vpl, xi. dover, morris county. new jersey, saturday...

VpL, XI. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 3, 1881. NO39 THE IRON PusuiBio ETJII SITEB»AT or The Dover Printing Company, PUBU8HBB9 AND PflOEIKTOHB. Office on Korria Street near Blaokwell. PASSAGE TICKETS OfUM, HANCE &Co.'s STORE, POUT OUAM. N. ,1. I; tx'mx Newi'orb I., Livtrimul >K I.OWIMT IUTEH. Also UlUtTtiUl. GJIKAT HMTAIN OmittRLAKI Hit Oua Year, - - - - - - - $4,00 Bii Mouths, - - - - - - - 1.00 L a m e uioutha. - - - - - - - 5 0 ADVERTISING BATES. BEACK. I t n . ( 2 VS... I 8 WB*. j lUO 1 loci ~\t JS|« 1 «l« 1 »!• 1 'H 1 lack. 2 " -11 $ 6 0<l 10 (X) 14 on n 2i 2J. '2 f J 87 Cfi uii no no McCAJNSVILUC HOTEL! OLIVER C BILLED PLOW, BEST PLOW IN THEMARKET. VOOJIHKKS ItllOTIIEKS, MOKRISTOWK, K. J. WH. VOETMAN, Prop'r. iwi-ii iu|it i,oi.i»iiiic.v,.rj .„,.,I,,,,,,,,],, {Agricultural Implements,Seeds, Fertilizers, etc. ESTABLISHED 1847. HODERBH & HEAGARf Till; (M.l> AM) IIIIUA BOOT AM SHOE DEALERS! . Tlio lust ] HIMI comfort e-nm Livwy atuiird. u:l uui NO 1(1 in lary.i MaOXKTAClZ ADDED FOB KITUAe.fcOOALV TlOaa IEOKHT8 PEU LINE. ESTABLISHED IN 1851. T J U B B D1VUO8 ami MEDI0IKE9, PAINTH, JC Oils, GUHH, Drilau<!h, Purfimiarv, Ao., •old by JAMES A. OOOOALE. tlie Km^t Drural.t, orDnvnr. fltnrfi onun ooSUNDAYti lot the aalu ot Medloiuea only fi ~ ~ " 41-ly cl oiiir p. STICKLE, Counsellor at Law AND MASTER IN CHANCERV, HOOKA WAY. N. J. Garner or DLckwoU and SUBBMBli. DOVER. N. J. I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. Horutu and Cftrrisge* to Let. L. C. BIERWIRTH, ANALYTrCAl CHEMIST BOTEB. N. J, ANALYSES qf all DESCRIPTIONS OF ORES AND MINERALS, p*EO. O. CTIMMIHB, M. D., OExraui. pEAcTmosEn, AND SPECIALIST IS THE TREATMENT OF MALARIAL DISEASES, i AT THE STICKIiE B0K1E, DOTEB, N. J. DAIRY BUTTER, Ens S Driefl Fruits lo SUPPLY BTOI1KS with tlu- BEST GOODS at tho LOWEST MARKET PRICES. Thin part uf Warrcu County Is notort furitH OOODDUTTEIUIAKICIIH. IliautHni.il KimiK ifPAKHEalH PHOBUCE. Onler byraniland it your RtwrfK fresh aud K<«»1 tliu tmmu day. J O H N DRCTAXMEB'S SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SUSSEX STREET, (batwwn tbe al ANBION HOUdEandDopot.) DOVEB, S. 3. &aa Ijeed eutMi -IADIEB' anil OH CUTTING A 8PECIAI.T1-. HHOBBOUB k SMITH, iTTOBNETS & CCTONSEI.W1RS I LAW, Cor. Dlackwcll and Sunn St.. DOVER. N- J. I. 0. XEH1HBOCB. A. O. BKITH. L. W. THURBER, •OrEMNTENDENT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF MORltlB OOONTY. Offioa OTSP GEO. HI0HABD8 k Oo.<B BTOTtT?, DOVEB, N. J. Special offlce boars on SatttnUvs from 8 A U. till 13H. 17-If TlfOSBS BLANCHAED, X ATTOBNKT AT LAW, fcXO MASTER IS OHAWOERY, DOYEB, N. J. Offloo oT«r A. WijtbWi i U « tod tin il 17-lj 81u>]c««ll itreet. Vjrr Counsellor at Law, AND MASTER IN CHANCEBY, . Ofllcs inthe National Union Dank Building 3L»OI"»JLLST.. DOVEE, N. J, WM. T. ALIXK. 8, J. PALMER. ALLEU £ PALMER, Dover, in. r. SHOPS ON ESSEX ST. J. J. VREELAND, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, DOVEE, .K. J. c.fi'i i. •rid P'IBP,. (1 m»li«rikln or ever? kind fiir- ioj». JubblDR * specialty. mbed f SLATE ROOFINC. Bl*lc rurnishuil from the boot qaBrricnby PAUL C. BOTTICHER, 751 BROAD St. NEWARK, H.i. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIOH8 propi MAOTIN&BTICK, Ssai, lipHi OnnwUl JjiiUr , GtLDEItB *ad pAPEB HANG- TTTTC OT1 ) STAND. UNION HALL BUILDING, lHkUk«i:ll^tt..l'l, 1U|VIT, Hot Air Furnaces, COOK, PARLOR, HJOATING STOVES, RANGES, A.:. AIBI, avariiHy- «f KKBOSENEOIL, LAM'EHNS AND UIinTAKIA WARE, TIN &JAPAN WARE, 'BUIT CANS, Ac, TIN 1.00FIN0, EAVKS, T LEADERS, imd all Muds of JuWAIR l.,inj..i,; 'i)ti(i Iu thn bent niMintr ami •'. tlio NhurU'i otice, itf&'Imt [jncud jiald for old Iron. Copper ltsid mil pewter tslscn Iu eieimntj " m " '' ALEXANDER WIGHTON. Dee Mvr Wi m Jr., BLA.IRS10WS, N. J. WM. S. , TUNER, REPAIRER, PlfflflSaiOEGAI! Mathushek Piano! HE™ STERLING ORGANS ! IS AK^II- MiirrM»w.i, JY'tl. a.l, I'M. BEEMER &. PALMER COAL, WOOD, MA.SOiX'8 1 MATERIALS, BLUE STONE, FERTILIZERS. HAltDANDlALl: DILIOK, LIME, CEMENT. CALCINED PLASTER, FilONT BJtIOK, PluriscrAV. rm fl.AU STONES Cl CELLA1I STEPS, COl'INO, HU.Lfl, LENTE AJItt GiaTEHM NECK8, WHANN'S PHOSPHATE, Bane Duet, Gitnnti. Poudrett LAND PLASTER, £c. WOOD sawed in stove lengths. OO.A.XJ. STOVE, EGG, CKIiSTSUT. Onliiri miy bo •dtlrocBfd tlironRii the Pout )ftlce L'lok lii>( art, or loft at A. ileoTDrr'tmlT;.:. a Illftckivel! tit,, near HUHHOX, oral (hejgrd, H1A.CKB JtlTH'S COAL OOUKUUNJ on l.aml. .I.raEtlBBPBMEB. I B.PiLVISt. SOS. YORK'S The reputation wa have eariit'tl for nur goodi iu DUIU1HL1TY OF WEAK, EXCELLENCE OP QUAUTY, ELEfiAKCE OK FINISH, VARIETY OF STYLES AKD KEASONABLB PEICES have extended to almost every house and hamlet inthe county. For thirty-four years our trade has steadily ncreased until now few retail dealers in the State sell the same amount of epods, a suffi- cient guarantee in itself that our customers appreciate the care we exercise in selecting:' stylish and durable goods and the prices they have always been able to procure them at. !all on us if you want a GOOD article at a AOW price. We will give you by far the argest stock to select from, and will certainly ave you money. ROOERER Ac HISAG4N, OPP. B., L. & W. DEPOT, DOVEB, N. J. UE8 AND KITCHEN UTEMalLS. no TOJOS. 1ORKS FOR PARLOB AKP i T DINING liUOSl AMD OFFICE HlOVES. i^ES OF ALLKINDS. dCKBUY, QLASH-WAnR AND CHINA. Joseph York* The New Empire Ilot-Ai•«. (JIIB A Base-burn- ing Cooking Store. THE DOVER LUMBEE CO. iffors to buildara tho best opportunities in Hie purchase of LUMBElt if every grado aud destaiptioa iacluding LOW FRICES and the gre&t ftdvuntftgo of Jmviiig Iiumber Worked to Order iy machinery at tho place wheve it is purchased, groetly loBSoniug the enst nf building by the great saving in raanuallnbor. Our stock always includes Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings. •nd LUMBER of every description, aud especial paint) are taken to give Balis! action in every particular. THE WOSDEUSUL M Orguinettes! PIANO STOOLS, COVERS, AND EVERYTHING IN THE •ISE Of MUSICAL ISSTIIU- MKNTS AKDmilltCIl ANOISi:. One Do)lir a week will buy a new Organ. QUICK SALES, SMALL PROFITS. TOEM-k 3-MB Ml THE liEST BAKING 8T0VE INTHE WU11U Uo, n Ltii-KB A.BOrtm-.v.l of ot\>rr Stjt,^ of Cooling HiovuB, Ilaujje-), J'atlor BtovtH. (to.. FOR SUMMER St WINTER USE. A-Uo.a oUotce t t o c l of Hardware, Cutlery, bird C»eei, FaatWri), r»U'ii Afltrtl Oil (not) -'••Hive.) Also. DI.AI.KIC IN WML. Rooting, Plumbing anil Jolt •It'* Scales nt Manufnc turer'e prlcts; Old Iron, Coupor, IlrAii, U»d, R»f8 BDt 1 Oroonliacbi taRPa in exchange for jfOodB. UllUEU A IJOKNEIT,., nfiioluren. of BUNNELL'fl 8ELF- WHffi Sl'KING EEU UOT- €?> Sm Jensen, CARPET WEAVER IN THE OLD PnEflDYTEltlAN CHURCH, DOVEKK, a. Oarptt Wenving, in all widths, done in •vtjilaHii Rtjla &t lowoat rates. The bflst uJof w.irr onlj um>d. Mow carpeta OD >d fir Miln. lT>e hifiheet price paid for D in e aarpet. OLOTIIKS DVRI)aii<l Cleaned in good style. nr. Mir astii. inno. : SUSSEX St. GROCER •bll PontinnfR lo keep & full ami frenfa q n a c Utjf of Groceries and Provisions, SEASONABLE FRUITS, ktD »Ddmit* i, fr*«*oe UTIPI. i)R)i or liottae and IIRD i^int- l»te. «T* l«*teom(Mtittit t(j nirpt the demand! «f«fl. Ptlntiboaoftr MlmWhlte'twilUntrj- more, neil to Voagbt & KittKate't drtis store- P. O.PoilfiS. , Afpwslalty made or stencil ootliuff. rViimi '1^-lt AJDDCK- will always be bi&oa to pi Ibc Vint quftlity anS oqnal pm sent nt the uofll retwoiiable nutrgi •tent with tbe puichaaing price. Sussti -VTeet new ihe coroei o( ElackweU, Do?et. October VJlh. 1S79. IRA C. COOPER, MASON AND BUILDER! GEO.MANN t kb4 matcibli fnniabtd for BBIDGE8. DDCMI Goods, anil all ueehold in bis line. upp s of tin ire goods Hock»ni7. March 1.1873. MOKRIS COTJNTY MACHINE & IRON Co. DOVER, N. J. STEAM.ENGINES, THEIR CELEBRATED AIR COMPRESSORS, IRON and llltASS CASTI1VOB, FOEQIUa of all DESOBDPTIONa FISE POOL TABLE and i wall gtltd uid aomplala H. P. SANDERSON, •jailer It WAOOH anil OJIB&IAQX WOOD W0B1 STREET. SEXP TO OEOTl lUAUDS 4 CO.'fl STORE. )wna*7.0flper<(«L Allkhidi >fPINR COLORS for camags and wagoa painting Also OILS anJ VAKHI8H. both ForalgniuidDomeBtlo. TuKFBRTm. Wkmf LEAD, etc. Pftlnt, Coloring and Varttab Bru>hei and Striping PeMiln, a full rttook, . Ail ot the tfMTa good* CTOOI tb« *)««t mak' m known, by palnWn. FIBST'OLASS DAKBIAGE and HLEIOH OIINAMKNTS. IlAving &od AUrgoaiperieww fUnaerij w a oari-iiiRo biiililcr. froni i ifcoroniih know, edga ol tbf btiaioeBs I bate adranusai o»* other ilculer. ATE. UNIKER'S ^S-^tes^sg^rKi^ GensoB Uioaincg, Prosideot. Wu. It. LAMSEIIT, Seu'y and Tieas. I. W. SKIHINO, Gen'I JtTST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF NEW CROP TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES, AT THE BTUHE Of N.Y.& CHINA COMPANY. BLACKWELL STREET, DOVER, H. J. FINEST FERMERA OOLONO, 71) oti. per !1>. FINEHT OLD QOV. .UV\ '-Vi " " FINB MAltACAIBO COPFEE 22, 35, at), cU. per 1b. E invilo the Bpeciat attenlinn of sUiro lti:fp(.Ti, hotel kcupera anil buarding f cc to Iba folJowing lilt of price a : COFFEES lfi, IH, 20,23pts. per Ib. TEAM, :... as,2«,no,3r. *• " BUOAItH 8OLI3 AT COHT. We get our Roods (llrnat from thn importers .ml lidtice aar LOWI'RICEB. One trial In nil we t i b . NEW MARBLE YARD iif sovnm T HE Hiibucribct tinfl njifinJ & riDW vird mnr the corner of IILACKWKI.I, AMI .and is prepotfel (urmuli *n BESIDESOE AND FARM FOR SALE! A property oompriKinR thirty-live ncrefl, iwtiy improTod, and locale.) lit Cmnelowo, wo wtUa from Do* or onttt road leiiiliiig eattr. On the premises in ft FINE BESIDENCE, BAHN and oothooBei. Al«o a tenant bouse. Plenty of good fruit, early andlata.antl Avery flue iptiDR ot water near tbe housR. Apply to MRS. JANE B. WH.TJAM8, -it [i the ijcato far Faictiaaks' Scales andTcr- VOORHEES BROTHERS, MORKISTOWN, DILDKR8', OAItHIAOE 1IAKEHB', BLACK- BJUTBS' CONTIUOTOIW AND IUa S0PPL1E8, Igrlcaltnn Implement!, &M<U, PortiHiarp, «ti. Pjvltti, Oili, Otm. A. WOOD'S HorrUtoim. JMo.lltta.187B. j. BILLIARD Snues Bt DOVER. K. J. an tboreoftlj hmlihrf «|0l>pe4 >itll Ibrp. o[ CUUiniira CELX- BIATXfl ilLUABD III POOL T J j EtMV, PUtaiCT, •aindsn.'Tsl.te, fll'«l H * Dkll M iromnn wlioia W«at, Ncn-r.n*, ntiil Dlf particnlflrljr thnna TT!IQ Iirtva Thin, Palo Lip*, Cold T l r ^ t iad Pwl, sr.'1 who era wlllioul fitrenph or Ambition. T!ici"i Fills qnlet tba KWTM, five EIronEth to tin I!ody, Indue* HO- fievbtes ft.«*p, rntlch tiii.l Iinrwms Ih* qn»Uly of tb« Blood. sn<t Purify end JiritUteu U,e Coin- pfeilon. They ccro I'alplWi.m of t!io Hurt, i. IHUCW, Trc!iibUn£H, KCTTOIW Ili'Dilscho, rtwWiTitM In llm Hwfc. tuiQllicr foTO» greit (onlc, Cnne »b)B fur men itlia i , .._ _ WeftkaesH, Night 8wen!*, ic Inmetal btnea. itffOernina Soli t>7 nil dnig£lst*. or Mat bj CARTER K1EDIQINCCO., New York city* M^KTmTorTBros Axes and Edge Tools, ROCKAWAY, N. J. i tike liiHm<'aii(t<j [fin wlial UloufBi we are th , hive no cannrctionRitli any Other er, and ilull continue to m»ke oar C Jd wiili greater care than ever. to tuutl-mtulfi .bmuebaaL and inlr lirra ID nockuriTnualnKioeh rclj Lj han... Water Toyent foi GREAT REDUCTION MILUNERY UP FANCY GOODS! MISS -If OtaA.TT doitne ant horr^ttns itoofc of BATfi AST) JOMHKr8»t«1*rtoJ;pric««.BotirBeD 300 «ua iiila«i»ll*i.neta >l tftioia SI* ow XoW. HU.ti5 Jw^ k and wilt bs amubla- lur fallrmar. An- iirMatl9<ila.M«li all arortb ih blo l|i. j rulWEBU fro mubla- lur fallrmar. A .M«li all arortb QDTO ih . rulWEBU from 5 ola. POETIC, II. THE DDORW;.y. __ _t the ttontilitotof . -je aniiouily mllftiRfar the nje>«uUKer- IMI lirlllC!! lltir UMctlSfMtellM. .HliB U 01 DCll ihnteC hf Tuartt or Uia woral, yet OIIBKB Mweiannl? to ' "-•- ugu*tS7iU.l Mother, Wittcblng, wmtoblnff (or« raewige, ' Tew. a), trtiBtintf lu the Loi4. Won)., our wefcltb ul low(utlia nerve rotl, Wonld pfople'f prijei-a ooultl aerva joa, And pood olieonfnrd." ' MoUier, niolLer, lo tbe doorway, OHM yon narHd a bflby bor. r*agii> htw tlitl.) feet ID toddlo, T*aglit hli belplpi lifbd* to toy Witb hlajriajthiDga. |>r»ttKDu, Mnillog, Yonr yuQURmotlVrTbood licguiling With bia lafcutjof. Hothur, mothm-, in the doorcft*, vbofbuweOblmvirtqf'Bpatb, Uolded himpast obildLood'a ptrili, Ttirtmgh tb< waj» rcuiuved ironi wratta. Well Ibat BOB r£p»7B four goardiug, Lore with tk-tieat iove rBWirdiog. Iu wftuhDotft anetmalli. MQiber, root ber, iu tlw doorway, Wntclilag lu the uaonUde gluw, On your wtiite locki seeai tu UnjtPr fii«o« iut Uitrc loBft igo, ' And nitlv IftUt ti»wa blBnOlng, ; Aa the Nation's ruler, banding, " ' Grpels the raotUer'i broir. Mother, mother tuthe doorta?, Hiriokeo with a mother'! sritf,- •-• Yon »rolookliij, whaca Veto Umely— ' ' Wo uro toiil-mall find r»l."J i - Luahiafr far btjond tbe Tallejr, . Townul the aeld wbe» loldtera nt.y From tbe battle brief,, .t ; ; Mother, motbor |utbe doorway, "mragcl la tlifBjioatof woe^ ' . .tr tbe nutiuu'B doal ft nirii Eiital, Though tlw w»t«t ebb or fluw ; With out bluffy fall Is written, l oar htHrli wilti j o t w «ri titDltlah, And oar htaHmro low. .* t»s&. Mother, motbet In tbe igUlgny.' k*ndbnf«tydiiiM, -, Ootliu oaontry'* roll of honor .;. >\• ("•* Proud HjopUeehenoblj^WoU;. ,-.-\ -k f ••'-• We, UiB name wbode*rly obOTisb, I Would nut lot tbenldieiperlBh Could man stye feat BOD, - - i DATIP QLABAV ASMS. ftEBIMQTGIf, AOff. 28tll, 18H1. : ' ! • EKA-D1AT1UNB. The break of duj ms not caused 1>J ic lull of night. •> • '•:• - ' ' " Embera from wbiot'the sparks have lea 1 *—oia maiiis. "i .: > Wli; will wonioij •j.ev'fr aaooecdan I dVB theit trains' A. girl vieat back on bet'boilrlcggecj beau because pba said sbe didn't like to ulie in brockets. : - . ' , "Pn'eoner, liavo you ever been fcoo- cteJ ?" "No, your honor, I hove Iways employed first does lawyers." Tie youpg Jady who dtatinguisbed icrself nt college commonceiQentl" Jihe a Id ing: committee, is ready loreoeive ropoaula, ' Troth nod love tire two.nf Ihe m(wt fal tbings in tbe world, and hen (hey lotli gotogether thej cannot lily be withstood. ' It is not tbe lieight to which naon •e adrnocud tliat makes I hem giddj, hficonlemjit witb wbioh .beylook ou those balow tliom. i man who lias invented a fiji»g iificliiuo etiouid mnko bis frial trip ii>w. Tliero have never beea more flies it thau nt tbia present lina'e, A Hnrfford divorce Jawyer said to arainiet or, the other day "Yon and live iu tbe rigIt Slate for one motlier •wbat sou Conneel-i-cQt." ; Wb&t is the difference between a toan ;rnok wiib omaEeoieat aad a l&epanl'B il ? Oue is rooted to the Bpot and id other spotted to the root, A little boy wna naked recently-,* lie iew where the wicked finally WRDI to. c anawerea : " Tbey practice law here spell and th«u go to tlic Legialature." Qrnco beld » rope while William lempted to oliinb bcr window. But •hcu Nbe heard ber*parent's.footateua the Btnirs and let go of tbe raps, then was that her lover fell (ram Grace. 11 How is yoor wife, Mr. Smith r" says nitlj poinling to where bia wile eat in a unit roam, At work upon Ills coat, Sbo'ii Httw-aew." Mr. Jones—"Oil, I 0 ; ska id mending, acre enough." Wur bmtory : " WLat is Ibo greatest urge on record ?" aska tba ' liiatory. And the .udent answered. ." Boventeen dollars ir hi! ck bire for sell aud girl for two dors," . IWatlinV mollier in-lttw boai ubout permiUing her daughter to inrry n iirioler, aa there were already printing offices la tbe UniteJ States nd sbe wus uncertain wliathor the mctrj would support a third, A victim of domestic .ufelicity, who in tbo Imbit ol drcam.QS. lll ievor go to sloep ju'oburab. A. oongre- UoDt ueur Quiacy, wua eomewbat InvtleJ, recf-ntly, on aSubbalb,, when piicrable . member exolledly yelled 'Bore nowI drop that Btlllet, old woman I" AWestern "tamp orator, in tbe course if one of hie upteebBS, kd 1 Qaollcmetv if ttio Pat-ey-tix Ocenn wor ,n inkRtnn.J, and tbe hall oloniled canopy 1 >f fieavrn nnd the level ground of oar •esrtb not a sheet of paper, I could a 1 begin to write my love of country on to A ratber verdant young man, con itaJ onil.cansOT.ottB, -sbile talHng lo a yooDg Intly at a party, pointed to a pouple that lie Bappoaed to t>e in BO adjoining room, and said, " Jnst lookal ,bat conceited yoangprig! lan't it perfectly nbanrd forsaoTi boys to go inti society 7" ''Why," Gzclaimed bis com panion, " that isn't adoor, it's a mirtorl" A Lost Opportunity. A Olevelauder wbo bad put In h week* at the Plata oumo dovo on tbo boat on bis way borne. Among t.s trnpi he bail something In a to*' wbiob olai ed oaQiidenble- attenUan, and n man flnilljr npproaobciJ-liim and said; leeyonoungbtone.' < 3foi/ 'Going to tako him bo me ?' 'Tea.' 'Wai it the eatooejoq saw up there ?' 'Oh, no tfaiB 1» ODWa yoong ODD.' ^Qotng tt " """""hi presume f 'Well, I guess ' bitn yon?' 'Bita uje 7 hiiQl presu -'Bid he ti y B Wby. tbey UBVer bito, ?0a»nnw wb aun of a bird thia u, dOD'r. you ?' *C oouraa I do. That'll a.flt- Olair Flal muiquito, imHur 1 It wna a spleodl. opportunity, budOIG tflmptaHon wai ftreat^bot.lUo Baokeye>a« a trutfafi mtd, utit be atgbed boavjly u be rr_ pljed : 'N-o«; air. Tbnt iwa St. OUtr FJats ntdd-fien. I dirJD't iee a 'ikeeter over tu&t iw luge ai this,' Ttu: ciuaue ot 1 STOBI OF BOW AN ABMt WASflAVSBAND TBB IdOQT BBtOAPH umVOMB. Soribner't ittaBntiy iiuWis.ieJ a poeui :leicripijye of a little-Jjnowo iDoidont ol tbo battle of CIuQcelloraviUe. Tbe poem was fonndod DDOD tbo facto narrated in ViioR arlicie, wbiob waa writlflo e»te ago b.v Out. Hopes, now oom maud er of OIB Tbird Bogitnent. N. J. S". G. Can joa ata&d aoothor war iuoident ? i is uot us gmnd a aoflue as Qettyeborg, or perbapoas big witb resulls, but tba ntij riDgingreepODHeatomyliiat(wb[ali Confess was offered in your New Yur\& •rru3pondeno« with tnun/ mlegivioge) (ve soBJpbow stirreJ tie gbgijlH 1 ittlliug, meaiociea wliioh bavo oliaaed ict) otlaor .through ray mind tllJaileooe imposiilite. Few. AtuericnnB erer [reamed tbat nmoiig tbe dark and Bloomy * ice of ObaDtwItorsvillo vrua emoted a tragedy wortbtBr to live ia epic varse -ban tbe famonB cbnrga of tba Light Brigade at BuUkl&va. Ouly ou«« ioail be liietories of tbe war hare I seen it lentinned, and to nlpbt my tbotigbti brood over Ihe nitmelesa graves of lhe» uBung lieroefl till my soul cries oat iu test agntttBi the fuvori.'Uma of historic 10, sod for )beae bumble h 111st ora>e only tbe nieagra itutica at a tig mention in tbe earn of tlieir fot- <v opautryaien. It nan tbe night Stonewall JooksoQ re- ceded bis death woutid. He had oom- letnly snrpvjBBd Howmd'B Eleventh orps and waa driving them in tbe wild- it ounfueion olbng toward the centre of i it; line. IDtheir fight tbey passed iroogh a woods just beyond wbioh in n leaiiogt lay four of Siokloa' Batteries' nd a flying artillery battery aod the ighth PannayWania ailvaty of Qen. tmsontoa. The batteries were not in petition bob were "parked," waiting or- Thrnttgh their tines dimhed tbe pnnic atriokeu fugitives,' pursaed by ickeoo'e innDense corps of ovor twenty bonsand men: The field became n sight a. painter. Iafautry.ambulances.pack 1ules, jtegrpaBandetragglprs, tbe worst sored -aten* I ever -looked upon, oume >aring like mad past us. Tbe butteries id DO com aim c<>mmauder, but each iptfiin excitedly nated lor bimsclf. "Buttery—left wheel. Hro to the tear. Ia battery: Caisaioaa paea your cees, trot—mnrch !" nnd 11 frigbtened iglerojtDgbt only the word " trot/'imd itinded no more. It rn'ng, nut clear iove tlie woren than Babel; tnitpy took for a genemV BlaDopcde signal, and roBa the field and down tbe hilt, nnd arosa a atone wall nourits foot, in tbat ions ravine daabed several caissons ad,a fewguas. "Fix proiouge to fire retiriug." " "ffithcanlater—load." Ou ae tlie fugitives, nearer through the ndicg woods cama that confederate I, and tberosb of SlonewalUaokflon'a ictoriouslegions. SictleswuaalDioata i!e awuy, pnebing tbruugb the <^o!o,de. Itfabia aplcnnlia twrpS?' irOf-Uhniimrl' iiiBket was in sigl.t oxeept what the iventh corps men were bearing (o tbe | r as rapidly as legs could oarrj t them. r e mast make our Qgbt agaioat those imcudoas odils alone—Sve batteries of; and tbieo hundred oilwry men—nut -or six hundred man alt told. OD $wept en.y thousand confederates, and we rere not yet ready to flgbt. Oar line confusion worse confounded ; gans ood pointiagwhitberfloovertbooteitod iDDonecra listed, and at tbe first fire ie bait of us wooia blow tlio other half! ito eternily, and. Stonewall would hare ooker'a Ueadquatterfl, and doable up 'bole army—a cheering profipeot >Dt 1 Tbe eon had Bet behind tlie bods, aod thruagh them, yet faster, in ie tliiokeniag gloom, rnsbed Jnoksou'B •oops. Buddenly out In jront ot.ohr osrode tbefumiliarform of General 'leaaanloa. Above (he din iang Ilia thrill voice; •'Align those pieces 1" It ma it work of many minutes and j-Uone- iU was now just upon us. Time 1 Ob Dr ten min^ntes time ! How to" get it ? 'here Bat Mujor Keenan with his three ndred horscmeti. Hero wna ; tlio sacrifice, watch, if every man' were a Ltriot like Arnold Winkelroid, .would We us tbaso prcoious minutes. General 'lensouton said quietly to Keenan, Major, you mtist charge itt those woods itb ynur regicoeut and bold tbe pceray intil I can get tboee guna into poattion. muttt do itfttall oost It la jusfc the } UB saying yoa 'muat be killed, mtinned Pleasanton, but Keenap with stuile, replied : "General, I will do " Ob, what a sight was that! Would God Home American Tennyson m.gnt ice thnt sight, and lift those bumble lines into immortality I Three hundred roopere, witb i3«p sot Bpurs and flash- )g sabres, rucsh at tbe throats of twenty lousand armed men. Nobody, bad landered—but somebody moBt c!ie to mite the Array—that was all 1 So mod % did tbey drive in Jackson's very :entb that he stopped bis onward rashto reform bis lines—surely there muBt be •re coming—no single regiment could charging bis army single banded— 1 wbou so more bold riders came, lieu it was tbat brave Keeaaa dted.oi head of bis regiment, find whole ilntoona perished with tlieir feet in th< itlrrupB 1 But they did not die invain, Ten mintites pnrch.ssed at tbat fearful lo us wore Qtutllier still to 7aoK8on, Wben he came on again, fleab and blood not aland up before onr terrific er fire. His veterans quailed be- fore lbat sirocco of death.. He rode to rectify bU lines, wna mistaken In tbe gathering dnrfanrss fur one of our cavalry' raen, and shot by his ova men. Om three times three" bad hardly ceased ) ring wben Siokles, who had dashed bend of bis veterans liurrying to 01 ajjpurt rode up among .our guns at called ont: "TEmi'vB done nobly, boys ! ftrm. nod In fifteen minntos I Afteen taoasand men heto win dou't know anything bat Qgbt." He good an his word, and qnjakiy tlie oli Tliird Corps filed in behind th.eguns ftai Jacheon's fnmooB oorpa bat] received its fltat defeuL Tuiee bnnired men madi Tbernlopylie live thro' the centories six hundred nt Balnklavtt rode to fam. in Bight of tbe whole world; but thi cjnioiem of America has left to alnmbei in unknown graves beoeatu Ihe pim cones of OhancelloraviHe, a little band man whose dew* wasflagTcat tmd VTDTI of renown at) tbase whose fume poet* ive stjng thrdoyh nil the ages. Henry Clay's Courtonj. A eorreepondent of tlie Uiuuiunat: mmercial writas aa follows: I tbink never saw a more perfect geDtletuan than Henry Clay. He wit always aon< 'derate of the feeliugs ot bia brotber ion, and oven «berj sorely liied uever said or did anything wbiob oonld poi Ay offeod tbe low.ieat of tbem. 7 ill an instance of this. There IU iere in former years a man named (9ar- rd, wbo, though a r%n»gk. faUcs, an ardent admirer of Mr. Clay and a personal acquaintance, up, one of Mr. Olay'a vlaiteOar- bard came up tu the Springs, arriving ' night in a <md state of intoxication, e wanted to beshown where Mr. OJay u, and insisted upon itaeJog him. 'itbaome difficulty wa ponuuded hii at he inast wait no til morning, and be inalty said : "Welt, just let me seo Ms .ot traoks tbat wilt do me to-night." Tbe next morning I etarted witb 1 friend to Mr. Clay'a liouse and found im surrounded wiLb distinguished gen- iiaen, bath of tills oouutry and abrojfl. 'bere were Senators and Judges und 'oreign Ambassador* present, all eu- laged in discussing. I balieve. soma in- •ictita question of foreign policy. Tht- ;eutlemen present would throw on I >me prublem or othpr, lite a tub tp a hale, for Mr. Clay to play with, AS it •9. Mr. OUy was netted at the end tbe room furtbeet from tbe door, hen n bonbon I tl come msrablng Into 0 room but Mr, Qnrbard. He had itli liiia, ton, nn lta'ian dwarf in fan t lit* dto-8. witb bells oil bia bat, wbo aao vet'tltoquist and a monntel); ly. Of course tbe appearance of nch a ouuple In saoh an asBemblage reated no little commotion, Garbard pnllad bis bat off. aud marching ap to tbe man nt Ashland, ild : " Good-morning, Mr. Olny." " Gnod-raoruing, Mr, Gurbwd," said r. Olay. "Well, Mr, ;0Iay," continued tbe ;ber, "I know you are a good judge and fond of music, so I brought I.B man up toarouse you. He can imi- ite any man or animal in the world, md I'll bave him go through bis pro- imme for yon." Everybody else in the room was aabed at tbo man's forward manner, it Mr. Clay aro^e and stepped forward though he was inleiested in the ex- reme. Then tho fellow began bis .un- ions. I could not stand it and vent it of tbe room, as did many others. ' illy Mr. Cluywuut UP to the fellow, ad, taking a SBbill from his pocket, id : " I appreciate your efforts, but I KIW yoa muftt be extremely fatigued om your exeraisea, and trust yon will attempt anything farther," and tbe 1 weotoff. The discussion WHS never resumed, and •be party all came down onto the groupd ~:<>r that, but it was thefinestexempli- fication of " a s t e p from tlieBoUUineto ' ie ridiculooa" tbatXevej; wituejwed. . " My umbro'la is decidedly Bhabby said a joung man auuat tovn. oi evening reoently, "I believe I have to Btriko another proyer-meetioi Ute first rafDv night," TTutt 11 [RHet Yesterday Mr. Tyrrell, of Bail's bard- raieatore, got into anargument witb tk Monk afaonh thBwm,,ot nome igrloultural maobinery belonging io Bafl which was lying nt tba depot. *" nk insisted that tbe maobinerynow- day* was llgbt and unreliable. Terrell Tered to bet him <5 tbat he 0011 Id n't irty ft single piece of it froni tbe Ireight ipot to thestore. Hank deposited bia i!n and started. * "If bo gets it up hare it'll make him -eat," quoth Tyrrell, "He'll earn every cent of his bet," idtbehanda. Ia about fifteen minntea Hank note eight, and they all saw that be bud >lhing. " ' - " Oooolnded you'd let ont (he job to dray, eb ?" they all Haiti, tongbing at ' ink's woefol appearnope. " Well, Ibrongblup a piece," he said he entered-thentore. " Where ia it?" , "HerB," said be, with u quiet grin. chipped it off with a hammer." He produced a corner of H casting l>uot ibe size of a lituel nut " I could, bave got a bigger, fiieoa. bal 3 bo> was BO small it vtuiu't m objeol, see?" ' .:.',. ' . Moak went away with tbe money, and In face wore tbat eelf-satisfied smila all 10 nfternaon. A fanaj Old (story. Tom Marshall was engaged in the trial a case iu tbe interior of Kentucky, hep, a deoiaion of the Judge strookhim so pad tbat he rose hastily and ex- claimed: "There sever was snob a as that since Pontius Pilate pie* Ided on tbe trial of Christ/ "Mr. Clerk," responded the Judge, fine Mr. Marshall lea dollars for con- impt of coart, "Icasfess, your Honor," continued om, "tbnt what I Bnfd was a little bard m Pantius Pilate, but it is the first timi In Eontneky jnrtaprudonee Ibat it is held ittOBpenk disrespectfully of Pontius Pilate la contempt of Court. '* Mr. Clerk, moke the flue twenty dol ihm for a contiaaous ooaleapt," nai :ho Judge floletnnty. "W«U| Judge,"Tom added, "an joo won all my money last nigtit at poker, lead me the twenty." •* Mr. Oletk," cried Ibp Judge, remit tbe fine, Tbe State can afford to lotte tbemoney bolter than I catt," " I coogratulate the Court upon Its return to a saue condition," said Tom, resuming bis seat amid rours of laughter. One dny recently, as & prominent No 1 l'ork liuHiuebs man was about to ealoi bis fuvmite resort for dinner, be v u iccoifled by an individual with a decii edly careworn expreeaion^ who begged that be would assist him to gat BDIO ibing to eat. As tlie mna looked like worthy object af obarity, tbe gentemnn him to ga in, and directed the wai'er to gtvo uioi twenty-flve ,cen< wortli of food and charge it la Mi cbeok. After finishing liia own dlnne the geuttemeu wna proceeding to sell for bis check, wheo, noticing a humor ooa look on tbe waiter's [SOP, he usk< him wbnt tbe hungry nun hadordered. The reply was, '*A turkey far himi aud a gooBD for Tim court, addressing the prniccutc in a recent case of pocket-picking, sai ion yun rccngulEo this bnndkercbi t,« tin- owe that was t-tolun irom JOD Prosccnlor:, "Tes,yaor honor,"'Conrl "And yet it isn't (he only baudkerobi. iulba worlds •8ee-4hifl one I hare i my pocket is precisely Jibe it" Proai oatot: VTery likely, jonr tonots " 1 WSJrobbed, ojtw/' Tmi up Men w!t>. Olil Wire*. It ii aurpritiing buw rapidly evuu tlia great fall oat of notice. Onr.jle BU<5 \eotf>e E'iut were literary wonders, and bey are already dropping from observa- Tbe lattur was burial at Higb- - ite, wbiob is already known as tho place of Coleridge. Tbe fact iat her buBband (John Walter Cross) iaa to micb yonnger (twenty years) m herself occasioned much comment, u's, however, i* not without precedent litanu-y aud sooiftl life. One of Un- loading clergy in this city ia mirriod io woman tenyeaia his sjuior, and the .ton appuars cungenlal. Mohammed's [fa va» twenty years older than tier insband, and it is much to the credit of ie latter tbat he honorud her to the t. Heftsoribedmuch of hi* success ber Mkiatance and iofinenoa. Jobn .ward, the philanthropist, married, it af gratitade, a woman who was [lull; hUsenior, Hlie diod ia a few 'ears, however, and his second onion one of love. It wa«, however, alno [BHolrod by tlie death of b's wife, and ien be detoted himself to philanthropy. poleon'B first wife, Josephine, WJuliin lor by five years, being 80 at the time their murriage. wbile he was 25. It mid bave been well for him had be lued ber coojugal love, whose viola- was tbe beginning of bia ruin, iron Burr also married a widow, wbo, .6Juaepbioe, tud two obiUlica. Mrs. WBJB ten years older than ber Uus- iDd, bat the Union was very lmra-ooi- She probably allowed Mm tbat trge liberty with the fair sex to which bad been accDatotued, and thus iided domesttb quarrels. JohnWilkea e fainoos Iiocooa agitator of tho laai entary, married'a lady WBD was teu 'earn bis senior J bnt shewaa not will- to overlook his irregularities, and ftice obtained a divorce. Johnson, tlie lexiooinvpher, murried ie widow Porter, wfao bad a small uperly. He was aoqaainted, vitb the family before the death of ber biuband, id this helped in tbe matter of court- !p. Mrs. Porter was 48, wbile ber md was only SI at tho time of tbe riding.' The partiBB etarted horseback the place where the ceremony was to performed, and Johnson thus de- iribeathe journey to Boawell: "Sir, ie bad got into ber bead from old lances that a woman of spirit ebonld ber lorei like a dog. Atfirstshe . me I xode too fast, aad abe could otkeepupwiUime; but when I slacked paoesbe passed me and complained it I lagged. I was not to IK made tbe IVB of ospriofl, andtherefore pushed tilt I waa ont of sight Wbeo ele to tbe destination I observed that 1 i u in tears.", Jobaaon ilwaja atirned the loss of his wife, and tlioagh was onlv 18 at the time of her dcatb, never married agaio. How often in aubseqaent writings lie refers to his st oompBnion in the most sffectiooate flner!. ".. '"' '. When only 18 Shakapeate WBB raatried Annie HulbBway, whose age was 26, months from theweddtDg day tbe irst sop. waa born to Urn ill-mated pair. ie bushaud and father bad no means ipporting a family, and wben tlie ;ter bad i oretuad to tho number of a ID and twqdaughters lie fled to Lou- Tbe deserted wife i ipport«d her Ildren BB boat she could, and twenty 'ears afterward her husband returned, d by his aubseqnent conduct strove to mo lot hia early error. Sdcu facts aa prove that Jobn Walter Gross, marrjing Marian Erana, had ftoma Itiking precedeuta.—BotUm. Courier. HtiJlclnal QuaLlUM of CultermllV. For a Summer beverage there can be ;bioR more healthy tiod strengtbenicg ,n buttermilk. It is .excellent for reak or delicate stomaohs, and k r hotter a dinner drink than coffee, tea or iter, andunlike thorn, does not retard, it rather tAfa digeellon. Acelebrated tysician once and tbat of every one tbe value of battermtlk aaftdrink would be more freely partaken of by , rsoDB who drink $0 ex«esaive.y of, ier bevereges ; and farther compared effects upon the system to tho clear- ing ont of aoook stove that has been Dgged up with aaheti Ibat bave sifted irougb, filliuft* np every crerico and rack, HjyiDg tbat the ha man gy«tem ia ;e tbe stovo. abd colleoU and gathers ;PB6 matter that can inno vaybeex- tBrmiaated from the ayarera as by drink- ig buttermilk. It is also, a speciflo " for indigestion, soothes and lieta tbe nerves, andis very somnolent those wbo are troubled witb sleepless- There is something atrange in ie foot tbat persons who are fond of ittermilk never tire of singing Its praises, wbile those flho are net fond of never weary of wondering tow'some loople can drink it, 80 far as possible people abaald overcome tbat orersion to and learn to drink it for health's aake. me gentleman at oar acquaintance ia so atretnely fond of it that we knew him lima todrink about three glumes, ben set bis glass down with a thud, ex- olaimins: earniMtly B*be wnaeked his [pa, "Tlat'a food nnd nirr.ent both ;" "'" another battouilk entbaaiast tnade ibB statement once that where tho iver bus become lifeless from torpidity, md inaction, and is top dead to perform functians,buttermtlk will eeaae a new me to grow io. Whatever exaggerated itatemenU nay have bean made con- ling buttermilk. Its medical proper- >ies cannot bo overrated, and It should be more freely used by all wbo can get " Every one who values Rood' health aid drink buttermilk erery day in warm weather, and let tea, oonTea and itw alone. For tha benefit of those who are not already aware of it,-I may odd that, in tbe churning, thafirstpro- CFaaofdigest.oniagoncthroQgh. tnuking it one of tbe easiettaod qaiokaetof all things todigest It makes gastriojiiioe ,nd contains propeitieM that readily ai- aimttate witb it, with little or no wear npon the digestive organs,—Buff** Jour* nat tf HtalA. LOVAX WOMAN AHEAD.—Yesterday three of the Ax ptinika in the towu were ' tilled by women. Tho Bev. MUo Loaiie 8. Baker was at tbe Oa&neg&Monal Obarcb, Her. Fbcabe A. Banaford at tbe Unitarian, and Be?. Mrs. F, Ellis (ootomd), o( New Sedfanl^ at the Ool- ored BsPlist Cbnrcb, Tbi» is tha nor- mal condition of affitira in 0 ocminnnity iof,wom*a like tliia, wtore the femnltn outnumber the males'in tbe proportion of sixteen to ooe. The flagman at the .wUioadoroatfwiis a woman. The xaa. tau rant at Unr&ida ia kept by a woman— '«d it is needless to «&v His well kept— ' Ukd lomea hold many position, n unllr hald bj men.—Jfindfafter Ufor, ': ii£*&fe

