vol. vii. dover, morris county, new jersey, saturday, … · jfecatuo lbo stock iftlarso'o....

VOL. VII. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23,1870. NO. S THE IRON ERi tvoutna ETMI EUIWDK PI ; BENJ.H.VOGT. ! EDITOR AKD ruoitBToa. [ 023M onHarris fitrwt now EIMWQ OP SCOSCItlPTIon Six Months, - - ,.01 Tnrea mouthy- - - - - - PASSAGE TICKET! to us rioi i Liverpool and Queenstwn on ttio followUg Stoaruliip li&oa IVMAW, WHITE y|lll. Drills oa Englinfl tnd Boy*! Vtnk ol^oUni tliafuwoitnttf. ' f E.UNDHLEY. 4BON, Agents, I BUoitvfoH Strwt; DoT»iff. J. Dr.P.A.HARRB, PHYSICIAN and SUltOiON ; DOVER, N. jj omq ATna snnuxcB or oiXt V. ST1CKU, Ootmsellor at (La JUlLSTER IN CHAJYc k w J. J. VREELAND./ CnrpoBter and Bnil<]er, Jobbing promptly illendei to. Bhaft OE 1LA0EWILL 61., nod ttdaloi mlaoj'a limbar mill, | Otntruli UUn, ina mklulil ' •JUTAXnON UDVS1B. I Corn., of DlacWell andflo«M!St., DOVEH, N. J.I B.B. JOLLEY, Propjfetor, Bmtt tnd Curtail to JA. , XTf T. fcEPORT, Counsellor at'Law, ; AOT> MASTED M OttlljOEEI, O « « In H» VaUoaa] tTnloa Ban/ BuiMiii 3UWF»^,BI. # . DOtEB, N. J. MOSES BLANOHABD, ' •• " 'ATTORNEY ATIAW, A8TEBIN OltANOEUY, . " DOVEB;N. J. ! i AMOBMErS* COOHKELLOKS AT LAW D«emocrUHi,1873. . 1-iji >t. n. nmtoMaoT*, ., • A. a. BHRB. p I A.VBEHJO.V, . ; ^ ATTOBNEY ", A*s Counsellor at Law, -BOVEtt, (f. J. Offloo no fluonil floor of ths National Dnloi Bank SulWlui. • 0 Ta-U IRA Q.. COOPER Mason and-Builder. Ontttraoti Ukou for ill khidi of Mtton Work LUCE, riABTKR AKD CEMENT,- OfBco nndar "Tho Iron Era Offloo," Dover, Furnishing Undertaker. LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND 00MUIB- MQtimOFDEKDB, . - Alt prderi promptly Attended to: thumtX B Dr K * m UCOHAOKBN. j\T- , : iGarriages and Sleighs. ! ' Of B m Cor. Bullion and BorgcnSU, D o v u n . n . J . ulleiilir «tl«Blloa ™J<J to n>salds(t >a i«i(. .Mr. r r t Oil KHAKDJ1INJ!SALS HACK, ...•: .'. . L. 0. BIEHWUtTII, . Doror Honk but; N.J. (Allen Patoer & Son,' Carpenters AKB Jluildoiii. I DOVER, N. J. 'Jobbing promptly attended to. '" 8. J. VAMIP.lt, ArcUKcct. ll-j PIANOS, , .. Organs and Melodeons i Repaired and Tuned promptVt Inwf F*rtof HorrfiGHinlJ. Ad- .itttt ' - w. a. wwonT, ; . ' . Dour, S.J. . -piuUD D. iUirll, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DOTTUB, W. JT. Omo>; ON BUOKWXLL BIBEST, gf.U ;*' Opposm Sutnt's BANI. »' JOnN DBDaiJIJER'S SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON. SUSSEX/STREET, (l»tir«o Iho MANSION BODS£ui<IDa|Mt,). D0VSB,N.J. TnopiMah»bMabnll Kinnor. Tho Terr bolt ' Foreign and Domestic Segars ^ 'ALWLXQONHHD BGtf QEO. A. PRESCOTT, CARPENTER.and BUILDER, TABEM11CLX H i l L , DOVES. 21. ;.. - IOIU or mui PBumimon .• '. DBSiaNBB and oieoiltcd, mil materUl fumlnho4 FLANSand SPECIFICATIONS . fomSihod, sod contticti Ukcn for til nark, Tlid boat roforencoii KITCB «a tocapulty In •tar? hmicb of tho buiiocBi, Ktid all worli A. Beemer, REAL ESTATE AGENT, . Hhekva]lBLtnoax Sasaei, Dover, N. J. BOUSES AND LOTS Bu8ino8s Cards. tt. A. BENNETT, MTD HO MCEOPA. TI-IIO PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sts. (OppDIltB Dot or Bftbk,) DOVIOT, H. J., Miouoi of Women >nd Olillilnn, ml o> Uis Zjo au<l Ear BIMUIKUIOI. Office B o n n ; y tv S A. H, 1 ttf i uid7 toflV, U. J.UL.AWIIBKCB, SURVEYOR, Snrvcys, levels and Grades maitofor]?DbIfcBiiilFrlvatoIinproroinDuti, DEM! SUSSEXSTBEET, [Huar tba Owal urit]go.] as, DOVEII, s.J. J/M. B AS SETT, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, UOCKAWAY, N. J. ALL 0HDEI18 FBOHrTLY ATIESDED TO 104 BOHTK»OH and COLLECrTOB of INSDIUNOE BUOEK STBIET, SUVHR, N. J. Onion Ion at It. R. Diokomoii'B ttorn. or ray roBldotico will rcceiTff nrouilit attuotlau. Hocond^iand soodsof all desorlptioDB bonnlil BndKoW.. - ". lMy . O. B. GAGE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Offlce onJllacUivell Blrcct, DOVEB, N. J. CollMtlon, atlonilu] to wltli diligence. AIM Asuiit for llio toll lilo and Kr«InB»i aoco wompatila.. Ij-ly. L. W. THURBER. SUPEBINTENDENT Or FUDLtO BCOOOLS OF nonius ooumr. Offloo oror GEO. nlOHAIiDS A Co.'i BTOUE, EOVEB, N. J. C. MAGUS, Jr., - ATTORNEY. AT LAW, OVER nnowK's DBTIG STOIUS Oor. Blaokwel and SUSEOI Sta, KUlm DOVER. N. J. Q-randin House. 100 TAKDS FBOM B. Ii.ftW. DEPOT ast'A.icnaoE'Zi, sir. <r. T. P, GliANDIN, Prop'r. Szcollent aooommoilatlonB for Iranslont or permanent l>oarilorfl, dso a Uvcrv and hoarding itabh attacliod to tbu bouao. L'ariiotiijoni taken ,o and from llnilil'B Laku and Lako Hopotcong at roaBonablo cliarKeB. - , ' M-tt VV. S. 4. E. F, BeCAMP, XEQOTIJLTORS 4 p n d •lot Iron'OtoB and UiQUal Fropertf, EOWBEVILLE, N. J. . ; V. O. at B00NTON, N. J. r M.S.DKflAllr. - : Fj>. P. DKOAUP. MJ - PASSAGE TICKETS RAM, HANCE'& Co.'s STORE, POBT ORAM, N. J. Q.K0HGE A, BLANOIIAIID'S BESTAUBANT l.,1«i and tinlUiam, BlACKWELl El. J 'OVEIi, H. J., botweon BOFBOI an J Minrl. BIB. A FINE DILLIAW) ROOM ttBobcd, wllli tvoolczant tatloB, . St-tf ^ L E X . KANOTOE,. XiXttUCTUXU. OF 3ABBAPABILLA aod'SODA "WATER, GINGER ALE,. Jottlod Lay or, Aloand Porter. Fcallrtls, Par- rot *nd Pio-nlei annplled promptly, tt wbolo- lo ratoa. Ortlum toft at tbo Stickle Homo, HE IIABDWAKE STORE. •yOOEHEES BROTHERS, . iraOlXIALZ AND IRAIIi'liUmui lit Hardware, Iron and Steel, illS, BDILDEHS' HAnDWABE, Con. WAsnmoroir AKO SAK' STUBXTB, MOBEISTOWN. N..J. X 0OKPLETK STOCK OF Ware nnd . Jlonsekccping Goods. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Dona Doit, Super Pboipbito of Utne, Ud «U UF«Ullten i %. Toonir.ua. 'uni a. TOOBSZU. pt. 93d, lift. DENTISTRY Dt ALL ITS BIUN0I1E8 AT .B. JOHNSTON'S INSERTING, EXTRACTING, FILLING, Ao. M"0 iddlltooil charge' for extracting where Li nowtenth »re Inaorlctl. WoArouciwuuk- ig beuMfful uii oftootd for FIFTEEN DOLLARS. ALI* WOlUt WARRANTED. XiTOT, 8cptombora5lb, 1875. $55 to $77' . BAHPLES FHEB. . .P.O.- IWj '_. * AVaUSTAdUJME. FALL and WIHTEK. WIHTLOCK & LEWIS, Dealers In DRY GOODS, Groceries, Crockery, Glass Ware Wood & Willow "War HARDWARE, Iron and Steel, Gas Pipe and Fittings, FURNITURE, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, &c, &c, Powder, Fnso and Miuiii, Materials constantly on hand, Cor. Blaokwoll and Morris Streets, H. P. SANDERSON, iM on lund »Urgs itock of , CARRIAGE and HEAVT WAGON WOOD W0KK, WHEEtAoa low na 48.M per Bet. AUkindi of PINE OOLOItB for enrmao RMI wugon C liiB- Also OlTiS Mid VAltNISH, botL IgniuidI)omeBt.ii. TUBtttnnm, Wmrc TJTAD, eta, Faint, Coloring and VnrnJrih firuxlics and Blrlplng Pcuoili., afull tlocfe. All of tho (ibovo goods from tho bo*t mat on known by nil FIH3T-0LA83 CARRIAGE AND BLEian OBNAMENTB. Tivfae bod long AipcrhtiTA in tba Otnlngs tinon snftlilDi me lo A compotont jndijo »ny irllelo couututtd nltb tlio wn.ncm, And »nf ponont favoring mo vtlk thoit orderi HIM ruly upon mj furaisbliiR tbera vitb'aa trtiole mtUbifl to fuclr «•»..(«• and at at reuom' " price* at can bo obtained at ant other gl&ce. OrdDri by lottor far Cir-Wo and BJoIgh Or- lamont* will bo sulULlr fllldtl by .UlluL- fot rhfti pnrpoio tbo; aro w»Htod« and lending nfiniVr (litougli io corer Iba itracsiit. ""~~" U totpoetfullj •of •"• " fP.BAHDEB80H OppoulU) Covet Depot. ECONOMY IB WEALTH. WE CANHELP 20U SPEND YOTJB . "MONEY WISELY. "\TTTE 0AM contlneo yoa tint you CinniTO W aoMythmBpri^MUBnoimnhThM' Itg your Boot* and Blioel nt Quo, w, Drakt'i OhetpBootand HhooBior*. Ournow dtaokti hmpEoots wm knd w t th booBtor*. Our now a ver tnorD cotopluto(D repeot th*n at preiwnt. Xrcrr aHlrabt of ladici', genii 1 . OTJ»M< jntitbi ud cWldren Battoa Lace and CtniRrnBii Ositero »ud BIIOOL conttaiitlycuhtna. £.0. DUllT'3 hooa e*n bo badonlr »tti.W,WUW» Obctp Boot lUlHtnro. CUSTOM WOnKaad^bblnR •ramptlf «(W)IH!M1 # », One door bom Molfoil on tt Co.'i Olotblui Btoro. FOUR REASONS WUlf AU. BH0CTJ> m n O I t l E B GOXS EMPIRE MEAT MARKET, WAEEEN ST., DOVEB, N, J.- (xMrTOaovcnxa'a BOOB Biotis.) .. - ' —o—.-.*;. FIRST. Jfecatuo lbo stock iftlarso'o. nil times And nto»a* iiorj TOrlelJ rfFHESB MEATS, UOAIt CUBED HAMS, BALT FOUK, •11ESU nn.l SALT FISH, and nil limbi of 'UUITSimlVEQETAUIJaiuUioiri SECOND- Becaau ttrocctnl pojnfl an taken that Ibo tw;k skill ho aWu FHESH, GOOD and IliEAN, tbe ToKutabloa boing roooiretl (II.IT J BOOR aa they appear in tho NOV'YOH Jfortota, and sold so myidty OMU nofit* goods aro ever found about the proiniBoa THIRt). eanrteey tn xmUlag oa cnatomoxn a ral» of the mnrtot, all onfitnmDrs betng 1 ulUm, sad pDrcliasDs boing ilcUvcrod Became tho prieco'nn mmlo to mlt tho pooket books of tho pooplo fa tbmij time* fhon cheap wngcfl domacd choap oatoblo*,' Ubonl diWint Iwinff nad« lo tbc«o vbc my a quantity at a Umo. CALL-AND BE CONVINOED..' JT-ly. FKAHK 00X Proprietor.: •' J. V. BENTLEY now QDcaeod to cnvaBHlflii Dnvor and Bdja coot U>m ror Ih, NEW lLlUHlllATED FAMILT BIBLE. raa HEFEItKNCSS, printed from an ontlrslj DGV i«t of elcctrotTpa platci, ooaUlntnff ov'r - IOOMKOE tmiro or (do tet( itiin •aronficu luario Ciblu pablliliea, md otnboillibod «itu jr»rW TWELVE HUNDnEl) EN 0 RAYING B on Wood anil BlaoL It Ii thn gnndfist BIbltf ID he world, anil Ii %complete tneyclopodl* of ifblfoal kaovledeo, tad cortUins tmaoe other an Illnitntoil Pronoaodnj Btbio Sic* -j, irltli 600 onmTiiiBB i Oomprobenalro HOIH to tbo Study or tbo Biblo. i complete lliifory of llio Uouki ot tbc DIblo; CiUti oT tbc 'iiblovitti BTagniflecnt Tiev* and Deerrff'.irG IcenoB; Boligioa» Do no mi nation* "id Oroidi .f tbo Worll; lllb]ie»l Nilnrtl Klitcry *nd Sconorv ; CaacuidanCA.'UaUC'ntvl Jlcfcrencci; ?ialmi In Matro j Family Rseerd; ?ao-ilml.M jf i n d e n t MIOBICWPU ; PnrabJeK, Vlrticht sod DlBOonrma vt Cbriit; Soriptora DltBcultioi " ;pliiped, Map*, and many olfaor tblngn, em- aole 18 HEW AKD SPECIAL PEATUBES DOtJMD IN THIB WORK, . Tirloni atTloa of btndlng, from IT.BOte 120. Alia a lilt of Urge typo DUA-BTO BIBLES at prlaoB from (1 toI7.M, nDltlnlns Ibo ConcordiDfrv Psalms In Metro, iltb table*, F»tnllr Ueconl, otc, bulter IIIDR- rated tban my other cbctp TJiblea. I am»1BOable to procure tbo LmilABY OF rOETHY AND 80NG," or any otbor of 3. B. Ford k Oo.'t pnbllcstioni, ^Sf&° I TSS < ' tl ° I "'' Ilk ''° w °C or A VERY DESIRABLE FOR SALE CHEAP I mHK«Dbacrltaroffenf<»rtaMj.nrai eouUln- X tno Finr Acru, thirty wre* of wblcb la In'a foodiut* orenttlfiilon. Tlio JIIMB 1B nilandidlr iappUertinUiw»t«t,MU Ii boundoa on one aide br tlio JlocUw»j rim, It bu 3 vdli of vatm, a brook rwnlae Ikronflb II, he. There mlio m jtboloDniiBtroffnill. TbedireHlQu-boBM U two •usriw. no»rt> aa KQMaa new, amlTi>r7(ioiifa>iit«iBL AI»o, Ilia nvqaloitt-lioujtef, Tbli r»i«rtf iuJtoa* tdltoftban,m.tlmRilfnllr plctnniquo T»I- ltboro Hew Jomoy, IK nillni nortti or nbueT*Joak{pi[BTKtustHhtUll*i nbTpi[TKstHhtUlln*tioa, _^n*»Dnitner r*ildr>nco, moneUtE «cBnat7, It) IU6 ngtabborLaod of (iiuiUiinthuntfiistuidflitiing, will * w«4 toglTe Uili their »tmii(|Dn. K. .H. BMITH. T2D31QLD POWHU HUMPHBETfl HOMEOPATHIG SPECIFICS Been In urnwal un for twenty T Everywhere proTca tbc mont mctllclim known, peutiir want, WBTIPK knoi and imiTertnit •ptcinc the well tTIed pifcrtntton of lllKupprftaaetl.orHlnniiPortoai,, , . M 18. IM>uP-6ongh, DlHIcaltHresttliift, , . IS 14. Halt b t i e u n i , EnriljHitiu, EruiiLiou. . U 10. UhoummtiMtn, Jibcuniailc ruiai, > . tt 16. Fever will Atnie, cnill rover, Agnii,. w 17. P i l e s . Nino 1 wlilce-Bine. . , . . , . » ts. Otththmliar, «»dBw#(.i-WMV Jtj-w,, W 10. C a t a r r h , acatg or chroule, liifluDnw, , K ' "" ' ~ y$T:: SS .dhttrln/, , n aV diwro VAULT CASES M*, JI.wweo.wllh abovo3S largo YUIBin<J MonoalofdWoellMl, (10,00 BaeMoiouo,DrMUrgovU1aondIlaolc, 11,00 ese remedies nre wnt by tho eaao otMvnr vlnl.to rtuy pnrtof lh« ry, tree of uiiarKu, uu receipt or 4"% lotMv try, tree lr4-H ami tt J. H. DROWN'fi drug itoro, COM— - Blackwell and SUBBUX Bta. mid VDURIII A K.U- , fiotf comer drug tiuro, Dvrcr, H, 3. MRS. A. BEEMER la new mil; wltb all tbo un stylci for FALL of 1370, Fasbipuable Millinery \ THB Latest Styles & Newest Design: •BABLT OPPOBITB HATXONAIi UKION BAKi BtllLDINO 1 , DOVBR, K. 1. . u j farguit anil moat eumi-Jela stot-lc of Mill nory Mid faiicj Oootli to bo found Iu Dove 'vniprJBlng . Itoniiota, Hats, FlowerB, Feat- crs. Hltibtfits; JLacos—rear aud iinUutlou—NeclUics ami JLIoWit* COJIHI-B* Lace aud l^iueu SetBr Crupcs, DlouruluK Jionneti A fluu msoitmtol of SWITCHES, BRAIDS, &c. AliOj &Tory largo rarlbty o ZEPHYR GOODS, And iv fine atock of ' ladies' Furnishing; Goods, Kycrvtblnp; of tbobeat materUl tnd made«] V tbo roo»t cniupotcnt iiilataiita. PUBLIC REPORT Ibkvfcnui onjoyod good licallh for eerer*! jo»« put, jot UTDuot allowad it to Itilorfcro witb my labor. Jbiury one bolonting to tba Uborlns CIBCB know* tbe Inconvenlunco of bo inn " J tolabor wboa tlio body, from debility ..rofuiaa to perform its dai'jr t*«k. novw won a l)olie»orlo iloslnff with" " ""'" tit having beard tbo VEOITJ¥« apolten of io lublr, wan determined to try II, anil SUM! Qvor rceret tbat dotonniiiatfiin. Ai * toolo sbich every ono Bi'cda at ion * ~ pnsiii* fliiytmog I orer beard of. IliowJ-- 1 *—- " ' oQvor rcBroi ..._. -». .,—. —. .—- ,^^._ [wblcb every ono Bi'cda at lomo timo I tt sor- fiblni " - - - ..__„ pV)tt._ , purttlor of llio blood, Tbere aro JtioviBoratci ; It JB »great okanior am whole i tlf ..,„, wlio)iaTota,l>6nlt. i pmlae of Its latdficiory «ffoo(. •Eiucoltlly auDUg tho agud claw of It iroijartt io thwn Die out) ibluu niostL IDold ag»—nisbti of calm, nveut repose, there- by itrongtboning tbo mind M well as tbo bod;. Ono aged lady, wbo linn boon •afTur.iig ihroogfi llfo from Hcrofnln, snd li.i becu mo blind from ill cSnots, hiring tried many reinerllcB with 110 larurtiblB rouolt, wa* indocod by frlcndi to Iry tho VEOKIKI. Alter taVtag a fawlottleg, iho obtained Biicb Rraat relfcf tuat slie oipniUKj a ih for ImrPliilit, tbat BIJO inlGLt bo .Ut lo ikupon ttio njan w)w jpnt ]it>r encb a blcw- O. P. n, IIODQE, I-olIco OQlee/, SluUoC 0, Holloa, U&is.| lift? Otb, 1871. HEARTFELTpftAYER, U, E. Snra.s, Eaq.t D u x Hm:—I should bowanting lucntltailo ' I fnilcd to iokcuwlodK 1 * wlitt tbo vwvrttts es done for ma, I waa attaukod abant oloton raootlifl alnce vitb Dronchltte, wblob icttlud inio Comuinptiou. 1 had nlglit BwcalBebd re«r obllla; wax dlatroRBod for broatb and trcauontly spit blood; was all eniaoiaied. Tcry voaLanilaolow tbttttny frluDds tbongbt my use hopchBa. ' I w»iadvi(ed toraakoatriiorllioVMETiKE se hopchBa. I w»iadvi(ed toraakoatriiiorllioVMETiKE, rblob, under the proriaonce or Qi.il, bii cited , . Tbat be malt bleia tba OBO otjoat meii- . io loutberi ulie bu lo mo, and Uiat*liia J.rioognco BMJ aliaadyw), is IbnboartMt Drayor of your Kdnli-int;, bumbls norvant, prayer lyour '"JJ^^JJ, p^jmg^ ?. 8,—Mlno(abutQno»iUooB tho many aurot ir taodlolno hoi ofTootpd in tbii pUoo, U, P. MAKE ITPUBIJO. ' BOOTH HOBTUH, Feb.ff.h,.871. DXABBIH;—! ]I»TC b c u d from Tory man; loarooaol the groat IUCOOBI of TEOCTINBin wten of^Sorolalft, nioamatlim. Kidney Com- jbint,Calarrb.Btid olhof (liBo natnra. I ronko nolioiiUtlon t ig tbat I . intaylnt, lobotbonioEtroliabloremoil; Tor Ottarrh and OoiuiNl Dubllity. My wife bft» been Iroabled willi Catarrh for manyyoari, and it limes TOT? Lidly, Hho hia thorouebly tried every eappotod remedy tbat vDOonld bow of and vltb all this alio bat for loraml ye»n htxo gradually growing wono, ,ud tbo diiobtrge from tbobead wai oxceBtlro and vnry OaTuiwive. She was In tbii conditloti wlien shi eom- ^jtacel) U> t*)io VWHriHBi 1could ico thkltaba wai improving ontbo tooond bottlo.. Sbo con- tinaedtaUnB the V«o«TW» until »he bad u«ed fromtvelfo (o flfloen hotdcB. l*m now hippy Dformlbir you md tbo pnbllo 'ir Jin obooie ^ .DJilm JPjiDbllr) tbat ibe ia entirely cured. mil Y t a m K i aooompIUbpd tli» euro after lotbtog olio would, llonco I fool jnitiflfid is lij.nnlfiit VEOCTIHBJI tbo moat rcllaiila rea- idy, aad yronld adrltt B.11 nuOetioE liommltj air^fl, for I l»oliov<» It to bo a (food, bonoif, ctitlo untdlclpe, and 1S1IB.1I nnt tealt»to to smniii:d )'.> I am, 4o., ronpectfolly, Ii. O. OAHOELL, fitoro 151 Broadway. KSTTDIZ «cti fltrootly npon lbo causoi of BDeointiUlnti, Itblggr»tci*\na Btroautbona %linlotystora, acti upon tbe BOcrotWo or- gans, ill.yn Inflmnmtti^t), oloamoj »nd caret nlcoratlnn, oxxct aaustlptttoa, uta rognUtoi HAS ENTIRELYCURED ME. BotioK, Octobor, 1670. ;. STKTXHI : D u n Bin;—Jfy 3tughter, bttla lft ., lap*, /oro atuck of wliooniug oonRh, W»B leftfaa oble Btato of loRltti, Dsliig advlaod by a iondi abo tried tbc YzoniNK, andafter ailng I fan bottioB WII fully rtitorod tohealth. ' I bavo been t eroat flnftorer from Jiboama- Isra. I ha<o taknti icvonl bottloa or tbo VEO- ! rrpjtfortbii complaint, anJ iio bujipy to saj baa ontlroly onred mo. I IIMO rucommoudnl ia VEOKTIKB to. otburn wt b tbo nmt gooO iBnliii. It fa a groat clnaneor and pariBero! ..io blood; it Ii ploataDt to Uko ; aud I cm cbccrfiil);recommend It, JAMBS HOME, Ki Atbotu Bt. \EQETKE IS SOLD BY A U . DHPGQI8T3. POETIC. IChrlstinaf In Olden Tfuic IJuapon nonvoodl—•faawludiaDbill; Bat lot it vbiailo aa it Till, Wo'Uleep oar Cbrlilmu morry atill. Kacb aga haa doomed ibo new-born yeir TboflHeit lima for fteUl cheer: ET«O, licathatn fat, Lbo laTcga Dano it Io] more dwp tbo mcail did drain High on tho boacfa bin ealloji drew, Ami tc*Jiied all ItiB pfralo crow; Than In hii low and pinobuill ball, Whew ilii«lii« sad *io« decked tlto n They Horged upon Iho halMionad steor | Circntod (a tou ofsattlo Ucfj Whilo round, in bmtal inr.t, mere thr The half-gnawed rib ivcd i Or lUtoacd aU, la grim dellgbt, Wblls toildi ytllod Dot (ho joya > Then forth In front? would Ibcy lilo, / While wllilly iooaa Iholt red lockifly,/ And dancing roood Iho blaz.Qg pllo /, TUoj uuko Bncb bubaroua mirtli tbo (lilo, A.8 beat might totbo mindmcaU ^ Tho boittonai joyi of Odlu'a hall, - And well oar QliriatfaitslroB or old] Lovod wlion llio joar iu conrso had ijilod, Mid brought blltbo OhtUtinaa bad ajain. Witb all ita hOaplUblo train. '' Domoatlo and reUginua rile Oavo bouor lo lbo holy night; On Cbnitmoi OTO tho bolls woro r^g i On Gbrhtmai a*e tbo ma Tint oa\y sight hi all tbo yoar, BawthoBlolcd prltittlio dialico (ear, TiiadaianeldfjaDfflJberkJrllo »1 The hall wai droraoa with tolly Forth to tlto wood (if4 ojor'; To jatlior inthomlvtloloo. Tlitia opoaci wldo tbo baniu's To vuBStl, tsuant, aorf, and all', Poworlitdblarodofrolo And Oeiomony doffed bli prldof Tbo heir, wifb roem inIlia ihoca: That nlfiht might vill«BO pirlnDJcliooio j Tbolor^ umlorosatlne, ubiro'f Tbo vnigar samo of " pout and nlr." AU balled wllU uncontrolled dc[f,ht Aud Bonoral voleo tbo liappy nl bt Tliat to tho eotlage, aa tho c llrouBbt tlditiRi of lalvatlon Tho Bro, with wolWrted lo.. Went rearing np tbo cblmoer Tliolnj|,oh»li table's onto I it ibone tbo davjr > them upon Its msanivo b a r i ffomarkt Thenvu By old hlao^ooaloA lorrlng-nj*) ( Thon thb grim boar'B head frcAind on Ulgb, Creetod wHb bny« «nd ronemtk ffell can lbo grucn-Barbod raii.tr toll Ifow, When, and (f Iiero tha mi What dogi bofaro hii ftaath lid too, And all tboEiaiUng or ttie 6o«i| Tho wsssail round, ingood liluvn bowli, Onmlsliod with ribbons, hlitltyttavtla, Tlturo tbo liqgo ilrloin reoku | bard hj I'lum-porrMso llood, Mil d lilmot pie, Nor failed old Soothud to pr Tuco At aueh Uifih ttdo, ber urorj poo so, TIIOQ came tbo rourry OIBBVC fin [' And caroli n a n d with bllthiwm] din, If onmalodlonB wai thoBoog. 1 , It WII % boirty note, and altoig. Who lilts ta\y to their mumtdogt BOO Tracei of anoien t myatery J11 ITtiilo shlrlfl fnpplicd tbe maiquerado, And amnttea oheeki tho*li» mads; Hut, oh 1 »b«tioaikDM,i-]ii[r Ctn boMt ot Imonif half a^ ilgbt I SaglBnd ni nerrjEoglaw, when Oid ClmitmM broaebthiliparla again. T waa CfariitnjiS brotcho/ iliorofebtoatftlPl T wii Obrittmaa iold thtjmorrloBt A Ohrlmmai gambol ofd qtol d cb©*r " Ft till •T vai tbe nigM boforo (l ..,"' throogbthflhonw. ! Vet acroataro truliirrii^. aol fives'a l i t , btookiugi-vroio buDgCy tbe ohiint cue, ' /' Inhopoa Ibat St.NicLolritomiwouMbc thi Wlillo TliUtQO of iugar-numt dancod in their heads; / And] Hiamina In hor kBr/ljlor,-»iid I In my cap, " iju.titUMourliillisj'iJrn JODU winCcr'u m P . . f . Vtban out on tho l(wa thoro arose euoh a olattor, . j I epraug froto toy icd to BCO what wap tlio nutter, / . AwaytotbowlDdovIflcwllkna flash,/ . Toro ppni, Uio abuiori and throw up Iho E TbQ moon aa tho lrc»nt g{ the uow-fallon i alOBtrooMCdaytaohJuotibobw; Vbcn, wbit to py .wondering oyoi sbonia appear, - . . ., : But a uinkturo wlgli and eight tin; reindeer, Wiili a ll'tlli* oJd MYDT, aoUv«ly nud <juicW know In a momtat It tout BU Nick. Mora rapid ihin ioglot htecoOTBoi ihoy came. And. 1)0 wh|at|cd jod aboulud, and oatlod thorn Now, pMhurllnow, Daaofltl now, rrancor »odT.WP| / , . ... On, Oomell oi, Cupid I on, Dondtr BU(*onJ / ••..• To tho top or i\is porob, to tho top of tho wall I Kov dash aw*y/rfa,iu away, J»»h away all I" Aa dryInana t^at liofont tbo wild linmcano flj, Wiiou they mort witb anotBtado, mount to tlia 8o op lotbe lwaw-top tba coaraeis thoy flew, VMb tboBlolftii full of toj-t.-and St. Nlcholu too. ..— • • And then In a,'(winkling I noard on tbi roof Tbu prancing and pawing of each llttlo hoof." I druw In taf head, and was turning aroond, Down ibo cliimaoy at, Niobolas tamo wltb . bonna. . • • •[ [o waa droisoJ all )n far from lili head to bli foot. .ndhiB clothes woro all larnltbod with aihoi II aodeoot; ; '" . . A bondtoof IOJB ho bad Hang on bia back, ind looked Jiku a podler Just opening lilspack. Hia OJ-UBbow they Iwiukbd 1 bia dfin pica how rj -,.. .. His cjiooki vrere.like roses, bli HOBD liko A diorty {" Ola droll llttlo month TIHB drawn np Uko abow, And tlio board on hia cliln via us trhllo at tha anoir. • • i ituwp of a pfpo he hold (tght IDbia tooth, And lh<t smoko U onclrcted hii head like a wrtatb. ' lo had* broad faoo anda llttlo roaniJ holly That tbbolc, wbOQ Iio laagiieJ, Uko a. bawl fall J0Hj. le vaa ohobby and plotnp.-B, right Jolly old ir; •'• And X lanff*iod, wban I aaw bim, In spite of mjiclf. " , - wink ofhla tyo andtwlit of bin hoad MngavofBotoknowIhadngthlup; to dread, o ipoki not a word, but woat itniglit to bis work, AndflUodftllthBitocklntiB; then tnrnod witb ajwk, . id laying bl» finger aildo ot Idi noio, Aiii fpWug a nod, up tbo olilmntiy bo row, sprang (ohii ilelgh, to iii loam' garo a WaWltlO, ' . 1 a,w«y they all flew liko tho down of a tulitto; Jut I beard bim cioUim, oro bo. droTo out or BiBIi(, Happ; CbtiatmiB to»ll,and toall a^ooil- nigtil" •• CLKMBXVG. Jlooae, ROOMS TO LET ?LYTO M.& I. SEARING. QKND 2fi oil, io Q. P. BOWELLAOa, No* j j York, for Tiatnlitilot oflOO pugci, caaUfn- Ing. lliU of \0Oij newtgiapetB. and estimate WLen Abraliam Lintuta WAS B lawyer . i Ill.Dois, ho nnila juilgo got to baa- teriag one ftnolher about trailing Iioraca," BDil it WOB ngrocd that tho next morning at 9 o'otock tbo; should mako a trado,! tlio homes to bo unseen -up totbo lour, anil no backing oat, under n. fotfeltmo j of $26. At tlio hour oppointea tho judge' curoo ap, lending lbo Borriost loukittg | opeoimen of. » homo evsr sooa in tbo&u parts. -In a few minntos Mr. Lincoln' was. Boon approaching with a -woodnn fttw liorae upon bia ahouldore, Gront wore tho ilionts and the ]nqcbt«r of the crowd, and both wcro greatly increased ythan Mr, Xiiapola. oa mrvojinR tlio jndRfi'i animal, sot down tbe saw borso and exclaimed' ''ffell, judgo, tbia is tlio first time I over got tho v?onl of it in a boM td J" exas Tuilrootls ate all overloaded with cottop, ODD running bsljiua timo. A WOSDER OFTHE DEEP. KABDfE FnoO PIFTI FEW EOKCI POL- LOWS A SBITIBn BTEiMBIln*. In Ui9 month of OoLoLur last tlio Brit- II BtcuniHli][) Nostnr orrivod at Sliaiig- ai from tbe Btruita ot Malacca. Short- ly otter the auutioriog ot tbevefwol at Ilisngliaf, John K. "Webster, tbe waster, ind James Anderson, tlio eliip's surgeon, d hotoro Mr. Donald Speuco, w Socrotar/ in Her 'BrilaiJiiio Supremo Court, and msulc lo tbofollowing mnrvoIouB statotnont otiaole: Wo, John Kollor Wobcter, of Liver- pool, and James Atvleisoa. Burgeon, of Liverpool, do solemnly and sincerely do- jlnxo aa follows: And, first, I, tbo B«II] lobn IColler \Vobntoi-, in coniuinnd of tlio Btoaranliip Nestor, do dtdlurj that, m Monday, tlio lltii day of Syptcmbcr, ftt I0i30 p. M., flftoon milai uorth-wust itNortlt Land LtgtitbauKo. iu tlio Ma- lacca Straits, ilio wLutJjcr hungfluonnd emoutb, tbo i\ir nlao perfect ly stoar, I saw a Iittto forward of tiiu beam, an tlio starboard aiilo, nbunc two huu- Irod yards disUmt from tbu eliip, an'ob- ncf first tioiulwJ out toma by my third iffioor, who roinnrliod, "thoro ia shonl. lurpriaod at Hudtn^ a slioul in suol, a WDll-Jinown truck, I watobed tbo object und fouud Unit U wuti lu movement; icoping up tlto Bonio Bpcod with ip, nuil totaiuing ubout the snrao die- men na first Been. TUo speed of tho uhlp v/nsulucaad tbrw ^'.nrfcrs lino)?, b object wtis iiiofiui; pavnllol jyitli us during six miimtcn. Jusi nftcr I >baerve<3 it, tlio Oliiueso deck pnsseugers liBcoverod it aud raised a great outcry, iiid about tho eamo jo'imant it was Icsoriei by tliroo Enloon piisscngors and tbe surgoou, XLofiUapc ol tbo creature, lor that jt v/at nlivo ilicro is DP doubt, I would comparo to that of a gigautio trog. Roforn'ng to tbo head and body, a9 fur they icoro apparent above tlio tbo bead, of n polo ycUowiab color, was fib,out twelyp teat jit length, ui\tl six foot ii tbo crown was abnyo tho water j occa- sionally tbo lioad biibuidod until only a fopt or a foul aud » Imlf i i-mninod nbuyo the water. I tried in vniii tqma tbneyeii anj Bjouth) ilio mouth, »vcr, way Unvo bcoa below water, Tho iond yta3 itumediatoly tMimeoted witb ttio body, witliont anyiuilio/itioa of a icok. Tbo body was about loi'ty-flvo or Ifty foot iu longtb, tuul of an oral slmpo, perfectly smooth, but Itioro nrnj liavo boon a sliglit ridgo nlong tho Bpina, Tbo raso eoani five foet abovo tbo eur- faoe, Animmanso tnil, fully ona bun- [rod.and fifty feet iu length, roso a fow \ach6>} abnva tho u-aten This toil I saw dUtinatly from ita jancticm wilb tbo body toits cxttomity ; ib seemed cylin- drical, with a very uligat ta])«r, aud I estimate ita diameter ut foar foot, Tbo body and tail wore marked ivitb ti bnnda.otfltvlpOH,Wnpk aqd palo yellow |n polor. Tbo atripes Averq distinct to 1 (be yery e^ttamlly ot tbo toil. I cannot, iy wbotber tlie Inil torniiaaUid in afln iv not, I exaiqinod it carefully at (bo dbovo-Bjeptionoa dialanoe, but could not catlsfy myiclt bow tbo tail terminated, 1 Tlio oruatoro passcssoA no fins or pad' dloa 04 fM OB we could perceive, never Laving seen any |>nrt of its belly. lean- not say if it bad lego. It uVvory possiblot tbat tlio creature was muoli broader and more wasuEvo than tfio dimoDBiona p.bovo giyon, for tbo gtcnt^r part of it iv ividoutly uudor wntor, and wo uovor h glimpso ot any hut tlio oitromo ipper parts, It'appeared to mo toprograss by tneana if annndulutory motion of tho tail in a furtiolo piano. Tba tail noomod tobnvo uti mdopondunt motion ; (lint ia to my, quicker and a different ano from tbo lOily. Tbobend would riso slowly and tho bo3y heaomo simultaneously lowor, md vice versa. Tbo undulations of tbo tail wore brisker and Tory diatiuof, and oloaoly watchod tliom tlirougb guod bosses. I bad for some momoota tbo ftjoa of running tlia crcfttara doiw, but Bbortly dismissed tbo intontloa on ae- lourit of tbo danger <>[ bteckiug tbo Borow UaSos. Tlio crattura sbowed no ign of toar. Iwinnot even say if it waa lonsoious, of out prosenco, It flnnlly l d under our stern anA passed ivor to the port Btdo, Bomowhat slack- esing its epcoi. Souio tiam altonvarda, lowovcr, it increased its puco, and when last aeon was on our porbbeam, at about ,i to 2 wiles distant, Tho crcaturo [ormed Adifil.net wako, and eeemodto oxude an' oily mn((<3r as bo moued*. And leoondly, I, tlio naid James Anderson, lo solemnly and Binceroly doolare as fol- Damolyt thai tbo sbnpo and color of as tnucli as was diatirjuuiabablo of tho troatnro boro an nlnic^i exact roaom- ilanoo to tbo npnor pnrt of a snlninan- lor; tbo'&tripoa, bowevor, vrora rntlior aoro dcHum, yellow (tint peoiijiar yel- of a Balamacdcr) alicrnntitig mtb deep black. Thero wrrt 1 .eight to ton ilripoa on tbo baok. I almost immodi- itoly Bftid, "It is aa cnormons Baldmnn- der," mitl tliooioroZ examined it tha lore I was natiaflcil of tbo i-cscmblanco. ?bo back woo maob liigbcr, somo oigbt' *t ton loot at times, than tbo bead aud •ail, I was standing on tbo deck, and I from my position I could not form auy j pinion of its modo of progroEBion. It >as appatcQtly of n golntinous {I. c,' Ubly). Biibfllouco. Tbough heepiiig up, iitbua, its movotaeuta sccmoit lotliar- ic. I saw no eyes nor flns, and am itUdn tbat tlio orontmo clid not blow ir spoat in the manner of a wlmlo, I iould not tor a moment compare it to a ako. Tbo only crcntnica it could bo Compared to am tbo nowt or frog tribo. THB CtlAHFioN LiAit.—Tlio- obnmpion liar of tbo Slate is inour county jail. A :ind liearted clergyman a s W bim bow io camo toboin tiicro. Tlio follow said, with tears in bis oyea, tbat ho was ioming liomo from prayer moating, and down to rest, fell asleep, atirl white io wns iLslcop there, tbo county built tbo around bim, and wben Iio awoke tbe ;ilor rofuaed totetliiui out; TJioi-o aru idlctmcnts against himin every county wostof tbo Gundnlupn, und bo bus al- ready served ontone term at Huntsviilc. Talk about newspaper men deviating from tba truth, after tbat. 'Wlitt ft Btrain tlmt is I" snid Sfra. PfirUngton, ns sliu licnr<l on nir from Ltfcia aung in ttio hklioai stylo by a jonnp; lady wboro ulio wns TiftiLing. "Yoa," was tlio rcsponso ; "it I'B oijcrnt- io. "Oppor nttic, ia it?" qacationed BIIO. "I should think it wna tiigh oiiDiigli to bo on top of tlio lioiiao." Tlioro i« to bo nil Intcrnatioiiftl Uorti- oulturul Eihibitiou on .i voi-y granti scale jn Afflstertluiii DOit ^gasoD, A COSHAtK VAVTAIX. A PEUOCIOVH-LOOK1KO VMUlIOIi IJB1 wrrn DAKORIUIUM WEAI>&NH. A oorrc.ipou Juut of tliQ London Timer, fbns desecihoa a. GVsauek captain Iio met iuHorbiu: A frnino tail riud powerful mid HOI •tntjjortly, wHh a full lilnck lienril hood small but not ill-sliupud j cyon bliick, ouj at tinice forocioun, (iiongh t moli lmmor; hr- <lrc^ mul ac ts compklod tlio picture of ;jert'd hut uuBcivpuhni* chid id buuditti. A Hort of wurm jaukct, tip)JC< with fur, gitdud tiglilly round (iio watbt, disjilayod to tlio lull liia goodly figure, and with bin belt wns tlio reeeijliiclo Tor nn extensive nrtuury of a Btore, indued, it liaa nover booo my fortuno tofeooauricd Iiy liviig muu, nud txinn tbo in!ua o! liis osijlyjts jvHli TSTIJHJII ho rogiilod us tlio Turks wonlii probaWy ;ivon very liiiuJaome rowan, for 1I.H Iie.iJ. Tbcro wits tint and forcuinitt, ti nplun- di3 sHorilwitb ngorgaounly-workud hill and scabbard. Tliis ho tlretr iorlh tor our grntiflca'.ion, nnd wliirlod round his bead willi great dcxlurily. II wan abmil iy bolwcun a long Eu(rlinu cimdvy uabro and a TurlnsU EuimiEnr, HU^IJU; curved, witii an edge ..ecu aa tiioawoali ot Jii[iau. Ho sliowul mo willi pride, fiwp wild, in tlio Wiitlu, wuiouboHiiif hnd been gok hctoro Aivx'mnlz, wlitro h ck-It aTurk fraui Lead lo 'shoulder with one BWi'tpiiiK Blroko. I may have looked a little iucrcduluuri, for ha nddiHl to Iiii EUtomont: "All, Momitmr, j'ni licaucoup do {area nvaa Voptia, jo vou.i amuro,' ivbilo rcgnrditig his powitrful nvmn witb n Bntiufnction not dinguJ30[l. Tbo interest witli wbicli jvoDxnmiucil ubly induccil oar COHSUCA friend to vol- unteer nviow-of his short sword or knifo, TbiB was etill moro rioL'ly ombosucd nud ongrnvod, nud a truly nlnrniin^'WDnpon Rhaut eighteen inches long, curved nnd doublc-oilgoi2.4 caeli edge aa thorp na a rnzor. "Ab I" Iio Bnid, with ft tono of gteat unction, "thia ia fo HC-.IIP lbo Turks.' "Scalp liio Xutbfl '!" I rummttid wilh iti- orudiility, "auroly you d*i liol mnnu lo scull) tbo TufkH really ?" "Yes," lie nvawowH, "sea)p ihau. Cwii.inJj,' 1 h Bnid, with great decision, "il is to sculp ilio Turlta, I Iinvo a tiaatt of G JO Ci BaoltB, wlin nil bavo huivcR liku tliifi Lo ucalp tlio TtirkB. Wo never tnka a Turk nllvc." "Vtauavov,"ho rci>aitlcil with n glow of doliglit, "tulio ft Tiirk ulivo." Tho noxb instrumoiit of ilcali-uctiou a laoaalious revolver with iiiiiuinoi' oLainbcra—I ma afraid to Bay how liiauj-, but I tbiiib tho number was sixteen— whloli ho haudled with n Iroodotu of action tliut wuu uot rcaasuring v;liilotb< tutizzlo was poiulcil at ourheads, and a!] tho barrels worn evidently charged. This, liowover, was not aa duar to him us tlio I, thiolc-sot Efiglieli wonpou, whicb he produced with n loving regard, ami Qvid&nUy expected us to reoosn.551] ftjiprcointo wb.014 bu cwilloJ it tbo "Bool Bog," Nor wns this nil, for ho liad a atill smaller oao in the shape of a mia'm- turo pocket-revolver, wliloli, bo said, rfni not for worlnro, but just HBa littlo guni-< dinn In Ms ttdventurcs in tho Ics3 fnrorcd qnnrtors of tlio cities of tbo i,vorlj. With tlieso Jena tavarod quarters tvo ofterirarda found that ho had n largo aud genial actiuttintauco. After dinnor ho drow forth a ppring'ltiilfe eoYoral inolies loug, whieh I thought was nnothei- wcaijon ; bat ho ueod it as n tootbpiot vriib. an OOBQ nud mpidity •wliioh wo thought must threatening to tho Batoiy ot his tongiio. Ibxraa a mavco ot evidontchagrin to him that ho had not his HQo witb liiin, thntr| wo might lDspcci, tliia na well, It seamed to bo his groat deliglit to prowl about tho outskirts of tho Turkish cuiup, aud tboro carry dontli aud destruction among tbo picUota and patrols. Tnrkcj wns to him but. B bagutclle, llio preliminary skirmish with .which .Hjogreat cnroDr of J RuB3ina oouquofit wfta to bo opcDcJ. Then Qonnnny waa tofollow. The Ger- ninua think ton inuok of thomaolvee bccauBQ they havo bonton Franco and Austria ;bat wo will eei tltnt; rigM. }Vhen wo havo dono irith -TurVny, wa will just say to Fmiipo, "Lot us divide Germany between us," and tlmt will soon bo done, His views of tbo Solbinn pooplc vrora not complimonlary, and ho evitleittly felt that tho mission of tbo Russians in Ser- bia wns to UgM lbo Turks, aud nmko tlio iuLinbitaats, whom ho thought DO sul- diora, M-ork as active liowers of wootl drawers of water. " Do you think,'! "0 said torao,"that I pay for what I order? Never," ho said, "iiovor. I oomo to'an hotel, I my la lha landlord, ' 'Olvo mo a good room—your best," If ho licsitatoa I know hoiv to mako htm, 1 ! looking sig- jjiileniitly nt bis bult, brintlin,'; witb iLi timidly iulinliitnutj!. "I want itionw ; I order this und that and all I waut, aud it\ ho docs not got it—well"—lookiugdown- ;nrd3 ngain.p "Tny I I tlou't pay a sou ; tbo Minister of yfar pays Sot ino> I xo- qu'iHition all 1 want." r FBP tlio Court (o IK'cIde. Soniowhoro about nneuro of yoara ago, while Nenl DOW'B law wus in full force, nn inoiilont transitired ill the court bold in Paris, Mo., worth reccrdiug. Judge X. ^'oa OQtho bencb. Hu was n gcuial, jolly soul in Bocioly. but ipcliuod tobo n llttlo tosiy, sotnetimos in> jmlicinl hnr- UCSB. Tho cose on trial was tho Stalo VR. nliotel Ueopor, nud thecouipliuut wim xalo of liquor. Ouo of Ilia pnucipul witnesses was singularly OIJUHO. UO did uot like to lie, nor did ho seem anx- ious to tell, Uio whole truth. Ho oou- fessed to haviug made n purchase, but ho C011Wnot toll wbatlio purchased nor could he remember what bo had asked for.. Atlaugthtuocouufcyatturncyflsked him : "Di3 you drink any of it ?" "Not ihnr," "Well, dill yon drink it nny whero ?" " I must a 1 dono it." "How aia it tosic- r "I couldn't siiy." "Yes, you crtii nay. Certainlyyaa cau tell mo Imwit tustod." At this point tlio court itiforposoil. Tim question was cloimiuil tritliug aud outiifplnco. Wliy Jo yon press it," the jadge dcinantiul. '"Well, your honor," rcplial tbc attor- ney, "it is Tory ovidtmt (lull tha tvitacg bauglit liquor of tho dutundnnt, nnd we w&nt to know what description of liqnnr it was. As tho witness refuses to tell wunt it win, I UiouBbt il bo would only toll bow it (tinted thocom* might b< nblo to dctormino for itsnlf." ' Tho andiblo mailo tlmt followed, inside ml uutsMa tho har, laid (lint tjio Ml V&3 undemtood and H f ' d .Slruefc n Job. The Do1nbli> difftranep, "ayfi tlio Atlant; Constitution, between tbo iiogroos ii tuiiMle Oficj.'-gia .n:t. those wu the sen board—a difference that fitends to bal: itsns well lit dialect—b;i5 (jiven rise t eertfliii iiiojjidicablu jirrjuiliufiB, Thes were forcibly, us wall (is indieroiiHly, illithii'afcd in tbo p^ssfniger dopot yes tonl.y,. Tbo Air-lluu train brought in nn fruui Havnmnib, viio, aconui J>j* Iiifj hotly mirvnnt, !M.d*bw: y tlio suminor in IliibcKliiu. Cmiuly. Tlio body servant nlludod d was a very fino BjH>L'itiii>ii of tiiu averae coast darl;ey, sleek, well-coiiditiuued inn ml, mid a'eoiuad ilixpnan} t- loots witbcoulomptiipuii every tiling UIH Trybud/ not iudif;onous io thn rici •owing rv^lov. Vipy'tug o]tl V>><*:• LinuH, who wm languidly Biiniiing linn IfoRuinst the iron railing, (!i didarkty ;i]iproncbud : "Mo'ruiu 1 , suli." "I'm Hortcr HJI a-.' tthout," n Uncle Rumus. "How ia vou Htauuin 1 it r "My belt goad, I i;i«It you. Icni.\ fcrooonu rico birds in HUH cuiiutry,' intinmul tho (ifrjitifjo darkey, " Un uiiij* in Bowoiiny." "Plenty wlmr?" inquired Undo Bo- mits, rolling hia <;ti/d rt»J cartstaHy l:i'; iug au in veil tury " bii m>w ne<\.n\nn\. itnce. "In Snwouuy, I unly fcr see no enil an'no o'slors." I, (Tn'sornnr 1 Iirnli. But iKs imi't 110 (ilimule wbar do rico Iiinls flios iutti yoro puckclB mid giU do money uiiLuu' laakca do dj.'ingo dorsu'f, ituil do inter, don't Jbhuck off doro shells nu' mil w you in do streets nn' ax you fur (0 1 'em. Dcy'Bo beah, dough. Do scud, fetch '111." "Him po 1 count y for true—noli iowoiiny, Down .'1:1 wo ea.y do hirJ, in' de oi'nb tin 1 Oe o'uLur tree times di il«V( »u' i\o buekrn iniiii ilriuk bu wiins an 1 fiinnl'.y'liim no.v ,ar uli troo do night, l'ienfy fer ent, nud no( much for wiilc." inigbty muo, I rocknu," s:vi-l TJnclo ltcimitj, "Ili^i fcoiliu'liu'iiuaniy- (>oront uiomVoijtily, Vp henh, thugh, 110 witilcs tint in 'cumiiLitcu widinid cnny swcr'in 11103' always gunr'Ily 'likings ti'r souio odder mau, Ahoo-eiiko an 1 er uv inldillin' taont liis'» 1110 ftim Sitn- [Jny io Sunday, nn' I'm iu miglity big luck- w-ios I gelfi diit.". Tho .Savannah darlttiy hero gave 11 lottil Hiicntpinuna Inugli, and IJCJJJIJI I D I U U J - blo somewhat oatoutaliouBly tit a b'ugo brass wtittiti-fob. "But 1 (struck up via agoad job la; Olmosilay," cliimod tjnolo llomus in a mare hopetnl toyo, "nn' now 1 spec I'm 111 u twltta'." "Wlia' yon swan do V "I'm a WAI tin* on a onlhsd geminni: ftim Sovaannh—ono'uv do high livcru whftt you bin fcalkin'''bout. "How Hut I 1 ' ''I lonut Lira two dollars, an' I'm a nUia 1 on'bita for do miinny, na* hil'a a job'what'll laa' a long time, I'm afennl." Tho Savanunli darkey saw tbo nud wdnt off.aftBr his rica birds, while Undo Eoraus nearly cliolto;! hi with aaorifl.-t of cutiaklos. The iMotuls In Oldon Times, I t fans sometimes boon tjiiost wbnthcr tho Egyptlntia had auyltnowl- --u- of steel. It siioms iiureasonablo to deny thorn'this knowledge. Iron \vt13 known nt tha eurliest timo of whioli wo linve aov record.- It ia oftan maiitionod in tho feblo nnd jo Homer; it is HIIOWI iu tbo early paintings on tbc walls of tbu tombs nt Tliohes, wbcro butohors aro represented as shaiponing their koiv^s DI) pieces of melul oolorcd bine, vliicb wew moat iirobnbly pieces of stout. Iron lins bcou found in iiuantity ia Uio ruiu- od pali^ccB naAHsvria; aud in ttje iu- Herii>tions of tbab country fetters aro spo- ken OIIIH linving Ixien raada of iron, wbicli is also montioucd in connection with other metals 113 toload to thoBlip- position that it wiiB regarded as a bai tnmmon nietu!. Moreover, in tb Great l*.yiQtt>ia, a lecoof iron.wns found inn plnce where i. muei have lain ft 5,000 yenrs. Tho loudouoy of iron t oxidize must ronil- r ita preservation tot ituj long period i-ro nud ctco]>tioua1. Tbo quality of irwi whlub iquonr madu ' ,'tlicncci of Afrieti and India is thnt Ilicb is known as 'roi^gbt irou ; -inuu* cient times, l>r. Torcy nays, the ' which was made was always wn iron. It is very nearly pnro iron, mid a .very small addition uf carbon wonldcon- vert it into atod. Dr. Percy aiys tbo oKtrnclion of mutlonblo iron direotl.V from' tho oro *'ro<juiro8 a degree of skill very far inferior tnthat wbiob is implied iii thomhiiiifiiott.ro of hronzc," And llicre is DO great Hcerct is inciting Btocl; tiiu natives of Iudia />wmake excitllunt Btoel in tbo most piiraitivo way, wliieli tlioy Iinvo prnoticod froia tiino iimnamu- rial. The supply nt iron in India as catlj aa tho fourth nnJ. fifth ccutiirk'S seoras to bavobucn'mlimitod. Tlio iron iltor of Dolhi is ii i-oinarkablo work for nub at early period. -. It is a single pieeo of wrought iron fifty foot in length, nud it weighs tint loss limn BQVOHU'OH ton's, How tho Indians foigeiV tilts targe xanaa of iron and otlier heavy pieces ulnuii distniHtof iho arob lod them toiiHe in tlinoonRtriiolion>nf ronffl, wa do not know. In tlio tcniple3. of Orisna iron wns nscd iu Inrgo masses .as Iicruns or giniora nfi ronf-work in tbo' tliirtoontli oonturr. l'he tu-t of extracting inutnh from tuo oro WHS prncticcd at a very eui- ly dato in Great Britain. Tbe existence long ago of Ua niiues iu CornwnU, which aro BO*often spoken of by clnssiciil wri- 'ers, is woll-known by nil. .Thnt iron rns nleo extracted from tho nro by lbo neibnt BriLona io most probable, aud it 'na largely usud for tunny purposeb by tbera bofuro llio Iloman can quest. The Romans worked out iron oxloiiBiyoIy iu Iho Weald of Kent, as wo asstuue from ibo Intco hcayrn of slab ountiuniug Uo- n.an coin wliiob still remain'tliorc. Tlio Romnna always availed (liatnsolvos of tbo uiincml winltli of tbe couutnes wbieh they-conijUcred, and their luiuiiiff oper- ations wcixj often enrriod out oa Uie lur- gost scalo, 'as 111 fliiain for lnakmeo, hero as many na forty tliousnnd miuers cru regularly employed jn .tlto mines ivt Ner Garthnga Coal wbicli wns usod fur ordinary ]nir[>oses In England ns early as the ninth century does notajipoar to havo boon largely utetl fot iron smelting until tbo eighteenth, century, Ibimgii a patent was granted for Biniiltiiig iron witb ennl In tbo your 1611. The nap of charcoal for that p'lrpoao was not given up until ibobcginuing of lliis eontuvy, triuco v'liich iieruHimi unnnnous incrensa in tlio mining nud metallurgical iudtts- Iricn IIIIB tiikon placo'; tlio quantity c" lurnl raided ia tboUnited Kiunlom 5 1873 Iinviug amounted to one lmut'Iro mul twciity-seyon lnilliun tons, ami tbe quantity of pig iron to upwarila of six ul a halt million tons. Thero ia uatliir.^ easier tlj;iii lo ci)it n blackpunrd pn|ior, nud nothing t (liflictilt tliKU (0 (;et « i.oi>Hj«t|u;r fvuin [oniucs-i uncl blackgiinrdisni, I vciincn and kirn-oni huff in. nro skillcil iu tho act of liiiiulying e)iitlretahnd l>u- sp.ittarir.fr cacbo >r with dirty words. It rpqilircsno b ains to do this, but it tines refjulro hoi'.> honrt nnd bmitiD to print ft nnwsi'npo- tliiit a d.>e?ut mm. vriniau can rend >• diout a blush,—Or fey. 111111 nl 1 iC in I>i-i , I dwell uulliwp'iml, for IwonM dctrr •iie.M fi-uiii ciMoriiij t\w*[>hci: ui tur- mtnt. Half tbu yoimg im-n JI this cmiu- try, witb IIKIUJ OM ou.msti i" kuuv/ UOALY, iwniJ g.> into lj;r,i.;t-H—that i:i, into debt—Lo-uicMTCiW, il lln-7 cniil.1. isl Dour iiKiinru s" i'^ui":iut(iaiociivy tin; .jim-Liii'it, or luiiuuf-.-rturi'r, irhoso life i* nn infc^:tnt iitni.":.'!i! with pwn- iary iliirL-iiHic, v:ho dr'r ,1 to wnyfaab sliiiiiup," and win', f. i moulb tn Hjnili, lituvly eviiilud '••< iusolvenry l;if!i Mom-v t.-y lalnr < -dukes most men in IHIMIII'M; VJ HI. :l 1»^ been jlill'iiloil t!i;it li.st L:K- luiiii ill tv.'Otilj' of i-iui iid.i.'vr^ api'diDia. 1 ,, icci'.-i, Vur iy |»art, X bu<l i-iithcr IJO« «:i>iivit't in tho i:ui It. p.u.s tbix-ii^li lifu IIIIIILT tlw har- row tifdubt. Let lUMllilll Mifjllllgu Ililll- nufiir,in.iit.', or I nilv j.nor, no loiifj Od Lu luis hw l:mU siii'I f:..-ilties. ami i^ bs(au(iii»y i"n.j tnun J :.(. itiuwr, coM, rug?, liui'il work, 'iitompl, wis* |iici'Ju. unjiist, ii-jirfMcli. n dkiurotsililo intdrM'miuihiiolj vo. •.• UJ.III Ihaux .11. Ami if it ImJ pljuKc : .uil toH»avo eitbci- or ;ili ui.v MIIIS to h tlie sniipurt if lay tit cliuii.f,' ytJiU'n, IL^ lesson wliiuli RtiniiU uir.st cai'Uf:;t.ly y k to inaiiftifu [pitu tlifta 1*^, ti'ivt'i'j-ua iniltfot. Afuii ,ei:iuiiiu#y flili^-.itiiius us you muiM lUstilunco in* fiuiiint', Ji ym )}»vu IH.L iifi vcw.tr, Wu t e:iu (;'f .id im.ru fur »w'<.•',;, buy n\n-v\i .if cum, pun. 1 !} it, Htiil liwMin i t n i t l u i ' tl»m nvo a llulllll- ! Offinill'Mlf. klH.H" tlllit, KiHlHI IHMJ ujiiril du biimiirKi t.tut involves a i«l:, unil wif.t piT.ui.... "i WnlliiTiiUli- ,intl<>nn, and I ilo not onuiMur him in ,!i>bt who can lay lii:i IIIIIUIB din.;l..j' <m Ibu uifiHi«ti»f )«i"viui;, «l ii.imjHitk'«nc- riiiec, nil Iio. ffWt-s ; I sjtuulj of real ik-bt " .ill wJiich iiivulvt'rii'iik orHjicrillco on fiii]i>. i(bli;;.ttifjii mill il 'i-iul-neu <m iho ot\u-r-M»\ I nay fnna'all Midi, Ivt every juiitli lunulily jimv Oinl to prc- ftwvu Lijji evur more —Uotwc Ovceh'j. Kuffl Mnxloit^ Z-V"((t<*, MisHKi.li; Olnxlon, tlit: liuviino of lbo irnnMyii cjiltmiily, is 11 (liitijrlilfir «>f Cul- 'iiul yiii-ncor AV. 't'uup, of Niiw Jlrniis- iick. H I T tifovj tif bfip t'siuiipe iy 11a tol- Wl.cn T bsiw fti.it tint fl,imeS Iiml catisltt (ilmtist uvci\v part i"jf tbu Heoiicrr ' .ihiiiil (mil iiroinnl mi 1 ,1 nmdo 11 j>uiV ..iiml that it mis my limb hour on eurfli. Slnitifjn us it ui:iy Ht>etii, I ff(t no Bonso •A fear, imt evuu thu iiervmmni'si Hint n ilifilit lliiiit; wnuM pmvolio under ordin- iry L-ii-cuuistaiico.i. I sneiuiitl to know Ilmll!ia'ln4.ini.eofr.scapu, lint llioru Diisb^d UIHO tlu-ougli my uiiiid tbc tipleii- hcllirr ti|>on llio l-Ill HlOlllLllltj'tS -1.1 l.tgh, Iatth(-nlioi)!isri>r nun." I t fieeuiL'd th:if, it was ; small thing for ono to ma it many mitiiit ba nnvod. So when I Kjiuku to tlio j>o'V)IoI felt that my voicn miiK tint 11a iL 1 avrr did bc- [oroio my life, unit ibuL it tea ao clear itid culm it must lutveii controlliiig pow- er. It hnd, fur cue dear, I.mvo womau closa down on lbo p;m|uot ausworeil. bjiok lo m&I'heuiily, "X,.u nro rtglit. Miss ClnxLon." und iat do.vn and help- ed nlay tiiu jmuio and wive mnnj livoa. I nin sure that woimn i:. ulivo. Ob I liojit) she is. If she is I wnut to neo bor nd Ituow.ber; tut her ^"".'irt'tnnst bo iimo will true. While I • *9 talking I took Iho precaution to !?..:• >ff tho Tag- :edinusliu skevia from ny dress, but uiclly ; thuy •woro pcrtc. • tinder; im- lor !U3'L(JUIHG tlrosul Lu^ un an extra- loavy woolti'iieiticnat. Tlioro WUH Hover a bwer man r>n earth tlian Sliuiley. Ho ,vood. by mo cool and oollecto.l us tlio liustiuaii of tbo BixHnudroil, and kept thu fulling firo off mo. Wlicu the tiamo.'. swopl down, upon un anil flinlifc WIUJ ipnprutiw, ami 110good waa to bo douo liy stajing, I. ilhoiod tnywoolou puttie:>al; firmly in. 10I1 bniid and fonglit tbc i re tvota mo I aniiiod through it. I stoppcJ only .-.ice, andthat wiia loso : ':a poor Mur- tlocli and try to drag lib- off; but bo was pulled nwoy from': 3. Thoa I funeUt my wny tbrouyh vuli tbnt ivool- on jsottioont; it wus m ' Knlvation, I "jitber Itcard Jlimtlo H;.:i.iaoii in her .'ouiii nnd gut ln,-i utit, or other at tbo . iloor of it. Then 1remembered lbo uu* ilcrgrotiUtl jiasange to tbo ; JX utiWe, aud,. wout for it for ilia burniiifr btngo began to full nn iiH. T h e horror of ilie few immitcB in Hint dai'lt iilnoe—only vida . cnoagb for 0110 to pusa at a time—is iu- dcHcriLmblo, I know tbat Iho door nt tbo onil wns umially lockcil. aud miebb bo now; but the good Piovidouco that direc;ta oven tlifi fall uf tlio Bpnrrow madoa whim inino the nmms uf our e«o.ipQ. Intho morning oE Ibat dread-, ful tiny, niQr4v foe fan, I hud ii^ifited '.pun hiivinjr tho Qyur u[ieaing frotn tba JHX ofllco lo tbe paiHiigo way unlocltoJ, •"; -iiul I wmii Oirougii it lo toy dressing- room iustoiul vi fioiiif^i-ouLdto ilio fitagfv Onor. Tho key wns ieluct.. l itly givon to j: Uiy nsont, Mr. Sluuley JEoKonua, xritit. tDiiny nijuiictiima tn U>ok thu door bo- '.-. hind him. Hu proiniseil to do- so, bafe ,'-• dropped tlio key into I119 pockot'int" atcit.l ptiltiug it in the il^or on tbo fn- - siile, as he&bntilil Iinvo «o.:3. HB snya that bis iingen. were coIJ, vuittlmtwbeti. lioput them into hia pockoU bo vowed''. 'io wouldn't tnke them outfornil tlio iiej-R in Bruoklyii. TIIOSH coltl fingern, by God's inoroy, silted nil our lives, for nflor wo had. RtmnbleJ' Ihrongh tbat lf^u finil np thosfnim (lift ilnor : jn-ivlisl iiiid wa linnttlml into llio box of*' ileo. Tbe Kim>ku wns miiryc.iting. Bo- j'oml tbo olfieewero tbooi.T-.vd troudiug urcr ench utber. I giitlic.-cJ Hint dear' old woolen skirt imiuiul m-j, clutched it in ouohand HO .IS to -Imvo my limb) frcn, envoitntwiM, a tuuX Lbi.t Luruiil " ' uunl to a ciidlo, ami ioaiiBtl from " Idof to HiiouMur "f Ibe puoltca nud . ... :\% crowd. I lifura'"-- vnllictl on :lieir uuiuiti, otralhur ann. j from ona :oign of Viiutti^o lo the otimr over a liv- iii£ mass of surging humnii lioingn, It Hconiod ht ino Ibutiu three 'c j .n>s I was iutlJo street. - A Itcnurkuble SIlvcv Story. Tlio Poriiniid (Ort^<»») Dec lias thn Jlowinflr.iitory : Kimior-s aro - rife on 10 Nlreuls RoiieominK a nsost romnrlui- )1D (lisciiveiw of silver in "Wanon eimnty, "ha HtorloB Uoiiling ai-or-i. tell of upth- i!^ Ji>.HS than naro.i of liiiilirg springs .vbiob, iiisteml nf WHUT, il..w etrenma of . u)ili)nLto"()f rilvei, Ship lomls cf jiro- HOIH inotnt nro rcin.03. 1 ' ' -.1 tm bo ia light, intbo fibiiiin of as. .y-Rruy Hiih- itiiuco, sinnewlint r « n r ' 11 ,ig nuiolisil- r. Thu iiiolteu muss •* bubtilo and til with escupiug gases. TUoHabatanco is st>hrnivy tlmt :i Ktimo v.-i 1 uot'muk ia it, lint n stick or er.mlmr n.iy bo forced •|»WJI into tbe iioota -.vonlUi aoveral «t, wlicn llio itnmetiHO r> iivity of tbo mss will throw il buck iiuo Uio ait liko 11 nvniw shut from tin Intlinn's bow. At least a bnnilrc'l itinl sixty ncres aro covered with lbe:i- qirinn^ nnigiUH f rom n few foul .1 I1.1111in.ii. vards ncroKs. Eiteli oun in Mu-rnnmlea v-ilh arimcrTBtnlized silver. 'I'ht! 1. ptlt hits not yet boon inug.inid, but '.-la vast wenltti '11 sight is tmm.jiU l'i mill;- 1 ovory nmuiu )ni|jiiiiii biumim liintT. All you bavo o ilo is to li!ic!i ntvirt ny :otlie oil go ot your sjniug uml Imul i with, uioiioy. Smno Jirojile niny tliink 1 - nro ilmwiug on cur own iiu»Biti.itinn -r thew stula- monts, but mieb is met "IO MHO, WTo •Iy Ifll WIKII WO hoiir. Somo of tho r iiniilgiun, siiid ^u ' T from tlirso fiilmloriB sjiiiiiK^, l.:i» pfiiitivply JK>onns- nyoil li.v n (fenlioinftii iti that city, and ironminccil to ho pircipitntctl cliloriilo- if Kilvcr, worth ?D,fWt per ton. If Oils bonldlio true, Uio CdiiiitDclilotlo would ,' mt bu wovlh wurliitig. Navndn \voulil ip dcMirtcil, mifl the pilver spriu'gs of Jrogou wrni j b;cuuie tbti wcudor ot tbo

