit into the sealing t rough provided along . thcrinl ofthebody. The rim olthc body shall hc ruitablyshaped for the purpaqe of forming thc s c n l i n ~ r rouph. - -

4.3.5 The cover shall be piavidcd along with two thrcadcd boIas on tither sida of thc ctntr t line to accommodate r ~ o brasc - jcrcws with washers.

4.3.6 The diamtcs ofthecable entry slccves of the inncr4met;il mse shall suit the overall diameter of the aluminium sheath of tho main teltcommunciation cable. The overall diameter of l?t ahnriniunr 511c;lFh of t hc mni n tc!cco!nm~~nication cablc

IorrliITcrent sl tcs ut' cdblc> .lrc as follows ;-. O f 5 - : - 2 O inm U +31-. 2 2 2 mm 0 - ; - I d - 2 1 3 rllrn O i 16+1 2-1 mm 0-i 18 J 2 25 nlrn 0+17-i 3 ?(Y 111m

few 4.3.5 Guide plate sllall conform to clause 4.3 of IRS : TC 26. The holes of thc puitlc plate for incoming and outgoing lead wires shall be clearly m:lrbcd by engravi! g the numbers as shown in Figure 2. Thc nl;rrLing sttall bc ncat and distinct to enable easg idcntificatinn r r F Incomtng anct outpni~,c wirch.

4.5. I Tlliis act\ a\ a tllcr m;tl barricr and protidtu belt insulalirrl aver thc i n t ~ c r metal C ~ ~ S C . T~IC harclbonrrl CO\CT shall confotni 1 0 cl:tux 4.4 of lRS : TC :n 7 5 . Tht.rt ~ c t *hall be fors,cd uul or &I single herdboarti 41cct, xa as ro cmer comp2etel! 11c insidr spact ahovc llic ~uirbc plntc.. 7hc cmcs >hall hc\*c\rr rnaintai 11 an o ~ e r ; ~ l l clcnr:rnru (11' .' m n frpm \he insidt wrfi~cc o i r he inncr mct;~l caw.

4.6 Cast iron protwtion bn\

4,61 The cast ~rur, protedicn bcbx skall Irt made frrm ye! cast iron gradc FG 200 lo IS : 210.

4.6.2 The thickness of the material used for cast iron prLrer- tion box shall bc 7 5 1 mrn , except at the enblc ontry portion wherc thc thicknc+s may be suitably increased to Ensure requirr- ment or r ncrearcd strenet h.

4.6.3 Rubbcr gasket% and rubber linings shall k made ITrr,n~ polyehlorcrprcnc ru hhcr Typc 2 R nmd 2 C tcspcctively conirt m- In: ra 1S : SJX2,

4.6.4 The cast iron protcc~ion h x ~ l i a l l coa~isr of the Icrllcm- ing components ) parFs.

a} Main body, b) Cover c) End piece\, d ) Lid for carnpou nd*fillinphale. c) Namc plalc. 0 puts, bolts and washers g) Rubbcr l i n i n ~ and caskets.

4.6. 5 1 I . c i 5 1 ~ I V I I ~ T ~ ) L E I I I U ~ I ~ U A sbdll bc ul ~ c l r a Jcarylr su a\ 1 0 perlait positioning of [he Illncr mc~ihl ca\c. lcavii~g a n a!- r ~ d n 3 clearance htlwccn rhe i nncr m c h l casc and the cast iron pratcciion box hor lillrng b~tum~nouc compound. To cnmscr u c l e ~ r bpacc unde:~ic:~~h tlrc i nncr metal c:~>c. ihc cav iron protcc- llan bax sh.111 Iiavl: i l r l e ~ ( t ~ : ~ ~ c nuti~bcr of buppcrrl\ ui 20 nlnl Ilcigh1 plnw4 symrn.:ln~lilEy ~nsidr: rbc boltot~~ ot' thc box . The inn31 rner~Y Msr: stwll ,rcs~ on thesc support>. Thcrc strall bc prov~sion ior fix1IIg the inner metal casc LO t h e c a b t iron proledl r*!n box by means of screws,

4.6.6 Thc cover or rhe cdst iron protection box shall have a holerirr filling~drnpound. Thc dimension of such a cover sh;rll bc ~ s h as l o pcrnrit ctrn~inttous pclurinp 01' bitun~i lou us cmnp- ound insrde ibc box. 111 orllcr to cnaurc rhni 1 bc cntirc spncc k t l v t t n the inner metal carc .tnd kbc cast I run protection box h ~ s been cam~l:tely tilled by Lhc uompouild and that no vo~ds tiave k e n left, tL a d s of ~ h c b o ~ 511.111 beprolldcd wit11 suitable inclination lowards t h ~ I X I J ~ .