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Groceries and Provisions,


ktD »Ddmit*i, fr*«*oe UTIPI .

i)R)i or liottae and IIRD i^int-l»te. «T* l«*teom(Mtittit t(j nirpt the demand!«f«fl. P t ln t iboaof t r MlmWhlte'twilUntrj-more, neil to Voagbt & KittKate't drtis store-P. O.PoilfiS.

, • A fpwslalty made or stencil ootliuff.rVi imi '1 -lt AJDDCK-

will always be bi&oa topi Ibc Vint quftlity anS oqnal p m

sent nt the uofll retwoiiable nutrgi•tent with tbe puichaaing price. Sussti

-VTeet new ihe coroei o( ElackweU, Do?et.October VJlh. 1S79.



t kb4 matcibli fnniabtd for


DDCMI Goods, anil allueehold in bis line.

upp s of tin

ire goods

Hock»ni7. March 1.1873.









FISE POOL TABLEand i wall gtltd uid aomplala



lUAUDS 4 CO.'fl STORE.)wna*7.0flper<(«L Allkhidi

>fPINR COLORS for camags and wagoapainting Also OILS anJ VAKHI8H. bothForalgniuidDomeBtlo. TuKFBRTm. WkmfLEAD, etc. Pftlnt, Coloring and VarttabBru>hei and Striping PeMiln, a full rttook,. Ail ot the tfMTa good* CTOOI tb« *)««t mak'm known, by palnWn. FIBST'OLASSDAKBIAGE and HLEIOH OIINAMKNTS.

IlAving &od A Urgoaiperieww fUnaerij wa oari-iiiRo biiililcr. froni i ifcoroniih know,edga ol tbf btiaioeBs I bate adranusai o»*

other ilculer.



GensoB Uioaincg, Prosideot.Wu. It. LAMSEIIT, Seu'y and Tieas.





FINEST FERMERA OOLONO, 71) oti. per !1>.FINEHT OLD QOV. .UV\ '-Vi " "FINB MAltACAIBO COPFEE 22, 35, at), cU. per 1b.

E invilo the Bpeciat attenlinn of sUiro lti:fp(.Ti, hotel kcupera anil buardingf cc to Iba folJowing lilt of price a :

COFFEES lfi, IH, 20,23pts. per Ib.T E A M , :... as,2«,no,3r. *• "

BUOAItH 8OLI3 AT COHT. We get our Roods (llrnat from thn importers.ml lidtice aar LOW I'RICEB. One trial In nil we t i b .


THE Hiibucribct tinfl njifinJ & riDW vird mnrthe corner of I I L A C K W K I . I , AMI

.and is prepotfel t» (urmuli



A property oompriKinR thirty-live ncrefl,iwtiy improTod, and locale.) lit Cmnelowo,

wo wtUa from Do* or on t t t road leiiiliiigeattr. On the premises in ft


and oothooBei. Al«o a tenant bouse. Plentyof good fruit, early andlata.antl A very flueiptiDR ot water near tbe housR. Apply to


-it [i the

ijcato far Faictiaaks' Scales andTcr-



I U a S0PPL1E8,

Igrlcaltnn Implement!, &M<U, PortiHiarp,«ti. Pjvltti, Oili, O t m .


HorrUtoim. JMo.lltta.187B.

j .


an tboreoftlj hmlihrf

«|0l>pe4 >itll Ibrp. o[ CUUiniira CELX-


EtMV, PUtaiCT, •aindsn.'Tsl.te,fll'«l H * D k l l M

iromnn wlioia W«at, Ncn-r.n*, ntiil Dlfparticnlflrljr thnna TT!IQ Iirtva Thin, Palo Lip*,Cold Tlr^t iad Pwl, sr.'1 who era wlllioulfitrenph or Ambition. T!ici"i Fills qnlet tbaKWTM, five EIronEth to tin I!ody, Indue* HO-fievbtes ft.«*p, rntlch tiii.l Iinrwms Ih* qn»Ulyof tb« Blood. sn<t Purify end JiritUteu U,e Coin-pfeilon. They ccro I'alplWi.m of t!io Hurt,i. IHUCW, Trc!iibUn£H, KCTTOIW Ili'Dilscho,

rtwWiTitM In llm Hwfc. tuiQllicr foTO»greit (onlc, Cnne»b)B fur men itlia i , .._ _WeftkaesH, Night 8wen!*, ic In metal btnea.itffOernina Soli t>7 nil dnig£lst*. or Mat bj



Axes and Edge Tools,ROCKAWAY, N. J.

i tike liiHm<'aii(t<j

[fin wlial

UloufBiwe are th

, hive no cannrctionRitli any Otherer, and ilull continue to m»ke oar

CJd wiili greater care than ever.to tuutl-mtulfi .bmuebaaL and

inlr lirra ID nockuriTnualnKioehrclj Lj han... Water Toyent foi




• doitne ant horr^ttns itoofc of BATfi AST)JOMHKr8»t«1*rtoJ;pric««.BotirBeD 300 «ua

iiila«i»ll*i.neta >ltftioia SI* ow XoW. HU.ti5 Jw^k and wilt bs amubla- lur fallrmar. An-iirMatl9<ila.M«li all arortb ihblo l | i . j rulWEBU fro

mubla- lur fallrmar. A.M«li all arortb QDTO ih. rulWEBU from 5 ola.



__ _t the ttontilitotof. -je aniiouily mllftiRfar the nje>«uUKer-

IMI lirlllC!! lltir UM ctlSfMtellM. .HliB U 01 DCllihnteC hf Tuartt or Uia woral, yet OIIBKBMweiannl? to ' "-•-ugu*tS7iU.lMother,

Wittcblng, wmtoblnff (or« raewige, 'Tew. a), trtiBtintf lu the Loi4.Won)., our wefcltb ul l o w (utlia nerve rotl,Wonld • pfople'f prijei-a ooultl aerva joa,

And pood olieonfnrd." '

MoUier, niolLer, lo tbe doorway,OHM yon narHd a bflby bor.r*agii> htw tlitl.) feet ID toddlo,T*aglit hli belplpi lifbd* to toyWitb hla jriajthiDga. |>r»ttKDu, Mnillog,Yonr yuQURmotlVrTbood licguiling

With bia lafcutjof.

Hothur, mothm-, in the doorcft*,vbofbuweOblmvirtqf'Bpatb, •

Uolded him past obildLood'a ptri l i ,Ttirtmgh tb< waj» rcuiuved ironi wratta.Well Ibat BOB r£p»7B four goardiug,Lore with tk-tieat iove rBWirdiog.

Iu wftuhDotft anetmalli.MQiber, root ber, iu tlw doorway,Wntclilag lu the uaonUde gluw,On your wtiite locki seeai tu UnjtPrfii«o« iut Uitrc loBft igo, 'And nitlv IftUt ti»wa blBnOlng, ;Aa the Nation's ruler, banding, " '

Grpels the raotUer'i broir.Mother, mother tu the doorta? ,Hiriokeo with a mother'! sritf,- •-•Yon »ro lookliij, whaca Veto Umely— ' 'Wo uro toiil-mall find r»l."J i -Luahiafr far btjond tbe Tallejr, .Townul the aeld wbe» loldtera n t .y

From tbe battle brief,, .t ; ;

Mother, motbor |u tbe doorway,"mragcl la tlifBjioatof woe '. .tr tbe nutiuu'B doal ft nirii Eiital,Though tlw w»t«t ebb or fluw ;With out bluffy fall Is written,• l oar htHrli wilti j o t w «ri titDltlah,

And oar htaHmro low.• .* t»s&.

Mother, motbet In tbe igUlgny.'k*ndbnf«tydiiiM, -,

Ootliu oaontry'* roll of honor .;. >\• ("•*Proud HjopUeehenoblj^WoU;. ,-.-\ -k f ••'-•We, UiB name wbo de*rly obOTisb, IWould nut lot tbenldieiperlBh

Could man stye feat BOD, - -i DATIP QLABAV ASMS.

ftEBIMQTGIf, AOff. 28tll, 18H1. : ' ! •


The break of duj m s not caused 1>Jic lull of n i g h t . •> • '•:• - ' '

" Embera from wbiot'the sparks havelea1*—oia maiiis. "i .: >

Wli; will wonioij •j.ev'fr aaooecd anI d V B theit trains'

A. girl vieat back on bet'boilrlcggecjbeau because pba said sbe didn't like toulie in brockets. : - . ' ,

"Pn'eoner, liavo you ever been fcoo-cteJ ?" "No, your honor, I hoveIways employed first does lawyers."Tie youpg Jady who dtatinguisbed

icrself nt college commonceiQentl" Jihe aId ing: committee, is ready lo reoeive

ropoaula, '

Troth nod love tire two.nf Ihe m(wtfal tbings in tbe world, and

hen (hey lotli go together thej cannotlily be withstood. '

It is not tbe lieight to which naon•e adrnocud tliat makes I hem giddj,

hficonlemjit witb wbioh .beylookou those balow tliom.i man who lias invented a fiji»g

iificliiuo etiouid mnko bis frial tripii>w. Tliero have never beea more fliesit thau nt tbia present lina'e,A Hnrfford divorce Jawyer said toa rain iet or, the other day • "Yon andlive iu tbe rig It Slate for one motlier•wbat sou Conneel-i-cQt." ;

Wb&t is the difference between a toan;rnok wiib omaEeoieat aad a l&epanl'Bil ? Oue is rooted to the Bpot andid other spotted to the root,A little boy wna naked recently-,* lieiew where the wicked finally WRDI to.c anawerea : " Tbey practice law herespell and th«u go to tlic Legialature."Qrnco beld » rope while Williamlempted to oliinb bcr window. But

•hcu Nbe heard ber*parent's.footateuathe Btnirs and let go of tbe raps, then

was that her lover fell (ram Grace.11 How is yoor wife, Mr. Smith r" saysnitlj poinling to where bia wile eat ina unit roam, At work upon Ills coat,Sbo'ii Httw-aew." Mr. Jones—"Oil, I

0 ; ska id mending, acre enough."Wur bmtory : " WLat is Ibo greatesturge on record ?" aska tba

' liiatory. And the.udent answered. . " Boventeen dollarsir hi! ck bire for sell aud girl for twodors,"

. IWatlinV mollier in-lttw boaiubout permiUing her daughter to

inrry n iirioler, aa there were alreadyprinting offices la tbe Unite J States

nd sbe wus uncertain wliathor themctrj would support a third,

A victim of domestic .ufelicity, whoin tbo Imbit ol drcam.QS. l l l

ievor go to sloep ju'oburab. A. oongre-UoDt ueur Quiacy, wua eomewbat

InvtleJ, recf-ntly, on aSubbalb,, whenpiicrable . member exolledly yelled'Bore now I drop that Btlllet, old

woman I"

A Western "tamp orator, in tbe courseif one of hie upteebBS, kd1 Qaollcmetv if ttio Pat-ey-tix Ocenn wor,n inkRtnn.J, and tbe hall oloniled canopy1

>f fieavrn nnd the level ground of oar•esrtb not a sheet of paper, I could a1

begin to write my love of country on to

A ratber verdant young man, conitaJ onil.cansOT.ottB, -sbile talHng lo

a yooDg Intly at a party, pointed to apouple that lie Bappoaed to t>e in BOadjoining room, and said, " Jnst look al,bat conceited yoangprig! lan't itperfectly nbanrd forsaoTi boys to go intisociety 7" ''Why," Gzclaimed bis companion, " that isn't adoor, it's a mirtorl"

A Lost Opportunity.A Olevelauder wbo bad put In h

week* at the Plata oumo dovo on tboboat on bis way borne. Among t . s trnpihe bail something In a to*' wbiob olaied oaQiidenble- attenUan, and n manflnilljr npproaobciJ-liim and said;leeyonoungbtone.' •<3foi/ 'Going totako him bo me ?' 'Tea.' 'Wai it theeatooejoq saw up there ?' 'Oh, notfaiB 1» ODW a yoong ODD.' ^Qotng tt" """""hi presume f 'Well, I guess

' bitn yon?' 'Bita uje 7hiiQl presu-'Bid he ti y B

Wby. tbey UBVer bito, ? 0 a »nnw wbaun of a bird thia u , dOD'r. you ?' *Coouraa I do. That'll a.flt- Olair Flalmuiquito, imHur 1 It wna a spleodl.opportunity, bud OIG tflmptaHon waiftreat^bot.lUo Baokeye>a« a trutfafimtd, utit be atgbed boavjly u be rr_pljed : 'N-o«; air. Tbnt iwa St. OUtrFJats ntdd-fien. I dirJD't iee a 'ikeeterover tu&t iw luge ai this,'

Ttu: ciuaue ot1


Soribner't ittaBntiy iiuWis.ieJ a poeui:leicripijye of a little-Jjnowo iDoidont oltbo battle of CIuQcelloraviUe. Tbe poemwas fonndod DDOD tbo facto narrated in

ViioR arlicie, wbiob waa writlfloe»te ago b.v Out. Hopes, now oom maud

er of OIB Tbird Bogitnent. N. J . S". G.Can j oa ata&d aoothor war iuoident ?

i is uot us gmnd a aoflue as Qettyeborg,or perbapoas big witb resulls, but tbantij riDgingreepODHeatomyliiat(wb[aliConfess was offered in your New Yur\&•rru3pondeno« with tnun/ mlegivioge)(ve soBJpbow stirreJ t i e gbgijlH 1ittlliug, meaiociea wliioh bavo oliaaedict) otlaor .through ray mind tllJaileooe

imposiilite. Few. AtuericnnB erer[reamed tbat nmoiig tbe dark and Bloomy* ice of ObaDtwItorsvillo vrua emoted atragedy wortbtBr to live ia epic varse

-ban tbe famonB cbnrga of tba LightBrigade at BuUkl&va. Ouly ou«« io ailbe liietories of tbe war hare I seen itlentinned, and to nlpbt my tbotigbti

brood over Ihe nitmelesa graves of lhe»uBung lieroefl till my soul cries oat iu

test agntttBi the fuvori.'Uma of historic10, sod for )beae bumble h

111st ora>e only tbe nieagra itutica at atig mention in tbe earn of tlieir fot-

<v opautryaien.

I t nan tbe night Stonewall JooksoQ re-ceded bis death woutid. He had oom-

letnly snrpvjBBd Howmd'B Eleventhorps and waa driving them in tbe wild-it ounfueion olbng toward the centre of iit; line. I D their fight tbey passediroogh a woods just beyond wbioh in nleaiiogt lay four of Siokloa' Batteries'nd a flying artillery battery aod theighth PannayWania a ilvaty of Qen.tmsontoa. The batteries were not in

petition bob were "parked ," waiting or-Thrnttgh their tines dimhed tbe

pnnic atriokeu fugitives,' pursaed byickeoo'e innDense corps of ovor twenty

bonsand men: The field became n sighta. painter. Iafautry.ambulances.pack

1 ules, jtegrpaBandetragglprs, tbe worstsored -aten* I ever -looked upon, oume>aring like mad past us. Tbe butteriesid DO com a i m c<>mmauder, but eachiptfiin excitedly nated lor bimsclf."Buttery—left wheel. H r o to the

tear. I a bat tery: Caisaioaa paea yourcees, trot—mnrch !" nnd 11 frigbtenediglerojtDgbt only the word " t ro t / ' imditinded no more. I t rn'ng, nut cleariove tlie woren than Babel; tnitpy tookfor a genemV BlaDopcde signal, and

roBa the field and down tbe hilt, nndarosa a atone wall nourits foot, in tbat

ions ravine daabed several caissonsad,a few guas. " F i x proiouge to fire

retiriug." " "ffithcanlater—load." Ouae tlie fugitives, nearer through thendicg woods cama that confederateI, and tberosb of SlonewalUaokflon'a

ictoriouslegions. SictleswuaalDioatai!e awuy, pnebing tbruugb the < o!o,de.

