vision,mission,strategy and leadership

-SERVICE MANAGEMENT- Vision, Mission and Strategy & Leadership - Sonia verma

Post on 19-Oct-2014




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-SERVICE MANAGEMENT-Vision, Mission and Strategy &


- Sonia verma

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• Service management.• Vision.• Mission.• Distinguish.• Strategy.• Case lets.• Service Leadership concepts.

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Service Management: is monitoring and optimizing a service to ensure that it meets the critical outcomes the customer values and stakeholders want to provide.

Vision: “A description of something that is an organization, a corporate culture, a business, a technology or any activity in future.”*Service Vision*

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Benefits of having a vision:

1) long tern thinking.2) risk taking and experimentation.3) competitive, original and unique.4) common identity & sense of purpose.5) direction for the organization.6) inspiring and exuberating.7) idealistic.8) unique & distinctive.9)Practicality.10)encourages commitment from the employees.

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Example of Vision Statements:

• Nokia : Connecting people.

• Mc. Donalds: To be the world best quick service restaurant.

Other Companies:• TCS JRD TATA:• Kingfisher Airlines:• Infosys:• Wipro’s Vision:• Google

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Vision and Mission:

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Definition – Hunger and Wheeler:- “Mission is the purpose or reason for the organization’s existence.”

Essentials of a Mission statement:

Key Market

Contribution Distinction

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Courtyard Marriott: To provide economy and quality minded travelers

with a premier, moderate priced lodging facility which is consistently perceived as clean, comfortable, well-maintained, and attractive, staffed by friendly, attentive and efficient people“

Mc. Donald’s To provide the fast food customer food prepared in

the same high-quality manner world-wide that is tasty, reasonably-priced & delivered consistently in a low-key décor and friendly atmosphere."

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# 3 EssentialsMc. Donald's:

i. Key Market: The fast food customer world-wide.

ii. Contribution: reasonably-priced food & high-quality.

iii. Distinction: low-key décor and friendly atmosphere.

• Courtyard Marriott:• Key Market: economy and quality minded

travelers.• Contribution: moderate priced lodging.

• Distinction: Leisurely ambience.

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• Feasible• Precise• Clear• Motivating• Distinctive• Strategy• Accomplishment of objectives


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Defines the actions and goals. measure your current reality and your

progress. Allows you to evaluate your values. To communicate the direction of the

organization. To help make day-to-day operating decisions. To keep the organization focused. To motivate employees.

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Examples of mission statements:

1) Wal-Mart - “To give ordinary folk the chance to buy the same thing as rich


2) Walt Disney - "To make people happy.“

3) PEPSI - "Beat Coke“

4) HONDA - "We will crush, squash and slaughter Yamaha“

5) NIKE - "Crush Reebok"

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What is strategy?• Strategy is a plan, a "how," a means of

getting from here to there.• Strategy is a pattern in actions over time; for

example, a company that regularly markets very expensive products is using a "high end" strategy.

• Strategy is position; that is, it reflects decisions to offer particular products or services in particular markets.

• Strategy is perspective, that is, vision and direction.

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Types of strategies

1) Corporate Level Strategy Reach – Competitive Contact - Managing Activities - Business Interrelationships - Management Practices -2) Business Unit Level Strategy3) Functional Level Strategy4) Service strategy

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Case lets:

• Service Strategy volume provides guidance on how to design, develop, and implement service management not only as an organizational capability but also as a strategic asset.

• Pizza hut’s Hot-Dot promise.• Textron Inc. Aircraft – 32% of revenue Automotive – 25% of revenue Industrial – 39% of revenue Finance – 4% of revenue

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Service leadership: is the culture that empowers the organization to strategize its promises, design its processes & engage its people in a pro active quest for competitive advantage.

Service leaders: are those firms that stand out in their respective markets & industries.

Service leadership and sustainable competitive advantage refers to making a place for your business in the market through effective leadership and thereby gain a long run competitive advantage over other players in the market.

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Service Leadership:

1. Personal Needs:2. Personal Needs:3. Past Experience:4. Word-of-Mouth Communications:5. Explicit Service Promises:6. Implicit Service Promises:7. Self-Perceived Service Role:8. Perceived Service Alternatives:.9. Situational Factors: 10.Sustainable Competitive Advantage:11.Cost advantage:12.Value advantage:

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Essentials of Service Leadership

The Six Dimensions of Service Leadership:

1. Vision & Values2. Direction3. Persuasion4. Support5. Development6. Appreciation

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1. Service Vision2. High Standards3. in the field Leadership Style.4. Integrity Additional characteristics:(a) Concern of Customers(b) Use Technology to Promptly Serve

Customer(c) Involve Customers in Organization

Growth:(d) Flat Organizations(e) Training of Employees

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Service Leadership Scale Dimensions:

• 1) Approachability:• 2) Empathy/Caring:• 3) Flexibility:• 4) Friendliness:• 5) Humility:• 6) Professionalism

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