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Page 1: VOL. VII. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, … · Jfecatuo lbo stock iftlarso'o. nil times And nto»a* iiorj TOrlelJ rfFHESB MEATS, UOAIt CUBED HAMS, BALT FOUK, •11ESU




023M on Harris fitrwt now EIMWQOP SCOSCItlPTIon

S i x Months, - - ,.01T n r e a m o u t h y - - - - - -

PASSAGE TICKET!to us rioi i

Liverpool and Queenstwn

on ttio followUg Stoaruliip li&oa


Drills oa Englinfl tnd Boy*! Vtnk ol oUnitliafuwoitnttf. ' f

E.UNDHLEY. 4 BON, Agents, IBUoitvfoH Strwt; DoT»iff. J.


; DOVER, N. jjo m q AT n a snnuxcB or

oiXt V. ST1CKU,

Ootmsellor at (LaJUlLSTER IN CHAJYc



• J. J. VREELAND./CnrpoBter and Bnil<]er,

• Jobbing promptly illendei to.Bhaft OE 1LA0EWILL 61., nod t tda lo i

mlaoj'a limbar mill, |Otntruli UUn, ina mklulil '


Corn., of DlacWell and flo«M! St.,


B.B. JOLLEY, Propjfetor,Bmtt tnd Curtail to JA.

, XTf T. fcEPORT,

Counsellor at'Law,; AOT> MASTED M OttlljOEEI,

O«« In H» VaUoaa] tTnloa Ban/ BuiMiii3 U W F » ^ , B I . # . D O t E B , N. J .




D«emocrUHi,1873. . 1-iji> t. n. nmtoMaoT*, ., • A. a. BHRB.


. ; ^ ATTOBNEY ",A*s

Counsellor at Law,• • - B O V E t t , (f. J .

Offloo no fluonil floor of ths National DnloiBank SulWlui. • 0 Ta-U

IRA Q.. COOPERMason and-Builder.

Ontttraoti Ukou for ill khidi of Mtton Work


OfBco nndar "Tho Iron Era Offloo," Dover,


MQtimOFDEKDB, .- Alt prderi promptly Attended to:

t h u m t X B D r K *


: iGarriages and Sleighs.! ' Of B mCor. Bullion and BorgcnSU, Dovun .n . J .

ulleiilir «tl«Blloa ™J<J to n>salds(t >ai«i(. .Mr.


HACK, ...•: .'.

. L. 0. BIEHWUtTII, .Doror Honk b u t ; N.J.

(Allen Patoer & Son,'Carpenters




'Jobbing promptly attended to.

'" 8. J. VAMIP.lt, ArcUKcct.ll-j

PIANOS, , ..Organs and Melodeonsi Repaired and TunedpromptVt I n w f F*rtof HorrfiGHinlJ. Ad-.itttt ' - w. a. wwonT,; . • ' . Dour, S.J. .

-piuUD D. iUirll,


Omo>; ON BUOKWXLL BIBEST,gf.U • ;*' Opposm Sutnt's BANI.




(l»tir«o Iho MANSION BODS£ui<IDa|Mt,).


Kinnor. Tho Terr bolt

' Foreign and Domestic Segars^ 'ALWLXQONHHD BGtf



TABEM11CLX Hi lL, DOVES. 21. ; . . -

IOIU or m u i PBumimon .• '.

DBSiaNBBand oieoiltcd, mil materUl fumlnho4

FLANSand SPECIFICATIONS. fomSihod, sod contticti Ukcn for til nark,

Tlid boat roforencoii KITCB «a to capulty In•tar? hmicb of tho buiiocBi, Ktid all worli


. Hhekva]lBLtnoax Sasaei, Dover, N. J.


Bu8ino8s Cards.


H O M C E O P A . TI - I IO


Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sts.(OppDIltB Dot or Bftbk,)

DOVIOT, H. J.,Miouoi of Women >nd Olillilnn, m l o> Uis

Zjo au<l Ear BIMUIKUIOI.Office Bonn ; y tv S A. H , 1 ttf i uid 7 to fl V, U.


SURVEYOR,Snrvcys, levels and Grades



[Huar tba Owal urit]go.]

as, DOVEII, s.J.


Civil Engineer and Surveyor,




Onion Ion at It. R. Diokomoii'B ttorn. orray roBldotico will rcceiTff nrouilit attuotlau.

Hocond^iand soodsof all desorlptioDB bonnlilBndKoW.. - ". lMy


Offlce on JllacUivell Blrcct,DOVEB, N. J.

CollMtlon, atlonilu] to wltli diligence.AIM Asuiit for llio toll lilo and Kr«InB»i

aoco wompatila.. Ij-ly.


OF nonius ooumr.Offloo oror GEO. nlOHAIiDS A Co.'i BTOUE,


C. MAGUS, Jr.,



Oor. Blaokwel and SUSEOI Sta,

KUlm D O V E R . N. J.

Q-randin House.100 TAKDS FBOM B. Ii. ft W. DEPOT

ast'A.icnaoE'Zi, sir. <r.

T. P, GliANDIN, Prop'r.

Szcollent aooommoilatlonB for Iranslont orpermanent l>oarilorfl, dso a Uvcrv and hoardingitabh attacliod to tbu bouao. L'ariiotiijoni taken,o and from llnilil'B Laku and Lako Hopotcongat roaBonablo cliarKeB. - , ' M-tt

VV. S. 4. E. F, BeCAMP,

X E Q O T I J L T O R S 4 p n d

•lot Iron'OtoB and UiQUal Fropertf,


. ; V. O. at B00NTON, N. J.rM.S.DKflAllr. - : Fj>. P. DKOAUP.MJ -





BESTAUBANTl.,1«i and tinlUiam, BlACKWELl El. J

'OVEIi, H. J., botweon BOFBOI an J Minrl. BIB.


ttBobcd, wllli tvoolczant tatloB, . • St-tf



Jottlod Lay or, Aloand Porter. Fcallrtls, Par-rot *nd Pio-nlei annplled promptly, t t wbolo-

lo ratoa. Ortlum toft at tbo Stickle Homo,



. iraOlXIALZ AND IRAIIi'liUmui lit

Hardware, Iron and Steel,


Con. WAsnmoroir AKO S A K ' STUBXTB,


Ware nnd

. Jlonsekccping Goods.


Lime, Cement, Plaster,Dona Doit, Super Pboipbito of Utne, Ud «U

U F « U l l t e ni %. Toonir.ua. ' u n i a. TOOBSZU.

pt. 93d, lift.





M"0 iddlltooil charge' for extracting whereLi now tenth »re Inaorlctl. WoArouciwuuk-ig beuMfful u i i of too td for


$55 to $77'. BAHPLES FHEB. .





Dealers In




Glass Ware

Wood & Willow "War


Iron and Steel,

Gas Pipe and Fittings,



Powder, Fnso and Miuiii,

Materials constantly on


Cor. Blaokwoll and Morris Streets,

H. P. SANDERSON,iM on lund » Urgs itock of ,


WHEEtAoa low na 48.M per Bet. AUkindiof PINE OOLOItB for enrmao RMI wugon

CliiB- Also OlTiS Mid VAltNISH, botLIgniuidI)omeBt.ii. TUBtttnnm, Wmrc

TJTAD, eta, Faint, Coloring and VnrnJrihfiruxlics and Blrlplng Pcuoili., a full tlocfe.

All of tho (ibovo goods from tho bo*t m a ton known by nil


Tivfae bod • long AipcrhtiTA in tba Otnlngstinon snftlilDi me lo 1» A compotont jndijo»ny irllelo couututtd nltb tlio wn.ncm, And

»nf ponont favoring mo vtlk thoit orderi HIMruly upon mj furaisbliiR tbera vitb'aa trtiolemtUbifl to fuclr «•»..(«• and at at reuom' "price* at can bo obtained at ant other gl&ce.

OrdDri by lottor far Cir-Wo and BJoIgh Or-lamont* will bo sulULlr fllldtl by .UlluL- fotrhfti pnrpoio tbo; aro w»Htod« and lendingnfiniVr (litougli io corer Iba itracsiit. ""~~"

U totpoetfullj •of •"• "fP.BAHDEB80H

OppoulU) Covet Depot.



"\TTTE 0AM contlneo yoa tint you CinniTOW aoMythmBpri^MUBnoimnhThM'

Itg your Boot* and Blioel nt Quo, w, Drakt'iOhetpBootand HhooBior*. Ournow dtaoktihmpEoots

w m knd wt th

booBtor*. Our now aver tnorD cotopluto (D

repeot th*n at preiwnt. Xrcrr aHlrabtof ladici', genii1. OTJ»M< jnti tbi u d cWldrenBattoa Lace and CtniRrnBii Ositero »ud BIIOOLconttaiitlycuhtna. £ .0 . DUllT'3 hooa e*nbo bad onlr »t ti. W , W U W » Obctp Boot

l U l H t n r o . CUSTOM WOnKaad^bblnR•ramptlf «(W)IH!M1 # », One door bom Molfoilon tt Co.'i Olotblui Btoro.



WAEEEN ST., DOVEB, N, J.-(xMr TO aovcnxa'a BOOB Biotis.)

.. - ' —o—.-.*;.

• FIRST.Jfecatuo lbo stock iftlarso'o. nil times And

nto»a* i io r j TOrlelJ rfFHESB MEATS,UOAIt CUBED HAMS, BALT FOUK,•11ESU nn.l SALT FISH, and nil limbi of'UUITSimlVEQETAUIJaiuUioiri

SECOND-Becaau ttrocctnl pojnfl a n taken that Ibo

tw;k skill ho a W u FHESH, GOOD andIliEAN, tbe ToKutabloa boing roooiretl (II.IT

J BOOR aa they appear in tho N O V ' Y O HJfortota, and sold so myidty OMU no fit *goods aro ever found about the proiniBoa

THIRt).eanrteey tn xmUlag oa cnatomoxn

a ral» of the mnrtot, all onfitnmDrs betng1 ulUm, sad pDrcliasDs boing ilcUvcrod

Became tho prieco'nn mmlo to mlt thopooket books of tho pooplo fa tbmij time*fhon cheap wngcfl domacd choap oatoblo*,'Ubonl d i W i n t Iwinff nad« lo tbc«o vbc

my a quantity at a Umo.