Itfabia aplcnnlia twrpS?' irOf-Uhniimrl'iiiBket was in sigl.t oxeept what the

iventh corps men were bearing (o tbe |r as rapidly as legs could oarrj tthem.

re mast make our Qgbt agaioat thoseimcudoas odils alone—Sve batteries of;and tbieo hundred oilwry men—nut

-or six hundred man alt told. OD $wepten.y thousand confederates, and we

rere not yet ready to flgbt. Oar lineconfusion worse confounded ; gans

ood pointiagwhitberfloovertbooteitodiDDonecra listed, and at tbe first fireie bait of us wooia blow tlio other half!ito eternily, and. Stonewall would hareooker'a Ueadquatterfl, and doable up

'bole army—a cheering profipeot>Dt 1 Tbe eon had Bet behind tliebods, aod thruagh them, yet faster, inie tliiokeniag gloom, rnsbed Jnoksou'B•oops. Buddenly out In jront ot.ohr

osrode tbefumiliarform of General'leaaanloa. Above (he din iang Iliathrill voice; •'Align those pieces 1" Itma it work of many minutes and j-Uone-

iU was now just upon us. Time 1 ObDr ten min^ntes time ! How to" get it ?'here Bat Mujor Keenan with his three

ndred horscmeti. Hero wna ; tliosacrifice, watch, if every man' were a

Ltriot like Arnold Winkelroid, .wouldWe us tbaso prcoious minutes. General'lensouton said quietly to Keenan,Major, you mtist charge itt those woodsitb ynur regicoeut and bold tbe pceray

intil I can get tboee guna into poattion.muttt do it ftt all oost It la jusfc the} UB saying yoa 'muat be killed,

m tinned Pleasanton, but Keenap withstuile, replied : "General, I will do" Ob, what a sight was that! WouldGod Home American Tennyson m.gnt

ice thnt sight, and lift those bumblelines into immortality I Three hundred

roopere, witb i3«p sot Bpurs and flash-)g sabres, rucsh at tbe throats of twentylousand armed men. Nobody, badlandered—but somebody moBt c!ie to

mite the Array—that was all 1 So mod %did tbey drive in Jackson's very

:entb that he stopped bis onward rash toreform bis lines—surely there muBt be

•re coming—no single regiment couldcharging bis army single banded—

1 wbou s o more bold riders came,lieu it was tbat brave Keeaaa dted.oi

head of bis regiment, find wholeilntoona perished with tlieir feet in th<itlrrupB 1 But they did not die in vain,

Ten mintites pnrch.ssed at tbat fearfullo us wore Qtutllier still to 7aoK8on,

Wben he came on again, fleab and bloodnot aland up before onr terrificer fire. His veterans quailed be-

fore lbat sirocco of death.. He rodeto rectify bU lines, wna mistaken In tbegathering dnrfanrss fur one of our cavalry'raen, and shot by his ova men. Om

three times three" bad hardly ceased) ring wben Siokles, who had dashedbend of bis veterans liurrying to 01ajjpurt rode up among .our guns at

called ont: "TEmi'vB done nobly, boys! ftrm. nod In fifteen minntos IAfteen taoasand men heto win

dou't know anything bat Qgbt." Hegood an his word, and qnjakiy tlie oliTliird Corps filed in behind th.eguns ftaiJacheon's fnmooB oorpa bat] received itsfltat defeuL Tuiee bnnired men madiTbernlopylie live thro' the centoriessix hundred nt Balnklavtt rode to fam.in Bight of tbe whole world; but thicjnioiem of America has left to alnmbeiin unknown graves beoeatu Ihe pimcones of OhancelloraviHe, a little bandman whose dew* was fla gTcat tmd VTDTIof renown at) tbase whose fume poet*

ive stjng thrdoyh nil the ages.

Henry Clay's Courtonj.A eorreepondent of tlie Uiuuiunat:

mmercial writas aa follows: I tbinknever saw a more perfect geDtletuan

than Henry Clay. He wit always aon<'derate of the feeliugs ot bia brotberion, and oven «berj sorely liied uever

said or did anything wbiob oonld poiAy offeod tbe low.ieat of tbem. 7ill an instance of this. There IU

iere in former years a man named (9ar-

rd, wbo, though a r%n»gk. faUcs,an ardent admirer of Mr. Clay and apersonal acquaintance,

up, one of Mr. Olay'a vlaite Oar-bard came up tu the Springs, arriving' night in a <md state of intoxication,e wanted to be shown where Mr. OJayu, and insisted upon itaeJog him.'itbaome difficulty wa ponuuded hiiat he inast wait no til morning, and be

inalty said : "Welt, just let me seo Ms.ot traoks • tbat wilt do me to-night."Tbe next morning I etarted witb 1

friend to Mr. Clay'a liouse and foundim surrounded wiLb distinguished gen-iiaen, bath of tills oouutry and abrojfl.

'bere were Senators and Judges und'oreign Ambassador* present, all eu-laged in discussing. I balieve. soma in-•ictita question of foreign policy. Tht-;eutlemen present would throw on I>me prublem or othpr, lite a tub tp ahale, for Mr. Clay to play with, AS it

•9. Mr. OUy was netted at the endtbe room furtbeet from tbe door,

hen n bonbon I tl come msrablng Into0 room but Mr, Qnrbard. He haditli liiia, ton, nn lta'ian dwarf in fant lit* dto-8. witb bells oil bia bat, wboaao vet'tltoquist and a monntel);

ly. Of course tbe appearance ofnch a ouuple In saoh an asBemblagereated no little commotion,

Garbard pnllad bis bat off. audmarching ap to tbe man nt Ashland,ild : " Good-morning, Mr. Olny."" Gnod-raoruing, Mr, Gurbwd," saidr. Olay.

"Well, Mr,;0Iay," continued tbe;ber, " I know you are a good judge

and fond of music, so I broughtI.B man up to arouse you. He can imi-ite any man or animal in the world,

md I'll bave him go through bis pro-imme for yon."

Everybody else in the room wasaabed at tbo man's forward manner,it Mr. Clay aro^e and stepped forwardthough he was inleiested in the ex-

reme. Then tho fellow began bis .un-ions. I could not stand it and ventit of tbe room, as did many others.' illy Mr. Cluywuut UP to the fellow,

ad, taking a SB bill from his pocket,id : " I appreciate your efforts, but IKIW yoa muftt be extremely fatiguedom your exeraisea, and trust yon will

attempt anything farther," and tbe1 weotoff.

The discussion WHS never resumed, and•be party all came down on to the groupd~:<>r that, but it was the finest exempli-

fication of "astep from tlieBoUUineto' ie ridiculooa" tbatXevej; wituejwed. .

" My umbro'la is decidedly Bhabbysaid a joung man auuat tovn. oievening reoently, " I believe Ihave to Btriko another proyer-meetioiUte first rafDv night,"

TTutt 11 [R Het

Yesterday Mr. Tyrrell, of Bail's bard-raieatore, got into an argument witb

tk Monk afaonh thB wm,,ot nomeigrloultural maobinery belonging io

Bafl which was lying nt tba depot.*" nk insisted that tbe maobinery now-

day* was llgbt and unreliable. TerrellTered to bet him <5 tbat he 0011 Id n'tirty ft single piece of it froni tbe Ireightipot to the store. Hank deposited biai!n and started. *"If bo gets it up hare it'll make him-eat," quoth Tyrrell,"He'll earn every cent of his bet,"idtbehanda.Ia about fifteen minntea Hank noteeight, and they all saw that be bud

>lhing. " ' -" Oooolnded you'd let ont (he job to

dray, eb ?" they all Haiti, tongbing at' ink's woefol appearnope.

" Well, Ibrongblup a piece," he saidhe entered-thentore." Where ia it?" ,"HerB," said be, with u quiet grin.

chipped it off with a hammer."He produced a corner of H casting

l>uot ibe size of a lituel nut" I could, bave got a bigger, fiieoa. bal3 bo> was BO small it vtuiu't m objeol,see?" ' .:.',. ' . •

Moak went away with tbe money, andIn face wore tbat eelf-satisfied smila all10 nfternaon.

A fanaj Old (story.

Tom Marshall was engaged in the triala case iu tbe interior of Kentucky,

hep, a deoiaion of the Judge strook himso pad tbat he rose hastily and ex-

claimed: "There sever was snob aas that since Pontius Pilate pie*

Ided on tbe trial of Christ/"Mr. Clerk," responded the Judge,fine Mr. Marshall lea dollars for con-impt of coart,"Icasfess, your Honor," continued

om, " tbnt what I Bnfd was a little bardm Pantius Pilate, but it is the first timiIn Eontneky jnrtaprudonee Ibat it is held

ittOBpenk disrespectfully of PontiusPilate la contempt of Court.'* Mr. Clerk, moke the flue twenty dol

ihm for a contiaaous ooaleapt," nai:ho Judge floletnnty.

"W«U| Judge,"Tom added, "an joowon all my money last nigtit at poker,lead me the twenty."

•* Mr. Oletk," cried Ibp Judge,remit tbe fine, Tbe State can afford

to lotte tbe money bolter than I catt,"" I coogratulate the Court upon Its

return to a saue condition," said Tom,resuming bis seat amid rours of laughter.

One dny recently, as & prominent No1

l'ork liuHiuebs man was about to ealoibis fuvmite resort for dinner, be v uiccoifled by an individual with a decii

edly careworn expreeaion^ who beggedthat be would assist him to gat BDIOibing to eat. As tlie mna looked likeworthy object af obarity, tbe gentemnn

him to ga in, and directed thewai'er to gtvo uioi twenty-flve ,cen<wortli of food and charge it la Micbeok. After finishing liia own dlnnethe geuttemeu wna proceeding to sellfor bis check, wheo, noticing a humorooa look on tbe waiter's [SOP, he usk<him wbnt tbe hungry nun had ordered.The reply was, '*A turkey far himiaud a gooBD for

Tim court, addressing the prniccutcin a recent case of pocket-picking, sai

ion yun rccngulEo this bnndkercbit,« tin- owe that was t-tolun irom JODProsccnlor:, "Tes,yaor honor,"'Conrl"And yet it isn't (he only baudkerobi.iulba worlds •8ee-4hifl one I hare imy pocket is precisely Jibe i t " Proaioatot: VTery likely, jonr tonots "1 WSJrobbed, o j t w / '

Tmi up Men w!t>. Olil Wire*.

It ii aurpritiing buw rapidly evuu tliagreat fall oat of notice. Onr.jle BU<5\eotf>e E'iut were literary wonders, andbey are already dropping from observa-

Tbe lattur was burial at Higb- -ite, wbiob is already known as tho

place of Coleridge. Tbe factiat her buBband (John Walter Cross)

iaa to micb yonnger (twenty years)m herself occasioned much comment,u's, however, i* not without precedentlitanu-y aud sooiftl life. One of Un-

loading clergy in this city ia mirriod iowoman ten yeaia his sjuior, and the.ton appuars cungenlal. Mohammed's

[fa va» twenty years older than tierinsband, and it is much to the credit ofie latter tbat he honorud her to thet. He ftsoribed much of hi* successber Mkiatance and iofinenoa. Jobn.ward, the philanthropist, married,

it af gratitade, a woman who was[lull; hU senior, Hlie diod ia a few

'ears, however, and his second onionone of love. It wa«, however, alno

[BHolrod by tlie death of b's wife, andien be detoted himself to philanthropy.poleon'B first wife, Josephine, WJuliinlor by five years, being 80 at the time

their murriage. wbile he was 25. Itmid bave been well for him had belued ber coojugal love, whose viola-

was tbe beginning of bia ruin,iron Burr also married a widow, wbo,.6Juaepbioe, tud two obiUlica. Mrs.

WBJB ten years older than ber Uus-iDd, bat the Union was very lmra-ooi-

She probably allowed Mm tbattrge liberty with the fair sex to which

bad been accDatotued, and thusiided domesttb quarrels. JohnWilkea

e fainoos Iiocooa agitator of tho laaientary, married'a lady WBD was teu'earn bis senior J bnt she waa not will-

to overlook his irregularities, andftice obtained a divorce.Johnson, tlie lexiooinvpher, murriedie widow Porter, wfao bad a smalluperly. He was aoqaainted, vitb the

family before the death of ber biuband,id this helped in tbe matter of court-!p. Mrs. Porter was 48, wbile ber

md was only SI at tho time of tberiding.' The partiBB etarted horseback

the place where the ceremony was toperformed, and Johnson thus de-

iribeathe journey to Boawell: "Sir,ie bad got into ber bead from old

lances that a woman of spirit ebonldber lorei like a dog. At first she. me I xode too fast, aad abe could

otkeepupwiUime; but when I slackedpaoesbe passed me and complained

it I lagged. I was not to IK made tbeIVB of ospriofl, and therefore pushed

tilt I waa ont of sight Wbeo eleto tbe destination I observed that

1 i u in tears.", Jobaaon ilwajaatirned the loss of his wife, and tlioaghwas onlv 18 at the time of her dcatb,never married agaio. How often inaubseqaent writings lie refers to his

st oompBnion in the most sffectiooateflner!. ".. '" ' '.

When only 18 Shakapeate WBB raatriedAnnie HulbBway, whose age was 26,

months from the weddtDg day tbeirst sop. waa born to Urn ill-mated pair.

ie bushaud and father bad no meansipporting a family, and wben tlie

;ter bad i oretuad to tho number of aID and twq daughters lie fled to Lou-

Tbe deserted wife i ipport«d herIldren BB boat she could, and twenty

'ears afterward her husband returned,d by his aubseqnent conduct strove tomo lot hia early error. Sdcu facts aa

prove that Jobn Walter Gross,marrjing Marian Erana, had ftoma

Itiking precedeuta.—BotUm. Courier.

HtiJlclnal QuaLlUM of CultermllV.For a Summer beverage there can be;bioR more healthy tiod strengtbenicg,n buttermilk. It is .excellent for

reak or delicate stomaohs, and k r hottera dinner drink than coffee, tea or

iter, and unlike thorn, does not retard,it rather tAfa digeellon. A celebratedtysician once and tbat of every one

tbe value of battermtlk aa ft drinkwould be more freely partaken of by ,rsoDB who drink $0 ex«esaive.y of,ier bevereges ; and farther comparedeffects upon the system to tho clear-

ing ont of aoook stove that has beenDgged up with aaheti Ibat bave siftedirougb, filliuft* np every crerico andrack, HjyiDg tbat the ha man gy«tem ia;e tbe stovo. abd colleoU and gathers;PB6 matter that can in no vaybeex-

tBrmiaated from the ayarera as by drink-ig buttermilk. It is also, a speciflo

" for indigestion, soothes andlieta tbe nerves, and is very somnolentthose wbo are troubled witb sleepless-

There i s something atrange inie foot tbat persons who are fond ofittermilk never tire of singing Its

praises, wbile those flho are net fond ofnever weary of wondering tow'some

loople can drink it, 80 far as possiblepeople abaald overcome tbat orersion to

and learn to drink it for health's aake.me gentleman at oar acquaintance ia soatretnely fond of it that we knew him

lima to drink about three glumes,ben set bis glass down with a thud, ex-

olaimins: earniMtly B* be wnaeked his[pa, "Tlat'a food nnd nirr.ent both ;""'" another battouilk entbaaiast

tnade ibB statement once that where thoiver bus become lifeless from torpidity,md inaction, and is top dead to perform

functians,buttermtlk will eeaae a newme to grow io. Whatever exaggerateditatemenU nay have bean made con-

ling buttermilk. Its medical proper->ies cannot bo overrated, and It shouldbe more freely used by all wbo can get" Every one who values Rood' health

aid drink buttermilk erery day inwarm weather, and let tea, oonTea and

itw alone. For tha benefit of thosewho are not already aware of it,-I mayodd that, in tbe churning, tha first pro-CFaaofdigest.oniagoncthroQgh. tnukingit one of tbe easiettaod qaiokaetof allthings to digest It makes gastriojiiioe,nd contains propeitieM that readily ai-

aimttate witb it, with little or no wearnpon the digestive organs,—Buff** Jour*nat tf HtalA.

LOVAX WOMAN AHEAD.—Yesterdaythree of the Ax ptinika in the towu were

' tilled by women. Tho Bev. MUo Loaiie8. Baker was at tbe Oa&neg&MonalObarcb, Her. Fbcabe A. Banaford attbe Unitarian, and Be?. Mrs. F, Ellis(ootomd), o( New Sedfanl^ at the Ool-ored BsPlist Cbnrcb, Tbi» is tha nor-mal condition of affitira in 0 ocminnnity

iof,wom*a like tliia, wtore the femnltnoutnumber the males'in tbe proportionof sixteen to ooe. The flagman at the

.wUioadoroatfwiis a woman. The xaa.tau rant at Unr&ida ia kept by a woman—

' « d it is needless to «&v His well kept—' Ukd lomea hold many position, n unllrhald b j men.—Jfindfafter Ufor, ' :


Page 2: VpL, XI. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1881/1881-09-03.pdfgreit (onlc, Cnne »b)B fur men itlia i , .._ _ WeftkaesH

THE IRON ERAThe Dover Printing Company,


Saumlay, (Sept. 3d, 1881.

The Heart of the Nation.'Hie lunri nf tbe nation wan bi-aty and Had

- liM HiitiirtliLV. Xht? n^ws that t?iatD9 by

juflrmeil 1

Morrl* Affleultufil B«[rty.Tlie Pill megtltig Qf ih« Morrit Cannty Agti.Dltwral Sootetjr commenced Tuesday wilt, »

Urge ftUendfttusa, Tjierflocietf fanvo tnadognatimiiroFamenUia thii grounds tinea )ut your.The track 1IM b«m'siidonci tod iba ftnod*unil moroi bach tad •ome addition*] alib-iing built. The tnck i»» .!"«/» hMD • RoodOIK1, but m i In ouly tolenble order Tuesday.No amount of lalwr could hare m»do it better,

iiy die Kiu throughoutUtKiluy situ|.v th<< pvt'iiiug pupfrH. Thti physicians ex]u-.-!.»iil tin! (i|iiiiii.ii Ibul Hi* Prcniili'iiL'scasewin- lio|ii'lfn% Htnl .be pcopjt nt InM cnuielo tin' lulii'f ibul hi« linivK mi.l jmli-iith in i^ l t nyfUBSt di'ath was neiinug tin) ewl.Mt-u niitbLTtni with KorroMfL.. lutcn Liefjjrelliu l.nli.liuM>ml ti.Rlnis.ky rututwul (riouiU

Jum mur tlie pulilir tuurt was the lift) "(tin- itppar.uUy dj-iiig 1'reniduut. Iu Puver,us well it* in oilier planiM, utrungfiiKiiUwt.x<i lunJn fur IHIIIOUU'')IIK kit* Jutilli by Uiut illiug of the buJlii. Thobi) who retimedwithout hope 011 Baturdnj night atone onH.ililiiiili morning uud opi'imd tlie HBWH-j<ajuTH with trtmibliiij- hnuils, eipcotingHit fnlal headliniM to annnttiice to them hownmch lni,R<rtbL'HtniKKlf ciHildbe prolonged.Hut nstuiifcliiiKUit (tame first, quickly follow-til l>y joy. To nil iippcatfuictid tho Proni-d.-ut laid pamcil n £ mis -bnd bepn suddenly.mijs-'t "I1 fFl '" th<1 firiive l m d « " ' " ft " "*leu*.* lipim li'c- Tht! fiOtnl u us pawwdfnun neighbor to mlgblior, mill it wn« notImij,' liL'forn the wliolo town knew it Glhearts carried it iiilo tho clumhes ftt


ind ill* a tvoudfrouDiiiikring the druuehttint it Cf-uUl It* pul In condition at »11. TheUIIVD author, lira fariiMied tn much water aa

itile. and by thie ninns tbe tipassible ordar. The around)utttvu mikiH f'um Ihe town; In Ifmet IH •priuklud. but tho otherhAlf

aeh heap, with fi. After liuuur.dsof

the p r o m t limeo leu itu-lies r>r <1,iclr* b&ve [Wttstui oiiJ iep*«leiJua cautH) Ua»l t l i« diKBcittJ in tin- riilu HI tlie track.

'I'tiurc wore 'J'u«sd,ty, and i b»lfmile iiif vi'lo *»U. Tbe flrrt race forwas Ihti thren intitule rlnsn, parse 116(1, witb$!(P ta the first liuiKii, Ul» tu the HCCOUJ IIs;*1 to tlio third. Tlicru wire tndv* eotiand eight sHrtere, nuti seldom were ei^LtlidrHti so pool!y ".riven. Flora Olevelxnd wastha fftTorite, *nd siinuld lure woo in tlireiHtraight'licitt.M, but tho (1 rut wai thrown awnyby her driver fur no apparent reaiou. Tin

been distanced for running

nil 8:41; DigniTbe tioxt rac

i.lo of tLe diHlniicrl.t hent iu thli r

st thr

Imnli'ii r tb.i niliidlttitiB Inte

ionand liojio

t cfi-xtty f iM

nr'i»R topic* oi ffi (i in tM*tinn of llm w

iit'u inv« ntioti.n t ie thy anurmm'itiit in tbe I'nwidint ttlioru nnd fln

r.v heart. It waniuily uiwtiiig—Ibel intprcl.craiimimty \* hotrrftw of Saturday :

lli.'lnnd. TbP TinaWidedliienntinn catered in the flick TinptMi nmi rnse nnrt Ml

omlilinn. AH tlm ill

<if Ilii rlr iinn1 o very pHlu tlie

u li impro*

Icmiof .itiprovrment won uroetspirit cf 1hiuiltsf{iviii{(fiiH. In1]

lint the iUnfi(>r in not yet1'rf.Ki.lf.i.rH condition, nil.«!....* not nt nil wfirmi.l tinMinium ttiiitlipis out nf <1>Mill, I'oruiriifMiimyfr nnrt iniplity fnilWhile wc> thank < Ind (lint he lift* lifarrl Ij.iMymw i" wli.'h WITP Vf ln'ftrt nfwit ion-while wo tlmiik Him Hint tlie «nrrof il.-.]|li i« not oimc, let UH t=till fnrvt-iiwtyh-TP Him »ho lins vft,ichmfi(l to im t

in the complete rcciivrry of tlio freuidec

Ensily Entrapped.'I'lis.v hnvo now in jnil nl Jlichwomi, Vi

Marvin. nii. fluitrljr iiwiTtiiincritduo Ifiwthaii HIPHfiice anil u"od ROKfinmlrj. Tlio tiifpimnn dl-pfl« O

Mm-Urn, wbo it hm ben'd lin» woofid ntid in

ii wninoti of niti'1 Ftmnltng in t

IT ft tliiK rpmnrknlitie UhiRionR of Uf«

<1 tUnt third are in HIP worldmtimnlile womru whn are lo bo hntl f<(wkinR. Mnrvin f« t o AIIODIK, yet lie hiiDHtin^uil to t»i(» iiolvKS tliiiii PIOVUU wi*uvnry miu of whom, so fur ns knownrcputiible, diwTett. nnd, while not preteiin« to bo v*ry nffectioiiatf, is welt fittednwlm home hnppy. An.l yet, thereninttitiidt'fl of f((iiii-liturt.d youUiH gotl.r(.nKh life BIOOSIKCRUBO tbry lire nfmidl,i-inti rtifufii'd by tho woiunn upon whom t1

fonil Will ^peculfttive eyo i« Iliotl. MiLFH prnvnlUaot it U «n rnny to bo ranrrietlto Iiortow nn uinliri'tli.- ns rnsyiafl to "thWi

bead. Tbermild Ibnld ihftiisi'lvcK verya plpnty of otberHtoo firxt offer, ' ' and

. Hut tbeno BTB re«dy to ftcne]

(jnw*tionH asked.1

A Discovery Made Just in Time.On last Saturday morning thn Presl

vat* nt bin wotfet nnd rtally nil bopo ofncnvtry had Rone. Dr. Huniilton lingrintttr tlifl inoruing drr^iiiR of the wonnudnindntbo tii oovery tbnt Ibe yolkscpft wliiclt bnd formrd jinrt of Ibo encmndminiHtcrrd to (lie resident for t,evtdays previously bnd not been Rfwtinibitthorouglily. if Bt nit, nnd •were poisoninRBjBUni. Wllhout waiting to uinke knoIIJH discovery or to consult with nny ofafKfcintcB, he Relr.cd b<« hut nnd ruslird cto a drug store, wbere he pnrcha«ed a siply of jowderod charcoal. He returicjtilcltly and immediately administered«vcma contoining a lurgo proportion of iclmteoal. Tbo < ffei t wa.4 apparent aiminmiidliatrly, and tbe incident mnrked <turuing point in tb« Prenidoiit1 s oonditii'J'buro in BCfircely nny doubt that Ipresence nf this uiidigesto.l mans wm Icause of Ibo glnudular affucdnn. wbicb CflBOiiearli-rminuiiuRthelifeofHiePreHideiit

If tbe democratic county convent!)Rhotild nomiimtn Collector CLas H. Munof (bin place, for Sheriff, it would be a vlrtinl udintwiicii tbat tbey fesl lb«y arable to deft any one lo tbot.offico tbis full.TLey bnvi giveu the Dpinocracy ot Ran-dnl).li a StfttH Hi'nnlor imd Surrogate withifour yeara, mid if they think tbey buve flu;iiope of MiuccKH tbey will endeavor to ftheir partWnit in o tW (juarUrfl.

Hitico onr firrciibnofc friend, Mr. K. E.JVItM\ wna.M Mount Freedom la«t Sntudny ntgnt B witnupr of ll«o Btiff old Demturatfc fRTinerf of thnt Nertion have ctip tlicridcHof tbeir Viirm with matbematiiul xkctclicH la cbnrcoal to nbow tlieir iborw juHt bow tb(< Kntiwinl bnnkoareing the country. Pi-ihn]>n tLiy aro alao tbio^useof the droutli.

Tbo Barlington Havkeye man lnjectegood denl of common sense into bis bumoiupon oecaBiOB. He nptly sayB: "Wia\this country needs In a cl.ma of refoiwbo don't liave to stop crery fifteen minutedami explain a little dMreRsing cronkeiu (heir own recordH. This in what in*ptdeti tbo program of our niigbty reform!no liko tbunder."

Jlnotlirr orank WUH arrfutted in Waiibtngtotion Tuesday, and lbs Pblladelphia Timesinnrkw "If the aatboritfea of tbe capital anpiinR to keep tltfs thing up, B great man,member* of COBBTBB8 won't dare to go totbeir duties nest winter."

Ihe medioal prolemiion b u its ups and(IOWDM AH Wtll an all others. L «t WHPk. tbedoctors were killinK tliePresEdeDt; this weekthey are curing him.

Tbe sympathy nf th« Qneen of Englainaturally Roea out to licr who ia Qneon otnil tbat jo t>rnv«i putieot and good iu woman-hood —MM. Onrfield.

OBO of tho most sensible remarks Dr. TBI-raupe ever mHde he made last Monday."Tbe heart of the nation ia very note, botHn hc».& U leTci."

To nllay an; "toiinrons wrllhlngs" thatmay arise In certain quarter* we may my"those Rrat.d display" of fireworks baa nothoeniort tight of.

Jbfferaon Dfttie la making ft trip to Europe,, and the public anxiuty is great leat aomaNihilist should tftko bini for tbe Czar.

Et-SenaUn OoukJiog la an expert bather.*Thl> mttlM tlit taet that Flatt can swim.

Thcro in ono man !n thin country that thefwoplo wonM liko to QnEletuld of.

&5 Reword-- UliB «bOTo .nvnrdiwiU be pftld for ovl-dnnre wLinh will J«ul to the WTest andoinvfcttoB of the ponon or \mnaoM vnorobbe«l injf JMar tree on Wodnetd»T night

J. E. Cimmn.

• ntrlfs, fifjhW ruipK wiwe to nic

fli»(f. Dignityo in 8:8»4 andin 2:30J, 2:07|

iBthf 2:311 nlmg, piirnel2iO,HI borne, 175 tt) the mandthird. Tlu're vforu t'tcvonem. A Htricl n|iptiration of

idoblt'dly Imvo j;ivt!i thoThfru10k in tin

aielit have been an atom of lionbl abnnt tbiml licul, but the fourth, wlileh WAR frtven toIiiHha, lin.jiU'Hlmiiubly belonged to Hlulcnb.

[irfcoti tudk tlm iiesf two iu S;31 'nil 2;34JTbr fourth lu'nt ttiu i'i>iii).lii.illriii mntlii ailmd

iKalngt Hictuk anil Dy dint ot nuinlng•I'dpd tnlart'ling ffartlin flr«t M I lie wire

|. Blio wax givru tlie hoat, althoiiffh

THE FlfTUNTH BE-UNION,Fwm tho KwDiugton D^moor*. m* e t l rwt

tbo follow!ii(r«oto«of lbs Jfo-anlouof tbt> 16thBafffment in th»t town on ThnrsiUj of Uitweek:

Tha snrviTiog nisinbws of tha gbriontoiaIStb Boffiment, Hew inner Volnuteera, wUiobleft thli town in tho Fail of ISfla, nloa hand rodUd. tluree atttxig, now u amber* tvboat twohnndre'l men. Last TliarwUj souetfalDg likeoue btmdreJ and fifteoD of tliSH ielrt t re-union in FltmlDRton. Thay were Joined byux-soldiers of othor regiments from Treuton,Lsmbi-rtvllle, fljnctioo, Hacfcettstowa aadother placet. The If sjor Boeman Puitofthisplacp. under oommaod of M>. A. T. Connmet t tc vsrious deteEsUons upon their

Thr, ojiflning addreiui by B. 8. Kali), EM^»id by thaw wbo haardit to hivo hoen a roinble and oloqaont une. We tmdorsUnH tbi

by Oca. B


pivaobeA the funeral I N D M ovar tt« rof Qrorge Waer't baby,

d U d t th Fy, ff

n d^y., tn the FrMbytwln Obiu#lat BUnbofM.About 7:iS P. M «i to* M M day Mri

Cftbarfne Olark, wtfi cf I»trlc« Clurk or thlpit M, and only aiMmr uf Krf. Jobs UvteHt»nliope,bretth«dbBf bit . 8h«vubait the new Ctthollo ccmttary near Dofor

Father Oram celebrated areqalI t h G t b | U O b h 8 hHiKhS


io thfl morning. Dr. I tnd two yoanir

^umpbtll.lVe-iideotofthe AM u, OhI&.Q HalncB, Mijor Davis, Captain Hitter, ainihera. Thtrewas aome good singing by IFlumiugtou guiulatto Club, tnagio byDam], a recitation yf pocmi, ano) tome otlwerclaeB of an entertaining character wbwmiM, uo donbt, boon greatly enjoyed bypiHiplc hml they boon given in Ihe open

here nil rnuld have beard them.Peter Gnndarmsn, of fioaiai, the oolor «einant of tlm old lBth, WM called to ttiB pit

form wlillu Ouu. Oampboll gave a brief hintif t ie veteran. Sergeant Oabderniin *ariho rcgimiDlal coloru all through tho thr<

years or huril aerrico the regimentIa tlio battle or Cedar Greek be was nboi dowitiidUictlaK matt wan aliatterocJ. Colortur« nliot ilmru and killed in erorr biltlo, titwin cniinldnrod s miracle, (hat Oundarflti

fatal ball. Hois tho onlyxnr

vprnrtliu l eight color bedmrBof tl

Hiuknk was llio only b flat did tbe trot-

Theurcond linal amw iirlvpr, JaraonKeKr<\nit put in lxiliiud tin- marc Hatlie. wbo hadtinn ilrirun very wildly ibrouKbnnt Ibnrann;tie clmnpo si-i-mi'd aftrooalilfi to Ibe man*, ani,o tn-ii Hie neit heat In R very linudioroeiniixor in '1:37b. Tbe r u e vna thru pofllpoii-•1 tin tW'iiiNii of tin. JiirktuH*. Fivo lieatfiaviti!! b,:cn tintti<l Ihtlti will bv ui/ly ibr™ ID

Tlie bicycle raco was for winnow'choleo orpilH'9, t25 to the tirxt ami (15 tu Beeoiid; | |

won by L.H.Johnmm, or Orange, in tlionrlinblotimoof U!tJ.i> Woilnepiiny Ihr- race in tbe 2:311 flaws vviby I). pjcitr.r'H Charlie Hooil; host Urn

2:344- Tlie 3:00 duna wut4 Won by Mouitniliiir ; liiHl (imp, 2:11. Tlio 'i:35 obma mce wi-dii !>T T. II. Titinim'fl Quo. BrookB; be.