Jh.7 The rnini~llurn alruund clcarai~cc around the inner m c ~ a l u s a shall be20 mm. This clc:iranct hhall hc \lightly more than Z(E mrn in the rolp porllon nf thc box duc to thr slopc of rhc cnd \ides.

4.l .X The . ~ c ~ l i n g br lwcu~r Lhc. inain body and tlic cover or the cast 1 ~ ~ 1 1 pruttcklon box as also €ha1 brt~\ccn lllc lid of thc cam- pound-lilling-hole and Ihe covcr of !Ire cab1 irnn box shall be e n s u r d by rncdlls {tf suitable ruhhc-r lining\.

E.lr.9 Tl~c:cetcironpro~~ctilrnlroxshal'C bcsound,cleanaadfrcc T ~ U I I I 1,ore.i. iloles, ~ l~s to r l io t ~ , +u rt'ilcc dcrcctb and defects of any SIOIZT hind. Thc top cover itnd Illc Cnd picccs slhall fit flush with till: m l i l t $ 3 1 ~ . S.bliablc halt> rh:tll bc drillcd at appropriate plret$ to enablc t l l c bolls to f i t properly.

4.b.10 The crbt irdn protclrion box shall bc given two primer c s m - an? ol' zinc chromate to 1S : 104 nnd Ihc ozkr of red UXIJC nnc chrom~nc to I S : 2nJ4. wit h ;I f inal flnishinp colt of I1IacA Japdn lo IS : 341.

4.6. I I The maxi~num weiglll ol' rhc cubk iron prolcclion box and &:in dl' uahlc clarry hoflcs of diffeercijr cablc sizcs shall be as iullo%%l :

-- -- - For cable SIZE uplc 20 quads . . b 0 kg 40 rnm For crble size from 21 to 30 quads 90 kg 0 qrm

, '

7 I R S : TC 29-1982"

. - i. l 'rhc electricdl c l ~ a r ~ c l c r ~ ~ t i c r i ~ r c vlilwi I i ~ d i I I I~) 1 ~ 1 ) &IT- :rrn1 catrrgoricr -ullt. vicwe? I ' tu l~ cu~lhidurnliuhl\ ol' pruleulion ' rcquircmcn!\ and the olller vktwvli rro111 sonsidrruliurs of 11.anlr- 1 mibbion requirements. Thc load; IIE roil ~IIAII h;~l i s ly b o ~ h . "Protection scquircment" and "Tte nmis5icrn req~llirernent "'.

5.2 Protection rcquiremcnts

5.2.t 'Yl~tse tests shall k prtt'tlrmerl i n tl lc l~rrlcr given below. fw

5.2.3 blrgnrtic slvbility -This l t s l is itlttadctl io cnsurc 1b:1! rh: nlagnctbc propr.t!rel ofthe coresarc n o \ p t r ~ l ~ i i ~ t ~ ~ t l y dislurh- :CI b)' ncuidentul \honing bcrwccir E ~ C timh*; nC l l ,e cable pair i r r ,vhich thu 1o;rding coil\ :Ire cnuncc~cd. A rlvrcct currcni uT 2 amwrcs shall he passed through one l int winding for 5 scamads dnd i nductance mcasuremcni s l~al l he rnneawed 5 mlnutts l i ter breaking or thi5 currtnl. The meaburcment \hall be: talcn ~ i t h 3 t c \ t i n ~ Currtnl of 1 ,rlA at :I Trcqucr~cy ell' 8011 HZ: Tfie' 211 I ltge i n I nrl uc.1 a lrrc hcfnrc a ntl aficl- p c\l nj* I ~ I P di cctt cu rrc 1:t , \ha31 nor cscccd I ",,.

' . I This is n destructive tcbt and the cailh ao tested shall he

di,rlazdod. The manufucturer %hall supply extra coil5 Tpr l)y ; I

purpose of wch ttul;. w

I 5.2.3 Dktetrlc Strength.