JT-ly.FKAHK 00X Proprietor.: •'

J. V. BENTLEYnow QDcaeod to cnvaBHlflii Dnvor and Bdjacoot U>m ror Ih, NEW lLlUHlllATED

FAMILT BIBLE.raa HEFEItKNCSS, printed from an ontlrsljDGV i«t of elcctrotTpa platci, ooaUlntnff ov'r-

IOOMKOE tmiro or (do tet( itiin •aronficuluario Ciblu pablliliea, md otnboillibod «itujr»rW TWELVE HUNDnEl) EN 0 RAYING B onWood anil BlaoL It Ii thn gnndfist BIbltf IDhe world, anil Ii % complete tneyclopodl* ofifblfoal kaovledeo, tad cortUins tmaoe other

an Illnitntoil Pronoaodnj Btbio Sic*-j, irltli 600 onmTiiiBB i Oomprobenalro

HOIH to tbo Study or tbo Biblo. i completelliifory of llio Uouki ot tbc DIblo; CiUti oT tbc'iiblovitti BTagniflecnt Tiev* and Deerrff'.irGIcenoB; Boligioa» Do no mi nation* "id Oroidi.f tbo Worll; lllb]ie»l Nilnrtl Klitcry *ndSconorv ; CaacuidanCA.'UaUC'ntvl Jlcfcrencci;?ialmi In Matro j Family Rseerd; ?ao-ilml.Mjf indent MIOBICWPU ; PnrabJeK, Vlrticht sodDlBOonrma vt Cbriit; Soriptora DltBcultioi" ;pliiped, Map*, and many olfaor tblngn, em-


DOtJMD IN THIB WORK,. Tirloni atTloa of btndlng, from IT.BO te 120.Alia a lilt of Urge typo

DUA-BTO BIBLESat prlaoB from (1 to I7.M,

nDltlnlns Ibo ConcordiDfrv Psalms In Metro,iltb table*, F»tnllr Ueconl, o t c , bulter IIIDR-rated tban my other cbctp TJiblea.I am »1BO able to procure tboLmilABY OF rOETHY AND 80NG,"

or any otbor of 3. B. Ford k Oo.'t pnbllcstioni,

^Sf&° ITSS< ' t l° I"' ' I l k ' '°w°Cor


FOR SALE CHEAP ImHK«Dbacrltaroffenf<»rtaMj.nrai eouUln-X tno Finr Acru, thirty wre* of wblcb la In'a

foodiut* orenttlfiilon. Tlio JIIMB 1B nilandidlriappUertinUiw»t«t,MU Ii bound oa on one aidebr tlio JlocUw»j rim, It bu 3 vdli of vatm, abrook rwnlae Ikronflb II, he. There J» mlio mjtboloDniiBtroffnill. TbedireHlQu-boBM U two•usriw. no»rt> aa KQM aa new, amlTi>r7(ioiifa>iit«iBLAI»o, Ilia nvqaloitt-lioujtef, Tbli r»i«rtf iuJtoa*tdl tof tban,m.t lmRilfnl l r plctnniquo T»I-

ltboro Hew Jomoy, IK nillni nortti ornbueT*Joak{pi[BTKtustHhtUll*inbTpi[TKstHhtUlln*tioa,

_^n*»Dnitner r*ildr>nco, moneUtE «cBnat7, It) IU6ngtabborLaod of (iiuiUiinthuntfiistuidflitiing, will* w«4 toglTe Uili their »tmii(|Dn.




Been In urnwal u n for twenty TEverywhere proTca tbc mont

mctl lcl im known,peutiir want, WBTIPK

k n o i and imiTertnit•ptcinc the well tTIed pifcrtntton of

lllKupprftaaetl.orHlnniiPortoai,, , . M18. IM>uP-6ongh, DlHIcaltHresttliift, , . IS14. Halt btieuni, EnriljHitiu, EruiiLiou. . U10. UhoummtiMtn, Jibcuniailc ruiai, > . tt16. Fever will Atnie, cnill rover, Agnii,. w17. Piles. Nino1 wlilce-Bine. . , . . , . »ts. Otththmliar, «»dBw#(.i-WMV Jtj-w,, W10. Catarrh, acatg or chroule, liifluDnw, , K

' "" ' ~ y$T:: SS.dhttrln/, , n


VAULT CASESM*, JI.wweo.wllh abovo3S largo YUIB in<J

MonoalofdWoellMl, (10,00BaeMoiouo,DrMUrgovU1aondIlaolc, 11,00

ese remedies nre w n t by tho eaaootMvnr v ln l . to rtuy pn r to f lh«ry, tree of uiiarKu, uu receipt or

4 " %lotMvtry, treelr4-H

ami t t J. H. DROWN'fi drug itoro, COM— -Blackwell and SUBBUX Bta. mid VDURIII A K.U-

, fiotf comer drug tiuro, Dvrcr, H, 3.

MRS. A. BEEMERla new mil; wltb all tbo u n stylci for

FALL of 1370,Fasbipuable Millinery \


Latest Styles & Newest Design:


. u j farguit anil moat eumi-Jela stot-lc of Millnory Mid faiicj Oootli to bo found Iu Dove'vniprJBlng .

Itoniiota, Hats, FlowerB, Feat-crs. Hltibtfits; JLacos— rearaud iinUutlou—NeclUics

ami JLIoWit* COJIHI-B*Lace aud l^iueu

SetBr Crupcs, DlouruluK Jionneti

A fluu msoitmtol of

SWITCHES, BRAIDS, &c.AliOj & Tory largo rarlbty o

ZEPHYR GOODS,And iv fine atock of '

ladies' Furnishing; Goods,Kycrvtblnp; of tbo beat materUl tnd made «]V tbo roo»t cniupotcnt iiilataiita.


Ibkvfcnui onjoyod good licallh for eerer*!jo»« pu t , jot UTD uot allowad it to Itilorfcrowitb my labor. Jbiury one bolonting to tbaUborlns CIBCB know* tbe Inconvenlunco of bo inn

" J to labor wboa tlio body, from debility..rofuiaa to perform its dai'jr t*«k.

novw won a l)olie»orlo iloslnff with" " ""'"tit having beard tbo VEOITJ¥« apolten of iolublr, wan determined to try II, anil SUM!Qvor rceret tbat dotonniiiatfiin. Ai * toolosbich every ono Bi'cda at ion * ~

pnsiii* fliiytmog I orer beard of.IliowJ--1 *—- " '

oQvor rcBroi ..._. -». .,—. —. .— - ,^^._[wblcb every ono Bi'cda at lomo timo I tt sor-

fiblni " - - -..__„ pV)tt._ ,

purttlor of llio blood, Tbere aro

JtioviBoratci; It JB » great okanior amwhole i

t l f. . ,„, wlio)iaTota,l>6nlt.i pmlae of Its latdficiory «ffoo(.•Eiucoltlly auDUg tho agud claw of

It iroijartt io thwn Die out) ibluu niostLID old ag»—nisbti of calm, nveut repose, there-by itrongtboning tbo mind M well as tbo bod;.Ono aged lady, wbo linn boon •afTur.iig ihroogfillfo from Hcrofnln, snd li.i b ecu mo blind fromill cSnots, hiring tried many reinerllcB with 110larurtiblB rouolt, wa* indocod by frlcndi to Irytho VEOKIKI. Alter taVtag a faw lottleg, ihoobtained Biicb Rraat relfcf tuat slie oipniUKj a

ih for ImrPliilit, tbat BIJO inlGLt bo .Ut loikupon ttio njan w)w jpnt ]it>r encb a blcw-

O. P. n , IIODQE, I-olIco OQlee/, SluUoC 0,Holloa, U&is.| lift? Otb, 1871.


U, E. Sn ra . s , Eaq.tD u x Hm:—I should bo wanting lucntltailo

' I fnilcd to iokcuwlodK1* wlitt tbo vwvrtttses done for ma, I waa attaukod abant oloton

raootlifl alnce vitb Dronchltte, wblob icttludinio Comuinptiou. 1 had nlglit BwcalB ebdre«r obllla; wax dlatroRBod for broatb andtrcauontly spit blood; was all eniaoiaied. TcryvoaLanilaolow tbttttny frluDds tbongbt myuse hopchBa.' I w»iadvi(ed toraakoatriiorllioVMETiKE

se hopchBa.I w»iadvi(ed toraakoatriiiorllioVMETiKE,

rblob, under the proriaonce or Qi.il, bii cited, . Tbat be malt bleia tba OBO otjoat meii-

. io lo utberi u l i e b u lo mo, and Uiat*liiaJ.rioognco BMJ aliaadyw), is Ibn boartMtDrayor of your Kdnli-int;, bumbls norvant,prayer lyour ' " J J ^ ^ J J , p ^ j m g ^

?. 8,—Mlno(abutQno»iUooB tho many aurotir taodlolno hoi ofTootpd in tbii pUoo, U, P.

• MAKE ITPUBIJO.' BOOTH HOBTUH, Feb. ff.h, .871.

DXABBIH;—! ]I»TC bcud from Tory man;loarooaol the groat IUCOOBI of TEOCTINB inwten of^Sorolalft, nioamatlim. Kidney Com-

jbint,Calarrb.Btid olhof (liBonatnra. I ronko no lioiiUtlon t ig tbat I. intaylnt, „

lobotbonioEtroliabloremoil;Tor Ottarrh and OoiuiNl Dubllity.

My wife bft» been Iroabled willi Catarrh formanyyoari, and it limes TOT? Lidly, Hho hiathorouebly tried every eappotod remedy tbatvDOonld bow of and vltb all this alio bat forloraml ye»n htxo gradually growing wono,

,ud tbo diiobtrge from tbo bead wai oxceBtlroand vnry OaTuiwive.

She was In tbii conditloti wlien shi eom-^jtacel) U> t*)io VWHriHBi 1 could ico thkltabawai improving on tbo tooond bottlo.. Sbo con-tinaedtaUnB the V«o«TW» until »he bad u«edfromtvelfo (o flfloen hotdcB. l*m now hippy

Dformlbir you md tbo pnbllo 'ir Jin obooie^ .DJilm JPjiDbllr) tbat ibe ia entirely cured.mil YtamKi aooompIUbpd tli» euro afterlotbtog olio would, llonco I fool jnitiflfid islij.nnlfiit VEOCTIHBJI tbo moat rcllaiila rea-idy, aad yronld adrltt B.11 nuOetioE liommltjair^fl, for I l»oliov<» It to bo a (food, bonoif,

ctitlo untdlclpe, and 1 S1IB.1I nnt tealt»to tosmniii:d )'.> I am, 4o., ronpectfolly,

Ii. O. OAHOELL,fitoro 151 Broadway.

KSTTDIZ «cti fltrootly npon lbo causoi ofBDeointiUlnti, Itblggr»tci*\na Btroautbona%linlotystora, acti upon tbe BOcrotWo or-

gans, ill.yn Inflmnmtti^t), oloamoj »nd caretnlcoratlnn, oxxct aaustlptttoa, uta rognUtoi

HAS E N T I R E L Y C U R E D ME.BotioK, Octobor, 1670.

;. STKTXHI :D u n Bin;—Jfy 3tughter, bttla

l f t., „ lap* ,

/oro atuck of wliooniug oonRh, W»B left fa aoble Btato of loRltti, Dsliig advlaod by aiondi abo tried tbc YzoniNK, and after ailng Ifan bottioB WII fully rtitorod to health. 'I bavo been t eroat flnftorer from Jiboama-

Isra. I ha< o taknti icvonl bottloa or tbo VEO- !rrpjtfortbii complaint, anJ iio bujipy to sajbaa ontlroly onred mo. I IIMO rucommoudnlia VEOKTIKB to. otburn wt b tbo n m t gooOiBnliii. It fa a groat clnaneor and pariBero!

..io blood; it Ii ploataDt to Uko ; aud I cmcbccrfiil);recommend It,

JAMBS HOME, Ki Atbotu Bt.


POETIC.IChrlstinaf In Olden Tfuic

IJuapon nonvoodl—•faawludiaDbill;Bat lot it vbiailo aa it Till,Wo'U leep oar Cbrlilmu morry atill.Kacb aga haa doomed ibo new-born yeirTboflHeit lima for fteUl cheer:ET«O, licathatn fat, Lbo laTcga Danoi t Io] more dwp tbo mcail did drainHigh on tho boacfa bin ealloji drew,Ami tc*Jiied all ItiB pfralo crow;Than In hii low and pinobuill ball,Whew ilii«lii« sad *io« decked tlto nThey Horged upon Iho halMionad steor |Circntod (a tou ofsattlo UcfjWhilo round, in bmtal inr.t, mere thrThe half-gnawed rib ivcd iOr lUtoacd aU, la grim dellgbt,Wblls toildi ytllod Dot (ho joya >Then forth In front? would Ibcy lilo, /While wllilly iooaa Iholt red locki fly, /And dancing roood Iho blaz.Qg pllo /,TUoj uuko Bncb bubaroua mirtli tbo (lilo,A.8 beat might to tbo mindmcaU ^Tho boittonai joyi of Odlu'a hall,- And well oar QliriatfaitslroB or old]Lovod wlion llio joar iu conrso had ijilod,Mid brought blltbo OhtUtinaa bad ajain.Witb all ita hOaplUblo train. ' 'Domoatlo and reUginua rileOavo bouor lo lbo holy night;On Cbnitmoi OTO tho bolls woro r^g iOn Gbrhtmai a*e tbo maTint oa\y sight hi all tbo yoar,BawthoBlolcd prltittlio dialico (ear,TiiadaianeldfjaDfflJberkJrllo »1The hall wai droraoa with tollyForth to tlto wood (if4 ojor';To jatlior in tho mlvtloloo.Tlitia opoaci wldo tbo baniu'sTo vuBStl, tsuant, aorf, and all',PoworlitdblarodofroloAnd Oeiomony doffed bli prldofTbo heir, wifb roem in Ilia ihoca:That nlfiht might vill«BO pirlnDJcliooio jTbolor^ umlorosatlne, ubiro'fTbo vnigar samo of " pout and nlr."AU balled wllU uncontrolled dc[f,htAud Bonoral voleo tbo liappy nl btTliat to tho eotlage, aa tho cllrouBbt tlditiRi of lalvatlon

Tho Bro, with wolWrted lo..Went rearing np tbo cblmoerTliolnj|,oh»li table's onto

I i t ibone tbo davjr> them upon Its msanivo bar i

ffomarktThenvuBy old hlao^ooaloA lorrlng-nj*) (Thon thb grim boar'B head frcAind on Ulgb,Creetod wHb bny« «nd ronemtkffell can lbo grucn-Barbod raii.tr tollIfow, When, and (f Iiero tha miWhat dogi bofaro hii ftaath lid too,And all tbo EiaiUng or ttie 6o«i|Tho wsssail round, in good liluvn bowli,Onmlsliod with ribbons, hlitl ty ttavtla,Tlturo tbo liqgo ilrloin reoku | bard hjI'lum-porrMso llood, Mil d lilmot pie,Nor failed old Soothud to pr TucoAt aueh Uifih ttdo, ber urorj poo so,TIIOQ came tbo rourry OIBBVC fin [ 'And caroli n a n d with bllthiwm] din,If onmalodlonB wai thoBoog.1,It WII % boirty note, and altoig.Who lilts ta\y to their mumtdogt BOOTracei of anoien t myatery J11ITtiilo shlrlfl fnpplicd tbe maiquerado,And amnttea oheeki tho * l i» mads;Hut, oh 1 »b«tioaikDM,i-]ii[rCtn boMt ot Imonif half a ilgbt ISaglBnd n i nerrjEoglaw, whenOid ClmitmM broaebthiliparla again.T waa CfariitnjiS brotcho/ ilio rofebtoat ftlPlT wii Obrittmaa iold thtjmorrloBtA Ohrlmmai gambol ofd qtol d cb©*r

" Ft till

•T vai tbe nigM boforo (l..,"' throogbthflhonw. !Vet a croataro t ru liirrii^. aol fives'al i t , btookiugi-vroio buDgCy tbe ohiint

cue, ' /'Inhopoa Ibat St.NicLolritomiwouMbc thi

Wlillo TliUtQO of iugar-numt dancod in theirheads; /

And] Hiamina In hor kBr/ljlor,-»iid I In my cap," i ju.t i tUMourlii l l isj ' iJrn JODU winCcr'u

m P . . f .Vtban out on tho l(wa thoro arose euoh a

olattor, . jI epraug froto toy icd to BCO what wap tlio

nutter, / .AwaytotbowlDdovIflcwllkna flash,/ .Toro ppni, Uio abuiori and throw up Iho ETbQ moon aa tho lrc»nt g{ the uow-fallon i

alOBtrooMCdaytaohJuotibobw;Vbcn, wbit to py .wondering oyoi sbonia

appear, - . . ., :But a uinkturo wlgli and eight tin; reindeer,Wiili a ll'tlli* oJd MYDT, ao Uv«ly nud <juicW

know In a momtat It tou t BU Nick.Mora rapid ihin ioglot htecoOTBoi ihoy came.And. 1)0 wh|at|cd jod aboulud, and oatlod thorn

Now, pMhurllnow, Daaofltl now, rrancor»odT.WP| / , . ...

On, Oomell oi, Cupid I on, DondtrBU(*onJ / • • . . •

To tho top or i\is porob, to tho top of tho wall IKov dash aw*y/rfa,iu away, J»»h away all I"Aa dry Inana t^at liofont tbo wild linmcano flj,Wiiou they mort witb an otBtado, mount to tlia

8o op lo tbe lwaw-top tba coaraeis thoy flew,VMb tbo Blolftii full of toj-t.-and St. Nlcholu

too. ..— • •And then In a,'(winkling I noard on tbi roofTbu prancing and pawing of each llttlo hoof."

I druw In taf head, and was turning aroond,Down ibo cliimaoy at, Niobolas tamo wltb

. bonna. . • • • •[[o waa droisoJ all )n far from lili head to bli

foot..ndhiB clothes woro all larnltbod with aihoiII aodeoot; ; ' " • . .A bondtoof IOJB ho bad Hang on bia back,

ind looked Jiku a podler Just opening lilspack.Hia OJ-UB bow they Iwiukbd 1 bia d fin pica how

rj - , . . . .His cjiooki vrere.like roses, bli HOBD liko A

diorty {"Ola droll llttlo month TIHB drawn np Uko a bow,And tlio board on hia cliln via us trhllo at tha

anoir. • •i ituwp of a pfpo he hold (tght ID bia tooth,

And lh<t smoko U onclrcted hii head like awrtatb. '

lo had * broad faoo and a llttlo roaniJ hollyThat tbbolc, wbOQ Iio laagiieJ, Uko a. bawl fall

J0Hj.le vaa ohobby and plotnp.-B, right Jolly old

ir; •'•And X lanff*iod, wban I aaw bim, In spite of

mjiclf. " , - •wink ofhla tyo and • twlit of bin hoadMngavofBotoknowIhadngthlup; to dread,o ipoki not a word, but woat itniglit to bis

work,AndflUodftllthBitocklntiB; then tnrnod witb

ajwk, .id laying bl» finger aildo ot Idi noio,

Aiii fpWug a nod, up tbo olilmntiy bo row,sprang (o hii ilelgh, to i i i loam' garo aWaWltlO, ' .

1 a,w«y they all flew liko tho down of atulitto;

Jut I beard bim cioUim, oro bo. droTo out orBiBIi(,

Happ; CbtiatmiB to »ll,and to all a^ooil-nigtil" •• CLKMBXVG. Jlooae,



QKND 2fi oil, io Q. P. BOWELL A Oa, No*j j York, for Tiatnlitilot oflOO pugci, caaUfn-Ing. lliU of \0Oij newtgiapetB. and estimate

WLen Abraliam Lintuta WAS B lawyer. i Ill.Dois, ho nnila juilgo got to baa-teriag one ftnolher about trailing Iioraca,"BDil it WOB ngrocd that tho next morningat 9 o'otock tbo; should mako a trado,!tlio homes to bo unseen -up to tbo lour,anil no backing oat, under n. fotfeltmo jof $26. At tlio hour oppointea tho judge'curoo ap, lending lbo Borriost loukittg |opeoimen of. » homo evsr sooa in tbo&uparts. -In a few minntos Mr. Lincoln'was. Boon approaching with a -woodnnfttw liorae upon bia ahouldore, Grontwore tho ilionts and the ]nqcbt«r of thecrowd, and both wcro greatly increasedythan Mr, Xiiapola. oa mrvojinR tliojndRfi'i animal, sot down tbe saw borsoand exclaimed' ''ffell, judgo, tbia is tliofirst time I over got tho v?onl of it in aboM t d J"

exas Tuilrootls ate all overloaded withcottop, ODD running bsljiua timo.



In Ui9 month of OoLoLur last tlio Brit-II BtcuniHli][) Nostnr orrivod at Sliaiig-ai from tbe Btruita ot Malacca. Short-

ly otter the auutioriog ot tbevefwol atIlisngliaf, John K. "Webster, tbe waster,ind James Anderson, tlio eliip's surgeon,

d hotoro Mr. Donald Speuco,w Socrotar/ in Her 'BrilaiJiiio

Supremo Court, and msulclo tbo following mnrvoIouB

statotnont otiaole:

Wo, John Kollor Wobcter, of Liver-pool, and James Atvleisoa. Burgeon, ofLiverpool, do solemnly and sincerely do-jlnxo aa follows: And, first, I, tbo B«II]lobn IColler \Vobntoi-, in coniuinnd oftlio Btoaranliip Nestor, do dtdlurj that,m Monday, tlio lltii day of Syptcmbcr,ftt I0i30 p. M., flftoon milai uorth-wustitNortlt Land LtgtitbauKo. iu tlio Ma-lacca Straits, ilio wLutJjcr hung fluo nnd

emoutb, tbo i\ir nlao perfect lystoar, I saw a Iittto forward of tiiu beam,an tlio starboard aiilo, nbunc two huu-Irod yards disUmt from tbu eliip, an'ob-ncf first tioiulwJ out to ma by my thirdiffioor, who roinnrliod, "thoro ia shonl.lurpriaod at Hudtn^ a slioul in suol, a

WDll-Jinown truck, I watobed tbo objectund fouud Unit U wuti lu movement;icoping up tlto Bonio Bpcod with

ip, nuil totaiuing ubout the snrao die-

men na first Been. TUo speed of thouhlp v/nsulucaad tbrw ^'.nrfcrs lino)?,

b object wtis iiiofiui; pavnllol jyitlius during six miimtcn. Jusi nftcr I>baerve<3 it, tlio Oliiueso deck pnsseugersliBcoverod it aud raised a great outcry,iiid about tho eamo jo'imant it wasIcsoriei by tliroo Enloon piisscngors andtbe surgoou, XLofiUapc ol tbo creature,lor that jt v/at nlivo ilicro is DP doubt, Iwould comparo to that of a gigautio trog.Roforn'ng to tbo head and body, a9 fur

they icoro apparent above tliotbo bead, of n polo ycUowiab color, wasfib,out twelyp teat jit length, ui\tl six footii tbo crown was abnyo tho water j occa-

sionally tbo lioad biibuidod until only afopt or a foul aud » Imlf i i-mninod nbuyothe water. I tried in vniii tqmatbneyeii anj Bjouth) ilio mouth,»vcr, way Unvo bcoa below water, Thoiond yta3 itumediatoly tMimeoted witbttio body, witliont any iuilio/itioa of aicok. Tbo body was about loi'ty-flvo orIfty foot iu longtb, tuul of an oral slmpo,perfectly smooth, but Itioro nrnj liavoboon a sliglit ridgo nlong tho Bpina, Tbo

raso eoani five foet abovo tbo eur-faoe, An immanso tnil, fully ona bun-[rod.and fifty feet iu length, roso a fow\ach6>} abnva tho u-aten This toil I sawdUtinatly from ita jancticm wilb tbobody to its cxttomity ; ib seemed cylin-drical, with a very uligat ta])«r, aud Iestimate ita diameter ut foar foot, Tbobody and tail wore marked ivitb tibnnda.ot fltvlpOH, Wnpk aqd palo yellow|n polor. Tbo atripes Averq distinct to1

(be yery e^ttamlly ot tbo toil. I cannot,

iy wbotber tlie Inil torniiaaUid in aflniv not, I exaiqinod it carefully at (bo

dbovo-Bjeptionoa dialanoe, but could notcatlsfy myiclt bow tbo tail terminated, 1Tlio oruatoro passcssoA no fins or pad'dloa 04 fM OB we could perceive, neverLaving seen any |>nrt of its belly. lean-not say if it bad lego. It uVvory possiblo t

tbat tlio creature was muoli broader andmore wasuEvo than tfio dimoDBiona p.bovogiyon, for tbo gtcnt^r part of it ivividoutly uudor wntor, and wo uovor

h glimpso ot any hut tlio oitromoipper parts,

It'appeared to mo toprograss by tneanaif an nndulutory motion of tho tail in afurtiolo piano. Tba tail noomod to bnvouti mdopondunt motion ; (lint ia to my,

quicker and a different ano from tbolOily. Tbo bend would riso slowly and

tho bo3y heaomo simultaneously lowor,md vice versa. Tbo undulations of tbo

tail wore brisker and Tory diatiuof, andoloaoly watchod tliom tlirougb guod

bosses. I bad for some momoota tboftjoa of running tlia crcfttara doiw, but

Bbortly dismissed tbo intontloa on ae-lourit of tbo danger <>[ bteckiug tbo

Borow UaSos. Tlio crattura sbowed noign of toar. Iwinnot even say if it waalonsoious, of out prosenco, It flnnllyl d under our stern anA passedivor to the port Btdo, Bomowhat slack-

esing its epcoi. Souio tiam altonvarda,lowovcr, it increased its puco, and when

last aeon was on our porbbeam, at about,i to 2 wiles distant, Tho crcaturo[ormed A difil.net wako, and eeemod tooxude an' oily mn((<3r as bo moued*. Andleoondly, I , tlio naid James Anderson,lo solemnly and Binceroly doolare as fol-

Damolyt thai tbo sbnpo and colorof as tnucli as was diatirjuuiabablo of thotroatnro boro an nlnic^i exact roaom-ilanoo to tbo npnor pnrt of a snlninan-lor; tbo'&tripoa, bowevor, vrora rntlioraoro dcHum, yellow (tint peoiijiar yel-

of a Balamacdcr) alicrnntitig mtbdeep black. Thero wrrt1 .eight to tonilripoa on tbo baok. I almost immodi-itoly Bftid, " I t is aa cnormons Baldmnn-

der," mitl tliooioroZ examined it thalore I was natiaflcil of tbo i-cscmblanco.?bo back woo maob liigbcr, somo oigbt'*t ton loot at times, than tbo bead aud•ail, I was standing on tbo deck, and Ifrom my position I could not form auy jpinion of its modo of progroEBion. I t>as appatcQtly of n golntinous {I. c , 'Ubly). Biibfllouco. Tbough heepiiig up,iitbua, its movotaeuta sccmoit lotliar-ic. I saw no eyes nor flns, and amitUdn tbat tlio orontmo clid not blow

ir spoat in the manner of a wlmlo, I

iould not tor a moment compare it to aako. Tbo only crcntnica it could bo

Compared to am tbo nowt or frog tribo.

THB CtlAHFioN LiAit.—Tlio- obnmpionliar of tbo Slate is in our county jail. A:ind liearted clergyman a s W bim bowio camo to bo in tiicro. Tlio follow

said, with tears in bis oyea, tbat ho wasioming liomo from prayer moating, and

down to rest, fell asleep, atirl whiteio wns iLslcop there, tbo county built tbo

around bim, and wben Iio awoke tbe;ilor rofuaed to tet liiui out; TJioi-o aruidlctmcnts against him in every county

wostof tbo Gundnlupn, und bo bus al-ready served ontone term at Huntsviilc.Talk about newspaper men deviatingfrom tba truth, after tbat.

'Wlitt ft Btrain tlmt is I" snid Sfra.PfirUngton, ns sliu licnr<l on nir fromLtfcia aung in ttio hklioai stylo by ajonnp; lady wboro ulio wns TiftiLing."Yoa," was tlio rcsponso ; "i t I'B oijcrnt-io. "Oppor nttic, ia i t?" qacationedBIIO. " I should think it wna tiigh oiiDiiglito bo on top of tlio lioiiao."

Tlioro i« to bo nil Intcrnatioiiftl Uorti-oulturul Eihibitiou on .i voi-y grantiscale jn Afflstertluiii DO it ^gasoD,




A oorrc.ipou Juut of tliQ London Timer,fbns desecihoa a. GVsauek captain Iio metiuHorbiu:

A frnino tail riud powerful mid HOI•tntjjortly, wHh a full lilnck lienril

hood small but not ill-sliupud j cyon bliick,ou j at tinice forocioun, (iiongh t

moli lmmor ; hr- <lrc^ mul acts compklod tlio picture of;jert'd hut uuBcivpuhni* chid id

buuditti. A Hort of wurm jaukct, tip)JC<with fur, gitdud tiglilly round (iio watbt,disjilayod to tlio lull liia goodly figure,and with bin belt wns tlio reeeijliiclo Tornn extensive nrtuury ofa Btore, indued, it liaa nover booo myfortuno to feoo aur icd Iiy liviig muu, nudtxinn tbo in!ua o! liis osijlyjts jvHli TSTIJHJIIho rogiilod us tlio Turks wonlii probaWy;ivon very liiiuJaome rowan, for 1I.H Iie.iJ.

Tbcro wits t in t and forcuinitt, ti nplun-di3 sHorilwitb n gorgaounly-workud hilland scabbard. Tliis ho tlretr iorlh torour grntiflca'.ion, nnd wliirlod round hisbead willi great dcxlurily. II wan abmil

iy bolwcun a long Eu(rlinu cimdvyuabro and a TurlnsU EuimiEnr, HU^IJU;curved, witii an edge ..ecu aa tiioawoaliot Jii[iau. Ho sliowul mo willi p r ide ,fiwp wi ld , in tlio Wiitlu, wuiouboHiiifhnd been gok hctoro Aivx'mnlz, wlitro hck-It a Turk fraui Lead lo 'shoulder withone BWi'tpiiiK Blroko. I may have lookeda little iucrcduluuri, for ha nddiHl to IiiiEUtomont: "All, Momitmr, j'ni licaucoupdo {area nvaa Voptia, jo vou.i amuro,'ivbilo rcgnrditig his powitrful nvmn witbn Bntiufnction not dinguJ30[l. Tbo interestwitli wbicli jvoDxnmiucilubly induccil oar COHSUCA friend to vol-unteer nviow-of his short sword or knifo,TbiB was etill moro rioL'ly ombosucd nudongrnvod, nud a truly nlnrniin^'WDnponRhaut eighteen inches long, curved nnddoublc-oilgoi2.4 caeli edge aa thorp na arnzor.

"Ab I" Iio Bnid, with ft tono of gteatunction, " th ia ia fo HC-.IIP lbo Turks.'"Scalp liio Xutbfl '!" I rummttid wilh iti-orudiility, "auroly you d*i liol mnnu loscull) tbo TufkH really ?" " Y e s , " lienvawowH, "sea)p ihau. Cwii.inJj,'1 hBnid, with great decision, " i l is to sculpilio Turlta, I Iinvo a tiaatt of G JO CiBaoltB, wlin nil bavo huivcR liku tliifi Loucalp tlio TtirkB. Wo never tnka a Turknllvc." "Vtauavov,"ho rci>aitlcil with nglow of doliglit, " tulio ft Tiirk ulivo."Tho noxb instrumoiit of ilcali-uctioua laoaalious revolver with iiiiiuinoi'oLainbcra—I ma afraid to Bay how liiauj-,but I tbiiib tho number was sixteen—whloli ho haudled with n Iroodotu ofaction tliut wuu uot rcaasuring v;liilo tb<tutizzlo was poiulcil at ourheads, and a!]tho barrels worn evidently charged. This,liowover, was not aa duar to him us tlio

I, thiolc-sot Efiglieli wonpou, whicbhe produced with n loving regard, amiQvid&nUy expected us to reoosn.551]ftjiprcointo wb.014 bu cwilloJ it tbo "BoolBog," Nor wns this nil, for ho liad aatill smaller oao in the shape of a mia'm-turo pocket-revolver, wliloli, bo said, rfninot for worlnro, but just HB a littlo guni-<dinn In Ms ttdventurcs in tho Ics3 fnrorcdqnnrtors of tlio cities of tbo i,vorlj. Withtlieso Jena tavarod quarters tvo ofterirardafound that ho had n largo aud genialactiuttintauco. After dinnor ho drowforth a ppring'ltiilfe eoYoral inolies loug,whieh I thought was nnothei- wcaijon ;bat ho ueod it as n tootbpiot vriib. anOOBQ nud mpidity •wliioh wo thought mustthreatening to tho Batoiy ot his tongiio.Ibxraa a mavco ot evidontchagrin to himthat ho had not his HQo witb liiin, thntr|wo might lDspcci, tliia na well, It seamedto bo his groat deliglit to prowl abouttho outskirts of tho Turkish cuiup, audtboro carry dontli aud destruction amongtbo picUota and patrols. Tnrkcj wns tohim but. B bagutclle, • llio preliminaryskirmish with .which .Hjogreat cnroDr of JRuB3ina oouquofit wfta to bo opcDcJ.Then Qonnnny waa to follow. The Ger-ninua think ton inuok of thomaolveebccauBQ they havo bonton Franco andAustria ;bat wo will eei tltnt; rigM. }Vhenwo havo dono irith -TurVny, wa will justsay to Fmiipo, "Lot us divide Germanybetween us," and tlmt will soon bo done,His views of tbo Solbinn pooplc vrora notcomplimonlary, and ho evitleittly feltthat tho mission of tbo Russians in Ser-bia wns to UgM lbo Turks, aud nmko tlioiuLinbitaats, whom ho thought DO sul-diora, M-ork as active liowers of wootldrawers of water. " Do you think,'! "0said to rao, "that I pay for what I order?Never," ho said, "iiovor. I oomo to'anhotel, I my la lha landlord, ' 'Olvo mo agood room—your best," If ho licsitatoaI know hoiv to mako htm,1! looking sig-jjiileniitly nt bis bult, brintlin,'; witb iLitimidly iulinliitnutj!. "I want itionw ; Iorder this und that and all I waut, aud it\ho docs not got it—well"—lookiugdown-;nrd3 ngain.p "Tny I I tlou't pay a sou ;

tbo Minister of yfar pays Sot ino> I xo-qu'iHition all 1 want."

r FBP tlio Court (o IK'cIde.Soniowhoro about nneuro of yoara ago,

while Nenl DOW'B law wus in full force,nn inoiilont transitired ill the court boldin Paris, Mo., worth reccrdiug. JudgeX. 'oa OQ tho bencb. Hu was n gcuial,jolly soul in Bocioly. but ipcliuod to bo nllttlo tosiy, sotnetimos in> jmlicinl hnr-UCSB. Tho cose on trial was tho StaloVR. n liotel Ueopor, nud thecouipliuut wimxalo of liquor. Ouo of Ilia pnucipulwitnesses was singularly OIJUHO. UOdid uot like to lie, nor did ho seem anx-ious to tell, Uio whole truth. Ho oou-fessed to haviug made n purchase, butho C011W not toll wbatlio purchased norcould he remember what bo had askedfor.. Atlaugthtuocouufcyatturncyflskedhim :

"Di3 you drink any of it ?""Not ihnr,""Well, dill yon drink it nny whero ?"" I must a1 dono it.""How aia it tosic- r"I couldn't siiy.""Yes, you crtii nay. Certainlyyaa cau

tell mo Imw it tustod."At this point tlio court itiforposoil.

Tim question was cloimiuil tritliug audoutiifplnco.

Wliy Jo yon press it," the jadgedcinantiul.

'"Well, your honor," rcplial tbc attor-ney, "it is Tory ovidtmt (lull tha tvitacgbauglit liquor of tho dutundnnt, nnd wew&nt to know what description of liqnnrit was. As tho witness refuses to tellwunt it win, I UiouBbt il bo would onlytoll bow it (tinted tho com* might b<nblo to dctormino for itsnlf." '

Tho andiblo mailo tlmt followed, insideml uutsMa tho har, laid (lint tjio MlV&3 undemtood and

Hf'd .Slruefc n Job.

The Do1nbli> difftranep, "ayfi tlio Atlant;Constitution, between tbo iiogroos iituiiMle Oficj.'-gia .n:t. those wu the senboard—a difference that f i t ends to bal:i t sns well lit dialect—b;i5 (jiven rise teertfliii iiiojjidicablu jirrjuiliufiB, Theswere forcibly, us wall (is indieroiiHly,illithii'afcd in tbo p^ssfniger dopot yestonl.y,. Tbo Air-lluu train brought in

nn fruui Havnmnib, viio, aconuiJ>j* Iiifj hotly mirvnnt, !M.d*bw:y tlio suminor in IliibcKliiu.

Cmiuly. Tlio body servant nlludod dwas a very fino BjH>L'itiii>ii of tiiu averaecoast darl;ey, sleek, well-coiiditiuued inn

ml, mid a'eoiuad ilixpnan} t-loots witbcoulomptiipuii every tiling UIH

Trybud/ not iudif;onous io thn rici•owing rv^lov. Vipy'tug o]tl V>><*:•LinuH, who wm languidly Biiniiing linnIfoRuinst the iron railing, (!ididarkty ;i]iproncbud :"Mo'ruiu1, suli.""I'm Hortcr HJI a-.' tthout," n

Uncle Rum us. "How ia vou Htauuin1

it r •"My belt goad, I i;i«It you. Icni.\

fcrooonu rico birds in HUH cuiiutry,'intinmul tho (ifrjitifjo darkey, " Unuiiij* in Bowoiiny.""Plenty wlmr?" inquired Undo Bo-

mits, rolling hia <;ti/d rt»J cartstaHy l:i';iug au in veil tury " bii m>w ne<\.n\nn\.itnce.

" In Snwouuy, • I unly fcr see no enila n ' n o o'slors."

I, (Tn'sornnr1 Iirnli. But iKs imi't110 (ilimule wbar do rico Iiinls flios iuttiyoro puckclB mid giU do money uiiL uu'laakca do dj.'ingo dorsu'f, ituil do inter,don't Jbhuck off doro shells nu' mil wyou in do streets nn' ax you fur (0 1'em. Dcy'Bo beah, dough. Do scud,fetch '111."

" H i m po1 count y for true—noliiowoiiny, Down .'1:1 wo ea.y do hirJ,in' de oi'nb tin1 Oe o'uLur tree times di

il«V( »u ' i\o buekrn iniiii ilriuk bu wiinsan1 fiinnl'.y'liim no.v ,ar uli troo do night,l'ienfy fer ent, nud no( much for wiilc."

inigbty muo, I rocknu," s:vi-lTJnclo ltcimitj, " I l i ^ i fcoiliu'liu'iiuaniy-(>oront uiomVoijtily, Vp henh, thugh,

110 witilcs tint in 'cumiiLitcu widinid cnnyswcr'in 11103' always gunr'Ily 'likings ti'rsouio odder mau, Ahoo-eiiko an1

er uv inldillin' taont liis'» 1110 ftim Sitn-[Jny io Sunday, nn' I 'm iu miglity bigluck- w-ios I gelfi diit.".

Tho .Savannah darlttiy hero gave 11 lottilHiicntpinuna Inugli, and IJCJJJIJI IDIUUJ-

blo somewhat oatoutaliouBly tit a b'ugobrass wtittiti-fob.

"But 1 (struck up via a goad job la;Olmosilay," cliimod tjnolo llomus in amare hopetnl toyo, "nn' now 1 spec I'm111 u twltta'."

"Wlia' yon swan do V" I 'm a WAI tin* on a onlhsd geminni:

ftim Sovaannh—ono'uv do high livcruwhftt you bin fcalkin'''bout.