On Tliiirnilay tho 8:15 i-n<e wns won by Tut.fvlior'n ttariifv 1(1 bt-nt ttniL',2:4OJ, The free-mllpuMowBiiwmbya.Vfsl tiirip, 2:asj. Tlie 2:45 roco wa» taken byUH, Me liny1 J 6. Uuverwicb ; bent time, S:B7|,

Ore Shipments In August.Tbp 11 tin nt Hope Railroad during thii month

irrirrf a little over 111,000 lotia of ore.Tlm mutiUi'M sliipmculH over tlio Ilibemla

I.m • B:nlrond woru D.525 tout, and Sent., allfhlch went ovtr tho High DndRcBrancb.

'I lift K r tbo h Bridgehu(,h -

l to Oh enter frJmo]Be-i* for AitKii"l w

V<>2 tonn, c owt. LlK--o-1,ii62 tDDH, 17o«t. Total, 25.0S5rwt. TbiHHtbn krguitt aiiipucnt yet nver

Ills Brunei] anil shows the bUHinoSH io bepudily ImproiTtic avcrnffO uliinmonts over the »., h. 4 W.

t Hk bHackillttowu, ba\o been about3,50i»li>un p o r weL-k, which would make I hell

,la! fir Tho month about 1Q.HO0 tima.Tu the almvu iniiKtbo nidi a tlio siiijinmnti

from Nolnn'd Point ntid other pis peg ovnr tbiMOIHB Cfioil, and local Hiilpinuats wbich

ild prohuhly HWUII ibo above flguten fullyao,ooo i-

Wedding Chlmet.At tbe nisiacnce of D. B. Alton, Esq., on

ThurBdai_eyen,jnR, was performed by Key.W. W, Balloway, Jr., theTiiterentinR cera-"

mny which united fnr life U>. TA. W. Dntyand Minn Addle, danghter of the boutAbout Blxty TelnUves and Inlimale friendswere present, aud tbe hnppy twain left forthe Went the samo evatiinR aroid the hearty3"HflraluUtlon« of all. The moral wotlh ofibe contracting parties wakes this unionieperving of the heanieBt beet wishea of thewhole community, which they have, fnolnt,-tifl Ibrso nf the Eni. whom they kindlyremembered, liny tbeir days he long tnthe Innd, and filled with prosperity anddomestic] felicity.

Smith family Re-unlon.The sixth annual re-nnion of tbs 8rnilT nnd friends will ba held in tfae grovtt

on tho fnrro of Potw Z- Smith, one mile castPenpack, K. J., at IO A. H., on W«

dav, BeplPinber Tth, 1881. RPT J. L. Mo-Nair, nf BrritninRter. will deliver the His-

'<.UddresF.at2<.'c1oclt. Other ftddnwill follow. Pr"f. li. L. Apgar'B CornetBund, of Lebnnon, N. 3., will bn in attend-nuce to fiirnleh nmnle for tho occasion. All.ha relntlvps and friends of the fntnily AT?

ilicited te ttheir

?ad.'. All are roq«<I proviidoi

itandB will be allowed on or near the ground1.[f fi'ormy the re-union will be held tbe nextair dny.^

The Creenbadc People Moving.Oar Orcpnbnck friends have already opened

ho Fill cnmpnipn. Lot Rutnrdny «voi ingMr. E.E.Tottrr, who can brat the Hftlitning

mitalnrlnmntbonnflcs, bold a mnctlnp atof which it fa

club W»H orpp whn have h»ietn

no'l-^ls^il Grconbnmimt pntlrcly of tbc:PII Dr>mncmt8, and many of whom bare beenc ulronk'Mt lender* or the Democnoy in tboWalnut Orovon dfntrict. Tho election UHlilobiwfd oleirlr that the Doranoittn oao-

of tlii>ir totes In thin cotintv,k i d d

Some two hundred ei-soidiers formed tlirttile. The mcmberi of tlm 15th wure nnmmuud ofCaptatn Manuol Kllna.of TrorTo mini npwo might give tbg folio win,

.if order of buaJocss:Mtc-ting tailed to order 1:30 o'clock r, i

Intl. nrnnphell, Prefiidflnt of tlie Asancial1'rayi-r by Her. B, JolinH. SlnaiuR byFlemliifitoii QuiiilottoOlob. /dclroxs of Wicii'JKi by Iticliard H. Kubl, Esq. Add.1'rofiident Campbell, *tat(og object of meellnhn.-dtionn, Ao. Mnniii by Band. LonoltuoiHot coffito and aamlwicboa, served nt MillerKtinti'H rcsidcncR. Qoneral hauddhakiog, ko.Mn-L by lh« Floinlueton Bruss Band..iri'xxt'M by Chatilniu IlninDB, Cuptan. Slate:{J"'. Davla HIIII olhera. 8npmg by Flemiitoil (Jiiiiilolte Club. Cuetness BH(,'go9loil b,HIE Evciuitivo Ooliiniittoo. IluabineH HI&K,by otbur iiifmbera. Rational airs by D*n<iSmjiiUB by Quintette Club. OIOBIPB OOIraoiiicK. D'nner, toasts, *c,, at HumphreyHotul, 4:30 p. M. Duriug the day there wasihm", pitradc, after wbioh tbe members of t

Fifteenth fnrmocl around tbo old Regimeni, thu bfvod ptsyiUH •' Hail] Round the Fli

Boys," 4c.

MOUNT TABOR NOTES.ie preacher.) of lant Fridny were Dr. B.

Dpham, Dr. O. fl. Sims, aud Itov. T. H. La

fer 5,000 poopla wttrc on tbe grounds •Thursday uf last week.

0. Trowbridge, of Brookijn, purpose build-iK a new cottafto on Bt. John's Avenue.The colkolioDi this year were larger thin

any before, with one exception. Tharatuonuted to t652.

After au carnett appeal hy M, H. Gillette,Jersey City, lutt Sunday mornfOE, a inbHorition of «W win taken, and the basket offonniiddod (80 more.

Over 100 mesKagoi were Bent and recolredtlio tokgrepb office during tbe mooting.

:T. Goo, Hugh os prcaohed on BalurdniDg.' In tbe afternoon tbe Women's For-

Miislomrv Society held tbeir annnalmeeting, at which tltt. Obaudlor, Mrs. J . H.Koowlei aud Mixs Enonk-s-a alster of DrKuowles. who ia aboil to take her depirttm

the mlsBioQ fields or Indi»—were the speak-Some 20 mombers were added to tho So-

ciety anil one lady donated ISfi to t!In tha evening Rev. Dr.Tlios. Hanlon preached.

A Urge tbrong of puoplo tisombled on 8ab-batb morning, when Rev.Dr. Fowler pmac!:tho termon. In tba after noon Buv, A. Cnpreached ami Dr». Fowler and Hanlon madeaddroBscs In tho evening.

Tbe regular camp msi>tinft closed with

tbe ramilics will teman to enjoy Ibe beantof Mt. Tabor lor weeks yet to oome.

Tho Mt. Tabor Uncord waa ably oondnotthis year, lint aa of old was not accorded 11support it should have received.

While tbe water impply hat bcieverywhere else on account of tho eiienilodrought, tbe woudorfnl spring at Mt. Tabchaa (urnStilted a pure ard unfaitiag supplythe multitudes on tlie grounds,

Tho now Board of Trusted organisedMonday br the el to tion of tha followIoR offl.cers: Piesident. Duvfd Camplwll; Yloo Pres-ident. Illcliard Grant; H^oretary. S. M. Long;Treasurer, Jamna H. Bone*It. It wai rcaolredthat horeafter all plans for hnlliUngi or im-proToments elm old bo Bobinitloil toEtcjcutivo Cotnralttoe for approval.

Law Points.Among recent h'gal tleoieions in tbii BUI

are Ibe following:Wordu, when written or published, wfalc

tend to bring a person into 'nodal ridiculecontempt, Imtrca or similar degradations, aractioiiable without proving special dam as(FedBrvs. Herriuk.)

The general tax Uw exempts land acqnirfor hnrial ptirpogos (if not unreasonablequantity) by cemetery ssNtoUtiena, evennot aotiially uded therefor. (Hoboken <tNorth 3ereeu.)

Under (fae act wbioh inoreaaos tbe Jurisdlcttvuuf JustJceH or Urn peace ta •200, (1879)tbuv have no power io ISIOB attaehmentstherefore a jastloe cannot iaiu« an attaohmrnt for a dobt which oxoeods 1100. {Wrigivs. Morgan.)

All persons who are oonoorned, direotlyindiroptly. in the firing on* of fireworks lapnhha iitreot, are rettjionnibUi for injurli

in Innocent pemou. (Court of Ii. t-utton,)

mil vto nifrt if tliny

y ,tbe kindly nnd gratqltonB aiMce

ld b l f d lild bo saved from dlarnptlmdiHtrlciH of thii vloinlty,

my had bettor Innb after the tnovomoDtnilH mighty apwtio of tbo Oroonback hlto.

High-toned, but Cheap,On Tuesday Mr. Chds. H. Mnn ion, the fiKs-iniuNlKi'B, received a telegram

him to icnd two plates or cream to tbe depotnn the trrival ofan approaching tralo. TheKnln (lato from BunnfU'j mUBenm) who wild

thin rentanrant wan at the station promptlyitimewlih the con Real ed lacteal f "irlipsannli, not eat;it before the train moved,

ind carried him on la Boon ton. At that pbioahoy let him RO, wtlh tbfl waiter and <paying him for the cream only and h-ivinjr hitsirfihont tnonoy to pay bia fan bask to Dnrei

IP Znln u y i be wan glad under the dronm-LDCCS to get the d I eh en and apooaa ba^k.

Striking a Vein.After driTlng a ton mil fonr hnndnd faet oni property on tbe back road from Port Orsm

o Ilookawav, Mr. Jan. A. Oorktale, of tiiiplwe,IKH succeeded in cutting dirently aortws a veiniffine ore, which ts eioht feet wide, with per.eot walli. Tbe same win, mine Ihrefl or fontlundrod feet below, was worked twenty-Sveoara BED br tbe Tionton Iron Compiny,tere hai always been some tronble bcre be-ma of the utrfacB water, which intcrferodlh linking, tat tble is DOW relieved by theuncl which carries all this water anay.

Black BIBS-Tbe work of stocking tbe panda and atreatni

F tb S t ith blsok baaa haa been aoceealulthatthoi rolin revf Qsheriea pro1

B to comipne It risorooiiy until tbii T*1able flab in Rcnrrally dUtrlbHted throBRbonithe Stale. W* leam from tbe ocqjmiiBioo tl,they have the moit cnoopraeinft report* frommany portions of tue State to wbioh binbass have been uint, showing the most sor-prlilng Increaae in site and numbers. Thedistribution for tbii leason will comiearly In September, and appiicaHons «bottl(3be niadt>/at once to Major E. J . Anderson,Trenton. Applicant* should give a generalaeicHptbu of th'e water to wbich tbo Hah a ntn be sent, Iueluding approximate Btie of the

lt average depth of water, character of Ibiora. and any other partlcnlara which maj

be of valno to Ihe oommlsaionen. To all suit-able public waters the fish aca sent freecbirne.

Some extent of tho drouth th!a Somra«risy be leaned-from the figures submitted

July. From theae it apixiMB that onlyaa July in thirty-eight, tbat of 19*1, liadi na»\\ a mlnfall an that of laat Jnly, which'aa only i i Inch and thirty-four bun-lredtb«. The avenge rainfall for Jnly-luring the past thlrty-eigbt yeap h u been

' four inches.

Tbe train oa the Hjgb Bridge Branohblob «rrivM in Dover at TM P. U-, bidaite »tlmo of U <m Thursday evening. Atmkeville they tan iuta a oow, breaking

the cocks oil the sngine, but not killing thsanimal. Then ft few miles furUier, in Uu

between UcGainarille and Fort Onun,,•yBtrockancthar oow, killing herinatmnUjr.

'be ftmonnt of freight shipped over theI I A W, Bailroad from. Fort Oram dur-Iha mouth of Angutt, braugfat in frt'gtit

;tJ«ipUi the baudMine n o of •10,768,04

Mr. Ira 0. Owpw )m tlie oontnot for« inaioB walk oa ti^-—- - - • — • -icDavlt't sew lu>iw.

Tfraa't Changs*In 1E88, when tbe first Hetbodist Obnrob was

built io p o w , the late Ja^.HoDav^ oirnedthe Rtonad on tbe corner of Biaekwell anfloiiei streets, where the store of GeorgeRichards A Oo. now aUnda. Mr.MoDavit waakindly deposed toward tbe Methodbjt peppU

d U»ld tbsin it tbc.T wopld l<wal|e t h ^would give tbero tbit lot, witb a froaUga at100 feet on Blaokvel) »tn»t, tor t*OD, Ihojdeclined tbe offer and took tho lot where tbeylocated for i l . Borne tlms after Mr, HcDarltsold tha lot oflaredtbem for il,loo,*nd tfaaprice was then considered snob a Urge, oaethat it « u ueralded aU over the conntrj. Ifthere were no building upon tbe property to-day the nmt lot could not bo bought in'illprobability for *2B0 per foot.

A Traveling Hotel.Tha Encatnptaent Hotel, Warwlok WotxJ-nds. Greenwood Late, baa been entered as a

"Cotton Hotel "far exhibition by h.Y. Jen-oeu at the International Ootlon Expoiitioo,to open October Stb, at AtlanU Oily, Oa. Itwill be olouihu tho Warwick Woodlands aboutthe JSth or September, and be opened for bnt-jueiiaf Ailaata, Oa., October 5th for tbe £i-poajllon, foil remain until DeoemtMr Slit,wbeu it will be removad to an elegant orange

ve la Ftoridi « r tae balance of tlie Winter,iraiD^Oreenwood^skfl fcr thjB fammtr

Coins; to Gamp Meeting.DespltnUia dust and ODcomfortable travel.

Cg lurgo cniirdB of people drove to Ut. Taborlast Sunday. Wagons wera orer)ou|ed, andoverbnrdaned bones back ooaghingbadly beeiuu or tbeir doit c)ogg«d ludga.Ono old deerapld nag arawteil »»iBiall7 np thjiProspoot alrost bill, codghing at avorj a opand polling a wagon oootalaiDg elghl perauus,W« hit • • i/we wuold like to Interview binand get hli opinion about t ie optaing of thaground* at Ml. labor on Sunday.

ladle* from Ix>rer name up ipecUMy to pla;ind airiR the Has* for the oocaiion

Tbe ceremony wai01.uk was 48 yean of age and leaves ahnibamand aix children, and ft host of friends

rn her untimely death. Bbe wilt>iiy mi*sod la thii neighborhood, whw9 knew her bnt ta love and 'Honor her aa

faithful wife, a loving mother, a mot-el ate;mctlier, tb" kindnst of neighbors, tbe best cfriend*. " I bare known her ever since Iknown anvbodjr," «aiJ a fonng man on Tuiday evening, " u d ibe was a lady—alwajlady," About twenty-live carriage* folloiIho remsim, over tbe Ionic bot fluty roaditheir last roitinR place, aad saw the llMessbody returned to it* kindred duit wtwill remain nntll the trumpet or tbe

I summons It to Judgment.in PACE.

Mm. Seymour Smith, of Waterloo, ha*ilendld pppclmeu of the Night Bloom I

OerouB, which bloomed two Saturday! ago,it its flo-vers wore not purer .ban the Hfe ofe woman whose death it is my sad dntv

ceoord.Ruuday wia a day of unusual anxiety here,

nwrybody expected the morning papers wouldinnonuoe tlie death of tbe President, bntvore " agreeably disappointed" to find tlie wan improving. " If the President diet,<aid a gentleman Saturday ni«bt, " i t wi!nako raoro infldols than Bob Ingoraoll eotn a tlionuatid vears. Prom every ebnrobihristcuduin pnyurs bave gone up to heavor bin recovery. Cat a olio, Protestant aJen bave mide most oirnttt enpplloatton* ftnow if be rtioald die after all, I tell yonwould Hbake tbfl faith of a good many." Nowthat the tide baa turned let us hope thepraym will be answered and doubters wilidlieve that God answers tbe prajen of bliieople as of Did. Hoiv the anrgioal editor

tlm Horald would like to tHjr for that bulletTb« murderous anaiwiu may bave done morefor the good of tbe Nit loo than lie knew when

red the shot wbioh was Intended ahonMthe lire of ths PreaidrntoftheaoUDited

Stales. The lofamons flliiflcation whiob hn

tho cnrie of Amerloan politics basslaved for tbo time beinjf at any rate; Inever to ho renamed. Our brelbrea ot tbe

>nlb hare boon at swift to eondBmn the acttbe most loyal of the Northman,

torn whose intemperate hmxnBgo waiprimal oaato of the shooting are as sorry to

itivartt soaming nt tbe restvery quiet about It now, the only algi

they BUOW of satisfaction is by aUa-lngWaahinglon correapondeute to aocus<Preilttent's doctors of lying and to prripbeojtbat be ti going to die any way. Itwell if «ne people wilt learn from tlevent which liai made ns all Garfiehl men, far

ie present at least, to put their feet on tbeecka of the office hunters and compel them> work for their livlntr tike the m t of ns.Here Is a piece of New Jersey aontiti

which I think too good ta be lost. Some folkswilt bo glad to learn that I oltp it from tboNew York TninuxE:

" THinTY-EIQHT.Halt I who ROCK them ?" Tbe sentry standsAl oballenite by the White Honse gate JFriends of the post I11—Whul nnmlwr-lialtOomea Ihe sad answer—" Tbirtv-eigbt."Prom CiltfortiiB we have eome,

m every sorrowing Boot hern Htale,—Carolina, Jerupv,Tttalno,

TO watch him,—we, the Thirty-eight."

Pnssl frtendBOfpiatl" Tbe untryitandimth arms at port while loose wbo late

Were deadly fonu, go hy the RoartLWitb streaming ejew the Thirty-eight.

Hodivoord cow,—noMortb.no South,Hands alasped, beadi bowed, tbey alt am

walk.That sleepless ptokct round the walls,—

Tbe watching States,—the Thirty-eighW. E. T. Honsu.

FEIKUOLD, N. J., AUK- S7th. 1B81.It i« very bot np hero. Lake Hopatooag

•aid to be four feet below, high water maanilOnr m#>reiianis nave oeennDHi.ua iinllour has gene up forty oonta a>

Ibsve beard it wblspored that tbe Demo-irats of Bunsei oontemplato nominating Mr.J. H. Otie, of Stinbope, tor Sherttr this fallIf Mr. Caso would accept the office b) wontdmake a first-cUis officer. He lias been Col-lector of Byram iawDufcipfor many yean indiis accounts always aome out straight. Th

RopublioanB make no ttign. D. J.


BARTLEYVILLE.rs. H. Valentine and, ber two dan

were riding in tbe viololty of Pleasant Biwhen the bane became frightened at aomaoldrubbage tbat bad been thrown by.tho nof the road, turned tbe carriage over aidragged its occupants a few yards, whan tborse became tree from tbe wagon and afterrunning a;abort distance stopped. Un.and her daughters wera pretty well braisedop, but there were no, tones broken. Thwagon top and body waa completely' demo).Ishnd. We think there ihonld bo meaitaken to atop people flora throwing old rob-j»flo ilang tfae road that will frighten horses,md perhaps tbo re will be Hves »ved.

Quite a number of oar citlaeoa wdaach Chunk and tbe Swltob-back, and were;roatlT dellgbted witb tbe trip.

We understand tbat tbe people of tbe Mt;Olive Preabvterian Church realised somethinover two hundred dollars clear of expenses'the recent fair and festival held there.

Oar poblio school will re-open iheflnt Honky In beptember.nnder the Bupervision of itirmer taiohor, HIaa Molhs Slater.Tlie FUmlert Academy and H. E. Ohm

ire undergoing repairs.Wo are once more tlilted with a drouthhich It in feared will damage the corn prep

to nick an extent that It wlD not hetan a one-third yield, Buckwheat la alto

greatly damaged,,but we hope Tat rain In linto help that crop. Tbe^gronnd has become

dry tbat it is impoislble to obtain molitureithin the depth of two or three feet,

great many of cur well* and springs have gondry and tbe streams that turn onr mllla arepf> near dry that tiers is not ranch more th»n

iagb to water the eowe more than oue1

iOONTOM-The Park fMeraa to be thp faToptp place with

young people on 8an<ay.• Ho service* were bel4 in fhe Reformed

Church on last Sabbath.Mr. V. It. Bailey, foreman of tbe Bulletin,

visiting bis mother at Oundeo,The pnblio aohools open next Honday, Sept,

th.There ma a free fight in front of D. Bow.m's saloon on Brook street, Satunlav. No.

iody i<erioualr butt.A nnlon player meeting for tbe Prtd

wwbeld in the Presbylarian Oburob ondav evening. , '

ue dajrlait ireck we think there waa onrhundiod people aitendod Camp Meottngn tbis plaee.

The Bills Pamily give one or their ptMiltifrcerts in the Befonned Cburcb Uit-Frtdsy

r e n i n s ; . • -. . • - . < : .

The Bulletin very aeostbly advises tfaat •tepi

Two eUriM tiXVtp »«w Nik ssltl fre now via-lie, The mUn building Is $0fl foet ton* by HI width. 14 Ii at ope end of al?ot)l «i feet. \ \ \Tba boyi wsnt roOsmpMeeUnf qnlU often,

•bey say they oonld plok airlrlspatany time,. Olbaon TinMQt, of ^ew Turk, bu beenlinghEiTasattenwithlils mother at Ibis*1

Mr.Abrim Bluk lust a danKbU.r hydipfa>lerUhut week, Tben «•• two more of bjiitldrensiokwlih Unidiseueand who npioils vriUng tre doing well.On Saturday of last week, Mr. Wm. Olovet,r Chester, father of Kr.pani O)aver,of tbii

e, was Interred la Boonton Oetuatsrydeaeued lived in Boooton at one time.

Th. National Doolofy.Pnli • Oo4 tram wham all blasiuga flow,*VotB* buhMiti tbajtcpla^iinyer;.tojoj hat t a n ^ the Uda of woa,kail gifts bope for dirk dttpafr.h 8 !! tu bi Wh*# 8w •!! m ir.ror nnU iU iht tavf m>on b« In tbhi Bit unroj ttumjOur pnyu* raml Bil milling A*B.FralwHlm i b a » jr. bHfwlf hoti,"T t . i Ba t u apirM tbi. praMm o>,,nd Isi tfaia b . oar fraialal boart IOod'a irill, u wall ai OBI1., la dose,«lag Him for oar poat |Q,T lo^afDial bo la oparid »o Ion Ho moil iralfaBbn iriiobaan aa«rhmtw»^7{ l"fralM niber, Bon u i HolJ Own,">rar,K,J.,An«,lub,lS91, O.

Owof themin*#iwi for»t.bih ttl«Mu. Hits tow»»>l»l*sw BEMPLIOQ to ibe man?naqltyhi pata4.il its hari|w»* owy « « . Ja tig State itiliterlngfroKj tLMjwojjbt. WaterBtrbcarfltrt.aoaieflf wJunt make tbf-lr . >-1 b. cairied (cqm (JieWlDWg. io ta* btnrpir i^_^___j _ I I L * '_, _ , . . . . ,__a — _L_I ._ . I a *•#. . * _ail_ __ _ k a*. I _ _ "-n tnTI of

1»r* D/ tb> eptt^t/. eota, ]*U> pptatoes and

Botioe of t*#ir projMWd visit or sojoara,.Otbanavain fn mme quiet, but very fo^tMaDddeHuttemaQner, ioform ns thai they willbe one of our number to participate wilb m.la due time, In our varioiu enjovmenti. Oneof the tail named olaucamo on a via.*, and wefaopa to sojourn, *t Woodport, in tbe /.itnliy oour growing popalar pbiaician. aboat twVMka ago, Tbs doctor when naked—" WhajtIs sttt tbe noitemtmt in town?" aaid, "Ahgenerally •omolbiog new owsuring in suchtowns as thete-got a big fellow down to thebonie, Dbtrly au big M four B —d. Diin'weigh him, but gneo* faa's bettei than PIOVAIpouadi." Two other visitors eimllar to thisone mads their appearance a- few days IKO inVie families of Mr.Asbuun and Mr.Brtnt.Bet, tons, unknown.

Tbe men whn mark out tbe coarse for railroads have been through bere, and -'they havedriven down aome •Ukeatoo." Won't thingafanm when we nee another iron bone speedingaoroiB tbe lolsT

Tbe neat litths eotttpe built by Hr.ear ttm •• lime kiln house," ti now ooouplefl

by Mr. Jamei List, one of Mr. Hurt!1* work-

Ulss UaSsle favneaeveral weeka, b , weirccoverinic.

who h i baen so ill fcrre glntl to kaow, rapidly

It is laid "the best rifleman Iu thli com-mtinity in Mr. Tbomas Bright, Jr., ol Wood-port." A few days ago be proved to tfae peoplebv aetuai experiment, tbat of lie ten giaaabills that were thrown op lo him he miaiedhot one. '• *

The supposition is tbat Mr. W. h. Allen onrformer proflcleot pflrlngnguft. will removefamily o Dover. Don't know why he w*umov« away down Uere. I afaonhl tblnlc thlip'ice ii rural enough for Urn, or any othe

The Annual Fair and F l waa lield lutweek, aod >o far as we aau latrn ft wai in everyrespect L gnud lueopsi. Tne oomralttee madetheir arrangemaute no nolaolesily and meth-odically that it irai soarcci.y sotlcetble tbatthere were any prcporatiuna for sach anooeaiiotu The net prooefde were so flatteringthat even tbe moat hopeful admitted that itfar exceeded their highest expectation!. Tberamie rnroisbodby our "aiingleU11 ami thiDover CornolBanrt bas heeiami.


Imeb^aid the band said: "Thatwas superlatvle." Hiss Iran* Flofatiorganist, acquitted biIndeed. Some oneirgan; and wa bavs a little player who can;ive us gome boss muBio," The committeeietirc to oipreBi i l i i r tbantta to the Dover

it Band for their presf noo and also fiho very etct llent music with which WB were

furniahed aad by wbtoh we were all so higblyentertained. They aim wish to tender tbeir

inks to Mr. 0.13. Corwln for .tbo eboorfulid valuable servloe which he rendered at

pi* hfgt uimbpr of t^e Bnminer boardwihafe left for tbdr nome» ttu Ilia -wt> abo».One large family, however, rocelred word fromtbs eltylast night not to return imidBtltl i"bauge of wutber, nt it almost boili in Kew"*ork.

Tht work on the Midland Bulrqad «stoaslonis befog pus'ied on to ompletion BR fmt ai canbe eipecled. ionplicricf the ejoeone of build-Ing fariri#M and ?n*t>B nlfa in ttjU-.townnblp.

Borne one Ilalfart oarring wilh sharp hoirie-knlvei was done nn Iho tallroad Ibis weekwbeaDr.TiH, Andrew*'<t$& oaifediopiit onibe ooiabitiff touches. %4 bavra r«llh Iu tha

" "lilltj toanamlpUib Ulipart,)>nt ooflt»llau talentisbawd alWmeth

a bmnay. • > « , .>The uew Aatbolio Obnrcli, nf Ogdeuibnrtr,

badly wrecked * fuw weeks ago, is agtioIDT and will Eounhe ready for

worship:;Th borship:; ; ; ; . : ;The soboet hoau of oar TUUKBU ni).lergoing

repairs aud whou finlslied with uew asatH anda good coat of paint will be very greatly im-proved.

Mr. Potter thn new MI)<M| prinoipal ind MISBQrey tlie »iilittvnt bavo both arrivetUnd areready to rale the Cktrjdt. Wo were pleased to100 them both In ohnrch last Batbitb.

Urii Tjeok wfaoitmalnod at nimo nblle outpastor onjuyud bin vauitlun aorons tlie eoaswill, loon ai tbe weather peTmitt, go to Elisa-beth and spend throe or four reeks wltli afamily who have vlalled tbis village for severalears Iu nnccenjiou. ;i "*Mr. Sajre, of tho BrOoktjs ne*ipapnr> italf,

LVI, "If the Preildeuti* brodgbt to Spartae will ba sure to Ret better," What a pit

tbe people of tleae United S(atesknow.iof thin place among the hill*. '

Yputordny tbe Saptlgti of U. PiyettaHarvest Homo."To-day tbo Mot hod lull of Sparta are pJe-nic

Ing witb tbeli SaudayBobool ib Ur.Hurd'oods) 'The Prenbytoriaui have decided lo havi

pietsaoter weatber before tliey think, of aiithing of tbe kind al mentioned above.