3.?.3.1 t'ach coiIshuII be ciipublr of ~ii~listandi11g wikhoul bteak- down 1\11 AC pot~ l~ t i t l ' l of 5 0 0 V (rms, at 50 Hz) such voltage k i n g app'ricd between the twn windings of the coil for a

- pcriod ot' onc minute. Each coil shall also bc capable of withstanding without brdakdown an AC pntcniial ol20QO V st 50 Hx For two minutes applied batwaen the ~ w o winding$ connected in paralltl and the'

-L , ~ d r t h referred to i n CI. 4.2.7.

5.2.4 1a.iulntion rwistrhcc

- Each coil shall have a n insulation resistance or not 1 ~ 3 s than 30,006 rnegohms betwcen tach winding of a set of Ioadrag j

wils when maasutd with all otbtr windings conntctcd to the . wartb. This test shall be carried out with a DC voltage of SOOv within the temperature range spec i f id i n clnust 6.4 or ':t~stinp condi ticlns".


IRS : TC 29-1981 8 5.3 Trnmmi-rim r y a i r r ~ ~ ~ r n ~

5.3.1 The Cotlo\ving trnn~mission rcquircmcn\\l shalt be salislitd. Themca~urin~ kequtncy shall he 800Hz 4 10 ",and with R ctlrrenl of 1 mA. except whcrc othentiw stated.

$32 fdWmce 5;crim alding i The normal inductance oS the coils with the wi d i n g i n wries impedance shall bc 88 mil l ihcnr i~ . The nctunl impedance m c a s u d shall not vary by mare than 1.5:;ol Ihc nominal value. The circuit conncclion shall be ;IF shown In Fip.J.

5.3.212 The above t ~ v t shall bc carried nut with a curtcnt af I mA fot type k s a only. For routine and nccepiancc teqt .~ , hawevcr, a stafidatd inductance may he used nq a comparator ~ O T zht pur- post of Such mcasurtmcnt. i n which case the mcaszlrinp curtcnt wi l l be v h y I O W . - I


5.3.3 lductrmcc wries oppminp. The maximum inductnnce or thc windings ~ h n l l nol t x c d 0.54 millihcnrics when thc cpilr arc c o n ~ u c ~ c d in sc! ice apposing aa indicated in Fig. 4 . The diBercncc i n the inductance betwtcn ~ h t two wind- ings of a loading coils shall not cxcctd 0.1 :/, or the nominal inductance when mcasurcd a9 i n c l n u ~ c 5.3.2 nbovt. - I The effective rtairtance of a Eaarlinp coil (with the two - windings connected i n series aiding) when measured with 3

I current of I mA =.hall not exceed 4.8 ohms at 8M)Mz and 6~ ahms at 1800 Hz. The mea~urcmcnt of cffcctivc tcqiqrance fit I ROO Hz shall however be a Type t t ~ t , The effective DC re~istsncc of one londi np coil qhnl t k , Ic~s thqn 3 ohms.

I Tbc difference in the resistanca of the twa rviadirr&s of t b t Iondim coil when mtarmrcd wit 11 R direct current or ImA sha'll not cxcccd 0,1 ohm. The increase in resistance due to bystarids with currents : at 1 mA and 2 mA. when measured at 800 Hz-and axpresxd aa

ohmslmilliampslhcary sball not exceed 12#L where L i s the - nominal inductance of thc coil in hcnrics i . e, 124.088= 3.5658 - ohm. Thc near-end cross talk for loading coils shall be measurtd at a frequency of 300 H with a current value of 5mA. The mtasurcmtnt shall bc taken as in Fig, 5. The cross-talk attanuatlon between tht distrubiag coil and the adjacent disturbed coil shall not be less than 31 dB.


6.1 Type Tests

6.1 .I . The folIowing shalt constitute the Type tests for the "

loading coil joint :

(a) V i ~ u a l inspection (Clause 6,s) (b) Tests for eFectricgI characteristics of loadiog coils

1Clnux 5 ) . (c) Cl~matic tests for loading coils (clause 6.6) (d) Tcst for air tightness (Clause 6-81 (c) l c s t s for thc saw materials as specified in this -

5 ~pecification. If agreed to bctwcea the Purchaser - nnd the Supplier, test certificates from an approved laboratory certifying that the raw materials used i n the manufacture of the loading coil joints ccmply with the rtquircmcnts of this specification. may be taken as n substitute for raw matesiol tests.