"How Hut I1'''I lonut Lira two dollars, an' I'm a

nUia1 on'bita for do miinny, na* hil'a ajob'what'll laa' a long time, I'm afennl."

Tho Savanunli darkey saw tbonud wdnt off.aftBr his rica birds, whileUndo Eoraus nearly cliolto;! hiwith a aorifl.-t of cutiaklos.

The iMotuls In Oldon Times,I t fans sometimes boon tjiiost

wbnthcr tho Egyptlntia had auyltnowl---u- of steel. It siioms iiureasonablo todeny thorn'this knowledge. Iron \vt13known nt tha eurliest timo of whioli wolinve aov record.- It ia oftan maiitionodin tho feblo nnd jo Homer; it is HIIOWIiu tbo early paintings on tbc walls of tbutombs nt Tliohes, wbcro butohors arorepresented as shaiponing their koiv^sDI) pieces of melul oolorcd bine, vliicbwew moat iirobnbly pieces of stout. Ironlins bcou found in iiuantity ia Uio ruiu-od pali ccB naAHsvria; aud in ttje iu-Herii>tions of tbab country fetters aro spo-ken OIIIH linving Ixien raada of iron,wbicli is also montioucd in connectionwith other metals 113 to load to tho Blip-position that it wiiB regarded as a bai

tnmmon nietu!. Moreover, in tbGreat l*.yiQtt>ia, a lecoof iron.wns foundinn plnce where i. muei have lain ft5,000 yenrs. Tho loudouoy of iron toxidize must ronil- r ita preservation totituj long period i-ro nud ctco]>tioua1.Tbo quality of irwi whlub iquonr madu' , ' t l icncci of Afrieti and India is thnt

Ilicb is known as 'roi^gbt irou ; -in uu*cient times, l>r. Torcy nays, the 'which was made was always wniron. I t is very nearly pnro iron, mid a.very small addition uf carbon wonldcon-vert it into atod. Dr. Percy aiys tbooKtrnclion of mutlonblo iron direotl.V from'tho oro *'ro<juiro8 a degree of skill veryfar inferior tn that wbiob is implied iiithomhiiiifiiott.ro of hronzc," And llicreis DO great Hcerct is inciting Btocl; tiiunatives of Iudia />w make excitlluntBtoel in tbo most piiraitivo way, wliielitlioy Iinvo prnoticod froia tiino iimnamu-rial. The supply nt iron in India ascatlj aa tho fourth nnJ. fifth ccutiirk'Sseoras to bavobucn'mlimitod. Tlio ironiltor of Dolhi is ii i-oinarkablo work fornub at early period. -. It is a single pieeo

of wrought iron fifty foot in length, nudit weighs tint loss limn BQVOHU'OH ton's,How tho Indians foigeiV tilts targe xanaaof iron and otlier heavy pieces ulnuii

distniHtof iho arob lod them toiiHein tlinoonRtriiolion>nf ronffl, wa do notknow. In tlio tcniple3. of Orisna ironwns nscd iu Inrgo masses .as Iicruns orginiora nfi ronf-work in tbo' tliirtoontlioonturr. l'he tu-t of extracting inutnhfrom tuo oro WHS prncticcd at a very eui-ly dato in Great Britain. Tbe existencelong ago of Ua niiues iu CornwnU, whicharo BO*often spoken of by clnssiciil wri-'ers, is woll-known by nil. .Thnt ironrns nleo extracted from tho nro by lboneibnt BriLona io most probable, aud it'na largely usud for tunny purposeb by

tbera bofuro llio Iloman can quest. TheRomans worked out iron oxloiiBiyoIy iu

Iho Weald of Kent, as wo asstuue fromibo Intco hcayrn of slab ountiuniug Uo-n.an coin wliiob still remain'tliorc. TlioRomnna always availed (liatnsolvos oftbo uiincml winltli of tbe couutnes wbiehthey-conijUcred, and their luiuiiiff oper-ations wcixj often enrriod out oa Uie lur-gost scalo, 'as 111 fliiain for lnakmeo,

hero as many na forty tliousnnd miuerscru regularly employed jn .tlto mines ivt

Ner Garthnga Coal wbicli wns usod furordinary ]nir[>oses In England ns earlyas the ninth century does notajipoar tohavo boon largely utetl fot iron smeltinguntil tbo eighteenth, century, Ibimgii apatent was granted for Biniiltiiig ironwitb ennl In tbo your 1611. The nap ofcharcoal for that p'lrpoao was not givenup until ibobcginuing of lliis eontuvy,triuco v'liich iieruHimi unnnnous incrensain tlio mining nud metallurgical iudtts-Iricn IIIIB tiikon placo'; tlio quantity c"lurnl raided ia tbo United K i u n l o m 51873 Iinviug amounted to one lmut'Iromul twciity-seyon lnilliun tons, ami tbequantity of pig iron to upwarila of six

ul a halt million tons.

Thero ia uatliir.^ easier tlj;iii lo ci)it nblackpunrd • pn|ior, nud nothing t(liflictilt tliKU (0 (;et « i.oi>Hj«t|u;rfvuin [oniucs-i uncl blackgiinrdisni, Ivciincn and kirn-oni huff in. nro skillciliu tho act of liiiiulying e)iitlretahnd l>u-sp.ittarir.fr c a c b o > r with dirty words.I t rpqilircsno b ains to do this, but ittines refjulro hoi'.> honrt nnd bmitiD toprint ft nnwsi'npo- tliiit a d.>e?ut mm.vriniau can rend >• • diout a blush,—Orfey.

111111 nl 1 iC in I>i-i ,I dwell uu l l iwp ' iml , for IwonM dc t r r

•iie.M fi-uiii ciMoriiij t\w* [>hci: ui tur-m t n t . Half tbu yoimg im-n J I this cmiu-try, witb IIKIUJ OM ou.msti i " kuuv/UOALY, iwniJ g.> into lj;r,i.;t-H—that i:i,into debt—Lo-uicMTCiW, il lln-7 cniil.1.

isl Dour iiKiinru s" i'^ui":iut(iaiociivytin; .jim-Liii'it, or luiiuuf-.-rturi'r, irhosolife i* nn infc^: tnt iitni.":.'!i! with p w n -

iary iliirL-iiHic, v:ho dr'r ,1 to wnyfaabsliiiiiup," and win', f. i moulb tn

Hjnili, lituvly eviiilud '••< iusolvenryl;if!i Mom-v t.-y lalnr < -dukes most

men in IHIMIII 'M; VJ HI. :l 1»^ beenjlill'iiloil t!i;it li.st L:K- luiiii ill tv.'Otilj' ofi-iui iid.i.'vr^ api'diDia.1,, icci'.-i, Vuriy |»art, X bu<l i-iithcr IJO « «:i>iivit't in tho

i:ui It. p.u.s tbix-ii^li lifu IIIIIILT tlw har-row tifdubt. Let lUMllilll Mifjllllgu Ililll-

nufiir,in.iit.', or I nilv j.nor, no loiifjO d Lu luis hw l : m U siii'I f:..-ilties. ami i^

bs(au(iii»y i"n.j tnun J :.(. itiuwr,coM, rug?, liui'il work, 'iitompl, wis*|iici'Ju. unjiist, ii-jirfMcli. n dkiurotsililointdrM'miuihiiolj vo. •.• UJ.III Ihaux.11. Ami if it ImJ pljuKc : .uil to H»avo

eitbci- or ;ili ui.v MIIIS to h tlie sniipurtif lay tit cliuii.f,' ytJiU'n, IL^ lesson wliiuli

RtiniiU uir.st cai'Uf:;t.ly y k to inaiiftifu[pitu tlifta 1* , ti'ivt'i'j-ua in iltfot. Afuii,ei:iuiiiu#y flili^-.itiiius us you muiMlUstilunco in* fiuiiint',

Ji ym )}»vu IH.L iifi v cw.tr, W ut e:iu ( ; ' f.id im.ru fur » w'<.•',;, buy n \n-v\i .if cum,pun.1!} it, Htiil liwMin i tn i t lu i ' tl»m n v oa llulllll- ! Of finill'Ml f. klH.H" tlllit, KiHlHI

IHMJ ujiiril du biimiirKi t.tut involves ai«l:, unil wif.t piT.ui...."i Wnlli iTiiUli-

,intl<>nn, and I ilo not onuiMur him in,!i>bt who can lay lii:i IIIIIUIB din.;l..j' <mIbu uifiHi«ti»f )«i"viui;, «l ii.imjHitk'«nc-riiiec, nil Iio. ffWt-s ; I sjtuulj of real ik-bt

" .ill wJiich iiivulvt'rii'iik orHjicrillco onfiii]i>. i(bli;;.ttifjii mill il 'i-iul-neu <m

iho ot\u-r-M»\ I nay fnna'all Midi, Ivtevery juiitli lunulily jimv Oinl to prc-ftwvu Lijji evur more —Uotwc Ovceh'j.

Kuffl Mnxloit^ Z-V"((t<*,MisHKi.li; Olnxlon, tlit: liuviino of lbo

irnnMyii cjiltmiily, is 11 (liitijrlilfir «>f Cul-'iiul yiii-ncor AV. 't'uup, of Niiw Jlrniis-iick. H I T tifovj tif bfip t'siuiipe iy 11a tol-

Wl.cn T bsiw fti.it tint fl,imeS Iimlcatisltt (ilmtist uvci\v part i"jf tbu Heoiicrr' .ihiiiil (mil iiroinnl m i 1 , 1 nmdo 11 j> uiV..iiml that it mis my limb hour on eurfli.Slnitifjn us i t ui:iy Ht>etii, I ff(t no Bonso•A fear, imt evuu thu iiervmmni'si Hint nilifilit lliiiit; wnuM pmvolio under ordin-iry L-ii-cuuistaiico.i. I sneiuiitl to knowIlmll! ia ' ln4. ini .eofr .scapu, lint llioruDiisb^d UIHO tlu-ougli my uiiiid tbc tipleii-

hcllirr ti|>on lliol-Ill HlO lllLllltj'tS

-1.1 l.tgh,

Iatth(-nlioi)!isri>r nun."I t fieeuiL'd th:if, i t was ; small thing

for ono to ma it many mitiiit ba nnvod.So when I Kjiuku to tlio j>o'V)IoI felt thatmy voicn miiK tint 11a iL 1 avrr did bc-[oroio my life, unit ibuL it tea ao clearitid culm i t must lutveii controlliiig pow-er. I t hnd, fur cue dear, I.mvo womauclosa down on lbo p;m|uot ausworeil .bjiok lo m& I'heuiily, "X,.u nro rtglit.Miss ClnxLon." und iat do.vn and help-ed nlay tiiu jmuio and wive mnnj livoa.I nin sure that woimn i:. ulivo. O b Iliojit) she is. If she is I wnut to neo bornd Ituow.ber; tut her ^"".'irt'tnnst boiimo will true. While I • *9 talking I

took Iho precaution to !?..:• >ff tho Tag-:edinusliu skevia from n y dress, bu tuiclly ; thuy •woro pcrtc. • t i n d e r ; im-lor !U3'L(JUIHG tlrosul Lu^ un an extra-loavy woolti ' i ieit icnat.

Tlioro WUH Hover a b w e r man r>nearth tlian Sliuiley. Ho ,vood. by mocool and oollecto.l us tlio liustiuaii of tboBixHnudroil, and kept thu fulling firooff mo. Wlicu the tiamo.'. swopl down,upon un anil flinlifc WIUJ ipnprut iw, ami110good waa to bo douo liy stajing, I .

ilhoiod tnywoolou puttie:>al; firmly in.10I1 bniid and fonglit tbc i r e tvota moI aniiiod through it . I stoppcJ only

.-.ice, and that wiia lo so:':a poor Mur-tlocli and try to drag l ib- off; bu t bowas pulled nwoy f r o m ' : 3. Thoa IfuneUt my wny tbrouyh vu l i tbnt ivool-on jsottioont; it wus m ' Knlvation, I"jitber Itcard Jlimtlo H;.:i.iaoii in h e r.'ouiii nnd gut ln,-i utit, or o the r a t tbo .iloor of i t . Then 1 remembered lbo uu*ilcrgrotiUtl jiasange to tbo ; JX utiWe, aud,.wout for i t for ilia burniiifr btngo beganto full nn iiH. The horror of ilie fewimmitcB in Hint dai'lt iilnoe—only v ida .cnoagb for 0110 to pusa at a time—is iu-dcHcriLmblo, I know tbat Iho door nt •tbo onil wns umially lockcil. aud miebbbo n o w ; but the good Piovidouco tha tdirec;ta oven tlifi fall uf tlio Bpnrrowmadoa whim o£ inino the nmms uf oure«o.ipQ. In tho morning oE Ibat dread-,ful tiny, niQr4v foe fan, I hud ii^ifited'.pun hiivinjr tho Qyur u[ieaing frotn t baJHX ofllco lo tbe paiHiigo way unlocltoJ, •";

-iiul I wmii Oirougii i t lo toy dressing-room iustoiul vi fioiiif^i-ouLdto ilio fitagfvOnor. Tho key wns ieluct.. litly givon t o j :Uiy nsont, Mr. Sluuley JEoKonua, xritit.tDiiny nijuiictiima tn U>ok thu door bo- '.-.hind him. Hu proiniseil to do- so, bafe ,'-•dropped tlio key into I119 pockot ' in t "atcit.l o£ ptiltiug it in the il^or on tbo fn- -siile, as he&bntilil Iinvo «o.:3. H B snyathat bis iingen. were coIJ, vuittlmtwbeti.l ioput them into hia pockoU bo vowed' ' .'io wouldn't tnke them out for nil tlioiiej-R in Bruoklyii. TIIOSH coltl fingern,by God's inoroy, silted nil our lives, fornflor wo had. RtmnbleJ' Ihrongh tbat

lf u finil np tho sfnim (lift ilnor :jn-ivlisl iiiid wa linnttlml into llio box of*'ileo. Tbe Kim>ku wns miiryc.iting. Bo-j'oml tbo olfieewero tbooi.T-.vd troudiugurcr ench utber. I giitlic.-cJ Hint dear'old woolen skirt imiuiul m-j, clutched itin ouo hand HO .IS to -Imvo my limb)frcn, envoitntwiM, a tuuX Lbi.t Luruiil" ' uunl to a ciidlo, ami ioaiiBtl from "

Idof to HiiouMur "f Ibe puoltca nud .... :\% crowd. I lifura'"-- vnllictl on

:lieir uuiuiti, otralhur ann. j from ona:oign of Viiutti o lo the otimr over a liv-iii£ mass of surging humnii lioingn, I tHconiod ht ino Ibutiu three 'cj.n>s I wasiutlJo street. -

A Itcnurkuble SIlvcv Story.Tlio Poriiniid (Ort^<»») Dec lias thn

Jlowinflr.iitory : Kimior-s aro - rife on10 Nlreuls RoiieominK a nsost romnrlui-

)1D (lisciiveiw of silver in "Wanon eimnty,"ha HtorloB Uoiiling ai-or-i. tell of upth-i!^ Ji>.HS than naro.i of liiiilirg springs

.vbiob, iiisteml nf WHUT, il..w etrenma of .u)ili)nLto"()f rilvei, Ship lomls cf jiro-HOIH inotnt nro rcin.03.1' ' -.1 tm bo ialight, in tbo fibiiiin of a s . .y-Rruy Hiih-itiiuco, sinnewlint r « n r ' 1 1 , i g nuiolisil-

r. Thu iiiolteu muss •* bubtilo andtil with escupiug gases. TUoHabatanco

is st> hrnivy tlmt :i Ktimo v.-i 1 uot 'muk i ait, lint n stick or er.mlmr n.iy b o forced•|»WJI into tbe iioota o£ -.vonlUi aoveral«t , wlicn llio itnmetiHO r> iivity of tbomss will throw il buck iiuo Uio ait liko •

11 nvniw shut from tin Intlinn's bow.At least a bnnilrc'l itinl sixty ncres arocovered with lbe:i- qirinn^ nnigiUH f romn few foul t» .1 I1.1111in.ii. vards ncroKs.Eiteli oun in Mu-rnnmlea v-ilh a rim o£crTBtnlized silver. 'I'ht! 1. ptlt hits notyet boon inug.inid, but '.-la vast wenltti •'11 sight is tmm.jiU l'i mill;-1 ovory n m u i u

)ni|jiiiiii b iumim liintT. All you bavoo ilo is to li!ic!i n tvirt ny :o tlie oil go o t

your sjniug uml Imul i with, uioiioy.Smno Jirojile niny tliink 1 - nro ilmwiugon cur own iiu»Biti.itinn -r thew stula-monts, but mieb is met " I O MHO, WTo •

•Iy Ifll WIKII WO hoiir. Somo of thor iiniilgiun, siiid ^u ' T from tlirso

fiilmloriB sjiiiiiK^, l.:i» pfiiitivply JK>on ns-nyoil li.v n (fenlioinftii iti that city, andironminccil to ho pircipitntctl cliloriilo-if Kilvcr, worth ?D,fWt per ton. I f Oilsbonldlio true, Uio CdiiiitDclilotlo would ,'mt bu wovlh wurliitig. Navndn \voulilip dcMirtcil, mifl the pilver spriu'gs ofJrogou wrni j b;cuuie tbti wcudor ot tbo

Page 2: VOL. VII. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, … · Jfecatuo lbo stock iftlarso'o. nil times And nto»a* iiorj TOrlelJ rfFHESB MEATS, UOAIt CUBED HAMS, BALT FOUK, •11ESU


i : ; : v l I I . V'UST, L i i U r ;.i;.l i ' r , . . . ' i -

Nl'lllTSl N f . H .

K i . , : . . i . . i l r . inl.i . .i.r. r.-.tr ..f II.0

I, il.n lif,-..f rm.l.>. M.I-1... front vilb. lln-ic I'a.'si- -.

,.,-n > . - v . " i l I ' . ] . - <• •• i i . t i ' - .


S . ' l t i i r i l i i y , 1111*1. "-SlI, I S T I i . •!;.|,,,pSinM«'..r-.,l:..i!>l.t.>r, J l i aF . ! . . «>ii,,:i-.:i. !..H 'j!i>t I..-, n umrr i ' . l t., tit. ' i

, ... . , . , . , , _,.,, l i .-r . 'C. \V. Un..}-, .1 r:iil:i.lt!:i.|iia c W -

^';::i;:;:y::::p::^:^:T;^z - ^ r 1 * "••"'Ite1"""' '1J

I : . . ' - f |o mi-N.-v.- Ji-r-.-y i-..litii-..i!.iV.-,-l,,.-,.l.,v in .il" 51..r.-l,»,,i--,->.,.-.. V.,rlt:i..!.iv|-iivf..r w

:;ii^ti . . i . . ih.. lutii . 'lu'l'l cumuli .1-tf.

"' .!" ! Fifty thoiiwn.1 m.-n ..ri.l ll.eir fa' •'" ' i» [ii/L'.f.v ul N'cwr York iiru aiilTuri

,.;,;,: :«.'U.t.,f work.nt of j i r^ln-a •L'.iH f.irni.'T sola liisHi..t ;

e r ( , j . tli.-..ili.T.lAv fi.r ?.1'W.i)'M,ii'-ln- j[,7 tlit-r.-U n pr-jlit of tf'JiMi.uOO.I / !"!- A rid; iii. rrb:iiit in Han Fro

V. P.!-.' ili.U 1-

I, j n r l ,,f lii.

< :i! .lilf. r.

il V.V-titwnoVIo.,1 I.y tli.


l onur f - E" County, Lt I!ii»T««-. Wlii t b

TU- [.,,1. I:!.« ! f - > r

l . . . , , | t . . . . ; , . . .r . ) Ww l l . : t ,nu i .1 . su.H U ' i - ! — i : ; i n l | , ^ 1 ] : i

"T.'.r Mi- I':,.t.',l SMt.-i Si'.int.-,r..iMi iln> '• ot-'"a-r.,,.,.- .,r.T-.liti li. Mcl';,->i:...u an.l .Wil»=l - Tin* v.ilu.i -.1 ii(iivrii N.,IV j.r. — nt.,l. i.l,,.; i. ... i t .1,.w:i :,t tJUu/llHMHtO. Uf i

[i wii., ii]i;.lly ii-ri-I.-il '.h.it Mr. .tf..-' tli i*. Jmnit . iuriii ' th.' I.ut tivu vearsi

Tiin-rtv in L.m- i.• • ' ) . U f I"

i,f th.-

i till r^-ht. a-- :

t ,-lttT. r- i

!. Mir:;of-!!,> ;'DV.-!I :'.:< A ai, 1 .IF

r . 1,t;t ..r.--n : | : . ;i

•y .fl.>rt ar . l - O M

t::ty tlio Ut::',hi


St., Dover, }T. J.All Kind* or ilrronaaking tloiioncatlr, quickly

nl at rcag.iiinl,!o ratoft. l-4w

1 "" •+-•*• - • tlir'::.!vin r . i! . , criniu ;i lu r ro t i nit.;, by j

Tin : r c N r r s M . u , .-ir-i. K .—X. ,w t i n t r - ^ " » . . n . « niiw!* f.-Mioij wn.l i».-ttiiiS. |

tin- iVsir.-iini-.i i i . . . .-l..- : .l iiml t'l.i l .m . . i - ; Th.ci t j t l i . i r i t ios at Woulivi-h IIOTV p r o -

in--, h i v 1» -*-:i +.!.!. . , . i !».vil '»ri t< th.= ' •,,„.• In ni.ti.i.f.ititiiri! a 130 ton Klin.

• ;. . .- .; li.-u'iii t,, . j i i i r - f 'lVr th.-tr i:iv.-.t- Th i* trim will '"<' iiti.mf rhiriy-livi: f.:i:t iu

M.-:,t. h i v.iln- .l.-t.t-!..U ii|...:t i i i . - | , i ,L ' t ] , , with .1 Ul-« .:( tiv-jmy ind l . . - ,

<..|.-t.tiim ^ l i . ' t u r r l l . M . D y n . i i i w i t ,.f th.i : ; i ; i , | W,U Himw IL Eir.>j-*ulll^ at .ili-mt 3 -

l/uii.-.l Sli.l.--s i- tiist t-t b.( ]>:ii.i f"r it^ :]IHJ ;iimn>N i.ml r-'Httii-e iJOO j .ouu .U uf

tir«l>i.-v.r:U ^tir.t

w-M- s,wn lo-t in

h.,iii, U t tb? I

(Lirknrffl. Ti

s.ltlre-i . ti-.r.


j.li-ialiL- tail,, i

WANTED!Tliroe or four GOOD 0A3f\'ASSKHS

wtuiU.il in tUn mid oilj'jiatng count us to wulltlm "UKlIFIitEKlNDLEii." EitulK-ff uoal

witliont citliLT shaving o r wo»l, iuidwill L«t ft lifu time. Cull on, or na<lrtt»n

JAilES DOLAKD,w Dmlfevilli), K. J-

il a:i.l <l.li

y autl Ofli-.

.r-.l ov.

Coiiilrnl.-lIV-nl ufM..rr.!!:'..i

*i=r.l iha: rr-vi.iaittiml HIiPrilT X«'«>"s Kin

r i l l i . - i ihi i . l . -S I- 111,1! : j . , . , „ ,-. lli,-,-rif>t,.>i.. TI..- Mili-.'n[»ti.,u n-c-iv.i.1 • [,uivi]or un tiolinl.v :l ; ;- ]t..-.r.| -.( t u M . v , . m . m . u , ! i« j A W l l , f w l l i ( . h , l l l l ( 1 ( l w t i l t P l l t ] M , c ( , n n . .

i.l.'utify tl»!

of Il'irk-'. ;u

ho iiml bin c

:<• milt to Mr. Shu-Iilw to

com*; t.i IJi.torsoii iUid

i fout.il in tin* pawi'iiMcs

cUmr, Julin lvii:p-l'oi'r.Ml.t-in r.lr.i!-.ry I7T1 win


l Kmney I

:«l 1 tin.' . Tkoniiid KiiiDuy

n i:.,t i.--fiini]«-l. JJitt if it id .l,:i>iil.'.i! Jouliua F. n-iili-v, who in 1S09 fl.i.1t in t ilic Unit.-i) SUt.-s mn.it r. ceiv>: th..-' from tl,.- e m u try n"s a .It-fmltfti- in hisUlMn- .mi t i.f llr. ai.lv.iiiw: i..*.runuv-'(i(> l..,ii..lj<vjt1. AM .•rtunlry «IH Tntrtrn.ililiiiiH is ixiiii t u t h - .,ti.<:lilif»!ilr:i-a tltt.T»i'Jtcvtiniu* OilU>ctm-of tlm X X X I I U S*'»-

uill .iilv ^ift.UiiO f..r .liHtrilmli'-n—-T..rk Di,trirt , IIAH i-.-turn,?.!, mml.) - w l:i Mini .•.1iiiv.,l.:..t lo :i lilili; t i-^ ..i!..iiliM»!cn,Mt, iitnl roctircil fnitn th.) Pn;Hi-tv".i!y -•'!'!• |'i i- f-'it, mi tin: aiitoiiu; of I ilttnt a full jiimlun, ii ciitiiiiziti^ lii-i iituu-llni nfifniiiil biilfr.'-ii|<!i"iH. In rDiuiil! educe iu t,*X[ilioit icrma.

l l i ' r ' l . l ' . l ! >r r

i 1 f i l > t 1 . 1 1 ! . J I l k 1 . I M l l l l l . | . a l j i l i . z . ' t t .

i , i i , - i , . - . if it I .-ill >il i r i ' 1 - ' " U I W " " ' ' ' ' 1 [ H r .Lv.r.l . ' i l , for ?I tJ i ) .

i;.hiwV.n^O.«Vniint iHi. tirst n ^ a r a i ^ nn the .tag.. «,»in (..sorof llu O . ^ i n m u i t . Sma.l«M«rcnn iiii.li.-nre of small Rirlf,

-,iy to Ni-w York with their liontr. llr. ;hi.-M'ri iiunu-diat.;ly «imo to rnt.'rsoa, jerr-uii-aiii.-il I>>* a t-iuici i:fSe.T from H.wk-'

tt-towii nr..l i.bntifl.-a tha Ftol.-ti c*v.J.i.


a John J , . l i . i - [ L s l m n ! ! c r ' W | M > '


f.ant tliat tlio s

rupvctiu"Kc-rd, tlm Atl<.ri

l llic iKiril tba

n J anai'-int t!u>

qaDi t of thia

fiurk... ei\!.l tl.nt th nf th

rf', who wdfo ;

Tin1 X'-w Jf-r-ry Slat.* Uiiihlitipon t in ; ' in i t t r i r tp H«> jiiv.iu.li> tlinutor fur an(".•iii.riiiial (,'rouii'iih v>\<\ for tlin-f (iiin-i | cnornions fci: i>f two CL-UU,

.,«•» Lull m H:i.M.»i.n.'M, C:«,l. . i u r r t j . j , , , ! . . ! , , , ^ ! ^ Ul.mRinpto tlwbn.lv,Cmulv. Jl,.> .Tor^y IKUK-H :ir« ill " ' i x „ / R i , o i n l I l iT0 UIl tiv(. IH.IWH piwtnwM;,|.-..f ,h-l,Mht..V,T th««:M.H, 1W •••.-' , w H l H r e I l l , , , , n i ) , r : 1 M 7 5 7 | n . m l w n ,,w,,ver tlio tju-lftitU tin. liiiiM..^, wb.cli j a m | l l m j r i ( t 3 f l , r V l i r l o , w n l ) j , . m ; a i l

u.^,,i»M,rthft most Hutin-nbl., ut «!•« | V M i r . .monn^i t*> 81W2. Wlin..lire -ay". . . i tlmt tlio XmlinuH eautiot U-Chrhtimilz-

»itli such n ri-enri] ?-Tlio .lL-,tiiMli'*ii of the N.'W J ^ . - yliujMJiii,' nt tli" l.Viit.imial will ha Antin-fi,..t..rv, -w.wi'll iHt!n» prieu it lironifht.r t« (« ; i l ' . » | ' »>>l i«"^ i» ii lovely !«>m-![,,,, There i,nn ;i Iiit »f fun at tin*inicti'.n. Win. WnlliT I'lu-lp* k.'i-t nn

iiii-iunn wr-ns :ironNf.1, and h r foiiu:! ihatho Ir.i-i h m i sr<>;i'lih- l.iil.lJUL' iiKi.i.HUlie[ itiHi town »f ](;..l<l<>ii..t'l.l, K. J. Thure*IIJI.HI lin kiilmiiliii witli n KrCilt htilise <'frt-Ii<-( iiiul uoiitciit. fur In* hud only mil!

(,l,j,.L-t—tlm Ji-r-iey IJuilJilig nlmuM flti.lits huiuf! in Ji.Tfn-y,"

— -+~ »^*. .

Th.- hlntlMtat ut tb.i 3!i;t.iu(lial d iuruhnrp imlihslinl : Fruni tliusu it n|»i.e.ir»tliat llm IUIIIIIHT <if ititici-nnt nr«ichftnii ll, '>01 ( uu jucri-iiRC of ir|3 n^ cocQjiiir-c l with tin. liroviniiH ye:ir. Tlia num-Ix-r of muml-rra i.n lii.Cl'J^'^!-, an in<;r<-.f«j of 3:i,I'iOO. Tlnsre hiw IJOCII ti <Ii»-prftusonf 2,037 In tho number of eliii-iln-n luipti/c*!, iiml nn inomuio of butone in (l.iMnii..!^rllfii.lnliH. 'J'lir-r.-|l:l4lx'.':i nn inere.Wi <>f hut ono in the tium-In-!- nf i-liiin-li i-i1i(ii:<!s, nnd a tlccrcano of:•;!,-117,^17 in tlm value of ctuirulicn.'\]:c iu*-"t, iitii'Kpcctt-il (Itcrctwo ia iu thef-'.i.Utiitli HtrlK.al worl:, ulioro thoro igrc-jiorlH Li hft-if.illinrjoff of 12,123 lencli-cra ami UHHJQ pnpilfl. lit tlio colh-c-titinx for tl,« ffenuritl wnrk of tho elmrciiIlicrfi lins Wen a ilt'croiLsn of 3130,WC-:'.-!, tlic cniitrilmti'nw fur mifi-sioi.a bring§05,407.7-1 Its* thnti for tho yonrI875,

All tlm iilalftft nnd otlior nppnrattM forpfiniilflrfiMlitiR. whtuli liavo liGpn c.i|itur-cil liy llio Hcen.'t Scrvit!.) division of tlmTn-iniirv D.-imrttncut, nt Wadhinfftuu,vote (lcf.tn.ypil l>y mfiltiiiff in the fiirnu-v,aa of the wnv yanl on Moinlay ruorn-in.tr. Tli« pint..*, nunilnmtig 400, werefur ii.nl.iu^ cr>iinliH-ft;it.Hfrom 25ci!ntH toS50D. Tlio <;rr:ih!<'[i was marltPd withf"innility mill K.-mttriy to necnro tlio worklii'iti).' i'flVcttinl!v dune. 'I'lioy wero do-Htrf.y.Ml.in the pn^-nro of n ciimniittnnof live, all of tliuii Tr.;ne«ry ofHeials, ex-cnpi Sir. ,Mid«lk-ton, the hanker. Titea-<luj morning ovt-r 31,000.000 it) coim-ti?rfiit enn-fiucy, ul«ti captiirctl by tlioH(-crf;t Swrvicu DiviHinn, wore destroyedtit lli« Troaunry Uupi.rtnionr.

A Wiwliington oorrcapontltmt writes *.Kinn-tdiitlia ol all tho peonlo nno nioetsin WuflliitiRton, wlietlicr it&pulilicatiH or]JciiiOcrntH, wlittllier partisanH or mtjn ofiiindcmte %-JOWB, will tiny without liopitn-tlint there la Ui bo no resort to forco,nnd that whoever U inongurtitwl willtako tlitf ofllco witlititit any at torn {it ofthe opposition at violonb inttirforonroAmong llio Itcjinliticrnis- tlio boliof iiHUitniintms ilmt HnycH willhoBoinaiifpir.itrd. AnioiiprDi-'iiiocmtH tliero ia inonilivi«ion of opinion, hut tlio majorityone moots hem will riaim that tlio de-cision will i « in fuvor of Tildun.liotb parties jirofess to believe lliero trillIJO \tvace whatever tho event,

ArrnngementH hnvo bsen completedfor tho ivinovnl <>f u large portion of tlmHionx Indians nt'sfc Hpring. Their newlioaio ft to bo on tlm Xorth (Janatlinnriver, went of llio remfrvfiHnn tinw rn-Rii-picd by Llio Ohieltamws and Semijioh-H,Tlio band of viniting Simir warriom wereKO [.icaH-d Svitli tho fndiau territory tinllu-y will iirufur it to reHervations on litMissouri iiver, vrhicli thoy bad tlio priv-ilege of selecting. Tho poverutuoot i»O^ttfrmiued ilmt th«y iniiat nbnrjJoiitheir old bmutR, und tbui npcu Ni.rth-oi-ii Nebni^anDd the IHnek Hills regionto occuimtion aud Mttlemont, and im-jiileit obedirnco to tba new policy willbo demaaded.

A propesition Han been Hturto.l to enn-.:ct Europe and Africa liy n tnnn.rl nn-IT the Htmita i.f Giliraltcr. It in mig-

F.'iris lins twenty cpm^terips, HIT nfTTbiel) ore without tho lino of the fortifi-cilidiiH ; in many of them, bowerer, no:v'oi*mt>[!ta are now allowed HHVO of raom-b(;wof fumilios owning lain in per]Mit-nllv, Hinco 18(10 there hnvo linou 717,-022 1'iiri.ils, Cl.r^O only liciiigin priv.UeidtH, At J'erc-Lncliniso tliero were bur-ied during the IIfwen ynnri 218,312 hod-wt, at Mont)>arnnH»o 130,810 nnd atJilontmarlro 'J5,tj'iti, At Alontniartrt!-Jtitlvniio thero hnn been hnt one intvr-raont since 18G0, Last year 3,793 nu-claimed bodies were buried from tin-Jlfirguo and hoitpitids.

N»(h>iig dinnit* h:>* boen ncoom-plinlied by the prelimiuury ennforeueepnt Con titan titioplo. Tho diplomatists.

. ]uiv« Hiijipty onm]mrL>d notMand refurrt'*].the priiicip;d ipiL-atiinisatissuo lo tlmirrPNpL'ftivo ROvernmriitH. Accordingl.yBusain oiid Turkey aro (iiopariiig actirnlyTor w.ir, imd the Greeks ulntnon'ng fmredrew) or their «riov«nuPn. Ai Turkojwill not entertain any proposal to ocenpjJier territory with foreign troops, lluimiliflbilitipa of inimt-diato war nro in-crefised, Tho "Siek Jran will hear olpay remedy but a Kuasinn drought."

Owing to tho netion of tlio waves, theKreut pjmmidnl rock ovorhan^ing thonl)nre of Luke fjnperior, a few miles van!of Silver IMet, and latowu an 3IuuDuiiIII.TH Voak. han fallen. Tlte'pesik wan i<(tohimn nf gnmittf, incamuing nt its ham10(1 feet irt uircuinference and rises to th<lioiRht of 280 feet. TliU towering reck,or shaft, van called MnrdotmWs Fuid.in honor o{ a Ilmlsou Bay Compamfactor, who i« credited with clitDbing t<tho top of it in ]622, und jumpinff 111UDie kko to win a wager uf £20.

Whooping cough ia proving mo^o terjible to the war wboopn of tho Mudoothan the United Htntc.1 troopn; lurg.j'liinbirj Imra rrcently died from tlmidk

citlivr aiile nix'uiim:itL'l coat isliuR,

The P3-i, .00 ator-

Mr. Francois Coulomb, ft citizrm ofirars«illos. lnw put an end to bis Ufa un-]<;r Hiiigiilur cironmHtonce-i.' II« wmiabout lo Rivi* bin dmt^htor in murrmgoto M. Aiclmril, u iiUtingiiinlKid civil en-frinnpr, and lnul prom.Hetl n dowry of•JOO.OOQ frinoa with her. Finding thatlio win nt tho timo nna!»1o to keep hi»word, lin felt himKilf to bo ilinbon<»rodimil, trying a heavy stono around binicek, threw himself iuto a &iu;ii wheroiia body wn» foiiml.

Prof. John-itrup, tbo natnniliat wholinH be on on glided in perilous nnd difil-cnlt esplomilona in tbedesuliite volcanict'cgionn of Icelfind, cnmfoita the loo-bndori, with (ho aaanniQCo thnt tho nc-tiviiy of the volcanoes ban undoubtedlycensed for u lone Urao to come. Horepoa-tn nlw) that the belief thnt tliero ingold, silver, and in>u oro in tiie.Hiaud isentirely iinfontideil. Iceland has notoven conl scam^. Tbo conditiun»f«rtboprcHencooltliPHO ores are nil wauting.

Tho permanent exhibition ot Philn-jlpbid inqnito likely to Barpriso the

connirv an jpuol. afl the Contonnjnl Ex-hibition, uf which It ill tho outgrowth.It will retain very aiauy foaturiw ut M)oflrat cxbibition which it would havobeen impmcticnblo tn procure If theyhad nut been prepared for tne intortia-tionul eomputitio.1. Pioiuiin-nt .amongtheso ftmturcs will bo the Spanish Urn-zilian and BwoJish enoloauros, wliJohliavo jiiflt (icon ptcsontcd hy tliu ouiu-missionora, TIK'HO picturwsqua andchftractoriHtic strnctnrcs will add mnoli"to tho onmnopoliUn appoarnnoo nf thnfnir, anil bcnidcfi thia tho lmpfirial ROV-ernmnnt of Brazil intend^ forwnrdiuBnow collections to tnlco tho plaoo ofUIORO romovfid. Tlio advantage of theeo

Deationa to tho now enterprise- wiliho great, t

A Monday Ghriatm&a.1 Cl.rii.-tmM Dny faliH on t HondAy thin year,

It fell on a Monday nbto in IHisr., nml un tlial

uccaxioit the following vrtx unearthed from,

it vrtut trfntwl, Uia ltnrlciaa KISS., No. S, r.l>,

folio K-1-4:If Ohridlmas Dny on Monday bo,A grtial t.lrtor lliat yi-:ir y.iv'll ten.Ami lull uf wlnclH hulli Jr>u<1 nnJ nliHIl;

KILII win.lH fllinll ibfrt hi,, nud elroas,l'uU ur tvmpmle UHtitiK \"na;-WliilotiBltliH U...7 HliBllMiiirill.lT,AIM) ero.il l'lority ol ..IXLHU nlpll dlo.Tlicy tliut \>a burn ill it <U.v, I vroon,Thuy Hlmll hu etrong u:.oli ncio nail Icoon ;llu ritinll bu fimud tlial Htiakth mi (fill;Tli,,' liion l>u nick, lliou (lie.it nut.

Tho year 13(10 wns tho year of tho Anulro-PniHuinn wnr, a year of diwuttrous gnlcH andn year of cattlu jilnguo. Again in IS'Clirktmiu. Dny fell an a. Jlondny. TLo twcl'month following tlint dny Raw a cattle plngiin the nortli of England and wirao grmtfct«rnin; hut M U) "UnttlcH" wo imiht go 1a few luonttu in 1B71 for tho cnpitulntior*uia aud the conflict with th* Commune.We 1.A70 now a Monday Cbriatuiaa for tb.third time within a dozi-ii years.