^ ' Tmrti.

STANHOPE.Oar Qua Club seat a clmllenire to t ie Ajintv-rClnb to try ». shot at glail balli. Tli

IRON REPORTS,irlns aod W toiOf J^ rua l 0 / 1 | ^

There ii b i t vorj HM1» to , ,iron market (hat bis uot provtoaihr bean «Ud.The bnaliieM tn Americin iron of sU^M 'HoBiUall ft can be au<] MU thow I- ifor liberal bmlueas J '

iLarolty of thnlery firm and ai*1« .

prlops abroid fihicht e/lvaaueii couldneetir*J. bntoormikpn fear thai lht» mfRlifrenult in attracting greater aiteutlon Co tbiimarket era (be pnrt of fowlRn mikpri. andhring jdtcnt eicewiv^ jbipuionti «J"JtWlJPthiiconnlrv.tobclirld ID competfUon regard-lesinfeoil ordeliwriiiflbpre.'Mlia* been lbsriMfVtr tnamtitan s> >Ari» iL The forefgaIron is now reduced to very moderate itocllBad ths hnldor* ale as a role determine

*et reasonable print-•. Our hive lptbat a brief period jif fancy speonlativo

rices alwsyn remits to their dioadrantaijie, andre inolluBd to dn every .^tiinx In their power

to prevent ttwlr onenrrance, and to coofloo tbsde to the legitimate counnrnptiva raqnlre-ntu ot (lie emmtry, wbioli were neynr better,

witb every Indies. Inn that they will be eqnallyl l t f t ti i l)

nornMBanrthashwnbiflblj.pokenof i w ™ *° «T * « h o t ••* 8 ' " ' ba l",- T l i e

alt admit tbat It greatly eobiaoed Ibo ! " " ' ' " i S ^ wti adoepted md the shoot ume nffinUwstef the oocaiiao. TIIOM wbofor'tbo " ™ the moo little lilaud ID tbe re^rro(r. m »)it>

ualo I P r e i e n ( J 6 D* *• goodly number of spestalon,

W H iwaut. c ID Dior me ,• •btwlt ».r, oommoiid.Mj. <""'• .»»• ' • » • ' • •• '•» »«!«*o«uid, « . . haw iu to., °''h " a "•«••->» ' I " ' « «

" . fill,AH _ll J U AAF*.l ^ L H H I I I I . — ft —.

> many of whom were ladies, on tha 97tli of An.fromball) each.

Tbey all did good shooting but our bojithe Andover Club a bails, tha iooro being 87to M, Tbe -following are tbe name* of tbeshoctlrt* witb the number of ballBhH ont15 opposite tlie)r«i$tnQfj i - *** '"

(TAHH0PB C~'~ ""

tho stands. Oliailio " ituok to liiw pout likejailer." He»r>. James Taylor t,nd QeorRB

Oallahan also did nobly, for wbldh eervtoes weall extend tmr moat hearty thanlts.

Bov. B. D, Tamblyn proaohed bis fsruwetlaermon last Babbatb. Dariag biB ifirmoii beBald: "Ibafebeen treated rtMpoctfully and

tadty by almoat every family on the charge.Tew bare not manifested a, very friendly

spirit toward me, I imppoie It is became I waenot worthy. However,\ can forgive tlion."

No one h yet appointed as oar preacher,therefore Brother Tambljn wUI preach for ntgaln next Sunday. AHOM.

. Oar pabllo icl)«)]openi UestlEondiiy morn.Ing.

Bev. Father Hanly has been quite sink forhe past few weeks. We are gkd, however, toio*r of bis improvement.Hessn. W. Powell and M. HeMsltv have

bought lots aSJoining Ihe p.opwty Mr. W.Ooatlett parobaied latelv ot the Grant IronCompany.

I am lorrj to say wo havo * row mean boja thia Hill.' I didn't think so until lunar

how they aueaked into a certain garden and•lole all the pears they onuld nunago to carry,

•oriv, very sorry, boys j you know betterr n aure ; ii 1. %**£**&<*$ thought and I

,:,Kr. John Mirlln baried hu oUild on Mondayafternoon at 3 v,u. I t was 20 days Olil. Thisis tbe nrt^lnlkbt tbe parents bavB In t .

Mr. M. Gannon's little boy while r iding' . .bis father's ore wagon, waB suddenly thrownont aod one ot. tbe wheela |«audlimba abont fonr inehea above' tbe ankle.Strange and fortunate to a»y no. tv boibroken. • • ' , : . .

The Good Templars' plc-i;io on lait Satur-day, for tbe boneflt ot Win. PearoB wbo wasinjured in the Dickcnon Mine lome time ago.4 I B a complete lacoesi. Net procoeda aboi•60.

A plo-nlB nndar the snspices of tbe HineHill Sunday Behojl will Uke plane to-day i,the MlboHll! Park.;A dliastroua Are took plane, Tneadav after

noon,on Ibe Brutbertnn property, faqrofagtbel i farm txmae to the grouod. Tfaebouw

ocoDpied by three lenanta, one of whom lostnearly $100 worth of olDlfaing, oto. Tbe eutlre

n cannot as yet bo accurate!? eatlmated.In giving tbe population of Harris Oonntj init week's i u tbe pensns-taker b i | made a

moit'Stnpld DlcnDei^rli the Immkie and••" ' pDpal^lon or "HfbernUnville

(commonly called Inshtown) ocniidored .blink? Are its inhabitants, u d J s - U s name

> be lost ip tbe fogRt realms ofoh'-nre data T..What does ibe gBntlamanVni'ean? ~1* ho aDaniel o r a lino-tamer that he thus rashly,rnthlflMly and reokletsly iimnlts tfae dignityand progetiltiveiiiMuibf our bolove>l"stster cityt

• ^ fyilLLB'ROOK. '••"*"'*I am glad that Gamp MoetinK la over for we

iave 'b'nt a -very »mtll attondanoo athn'reh tarrljfte whlUt that It in projrrwi, andthink that more ionl« wotUdbo saved and

more good soaomplUbfld generally It tbeTrm-tees at Oamp Tabor Vonld not iiilow anypervloca to be held there on tbe Sabbatb ox-oeptiR evening prayef meotlngV for itwoniathen bave tbs efibot or k«ep|ngtbs ministersand their congregations homo bn thai day.

a milliters do itay bomfl and itteud tothair Haoksi but then a n others who oloaa n rtlieir obnrohBi. for one or two Sundays and.ifin the country it will require two or more Bab?

baths > . i» B a l n . • •• " • • ' . - ' . . • • • • • •

Bev. H D. OpOvk* preaobed o» siwmonlMtB.bUtt. but J wmi sorry K fewwore;presei.t to (learlt. put tamp m'Mltng Ii(dosod! ind we- willTiave larger "nDttgittgiUoBs

Mottbii IOW bis i tongoods toOeorjB Kenra and isgotng toSno-camona PUIni to teach school. I am glad hebai seenrad a good -ohool nnd wtll venture toiredlet thai, tbe peopJe,of Snoounana will beibased wi tV^m^teaeher ; - ! y ' 'The hour of oar tiabbath Bch'ocl h*i been

ihanged from balf|)aat ObjebMk to tbe hourat wbinh they nsod to meet, ialf past tan. Hr.Theodore P.llott Is tbe Saperinteadeat aad

be will return from Bnooamnna oa Fridaytniogoreach week.hd wia still act-in thai

capacity. The school through tbe blessing olQod h n grown and prospend under bismanagetnenl and tbat be may long lire u db i n ebarfio of it. is the wish of bia manyf r k n d i . • - " . . . • I - . • -v ,*/f

There iiionje talk of a Fettival being belli

after our oveneerVeta allbe WUI think a little aUoul ihe oomiort

l f b

Hn. Xauc Alward, bw dangbter Lottie andfiiecd from tbe Wait, net wilb iifaat night

have teen a serfoni" »cdd«nt Snodaf noi ning.Aa they were en their way to ohnrch wilb a newoarritgeandavonngborM. AranawavhoneaiUohsd \o% sarrlat* and lwlDdjrfaf to Hr. 1Wm. Oarv, ran into them demoliahlnc tluearriaga but forttmataly not Injuring Ihem

Those at Teaehers'HMUng ItonOaj svald ih l f b l b i

John Thorp,

Total, ' 87 Total,Oar boys did remarkably well fora net

ilub whioh has had very tlttla praotioe, ithe Audovor boy» desBr,«,greit credit -doing lucti good'ettODtlugoniiew ground.

Tbe^Band of Hope of the PresbyterianOhnrch with Eov, J . W. Porter, tbe pastor,bad a plo-nfo in the woods near the orerheailbridge, on Wednesday, .

Hr. George W. W. Porter lett for LafayetlCollege oa Wedneiday evening, I hope tohear a good report from George ai tine pro-

A brakemao on tho'D./L, *W. B. B.WaihlngtoD got bin foot fast lit a frog and be-ore fae could extnoata it the engine' eamellung md mangled him dreadrnllv.

Kinnlcntt of Liberty Plaee is getting aloilnely witb his new building, .

It ti said Flaraon tba dragght hw renttbe new win* for a drug store. . '

Mount Olive folks are talkingEnoi O. Oudd for Hhoriflol Morrii County tbiifall. Qoble bai not returned froi _..vet, bat be would make* good officer. D. J,

FORD MINE,, Sunday evening service a. Hade* MlBehoof House in kind remembrance by'tbfriendH of Messrs. B. D. Tamblyn and Jo ae|ChlgBTH, who cime to listen to their partiirorda ere they left for other Bpheroe of labiIt ii tot often (thoUKhohanf;cBt.re ficqnonthat a lorioty is called to witneis the depaitare of their pastor and lender at tlietime; but inch has buun the case with mThus wo bave a double sorrow iiirater&lithe word " Farewell." Mr. Tamblya in Iwell ltDowD in thin and unrronndiug ficinitieBto' necj any encomiums from onr pen, but hiswork si a pastor and preacher can onlyeitlmited by tbote who bave liitened to hiand hnvo been beneflttedbyhis countieli. Tbintrimlo valne of any thing can bent be ndentood bv those who bave the opportnniof proving its adaptability; honco ire wlbave proBtod bv Mr. Tamblya's fclDlstrntlou*re forced by thii leaving to spaak In hilehalf. And ro think that the Con fere nowho silently remsoH to teooas a member of tbeir body orettei a painfulomission in the Bight of those who think theyJudge with some duoretlon. -, Hr. Odgere ii a. layman and in biro. Is tofound cumliuM all; tls, quallflaitinnB thmake op an Ideal ahrlitian ivbrkroKii. Aiitais leader hi« einerienoe, and counsel Wereprompt and personal, and always to tba point.ID Hondav eehool work be wai Koalbanlregalar

dstadifiue, and bis oarflfnhy prepared len-ns made him endeared to the Boholan of hl«IBS ; always action UBptt,(bfl injunction what-

soever the hand Oudet^to do, do it with

Ihy miji P;X.

. ' ! Triii- -DROUTH; '•Jtisritery.drj';^'^"'1 '; - *•

We don't get rain kocTqan't lell.vrbj.Eren TODQOr, tha propbf 1 forijhBconntryover,6eemB>-job>ttflt>n[ih>. than a prophet ol

We rl«m'tbc morohifi wi;!} the horiion red,' nd think, of tfa e sayl^gioar fatben have said:

If the oveninn; In gray and'tlie morning rod,It will bring down rain upon yanr hend,"

On Friday night if the inn clear set.Ere Tuesday mnro wa shall gut wet."

"If tfae sn,n rises (dear aad goes to bed loonft Will rain Wore night, if not before noon."!i If ths mvruing fog tbo iqountasf n thtfiThe rain will cone from evening1! aVlei."

irthtnewmoon dolhltud treot,T?e are told tb,e rain we njay eipooi."JnaiaitDfall.lhongh not tha lent,"We look for rain wb.en the wind is But.'1

But or alt the algni, Eul, Weit. and Bontb,,We are told they rail In time or dnmtb, ,And so tbe days and nights pass by, :

And In ipi.o or the signs it Is sUUvury dry'.Dovza, Sept. 1st, 1881. ' O,

On* Effect of the Clrcut.An elght-yearoltl tan at Mr. L, M. Shoot 1

Kiugaton, N. T., taw Xue. Zisel ibot fromaffortarlnBalehiltar i D o r i i ' trirana a weekago. OQl.itFrid.Thn Mtempted a builosqaioa tfae hat with kl* four-year-old brotherwhichaoarlytQnninatcdfatalljr. The jBttcgeibrotUBr.WMWa<^pn*'»w66fl-Blory windowidil-afcilD" »b( CIOMU blinla, The oldor

"„* obair at him and cx-

Those at TeaehersHMUng ItonOaj svaalagtad ihe pleainn of belsg tb* vitaeates of a

l lg

g Wfalleeagagedlntbeshidyof«b«two eooptei oame to the iiartatiage atad

me or them wished to.be nurcied. Tharalled until tho dots of tbe Imwn, hen

Btoddard perforaud the ceremony. Thiy.* then congratulated by tbeir anas paoUd

edain* party, afWr which ths; started off on«fr pdaTlmr, fellow** by toe beat wlshw

Tfcs Teal Had iron "Qbinaanr a n makir.

w«from tba nine dtreloprf oh UJBBs^erty, new AUamnoliy.-BtnMex Hsraid.

K rell to tba groaaa, a'diiUnoeor ttrenty &sL Bla injuries «r»very •erero,

*ndtnayprqv*'IVtal, ; '

Fire on Mhe HUI. 'The "Elijah BrolharUin hon«e,"« it \ . .

alW, located ncar^the Bjnun Mine, wbiohwaa one at theoldUodmaraaon Bine Bill,cwgbt are* InUMfoofiUoutronro'ciMk onTo«dajanenoim,and there being DO waterin th* neighborhood, waa loon deairoy«d.Thehonaawaaoaeartba oldwt in tbe H lIty, and It la supocued tbat there mail l

a""lag nutotUilrnooda. Tb. binding

Kllto-tjon. „The I)troadiVni«Sn>nu.wlllAli arrives In

Dover from $tm York at &tt t. M , ran orar aman who was silling in U w.SOD, »t King,.land, Monday s.fternoosi, sad laiUnlljbin It seomi Lt)»| tap man WM ao bmrit-dend by tbe appnaobing train, as to te nuablsto dilvo bit aorsu, ao ttu wagoo could leaveibe track,' Taeta was uotfasr n u la tbewigm, butJwJatppod oat u d SMapsO. Tn»bonei ware notbroken to pieou.

plbs rajas WU

time to tome, especial);under modi-rile but xllll rentunorativo prieoi.The oritioil poiitlnn of tlie Preudont, and thsbtRbarrata* of moneys giy» a illjtht oheok tobnilnotH, but in the nate of tbs death of thePre.iJent.it will probablj be bat a short timibefore tfae bnnineaarcBninasftiregular ooorto.

A«BIO*K Pia.—There is but little bm'^eireported by the dealers or brokers, bnt it iswellhuownraottbitthefarnaoeoainw^niflsu*steadily dolnjt a1 large btuineiii,-; jlbis- liivideneod by Ihe fiot thit Rood brtndi of No,'

1 Poooilrv aro v ry scarce, while tbe nmtbramti ot No. i Poandry ire vt-ty much flrmer.Halt! s aro not aniioui icll^ri. ai all look forno further deolfnB, while there are tndieatfo oitltat a slight advanoj may Ukflp!*oe. lofaot,one maker ifated t<n3ay that Ue eonld put upprioes now end get the adv«.ne« if bo thoughtIt AdvlWble.but ("red that by ao diln6 fai

mrago afiipaonta of foreign iron,t l i I h b l

light irbllo at tbe present prlcea lid waa tborangblyUMPA, and oonoltided thai it wern better

leave well enoujch HIODC. We quote No. 1Fonndry at IJtJ®*15i No. 9 Foundry, 1320123; ind Forgs, 110®III.

^ Blank Book Printing, •TbBsatjifaotitm Riven by the EB* job office

In tbiiR y j

olflBi of printing haa reanltedavast Increase of wotk iu thii

line. We ere sow. makingow, making blank .booiDgaanrcikify of'ouJr DnsfoeBi, and

ing blank .DnsfoeBi, a

t print-are pre-

pared tofnrnlih any kind of apeolal work InroHnjr;' printing and -binding, inolndlng payrolls, fthipuinfr manlfents, orfler books, or any-thing else needed In mining;, manufacturingir mercantile qpemtiona, ai well sod al;beaply ai the game work ia done in New Yorkeity. Wo have'alio roads arranftemeal* bnwfaleh e, duplicate of. any book made by us canbe obtain.d At short notice by ifmpfy sendingoa the nnmber attached to the book.

1)1 rZU.BMITH-At Greenville, Align*t S8tb, Ma

Muillh, aged 77 years.

VICINITY NEWS.Suiiox Oonrti open on Tuesday nextTbe SusBfli tarmera receive li^ oopta for

nlk, which retails In Dover for 8.One hundred and flftv tbtmRand yonng sal

mon weiarfloohtly placed in the Delaware river.

,^. ._ /ibouttDthe tot adjoining their

Tha street sprinkler bas suiueaded opera*tiom In Hiokettatuwn, owing to the soaroltjof water-

- Hill Llntta Hill, of Deckertown, usa dfedfrom the effMtl of l fall from a wajjon, notice*a few weoki ago. . v; .

Wm, H.VadBjcki?, of Haokettitofn.badthumb and two flngen tiken off by a circulariaw nb TueaoUy.' '

ri.'P". F. Brakeby, of B«lvldere, felt in berOn the 223, (tuatalninp a pamfnl injarv

at the koflB, wbioh may permanently 4U*bt.

Mt« Jennie Bmitti,aged eighteen vears, «aifatall/scaldeaon Monday at Phll!lpsburg, bytripping oa the floor while carrvlng a waulboiler. " • •• -

A fallow BBRUming the nsue of "Dr.Thomaa" wai reeentlj robbed ui 1500, a dlamond eolUr pin and e, gold watob whiin into*icatedlb^ewlbn.,

Wm. Depue, of Harmony Tow-Mhlp, W«.rrnr»fflty, WM'drawlEg water from theDelawan

nver oDCnaTUBlweeir, wtieii'iiiimu lmo ttuliver and wai drowned,

A payment of 11,000 him been rnad'a on thijudgment and coiti obtained by tlio count'against tlie bond men cf cx-Oounty Dollcoto;Edmund Ton], of Warren.• A borioand wigon stolen from W. B.

Cramer, of Hackettstowo, on theAugust, wero reoovered l»#t week, and thetheir caught at ElnabBlh.

Ellia R. Goble, one of tbo olttoet •eatcemod dtiacns or Btillnater township, diedon Baturdav morning, after aa illness of nvEweeks. He wai a Blannch Bopnhlioan, and waionce nominated for tbe Ansembly.

Tho N. Y. 8. A W. It. B., wbieh is nowbuilding ID the oppcr part of Warren count;,placed on record in the Cl^k'a office of thaicounty lait woek, a n.orleaKe on all their cor.porate rights, properties, etc., for »3,OO0,O0O.

Tbe dairy interenti orRa»aei oonnty are mr-fertnj; rroni the proloojred drouth. Pantnrt. (tall borned up, and farmerB are compelled tocnt Ifaelr corn In tome lections, in ordergive their cattle needed food. Watcris neededeverywhere.

Tercnoe Oonnollj, the Newton ranter, haiow ftone idly dayii. Up to the i3d fae livedntirely on water, and has since taken bnt a

small quantity cf beef tea per day, nerer ex-ceeding tfaree or fonr toupooom.li, Bnd a fewdrops of brmdy.

Johli Ootmelly'a honae, la Jannlion, wa* de-stroyed by fire on Battmlay (fleraoon, At-tsefaad to ths bnuw w.a a temporary out-bnlldlnR, in which his wire had thrown the

raw from a bad tick, which tho cbildrealODKht It iport to burn.Tba past week a putty of engine*™ hiv*

been cnR8Eed-in survey-in* west of suiihopetoward Antiover. Itiarepnrtedlhtit thoyhnvebeen instnictcd tu make a preliminary iurycjif tlieronle from Btsnhnpo ,o I1IOSDR(I<'I roadit tho ruiervoir fnr the Delaware, LackawanuatWfflternR.lt. Compan.T.Tnere is a vacanoy at ths United Rtntei

Maval Academy at Annapolis from tho FonnhCoDjjreBHlonal district, roprenentetl bj Hon. 1B. Hirris, who has adnptcd tbo metliori

IliBK it by a competitive ClAininatinn, »hicill Uke place at the Court Hnu«« at Ualvidf rfarrfln County, on Beptrmber 1st.The ereetioa of the D., L. k W. cattle pel

at WighlnRtou baa beeu cnmniencpd. Hetht Western cattle, en route to New Tort, wi]IB taken from tbe cira and turned loonpommodiouB pom. Tberwjll bewateipd andproperly fed, and gjrea a dajr'i rcit, and thnereach Hew Vork in fjood ooodition.

_ filler or J«romlah P«»iler, of Btownibib, made affidavit be for* Juilicethat one Jncob Hitnmuno had crimluall•anlttd her. Bimmom wBB arreMod

to Hewtun, wben tbe girl appearedmd made affldivit beforo Jntitice Stewart <h

[t. wai untroe, aad that her fathihad compelled ber to make it.-Itegiator.

i and cow hoano near Franklin Pathe farm of Martin W. aud Bamlrard

Maboe, were bntndat abont half-past thiTJiurtday afternoon. Tbo content! WL.

B consumed, conBl«tiDR chiefly of hay, to-hei witbfaarn'eBs anil some farming ulcn-i. Ibe fire was discovered in thi

part of the barn netr the ravine, by the hiredgirl who went out alter as armrui or wood.LOBS erttmatetUl »1,500, inanred in the Conti-nental Of flew York for MOO on

oneqntanV. The q n wai ot iotoaHUtyorigin, and on the fans where MI« Ida ah.wherolctllv subbed a tramp with a' Imtehsrknib about ten days before tbe ~Realtor.

ffffrk t.bl«, | n

MiaeiBlW Mnfo to boild^T«lR|S»*owUI

TONl&r without

SiifaSffl... . . . .from tbe eyitem. that rosy ebeeki and good

1 wpltifr steiv&KaM. Soe odi

OarriagB Trimmer aadftunl'ture nphohterw,

. MOBBW B I B l B r , DOv-ER, N. f.

HkirUattraraei made to order xidold mattra*a«i nwdB over. Window «^iulea mode amhung. OiiisM fnr all kinds of tt|>b(>t*tcriD|neatly and iiromptlyexeonted. Oarrisgti triioiin« in all ft* branchua. Pricei moderatr

CARRIAGESof over j description niade and sold ttt


•U-rials. latoit ilrKif>nn in tistraetion and thu moat competent w>rkm<

Geo. McCracken.Dover, K. J., April Sib, IM1.

FOB SALE.' .A light side bar open buggy. Rood ae uevtwo throfl-aprlng wagons, cheap ; team waKr.verv clieap; Bet heavy ;eam harne ~ ~~H0K6B U> czchango for a t>ru-«Lot atep JadJeru; lot bouvy cbuinu.

A. J0D8ON C0E, An

Dover, Aug. ftSth, 1991.Borgcu tit., Doviir, ft.

IJfY ivulom of Small IVoBti .pprcoist«;Jj j . Quality and workmansliipurtlie UaMy IbmkH for liberal p«tr(.imK1i in (hu pOrder* by telegraph niuBaenBor or Uleph

JOHN JOKES, UndertakIkk

e.,, N.

H. D. Optiyice. Squire Vannipvti'Klrawaj aMelici* B. Orowley, both of Dover.

OBAME-Attenville,"W f A b l

t ttifa,l

BAMEAttenvil le , AnRugt ttiW., son of Abraliam and Oeorj;lof Newark, aged fi y>iaru an., 5 m

ORAMEB-Near Flanders, Aug. 2Ut, at tl

4 g * o

Mme. Demorest's Patterns

W. S. BABBITTS, Mm f IEither bv nail or pernonsl applt l i

LOST.In Dover, probabh on Gold utroot, un Tn

day arteraoun, July BOiii, a


contaiaiDB ihout *Hi in money and otltides. The flnder Mill ba suitably mclearing it at THIS OFFICE.

89-lw p

'HE1HAM SEMINARYWILL RE-OPEN SEPT. 12thThe courao of instmctiou w

embrace theuBunl English braiiehami Ancient and Moilorn laiifniagPupile can be fitted for latlies1 ogentlomen's colleges or graduatedFor circulare or further iuformatioplease ftddresB



TKENXON. August 30th, 16H1Th« attention of oount;

itJcrl to rliaptor one hundred,UB is callerl to rlisptor one hundriightoon of lha lawn of 1881, which rrq

t tn bi ado tilire*

tTils department, on„ ot October in oscb year,

ontlition of ibe rcapretire ccipH, citiiia, towns or borouchi,

this Htatc. itihnoloso of thoir rwpootivo fi*«Tlyears noxt prooedlnR tho time of making


iajiarj faiuks will bo furnished upt>;

\- J. AMDxnsov, Oomjitroller.



CBOIDK BXTBACT* r»o» Daiiaaun.~" We

Jj j p Hem' Phwiolana pmnnfafl tnem in tat. lova "" Tfas larfteat bo'tb and belt roedicina '•

•>0mlnl pa.pl. » k . 'Halt BIl lS.-'.'Sore care for dillit and liter dluaiea."

**~T: * * "—' •Letter* remaining unclaimedIn thePoplO»ce at Oover.N. J.

t S«pl.M.iUl.Binte S^Blambaid,

lluluaoi,.D LJOD,

^m. Korrii.

W. J. B r a x ,

Anni. Dowaa,a J LIsBatronAlfred Martin,

^uti a Pria mi l ,OatBerliM Odmne,Wm.RO'ROflT,

Wm Fo].Y,- - i BliUr.

«i«H.»at(itadateorui»ibi.' ' '0.0. HrSOHHaS, p. K,





The above lots are inside of thpCOEPOIiATION 1JMITS,Munaon Hill. For particulars ancterms, address





earefallj eonti ije'rcd from ft^ age uf roapdniitiility ap to matqrit?. mrp^nri) t«E.1rira/*rriliume, Horiely. Lara, Mtrriac« DnBinB«fl*e . How Bread-Eaters are to l>a Broad-Win-

The volntna aboends in itri!ifli(tbla, rara * afonuitlOfl .mi miensc com-w«ii)ie. Foil peso colorca pUten-etch

L J° r (P «?ri3URi>Y A*Co. ,A d"l w - ruisdftphlft, P».


,ve opensd a Uew .bop io Derer In Bearing^baildinu, CQRSKB BLAOXWSLL AND

SBRCIJtH 8TS .and lailte the} palrouceortI.oF«faUt]


OABPETS, bothtapestries tad body. Thepattenw•re eioeplionallj handsome thi»

atteiition. Of conne it j , ^


tM - -&1NOBA1K8

e many patterns for the feutrade, and we ore^ already onttbgand fitting the celebrated braudato the Queen's taste.

BLANKETS will be higher" is

the miivMsal cry of wholesale m«o

0 wo have laid in o a r Btoc] l m(j

fill mU tlieni at Hie nmal priwa.

1 you want u pair of IiuSKian

you had better purchase at onco;

this is iur advice and wo back it

rith cheap j , r i c e 8 ;„ tba article.

Out buyer purohiuincl » caao ,„

»of P A L I J P B I K T S ; the pat-

i s aro novel to say the least.

Wo send samples all over tho world

upon any application.



Isaac N. Doty & do,will during tho coming week

open the moist elegant line of

new FALI GOODS over shown

in the State so early in the

season. Hew colors in DEESS

SILKS; now materials iu

DBESS GOODS; new Satins,

Surahs, Brooades and Velvets,

new Flushes, ombre and tinsel

effects in new varieties; new

Plaids, new Checks and new

Stripes. Special bargain in 24


51.50 per yard, worth $1.85.


Formerly Morris & Doty,

159 & 161 Market St.,

Jfewai-k, N. J.







Tbo eteRintand reliiblo a team orK1XL TON KULL

Le«vo». Pier *7, Toot of 10lh St., H.R.dftilril11.15 A. M., 1.80, l . is and 6.30 P. X.,l'inr 8, N. S. 11.30 A. K., I , « 4,30 ami


BOAT LEAVES PIElt 17 at 9 A. *.,A K D P I E R 8 4 T 9 . , B A . K .

TJp-town «a«Menconi cmi take the lBiliHt.,14th Hi., au<l fltL Hi^roua tutvu e»r« IM (-..nut*,witli bout. . 30-3mTlCliETI MB SiLE AT VoiKfflT ft KlLlOOltK'l.


Miners Wanted at Midvalo,PASSAIC COUNTI, N. J. TAKE


T-o-ir-s.A HOB and large stock of



mm WAGONS you $1,Children's Baby Carriages,HBRUMmtOWS, and many other articlewood uqnally cheap. A prime lot ot





»re nqif enUbliihcd in Lhdr

d lu duHUGB

s and ciiUfCfil f 1

eiery k;uil dr wor*iDi"D wjinoim of

d th wn

HUGBS i Drj Jeicnpliou mid« ta ordrr nnfer, looiudinff Eiprats ind UUIUE*'CODI. Vvhiclci of diffLrcnt kiniln kept ood for tale. A oiU will wtiifj tb»> °fkni*nship U of the be»l. our ilcpiBiis.i"1

«t »nfi oar pnoca r«»atiable. Bop»i'>W.ULE &nd trimming done in the beH. min-

. B 3D-1T


trsl E. B. CoorsM of Btodj Eotiflo and Cltiilcl. StodsDts pnU . a NiTtl u d MilItUT Acailtmie

ob««tAlB«nteB«dl«sM. i t t o m t b1 asMrfmei.t B«!.ng tn,Rhl fr *aa Flnenllonltt Panmanahfp bjarrcir. muu, of the teuitiH of thi.ri^_ 1}<>

dapartnunt for litlls

Ooaeordvllk. W . &>. »•

Page 3: VpL, XI. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1881/1881-09-03.pdfgreit (onlc, Cnne »b)B fur men itlia i , .._ _ WeftkaesH


LOCAL JOTTINGS.Sri), Be?toaber •** oj^n.

