video optimization: a/b test your videos

Video A/B Testing & how it's different from Web A/B testing

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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VideoA/B Testing

& how it's different from Web A/Btesting

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1. What is A/B Testing?2. Usage of A/B Testing3. Video A/B Testing metrics4. Video A/B Testing ideas

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comparing two versions of a web page byshowing the two variants to similarvisitors at the same time. A/B test allowsyou  to see which variant performs better. 


A/B Testing

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Goal: Increase conversion rateand sign-ups

Goal: Increase productpurchases and improve buyerexperience

Goal: Increase open rates anddesign effective campaigns

Goal: Increase audienceengagement and viewhour

Usage of A/B Testing

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We have heard a lot about web,

mobile app A/B testing, but not

much about video A/B testing...

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How is Video A/BTesting Different?

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Video A/B Testing measuresdifferent metrics other than

conversion rates


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Video A/B TestingIdeas

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Test #1. Video Thumbnails

A video thumbnail is the first thing the user sees when interactingwith a video. It’s a visual call‐to‐action.

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The quality of your thumbnails needs to beas sharp as possible.Brightly lit, high-contrast images encourageuser to click the play buttonSelect the most exciting part of the video Test different images for different devicesfor the best visibility. Remember, much ofyour traffic will come from mobile devices!


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According to research done in Netherlands,which examined thumbnails ranging from60px to 110px, the bigger thumbnails

performed slightly better. 

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Test #2. Video Metadata

The video contains many typesof metadata, such as the title ofvideo, descriptions, tags.

Changing metadata is thesimplest way to A/B test video.

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properly select titles to encourage viewersplay your video

video title 

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use language that is frequently searched for

video description

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enter in words and phrases that describeyour video and are likely to be searched


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Test #3. Video Quality

High Video Quality

Higher Engagement,Better Experience

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There's trade‐off between high resolutionand chance of rebuffering during playback,

 which can lead to audience churn. 

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Find the optimal resolution thatmaximizes user experience with the

least cost 

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It is impossible to maximize the QoE when a video is distributedat a bit rate that is either too high or too low.

As a result, a video must be distributed at a bit rate that matchesnetwork throughput to maximize the QoE.

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Testing is a continuous process. Keep testing and measure wisely.

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Why Streaming Businesses need Video A/B Testing

Learn more about video A/B testing at our blog:


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Streamlyzer provides powerful video analytics to OTT service providers and

media companies to help make data-driven decisions. Our dashboard

delivers deep insights into video performance, audience behavior and

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