Fire at Newton.The largo wooden building on Moron St.,

Nt-wtou, adjoining tho Iianlwaro utoro ufIjvwrecco.t Hill, wan completely d o u L r dhy flro enrly on Sunday morning. Itownwlby Jaodb h. Bwnjru anil orenpied bydiffcreut it.t'chanfcs ou workuhops. A. It.Hoe^-uberry, carpenter; John B. Vonah,]tainU;r, nudNolcwiirarsons, Uiiclmmitl-, hwltln-ir entiro Block and tools dnHtroyed, onwhich tlinrn iviu 110 iiimiraneo. Tho fihedcotmeckd witli tho CooLran llouso Btftbli>iiul Ending closw in Uic renr <if Uio burntbuilding vain partly diwtroycd, and It WOH bytho duturniinnt and well directed etforta ofthe nrcnicn that n general conflngrntlon wanprevented. Tliu uigUt *"" "tremely coldmid tho clothing of tho boseraeii becamewith Ice. Several of thorn had fingerx andoars froicn, but they stood bmvuly to theiiwork uutit tho nro vrM eitinguifihed. Thehtiilding wan worth about .f 2,000 nnd won

ri'iL Tlio loRH to Uio mocluuiica will,inpfl, rench Ji,O<M) more. Tlio firnsed to linvc been cnimcd by a drunken

1 wlio in known to bam gained ncccsa totho building during Uio night.

Ono hundred and twenty-five men aro :t work grading on UiO lino of tlio SoutlirounUln Jtnilrwul U-twcen Dfckeriown

tho Debwnra river. This part of Uic tine inunder contract to be compktod by tlio Unitof Mnrrli 110 i t Tho cent roc lofs, HL-SKTILea & MeTnguo, nre pushing the work fowiird with enurgy. Thu wn(jcs paid laborei.iro 75 ccutM per day.

Tliero ucniB tp bo (v lively competition iipriced going on among tlio Bulridere hnUihcn

1 and mmtdeldern. Wo foraiorlypnid M Uiglin 18 and 20 cents a pound for beafbUmk, and•ow we aro buying the clioiceRt in tho landfor 12 and 14 etc to a pound, wbija goodroasting pieces arc selling for 70.—WarronJcmniAl.

hr^-:r portio

i i l a i m l rr.Wxtj nr.d fHCipL-.l tho | ilt

-"rti«a »f ' - ' • stolen (,-oo.la wer«i F-.-r-t.-d I «'i

lumWr JM: i in Uatki tWtjwu. .it !. t c t ! ^

liirkp vtLS toUl by his compniiioiia ' * '

Ursidos tlifi Boods Mfik-n from Mr. Hhiclil'B

it«n>. a lf.r^« iimrilirntis looking flv.MhnoU-r,

Ijiirfjlnr's UmU, hinnil clintifje Dinl otber orti-

L-ltH w,:ro fmir.il in tha po^.-^ion nl n»rkn,

M once clumiisttrizinR him iw n hurKhr.

From infcniifltion «ivcn by 15'irfco it won

tlimiffht thnt llio nllif r* hud probably ennciua-

(1 to foot it to New York via. tlio Erw railway

tnu-ki, f:iii.:f Omul nnd Officer Vrtelaml

iniinrtlintuly ilrovo down the PutcrMm nml

S'frwVurk plank mad, tuvl coMglrt hlghtor

:ii.-ir Kiiino lif-nr Pimiuiic Wlicn H«cn tliry

x(ro tit tho Jt'fff:rBnn fitrer-t mil way crowing

in Ptw-Riiic, vitlkiitfj down tho tmi-kto

S'ftw York. Thry aacm'd to keep cli

iiiv npiirnncliing vcliielo, nml no Ciiiff Gran I

concliid.-d it would not bn nfo to attempt

i ho contintttd

riving briKkly nlnng llftin utrftrt, without

fining to noti<'0 tho tnvti.pH fit A11. At tin

iri.lijo htntloa the (-hi.:f nnd offliwr left theii,hkto under tlm nrdi nml nwnitcd tb<nniing of the Iruinpt. nlony tlio rnilwa;•nek, tho thief lirivinR ntiitioned hinifldf iu

tbo limihcH along the track nt ono plnco midofllctr Vrc-fcland Wirift conctnkd in n liki

inner n Khort illtttnucft from him. TLPJdid not hnvo long to wait before tho trnrnpi

into tifiht, ^Vhcn tlm IntUr wanbetween the chid nnd oli.eer belli HimultaniT

iwly Kpranft forward from tliolr covert antcur-r-d tho burBlarB witli lit tie trouWo. DothL-ru tlifii tikcu Iwck to Tatrmon and nccom-.nifd Jlr, ShieldK nnd the Hackctui

IMilico oflleer, together with Burkn,stown on tbo r. o'clock train on the

Detnware, Ijinknwinnn .t WpRtern railway,Two of Iho party of litirglnre am *>till nt

irgo, each linvlng a hmiillo of good*., the,70 captured ycstertlny having left theiruntllfefl on tlio train, from whence tlicy wcro

rceovcrod by their rightful owner.

Tlie two lnst (irrchtcd envo thfcir nainon iwTliomiut Wnlkur, nged* twenty, wid FrankSmith, nged twenty-nix and both nro n f».rftpocimen of tmmp. JJotli bnvo been IK ro hi

j lock-tip beforo nn night lodgers, Smith„. Into nn lnnt ftntnrdtiy niglit, from whichthe public may form nomo itVn of tho celerityof the movements of tramps.


Efforts nro lieltifl ' iiwdo to oh LA In nmt innstter nt HiicUcl Islowii.PutflrHfmiBiwkinB n rodnctioi

ilirieH of from H-enly to forty per cent.Tlio rctfriptanf tho 'Wnrn-M O'-nnty Til

lonlety durlui; tho ruutt year wero 37'3-V

Tlio twiclif-tn of thn Newton puhHo BCIHcomplnin tlmt they cannot collect tlieir aaln-rics.

Tlio liofc;! prnpflrty nt Snufltown wiw soli% tow ilaya Bineo to Mr. E. Klncnid, for*2,41fi.

A limnemncc eonvontlnn of tlio chnrelien:if Warren conuty was lidil nt Wnnhingtoiit-OHttrilny.

Jcroinlfth Mr.ftiln, of Dufownro fltntlon,won tlio prmnlmti frr flno Inrkeys nt tlioCentennial poultry nlmw.

Tlio nvorft[,'o trump lion n grcnt nvowionbrenktng rtono for n living, hnneo ho (jiteaiiiRsoi connty n wido berth.

Trfo loMimrtlyM nro to bo wont from Pat-•rfion toAnHtmlU, Hin flntt over ordered foinllimwiii which nro wholly In En-jlMi linndH.

EnoR r . Condlct, of Brnnclivillo, linn lioenmitwing'for over two week*. When Inntmcnho wan leaving n Lotol in nn intoxicated con-dition.

Tilton did not get a very large nnillftrtwWnHli.tigion lnst Rnturdfiy eveninR. Nowwill two what HnoketUtowii will do forBeechfir.

Wm. A. Slilod, of Decki'rlon, reccnlly•fl.otl wllli Dm New York Ctiatom Harm

tfi« pnlltlnal iMngmpiibt nf the New YorkTribune.

lov. W. E. Wright, pastor of tho FirstIHHJ Cltnreli of Patfiwin, nnd nil o!'lifher, linn hml his license1 rovokud f»r

toiicntion.Sonin of tho thiercB tlint mided Wtwliiiin n fow weeks ago liftVo huen nt]itnred ut

Eliaibethnort, N. J., nnd nomohnvo lionti recovcrc.l..

Mr. C. 8. Vnn Lien having rcfllgned kinpoHition iw Awilfilnnt Supprinlendetit of tinMorrifi Canal, linn been appointed W1.O1MU.1Ingent of Uio Ixihigh Vnlley Conl OoJiipany.

On onn rftrt of llio work of tlio Bontnn &South Himntftin It. H., in SUHHCX, ntkntliig, thn Inboren. wero dischnrged hstwe^k, owing to a failure to uecnro tho ri(jlitof way.

Tlio employed) nt tlm 'WiwliinBton bnnt, yard will bo bfjit btiuy Uii« winter, ns thcompnny parpona doing nil tho work possiblent iliiw point Alraut forty men will bo em-ployed.—Star, '

DulvIdDrcniin complnin thnt dedudloiK.mounting to $*7,G00linTO been mnaa fromUio I M H«t It shows tlint the peoplegrowing poorer, or CIM tho Aiwciwor (locmt'tunderstand hla btwinoni.

KoUco hiw been given (hat appHcntlon willbe ninda nt tlio next Mfurion of Uiii Lcgiictntnre, for tlia pwwngo of a general law,regulating tlio tmoBporUitltm tif li'ailroiula ,n Uils SUito «i flu to weotne nnd bcnltbfid food.

The tprm of Judge SliPrred, Lnw Judge oftho Warren County Courts, expires UiiiWinter. The vnenncy will bo filled liy nppointment by UIB Governnr, whicli will be

ibjcct to Iho notion of Uio Htuto Bonnie,which biw the power to confirm or reject,

ing tho iwpirnntfl for Un position nrolawyers Luso and Jfnckey, of BelvidcrejUnrvoy, of Hncjettittowii, nnd Wjcoff, ofAsliitry. Tba offit-o is IiL-ld for fJvo yean, hworth about $l,U)0 a year nnd no no butregularly ndiuittai lavytni tire cligiUu to it,'

.miiiii; tiin s a m e " i-.in;.l z

T.t Hint in.u vmrLi Im

»*> round (lifi^h GIL.II

cirly nn 17ir>. Wlin tin

did n , Ford.c linil b -r Oil it

tti({ vt* n j.iint <t.Bi->i<iuat d.tto, hut i

17C5I havunol lictu ali.o

ot Me tu nt:i>».

ner of that (imjjtirBa C.-.t'lf UB


• i..lc- nf tSiii

i in 17155 ninlchi

About thin tlmulnl t» lH-h

•;il tn ii'Tf::iit " tinin solve* in their

fcamon." 31 r. Vliik-bcaJ put* tbo Jalc .Inwn

17(1!), but I Kii<pi lit it wn* itQt later than 17U5.

.TO him tbn mtitns Tor hu vojaRo, ami in IMintitid of tho I'rivr Counrll for this titi

jr ilato nr Jnuo iHlh 17M, llio Gr.vortu.l a warrant on llits trmiury " l<» tliw II.

J.ilm Sti-TftH, EM-I., ror«etiiliny AH tx|»riiUi

•JOin nt crmnU-i-rf.it Jenny Bills of eri-dit brinnived in • vesnel Ironi I'nulaiid." Whilst

lie lioaglit to thia country and abandoned, biswireOrncv Kilcliul beingi-tillalivo. Dr. Tinifilh

lit in thnt tlii" voting wuman wna afttrKatmrrried tn an Iimromi ar.d rnt;!ud in Wtiippan

tuciitoriiiHTiifeuicni tu ninrlfhitnajohnattloi

villain. JI.iw.iiUu. E»in!*onofa moit cut

ami Dinrriat;0 with Bevurnl nftlit miwt iitfiuci|[alaii«*exce.]cnt fumlliOB In tlio county, anill ano who know him well did, " bis cmnlu.wan a Rrlor lo bin frlcml»." He was tlw win '»nninoirurdaniliiipU"WofC<>I.JuLTibFur<l,SIn 1788 bo win K'siilins In New York nn.l wtthere nrronlrd "on a.• CIHI-RC of utlcrlne fnliNow Jersey Bills or Cmlil.11 (Prnceciliiitfa iJ. IIfn. Hndtity, iS. p. o2.) Uo win nofibrnnfjht to trial nn tlm cbjirgQ. Ilia re-ml-itu

[.rci-iniiH to 1773 he 18 nnmcil as aa OTorstar <IlifUiwiiyi. Ho owtKul a firni of 130 inro-known HB " tha Hammcck H IIBUTCOII Columbiaand llornstuwn. Jtr-rrinl* of Morrli CoCourts vol. 1.) Fnrd'a worksliop "wan i« tliuiUkt of nn nlinoit Inii><jiu>tral}tu swamp uLr.i.imtloilitttitit from bin U-sldoneo at Hanuvo:In which the wivlcr for Iho greater part nl tliycirwiina fool ducp oud Ilirniigli wtlch tli..porn tor wan ulili^-d to creep on iii» liandi amLtiffu for potnu iliatatico tn got nt his work.f I^MHWI, M. J- Ilia, Hoo, vol. C, jl. H.)

TIKTO WHB nnollicr ir.innnotion In. wlitnliPntaci-orilii]gt(i[)ojiiilni-ci|iiiilonlti.'ca»iuli.!ci'«itci

rnltm.l. Ou tho 2Ut of July, 1708, tlio trcottiiufEuHt Jersey uaa iiitimltircil uf £C.>70;3:l, anallctlui-U to ils tliu criniu un»:ij |>uinon liiioiTlio treanurcr, Htophou KUntmr. wnn smntatod, but ftillinut KOOJ runsLitiJ. Huvural ai

i were midu, liut tliuy uuly iuft tlio mjilui[plalnud. TIICRO faalu will utikr Into oui

suliBcqnont itiqniricH.

Tliu emlanirm of conutcrfrlt mrmry libecome ou alarming evil, and on tho IGLu olJuly, 1773, Foul was nrnmlvd nnd cntumUlituj^il iu Morrlstown. Tlio night uf Uio mO.iy lio CMcapwl, Luliig aiduil ai twtnu «»y, b;ono of bid onn g*ng named John EiUf,', ntid•atliorif attagtt, b^iug MtWM ly tho a]i«llimielf to tljo cjtimt lliat llO Iqult no gtnprecaution to prevent It. About Uio *iitliuo uuvciol othur liorso.iii reoro arrualcJ iBUHliIcluD of boing encaKOil in tho tamo Luai-IICBB. Fouroillzons of this count;, ItenjaniiiCufipor, Dr. Buru Uiv.lJ, Hamut-1 Hayncs, auiDavid Jloynoldn, ouJ ono of Snuaos Count,iiamod A;rc», truro iudictcd, tried, convicted amkuatoneod toiloAili.f All cxcr[it ltoyli(i]J»»TOpcrsoaa i'i.'*|iocliibly coutiuctctl, and Cooper atIlttynca wt-ro Justices of tlio J'DBU-O. lk-njwiCooper nt llic timo of liii criin.iial coudnct ITapmmincqt man Iu this community, and oior tho Judges wlio tiled him waj> litiown fatUiDuuk-I U.ioptT. From tlio fact thai lio pumHuuiu ttnuriouti bill« as uariyag 1769{l'rowuit. J . Hin, SOL-, V. p. 55. notn) I suapvel Hitlio aalu of lau.1 tu bun b j Ford m 17CJ tvipart of lbs f " 0 t;um?ral sabcuio wlilcli ba<btiuu iu |inih'j;j .*••*•«*• yc»r» buToro it w»nrrtkil.n]. Tlio luttor of CtK.por to Lord titiiliug artiT tlm cuiivii;tioO;lB ncurious affair. Iil bo trocto lib criniu Iinct; to 1771 at it bitlima "Ford called me to MurrMtoirn. TlicrLu told ma l.ret of tliu vilhinoua nutuniu cl iBBing bad Djonoy. My ticccctiitiu>. (listi-cam-to (iittiruuliou lud uio Into it." Tli is ITHS nntmo aa tu time Ftnto thcro In now & ciutit^-rri^ibill iu esUtouiMj wliieli Uuopur p»B«ci] in 17CUOf aourno liu [intb tliu \w$l hvu ou liUconami furtliiirlutim^tcH to KUr)|i,g tl)it l|o pan\j$ ol ijr&at n^rvico to biti* iu t.-iQu lie i% pai-datcd. UN loilur concludes in llu'soward*. "Hi:Owl's will bo iluuc, J am umluaTonug to pnpara for tlio worst to camp. I t it my ctilaltn. Now I bdievo il In timo, I f u r l am i<dcparl, IliUVL-no nno but your Lordship t<[iluco tbo lta.it do pen it an co on, and' thisfrom yum-ualnral human buiievuleiitdiBiiuBtoward all ir.anl.iutl. llcruunly I iiopo /ot JUUIitil.troBl nliicli If properly oblaiuuil and appliciwuuld no doubt lengthen my d s j c . i lantiiiiiKS iu tliu COIKBI' of my iwrpluilly I couliaar tnoro con ecru iiig ynitr ill torus t nn also in.pruwtnt Blluatirti. Now I pray >-oa my got*Lordiryoucr.il jHtaoibly do mo ouj aorvito iitliin prtsun'. iiluaiiuD of mine, grout mo you:aid for Oi'J'i Bake." Ou Ilia tuoritins of th

*J.-:HI JUI I I IWH trnn Woits wero at llcatGluu. TUu Uleu Forgo u liunt vrliurn Jtitttiwo*mn-kswera.

tTbo tnollior of Dr. Budd baa 1.ocn dpacrllwilo me by Mr.. Col. J*.™pH JDCLMJII wl,o kirn,bur, a* D pereon of oxtiaurdiuury dignity, OVL-I

ainidut benide IILTHUII with griuf oil aecuiint u

t'uttce, nnd ou tiur HIIL-C-I iu lliu moit palWi.jumlic)beiiiti)!htUiir.ii''runlcliii Iu [lariltn

Uut Jludil'iij-liter-ln-liiw farnigotlior tliipRl

Of llio lamiaby thorn." 'pruitenfo auivat iv kind adiil nut tliis loi

n-jirovod Jiorur OILVHCITU grief midturv'tl HID folliHTln!|u hns Lruliun tli)t thai lit- KliuuUl

ilicaliijj that Dr/llniid

»yn liavt*iir»i-ttu



Iw dying ruvivinl nt•aid, " I i r . HiKld, ha

" w tU

iclit <j| tliu Doctor andf did van kind a' TKL-I

... . . . . . „_ to Iw hanifi.il?11 Iu B....irtuE.AtUisimhULoiiduuuui-riJsjjoGjL.iit,llituoit I^riikiuo uf ltinuWKO.I, ttii<lnr data of(X'l. fill), 1773, wrilm, " I linvo been stroru it)anil acted an & JtiKliai uf Ilia pencil in 1)JQJvm-TK fur mine uuiu pint wliluh nu Jumici-a

it is no crtat liunuur. Oua man lianngi-il am! MKrcrnl aro ontl.T m-n'enco nl

ilralti Tor c<itiutorf>'ltiug paper curri'ncy an jou..ill ieo by Ilif papin. Mniiiift wliinn n n two

> |>eaee. Cno|n;r, one JiiHtico. I•ri>inliiliiiico oj ; k-ii)[[ parti

l n 8 " ' ' l M t l J

itimu dutiiit,' ti-TVico aud I ' ^ t Abmlian.nt nut nf nu'ciln^ Fur tbo purl*)ID nf comR him toactasguii lu to Fotil'n pltico on!nu'nt. J.imcx, tbu nljout i<mur Al>ra-:il(|]<l, Hi.-ii about f(iitrU>L-v ui'-iteil at »'i:lti(i bit fal[] for huwu by tbu toad «liii:ii |ud byin lliu IIUIIBU nl tbo Li I., Mi>llbi:id RilOn llio nptKMitu fulj ot tin) vullc


d mi

ti-SI liiui tliu uccuiouuo i t Hisi:, A. tlrnu^tr niltluf,- m tbInn bt.nv uud nitliout rnrtl>

lull run actoM Ibo m^d '^ 'Jnnu-tt un tout bad ftunu to

itrunjjir on rW

lcil f'1

labin, but lliu Wierifl'ii party on liorao-l)i:tt bail a. Jircct road tu fulluw oitlior by.YDto Menttowor Mnunl Hope. An t!ioyhii.cliurMi Kltdid tuKl tlio Sluiriir " I kvlitt! Ham Funl han bci u conceal''1! end Inkt;im to tliUNpot, bntjmi Iti"11* Turj-bnl.iiii would rolhur KIVC vour luran, sadillo,iml luidlii tlmi to tlnd Ham For*]." Tnenomlud pp. itv tinned ft lone li-isuv^ly aiiiliinlitat-i ached amtilU'Htil-iii.btit or couricHoForiwns imtlliriu, tin- fuoluiaii nhum TmiiKitcVil h*w lUrliUK [nun Ifuri'iman'n L-olliUiitlmbludly linvhiK uotltlo*] liim of hm -hns'Tlicr^ li.oiin Hltlo eiroumalarco nilditional.Wln^tlio SlifrilT oitidiud and Bold Fonl'B[irni^tylin ili.l up tlio liahincsa io uluan thai

it-^Ti emptied a cap lull ijfniill(«btcliForJ'iifa v*ui wai-tnii.ij for liLToliild A^Jr(!titii4tat.cliiclilunU lil.ii an ntlijmpt lo blmw tlia pct>pl<ial Heir cufiikioui uf Hu cumpliril; vritli

ladouu iTliicli full witli cruul .Tdght onL- lurd and hur little family, her n* *Viliam U,lil tLo Klicrrlff tbit Im ff,

bail ax be fitter for lio bad teen him silting on,'eryiirsflfl un wbiuli Ford wtrn lii'intlng thiitorr.it bllfn. Tlieii) ftrp uluo lonio liinta n

facts n|i|)i Ul;ou in comicotinn <T1HI tho uoolaIU nr tlnuo arroik-tl and tho jiapulari (ft ho iiny, lirtTo led am Ingmpcut that

If tlio tmhKnrokuoD'll that this G»ng of coilifuitcruwni tnnoti larger Ihnuix goncra!ippnscit, nrul tbut ftnmn tiovcr 11 a mod Wo

involved ii iti erimci. And mnrooTor tlii. I'ori wi,B'iinilo:ib!ctlly n dialiunopt nif!paillig spirit, liu wae so Iu levy rc^H'ct




•bo mtUiTcA llio nttcmof'lio law w-in Diviil lU.-ynul.l4 ai), aid it it a tradition luiU ha \ra

nn niforiiinlloii KITOU by motlioii <vln.ahowu(l tlio moat innic-jnt'lfouncthal IlciynoHi wailinng.

» loiig Fo-d ri-naineil in tbi» ruglon il-rcntnrD t* Hmallt'it cabin I nm nottlu pojilivdy, I leatn from tba e,o\Is ibat hin tamily hud a linril timo ot It,i tlto 21st orfeptt-miicr, 1773, lwu raonlln

nftfr liirt nvrcM aui eecapo and a inoutU a'"-'Ibuyo-iYlctloiioflFhtor lila cunredgratua Ibii-tlitrllT ntlaclicd lie farm called " tlio Hanimoiik containing llOacrca," and (lio court a\>-pointn.l "Satnuol TutliJH, Esq., JunatliBlllcB, Esq., and Mr. Tliomai MiU<"lga auditontn noil Ford's •< ff rfnliabio gO'tla." At tlBnnio timo tbo conrt orilcrnJ WdrTAUto bo IJSUM] fur "Dcrn Sudd, ami OxnFonl aud devious other poraani" to toatiritn tba anilltorfl 'n tlio (nuQ, \t turlisppcarail Mint I'Uirn Dudd and Oraco F<ttatli unpliBtnHyi.nl co!it'.inptuoii8ly rufuBUt]

:gtuutuil to nitcml ia by " i d war motlioy wero commamlcd." flohl oatiiflmnaoaui

insifisjlon, Greco F*nl had n licavy lonil t<iiry, but aiiluiT by'lnr friehils .nlm carried il

bravt-ly. Xhe lived to lio on old irmnntiliod HOIUO ycira ago i i ff lilppany.

'The miuules nf Triiy dmncil Uw. 3d, 177a.m that an attempt was made " t o ut id (oril I'xaimno tbo canvtotg in Jlorrla Count;

—nl" in rcfoNnn tj» n , £ i r jiioRcd V n o l lDf tin.- rtitilwrj if lb* Tn-siary, unt tlio

~ luenibly Leiujrot tbo npiniou th i t gatti -L-uurxi] 11 not proper: " tbo Conncil adHaod IIIBKxcolleney to IGBIIO «t« Mnjetty's Itoval pardnrto uaid couvictH, Ilctijamm Coopur, Bom Bud'1

»nd Hanniel HainM.". Dr. Hern Hudd dier pnlrld TLYtr JKii' Hth, 1777, agt.,1 thirt;

iiinu yearn. (Morrlulewn Eill ot Mortality,

Letters rciiiaining unclniiiicdIn the Post 0(11 cc nt li«ivcr,N. J

"" i DECEMBEn 2LM, 18 70.I C m Jturd,

H i FICnnm Jurd,Ilarret HniF

J . M. O'Brien, ;It. O. 11.aint. W. R. Smith,Million Seiircli,

£liul.oth Talmi

To obtain nuj of tiio abov

fortlBtd" and Rive <la(o nf t

Jun Lonihlon,Dan Cl'aiinwil.Amy C. Itelly,Mary Hmltii,John Trovcrron,

idgo W)tlura say "ai

nnd ANNA I'IIHEH,1 both of Rockawny.

01 ED.KINO—AtChcHtcrCrqpH HoailB, Ceccftibci

l.-.th, 187C, Mrs. It. IL KIHO, roUct oCouh-tant V. King, nged sovontjr-ono years,HDveu months nnd twelve days.

BUltn—D4X!Gtnneririth,-187(1, of t l lp l i tbn ,ut CheHtcr, Miw, D*Tm liann, ngud lifty-aua years and uine IUOCUJB.

IULSEY— At Ilnctdtfitown, on thoiunt., Com L., tho yoiingowt daiu'lter ofT. J. nnd 8. 13. IInlnuy, nged 11 inoiitns.

GAINEfl— At Iloontan, on Tlmrsday tnorinp, tlio 21«t iiiKt., Vaen F., wifo Of E. B.GaiucH, M, D., nged 78 yearn.Funtral ecrviceH at lior lato residence, In

lloonton, on Monday- morningf, Dec. 25tli, al1(1 o'elotk. Interment at l[ontvillo.

DUVEll 11..NK.DQTEB, N. J., Dec. aist, lsTQ,

ELECTION.THE annual olrdlnn of Dlrcdnre will bo

hold at tliu oniw> flf tltlii Uanfc,- "January Ulh, 1877. Pollg dpea H 1and clouo »t 11 o'clock A.M.

" w WAltllUN SEODil, C

WORK FOR ALL! | Sw i r l b o r i r u r t b o (,-rc*t I l u m e W u c t i t J E W1 'OI IK H A T U I 1 D A Y J O L T l S A r ^

i nt toccfintort\vciitr-tirocent*l!KADLKAAJClAllH,I'ttli||,boni,

OH millahi Nt., Now York city.

0 C\(\C\ ™'«rll«™ tor 18"- Every-\Jj\J\J\J un-ir U ECttinfT POTTElt'S

VMBI1ICAX UONtilLY, a richly ilhiRtrated,blc mil I Hi Family MUKIIEIIK. nl only | 3 a Tcir.

j Kwclmcti M rlR. ' 011BAT TKUJ!« to (JI.DJW.j JdllN E. run'lvlt i Co., Pub*., riiilaJdpbia.



V. Ml !!..• il.rlL-.rir/..> llirt rt'-ainn "ill

:;Iriut.f'<T't.;:ri[IMt>Ui Ijticy -irli.-l.'^'nili in

Ijil* »Y»»l t-tll. V ii tiit U4;J^diuU k-U ll bVullVU '.ar-j iuniLil. 2-liv i;


uud j n

" I«;* ve

f k

e Iliit-

Jf ATIONAL UNION BAXK.Tho annual ylcctinn Tor tb l r t een Dlrcctom nf

thin Hunk " i l l | :e lul.1 at ibe H.mkin).' HUUKU,un TUESDAY, tbu Uth il.iy uf JAXUAliY n ^ : t .Vulln U[H'U fi'utu u n ID elcviin oVIock, A. i i .

D u t c r , Dcremlir-r 7tV, ]SJti. ' 5-J-." - '

U.il.lrtirit w l llht....'ii.ii- Itjty. itdlJ anil |..:n.-d Htuda• w, nt rcdiirJi! flKni;:».

tin) Kuniij. Ala" a oUoiuij nuL-tiiiiii of s-ITjVEliI'LATEU OOdDS, ol tliu in'.ivnt and 1111.1.1

itiful ildiiKuo tnmi it.««rH* tif.iinl N«w Vurk!fv c..n*i^ti!i» rtf C VMTOItH. CAKE 1IAH-

hi;i 'S, liUTTDi: IJ[.SHi:a.iiYIlCllCLTl'S.OUlDUIX'EIVKHH, I-IUJIT bTANDR, TE,». i 0TH,"•- ; tcis . Spoon Ili.i.iers, Uublcta, nriiiKiugi;niw, Vnsi'!., Hall Hulls. Tin Kuircn, NapkinitiiiKs, iimrMiijj Hun, KniTra. ForliH, Spooua.CtiihlrutiH' Kniui. and F-n-kn, Ae. Alwnvi onhmid ii ib«- n..M,rli.i.mt of Ml'Kt.TACI.I^ oudKVF IlLAKHKH. A tint) lino of t'SOLD PENS

' Jti-eiit nuik..*. Tlie mohtcartru! nltouUima view in UK ILL .iml ri lO.UITNndSi tu BF-P.VIIliNO nf Watelt.rH nnd Jcwulry





UNS, LOC'iCH, AND HliWINff MACJIINCSriijuii. f-tl nn.l mild t»y


UIO.,IV , tklL a t U. U.


Adjourned Sheriff's Sale !l Cliain;.-rj-ur Stw Tersty. Fi. fti. Fiir«alnofmortfjn^cd pn-iiii^ti1. (vhca-in Oliilion^

ntiVlImmah'ji.Jlu.tH! 'I'i'-njsiiiin . \ . if.'iv.-li;(tt-iiru'i Kirlior Kiiwaul Dili. A^iou L. iJnuj,'-!,.«., KIMK (J. liml'l, I(,.|.iv M. M.»vi-n-i!jii,Al'r.im L. CLitk, Jucol. Atun, Jubu U. Uiii,AlM-rt Q. Kigqi, nml J..K.:|<II J. (iinvm m-ilrrcii'lme. laultinuliju to Uciubir 'IVnu.

A. u. ia~o.NKicnnocii .t SMIJII, Hoi'u.

rpnKB-li 'dni.rlialH.f thi- nl.ove-nniui'il tier-J . |ifcs,ii.nijij:.r.«filtut.u:i!pi:n:«ut tlio L'ttilci]

Mu;;;j.w, JANUAIW i6th,A.I), l-i-,1, [luis-ntti Hie huuri nl 1 j M. ami S

'eloct 1*. 31.I'lCllHOS A. FT.HEIIAN. HhrHIT.

Datf ;1 Ootolti-r 12th, 1370. [t'a. in. il.SO

11 tMul. j , II, JlDBiicu, Saciuu, I

1 10

l ) r : C . W .

CELKiiy AND CUAMO.MILE TILI-Iarc iironnrrrl oiprUKily \,, are Skk H-jadicim,

eurn any casa. I'nee EO cctiti, lioHtn;;o hueHold by nil .lriifF*mlBmii! cnnnlry M<in,3. OUlctMl Murlb EumV *Uti*!t, Itnltiuii'io, He.- HcyBumtt! O. J.I.L!i1i1JSI(,,Uai.bitr HowardUaiik, lUltimoru, Md. _____ ^___


CENTENI EXHIBITIONIt sidln (anlur tlian ony other Imok. OQO

JHOnMoldEl copies In opo daj. This ia tbeunly antbentlo aud onrnplxte hInto 17 publioliud.Ucud fur uur extra t.rin* 10 nsuitH.

NATIONAL l'UULMUnra Co.,I'blld I l r


luvltcH' Uia atUmtioif of Uia Indies to LGI

" ' Btodt of

MILLINERY and Fancy Goods,U O T I O l f f S AND





, Sussex St., Dover, N, J.


SANTA CL4U3 liaa unloaded bora Tor tinHolidays a in perl) stock of TOYS of all

tariatb'B ami ot tlio latest dusifna. OANDIESat f.vtry Coitcriptlou, Qrnpcf, Uoesina Lomoui,Ilavftiia Oranget, CocomnU ami Knts of allhlnda, ole., etc., to bo a aid -rory cliMp totbo llmos. Cottia and sco for vonrgul^a.

I-3vf_ ••-•____ • ••




Mc*1 Solid Gnl-l IVtlcbn at SJO, Stlrprn Wnlchc* nt S1H, WATCUEa of all kindiKiwu u C11KA1' boforo.


OLOOKS AND TIME-PIEOESat nil price*, fmm nntcil mikem. and varranltdtoIw Hfrnil ttn»i-kci>rnr*. Ilcautlntl dralRin of IiUck\r»lnnt »nil Frrncli Cltwliii, at un*Uj rodueed flguroi. A Dnffitlectci. ituck uf


tci-y clicip, kud miinrpaiiod fur fluency and gen,

STL VERAVA H E.Tlia moat dc^n t ittAlRnt In Culo Dukota, Fruit

Dlilief.ricklu Jiri.eto.

FOBKS AND SPOONS,and artlcloa for Ubia mo, KA11KEO DO\V*K TO


HAIR JEWELKY, *contaltic'l In IfKilltiR pntlorn iHioti, msdo to orilPr

nt 8IU111T SUTICK. AH^t for t lu-

DIAMOND SPECTACLES,tilab »re nu^rtar mSCOTCn or IlIlAZtUAS I'EB-

liLKftithilf Uio|iruM.

PATENT EYE GLASSES, .'tlie bt-Rt in the marke t Tbrir fn.mi-», nuulo from~ ').nlul.I Si.cm aru Ti-rj* UUI*AI)1O ami af. couatruuiCil

KEPAmraa A SPECLVLTY,and all witch ronsiripg wirrankil.




Sussex St., Dover, X." J.wi.Ikrrp n full and i-'lcet sto>-k of s"ts.la ecmprlalnjj


Cbiiiiif. HCTsi.r.MlWlII.ilV nil ouw tit-J i U b l l d j n mHirUi

I.ilV nil oic-iluud

ICorris County Surrogato's OflicQ.

In tlift rantli-r of.I. An-lrem aKti.ilint, Admm-un, dee'd. fcu

of tbn abnvoMl by tl

mid .!oc

cd Arltnin-TD'ijatt; dial

fj tr ing" irH of tliu ustnto

.to, by m:lt.iii,'up ft- cnjjy ut liiift urtlutf.vmty iSnya horrnit.r, in live of tli

'ul.liu lilaiKB in tb'.. (J'.iiiitr uf Jlorrii r.ijntba.ninl aluo .litbio tliu tmil tnentv ralvi-rUniug tlin H.iniuin tliu [HON En.

ainw or (imu tiUiiHunnyatojiKliiiiig nny fiir-tlicr tluttce to l«J ttiiuocuMMrj) ;atnl ifmytreili-*>t Hli.il! iio(;!tct n. uihil.it liUrir liur ilubl, tlunaiul and clahu u it Liu the said pL'riod of uiuiiinritlis, nil 111 ic noticu tiuiug ^ivi-n at afiiroiiaiduiii ciudil.it i.ti..il bw fiju-ujnluUij^a ut Lii

Atruuconyfi, t r a r .:<MUw

cony from tlm nihmWd.li. E. WILLl.S, -iitrrogate.


culls ntteutiou to tlio fnct tbnt tic line tnlcen the

HOTEL, on BLAOKWELL St.,DOVER, N. J., lately kopt by Clios. Watson,and htm vomjilL-tuly renoviiU'd iuid rtfur-nisbtidit, BO ns to give [{ood mid ampleuccomiinicbitiouH to botli mnn and benst. TheBAJt will be Buiijiliwi witli tbo Left bnuiJs ufUow find SKUAIU. Bourd will bo fur-

i /i Ijy tlio day cr wctb,H.. My

will lie eontinttjsd in connection witli tliinflonno. An imitation in eit.iiidud to nil tiild fricuiLi nml tlio gencral public tn giae a coll. 4<Hf


and niHtoriciily anil Crilknlly denerihcl.

l'mnonncod tnlio tba Iliios!, work OVLT pnliIUIiu.1 IU tlm Umlud Htaiui. It will contaii}ili pagL'.-i, uml 1150 il!n*irallon» tlono in iu

'''ffitutS^\T*i txi^i'o porAplcuiiutt uy vatiiablii lin*t(ir.c aiiuloperiuliiro matter, prtiurtiil liy an nliln unrpajrnatliun, aud L-u-!al>orutours, each LaviQii hit•Bp;-oiulty, . • -

Tlio bonk Is dopantly printed on paper oltho linuMt niiality, ami bound in lliu very I inn d-somfflt style orniodtru .voikniaiiijliip, and fur-uiaiiud by nt!foiiLi(,

Tills worfe is sold only lo subscriber a, andnltl unt ]>u ftiutxl iu the, Guuk atsrcn.

P. W. Ziugler .fc Co., SIS Arob 81., Fliila., aretlio pubUHben, ami the rupmatioii uf tLu Lou—inNUreH u Hue work.

-£L. noss,lident of DOVElt, N. J., lisa Uio sola »Bonoy

ing far this itploudid trabt.-


Centennial ExpositionDE80BIBED AND rLLUSritATED.

Tlic only complete, richly Illunlratcd, Ionprice work, 750 pagen, only Ci.M, Trct t i oi

uxlilliite, curiomtl'ca, gnat days, titu! Tho Ijcut1 ~ ica ut 100 year* to com moiior fuflt tu

vbodv M-Bli'ta thin work. -1,000 AGilNTtapp.itoto.'lflrst t.iur wccliK, C.OUO wautcd. Fuifull varticulars aOtlress quickJv, .

IIUIIIIAUD 11R08., FUBS.,TSIJfonwm fit., PhlladL-lpbU, Ta

CAUTION—Bo not decolvcd b» promitnreiKikn, nsfiamlDg to ho "official" ttc. 62-4-



coiivonioutly located noar a I U T L R O J V D .

Tlia oro la of escolleiit qnality and knoim »_"Boiscmcr," and has been sitccmfully workL-dfor Bnnio timo. Tbo timchinury cuimlBta c t alargo f ngino and boiler adapted for llio workin every parliimlar; pumping annarat aa, boiat-in([ maLbfnery, aud Iu fiict cvcrjtbiua In ro.d-iiiemi lor Itnroi'dmto omptoymt.'nt.

Tlio owner not bein^.a minor Trill Bel] tbewhole piuperty a t a vary gro*t bargaio.

Eii(Itilt0 of or address


Dover, JJ. J. , NovemlKr 2M, 1870.


NEWAJtK, N. J.,FB. A Z E E , COXNET it Co.





Fine, Sort and Piniblo Goudu fur Ladlea WearESTILV WATEIU'HOOF CLorna


id CAl'E OAllMEM'S, nt rodnood pricon

UorriG County Surrogate's Onico..DECESIDEll Iat, 1870.

In tbo matter of Andrew J . Winters, Admin-b t n t a r u r William llbncr.dm'il. — ' — -Order tb Limit, Creditors.

f \ $ appllration or tlio aharc-namod Atlmfn-\ J i«trau»r. it In ordcrud hy tbo BiirrnRato thatmml AilmiuiilratDr fiivo l'ullic Notico to IhoertHlltprBorthQCBlatuori'ulddL-ucili'UttoljrtuFFIn thoir <klilH, dciuaiulB tuil claims against thesanto, undaruatU.'H'ilhiDniueinuutliHrrqiutliiauato, by tut t iucup n copy of tblaorder, withintwenty days huroaltur, iu live nf thn mo at pub.lio ptaeot m t l i o ooiinly or Murria Tor twomoiillit, tvuil alau within tbo said twenty i\_y_by adT'Ttlriiim tho Kama In tbu Iun* E iu , onoor Ihu no«rniiap<:rg uT iliin fiinlu, for tho en moiraco of time (tho ijbrrogato inilglns any fur-tfier iiotico to lio nnnociiRniry); »DC1 if any•rull tor uhall nrcldot to cxhllit hii or hur debt., . . _ , | cklm ^ilhiu. tho Hid porlo4 of

creJi.oiaotion Ilinrcfuni against

E. li'. W1LLIB, Surrogalo,A tnio topy from tliu tninntoa, l-10w

Adjourned Sheriffs Sale! 'n Chancarr of Now JerRfV,' Pil fa. Pornoloorniurtgagi:d pramlHfH. Wkcretn JacuhBltlnnurU coinplainnnt auilTliowas Yi.nup; and Ifdiali. YDUER liii vita, aro (JormnlBntn. Betnraa-blo to October Tcrjn, A. V. 1H70.