Ita* public Mh«0« «pm 00 Moud*j ueit.-Thiw oblld«n dW la Bow 09 ftjdv

la.lwe.k-ffaiw Mil at from «5 to SB wnto per tairol

thbHintit Freedom school,Ihe Obafbtm whool WIU^WB ondei ib*

radios of Mr. P. Qimbr.nt.The cttBhioDi foi i l l lb* te.la In the Kir,

1C. E. Chord b r a beea utdered.Moit of the pwnteti t t »1IB c*r ihopi

laid off for ft few days M Fria»y.Korriito^n wnflll#dwltb 8ammor

lift week. They ware mcwquito*.Tlis Auewois will meet in the Co*atl lit

next Moo-Uj t<> apportion the U I « I .Mr. Stepiiou J. P«lmer will tit up tbe sului

Of l!ie B«w stoift for WJittlook 4 Lewis.Tlie Indies cr tbo Drskeslown M. E. Chui

will give & fair tod temilnl ueit ThurmlftT.gine Co., df Mot n, pB g

pose* in excurtioa to E**Uni InMr. L. O. Stilei, of the JtrBcyma

hackod » four pound tioutio Ibe Adirau• 'litt GteenU»cUcrB BBJ IUOJ wo goingH, E. Griiifold, of Ohitliatu, for Hticriff tbifill.

Tbe Oreenbaclier witli wboDimmeia best pks.cd Just nmelon.

T. J. , ih« M11, in *boui to build tbr additi iiftl r

Gfo.B,8mitli. En]., Pireclor of tiicof frceh'ildoii, nixie us ft plenwut caMoniiiF.

For tbtf week enflins Thur.-Uy. lite25lbB,M6 banket* or pcacbes we lMorriitowu.

Tho wonda mrptin/r at Boecommoneo on Tb.ur.uU.1> noxt

il /r

A JOOIIR man ftttm Bol*i<lero cauclilBndiTiL»ke U«t we«k* black bisi wriglilni0Ten pounds.

OliM. Bowoll, Hip PngliRh jv^estrUn olinpion, I K I la attentUace at tbo MorriitowrkOGKlliiB reck.

A new \n«V linn Uepn InM for t!>o frtiitihotinaat the Cenlr*l lUlfon, %nS tbe dupot

Bi>mnel flwioiiyear piirclianeil tliirtncn tb•woe), viliicii at 15,000.

FUn fatlillipB of lown ht<m Wpfln«ndaj ia tbo gropirt of Protipeot street.

ater, of ironia, tu

Far will r*>w!vo pnod pricca ior tlicof l\tn

drouth which hat provailoil.The Itteat person Dimed for e Pomcicr*.

• for flberifT tiii« year ii Collect!Cb.au. H. Murmon. or Iliis oitr.

It in mid Ibat all Ibrpapem ha»e liepn <lr*wup preparatory td t*kiim tbft Ct>nlral IU Urn*out f)f Ibe hinds of tlie Receiver.

Eildin O(jden. of Chatham, in Jiimnitig nand ofi a w»«ou tint KutriKlny Ml under tliirhoola and bad ono of hid Ices broken.

The annual mealing of Iho Nf w York Girt-ftrencoof Hie Free Hellirwiiit Cliurcli nlll opciin thu Ilnver chores on Tucmlay next.

A party of forty or lifly vanns; ptnnln frorMorrimnwn took mipp«r »w) b»'l an pnj<y»l>l<•-.ima at Jo] ley'i Hotel taut Friday nrontaK

8nm« iianpia entertain tho e iron POUR lili*;tHfct wtvo<lc<iok 6&n be ali^t aft^r Htivl. lat,«bcn the time *p*ciflfJ by law <a Sept. SOtb.

Slate iBupeetoT Newton nterte a raid on *Militant, milk train on Timiwtay evening oflaat week and fonnd WQqitaMa of adulteratedmilk.

It la uid that Ibe great man up in Win-encoontr never emilen except • hen bo *tsn&< H ttbe bar of his country ; tiaen he imilca earl*KQd often.

Horrfrtown Utalkingabout onso? two bora*cur lines. Tin's flioi the »ttcntiot. of M->rrin-

aboutAT«i7iim»H borcaneeton tboontnlde of*

var; large witerroelon ID a tcry small ipsce oTtime ; but it lakei « t«r j Urge doctor to hacnaoDise Ibe tiro.

We hare jtut r»<I t handkeroblei flirtatloDoixle. and adi-iie all men desiring to aroid

. breioh df promipfl aniti to wipe their moulhiwith their ookt-UUi.

Hardly ant one In suffering from ha? fererthii yoar. The new tlieort In that it in antedby peftcbfn, »nd that the dlietae comcc iifihtljin a bad peach Ufa ion.

A. a m u l l of tho drouth t!>« bng mead^tra*t Troy liawWen bornioR "onia date, and tr«firmerit have hid many torn of h»j deitrovudthat hid been itaekwi out.

Mr. M. V B. 8«irlng ha* bongkt of Mr. SituCOM the lot on Bergen tlreet, between HieAwdiiiAg* Ol Mcwrt. J. J. Vteelaud and Wm.Harris, lad will erect a Doe homo on it.

There never wai to maoh Runnier truTel bo-foranpoD the D..L.4W. road. Totcooiomo-date tbe ronh tfaa compinj Ii asiiiB eoiehei ofthe rewtiBylwiia »nil Lehigh Valley roadi.

In sJMUion to tbe Heclion [or Sheriff i:.dABMralilrmgB ihli Ml, we have three Coroners

• to elect, tbo law rendering the latter officitliIneligible for re-election nnasr three yeara.

In iome pl»ce* btikol worma »n deitroyiDKthe arbor TIIBS, Thej fctdB Uiemwlre* Ineocoonfi, and the only way to destroy the poitIs to pick off the oooooni, anddoitroy them.

H»m«on, ihe "bo* preiAcr,"who wai atMount Tabr-'r two yotre ago. demanded 1104

. fOT fO)lT dij» Device* »t * oatnptnecHnR in I»rdUna, and tsfuwl to go uoteia paid canU inadytnee.

EOT. B, D. r*mhljn, who hto been i s Mfihlj<i»tnctne<l and euecfoaful at Hard town, thii

' farewell to bin ct3ngre((*tiofl I be re laHtSondsjIn erdot to accept an apiHiiatniPut iu WentVirginia.

The Record H. E. Hnnttay fleboo! madu aptcnle eioumlon to Luke Hopiteoog to-day.fHaTtiagoat in T»gon«', nocompanicd by theDover T>»nd. Thef HB doubtlens haring a

Tbere will lia a ennd glaia ball rtiootlnjctournament it Tlioa. Bright1!, Woodfwirt, nextToeadaj. A fine COT* wilt be qiina tbe Lettthat, and % large number of awMpiUkes willbo ibot 0*

The editor or thsWliMnfflrn Star Toncbeefur tbe freedom from vulgarity of MadamsBents'* Foroale Minstrela. Bnt ttia thoughtwill aTif, i" tbo editor In f}ncation a cifBipe-tcnt Jodfte 7

Kr. Aaron Dickemon <lr«*a oat to IJt. flopelint H*lnrd»j with a lady fnond. bat b'» enjoy-ment waa apolled by the borBO nmiiUifr away,throning both the occdpactBtint and breaking

Ever litme tho Prenidint WBB ibot tli* E R ILai kept Iho people of Doter Informed at IDliii condition at ci'ob orllioal period by upocUldii-pitclifP postal] on bnllatina in Vonglit AEillROrc'i trlndoWK.

He*. Dr. HlRc-ai, oftha Hictottutoirn Her-ald, " takes plcmure in tokfiawledRiuy Ibe r»-cstptof a oompliniontary ticket" to tbi trot-ting meeting at McrrUloim. Feirar* ai frank a* that

Tbe new Blrhop of tbe Catbolio dioceie ofNewark, Itef. Br. Viuger, of Madiinn, pur-fonpedbls flnt pntdia act on Hundayin Saw.ark, tbe UTIUE of tbe corner ilon* cf a no*p»thobe ichnol bopao. ^

£e.er Hill, ili» pwrlOT.wfci J«b.l»»t Mowifcy- I }ntjwed," JIB ssid, " t k l tl.o

, yqnldnltdie. WbT, breia j rp , dstpian eoaldn'i 61B. Dtr^'a boon too 1111147p n j r m offertd toi him, ao; tie Uwd 'II hearaono of'em. aayhow."

Phllrp Sara,Otllorrii ru iaS, a "dinramer"fbt k Nemrk bmiuraf booie, « n arrestrt afav daya itnoe on a charge of embetzi-Dg 1100.He induced tbs offleer to go to several placeswi'(|nilB in aearehof bail, and than irilrliing(t IftTonUa elunoe r»n airay.~ Dorinf tbe month ofJgljiMt England e j -

' porUd to tbi* oountry 40,817 (on. of plB Iron,ajralnai 37.13t torn laiL year, and 7.906 toilot tba auno month in 1ST9. Th*iB P-RnntiMW \}u.\ ibe UrlHonpW; Iran it nonn t<

.falRb for tba boccOt of tbl> lection.; A mi^ni-rido ball took p!ac« al WilliamHaaalay'* Norton Home at Pom pi 00 on 8a'day owning. About An? pertoaa * « « p

• onttKBda Tory marry and cDjojatle OTCI, w*4ip»t» TJic feitiTitliw luted nnti) nwriy

' nldsifht, and aado an ooaiiion that will not. won U fomotwn by tbow prtaent. Manj

wen pnaant Iran Nutatfc and Palcrun, andfas t ' e /UM coalnsis* wet* TH7 btndaomf.

m tor tU Mir buittlnf of Mr, *•*«p.

Tbe Bplwonal Oliorch at H^ntitim ii betasnptinted and reoontad.

Bon. A. V.OBUerbw fadded to m a n slaw pnatlca )D ltorrlatoni.

alrwttail t h e n Ktrtfu A back are lamed.

Many bwrdera Vill mmain *tdartog (be aatnino tomou SanAime peuti1*

BCT. W, W. H*li.'«**, Jr., li»i* fLluruetOHM and will preacii in LlicLoroLon Sunits^Tte WISB of Jloketi at. the Bt»dbo[)e lUtionorfos tba eoootb at Aouuit BUiDnatet. tc

BBS.*!.Mr. Qto.MiUos'a new boym *t Ilofii»w*j

• belDK rapidly ctustrack'fl by onntnotorHattoi.

there Iwa boen no rain In i>r r twomonths.

Mr. Jotin TnuVin, «f ll(ickft**j, bas built aDVT btfti ahd further iQJ^futuil ttin |ji£.<m witli

Tbo on (ihiunitiits over tKe Hibemia Miim

fT*uniM of t t o lit N. J. Voluntotr Cmfry*Tbfl abors gsned IkBimeot, bj vhioh were

uunyulilfenboB Uorril Oonotjr, bold tbeirMOOBd inaoBl re-ttafoi an Thnndtj, Sept.8tb, at OQ|. Htwjer', SoUI. Gap* Ma/, andtba n u t t ft toohtA forwktd to •ttta miwtaplaaaun. aud will no doabt l» loafJ>an4[ by ihpte wbu attepl. , A

f l h j(o (JOMDII* nno or tho leadluir Teteno orjranl-Mtfoim in tho ooaotry Tbolr Onnititnlionand Ry-I*»« am adninbi ; (rotten op, ihow-

n that tbo rcfftmctit [1 sonipoaed of u r n of•ina ka v«l( a« fljhtun. It will be rctnent-

bered thii rtjrltoenl ranked «• one of the 0oe»i ibodyafhonunes In tbe SorUiwiiaraj,from the. fftoi Va%i tiiej left tbe bone* uf 0*

2 hntitWd of lloir nitnrtdai blotohinitbe bard fought battlc-gelda of Ibe SmI ill la Ka own ilorj, EitenBfve proparatloiliaiu been lumlo tu make the raeotion a noi;oss, and the ttnvi vjll be enpociillj bapi»b«n Kftliiired toRctber oiiao more a.rouJiuir tattnred Imttlft flags. Altliougli thi'lav in Caw May wilt nooMinrily be nhortI'f-t ibore «ill be amjitd fimit In trios net theii

Early on tfee auonnJifd d hlarB» mad dog a

y i d d bi

uf Ay«D»t Hth aLth«B«L esr T

t l l i

pom-offlca a | filaintowi

d bv Wm 0-«r j4 ; to l

hav* bit ton atton aUp. AfUr doisg *J|nbafalef he mM ken he v«ot an to DrakTille wtMni It Is reported In bit t*o a a n•t /erfj Bsker1*. 4* nint e'aloek hou»ok ihrougQ J l u d e n , poniied by a

on bomb**, who dumoajiM a«miWoodhallt aion, ttad tbalr horus, «nd em-

d U bfoot. Tb«

ii baH uot hsrt 1c ]a»t fall tht-ro

m M. ir..j>]ji[i(;, nf Huwatk, t

'Hlii Hie Y.iu irani Cli'

iu. (T Nftw Torit, gai

rkctl til nigtit BinliiiiK tlioir

Mr. W. K. DrakB

Mr. S*m

d i p p e d frnmof rcJtn and 1

1 ortmlior t<

OOHR LBS purchased at tlie Dorei.rk the dm tot, IMilOO, CDrnor nf BcrcoiJ Moidotr utrcota, fur *l,U00, »ufl Intondflidling upon it.Mr. 0. Gordon Bnnbananicknwiy oiiTnci'kv two sutwuratorto Obcsior, Masa., amke Chai!i|)liiiii,)d Mine Hill it Ii aaM ttist every well n

uces Iba water pumped from tb» B/r»36 fB ablf'rHillR.)U JIOIKIBJ lent Sheriff McDnylt made tlowiiiR Hile : Dover String InntituMuu vno Htncn, for flofldtney. Lot in Dovedto coniplninantforflOO.11 Ju.ljfo Wpud'n Court thn wook » roniiiibilcd a Icn ponndrbowlder, ntid awtiiilivclj Unit auuth'^r vomnu threw it fit

.flsurack licr

by jjily fcr

vim It.1 Leo atiuff may be for

Irue&rancc ol that part i.( tlio toivci.rd story lias l(-'^u llninboti tor a hell,am tint opiiiK 10 tlie drontb manyin tbla Reclloi) Uve burn compelled

.heir catlln. In cciiaequtiiiM ibn m ilk-'n hare advanced Ibe price from 6 to 8 cta-

P-miptpn Plains, It'll it«l bn'fen !u» Iff IT- »near hin linuaa s, fen' (!iy« IRO. Hti i«2 iDft'll is cm ho e lected at tils age, 81,ie yliniWH Prenbytfriau Sooicly will hold

Tatr auO foxttvat on" <hn prouudt »i1JoiDluK

rch mi TuoMhy, t!i« Bib in«t. A band:• nil! bo lu attendance, Qi and have

ood timo.

li^ic-Hntendent Geo. SIEIIor, of tbe HlbnrniaIroxcJ.lB much pie as til DVfr ilifl fact Mintoffico has bcrti moved two foet back fromtrack, ao<] l»a b<icn coraclelelj rcfafntodreno»lecl.

JIB Rllia Family appear In Cliftniar "Weduw-evoninc, Sept. 14th, far th* bm.pfit of thn

inttir band} Oormau Ttlloj Lnthennireb, Thursd.r, IStb, »nd Port Oratn M. E-ircti, Friday, lctb,be full bunlto of the Bn»R, "You neterip tho walrr till thn veil runs dry," il fritIty in J*r*oy, whore Ailam'n »!o is aboutcaroo as t'je ordinary material that Ira vein

anr now bnfldlntti arc fiofnp, up aboutkawny. B. K.ftfl. V.fitiokle'i txurdwol-IR almost completed, and Jus. H. Miller'i

it bon>e In priiRrnnoins nixlor tho directorContractor O. II . Blanchard.

is »n old aaving that itlion tho mom.•raber (Irnt quarter In tbo mnrninR minfallow before shp falli If tbil be COlTPctmust hsve a wet npnll wltbln a week, t iquartered j«stord»T mornbg.

lev. O. T, Andcnon, of Paapaek, wilt ific-ro on If mprnnce u&d«t tbe taa^loc* of tboibnr.T Temprranco Alliinca, In t in Bnccn-ina Pre»byrerial. Cbqrch nmt Tiiatdiy

•j- at hair-pant B£*en o'clock, lectureAll are in?Ucd,list of th.e year 184D wii tbo wott«*t

I oh had ooonrred in tbl-ly-eij{bt ye*r», andn^u«t Jn»t Blonfd WKH ths dryaxt In illtlmn. ID Bovortlioro van but ono fill oflh»t cntilit be tncnKurcd during tbo whole

mtb, and that TTHH iliglil.1 date lor executing Tonclicrt for the Deitprlr pennion paymentu ia September 1th,• thii ilfttecomoH on Kunday Ibn Ponsioi]rtment aaysitiat I ha papors wupit not bo

'culfd until the Gib, and that all vonchtrfllortmgto t>r) executed ou tliu 4tL> will beled.

y j p. vrnrc sold al llio D:>»tr ntwa «tinda »!IITICSaturday. IVhtn It becomtB luowii Ibat

rdly one-teuth of that number of anr otheria) paper \a HOUI at ttfcic stands, idTurtlxcray rradlly >ee where it ia profiLablQ to roate

"L<d IIIMD bv Col. Gavvcr, rod <Uo Uko

•ii KiTcu ihroufrh Hie courtoay or Majiner^l Hrwell, {i;ur present U. H. Bei•r the W. J. It. It. between. Cimilen am•« Mav. Cart will alno bt.' reHerved for thoiimimnihliuii 0.1 lVit- trfilnaliving Cimi

it t:10 A. M.au'l r> P. M. from Cape «ay«turn trip.Wi* '.iiid'jrntasul tint Mr. Wm. H. Lauibni

,n.l other vtt.iraiiw of this ruirimejit Irom thleirtion f-iroct to be preunt.

A ClBrRyman's Wife Dfvoretd-Tiui f'-ilou-irifi flciiuu! or (tin BCindal ID V

l.ov. K. P. IliriC(dliy tho Albany (K.T,

HH crnntod a decreevorort ft Matilda ¥, Bisooc, froil ?:ilin F. niseiHt, tin tlio grooaduriir dc^mi', wliich baa ten) enterP. coDCt.T, in ia tlic unuut fona, diJwarri*pn,Rlvina the lafly Ibe ri«

il, an.l a tilghly *•U|)tod & position >Q Trace Inxtiiute

The Police Court*-

:H lively lit Judge WOOII'B Court tlila n-et-Liuiiday OIBcyr fiuitou artuBlfd Caili

Kennedy, uf Iranilalc, tor an BHimiilt onia Gillon. Gave ball tu np|)fnr at a he

Tlii: day tlio B

Ktiinoily. Quvobnil 1" njAIHO OJI ILo faiut) d&y tbeIK:lie JaiiD Talntai'go,.mull UQ Jaue Vnilit(rider IJODOS lo lotip tins;TUOD Jane Vandorbitsli

ipnn PI,P1J6 Jm

me nfiiocr arr^lteuiill uti Gather!•pear to-iluy.

of Weldoii, forlMi'li, i p»l

a« arrmtud forTilraadga. Gi

all to ar-putr at a hturuiK 011 Saturday.Duloro JURUCOB DlAEclinrd and PoilorretlneBdBj.in tlio fiirmor'B cuurt, vi» trlfdie ca«o or thu tf-wnaliip agtinut Micluaffuoy fur Ibe support of 1 certain child. Tht.iry found e Toriilel of Dot frailty.

The Vacation OverNt'it irondaj thuiiBiuJnofcljiUrei,GI» with buary hearts and pioowj

iriiiK furl Ii llnir bnijH aud btiuku, alatca anilurn oil«, mid elua 11 ofl tbo dnst which has aocu-nlntcil during tliu past two months. Tbla laHij-n that Uiu miinnwr van*lion ia %\ in end,id Hint tlm |)iraHai]t momnrioB of countrye-niaa, dip* in the eiirf, and aunilry viaita-DU« or chulcr* niorbuii muat be banishedUIII mlod ID favnr of ntudiei iu logb, pbjiios,

tiadta »nd KbBdoHn, urtbographlo projeotlOD,incur pi-rKpcctivo, a ml tbe Lnndred and

cr branclion winch go to make up tbnma of ktudj of tlie public ocbooli. During;last two months arlliaitKand labnrert hi

n uunnKi'd la buinieliliiff up tbe icboolMIHRM (ind putting tbnai iu tepalt fur tbs

rhaniing, while at ollieri tbe lmproTe-uti bave boon simply cooflaed to tbe pa toll-Upfift feuoe.

Spmirt.riB Rooii-v* a.a «cU*n)!o, In umnlly a SIRD ofIby Ircu. Tho L-UIHUHHI nit:tlii)<I oli of itDrouti IN tocliop tbftra off with

butchot or apsdo, Tliia only incrcasti thel>le. A atub olmmo or )ma length in leftilinj>. am] thii In time llirows op thme (irspronts to one cat off. A second trim.

ily the (tamo effect if[.no. Tlioiloir vrhurelarp knifn

mt, takinj; carefjicfinib&rk. Tin

rupsr war ii to 1

ibitiel e«relnllj :re oot tn bruiflu

fill ithere «iU he nn r

trial. Bprouta ire e»aabraded bark, and ouuicondition of the atom.

Ing aoy conalderabla a.is vorj teiproats from tliclr hioe.

ihcn witu aeraoTD Un>my of the

n noII, and in

iud by latoritllr indicate aAflor Bilain-

will forgive ths Getbo baude

for its rocent com-editor in tbothat the editorill luxtaay fo

ho Boonton Dallctin has tbe bandBumr in KL'W Jerac;.—Bulletin. We "oto, but a dcerentrii rorourowndoirjca

cily inclines nx iornsio juit ona exceptiValloy Sabbath Sohaol ma

nyed > grand dincer, bmliemtota at La to MoiMtco

•t. Ret. A. 0. Hifignii, of tho linck-J

A Boole of Great Valus-\icl is tho " Pev>plo"» Cyclo]jedit,1T (.ubSsheiFbillipx & llnnt, arul edited V W. H. Dn-T, A. M., D. p . , (KHixti'd by a cot-31 or tliemt eminent nclinlarg in ll,« world. It in

laxtrated wilb numerous colored maps andS,nOOeijRmvinKB. with coir.plete liifnrtna-tn date tlpou EJQT$hnowi) topic. Io evoryoifia» tbofooch and retiabki ensje'ap*-anil with ilB i|(ilitTC«)iabluOfi tho hot thattlio f|rat woiIt of ilio kind tvit|i a price

ifficlcntly low to bring it within tliu roaol) ortlia peuplo, its east, in two Tolumca, beinp

IT IU1- IttabiviDC averylarp;n nalu In lbi»'inity, and MO oorTimend It to tbo rarnfiiTliiJorallot, of all tho roulori of tbo En*

Imfuru nhoDi it in laid, for in our opinion it ina book lint should bo in every aotifluhnld.

tuna* ttook tht ,B«ojamin dardioer ihot kin. 8omo of th*

' ttut wen till BE 'o*« bent tied upthalr omen who an **JUng ip I M if (twywill so mad, vhilat aama of tb» ctfaart t n a

ilna at Jarga, wblob Ia antirel; WKins,there in DO tolling what moueril the; willooroe rabid and run • nmok Ibruagh tbo v•e*.biting vbatom-eomaiiti tnalrwij, Bjtbe mj.wDnldli not be right lo tiati *paued reqnlnng t41 dagi to b t inthroagbout the wttola aocutry. or If •dog comrolti d>mig« n a b u klliiag (b««p, lethim pay the dunag« intUftd of biting ttupajorapav it, or, Ifbehai not •uflioiei.tiatto pajr It, pu* blm tn tb» coautj jail fur

t think, • ' "BUS DnafibBMDt WBM to bflmUloted upon tbe oifimti of the dofta wbiob

•beep and ofun baton* «wd»oi) •mUn-liTe n d propeHy there mmld nptb* ioIT woribiesa enra rnnnlnf at Urge. !»»?«D BDtloe4 peraona with Iirg* fuaillM, wbe

frequently are In need, yet th«y manag*ro or tliree doga wpkU u i

travolera and aw of no DM. Bat when tbrisiewor comei awand tben tbej do not ownbut one dog, lomeOniei ndOfl *t kU. Let naODD and all iotiit apon tbe •atboritles,innh lava aa will protaot oar property and onivea from woi-ibleaa dots. TAX

The Tariff on Iron.At lhe loonii of Ibe Amerioan Iron and tj(c

l>>aoelatioa at Pbflsdelpbii, on Tnnidar,neeting or the sub- com mil tee appointed toelect > timo tnd phce tot tL« LuUby ronvenUDQ wliicb iballbt « aernDDntratinn ii

eiiutive Coniniittco lo be liolil at thebt ,bolii Hotol. Nen York, on t in 13th inat.

in likely that tho (Wivontlmi mill b»hiCanpvr Infllitutc, Nin York, in NOVM

t before Ci)ii(;r<:B» tncc(n.hu roiivi'titkw «uaU lie fc mott ej.ti6»«ivoilimity fur the miners of iron ore intlieni NewJtrnoj to bring bofore thn

ic tbuqutHiion uf tlio mijiut diiurimlnit tbuHi ju tlio preauot tariff JEWI, •

The Chatter Disafter-neral of Chad. Jou«», Lhc

n killed in tbe Ilackwcorri'd on Friday ifterl


2 o'clock, Lhu body nfWm, Uulink, tbfl IIIliu mtiu iiijiifi'i), was roe«vtrcd. Liko t

hern bin roninina wcro torribly maugled by0 great niut.ri ibat had fuihin a poll lilin. Onmdiy ilie FiHwr&l B«rviCtt» tynv tit© remainsCtullek ami //ick vcre bold intheprcaoDce

'RTKB nnmbor of penpto, Tbo former wirifd at Foi Hill and tho ls,Uur at BerkshireHey.Junllco aemno V!. Ht.woll, aotlng an Oor-er, (initunclrd a jury who after viuwing tillnmine ailjunmcd 10 Hondar of tbic week to

old aa inquegt. Monday and Tueiday wereID (akin-r teitfmoDy, sltor wfalch tbe

11 ry rendered 1 verdict whlob ex on (rated thellmiter Iron CompanyfromndybUtEe tedpng tba accident whloh remlted lu the death

the men.

An Enerrroui Catflih.' Lanes " Herltt brought donn from Umg-od on Tueidu mamlng a cttdBti lb*t mtdcthe Old flab ifnra IUDII agbait. He »!d Inight him the night before, io Lonxwood, oret line. He weighed full i n pounds, wu} feet and half an inch In length, mean

iree and a h*lf inchei between the e.yei, .nilda month tbatTalinadge would bare envied1

Lanes " laid bo bad been wfttoblDff him forlrty-flie yearn, and thinks he ii tfat ideation

9th which once put>d inrrogite OlUsn Into.be pond. " Jeney " rather doubted the atate-

nt a» to hli ajto.but aftor a cirfifnlexainina-an of the rinESOQ his hnroi, ackDowiadgedlat it wai tbe fact. Iiaio IUybeRaQ to recallno reminiaoonoet about enormous catfi«]i!j;ht in Dover pond, but tarned jalo »rwlial Kciloylold him Lo bad seta ctlfiiliioh weighed 35a uuuudti. Thing* begin to)?mi wonderfully, and /eolliifr that one whs1 nuy coiincieiitioni sctupki had no boB

lean in that crowd WO movtil stilly away. Tli

rved Qp a B Hotel.

Need o( Rain.The Fatmuio rtivnr atPatorcon is im|irfco-

clcntedly Inw, and with itn bsro rock5 andmuddy bank* presents* ntrinca appearance.ViaitorB wl»o come lo mo the falU bclwU TOW(do place where tho falla have boon, and canvulktcroHHthnriVL-rtlryHliud. Tbe willa Hintarc run bv viiicr poW r have not b^on at workmore iban ba,l[ tl-o limo f,>r iovcnl Jarn. Themountain streams eappMoj; ilia nvtsr LavubL'tn praciicillj dried u|i for three weeks, andthe wttor tbst comiti ilown tbo river ia fromdre?2<*!V>' Lake. Thii water '" turned OD atnifilit tlim acsumulitiusa supply for t t e nextday'' nae. The like has been lowered twoutj.five incbet In (lie pnit twenty-fivo diya. Oldlubabltaulp saythsyntrcr saw tho river BOIqw. ^ ^

The Drought.At pfltcrnon there ia not onongb water to

rua '•lifl raills aVeaililj, aafl ".ho prnipeei Ii

ppUarelj OIIOURII water ii

will boobliloi

rn Horaiil,ed g rmly lo tbo

m. Twolv« loami

dimrnt nf tbe occrrquired to ttan

ID account of Ibe Incrcaicd coruumpMoo ol>), the West haviug become A tnartnt for

anthracite, it la ntalcd that the D.,ft W. ro»d. notwilliBttniline tliat ttieoom-IT baa ttioiuinil* of r.im now iu s err ice,1I1I uao to adTautago al the protect timoto lhoQP*D(l mor*. Theiame la Irao of tbe

Eric anil IYnarulvnuta ruadi.

Aucrgan grtndorrtDtlbp otliM d»f.jrii!;'il him tint '.rnt on with bis w


a iked a man on Jlorriifor *- pfi'iy. T»o man

n had only a (S bill sudork, ^o his gqrpriw lhe' p d 'wjilj' » l»r«e

hi b t ditaoi^it of ohangG JtEglln? in Im bat, andnft-rcd to break tbe IS hill for a cent. Booh

& man named Emer?. of Dover, ft drirsrfur Tlionm Alien, vtiiie attempting to paaa auligoon Mi way to tbe racei Tnoadiy waiblbtlcd by the cloud of dual and drove off anlipbtuun iocb cmb>nap30pl oppoifu tbuKen-ifllj place, throttl'jj) three ladici i>ut and

ern»hiD(r''ill carriage, badly. Emerr held OB'a the team veil and a fatal act id en I yrit pro;enied, bet it wai >h« nioit acoutfai apwt'e haia firer aeta.—BtoQer.