6.13 Tho rnanufamrtr or the supplier shall submit to the Pur- chase~ or his nominee six numbtrs of loading coils and onr laad- - ing coil joint of each size complete in all respects free of cost for Typa Approval. The bulk manuf'ncturc shall bc undertaken only after the Type-approval has bccn cornmvnicatcd by the purchaser or his nomlnce.

6.1.3 Typc tast approval shall normally be valid for a period of 3 ycats unEess there is a cbange in the design, material ar proms- rts of manufacture vitally affecting the* pcriarplancv of the loading coil joints. The decision of the iospect~ngofiotr shall bc finnl in t h i ~ regard.

IRS : TC 29-1981 10

I a Rawthe Trnk 2 The fo~l-ng s ~ l wnimrr t i ~ m ranaim barn whteh'abin be carried out on crQ and nvcry loading coil joints by the I

manufacturer : (a) Visual inspection (Clausc 6.5)

I (b) 'Se5es for zht elcarisal characteristics of the Ioading coil (txeept the magnetic stability tests) (Clause 5).

(c) Any other tests which the manufacturer may do to ensure that the loading coil jo~nrs ,are in conformity with the requirtrnents of t h t sptafication.


6.3 Aeccptance T ~ t s 1 Thc f~l!clwb n~ ~ l l n l l con~titua lhc ncceptnncc tests wbicll qhall bt canted out by the Insptetiag Authority For the purpose of acCcptancc of lots of loading coil joints offered for in~pectian by the wppller.

(a) Vi~ual Inspection (Clause 6.5) (5) Tests for electtical. characteristics and protective

cequircmtnts (a% given in Table B).

6.3.2 Any other tests required by the Inspecting Authority to eogure t ha t the loading coil joints offered for inspection arc i n conrormity with this r;pccification.

6.3.3 Samplie~ : Thc sampling plan for thr purpose of acctp- tance shall 5c subject to agrament bctwten the hrchascr and the Supplier. In the abwnct of any such specific sgttcmtnt the dou5!t sample plan given i n t k Table-A below %hall be adopted :

I TABLE-A Lot con<irting ' 1st j 2-2 Cornbincd

I A s c ~ r - ' Rcqcct-

ofloadingcoil :Sarnplc%np1c joi ntc. slzc I sire

(KZ) -- E I) 1 6' 1 (., 14) 1 (51 I (6) -- Under 25 3 6 9 0 2 L - 25 to 50 7 14 2 1 0 3 51 to 100 10 20 10 0 3 101 10 200 13 26 39 0 5 201 to 390 2(3 40 60 T % 301 to 500 50 7 5 1 6

2 5 70 501 to xO'I 3 5 105 2 T 801 to 1300 50 100 150 3 10 1301 to 3200 75 150 22 5 5 12 3201 to 8000 100 2W 3W 6

9 27 .

8M1 A above 150 300 450 24

Samp!e nnce ion ,Rv b '

size NurnbtraurnZm (NI+N2) (CI) I(C2) * .

E The numbst of loading mil joints (HI) as gven in C01. (2) shall ba fust selectad and subjected to the a q t a n e a tat&. 3E

, in tho firnl sample the numbar of dafactlva l a e h n g call joints, that , is , those falling ln one or nore acceptance trsts, is less than or

equal to the corraspondin~ number (C1) givearn Co1.(5), the lot shall bc consider4 as conforming to the rcquirernants of the

. . acctptanca tests. I F thc number of dtfcctrve loading coil joints R the f i r~t sarnplais greater than or equal to the sejcctloa number

(C2) gavcn i Q Co1. (6), the lot shall be considered as not conform- &inp to iho rsguiromsolr of the acceptance tcnr. Ifthc number o l

defactiva loading cue? joints in tho h s t sample lies k t w t e n (Cl) and (C2) a second sample of size (N2) as gwen ia Cal. (3) shall be selactcd and subjected to acceptance tcsts. If in the combined sample, t b t number of dcfrmve loadin coii joints i s less than (C2), the lot shall be mmdcrcd ~s conkrming to the rcquir rnenls of acccptanec tcsts, orhchwasc not.

Theloading coil joints for acceptance tests shall be sclecetd at random from at least 10% of the packages. For random saledon of packages, all the packages in the lot shall bc arranged in a serial order and "r" th package shali bo selected until t b t requisite number of package 1s obtained.

