visit of csu delegation 2013

Fifth CSU visit to UADY November 2013 Within the Student Leadership Exchange Program between the Autonomous University of Yucatan (UADY by its acronym in Spanish) and Colorado State University (CSU) from November 20 to the 26 th the visit of the Fifth CSU Generation took place in our university; the group included students Jiela Peyman, David Gardner, Addy Rastall, Katie Aker, Diana Delacruz, Austin Wand, Jackie Burciaga, Phil Mayhoffer and Claudia Hernandez, alongside student coordinator Matthew Donovan and the respective authorities Pamela Norris and Bobby Kunstman. The visit was planned and organized by Dr. Andrés Aluja Schunneman and the student coordinator at UADY, Yenni Maricruz Díaz Herklotz, alongside members of the Fourth Generation: Andrés Antonio Campos Castillo, Ángel Leonel Sansores Paredes, Benjamín Martínez Hernández, Braulio Emilio Güémez Graniel, Erika Margarita Uicab Campos, Luis Mauricio Montes de Oca Mena, Ricardo Díaz Quijano, Ricardo Raúl Estrada Pérez y Sara Medina Gómez, who had the honor of receiving CSU Fifth Generation. This year the team at UADY also counted with the support of Enrique Lara Nuño, Noah Thomas Sandoval and Jorge Tzec Interián, three student coordinators from

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Report of the visit of the CSU Delegation during November of 2013 within the Student Leadership Program between Colorado State University and the Autonomous University of Yucatan


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Fifth CSU visit to UADY

November 2013

Within the Student Leadership Exchange Program between the Autonomous University of Yucatan (UADY by its acronym in Spanish) and Colorado State University (CSU) from November 20 to the 26th the visit of the Fifth CSU Generation took place in our university; the group included students Jiela Peyman, David Gardner, Addy Rastall, Katie Aker, Diana Delacruz, Austin Wand, Jackie Burciaga, Phil Mayhoffer and Claudia Hernandez, alongside student coordinator Matthew Donovan and the respective authorities Pamela Norris and Bobby Kunstman.

The visit was planned and organized by Dr. Andrés Aluja Schunneman and the student coordinator at UADY, Yenni Maricruz Díaz Herklotz, alongside members of the Fourth Generation: Andrés Antonio Campos Castillo, Ángel Leonel Sansores Paredes, Benjamín Martínez Hernández, Braulio Emilio Güémez Graniel, Erika Margarita Uicab Campos, Luis Mauricio Montes de Oca Mena, Ricardo Díaz Quijano, Ricardo Raúl Estrada Pérez y Sara Medina Gómez, who had the honor of receiving CSU Fifth Generation. This year the team at UADY also counted with the support of Enrique Lara Nuño, Noah Thomas Sandoval and Jorge Tzec Interián, three student coordinators from previous generation who contribute during the planning and the visit itself.

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Wednesday November 20

After a long trip from Fort Collins, Colorado, the group in charge of Bobby Kunstman and Pamela Norris arrived in the city of Merida on Wednesday November the 20th, where they were welcomed by students of the fourth and fifth generations of UADY.

The participants were able to enjoy of a dinner of regional food to celebrate the reunion and where the first gifts from UADY were Exchange; the group bonded more time before starting the more formal activities of the program.

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Thursaday November 21

Students of both universities visited Cuzamá, where after a tour in “truck”, the group had the opportunity to visit the cenotes and even swim in them.

After their return to Mérida, the participants formed grouped equally conformed by students of both universities.

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During the afternoon, at the Nursing School, the presentation of CSU students took place; the host families where invited to this presentation. The program was in charge of CSU’s student coordinator, Matthew Donovan. A video made by CSU fifth generation was screened and afterwards individual presentation by each member of the group took place. CSU students presented the activities that in which they take place both inside and outside of the university, as well as the importance of these very activities in their academic, professional and personal lives.

Friday November 22

CSU students visited the different schools at UADY, each one of them visited the school related to their major. Each and every one of these visits was prepared by UADY students that belong to those majors and the visits included varied activities like class attendance, meeting academic authorities, lab visits, etc.

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UADY’s students prepared a session in which they were able to show CSU and UABIC students some of the projects in which they are currently working, among which there are institutional projects and projects that were born from student initiatives. Among the projects presented were UADY Global, Hoy En Tu Comunidad, Dirigencia Estudiantil, Ingeniería Verde, Voluntariado Ambiental, Training for the Olimpiadas del Conocimiento, among others, the first three being institutional programs and the last one being entirely by and for students.

Saturday November 23

Students of both universities visited, Tixmehuac and Sisbic, to show CSU students how the live in the interior of the state is, and which are the customs and cultural singularities of each of these places. This was achieved thanks to the cooperation of the habitants of both communities, who opened their homes to the students, allowing them to know a little about their activities their families and their lives.

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Afterwards the students went to the Hobonil ranch. After eating they started their reflection activities about their visit to the communities, mainly discussing the differences between the communities and the city of Merida, the differences between the communities and the United States, the similarities between these places, as well as the interpersonal communication problems during the visit.

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Sunday November 24

Sunday morning started with activation activities, followed by the traditional ranch rally and challenges. The games consisted en several challenges that, even though they can be physical demanding, require mainly of team work, leadership, and above all, of a lot of trust between the participants.

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Around noon, the group arrived to the archaeological site of Uxmal, where they made a tour in charge of anthropology student, Ana Cristina Salinas Camargo. The participants visited some of the pyramids and the CSU group didn’t miss the opportunity of taking the official photo of the exchange for the office in charge of the organization (SLiCE).

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Monday November 25

Monday started with a presentation in the auditorium of the School of Anthropology, this presentation was for UADY authorities and it had the aim of presenting the history of the Exchange program and the results that have come from the creation of the program. Among the most important collaborations between both universities there are professional stays and graduate studies, in which both universities have had students on more than one occasion. Adding to these the presentation included the testimonies of former participants of both universities, Enrique Lara Nuño y Noah Thomas Sandoval, who related their experiences during after the program. Finally, the participants of the fifth generation of UADY: Alan Emmanuel Ayora Quintal, Alida Paola Becerra García, Andrea Estefanía Garrido Martínez, Diana Carolina Vega Basto, Fany Lucía Rubio Losa, Jesús Darío Loeza Uc, Jesús Iván Toto Tun, Raziel Jazbani Cachón Herrera, Roberto Mota Sansores and Sergio Canche Santiago were presented. It is worth mentioning the presence of USA Consul in Merida, Sonya Tsiros, who has been a great support to the program and its participants.

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After this event the participants of this program went to the port of Progreso where they spent a lovely afternoon.

To conclude with the programs’ activities, the group headed to Cholul, where they were welcomed by Dr. Andres Aluja and his wife Hilde in their home. After a recap of the activities, the participants shared a dinner of Mexican food before starting with the closure undertakings. Finally, among words of thank you, presents and some tears and lots of hugs, came the time to say “see you soon.” In a very emotional evening, UADY’s group said goodbye to CSU’s group formally concluding this year’s visit, but extending the invitation so that inter-institutional and interpersonal cooperation continues beyond this exchange program.