The tftlsnted El'ii UmUy, iaeladiof Iba*ond«rfol child eiaeaoionlit, Fanny Mai. will

1 aattrtainmant la the Bemnd II. X.(tbartb on Xondaj nanlng n a t , and ca» lathe BnocJianna if. K. Chanh ateveolDf. Tbrir «Bt«r4*uin«Bt« arHighlit UU1U7 and mwrttl d u n o w , n ddr.wir«taBd|e Q«ieY BnwhtTt. - 'haar t i n j tbe r i r t l L t C B K/ears vp> rlQ sol BH4 ft uoaai inritaUcn.

pilgrims CD rivmoath Hock ;of 1630, twenty-four ilayi';

rcoorilod <lrvarding of thethe Bfirpmcr

1635, fortytmoeightydaya; 1G3T, ncv<>i)ty-@te d iy i ; W2,

days; 1603. fortj-STO 'diyu; 1GS3. ci|;l1CM,m,iily.twrnlayB; 1705, forty dayi

171G, forty-aii daj» : 1718, aiity-otie day»1730, ninct<--two dayi ; 1731, •erenlj-twday• j 1719, one hundred aud twenty-lliroolava; 171^, eighty dayi; 1791. oifibly-twonvg; 1619, tweoty-eiRbt d i j i ; IBM, iweatv-ii dayi; 1871, forty-tiro daya; I8T6, twenty-lldayi. ' ''

Binhop Wlgger.TbB Rlfibt HOT. Dr. TOgger, of Hadlion. re-

eifod im Wo()qe«4>y tlm poq'tlflral ballappnlatiasbiaita tho Episcopal See orNewarh,vanalcdbFthotrani.'erofArohlrfihopOorTiftanto New Tork. Tbe cow Bliuop fill ted tho

for boyi and elrla at Con van t HU-H* wai met by tha »I»te«, and vaa

ited with an «pi*oopa] qro'u and nag,pauiod byanappropritUoongratolatorj

tddnat. TIM fta o( Memrk U so* VmUeft u>tba aeren northern oonatlea of tbfl State—iUnten, Hadion, ^tua% laorrii, J'AOalo, TJa|,and Warron. The I iooaM of Tn atari Ii teitauilfa with I ho fbnrlera aoniherif oeaDtlaeof ihu State, and fit. Kiry'j bfannh iaBpon M tba aalbodral annrcli.

The Dh

1 of lb* ft|41Mb Begtiwmt prothdr reunion neit ytu lo; S o n r u tlw stoat awoailbl*

uaiASuwBi.W.jranaadu tbaM fn tb>i oonnrj,

i K d i h i n l t a u aod people twrnneUi tT*

lnvtaUoo w r t e town wfll

pUoa fee ll»H d

Pott fitted

A Ringing Doxolojy.t ^he opening of tlm evening if n i c e i t Mt.Kir on Hiinday, ft groat tnulti ludo wero as-iblrd, wtirii llt-v. Dr. Lowery came forwardreai) tbe Kt-tti/yiiifi dlspateboa ubowiOK the

nrkpd cbane« in tho President 's tondit iuu :

t-ffrct w*8 electrical. TbB great crowda unity of feeling Bnd pur pone a ro ie tofi'el, aud i n a a inatoct tlia HOIOH or the

lnfiT b r t a t ] rolling upward i n a oLoruilat fairly n u d e t bewood i r ing. Bi iu t and

]HlTi(*U m lllA VOlUOlO Of HOTi fh {1V>Ig hca i ty praiB»i to " G o d . from wliom all

w," for thin wonderful faaptitm ojit bad rai led a boavr burden frooi

sets hear t . Quo m a n , n o t accqatoraod, |>rob--, totbiM Wftj of eipreflsing hia ({rutin^ii.u, prnponed in a, vuico loud enough to ben l by a ntirtibflr arnand h im, " tli rep rScontbeProi ide t i t . " For f ive r i l dayn lii)»rtj

i j e r t f u r the I 'n-aUkut had Iwea ofjenid at

ittly tUiittlie pia^CTHot tbe pMiplnbi t lbeen


Best Tunilp Soeil at tqeDriok.Drqg Store,

Picture frame! al u\\ kindu at the Briri

Drug Btoro.

Witll paper otJ. A. Qoodale'a Hed FronlDrug Htora.

P111 a Atlantic white lead & Oil in tho boBt1 paint with.Fine Extruots far the nandkorobiuf at

Atloutio white lead sold at J. A. GOOIIUIHVcd Front Drag Btoro.Mirror platen pnt in old framos &t Vougbt

&. Killgorn'i) Qorcnr Dnif; Blorfl.Harriiou'a ready mind plint 8"ld at J. A,

Rod FVout DniR Store.ATeriB reiulj taiii-.i puinl soil nt J. A,

Goodale's Bed Froiit Drug Store,Chnmoij ekiusat nrednoed price at J . A,

Goodale's lied Frost Drug Stare.

Ail medicines advertised ia tbin paper Mesold nt J. A. flooc^lo'rj Itod front Drug

EspectorntlTfl syrup roll eves whoopingougb fluid 0DI7 at JT. A. Ooodulo'a Red

Front Drag Kioit,

Bee tho nowadrertiacMopt of Tbos. WalahHa ineonB buBincBs and, la oompleteLy Atwik-ed for tt)e fail tratla.

Job lot tooth bniBhei at cm third leuthfto tbe regular Cr ea at J. ^. Qoodale'iH«d Front Lrag store.

If an ; wiah r*ady tntied paints, the bastie Pioroe'a. Ooatalninttno v&teror booaine.U Ii w>U »t Yooijbt ft KiUgore'i

Eit. of 100 flowBn In tha moat UMns

and fragrant of all perfnmea; told only «tJ. A. {Jeodale'a Bed Tytni D n g Bfore, -

ItememboT, it ion n o t a flirt-claw organ,at fsotorj piiwi, on HUT tCfQS, H ^ ^ H IGnae Jjtothop,' general ^eata , Bwoton, •

llr. a Q. Urifln, the BUMMX i t w t e w•fla painUr, ia doing • JWA waoant of

firaUJiW wcrk lo U< oaual utUlla mantiBt

Tb« '!Honaa)u)Id>>H«liig t^Hbine U OMtatlaproradMid nont dnrablB BMhina

Intant«d. Do not fiil to b y M M r b d b n

: ;Htmnn-i nee/ r u ( a a r u t Ie now; t in grett

altractlen for people deddog i&eala, lip«aiB,elo. H h iplypfnew

pblMTeapomPaaj1i»t«re»w jort mob-b e tb. pobllo palate. H yoa h . « nottries ifcea yet ymi • » M ons of tbs


P»*B«IO. latter ft O n ^ i k uy r t t t i I allgbt."

f , B K , f

H.Y—I eaareainniDons £lyi Omm Balwto rolfeffl HI pentmi scffenng witL Bun Oulri•ml Hi/ Pe?or. 1 have beto a titBerer tmoh i bpli

g the Sato,mwjr or

a titBeer tmoI b i n bad n«at retitf bj

I hare nct>mm«aieb It tifor OtUrrli. tod in a'

d«wee wbwe they have mod the Balm froelj^ara Una o«t*d. T. Evntu , Dry <Herohaot, Itfaaot, N Y.

For sale b j Vougtt ft KiUgore.

Hr. A. L. A«t; t PbamaalBt, Ne nwk, N.Htriug been tevtrelysiBiQKd lor eleven yrwivita Hal F « M ( alter trying tlmoit ever?.UIIDX wlttont unll , I gave up all nopeiirtiiH flimd, when I parehatud of yon a bat Ely's Cream Btlm, To piy surprtu, artorf l i o a t M i n , j w u « n t l r e l 7 relieved. H

SA11U, Letter Currier ^« , 14, Hewl'.O., Newark, R J . Price Mcouts.

f & i V A K

So bumU agency DAD BO- Bpeodllitbu Llood, clear tbe complfttioar 'Btora tba btlr aad oure evst-y ipeIng, aaab »ul tcrotahiiu btusuit ar Uie »kl 1aoalp Md blood a* Uu Ontiour* BMtwdiea.

baadaodMloe, Ms/HtaaihlUi <H»att perfMt imall, taste and b«arinff, DO

TbereUnoonearuoIe lo tbe line of medl-oei that givsi u lante a return toi'the

moDoy ai a good porona atrengtberiinR plattersaoh aa Oartai t Smart Weed aod l dBaak PU

A Tnvfibr'a Slory.After ipondiog motttUl at Europealmericaa waterinR places and thouaandtofjllara looking for hwltlt, 1 returned homelulieaHecPtl and wretched I had oouaID beet pliytieiana and traveled far andilhuut licueflt, and wpoctod to die. A, friend•Rod a tiial of Parhei'11 OluyorToulc. Throe>ttkt< euil careful diet liave worked Honderaid brought me eicelloct Iituhh widiptrlta,

md yon may publlih my oxpcrlenoo tor thenciltorKimilirfiUfTurcrri.-AOin^nnntiiad




Sttltoh'a Caiaautnptlon Cure,H IH beyond qutmtiou the iuont HIIW

Itbly cure tbe worst cases of cough', and brouchituj, while its wonderfulus in tbe oaro of consuroptioii is vitbaiilte! |n the Lietorjof mod irI UP. H\OVV J

jvt a nuiigh w»i caroiiMly nsk vou tu iry•lee IU flts. 60 otB. and SI. If yourlmignre, eboet or back, Umu, uao BHILOH'S

•OllOL'H riiABTEIt. Prieo 20 oti.

Anawer t i l l . Hu. t i lo* .y do to mauy pdoplu we neo m uund imto prcrtir (0 anffurarid bo ma do ruiaoral k

>y indi^ctation, oouatlpution.dizzinoBa, IOBHOppctite, enralng up nf tho food, yellow skinhoti for 75 6(1., wo "will toll tlivm Ulnloliiitftlizer, gnmntaed In enro Iben,.

For sale by VonKhl 1 Killgoro

SHILOH* OATAiTRBTnEMEDY, a rnan«l1 cure for caUrrb, diphtheria,cankorm nilil hcadaobo. With caili bultlo tbora in an

ngonioni nasal Injector for thu man HUCCCBHnl treatment of Iherit) c-ompkititrT wulioutitraoliarge. Price Mots.

Sor**l& bv Vnitglit & EUigoce


icblng aud KcnlrDiReaBeB,herofuloiis Humors Ulcers, OldBores and Mercurial Affec-tions when all other HumanAgencies Fan.


of CLfTJCUlUll and VIIH

* Hoap,

naiitit in t!>e {iiternsulEBOLVENT, IUB new iJIfiiid Tunll

trnal im- nf Cntiuura »nd CotGroat BUlaOaros.<>f Kunburn, Tan and Omasy Skin ura Soap, an uujtiliitts loilet, ball) acd nur-

ti f i h d l i fly

ap, an uujtiliitts loilet, ball)nitive, fragrant with delicio

and healing bslgama.

ALT lUIElhM.Will ituDi lc], 2-112 D01 rborn St., CbicnKo,

ntkinnvl,-ili;tia a unro Hi Halt Hbonmeck, face, arme und ICRI fornavuii-; nut able to walk except on handifor ouo vi'»r ; not able to help liiro-glit jears ; tried hundred* of ruma-

RUW Cut aRbmcdi(M!

'SORUSIS,II. £. CariK-nk'r, V.nq., Dendenon, N. ¥..

-" f PnoriimiBor Lepnmv, of twenty years'B,bj th«Ontloura lt*HulTcnl internally

d (Juticnta and amount ^o«p eitem»1l;.out Hundcrfo! CIIU an record, (late.1 tt> bffbfe * juDtioc of tbe pctoo tiidi-nt ritiafns. All .ffltcltHl with Itcuiiig

d Hcily DiflCUK'H should Bend tu nn fur tbin' iiinl in fi.il.

KIN DISEASK.P. IJ.DrnVc, E*IJ., Detroit, Mich.,

sli'li nppoarri] on IIJH hmils, l\ini t.U ni-iriy dintrjyi-dbimiyeu. Tliemn

uldoi'ioriim railed t» hd[i him, anditad fulled ho unod tho nnticura Ita

•niallj-. Cdiiunra md ColLv, ami *»a tnreil, huJ hilly wt-il lottiMtUv.

ioil per

irnrthn Jitoe, neukand ncalp OH waiovorrud, 1 cat) naj iLut I am otirod, and pr»-00 my c»»o Iho moat ritmarkablo on mct-rd.o iK.fii «o ok led with my eaoMBa Ibat I

tod and told them to got the Co tie lira.niiiulo?) BDtl they-would etre titom.

iKIX HUMORS.Jlrn.H. E. Whlpple, DtwMur, Miuh., writfH

-facf, l-t-miondaoino parlB of herbodyst raw. llcftd covered with RCBUS

Huflorcil fcerfjlly anil tried «vury-

UTICUHA.nra ltcmeillfsare for BOIG bv nil f,nig-'

»•. ITiCDOfCuiieura, a Hurttclual Jelly,OIPB OCc.j larse buxe*, *1.0O. Onticura

:iolvnt, the new Liood puritltr, (1 per bot-i. CntitMtra M<-(licfn.il ToiJut goat), ill rid.licnra Mudipinal Hliaylog ttonp, tE en>.; ina fiir barber* and large ponaiiinurfl, TiOcta.

DC ^WE^KH ft POTTEB, I\oaton,aIftBs.W All mailed free 011 receipt uf pnoe.

COU.HVS"BBB n farsDpcririr to

r fkictricnJ lipfuro tlie pifblic.

lint, Malari*. Fever ami Acuu and KUIneva Hrtnarv Uifflcnltlon, ana may be worner the nil or tlie alnmnch, over tho lirlty.j-R,nny afrcotod part. Pr'ce 25 cnnla. Sold

fUere,WEEKS A TOTTER, liitBton, MHB.



Sjsical Iptriiiits,


FANCY GOODS,' svc.1 «frcV?BT*;i




20 per cent, saved.J'liccs never lowerHum nt present.THE STAB PAR-LOU and COItSISIICOMPANY ORGANSslanil at the headto-day, and themanufacturers moanlo Iiavo the licopleknow it. Sold oneasy terms or a lib-eral discount forctisii. Every organwarranted for sixyears. For an il-lustrated cataloguegiving full descrip-tion, free, address







DOVER, N. J.August Ctlj, 1881.








To make room for early Fall

Goods, •Wm. H. Baker•will close out during the month

of August all his stock of SUM-


UNDER COST, and a general

rediiotion will be made on.

everything ia the store during,,.

August.; An. early oall -will in-




nlPtmi, Truerlih»m W^pn

fT5 ; 11

- _ J . , Utaia Mt C o . , Hi, kit M' Brans Miiv

. N UlB Hetr»a» IC.Yime.t

HOAOLA1VD,) U A ' T V , N . J ,

ui Wntohea,*cir W«ltbain, AtnasaobnaettB ;m, ami aoukford Wtttohes sold at mroo tei

!.'•'.'.'.'.''.•."'.• * ™ M9700



>• best trlpln |)lnt«(] ten

*#RB0e; UppJd,1"""'

ng t l , ,hi oin b«T ' hotal.

i h m b f ^o,,,,i („ l b . K.nviraeJ he lira «

nyinfj j or any parsoa w)nhlna to take * witch

t h d for. l

F. HOAOLAITO. Stloltl» Eoaae, jover, y . J.





ill I h n u on bins . full toil ft,,b .lotk oi





Frank Gies,MASON and BUILDER,

Doror . 3W. V.



8n>o«. » d BiM. Wotk, g lJobbing promptly uleluhd to. Oriam Itfl»l Wm. H B»Vot'» t ton will noeim oar.J«and prompt att«t]tlon.


'B sllsible late, lulBdlnic one ifllh floor*


T U E J K W E L . K B , lias removed to apart of ths atoroof M. KingBbnrg,

No. 4, Brick Block,NEXT TO BKEEBE'S, . l e n b . ' will ™,.ln duri.g tbo ortclloo of bja now buildin8

•nd »iU oonUnus to totji ai large stoelu m eior of

<»^ W A T C H E S , ~**sinBluding the FAMOUS llOaKPOItD,

CLOCKS! CLOCKS!ia-tverj aadgo, CHAINS, U1M.S, PCMg, Md »™r, d.,clption of J««elrj.



FINE CUSTOM TAILOKING!I would rcspeclfallj icrilo tho atten-

UOD of my frieudH and tbo cf nfral Doblic•? m.T FALL AND WINTER STOCKOF CLOTHS, OAS8IMERE8 ANDVI STINGS, all or tli. very l.te.l K*"™,lird lltlog rarBfiilly aolooted lij tnvaolf»ill R mm lo combining ticollenco wilhBC nom,. ThooutlinKandm.heup.illbo oil llint could be UB,irL.|l a l , u my ^ t i c na lew its conBialaiitwilh (irst-cluss work.

M cipciiHnfe in thu tailoring trade -Bill11 io,y CICURB fcr Hnying that tbose pluc-111B tlicir orders in ' m i bM.ls can re«tmiral tbat nolbiug »il| bo | c I t u n j n n B') five tbo fulleBl sutisfnoiinn. Bt-foreiilcnng your suit oitll and eee tiie nicemt you ciLti get fur from

#12 toat lie old slancl.


E. SIEBERhai reduced tlie Prico Tor plain pa luting tu

$1.90 PER DATfrom this date, and will take contracts i t verylow fifturoa to correupond wilh tli at rnte:


Upon the \owett termi. Onntraeli taken Tor '

Frescoing Interiorsof chnrobti kind raifdeDce(i( ipcaiineniorwlilcli

will be Bbown if deairefl. M?ito«kof





ETC., GO 1 0


'•»" Dovin.11. j .

la DOIT ootnpleto, e

7,OOO ROLLS,OF * » DIFKKBEKT HKSIONH. Kegolirp«pe« ftom a t*Dli to so com. per roll j Bold

BORDERS, DADOS,Celling Decorations,

TRIMMINGS,Gold Mouldings, Hooks. 4c.SIM for papering taA kftlnomiDtng valla.

Al,o kilKitmo m i x to i.rd.r Ui ™ r j colorread; to pnt oa t>y qaart or gallon,

E- SIEBER,l nib, i



Dover, N. J.



issssttsmadaoapaelal »maBo» . i i4 lo r Iba l pu'uo.ahe teela ooi.fidBtil of gWing itltataeMoi] to aWBO n a j Eill on ber Tb mom l d l

ahe teela ooi.fidBtil oWBO n a j Eill on ber.nojoIn tb n t

Wing itltataeMoi] to aUTb, mom la aeeoid lo, , . n U T Ice«™a,p.lnt«l

" " •"••" " • ' -QllOCEBIEH. PB0V1BIOHB, TOBA0008, OI-

<HBS,ETC,,you e u BIWHI find » good wpply of aurtbltiir

" T a s IROK B U " c»n tlwayi be found oner f»nntan fbr u | o , »- ly




BoofiugWill, better (WilHlo. 1 im euUed to n |

on SLATE BOORJ obe>i»r thu „ „ , „ £ !Bone but the beat qaaUtr of k t o ] =plojlng B r , t o l a - i ^ b ip j g Br , to la - i^b i ,ntwiaaterial nd n k laU I B h a h l M Jg| IDUed October I a i , IBJO,

Page 4: VpL, XI. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1881/1881-09-03.pdfgreit (onlc, Cnne »b)B fur men itlia i , .._ _ WeftkaesH


Woman's fondness foenever ceasing source Ot wonder to moatintu. When n mnn has occasion (0 buyanything oal ot a shop be usually gets itnt the first place where he can Sad theniticle he waols, and if it cornea «nywhere n^ar suiting him he seldom looksfurther in order to make a better bargum. A woman, on the other bond,-wilt nomc-timen traverse a whole city tobuy a bnnch of hairpins or & bit ofribbon. She appears lo take delight iistiiippiog. while ttienveragA man heartilydel rota it unJ geb through with it RBnoon B9 possible.

Sngucitiua peraous who huvo appliedtlit'ir minds to the Boluiiou of ibis mys-tery have tomutiiues bought it inatib'le infliieootja of aex. They havefound m it a product o[ certain ntentulnud murul peculiarities which di8ti(i-gnirjh the daughters of Eeo from tilBuns of Adum, Tbe female passion foreiuiaimug aiid pricing di-j goods MMcngualc wares has IKCU btlributeil U> curiosit.v, to IIIB love of dress, and to tininmmet lor mirpassiiiK other wfimeo int i e mutter nf oMaininp Ihe great«8r nn.lm»H' sutisftmlury di'grce of personal orlionneliiild udoiummt at t i e leaU c«m-pitriU ivc outlov. Xhoso wbo uiiiiufaEiitlmt it is n niulivt) uT teunotuj whichki-c|ih it woman going nil d ,y fruui »lioj>

lling •U outt

cj'jr few, since i i quite evli ddent Hint the njK-iidiliirc of time and

tlit waste of licivuud force iuvulved iutliiH industrious ruDoing about muretLim cumilerb,.lauce tlie ailruatage or-dumrilv reulized in uo^ roelnjuviugs tbatnre tuiido.

Tlime niii.y be au explannlion of Ibispropensity |Jerl)iij)rj in ihe fact that?bop-ping is for the great mjj<irit.r of woaitrntljo sule outdoor disaijjiition they arc tttliberty to indulge in. Hume is ihe wo-tnuu'o sjiecii.l sphere of activity, whetheras regards ward or pleasure, The res-trictive conventionalities of society donot ullow her Ilie wide range tbat a manline. As a general1 tiling tbe householdof which slie fan member is tbe centre,immud witch her lifo revolves. Herdniiea are ceutripelal, end tbo man's,centrifugal. He freely strollH abroadunquestioned vhen he feels like it, amwuen out of the bongo he can go withimpunity aim oat auy where lie pleaees,He oan oilier places without reproach orsuaudul which are close! to the in-gress of rt'jnitalile Indies. Slie, however,mum bo always wiiry aiid oireuuwpect inher movement!) whenuudcr Ihe protectiou of the domes ticrnof. She cannot visit bar rooms, bil-liard saloons ami similar mason HDB re-sorts. Tbe man Innfs about lo hie henrt'scontent wbea lie lias the iiennre; buthis luxury, so eweetto the male member of floeieiy,indented to theexcept under eneli conditions as rob it olall sense of freedom.

It is therefore that tbe woman lovesto all op. The Qiultitndiaoaa bazaars of agreat city, There goods tbat delight heieye and beort are expuBed fur ber inspec-tion, offer her a means of decorous andinnocent diversion. She can accost themaalwbind a counter without the pre-miaictite of an introduction. Like ibutterfly wandering from flower hflower, sbe can tnru b«rsclf loose andflit iiillier and (hither at her own sweatwill. It 13 her substitute for loafing1.Then let the dear creatures shop.

How To Smnko A Cigar.

An aged smoker ofiks UB to set befoionr rea'dera A few plain directions forrignr smokiug which he says he learnedin a quarter of a century of pnclioe, soddoes not believe the public generally areaware or. Tbey ore:-

JTirst—Bay none but new cigars, thenewer the better. Old cigars, that aredry and brittle are avoided in thosecountries and among tboao people wboresmoking is second nature.

Second—Leave the aaheo on yonrcigai

Vmlkw tht Artkora.Goethe : Maxrind woman, il t l» j b m

no putlaultr love for ODD another, yetare Btimuly In league together, especiallyagainut young girls.

Karr : Love is tbe mast terrible andalso trbf uot t dangerous oi tbe pusiani.I t is the only one that includes ta iudreinu tbe happioeu of nome one else.

1 Emenon: To discover a truth ind toseparate it from av fiOaebood is •urelr anocoqpation worthv of the beat intellect,iiid not at oil anworthy of the bestheart.

Parker : The tree of religion drops itsleaven coptinualij after they have donetheir work; and the tree iteelf growsbigger and stronger by the help of on« ofthem.

Iugenoll: Study tbe religion of thebody in preference to tbe religion ol tbesoul. A healthy body wilt give a healthymind, and a healthy tuiud will destroy

u pern tit jo n. ' .Auou : IJOVS is the boat investment of

•II HUTS ooUHOieuce nud tbe sonticaent ofduty. These are tbe treaaura-housea oflife, tbe gre*L utitrket wherein tbe shares

*e always rising.J. R. Lowell : Tis sorrow bui'dj tbe

shining ladder np wlioee gnldt>n roundsiro our oal miHen, whereon'ourflrm feutplanting, neuier Ood the spirit cli


BMEENoWlftoMjn12,000,000 Bottles3M Sirup potteau

und batb il« 3 uuneuled.Anon : Merit bas ntely rinea ot itself,

butapebbl«oratwie inofluu quite anffi-olent for it to spring fnun its higbeitusceiit. Tlmre la usually some hum> bo-tote ihere is nuy elevmiou,

Cuaruock : Q«d oflen lays tbe 1his amaiiug pruvid^nce in very dismalffeclioUB, BB Ibe limucr H»L pu'u ou theItisky colors on which lie inteuds to

draw the portraiture of '.ome illustrioibouuiy.

Feuillet : Mowt women spend thelives in robbing tbe old tree from whichEve plucked Ibe first fruit. And such istha attraction of this fruit that tlie, moathonest woman is not content to die with-out baving tasted it.

Vbej fall off. A i not onlyRburnt) stroigbter while tbe nahes remainsbat it torts loiiger and tastes better, T<keep knocking tho aslica off Is a misdimeanor.

Third—If your cigar goes ant bo amto blow through it as soon as possible.You will see some dead smoke leave iThat would become ttale and make joueigar slink if left in. A oigir tbat DMbeen cleaned will taste good when re-'lighted, otherwise you will (tiuk upplace as big an the Grand Central Depolif you carry it in your clothes.

Foartfc—Ton cannot tell whethercigar is good or bad unless you light itproperly, that is to say thoroughly,after yon think you have lit it ill around,do it agiin to make sore. There Is cperceptible difference between a teDiment bouse si inker mi] * dollar cigar ifbath are badly lighted.

(Jood for Files.

"Say, do you ltnow what's good forflies?" qaeried a Woodnaia-arenabutcher as be entered a drag store thother day. '

" I guess I can put you np somethingfor about a qnarter," was the reply.

Wben the dose was ready the batcherW£B told, to paur it out on plates and net.them on the counter, and ha, harriedaway to give U a trial. ' 1 B aboat anLe Bent (or tbe druggist to come over.The 10,000 flies in tbe sbop before tu»dose was fixed had been multiplied byioar.

" Great lands 1 but I'm being carriedoff by flies 1" exclaimed the bntohor,he waved a long knife around his h»d;

"Well, why don't yon get somethingto kill em off?"

•'Didn't I ? Bat it liasn't killedOUG."

"Of course it hasn't. You wanted,something gdod for flips, and I gave youclarified, ajrup. It » the best staff todraw flies and keep 'em oontentod I everheard of. Why didn't yon tell me youwanted a fly-killer 1"—Detroit FrttPreu.

Wo went out afLer codfish. It ii apleasant fish to catch. Oatcbing oodflshis like drawing water with » rope andbucket. It is a very gamey flab ; after itis oared toitlw Wtsteta niariiet, Lim-berger cheese isn't maen gamier. Itkeeps up a perennial smell that growsstronger end more decided on tbe yearscreep slowly by, Lorenna, " Wbeb theSpring time cornea, gentle Annie/' thiold codBiib that bangs »n the nail awayback in ilie darke>t ooroen of the oellardiscounts tba noisy onions piled op onthe middle Of the floor, and Lhcu Itdoesn't half try. Tbe dryer it sett theloader it grow*. Son matt be blind ifyon couldn't n W the Savor ot a two-year old codfish. But wbfla he i i oe*be is quiet, &od 70a mis* the old familialbpaqmt—Btirtingkm Saaktye,

Currah, convening with Sir IbomaiiTorUo, nnppened to remark tbat beoonld never apeak. In pablio for* qriar-tfr of an' hour wltboat moistening btiUpt { ta .wbiafa Sir Thoraaa replipd thaiIn tbut rear*** be had tb« • ' a t ^ t f f

I k " id hIn tbut r r b ^ fliita. " I spoke," said he, "the oilier

ight in Iho House of Commons for flreliita. I spok, aid hnight in Iho House of CoLV th J f b b f O

for flred

night in Iho House of Commons for flreLVmrs. on ths Jfftbob of Oade, and coverfelt in t b e k v i t thirsty," "I t iaveryren»rbiblor« Indtwd," njatned Oiirnii,•' for every one agrees tluU it was tbedryest speech of Uuiea

A Zulu Hnrrfo* an Italian.

BnnneH's Mnsenm on the BoweryNew Yaik, van the scene of a lu?e uffiiirlately, iuvolvrng uns of tbaZulusoo exhibition and aa Italian girl, and it bosresnlletl ID marriage,groom 10 known as

Tbe negro bride-'Obftrlie"iD Eu

glisb, but rejoioes in the Zulu name ofMkaco, and bis bride was Mies AnitaOorani, aged eighteen. She saw themanly Zulu in tbe Museum in February,snd his well proportioned, albeit scantilyclad, form and his physical strength cap-tured her heart. Day after day ibe vis-ited the Wuaeuin, and io time a mutual

developed.. In their ctm-

ition tbe Zulu dropped the harshcries and sounds with which be was ac-customed to assail the ears of the public,

ceased to brandish his assegai. InJuly, the Zulu mode a declaration oflove which met with a favorableretpoaaefrom the maiden.