I Total number of packages i n the lot . .

"r" biag the i nztgral part of / Total numbr of pachges to 1 be selected

6.3.4 Out of the loading coil joints sample as per Table A, the - electrical chatactcristics tests on the loading mils shall bt csnduc- tcd as per Table-B.

p 1, Electrical Charactcrisrjcs test and Percentage of .the .- 0 , 1 protective requirement test. I loading coil joints1

I inner metal case on which t h ~ tests are to be conducttd,

1. Tests as t clause 5.2.3, 52.4, 5.3.2 & s.3.E


2. Test as par clause 5.3.4, 5-3.6 & 5.3.8

25 % 3. Tost as por clause 5.3.5,5.3.7,6.8,2 % 10 % - and 6.9 -- --

6A T- Cold- L '

6.4. t Unless othtrwisc specified all the tests shall be carried out . under prevailcnt ambient atmospheric condltloa. ,

6.5.1 Visual inspection shell b carried out as per clause 14.2 OF IRS ; S ?3 to the extant applimbIe.

6.6.1 The loading coils shaIl 'bc taskd for climatic t e t s as per T.ab10-6 bdow prlor to their assembly in the inner rnctal case. Thc order.in which the climatic tests arc to be conducted ii i ndica.ted i n Table-C.


S, No. Name of Severity & Te5t. 1

i cIimatic test

I and rcsuft i expected.

- - --- 1. Dry heat-+7OoC C1.7.2 Ac in 1.Visval Ex-

test + 2°C of IS : IS: 589 amination- 5 89 nodnmngt.

2. lasu3ation resisrancc 15000 meg- ohm9 after recovery.

2. Damp heat 1 Cycle C1.7.4 1-1 J2 hrs. 1. Visual- Nn (acceIerat- ofIS : damage cd) test- 5 89 2. 1 nsulation FrrsE cycle resistance-

300U mag ohms.

3. Insulation resistaaoe ahcr 24 hrs recowry 75011 meg- ohms.

. .

13 IRS : 3X2.mi-i

3 , Cold test -lO°C QJ.1 I-El2 hrs I . Vimd - No 4- 2°C of IS : - Pl.m*ss.

589 2. Insulation rtsistana

* 1m Imp ohms,

4. Damp heat 5 Cfs C1,7.4 As In 1. Vimd -No (acmltmt- ofIS: IS: 589 damas* ad) test 589 2. lasulation 5 cycles. mistaac~

3 m - resistance after 24 bra. temusry- 7m ohms.

N o ~ a : The lcmdiag coils after Wing subjected to all tht cli. matlc tests as abow sh01I thmatter k tested for othtl elcctricnl chamcter~stics the values of whlch shall not vsry mora than 5 % from those spstifkd.

*'& 6.7 Tests for the elc~trkrl c b r r 1 ~ t d s h : I

6.7.1 The loadlng coils shall be tested fat their electricat charncttristics as spccifrtd in Clause 5.

6 8 d d g b t a ~ ttst* .,

6,8.1 Out ,of awry tot fa rnanuf&cturad loading coil joints om - sample of ~nnat metal case assambkd cornplate with lwdiog

mils, shall subjactsd to this tcst. Om of the cabla entry holes and the lid d the ianot metst cam shall b hamotidly sealed to the body of the inner metal case, An internal: air pressure of 0.6 Kg/Cma sbl l then be applied through the other cable cntsq hole by suitably i nsorting the nozzles of the air supply equipment. Tha sample shall be deemed to haw p a s 4 tba test ~f them i s no fall in bhc air pressure at 6hd and of a parld of bix honrs,

6.8.2 Opt of m r y lot d inom matd a s s s that am to be usad- for the manufacture of lording coil jdnts 10 % of ths lot or two, nuabts (whichavar is less) prior to the assembly of loading coi ls sbL1 k subjactbd to air tightness test as per clause 8.6 of IRS : TC 20-75.