AUGUBTU3 W. ODTTiKlt, Sol'r.

Tha ule nn lieiialf of till> place a

iwn, H. J . , i


botwun Uio ttDUra of 13 U. ana S o'clock V. IL


Dated iPgan aui, IHW. lUi( J j K n A A MOHTn to aotlro men 8<,l!inBt p t l U U u t , r l A l t 0 r C n t v i t | u n o n i j . NoiTOBinr water nsixl. Sample cony worth $3 FllEE.-Joud stnmp fur circular. EXGEiaiUlt M ' ra .Cki.. DD Undlituii ami ] ^ Dwitlwrn tit., Ohiciiio.




Come to NEWARKjnd save 25 per cent, oijevery article of QptMng you purchase.

Special nttontion is called to Jr now stylos of BUSINESS STUl ]Princo Alboria, Cutaways and loublo-BreoBtod Sacka, majo o! Mbest inateriiil, and fit as well aJmost custom-made. A nice line Jcustom goods, mado to order iu bit~maiuior.

A full stock of OTEltCOirs—in-ices from $5 ,to $25,

BOYS' O V E R C 0 A | FROM $3 TO $ 1 5 . ;

CLOTHING NEVEKXOWEH.roionteilnr monoy rotnrnt'd.

SEPn W. DAILE.STIXE will La Iiappy tlaoo lila rrionda or Morris County and mit npl JIOMDIUlHy. 1 r

815 BROA^ St., NEWARK, K j |

Clothier and itefchant TCailoi31y stock of clittliing embrfliiA.q nnillfrbm A flitild'tn a ra[an, wljlcll I llrtTO ffil.

f>rcntpuias mnnagcil to secure BO luw U t i BULlj'VBltX.APV^TAOEOUSUin theso Irnrtl timctj. MY rmc&i Aim MSvUMVin : . -CASaiMEBE SUITS, from - - \ '-/,-•.- , ;: - '-'7 I - ', .-' S71otlDUGONAL OOATS and VESTS, trod - . , - - - - - , , • 0 toOAflSniEBE PANTS from - - | . . - : i . : . . . : : ! - . l j i ; , , ! 2 toCHINCHILLA OVEBCOATS, " I - . - .- - . . S tnDIAGONAL OVERCOATS, " I - : . : -J.; ! : ' - . if.:. . g ^YOUTHS'BOIT8, UD1U . • • - , 0 (oBO1"3 8OITS,' » . - - I . . . ; - ' • 4to

ianniil to "my Ciistom Dnparttucimd dQfy cutniietitioQ. tbr^o^bout tl


FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC PIECE GOODSof nil grades and materials. Strict nttcntlnml I will piamutee a good fit or uo sale,'season. ' I Ijavo alao on lianil a full lino of

GENTS' FTJRNiaHING- GOODS.Remember I sell n Rood, warm inulerstiirj for 35 cents. A SM utook pf MCLYuuUu' and BOJH' MATH nnd CAPB jimt ativeil. I uttriKisU; fnvito tlie publiccome to tbe old itaud, NEXT TO THE JpST OFEI0E, and bo "clothed frob«ad to foot for very littlu money, by 1 ' • • •; ; •:, ' )

GEOpGEEEDEE,Dover, May 11th. 1870. ' ' ' 1BLAOKWEEL ST., DOVER, N.


DRESS GOODS of fashionable style



FAI-TOY (3-R00ERIES; Teas, Sugary, SpicesCoffees, Canned Fruitsand .Vegetables.





. . and SUCCASUNNA, N. J.


STOVES, rfio.


bolhporlAbli'iiDdbldiuL WE ALSO HIKE

PLUMBING WORKJ. SPECIALTY, «n.l employ oolj pncllcal

PLUUBEBS for tliil faiuieli of Uic tnd

flana and ApcciOca'tlopB glTOn vhon rcqairoU,

11OOFIXO, G U T T E R S , & c

st lowcit niarkot ntca. . [

Wood and lion Pmnps and Fipocfaillitaa«. • : ;

DKAIN TILE, all sizes,

Filling, ot ill klrnU (or DIUVT.K WELLS.

Our many j.*arn ciporlcnco la ttio abova'ttnilicnablca m to asavrt ivilh coiifl.lcQcoOQI abilityto .la any anil all'miric In Ibia lino of trails toUioontimaatliractiaa of tbe employer.

ALL WORE GUAEANTEED.BatfcfaBtorj* reforraeo glvcc wiioa rcinirmt.

D. 8, A1JXN. ' Q. A. UQKOia-mS.




snnmsa IXANKEL,


IttlicatcJ FUDDCI, Oantoa Flannel, Orange

Flanunl, UDbn FlaQDel, Doraut FlaDncI,-.


!! RoSB.Bl.ANkET S,m $2 to (13 per pair. , '

Blna Blaiiaot,.rltcd Blanketa, Cray Blaniiets,Brawn BlBtibiiU, at

i AV.'S: BABBITT'S.Uorrlatonn, Sov. lGIb, 1870.

ABJOUIINED SHEKIFF'S SALE 1> CliancrjnfNow Juraej. Fi. fa. For said ofniurtRBKOil prunitoeB. WberoiD Hin aioboAluliuil Lliu In.uranca Company la cum.plaioaut, aad Francis IT. Oonj, Alfred J.Tujlnr, nonieo W. Fowlur and QuotRo U. .nontoo aro uufan.hQta. Itutnrnabla to Octo-ber Turin, A. u. INTO. • - '

FHEDE11I0 ADAMS, M r .Tlioaaloimbolialfur tbe abote-namcdW-

tit'., la adjonrnptl to take jil.tfl at ihu UultodStalca Hobl, In MorrUUrau, S.-J., on v,'

MONDAY, Jtamary 1st,- '••'.1A. D. 1877, lietwccn 1lie bonra of 12 St. and3 o'clock I1. H.

. ,1'IZHSON A. FHElUI.Ui, Strain.Baled Jaly fitb, 1B7G, - B2H*

Warren Bpilfef WorlsPUIl.LEPSBUltG, N.J


Stocks, Heatora, .Bncketa,MVSTED PIPE, ¥AT3E PL'AKD PLATE IBOlTWdllK OF A:


On Hand and for Sale:OnaS0-n.-P. ItolnrnFlaaDoilcrJ

; 0nel5-H.-P. UprigblDotlor. I-i OnbS-Il-PiUJprigUt Uotler^,: _i

Ono 4-TI.-P. nnricontn! Hultgr. \Ouo20-H.-r. llotnrn TulioUf Edfci


TIPPJSTT,. In Chancery.of New Jersey.


Botweon Bamtml Donncll, Jr., tnd otlrrjcompiainuits, RD.1 thoQreen Fond lUilroWOompanr JofendnnU " '

' Ifniipcving to tlio Court1>j tlia: report ,AnthonT Jon«a,'Ecct>fTLT of'tha'alweo num^Jc-rtudaiiU on (llu In thli cauw tint all Mnitsota of Uio said The Qivcu 1'unil I l l l xOotn|)nny have baeu'dbllootcd by BBIJ itoaud aru nuw subject to tliu ordpr or tbm CuuitIt If, au thli twenty-fourth div of Otlobcr MD. 1870, ordurcU that nUptMnniltttTlngclalagAlimt tha said Tlio Green Pood, lullruComimuy do tililbU i!iu ttiiue vtrlfltJ l>v wor nffinnatlnn to said llecelrcr at Ilienfflci'oaargo W. UnbbeU, 800 Uro*4l itroet, y wN. J., on or boftiro tbo twenty-r-jDrtli tlaiJonnsrv. A. D. 1877, or bo borerUlur Torcn;nclaJcd from tho benefit of unch rlividcnJ<<(UridetulH ai tnaj tltereatkr bo lU-clttraa bf IUcourt anon Ilia iirucuetld or the effects or litQrocn l'onil Ealllroad; and it n furHier ortltit JtUtfccopy of Ibis ordur ba pnbllihoil iu i"

nnjporit publiflbcd noaruBt to tbolnwWIn nhicb urn railroad ts niinite.l once • «"'trum itliii tiiito to ealtl; twcuty-fourtli []n<<January. 1877, and also In a Now TortOJdally nawKpapoz, toe tour, woolti,, atJcnutK"fneaoli WMikUmntoaiaUly »[)<& Iho d>u'

.THEODORE HDNYON, Climotlte-•47'ISw •*.'•> - lVn.t.%$*

M'..:&1v Searing


•; land:BtHLDEHS,

Jobbing in

Assignee's Notice.Notico in liemby given lo Uio fmU'«"

Bamnel J. B«tt«, of FLuiilora. in Uw I fof Morria nnd Slato of N«» Jer»J. ™!,clainu ngnliurflil. eitato mml b» "?"tothe'imlmrribcT, WrAaaiBiico, mfif"

offlrmnaon, lieforo Ibo lDtbdajl b f l d f r o mal.orbeforeYmljnmd.f

rndiriilend of llio cstnto, nnd saidta ato taihox noUfl.d ll»t « li* °'

it' i B l J ' k " *KlBoimit-lii.- «ni.l Bnmtel J. Mff,lie CJed wilii [lie Burros"" •>' " » "!." IJMorria, l«toro thi a iming JmnnrJM™L.Uie Orphan!.' Oourt,iwhon oii»liO'>»« • " " "nay tM filed by any pewon inUirestetl.

. ' ; . ! . GEO. Wi WENTWOBTII, AM'E11"'P. O. Address, Flanders, Uorria Co., N- *.

Page 3: VOL. VII. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, … · Jfecatuo lbo stock iftlarso'o. nil times And nto»a* iiorj TOrlelJ rfFHESB MEATS, UOAIt CUBED HAMS, BALT FOUK, •11ESU



SPACE. 1 1 W E- I 2 WIEB.| 3 WEI1 »







2 IHI B fiu

2 7.'i a r>ua no 4 ou.1 ><-.l ', r . i .

2 MOU.

$ a r.on [toG so8 In)

jo mi12 r.nir> mil a noan <u>

MaiC M• a min ot>l i t onlfi Ml'J (K)2") « )4 1 (HI

Ii ttOA.

~d-Mrfi111 (HI

U nnIK (HI•21 (HI2S "•»an r.u:i" r»nHi W

E. I . & W. E, B.TIMB TABLE.raoiz DOVES nouio ttan i

Thrmiflh Will, »•» A. M. j OswoKo ExnrcM.I.COA. M.J Eaatuu Iix|iiei», 3.0UF.M ; Has tonExpress, 6.5T I'. M.; OBWIRO Exuro&n, 0.17 P.H>; Jffackottslown Kipri-'Ss, 7.3B 1', J I . ; Hiirrls-burg HJICCIBI, 10.10 P. BL

raoM IKIVEU mivja EAST :Hiirrlslurg Bpnclfil, 4.22 X. SI.; Dnvct

proas, 0.60 A. 51. ; n™tottato*n Mall, 7.W A.M. ; Eoalon Express, 8.42 A. II. ; llintfliatnptoExpress, 2.20 T. J l . ; Tbroucli Blnll, 2.011\ M.Byrncnao Express, 8.03 P. M.; liaiton Accom-modation, e su ? • M -



« - •11.0011.28-11.40-11.5012.03ia.iama12,40

Ann.I ' .M,7.05

0..VJ« 8M7

0 43(I.B3

: « ,



Itouia' - flaci-Munna

MdL'nliiHvlllKI'urt Orom

... Iloyer: ; .. ;

' EiBTWAltnA ; M .7.50




'0.48CM7.017.07 :

•ran .

• New Tortr, "!Hicb Jirluge,' ,Cififon;-IUUMIOYAHM1,Ocrqiau Valky,

* Hunjibrlgbt,UartTc-, 'Marniera, . . .Ki'nvil,- . -

n»w» TA. 11.D.457.-I37.277.107 d 77.IHC MG.4H-

-' Ci!5




r . Mo.ns4.4U4.224.104.IKI3.KI2.G22.442.3U

Weekly Statement of Iron.OrePABSINO THE HAOKEitfSTOWN HoAMa, V• '•M. & E . B . R.TO l'EHNBYLTANU, I'O

,.,.,' I H B ^ B E C 1 Excrso TiJirjisiiAS EVI:NIKO,.December litU, 1870.

: ' ; " ' auTiBKH riiOK. '•}-••,; . TOSH. OWTRooitiwiij1 . . : . ' . .7.•/ . . - ; .• . ' . . . . ' . . ' . . . ; . - j a i coCloator 11. tt. (Hnrton *, CorwIuV,

, . . ' SupfasuiJOfl, VaiiaLta anJ CIIQI-'•' ' : ' Icr Junction BtMtdni,VV>> •••'•:•

j qflt&nhopo,.,.'McuntaluViow

* TiiUl

70 08, 1,512.00, 117 02

DC 18253 0C

2,511 00


. , Many, pickerel are now boiug cnuglit iu' our liikcs, - • •

Ttid Oxf dri Iron Compnny i8 how running, .ull'ltoVorlwntfuUlJliwt. . •' ; Tiio "Wilson pWeaa of tnnkiiig Iron is.-again in operation ot Bplitrock.

Four of tbo fill furnncea of Uie Crnuo IronKOconiNuijr, (U OataMujua, iinJ uow.in blunt.|'i W v . f. Bloom,^of .New Souidlmia, wiU

-shflVi a donation:at Ciui^teerOlirifitaiifta night.' 'fha now singiug ochool in tkiB placu, for

itlifl instruction of beginners, promises toJ

* •.TborbiBa'riimbr that' tlio'Hobcrta IronCoinpnny, at Allentown, Va., will blow in

. nqotber elntk shorOy. . ».', ,:." ' Mtas Atin' Vooriiees, ieivr' Boonton, ouomorning ltmt week uiifcwd twonty-flvo clitul:-

, onu filio hiwl boeu ilotfug on, . . . . .Will you ilo wftliont ad undsrehirt when

i you can got oue tot twcuty-fivo contu At Qeo.Fwlot1!! clothing Btora ? No Bir I '

The loigo circulation nul increatiiug popu-larity of the E m makes It'oue-of Uio beat

, tadTertlflliig laodiuto^ in Hortliem Jersey.

Il ia congregation and friomk of TXav. F .. A-Hillor, of Oonmra V»UBy,:wai give hi

t h T h » y h

~ Syao&pi will cclotrnto Cliribtmna vriikradius and eliooling mutches during tho dnyniid a liop at tlm Wood^orl Houna In!.tho

'Xba Firs t PreBbyterian andQott lntSobbaUiSchool^ ol l lorr is towii , trill liavo Christinas

, T r e e s n e x t Wednesday, mid the 1 L E . Schoolon Tuesday. \ " " . "

: Tho .congregation nnd trienda of IUv . S.Sproul, will make him-their finn.ua! donation

. nt tlie liayilul Vantonagc i n Mt , Olive n o i tVeibiesdny oveahig, I)eo.27th.

R C T . ' Mr.1 . 'Glen; of tho Froo llothodfet

Chiirab of th is place, hnd u, large audience1 in Dobuton o n Friday n igh t ' o f last week,

. nnd ill's Bennoa is ve i l upokcu at, .

Midnight M h n -will bo celebrated in 6 t

Mary's OUnrch to-morrow evening (Christmas

. ovo) and tbo beautiful representation of tlio

-.infant Saviour in tho mange* will bo glveu.

ti Tlie Episcopal Sabbath School wilt enjoy

• .thoir t ree, i a Uio church, o^TUnrst lny after-

noon next, a t half-past four o'clock, which

.-will he accompanied by Uio usual interesting

. .exorcised.

Tha corporators of the Holler furnace, ot

IDrakoviUc^ held a meet ing a t Succasymm

itu/i- week. ' The furnnco i s being [ enlarged

'aad-otber prcparnu'ous mo making for more

extended operat ions.

T b o farm IIOUBO of Georga P . Panforth,n&nr'MadlBou, WUB iluHkojul on Moudi jniglit of hiat woek by a tiro v h i c b originatedf rom a defcotive cbimnoy flue. I l i a furni-t u r e was saved. Lose $800.

Union meet ings under thCawpiccH of tlicStntc Y. I I . O. A. yrill tie held i n tho Boontou

t. I t ! E . Chutcl i o u Tuesdiiy, iWednesday andTbnrsdoy evenings, under tbo leadership oft t o Etftta Secwtary, J . M. Slecltor.

' \ A lady r id ing on n Morris Jfc EBHGI train onSaturday, found that a largo m t liad crq i tinto tho foldif of her petticoat. Fortun:itelynlio bad n pnt blnck and fain dog with herwho put An end to the rodent's careei

On T n c i d n y o i last week tlio AlleatomiIlolling Mill Company tnrned out n thoiiBaml"chairs" for a railroad company iu Ciibn, in

^itlie'fhortRpabbof throe Uoiirs—t•work ever dono in the Ltbigli Yalky.

Tho samo nlgbt that tho store of Mr.Trimmer, a t Chester Cross Eonds, vaaturne4,.the cotn crib of Andrew Lake, about

: a quarter of h i&ilo'djs'laiit/'vnisbroken openby tlucveBiindBbDntSObnBhBlsnf com taken.

• , A lnrgo ;6rd'pr.( fo r .pnn t ]xnriler,' iromColorado, is being filled at the DrakevUIo

, workfl. Tho Laflia & Baml Compnny, "atMCBIVII Basin is moiinct 'powder for the

a government, to staaghtcr tho Turks

l'*our wjlipscs aro set down fur IXTT.Ciirdiiuil rwl cola jnp . r in tb« L.t. si, an-}

w Ti-ry prdly.

Tliu ti:jiij)..nmfi! folicri r.ra ag;uu in Ihi1 C>!(1«itli their local iiption laiv.

Tho «sruo»s of IIL-V. Win. I I . ja i l r idato.niorr.ovt will ba upon Ciirjhtniwj.

Tlio Solioolby1!! Moaut^lii S-UM.iti, (Ssliaolwill biivo a Chrii.ticw Tree K:!(crii'.i:;nn.'t:t.

Tin ifi.UtuwI nilwar hnr. r-.(l-.;,|,.-(l (Jit mk-sof tbi31'tunBylvpnia road iu runiiiiif,- trulim.

A lul of yourg rov.Jii.-ii liavc l«;en luou^btinto court nl l>Vw 1'oundlaud for iL'i:turlmi(;rjlipoaa mottinga.

Tlio extra meeting in tlie Millbroolt I I . E.Cliurdi eltvied on Hmiibi)-. About City ton.vorriiotiH nra rs.-portud.

Two moro altt-mjiU Imvu recently bacnninile to bnrglnri/o the- hloro of Kauglirigut& Itotlwi, nt Gurinuu VnH,;y.

Wo puMUh OR our Tir t pngn two williaawn CUrinttnfls pumm, which, tliough oldawl oftrviul, uro cvtr frrab »t tltinBI-OKOU.

There arc over ujx bniidrcd Wast furuaccHin tliis coiiitry, ulmrcoiJ, niitlimcito" andWtamlnouf, and two-tliirdti of tbomaro outof blast.

Bread tickets for tlio poor nre being Iheutilhy t!w Monihloan Y. M. C. A. with DID

plus of 5".*7 Itft from Hie proceeds for tlioinkngiving dii iutrto lho]iocr.WHO'S store, ntSaw 1'umiiUniid, cnnowlyipnl di-stmttidn by fire Iho oilier night,

a partition which liad caught troia autobeingdiucovtred j«i-t in lime.

•• T. D. Flafjkr, of. MorriNtovrn, hoeiroiiBbl HiiiUi ngniiiKt tlio Khf-rifffl of Uudsonnnd 1-IKSGS counties for niczing goodn which

a olfliins Iiu pure tint til of Tiilltnacljc it Co.Tlio Sclooloy'H .llotmtiiiu Bhiiki.'Hporwiii

Club IB going for tho Ha&LtUtown Qaitfttc,for an artitlo which was not original vt-ith it.'flint's what tho Oazctto y.tH for cribbin(jmirrirtidos' .'

'ITiis ie tlio Benson T.hcu tlio fltd fieuc]slidcn lictwoeii n mnu'n I1'!!" ""d inaljr« himfed as though bo hnd f tl] off n clmrdi

=lilc, nnd wnudrr why ckniiil justicoehould bo fiuch a fraud.

Thi! twi>li/>«.j of tlio Wlillmul t-li"!'1

Wortcnaylio ara only woikinyou li»U tiiIlio cijicimnH of tho rond luiv-i IIMD tu t onotil th and il no\r pays expenses.

I t hi wrong.to encourage fulnohmddaccptiuu J but if yonurt1 ili.Ui'tudfnin(;gI

Chrifitinn? bimdla into tho houm', muliniflticd wltli puri>lf!cing qncbtiona, a HlUilioliwiuoyirfcvnricntionivill bo allownbl«.Tlio Lgkuiuiui brullicrs, olio or whom mmlb

icb n fnvoml>lo imprpflNioa hcTO, when hoAiled tlio part of "Dublin Dan," incouu-dy coiniiniiy, will aswiKt in Ihnhnuoht in JIoller'B Ojjcra Hoiilond-iy Qvening,

Ail nttcnijit to liurn tho bliiiton RcbVolloiisg, ntnr Now Poundland, was nmdo onoivouiiiy lnti'ly, wbita rt'llgious scrvWii wereicing amiiuciod thunthi.' A ]»rgo pile of

ihavingn were thrown agiiiutt tlia weatherbonnls and net on nro. -'

>f John W:nt, nonr nnddng-ridgo, fielow Morrii-tawii, wan diiHtrojcii by(Ire on 1-VJiIny evening ol last wet-fc, togethervjfcb all bkfimutng utoiiHiln, ynihi mid oiil-

filncha. TiOsa H'IWJO, partially ln-mrcd. CaitRu not knDWU.

by n resent report Hint tho U,L, & W. Itivilroiu] Coiiipiitty aea unw entry-tig about 7l>,<UM> tous of coiil porwoi'l:. AIKIhat tlio amouut t'nrriwl this yonr up to Too•tli wasS,0«'J1Tnrttoii»,ngaItinta,18:i,mW lull,or tliOBamo period lost yror,

ilorit Jollcyi.ot the .ifaijsfou HOHBD,- tinsfionio ico ia-lii* houso noar tho I'oril poodwhich lina .rrumiucd thtvo euvtii yearn, tliobottom of tho Uotinn not ltavhiR been uemlaut in that time, Every ytnr i t h fuund inperfect cotjlitioiini)ilnJiow«l to rumaiti.

young gurlo, named Maggie Rccd nndElizabeth Finnegan, oged about fifteen years,cero Orowncdy while nttctnpti&(,' to cross

Greenwood liiko on tlio iuo T" " ' 'night.- Thcy.Imd.-i.een,.eautioHtil by thorortcmen'on tti6HonU!lnar"Eoilrbad not-tonake .tho attempt. -

Ilio flnoly engrofsiml oiiil elcgiintly frntnedosnlutionR "piwscil by Protoction Hook nndjnddcr Coinpnuy, comnipmornlfvo of thotenth, of thoir l i te member, Alexander J .

Cmix, havo bacu seitt to litn family at Cold„ iiiR, V. Y., and, warm luttcts of Hi

lmva bocu recuivedby .tiiciu from hni friends,i.It ia believed, tlint- tho ensuing scEskmof

Iho Loglsloturo -will not entond over BISlight weeks. T io burden of the work of

making a new codo of laws,- conforminfftothe amended conntitutiam, wok performed

it Winter, and unless [ho organiznffouotild h« delayed, buBlncGB Bhouultbu

promplly dispoBeil of.• .-,; * .". ;

The Dover Parca and Variety Troupe willtnalce their firat appearance this.season in n

entertainment iu lloller'a Opera IIOUHG,ChrisUnas night, confiistiiirj of farces, ctbl-

eoniiealiticH, fiongs, dances, bimjosolos, nud other, upecinlliefl, by town artists,mnla nnd feinnlo; Great euro has boon Uuccna rclicarBaLi, tho proerftinino in n Cn(*l o n",md tho affair promises the [TrenteBt auecesa.'or full partloulnrs sac small tills,

'Iho Engineering nud Alining Jourual taye[Uilwock of tbo pig irou market: There In

no buHlncEfl of nny importance dolcg. It isroportul thnt good brnntjB of Jio. 1 foundryhavo been nold at $20 and $30,/K>, nnd

wo nre Hot able to eoufinu thin, yetit is not discredited. ' Thoro in certainly noquantity of iraa worthy of noto, If any otall,.|

it more limn 421. • Wo quote No. lfoitudry at $21 j No. 2 nud forge, 819©$20.

From tlio Boonton corrffRpondoniio of Uie3rnt.-jiunii wo learn tliat tbo men of that

plnco vho wont to Vivgiiiift nre very nmcliwith things there, necordinq to

tlio latest letters received from them. Tht*ytliat they do not gat enough food

to keep them aliva vhilo at utich liardworlt j thnt tiiey cannot mako aiiything overtheir board, ctn, T l^y hnvo nenriy nil Idfl

ll chopping, and are looking for woik hi

The class exuninatians in Uio public school/bn-ra bacn in progreu thiB Ifeet. Although,unaiilo to bo pritwut, wu luuru Uiat they wero

> Iiiglily Batisfftrfory ani wcil mista'med thogood reputation our (school has obtained byTcwon of its eEQdoncy.

•• Pish Warden • Garrison look about fiftythoua tu l gntne fiah from Oroenwood Xto prevent thorn from dying in the fowwAbout ten thousand ore saiil to hnva boen

, Oinrtgo. boBBf irith whioh. tbo. lota was.stocked se ren j years ago.

' Altomey-Ooaenil Vanaitn fippli&l to Clian-ccllor Jlnnyon Mondny for a dieBOlntion oftho injunction obtaiuud by tlio l l ldknil II.21. Co, raatmiuiug tho D. , L. & TV. ItaibwailCompflny from raising the Jlidlund track a t

' t h3 intcrsccUoa of Uio nilro«da. , - *

1). h. &. W. Btork niugua from 71 to 72.

Tho Ironia Kahbath Skhoul hiul iUi Chribt-i.i.is Trco luBt nighL

Don't fnil to hLtnre nn mldresw of our_-»ini..r on Now Yrar*« Day.

Ex-K-jGiitor Putcr Einilji, or Susaes,ii rious-y ill at liis r^id-juce nt Waterloo.

Tli •» wUl be oiiolhrr iiiMthigof imni.:rovdi-.f«RrtiiiiifttlUv. Ur. Nwju'e, Jan. 3d.

A full «it.'!«J.iaTO of Ilia»]i'ii)!«-n* of VietorLoilga is rttimiutcd for iifixt JIoud;iy cvut

A lurjjo jmrty ot DOVLT youug fi>Uiit nuuloi Kli'lfhii'tt L-xeurHiou la SIorriMtowiiW^ilm-whiy evt'iiing.

' IVro wnsuofrulhi i i Uia report thaiMuK.-titicUoiig funiin-'ii. ill EStauhopt) would-con Ify put in blast.

l i u fiiir of tin) hwlira of tbe S*ut!i StreetChurch, of SlorribUjvii,

crk.n r. 75.

A. Davotioiial Convention of tbe churches: tho Presbytery of Morria nud Omnee will

u j held in tha Presbyterian Church of Dover,on Wednesday, January Sit, beginning nt IU

:lock A. si. Tlio object of tho .conventionwill he tbo discussion of practical questionxcoiuiected with ruvival work. Tfio couvorid'oiiis not ono exclusively of iniuitknt anil elbut of tbo ehurcheH. Au interesting pro-groraino has been prepared, including brierntldrcsscs, prayers, exhortations, etc., auitho gntiiering will <Joubtloen he ot profit !i

1 who nttend.

The young luin from Iho vlpiuily of Sue.casunnn, who wa noted last week was fiiti

ijiired nent Drif ton, Pa., liy Uio diwsliaof a new revolver ho was showing, fa believedto havo becu F r a u i Woodruff, who formerlyclerked in HUIM'B flore at SuccOEimna. Waro informed by a friend Of MB that aboutmonth ago he vent, to thftt plftco with tlieexpectation of nvtnyitig a joiuig lady ot

iaana, and tbnt he. purchased n revolvershortly before lio left. The members of hinfamKr all being dead uo oue has taken nnnuliva intercut in looking np tho enee.

Prom tlio iniuatcu of Uio Annual Confer'cnccR of the IVee Methodic Church, justjetted, we gather tlie following fitqtusticu for

• this (Now York) Conference: Knmber ofI preachers, S 3 ; amount of prcnahere' reroipts

members, (15l>; probationtrfl, CO) localjuviohiv^ yfljt Sunday schoobi, ^ 1 ; offleowanil teachers, WJ\ ucholiirs, fijrt; amount

lined for Sunday school purposes, g837" "'imissionary collcclions, $57.^1; hiUa cou^-Uonfl, $33.3:11 ..vnluo of church property,

' £G0,fl0O. The iJoysr chutcli rcporto: Me—hen , r»i | probationers, 10 ; Buiulny ficbo^.olBcers and tcacltcrs, 10 ; scholars, TO;prenchcra' receipts, if OTi'H.'t; volao of churchproperly, §1(1,01)0. Ono of the beKt paying

I ck.uKh.48 Is that of Ecv. V.' M. Puny, itjNew York, tho prcaclicr'HreCGiptH oiuiouoced

tira emp of tarkcj-B of W10. "Bent,(if Scliooby'a Jlountain, disnpjiuarud oi

iurHdiy night cf lnst week.A Cliritilin™ Tnro anil RulibaUi Rdiool

Eil»-nilt;r>3 will bo civdu iu tbB HiUbrook M.E. Chun-h t'li New Year's n1g«t.

It will lio i;ot;c >d thnt tho town of Doverciiju il rviirtmctitiitioii on tlic l'.itit Jury

Tho jii".ij)la are jirofoandlygrntoful,

Pay Urothurs, Btationer* iu»l news dcal•I ifMTlslown, Iftvo nur>tlinuku fur a supplyif to;i'itinB-lioiiBo gnli'udiiw f<ir 1B77.

Thcnm* tlulliii and'ihoimui Cullln, Jr., ofmlihOii, Vfit into n Xt-w;irk ^fulion IJDIIBO OH

Mnmlay night forbdngdraifcniiddisimlerly.

o chililn-ii of Sir. Joswpu Tudd, ofH)niiliop»*. died withii: tl:rto days of cadioilier nf miiiubmuouH oroup nud wets btogether.

Tha full of nunw of Mondny wan Enfir.itilte pretty fair islviclilng in thin Wei1 t!in ni">Ty Bl«igh IJCIIH wtnj hoard for


tho t time.ipplleniion will bo mmio to Iho 1/

lntufct thin Spring - to pans nu net nllowingliHpul t'rtvtnunents to ad Just or compro.s nil .HHputoK of BimjhMinontd.li-j olttlilwn of the Bocmid 51. E . Hablxitb

Rthool will U treated to a Clu-fetmns I'mc,HuU, on OhriLitnuo it^Iit, when

>r plnu-uro is mitiiiiutUd.i-'ornied nn thu best nutiiority—

liutoC Iho umterUiker—thut Ihwo linvo buouilimtlw iu Dover and viuinlly thw year

than hi iuiy year during tho piuit ncveu.linn. A'. V. Stout mid O.^o. J. Perry, Estj.

roll hiio^-u laymen of this (Nuwurk) M. E.Conference, liavo imulo largo donntions to

University, Uio formor 420,001) aniltha liitttir §10,000." ° '"' '

being tlic laHt of tbo Ccntciininlyear, next week IB iho lmit opportunity formaUlcn* who hnvo not availed thumtwlvaH ofIlio piivilfgcB of leap year, und will also endtha fun of Iho sport*uifii, -

The coiittnet of Maley /c Conlpy witli theGreen I'oml Ii-on Mining Compniiy expiredon tiic let icnt. "Harry" O. Blnukwell. IBIOW tho general mfltingcr nnd Owen Conloy

Siipr-riutcudent for thu company.

lit the bitter cold of liuit BalurOny ntfjlit nDor wretth v a found lUod. drunk nlotigroHppL-t Btriiiit. iridJienotlwuM discoveredid removed lie ivouhl hnvo muloubtcdiyson froasn to dentil before tioniiiig.If money U an object to,yoti, wJiioh'.of

coursa i t IH in Ihcso times, iavo from fifty;nU to $!.:'£ oa eachJmt whiche t t ry mini,aulli o r boy uectJa, liy buying tho samo ntco. Ftdtr'fl, noxt Joor to tbo post office.. »Burglfirynnd suefik thieving lira increiiniiig

Inmiiiigly tlitou(;h'>"t this Rectton, and tlicroonly ona reniMly. Eay for tha rogues withpni filled witli fino idiot mid fill them to

full oC holes tbnt their hide* mny bo utilizedfor pepper boxes. " •• ,

SleBsrs. Ford D.' Smith niid B. C. llngia,if this place, havo fanned a legnl partuer-bip uudt'r tUo flnn linme of Bmitb &. llnglo,ud have opened n hrnneh odleo In ChaaUr,

They are rising men in their profession, midq \tiali.theu^ sucwea, \ \/\ i ; ; : • . • .

Messrs. AVin. n . and John IljTam, of Ufa, lace, who nro epemliui; tlio WiiiW trappingand hunting in Virginia, wo learn have thusfnr niet with splendid miccees. Tlio first of

week Uiisy' Hunt homo n very flno beaver,which vfiiHdiiiplnyedatSaninua' meat market.

One of tha industries of this plnco dcBcrv-ing of imlronngo is tlio boiler niaitag cstal)-liabment of Foster F . Uiruh, licit to Uio oMroiling will. 'Sir. -Birch has, estiiblieued

iHclf liero, ]R doing goodwork, nnd thoser ing' work' in liiu line should patrouimlie iuiliiatry.

hio Chrihtiufia Treo ciiterUinnicnt in tho31. K, CUUT£I on Chrisluins night prDinintslo ba unnsiiolly interesting, . Iksides tliolientoivnl of gifts uiiou lh« liltlo ones, tlierowill bo dinging of Christinas enrols, reo'.lo-UDUB and other exercises that ciuinot'faH toliitcKsfc idl Who otlcnd.

I t lina been determined to hold tlia outer-limiient of A'ictor Lodge of Good Templarsa Friday evening next, 20th hist,, In V)ck's Hull. The program uio in m ado up ofmfn'ijtirB,' tnlitcaiix,' s{ngin(f nnd other nttrco-vo feuturcH, which will well repay all wlio

give them tho encouragement of their prta-

Tlio lndicR of tlie Hecond 21. R ChurchwillgWc a first-class bystcr e u p p o r l u isou's Hull on Now VcWe night, at -which will1)0 served oysters In. ovory atylii, rnkfl,cofleo, confectionery, etc. Tho proceeds will

i for tlto benefit of tho church, which is[[forgoing quite a heavy expeueo III fitting

up their now plnco of worship. Give themliberal patronngo. • . •

Wo nro requested to extend tho thanksofthe members of^Victor L«1[ro of-Qood

tho citizoiiB who no liberallycoutrihatod toward the entertainment of thedelegates of tho County Lodgu'tju tho Occji-

f llioir meeting hero last wook, and toMr. D . II. McDuvit and mother for kindlyallowing them tlio ime of Um-pTaco where

cntfrininmrtiitwnt provided,• It ban bocn decided to held tlio ChristinasTrao of Iho Preubjtcrian Church on 'Wednes-day, evening ueil , iiiHtead of the eveningirovious, ns lierdoforo announced. Thoixorcisea hy thn Rjhool will ba ontertnining,

nmlwill conniet of Ringing, class responds,recitations, etc. lltrBe^vith tho usual iuer-riincnt occauiotitMl by the Christmas troo nudtho giving ot Uja yltM will malio up a veryplcaEant evening to all who attend.' from Uio Jersaynian wo Ieurn that thorending room of tho Horristown Y. if. O. A.lias this j ear been patronized by 12,(101)

Thoy have nhto givet n, free luncheach Saturday night to sixty or more boys,besides doing a noblo work in curing for Ihopoor. Tlu re is a debt of § (IX) npiinst tlioAssociation which, in rptisidctntion of. thogood work they have done, nhunl'l bo i

:lcd by the good people of thnt placo,Shorlly"nfter dnrk last Saturday evening

i Mr. Robert F . Orain woa driving through3ft, Tlmuant, hh horse heenmo frightened

HOB object hi Uie rood nnd suddenlyHhicd, placlnp tlia top in a poaition to etlie force of tbo ptfonfl gnlo of wind thenblowing. Tha rcRiilt wua Uiu^ tlio carringawas blown over, dad Itr. Omni andKlchords thrown out.* Although somewhatbruised neither won BCrioufily hnrt. Tlialorso mu ft.UItlo ways fu r ihe racd tras

aiuyht fnsl iu Uia linrnt'hs aut] stopped,irrings wns liadly wrecked.Inane Trice, ona of tiio c'.dett printers Iu

New Jersey. " died In tho hnrnnsB" in thoNuwark Daily AdvertiKcr OIHCB on TOCBHo wait setting typo at his cosowhen ho sud-denly- fell hack ami Immediately cxplriilfar back (is 1810 he worked hi Iho .Morrifitownolnccfl, having boon employed In tho Banneriffltonlonofoi-'twelvoconi-ecntivo years. For

Lhe pnxt tvtilvo .yean) of hl»i life lio was[R l)to t/fllce of tho NepTirk Dnll?

Ho hnd nccuinulnted qtiitoconipfttency niid 1 J« Tiiinlly lived on the farof Ida lata falhcr-ic-hiw, Elins Vartl, nearGreen Village, in this cennty.

1'iurnoD BL-iln u (jouil t i t for 1 ,

TIIQ snow htonu of TlinrfiUiiy pittthcd tiIulgLlllg lU^uly.

CengTtiiB'js:»<v C'«1!..T i« iiimiL-d in rtiflVmiljuartorfi for m*xi (.iovenmr.

A now crutliator hits hueu placed in thopost oflii", in;ikiiiji in inoru comforlii

M. E. SimJiiy Bi-hool willhave a (!hrialuian Trtu on ChrijituiM

Tlie lioliikyeiitcrlttiiiiiicDtortho Mine Hillihbilh Kuliool will be huld ou Kuw«bt.

I^ijilithuria IH dLcreaiiiiig'iu tho iiei(;hbor-iiood uf Cheuter, altlough Ihuro ore btill n

ujijbitr of. ctiHutt.

ll«v. A. 0. Higgitm, *f Now York City,IIH jiurehwed the ILickettiitowu Herald. Wo

\iln\i him fcucctw.E. B. GailiM, ono of tlio oldert Incly(n o f TtoonUin, ttgea Huveuly-eigUt,

died on ThutHilny.

A ChrJitninu Tree onterUiunient will bo(•ivon the Bchooloy'H Mountain BsbbathSulionl thiaevcutng.'

runioni that tho Ilomiton IronWorks would start up tlio first of JuiiuaryIinvc proved untrue.

ward JI, Soaring will conduct thrpmj-ermeeting of tho Y. M. C. A. tcmorrrun after-noon. All are invited to attend.

Wo learn that on Tuesday u llttle*nirl ofikplti-o hy the iitiniD nf Hunt t,li[ip(;d and

fell on tho sidewalk, brenkiiig her lug.

Tho l>oh-t ofilflo will elcpo ut 10:30 A. M.Chrktninn, and rorauiucbscilalldiiy. Thoro,-ill bo no tvctiitig nmil from New York.