The girl's father, who is tbe proprie-tor of a stow window case factory, dis-covered her infatuation, and tried to endit. The Zulu and tbe girl determluetl toelope. Tlieir project was diaoovered onWednesday, of lout week, aud tlie girlwas nrr&attbd at ber fatbei's request. Hedid nnt press a charge agaiast her in tbeJefferson Murtol Police Court, bat in-stead took ber homo. But tbe'Zalimanaged to oommimioate with ber, audthey euagbt a Gretna Oreeh in' Wlyc. Accompanied by Ukali, aootter

ZnlW,—tati -Ohwilun XiMbuda, , M hkatu, tbe bouK of tbe Rtv, O. J. Pake,

No. 818 "Union'street, Brooklyn, «assought. Tbe minister performed \hemurriage oeremony according to tbe riteof the Prbteitant' BpisGopal Obiirib.They are living together happily. |Seis coal bltOk aad twealy-ooe yean did.She is pretty and eigl'taen.




F I L L I N G , *<>.

NO additional ohtrgo tar eztrMtlnfi mhnt

iliS beantifnl seta of teeth for


tiro'vTib and Weight at Children.

Some interesting studies with refaence to lue nealtb aiii growth of chil-dren have been made by Dr. Bonltoni ofthB Bamarltan Hospital, London ; and,instead of taking the oVtjrs a 6^-it largenumber bLduildren^oieAariTtkl tfoce, headopted the plan of mauHurioga n amberof children of norinnl growth, bropghlnn under B«rRge oiremnatances, manytimes, thus atoertaiDlug ttieir rate of |in>crcDde, (.By this roe«ni,rlhe annual Mot growth wsa found Id vary betweentwo ami thrpeinobes for each obi Id p«ryenr. Pr . Boultou believes tbat wbeachild varies more (bad a quarter of Jan

'i •annually or wben bit weight (tornnot correspond with bis weight within ;•margin ol safety—put Qt Meren pounditlipn-it U nafe to oonolodo the childdiet U' not gooS, or jMwsfbJy Bome diiease 11 IdrKIng in bisiystem. Tbecpri-oa» fiotBppeirB that loss of weight al-wuyi preoedes the devolopwent of oonsumptioo.

One of tne Post Office Bgenti who Wmsmaking a trip through tbe northern partof tbe toner peninsula this summer cameloross a nail route through tbe woMa

from one bam let to •oother^ with aweekly ttvomgs oi two letters ind mepaper ia ibe> bags.- The carne^voi e &dooQ i b a otpnod rode • jHiriy *bou o»fat OB a oase knife, and be took thing 1'soeasy thai the agcot u^ftbtwqacc ' i i^him a little : " My man da yoa res llsetbatjion, rei ,~" .

ali, j kiinle'r*recSon.""'*Aiia _w

fed ihe responsibility, I preanmeVBet yer goggles I dew." >•'Ycra fcni

you munt brave all perita to get jfonrmail saleivtbroaaL."- "Thatthar'hoaan'ma or'good, fqr anytbing twioejoais(ae. I reckon." " I f attacked by (rob-bers, wbat would yoo dot" 57 ~'em 1" *'Suppose yoa were bfiere^money to-gjra up the mai^faag t"? 'f Noagnger o'tbaC, miater ; Idoo ' t believethe hull ooaoty ooald sartpe ^ p (cents." " Ihere are awfal £rw in tftesewoodstoiaeUiaes." "K'reet. - I'vaeeenb'ara roasted alive, when^tbej 1within a mile of the fUme..11 ^ ..__.r

now, il 00 were Bairoonded b j it fierceibtest firW. what wnald yon do V"1 '^Fireall around V "Xes." ' 'Koahinoetqbnrnw anJer or fly overt" "Ho,V W.ll, pjster, it; would' be kinder laff,bat I'd remember that I represent theGovernment. I'd kill coj how, cat themail, and die ihoatlng. W» b k « metthe Inem j , and they are oor'nFnoPrtu.

HOLD on, BOTH.—Bold on to yon:tegQQ (rbtui you Are jiiflt ready to aweir,

lie or .spaak harshly, '-'''Hofd on to yoar fasad wbsa yop tre

about to ppDob, sorstob, steal, or do anjunproper aoU ' t

Hold on to yonr temper, wfaeo-yob are^PJ. excited 6r imposed upon, btdlB'

ers are angry with yoa.. Hold on'io J6ap:hmxt when evil asso-

ciate*- vonr'tompapr, 4nd iavitb yoa tooininlbeir

for It if

PLolUvMcli.liurlioRloij Co,, ti.3.* mtturittjt witlt pain In tbu bank am"" "' '1 fact, t, '" '

HDIBU of Dr. O], R j t e n c n l wtftkiAKK JOHNflOH'd


Dlwxi Syrup and In a ilioi-t Mine Wtu ipoedilycured, and can now eoiifijroll? recommend 1to all wbo umy be troubled as 11»»».

J I I83 ti. LANING.TAOKIOMVILLC, Burlington On., N. J .u i o j Dr. O h i k Jobuson't INDIAN

DLOOD SYItUr for Iuflammktorr Bhc-ania-tiHm »nd vwloaa other diseases ariBlog frontimraro blood, and httvo reooitcd sM«t benefit.[ rucoittmend Us ueo to aufferiDg bmntn i l r .


This Is to ccrtlJr t h s t Dr. Clark Johnson's[itrllflii Blood Sjrop b i t entirely oured jpi ~billuoiiii—.nma nit y.

„ its use to siPEItDEN tt

UOBBKTOWJ*. Mor r1 i0o . ,N . J . 'I have <nw& Dr . Olwk Johnson's INDIAN

BLOOD SY11TJP for olillls tnd lGver, snd ftbaa effoctusllj cured me. The medicine U n

FRED JONES.ited fur tlin u t e of tbe IND [ANtUt* in evorj town or T I I I I ^ Inno tgon t . Part leu lira giran on

BL^UD ayi bkh I hkv.ipplltMtlon.


•aboratory 77 Wert 3d S t , H. Y.

THE BEST PLACEo t iU kind for eDJoymeut^n thjs section !•

D. MOLLER'S8UH8EX ST., ( S B I T T O T H I B B I W H , ) :

DOVKH, IS. J . „

JuHt roculToa ana placed in position THESEp pFISEIIEW


Pool Tabledfrom tba tifilebntfld nunuftciorj cf J. U.


OEOHESTRIONm1 supplied with new mnilthe patrons of the boaie morehint? nnsio eqaal la s, bnsi


LAGER BEERalwsja on dranght and lh«ha«tof

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSalwaja pwrfded for tba patrons of


Tha Denver.Western and PacificRailway Company,

0PCOL0IHD0. PiratUorteage7percent' ~tn. lBt, 1911, Intflrent p»y-

.i l l ; 1*1. Prw from tiien by__...d8ut«ai.nd8Ut«ufG(dot«do. Prin-il ind Intareir p».V*Wa in ibe City or Ham

wblcb,.'« cropItalwt

. . Italwsooni-oli the utter wtCti tbu adkeent po«fioldx, running UiVoacn the ratrioi towns olGanfldd and Erie. Tbe eitlmated coal tonierjlbil Jivlri l l|) tblp pay t

: TLe Frion tloae l|) more tblthe** bonds.. Tacnsaand Trnit Ootnpany

Inicreilon the** bonds.. Tacnsa : TLe Farmen* £0*0 and Trnit Ootnpany, Vcw XorkCitj.-^For Itjd b> ALLEN R. APOAB. M.r«ba.nti* Exdbabra National Bank, No. 207Broadway, NeW York. 8Mw





Sewing: Machine.Three-quarters of all tlie sewing machines

sold throughout tho world nre Singers. Thisworld renowned mnchine is KO)(I on monthlypiivinentN of $^,00. We charge no fancyprice for fancy wood covers. A solid wal-nut cover with each macMne. Every gen-uine Singer has a gilf trade mnrk in thestand leg of each machine. All others aremere Imitations. WE HAVE REMOVEDlo New Store on BLACKTVELL St., NEXTTO Witf. H. UAKEirS STORE. Needles,oils and everything pertaining to the trade.Repairing a BpcciaLty. Buy direct throughthe company's office and have a responsiblewarrantee. We lnrnish any machine inthe market at lowest %nres.

Send for free circular of Demorest's fashions.P. Ii. 1IUKIU-LL. Hole Agent.

AT TUB NKW STAND,0o«r, N. J.. Feb. ICtb, 1881. ItLACKWELL ST.

Surl.at3.3Op. M (EastuoUoff at Waterloo for Autlulrau'jlivill«, nud nl fliiliii*L

wicbLoliigli Vniley Itailroid ana Lcliigli

twamciiiid Uarrisuarg. Also witti Bel. Del!UilroaTl for Belvfdtire.At*tlOP. M, WaleiQap Ppcdal from Hi

'ork via Mia Boon ton Urn nub.4iao p. M., Cuver Eiprei» fur flumra

Bemar<t*vlllB, BftHhfngrftls*- otul art poi°" (

Uauou, MorrUtown, M ^ I I B n B U , Danville,lookawiy anil Dover.At siUu p . M, (HaokftitBtowo Eipresulitop

plus at Ullborn, Summit, Obatbom, UodiauuIcrriatowo and til eintlona treat to Haoketts-

tovn,ooonaoiing at Waterloo with train forLndovcrand"

i t TjOO P. _ . .irk (eleoplng oari.

B6onton throoRh to Wat<-_ — _ioranton. Bingtaamton, Uile, Utnthiand, Homer, Hvucnae and Oiwejto, <WDI,t Waterloo with Uuiiei lUflrokd for Andfud Newton J at Delaware with Blairs townt Blnfrti«.iDU>n with tva.fo for flieeno, Oilt_ _

Norwich, ntfca, Ac. This train rnna throughto Oswexo Siiurday nights.'

A t J . & P . M, Dover ArIh&tbam, MorrlRtcwE -'For DerDarditTllIu,ri.j_ • mt..\.-. *•

' A. BZASONEB, Snpirtnwadrat.




Extra Engine Oil,Tallow dieino Oil|No. 1 EDgtne,Dark EaitiDe Oil,

r" in Machinery Oil,1 Mnebioet; OU,

Dark Imbricating Oils,Bailrond Lubricator,Shafting Lubricator,West Tiraioia Oil,Stum Bellied Cylinder Oil," Orown" Wond Oil,Stiinleaii Spindle Oil,No. 1 Bpinale Oil,Brick Pfeiuwa Oil,W. B. BpormOil,W. B. WLaleOil,Prime NaaUIool Oil,No. 1 Neatsloot Oil.W: Strained Prime Lara Oil,Ho.' 1 Lard Oil,

™, "nrn Bn'-J Oil

PRIME WHITE KEROSENE 112*.W. White Cotton Seed Oil,W. T.l]<™ Cotton Heed Oil, 'DurkCurOil,Spam Pooking Oil,Eit™ Pookiog Oil,


Axledp.rm SigD.l Oil,H. tj, Headllgtit iB. HoaflliBbt Oil, IMo,B. Heaalidtt Oil, 160o,Ouoiini; DOo,Ganollno, 880,Gaaolluo, 86o, ,Deodoiizsa Ntptbas, all QroYities.


A.M. r.a,.67 G.SO.47 6,2a,87 0.17

ore in introducing to the trade onr various grades of. . . ,' and other heavy oils. These goods are manufactured by> at bur -ffOrkB, consequently we give tfieoi ttie benefit olour personal

^oxvis|on, and gnaranteo thein to give perfect satisfaction; both inquality tind price, or no Bole. t&~ i l l our oils GuuuuiTEED STRICTLYHsx. '"Brilliant" Safety Oil a specialty, put tip in Patent Faucet

Cans, expressly for family* use. State Agents for HOME LIGHT On..

McKIRGAN & Co., Wharf foot of THIRD AVENUE,ntlh.llll. ]••«» T i r 3 ! n H 7 - . a . H . K . 3XT.

DANIEL MOLLER,Bottler and dealer in Ehret's cel-

ebrated Lager and the famous Roch-ester Beer. These Lagers stand atthe head ol the market as the finestbeverages used in America. 1 hey arethe richest in flavor, and the best tokeep, and are therefore gaining aworld-wide celebrity. All orders bymail or otherwise will receive promptattention. Remember that the soleagency for this section is at


D O V E R , IV. OT.

. o r ths vaat t h r w wio ten I nave been iwith Ca tuph and cald in tbp h e i d . . I aMT«T4r«m>(aietw{thOBV f(a<ia l t

inter Tnaad ynnr Crasm Balmi p l i i J i ll l o a r e p r a


d twinter Tnaad yna aoiwmpliiJiHaOouacx. (JBiN J & i U U l

BENSON'SCAPCINE POROUS PLASTER.Nri rcnailjr • « • ' widely 'of f.rof.blT known.

.), retain.. M l , nriu.i. To,


InUrrat exatlad raaaga Iliooaaada lo ^e«it.loll parllon^rs, tenon tbla book m-lal Mil Im-oroidy. T..Ai llbtt.l. OulOi MU. fetco-larana« AdilreM - ,-

BDB1IABD BHOS., Foba.,' 7MCbailr.otSt,,Phl!a.

CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAHD & PACIFIC E'T*" """ ~ "t Cftnnsctlne Link batween the Eaat and thtWastl

«, OUkwa, I*a»i)», /Hulnf CaFit»re»t rrpSrpf- — —'- "irlMvaBfort. WHO irrM lu iu t eo r our ri)«M(

sa«!SS.TsS'Bil.n.is | i n ^ , n u twn.fKi ir« . .o f t r t >j Cornell ij

ft JU ^ L»*TMWO«1» ITrim«ion!i)b«twce-"T. »l» ih»-illlwj

(MOBEIS A1MJ JWUICX D1TO10N.)Dcpoti In Mew York, foot of BmtohtJ St .

MOKJMl. JAN. l*t, 1

joUiu, 'Urtm JJisud, Uiiigumu^oit, UIIUH,dlvb&daiipriuit*, Huiutr, Uuriimia, atrmauao,•JBttEeo aaU puiuiit utt l!io luickiwaULl amimoumtjlxirif itud l>einwiirt< BUU lludruu itairoada; nt 'utti . 'bill ipxl 'urK WIUI Luliit-'iler ilailroBd nnd b»hiRh nuil HumjUtbaa

wrlMliiug.Al «•«<> A. M. UMWCBU EiprenH (Prii»iiJ|

Bouiu a*n '4 tUolwd) l i o n Men Yuri ri«. 1'KIunoii ftdft liooulou, rims tlironul) t« W*ttiiU i p , (jtxoaUiiliUi'K, Hor/Miao, urmtt Ji tml,UlugiifcUlou Lisle i i iruUiuu Guxil

Dover vitu OliuHtor B. B. , *l Waterloo wuli(JuiBBxB.tt. (or AnOovar.NuwtoiiaiKi «H »-••Ui/n*; *t i*ul»ff»re KUU ttlairtnuwu i l ; .ttcrttjUi). with «iltion)nt)un{ J'lvikiuii jijr i*

Ktugitoii , WiltenliaritJ, Uaimil t , Nortt.-^ HjriinU, A c , at BlujtliMiulou trilh U « O JOlTufnn fur firuenc, Korwloii. Uliot, unJftlolilleld Uprtng*. W e Be u gut- iaB)i>n tbta

" 'k, Patertou *ud 1><with

•I Uprtng*.L*ra flow it

u d t t b u r s aud pointd ou tlie iKiL ;IJ r!»llii>',ud Luliitfu iinu tiuaquiilianua Ma. .'jn'-c ; ei

_ hlllipaburg witb DuU.aure Divi-int, .if 1'a. It.B.tQtLMnliortTille/frpntoii anil""'

At 10,10 A. U . Dover Aoaunim

At 1:00 f, U. B'/biuUmi Kiprwi, DMWIHH KnowOaru t tunod ruua tliwjig^WijWiQ*p,£trmkd+

oooneculi?*' ttiB. B. forlH.Uti

ork, P»towut l t b t --

uusctat Wwh-

ltd WLore Round Shoulders



P.M.Dcver Aeeom. M-AE.Saston Exprosa 2:00B'fitisminuEip.*

*Spee. 6:4a

a 7:0Eip. 1:8

Mc* «:|

lOTer Luxm. ttAlBffCRfl Express* 7:S9levjork Accnm. 8:97

Dover Acoora. 9:fis


UfTWARD.A . M . I ' M

• 7.SB 8,667.43 1.157.47 4.90IM 1,107.56 1,68808

OEHTEAL & B. 01: B£V J£BBET.aran BBmas BBA»CO.

'line table for 1»[>KQger tratos, t o tako eflei

are Now York ••••;•.••..:., 7'BQ' U S

Cor. 9th and Greon St».



6,30"7.^0 B,45

. ~&02fl,t7"BouudDnok 8.40 9^5"

HigbBrlilKe 9,4511.00Oallton 8,6911.25

.10,021130/alloT '


**••- ..;»;sus_— - ,.....,10.1012,42Fort Oram 111.50 103Doter \ 10.6B 1,1a

B BoflLaway , n o g 1,50

BTATIOKS. . point i' 17

•' . D r a k e t v i l l e . , , . .; | , O a r j F ' l . . . . , . „ . . .

' A. K. I, It. P. X.. . . . 6.M 8.90 a30. . . . , 6 , W 8,20 8.46. . . . 6.ss a.as i.oo. . . . 11.16 &41 125• ••• 6.41 8*7 i a o...-- 0.61 8.63 4.87. . ' 6.34 8 5 4 4.41

. . . . ' 6,50 8.S9 4 IS• i-i.' 7.04 4 0 4 4.BB

uuaaturm Oernun Valley

vi German Ttltoy-MWdlBValtej.VBraoy . . . . . . . . . . - , . ,

. Caiiron....riTHbBl1

C M 8.6S 8.10. . . 7.08 4-Otl 6.3J. . . 7.10 4,10 6.25. . 7.17 4.17 6.37. : 7,23 4 22 6.60... 7.36 4.25 0.53.. 7.8B 4.40 6.20. . 8.88 6.88 8.08

" Trenton 8.88 7.10~' Pbila'ilotphia

Oor. Mind Berts 8ts, &2SV :8lh md OtfmaBts. M.10 8.10

" New A r t . . , . . # «.to>»Convoyanwi can be prtcored a t Oarnian

•11« to" *nd from SchMle f i Monntuiti | HIiMiden la and from Bndd's l a k e ; t t KCUTIId from Lake Hopatcong.

.ftpton and point* on LcblRti i SnRq. Di»Cnin IOIVIDR Easton i t 0 A. Jfl, mukcB closi

inectlon wllli train Xo. i tot ull nUtloni tt,ck»w«y. Tr»tn leaving Ewlon a t 4 P . M .

BimnMU with train S o . U,.with * - • -OTcr t n hour. '

MorriB County Bnnogate's Offloe,JULY Oth, 1B81,- -

In I tomstkro t James H.William B.; i p f t r r o . . dcowiQd.

iH application af tbe above turned Enwa-

it sniil EiotDtor fiive pnblifl' notie* to) oroditorn or the e . t . l e afnitl tiuoedenl t otig ID their dubto. dcmandi m d claim*iiuHt the same, nnder oath, within nine

irtW8ord°e?/wiUuVlweD&"d^}lX?MneHn•^or tbe most public plioes In the Conntj oforrln ror two moaiba, and alto within Ibe

•dJ . twBol j dayg by advorti»lnK tl.o n u t InE M . on* ai tlio newnoapen of ibis"•" " ~ - -•?«? o r . i " « > IM* Hnrro-JPaov of ilnf« ^ba Bnr

B!( further unties to \>6 Tmo.•'V BwdlWt .hall m-piodb«r dnl>t, JonmnJ amP otst tils or

wltbia tbb MJU•jco being j;iVBII a» afuri-iwld'^nfib'croilitot,11 be foryMi- debttrtA -<t l.i» o r ^ " Vet loo

therflftrfaBtinwt the Mtd Eioentor.A troo c<|pj frato tlio luloutEa.1-lOir OHABLEB A. folJLEK. BBrroRiite.


BEATTY'S MiDSUMMIROFFERENZJLJU iLrimied CATALOGUE or order direct Iran iftertlMWff

NEW STYLE, No, 2119 PIPE TOP.II I ft r Hanilianey rafted. n

SO STOPS, t Foil Se • Ooifl B T o f .R t t j *. Bond tfl oo bwih *

frioo, o»

HOW TO ORDER SIguBo BUIO to -write for Bluatratod C&talogua, beforeroliasmp else-wliere.

THE AMEEICAN BEACE!lhe»dv*nti)(Mof • Bt.ipHiii.er far the MDUIODU,ibo'ilder bnuie and elicit eipiodar coinbln«it

2. I t Uuea not dUarrwiRc tU shirt botom.Irt botoni,

*. Ttiara la 1MB t t n l u on tlie bottom or t i e pan-

:tlon of the pftnt*!oom cau \>t mdjintedJy.

neaui at tbo adJuBtabta bick «lr«p,» sen-

b r pmfa ba^k, Hip, Biitl Bbiloit tMiro Wright of (

tie or powemi hr»ee nu r be obtained.7. ID rilny wtathpr th» pantalcmui wty I

(Mm OMbefttewUtMmt tateWetlBgwiti. t!


WM. H. BAKER, Blackwell St., Solo Agent.

In ordering Uj poBt.-nftniJ cbeat mraHaro.UNITED STAINS. Price, 75c., $1, I 1 J0 , »2.



FRED. E. BABBITT'SClothing Hall,




OPBeliable Cutters, fine materials,

lowest prices and the best satis-faction given-

BtlOBIlflVR * SMITH, Sol',,.,B j t l l ln . ol t i , .bore ifcaM mil of t .r ,

ufaalnmT bands. Tshall mtiose for akla at

town,N.J.,oo , i . . •«•!HONDJ.T. tbe Sth day ol flnptiinbar Baxt,-

. D . 1BB1, between tlie bnnre of i s Hi d 8'doekr* U a l l l « » i

DiM fain Bib, HO.

SHERIFF'S SALE!_ .._ J. JolmM. D. Harnoi. Fi.f».«lebon.ut ter. In titbt. Huturiublo tn JunnTerm, 18J9.

NEIOBBOUH .V SMITH, Alty's.BW Jersej Kiiprime Cuurl— Tlitr DlckurafinSncc&riiinna Mining Cumimnv it.. Julin M,D.Barnes. Fi. fa. lie lion, ut iur. In dibt." .orDHblo to Jono Turin A. D, t87i),


BT Tlltoo of tbotljovc statL-il writs of florffacias iu mylmmU, I HIIHII KI|>OH(I for HIIO

pnLlic vendue, ai tho Court Huni.0, in Mor-stown.N, J., uuiONDAY, the 12lli dav [.rSHriKMBER next- D. 1HHI, iH'lwetiii tho' liotiru nr 12 M. nnd fi'clock V.A., that IH iiifittyut 2 u'clftcn In tlio'":nionn lit BDKl dav, all ihe ri^tii, tiilii onii

Tirii, ,irsi\id John'M.D Ilarnta in IIIK) tnTiim tract of' Und and iirtiimttn, ttituatti,

1 tho CmiLitj uf Miirrin »nJ Ulau: of New Jor-it McUainavillo, mnro nnrtli-niiirtv ilr-d in a deed from Wiliiutn T. h'Vort,

uly 2d', 1877, »ml nut vtrt re'wr'did, bfinpt tholime tract of Innd IU»"t "••" tntivi-ycd bj- 011 u3itinflnd Caofii'ld to Msrcatut BaUer.

Oeglpnine at K tUke in lino of lan<U of midlanflrld ami llinsu nfMamnrfl BAnr stiDditiR1 the wctt niiloof Cnr«in'« jmrnl; tluinco (I)irthflllr-Kiidtgrvi'H thirty miriitlcu wtptllinnibdrod and twontj fpet tn a make anil itiinfB;

thence (2) south fur;j-l»«r dftsrutu ihirljmmtUenwoBt nevcn hnndrml anil fllty-tliroeloot to a bUke in line nr lamia nr Juhn Votingand John Bctft; then"•' "not catit U--.. _ „_. to tbe wesl Danii or tbo jnorriBOua l ; thnnce I j ) done Llie wcet tnuk or Rii Jcanal north for;y-1wo dogreeieuBt three tiuu-dwd and thirteen raet; theuco (S) nrosulDK•aid Unu math flltr-aix dffirees cktt 11 vo lion*"--* «nd Btty-tfarae ftwt to a giuko In Iho vdjca

U ro»d ; tbenco (6) north thlrtj.faut de-Itreea thirty snunte* BDB« fonr liuo'lrnd andtat BH ar

U^rono W M* ihe p U t e o( beRlnniou, otni-ininjt,twolra acroi,aA<ir dcdgct|D)r thereont

aomnohor««id t u d a as nund by the HorriaO»Bal and Banking CSompi n r . -

i VW.B.H0DA.TIT. Sheriff.Dated in ly Cth, 188L . «900'


thoS7tliorJn1y wga |tiibliBhi-Sl un article nlitinfi to II10 enHP or C«pt,. William PMlmmnttw QuarlitrmtMiorBcflanil UrigMlc Nun Jti

in Winter ur I8C3 lii (hit ftrticb fl,i, nlrihlnrnsi-niblatiF»firth(ii<*roto that vf PreaJdaiOnrliila.in mono p.rt,.ir)nrs, wm noiiitodonthe niitliorilv /or tlio «iat<>roi>ni bpinir thebrnvp captain himsrir. A ntili Iwitor antfiorlty

cjiarge of tlit casp,anil pcrriirmcil tin* njii'ra-lionofroniovniR ihtilotaohcdbnno.Rnil finallycrtradeO Iho. liuUct. The euttro trsai(n«n!lifiiiR perlcctly miecr»srnl~C»pt. Valmar liv-infriotliiH Jay In Ihn bloom or bcflllh. Dr.heuncny cloca not hem tit in to say that ms,nT orliin psllrniR both in military ami civil practiceown uieir iiv4>6 to ilie w(inili!rful bealinpind

''Fivw-Ui'RuWrttV^ThedMtoM'sinVoiiiM^*u"nMi.aU h?H

trf!naph l f l t l * r l r f l i n 0»P'. P*lmor,1 li<;alil. t - i thi^nr^rue- '^ravoH^nnn--wl,ic|, he BBVS has .lunbleil tho obllra-

lnon Ito ,nt, N T., p.puai opel T

• ^ . . . . . u u . . . . ^ , urn . 1

' of .arfcci.r. Addrcj

Notice of Settlement,NoUoo la tank;



clisii ooaiptnlu—tliij b e s t i a Iba mar^,


GLOBE, Capitol tM,000,000.


O K P I U •10,000,000.


Capital tlO,000,MO.


Capital *B,000,OM).

HUL'BON OOBNTf, Je™<,y Oily,

Capital 6300,000.

PEOPLE'S, Newark. •' 800.0110.

ot PbltaMpliia, As,,!, (600.000.

The London AsHUmnce Corporation ofLondon, apittlts,lO0,O00.

'ruigflflld F i re Tusur<uico Co 1

MtchoiUr F i r s Insurance Oompany ofNow York, citjutel K"iO(l,000.


Fire Association of Pliira.

FreemanJ Polloo MiclHrslu



slw&ya otrry a complete Btook of

Dry Ctoods




Mining Materials,

Gas Pipe and Fittings,



Celebrated Rand Drill,tho boat ID tlio country.

Drafts and Passage Tickets

to ind from Europe.

FlprestonGolognCUbit'frufUt It lUfrttbltf of FtTftmH

E i l Otlltati ••< tr nit j .

PARKER'S BINBER TONICTbe MsdloiiM for E«sry family.

NEVER INTOXICATES.HW>(,«aGn~t,lKMJkSd «W eftVWt rt&uMAKKaxa C I N « * Tame haari ft ii

The Bert Medioiie Ton am ifbrBffltoringHoalth&Bteaflgth:

l & k *« d o " " " 1 1 "

jrnst tniAt la granted.

Horrii Couttj-JULY 11th, \B8l.

n tho niftttpr of Stoolion S. Palmar. Ailwinia-tr.itor or Cliarle§ Palmer, dcceasod. furin-gatt'B order to limit cieditor!.On BDplicatluii nf tLo above n»mct1 edraini*'alor n is ordorDd bv tlio Snr«K*t*>th"t *»8

.id »<lmlnin!r*tcr -jivo publio notioo lot*1*vdltamof tho oalnto oTBaid deoodenltobringtliolr ilcbtB. iIomondH BD<1 claioin .RtlnnLtbe

me, nuicr oatli.trithin nine pinnthi rrom thilit), by intHtic °P a *t)PT oi thlaorder, vitbinrent r dart i.erPaltor, Hg*«ve «f the must pub-i (iliftti in ihu count? of Mortu fur 1*0nntlm, ami >Un within the n»iil twoctj aay*fia^riiniiin tlie^iiwn, <a tho('lBOH Bw..o nt the nowinaperi of tkia Stale,/or tbeme Bpnconriiine{tLBniiiTaflataja<t|!lnEaii7riber notion to be nnneceasarj): anflliaiiTeditor ib&ll noRleet U.'eihlblt s u «' ° f[•ht, demand siml ola>\m wllbla tha H IO perlDi' nine inontlm, pnbiio notlne' MrifC ft'WQ ,mi

..roM4.il, HEICII creditor shall be fo»»«r « -tnvt! of bis or nerattloO thoroforaKMn"""1

.idadjnlniatrntnr.0HAHLE8 A.GnUEN,Boriopte.

trno copy frcim thp minute*. . 3***"

County'fiurogftU'B Office,

[n tho waiter of Lncy Tners. Eiwntrli " 'William M, Tnera. dceeMed. BaffoB^ *rder to limit creditor*.

application of lb« atow-namea Bi»-irir it ja (rrdered hv, .lo»;Bnrn»«a«»Jd-Kieooti f b l w i t i e a J»d i W r il


J na(

bring: ID i^-ir flebf«, detaaodi and olai»»sgalas> ibe mnJpj ocder ofttfi. wllbin »io"mouth* from tbiit o»te, bf HHI&K °£**?Pi I


daja heipa

oSJifJSSrS.Siaame apaoe af lino (llany further notice lo.bo nbt S l » « ' » J l «a br ,lcbt, Se

pmlod ol ailsa

STllSlillialtMsitJSnnlMi.Xtrh4eo|iy.h«naltM'MhintBK..1SMJ OttiB i OHiE