6 9 Water Immetsiom Tat :

10 or 5 numbbrs (whichover is less) of sarnpIos ashernbled cjmpleta with loading coils shall bc subjected to this tcsz. Thc -war of the inner metal caw and the cable entry sleeves shall be hcrmnically sealed. f he sampla shall then be placcd i nsidc the wdtsr blth with the minimum of 15 cms oc watcr on top of the sam?It for not less than I d hours. At the end oC Lha period the ssm?lts 9Mll bc removed from the water bath and the insulation reslstanco shall than bs measured as given in clause 5.2.4. The value d in9tlhtion reslstanct shall not k less than 30,000 Meg. ohms b3twbeu each w~nding of the sct al loading coils whcn m :isurtd w ~ t h all tho other coi Is connected to t hc earth.


7.1 The loading coil joints to be supplicd art intended for use in uopical climatic conditions. The tcmpsralure in shade may ranch upto 50%. and the solar mdiation temperature upto 70°C. The m~ximum underground temperature st depth where the loading coil joints ia the teltcommunication cable arc normally buried, may be in the aaighbauthood of 4Q°C. During p lumb ing opefaltoa, the temperature of inner mclal case covering zhc loading coils may reach as high as 8S2C. Thc relative humidity often remaim in the neigbbourhood of 100"/,. E L is necessary lhat the materials u x d shall t>a able to satisfactorily withstand t htse conditions and the rondcrer shaf l t herefotc guarantee satisractory parfomance of the loading coil joints undcr such mndi tions.


8.1 The following items shall be suitably markcd on C.1. pro- tection b x , inner metal a 5 0 and loading coils for each easy identfflcatiotl :- I

(a) Manulacturat'~ name. (b) Year of manufacture.

. . cS " d o g coil joint'. - . f d ) 'Indian Rilanys* . .

Iwm (c) and (d) to b marked'on 0, I Protaction box only.

15 IRS : 'M: 29-1M1

9,l Tho inspection and test sb13 k carried out to tb,aatfs- faction or the Purchaser or his nominee. . . , .-

9.2 The purchaser or his nominee shall have tbe r i~ht ta k present during all stages of manufacture and shall k nffardd 311 reasonablt\complete facilities to satisfy hirnstlf tbat the load- i ng coil jolnts Arc bti ng manufactured in accordanca with t h t terms and conditions of the spccificatlon. The purtbaser or his nominee s h ~ l l l~nvc the right to reject any material that falls to conform to Ilrc ~;pccificatlan.

9.3 When inspection is carried out during the mamfaetnn* the manufacturer shall supply tha material and samples rcguiw For tasting Fret of charge and shall a t his own cost prepart and furnish the nccegsary test piece3 and appliancaa for *such tts- i ng R C mn y be cnrrictl out nt his own works for yrndurrliag the prescribed tests. Failing the existence OF fatilitit3 at hls own works, the inanufncturer qhall bear the coqt of carrying out the tecte at an npprnved tcst laboratory.

9.4 Test certificates incorporating the resultsof tbtrmtiae t c ~ s and other manufacturing tests must be furnished in quadmpli cate prior to the inspection for the use of Purchasetjhij nomintt.

9.5 The loading coil joink rnnnufactured in the same factory during the same period. nsingthesamapronss and same rnsttr- inls shell con~titzitr 3 lot.

0 Any afthe materials which do not comply with the n q ~ i r e rnents OF this ~pecificatior! may be ttjcctcd.

7 1 1 . 1 TheloadingcoiIjointlpwfllhavttoundcr~o~rducnra~as- portation before r t a c h i n ~ I h t destination and will b v a to be stored and handled in tropical climatic anditions (iac!udtag monsoon%) before they arc put to actual use. It is, therefart, impct~tivc thnt the packing is dcdded by t&ng into cansldcr- ation, inter alin, the nbovc two v i t ~ l ractors 80 as to tlirnlnate damagc/deteri oration of the items i n transit/ttanshipmenzlb.endl* in5 or during ctornsc.

'ihs fdlaaiw idormation sWE bc supplied a l h g with ibs oEer :- '121 DataiIad specifications For all r be Stems of raw makcriels inading core material usbd in tba manufacture of the toad- ins, CbiI joint%

12.2 Thtas mts of detailed instructions Tor instailation and joingag proobdutcl for the loading coil joints.

12.3 Names of tbt mdnufacturers of tbc Iwdi ng coifs, loner m d ctwa .ad C. I. protection boxes along with the detailed rechaiad litamturn issued by the manufacturtrs.

1ZJ Dztailsd dtawinga showing all the various dimensions, vdumaE a d d g h t s of the loading coils, C. I . Protection boxas and i n m . c a m whon empty.

' fa