You can sisnd uo cheaper or nioro valuable.o'.iday present to your absent frinud than isccii't /or yeur'u nubijorijitiou to tho I to:

Eiu.I'ijrBou liro'ri liavo Just received anothei

lot of (k'lit'y JIuuiiieKH Huit3 und Ovcrcoatnrhitli they uru oflcrlitg nt jiritta lo suit tho


Tlicrn will bo wristlet pnrty held at tbo'Eiilenca ot A. I). Ralmon, Urakovillo, for

thu bemfll of iho ilmrcli iii thnt pku>o, oiFriday evening, Deo. L>l)lh,

Tlie Sulhtin lien nialiciouRly wlieu it myho r<-i»irt'.T nf Uii« pi JUT vnx oyn excludetrom any luccting. - Gurrition him Lotu ci-azyever liiticu I Imt peach trade Df his lost fall

CitizciiH1 llcluf AKsoeiatlon, of Mor-i, h i s divided tlio placo in tlurteeu

Districts, with ono lndy vUitor to each, whosupply tho destitute with clothing and food.

Ouo of our "uoinpfi" calk our attention totha fact thnt tho immo tiucciifiuiiua, althoughqulto a long word, h composod DF but flvodifferent letters, and tli.it thcro is just twoof cuch kind.

Shortly before tbo explosion at GreenPond lnst wack, Uia gang of thn Midland oro

tin wore in tbo btiiUliu£, and tho last onohad loft but o fow minutes buforo tho ex-plosion occurred.

to request a full attendanceof odlecrH, teachers nud sckoiurs at tho 11.~E. Bahlmth School to-morrow; nlso to uototlint Uio Cbrihttnos troo BDrvioea Monday

ciniiiB begbi nt aoven o'clock, prompt.Protracted mot'tings htgan thin week in tho

Nwismit fJrovo rresbyterian,phurch undertho direction «( Ituv. Dr. Magio nud a oom-

litteo of PreBbjtery, Night services aronko being held at Stephomburg ftad LittloUrooli.

In a suit nt lioonton Benjamin Vnit KAHBwas mulcted in tbo snm of six ccnta; forikninglQB tho feelings of Mm. Andruw Young

ivutthluy uuluidt) her honnotrliilo iilid liad)pauy. But every B!K cents counts in tho

neighborhood of Boontou just now. • \ -, ,Tlio first General Quarterly Electing of tho

Dover Fret) Mothoditit Church willcoumoncoThursday eveuhiK. Dec. SGtli, nnd conUiiuoivor'tlio Bubbatli. • Eov. Sir. Oould, Ohnir-iifin, and other praiuht-ra will bo proBeut.

Watch Meeting Babbath cTOiilng, tho flint.AU MO . M i t c A / ; . ] ; TMi' ,;•

Messrs. Cox and Young will try "conclu-SIOUB agaia boforo Justice Oago,election bet ctwa noxt'Wednesday, Binccthonrticla published elaowhero was in typovo leam that tho ifUit Jury was ovculy dirided—two Itoftublicnns and ono Democratm ono Hide and two Dcinocrnts and ono llo-mttlicna en tbo other,

Tlio congregation and friends of tho J i t .Freedom II . E. Church will givo thoirpiutor,

•; Sir. Bko, a donation visit, nt tlio par^Bouage, on Thursday evening noxt. VoungInilieH will please observe that this will boibont tiie lont opportunity nfforded themduring leap year to extract a elcighriilo fromthoir gentleman friends.

Mr. John Orevk, the genial tmck-iunater\ tho "Ohoster HftitoniJ, hon reared tt fioc

family of girls, tbo youngest of whom in 1(1yearn old. I t had nlwayit bocn a matter ofregret to John Uiat he hnd no sons, but onThursday night ho was ths lirippiestruaninMorria County when his friends congrata.lated him aa tho father of a pair of bouuoingboys.

Tlie ladies of St. Bernard's Church, at Sit.Hope, will hold their annual Fuir and Fcstl*ttl for ton dnys ,commcadng on $hr{fittauB

afternoon n t il o'clock. A fino variety ofvaluable fancy attUdea will bo offered ot thotables. All tlia duliunoius of tho BC-OSOU willbo diupcnstxl, and nt pricue to suit tlio times.Instrumental music each evening will render

entertjiiumout Btill luoro worthy tho pat-ronage of the public

These nro hard times for the churches ofall denominations, nnd BOUIO of tho churchesof tills M. E. Conference will send word totho Animal Conforonce next Spring that they,cauuot pay nc i^ruo Eaiarien aa they havobeen, while others tlint aro hctvlly burdenedwith deb't will oak (|)i* privilege of doing

itbout n rugithr jidBtor for ono year atrnst, and depend oa Bnpplinfl. So w« learn i

from tbo Bulletin, irblcli chuinB lo speak byauthority. -•'•

Some, fenrs having been ODtertalncd thattlic fiahuig at Greenwood Lake was about to

liltvl by tho operations of tho atiimppullers at tha'lower cud of the laka, thaSecrotary of tho Sportsmeu'fl Club Iwrftes totho New York Bun a letter in which ho snysliittt such fears'ara grouniilcttflj Hint IOC,pic\orel wore canght by ono party ono daylast week, and Uiat uo net fishing Is allowed.Tbo Sportamon'ti Club intend to ro-etock thelako tlua winter.

rare, Idcknwannn and Wcttcrnj by mic(ion T|iumlay (10,00(1

tons of Scrantc-n cold, to ho delivered In Ho-boken iu January. In. steamlont, gmte, nndegg t lcro was a »liglit advance iu priccH, butfor chestnut tho nveraga wnssomewlmt lowertlmn that of last month. Tlio nvcmgo forstovo in November was $.1.02}, and tho

>rago Thursday was iJO.COj, For chestnuttlio avcnigo in Hovembcr vns i?-XUGJ, and

!>utwW« average was only fil.pL

Tbo ntiknufactuxo of minbnil wool nt IhoGreenwood Iron Works etill continncq. Withtho remembrance of tho vimt forest fires stillfrenh in onr incmorion, which, In FOtno cns*ntt lcas^ probably origina^od from tbo wad-

ding of soniQ Eporbmiau'B gun,- it might boHuggestcil that gnu wads tnado from this

laterinl are nil- effectual safeguard againstfire* of thifLkind.* The wool is utterly inda-tructitljlo by f|ro nrjd in as light OK UIO•eritnhlo cotton Itself," I t is utiii to tcUU i$

tho furunco for forty dollars a toa.Tho. following, (rOm,tlio Now York Sunwfeph/, brings to Dotico ft well known

Mon-IfitoffTi rfiffracler w)]O hns been living in

recently i Charles Porter, ft ifrom Ne"wwk, went to Freehold Thursday- tParrest Willicm Timtnons of Kcwurk for o r

In flio American Hotel, Porterplaying billiards, and siiid to

him, " I want you." Timuions went to Uiobar with tbo detcctivn, and they hod acveroldrinks together, nnd in a little whila tho dc-

o was intoxicated and quarrolliiig withhis prisoner, Fjuin vords it Trent to blows,ntid tho detective got tlio wort>t of i t Uowas cut under tho chin. Tho prisonerescaped. . ' '

Uhildn-iTii wiil:. f n m f. S tu v'i m l'i«Xoti-H fulling due o:i Sluudny mu.it be poii


tdH nnd BluJB'-buBH lit 8. II. l f c n / iILirdwnru »Uiru.

Sue Itroeoo'B Uwplay before you buy yomholiday priiBotitii.

It looks iw if they wero puJdng Rectie KJ.ubovo for Ohribtiuas.

idics and Clilldron'a Furs nt riurbou'd,closing out at wholoyuto prices.

Coasting is tlio divortiBcmout of nut present ou our billy Btrtcts.

A OhristmnB somion will bo preached, hyBor. Jlr. Uallowny pn Sabbath niorniiijj btbo PrcHbyturinu Cbiirch.

'ITJO rreebytsriau Church is being hand-nii-jlydecomtod for CbrLituiaH, andork will be completed to-day it may bu

seen ot the gcrvhe-a to-morrow. *

Charley Jay unys Uiat nfter Mr. Cutler isilected Governor ho wiil retire forever fromHilitknl elrifo. Churlfy is tho IQOHL e k a i -

fnrtlyrutiring mnn we ever Itiicw.

IV'illiain Huuf, of Itooiiton, wns qiven afow minuti* to got out of Hoont«n tho oilierday for buing dnin i aui dlaordurly,

Tbo Eblers iwid Dtacouw of tbo PresbyteryofMorrifl aud Omuso will bold t b d r next

jnii-iuiiinal meeting al Chester, in Juno noxt.The fall grain is in flno condition. Tbo

>l<<at in HO well rooted thnt it will take morothin ouordhiary freezetoitetstroyorhijnre it.

Thu railroad company Imva offered Sl.t'OOto any ono that will lako Ibo contract to cut

itumjiB off at tho lowcrend of OrconwoodLnko.

By tlio brtaViiig of an axle a part of a coaltroiu WIIH thrown from lliu tnitk near PortMon-iw, Moiuliy night nnd over a down carsbrukcu.

Btill it gnowfl. We IiaY.o now hnd morenow this Winter lllnn va bad last Winter

. |

ili«tunco wmtli of thu State Luuutij ABJIUIU,in the Wiatuoiig Gnuigi', n luaguificent farmof 4IK> iWiuH, and o» this funn ii (some of tho

trotting blood in tin- c»»:iutry. As you, from tiiiti) to tii.iu, giv.n HCWHIUIH nfYurioun htoclt mid breeding furinn in

Kentucky, iu Omtigu ntid I)utrhenn counticH,h'uw York j in lIiiHWKhuiwt'j and cl*:wln.r«!,allow ma once to ULtwrrihu what I saw ut theubovc fjinn in Nuw Jersey.

At tho head of the hoiwe, tlitn, in Ihc•ani htallioa Virgo JJaaiiAetoiuaa, by JLuu-ulouiwi, daui A'irgo, by Iloo'u AlxLiUnb

Chief, Hmndaui Cutbird, by Whistle Jacket,m of Jilauibrinu; gnat graudam tbo Ly>mm, by tbo Ifortlioll horse, .son of importedpsHMigw; (pent-grail yroiidain iiy l)i

Virgo Iliuiitik'toiiiou is brother hi blood toSir. Ilaukmau'ti famous Mnjacugcv Duroc,aud Lhci-c t,-iMiiiot l>o a doubt Unit Virgo villbe nblo to trnuamit, in liko manner tliut hitillufitriouH brother Una done, not, only greattpenl, but great hottuui, to liia proguny.Viryo I Tumble Ionian is bay in color, withlilnck points, except the ankle of tlio oil foreleg, which ID white, and is fiftotm hanilHineii hif{h. Hn iu iibout twelvu yean: old, andInn oldtsHt {oiilx aro not yet tlin'U ytam old,

ha novur had u chiuicu iu thu Htud uutil bufell into thu bauds of hii prew.'iit ow.bout four yuan* ugo. 'ihnt bin pritfjonj- uriif tlio fluent khid will bo proved hy tho old-

t f bi t t b l h tU

Will you take your chance lietwcen mnnd Kew Year's nod buy a Rood Fall undWinter (Suit for from $5.SO lo 5HD.7C por

lit, nt Geo. l'edor's, next to tho pout-office ?

CfolliPK line (Iiierts hnvo boon Heoa&wgIhojiihnbitAiitsin tha neighborhood of NewFottnillniul, nudunluHd UID hoop polo btutinosMrovivca BOIUO serious eousequouccB are anticipated. •

NoKoo iti given flmt fipl>Uen\Um will heailoto (hoI^cUlntiiro nt ltn next Hriwion

for the formation of a now lowimhip out of nif Iho township of Itntidulpli, to be

called Iron in. ',

Wo lenmoil yostonlny that, Jacob V?. Coloand his son Inane, of Washington, weio onThursday arrosletl by Newark dctecttvoa ou

if conspiring to dsf mud Mt. GeorgeM. BtUard, of Newark, out of $(10,01)0.

Mm I'routy, elocutionist, and Jlr. J. IZillWarner, organist, will give an outorliitnaiontin tbo Second PrOHbylerian Ohnroh, llnnd.ham, ou Tueadiy evening next, under the

jHpiccs of Iho Y. SI. O. A. of lint pbica.

I n the Orphans' Court on Moinlny andnt'Hdny, a hearing won had in tho nialter of

Mary E. Jonen, Exefiutrir of Timothy Soutli-nrd> to M l latids, which is opiwaed by tliewidow of Southard.. Tba Court renorvytl Itnilecision, and ndjonnicd until ttio first Tues-day |a January, i

Ahignil Ogdon, tbe veuerablo widow of tlieInto William Itrmkin, of Mendhnn^ died iuNewark jester (by inoriiing, nt tbaORoof 8ftyears. 8ho"waa n worthy spousoto tha du-

lutor, nnd greatly oasiaftil him In bUnoble life work. Though gone, thoir goodworks ntd their memory will Uvu afler them.

Ilov. TV. W, noUowny,.Jr.1 'wlll ddivcr ac'tura for tho benefit oE tlio Y. ST. O. A. m

tbo rrcuhytorian Church nozt Friday even-rhich event further particulars will

be given. Tho Asqopiutiou In ongngcd Ingood -works;'auiong others' caring for ilio

r, uml their efforts iIcBorro tlie patronngeof our pcoplo.

TIIB (lestnictJon of rabbits aud quail liiwboen:'no fearful fills year, that fears-orbexpressed by somo peoiilo that, thcro will lionono next year. Ari old observer rctuarkedthnt i t looked an if tha whola crop1 h idbeen oxtorminated. Tho light (mows "havebeen just tha thing tlmt guunow wanted.Thoy aro enabled to track both birds, andrabblta lo thoir hiding places. :

Dinbtuerin,,crpnp,. nicofiles, aud olhcr dis-XQK aftlictiEg children nt this season of tho

year, nmkn It imperative that you Hhouldplctnra of your loved littlo one before

token from your amis by tho fell destroyer.Doti't delay Buoh nn important matter, butgo'to Weitilo's pbctogrnph gallery on Blswk-

?U fitroet, accompanied by your children,ond hnvo thfir pictures taken. WoitiWsprices" nro very low now.

Harper'B MiiyiuJuo for January Is?ual)y intercBting uumbor. I t contains

illustrated papers on "Contemporary Art inEngland," "Oood Old'Xiiues ot Plymouth,"and " A CTUIBO among the Mndagiucar Is-lands," and many other things, including thelexiiUs, short stories, poems, Easy Chair, thorare collection of good things tho Jneihaneti-

blo l)riiwc* producefl, etc., etc. ^ o borneis coaiplcto without Harper.

Tho Board of Freeholders met' in thoCounty Hall yesterday, but beyond tho d e ct'on of c County Collector, to fill tho vncancycaused by ths death cf A. B. Brittin, Be^.,nnd the pnying of a >ow bills, but littlb

was traueacted. The question ofbridge!) was broached, wo lcnrn, hut tlio

latter wns deferred. ' Mr. Edcr V. Hnugh-out, of Chatham Township, ww elected

County Collector, and gave the. ucooSBorybond, which was accepted by tho Board,

Mr. Jan. R. BecnScr ban on exhibition a this inarkot on. BttBtjcx street ono of ttio largost

iga over u c u fu this KCCUOU. Ills we/gut,I, innilo by a fair returning board, i s

li!!0 pounds. Ho was ft ' 'summer boarder"at the lake Vfow House, Laka Hopatcong,whero Mr. Boomer procured him somo weeksago,.nnd U ovidauoo of tbo good feeding

rlitoli even a porker may receive at UiAteetob,liithmont. l io will bo disposed of liy rain(9|

nt $1 per ticket and tho winner will hnveenough pork to supply his family all WJutor.

Thcro in nothing i s tho Shape of a hohMnj.ircsent (Kiual lo a photographic, picture of nloved ono—whether it be a sweet-heart or nmember of your family—even that of amoUier-ln-lnwf prospective, or otherwise, allCave an nbuoHpliero cf iuteieflt;coiitained Jo[lobbing ehie \\^Aor tl|a mtn, Vfelljlo, at hisfoomfi on Ittackwcll street, cau dojust icotoyour tnatafl, in stylo, variety and price, whewothers would fall. It ts a fact, and wo. willback it, thftt Weiffie gets up a better pfcturoiot tbo price clinrgud than can bo hod iutho city of Now York,

. Tho notorious Chutley Watson attended Pio |Tcndno of tile pcra(inf\l property c( tlia loU)Johu A. OfHtctfinoycB^rday, an'dvhilo"|herottolo two buffalo robes from Uto idclgh ofWm. I I . VoarheoB. Complaint woa mademd Offloer 'Wood arrested him nail broughtlim before Jiiilgo 'WncHl, who, in default ortail, commitUid him t o tho county jail. A

hag of chickens were token from hiti sluighit tha Tcniluo, and oa' his arrival hero n tot

of com and apples -wcro found. Ho ac-knowledged his guilt. Charley bus been inmany and larger Hempen, but thin fa the fln,tlimp ho WBS (Hjnarely ciicght.

The prcuent hi a critical period in tha hlilory of tho Protectory nt Denvillo. Anofflcial circular Bays: I n t r o in rtilln lnrgoitoatlng and bonded debt, uid Uie only poo*

hopo of success in In tho revorGiid•s, relntlons , (ind frlowlt -*1

chiiarcn to tho rrotcctory paying their boardr««nptlynnJroguh»rl7, to ennbla Iho lirnlhento pay Uio current oxpenGPS, ag it Is tlieliouly resource, tho diocesan collections being

to pay insurance, Interest, repairs,and to rcduoo tho debt. As tho room is

null, only Incorrigible children should bo:nt. Orphans and children needing merely

tUo shelter of an acylum should, hoasylums, several of which now exist In tliodiocese. .

y Turf,mid Turm. Thix lllty IH cntcrud iu thu

ukesiw Lady Antrim, by Virgotouiati, duin Cy Quo. M. l'atchuu, gmudhy AhdAltuli. KLu !H lib nut fifteen and ti lmlfUutiils iu huight, u bay, with black points: inrciii:irknli!y hiimbiumu, nud kurutylu of goingin iu rugulur aud t>(puiru a gnit as tliat ofIlcxttr. WiihalUiublood-lilio cut imd ftiribout bur tho iw MtiU very Htout at Uie riglitplaces and is xuUUiutially inado up nil over.Sliu yrwitly mnointjlm hur Hire, who iu a littlegimit. Liuly Antrim liiw vury nno anus,hlilliMtnud liiwkn, nud Kiich lnitiBfia uru nel-dniu HUL'U. AH blio diuthtd around n U'n nerti

l k b i

T«-t mil.'u


rr, N. '

pt>nt of bin yet next bnmuiur,for tho Threo-ycur-old titiiko of thFild d T Thi lllt

hu troUi

lot, h tha riHpu7 bound, fiho uppeariil trutliug bolterlliruu miiiuUi fjiat, mid lliis \\nti dunu:

with BUeli fityle aud easo that I IUII nunever HUW any thing of tho kind buforo.will tato a vory fiu>t one lo beat Uio lilly intho utuktis—mark what 1 say—should uoueddout Lufidl her UIU-JUU tiiis nnJ tluu.She luis botm worked only six weeks, audthut wti4 iii thu full} but her temper is BOgood Unit HIIO gnvti Mr, Keek-h no truublu

(1 »iU Iwt rendy for work at any iii .Then there in another two-yenr-old, a

uhustnut lilly, called ilmnio McUuirurty,whiuh ia a. perfect botiuty. Shu won out of Huiaro by Jupiter Ahdalkh. But u, buy coltout of Uio I'utebun mum, uliu by Fidilkr, byHoiunouth EuliiiHO, Hlkd my eye to its full.Tliis colt i* a ytur bud a half oM, ucarlyQttt'eu huuds high, has two white fuel introut, u sUiriufurebtadnudstripoiihisnouoJFrom his uudcr lip to tho tip ot his Uillht'iis not a spot or phico that ueeds iuiprovo-

it, nu,l as to hiri gait, that seemed perfec-tion. Afr, Kcctcti brought JUKI out of thipaddock, vhtro Iu had l u c u frluking aboutwith somo other young onen, into Iho tuiplko rood, to HIIOW QIT hin bt-hi Htujm. AndLira colt Becincd to know what was meant forhim to do, as he trotted up and <]iraid at a gait Unit would warm up tho HU»K-uunt btuod of Uiu oldest admirer of goodtrottiug. Thin cult, should no nccidt-iit beftdlhim, must inaku n rapid horse, OK, althoughbo hu4 never had a bridle ou, ho cim uhow athroo miuuto gait at any thuo on tho road or

i n tlulit, witliuut any uue tu giiulu him.Theru is also a full brother to the above

colt, a wcunliug, nix uioutlu) old, ou the pinud bn Ki'tniH a counterpart of tho elderiu color and conformation. Ho in buy, withtwo wLilo niiklbu behind and ono ou hisfore !<% Ilo has a HIIIHII hl&rin hin forehead,Tlii» cuJt it hir^ouuii ronmrkably veil formedforblrcugtb. iliH trotting action is fault-letiH, bin buck, loins, nrinu nud buckx btiiuwondorfully hirgu. Ud must wake bin marl

Uio trotting turf.iViiolber very thio looking cult by Virgo is

a very dark chuutuut, five and a halt mouthsold. Uo lmn two wEiito fitocJiinys behind, a |

"'Btar iu forehead and Homo wldtflmu aud tail. This In a, very hiryi

powerful colt, being fully fifteen hands iuhuiglit uoiv. Uo will be a. big follow, ponailily another Great Eiintum.

Jlwt about M good a wio as Ihero k on thifdraf is a mraly-nosod bay fellow, nix mouth:old, with muscle and bone enough fora three-,ycaruld. lio resembles bin nire very much,and in Uio field vhero ho wiw turned to sliowhis proacluncy in natural trotting ha reallyuEtouUhed mo with lila eWdo and xpuod. llixmovuiueulti were as reguhir as those. o[ JuJgtifnllcrton or Hopeful whoii doing thtir best,aud the young gouUemau BQUIUB to know noother gnit Uiau miiuiro trotting. UT. Keutelisaid thut tho iiamo of tho colt is New YorkHerald, and ho oxpcct» that he will makegreata UortiattBktqwiutmkelBaiiowHwpI hope his wiuhua may bo reohzeil, and tlu<nthe Huniyolers uud {jpnigucs nud DhickwoodJ m , will uavD to pnt up witli second, tliirdand fourth monoyti iu tlio purso races freufor all.

There nro forty-fouriicad of bones all toldon tlie phwe, a groat number of them finelyhrexl brood innruH, vrblch nro uow hi fool tiVirgo llainblutouinu, niid to givo a ilcscriptlon of all would toko up too niueli'of tinvaluahla. space in your paper j but there ar<ono or two that I must mention, as thoy aroexceptionally good omjo. Ono in Ur. M,Wall's chestnut .nuiro by Edward Everett,dam by tho Eaton horse, Bhu bt a goliUnchestnut, witli four white Blockings aud nblaze fiica. Sho is oftcon and a half linuduhigh. Her shapo aud goueral make up arefituHlims, aud sho can trot faster than herowuur would Uketbs public to know, bileIs very font, singla or double. Among thobrood inarcu is a black mare by Jlaxty Clay,•ith a colt by her side hy oleiwongor Duroc,

a little beauty flvo uioutlis o]ii Tbo motherIs fifteen hauils thjee mches high, flaelyfonned, with great Bpeed and good octiou,and is now in foal to Virgo Hiuitblctoniwi.

The wares aud colts at tliis placo nre wolltaken ouro of, as the bam tliat they live in atnightsandwheu the sun docs notshuie iiono of UICJ grundent to be poeu aiiywhero. I tis 117 feet in length by 70 iu width, t b i wlitories high, without a basement, nud wagouucan be drive ft from the ground into eachstory of tho building. The box sUlls aroroomy and rangy and tho ventilation good.It in a grand sight at any time of tlie yenr tolook ovvr thin cxteiuiivs fnnn and BOO whatadvnutages it has for stock robing, beingtertUu boyond couceptiou and well wateredby the Whippauy Ilivar, brucchEB of whichluuia Uirough Uio plnce. Horrtenien anilbreeders Hhnuid Ra (here nud sco tha beautiesOf ^hiiluong Gningu.—1(, Y. Uurald.

• Don'i frceao yrmr (indent when you canget a pair of good nnd wnrm glovcx far S»cents at George Fedcr's, next door to thepost-office, Dover *N, J,

. An Honest Mao Discharged,0u Sulurdiiy luBt Sir. Gcorga W, Itnymowl,

lelcgrnph oiiuraior at tliia place for Ibo pasthreo yenm, who by hia bouealy, ettleicney,wnrkMjv nnd nioru than all. bis oicelieutcbnractor, luis won fnr himsi'lf tho esteem ofUiisoutiro communlly, was dtaelwrged irotu

IKmllioQ by tfr. O;ilrieu, Supariulumieutof Telegraphs. This result, it is said Browmt of a mutter of ilifforoiito rcupectinp; a tel-g^nm aont fain thU plaooby Sir. 1\. in Sep-

tember lust, the nou-dclivtry of which uponSundny greatly Incouvcnlonoed a Rcnllonmnof thin place, in tbo mnttcr of a duntli in 'hisCamily, for which he bat brought suit agnitutIhe company for damages. It is illegcd UuitMr. Itaymond being desirod to inuk.a \\ atatcrinonttliat wiuiUlOvm.einUitho miniwny rmmbl\nic lofuROit IQ ilo ep becauso ho could notdo it tculhfnlly, nnd this lead, to a gorreB-

tidencc, and fjoally l\\a djsuhargo. Fromour knowledge of him tut a man of probity

nd honor, wo would nnt have flipoetod any-thing tlso from him, cren if it did cont h ian peisoml sacrifice, and ho leaves us nowwith hiH tepiitntioB uamiUivH atidomiil Ilwri'|;rolH of nil who know him. Honesty liku

mny muet with Teveraen at ,fintt, but bynnd by it fitt in tho right placo und iiiokithe poHsowjur useful Mid Milued by tloMo who

> ni>iiroeinto him. Ilo currieswilh hlin (ho litHt of ren^miiunnVvUMiii

:ul 'diiluhli of this rord, to which wohiunble tcs.Uimtbj, knowing that nil

our ponplo will lieortilj-joiu'iu i t Kimwiuphis -worth and his integrity wo aulioipiito forhim a successful future, aud bnpabo mnynot be long in QnJitig it,

A Mr. Skoelo, of Ryraotuo, N. \ \ ,succcsaur In Uio offlco nt this place.

The bahwoe of overconU at Goo. Fetter'sclothing fitaro musL be Bold before Uie 1M. ofJanuary, regardless of wliat thoy-cost.

NatnrcH' Itfltnam far all Campl»lut* nt (hiiingi, tlio threat, ittid tbs brnuoblkl tubci, ii'Ilalti'n Horoy ot lion huiyd and Tar." Coldxind Cougln vnnliih BM if by magic under lit

soothing, hmlliif; operation. Boll t j all drug


On Uio iiinniiiiK <>f the 17th iiitt. thopcoplo of this village wero groatly nuriirinidto Iefirn Hint tho uous.u occupied hy Mr.ilorriH SloJcbowur luul burm-il U> the groundluriny tli« u't'lit mid tlmt but tmn umu iu tins•illuge, I>. G. Vlict, l;m;w cf il in time t.» !>••

of uuj* iitiSJKtinco. Tho hotitu wiuf lens ihuuufJit frtmi (hu hatulni and uiw offiij>i«.-d l>y

Jlr. Klockbowtr, his wife Mid nine children.Ho a-,voko nbout ono o'clock to Und thu

bad nindc aueb jivogrt-au that it wiutUt do anytliiug more thiin CKcapn

•ith hi* t<imi\y aud fuuud «ojno difflcullyintloing even tliat. UTie Hiuall chtlilruu, sevunil

old—wuru movid to tho road, thencetu tbu neighbor*. Tho fatlitr wtut up Hairs

of tie tlii-oo Uitro aud w<mt for tho,vo but found it neceiuuiry to throw

them from tho chamber window and to escapojumping from the muiie. Ho had but

little mom tkan Htruck tho ground when thoroof fdl. Kinrly nil of thoir clothing ntdhousehold goods wuro burned. On that cold |

Uie condition of tho family wmtpitiablo, |but tlioBO preticut did tlicir best to relievothem nnd suvo tlio burn with other buildings.They miccecded well under tho cirouiiitituiices,Tho cliildreu were first tokea to tlio housesof MwMrs. Uel 13orry and Stephen Dufford.Mr. Villlam CoK'mao took the muther

IUU children hoimi with him. Messrs. 1).A. IIowuU, W. W. Stigor and Jacob Wuck

:h took one of tlie otbor oucs. When thoidltiou of thing*) bucamu kuown a fooling

of Kympntliy prompting to deeds of charitylhe mult , ami giftu of clothing withr things uccdful wero promptly for-

Wftrdcd. Mr. Caleb Howell gives tho rentof a cowfortnblo house until April and edortiaro being inndo lo provido this unfortuuuto

illy with thu uccumuirii'ii for lioUKt'kafcjTho cnUrpriso prouuKcs a good degreo of

i and bespeaks n fullow fueling oil tliipnrt of tho people throughout tlie ouin

iuity. To bo thrown out of house audhomo on a bleak mid whiter1!! night with

: childreu iu iudocd noHmall utlaiuity andIs a condition tliat of itnAl makox a utrotig

churilnblo consideration. ThiIIOUKC bclougod to 11. M. Sovereign nnd wan

•Kurud to tlio amouut of $t>4>0.There in to ba a Chrihtmas Tree, acconi-xuibil with au eutirbiitiment, ia the il. E.

Church on Monday evening next, iEow.

n Bro'a nro closing out & lot of I'nrGlovcn, Fur Collnra, Ao.,nt reduced pt-ieca.Now is your time to purchase.

Masonic Elections.Acacia Lodge, No. '20, A. F . and A. j r . , ofover, oil Wednesday evening elooted Uio

followiug: W. M., Win, II. JteDavit; 8.W., Sherwood D. Gould; J". V., Edward8.Hauco j Treasurer, E . E. .lnck«oii j Boc'y, 0.A. 'a i l lcnj Tyler, John W. Veuuer. Ai>-pointed offlcow-B. D., IVUllain T. Leport;J . » . , Villiam Unebci M.'s of C , Ira 0.Cooper, George W. Vormau ( Finance Gout-

.itteo, I. W. Hearing, Cornclini L. Import,S. D. Gouliij TrUHtecs, Iwino W. Senriug,IHOAO Tt. Jolloy, JnmcR It. IJCWIII ; Librarian,C. L. Lcport. Tlio officers wero inutnlC*tlifl Bfltnc evening hy T. SI. Iwuio W. Searing.

Tho fullowing officers were cm Mondnyevening oloctcd by Cincinnati Loilgo, No, 3,nf Jttorrutott-ii, nml imlitllud by J. V. Hont.|py, P. J l . : "W. M;, Jnirn-H W. Cam>ll; fl.W., Alfred CttuiHtaa; J. W,, lVm. li&iker,Jr. ; Treiumrcr, II, IL FnlrcWIil; Secretary,John M. Mooro ; Tyler, Lulliet II. Buini.

^ e i l offietiru: - CTiisjiLiIti, Eev. 3. II.Gunning; H. D., Jnincs Dlcknnn ; J, C ,

iRan ; M.'a o f d ' s , I ) , Y, Johnsnn,Tlioo. Mulford ; SUmiitin Committeo, A. M..Stiles, a O. Onerin, J. O. Arnold.

Arcnmi Lodge, Kn. GO, of Boon ton, electedl i e following mi Thiirwliy evening of last

vk, anil thtiy woro initUiUod lbosnino oven-liy S. .P. Drinkwuler, P . M . : W. M.,

Itobort OKOU ; S. Vf., Jd in 8. Vail J J. W.,A. E. Carpenter; Trcnsnrer, Enoch Ilnm-inonds; tjecr.itarj-, Geo. S. Enlon ; H. P . ,Blum a Lyoii j J . D., Tlic* E. Millar \ i l . ' -

ftuiel McEffon, JiicohO. Vnnilerhoof;Tyler, Geo. W. IlylFimuico OommiUakiua, Albert Diane,

Proflpoct Lodge, No, 24,. of Chester, onMonday evening elected nud iuhUUcd tliefolluv/iiig: W, JL, J. J l . Driukwater; S.W., ChnrleH Unrdiu j J. ^7., George A. Mon-ington; Troamirer, William i L Build; 8ec-

l y , K. M. Lnngdon j 8. D., J . 8. CnrlUe;J. D., J l . A. D. Ming; Tyler, Vfm. Daily,

rifirmony Lodge, of Nofrtrm, ou Thunxlayrcniug af last week elected ami Installed

tho following 1 W. M., George Ilardln ; B.W., a. B. Cook; J. W,, 0 . a Laing; Trens.A. F . Fellows i Sec'y, J- W. Crignt; 8. V.,M. N. Smith i J . D., John Bnrrett; .Tyler,

WIB Trufidellj Trusteed, A. IT. Bonnell, I .T. Btewirt and H. F . Goodman.

; Orgnniflt, Win. Trico;Qenrt;o Vulkor

Fino alk liondkorchiofs, silk ncdcoslimoro,uniUblo for Holiday Presents at FEerson'a.

Tlio D,, L, 4 W, Olirlfitiau AssociaUonconducted tho service in tho SI. E. CUurcliit Succafiiiuha h\et Sunday morning, oftor-noon and evening. Iu each inutanco thebuilding was filled, uncomfortably BO iu the

duo on account of tlio nufipcnaion ofservices in tha Presbyterian Church. It wasreinnrkable tliat tbo exercises during tho dayaud evening were - prolonged considerably

eyond tho usual time,-yet no uneasiness or'eariucm was exhibited. Messrs. Day,

Kecman and King, gave totiUtucmy la behalfof cbriatinnity \i\ a \ery (ilei r qud mtcreuting Imanner- Otliet rcenibors of the Associationtook part hi thia Bama fcaturo of the e^er-ciseB, but not being (riilc (o lei\m their mtmes,

iiiut content myself with this brief mention,The Young Folks Literary Aaufciation gaie |

nu "Old Folia" Concert Ut their mooting atresidence of Josinli Meeker, Esq., on

Wodticbday evening the 20th iust, and ismentioned as very interesting. Tho evening'aa very cold, but notwithstanding HUB, a

Urgo gathoring witnessed tho performance,Tho next mooting' consisting of Tahleux.Chanulue, etc., will be held at tho residenceof W. 8. Cnry, on neit liVcdaesilny evenjng.

CbriBlmas Treo festivities will bo held in |tho M, E, 0tyi?ch, t>U Jlcindny oveuing, Deo.

hi tho Preobyfcriiui Church, Tuesdayevening Deo, Slith; at Uie Drakcvilla BuptistChurch on, Saturday evening Dec. 23d.


rierson'a $G Buits Boll rapidly. They hlffQjnxt rcccivc-d another largo lot of. them^

» V»—:Bttdd's Lake.,

on \ha hike luis iittniuwl n tiilok-nesa of ten or tWflvo inohf-t, nnd earlier in

t umuiL Tlitwo httvlng icehouses to fill lmvo improved tljo opjvrtuni-ty, nnd filled them willi a superior quality of

o.And the puhlia generally hnvo improvedio oppnrtnnity to fiah on tho ice, nud forio or Ibno days but week mure than ono

UtoUfWid flith wcro tiiken, BO mo .very flnoof Mitck hiss, weighing throe to

five pounds each.Our SabtnUi School still bvea, and wo

think bids fair to rmrvivo thrnuijii Ilia Win-tcr, n^thonj;h i\at ulttmdori OH it shouhl bo iu

/f at tho liaucJiiri ilwt inro r>'giiW in attcmlmco.

Our prt'iichlng uerv

o to UIPAO wbc

with for thvo Irnv

nt the Chapel hugprcucm:, but onnn Intercuting

i h n II•or mcotiiw, oml Oc4 i« withjmimlRpil to be iiiull emm nhi

thr^'o "vo met in bhtniimo.Our worthy post master, E . G.Dudil, linn

icccctlcd iu having nn order proninlgnteOby tho lJi'iwttmant for n dnily inail t o thisplucc to lake effect tho SOtli of nurt month,which wiUaffunL all tho facilities wo need.—Huiiier.

J[r. John IL Bnikelcy, Bun of Georginl:olcj, Tyipatooug toiruKliip, xrttsseriatiB

Ty injured ou Wednoixlny lust, while IUan ice honsu 1Uintha mnyri

ur Fhillipbburg. I t id hoped

An Election Del 'Gate.An interesting wuit came uff before Justice

Gugo on Tntwlny, th« jtiirticidaru of which,M rlii il«<l by Hi.? cviileiiun, were RH follows :OntlcuUou diiyDiivid Ycuug, Kepublicftii,nnd Frank Cos, Puinocrnt, wiilo three butauf jlO each on K«w Vmlc, Now .Tcra^y anJthiH CVmyriiMniiJind District; tiUo tbrt'o bofs jIliiil HBIt.-lfiit"-'! S"f> I" #f>0, Unit Hiiyoi would jl-o tin; i i- i t rr. '-iacut. A tdiurt timti nfUjrthu tli;c:ti(m Cux ehiiniiid Hni munty onthlir«t tlirte beln, hiiyiug they wero conclusively nettled and Youug objected ou Ihu grmt h a bu Wuuld like to lmvc all tlio httfl demitiud Cr»t- Ktit U--iii(; iiblo to ugrco e&clichotw an arbitrator to Hottlo tho KUJC, uudtbi-Bu iii turu JioL bt:iug ublo to Bgroo, tb<chose a thini uiuu iwtufcrcc, hyvhoae dficw-iou ull ugrnud to abide. Tbe tefureo in bisovi.ioucu HUiled thut ho Jeddod thut tho Hnilirc-o LtiU Khnuld bo paid ut once to Cox, amthut wlieu tho electors cast their vaUiB on thi'IJi of December, tho I'ltiaidaatiai butsliouliie iluoidud by paying thu taoiioj to the ouilotting on tho imu Uaving the hirgost uuin

her uf eluctora, no mutter how they were ob-iud, except Uio auto uhoul4 bu doubtful,» thu )»:lnnhiiuh\ BIMII) Ull thu final doLiu in Fulruiirj. Oa this demiuu Ihu. threu beU weru puid to Cox. After tl

Gth nf December Young claimed tliu I'reeiul bets ou t i e ground that Hnjus hiidiril>' of i-liictow, but Cox oiBHeuUiil, wi,bu lunllfr VIM imt dtifiuitely settled, im

the money Hhould remain u p till Fobrunry.:ii Young informed Cox thut if ho wouir

iiHow him to ilnw the money bu would rnHiud it if it ttlinuM turn out that Tildcu %

Our tw


sleeted, but Cox iiwiHted on tho reftree's de-:iiiion, nuJ Young cUiuied thnt acoordiiig itiis venion ol wiid deeiniun he bad won tinuouoy. Kcst Ynung informed Cox that il

he did nut givo I nick tho money dmwii onthe urKt licLs to tbo sliikeholdur fill ull wasultled bo would HUO hiiu for lhe fM he hadHi up iu tho Htakes ulnawly iJmwu. Ct

fused iind Yoiiiig brought null under Ihniiikiiig election beui unlawful and allowing;he loner tn recover. Tiie betH on (lie I'tesi-duutiul rcnult wtw ulso withJniv

YOUIIK Bolftrted a Uepublican lawj-er, TV.A. Mrylicr, and Cox n Uoiuocmtlo lawyer,Fonl D. Smith, uud tbe Cuiwtablo selecteda jury equally divided as tullova: Alfred

odalo, J. II. Hurchell, A. F . ltico, Kcpins ; CIIUH. IL HUDSOU, B. IX CbosB, Ueo.!Mon, DetnooKLta. After leaving tlia cose

the jury were sent out at fire o'clock theami? atlcrnoon, nud not agreeing by seveni'cluck tbo next morning wero diuoharged.

Tho affair created considerabla commentabout town.

Don't forget to look nt Piernou'6 §fi Over-coats when you nre bi town.

"Merry Christmas I"'For nuto you is born thin day in the city

of IXivid a ti.ivioar, which in Christ tbo' or<l."

So wild tbo angel to tho bliopherds who(itched thoir iloeka upou tho plalnu of Beth-

luheui upon tho eventful niglit of tbo uativi-ty of Christ, Iriuging thorn "good tidings of

it joy" which should bo "unto oil peo-;" and in fulfilment uf the glorious proo.ution all cbrislomloin liaik with-deligbl

Ihonunlvorsary nf tbo IUIUII day of tho 8u-of inuulfiud and celebrates i t with he-

wiaiiugjov, Uuiiy of the ctwtoms of thoan-it times Iwve becamo obsolete in thoser diiys, but tlia glnd fustival of Christmascome down to us th rough tho cenluiiee

with its glories undiimued. To-morrow evetho heart of tho Christian will foul iwghid ai.lid tho hcarU of the flnt Chvintianfl on thatliutnomblo night when tho stars Hang for|

Joy, uml the micelle hustn uiadfi Ilia hoavunnnud with their yb.l hallelujahs. I t isHint uew ways of celebrating the cutivi-

ly of our Lord luve como with now times,ltd tbe hliixiug ynlo log anil merry ({amen

'uenlh the mixtletoa are things of tbe past ;nt with Christmas frees, gladdening gifts,iligiotiH ritca nnd many uther obnervauccH

wo Itnld tlio mivont of OhrisUuia door. Attiiwhy ahoald wo not? wo aro oomuiemarating

io annlvunmry of tliu emnucipation of ulllankind, aud it Is fitting that we should do3 joyfully.

Tliero nre none, however, who welcomeChristmas m ghidlynH tho nhildrcit, to whomit ix fraught with pfeasnro by tho realizationuf fond nnticijMitions. Let nono of these bo

Bo it over eo small,'lot eachreceive Homo token of romombrance. I t willbo a gliut of suurihino iu thoir UYPB, nnd willwnnn tbo heart of tho donor sufficiently to

him 'for any aaeriBco he may

Wo Its host of homo subscribers it isiho good fortune of the Eiu. to liavo ninny

I* among Mania County people in thegreat cities, ia the copper fields of Lako Sa-

r, among tho slUer lodes ofNovoda,in Iho rich goldou Slate of tha Puetflo, andiveu across the broad Atfcuitlo. 'WhereverIt goes, nt hon\o. or abroad, Wo wlnh our nde raa lUUCRRY OHRIBTUASI

Boy's Whiter Cays at Pien>on> from 23 to) cento each, '

Resolutions.At tho last regular meeting of Citizen's

Lodge, No. M4, I . O. of O. *\, Rookaway,\ on Uonday evoning ot huit -week, tlie

Following rcBolutions wcro adopted:WHEREAS, I t lias pleased God in bis infinite

wisdom to remove from our midst onr lateworthy and esteemed brother, Josxra It.GiiABK; and

*HEIIEAS, Tlio iutiuato rehitions long heldby tho deceased with the brothers of thisliodgo, render It proper that we shouldplace upon record our appreciation of hiBserviQCf as AU Odd Follow and llU luttritsau a man; therefore, bo itRKBOLVEn, That we ulpee«ly mourn Iho

OBH of our lirother, Joseph If. Clark, with" os of r cRte(, Boftcnea only by the con-

/hope, Uiat his spirit is j r i th those wholaving fought tlie gooa flgbt horo nro enjoy-UR perfect happintaa in a bettor world.

RssoLvzD, l i i a t wo tender to his afflictedrally and relatives our sincora condolenceid earnest sympathy in. then- affliction at.o IOBB of one who wns n, good citizen,

levoted Odd Fellow and an upright man.KESOX/YED, That our hall of i

dmped in'mourning for tho space _, , - ^ . y mHEROLVED, That a copy o£ the forcgofag

jsolutions ba- sent to tha family nf thnlecensed, aud thitf A cony of tho sanio l»o.ublishod in U>° ?*(" E«u. and tho Boontoc

tlulletin fo( ono week.JOHN UIOOOTT, Jn. ,BAWUH, 5L DIATTOX,Jonn B. Co J .

Rockawny, Deo. 21st, 1870. Committoo.

Hoy's OvercontA, cheap for cajh, at Pior-son's.

Ths Beee/itBurgiary.A [\osltWo GIUO bwi been obtained to the

tiurglora who entered tho (itore ot Ur . IHBOOITongilder in Uiis place oa Taeeday night ofbu t vroek. A few days ago Marshal Annit-tgo nnd officer Wood nrreitcd and brought

'law Justice Oago ft woman named Ha•ibiunehcrgcr, better known along Uie canal

an "Cotiovk," and a man named Christopher[Dimpling, who live in ono of Uie ioo-boVind

the canal at thii placo. Theyi«l thnt they know tho burglars to ba'cauallcrs," now lying -qlth their bont

atone of tbo towns ftbovo us, and Ray thatthey brought the stolen goods to their boat,showed Iticm to them, nod said they had

50110 through that canal store." Thoy alBoIind with them n number of chickens, Bup*losed to havo been stolen from Chas, Tunismd Chas. IL DeUart, end* ot whom lost __,

number of fino fowla. that night. The Htop-[>ing phicQ pf the thloves ia known and thiofi\oerii oould put their hands on thcinmy tim But an n o eni mc\nn Incliocdta

Yirgmia.miauicii, Wm. I I . nnd

John i y n i m , with a friend named SuiiUi;nro spending the winUr hunting and trap-ping iu Virginia. From 11 letter to n Wwnliu Dovtr, written by John Uyrnni, aud duU'd

Hicksford, Va., Dec. I7th, we get an ideavt tho sport they aro having. IU Bays;

ia tin; lioat country I over Mnn in toDeer, turkfju, iiuuil, duck* aud rab-

bit* arc jilciitiful, but I ilo not gr-tiiitt;:h timeto hunt, tui it koc-pK 1110 buiiy ti:mliuy tn mytttijij. I Imvo nLout fifteen iiiili^s to go i'v,>ryday, ami when I gut a beaver to carry boninI huvo a job. One day I bud 11 buivcr, a

,n and LOIUO muiikriiU, whoa I utw a dct-rand shot it. I had a touyb Ihuo carrying.__. , 1 osHuro yon. I had to bring themfour inilefl through 11 big nwamp, anil wl1LnI got bnmQ I was rather tired. YetterdjtySmith and I brought home three hcavvrs that

d over out) hundred jiouudK. Vto puttliem on a Hticlc and enrriod them on uuruhouldurH a diHtouco of nil niiltfl. I t is fun togo ducr hunting down here. One umu tultestlie dogB and drivu tlio dntr, and tlio rU;t

tho ruuwayu aud uhoot (hem wlieutliey go by. '.They jump pretty fast and ono

it I* goo<l hhot to kill them, I JiavakiU<.d two niitl wouticltd two others. Ono

kill all tho rnLhiU and qiudl he wantnto.Tbcy can be Bwirud up unywhorc, hut I don'tbother hunting tln-m. 'I1 life weather luw boc-ucold for tho hu>t two wct-k-s, Lul it is guttingwanner. Ico formed hciu once to tho thiuk-

of three iiithes but it in nil gouo now."

Morris County Courts.Tlie WmlL-r Temi of HaniuCuuuty Comtitill open Jnmtiiry ICth. Tho Sbetitl" 011

Muwluy drew the following liwt of TutitJurors fur tho term :

Ooorgo A. I.awreucn, ThomasPont, Tlifmi-II. lltimaa, Aarnu Schouck, Henry Aturj,

Has Incubus, Wm. F. Drowning, Anrou L.ftlrchlM, K. AI. Qiiiinby, Josejli J. Lomy,wmium Vright. Jr. , William Y. Bayro,

h E. SlHcbmnre, John J . Xorrin, Slnr-hiUhtnni, Chi.rh'8 Ji. COIIIIIH, VilliumUM.Joliu F. Kitdiull, John W. UiiyeH,IL Cumlit, EliiM V. HOT, Kdwlu H.n.Williniu U. 1'ecr, Matthew L. 1'.

ThoropHon, Svivtriter K«Inhbtiur,' Sk-iiLuiiF. Cniupbtll. Lewis Ilurtnu, Willinin Lau-don, Duvitl E. Horton, Daniel Uifteraon,Andrew I-'. PtiuImiL-r, CliariKH i\ Hupping.Culob II. Muir, Jiw. U. Hunut, Whilfiild(irtien, UomHtus Cury, Alinuu Ifuckuven,WilliamS. Greeu ,JnhuH. VULNUSK, JIIIIIUHIL i)uy, George F. Hmitb, fcuviil V Wulluce,Henry JL Day; Willinin 0 . Unuutiuj.', JIUUOH

Durwima. Guorge S. listen, Uonico R. Vuu-DOJTIO, John II. Cook.

• - « - •Bishop Corrigan'a Pastoral.

Bishop Caniguii, prior lo his deiinrltirour Europe, intmed a jwiUiral K'tter to the di-ccsu, in which ho snys.- (

I would linvo wished before leaving to writepastoral letter to the fiithful of Iho dio-BSC, exphiluiii){ tho autiquily, tho ueueiutily,

md tho manifold lulvnutngeu of these pcriou-ilvinitH to the Holy City. As Uio ArwiH-loltho QealUuswc-m to J tnwilem "IOKUOiter," BO tlio Euucesiiors of the Aptwtltw «vcrico liavb felt It n duty to jonruey to Itomo,

_ o Joriiwiloni of the New Law, to rouowtheir faith, to enkindla their zenl, to reui!i>riu nccouut of their Btewnnluliip, and to ro-

'1 from him whoso divine r)nu«nit In "U> confirm his brethruu." Ami IwmiMwish ia purtiouLir to lie able, ia numo inoiut'oiiuiil wuy, to lay nt the feet of tbe Vi«irof3urLorcl tlic cxprcnNiou uf thn uiiHwirviuguvotioii, auil Hympalhy, aud tidelily of tlie

Jcrgy u u i Iuity ul Uie dtoccue of Newark.ISntimtltu shortness of lhe time foibida thin,' must Uko Uio will for tho docd, and iu mymi penuw be Uiu iiiterxiretcr of thu umdler-;)lo loyulty und the heartfelt vunemliuti uf

ulL '

j|»y» nr« Oungtroui—if tfala kdotn !»respecting the ordinary affairs ot lift, still1 obTiuuHly so tn regards tho exisenuiog of

ipprobcbtng dlBeaBO. Dnmiogtianatily I Votiw iiiuuy Ui'jjlfet tu piuelicttliy rueuHui^ IIIIH

plain trulh Wtiou licaltli Ib in the Laloneo. OlRomany prciiiunllury sjmploiugofdiscaHua

:kiDg coagh is tho most [u-uplietio or perl).Arrest it nt tlio ontiot wILli Dr. WiwliarlM Pmu' iioTarCordiul, and so avuid Couaumptiau,

uUL'liitlii, Inflimmalion uf tlm Lnii|{B, tJolds,UgliH, ami, imlued, all Afltclioiia uf thuBjilraU)ryOrBnD« aeu utitiruly eund by tltiufurei^u remedy, which also eradicates U J I - ,IHIB, Urnvbl, 1'UOB, MITVOUB Debility, "•—-•••' of tho Liver, Urinary JMOlcultlcs, C

...a, I'alpitAtian ur tho Uoart. Kc .„„„MTuotiona, and Iho inllruiltiuB peculiar to Ihuantler wjx. Thi a Cordlnl dp ri vua U» virtucaTrotn (ho vcgeUblo kiiigilom, uid Is Infliiilely

Im lirulorrml, Imlli on scjuimt or iU mpurlurkney and frucdom frjiu nauseous auil iola-ins prui^rlici tn Llin otticul dniga so nluiiImtnietureil witli nn uth«i- tfTeet than to ufTuml

.JO pulato nnd iliHUnler ttw stninncli. Tin) PinoTreoTur Cordial can alwuya lio relioil on tndnjrltil l> Qbiu • " "

lso eradicates Uyi ,s Debility, Tor.Sj-leultlS, Goufttpa-


alwuya be r o l l on tndnt. Hold uy all Jruj-KiBtB.

D Filbert Hl.l'lilkdolpliiii..., .

Scarcity ofJIIanrj'.There Is no donljt bat tliu prrstal condition

f all kinds of bueinesa &nd mduntry la fear-illy depressed, and it bchooT/.'s every fnmlly -j look carerully to thoir oi pen sea. Winter IB:mlUR on when cliltdrcn are ifiblc t i Croap,rituotiinj; Cough, etc. CuugliH ind Colds will

ptcvitl everywliore, nnd Consumption Ttltliother Ttiroat >ud Lung disease will carry off

. Ttii-BD diseisi't BUOIIIU not bo noglucteil,T Bills arc expcnalre, and wo weald athiao

iur people to uso LoxcncE's GEitMiS Binur. I tlover haa fniled. Ono b>ttlo at Til centa williccpyotir wholo family woll iluriug tbo winter.> o Coses will rtlicve any cue . Huld iu all .

IB In tlia UMtwl Slates, and by your Dnnj-Vougbt & Killgore.

TiUl weainciB or depression: A weak ex-.auatoil fouling, no-energy or ecu r ago ; t l ia. ,jsult of mental over-work inclcscretions orxcmwf, or somo ilriln upon tbc sjBtcin, Is ..itrayB cured by Uonipbroja' llomeopnthio

epcoiQo No, aa It toucs up and luvigoratei -o synteni, dlepelu tbc RlouQiau(l(lci[K)inii;Hcyt .iparta atiengtb and energy— stopi the dralu

andrejuvoratcg Uiu entire man. Decn used 20roan with pottnot (rae«;?« hy tliancands. fold. .

doalera. Prico t l per tingle vial, or (3 permckago of live viala Mid ti vial of powder. •;loni b j raill on roceipt of price. AddressHumphreys' nomeopathic Mctlicino Company!n21)ruaaway,Now York. 27-lj





Newspapers and Periodicals,




XJUnc TO onsen.


Gilbert's Pure Confectionery.



,7-lf DOVER, N. J .


defray Uielr cxjwnses, Uu rascals will protia-bly cecapo tho terms hi State Prison they BO]n>tl; merit,

-*••-•On Saturday night, at Faterson, Sandi

Hartley, ngu 2r>, a servant ju tha family ofAnnon Herrick, wiu find at while in thf>titclien, tha pistol hall jiamdag UiroiifU herclothing without iujuriiig her. &.» HunjnyWilliam Toker, Inborer, CO years ot ago was

nnd n •, had known UIQ gtr,lI iro yenra affa, and wanted her to clone

with him.. Toker is thouglit to bo BllghUyiusnne. He is held for exduiii:protesting his innocence

Lost!I n c m l i y e v e n i n g , Nov . 2 9 t h , 1STI7, « n

Ol'AL EAR DROPIn (jolng from thi> Tnst Office to tlm (Tppot ate!rcftru. Valaiil murit oa « ktrj'MikD tlinu fnrIts intriiiaic north. The flndi-r will be »ailatilyrDwarJidon rcftirniutt u tu

J . H. TREAT, •

ibeSTOlW Of

Charley Eos?,:i

•carvb« . "\v!lUTi?'ac; *ji*» iUs Letti-r»";inil IiutimirOo'lielU M

anil IOd

lit;e d«j. Terra* Iltwral. AlsuTH wnotfd nn our Hnpiiid.-iint Famlljr1. Witli InvnlnnMo IlluMtult'ii Aiiln nudJ IUUOIIIRI. JOHN il roTTEU A Co.,liters, l'lttbidclphia, Pa. £4q

Page 4: VOL. VII. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, … · Jfecatuo lbo stock iftlarso'o. nil times And nto»a* iiorj TOrlelJ rfFHESB MEATS, UOAIt CUBED HAMS, BALT FOUK, •11ESU

:\'..\..\ /!S:;G0flLUKE.3ESr;• - . 1 . —




TO oi)HF.;;sroaii WITH

! „ „ , , , , - , , T . T . i t a M i t a l . ; - - ' y S J M ) , O 0 O . i«tu-«>>rni«»iiM,i»k*nIr*:i

: 3LU£ ETO«E.


3-. TIMES.! u«2Sui.,.,, JAY. .S.'JT.KAT, OnI) I 11 E (! T 0 II D.

•r, ilf.ltlK, chrH-l.-,, A.-. |

MT,: TIM'!-. |N4*V,'(;l

H GIVETf T O - T i n inf fill n,,n,)H-in tho oiiinl r t * Al

I- i:lJNT JiLIiiIC.I--IB2 fn.ii. mnr. in;:

< ircnnnfi HintAlinfi, KlTin.I 'XAll STOXP.S,- (. 'i:RBTNO,iii, IUI<>l l | i,u,i,,uii>,JAi ),n

NE1W. STOCK'Efct; SiiTKii. i F.ifliiAMJ (iivilrilK, .T.-iiffl W. ,

S'S PHOSPHATE,: I " ' ' *" M=XiSurxB S '

lUmio Hunt, (Jnnim. t^oitdrcf t*. I *

r ^ H - S ? ^ ! EaJL Groods! j

LAM pt.AHTEjt, ,i-.-. IXIie Mliiers* S

WOOD .aawed-ln stove lengths.) o p D O T E R T w

| STDVE; - - - $30jj E G G , . - - 4:25


I (iidora o u f fc,. H<!<ifi4ii|i|t t l . roi i i r l i lhnl 'n*! t>(!!••« [J*J«* llt>-»'JS, <i|- lolt at .A. n. i'lniir'nfiflii'j• in KIwbw' l lKt . , i1L»r tfci

,. ';. - • " • " " • < ,. v,-•;,....v^r, ,,I..I .,™,ii.,r.. i '-r'VL^'-K! ' i l ' im'i l ."^""^^;- Than Krm- Bel'ovMHTc'redl i : U 1 ; ra imnn, . i i ,» . M , , , P ™ J

- ; : ' - . n : i : ) . \ r , ::o'['rrv.\ :• ••>- •;',-;. ;l,:f;;:r; ,"l.',.:'1:,.^V'.iS ^ ' i ' - • *, , ,r . ' '• ' • ' • - • • • . . . . I . ' i . . - . . " , , . . S. ,,-r-r. _ , ._„_ • J II T.'lIC t i ' l i ' lni . r . r J.:.1VN

. i........ r -i...II I—

i*:,; in Hi., HKHIS'I^S.is" t u r n

in this Market.

j 0, W.' CRITTENT05, Prop., S.Y. "\ DOFT PITTtC FTASE

: : . i G.'H. Ross &ipEOPLE'SSTDRE;:

Until You Lbok.iiu.

Stoves^, Stovesi']'ITE-Or.iySTAND". .

,•-•••.! : - ™ — " • : insurance-AaonfcH. i MOWUSTOVW^XJ.:• I ' - 'in«"'nf1 'I'!') " • : *" ' ' ' * T . MUCK. ONE rMf!R. ONE I T . i n K . t - . f i j , ™ a , , . , , . j , . ( . i f

y:, i :J !•>;-< i > i.'< ! ;»• c. .,„!«..«»M r..»-n»..« n.iii.im«.! , , E W F A N C Y D S E S S G a 0 D S . ...£, ' U f l l J a L L l ftVOllW,•:;;ri;;:i .w ^ ; Morristown, N. J.. v,;Jntt,,ni» „„,,„,,,,,,„„ w . „„„„.„

•'v:.::,:;' ' " . , , ( | ,.,, A , - J ' C O E . - C o l l e c t o r , : New Mournfng Dress:Goods,

,•>'••.,."-.'.'.'.!' i i n i : i i i i . ' r . n w \ J ^ l l L ' ' i conuTAtn.D.s nr.Aint ORAIIII .

— ' — ~ roR-

UNION HALL BUILDINGSItlj^kwfillHlrnnt, Lotor,

Hot" Ait •. Fnrnaoes,^Of II'O InlMit Mini m,ut InnntiT'l • ' v | ^ J fo.lurwliir piiMift niirt iirivnto-lkiniiliiii'H. A Urgt1

n^wrtM4.tit of HlovHff, cLrap for c»^H. -•

cooic, w

' , " • . ' , , ' ..'.!".',",'',i,'..1',;."ll',".i,'"l''V':.'; " " ' " ' ' ' , , ' , , ! "1! i, l ' ,! 'V., -i.< P - ' ~ ' ' Aiwr i™ M»ln»l Inn. Un., »r Rownrkl- I.IAI-.K (iiKmn.'CFs, II.., hi,™t ln.o.: :. . . ; . . , I 1 , . " . ; . , , . , , . . , . , 1 •••••••" " . " " • • • i i " ^ " — : , . i i J t i A i a a . , , o v a r 5 i , w . o c o ;Co«i.™.ii . , . . , , . , ,™.m».,«.*.

: . , , , v . . . , , , T V v , , , r , , - - w T i . M « , i « . . . - . * - i P i r ! ; j . w l l , n t , . M,, , . 0»| i , . , . ! } . . . . r m - A t n R A P I V E T E ,

• • ' • ' • ' • ••'•••'• !•••' 1 '!•<• ' c " M ) ' r . c*S3?«" x > ^ » - X j i " i » ^ v . * i fi**- ' -?T T n-w.». ni-fl*. • rnn_nrn")i i nt Hi,., t. ,m n 4n me v.ni w,.

"i M-: w (r N".

.•-, ! ,• - •..•, !..:,:• .•'",:• ' : a v T . K E W T O H E . - iav7.>

IT. J . , A a M « 4»-«f ' COO.OOO I I..H 111,. I. .m ! i 40 i«-r y -n l n,i.

vr n.ini. TIMBS I IIIOEB. • E i » V l!,it-i»l &.». Co., of lT,,wMk,|- BMias I,I;VJW mui, .1 r,™™,,.w.. | n ^ . ^ j 0 1 I . ; _ T M _ 7 ( C _ _ _


'. IJOT.T.A?.-

:;. J . , ' Autnii 4>v«r • 50n,ooo

noiHiln I tot iwl l a i . Co,, of l!,.w«Tkn.J., flwiul, 100.000 '

tn4 I n a n n n w ComnftD , ff UftrtfoH,, O i m v A s m W . ' 0,000,000

f f Ah 1", Ii:i4 f-.r TiN 1 Or.r.-^HS. : ' [ .•m^iU-r «m\ V.nTW H (NflHAMH Tr.r 11OmitiiH>ntil T!:snrrin(rt Oompaiiy, of Raw! 0,^, ,v- r. rB1.). uj.A^fiinv i-r t) u ' j , p..r y*r.I.

S . ' - R . ' O S M U N . - D e n t i s t , T « v . o,,,,it«i, 1,000,000 i p

Mirtmt ft.n*life I M . Co., ofK»wn»lr; U A l t l l l l > 'H.J., AswW. 0,000,000 " " ' " • '

M F'.STIfM of nil klo'l» mrr clmp.

,1 7!.-i,fV..,r niNaHAMHTr-r 11


Ac. " Al«n H Vkrioiv of


u'urtTAMrA1 WXHE,

Anil. A4^nrinUMtor


U-:AT)KTI.SliiirlaU blml«orJntiMnff in mrlinn,

icitli:«i, - J ligl.eit (.rLL'tie pubi TIT olJ Iruu..

teal mi'l*\M,wt(lr Ul(.m In oinhAng


- M ! fn: i!.' r!'.','!-, -H »r-!.-...'-;Ho I; ON 'lira PARK.

.. Ir.M,

';:;.'':7:;K;;™;r;'v^ MOBElS ' OOtTJ

-•'•.'t.'.',,'1|;','-'V."::i', "ST'1^,'!..'';.: :-'i'.'.-'^! '>'**" \" r f" f !""' "^^ t^ ! ; ' ' ; 1 1 - "»r" c i n" ( r ." ' ' " '}

. :;>. . .,. ,-. ...... ; .- .. ... •'•[ ..,^i,t -Hi;.; J • ^ . j - ; ; , , , , n , , i , . j . , . ! , , ^ t,? Lr,.,,,ji,,.. tl,. j:',''T' ' r.. 1. )"',]: i. ' /f. ' .- ' i '!;:.",.•,-. ' , ' . , ' , .!, ' int.-1 '" f>f-'^r f- i )r !" r:;£ ' i« ! t 'h"tupr'^i-t:?,,,-!,!?^

• -.•, i. .-.r., . n- . ! . . : , . , '•. •:••>, . ^ - 'V^y j I.',,',!",).,.' nii-ii.., =: .70-. v' at. '

,..d !•!•: •;•'•. :- " • • •••••'.. ••••1".*;"V1'.;; ! "•'""'•i'n'-flt iVlT'l-'l?^" ». .lrerll Tt Brmn (I,* I' ^ ; , ' i ' . " ' : , ;':'."... li'.*"^..,1.;.1..'.-'.•'.,!„;,",£ 11 '"'•'•" 1l»!'-i-».» femraih r,,(-,y-,l





lilnnk Vi>y« nnrt KCTS Klllt.l

f» •p.'.jat " , fT'-'T^ip'T pui^ ' f / r jc^ tt l t ti1? ft ijTJiT,

: and nl! ViriiU of '



1.' ' •• -I ' ; . . I T !• ir • \ ( •> !!--'-•• •'-. • ' ," i -' "r^^ 'J- ' tnall i 'Miinn V.i. ' ' "^"J 1 1 *j . l ^ |^ j l r . '*"-

i"., -T.,--,I ' ,,'u--i,- •:.'•' • •:..•'.'• 1 r .-'[» '-r •.'-" .•' ' I'lfllTt IV VMlT-ff, Xit'y,t i n ' - ' ' ' ' II. »-;'•"; .' '".•'••: i;A>?..i> (,. ,:r.f-,r.~. ] -ry; V i P , n r H i f Hie r l ^ r f =t;Hr^l ff.-lt of fli.pf

j.;.!;:*;I;;;;,;; ' ' ;.::-•"" :"""• - ' , \ » j i ^ : ; , r , V . W , t r i , 7 S S ; f t r i ' f r i i JA-T^BiTff iUlKSfJ 1

ft-! ^ ^ „„„„„„.„,„, „„„,„«„, „„,h i O

• ^n!)--^.;!.* tV-r n L—>-:ir r- TJ ' » . - T . . - : 1 1 "j lr. j ,,,-., a(,,i ,!,„ M,,,--!^ O i n l , Miifl » n w f.irHr-

u n r , n t h r ! rtirim r n iI lllh,,,.-, ,,|(1 pit'inin- IlK-m-f (1) HU.i-p-R^.Mlsm-iimtr.w.pMfc . i

| i nntit ibrr

n r.'.r. !-!n»kt"^.--!«*':•.• It


i.ViV']r"'iiU' rtV-..'-:r»T •'.-I': -"-''r-",:.'.",1, Jj?, fjiorrls^Oo.• S u r r o g a t e ' s Ofnco/-

_ . .»H'Hirn(Hir««>tri'r«(tf«r•sat^.'VrrO^T.fiti nrni Aflvri!iin'l:it»,ntitll (!>ftrhoVftm-h In fuM. TbH (H nut fut^ndp-l to

i i ! t . . fctrf ino m f - ' r , l l i f u n l r i n - r i l w r i t i l i ' n i l i n * U<

i ' r ^ - • " ( j ' t | i

urrogate'sO C T O H H H HJMI, 1 MTfT.

_ l , . i - . t ! - ; 1 -!-,.| fri


STATB-Prr fB- i r fSOt i 'ANCE'Co. , •






" ' ' n Y ^ r t - X T i J ^fS-VKT-• • -.«»«• i—.- J'lireti wiMi » Tufl'lliie oCSBW tlOtlDH Iti ciio

!1!i^^^,!L lPLrjivh!^J.^^^^-* ti?.;5 l l ' . iy11* >•*«»:•••>«*»«•>•»•

'(•fl tr. i-is-! MT: ;-I'.-t.i't-rr fitt 'fTi'^ ..^rli'-^i _ l..:n*H inrtlipirl

Xi-'wi^r «i'h niMlii r-';M",' \^-/»''^ !'.'J ff )'', . - 1 r a - T V P " - ! ! - ;-•:» I;,- H..M '!•• I'" or "iH,t--I u, , . '

11 : rr';t3 Rii.1 r.^.-TriVir;" fli*r'-''> ' ' - - ; r- :nr ' ] . " j _"_

«j_1.1, fit'l «.iji-li ij-cl),.Ti^i-1 -ii'( .•jrn'T-1 ,T., k..1 •^nrJi.r,i,'_;.1 *,-;^1 "!"• l ' t n ' ' "n ""Bt'1I"*'>l

»l. -*:^h wilH«?cmliit-Hi»VM'i'HH*

Turned;artd:GTOOVoilIff Order,:

p- Ci?nt(;'nniabYeaP,r. 187S.


, that tor miirotliMv'A ••

irrt'*i'plo«nr»«"'ttt'in»«ft1f. unH with inflfptuli-"-»-'••'J.iti tf l ihctn I oii-Ktinl. f - -

foe yi*r»,*nii<l «on Jt.n-dntili- (u ntop In tmrl ibhf

mak*1 TOO trrgbtBllnbAnt-

iiml It will N-nt.fUtniM-pinion vnr tn llifc ftilnt-o;t l I i l l i

i !M»m mill [nrllvr «t.H

pi l te :UrjempIo'yo(! I :

Tl Htr, NrV Vi.+k.' i:-T

tiiMlitlCK m-t ft.rp hnurtmt t rt • Uirprr .pij^t UV.Hfnm ,.r M>^. w M wt t l^n.-r th lij(V^ iTr^ i iVf j ' tU 'V t -^B t i lM t ! |^?- j

( l j l! t ' ( !p»n«l(tirJ.r .-nhl! n ^ ^ n t i d m t Hit-B'jrlhm»i

(:l)"*lnO!rl1«f«<'rtlnTh lini-rTpaW straff sml |T"in'nn- Ii-ll ami In- w A ; mr tlirT*ii"lt*i!i*

A iBrsijiinfirHlT/T^n AltTItTjErf- niiftnMffi.r frinn, fir p|i"i-»! rt^in-«.

i:**r»ili»«"r'ptlnTi of •llri'Nf l»ti»;l wnM», fi.rl**;

,1c., at tfln-*.«t j'of'M^prliv*.- Lin fct Jinn Pdylf;o' 'J!r:i, j»-rTti1(tm<*. St.'Wl; !uJf Unin-r, put [V,p

( P r i r l i I j l f t ^ t h t i f ; n r i m l t l n r M v i i n -,,(J - f v--9l , . r^ Hi- oi-tf rlv l.n-J t-f - :.f:l f i t l.rr-lititi'InM in*l-(iii« ff-J"- ijT- lrHi.*« t<i (IMI r»(nf«*1>#-tiiii>TfipfV(Hi*niiiin'B l . t^i iWTt?" flfon-smirlulit-l.nwl».i4*<tii1\r'. f . ivnii- .ff r r ! .f«.

BfirifliiTh-.tliiKiif •.ii'lf'Miitl<itr«'>f ANtrnt IhritiJ i » r t r w r w i i w « i ' M i f t n i r i l i

t t p i r W i m nC, Ami-, Ktl«9 iieil. iiti" !.

! . w n r S l l i rnMrv fullv «,-t r..«rj -»tn»nTM-M!C*rr"i!tCaffo' HiUffltn Hi'H. (Mr

) ( ( i s t t l ?I(iv 5S(Ii, . \ / n. 1HIH, Bii.M in Mi* yifrti* rurtn*jT!»rt*« oifiw, if -lnflH ! t 4 * 1 f f » ? } j t i 3 l t

E G G p - - - - • - • - • - - 4 r a SC H E S T R I U r j . . . . 4 / 2 5

; : - . 4 » > H .

r'tll •'•!! F,r Ol t i m ^ T X * " I U ;

rltr.m IHwnit t. riii«mi(1 rscfiinitT t^rrii.r,-rc.l. r ,my^i-t i l rnlnrnf- nr-M-lu- 4(ifluif-F- c:.rh. nr;,i f-,,i,(stntitj: -m-irfv r * '"••

•' 1. trill minj-.Mc tli*> ft'riwt. "Si

IMy.i : . - J .UtLn i AP»N, I'libliHher-,-

NR. C TO 3Ir

; >r; J ; .


T A-NSS '(imi: OB-EWCK-E-TB/

wlo BUITS-'lo -



ai-t)i»~Li)wTO*r"?{Arct8$'' f m o i f v u» -;

Fur hurultifrin 'Ol^n jtrst^;: ' Diirniitrftti flatiw-. anrtrraAlrnmBinobtiRn'V>m>litiiir:t-JId

c)i(*[*r-tliMi'Ui»in6l OooL^Ai^i^ •

fj TnSt'OLIt BTAM0,'-<WW7T l i r t S ) l d

e . r c t U p l t i i M v l u,* all-lili nld liiinfatmen anil TO*M* BOW nnw; .

s r w p roAi;,OP ixmirt! on

1 l l r

WflTrt.iN.r iitinkajv:rf.'>t kTinwIcri^a of ff, 5ii«t

^11 fnllMctpliU, ii.>n.'«t'(iifiIiTi[r,^LOP/

w in J; i< Vrtthnd' i Oitrpf O^rfflirtji.-




DKU43S- ASD F,nnLY.";MEDl43nna;

Gt'occrtos- anfl <1 l'ro vteionsi!

ixi^nMi, Cuinnd (Inndtr,' Dr|M Prhtlfc,*, r^iinviri, Hiiqa»/K|ifB'i(ftHtiiiverj«

U1I112 lumei t i iucory liim^


Jtiio, ti^innnurt-Git* Iipn.tuilNUJI*, Ltiikliinc KiiTdt»Bre,-lu«nki p c i U ' ' T i b i m T k l

(c oir.-i- nil0<>v.

XRTimraruo«l<Kinr:w>ntliond,-»itl lu'reflftnv fnmlih-flliolc


narbfiU,- »ml w.ld m rt'iannabla prtsm;_ .uihiffhtut tn»r»rt prlwspajel In nn*h,

D(*>f nuw»i V("al Hklni MII! Shrnip iskln4t, lumitlift n i r l c t . CiKiUinmrtfnittpJijal hj-waguD


iwe|ny;aodiS(lver,rlurtnjf mliffliltoa tnthb iaavltabla, -.

G EOnGEtW.V WELSHES SSONSr"li.lTc^nWratniHl iliAi-.thatrsi1n:ii)i»ll lift It2-XAIKUD, which kuotatorKdso-1 Inmrit-t l*

\ oiirs

B NEVHTl linn-balflhra »2B.OO wr

uTKo A firnauT7rr;r.



)aintt4 fin tim jjrann4« ilsiKnp tin* KiWliUInn;

'Miiftjl^iMhtl-n-ifd; 1.;• riont-io'fluypirt

-MTV t «i!l I"1 fiai*i nn rti jxisilt tnulrton firU;fnro tint llrrt riiijH y t HUJWM, JUKKJSCP-

** opDD rt.iily Cifun -0 tfoJook A.-i i . to



KHTM.KAm.AN. I'rnslilnnt.IliURAISt T.IKDHT.EY, Vku

JAT 11 TIUHT, TrJaJiniflidtflp, tt.h, 17, Ili7a.

caulnvuo witb priciutan H t Aiaurieac IViiWi-en, iiirf/i iort«aF IInwM <>i!t & Wat all wilhomrmrany fn nrtrdnrA. C-M or wrltn fnr new ~'—itt, ' N. U. \VnrXE,- l io . - l l i -Uroad- t

SIIWHTU, N. J . 4-1

r7ff.£ CEKTENNIAUI ' 1870.1


'or HpriWf-and Htunmor wnmr willaffor them tocuitonisrn nt tlm LOKTRHT. ru iaui-w iolloui r

,Mon'» flalts, • — - - - -(7iHXto tiaOCilmi'n WoratirflinU widVtliliL'.I.SOf" \2J0t

* B luk &*»«, 500 " 134BhB'.Suits,-. - «.«-•:» •«i Bulls (ft lu-ffo.quuitUT)-.- B.5Q'« 'J

ClitWtnn'f Hulls,.. -2.00.." - 7.00


< and:*, nostni- Miottmonl of

sold by iliaynriaiicutffT»tl«;..Clnlhfaig-ra«4i«

w(-whicJi * ro : inach"LdWEITth in icUforo mlil ID Du>xr^: Da nnt forget t t iaplu

'Walep-prraf; fDdiablOca].and OrnamontaU..

A roel i t iayboeoror t i i wi th* i

, W-U. 25y-,*r*.tO]il rI mKtad, Junk' L

itiuirlonuGr tiiut-ncwj|aw,'foS-osE-Tnnm-Tmcasjro£EBsinHouNO":<

ttlift:ctjrt^if'simply-' kin '

ftmtfor tttsoriran buaiia--ctiaal^i«iit osptwlby boftt^&intnictc b r c i l d . an i t t cvor . r raeknor ivaleii..' I tmb oororodiwitb^ar BiiBithiai

:TBa.W*Uj 1'ilntJ* ^

ulHLiaglomot, wbilvbn tlu,tronjli;ll,3mMllJCJl

to inn jtiUon Erftwqiarod.teiiM Mttarstoot iifHiLrL%CB/-ftDi alttioiiiTtL^ttio^rArtii-niK'tA hc&*rbndy i t ii imtilT applied wiHi-vbriitkui.

tterernrait nottlict s r u k s ID .ffto WTf- nac. i

On d 'duTod ulitiiflaa il Slfk njr-ilio holns

[ t lirfngs to t l idr plscei; and kocmtticm tt icn.

-ftiiduJdiQagh-* iliiw (tn»iftooi It t new nnnraaftta-^ppisinr--Aa-twnil rminti thatnrs:bltnli--c«nt»in.TAlUljc;iiiirQynn ouiira niir-Oiacuiiiis«riiol4j,i:Fbicli.-(rorsLinslariBfiiMi

rhMi 11 r i t RiJplted.chanijiajrln^aUint* month:"itociiloK.*u<iii3:la:ftU.lnloi "

TECROOFffS(inr.roil wlnr if ?IBDR11T prpftrrod. ftR.'.oneoi

BEIOKIWALLSJ; "io only reliable

it niirodiittxi-ihit;ttiu tttrct»»Uv t,r»r...iliinipnesi from pcnctrattnjruufiiiuialartni' tht»p luwr . • Tli'ouB pun t s wo alio iarfcJr n w a on.iillUll(UlWi)* ftiul fcaenMj ftr:»mi| pi-jmrng pj t t Onuiin.liuir4ipfis.-'-


6 Qillonn, mo Mai b^x.^. ..,„._,._.„.,f5fS0'10i " " ht'B.'.'...»_^ . . ,9 50;iO-' " *" Lul rbar rch . . , . , . , , , 1C0O'40 " • ono barrel.. I .WOO

1000 rr,!U'u*tri nilLUrRJortn^it dcfnii-por

' "" NaitirC(»pr1AartH!ttai1iint'lorLBii:oi

.1000 roll* K-plj

- ' 'J00 mil* Tarred Elnatk ihR-at i l «• o u t par

SnBtt.ftir EaMplo^artrordtilora;; Aabrdrra,ID tut Iki areornpsnitii witb'tha oiminv nrralifr

-- • " - - ililppnriC.

-j KVTr/ffi • J f

tjUaw)»;.tlUkiiipi.-\VaUNl ln»f :,!Iii:-

EiiiwN.'•• J o n s njcm

MMlh, (i. ft. lAi.HSIMOK MI87.I..'.

Doven Savings :|ni3tltut!dn^|


WAUIiKKHmVlV • - • . -


bld:irda,7Cufppor,-HriM%*fX«l*f^JUii.»OroinittiDitBLtalwatn KcbURDior vt«dci-.: JjLM£&H.>UJUIIULft Co,-




-lir tiitri 1 f i r w w ; p

tradoand.uow irmUttiO

IT 810.

, o oi>

•• WnrUlar l ' a n u i . - l.Dli

•'• " - ' " ' o r t l t u 1.SS

1\tw--vnTITII'4i •

bAiLtb calUiul. aoa, Uiar.BAliaAUari



, D8DE1
